Sculpt art figures for beginners. Secrets of work with clay for beginners. Where to take or how to cook clay

Once the modeling of clay was a routine and unremarkable profession, whereas today she appears in the image of a variety of children's developing creativity, an interesting hobby or even a creative way of earning. Nowadays, this is an antique craft, which seemingly should disappear under the onslaught of modern technologies, suddenly, on the contrary, acquired a second breathing and slowly knock out into fashion trends.

The molding from clay is increasingly introduced into the educational program of kindergartens and general education schools, not to mention artistic educational institutions, so that this topic must be close to all parents.

The benefits of laying

The benefits of modeling for children are generally written quite a lot, but it is not always an emphasis that this occupation brings a certain benefit to people of any age. Naturally, at different stages of life, the practicality of such a hobby can be seen from different sides, so let us dwell on the benefits of choosing in favor of the modeling of clay Read more:

  • For children 4-5 years The modeling of clay is likely to just begins - they make the first steps in it and acquire the first skills. For them, this occupation is useful for the rapid development of the shallow motility of hands, which are not yet able to move accurately and confidently, but quickly acquire such abilities thanks to a constant practice that is so similar to an exciting game. Without fantasy, perhaps, too, do not do, because it is possible to cut something concrete no earlier than you will present it in detail and carefully think over all the steps towards achieving the desired result.

All the same advantages gives modeling and from other materials, most popular among which is all familiar plasticine, however, clay requires greater responsibility, because it is also pre-prepared to prepare, and thinking also the material preparation process once again makes the brain.

  • For children 6-7 years Priorities are already changing a little, at least if they started from 4-5 years and really tried all this time. Elementary movement accuracy has already been to work out, now it has come a turn of production so accurate movements that most people are beyond. It is now much more actively starting to work.
  • Even for adults This occupation brings exclusive benefits and is not so important when you started in deep childhood or yesterday. First of all, working with clay very much calms down and relaxes that in conditions of too active modern life simply priceless. Why spend money on an expensive psychologist, if you can just sculpt in your free time? At the same time, having achieved certain success, money can already earn, because technology and their own perseverance today allow you to achieve the level of skill, which makes a person by a professional who makes a living for a loved one.

What clay is better for creativity?

A similar question is very often asked to themselves and the surrounding newcomers, which are still at all oriented at the subject, but already know that the concept of "clay for modeling" includes a number of varieties. The answer here cannot be unequivocal, since the variety of proposals is caused by a variety of demand, and each mass has specific advantages that are ideal for achieving specific tasks.

Consequently, it all depends on what result is counting to get a master, although some general advice can still be given.

To do this, go through the most famous and popular options:

  • In particular, for home use it is best suited self-hardening claywhich dries outdoors for a certain period of time. This somewhat limits the ability to edit the figures, but it does not need a special oven for hardening. Baked clay, however, you can bring to a solid state and in a regular oven, but experienced people claim that it is more difficult, and not even recommended due to the danger of poisoning with further cooking there.
  • Choosing a huge number of people who would like to try something similar to classic natural clay, very often falls on the blue Cambrian clay. A blue variety is distinguished by a pleasant shade and the possibility of easy coloring in any necessary color, relative ease of processing and a high degree of predictability of the final result. Among other things, it is sold as in the already divorced, that is, ready for work, and in dry form, which is well suited for long-term storage of material.
  • For the manufacture of colors, knowledgeable people are very recommended. cellulose clay.This material is also known as a zastyr clay for explicit similarity with the marshmallow in the raw form. The peculiarity of this raw material is that it also saves flexibility in the frozen form, thanks to which the petals made from it seem very natural.

No matter what kind of clay you chose try to make it waucmate. The fact is that any clay before modeling must be carefully mixed up to a homogeneous state, but in the process of manual execution of this procedure, air bubbles fall into the mass, which do not contribute to the strength of finished products. Under the conditions of large clay workshops, there are special machines - extruders who know how to suck the air from the working area, well, for lovers, special, already smeared and vacuum clay.

What products can be done at home?

In fact, from clay of correctly selected varieties, you can make absolutely anything. Since we are talking about the classes of modeling, first of all, with children, it is worth paying special attention to what should like the kids themselves, And this, of course, toys. Most often, the figures of animals and birds are made as a full-fledged game object, as well as fabulous heroes - clay blasts would look very cute. To increase the plausibility of the gameplay, you can cut a house, toy food and much more.

In educational institutions of children, at least theoretically prepared for adulthood, so crafts for school and kindergarten are distinguished by a large variety - there is such a thing among them than to play difficult, but you can be proud of, putting on a shelf.

The popular plot is a clay oak branch, as a playing field with an eye on future practical application, you can cut a whole relief with hills and valleys, fields and roads.

With the achievement of a level sufficient to make money, creative people usually go to more profitable things, among which decorations made of ceramic clay enjoy extremely popularity, perfectly imitating many other materials. Among women, the lack of dishes also use great success, because their own design cups or kettle can be given to loved ones for the holiday, and the creation of own pots for home plants will always have a trump card in the sleeve for the demonstration of guests.

Methods and manual modeling techniques

The various modeling techniques of clay products manually exists quite a lot, and several of them are usually used to create complex masterpieces. In fact, a truly talented person is not necessary to act for any templates, because he has enough of his own fantasy to come up with how to achieve the desired effect, but still consider several most popular techniques for example:

  • Sculpture modeling. On the one hand, the most difficult way to create clay figures, on the other, is the only model of modeling technique that does not push any restrictions on the form of the result. It is the formation of a future product from a solid piece of clay with the help of hands and minor tools like stacks.
  • On a pottery circle. The second oldest technique, which allowed our ancestors at one time to do neat round dishes, even if the Master's hands still do not have perfect geometric accuracy. As in the old days, today is used almost exclusively for the modeling of pots and jugs, less often - to create large round items of any other destination. It is best combined with natural clay for firing, other materials are practically not used.
  • Gearing Lepka. A very peculiar technique at which the future product, be it empty inside the jug or a full-fledged huge statue, is made of "bricks" in the form of harnesses. They fit together on top of another, gradually raising the product from the bases to the future top, and the place of the junctions between the harnesses separately flashes the liquid clay. This technique allows you to create huge forms with practically no loss of geometric correctness.

How to use clay?

