Submarine "Midhoga". Midhoga (submarine) engine characteristics for submarine "Midhog"

The use of submarines During the Russian-Japanese war, 1904-1905 gave the first practical combat experience, and revealed both positive and negative qualities of the "liner" type. One of the main deficiencies of submarines of this type was the presence of only the torpedo devices of the Jewetsky system. In addition to many positive qualities, they have and serious disadvantages - the difficulty of accurate aiming during the submarine, the impossibility of adjustment and inspection of the torpedoes, which are in the devices. In contrast to them, the tubular torpedo vessels installed on the submarines of the "Osperature" type and "Som" provided the best maintenance of the torpedo. At the same time, the internal torpedo devices in the underwater position could be recharged, which gave the opportunity to have a spare set.

The need to use tubular internal torpedo devices was substantiated in a memorandum submitted to GMSh on May 30, 1905, counter-admiral, headed by Schensnovich Eduard Nikolayevich. In particular, he drew the attention of the MGSH to the successful building of the Baltic Pali-type submarine and the creation of 400-strong operational engines for the surface stroke. Considering it necessary to further develop the domestic underwater shipbuilding, Schensnovich proposed "to urge the Baltic plant of submarines with internal torpedo devices."
Contents of the report of Schensnovich E.N. Coincided with the plans of the maritime ministry, since MTK on May 3, 1905 reviewed the project of a submarine with a displacement of 380 tons, composed by a ship engineer Bubnov I.G. and captain of the second rank Beklemishev M.N. The projectors have chosen the path of further development of the "liquefaction" type submarines. The speed of the submarine increased by 4 nodes (up to 18), the distance in the surface position is 5 thousand miles, in the underwater position - 32 miles (against 24). The project provided for the installation in the nasal part of the tubular torpedo to the apparatus and in the extensions of the superstructure - 6 torpedo devices of the Jewetsky system. Members of the ITC, with a detailed review of the project, expressed the wish to move the tubular apparatus to the top of the superstructure for damage to damage when the submarine is about the soil. The MTC Meeting project approved, indicating that "the construction of such a submarine ... in Russia, its own means is desirable for independent development, construction and improvement of diving facilities." The Baltic Shipbuilding and Mechanical Plant was offered as a builder, and the plant "L.Nobel" - as a manufacturer of windows engine. Based on the positive review of MTC Vice-Admiral, Maritime Ministerial Manager, Avelan F.K. On May 4, 1905, ordered to make a project execution of the project to the general program of shipbuilding.

Bubnov I.G. September 25 sent a memorandum to the name of the main shipbuilding inspector. In it, he pointed out the increased explosion of gasoline engines. Two 600-strong gasoline engines were offered to replace with two diesel engines with a capacity of 600 and 300 hp, working for one shaft sequentially. To preserve the project velocity of Bubnov I.G. He offered to reduce the width of the submarine at 305 mm and refuse to use the tree in the case of the case. In addition, the designer offered to use instead of one tubular and 6 torpedo devices of the Jerevian four tubular apparatus with four spare torpedoes.

The contributions of the ITC approved, simultaneously considered and approved submitted by Bubnov I.G. The project of a small submarine with a displacement of 117 tons, armed with two tubular nasal apparatus. The basis for the development of this project was the conclusions of the MHSC Commission on the need to have submarines of two types of two types in the fleet - coastal, displacement of about 100 tons, and cruising, displacement of 350-400 tons. MTC Meeting The project of a small submarine and changes made to the submarine documentation, a displacement of 360 tons, approved. The building of the submarine was assigned to the Baltic Plant, and the general observation was entrusted to the ship engineer Bubnova I.G. The Division of the Gukis structures, on the basis of the following after this resolution of the Marine Minister Birileva A.A., February 9, 1906 issued the Baltic plant of № 4457 to build 2 submarines with displacement of 360 and 117 tons. Term of work - 20 months.

Ordering the Baltic Plant from the very beginning was not enough funded (only 200,000 rubles), which made it possible only to start negotiations with counterparties and deploy preparatory work. Factory specialists in the summer of 1906 led negotiations with the company "Man" (Augsburg, Germany), which was engaged in the construction of a 300 hp diesel engines. For French submarines. Petersburg Plant "L.Nobel" was also taken for creating such engines, but it seemed very dubious due to the lack of experience. Bubnov I.G. On August 19, he submitted a memo in the ITC, in which he proposed to change the energy installation for the underwater stroke. Given the fact that the supposed 600-strong diesel engine in the enabarition of a durable corps did not enter and had a number of shortcomings, the Bubnov offered to use three diesel engines with a capacity of 300 hp, each of which will work for a separate shaft.

Such an unusual project at MTC meetings was considered three times - August 21, September 22 and October 13. Members of the Committee at the first meeting were offered to suspend the construction and order 1 diesel for comprehensive tests. All this entry of the submarine to the system was rapping indefinitely, which is why the head of the Baltic Plant of Veshkurssev P.F. He took responsibility for building submarines with dismissal displacement 117 and 360 tons. At the last meeting of the ITC, Vyshkurtsev's proposal was made. Plant in October introduced MTC those. Conditions approved on December 7. This date should be considered the beginning of the construction of submarines.

Plant "L.Nobel" in January 1907 received an order for the manufacture of three 300-strong and two 120-strong engines, and the "Volta" plant in the roar - on rowing electric motors. At the same time, the delivery time of diesel engines is 15 months from the date of receipt of the order. The French company "MATO" should have put battery batteries (11 months). Cabinet works went pretty quickly, especially in a small submarine, officially laid on February 6, 1906.

On June 14, 1907, the small and large submarines of the Baltic Plant were enrolled in the fleet lists as "Midhog" and "Shark".

The descent of the first of them, scheduled for the spring of 1908, had to be postponed, since the plant "L.Nobel" was delayed by the supply of windows. Much time went to the manufacture of a reversible device developed by an engineer Hagelin K.V. In this regard, the first of the diesel engines was brought only in July, and the second - in October 1908. Plant "Volta" in the contract dates also did not meet. All work complicated and the fire that occurred on March 21 in the Baltic Plant and destroying new batteries. This was the reason for the secondary order of the company "MATO". The submarine "Midhog" on October 11, lowered water with one diesel engine, after 15 days the tests were started, which had to stop due to solid ice. On November 7, only mooring tests were carried out. In April 1909, the submarine "Midhog" was raised on the wall for the installation of lead keel, since a large number of pipelines in the hold of placed inside the case an additional ballast did not allow.

