How to become a nanny without experience. Working nanny: Psychological experiences. Work of nanny without experience and education - where to look

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In the modern world, more and more parents appeal for help to nanny to look at their children while they are at work. Fortunately, the profession of nanny is one of the most successful quarries, which is available for everyone, even despite the fact that it is one of the most difficult. "" It is important to remember that you will raise someone else's child (children), so you must be very well aware of the requirements provided by the parents. ""


    Find a good family! This is the most important step and often the most difficult. Despite the fact that, at first glance, it seems fairly simple, searching for a nanny family can be a real test. When choosing a family, you must remember that your value system does not contradict the values \u200b\u200bof the family (maybe the family of very religiously chosen, while you are not very much? Parents smoke too much and drink, or do you not taste it?) And whether they will treat you rather as an equal partner than a subordinate person.

    Make sure you work with children of suitable age! Not everyone can work with breasts or children of nursery, or adolescents. There are clear differences between children of different age groups, with such different needs, and it may be that it will be easier for you to work with one or two groups, but not with everyone at once.

    Learn to cook. Working with children often includes the preparation of simple dishes and light snacks, so that basic knowledge in the field of cooking will be needed to be a competent nurse. A good idea, if children of suitable age, start cooking with them. It will be a funny exercise for both of you and for them!

    Know how to deal with the child to discipline correctly. As a rule, children are sailing, and your task, as a nanny, take appropriate disciplinary measures. Remember that there are no bad children, they just do not always know how to do it right, and therefore they need your help to learn how to make the right decisions. Start with warnings. Warn them once, giving them to understand what will happen if they won't follow your instructions. Warn them again, more resolutely, and tell them that the next time they disobey, then you will have to punish them. Finally, punish the child for disobedience - for young children, the time of the Auts is a good option, and also remove one or another irritant from the field of view, which is the cause of disobedience. Make sure the timeout / loss duration corresponds to the severity of disobedience. For senior children, the loss of privileges or "timeout" in their room is also well suited for punishment.

    Communicate with children! Play with them. Find classes corresponding to their interests. Find a cheerful and creative occupation so that they learn during the game. Insert them for a walk, in the park or museum. Make them physically active, and then return home and read the book. Help them master hard things. Make sure you are talking to a child in his tongue.

    Discuss every day your actions with parents. Your employers want to know what their children are engaged in, so do not forget to tell them all about their child / their achievements, as well as about everything that has happened to you, and the difficulties you have experienced working with children. Create a picture of what their children are engaged during the day, beyond their parents.

  1. Remember, at the moment, they and your children! Love them. Be proud of them. Give them a reason so that they look forward to your arrival. Make sure they know that even if you punished them a timeout or did not allow them to watch TV, then you still care about them and wish them only the best. Help them know the world, order them through difficulties and celebrate their successes. In childish, talk with them, as with adults, because they understand much more than you can imagine it.

    Depending on the age of children, you must find a relevant curriculum that will be both cognitive and entertaining. Scientific and craft projects, simple culinary recipes, what will be interested in, and let them feel that when completing this or that kind of classes, they have mastered and achieved something important.

    • It will be very useful for young children to build a chart to monitor their achievements. Try to make a sticker-chart - give them a sticker when they do their homework, after a quiet hour, or when they read books during the day, etc. This gives them motivation to fulfill the tasks, gives them inspiration, facilitating your work, even in those days when children do not want to work. Give them a promotion - after a month of work, after each collection of 50 stickers, after they completed all the requirements of the chart, give them something special. Diverse the routine, prepare something delicious with them, take them on a special rustic walk or buy them a small toy. Believe me, it really helps to make them do what you need, without hustle or disorder!
    • Children more older let them feel independently. They do not want a nanny, do not be nanny, - be their friend, assistant, alert ok, but as long as they behave well or do what they are required from them, provide them with some independence.
    • When the native brothers and sisters argue about that "who and what did" do not forget, equally, listen to both parties and take a reasonable fair decision, children often feel upset if their needs are ignored.


    • Do not forget to remove after yourself and your children. Parents do not want to come home, where the mess reigns.
    • Respect parental solutions. This is their choice to raise your children, as they please, and although you can, of course, make the relevant recommendations, but if they want children to grow in a specific environment, it is necessary to provide such conditions in the measure of your abilities. If you find that you cannot meet the requirements, then you may need to find another family.
    • Never miss children. They can run away and disappear before you learn about it, so be always alert.
    • Do not get into the TV trap. It is very easy to sit down in front of the TV screen, but ultimately it is a detrimental to reflect on children and on you, because the TV will make them irritable and excessively excitatory.
    • Slide the skills of providing first aid and artificial respiration. We must be to this ready at any time.
    • Always keep your phone, a bottle of water and a small first-aid kit. Children, especially loose, are very prone to accidents, so bandages and a bottle of water can be a chopstick.

