How to soak Beresto to dissolve. Beresta blank. TIME AND METHODS OF BERESS BREERS

Like the billet of other materials for the craft - the necessary event and the first work with bark which you have to master the novice artisan. At this stage, the first practical concept of the difficulties in the work of the master with the bark and the properties of the material, about the necessary reserve of patience and dexterity, and, of course, about the philosophy of relations with nature.

The billet of Beresta is accompanied by a number of features that must be observed to not harm nature and oneself, as well as rationally prepare raw materials for production. After all, you should not forget that the properties of Berriest depend on the storage period (over time they worsen), so you should not take more than you can spend the next period of collection.

The billet of Berestov is produced in places of planned rolls of forests and by prior arrangement with local forestry. Such work with Cookie in Birch Bor can greatly harm trees, and just spoil their appearance. Therefore, the workpiece of Berriest is prohibited in parks and near residential villages, if the legitimate spill of the forest is not planned.

At the parish in the forest, be extremely attentive and careful - in the grass and on the bushes at the level of human growth, somehow hinders can come across (with the boostful junters, for example), do not deliver the inconvenience of the inhabitants of such a wonderful place.

The timing of the billet berestrals depend on the geographical position and the characteristics of the terrain. So, in the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions, the period can begin with the middle of June and continue the month, most often, or a little longer.

Before planning a campaign for the material, it is necessary to make trial "bars" to determine how well separated berson from the Luba. Such checks can be started in different places since the beginning of June.

Depending on the period and the place of collection there will be various defects of Beresta. For example, at the end of the collection of Berrésts in dry places or in an outdoor sunny place, you will observe the detachment of the useful (yellow) layer of Berests in the form of blinking swirling or changing the color of Beresta. This kind of defects can be interesting for the manufacture of various kinds of decorative products, but will negatively affect the quality of wicker items.

Tools for Barriesh

Before going around, you need to prepare the necessary tools and devices so that work with Bershi is effective and safe.

The first subject available at the disposal must be knife-jamb. Such a knife is made of the canvas for the pink of the gland, glued into a wooden handle from soft, non-massic wood. It is best to have a pair of knives, with a short and long handle (up to a meter long). Knives should be sharpened in advance. In the absence of such a knife, you can use a stationery cutter or a well-sharpened kitchen knife, it will deliver some inconvenience, but to collect a certain number of Berrés will be born. Barriest billet without a knife will be completely unproductive.

Also have to make something like flat wooden blade With non-footing edges. This tool is neatly separated by berson from the len, preventing damage to the material and tree.

Twine It is useful for binding packs of mined birest.

Some masters in order to more effectively make Berestle's workpiece, try to climb as above as possible, especially if birch with clean, smooth bark, and the first bones and branches of the crown begin quite far from the root. The staircase into the forest to take is very impractical, so the enthusiasts came up with the use of homemade adaptations, resembling claws of electricians, but without teeth and made from rings of metal wire, in order not to damage the trunk. At the same time, the master binds herself to the trunk of birch with a durable wide belt, so as not to cut the back, and, leaving among themselves a certain distance, is closed as above, starting the collection. This is due to certain complexity and risk, so I strongly do not recommend resorting to this method.

To go for BERESSION one should not, better together or even a more numerous company. In some situations, work with bark may require third-party help.

The technical and aesthetic properties of Berrés are largely dependent on the place where birchs grow, and on their age. Depending on the type of products, various berson is collected. So for weaving small and medium products you need beret with birch from 15 to 25 centimeters in diameter. For boxes and pesty, a thicker material is needed, which means and birch should be older.

In a thick mixed bark forest, it is most often unsuitable for weaving, as it is too amazed by a lichen and mushrooms, but such a berst can come in handy for decor or construction. On the outskirts of the forest birches are too nodes and the Centers, which is also not very suitable. In groves with moderate shady on the non-very dry lands of Birch, they grow smooth and slender, and therefore with high-quality bark.

Barriest blank can begin before the deadline, because the search for the placement of the workpiece also requires the time, and such work with BERESTIC should be taken into account by the master in order not to spoke at the midst of the season.

Beresta billet begins with a thorough tree examination. It is necessary to find out a number of properties, such as the thickness of the Berest, the presence of bitch and moss, the type of leek.

Lentichki - longitudinal strips on Bereste, through which some metabolism is performed, so they are called "Footers". Lentiliches should not be too dark and large, you should pay attention, whether they are not over the level of the bark.

You still need to make a cut and separate part of the bark from the tree. Only in this way it is possible to determine the presence of some defects and the readiness of the Berests to the collection, while not hurting the tree.

The most valuable berson is with a homogeneous yellow or yellowish-green color and with thin greenish-brown lentils. Beresta with other properties, and especially with uneven color and stains are considered a second-round.

Before the direct fee of Birch is cleaned from the old layers of Bersers, Moss and Lichen. It is possible to do this in gloves, stroking the trunk in the direction of Lentichk.

Methods of billets of Beresta

The most impractical and rare way is the use of a special tool - a machine that cuts bark on the spiral on the trunk. Due to different diameters, the use of such a method is problematic and resourceful, and also causes greater harm to the Berez itself.

