How to make a security license. What you need to receive the profession and guard

Many of us dream about the difficult and complete dangers of the guard profession. It really sounds proudly - Security that translated from English means state security, counterintelligence, security, the protection of the procedure and security of citizens and objects.

The guard first will meet a danger and will defend the life of the civilian population or a private person in any public or public place, and also adequately fulfill the duties assigned to him for the protection of private or corporate ownership.

Who is such a private security guard and how to become (get a security license)?

The duties of the guard lay on individuals who were 18 years old, and which are citizens of the Russian Federation. In addition, such a person should have a certificate of a private security guard issued under a certain procedure of the internal affairs bodies. In essence, any person hired to work in the Chop has a security license. In a security organization that has a license to occupy security activities, an employment contract must be drawn up with such a person who is intended to practically bind the security license to his official duties and obtaining relevant remuneration. The legal status of a person who has a security license is regulated by Article 11.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation" Part 3 of Article 3 contains a list of employment duties of a private security guard. The guards license allows any civilian to receive the right to use special means and firearms. The guards license actually suggests the security status. The guards license raises its weight and status in society.

Stage 1.

At the place of registration, it is necessary to arrive at the clinic and pass the medical commission, which will give the appropriate certificate (form 002-O / y).

Stage 2.

The quality of security services directly depends on the preparation of guards, in the walls of a specialized center for training guards. Preparation of guards and training guards two interrelated concepts. In fact, the key to the high authority of the security company is the degree of training of guards, which requires quality guards. The potential candidate for the position of the guard should be trained by security guards, according to a special program for the preparation of private guards, with the assignment of 4 categories at the guards training center, which will allow it to get the appropriate admission for the protection of premises, property during its transportation, the possibility of using special funds.

If the training of guards is carried out in order of retraining with the assignment of 5 discharge in the center of guards, the list of official duties and the ability of the guard is expanding. This adds the right to use civil weapons.

To obtain a more strict admission to the fulfillment of the duties of a private security guard that has the status of 6 categories, the guards training center ensures high-quality training of guards and retraining of candidates. A higher category allows not only civil, but also a service weapon during the service necessity.

The training of guards requires a specialized approach to the training of guards in the professional guards training center.

Thus, the training of guards lies in high-quality and skillful training of guards, in the center of training guards. It is the center for training guards able to quickly exercise guards.

Stage 3.

Preparation of guards in the procedure for passing the relevant course of study at the guards training center ends with the issuance of a certificate of passing a specialized training course for private guards.

Stage 4.

Now it is necessary to contact the location of your registration to the department of licensing and permits of the district ATS in order to obtain a certificate of a private security guard.

Attention!Please note that since February 11, 2002, citizens who wish to get a private security guard, are not licensed by the security guard, but a private security guard.

Interested in obtaining a private security certificate, an individual in the separation of licensing and permits is obliged to submit such documents:

1. Passport certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

2. Documentary certificate of passing by the civil person in a special course of training, according to the requirements of the Private Guard Preparation Program.

3. Medical certificate with the official conclusion on the physical suitability of a citizen for health reasons for security activities (certificate of form 046-1);

4. Two sizes (4 x 6 cm);

5. A statement of an individual (filled on a typical form in the ROVD).

6. Typical questionnaire (filled on a prepared form in the ROVD building).

7. Certificate confirming the delivery of a qualifying exam.

8. In addition, it is mandatory to undergo a dactyloscopy on the relevant procedure for issuing a direction written by the OLRR inspector at the applicant's place of residence.

Individuals wishing to get a job in a security guard to the position of the guard collecting the above documents for submitting themselves to the ATS independently or through the head of Chop, where to get to work.

It is very important to pay attention to the following!Employees of the internal affairs bodies carefully check and establish the truthfulness of information contained in the documents provided for the verification necessary for the final conclusion about the issuance of a private security certificate.