Each family having a little child has probably repeatedly faced and becomes a common problem more than once again: parents need to remove somewhere, and leave the baby with no one. After all, not everyone has relatives who have a sufficient amount of free time living near and able to help in such a situation. Yes, even if there is, one thing is to ask for help periodically, and completely different - regularly load other people. And if the child is still very small - all the more.

It is in such cases that you have to resort to the help of a nanny at home.

Immediately note: the entire information below and the data may be varied, depending on the set of factors that we will talk separately.

How to become nurse

Surely many people the word "nanny" causes persistent associations with a woman of middle or elderly having a medical or . In principle, this is quite faithful and often suitable characteristic - here are mostly women aged who are loving children and having experience with them.

What you need to know and be able to work nanny?

This question may have several a wide variety of answers that directly depend on a number of factors.

Age and sex of a child who needs nanny

Usually the age of your "wards" - from 3 to 12 years. Younger - Mom is on the decree, and it is unlikely to agree to entrust his baby to an unfamiliar man. Older - the child is already more or less independent, and can cope with homemade hassle unattended adults. Although there are exceptions when you can offer care for a two-year-old baby or, on the contrary, look after the 14-year-old teenager.

Naturally, the child is younger, the more work will have to do nyan. The most difficult "direction" is children up to 3-4 years (Although the nanny for babies is not hired too often, and the selection in this category is quite strict). In this case, be prepared for the fact that you will need:

    Appropriate education - Pedagogical or medical, and better - both.

    Availability of reviews from previous employers, and what more and more, the better. Often they ask to call the phone number of some of them to personally talk and find out the opinion of a person.

  1. Ability to care for the child - Be prepared for the fact that you, it is quite possible, you will have to prepare a child (and not scrambled eggs or a sandwich!), Stop it to sleep, entertain the baby (which in fact, too, can be a task not from the lungs), change diapers.
  2. Ability to provide first medical care (Even if you do not have medical education). Imagine the situation: the parents left you on the care of their child, and left for business before the evening. And the baby, playing, fell and broke himself, for example, knee. And now imagine how his mom will react if he arrives home, and he will see that her child has a cut, there is blood, and you do not know what to do. And this is still the easiest example, because restless children can get much more serious injuries!

Has its own problems and the differences are the following "age" category - preschoolers and students of junior classes - from 3 to 8 years. At this age, the child is growing rapidly, it is already able to speak and express his thoughts and desires, the formation of character begins, so that several more points are added to the requirements described above:

    The ability to find a common language with a child. Often, this factor can become decisive, even if you brought parents a plump stack of positive feedback, for 15 years worked in kindergarten, know how to care for children, but you could not find a common language with the child and he does not want to stay with you - nothing else You can do it, and many parents can already start looking for another nanny because of this.

  1. Ability to entertain a child. In principle, with this item of problems, the least, the child from 3 to 8 years old is happy to play a wide variety of games, the main thing is to take direct part in them and carefully ensure that the baby does not hurt.
  2. Skill learning. At this age, the child learns a huge amount of information about the world around. Consequently, in your duties, it will be quite possible, it will also be studied. This is usually the most necessary minimum: reading, memorizing poems, studying the alphabet, numbers, the foundations of mathematics, the study of new words and the simplest foundations of our world. With this, in principle, there are almost never emerging problems.

How to become nurse

The most "simple" category is children from 8 to 12 years old (or older). At this age you, it is possible, you will have to help him in mastering the homework, however, the primary high school program is quite simple, and does not require special knowledge of pedagogy.

The duration of your work

Depending on the routine and the workload of the parents, the nanny can hire:

    Irregularly, for a small amount of time (several hours). Usually in such cases there is a child with whom to stay, simply for certain reasons (for example, the mother must be removed by affairs) it was necessary to help nanny.

    Regularly, for a small amount of time (for example, from Monday to Friday, from 17.00 to 18.00).

    Regularly, for a large amount of time (for example, from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 17.00, on weekends - for the whole day).


Depending on this, the requirements for your skills and skills are changed: the longer you will be with a child, the more you need to know and be able to.

With eclipse or without

Often, parents are looking for a nanny, which will live in their family and care for the child constantly. Usually this is a family with sufficient above average living in a spacious private house in which you allocate your own room. It is usually considered to get to such a place, since the salary here is relatively high, and, in addition, you are provided with housing and nutrition.

However, be prepared for the fact that in this case will be required from you to the maximum, and there will be very few free time - you will have to spend it together with the child. If you do not play or not to care - then you should watch it not to suffer.

Availability of own children

Very often (yes what is often there - almost always!) Parents with nanny among the first questions ask whether she has their children. A positive answer is a serious "plus", because this is a clear indicator that you do not know what you know how to care for children.

Where and how to look for the job of a nurse?