The most popular, I think the way - collect sheets. To do this, a vertical incision on the trunk is a knife. It is necessary to withstand a certain pressure on the knife handle so as not to damage the lob and wood, so there is some experience here, which will come after several such operations.

Before cut, it is necessary to determine the most clean edge of the birch. From the north side, there is always more lichen, so there is usually worse there and gets worse. Do not make an incision in the midst of a clean side of Birch - this part is more suitable for use, and it needs to be saved as much as possible. The incision is made between the net and overgrown with a lichen part so that the latter remains with the edge of the alleged sheet. It is not worth cutting in the midst of the overgrown part - it can cause difficulties with the branch of the leaf from the Luba and its further bundle.

After the incision is made, carefully a wooden blade is separated by a beret from a loose along the entire length of the cut in both directions. In the midst of the bark collection season, you can observe how Beresta itself departs from the barrel with an incision. In this case, the blade is not needed.

With a clean side of Beresta, it moves easier - to start separating the sheet you need from there. Do not get involved in large sheets. It is enough of the width of about 40-70 cm., Depending on the ready-made product. Wide sheets are more difficult to transport and process.

The filmed sheets are neatly folded, alternating the front side to the front and purl to the wrong, seabling approximately width. It is done to protect the material from pollution, since the sheets are first moistened in the juice, and unwanted elements of vegetation can stick to them, thereby spoiling a valuable face layer of Berest. Folded sheets can be associated in rolls of 8-7 kilograms or in a stack, squeezing them with a bell and sticks. The last method is preferable to the fact that the straightened Beresto is easier to process and use.

The oldest, probably, the way - collecting Bersers (ribbons). It is comfortable for weaving massive products, where the length of the strips is critical. With this method, the selected birch is made an incision width 3-4 cm. As high as possible, then neatly rejuvenates with a spatula or knife and removal of barks on a spiral, slightly pulling the strip of beerates down and on itself. Such tapes are folded into the ball with leaving the mandatory hole for drying.

Such a way can be delivered at first some inconveniences, since the direction of levichki will be rejected from the general direction of the tape itself, and can cause the formation of contemporaries on Bester when weaving. Experienced masters easily cope with such inconveniences and do not consider it a problem.

For Tuesov Beresta is going to harder everything, because it is necessary to assemble it with a cylinder, which means there is a birch. In such cases, Birch is particularly carefully chosen because Beresta has a clean and easily peeing.

Split tree, staying on the stump. It falls so that it does not fall directly to the ground, but remained on weight about half a meter from the soil. Then the desired section of the cortex is selected and cut into three sides. After that, very neatly, not allowing breaks, peels with a thin twist or spatula not from the Luba this time, but from the wood. This procedure must be performed from two cylinder ends until it starts to turn along the axis around the tree. There are several such cylinders throughout the trunk, and then the top is spill.

When everything is done by Berest, you can smoke from the barrel, starting with the top. Luba residues after removal from the trunk can be separated, slightly deforming the cylinder. Then the workpieces are inserted into each other Matriots for transportation.

Pay attention to the fact that Beresta loves to twist, especially during the collection period, because at this time the sun and the air temperature is high enough. Therefore, immediately after collecting, the sheet material must be placed under the press between two smooth surfaces, for example, two boards or floors and a sheet of plywood.

After the workpiece of Berrés, it is necessary to take care of the storage of Beresta. A bark tape, removed from the trunk, should be twisted in the ball and certainly white side up. If the band does not twist right away, then for work it will not suit and efforts spent on the workpiece of Beresta will disappear. This is what concerns the birch tapes intended mainly for weaving.
Another thing, if removed by layers. Berestral layers need to be placed between plywood sheets, and then the cargo is still on top. What for? So that the prepared berst is not twisted when stored. Better necessarily need to leave a small distance.

To the storage conditions of Berestov, several requirements. One of them is a dry and ventilated room. In the dampness of Berrés appear spots of mold. Working with such natural material will not bring pleasure, to the same breathe mold disputes are harmful to health. Other - Keep Beresto need in a dark room. Why? Because when storing barks in the light, it brightens, that is, loses its light.

Preparation of Berestov to work

Before you start working with bark, it needs to be prepared. First clean from dust and garbage. For this, the inner side of the Berriests wipe the soft dry cloth, and on the outer side of Berrés can be walking with sandpaper, and all the influx and thickening are pre-cut off with a knife.

The next stage of preparing natural material - dislaiming.

Simply put, Beresto should be divided into thin (1-2 layers) or thick (3 or more layers) of the workpiece. For this, the bark layer of the desired thickness is adapted with a knife and carefully separates. The thickness of the billets depends on what product will be done. Just need to remember that a very thin billet can break into the most inopportune moment.
Maceration Berests, like a stage of preparation of material, is required if the berst was kept for a long time or she is old.

Sparking It is necessary for thick bark to divide on the layers. Then the layers are stacked under the plywood sheet and the load is put so that the berst is flexible and not twisted.
Worked and sparkled berst easily gives to resolveing \u200b\u200bbecomes durable flexible, easily processed not afraid of dampness and mold.