Check is carried out in several ways:

a) an interview with a person who claims to receive a private security certificate;

b) Requests are made to the departmental information centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the presence of a criminal record or charges to the person in the commission of an act of a crime;

c) Requests are sent to a psychoneurological dispensary about the possible finding of a citizen registered;

d) requests are made to the department of personnel of law enforcement agencies, organizations, institutions at the applicant's previous work places;

e) the collection of information and information of an operational-search nature.

In what cases can you get a refusal?

Refuse to issue a private security certificate can be based on contraindications specified in the certificate of a medical institution.

Contraindications in issuing a private security certificate to become:

- no brush, limb, foot;
- serious diseases of peripheral vessels (the expansion of the veins in varicose disease, endarteritic is obliterated, etc.);
- diseases of the nervous system in chronic form;
- chronic, constantly exacerbating skin diseases;
- weak vision, with correction below 0.5 of one eye and below 0.2 of another eye or 0.7 on one eye with a complete absence of vision on the second;
- bad hearing, unresponsibility of sound waves closer than three meters;
- diseases of the central nervous system in organic form;
- a tendency to drug addiction, toxicizing, alcohol dependence;

Official instruction guard - A document that explains in detail the working conditions, functions, rights and responsibility of this category of workers. The instruction is not obligatory for use, however, most enterprises and organizations in which there are guards, prefer to have this paper in their arsenal. This is due to the fact that the document not only regulates the labor responsibilities of the guards, but also allows the management to coordinate the activities of subordinates and optimize the current workflows in the company.

Sample guards job instruction

I argue:
LLC "Deliveries Wholesale"
Shirokov / Shirokov I.A. /
"12" August 2014

Official instruction of the guard company

І. General provisions

1.1. This document determines the officials of the guard, his rights, responsibility, working conditions and other parameters accompanying its professional activities.

1.2. The guard belongs to the category of workers, and his immediate supervisor is the head of the security department.

1.3. The person applying to the position of the guard should have an education at least a full average, experience of at least one year, as well as a special license.

1.4. Acceptance of work, as well as dismissal occurs in the manner determined by the rules of the organization's internal regulations and only after the relevant order for the personal signature of the enterprise's director.

1.5. During the absence of a guard at the workplace, his duties move the person appointed by the Special Regulation of the Head and with the necessary requirements for the level of education and experience.

1.6. The guard must be familiar with:

  • the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation in part of civil, labor law, as well as regulatory acts regulating security activities;
  • internal rules of labor regulations, mode of work and recreation, labor protection and fire safety standards, etc.;
  • internal instructions of the enterprise that determine the rules of the throughput regime of both individuals and cars;
  • samples of passes and a list of documents, the presentation of which must be required to ensure the safe operation of the enterprise from individuals and drivers for the passage / travel to the territory of the organization;
  • personal signatures of officials who have the right to resolve entry into the territory of unauthorized persons, as well as import and export of commodity and material values, enterprise property;
  • the order of checking trucks entering and traveling from the territory of the enterprise;
  • legally defined procedure for the detention of persons suspected of involvement in thefts, embezzlement, and other offenses;
  • technique and equipment accompanying security guard, incl. Fire and security alarm, selector, etc. appliances;
  • rules and norms of business etiquette.

1.7. Guard activities regulate:

  • laws of the Russian Federation and the company's charter;
  • orders and orders for the personal signature of the Director of the Organization;
  • internal regulations, company regulatory acts, etc. Corporate documents.

ІІ. Official duties of the guard company

2.1. The list of operating security features includes the following tasks:

  • direct guards of entry into the head office building of the enterprise;
  • protection of entry into the territory of the organization;
  • reception and issuance of keys from service premises to employees
  • reception and issuance of passes, introduction to the special account of information on incoming and exiting visitors;
  • admission to a special account of the necessary information about the numbers, the marks of entering cars, the time of their arrival and departure, as well as the availability of accompanying documentation for the goods (with their details).
  • checking documents from individuals who want to go through the territory and drivers of entering vehicles;
  • control over the introduction and disposal of goods, products, materials, any property of the organization;
  • inspection of employees of the organization and other persons who come from the territory of the protected facility (strictly within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • observation and control over the work of devices that promote the security of the enterprise, including fire and security alarms, selector, video camera, barrier, etc.
  • timely message about unauthorized access to the territory of the organization to the direct boss, as well as if necessary, to the police;
  • when the mass alert (security and fire alarm systems) is triggered - the installation of their causes and adequate response (elimination of fire, detention of violators, etc.), as well as the organization of the ban on access to the protected object of people (including organization employees) and cars;
  • informing the Director of the Organization and Duty Branch of the Police on the identified signs of damage to the seals on the doors of the premises, hacking, theft of commodity and material values