In this regard, everything is exactly the same as with a search for work for any other profession. The Internet, newspaper ads and "Sarafan Radio". By the way, very often parents prefer to look for a nanny for their child through their friends and friends who have already enjoyed similar services. That is why it is very important to always make an ideal impression and try to cope with your duties - it is quite possible that people can recommend you as a good candidacy.

Another option to find work is in the company for home personnel. Now there are many such firms, and many families use their services, who have no time to look for workers. However, in this case, be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay for the agency services (after all, in fact, this company is the same to employment agency). This is usually done on the fact of employment. On the other hand, this option is good in that you do not have to worry about the search for the employer - the company's managers will take this task.

Nanny looking for work

How to get a job "from scratch"?

If you have never worked for a nanny, but you wish to try, your start will directly depend on your skills. For example, if you do not have a specialized education (pedagogy or medicine), and you do not have your own children - it is possible that the search for the employer will have to be sufficiently long. Usually, in such cases, nanny begin with one-time calls for several hours - when parents urgently need to find a person who would sit with the child to arrive in case of unplanned urgent affairs.

The process of searching for such work is again in monitoring ads in newspapers and on the Internet. By the way, in recent years, it is the worldwide network to use an order of magnitude more convenient and more relevant - more and more people post ads here, starting at all about the fact that there are still paper printed publications.

To search for work on the Internet, you can use:

  1. Thematic groups in social networks. It can be both groups dedicated to the work and a group of family and children - there you can offer your services as a nanny. Place them in VKontakte,FacebookOdnoklassniki, periodically update - it is quite possible that it is here that your first employers will find you.
  2. Free classifieds boards in your city.

    Sites for finding work.

    Companies providing services for hiring home personnel.

It should be noted that in recent years, the demand for nanny services has grown seriously - In many families, all adults work hard, there is practically no free time, and I want to spend it in peace. If earlier nyan hired for their children for most part only representatives of the rich class, now the average families are very often using similar services.

Naturally, not only the qualifications of nanny plays great importance for the category of citizens with average sufficiency, but also the cost of its services. This is exactly what it simplifies the "entry" into the profession - of course, all parents want to provide an experienced and highly qualified nanny for their baby, but paying her services for many too expensive. And in such cases it can be yours, naturally, without experience, you can only ask for minimal amounts. As an option, if you do not have a critical financial position - you can work for some time for free, for a good feedback.

Interview with the employer: what to wait?

So, you have established contact with a possible employer and agreed to interview. It is from its results and the main question is dependent: you will get a job or continue searching. Usually parents try to arrange a meeting with Nsenia in the presence of their child (even if he is still not an adult to talk to you). Attention is usually drawn to the following:

    Your appearance. Always and in everything he can play a decisive role. Yes, you yourself should understand perfectly well - no one will entrust you your child if you are not dressed, do not care for yourself, have an unhealthy look and so on. So in front of the parents of the child you are always (always, and not only at the first meeting!) Should look perfect and immaculate.

    Your portfolio and your skills. You will definitely ask about education, about their children, about the experience. Almost always ask about the ability to provide first medical care.

If you look externally, you liked the employer and satisfied his track record and experience - further questions may be the most different.

    You may be offered to hold the child in your arms (if he does not go) - to see how much you do it right.

    You may be offered to talk with a child (with or without parents or - depends on them), if it is quite an adult for this.

    You may ask questions about how you act in a particular situation (the child began to cry, a child has an unhealthy look, the child looks upset and so on).

The list of questions here is entirely depends on the parents and on what time they hire you. It is unlikely that you will ask about whether you can explain to the child a multiplication table if you just need to sit with him once a couple of hours.

Labor process: What is the future nurse to do?

Usually the list of tasks and boundaries of responsibility are determined by the parents of the child. Sample information is shown below.

With long-term work

With a long hiring (for example, if you live in a family and are in their house constantly), in fact, nanny is a person who temporarily replacing the mother of the child. Consequently, you will have to fully take on its "functions" and care. Feeding, dressing, care, health care, help in learning or training, cooking, games and entertainment - you will have to do everything that parents would have done.

With regular work (for example, 2 hours each day, except weekends)

In this case, the list of your duties is likely to be about the same, but they will not always have to perform them. For example, you take a child from a kindergarten, where it recently fed well, and before the parents arrive, you will not have to prepare me for food.

In general, with a short-term, but regular work, your main task will not allow the child to miss. Games, reading, viewing cartoons, maybe training or sharing homework.

With irregular one-time work

As already mentioned above, "Nanny for an hour" usually hire people who urgently and unschedule need to leave a child with someone. In this case, your task will just sit with the baby, not letting it be bored (playing and so on). Cooking usually not required in this case, maximum is heatting it, pour and feed.

For nanny nannies, this work is the most suitable - it is a great way to smoothly earn an experience without starting to serious tasks.

Salary nanny

To begin with, I would like to discuss the wage.