Coloring. Berriest natural color is very beautiful. Beresta in its natural form does not really need staining. Products made of unpainted berers are traditional and attract their naturalness. But if you need painted berst, it means you need to paint. Before painting, Beresto need to soak in a solution of soap or food soda in order to free it from tanning substances. Then the Berest is laid in a hot dye solution for several hours. The intensity of the color depends on the time of staining. Aniline dye stains beerass layers well. The painted bark is rinsed and hang on the rope, fixing with clothespins for drying. It is important not to over. Thin blanks can be simply in the iron.
Now when the berst is prepared for work, you can proceed. In work with Bershet is used: Applique,

Chapter 1

And no more beautiful and thinner
Than that birch space,
Where it smells like bread, smells a grove,
Our home on the shore lakes
And berst, whites everywhere
Russian scenery coats
Recalling about the past,
Where is the origins of happiness waiting
She treats and doctor
Saving soul from adversity,
And its beauty gives
And your purity will be pretty.
NOT. Belyakova

Birch in Russia is the symbol, and the poetic image of the country. She and warmed, and treated, and Poured, and the soul of man was fed

Kidneys and young birch shoots and today use drugs, birch juice quench thirst, birch fields are used in fireplaces: they give a strong heat. Essential oils secreted by birch, have a diuretic property and with rubbing remove pain in the joints. The dead, obtained by dry distillation, called wood resin, has healing properties, and is used in pharmacology.

Beresto was used in the construction of housing to protect against cold, rot and dampness. Bershet was crossed by boats, made a float and other fishing accessories from it. Berchinic diplomas that have come down to us, refer to the birest mail centuries.
Beresta (top layer of birch cortex) is a wonderful material for the manufacture of various products. It is environmentally friendly, moisture-resistant, beautiful and durable, good processing. The motioned berst is easily separated into many translucent white-pink films and remains flexible and durable. Products from Berestov are not afraid of moisture. Beresta is perfectly combined in artistic crafts with other natural materials.

Breasts on their qualities is different. According to the observations of Berestian specialists, its quality depends: from the age of the tree, from the area where birch is growing, on the health of birch.

On young birch trees (3-4 years), Berestov does not happen at all. On the birch of 15-25 years of breech is thin, clean and soft. At very old birchings and near Komly Beresta, there can be with growing, cracks and dark dashes. Best Beresta - on medium birch, 75-100 cm thick in gripping.

With birches growing on too raw, swampy places, berst is continuing, with roughness, with many small and large lines.

At open solar places of Beresta Malorasti, fragile. It is better to take Beresto from birch, growing on moderately humid places, in moderately shady forests.

Birchs affected by diseases, insects, mushrooms, give a very bad bark. Good material gives completely healthy trees, and at the same time berst should be removed at some height from the ground.

Beresto from trees is removed by various ways depending on the purpose: narrow ribbons, sheets or plates, leaf.

The age of birch for removing Berriest 20-40 years.

a - Removal of the reservoir with Berriesh
b - storage of barks in a roll
B - storage of Berestov in the head

The work with Besta held a leading place in the national crafts of the peoples of the North of Russia. Preserved items related to X-XVII centuries. On Bestet wrote, it was made of light and comfortable shoes (Napti), assignments, toys and decorations. A barking craft was especially common in the European territory of Russia: in the Vologda, Novgorod, Arkhangelsk regions, in Veliky Ustyug.

And in our time on Sunday and holidays in the markets, you can get acquainted with the rich and original art of the masters, buy housewalks, embroidered towels, wood products, but the main thing is Berest: wicker boxes, baskets, lapties, solllers, toys, boas garlands , Vases, Touys, nabinahs from bark bark.

Beresto is harvested in different times depending on the climatic zone (in the middle lane - in May-June), for which it is necessary to obtain the resolution of forestry or forester. Beresta billet - occupation time-consuming, requiring a large exercise, because Often you have to make big hiking.

The people are commemunable to start bolds: when the first mosquitoes appear; when the first thunder will thunder; When the leaflets on the birch become the size of a five-fighter coin. The best berst is flat, with a beautiful pattern of narrow stripes, which is observed in one of the most common varieties - birch fluffy. It grows on most of the territory of our country. A peculiar feature of birch fluffy, allowing it to easily distinguish it from another type - birch beard, is a small thick gun, covering young shoots and leaves. Fluffy birch forms a second tier into pine or rare fir forests and is found in places of low-albele and floodplain, poured into the spring season with water.

The most strong and dense bark gives birch, grew up on dry and stony soils. In the trees growing on peatlands and swamps, the bark is broken, with knots, its surface is uneven and as if an exposed bug.

It is better to take Beresto on the cutting down of the forest, for example, where they pave the road. From a spinal or searched wood, it is easy to remove the Beresto not only from the bottom, but also from the top of the trunk. On a big cutting line, the material is reserved for many years. Beresta should be smooth, smooth, without painful thickens and influx. The best Beresto is dense, layered and elastic - get from the birches growing in mixed forests. The material taken in swampy places is not suitable for work at all.

The snow-white beret is removed easily, for which it is only a little slightly cut the trunk from above, without making a horizontal end. The width of the reservoir can be 35-40 cm, and the length is in accordance with the diameter of the tree.

