Structure your event report. Report on the conduct of an official event (sample filling)

"Large is great and famous man"

04/20/2019 In the framework of the school Saturday, a labor campaign was held on the improvement of a school territory "Labor Great and Slary". The flow of flower beds were shown, the beds were broken in the garden, the school garden was cleaned.

Health Day 04/13/2019

The second school Saturday of April collected students in grades 1-11 for another day of health. For elementary school, a game program was proposed in the fresh air "We will rest together, we will light together!" High school students and graduates of the school participated in volleyball competitions. General management was carried out by a teacher of physical culture and sports by Celaku V.D.

Brain Ring "Erudite"

04/06/2019 A foreigner of a foreigner of the Breun Ring "Erudit" ended. Participants in both teams received certificates for 9b. and 10b. In the sixth school day, the results were summed up and the winners in each competition and the most active participants of the events were announced.

The week is over, but our painstaking work on learning English continues. We are sure that we will achieve good success.

Following the week "Good books - Friends forever"

Traditionally, a week of children's book is held in our school in our school. This year she passed from March 25 to March 30 under the motto "Good books - Friends forever". At the opening of the week, the guys met the history of the celebration of the week of children's book, they told poems about books and reading, met with a book exhibition "Book Rainbow", "Native Word Cal Light". For a week, students participated in contests, quiz. Students 1-4 Classes took part in the game quiz "Journey to fairy tales", "The World of Andersen Fairy Tales", in the drawings contest "My favorite fabulous hero". Students 5-11 Classes took part in the literary game SKARB KNIZE ", absentee journey "Native Word Cal Light". At the closure of the week a holiday took place "Traveling around the country reads" With the heroes of fairy tales. The results of participation in quiz, competitions were summed up. In the competition "The most reading class" Among the Grade 3 won, second place - the 4th grade, the third - class 2. 1 Class received a diploma "The most young reader". Students were awarded with students who took an active part in the week of children's book. Letterviews traveled the world of Belarusian words "Native Word Cal Light".

The role of proper nutrition in our lives

Event "Parade of taste priorities"for students 5-11 classes Passed at school March 23. The influence of nutrition on human health has long been recognized worldwide, and evidence is not considered. Proper nutrition prolongs the life expectancy of a person and helps to withstand diseases. In order to carry out the organization of the right rational nutrition, of course, certain knowledge is needed. During the event, students familiarized themselves with various food styles, viewed presentations that prepared students 6, 7 classes, answered the question of what it means to eat right. Interesting were presentations of students Skul N., Kravchenko A., Snop V., Pantsevich N., Tubne A.

All students actively answered questions tests that helped consolidate knowledge gained at the event.

At the end of the event, the guys received memo with the basic rules of optimal nutrition.

For students 1-4 classes and their parents took place a holiday "Secrets of healthy food."Fabulous heroes helped children open 5 secrets of healthy food. Moms prepared and presented useful food dishes. And the most interesting was the final point - this is a tasting of children's dishes.

Final events of the financial literacy of the "Look of Financial Parties"

March 16, 2019 In Olekshitskaya SS, concluding events under Financial literacy weeks "Look with financial condition".

Primary school students have been proposed lesson-game "shopping in fairy forest", As a result, the guys expanded their knowledge of finance, the economy, about the reasonable use of money.

For students, grades 5-11 were held interactive lesson "on an economic wave".

The guys received a lot of useful information on the laws of financial literacy, which they will be very useful in life.

Congratulatory program for the day of March 8, "Merry Bed party"

School Saturday 09.03.2019 was dedicated to the Spring Holiday - Day March 8.Gathered guests - mothers, grandmothers, sisters, classmates - school students congratulated the program "Merry bachelorette party." Penetrated lines on the spring, tenderness, love, mother ... And the mest of the spectators sounded to the women. The holiday turned out to be very darling and brought joy into everyday life.

As part of the action "Mission - Live!" - "Running from captivity of illusions"

School Saturday 02.03.2019 Passed in the framework of the spring anti-zerkotic action "Mission - Live!" And was devoted to the prevention of drug addiction. Students of grades 5-11 participated in the dynamic marathon "Running from captivity illusions." The kids responded to the questions of thematic quiz and participated in the game "In search of black grass in the grass." School Saturday demonstrated examples of active employment of minors.

Strong country with his soldier

The Day of Defender of the Fatherland in the school has already become a traditional day of patriotism, masculinity and strength. This year, the holiday was under the name "strongly country with his soldier." The invited dads, the older brothers and boys of the school participated in the family-knight tournament, consisting of various contests, where there was a snarling, strength, dexterity and mutual execution. These qualities should have a real soldier, defender. A congratulatory program prepared by the girls showed that the defender is proudly sounds. The event raised the mood to everyone and showed the active form of interaction between children, parents and teachers.

Information Security Activities

Saturday day 02/16/2019 was devoted to raising from schoolchildren of information culture. Students of grades 1-4 took part in the interactive game "Baby of the Internet Grid". Students of grades 5-11 conducted an hour of security "cyberbulling, or secure Internet". The events were aimed at developing the correct behavior tactics in the information space.

Health Day "Idle Sports and Health"

09.02.2019 The school held another day of health. Students of grades 5-11 under the leadership of the teacher of physical culture and sports Celaku V.D. Competed in Sportsland "Idle sport and health", Dedicated II European games.

For elementary school students passed a mobile game "Winter mood"where the guys competed in agility and skill. Despite the fact that it was a bit cool, the children gladly went outside. The event was fun and interesting. All participants received unforgettable emotions, actively participating in the relay and games "Zimushka-Winter", "Two Frost", "And we are a penguins, we are not cold," "Fox in the smokeshief", "snipers", etc.

Winter provides a wonderful opportunity to have fun and with health benefits to spend time in the fresh winter air. The day of the mobile game is over, but winter, competitions and contests are continuing, and therefore before the new Saturday!

Visiting Merry Childhood!