Natural clay, in contrast to most varieties of modern polymer clays, is not ready for the modeling immediately, it will have to previously bring to the desired condition. To do this, it must be medium humidity sufficient for modeling.

Dilute at home clay can be using ordinary water. If the material snaps so much that he had time to be covered with a solid crust, they advise to crush it into pieces (but not very fine), moisten the surface and wrapped in a very wet towel. When the claline is soaked in this small amount of moisture and it will be just dry, already without a crust - add some more water and try to knead your hands to a homogeneous viscous state.

It is possible to achieve an intelligent result in this way, quickly soften the dried piece, just throwing it into the water, it will not work, because the outer layer will "flow", and the inner will remain a stone.

If the clay, on the contrary, is too wet, you can try to squeeze her small pieces manually so that the water came out. To accelerate the process of wet claile, unfolds on the perfect dry plaster, with the maximum contact, the slab will take moisture yourself.

How to store?

Methods for storing clay for modeling are very different, depending on what this material is actually in fact, and which components are included in its composition. Perhaps the easiest way to share all types of clays on self-sharpening and projected, however, if there is an instruction regarding the material that you keep in your hands, better oriented immediately to it.

Self-hardening masses for modeling require storage in strictly hermetic conditionsSince their plasticizers and water are very quickly evaporated with outdoors, forcing the material to stick, losing plasticity. What you did not have time to make a lot of such a form, which would like, will not matter - it will be impossible to restore the clay.

You need to extract from the hermetic bank only directly for the modeling, and it is necessary to sculpt quickly, without breaking down until the project is completed.

With baked masses, the situation is a bit simpler - hermetic packaging for them will not be superfluous, but it is not obligatory. In case of extra injury, such masses are dried (in particular, naturally), and for more softening, it is possible to add some water or any plasticizers, depending on the type of material and its composition.

Basic tools sculptor

The main tool, without which there is no way to do one sculptor is his hands, however, only a real master can create a masterpiece with bare hands. All the rest will need at least stacks of various shapes. This simple tool is designed either for cutting pieces of material (most often flat "pancakes"), or to give the surface of a certain accurate shape of the type of dents, cuts, waviness.

Even for the beginner is preferably not limited to one stack, and the professional should have a whole set. For cutting many polymer clays, other radiotic tools are used, even ordinary knife and scissors can sometimes benefit.

In this article we will talk about such a popular current material as a polymer clay. From her you can make a lot of beautiful things.

Polymer clay is one of the most common materials for needlework. And not surprising, because it is very elastic and completely non-toxic, and the crafts are obtained simply fantastic!

And it strikes the variety of such crafts - not only the jewelry, but also a lot of others, which will definitely decorate your life.

How to work with polymer clay?

So, to begin with, we will understand What should be stocking when working with polymer clay. Half success depends on the right choice.

Of course, we first need to be the clay itself, which is sold in special stores for needlework. Marks there is enough:

  • You can buy a domestic version of the type "Tsvetics" - It is inexpensive, however, for blanks-sausages is indignantly. The color palette is not extensive, special effects like pearl, metal no

Important: The most tangible drawback is that after the baking of the product from "Tsvetics" become very fragile.

  • From foreign brands the most common is considered "FIMO" - She offers the buyer a large selection of colors that are practically not changed after baking, suitable for a variety of techniques
  • Sometimes the following types: soft software, standard classic and an interesting effect with additives, transparency, glitter and pearl

  • "PREMO" - It has a greater similarity with wax than the previous option. It is very easy to sculpt from it. Good suitable for sausages-blanks
  • "KATO" - This brand will have to suffer a little, as it is baked at a sufficiently high temperature. And that before trying to smash clay, then it will be pretty problematic, if not to use a hammer
  • You can pay attention and on Polish products - It is strong, affordable. Well suitable for use in sculptural modeling. However, if you plan to make blanks-sausages, this clay is little suitable
  • "Cernit" - It is recommended to those who want to sculpt dolls and imitate marble type stones. Those who wish to bring in their products a note of transparent this brand will fit perfectly. Clay is similar to wax, it is desirable to straighten it well

Without what can not do the creative process?

  • Without workplace, of course. To do this, it is best to find a tile or glass, as it is necessary to work with a knife. You can and a thick sheet of white paper, but it is in extreme case
  • Knife Need the most acute, and preferably special for this kind of work. But if this is not found, you can use the stationery. Pay close attention to the sharpening - the material is melted as a result. And at the price, see, choosing a "golden middle", as cheaply very often stupid, and expensive have too thick blade - they relate to them, for example, Japanese

Important: Do not use the kitchen in any way! There is a risk to harm health.

  • Rolling Also indispensable, but not plastic. The fact is that some types of plastics quickly deteriorate under the influence of polymer clay. But you can use a special roller for rolling clay or at all
  • Toothpick Well will help in doing the holes at Beads, the formation of parts, in the drying of the beads - it is very convenient to ride round items on such sticks. As an alternative to toothpicks, stacks serve, but not from plastics
  • Buttons, Pendants and Other Accessories Make crafts unique
  • For cutting details for the absence of special molds, it is quite possible to take caps or glasses
  • Emery skins with water resistance effect Spinning well and remove fingerprints from products. And polished will help the tight material like felt, jeans
  • Varnish Required necessarily. You can use construction acrylics with the basis on the water, but the sculpey, fimo brand is best

Basic rules of work with polymer clay are as follows:

  • Most basic - compliance with purity. The surface should be clean, like hands. It would be nice to stock gloves. And try to be at the site of work there were no villi

Important: Wet wipes will help with work. They will not only support their hands and tools cleanly, but also will make it possible to smooth out the irregularities of the material.

  • For softening clay You can use a special tool called plasticizer. Needlewomen with experience recommend Moldmaker brand. Several peas of the means are quite enough for clay pack. As an alternative, cream, vaseline, warming procedure are suitable
  • There are cases when clay and sticks to the hands, especially fresh. Then you can mix it with more solid clay or leave for a few hours on a white sheet of paper. But if the paint got into the material, it is unlikely that you can do something
  • The varnishing of parts is occurring in different ways. Flat each side is treated in turn. Round better to ride the toothpick, which, in turn, must be stuck in the plasticine. You can also make parts in varnish or apply it using synthetic brushes.