An ordinary sharp knife is used to remove the bark. For the workpiece of the reservoir bark on the trunk make horizontal cuts, for the billet tape (scroll) - spiral around the trunk. If large and solid pieces are needed, the Beresto should be removed from the discouched trees, with a diameter of at least 20 cm, if possible, choosing plots smooth and without bitch.

The entire outer (white) side of the bark is cleaned with a knife or skins and free from dirt and growing fungi and moss. The inner side is released from residues of porous brown cortex and wipe with a damp cloth. For the manufacture of large products is suitable and thick berst. For the smallest, the thick beers are sprinkled and smell into two or three layers with hands, without additional tools. Work should be done carefully, not in a hurry. You can not soar young and freshly sued Beresto, but only a slightly moisten with water.

Beresto, removed by any of the listed ways, must be dried and stored in a dry, darkened and cool place. Large-size reservoir is better to store under load, setting the layers to each other.

Berevian layers are well stained with aniline dyes. First, tanning substances pull out of the berers. To do this, it is soaked in a soap solution or in a solution of food soda. Then the Berest is laid in a hot solution with a dye for 2-3 hours, depending on the intended tone. For drying, the painted bark is fixed to the rope, hooking the tip of the sheet by stationery clips or clothespins for linen. You should not wait for it to completely dry, work better after all with a slightly wet bark. If you need to straighten the Beresto, then thin layers can be simply in the iron.

It is very beautiful a color and ugly bark, covered with colorless alcohol varnish, which is preheated and applied with a soft hairpiece.

Cut the tip on Bester a very well sharpened knife, a razor or scissors. In the fields of roundings, you should use small scissors with rounded ends, and for cutting holes, on the contrary - with sharp ends or knife. Repeating circles can be pierced with a disbuilder.

In order to be better attached to the base, for example, to a thick cardboard or to another piece of bark, they need to stick thin paper on them and only then cut the drawing. Glue better with liquid carbon glue or pva. When using PVA glue, it is desirable to be glued with bark, then try through a dense paper not a very hot iron.

In any case, the glued product or part of it to prevent twisting and deformation of Berriest should be placed for some time under the press for alignment.

A tree for removing BERERS is chosen depending on creative ideas. For small products, it takes a thin, soft material: it takes from young birch of a small diameter. But in any case, the age of the tree should be at least 15 years.

Cutting Beresta with layers, it is kept in the shade. When the berst will begin to twist, they roll into rolls, consistently winding the layers with a light side outside. At the same time, the ends of the formation should be combined, pressing the lower layer of the lower layer so that they do not crush when drying.

Remembered to a roll of 8-10 layers (the amount depends on their length), it is wrapped in paper and tied with twine or wire.

For the manufacture of Tueskov-Burakov, in which you can store liquid or perishable products, you need a seamless inner part, which is completely removed from the tree. They call it differently - a hollow, a slot or birch cylinder. Such a whole seamless bark is removed only with cut trees. The workpiece of the material for Tueskov-Burakov is a special difficulty.

Not every birch is suitable for removing a slide. You need to choose a barrel with clean and smooth surface, without chanters and cracks. The trunk is saw, then remove areas with blesses, on the smooth parts make ring cuts and the risk of a thin wedge-probe or thick steel wire gramnogo separated by Berest. Then it is stripped and a solid cylindrical slotting is obtained.

Charkets are removed simultaneously from two ends, starting with the fine end of the trunk. Shot velides also wipe with a cloth.

Beresta billet with dead trees

In the forest, you can often find fallen birch trees, who have rotted wood, and Beresta remained a whole, or dry birch birchs, damaged by the mushroom-drum. These birches of berst are easily separated at any time of the year. Its inner layer has various shades of red-brown and used to decorate products.

Safety technique

While in the forest, you need to be extremely attentive. It is impossible to appear on the defense during the cutting of the forest - it is very dangerous. Use the knife should be skillfully and carefully. A collective departure to the preservation of Berestov is carried out only under the guidance of the teacher. With you, you need to have a first-aid kit to render the first prefigure.

Beresta is immediately suitable for building needs (for example, a layer between the foundation and the logberia) and for extractors of the furnaces. For the production of products, you need the initial processing Beresta and, in our particular case, further preparation of Berestov for Weaving. In this article, I will consider the main steps that includes processing of Beresta.

The main stages of preparation of Berriesh

  1. First Stage - Pre-Cleaning Beresta
  2. Second Stage - Sorting
  3. Third Stage - Waste
  4. Fourth stage - cutting

It is worth notify that the first two stages are suitable exclusively for sheet material, and not tape in the tangle. Tangles should not be touched until use. In addition, the weeding and cutting of the ballot Beresto are much simpler than the sheet.

Pre-cleaning Beresta

Pre-treatment of Berriest (Cleaning) can be carried out during the workpiece, so as not to carry an extra dirt into the house. But sometimes time plays against us, and such an event has to be done later. However, freshly harvested berson gets lazy at times better than that which managed to lie down and dry out for several months, so do not postpone this process for a long time. As practice shows - postponing the processing of Berestov in a long box, you risk losing much more useful material.