ІІІ. Rights

The guard is endowed with the following rights and powers:

3.1. To make suggestions to improve the working conditions and optimization of labor as itself in particular and the protection department as a whole.

3.2. To propose ways to eliminate the identified violations within its competence.

3.3. Receive data on all orders, orders, regulatory acts relating to its work in particular and the work of the protection department as a whole.

3.4. Require a timely replacement of the outdated or indestructible equipment, appliances, technicians.

3.5. To communicate with employees of other structural divisions of digging on current issues and issues;

3.6. To make independent decisions, as well as to sign documents (strictly as part of its competence)

3.7. Require from the leadership of creating and ensuring normal working conditions and the safety of the property of the organization, inventory and material values, documents.

3.8. The guard has the right to refuse to fulfill its official duties and leave the workplace in the event of a threat to health or life.

ІV. A responsibility

The responsibility of the guard occurs in the following situations:

4.1. With a systematic violation of the rules of the internal labor regulation, the regime and recreation, discipline, as well as safety standards.

4.2. One-time and regular violation of work orders, orders, provisions and instructions.

4.3. With a rough violation of corporate communications rules, business etiquette.

4.4. Making an inappropriate or knowingly false information in the journal of visits;

4.5. Improper performance of their official duties or evasion from their execution.

4.6. Disclosure of confidential information, commercial mystery.

4.7. Exceeding official powers.

4.8. Applying material damage to the organization, as well as employees and visitors;

Head of security
LLC "Deliveries Wholesale"
Food / Foodulin RD /
"12" August 2014

In the instruction is familiarized
Gushchin Semen Petrovich
Security guard LLC "Supplies wholesale"
Passport 5748 № 857463
Leninsky district policemen issued perm
09/14/2012 Division code 123-425
Signature Gushchin
"17" August 2014

Files 1 file.

Who should develop a security guards

Usually, the creation of the document is also engaged in either the head of the structural unit, to which one or another employee belongs, or the head of the personnel department, or a lawyer. Sometimes this case is entrusted to the secretary or they are also engaged in the director of the organization. But no matter who will work on the instruction, it is worth treating it very carefully, because in the case of disputes, conflicts and disagreements it can be an evidence-based basis, both by the employer and the subordinate to the employer.

Basic rules for registration of the document

The officially developed and approved sample of the job description does not exist at the legislative level, which is why legal entities and IP are entitled to develop it independently, guided by its needs. Standard, the most common version of the instruction contains a number of major sections to which relate

  • "General provisions",
  • "Labor duties",
  • "Rights",
  • "A responsibility",

which can be complemented by other paragraphs.

The document is issued in a single copy, but if there are several employees of the same specialty in the state of the company, but with relatively different functions, the necessary adjustments should be made and only to print.

It is necessary to ensure that the list of duties is weighted from the point of view of the employee's working time - do not need to overload or leave it excessively free.

The job description must necessarily be certified by the head of the enterprise and agreed with the person responsible for the work of an employee. It should put his signature under it and the one to whom it was made up - in this case, the autograph will indicate that the employee fully agrees with the functions that they are charged, and is also ready to be responsible for possible misdeed.

Filling the security instruction guards

To begin with, at the top of the document on the right is given a place for the resolution of the head of the organization. The first line fits his position on a staffing schedule - Director, Director General, etc., then the full name of the company, the name, name of the patronymic name of the head and is left to the signature line and the approval date. Below in the middle is the name of the document.