  • Whatever clay is chosen, it is necessary to be before use as it should to demolish - Due to this, the material becomes plastic, soft and suitable for a comfortable modeling

IMPORTANT: Do not ignore this step, otherwise air bubbles will remain in the material, which when heated clay is converted into the tubercles.

  • Burst with a special baked gel - For example, such as Fimo Liquid. Sometimes you need to glue the pin to the parts - in this case, the hole for it needs to be done a little more, given the glue
  • Store sausages from clay It is necessary in the film or well-closing bag. Otherwise, they do not dried, but will lose plasticity, they will become fragile. This is explained by the evaporation of the plasticizer. Better to put blanks in the refrigerator

  • At what stage you need to engage in grinding? After the details are baked, but before coating with varnish. It is recommended after grinding to wipe the parts with a towel from flax - so they become like velvety

IMPORTANT: Do not think that the varnish will hide the defects of the material. As a rule, he only emphasizes them. Therefore, it is worth paying the time to grinding.

How to bake sinks of polymer clay?

About the process of baking should be told separately, but this does not mean that it is too wonderful and requires a special oven.

It is not ceramics - here quite ordinary oven, after all the temperature at which many types of polymer clay are solidified is equal to Only 110-130 degrees.

  • What should I need to bake crafts? In no case on the dish, which is used for food
  • It is better to adapt to the creative impulse of a special leaf for baking, covered, in turn, folded by a harmonic paper
  • Much depends on what is baked. So, beads will perfectly feel like a toothpick, stuck in Foil. Flat items recommended on glass or ceramic tiles
  • You can place the glass in the sleeve for baking, and then get the craft on the street - this is if you are overcome doubts about toxicity

In general, toxic substances not released, you need to stick to the temperatures clay specified on the packaging. And even at the same time it is necessary to work when hood. After each work, the stove must be carefully soaked.

IMPORTANT: If the smell appeared, and the carriage itself was handled and even charred, urgently stop baking, and the premises are perfectly carried out.

If, after processing in the stove, the product becomes dense, thin details are in a state of bend, and during the subsequent drilling a long chips is formed - everything is in order, you are on the right track.

Crafts of polymer clay for beginners Step by step: master class

Novice needlewomen must first be mastered master classes for the manufacture of polymer clay sausages. Having such sausages, in the future you can create spectacular parts for various products.

So, let's try to make the simplest strawberry sausageswho are even a newcomer:

  • So, you will need pink, red and white clay. From white tube a little elongated triangles, and from pink - plast Thick about a millimeter

IMPORTANT: Before rolling down the reservoir, clay should be thickened.

  • Yet from white clay you need to make sausages. Sausages need from red. Then they need to be combined with each other

  • Carefully observe Connected red and white sausages with pink plast

  • The resulting red and white-pink sausage should be carefully drawn in length. Approximately until it reaches a length of 12 or 13 centimeters. When pulling out the product in no case should not lose the initial form
  • And then after this sausage you can cut Equal slices

  • Now from scattered sausages forming strawberry. It is completely easy to form it: the white sausage turns into a pink layer and is surrounded by sausages from red and white clay in a circle

Important: Enclosure not all core, leaving the bottom untouched, as shown in the photo.

  • Now the core turns out againbut this time the red polymer clay

  • At this stage the sausage needs to be stretched to this size that is convenient.Note that it should be thick and short for beads, and for toy pieces - thin and long

  • And here is the final stage - baking! Do it somewhere half an hour after which need a blank cool and cut on the strawberry
  • With proper manufacture, they must be easily cutting, reminding the structure is quite dense tires

The described master class is designed for simplified manufacturing sausage-tubewinks. If you want something more vaguely, then you can use the paste-machine.

It allows you to achieve smooth colors. In the quality of an analogy, take the acrylic rolling pin, only to be tinked with it longer.

Fruits made from polymer clay sausages can be used in manicure

Newcomers can also strain on buttons - Make them very easy, and the thing is beautiful and useful. So, for the simplest manufacturer's recipe need:

  • Actually, polymer clay
  • Acrylic paint, with which it will be possible to decorate
  • Nazcachka
  • Sleeve in which baked
  • Any button of vintage type

  • So, first you just need roll from polymer clay balls. Colors pick up at your discretion. To the balls attach a button

  • Now with a thick needle make holes. Such blanks you can immediately pack in the sleeve and bake at 110 degrees

Important: It is better not to use a baking sheet, as it is not always possible to fully launder, like the oven. And even in this case, leave the oven door slightly open.

  • Sandpaper is processed Baked buttons. Can neatly fix the edge
  • Now you can bring the last strokes, processing the product with paint or varnish

And what to do, if such a bauble wants to do, but there is no vintage buttons at hand? No problem: you can form a craft differentlyAnd also easy!

  • Roll the polymer clay in plast Potoney. Attach to the platform a piece of lacewhich will probably get found in any house. But before applying, be sure to sprinkle clay with water

  • Now cover the billet with polyethylene - Without it, cutout will be inaccurative

  • Molding must be pressed on the layer. Molding can be absolutely any outlines.

  • According to the resulting contours easily You can neatly cut Future button

  • With toothpicks Dials are performed

  • Billets baked, cooled - And now they can be covered by acrylic paint

Important: cool the thing should in the oven.

Polymer clay light crafts

Easy and useful craft will be magnet for needles. You will need:

  • Rock and surface for work
  • Modeka
  • Polymer clay
  • Acrylic paint, brush
  • Lace
  • Sandpaper
  • 2 magnet

You can proceed to work:

  • Clay need as follows to demolish Hands
  • Then it rolled out
  • Using a biscuit mold cut out the desired contours. The edges are equivalent
  • Now on the billet lace pressed
  • You can bake the furniture in the oven. However, if the polymer clay is purchased with a singularity of self-hardening, it's still easier - you just need to give her the opportunity to frost
  • Sandpaper product processing is performed
  • And now you can also cause paintl as it wanted. If you have a desire to somehow decorate the magnet - it's time to do it
  • On the opposite side of the craft magnet is glued. That's all, it can be used! Apply a useful cracker needed to fabric, pre-fixed in the chambers

IMPORTANT: Do not forget about the second magnet, which is applied on the back of the tissue to attached to the craft.