Both sides of the sheet from the moss are cleaned, lichen (as far as possible) adhering fragments of vegetation. It should be approximately so that when shaking a sheet of barks from it, they flew on the sides of the husk and other elements. Processing Berestov at this stage will be more productive, if you use a hard brush, but the main thing is not to overdo it and do not damage the gentle layer of fresh beerations.

Sort Beresta

At the sorting stage, it is necessary to determine the purpose of each sheet. Although the division of Berestov on the grade is quite conditionally, I still describe the general properties of Beresta and merging them into groups.

The scale of the operation "Sorting" depends on the number of all the collected BERESS. If the Berests are just a couple of sheets, talking about sorting, probably not worth it. However, this stage can not be missed, and if you postpone it now, then you will definitely return to it before weaving.

First grade - Smooth, moderately dense sheets, with the least number of growths and damage, with a smooth pleasant face of the front side are remarkably suitable for weaving. Processing of the Berrés of this type will not cause big trouble in the future.

It is important to pay close attention to lentils. They should not be very color different from the Beresto itself. Well, if a slightly greenish shade and not crack during deformation.

Another important point is the ability to bundle. From the edge of the sheet, try to delay approximately half of the sheet thickness. If it gets difficult with a clean side, it will deliver a number of hassle during preparation, and if too easy - when weaving. This experience can only be obtained when you try to weave from several types of Berestov, so I will not become more ragged here.

Ko second grade You can attribute more overgrown and coarse Berest. Some spots and stains are noticeable on the front layer, the berst is difficult (or too easy) to get out, and leaks are dark long and cracks. On such BEREST, there are many outskins and seals from the bitch. From this material, too, we can weave, but large products like boxes, baskets and pacery, where its rudeness will help the load requirement.

A similar Beresto woven the noodles in the sole when the native layer began to wear out. It has a diverse texture and texture, can also come in handy for the production of souvenir products and toys. Sometimes excessive processing of the Berrés of the second grade is excessive, as it can be deprived of its existing patterns and make an unsuitable product. Be careful.

The most unsuccessful bark is considered the thick bark with old birches or removed in the early (or later) period of collection period. On the front layer there are many multicolored areas, fragments of a suichetic lean and other formations. Very little clean areas of white material. Lentichki black or holey and their edges are deformed and create bored bougure. For weaving most often such a berst is not suitable, as the preparation of this Berriest will take a lot of time, and marriage and waste will be very much.

But you should not immediately throw these sheets. The masters find their unique attractiveness in such a surface, and sometimes there are specially collecting poor-quality Beresta. From such a breed, successful compositions are obtained in combination with another material. And you can, possessing some artistic talent, write picturesque paintings, if you see in the texture some image.

Talking Bersers generally makes sense only for the first and second grade. In this case, the grade is still determined at the stage of the workpiece and for the third grade of Berriest this method of collection is simply impossible or inffective.

Berestral bundle is needed to bring it to the required thickness for a particular type and size of the product. This processing of Berriest can be carried out immediately before weaving and in the desired dosage.

It is difficult to explain in physical quantities a suitable thickness and a density of material suitable for weaving. It all depends on the size and genus of products. The most universal thickness is the thickness of 0.7 mm. - It is about the thickness of the photographic paper or a sheet for the drawing, but for small products you can slightly thinner. The feeling of the desired thickness will come with experience, and then it will seem that Beresta himself tells how it is necessary, because it is divided easier on a certain layer - to resist this in no case, then it is impossible to consider any problems.

A novice for convenience is worth flaming the sheet on the strips of the same width and the necessary amount needed. Cut the tapes necessarily along the fibers (determine in the direction of lenger). Masters, constantly engaged in such craft, there must be a device (machine) for cutting strips of Berestov. This allows you to reduce the time to prepare and get smooth identical tapes. A distinguished sheet is cut by conventional scissors or rolls a knife-jammer in a ruler.

When they got the right number of strips, their edges are better cutting in the form of a trapezium. This is done in order to facilitate weaving when you want to last one tape under the other. It is not necessary to do too sharp ends - they will begin to bend and stir up when weaven. Of course, this procedure is done only for the number of ribbons involved in weaving.

If it is not a wicker product, but, for example, a souvenir, then there is an inscription and interpretation of the necessary patterns. It is convenient to use the template here to use the material more efficiently.


With the collected in the tangle, the case is much easier. And it is easier, and the length of the tape is not limited to the width of the sheet. When we smell such a Beresto, then two smooth ribbons are obtained, one with an important facial surface, and the other in waste either for the manufacture of less high-quality products. But there is a couple of minuses.

The first is to limit the types of products that can be made. After all, ribbons are limited in width and rarely exceed 4-5 centimeters. Such berst is suitable only for weaving. It is possible to manufacture some souvenirs that do not require wide cuts.

The second minus - Lentichki. Their direction (as well as fibers) does not correspond to the direction of the tape itself, and is at some angle. Therefore, especially when leeks are black and long, burstles appear on the tape, which can cause a break of the tape.