It is under that name 02.02.2019 The school was traditional evening meeting with graduates. Graduates who graduated from 11 classes came to his native school 20,15.10.5 years ago. They all expressed the words of gratitude to their native school, teachers, shared memories and their successes. It was nice to see in the full composition of students who graduated from school last year. They have already felt adulthood and thanked the teachers for wise advice. School director spoke with a welcoming speech Poddubitskaya V.E., which said that the success of the Education institution depends on its students, that the school, as always, is full of life and new ideas that he is glad to see adult graduates at home. As a gift, graduates were offered an interesting music program. But the evening lasted for a long time in class and school corridors. It was meeting with fun childhood!

Final activities of vocational guidance weeks

"From hobbies to self-determination"

The choice of profession does not occur instantly, but for a long time. The world of professions is very diverse and navigated in it is very difficult. From the first steps of the child, parents think about his future, carefully follow the interests and inconsistencies of their child, trying to predetermine his professional fate.

January 26. Students 2-4 classes Gathered for the next Saturday event. The guys were presented to occupy-presentation "Profession through the lens". The words V.V.Makovsky became an epigraph

"I have grown year,

There will be seventeen.

Where to work me then?

What to do?"

It turned out that already the kids are thinking about the future profession. They answered questions with interest, guess the riddles, correlated proverbs with professions. The event showed that the guys are well oriented in the vast world of professions. With great pleasure, children watched video about new technologies, about new, only emerging professions.

A special place at the event was allocated to pedagogical specialties. It is gratifying to note that the two student of the 4th grade dream of becoming teachers, and the student of the 3rd grade has completely definitely decided to become a teacher of physical culture and health.

By the end of the event, the guys themselves concluded that bad professions do not happen. Studying and obtaining good knowledge is also difficult work and work. The main thing is to stay a good person!

With students 5-11 classes A vocational guidance game "Intuition" was carried out. In the course of the event, knowledge of students about the diversity of professions was intensified, knowledge of the essence of some terms was expanded. The guys were classified by professions, made advertising, called positive and negative aspects of some professions. We looked at the cartoon "as an old cow sold" and a comic video about career guidance.

Final events of the subject week of history "Historical Portal"

January 19, 2019 In Olekshitskaya SS, concluding events were held within the subject week of the historical portal history.

The best experts of the history of grades 5-11 took part in the intellectual battle of the "parade of historical personalities". In the stubborn struggle, the Titanic team failed to overcome the intellectual power of the Iceberg team. Thus, the best connoisseurs of history in the school were: Aeropetov Julian (11 cl.), Kurcitsky Vlad (9 cl.), Anna Carpuk (8 cl.), Malashko Paul (6 cl.), Yanyuk Alesya (5 cl.). Congratulations to the winners and wish them not to stop at what happened!

For students of primary classes, the auction of knowledge "in the world of interesting events" took place. Children were offered a lot of interesting contests, quizzes, tasks in which they gladly took part. Everyone was very interesting and fun.

"Snow pokatushki"

More than all winter, as a rule, children are rejoiced. And it's not by chance, because it is winter provides a wonderful opportunity to have fun and with health benefits to spend time in the fresh winter air.

January 12, 2019 A fun game program passed in Olekshitsky School "Snow pokatushki". On the street, children played hockey with great pleasure, checked the speed on sleds in the relay "Troika rushes", Metali snowballs in the competition "The most damage", transferred to "snowmobiles". Most of all the guys liked to sculpt from the snow of the shape and make the winter multicolored. Girls and boys made a masterpiece from the snow: a big octopus and frustrated him. It turned out great! Parents also did not remain aside, did not have time to climb, as they helped their children.

The game program was wondering and fun. At the end of the event, each of the guys received a sweet prize as a gift.

Winter school Saturday

05.01.2019 School Saturday invited students to their events. An entertainment gaming program in the fresh air was organized with students 1-4 classes. "Christmas fun." High school students and teachers were preparing a school rink to the pouring, paved the ski track. Later they took part in the intellectual game "What? Where? When?"

"Winter fun"

December 22, 2018 School Saturday collected students grades 1-11 for a community event "Winter fun."

In the school yard for primary school students were organized "Sand cruising". Children rolled each other on sleds, ran, laughed and having fun.

Students 5-7 classes participated in the game "Taking a snow fortress." The guys built a big fortress from snow, after which two teams were trying to capture her. Children gladly played snowballs, and then a snowman blinded together.

"Creative Material Santa Claus"

School Saturday 12/15/2018 Gathered elementary school students in Santa Claus's workshop, where the skilled hands of children were making the New Year toys and souvenirs for relatives and loved ones.

Pupils of grades 5-11 looked into the New Year's workshop and with pleasure made toys that will be used to decorate the school tree.

"Startnerger, or a day of health in the rhythm of sports dance"

08.12.2018 another health day has been held at school: Sports Dance Sports Dance Competition "Startnerger". Dance groups of grades 1-8 have prepared to the court of spectators, among which there were many parents, their sports miniatures, which were distinguished by originality, collective coherence and artistry. Each team became the winner in his nomination, so there were no losers. And the day of health itself showed that Saturday day can bring joy to children, form their motor culture and promote a healthy lifestyle.

The week of prevention of HIV (AIDS) "AIDS ... Future to Nowhere" Saturday Events

For students of primary classes Bolbat O.V., class 8 class leader, organized the playground "Zizhangai!" Game activities showed younger schoolchildren the priority of motion and a healthy and safe lifestyle.

Students of grades 5-11 gathered on the open dialogue "Loyalty - Reliable Protection". Plot doctor Pisarik V.I. In an affordable form, shared with students of reliable information about AIDS, about HIV infection, answered questions you are interested in. He said that to protect against AIDS, it is necessary to comply with certain rules, because loyalty is reliable protection. Roller - Rap "How to protect yourself from AIDS" reminded the guys that life is beautiful, it is not necessary to ruin her, life is life, it is necessary to fight for it. And remember that AIDS is the future to nowhere. "

On Saturday, November 24, passed the final day of the thematic week of biology "Biological diversity"

On this day, students of grades 1-4 participated in the operation "Elimination of environmental illiteracy". The guys learned about the main types of environmental pollution, they thought about the question that they can do so that our agro-town became cleaner.