In early June, the second diesel was installed, the battery was installed and all the mechanisms were tested. June 7 submarine "Minoga" under the command of Lieutenant Brovtsina A.V. He began in the sea channel runs under diesel engines, and later passed for successive trials (October 15-18) in Bjorke Zund. The Acceptance Commission concluded that the submarine is subject to reception in the treasury, even despite the decrease in underwater and surface velocities compared with contractual (0.75 and 1 node, respectively). Also, the Commission proposed to strengthen the weapons of submarines with two torpedo devices of Jerevsky. However, this offer remained on paper due to the concerns of the deterioration of the stability of the submarine.

The submarine "Midhog" (displacement 123/152 tons, 24% buoyancy stock) is the further development of the "liquefaction" type submarines with the characteristic placement of the main ballast outside the solid housing in the lungs. Durable case, designed for 45 meter immersion, was gained along the transverse system. The concentric spangling from 18 to 90 was made from the corner steel of 90x60x8 millimeters with a piping of 305 millimeters, the casing - 8 mm, limited the durable housing from the nose to the stern. An oval durable cutting (wall thickness of 8 millimeters) was stuck to a solid casing (the wall thickness of 8 millimeters), the lungs of the lungs (from 0 to 18 and 90 to 108 pins) was twice as long as thickness.

All over the top of the body, for the improvement of nautical qualities, a waterproof light superstructure was seraged (a thickness of 3 millimeters thick). The mine-ebony system consisted of two tanks (each 9 tons) of the main ballast in the tips, which were calculated on the 6-meter immersion depth. The end tanks in the stern and the nose were filled with two centrifugal reversing pumps of the "Magino" system (the diameter of the valve 120 millimeters, the performance depending on the depth depth ranged from 45 to 200 m3 per hour). Inside the terminal tanks were stern and nasal differential tanks (the capacity of each 0.75 ton), calculated on the limiting depth. To fill it, 76 mm valves were used. Inside the durable case (48-59, 2 medium tanks were located (the capacity of each 2 ton), which was filled through separate 152-millimeter kingstones, the drives of which were in combat logging. In the superstructure in the nose and stern (the splint sets 23-49 and 57-74) there were two deck tanks of 4 tons, designed for pressure 0.5 atmospheres and filled during the immersion through the spyhots by gravity. Different and medium tanks were blocked by high pressure air (approximately 3 atmospheric) at the limiting depth. Water from these tanks was pumped out through a special pipeline by centrifugal pumps. The residual buoyancy was regulated using two small tanks, the total capacity of about 15 liters, which were in the feed part of the combat cutting. Filling was carried out by manual pump.

In general, the Ballast System of the submarine "Midhog" was distinguished by reliability and simplicity. An important innovation was the presence of deck tanks, with closed ventilation valves of which (after filling the fodder and nose), the submarine passed into a positional position in which only a cutting remained on the surface.

The average nasal tank when immersed was filled completely, feed - partially, which made it possible to adjust the residual buoyancy. Essentially, the fodder tank served as equalizing. The purging of medium tanks with a compressed high-pressure air allowed a submarine to quickly emerge in an emergency.

The stateless parts of the torpedo apparatuses, the compressor, the nasal centrifugal pump and the electric motor for the underwater anchors were in the upper part of the nasal compartment (sparkmost 18-48). In the lower part there was a battery of the "MATO" system consisting of 66 elements, which was located competent with two groups with a passage in the midst. At the same time, the battery floor served as a floor. Metal runduki was mounted over the batteries on sides. Their covers were intended for leisure team. In the thunder of the nasal branch, 7 air shoes were placed, torpedo firing was performed by one of them. From the right side (patch 48) was fastened with a freshwater tank with a capacity of 400 liters. There were sludge for officer premises between the splits 48 and 54, which were filled with clutches from the passage. There were coaches of the commander and assistant, the electric motor of the periscope and fans. The walls of fuel tanks are served by the walls of fuel tanks and nose - light bulkheads (sand 48). Between the splits 54 and 58, fuel tanks were placed, gluable from steel with a thickness of 7 millimeters, with a passage in the midst.

Between the 58th spline and spherical bulkhead, the machine compartment was located in which there were two three-cylinder four-stroke diesel (piston stroke 270 mm, the diameter of the cylinder 300 mm), the total power at 400 rpm - 240 hp. In the windward position, the engines allowed to develop speed up to 10 knots and provided a diving range of up to 1000 mph. 8-nodal economic stroke. Under water, the submarine moved under the rowing 70-strong electric motors at a speed of 4.5-5 knots. The capacity of the batteries was enough for passing 90 miles. The electric motor and diesel engines mounted in the diametral plane, with each other could be connected by Leblane friction clutches. Feed motor worked on the battery. Under the foundations of diesel engines, 6 fuel tanks were placed, the capacity of which was 5.7 tons, from where the Solari was supplied to the expenditure tanks with a manual pump, and from there he was signed with gravity.

The presence on the submarine "Midhog" on one rowing shaft of heterogeneous engines, as well as the low possibilities for changing the speed of rotation of diesel engines led to the application (for the first time in world practice) VRS, the pitch of the blades was installed only without load depending on the operation mode. As a result, this technical innovation was practically not used. In engine compartment, in addition to the compressor, the centrifugal pump of the feed ballast tank and 5 air shoes were located. One of the aircraft (capacity of 100 liters) was used to launch diesel engines.

The submarine was controlled by a vertical steering wheel of 2 m2, as well as two pairs of horizontal steering wheel - feed and nose (area 2 and 3.75 m2, respectively), posts of the latter were in fodder and nasal compartments, which made it difficult to control. The central post was absent as such, and the steering wheel of the vertical steering wheel was located in combat logging. The same steering wheel was installed on the roof of the cutting for control in the surface position. Visual observation of the external situation was conducted in five portholes in the cut. Here, in the upper part, a durable cap with four portholes was performed, its lid also served as an entrance hatch. Two more hatches were in the stern and nose were used to load spare parts, torpedoes and batteries. In the underwater position, the observation was conducted with the help of a kleptoscope and periscope of foreign structures, and the first had the following difference: during the rotation of the lens, the observer remained in place, and in extreme constraints it was very important.