After the burst burst from the tangle to the desired thickness, cutting ribbons. The distinguisope slows here more than it helps, and the machine will be useless due to its technical capabilities. Experienced masters "On the Eye" are nasting tapes with ordinary scissors and those are quite smooth. After cutting the edge, it is also worth cutting into a trapezoidal.

If a larger amount is absorbed than necessary, or all the bertie, then you have the resulting ribbons to twist again in the tangles or rolls. In the latter case, you need to tidy a thread so that the roll does not collapse, or use the stationery clip.

There are no special rules for preparing Berestov to storage, there are only recommendations, because you can store Berest in any form: crude and peeled, sorted or sliced. Each storage method may be subject to criticism, but you can still give several tips.

Sheet material should be stored under the press between two smooth surfaces, not giving Bersee the capabilities (for maneuvers) to twist (this is the case of Beresta most). Sheets with this storage method should not contain on the surface of the fluid (sticky birch juice, for example), as it will cause the rapid appearance of mold. It is advisable to subjected to the initial processing in the form of rough cleaning. Sorting either will not be superfluous from rational considerations - from under the press every time you have to choose the appropriate sheets when it can be avoided.

You can store the sheets of Beresto anywhere, but the preservation of its properties will depend on the storage conditions, such as elasticity and durability. In a dry room, she will quickly break, and in a wet - does not rot, of course, but many microorganisms will grow on itself.

The best option will be moderately dry, dark and cool room, something like a ventilated basement. But in fact, you can even keep in winter in the unheated garage :)

Cluster Beresta is no less good. It can be suspended or just arrange on a dry and clean floor. However, due to the grocery of the tank, such a berson dries up much faster, since the sheets under the press preserve moisture and besides, they are solid, that is, have a smaller relationship of the perimeter to the square.

A similar situation with burshi burst - it should be used as early as possible so that it does not have time to dry.

In no case cannot be bored with polyethylene. Hydish, berst will highlight moisture, which is condensed on polyethylene and will accumulate, creating a favorable environment for microorganisms, and this is even dangerous. A minus temperature, of course, will hide such a deficiency, but it is not the whole season in our strip, but to extract the refrigerator for Beresta - ridiculous. Cardboard boxes are best suited as a container for Beresta in any form.

All stages of preparation of Berriest are made. Now everything is ready and can be moved directly to production.

The birch preparations are engaged in a hot summer period: from mid-June to mid-July. At this time, the bark is well peeled from the trunk, while in the winter it completely sticks to the cork layer. However, you can engage in the workpiece and at a later time. Up until October of the month on the swampy terrain of Birch, it makes it possible to shoot a dark brown bourge with definite efforts.
The forest is chosen smooth without bitch and cracks of Birch. It makes a vertical open-knife with a knife 4-6 cm. To remove the tape. Next, the bark needs to be peeling around the spiral around the barrel. An experienced master removes a continuous ribbon of 100 meters long. It is important to ensure that the sand depth was small, within the cork layer, so that the birch does not dry and after 10-15 years the protective bark appeared on it.
To remove the layer, you need to make a vertical incision for the entire achievable height of the tree and squeeze the layers of the size, depending on how you plan to store Beresto. You can pre-clean the barrel from the upper white layer, thereby reducing the volume of work in the workshop.
Cylinder (cylinder)
Spicking tree is more convenient at an altitude of 1-1.20 meters. Further to identify all potential places. For the removal of the spree, the same white-barrane birch is selected with the smallest number of bitch, cracks and irregularities. Required tool: two-handed saw, ax, knife, sword (juicraft). For removing a crowd and drink a tree on chocks 2.50-3 meters. For convenience, it is better to organize a place of removal of bark at the abdomen. Removed Beroist with a lean to a vertex (but on the contrary). For a start, an incision is made along the entire length of the trunk circumference to designate the length of the future foot. Next, the juice is inserted between the trunk and Cambier, and movements along the trunk are made, and the bark bark gradually flashes, accompanied by this process with abundant eats. When, after difficult minutes of detachment, it will seem to you that it is, now it should completely get away from the tree, grab the trunk with two hands and scroll a little bark in a circle. If Beresta was supplied, then it is necessary to carefully remove it from the barrel. And carefully because there may be sharp bulbs on the trunk under Cambia, which will break the entire work done, or the thickening of the trunk will also be able to spoil the slot. Photos of the billet can be viewed on this link.

Store Beresto in dark, dry and ventilated premises (attic, basement, shed, storage room). Bresh Lyko immediately after removing from the barrel twisted into the tangles, white side up. The ribbon lainning not twisted several hours becomes unsuitable for work. A good rule when twisting - one tangle from one birch. This will help when weaving in the workshop. However, if the berst is fine and the number of bitch and cracks on Birch do not allow you to shoot bark in full growth, the tangles can be twisted from ribbons of different trees.
Beresta, filmed by layers, stacked between the two wide boards or sheets of plywood, and the load is placed on top, so that the layers do not be twisted during storage and are suitable for work. It is necessary to ensure that there is some interval for drying between the formation. In the balls and reservoirs of beret can be kept for years. There are no special conditions for storage.
Stored in the raw premises of Beresta is covered by mold, why stains appear on it. With long-term storage of Berrés in the light, it changes the color, becomes light. In such conditions, Beresta gradually loses its properties. Therefore, the old Berest is discharged in water a certain time, after which it can be used in work.

