Completion of construction objects - "Mosblock". Completion of construction objects Completion of construction objects with finishing materials

For quite a long time I work in the construction business (production and supply of the SCC) and during this time I saw a lot. How companies appear how disappear. I saw mistakes, I saw good solutions for development. Therefore, now I will describe a collective image of a successful company for the recruitment of construction sites and finishing brigades.

The company must be prompt, professional, not loaded, competitive at prices, loyal and logisticsly developed.

To open a business, large investments are not required, and often not required at all. It requires only knowledge and skill to sell. Well, we start first:

1. Register or rent IP / LLC. It is necessary to impart the seriousness of your company and conclude contracts with suppliers, and sometimes for the "white" shipments.

2. Determine, rent an office or sit at home. At the first stage it is better at home. Many companies just started at home.

3. Looking for suppliers. These must be a company with direct contracts, because They are lower and with the presence of everything in order. When searching is better to divide suppliers for commodity groups. Also, when negotiations with suppliers, it is necessary to immediately clarify prices and transit shipments. Look for analogue (according to those. Characteristics) best selling products, but with a good price. This will increase your marginal profit.

4. COMPLETE THE PRICE LIST. It is better to do several columns, such as: wholesale, large wholesale, etc.

5. Compose a commercial offer.

6. Looking for potential customers.

7. Complete.

Where to look for customers?

With this, everything is simple ... there is a completely busy niche. These are private finishes and minor brigades that make repairs. Their phones are in profile media and in newspapers with ads + poles + corners of the house, etc.

How does this segment of the market work?

There are 2 options:

1. The client orders repairs, decoration of the room. The finishing rate evaluates the amount of work, writes a list of what should be bought on the "Tetrad List". The client is traveling independently purchased.

2. The same, only the finisher bills and purchases itself.

In the percentage, the ratio of the first and second group is 50 to 50.

You are more interesting in the first stage it is 2 option - just easier with them!

What amount will be purchased on average one finished per month?
30-70 thousand rubles.
How much does one finishing brigade be purchased a month?
100-200 thousand rubles.

What profitability?

How much can you attract for the month of customers?
from 5 customers

What profits in the first month?
from 15 to 100 thousand rubles

What are you better building markets / stores?
All range of building materials, efficiency, delivery, rollbacks

What are you better than competitors?
Free shipping, delaying payment. Achieved by broadcast from suppliers. Also efficiency due to a small number of orders at the first stage.

What is the benefit to work with you clients?
Rolls coming from free shipping. Those. You deliver products for free, the client takes money from the customer. Plus any price in the check for the client. Prices as the market is saving client time (no need to go anywhere, one call).

In personal experience I can say that this business is still developing, the creative and determination is welcome in it. The non-busy niche of frequent finishers can afford well earn and climb.

Personally, I have customers who went on the path described above, and for half a year they came to 500 thousand net profit. Opened the store, rented the warehouse, removed the office and hired three managers.

Business allows you to develop almost to infinity .... From the pockets to developers and owners of large range.

If you have questions, ask, I will answer in detail, because I know this business well!

The construction of residential, administrative buildings is a sufficiently long process, the start of which gives the design of these objects. It usually takes a lot of time, which is quite possible (and even needed) to use in order to significantly speed up the construction. It is about the fact that it is necessary to take care of the configuration in advance, that is, about structural and finishing materials that will be used in the construction of an object. If you do this, the construction work can be started as soon as the project is fully ready.

It is necessary to start using the package when in the process of developing project documentation it becomes clear, from which the building will be built, in which sequence will be carried out, than and how the construction is planned to be finished, which engineering systems it is intended to be equipped. Usually all these questions are completely clarifying closer to the conclusion of the design, however, in order to have time to complete the future object before the project is fully ready, it remains quite enough.

How best to ensure a complete set of a construction site?

Like any other serious work, the construction of construction objects is the procedure that stages should be produced. First, it is necessary to take care of the selection of suppliers and the acquisition of the main construction materials from them, then the agenda will reach the future construction of the configuration necessary for the creation of engineering systems, and finally - hotels (both black and finally).

A very important point is to draw up a clear schedule for the supply of all types of materials and components. Practice shows that there is no point in buying everything at once, bring to storage in warehouses or directly to the construction site.

If we provide a rhythmic supply of the entire desired configuration just by the time it is necessary for the implementation of each specific stage of construction or repair work, it will allow the most rational to plan money costs, to avoid such trouble as the occurrence of branches of financing the object. This is especially important in the current conditions when the cost of value, material costs are for construction (and not only for him) one of the most important.