Next simple in the manufacture and useful cauldron from polymer clay - cover for banks. The lid will externally resemble a weaving from the vine, so any jar will look with it to look economically and cozy. You need to stock such things:

  • Any so ordinary cover from bank
  • Polymer clay Any shades. But to recreate the effect of weaving best beige, red, yellow, green, brown and dark blue
  • If there Moldova - Special molding for creating volume figures - it will be very by the way
  • PVA glue or liquid plastic
  • Orange and brown pastel
  • Green, Yellow, White, Red acrylic paint
  • Varnish also acrylic
  • Polymer clay rolling fixture - Acrylic rolling pin, glass rolling, for non-dissimilar - ordinary bank
  • Special machine for processing polymer raw materials, called Extruder
  • Brush For applying paint. At the same time choose a brush thorough
  • Stick like a fighter or toothpick

  • To begin with a piece of brown clay and Rolled up to the state of the formation. Note that it should be no less than the sizes of the source
  • The source cover is lubricated liquid plastic or pva glue
  • Now clay should be put on the lid. It should cover the entire surface of the lid, but should not interfere with it to close. It will be necessary to make cuts immediately - So the air bubbles will be released. Alternatively, you can pierce clay - then the air will be released in the process of baking, otherwise the clay simply will rise
  • Thed one to twist a polymer clay into the sausage, immersing it then into the extruder.This needs to be done with brown and beige clay. Thickness can be any

Important: If there is no extruder, you just need to gently spread the sausage - so that the shades are not mixed. After that, we need to cut pieces from it, roll around them into thin threads.

  • Now you need to overtake thread. To start, take a bunch of four and put them horizontally on the lid. Ends should go beyond the lid. Then take four more threads and put them on top of the previous ones, only perpendicular to them
  • Spread the thread so that their ends dispel each other on the principle of rays
  • Take a couple of threads of polymer clay - and place them in the center of the improvised web. Start weaving in a chess principle - Further leading threads over others, then under them. If you have ever selected wreaths or baskets, then you should cope very quickly
  • You need to supplement the web before the root of the lid. If the threads ends - just glued to the old new ones. After that, the weaving is neatly removed from the lid, transferred to paper
  • On the cover pVA is applied or liquid plastic. In the first case, you need to act quickly - before drying the glue

  • Polymer clay web returns to the lid again. And now you need to complete this weaving edging. It is created from six stripes, intertwined with a pigtail

  • Now you can decorate the cover to your liking - For example, creating flowers or berries from polymer clay, without forgetting to cover them with varnish

Lovers of weaving and just useful trifles will probably have to taste miniature Casket for Rings. Will make it in the form of a basket

You will need:

  • Clay
  • Wirewhose thickness is approximately 0.8-1 millimeter
  • Stationery knife
  • Capacitythat reminds the basket. Very well suited for this purpose jars from the cream

So, proceed to work:

  • Roll off the polymer clay to the state of the sausages. Its thickness should be about 1.5-2 millimeters. It is best to use an extruder, but not critical if it does not turn out at hand
  • This sausage need to cut into pieces 3 centimeters long

Important: make sure that the number of pieces is odd.

  • The container itself should be turned over. After that, you can stick on it cutting from polymer clay

  • Carefully need to cut off extra parts pieces so that they were the same length

  • Now the clay is made a circle. It must be attached to the bottom of the tank. For better effect it will be good to try toothpick this circle

  • The jar is placed in this form in the oven. The temperature depends on the type of clay, but the time is enough to be 5 or 8 minutes. After baking, the jar is lowered in cold water, cools and frees from polymer clay

  • Roll off the sausage of such a length, which will only work. However, it will be possible to connect sausages in the process of weaving, which is easier with the extruder

IMPORTANT: After weaving, rinse the basket from the sides should not, otherwise the natural effect of weaving will disappear.

  • If you want to give the basket Completion, you can weave two-piece pigtail And stick it from above. BUT on the bottom of the inside, you can join the clay circle - So the bottom will become more neat

  • It remains to make a handle basketFor which the wire is useful. Source the desired length and bend the arc

  • The final stage is wrapping the frame of the handle of a sausage from polymer clay. You must not forget to leave 5 millimeters on both sides. Next, the handle is attached to the base, and all this composition goes into the oven for 20 minutes.

Polymer clay doll with their own hands

Polymer clay doll will be an excellent gift of a child, and in the interior of an adult will fit well. Of course, each such doll is individual, but still general manufacturing nuances are present.

Needlewomen with experience are convinced that the proportions of a living person for dolls are not suitable - the head is small, and the hands are too long. AND the surest way to calculate proportions - To remember that one toy toy is measured by the seven heads. Palm is equal to the width of the face, and the feet - 1.5 palms.

It is always necessary to start creativity from the head, twisting loop from wire. On this basis, then you should hide foil.

Important: Be sure to wate tightly foil.

Now the Polymer Clay is entering the game, which you need to warm carefully, after which you can get a foil. All extra unevenness is important to smooth out.

The most perhaps time-consuming is start drawing damn face. It is necessary to highlight not only eyes, nose, mouth, but not to forget about the forehead, chin. It is not necessary to color yet - just a relief designation features. And remember that the person should turn out to be convex.

Thereafter the billet is placed in the oven. The bleaching temperature depends on the recommendations of the clay producer.

The following can be done - Cylindrical pieces are formed from clay. They need to roll.

Using stack figinch form. It is very important to gently divide them without damaging. Next, give hands naturalness, rounded their outlines and not forgetting about folds.

Now you can handle hands in the furnaceAfter putting them on the wire.

The manufacture of legs begins, oddly enough, with stop - They are made from the details, one side of which should be thicker than the other. The stack indicates the fingers, folds.

Foots are joined by pieces that are then transformed to the leg until the legs. The legs are baked as well as other parts of the body of the doll.

Important: To put the legs, take the longest pieces of the wire, because they will form the main frame of the doll.

And now the scattered parts is time to assemble in Common framework. For this, the wire from the head is connected to the pieces of the hands, and the long wire from the legs is screwed to everything. Where the doll is planned a waist, the wire should be twisted.

Now you can bake a doll.

And now the most interesting thing begins - the formation of appearance. For painting a person recommended Use acrylic paints and brushes number 10. It will take the thinnest brush for the eyes.

As for hair, It is possible to put the wig for a good thing, forming a hair outleur. You can form strands from silk threads.