Armament of the submarine "Midhoga" - two VTTs of the plant "G.A. Lessenner" and two torpedoes R34 arr. 1904 caliber 450 millimeters. Due to the absence of a torpedo-posacle tank, the shooting salvo was impossible. The supply included a mushroom-shaped underwater anchor weighing 50 kg and the surface anchor weighing 150 kg. The crew of the submarine has 2 people, two of whom are officers.

A submarine "Midhoga" based on Libava began combat training, carried out independent outlets, took part in the annual maneuvers of the fleet. On March 23, 1913, an unforeseen - in a robust corps through the ship ventilation mine, due to the fall of an outsider item, its valve was closed not completely, the water began to flow. The submarine, having lost the buoyancy, sank at a depth of 30 meters, but thanks to the competent actions of Lieutenant Gosseli A.N., the commander of the submarine, the cherry weather, and also timely rendered assistance, the victims managed to avoid. With the help of specialists of the Libava military port, the submarine was raised and repaired. The practical lesson learned from this incident served an excellent service - on all subsequent submarines of the Russian fleet, ventilation valves were now made opening only inside the hull.

During World War I, the Midoga submarine was part of the first division of the Baltic Fleet Brigade. "Minogu" was actively used to carry doses in the district of the Montsund Archipelago on the Central Mino-Artillery Position.

The submarine "Midhog" was the first submarine in the world with diesel engines. On one shaft, a rowing electric motor and two diesel engines worked. The coupling stood in three places of gross line. On the submarine without a coup, it is not necessary to do, since the engines of the underwater and surface moves were on the same shaft, and when switching to the electric motor, it was necessary to turn off diesel engines. With the couplings, not everything was fine.

The third feed clutch, installed between the electric motor and dieselks, was located in the machine hold low, in the place where the spent oil and water accumulated. When swing, especially with a storm, a mixture of water and oil fell into the coupling, so at the most right moment it did not work.

In the summer of 1919, an urgent strengthening of the Caspian military flotilla was required. By order of Lenin V.I., Chairman of the Sovnarkom of the RSFSR, submarines "Midhoga", "Klavat", "Mackel" and "Okun" urgently repaired and sent to Saratov on railway contexts. On November 10, after the descent on the water, they were enrolled in the composition of the Asthan-Caspian military flotilla.

Underwater boat "Midhog" under the command of Paraer Yu.V. On May 21, 1919, Fort, Alexandrovsky, during the battle with English courts, was on the verge of death, as he having wounded the stroke of the steel cable for the screw.

Only the courage of the steering-signal of Isaeva V.Yae., who had a screwdriver in the cold water, saved the submarine from the executive shooting. V.Ya. Isaev for this feat was awarded the Order of the Martial Red Banner. The submarine "Midhog" after the end of the fighting in the Caspian Some time was stored in the Astrakhan Military Port. November 21, 1925, after almost a 16-year-old service, it was handed over to the layer.

Perennial exploitation of the submarine "Midhog" only confirmed the correctness of the structural solutions of Bubnov IG. Some of them (the dive system, the overall layout) found further development during the design and construction of small submarines in the Russian and Soviet fleets.

Astrakhan ... The strategic and economic significance of this outpost of the Soviet Republic in the Caspian Sea in the summer of 1918 was huge. He chained, not allowing to connect, the forces of the "volunteer" army of General Denikin, who was engaged in the North Caucasus, and moving from the Guryva of the Urals White Army. Through Astrakhan in the mouth of the Volga, which was almost the only transport artery of the Soviet Republic, surrounded by enemies, walked products of marine fishing and oil, were maintained with the Caucasian revolutionary forces.

New and, probably, the most serious threat to Astrakhan came from the side of the Caspian Sea. British interventories in September 1918 began to form their navy in Caspiani. They captured Africa's trade vessels, "America", "Australia", the tanker "Emmanuel Nobel", etc., they were armed with long-range marine artillery and turned into auxiliary cruisers. A large number of small and medium-sided ships was converted into guard ships and canoners. From Batum, where at this time engaged in the British, the newest torpedo boats of Tornycroft were delivered to Caspian through Georgia by rail, as well as the aircraft of Naval Aviation "Shorty". And all this power moved to the north - to the "Red" Astrakhan. In addition, the ships of the intervention and the White Guards, which supplied with ammunition and armament of the Belarusians and the troops of General Denikin, the threatening city penetrated into the mouth of the Volga.

The Soviet government decided: "... in the shortest deadlines to organize a powerful military flotilla, the main task of which is to master the Caspian Sea, exile from its waters and the coast of the enemy's forces - enemies of the Russian proletarian revolution and opponents of Soviet power ..."

During the formation of flotilla had to overcome many difficulties. Lacked technical means, ammunition, and the main thing of experienced personnel. Soviet government and Lenin personally provided serious military assistance and support for the young Caspian flotilla. In the fall of 1918, the policemen "Rodiloppy", "Activities", "Moskvatik" came from the Baltic to Astrakhan. Somewhat later - the Municipality "Turkmen Stavropol", "Emir Bukhara", "Finn", as well as the Mind Barrel "Demosphen".

IN AND. Lenin in August 1918 gave an indication of the headquarters of the naval forces to send several submarines from the Baltic to the Caspian. Lenin, checking the execution of the order, on August 28, requested: "How is the question about sending submarines to the Caspian Sea and on the Volga? Is it true that you can send only old submarines? How many are they? How is the dispatch about sending? What has been done? "

The next day, having received an unsatisfactory answer from the headquarters, Lenin again categorically demanded: "It is impossible to restrict ourselves to such uncertainty - it is impossible (we are looking for your property ??. To the punishment it is necessary to introduce my names who are looking for, the date with which the searches started, and so Further). "It turns out the possibility of sending" - also incredibly indefinitely. Who and when he ordered "to find out"? I ask on August 30, that is, tomorrow, I officially report it, because it does not suffer from sending submarines. "

Exactly in a week V.I. Lenin, without recovering from the wound after the attempted Kaplan, handed over to Petrograd directive: "There is a struggle for the Caspian and South. In order to leave this area for themselves (and this can be done!), It is necessary to have several light destroyers and two submarines ... Being to break all the obstacles, alleviating and moving forward the case of a quick receipt of the required. The North Caucasus, Turkestan, Baku will definitely be ours, if the requirements are satisfied with immediate. Lenin ".