General provisions

Opens the main part of the instruction first section "General" And first, it indicates what category of employees includes a security officer (employee, specialist, workman, etc.). Then the direct head of the guard fits, and the requirements for its education, experience and qualification level are made. Then the information on the procedure for the purpose and dismissal of the employee is indicated and the rules for the transfer of security features to another person during its absence in the workplace are prescribed.

The following two points are listed in detail the laws, instructions, rules, internal documents and regulations that should be known and the guard should be guided in the performance of their duties.

Official duties guard

The second section of the job instruction is called "Responsibilities" and determines those tasks whose solution is included in the competence of the guard. They must be spelled out as carefully and in detail as much as possible, up to the description of the procedure of action in some situations. Such a detailed description and enumeration of functions will allow an employee to prevent exceeding official authority and accurately follow the rules of this document.

Security rights

"Rights" - This is the partition that regulates the powers of the guard, that is, gives him the right to produce certain actions to achieve the greatest labor result. This indicates the possibility of manifestation of various initiatives, the rules of communications with employees of other units, leadership, etc.

Responsibility guard

In chapter "A responsibility" All errors, disorders and governments are prescribed, for which the guard can incur a disciplinary punishment (from the comment to dismissal). They must be indicated taking into account the current legislation, as well as those functions that are governed by the official instruction.

Finally, the instructions need to be coordinated with the responsible employee (the head of the unit, etc.), for which his position fits the document, the exact name of the company, the name, name, patronymic, opposite which he must put his signature.

Then the security data is made in the same way: surname, name, patronymic, enterprise name, information from any identity document, signature and date of familiarization with the instruction.

The guard vacancy is one of the most sought-after. But work in security structures is possible only if there is a license that guarantees the qualitative execution of responsibilities. In this regard, many people are interested in where and how it can be obtained.

To begin with, check if you have the right to work in a similar area. At the time of receipt of the license, you must achieve majority. Receive the position of the guard can not face: with the presence of a criminal record for an intentional crime; having diseases that do not allow full work fully; incapable faces; dismissed from a state or security post in connection with the commission of a serious misconduct, which will count the honor of the post. The latter can get a vacancy in the security sector, if at least three years have passed since the dismissal in the public service, and from the security structure - at least twelve months. Take the form of reference 046-1 and go through the medical examination. It must contain information on suitability for security activities. The document is suitable within 11 months after receipt. Also pass the fingerprint procedure. To do this, take the passport and contact the ROVD at the place of residence. You will be asked to write a statement. After 10-20 minutes everything will be ready. You can go through this procedure with the help of the "Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services" on the Internet. Complete professional training. This can be done in any private company that has a license and provides such an opportunity. There are three training options - to obtain 4, 5 or 6 discharge. The procedure for obtaining 6 categories lasts longer than anyone else, due to longer learning. But as a result, you get much more opportunities - the use of the entire spectrum of permitted service firearms, the presence of the most qualified preparation and increase its chances to receive a good position.

After passing the training, you need to check for knowledge and get a document with the category of discharge. Contact the Qualification Commission for ROVD. You will be asked to write a test and demonstrate practical skills. Within 5 working days, the decision will be made. With a favorable outcome, you will receive a Discretion Document. If you did not cope with the tasks, you will prescribe. After receiving this document, you need to get a license in the ROVD. Provide employees a copy of the passport, a document on obtaining training, about the assignment of the category, a certificate of a medical examination, about finishing registration, 2 matte photos of 4x6 sizes. Write an application for issuing a license and pay the state fee. Its cost is 1200 rubles. Within 30 business days, you will receive a license to engage in security activities. After that you can get a job in a private security structure. Offer your candidacy to the enterprises you are interested in. An additional advantage for you to be higher education, owning foreign languages, an increase of 175-185 cm, age from 21 to 50, successful experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or FSB, the presence of a title for martial arts, the title of Master of Sports, etc.

Some organizations offer to buy a security license. Do not react to such proposals. All guards who have been prepared are registered in a special base. It is very easy to check, so better do not feel fate and get real skills.