And you can use wool for felting - it's just fantastic puppet hair.

Outfit Whether he wants, depending on the idea and the materials available at hand.

Polymer clay doll Canadian Masters Martha Boers Another miracle of polymer clay from March Boers

Toys of clay do it yourself

Polymer clay toys can be cut away - everything depends exclusively from your imagination. Let's try in this lesson to make a symbol of this year - Fire monkey.

  • First of all carefully thick clay and create a piece of oval out of an orange - This is the future head of monkey. Slightly flatten it for face
  • For body need to do another oval, only converted in the form of a drop

  • Head and body are fastening soso that the body is attached to the smaller side of the drop
  • Polymer clay beige color is formed thin pancakewhere you need to make a deepening on top

Important: Thin toothpick for the formation of forms in pieces of polymer clay is just suitable.

  • Beige pancake is superimposed. And closer to the bottom. And the deepening should "look" up
  • With the help of Dotsa small eyes forces form. In the same principle, nostrils and mouth are designated
  • From black polymer clay roll two small circles. They are placed with a light pressure in the orphanages.
  • Orange and beige clay roll 2 balls. And a beige less orange. Pancakes are made from them. Beige superimposed on orange

Polymer clay ears
  • The resulting ball is cut into two parts - this is the ears. They are attached on the sides of the head with pressure. Joints should be smoothed
  • A monkey can be given a shelvity with the help of Cheka - This is a small orange droplet, glued with a wide portion. Lower need to twist a little
  • And now handles-legs are formed out of 4 sausages in the form of droplets. For hands, roll the drops smaller. In all four sausages, make a deepening in wide parts

  • Fresh 4 drops from the clay of beige, and cut your fingers on their wide parts - it's palms and feet. Attach them to hand and leg deepeners

  • Orange clay formed tail, pointed on the one hand, as well as twisted in the form of a question mark - On the other

  • Now all parts of the body are attached to the body, and the toy is baked

Sculptures of clay do it yourself

Garden sculpture - and interesting, and functionally. It is unlikely that you want to spend money on the purchase of a finished sculpture, but it can be done on your own very well. For instance, owl for which you will need:

  • Capacity For the kneading material of approximately liters on 5
  • About 6 cups of construction gypsum
  • 500 grams polymer claywhich herself can harden
  • Water
  • Sucks from wood or thick wire stacks
  • Plastic bag
  • Brushes for drawing №1 and №5
  • For the design of the owls will be useful gouache, glass eyes, matte varnish, lacquer nail polishes and black flowers
  • So, let's start with the fact that in the bucket for the kneading material you need to snap the cellophane package. Separately about 4 glasses of gypsum is mixed

Important: As a consistency, the dough should resemble cottage cheese with sour cream. But there should be no lumps.

  • After kneading the dough shifts into a bucket - It will take a third of the tank. The form in which the material was kneaded, meanwhile quickly washed away. Well, the sweeps are inserted into the dough so that they are half sticking out of the gypsum. Gypsum needs to align and leave for 2 hours to stick
  • After froze gypsum goes from the mound

  • Now need to let's disperse gypsum before the same stateAs last time. It is laid out on the spanks. It is necessary to form the outlines of the owl. Capacity is immediately washed, and the workpiece solidifies during the day
  • And now the creativity begins: Lambsing pieces of polymer clay, glue them gradually to a plaster basis

IMPORTANT: After lambing a piece, the remaining part of the polymer clay immediately bury into the cellophan, otherwise it hardens.

  • Then pyryshka drawn - It is advisable to do this with the help of a push. Glass eyes are inserted
  • Form from polymer clay back and wings
  • Black and yellow nail polish Eyes paint. The advantage of such a varnish is that it is transparent, and therefore will retain the gloss of glass
  • But now you can take for tail. And for reliability, it must be formed by tiers and to be processed by a flusher
  • Drawn wings
  • If an excess clay remains, You can make additional decorations. In the form of God's cows, for example. Owl seeks and painted with gouache. Top covered with matte varnish

Cup of polymer clay

Fully producing a cup of polymer clay is extremely undesirable, since when storing and serving, food in it may be unpleasant to health effects. But it is possible to decorate the cup. To do this, you will need:

  • Polymer clay
  • Toothpicks, stacks
  • Stationery knife or good blade
  • Pastel of the coloring that you need for decor
  • Room temperature water


  • So, first of all need to work on the sketchbecause in the process it will be quite difficult to decorate at random
  • Now, relying on the sketch, you can begin to mount the polymer clay, recreating those or other details. Help yourself with toothpicks or stacks
  • As soon as the outlines from clay are formed, You can connect pastel - She emphasizes 3D decor effect
  • Now burn a cup at a temperature of 120 degrees
  • And after this procedure details made of polymer clay need to be carefully discharged from the cup. Best to help yourself a stationery knife
  • Wash the cup with warm water. Dry it, degrease
  • Each of the details of the decor lubricate the glue carefully, and attach them to the cup. Clean the decor glue remove with toothpicks
  • Vaza now need to be placed in the oven for 20 minutes. Set the temperature in 120 degrees
  • Give a vase cool, cover her varnish

Offer another variant of the glass of glass vases:

  • Use in this case the stamps, stacks, coloring pigment in powder consistency. Pour such a powder on a polymer clay reservoir, and rub it with your fingers - it will achieve smooth transitions of shades. You can pre-stamps to designate patterns
  • Now cut figures from the reservoir. You can use scissors, and you can also a stationery knife. Let the figures be different sizes - in design it looks just fine
  • Figures need to bake, Focusing on instructions from clay packaging
  • Roll another plastic polymer clay - on it and the figures will be attached

IMPORTANT: the formation base should be equal to the size of a glass vase. And in thickness, it should be more dense than that reservoir from which the details of the decor were cut.

  • With the help of glue, attach the layer on the vase. Details Vdavit In this layer, helping himself in this work glue
  • Apply on the entire surface of the lacquer with the mother of pearl. Work recommended a large tassel
  • Now put a vase for 5 minutes in the oven. Temperature - 265 degrees
  • So we have been processed only one side. Repeat this algorithm for others, not forgetting after each baking to give a vase cool

Flowers of clay do it yourself

Magnificent flowers for decor are obtained from polymer clay. For instance, sakura tender flowers:

  • First do you make a pink and white polymer clay sausage. Color transitions should be smooth, for which you can use the paste-machine. But clay will need a little, so you can try to arrange it manually
  • As soon as the sausage rolls, cut it with pieces in millimeter or 1.5 millimeter thick

  • IMPORTANT: It should be noted that the real tandon is made exclusively from clay - only thanks to it, the furnace will have thermal insulation properties. It is really impressive that it retains the temperature suitable for cooking, about 3 or 4 hours.