First stage Processing Berestov - Removing the fine upper thin white layer from the bark about the rough surface of the tree immediately after the billet in the forest or in the workshop with a conventional brush and knife.
Second phase - Berestor bundle on the layers. The birch bark is multi-layer and not all layers can be used in weaving. Therefore, it is necessary to squeeze the fragile upper layers to the necessary thickness for each particular product, since a small straw cannot be carefully made from thick tapes, and vice versa, the big pace will be like a paper envelope with a thin layer material. From here we conclude that the burst bundle is a rather complicated and important stage in the preparation of material for weaving.
Third stage - Cutting tapes (liking) Beresta. You can cut the material (bark or paper) in several ways: with the help of scissors, with the help of a knife and a ruler, using lentorosis. It is important to note the next point - the smaller the material will be cut, the more convenient when working with it.

There are two types of weaving: oblique and straight. The names are explained by which angle (in degrees) form intersecting tapes relative to the horizon. Direct weaving when working more difficult than oblique weaving. The main type of weaving is oblique weaving, due to its best technological and strength. The basic techniques can be viewed in the "Master Class" section.

Work with a plast
To work with the formation, you must choose a birch with the smallest number of inhomogeneities. Required tool: Knife, seer. Extra Material: Root of coniferous trees (pine, spruce), jerky rod, cherry rod, bark tape. Some reservoirs are found in the "Master Class" section.

Making Tues.
The manufacture of Tuesov is considered one of the most complex in the Berevian craft.
Tuesy are made in trim and transported. The cruise Tues consists of the 4-parts of Beresta: a slot, shirt and two belts top and bottom. Pulling Tues consists only of the first two. As a rule, the shirt is connected by the lock, although they made a tower and shirtless, only with bellying. The lock connecting the reservoir into the cylinder has a variety of forms and principles of bonding. Muffy Tues can be both the root of trees and the bark, and the ribbon of the rod, and the rope, and the wire. In the villages of Tuesy wept only from above. From the bottom of the belt held the Donets. For beauty, the bottom belt is powered.
In the manufacture of feeding touus, the height of the foot should be greater than the height of the shirt. To bend the edge of the footprint for a few seconds to hold one edge in boiling water, and then bend onto the shirt. The same to do with another edge. In fact, everything is not so simple and without a visual series, it is not to explain the entire process of turning the spree. Let it be not a secret to the master, but the task of authors for the future.
The dona and the cover are manufactured both round and oval forms. There are many ways to make covers depending on the place of existence of crafts and fishery. Suitable tree breed, such as spruce, pine.
In some form you can see the schemes of locks, braid, covers for this link.


In order to be more fun on Tuesc, the embarrassing drawings, so said grand Martyn, depicting funny scenes from her rustic life on Mesen. But the embossed drawings are also made for beauty, so that there was a tusk with buckwheat on the kitchen regiment and was concerned. Embossing, first of all, is beauty, relevance, full of ornament. Ornament - the basis of the pattern. In this regard, you can watch the ornament on Tueshas Fatyanova M.F., Shutikhina A.V. and others, as well as to extract books on the ornament.

Birch thread differs on the geometric and carving of floral ornament. The cutting technology is due to the solidity of the hand, the quality of the material and the quality of the tool. The drawing is cut through different ways - along the reservoir of the shirt, or already on the finished Tuesu, although the second version is not technologically. The most famous slotted berson is SHEMOGAN.

Beresta is scratching, as a rule, a metal tool - a knife, seer, needle. An autumn berist is used, which is removed from the tree with a considerable effort. On such a birch, there is a thin layer of Cambia, which is removed by a pro-rotating tool during operation.

Painting on birchpins can be found in the section "Articles".

Away from the villages, as a rule, in the forest, small marvelous plants were built. In these factories, three liquid components were expelled from sheets: to comger, turpentine and pitch. Feature was used to lubricate shoes, as well as jointly with Pested in the construction of boats.
For the underground of these three components made three large clay chambers. Chanins were consistently connected to the tube so that the liquid could be blown from the first to the last vessel. The first Chan had only one hole for the connecting pipe. The second was intermediate, and I had input and output. The third Chan except the hole for the tube had a crayon through which the final product was expelled. Since this technology is recorded with the words of Kuznetsova Valentina Dmitrievna (Velsk), who has the grandfather Paul Kuznetsov before and after the revolution was engaged in pasture fighting, then not the whole process is thoroughly stored from distant childhood. Therefore, do not restore in which cane that it has driven out and how merged.
For the truth, the factory had seven horses in the farm, which brought big chickest carts. Worked a lot and diligently. There was a good earnings, so in the twenties family of workers smoked, and the grandfather of Kuznetsova Paul once was taken to the city and no one had seen him. The plant was located in the Velsky district, Shadrinsky village council, not far from the village of Makarynskaya.
Under the first Chang there was a furnace (there was no stove under other acres?). This Chan before the refusal was stuffed with birch bark and blinked tightly. There was no access to air. Upon reaching a certain temperature of the berist, it turned into a dark fluid, which was then pushed into other vessels. This is the whole process.