Then the participants of the 2 teams "Predators" and "herbivore" actively participated in contests: the quiz on the environmental topics "Do you know?", The competition "On waste", "cross out the extra" etc.

As a result of the game, the team "Predators" won.

Students of grades 5-11 participated in the discussion club "This right, left brain". The guys learned about the asymmetry of the brain, passed tests to determine the dominant hemisphere, were practiced in the development of the right (creative) hemisphere. As a result of the discussion, most of the participants agreed that the creative person not only needs to be born, but they can become.

On Saturday, November 17, the guys of primary school were able to show their knowledge in the legal dialogue "Is it easy to be a child?" Pedagogian psychologist Benedisyuk I.B. Prepared psychological charades and games. For students of grades 5-11 by the class teacher Leshevich A.I. An open microphone was held "Freedom ... what or what?" The guys actively took part, was openly able to express their opinion on the freedom of man.

Entertainment and sports tournament "Championship of the Cheerful Ball"

11/10/2018 School Saturday collected students in grades 5-11 within the framework of the Day of Health on the Sports Day "Championship of the Cheerful Ball", dedicated to the II European Games.
In the course of the program, the presentation of the II European Games, Quiz, friendly meetings of gaming types of varieties. The national teams of 5-7 classes participated in the pioneerball tournament, and the 8-11 classes competed on volleyball. In the persistent struggle in the pioneerball, a team of grades 6 won, and in volleyball - a team of grade 9.

On Saturday, November 3, events took place in the framework of the week of positive "Life is happiness! Satisfian himself!"

For students of 1-4 classes, a creative auction was held "Let's draw a smile!" In which children in the game form were performed by various tasks, accompanied by smiles, sincere laughter.

Students of grades 5-11 participated in the interactive game "Smile Life!" You like you! ". The guys looked and discussed videos, cartoons, promoting a positive attitude to life, participated in the removal of emotional tension, became acquainted with anti-stress acceptances.

Parent Saturday 10/27/2018

2 October 7, 2018 Pupils of grades 5-11 participated in the Family Tradition Festival"Creative generation relay ».

The festival demanded preliminary training. The disciples amounted to the genealogical tree of their families, wrote essays, organized an exhibition of family photo albums, gathered museums-relics.

The guys sang, read verses, competed in various competitions, told about their favorite family traditions and customs that are respected from generation to generation.

The event showed that the family and its traditions are supporting support.

For students of primary classes was heldevent "Secrets of the Family Album" . The children shared the stories of their families. I learned where their names and surnames came from. Actively performed the tasks offered to them. The event was wondering and fun.

Master class "Autumn Rapseody"

On October 20, the master class "Autsenger Rhapsody" was held for students in grades 1-4 classes. The inspiration for the master class was the warm, sunny autumn. On the eve of winter, our product will create comfort and beauty. Therefore, students grades 1-4 did an autumn bouquet of improvised and natural materials.

Sanida 20 Castrychnika bounce 9 Clase Zapassіlі ўxіx on the emann ўradiana-creator of the show. GOSTSI PRUGASHLI NOT BE EMPLY HANDSIA: AZINATEZTSIKIKLASNIKIKI SPACKIY BEAUTING, P PITCіKlasnіkі Padrychtalі Exhibition Expression з З з часнова таретая терелялая " Merry was the midst of the people of Zagadki, Dapaўnyati Jugazkі, PAYSMAMTSCA from the People's Farm. Tsudoўna N. astroy Svadrylі People's song, dancing І GULNI.

Family and sports holiday "Invites Hello"

13.10.2018 School Saturday gathered everyone in the framework of the Mother's Week for a family-sports holiday "Invites Hello." Participants of the event were the disciples, their moms, sisters and brothers.

As the sporting event relies, it began with the solemn construction and greetings of two teams.

From the very beginning, until the end of the team were configured to a stubborn struggle and showed it to fully in the course of all relay. Both children and mothers easily coped with any tasks: to be fashionable, cook the scrambled eggs, driving a Category C, plant and collect potatoes harvest, maneuvering with a stick and mop, etc. Sports pad and the desire to achieve victory for their team captured children and mothers so much that they tried with all their might come to the finish line first.

In the hall reigned laughter, noise and fun. The atmosphere of the sports festival was and joyful, and at the same time tense, because rivals competed. Each team confidently went to the victory, the palm of the championship passed from someone to others. As a result of all the tests won friendship.

Each participant received a sweet prize, and Moms are a musical greeting from their children.

And participants and fans on this day charged the vigor.

The family-sports festival "invites Hello" demonstrated to all the priority of motor activity and a healthy lifestyle.

Congratulatory program-surprise "Now Holiday Your, Teacher"

Saturday 06.10.2018 became a wonderful surprise for school teachers. The festive program, which was preparing under the leadership of high school students in strict mystery from teachers, struck teachers, parents, guests with their thoughtful originality, strict clarity, sparkling sense of humor. Songs, comic scenes from school life, parodies, dance miniatures - all this was very by the way on the eve of the professional holiday. At the end of the program, on behalf of the pedisclik, the children thanked the director of the school subdubitskaya V.E.

Thanks to our children for a wonderful holiday!

Parent Saturday "Innovation in action"

29.09.2018 as part of the school Saturday, measures were taken to adopt physical standards from the subjects of the educational space. The entire Saturday day was painted in minutes for each class, for teachers and parents. He led the process of adoption of standards Teacher of Physical Culture and Sports Cumor V.D. It was he who watched the correct exercise. The event, seemingly ordinary and routine, turned into a real health and motor activity. And teachers, and students, and parents received a charge of cheerfulness and good mood.


As part of the sixth school day, September 22, 2018, the historical excursion was held "Olekshitsi: history, modernity, memory." The guys from the merger on the interests of "young local historians" prepared reports and presentations about the history of the emergence of Olekshitz and Massan, the heroic struggle of their countrymen with the German-fascist invaders. Then the participants of the historic excursion wrote letters with their small homeland, which had so many words of love and gratitude, which is difficult to believe that they are addressed to the village, not a living person.