If you work through personnel hiring agency - Work will be executed officially. You will receive a "white" salary with a deduction tax and you will be accrued to work experience. Each question and every detail of your work will be stipulated in the contract - so if you can protect your interests, counting on documentary evidence of your words. This option is good in cases where you turned up the option with long-term work, but with unfamiliar people. Yes, and, as practice shows, even with a long-familiar family, it is still better to pre-contract a contract. It is necessary to indicate the duration of work (it is best to conclude a contract for several years, but for a short time - several months or a year), your direct responsibilities, your responsibility, various abnormal situations, sick leave, weekends and leave. As for one-time and short-term work - There are practically no contracts here, and the nanny receives the salary "in the envelope". On the one hand, it is better - you do not have to pay taxes. On the other hand, it is not accrued: the work experience is not charged, and all the conditions of your work are stipulated in words, and in a difficult situation you cannot confirm them.

The amount of remuneration. Specific amounts relevant for 2015

Large cities of Russia

  1. Work with constant accommodation and food in a country house. Permanent care (help in learning, feeding, daily walks in the site, games) and control over a 4-year-old child: 35,000 - 40,000 rubles (with the conclusion of the contract).
  2. Work for 2 hours (17.00 - 19.00) from Monday to Friday. Pick up from kindergarten and deliver a 5-year-old child home, move, feed, help with lessons: about 7,000 rubles.
  3. One-time "call": hourly, depending on the qualifications of nanny and working conditions. Minimum - 100 rubles per hour. On average - about 150-200 rubles per hour.

Kiev, Ukraine)

    The same conditions: 35,000 - 40 000 rubles.

    The same conditions: 7,000 - 9 000 rubles.

    The same conditions: on average - about 200 rubles per hour.

Naturally, nanny earnings directly depends on its qualifications. If you are a teacher with experience and have medical education, raised two of your children and you have a lot of positive feedback, you can hardly agree to work for 10,000 rubles. It all depends on the working conditions:

    If the employer provides you with housing and nutrition (as in an option with a settlement in your home) - the salary itself will be a little less than the usual payment for the same tasks.

    If additional tasks will be included in your duty (for example, medical procedures for a child or English tutoring) - you can count on a surcharge (although not too much).

    The allowance can be asked for a non-planning challenge (for example, you made a timing and time of work, but you call and ask you to sit with the child right now).


The cost of nanny services at home in Moscow varies from 40 to 90 thousand rubles per month. Often here for a good salary is looking for not quite a nanny, and the governess, whose main task is to teach children to the languages.

Moscow specificity is such that even secured women from a solid middle class - assistants of the head, heads of departments, TV presenters with a salary 120-180 thousand rubles will not go to the month to pay Nyan 80-90 thousand. If the Muscovite will not leave at least twice as much as the nanny pays - she just will not go to work. As a rule, such clients are looking for women from the regions, and better Ukrainian women, Belarusians to pay smaller.

Thus, almost all vacancies of nanny in Moscow with a salary of 80-90 thousand rubles per month generate the so-called " rublev wives" This means that you will communicate with a child under a non-gravity supervision of a non-working mother, often these are ladies with character with all the ensuing consequences.

Your task here is to release a young mother from the dotting chad, so that she can calmly view new catalogs to the shoes or engage in other important things. Naturally, such a salary implies good recommendations (preferably from other wives of rich and influential people from the same buried cottage settlement), impeccable appearance, pedagogical and medical diplomas and knowledge of 1-2 foreign languages \u200b\u200bperfection. No, Ukrainian is not considered.

On the "pluses" and "minuses" of the work of the nanny

The advantages of such work can be attributed :

    Work with children. If you like children and know how to find a common language with them - it's just an ideal profession for you.

    With due qualifications - the work is quite high paying.

    If you worked as a teacher or doctor and retired - this one of the few promising options to continue the lesson for your favorite thing.

    Work is not from the most difficult (Of course, if you're lucky with a child, too restless and capricious kid can turn your work into a real horror).

    In case you work at home (with accommodation and meals in the family) in you immediately decide the two most important problems - with housing and purchase of products (Yes, and such work is paid very good).

However, there are disadvantages :

    Find a permanent and stable job Nanny nanny is not so easy.

    Nearby conflicts with parents (For example, any loss in the house can write off to your account).

    It is possible that ash "Ward" will have far from the most pleasant character.

    Enough serious responsible, not only material.

    When working with accommodation in the family, your rest will depend on the schedule of the child's day.

Tells a specialist

IQ Review talked with Denis, worked with children for a long time (yes, there are nanny men).

How to achieve "enhancement"?

Accessive wages can be achieved in the same way as any other "post": gain experience and expand the range of your services. For example, you can learn English and do together with the child for an additional charge. The same applies to the game on musical instruments, studying other languages, main school items, and so on.

Also always try to find a common language with the child and do everything possible to spend time fun and interesting. It is unlikely that the parents want to call you once again, if after arrival, the child will be bored or sad - so read and explore various fun games and fun.