Ship construction

In different regions of the taiga belt, the Earth of Beresta is processed by the same ways and techniques that have not changed from ancient times to the present day. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the seafood from the Arkhangelsk region by the method of manufacture is similar to Birch Bark Basket from the state of Alaska, and the centenary body of the people of Khanta is similar to the products of the modern master from Maine. Breshanka boat from the bottom or podcate tung on characteristic features is the same as from Lake Michigan. They only differ in the way of decorating and the ornament, which seems not surprising. Each people have their own national self-awareness and their own face.
Berevian Canoees of the Indians of North America made a huge contribution to the development of the Europeans for them to continent. On the canoe on the rivers and lakes, the pioneers were moved first, then industrialists and merchants, after - immigrants with missionaries. More is more convenient for America's pioneers. The vehicle was not (see the full text of the article by the author Shutikhina A.V. at the address).

The sequence of manufacturing a modern birchboat can be viewed.

Below are photos and schemes for the sequence of the manufacture of a beretta boat.

Photos from the American site and others.

Main tool
All who are engaged in work with birch use some definite set of tools. Is it the same for everyone? His list? Why there are differences in names, forms, material and so on? Let's try to answer these questions.
The set, the number of the tool depends on which particular processing the master is engaged. The minimum set of a wikler is scissors (knife) and clips (clips-clothespins). If you wish to simplify the process of processing the material, a knife appear, a ruler (rack), templates for cutting tapes, lentilisais. When weaving, Kotekchik (Codocyk, Kochechik, etc.) from bone, wood or metal is used. With it, the gaps between the woven ribbons are expanding, due to this it becomes easier to drag the outer layer tape.
A set of tool of the wizard that works with a plastic beery expands. This is a sequel to piercing holes for flashing the layers among themselves, and the tool for the billet and processing of a pine root - a metal hook / bracket for pulling the roots from the ground, the tool for cleaning the root (several types of such a tool), tool for delamination of roots.
The Masters Masters Set is complemented by a disbuilder - a tool for punching locks, a tool for wood processing, a cynica is used to carry a diahead in a slot, checks to emphasize the beauty of the Taus and some other specific tools. As a rule, each wizard has some kind of special tool, so it is not possible to list all devices.

List of main tools:

Images of some tools:

Tin patterns

Checkan from textolite

Wooden checan

Checkan from textolite

Koshetiki bone


Metal ruler

Set of supfile





Shilo with thickened sting

Silo with a sophisticated sting

The stiars are flat



Types of lentilisov
Lentorus is designed for cutting birchs in the form of ribbons (stripes, skip). Lantluorisa can be divided into two groups: tool for aligning tape tapes from a tangler and a tool for cutting strips from a formation. The difference is that the first tool cuts off from two sides, and the second is only one. The tape is used for weaving large and complex objects. The bands are used for weaving small products, prefabricated products (for example, scarcoon) and as auxiliary. Lantluoris for ribbon can be made of two knives perpendicular to the plane attached to the tape or under a certain sharp corner. The width of the tape sets the distance between the knives. The instrument is also known, the cutting part of which is made of two pairs rotating on the axis sharpened washers. Lentilhesis for strips is performed both in desktop and manual form. One edge of the processed berers concerns the stop (wooden, for example), and the other side cuts into one or two knives that are in the same plane.
In the Velsky Museum of Museum there is a lentilisa, made in the form of root spindles, on the basis of which it was necessary to sit down, and the tape was passed through vertically attached knives on the horizontal bar at the chest level. The width of the tape was asked by the clins, which were patched between the knives.

Production of clamps
To begin with, I will list the clamps known to me: the stationery clips and "crocodiles", clothespins, clamps of trees branches. I know that one master forbade his disciples to use the stationery clips, and taught to do and use his own. So we will quickly make them quickly. Cut the branch of birch or cherry of such a thickness that will be convenient for use. It is better to make different clips for large and small products. Cut sticks from the branch so that at one end there was a bitch. Length can vary from 3 to 10 centimeters. Opposite from the bitch, the end of the sticks sharpen from one or both sides. Then split it with a knife into two equal halves to a bitch. That's all.

Making templates
Templates of various sizes are convenient to use if you do not have the opportunity to make it yourself or order the Metal Metal Lentoresis. Templates are performed from tin. It is better for tin, which is used during construction, but you can also cut a template from a canning can, fading the edge. In the absence of tin, for temporary use, you can make a pattern of cardboard. Below are the patterns of making template.

Production of Chekanov
Cecains can be made of various material: wood, metal, bones, textolite, etc. Metal check can be performed in the form of a flower or sun. To do this, take a nail by 150-200 mm. And I do the sharp end to the circle in the face. Then take a triangular feet and take a diametrical middle band. Next, beaded at the angle of 30 degrees, the ends of the nail from the center to the middle. So you can do several times (6 or more). Then try to make an impression on the birch. Chekani from another material are made using the same file and the appliance, but an angular chisel, a knife and a drill with a tree drill can be used.


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