September 15, 2018 events took place in the framework of the week for the prevention of offenses, child road traffic injuries "When you stand on the verge of fate ..."

Students 1-4 classes participated in the program "On the Ether Pedestrian Transition!", Where they played, guess the riddles, folded thematic puzzles, performed practical tasks according to the rules of the road.

Students of grades 5-11 demonstrated their knowledge in the legal frame "Image, lifestyle ... offense." We delimited the concepts of "offense", "offense", "Crime", "Administrative and Criminal Responsibility". We watched the video about the responsibility for the distribution of drugs.


Each Saturday is filled with interesting, cheerful events. This time, the guys were offered by the general sports competitions on UFP "We choose Sport". Children from 2 to 11 classes took an active part in this event. Competitions passed actively and trigger.


The final creative report of the work of interest associations

05/26/2018 School Saturday honored pupils of interest associations at the final event "Credit-creative raisin". Together with their leaders, students presented a creative report for the school year in different shapes: "skillful handles" and "technical creativity" - an excursion at its exhibition, "Moving Games" - Rhythmic Dance, "Entertaining Informatics" - Computer Presentations, "My World" - Playing with the hall, "Theater Steps" - Music Staging, "Intellectual Games" - a fascinating story, "Leader" - a poetic miniature. The test event has shown that interest associations are exciting classes that are improved by intellectual, physical, creative, leadership, psychological resources of children, help them develop and grow personally.


On May 19, on the birthday of a pioneer organization, a solemn community-free holiday "Pioneer childhood is a joy of life," where there was a dedication to Pioneers and October.

Our pioneers have good examples of useful cases. Many guys participate over several years in the promotions "Our Pioneer Labor to You, Department!", "Miracles for Christmas", in the collection of waste paper, gifts for children with disabilities, provided full assistance to people in need of care.

And I think that the guys who joined the pioneering organization will be an example for the younger and senior assistants in all useful affairs.


Vіnshavalny Pragram "Light Syam'і - Light Lyubi" Prischela ў Alekshytskay School SPAARDADADNI MINUNNAYA SYMA.

Syama - Gate Radastsi Adpachynka І Znosin Azіn with adven. Syamya - Gatchadz, Kanhane, Saint, Xiazynia Dates. ASNOVA Narajannya Koznei Sym'i Lyazhyts Kahanne. Cream Pachinetsz s lube. І song "The boy from 8 b" at the knocked Latasch S. Guchal Jac Skonnenna ў Persh Kanchhannі.

Sym'і is the most halo - Gata Mom. Matulі PRESSIMITSILІ SONNІ SUCH 5 І 6 Clasta. Tsudoўli song "Kellyavanka" Pravdyatіlі Matulam і, "Claus Yanyuk Jiangіs І Belausaw Xenіya. Lyubo Matuli Sagrava us shames.

Mom - Pershes Nastaўk І Syabar, Yana Packaging, Dapace. Pra Gata Raskazalі Vuchenі 7 Clasta Pantsevіch D, Karovin A., Ermalіnskі M.

Not forgotten by our "artists" of the tack of the words of the words І GRA TATAў.

MUCHES - Abaronians Sym'i, Jesza Jesa. Thunder 8 class tattam springs bonded Scripture "Tata Ruratarae Zennіk".

Vіdaarolik "Schuchalіyya Syamya - Gata ...", Yaki Padrychtalivі bounce 10 Clase, Padakasya, Sat Coach - Gat Samai Kashtoўnai, Sato Patrabna Skinama Chatvecu Hell Narajannya І Yes Aposh Yuztsya.

Mall of Zeply, Schiykh layer Patchouli Matuli and Tati Hell of Svih Dhaja.

Udzelnіki Kracherta і Jesche Jashchie times Upeўnіlі Сто сто, Syamya - Gate Pachatak Usih Swirl, and Batzkaўskaya Hata - supervisory jangle.

05/05/2018 The guys visited a virtual excursion to Khatyn. It was called "the memory of alive. Khatyn tragedy. " The guys prepared an interesting and exciting material about this village, burned by the fascists along with the inhabitants during the Great Patriotic War, watched videos about this tragedy.

Then they held the competition of readers "We remember your feat." In Nim, students of grades 2-11 took part. It was very nice that our disciples honor the memory of those who presented them with a happy, peaceful life.

30.04 For students of grades 5-11, a conference "Ecology of Nature is the ecology of the soul". Purpose: Education of the ecological culture of a careful attitude towards nature, the environment! The guys tried to understand what the connection between the environmental environment and the ecology of the soul, answered the questions of the quiz "Connoisseurs of Nature". Ecological catastrophe is so called environmentality what is happening on Earth. At the conference, students revealed such problems: air pollution, water, thinning of the ozone layer, processing and disposal of waste. The presenter spent the game that it would happen "if suddenly ...", explain the meaning of proverbs, the guys called the problems of our agro-house. In the end, the 4th law of ecology, which formulated the ecologist Barry Commoner was discussed.


On Saturday's day, a common holiday of poetry and literature was held in the framework of the Russian language and literature. "There are words - as if wounds ..." (V. Shefner) Students 2-11 classes read poems, talked about the great opportunities of the poetic word, listened to music, expressed their feelings with poetic lines. . Students of primary school, presenting their mischievous poems, were pleasantly amazed by inspired and very sensual reading of high school students. And graduates showed just professional reading filled with genuine emotions.

The week went fast, but she showed that a competent letter, the ability to speak, love literature - it is always in fashion, as an indicator of intelligence and general human culture.


The school was a labor campaign for the improvement of the school territory "Find yourself in labor." As part of the share, students of grades 1-11, together with teachers, the school courtyard was drunk, blew together the flowers and transplanted the perennial flowers, led the playground in order, sowed seedlings on the school garden. A good job facilitated solar spring weather. The joint event once again showed that the Earth loves order and attention.