This directive was written to Saksu S.E., a member of the collegium of the People's Commissariat for Maritime Affairs. In the Foundations of the Central Bank of the Navy, there is a domicile business: prescriptions, telegrams, letters, deposits, which in one way or another are associated with the transformation into the Caspian submarines "Midhog, Macrel", and later, and the same type with the last, submarines "Okun "And" Calvat ". And no special comments are required to understand the scale of unprecedented maneuver to the underwater forces, to evaluate the difficulties that stood in front of the performers of the Leninsky task and feel the spirit of time.

August 31. Sax - Sklyansky. "Minogu" can be finished after two and a half weeks. To send a boat, two contexts are required, each lift of at least 3,000 pounds. Length of the submarine "Midhog" 108 feet ... Width - 8.75 feet, height from the top of cutting to Kiel - 22 feet, mass without team and fuel - 150 tons ... "

September 1. Sklyansky - Saxu. "In the Izhora factory there are required conveyors. Immediately begin the preparation and loading of two submarines of the specified types of ..."

September 7th. Sax - Sklyansky. "Repair of submarines" Midhog "and" Mackel "started on September 3 ... Transporters for loading submarines from the Izhora plant are translated into place of loading ... To maintain the forces of workers, flour for baking bread is released daily ... Repair is successful."

September 17th. "Comrade Breitschprherahu, emergency commissioner. I suggest you, with the receipt of this prescription immediately through Moscow to serve in the city of Saratov, as well as other items of the Volga coast for controlling the activities of the commission consisting of engineers: Alexey Poiskowkina, NestronsFonfon Rubric, Pavel Belkin and Carpent Masters Semenov Ivan, which should be found, to adapt, make preliminary work, as well as to equip the place to descend submarines, which will arrive by October 1 of this year to the place of descent. You must have a tireless monitoring of the commission of the commission entrusted to you and daily to inform me about the progress of preparatory works ... Sax, member of the Board of the People's Commissariat for Maritime Affairs. "

September 30th. Altfater - Head of Military Messages. "Echelon No. 667 / A on the night of September 29-25, a submarine" Midhog "was published from Petrograd on the route Moscow-Saratov.
I ask for the unimpeded and urgent promotion of the echelon ... "

October 1. Member of the Board of the People's Commissariat for Maritime Affairs - Commissioner of the Division of submarines of the Baltic Sea. "I propose to immediately begin the staffing of the lifting boats" Kavel "and" perch "teams, naturally, the Communists and extremely sympathizer, since these boats are intended for serious operations on the Caspian."

Echelon was equipped with strictest secrecy atom. It looked quite unusual: a cool car, commodity, and between them a multi-axis conveyor carrying a huge iron box. Under the conveyor worked workers railway workshops and lubricants. And so there were beeps of two steam locomotives and a secret composition No. 667 / and moved ... It happened on the night of September 30, 1918 ...

An unusual train moved leisurely. Under the platform on which the box was installed with a cargo, the sleeves moaning, the rails were missed. So, on the railway, a submarine "Medault" weighing 115 tons went to the far route. A few days later, the second echelon was left with a submarine "Macrel" and torpedoes. From Petrograd, the two submarines have shipped, "Kajak" and "Okun". The end item of the route of these four submarines was Caspian ...

South Echelons went without delays, with an unprecedented speed for that time. Telegraphists, warning the neighboring stations about sending trains, played: "By order V.I. Lenin ..."

Yes, in 1918 it was very difficult to smit almost across the country, mainly by land, a whole division of submarines. However, the military situation in the Astrakhan Territory demanded that, and people did everything so that the submarines in turn arrived to the banks of the Volga. However, another question rose - how to remove with conveyors without cranes and pull steel romance to water more than 100 tons?

The wonders of engineering fiction were shown by the Extraordinary Commissioner by Konstantin Breitschprherh and the members of the Technical Commission sent to Saratov. After all, the slightest inaccuracy and ability could cause a catastrophe, since the slip width was less than the length of the submarine 10 times. Preparatory work was very complex, but they were carried out technically competently, and the Volga waters took the Baltic submarines one after another. Mackerel and "Midhog" in Astrakhan came late in the fall. And if the first ships were transferred more or less smoothly, then later the counter-revolution decided to "correct" the oversight. Enemies were made all of them dependent in order for the Baltic submarines the goals did not reach. Diversions went into the move, sabotage. Some secret plans were disclosed - for example, a plan for the output of conveyors.

And after a few days, the emergency was happening. In this regard, Vakhrameev I.I., managing the technical and economic part of the maritime department and the Commissioner of the RVS of the Republic "Very urgent" reported by the Commissar of the Communications: "There was a collapse of echelon with submarines. It is assumed that the translation of the arrow was deliberate. I ask orders An accident with a train strictly investigate. " During the investigation, it turned out that the transition of the arrows was not accidental ... Baltic submariners in the Caspian Sea made many glorious combat affairs. But in the spring of 1919, they especially distinguished themselves in battles. During this period, the Minoga submarine has repeatedly went to the enemy shores on combat positions. Skill and bravely acted in these battles the crew of the submarine led by commander Poire Julia Vitalevich. Despite the difficult and extremely difficult conditions of swimming, frequent storms and shallow water, Poire, the underwater ship was ruled solely skillfully. Thanks to the skill of the Captain "Midhog" shied away from attacks from water and from the air, and enemy airplanes and boats were never able to catch the crew of this submarine by surprise.

On May 21, 1919, the auxiliary cruisers of the British Interventory tried to break into the Bay of the Caspian Sea Tuba Aaragansky, where several Soviet ships stood at the Fort Alexandrovsky. The tied sea battle was already described more than once, and we only recall: Even despite almost 3 times superiority in the power, the enemy refused his plan - mainly due to the danger to get a blow from under the water.

In this battle, the submarine "Midhog" and her commander was not lucky from the very beginning. Initially, the engines were enraged, and the captain led the submarine to the headquarters "Revel" to, as he wrote the commander in the report, "to repair motors". However, hardly submarine moored to "Reel", as a projectile hit him, the steamer "caught fire as a torch, the boat was also covered by fire." Poire tried to take the boat from burning plastn, however, "the screw wounded the steel mooring, and the cars did not have enough strength to turn." Then Poire and five more military sailors, despite the fact that the steamer with the reserve torpedo and min on board could explode at any minute, jumped into Barcas and took the submarine to a safe place. But how to get rid of the cable? Perhaps you will be able to turn the shaft by the electric motor? However, where there! "Let me try," Issaev Vasily's steering member appealed (b) Isaev Vasily to Poire. Without a diving costume, literally bare hands to free the screw from the steel cable with a length of 40 meters? Will it cope? Whether the water is rather cool, do not hold out the water. After all, work for several hours. Yu.V. Poire thought, weighed everything "for" and "against", and eventually decided: "Well, try!"