Expert Tips - Consultant on Work and Career

Photos on the topic

The guard is one of the demanded professions. To accept the licensed guards to the company in two ways. In the first case, a civil law agreement for the provision of services with an enterprise established to maintain this kind of activity. In the second - the own security service is established at its enterprise. Just follow these simple step-by-step advice, and you will be on the right track while solving your issues in work and career.

What you need to have
- civil law contract for the provision of services;
- labor contract;
- employment history;
- statement;
- passport.

Short step by step guide
So, consider the actions that need to be taken.

Step -1
In accordance with Law No. 2487-1 "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation", you can accept the guards only from a specially established company, if you do not have your own security service of your company, which has passed the entire procedure for the establishment established by law. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -2
The employment contract and the employment of the guard is carried out by the established enterprise. You must conclude a civil law contract with this organization. Payment for services is made by agreement, the whole amount you will list on the account of the specified enterprise. Wages guards will receive at work. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -3
The specialized enterprise is receiving a job licensed guards who have a certificate. Employees enclose an employment contract with an indication of the schedule of work, the conditions for the provision of recreation and wages. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -4
When working at your enterprise, the guard is subordinate to the rules of the internal regulations and is fully responsible for the injured work. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -5
If you plan to create a separate division of your own security service, provide services for the protection of third parties you do not have right. The security service of your company will work exclusively in the interest of the founder's security, which will be your organization. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -6
Receiving guards you will produce in accordance with the general rules. The applicant is obliged to present a labor book, a certificate that allows you to perform security, write a statement. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -7
Make an employment contract, place an order, familiarize the employee with the volume of functions performed. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -8
When taking the work of employees who will fulfill the duties of the guard, a special certificate is not required. It is enough to conclude to get a labor book, application and arrange an employment contract.

This Quick Guide covers questions:

  • License for security activities and privately owned activities
  • Employment issues, labor and employment of the population of the Russian Federation
  • Law on private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation
We hope the answer to the question - how to issue a guard - contained information useful for you. Good luck to you! To find an answer to the question you are interested in. Use the form -

Labor contract with guard. The law of private detective and security activities is defined as a provision of services for individuals and legal entities who have a special permit (license) of internal affairs bodies with organizations and individual entrepreneurs in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of their clients.

On citizens carrying out private detective and security activities, the action of "laws", the lawsuit of law enforcement officials, does not apply.
Citizens involved in private detective activities are not entitled to carry out any operational-search actions related to the "law" to the exclusive competence of the authorities that are provided.

Foreign citizens, citizens of the Russian Federation, which have citizenship of a foreign state, foreign legal entities, as well as organizations, as part of the founders (participants) of which have these citizens and persons, can carry out private detective and security activities and (or) to participate in its implementation in Any form, including in managing a private security organization, only on the grounds and within the framework of the international treaties of the Russian Federation.

moscow city

Limited Liability Company Private Security Company "Law of RAA" (hereinafter - Society) - TIN 3902205633, OGRN 40269OO5267O6. hereinafter referred to as the "Employer", represented by the general director A.A. Trutnev. Acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand and Rusinov Artem Aleksandrovich, Passport - Series 55 33 No. 888888, issued "April 22" 2013 of the Ministry of Audiences of the city of Moscow, Moscow region,
Registered at the address - Moscow, ul. Moscow, 111-11
The actual place of residence - Moscow, ul. Moscow, 11-17
In the future, "employee", on the other hand, (hereinafter referred to as Parties), concluded this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the contract) on the following.
1. The Subject of the Agreement
1.1. The employer undertakes to provide an employee to work on the following labor function - a security guard 4 discharge, to ensure the working conditions provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Laws and other regulatory legal acts, local regulatory acts containing labor law norms. In a full amount to pay the employee wages, and the employee undertakes to personally fulfill the workflow defined by the contract, comply with the RAA Law of the Internal Labor Regulations operating in LLC CHOP.
1.2. The workplace of the employee is a place where the employee must be or wherever he needs to be killed in connection with his work and which is directly under the control of the employer.
Place of work of the employee - LLC Chop "Law of Raa". - Moscow region. Moscow, Ul Maxim Gorky, 99.
1.3. The start date of the employee, June 16, 2014.
1.4. The employee performs the reference function specified in paragraph 1.1, the contract of labor function and occupies in accordance with the company's staff schedule:
- 4 category security guard.
1.5. Working conditions - a set of factors of the production environment and the employment process that affect the performance and health of the employee.
Worker's working conditions are safe.
Safe working conditions - working conditions under which the impact on working harmful and (or) hazardous production factors is excluded either levels of their impact do not exceed the established standards.
1.6. Labor regime worker:
- The duration of the working week - according to the schedule of replacement working days - according to the schedule of replacement
1.7. This contract is indefinite.
Work is for the employee the main job.
1.8. The employee is accepted to work in society with a test.
1.9. The test period of the employee is 3 months from June 16 to September 16, 2014.
1.10. During the test period, the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are subject to the employee. regulatory legal acts, local regulations containing labor law standards, agreements
1.11. In the unsatisfactory result of the test, the employer has the right before the expiration of the test expires to terminate the employment contract with the employee, who warn it about this in writing no later than three days, indicating the reasons that served as the basis for the recognition of this employee who could not withstand the test.
1.12. If the test term has expired, and the employee continues to work, then it is considered to be withstrone the test - the subsequent termination of the employment contract is allowed only on general reasons.