The main advice beginners

Summing up, you can highlight a number of tips that will help you become an ideal and highly paid nanny and avoid frequent problems:

  1. Look for work in all ways: on the Internet, in newspapers, among friends and friends.

  2. For the interview, come in fulfillment. Impairless appearance, harvested on their own advantages, several gentle and friendly phrases to the kid will significantly increase your chances.

  3. Be sure to learn at least the basic principles of first aid.

  4. Learn to understand baby nutrition.

  5. When working with unfamiliar people, it is better to conclude an employment contract in which it is necessary to clearly indicate all the conditions.

  6. Before agreeing to work, talk to the baby (even if the parents did not suggest this).

  7. Before agreeing to work, find out the health condition (including psychological) baby, the presence of deviations, pathologies, diseases, allergies.

  8. Before proceeding to work, offer parents to remove all the precious things and money before your arrival, so that later you could not "substitute" and accuse you to.

  9. Find out your parents that he loves their child, which is afraid of what is interested.

  10. Find out the same thing again, only already in a child.

  11. Always support all the beginnings and games of the baby.

  12. Be contemporary: see together new cartoons, play onXboxorPS,learn to draw together on the tablet or play an electric guitar - this will also appreciate the child, and his parents.

  13. Learn items that can be useful to a child (foreign languages, history, singing, playing musical instruments, basics of psychology and sociology).

  14. Study various facts that can be interesting to the child so that you can tell him anything about what he likes.

  15. Always be friendly with the child.

  16. About the slightest problems (chopped finger or bad mood from two at school) report to parents (although this advice may not fit for those who work and lives in the family - such "denunciations" can spoil your relationship with the child, so that there are already already Watch in terms of situations).

It is better to conform to a successful admission to work, let's talk about the specifics of work in the family - the one that has developed in the home personnel market today. Our consultant - Irina Petrovna Gurenkov, Psychologist of the Fairy Recruitment Agency.

Nanny rights and obligations

Going to work nanny in the family, it is important to know that in our country such a profession legislative does not exist. There are professions Teacher, teacher of kindergarten, assistant teacher (in the spacious - nanny), have been developed for them qualifying requirements. And what is nanny, working in the family, nowhere is not specified. General requirements for the employee are formed by spontaneously, the market, as a result of collective experience. And private requirements can very much from family to the family. Somewhere will be offered to maintain order not only in the child's room, but also in the apartment; Somewhere food prepares only mom, does not trust anyone; somewhere they will require no time to care for the crumb, how much do it with him, etc. Responsibilities in this profession is always a question personal agreements employee and employer. To appeal to any supreme instances meaninglessly - they are not.

There are no fundamental guarantees enjoyed by labor law. That is, the current needs of a person are satisfied - there is a weekend, vacation, sometimes hospital. But in relation to the future - work experience, accumulation of pensions - nanny not protected. Such personnel agencies that formally take potential nanny to work are very rare, make records in the employment record and pay taxes with their earnings. Basically, the feature of the agencies is limited by mediation - you are reduced with a potential employer and that's all. Another chance to legalize your work is to conclude an employment contract with the employer. For this, too, few people go - nyune delicates scares the time-consuming procedure for registration of relationships and the need to pay taxes.

It is clear that employers are also risking, inviting an outsider in a house. If you analyze information, then terrible stories about the nanny-thiefs and cruel nanny will come around as much as the cases when the employers were selected from the nanny documents, they were not released outside the country house - they were actually kept in slavery. Legislative Watch You can compensate only to vigilance: do not agree to the first suggestions that are more carefully looking at the employers. Take the rule to never give a passport or other vital documents (workbook, driver's license, etc.).

And one more important point regarding the rights and obligations: in this natural illegal labor market, the nanny inevitably falls into the category of "home personnel", that is, simply servants. For recruitment agencies that the governess is that nanny, that the housekeeper is that the driver is a big difference. While today the combination of "Nanny-tutor" sounds increasingly, and from such an employee, not just the service, but also the upbringing and development of the child. Contradiction, and what else. It is permitted with time - if nyan manages to take care of the family and gradually conquer authority, show yourself a specialist, whose beliefs are listening. But the person just starting to work in the family should be ready for the fact that he is the status below his employer. Age, mind, education, experience does not matter. If a person is not ready for this, he needs to go to another sphere, where it will be assessed by status. In the family the status is not given automatic, it needs to be earned. So, starting working nanny, know your place and be prepared for the fact that you will be learned.


You have to build them together, but it's not always the parties to this mutual desire. There are parents who understand the importance of good contact with the nanny, or simply belong to the nurse as a person, and not as a function. But often parents feel only by employers, and on their part there is no special desire to look for compromises, something to discuss something. Nanny should be able to adapt to her interests. If you do not have enough flexibility and tact - the work simply will not take place.