The World Health Day, which is celebrated on April 7, was confined to another Saturday day in our school.

Students of the elementary classes took an active part in the funny competitions that took place in the fresh air.

Meanwhile, high school students spent a friendly volleyball match.

All the guys were satisfied.

On March 31, the closure of the school recreation camp was closed. The guys with interest took part in a quiz dedicated to the Day of Books.

Queen book and two pirates came to visit the guys. Together with them, the guys went on a trip to the "Island of Book Treasures". The guys gose the riddles, participated in the literary quiz, read poetry. At the end of the holiday, Winners - Andrianova Olga (3 Kl.), Polina Zdanovich (1 CL), Prikhodko Mikhail (2 cl.). Also, the letters received the guys who actively attend the library.


On Saturday Day, March 24, for schoolchildren, the 5-11 classes and their parents were organized by the work of the creative laboratory "On the world, see good eyes." At the event, all those present solved what kindness is, good acts and what kind of good deeds everyone can do for others. Social videos about kindness caused each many positive emotions from each, and the joint preparation of memos for children and parents to create and preserve good relations in the family has highlighted the strengthening of friendly relationships.

Also everyone was lucky to become the first listeners of the new poem of Malestska Natalia Pavlovna, written in the morning of the same day! It is also about kindness, filled with positive and love for the world.

Winter marking washing dampness,
Introduce into the house through the glass - dawn!
And before the windows wash brought -
Evil autumn, hot summer ...

And now the first day of the calf -
Pretty timid, but gently light.
I smile in the window passers-by
And send hot gloves.

Introduce the sun in the stream window!
Sparkling glasses, shine frames ...
The letter from childhood - says a lesson:
Rather, windows wash, mom!

If I am sad from something,
And I will not find any decisive -
Cartoon remember about raccoon
And about those who hid in the pond.

Wise and kind cartoon
He taught one of his childhood:
If the face of the Nataska
Reflect somewhere in your own
That is the same picture in response:
Evil and frightening grin ...

In ourselves - all difficulties are the reason!
Although great raccoon, at least a small increase ...

Remember that thoughts are shown
It is worth just to think nonsense!
So let's smile together
Our fear that are sitting in a pond!

As part of the "Parent Saturday" in the elementary grades, the event was held "Listful Family Album".

The contest of the drawings "My family", in which the children took an active part.

A presentation was prepared on this topic, with which Andrianova O., Gorizskaya K., Beloblotskaya A.

The presence of parents showed that they are interested in school, the successes of their children.


Week of financial literacy "Look with the Financial Party" ended with Saturday activities. For students of 1-4 classes, a business game "Everywhere money, money, money ..." took place. Children met with the history of the development of money, solved rebuses, compiled words related to economic concepts.

For students of the 5-11 classes, the interactive lesson "Safety of payment services" was organized during the student's classes met with the history of money, with the rules of money handling, the guys told about what money was: good or evil, acquainted with the foundations of the economy. The guys wished to find a common language with money, not to make their accumulation meaning of their entire life and the more not to use dishonest methods for this.

Dzan zdaro on the building!

03/10/2018 The school of Prischeў Charges Zen Zdaroўi. Coming 1-4 class ў Udzelnіvі ў Svolya Rukhoma Gulnі "Wimyla Labіrynt". The Pachatniks Spamborelіvі adzіn with adven, kamandami, embodied asked on Sili, sprinkled and exhausted.

Kamandy's Zborney 5-11 Clase Šmagalya on Sparta Daisy Daughters ў Gulnea Wіdah Sports - Piyanenerboule, Valleball. Not so important was ATRAHMATS PERAMOG, YAK ADCHUCH SPRIVE I BADZEARSTI SERVICE GULNI

On March 9, a congratulatory project to the International Women's Day was completed at school. The event to teachers, mothers, grandmothers, girls were preparing very carefully headed by Rumak G.V. To represent the audience, very serious musical and dance works were chosen. Participants became students of grades 1-11. The concert program was held in one breath and showed that the teacher and student team in a constant creative search, which is a lot of talents that they need to help reveal. And the day of March 8 is a wonderful reason for this.

On the same day, elementary school students together with Pidrushnyak E.L. We visited with the congratulatory program of the Olekshitsky institution for the maintenance of single and elderly citizens and presented them with a spring gift with warm wishes.

Knight's Tournament "Order Don Quixote"

02/24/2018 The Knight Tournament "Order of Don Quixote" was held at school. Before starting the competition, the guys remembered some rules that came to us from the depths of the centuries. A name was prepared for each team, but in order to find out it, it was necessary to fold the word from the letters. The guys coped with the task. The first team is "Knights", the second team is "hero." Then the leaders declared contests in which the guys were pleased with pleasure. Our boys have proven that they are deft, and smeared, and household, and courageous, and lucky ... During the last competition, the participants called the qualities that not only the knight should have, but every real man. The jury summed up, "Royal Decree" was read, all the boys were listed and their ranks declared, depending on which competition was won. Each "Knight" was awarded his own "royal decree" and a medal.

The presenters congratulated everyone on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland and wished that our boys would be valiant knights and defenders for the beautiful half of humanity.

Brother you or not brother

17. 02.2018 as part of the district week, the prevention of offenses and crimes passed an interactive game for students of primary classes "Brother YOU or not Brother?" At the event, the key concepts were dealing: what kind of morality, good and evil. The guys talked about what actions can be considered good, and what bad, how to behave in society, so that you understand and respected. The moral hour passed in the game form, which is best suited for children of younger school age. The kids watched cartoons, read the fables and poems, quotes from "Domostroja" and the Bible. At the end, the guys left not with empty hands, but with the "list of good deeds", which should be done during the week. A positive and conscious attitude towards life and people are the best prevention of offenses and crimes, so such events are necessary for children, for the formation of their personality.