    What is the device of this furnace? She is a clay vessel, tapering up - there and fastened food. And the thrust is ensured by podded below. The bottom is placed brick, and clay, salt, salt or sand for the conservation of heat are placed between it.

    In addition to the listed, you will have to stock Sheep wool or camel - this will allow the furnaces not to crack when setting high temperatures.

    • So, the first thing It is necessary to mix clay with wool. Pre-wool cut the fibers of 10-15 millimeters

    Important: A mixture of consistency should resemble a thick sour cream, have a viscosity.

    • Such a mixture should be left until it achieve a suitable state is no less than a week. But during this time, stir the workpiece, otherwise it can dry unevenly. And make sure that the water is not accumulated from above - otherwise the tandyard will cover cracks
    • If the workpiece is similar at the end of the week on dense plasticine - you did everything right! From such a plasticine, tack the oblong sheets, the thickness of which should be at least 5 centimeters. Here are some of them formed a tandoor with a height of 1.5 meters, a diameter of a wide part - meter, and a neck diameter - 0.5 meters

    Important: Be sure to leave the hole from the side - it is necessary for pond.

    • Leave this workpiece for a month For complete drying
    • Now you can make the workpiece of bricks. The same clay is used as a solution. It can be replaced with a mixture of clay, plasticizer and quartz sand
    • From the inside the furnace is lubricated with cotton oil
    • And now - firing Furnace As long as she does not remind ceramics. Temperature rises slowly, so do not worry if the burning will take a day

    Polymer clay ornaments

    Of the polymer clay, excellent decorations are bracelets, necklaces, rings. But they will be discussed in another article.

    As you already see, the polymer clay is just a discovery for creative people. From her you can make a lot of excellent things that will bring to your life positive, comfort and benefit.

    It is unlikely that you can stay from the acquisition of such a thing, and if you begin to be interested in the process of working with a polymer clay, it is unlikely that something to try to make something on your own.

    Video: Magic Polymer Clay Peonies

    Video: Bunny Polymer Clay

    Video: Unreal sculpting from polymer clay

The modeling is considered interesting, but at the same time a simple matter with which you can create a variety of things.

Such products are perfectly suitable for original interior design, presented as surprises to different holidays.

How exactly to work with the material intended for the modeling and which crafts can be created with your own clay polymer clay?

For beginners

Thus, the clay from the polymer is a synthetic material that resembles plasticine by properties, but solidifies. This material is called plastic, or a cerne, as well as thermoplastic.

Beginners who plan to perform crafts from clay should be aware that this material is several types - one has properties to stick exclusively in the process of baking, the other does not require firing.

Before choosing crafts from clay, you need to decide on the material used.

What is required for modeling

During the modeling, applying materials are used to make it easier to alleviate the workflow with clay and contributing to the desired form.

For those who begin to work with their own hands from clay, there is no need to acquire many tools, as many of them may not be required.

To work, you will need:

  • special surface for work;
  • knife, as well as a razor blade;
  • toothpicks to create holes;
  • cylindrical races;
  • catteries;
  • gloves, as well as napkins.

How to sculpt?

After complete frozen, the clay resembles plaster, which is why the product is processed in a special way. Under the influence of a high temperature regime, the proof material resembles plastics.

For sale clay in a specialized store. Crafts for kids produced from clay preferably begin to create from buds, as well as jewelry.


To create a rose, the ball is initially made, which is attached to the form in the form of a drop - this is the core of the bud. After that, you should roll a couple of balls, then flatten them to transform into the petals.

Alternately, they need to wrap the core to create a wonderful bud. Leave the few first petal in the straightened position, while the extreme is lowered.


Crafts from polymer clay - original decorations that are easy to perform personnel, even in the absence of smelting experience. Each beginning to perform a bracelet, ring, applying a simple technique.

To begin with, it is desirable to choose a simple product, for example, create beads. To this end, it is necessary to roll out the clay, cutting the same size square to roll into small balls. Thus, beads will be one size. After that, the needles are done by a needle in beads.

Master class for children

The modeling allows the kids not only to know what they surround them, but also contributes to the active development of the motility of fingers.

The space for creativity in this case is unreserved, however, when choosing a master class to perform crafts from clay, it is preferable to start with elementary forms. For example, you can cut with a child food for your favorite dolls or animals.



For the kid, it is not difficult to cut any fruits or vegetables. Cogniously show the crockery, how to create an apple leaf with streaks by needle, give the necessary look of pear.

Gradually master the methods of modeling, given that the kids always strive to achieve a positive result faster. In order to interest crumbling, explain in advance that the crafts are created gradually.


To create beasts with the help of modeling, it is advisable to use a variety of pictures with a schematic image of animals.

Focusing on them, it is easy to choose a craft for future modeling and easier to understand the attachment of the elements of the required outlines.

For very small animals, you can use large pieces of fabric, while large figures should be created, according to the method of hollow elements, applying special molds. To perform the nose, as well as the eyes, use beads.


Products from clay

How to properly prepare a polymer clay for further modeling?

Before proceeding with the workflow, clay should be carefully disposed to give it plasticity.

When using clay red, or white when heated, it is necessary to withstand the required temperature mode, reaching 110 degrees, since with a large temperature mode, the clay often loses the created shape, changes in color. To make sure this, look at the photo of Clay crafts on the resource.

Can I perform clay baked clay? It is not excluded, however, in order to create it to be needed to find a natural clay of high quality, which should be burned as much as possible without equipment.

Therefore, it is possible to make this material on their own by samples, as well as errors.


Photo crafts from clay

My three-year-old daughter loves to sculpt. Together we are developing new techniques, materials and forms for modeling. Today I will tell you about the peculiar features of clay for beginners.

The modeling of plasticine, clay, salt dough and a different plastic material well soothes the nervous system of the most mobile baby, fonds the restless fumes, soothes and pacifies. The modeling is considered an important component of art therapy.