Vasily Isaev worked in student water for the second hour, when the submarine commander "Midhog" received a written order to undermine the vessel. A minute of painful thought came, because the captain was already he himself began to believe that the Malmor-Bogatyr could make it impossible. However, the order is the order ... - "I will not break the order to violate," said Isaev, when he was triturated with alcohol before the next immersion, - and I will not surveal the submarine. Please prepare the ship to the explosion. If you approach the enemy ships, everyone should go ashore. " "I will stay in Julius Vitalyevich." You are more reliable and more handy, "said friend Isaev - Communist Electrical" MINI "Gregory Efimov. So threatened.

Isaev again and again dived under the screw, and Efimov, standing at the inventive end, supported a friend. There was an alarming moment when British ships starred and went. Probably, this is the end. But no, the enemy ships are not in the bay, but away. Looks like they were rushed from someone. So there is, "run" from the submarine "Macrel", which Mikhail Lashmanov led the enemy towards the enemy even though the submarine was detected by an airplane and attacked them. He led in shallow water when there were only a few feet under the keel. And the enemy trembled, departed.

"From the blades of the screw the first turns of the cable, I managed to remove relatively easily, although the body from the cold constantly reduced the convulsion, - Issaev Vasily Yakovlevich recalled, after a few decades. - The work moved slowly because it had to interrupt several times due to the opponent's airplane, which bombed In the Court of Court. "

In the evening, Isaeva managed to almost completely free from the cable of the screw. The remaining end was pulled out with the help of a small winch used for loading torpedoes.

The following is an excerpt from the report of the commander of the submarine Poire Yu.V. From 05/25/1919: "On the" Mino "all day were working on the cleaning of the screw, which was crowned with success at 17:30. I consider it my duty to celebrate the signaler Isaeva, who made this hellish work in madly cold water and saved a submarine from the drum ... when submarine He got the opportunity to move, I immediately translated it to the Zolbase, from there already at 21:30 went on a 12-fed raid. The boat arrived there on May 23 around 14:00. "

It remains to add that for this feat and other merits in front of the Motherland Isaev Vasily Yakovlevich in 1928 were awarded the Order of the Martial Red Banner and the Certificate of Certificate of the Presidium of the DVIK.

Poire, in conclusion, I wrote that "... In the bay, the enemy did not entered because the Mackerel's submarine was discovered from the airplane and ships. From here it is clear that in our war, Soviet boats can play one of the main roles ... our flotilla is needed boats in Just as Russia needs fuel. "

All 4 submarines - "Midhoga", "Mackel", "Kajak" and "Okun" - in the spring of 1920 already stood in Baku in a floating base, against the maiden tower: Soviet power came to Azerbaijan. White Guards and Interventories were broken and thrown out of the Caspian Sea. There were peaceful days.

Garsoev Alexander Nikolaevich in 1918 moved from the old fleet to the RKKF, not demobilizing. Garsoeva's service was curious: almost at all posts he had to stand something or create something, because he was commissioned by cases that were in complete launch or completely new. Harsoev engaged in the revival of the training squad of a scuba diving, which completely collapsed after two-time evacuation from Libay and from Revel. The very detachment of scuba diving, which he, together with the borrowed, finished at one time. In 1920, Garsoev was sent to the south. He participated in the creation of the Marine forces of the Azov and Black Seas. In 1921 he became the main submariner, there was such a post on the fleet. Aven a year later, the Department was in the Naval Academy. Garzayev created the department along the new discipline - the tactics of submarines. Then he organized his faculty.

In December 1923, continuing to work at the Academy, Garsoev is introduced in the newly created Scientific and Technical Committee by the chairman of the scuba diving section. However, this is not all .. Harsoys in 1925, while maintaining all the other posts, starts work in technical management. The load has increased. Everything that Ganzayv was commissioned, he performed perfectly. R.MUKLEVICH, the head of the Navy of the RKKKA called Gossel to himself together with the Leskov, chairman of the NTK. Warning that the topic of the conversation is absolutely secret, and the actions will require the most emergency, Muklevich said: "It's time to proceed to the development of projects of the first submarines. Who will fail?" He noticed how the usual pallor of Harsoeva was replaced by a feverish blush, as his eyes tanned. It seemed that there was still a moment, and Gosayev, forgetting about the subordination, starts to dance or shout out of delight. However, the submariner, cushed by the scope of the discipline, was patiently waiting for the head of the Navy of the Red Army. "Comrades, are there any suggestions?" Leskov stretched out: "So for sure. I have been waiting for such an order for a long time, we have repeatedly thought about. We are a comrade Harsooev we believe that the tasks for the development of boats as well as all calculations should carry out a small group of proxies in the walls of NTK. It will be better not anywhere else, and not yet An organization that can take for a similar thing. " Muklevich looked at Gasoeva: "The composition is scheduled?" Muklevich nodded: "I can report. I believe in the first place to put the engineer Malinina Boris Mikhailovich. This engineer has been known to me for 10 years. Once he took his submarine" Lioness ". This submariner, a delicate mind man."

Muklevich confirmed: "I know it, competently". "She else," Garsoev, "Rubric Xenofont Engineers, Schieglov Alexander Nikolaevich, Kazan Nikolay Ivanovich." - "And Zarubin?" - Interrupted Muklevich. - "Of course. Such a group without him just does not think ..."

The temporary design group also includes Professor Pelkovich P.I., Electric Engineer Govorukhin V.I., Mechanic Engineer Belletsky L.A., Three Designers - Kuzmin K.V., Fedorov F.Z., Skatrkin A.Ku .

"It is necessary to work in the setting of complete secrecy, not a minute to lose a gift," the workers of NTK Muklevich informed.

Everyone went smoothly year - from October 1, 1925 to October 1, 1926. We worked in the evenings, since everyone at the main jobs were responsibilities. Twelve months from engineers and designers invited to NTK, there was not a single holiday, per hour. The development of a task to design Garsoev was led, as they say, on a public basis. He did not pay any ruble. Command only at the very end encouraged participants very modest sums. Work in NTK, probably, most importantly, what did for the Soviet submarine fleet of Garosyev.

The whole preceding life and military service was prepared by Garosyev to such work, since he not only knew the device of submarines, but also brilliantly disassembled in the principle of their combat use.