The event "Keep the ecology of the soul" passed in the form of an interactive conversation, during which the guys were discussing on the topic of positive and negative traits of the character of a person, the opposites of human nature, ambiguity of the actions and the indispensability of sincere devotion and love of life

On February 10, the school passed another day of health. Students 5 - 11 classes participated in Sports Sports "Sports, Health - our power!". In agility, endurance, the strength competed by two multi-time teams: "Penguins" and "Zebras". Why such names? Because it was not quite ordinary Sportsland, but zoological! Jump as grasshoppers, frogs, cheetahs, moved like bears, penguins, geese, snakes, and at the same time with balls, balloons. The victory was won by the "Zebra" team (Captain Kazakevich K.), the "Penguins" team (Captain Yurasik D.) was also in the number of points.

Both participants and fans of Sportsia received the next charge of optimism, cheerfulness, good mood!

February 10, students of primary classes took an active part in the sports competition "Healthy Style". Two teams: "Snowflakes" and "Snowmen" competed in different relay. A positive emotional mood caused a penguin from the guys, who arrived from the north specifically for a sports competition. Throughout the event, he helped children and gave a good winter mood. The guys showed their skill, accuracy, speed and courage in relay: "hockey players", "Best Sintel", "Crack Stick", "Tagged shooter", "Snezhnaya Polyana", etc.

As a result, the teams scored an equal number of points - friendship won! And the guys waited a pleasant surprise - sweets.

Evening meeting school friends

03.02.2018 The traditional evening of the meeting was held at the school "So I met a school again ..." At the beginning of the evening, the director of School Padubitskaya V.E. was welcomed at the beginning of the evening The Concert Program the real studies congratulated students of the former. Words of gratitude to the school, teachers, class managers sounded from anniversary issues: 20, 15, 10, 5 years. It was nice to hear that school years are associated with everyone with childhood that our teachers are true professionals that the Olekshitskaya school forms the individuals that many graduates are connected by the Uzami friendship until today. The youngest graduates of last year expressed the words of appreciation for the knowledge, the experience that they had already needed in independent life.

The evening was filled with memories, warm words, a meeting with school friends. This day once again showed that every person whoever he would be associated with the school chapter. It is she who gives the start with all endeavors, prepares an intellectual basis, shows a worthy life example.

And we want to thank all the graduates and say that school doors are always open for them!

According to the results of the week of career guidance

From January 22 to January 27, a week of vocational guidance "from school idea - to profuse" was held.

Week of vocational guidance "From school idea - to Profuses" ended with Saturday activities. For students of 1-4 classes, a competition of mini-studies "Professions of our kind" took place. Children told about the professions of their parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters. Share what profession they want to choose in the future. For students of grades 5-11, the festival "Parade of Professional Preferences" was held. Each class advertised some profession in the form of presentations, stories, scenes.

The activities carried out contributed to the expansion of the ideas about the world of professions.

Final event of elementary school week

Cubm day 01/20/2018 "I, you, he, she - together school family"

outlock guys in intelligence show "Knowledge! Creation! Friendship!". Teams 2, 3, 4 classes competed with the teachers team in the intellectual competition in the form of the game "What? Where? When?". Within one minute, the guys were to answer the question from different scientific areas: mathematics, nature of the native land, grammar, the Belarusian language, reading. The winners were students of primary classes that were very trying to play by showing the smelting, intelligence and activity.

Sports holiday

"The movement is the life we \u200b\u200bappreciate"

01/13/2018 A sports festival was held at the school "Movement is the life we \u200b\u200bappreciate." It was devoted to the implementation of the innovative project "The introduction of a model for the formation of a motor culture of the subjects of the educational space of a rural school", over which the school has been working since the beginning of the school year. Participants and guests of the sports holiday welcomed the deputy director for educational work Kurilo S.V., who talked about the importance of motor culture for a person, for its harmonious existence. The holiday was filled with cheerful competitions in which kids and high school students, and boys, and girls participated. Fans gladly supported favorite players and their participation earned them points. Despite the difference in points, the defeated did not turn out, and each participant was awarded not only a sweet prize, but also a charge of cheerfulness and good mood.

The local event has once again showed that there is a reasonable alternative - a motor culture and a healthy lifestyle, a mindless "hanging in cyberspace" and inaction. And it assured all those present that Olekshitskaya School is a single family in which friendship reigns, understanding and interruption.

Educational Opportunities School Saturday

01/06/2018 As part of the school Saturday, the elementary class was held a game program "Journey through the Winter Forest". The kids participated in games along with the forest residents, guess the riddles, painted, competed in fun competitions.

For high school students, the thematic party "On, about Sez, I will talk." The guys talked about the etiquette, demonstrated the forms of behavior in various situations, were discussed about the appearance. High school students came to the conclusion that a modern young man should differ, not only an external tidy, but also internal purity and decency. That is, in their opinion, today in fashion.

You may need to write a report on the event and determine how successful it was and compare its results with goals. It is important to ensure that people or companies that have conducted an event could understand whether they should change something. There are ways thanks to which you can make your event report more successful. This is important if you are going to spend some kind of event!


Part 1

Structure your event report

    Determine the style and format of the presentation for a specific audience. The event reports can be flashing, copper in the stapler, send an e-mail in PDF format, execute using PowerPoint presentation and so on.

    • Be sure to structure your report on the sections. You should compare the results of the event with the goals. Pass the results of the main results of the event.
    • Board the report on the needs and interests of each sponsor and public. Take the goals of the sponsors. To some extent, the sponsors are the key audience of your event report. They want to know whether to sponsor your event. Therefore, do not forget to consider what they want to know and what aspects are truly important to them.
    • Also prepare a report on the event in such a way as to comply with the specific requirements of the uniqueness of the event and sponsors. Do not write a standard, typical report. It is worth considering that your report will also be offered to the attention of the company's management and finance managers.
  1. Organize the process to record the necessary information throughout the event. Do not rely only on your memory.

  2. Part 2

    Pick the desired material for your report.

      Write a summary of the project. The event report must contain a summary of the project, which is a reduced version of a more detailed full report. Perceive this summary as an entry.