If you plan a complete set, in advance, at the design documentation development phase, it will be possible to obtain a complete calculation of the costs of materials. Of course, it is even difficult to determine it with one hundred percent accuracy, but it is quite difficult to get a digit, very close to real, it is quite possible.

It should be noted that in the current conditions it is very important to know in advance what exactly the finishing materials will cost. It often happens that the costs of their acquisition significantly exceed the amount that is spent on the main structural materials, as well as a complete set to create engineering systems. If it turns out in advance, it is an opportunity to reduce these costs using similar to the appointment, comparable in terms of high-quality, operational, aesthetic characteristics, but significantly cheaper finishing materials.

Some features of configuration of construction objects

Some customers believe that it is enough to get from the project organization a statement of materials necessary for construction, a chart of supplying them to an object, and with the purchase of all the necessary, as well as with the organization of supplies, they may well cope on their own. In a considerable amount of cases, this is exactly the case, but only in those organizations that have long and successfully work in the construction market, they are well oriented in its realities, have established relations with suppliers of various structural, finishing materials, as well as components for the arrangement of engineering systems.

If the customer does not have these conditions, then, most likely, he will have serious problems with the acquisition of the entire necessary configuration at really favorable prices, and in a clear compliance with the schedule of their delivery to the object. Thus, the main advantages of the configuration of the construction facility at the stage of its design will be leveled. That this does not happen, we recommend contacting us in the construction company Era.

Advantages of configuration of construction objects by our company

In the design, construction, repair and reconstruction market, the Era has been successfully operating for several years. During this time, we have accumulated the rich experience of the configuration of construction objects, and both those that were designated themselves and those project were developed by other organizations. We have established close business contacts with many suppliers of structural, finishing materials, as well as equipment for creating engineering networks. Therefore, we have the opportunity to provide them with procurement at the most affordable prices, as well as the delivery in strict accordance with the schedule.

It should also be emphasized that the final choice of how exactly the construction of the construction object remains, of course, for the customer. In addition, in many positions, we offer customers several possible suppliers. Choose that of them, which will eventually be purchased, our customers can according to parameters such as cost, quality, proposed time and delivery terms.

Completion of construction sites This is a construction stage, from which everything begins and which continues throughout the process of the construction and finishing of capital structures. Accordingly, this stage imposes an imprint on the quality of work and the timing of its implementation. Competently and timely concluded contracts for the supply of building materials minimize the risks to obtain not high-quality goods and simple due to lack of raw materials to perform the intended works. Pre-thought-out configuration measures make it possible to properly organize the employment team. If you need help in organizing the process of configuring construction objects, we are ready to provide it on your first requirement. Professional managers of the Economy online store will take into account even the smallest details at the request of the client and flawlessly distribute the front of work on the configuration to the specified object. You will not have more reasons for spending time and distracted from more important to solve such issues. We will do it for you.

Your right to count on an individual approach is strictly respected by our professionals. The benefits that will bring the right organization of the configuration of construction sites are so obvious that you will not be difficult to feel. The online store "EKONSTROY" cooperates strictly with reliable suppliers. Only such partners can provide guarantees to fulfill their contractual obligations. Only such cooperation excludes the possibility of facing the problem of fakes and not high-quality materials. Delivery time in the case of a pre-order is also strictly controlled. In addition, the purchase of one supplier involves the right to a good discount, which means that it is possible to save money on the wholesale order. This is especially important in the construction of large objects and of course in cases where exclusive options for finishing materials and decor elements are used.

If we are talking about small volumes of construction, it should be approached to solving the issue otherwise. Working with various suppliers makes it possible to maneuver the price categories and the magnitudes of the wholesale parties. Cheap and practical materials also have a solid niche in the market. They quite successfully cost construction objects with high-level capital investments. We can offer you a flexible competitive pricing policy with any product group. Cooperating with us, you will receive qualified assistance that strictly meets your request and is only suitable for your case. And using our services, you can afford to quietly engage in the usual work without being distracted by the fact that we will take on. It is a profitable surrounding routine, which will allow you to focus on your own business. We sincerely wish you a successful achievement of the tasks and taking the right solutions!

Completion of construction objects "turnkey" is a wise approach to construction, which will allow you to make repairs in an apartment or build a house, saving from 10% to 30%. Such an approach will allow you to increase the effectiveness of invested funds, as well as traced that nothing was missed.