Usually everything starts with strict following the instructions and requirements of parents, If there are any. I assure you, much worse when they are not! In this case, sometimes there is a wide scope for pickworms and charges of trifles. Of course, there are families who, by and large, anyway, than you are busy with a child during the day. The main thing is the baby alive and healthy. But this is still rarity. If, when taking to work, the parents did not express their understandable, expedient requirements for you, did not explain what they are waiting for in the near future from their child, - tactfully call them on this conversation, ask leading questions.

We paraphrase the classics: "In each family, the requirements for the nurse are different, in each family the requirement for the nurse is one - clearly perform the instructions of the mother." This is her child, she wants him, so it raises him. You only help her in this case, no more. For example, many parents want their child to have nothing forbidden. You agree with this or not - it does not matter, please follow the settings. Another example. Parents require the kid to have a clear or even rigorous day of the day. You understand that it does not fully comply with the age of the child, some other features of its features. Perhaps later you will be able to convince the parents to revise some glances, and on the day of the day. But at first - rebuild, try to fulfill the requirements.

If you see that the methods of raising children and the foundations of this family completely contradict your, it is better to go away at once. You will not redo our parents, and the baby risks to be between two lights and get a psychological injury as a result. After all, the process of education cannot be divided into parts (now I raise up - I do not bring up now). Even when you feed the baby, stack to sleep, put on a pot - you raise it up. So imagine: the child receives some norms in the family (they are not "declared", they are simply), and then a person came with a completely different experience of the permission of situations.

Nanny payments are not worth this constant voltage. Unfortunately, in our time, adults (and nanny, and parents) do not take into account these factors, although they become the main. Pre-predict in advance missets of views It is quite difficult - for this you need to be in the family for several days. (Contrary to popular belief, no psychological tests conducted with this or the other side will not help here.) Common conversations about children can be useful - listen to what and how your employers tell what attitude to children are behind their words. It is very important that parents and children's nanny look at life about the same.

The very beginning of the work of the nanny

So for test days (Usually it is from 2 days to week) Your task is not easy to find contact with the child and parents, but also to understand whether this family is suitable for you, this work. Particularly complex trial days may be, if you are the first nanny in the family, and there is no experience of such interaction in neither the baby or the parents. Sometimes it seems to them that the nanny should be one for life (it is completely wrong!) And it is difficult for them to abandon the image of an ideal nanny, the helpers that they painted in their imagination. Parents are nervous - the child is worried. Therefore, trial days rarely pass quite smoothly. This is normal. Unfortunately, fortunately, when choosing a nanny, only this method works - no interviews will replace the practice.

If, according to the results of test days, you were refused to work or you realized that they did not fit into the family, is not a catastrophe, but the acquisition of experience. You (and your employers) go through samples and errors, and only it is possible in this situation.

Very useful thing, especially in the first months of the work of the nanny in the family - " debriefing", Discussion of specific issues that have had a baby from your parents during the day. Do you have detailed nanny instructions, or parents have limited only to general requirements - misunderstandings arise equally often, and summarizes the benefits to all. They are unpleasant to some Your habits, you are not clear whether you did in some case correctly - it is better to find it on hot pursuit, so that irritation does not have to be copied. If it goes into the habit, you will work much easier.

Summing up system May be different. Perhaps the time for your questions and mother's questions will be found in the evening. However, it's often a mother who returned from work, I want to relax, chat with the child, to have a dinner, finally, and listen to your detailed report on the last day she has no strength and desire. If so, in the evening you can restrict ourselves to a short report (ate, slept, walked, kical, something about health). And in the morning to ask the questions accumulated in the day (they would be well recorded as it appears) and listen to my mother's (some of them will arise just in the evening, after your departure). Also, most parents do not like when they are "jerking" during the day by phone on the momentary issues that the nanny can decide and herself.

And a few words about trust. Of course, good relationship is impossible without mutual trust. But from the first minutes it occurs extremely rarely, as a rule, the trust need to earn. Be prepared for the fact that at first, parents will control you. If you go to meet them in this process and not be offended, the relationships will be adjusted faster.

  1. Know your place. Ambitious people, people with claims difficult to work in the family.
  2. Observe confidentiality. Everything that happens in the family should not be subject to conversations with foreign people. This employers are very afraid.
  3. Do not show curiosity. Nyan is not at all to know what its "hosts" do, where they work. Her thing is a child and its peculiarities of his health and development.
  4. Do not join the employers in close personal relationships - do not ask for minor services, do not lend money.
  5. Do not justify if something undesirable happened. It is necessary to explain what happened, apologize and say that you make conclusions, correct.

Working with children is always complex and responsible. It can bring both joy and pleasure and tears. Therefore, the first thing to decide - really you want to work a nanny or you need temporary work. And if you are hard in your decision - forward, you can even become a nanny, without experience and special skills.