In 1930, Garsoev was appointed commander of the division of new submarines. It was logical because he stood from their cradle, he was entrusted to establish the organization of the service on these boats.

The experience of using submarines in the Russian-Japanese war showed that submarines of small displacement can only be used in coastal areas. Therefore, the main sea headquarters came to the conclusion that in the composition of the fleet you need to have submarines of two types - coastal, displacement of 100-150 tons and cruising for action in the open sea with a displacement of 350-400 tons.

In 1905 I.G. Bubnov developed two projects for submarines, displacement of 117 and 400 tons. Submarines built on these projects were subsequently obtained by the name "Midhog" (small) and "shark" (big). Both boats The Maritime Technical Committee (MTC) put it with "experienced, the construction of which should serve as an independent development of domestic underwater construction."

The project of the submarine "Midhog" was approved by the ITC on September 20, 1905, and the outfit for the construction of a submarine Baltic Plant was issued on February 9, 1906. In the same month, steel for the building was ordered and the development of work drawings was launched.

The tanks of the main ballast (two) were placed in the extremities, filled with centrifugal pumps; Inside the durable case there were two average tanks of 2 tons filled through individual kingstones; There were also two deck tanks that filled with samothek through the spys. With unfilled deck tanks, the submarine was swam in its positional (then it was called the semi-node) position when only the cutting remained on the surface. The average and differential tanks were blocked by compressed air.

Two three-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine and the rowing electromotor were using a friction clutch one shaft line with an adjustable step screw, the blades of which were installed in accordance with the power of the engine running. For observation in the underwater position, Periskop Hertz and Kleptoscope were installed (panoramic periscope, allowing the observer when examining the horizon to remain in place).

In the second half of September 1906, a submarine laying was held. Firm "L. Nobel" In St. Petersburg, an order was issued an order for the manufacture of two engines of a seabed diesel engine, with a capacity of 120 hp. everyone. The main electric motor was ordered by the "Volta" plant in the roar, the battery is the plant "The Hole Electric de Mato" in Paris. The first diesel engine was manufactured in July 1908, the second - in October of the same year. Plant "Volta" coped with the manufacture of an electric motor only in June 1908. On the night of March 21, 1908, a battery was destroyed by fire. The descent of the submarine on the water took place on October 11, 1908. During the test, it turned out the need to install lead keel, because The required amount of ballast failed to be placed in the hod of the submarine. After installing the keel at the end of April 1909, the Minoga went to preliminary runs to the sea channel under the diesel engines. In early July, the boat went in Bjerke to the factory tests that continued for about two months. At the end of the test, the rowing screw was replaced and at the end of September the boat went to the torpedo shooting. In October, adoptive tests were made and on October 31, the Maritime Technical Committee recommended to accept the "Medi" in the treasury. The ship was distinguished: poor navigation, small autonomy and complexity of control in the underwater position.

Length -32.61 M.
Width -2.79 M.
Sediment -2.74 M.
Displacement -superwater - 123 tons, underwater - 144 tons
Power point -2 dieselos of the plant L. Nobel - 120 hp, electric motor - 70 hp
Speed \u200b\u200b-the highest surface - 11 nodes, underwater - 5.5 knots, an extraaval surface - 8 nodes, underwater - 3.5 nodes
Fuel -2.8 T (diest), rechargeable batteries 2 groups of 33 elements - 2200 A. h.
Swimming range -in the surface position - 630 miles at 10.5 nodes, - 960 miles at 8 nodes; In the underwater position - 38.5 miles at 5.5 nodes, - 90 miles at 4.5 nodes
Armament -2 nasal torpedo apparatus 457mm; Kleptoscope and Periscope Hertz; Spotlight - 45 cm.
Crew -2 officers / 2 conductor / 18 lower ranks.

Dive time -2.5 minutes

Buoyancy stock24 %

Immersion depth -working 30 meters

Engine Characteristics for submarine "Midhog"

Engine -3-cylinder 4-stroke, reversible, with air spraying of fuel
Power efficient -120 hp
The number of revolutions per minute -normal 400; Maximum 450.
Cylinder diameter -300 mm
Piston move -270 mm
Pressure in the cylinder -with 33 atm compression, fuel pulverization 60 atm
Fuel consumption per 1 liter. from. at one o'clock -with a full load of 220 g; Half load 280 g
Oil consumption per 1 liter. from. at one o'clock -10 g
The weight of the engine is 1 liter. from. -40 kg
The speed of the transition from the complete front to the full reverse load without load - 8 seconds

Enrolled on June 14, 1907 in the lists of BF ships, laid on September 6, 1906, ranked on October 11, 1908, and in October 1909 he entered into operation.

The PL "MINOG" was the first submarine with a diesel installation. On October 23, 1907, hydraulic tests of a solid building were carried out on the boat. On October 23, 1908, Minoga made the first way out to the sea channel under one of the diesel engines (the second was not yet delivered). On October 26, 1908, the boat was ready to start testing, but, coming out of the marine channel, met solid ice and was forced to return to the plant;

On November 7, 1908, despite the strengths of frost, we managed to produce a test immersion at the propulsive wall. In April 1909, the boat went to preliminary runs to the sea channel under the diesel engines. In July 1909, gone in Bjerke to factory tests that continued for about two months. At the end of the test, the rowing screw was replaced and at the end of September the boat went to the torpedo shooting, and in October 1909, reception tests were made.

March 23, 1913 "Midoga" left Libay to practical swimming. When departing from the pier, the submarine hit the coal barge and lost a gilded eagle fortified on Ahtershteve. Around 4 hours in the afternoon, the commander ordered Bottchman Gordeyev to convey to the convoy of the semaphore to his intention to immerse. Bottham, passing the signal, turned the semaphore flags and put them down under the flooring of the bridge of logging, and the checkboxes got into the open valve of the ship ventilation mines. When preparing a boat to the immersion, did not pay attention to the fact that the ventilation valve was not closed (the flags interfered), the water began to flow along the ventilation pipe into the engine room and the boat sank. She fell on the ground at a depth of 30 meters. Through the chief ballast commander was late. He ordered to give a rescue buoy. Bui pop up, a boat came to him from a coneer, but no one knew how to use the phone, and the connection was established only after studying the instructions. After receiving the news that the boat cannot emerge, the escaler went with anxious beeps in the harbor. The tube of ventilation was destroyed, after which they tried to score her - went into the progress of the commander, clothing and underwear teams, but completely stopped the flow of water failed. The commander decided to blow the fodder ballast tank, which was completed. Light feed rose, the forage flag was visible on the surface of the sea. The water flooded the batteries placed in the nose part of the boat and the selection of chlorine from the batteries decreased. A lifting crane, a killetor, towels with divers, arrived at the accident site. Especially distinguished in the rescue work Michman K.F. Terletsky. Divers started slings under the stern of the boat; Near the night of the feed of the boat was raised and the fodder inlet hatch was on the surface of the water. Through Open Michman Terlets Luke, people were evacuated from the boat and sent to the hospital. Boatswie Gordeev was in the cut and left from there for about 5 o'clock in the morning, when the boat was raised above and it was possible to open a slaughter hatch - his condition was better than the rest of the team. After pumping water "Midhog" was removed to the port and restored.