      • You can create two reports - a summary of the project designed for people who are interested in the results of the event, and a more detailed full report for those who want to be a sponsor or organizer of the event.
      • In the summary of the project you should focus on key moments and results. The project's summary must be brief - one or two pages. It should summarize key details of the event, and also should include a brief interpretation of data.
    1. Do not forget to include in the report mention about the purpose of the event. It is very important to relate the goal of the event with the result, so do not forget to mention what was the mission and objectives of the project.

    2. Enable funding information to your event report. It is important to provide a detailed discussion of the budget of the event and how much actually was spent (or potentially invested). Do not forget to compare potential spending with real, and also show that it has passed well, and what requires further elaboration.

      • You should tell you about all expenses, including marketing and actions to promote, wage workers and sponsorship costs. It is important to develop a detailed budget. Finance and top management managers will want to see the facts that support the results.
      • Include the calculation of net profit, such as commission collection, sponsorship and samples. But do not forget that you compare profit with the estimated income indicators. In comparison with what? Good question.
    3. Enable statistics that is significant for the reader. It is not necessary to create a report in which only information causing pleasant feelings is specified. The number of visitors should also be specified. A good idea is to provide data that can be measured.

      • Another relevant statistical data is the number of total sales and number of visitors. This kind of data adds reliability to your event report. Enter visitors information. Turn on demographic data, visiting numbers, as well as public research (for example, about buying habits).
      • Report the number of people who reacted in the campaigns of sponsors, as well as contributions to charitable organizations. Document the economic impact and participation of workers.
    4. Press the data with a high-quality element. Your report should include statistical information, but you also need people's statements to provide high-quality feedback.

      • Collect feedback from participants and team members so that data on the successes and failures of the event did not proceed only from the author of the report. Thus, your report will seem more reliable.
      • Think about including an independent study. Evaluation of the press in the press is one of the examples where independent research can be carried out.
      • Evaluate the venue and environment. You should spend some time to appreciate the venue and environment from the point of view of others. Discuss how well the space at the conference, event, and so on.
  3. Collecting feedback, lead a conversation and ask questions naturally, then your interlocutor sincerely tell you what he is thinking about the event.
  4. Collect more reviews than you think you need. You will be glad to this later.
  5. Good photos show what happened at the event, as well as the reaction of people.
  6. Try to make photos of the whole picture, including people and leading on one photo to convey to the reader how large-scale an event was.

MBC Wed "SDK SandalovStatovShp. P."

SDK with. Sandata.

Text report

about cultural and leisure events

for May 2017

02.05. Exhibition of drawings and posters "Parade Victory!" To the 72th anniversary of the victory. (Patriotic education).

The exhibition was framed in the lobby of DC and lasted a few days. Young artists were displayed in the drawings of soldiers, a parade of Victory, military equipment on the parade and others.

547 people visited the exhibition.

03.05. The conversation dedicated to the Victory Day "will bow the great themes." (Patriotic education).

At the beginning of the conversation, the presenter found out if children know what "war" is and what they know about the Second World War. She talked about when it began and ended in the Second World War, with whom they fought, how many villagers and warriors died during the war, about the parade of the victory of 1945. Also during the conversation, they talked about the war, about how many of them remained in the village and about the monument to the dead soldiers. About the annual victory parade in Moscow and salute in honor of this wonderful holiday. The guys told the poem about the war.

At the event there were 52 people.

05.05. Military quiz "Echo last war." (Patriotic education).

During the event, students were divided into teams of 5 people. Competitions were held with them: "Ah War", "no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten," the "little heroes of a big war", "military aviation", "rise", etc. aimed at consolidating knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, Education from the guys feeling gratitude, pride for their great-grandfathers who died in the Great Patriotic War.

At the event there were 48 people.

06.05. The general rehearsal of the literary and musical compositions "heroes to be destined" and the concert program to Victory Day. (Patriotic education).

The rehearsals were attended by children with parents, adult participants Hood. Amateurium. For three hours, songs and dances rehearsed. Leaders worked out their performance. Userov demonstrated videos and photoslands. Lighting, sound equipment was installed.

388 people were present.

08.05. The literary and musical composition "Heroes to be destined to be destined to the Victory Day. (Patriotic education).

liver and M. Mkrtchyan told about the great commander. About the feat of Z. Kosmodemyanskaya, A. Matrosov, prisoners of Mauthausen concentration camp. On the soldiers' mothers and the grave of an unknown soldier. Songs "Darkovanka", "Oh my fogs, Rastumban", "Ogonok" and MN. Dr. performed by the soloists of the estate-vocal group "Kaleidoscope", the duet "Lubavika" and the folk choir. Dance compositions "Ballada about Mother", "Echo of War" and others performed the dance. Groups of DK and DMSH. Userov demonstrated videos and photoslands.

Present 494 people.

08.05. Festive concert for the Victory Day. (Patriotic education).

The concert program sounded songwriters about the war, about the homeland, victory, love and other earthly joys. The audience pleased with their execution soloists of the estate-vocal group "Kaleidoscope", the duet "Lubavika", folk choir. Vocalists made from the village of Ivanovka and p. Grape. Dances performed dancing. DC ensembles, DMS and kindergarten "Teremok". The concert of Z. Svetlynaya- director of SDK and M. Mkrtchyan-student school №42.

Present 499 people.

09.05. Looking at building and songs. (Patriotic education).

In the look, which took place on the square of the DCs took part 5-11 grads of school №42. They took place in a circle, with a speech and a song.

There were 930 people.

09.05. The rally at the monument dedicated to the Victory Day. (Patriotic education).

Rally-Requiem took place at the memorial complex in honor of the dead fellow villagers. At the rally, the head of SandalovSkhodovskios. P., Director of SPK "Niva", Specialist - 1 "V. Denisenko, Director of School No. 42 and Veteran V. O.Vshmatko, read poems. All those present honored a minute of silence of the fallen in the war.

There were 900 people.

12.05. Game program for kaleidoscope fun.

The event began with a story leading about a cute magic toy from his childhood - Kaleidoscope. Then, using the game "Red, Yellow, Green", found out what three basic colors underlie a kaleidoscope, with the help of the game "Artists", learned what patterns are made up of

basic Color Gamma. With the guys, the games and relay of the "Malvina", "gossip", "Perestroika", "Mons", Men Dough, were held, "Men

"Aunt Moti" aimed at the formation of a cohesive collective and disclosure of the creative individuality of each child.