The model allows you to develop a small motorcy, expands spatial thinking. Inventing and embodying a figure of clay from plasticine, clay or dough, parents stimulate his informative activity, the child imagines, he invents and beats what came up with.

Clay - Material for joint creativity

Clay is the most plastic and favorable material for modeling. Finished products are not broken, they retain the form for a long time. And the most important, elusive of clay along with the kid fabulous handles for a locker, a puppet house, countable material - mushrooms, alphabet, etc. Well complement the interior of the children's room and there will be a kid road.

In clay modeling, beginners should immediately decide on the type of material. Clay is different. It may vary in color, according to the consistency, on plasticity and even by the presence of water in it.

If cracks appear during work on the finished product - this indicates the incorrect technique of working with the material or the lack of moisture in clay. There is a blue clay, which is enough to get from the package and spread. There are types of clay, requiring the addition of water when working with them.

Separately want to highlight polymer clay. Very good material for modeling. The polymer clay is based on PVC and plasticizing funds, ready-made products from such clay need to baked at a temperature of 110 degrees.

Another type of polymer clay consists of a combination of natural components and organic polymers. This material is self-hardening, finished products in heat treatment do not need.

Since we decided to master the laying, we decided with children, then the polymer clay should be selected safe in working with the kids. With my children, I use FIMO Air Fimo Air self-hardening polymer clay, it contains more than 90% of natural materials, clean and well suited for children's modeling.

Workplace, techniques of modeling

Clay modeling for beginners requires strict adherence to all the rules for organizing the workplace. On the table before modeling it follows:

  • disseminate the oilcloth or other covert material;
  • put the pile half filled with water;
  • prepare a dry towel and a wet sponge;
  • put in front of you a wooden stack and plastic brushes.

Now you can proceed to the test lesson modeling clay for beginners. Pull the clay from the package, boxes, plastic bucket. Rather in the harness, or pressing pieces. We smear the workpiece.

If the clay is too dry and is about to open between your fingers, put it on the table, moisten the brush in the water and walk through the wet brush on the clay. Moisturize the clay until it acquires the desired plasticity.

Attention! In the process of modeling clay, it can slightly stick to the fingers of the hands, so that it does not bother, wipe the hands with a towel and a damp sponge.

If cracks appear on the figure from clay, gently shoot them with a finger moistened in water. Finished products should be dried during the day. Then you can paint and decorate them.

The only "but" in the modeling of natural clay: processing the finished product. If you do not have a muffle oven, the finished film figure should be dried within 5-6 days, for example on the windowsill. So that the figure does not crack, cover it with polyethylene for a day.

The drying product is sand and impregnate PVA glue. As soon as the glue dries, you can paint the figure with gouache, tempera or acrylic paint. As the basis for paint instead of PVA, you can use acrylic primer. The finished product can be covered with varnish.

Clay toys of the workshop "Parashev", Village Diveevo

Clay figures in the interior of the children's room

With the help of clay modeling, any space can be decorated. Especially - the children's room. For example, decorate the stucco handle of cabinets, doll furniture, a table or chest. Along with the child, you can make materials for role-playing and educational games: Figures of vegetables and fruits in the game "Shop", countable material (numbers, signs, figures), letters for magnetic alphabet and much more.

Handles for a cabinet made of polymer clay. Master class on reference

Lamp "Striped Cat"

Every year there are increasingly different materials for creativity and the realization of the most incredible ideas. From the polymer clay you can create small masterpieces: buttons, earrings, rings, animal figures and various items, thematic stories and other products.

Now everyone can take advantage of such material, because it is sold at any store for creativity or stationery and has an affordable price.

What it is

The polymer clay is a plate mass, like plasticine, but when frozen the forming plastic. It is designed for modeling and modeling various products for children and adult creativity.

Now a large number of varieties are represented: one freezes when heated, others themselves within a few hours.

The base of the melting mass is polyvinyl chloride (PVC), auxiliary components (pigments for giving color, white porcelain, kaolin, talc, various stabilizers, plasticizers, cellulose, mica, chalk). The most common stamps:

  • Fimo is one of the first brands;
  • Darwi;
  • PolyFormsculpey;
  • DecoClay;
  • Cernit;
  • Keraaplast;
  • Bake Shop;
  • Kato;
  • Flowery.

For some, it is necessary to frozen outdoors, for other oven for the baking of finished products.

Finished products can be painted with acrylic paints, make mechanical actions (drill, pierced), the product is not broken from them.

How to choose

Before you buy material, you need to decide:

  • what product will be made which clay colors to choose for them;
  • will it be used to froze the oven;
  • need a very soft or solid material for modeling.

Clay manufacturers every year create new species with various properties. It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that some manufacturers make:

  • material based on natural components, others from synthetic materials;
  • soft or solid;
  • quickly - slowly solidifying or using the use of temperature;
  • with one permissible to work for children, with others only adults;
  • some are becoming fragile, other plastic and further processing;
  • some are deformed when contact with water, others - no;
  • some manufacturers have 2-4 colors, more than 10;
  • some sell small packages, others are large.

Therefore, before buying, you should read the instructions and characteristics of the material.

For working with children, suitable: eziki, bakeshop, fimo - they are soft and eco-friendly. For the manufacture of figures - PREMO, KATO, Skulpey. For beginners, you can cook clay at home, and how to get experience, you can go to professional.

How to make the composition at home

Recipes for creating at home polymer clay a lot, but everyone has its own characteristics.

Recipe number 1: To work with children

Required components:

  • corn or potato starch - 100 g;
  • glycerin - 30 g;
  • pVA glue - 150 g;
  • food dye - quantity depends on the desired color.

Glycerin, glue and starch thoroughly knead and put on a water bath for 10-15 minutes, and then cool to a temperature that will be acceptable for the skin of the hands to knead the dough. So that it does not frozen, it is laid out in the polyethylene package and stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe number 2.

Required components:

  • salt - 50 g;
  • soda - 50 g;
  • starch (corn, potato) - 150 g;
  • warm water -100 g;
  • food coloring.

Water is divided into pressure: in one dissolve the starch, to another pour salt, soda and food dye, put on fire. Water with salt and dye should reach the boil, then dissolved starch is added to it and it is carefully laid up to a homogeneous mass.

Recipe number 3.