In September 1914, the boat in the storm returned from the campaign and had to decide on the larrort. However, the opened lighthouse did not resemble the necessary. The commander decided to get closer to clarify his place. Suddenly, the boat crashed and fear almost on the side. Screw hang in the air. It turned out, the submarine came out to the Filseand's lighthouse. Ezel. In that area, the swimming was prohibited, so an airplane flew from the island to sort out the situation. The seaplane circled for a long time, trying to consider the flag on the stern. Finally, the pilot saw the Andreevsky Cross and sat down on the water, but so unsuccessful that the plane broke. The pilot told the submarinations where they got, and the boat raised the desired signal, the boat came from Eselsel and took the aircraft on tow. The commander of the boat gave a radio about the incident and asked to send to the aid of the destroyer. However, the weather began to fresher and, filling the feed tank, the team achieved that the screw went into the water. After that, by giving reverse diesel engines, the boat slipped into deep water, then slowly returned to the database and got up to repair, which was held in 1915

He participated in the 1st World War (carrying a positional and sentiment at approaches to ports and databases, Defense of Window (Ventspils) in June 1915 and the Gulf of Riga in August 1915, covering raid and minno-barrier activities of the fleet forces, Making 14 combat trips, tried several times to attack the enemy ships). Participated in the February Revolution.

On October 25, 1917, he became part of the Red BF. On January 31, 1918, it was removed from the combat composition and commissioned to the Petrograd military port for storage. On November 10, 1918, she was sent by rail to Saratov, and from there on a towing along the Volga to Astrakhan.

November 18, 1918 is listed as the Astrahaian-Caspian military flotilla. From July 31, 1919, he was part of the Volga-Caspian military flotilla and from July 5, 1920 - the composition of the sea forces of the Caspian Sea. He participated in the Civil War: Fight in the Tuba Karagan Gulf in May 1919, after which was in the port on long-term storage.

On November 21, 1925, excluded from the RCCF in connection with the transfer of commotions for dismantling and implementing and subsequently seen in the Baku military port on metal.

Commanders: Lieutenant A.V. Brovtsyn (1909), Lieutenant A.N. Garsoev (1912).

The inability to ensure the reverse diesel (and, accordingly, the reverse of the vessel) limited the use of this new type of engine in shipbuilding at the beginning of the twentieth century.

The world's first reversible diesel was installed on a Russian submarine "Midhog", built in 1909

The project of the submarine was developed by Igor Grigorievich Bubnov at the end of the Russian-Japanese war, on September 20, 1905, was approved by the Maritime Technical Committee, and on February 9, 1906, the Baltic Plant was issued an outfit. In the same month, steel for the building was ordered and the development of work drawings was launched. At the end of the development of work drawings in the Technical Bureau of the Factory, on September 6, 1906, a bookmark of a boat was held at Stapel.

Reversible Diesels of the design of Karl Vasilyevich Khaghelina engineer made plant "L.Nobel". When they are created, the engineering and technical composition of the plant met significant difficulties, especially in the manufacture of a reversible device, which was first manufactured in Russia for a diesel engine. It was the reason for the latency of the manufacture of the engine for "MINOGE" and led to a delay in the delivery of the ship. The main electromotor was ordered by the "Volt" plant in Rive (now Tallinn), the battery is the plant "Hole Electric de Mato" in Paris (France).

The first diesel engine was made in July 1908, the second - in October of the same year. The Volt plant coped with the manufacture of an electric motor in June 1908. On the night of March 21, 1908, the fire was destroyed ready to install the battery. The descent of the submarine on the water took place on October 11, 1908 (the hydraulic test of the durable corps was held on October 23, 1907).

On October 23, 1908, Midoga went to the sea channel under one diesel engine for the first time (the second was not yet delivered). On October 26, the boat was ready for the beginning of the test, but coming out of the Damb of the Marine Channel, met a solid ice and was forced to return to the factory, where November 7, despite the strong frosts, it was possible to produce a trial immersion at the sealing wall. At the end of April 1909, after additional work on the installation of Kiel "Midhog", it comes to preliminary tests in the marine canal. In early July, the boat went in Björka (now Primorsk) to factory tests that continued for about two months. At the end of the test, the rowing screw was replaced and at the end of September the boat went to the torpedo shooting. In October, receiving tests were made and on October 31, the Maritime Technical Committee recommended to adopt the Midnog in the treasury.


The energy installation of the PL "MINOG" consisted of two diesel engines, a rowing of an electric motor and a rechargeable battery. Diesels and electric motor were installed in one line and worked for one propeller screw. Diesels, the electric motor and rowing shaft were combined with each other using special disconnecting friction clutches. The adopted location of the mechanisms ensured the following modes of operation of the energy installation:

- stroke in a surface position under two diesel engines, while all friction clutches are included;

- a move under one diesel engine at an outdrawal position, while the friction clutch between diesel engines is separated;

- the move under the electric motor in the underwater position, while the friction clutch between the stern diesel engine and the electric motor is separated;

- Battery charge, surface position. In this case, the electric motor worked in the generator mode, the friction clutches between the electric motor and the rowing shaft are separated.

Since engines with different power worked on one rowing shaft: 240 hp (under two diesels), 120 hp (under one diesel) and 70 hp (under the electric motor), designers had to apply a screw with an adjustable step (VRSH). The VRS drive was placed inside the hollow rowing shaft and was displayed inside the boat, where the screw device turns the rotation of the screw blades. However, the drive of VRH in the conditions of vibration and shaking could not reliably fix the established position of the blades, which complicated maintaining the constant speed of the stroke.

Since the electric motor had a capacity of 70 hp, only one feed diesel engine could operate in the battery charge mode, which led to its increased wear and, as a result, to a violation of the alignment with a nose diesel engine.