2. The rights and obligations of the employee and the employer

2.1. The worker has the right to:
Conclusion, change and termination of the employment contract in the manner and on the conditions that are established by labor
Code of Russia, other federal laws;
providing him with work due to this Agreement;
workplace, consistent with the conditions provided for by state standards of the organization and safety of labor;
Timely and fully paid payments on the conditions specified in the contract: full-reliable information on working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace; the protection of their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests by all non-prohibited methods; the resolution of individual labor disputes, including the right to strike, in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws;
Compensation of harm caused by the employee in connection with the implementation of the NM of Labor Responsibilities, Porev,
established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws;
Mandatory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws.
2.2. The worker is obliged:
in good faith to fulfill their employment responsibilities assigned to him by the employment contract; comply with the provision on the throughput input mode, instructions for protection posts; comply with the rules of the internal employment regulation of the organization;
observe labor discipline;
perform established labor standards; _
comply with the labor protection requirements and labor safety;
take care of the property of the employer and other employees;
immediately report to the employer either to the direct supervisor about the situation that represents the threat of life and the health of people, the safety of the employer's property;
Purchase a set of uniform uniform approved by an employer of the sample at the expense of own funds (four ways to provide guards shaped clothing).
2.3. The employer has the right:
conclude, change and terminate the employment contract with the employee in the manner and under the conditions established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws;
demand from an employee of the execution of labor duties and careful attitudes to the property of the employer and other employees, compliance with the rules of the organization's internal labor regulation;
attract an employee to disciplinary and material responsible in the manner established by the Labor Code, other federal laws;
take local regulations;
Create associations of employers for the purpose of representation and protect their interests and join them.
2.4. The employer must:
comply with laws and other regulatory legal acts, local regulations, agreements and employment contracts;
provide an employee work due to this Agreement;
ensure labor safety and conditions that meet the requirements of labor protection and hygiene;
Ensure an employee with equipment, specials, means, weapons, service documentation necessary for their work duties;
to pay in full scale due to employee wages within the deadlines established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the rules of the internal labor regulation of the organization, employment contracts;
carry out compulsory social insurance of the employee in the manner prescribed by federal laws;
compensate for the damage caused to the employee in connection with the performance of labor duties, as well as compensate for the moral harm and on the conditions under the conditions established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts;
Perform other obligations provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards, agreements and employment contracts.