How to prepare

A woman trusts Nyan the most valuable thing that she has - children. Therefore, the requirements for representatives of the profession are incredibly high. But you should not be upset in advance, because you have the opportunity to prepare.

Do not rush to carry a summary or advertise. First examine the requirements of employers. Make it easy - read the ads "Nanny Required", try to put yourself in a family room inviting the educator. You can call any recruitment agency and directly ask questions about requirements. Then begin to prepare.

Commitable to getting. It is not even discussed, this document is the most important and important. In the future, you must regularly pass commissions and take tests. And here you should not be sick and contact the Deltsy, offering for a small fee ready and completed medical book. An experienced recruiter at the Agency immediately recognizes the trick, and you can get into the unpleasant situation.

The main requirement for the nurse in all cities and regions is the presence of a diploma about the profile, pedagogical education. Do not worry if you do not have it. It is better to look for courses or think about admission. In major cities where there is a large labor market for home personnel, such courses are carried out by the agencies themselves.

Sign up for first aid courses in emergency situations. They are inexpensive, no more than a few weeks continue, and the skills give valuable. Together with the diploma, you will get another strong argument for the employer and will be ready for the most difficult situations.

Summary or Profile

Make a literate, exquisite. Be sure to write about knowledge of languages, hobbies, education and experience. Closer to the beginning of the text, specify why you decided to become a nanny. Customers want to know about their staff all, so do not skimp on information. Specify your zodiac sign, the type of temperament, character and everything else, which can characterize you as a person and a teacher. The more information will be, the better. The only thing you need to be careful are account data on social networks. It is better not to indicate them.

Be sure to attach a photo to a resume. It is almost impossible to find a nanny job. Although thousands of questionnaires are placed on profile sites without photos or with fuzzy pictures, they do not have success. First of all, the customer wants to see the candidate, and only then begins to study his questionnaire. In no case do not use the first one's photo. Be sure to take a picture in the photoabeel. It is better to be photographed in full growth, but so that you can look at the face well.

The presence of a recommendation letter, which indicates the coordinates of the recommending, this is a prerequisite. It does not matter if before you did not have to work nanny. Remember, maybe you helped relatives or acquaintances with children? Let them write to you, but only from ourselves, and not under your dictation.

In a letter, a telephone must be specified in which you can call and talk to the recommender. If the letter was made, and not he, it immediately turns out.

Remember, the main task of the recommendation letter is not to praise you as a specialist. It is necessary in order to dispel the worst concerns of the customer. To show that other people have already left their child with you and nothing bad happened.

In extreme cases, let your mom write a recommendation letter. Only the truth, everything is as is - that you are normal, an adequate child who can be trusted. Even with a letter from his own mother easier to find a job than at all without recommendations.

When choosing a nanny, people show the extreme degree of conservatism. Even the most emancipated woman, say, the soloist of the metal cruise group, leading a very active lifestyle, wants a nanny for his child, similar to Mary Poppins.

The perfect nanny portrait looks like this:

  1. Age - not under 35, but not older than 50
  2. Hair Color - Dark, Hair Length Middle, Hairstyle Not Cause
  3. Figure - average. Preferably no excess weight, but too sporting do not complain
  4. Glasses - necessarily, but in no case are not dark
  5. Clothing is modest, but not too strictly. Better trousers than skirt but not tight

Try to at least get closer to this abstract portrait, thereby you will increase your chances to get a job of a nanny.

Where to turn

Well, you have passed the preparation, made everything you need and now feel confident. We start searching for work.

Relatives and acquaintances

Yes, first of all you need to go through relatives, friends and acquaintances. There is nothing crazy about it. Even if you do not earn big money or work a little for free, you will have two major things - experience and recommendations.


It is easier and faster to find nannies vacancies through a profile agency. Such firms are in every major city. Contact your profile, leave your photos and personal data. If your city has no recruitment agencies, contact a recruiting company.

the Internet

In our age of information technology, the largest agencies have already passed on the Internet. You can easily find huge sites with thousands of vacancies and resumes. Let you do not confuse a large number of applicants. Customers, in most cases, are looking for a nanny only in those places where they have a huge selection. One of the most important factors is the place of residence.

Nanny per hour

If you are novice - in no case, do not refuse the provisions of temporary work. You need to get experience and recommendations. Therefore, agree to replace the bastard constant or sit with the child once, on weekends.

What not to do

In no case are not looking for work on social networks or on sites that publish ads of various topics. There is too high the risk to induce the fraudster or get into the unpleasant situation. No normal family will trust your child to a person found on an unknown site.

Do not be able to work that you are not under power. For example, if you need to sit with the baby, and you have no experience with the smallest. The worst for nanny is to get to the "black list".

Do not confuse the profession of nanny and maid or chef. Such work, as a rule, is offered extremely miser people. They want to get a universal domestic servant for little money. It is unlikely that you are looking for.

Be persistent

In no case do not despair if you refuse you at first interviews. Show patience and perseverance. There is a very large deficit of educators on the labor market. You will definitely get a job and find a family with which you have good, business relationships.