At the event there were 57 people.

12.05. Conversation "Evgeny Martynov - Swan Soviet pop".

The head of the "People's" Choir Nikolai Bozinsky introduced the audience with the biography of the singer and the composer, who was born in May 1948 in Kamyshin. He told about his studies, the creative path to the composition of the composer, about his awards and titles, about the famous songs, special attention was paid to the song "Swan loyalty". About tragic death in September 1990. The star of the State Central Concert Hall of Evgeny Martynov was opened in the town of Artyomovsk, and 2001, a star in memory of Evgenia Martynov was opened in the area of \u200b\u200bstars at the stars of the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" in the solemn setting.

The participants of the conversation remembered and called songs written by the composer and all together performed the song "Father's House".

At the event there were 34 people.

12.05. Sport competitions. (Prevention of a healthy lifestyle).

The event was attended by 298 people.

17.05. The conversation "Family is the main value in my life." (Family education).

During the conversation, together with the leading teenagers, the concept of "family" was revealed, told about its functions. Talked about the role of mother and father, about the mutual and friendly, about the feeling of love and pride in their family, about the responsible attitude to the creation of their family in the future. Children told about family traditions that exist in their families.

The conversation showed an idea of \u200b\u200bthe life ideal of the family, contributed to the upbringing of a sense of attachment to family members, pride for its achievements.

At the event there were 31 people.

19.05. Participation in the reporting concert of DMSH.

The concert was attended by Zoya Svetlynaya - director of the SDK, as leading and Nikolai Bozinsky - Khudruki SDK as a sound operator.

At the event there were 452 people.

23.05. Interactive game program "Children have the right." (Legal education).

At the beginning of the event, with the help of green and red apples, the presenter divided the guys for 2 teams. After offered to solve the crossword and thereby know the topic of the program. Spoke about the UN Convention, Rights

the child, about its main idea and four general principles: non-discrimination, the eyes of a child, the best to ensure the interests of the child, the right to life, survival and development. Then he held a contest "Slogans", where it was necessary to come up with slogans on the topic "right", "permitted - prohibited", "What are the rights violated", "the rights in pictures". Also, work was carried out in groups in the competition "Rights enshrined in the main law of our country - the Constitution of the Russian Federation."

The event was present 56 people.

24.05. Conversation "Eduard Hil - Trollo Soviet pop."

The conversation was organized for the participants of the "folk" choir, library workers and DMSH.

The head of the "People's" Choir Nikolai Bozinsky introduced listeners with the biography of E. Heil, spoke about his first vocal victories, about creative activity, about his personal life. That

in 2010, Edward Hil became a star of the Internet, when one of Melomanians in America posted on the network of his vocalism. The phrases "Tro-Lo-Lo" and "ah ha ha ha" conquered users of the World Wide Web. In a matter of days, the roller looked at several million people. After that, the title of "Miser Trololo" was firmly entrusted for Eduard Hille.

Participants called the most famous songs from the performer's repertoire and executed the "Winter" song under the bayan.

05/26/2017 Game program "Sayings and proverbs read - yourself gain my mind."

During the event, the leading acquaintance of children with the concept of "proverb", spoke about the appearance of them in Russia. The guys were held didactic games "Compose the Proverb", "Riddles, Midded by Proverbs", "live letters", "Alphabet - to the wisdom of the step", "Proverbs are the wisdom of nations", "thoughts and speech decoration." At the read fabulous story from the book "Proverbs and sayings in fairy tales", it was necessary to name the proverbs and sayings of which explained in this fairy tale. An excerpt from the cartoon "Wolf and Fox" was demonstrated.

The event was present 44 people.

26.05. Sport competitions. (Prevention of a healthy lifestyle).

At the event there were 258 people.

30.05. Cognitive conversation about the dangers of smoking "tobacco fog deception." (Prevention of a healthy lifestyle).

At the beginning of the conversation, the leading told about the dangers of smoking. After that, a movie "Live as we" was demonstrated, about what to smoke is not fashionable.

Also the guys found out that you need to stay away from smoking people and why. The guys gladly listened to, looked, and then answered questions and made conclusions. The conversation ended with the cartoon "Tube and Bear" and summing up.

At the event there were 32 people.

Director of MBC Wed "SDK Sandalovskogos. P."

In the heart you have everyone

Motherland - Russia,

White Berbscapes, Kolos Golden

No excuse you

No you beautiful

No other in the world

Motherland such.

The event was opened with such a poetic note dedicated to the most important state holiday of the Day of Russia, which was held on June 10 in the Russian-dusting SDK. The event was held by the rural library together with employees of the House of Culture.

"Russia Day" quest-game was held for participants of the summer health camp.

The purpose of the event - upbringing the sense of patriotism of younger schoolchildren, respect and pride of their homeland;

Popularization of state symbols of the Russian Federation;

The event was attended by children from 7 to 10 years and therefore the main task of the event was to interest, captivate children and, of course, so that it was also informative.

The event began with a small literary and musical composition. Poems and songs about Russia, homeland sounded.

The game was held at stations:

1. Station "Symbols of Russia" (flag, coat of arms, anthem)

2. Station "My Homeland - Russia"

3. Station "Russian Folklore". (Proverbs, riddles, fairy tales)

4. Station "Russian Army"

5. Station "Russian Songs"

6. Station "The most famous Russians"

7. Station "Russian Games"

At each station, the guys answered questions and performed tasks. Teams of participants followed according to the route sheet. The game was completed by the station "Russian games", where such Russian games beat participants as, "Gusi-Gus",

"Cats and Mice", "Grandma - Yellow".

All participants of the event were satisfied and got a big charge of cheerfulness. The festival was attended by 24 participants, the duration was 1.5 hours. The exhibition "from ancient Russia to New Russia" was issued in the lobby of DC.


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