3. Terms of remuneration

3.1. Employee wages - fee for labor depending on the qualifications of the employee, complexity, quantity, qualities and conditions of the robots performed, as well as payments of compensation and stimulating nature.
The employee is established a monthly hour tariff rate and additional payments to it.
An employee, when signing this Agreement, got acquainted with the Regulations on the remuneration of workers, about which
Specifies its signature on the list of familiarization with the specified position.
The employee agrees with the size of the hourly tariff rate, the size of the award, the terms of their accrual and payments, as evidenced by the signature of the employee in the list of familiarization with the specified position.
In accordance with the Regulations on the remuneration of workers and staffing, the employee is established:
- hours of labor 25.00 (twenty five) rubles, 00 kopecks per hour;
- the district coefficient of 15%;
- Monthly premium from the approved% MPV.
The premium is paid, provided that the rules of the internal labor regulation and the absence of a disciplinary recovery have a worker.
Upon termination, termination of the employment contract on 5.6.7,9,10 st. 81, Art. 71 Labor Codec of the Russian Federation Prize for the last spent calendar month is not charged and is not paid.
If the employee is accepted and dismissed for one calendar month, the premium for an incomplete spent month is not charged.
When dismissing an employee for other reasons provided for by the Labor Codec Codek, before the end of the calendar month, a premium is charged at the rate of up to 50% of the hourly tariff rate for actually spent time.
3.2. The size of the hourly tariff rate and the award depends on the time-spent worker of the time specified in this paragraph the size of the hourly tariff rate and the award is paid to the employee, provided that it has worked out the regulatory time completely, in the observance of the other conditions specified in the Regulation.
3.3. In case of amendments and additions to the payment of employees, the employee must be familiarized by the employer with such changes.
The changes made by the employer become mandatory for the employee, provided that the employee expressed consent to the accurauous change.
The consent of the employee with the application of employees introduced to it to him should be confirmed by the employee's signature on a list of familiarization with changes.
In the presence of the consent of the employee to make changes to the wage of employees, the introduction of changes to this Agreement is not required. The order and labor fees of the employee are determined in accordance with the Regulations on the remuneration of workers about the consideration of changes made to it, with which the employee is familiar with.
Regulations on the remuneration of workers, I also entered into the specified position of the change, are an integral part of this Agreement.
3.4. In case of contradictions of the terms of the contract and the provisions on the remuneration of employees by the parties, the conditions specified in the Regulations on the payment of employees are applied.
3.5. When paying wages, the employer is obliged in writing to notify each employee about the constituent parts of the wage, due to the relevant period, the size and grounds of the deductions made, as well as about the total amount of money to be paid.
The form of the calculated sheet is approved by the employer.
3.6. Wages paid to the employee by transferring funds to the Bank's Plastic Card "Name of the Bank" of the employee. The costs that have arisen in connection with the loss, a damning of a plastic card due to the fault of the employee, bears the worker.
3.7. Salary is paid directly to the employee,
3.8. Wages paid at least every half months - part of the salary is paid by the employer in the period "27" of the number of the current month, the remaining part of the wages pay * "17" the number of the next month.
3.9. With the coincidence of the day of payment with the weekend or non-working holiday, the payment of wages is made on the eve of this day.
EVIL. Payment of vacation is made no later than three days before it started.
3.11. Compulsory social insurance - part of the state system of social protection of the population by the specificity of which is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law, insurance of working citizens from the possible change in the material and (or) social status, including the circumstances independent of them.
3.12. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Fundamentals of Mandatory Medical Insurance", an employee is subject to compulsory social insurance.

4. Other conditions

4.1. This employment contract comes into force from the moment of its signing by the parties and applies to the relationship arising between the employee and the employer from 16.06.2014.
4.2. The parties agree that the relationship between the employee and the employer from 16.06.2014 is regulated by the real labor contract.
4.3. All notifications, claims, reports, claims, other documents are translated by one side of the other Party personally, or sent by mail at the addresses specified in the Fifth section of this Agreement.
4.4. The terms of this Agreement may be changed only by agreement of the parties and in writing.
4.5. The working conditions not specified in the contract are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.6. This contract is drawn up in two copies - one for each side.
5. Addresses n details
Employer - Chop "Law Raa"
Trutnev A.A.

Worker - Rusinov Artem Aleksandrovich,
__________ / Rusinov A.A.

One copy of this employment contract with the guard received "__" ___________ 20___ year.
With the conditions specified in the employment contract concluded with me and agree to execute.
_____________ / Rusinov A.A.


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