Supply construction objects

LLC "TD Ergotaym" in the market since 2012. The main focus is the complete set of construction objects, which includes wholesale of building materials and construction equipment. Our partners are large and small construction organizations, wholesale buyers, brigades and individuals. You just need to send an application to install an order for supplying a construction site. Our company organizes a cycle of building materials, from purchases to operational delivery and unloading at the facility. We will liberate you from tedious hiking in the construction markets and take on all the routine work by organizing a high level of service. Our qualified managers will advise and help you choose everything from the necessary building and finishing materials, to professional construction equipment. Company employees will provide reports at each stage of the transaction.

Complete configuration of construction objects

Complete configuration of construction objects makes it possible to obtain significant discounts that will reduce the cost of transportation. Everything necessary for the construction of an object is mostly driving from one place and at one time. With large wholesale purchases, we are ready to hold the goods for some time in your warehouse, if necessary. Completion of construction objects includes such a service. This will allow you to save time, means and nerves.

Complete supply of construction

Complete construction of construction is very popular with our customers. With us work not only large contractors and supplying grounds, but also private individuals. Repairs, not to mention the capital construction, a very complex process and consists of a variety of stages, which include primarily the purchase of building materials wholesale and retail of various brands and manufacturers. You can speed up and simplify it by optimizing and reducing the cost of building materials.

The company ArtKomplekt LLC "Stroypostavka" deals with the sale of finishing and building materials, a comprehensive supply of construction objects. Rich warehouse reserves, close cooperation with manufacturers and suppliers, allow our customers to choose from a huge amount of materials, find everything you need for construction and repair.

our clients

  • construction companies;
  • repair companies;
  • brigades engaged in the finish of the premises;
  • manufacturing enterprises (those organizations that make repairs directly for their own needs);
  • persons engaged in home repairs.

Assortment of warehouses

The stock of our company includes the main finishing materials required for construction:

  • and (especially a wide selection of products ArtKoplekt offers the following brands:, and);
  • outdoor coatings:, laminate and carpet;
  • (for offices, corporate objects and home repairs);
  • all kinds (type "Armstrong" from mineral fiber, grilyato, cassette and rush);
  • dry mixtures (universal, plaster, putty, bulk floors, grouts and tile adhesives);
  • (fliseline, paper and glass);
  • paint and varnish products;
  • mounting foams and sealants.
  • thermal insulation and roofing;
  • plasterboard and drying gypsum.

This is the main, but far from a complete list of products presented on our warehouses.

Advantages in collaboration with ArtKomplekt company:

  • low prices "Who buys more, he can sell cheaper."

We minimize our own office space costs, rental of retail space, warehouse complexes and staff. We closely cooperate with manufacturers and major suppliers, we work for the highest possible turns for our company, so we can offer low prices to our customers, which is called "at the output".

  • comfortable service "Our manager loves you!"

We are more oriented to the client much more than large suppliers with an unmotivated staff. The account manager manager performs for the client as a supplier, this is a specialist in the construction region at least with 3 years of experience. He selects materials based on the wishes of the customer and the technical features of the construction object, calculates the logistics, organizes delivery, provides all the necessary certificates, etc. Why does he make it with great pleasure for you? Because its salary depends on this and the company's reputation.

  • - Reliability "There is always a choice."

The component organization has several suppliers for each product group. We put the reserve in advance for the most necessary goods that you need. If this or that item is not in one warehouse, it is found on the other. The managers of the company's company have impeccable knowledge of the construction market. We will always find what you need! Even the most deficient building materials can be replaced with analog. We can leave in the reserve in a warehouse for the customer.

  • speed "We are adults, so we work quickly."

Our employees work in the field of configuration for a long time to know the peculiarities of the market and the most frequent wishes of customers. Therefore, we will quickly calculate and carry out delivery, react to your application (exhibit the score), I request a clear time for a prosecution to the warehouse of a custom product.

  • loyalty "The client is unique to us."

All controversial situations we try to solve in favor of the customer. One way or another, the shipping process is associated with a chain of people who perform some actions. Our manager seeks to control the entire process - from the moment of invoice to directly shipment.

  • a responsibility "For you we will answer our well-being"

With each our client, an individual manager is working, who is responsible for each sale not only administratively, but also its own money.

We are able to estimate our own strength, in order to fulfill their promises to our customers. All so-called "pitfalls" are usually calculated by our manager in advance.

Internet site "ArtKomplekt"

For convenience, we are constantly working on our project on the Internet. On our page you can find all the necessary information about finishing or building material: photos, appearance, descriptions, specifications, application, packaging information. Search for certain construction materials on our site we try to make light and enjoyable. Very often, it is much more convenient than to wander around the cold market and try to get information from the seller with difficult to understand the Russian language or search for the material you need in a huge construction supermarket and "pester" to non-qualified consultants.

If you need to buy finishing materials to artkomplekt, we are sure you turned at the desired address.


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