What you need to get a job in Moscow? What is generally good this job in the capital? What are the requirements to match and what to be ready? Many women are asked by these questions. We will try to help them answer them.

So why Moscow? This, in principle, is quite obvious: a high standard of living, the best salaries. In addition, people from other cities, regions and even countries are constantly coming to the capital. Many and many remain at a permanent place of residence. Find work, fall in love, marry ... and children are hardened. But the metropolitan rhythms of life, most often, do not allow a long time to work, so nanny services are becoming more and more in demand!

Who goes or goes to work nanny in Moscow? Different women: young and elderly, with higher education and without Russian citizenship and not having it, prescribed in the capital and not prescribed. All these factors affect not only the possibility of nanny to get a job, but also on the entire labor market as a whole. Before you start looking for a job, decide what salary would you like to get, how far are ready to drive, in what graphics will work, can you meet the requirements of the capital?

Nanny goes to the capital

In Moscow, there are many options in order to get a job nurse. The easiest - self-searches. There is newspapers, magazines where you can find an announcement about the search for nanny. You can also leave your own ad. In addition, it is worth looking into the Internet, going to the portals and forums for moms and parents. There is always an announcement that the nanny is required. In addition, you can easily leave there and your message. The Internet is good because the information in it is very quickly updated, and therefore you will always see only actual ads.

If you were born in the capital, then you should ask for friends, friends or relatives to ask their comrades for work, buddies, do not need nanny. In search of work, as you know, almost all options are good.

If it does not work with an independent search, it is worth contacting its services to the personnel agency. Many may say that the Agency is just a way to navigate money on someone else's work. And they will be wrong. Consider more. Nanny, who arrived in Moscow, does not know anyone in the city. Who will believe it or will help?

When interviewing, employees of the agency will offer to fill out a questionnaire, will check the education data, recommendations from past jobs (it is necessary to take care in advance), will hold some psychological tests. It may seem that this is somehow too much, however, such organizations are asked for hiring staff, too, not stupid and quite secured people. And therefore, they will have high demands.

Nanny requirements for work in Moscow

You can talk a lot and for a long time about compliance, but it is best to bring them right away and check whether you come to them. And if something is missing, it will be easier and easier to work out or achieve it.

So, the requirements for nanny to work in Moscow:

Medical or pedagogical higher education (in fact, it is necessary to find a job of a nanny, where it is not required - good luck from the field of fiction);
- lack of bad habits;
- the absence of chronic diseases (with rare exceptions);
- Knowledge in the field of psychology of children and educational methods;
- kindness and patience;
- willingness to long trips to work;
- Always tidy;
- availability of recommendations from previous employers;
- a responsibility;
- the ability to find an approach to the child.

It would seem separately these requirements are not so difficult to fit. However, you will need to collect them all in yourself to get a job.

Separately, it is worth mentioning trips to work. It can happen so that you will be offered a job in an hour or two from home. That is, you have to go before usual time and come back much later. It is worth determining what time are you ready to spend on the road? In addition, some parents prefer to hire nyan with accommodation. Think whether you are ready for this.

About rivalries

Actually, nanny in Moscow is divided into several types.

1. Young, educated specialists. They are young and full of strength. Knowledge obtained in universities allow you to fall asleep the employer of a bunch of terms and examples. However, most of the majority have no experience, no recommendations, no desire to work 7-8 hours a day with an additional 1-2 hours on the road.

2. Foreigners (most often from Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, etc.). These nanny will be almost the main competitors. They are arranged anywhere, they often take not one child at the same time. At the same time, they are ready to go, working with accommodation, and rates below the rest. Their minus is the lack of citizenship, education, distrust of many parents.

3. Nanny Muscovites (more often, middle-aged women and older). These are experienced women's recommendations. It is difficult to compete with them, but maybe. The fact is that they have a clear wage plank, below which they will never take. In addition, a lot for them means time spent on the road. If the employer with an excellent salary is far away, there is a great chance that they will not consider it as a good option.

Get a job nanny in Moscow - lighter than it seemed

Finally, it is worth saying a few useful thoughts that will be useful to all those who want to work nanny in Moscow.

Make the city. Yet, in the capital, high demands (without exaggeration), and find a good job, without corresponding to them, it will be very and very difficult. Look for everywhere. Contact the agency if you want to quickly find a job. Normal, respectable agencies will never take money from you when applying to them. If you have come to offer your services, and you immediately put a bill, then this agency needs to leave. Immediately. The money pays the employer in the form of your salary, from which the part is held in the first month or two.

Follow the appearance and speech. On the interviews always try to look strictly, but not cold. Parents must see that there is a decent woman, smart and modest, and not Freken side.

Pure clothing, neat appearance, competent speech, education, experience and recommendations - this is what will help you get a job in a nurse in Moscow


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