Required components:

  • starch - 150 g;
  • vaseline - 50 g;
  • children's cream - 50 g;
  • pVA glue - 150 g;
  • food coloring;
  • vegetable (Vaseline, Olive) Oil - 30 g.

This recipe has its own feature, clay does not require heat treatment for cooking. Mix all the ingredients and stir up to a homogeneous consistency, then slowly pour starch and wash the dough.

Tools required for modeling

To create masterpieces from polymer clay, it is necessary to prepare a place and tools. It is important that all tools after the modeling are not used for cooking, and it is better to leave them only for making crafts:

  • the board on which the product will be made;
  • knives, wooden sticks, wire;
  • rolling, empty bottle, paste machine;
  • molds;
  • materials for decor (beads, beads, sequins, lace, foil, fasteners, chains, etc.)
  • gloves;
  • napkins;
  • sandpaper or peel for grinding;
  • acrylic paints, varnish;
  • cookware for baking.

When creating products, you must adhere to several rules:

  1. Work in gloves.
  2. Use wooden, glass, metal dishes, tools.
  3. After completing the work, remove the remains of the dough and in the refrigerator.
  4. Wash and dry tools, remove until the next time.
  5. Do not allow clay on the surface: floor, carpet.

It is important to remember that during drying the product decreases in size, so to get the necessary size at the output, the figure must be made a little more.

How to sculpt

Prepare a tool and workplace, choose 1 or more colors to create beads. For the first product, it is better to take a simple cracker (for example, beads).

  1. Cut the piece of clay on equal parts and spread in your hands.
  2. When she softens well, make from each piece on the ball, on the principle of plasticine.
  3. Toothpick or wire to make small holes in order to then turn the rope or fishing line.
  4. Shares put on a plate and put in the oven. Each of the packages always indicates the time and temperature at which the product will be prepared.
  5. Pull out the oven and cool.
  6. If there are defects on the product, then with the help of sandpaper or saws to sharpen it.
  7. Degrease the product with a washed sponge or detergent for dishes and dry.
  8. Prepare acrylic paints and paint the product if necessary.

The final stage in the manufacture of bead is a lacquer coating and their abandonment on the prepared tape or rope.

What can be done

Thousands of various products are obtained from polymer clay: accessories, jewelry, figures, figurines and other items. More often than it make beads, earrings, rings, fabulous heroes, animal figures, key rings, flowers, mugs, ornaments on the Christmas tree.

It is necessary to know that if there is no necessary color on sale, it is allowed to mix and get a variety of colors and shades.


To create a toy, you need to decide on the color and figure (volume or flat). For a flat figure (for example, fish), it is necessary:

  • preparation sketch drawn on thick paper or cardboard and cut it;
  • cut off a piece and rolling with a rolling pin;
  • clay applied to the cut out sketch, cut a knife;
  • add Figure Fishes from Beads or Shot Small Clay Clains, Cups Make a knife, cutting semi-winds along the entire length of the fish.

After that, the figure should be wiped with a wet alcohol cloth, clearing it. Put in the oven for baking, then pull out, dry and coat acrylic varnish.

Thus, you can make cartoon characters, gingerbread, cat, dog, sneakers, even buttons. Flat figures to give the shape of the floor of bulges or wave: For this, it is necessary to lay out the blanks on the prepared figures from the foil.


Doll to choose from: bulk or flat. For the bulk figure rolling, both from plasticine sausages, balls.

Make a ball - this is a head.

The body must be made in the form of a cone, hands and legs roll sausages.

It is possible to make feet and hands with a flat, with the help of a sketch and stick to sausages.

Finished doll Add dress, costume and headdress, eyes from beads or beads, handbag, etc.

New Year's crafts

To decorate the Christmas tree, you can make toys in the form of large and small bowls, geometric shapes, Santa Claus, Snowman, Snow Maiden, Snowfish and others.

One of the options for crafts is a combination of several colors, on the example of snowflakes from 2-colors (blue and white):

  1. From white color to roll a thick sausage (cylinder).
  2. From the blue color to roll out a flat cake and overtake the cylinder, too much to cut.
  3. Make another flat blue pellet and cut on thin plates.
  4. The cylinder is cutting in pressure and from each to cut along the edge to join the blue stripe, connect half.
  5. Again, cut the cylinder with pressure perpendicular to the first section and stick, so execute several times when the cylinder is blind, then it can be seen that it turned out a peculiar snowflake.
  6. The cylinder is cut into the circles and put in the oven, after which it is to degrease and open lacquer.

Before baking, the toothpick should do holes in the snowfish, so that it was where to turn the rope.


Figurines are made according to the likeness of the doll, you can combine colors or make one color and after baking to color. For figurines, it will be necessary to make a pedestal to which the figure is attached, so that then you can put it, but hang.


Creating a mug or a pot for flowers is a rather complicated process, for it it is necessary to choose clay more hard and fast drying. To make a figure smooth and beautiful, especially for beginners, you need to take a form - a plastic glass or a ready-made mug.

Choose a material and roll out big cakes from it, but not thin 1-1.5 cm thick.

A shape lubricate with vegetable oil or rinse with water.

Clean the mug from the inside, carefully connecting the layers of clay so that there are no cracks, in the perfect version it is necessary to do from one whole piece.

Pull out the shape and put in an oven for baking, then degreased with soapy and open with varnish.


Creation of colors is a kind of symphony in the form of a bouquet, key fob, earrings or just pictures or hours.

To create a rose, it is necessary to roll out the plates, turn the first to turn into the tube, and the rest gradually wrapping, straightening the petals. Chamomile makes from the plates: blanks of paper with sharp or round edges and cut the required amount.

Then join and bake. You can create dahlia from the balls, which are cut into scissors in a circle, forming sharp petals, a little spiny, like the hedgehog.

Ideas for laying

A few moments that you should remember when working:

  1. The polymer clay has a specific smell when modeling and baking, so it is necessary to work with an open window.
  2. The figures must be made immediately and bake, because some types of clay can become after dried in the air fragile or on the contrary to lose shape.
  3. Mix colors should be accurately using tables.
  4. Figures need to be well connected, without leaving the air streaks, since when baking, such a figure cracks or swell.

Modern masters are developing many different modeling techniques and making figures. For a novice master, it is better to do simple, light shapes from homemade clay.


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