The disadvantaged clutch between dieselks was located in the hold too low, and water mixed with machine oil came into stormy weather. It led to the slippage of frictional, as a result of which the coupling was heated, and the smell of burned oil was distributed by the ship. The number of turnover of the nasal diesel engine has increased. The reverse of diesel engines could only be carried out in the absence of a load, that is, if they are separated from them with a rowing shaft. This method of reverse was inconvenient when maneuvering and especially with mooring. Therefore, as follows from archival sources, it was applied to the sea only once - when removing the submarine with the mel.

The battery was placed in the nasal part of the solid housing in the so-called battery pit. The battery consisted of 2 groups of 33 elements each with a corridor between them for maintenance of elements. The battery was closed by a folding floor, which served as a half of the residential premises. Gases from the battery pit (hydrogen and oxygen) were saturated with rubber hoses using exhaust ventilation.

The diesel engine was a 3-cylinder, 4-stroke, with air spraying of fuel. The reverse was committed in 10-12 seconds and was produced due to the double set of fist washers on the camshaft. Diesel performance:

In addition to the first time in the world installed on the "Mino-" reversible diesel engines, it was the first submarine of the Russian construction, on which tubular torpedo devices in the nasal tip inside the durable case were installed.

The first commander of the ship was Lieutenant A.V. Brovtsyn. The PL "MINOG" participated in the 1st World War, made 14 combat yields, tried several times to attack the enemy ships. In 1918, after repair, at the Baltic Plant was transported by rail to Saratov, from where his own move came to Astrakhan and took part in the civil war on the side of young Soviet power. On November 10, 1918, he became part of the Military Fleet of the Astrakhan Territory, from June 31, 1919 he was part of the Volga-Caspian military flotilla and from July 5, 1920 - in the sea forces of the Caspian Sea. November 21, 1925 is handed over for disassembly on metal.


  1. The history of domestic shipbuilding. In five volumes. Volume 3: Shipbuilding at the beginning of the twentieth century. I.F. Flowerkov. - SPB.: Shipbuilding, 1995.
  1. V.I. Tatarenkov. The history of shipping means of movement. - St. Petersburg: "Galya Print", 2006.
  1. Russian submarines. History of creation and use. 1834-1923 Scientific History Directory. Volume 1, part 1.- SPb.: Typography TsKB MT Rubin, 1994.

The experience of using submarines in the Russian-Japanese war showed that submarines of small displacement can only be used in coastal areas. Therefore, the main sea headquarters came to the conclusion that in the composition of the fleet you need to have submarines of two types - coastal, displacement of 100-150 tons and cruising for action in the open sea with a displacement of 350-400 tons.

In 1905 I.G. Bubnov developed two projects for submarines, displacement of 117 and 400 tons. Submarines built on these projects were subsequently obtained by the name "Midhog" (small) and "shark" (big). Both boats The Maritime Technical Committee (MTC) put it with "experienced, the construction of which should serve as an independent development of domestic underwater construction."

Submarine "Midhog"

The project of the submarine "Midhog" was approved by the ITC on September 20, 1905, and the outfit for the construction of a submarine Baltic Plant was issued on February 9, 1906. In the same month, steel for the building was ordered and the development of work drawings was launched.

The tanks of the main ballast (two) were placed in the extremities, filled with centrifugal pumps; Inside the durable case there were two average tanks of 2 tons filled through individual kingstones; There were also two deck tanks that filled with samothek through the spys. With unfilled deck tanks, the submarine was swam in its positional (then it was called the semi-node) position when only the cutting remained on the surface. The average and differential tanks were blocked by compressed air.

Two three-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine and the rowing electromotor were using a friction clutch one shaft line with an adjustable step screw, the blades of which were installed in accordance with the power of the engine running. For observation in the underwater position, Periskop Hertz and Kleptoscope were installed (panoramic periscope, allowing the observer when examining the horizon to remain in place).

Submarine "Midoga" in the Baltic Plant

In the second half of September 1906, a submarine laying was held. Firm "L. Nobel" In St. Petersburg, an order was issued an order for the manufacture of two engines of a seabed diesel engine, with a capacity of 120 hp. everyone. The main electric motor was ordered by the "Volta" plant in the roar, the battery is the plant "The Hole Electric de Mato" in Paris. The first diesel engine was manufactured in July 1908, the second - in October of the same year. Plant "Volta" coped with the manufacture of an electric motor only in June 1908. On the night of March 21, 1908, a battery was destroyed by fire. The descent of the submarine on the water took place on October 11, 1908 (the hydraulic test of the solid building was produced on October 23, 1907). On October 23, 1908, Minoga went to the sea channel under one of the diesel engines (the second was not yet delivered). On October 26, the boat was ready for the top of the tests, but, coming out of the marine channel, met solid ice and was forced to return to the factory, where November 7, despite the strengths of frost, it was possible to carry out a trial immersion at the sealing wall. During the test, it turned out the need to install lead keel, because The required amount of ballast failed to be placed in the hod of the submarine. After installing the keel at the end of April 1909, the Minoga went to preliminary runs to the sea channel under the diesel engines. In early July, the boat went in Bjerke to the factory tests that continued for about two months. At the end of the test, the rowing screw was replaced and at the end of September the boat went to the torpedo shooting. In October, adoptive tests were made and on October 31, the Maritime Technical Committee recommended to accept the "Medi" in the treasury. The first commander of the submarine "MINOGA" was Lieutenant A.V. Brovtsyn.

In the fall of 1912, Lieutenant A.N. was appointed commander of the submarine Harsoev who commanded the submarine "Postal". At the request of Harsoeva, the "MINOGI" team was replaced by a team of submarine "Postal", to which Garsoev got used and with which he worked well. The new submarine in repair did not need the team more rested, rather than studded a submarine; Super-workers were fully relied on their scuba diving experience gained at other submarines.

March 23, 1913 "Midoga" left Libay to practical swimming. When departing from the pier, the submarine hit the coal barge and lost a gilded eagle fortified on Ahtershteve. Around 4 hours in the afternoon, the commander ordered Bottchman Gordeyev to convey to the convoy of the semaphore to his intention to immerse. Bottham, passing the signal, turned the semaphore flags and put them down under the flooring of the bridge of logging, and the checkboxes got into the open valve of the ship ventilation mines.

When preparing a boat to the immersion, did not pay attention to the fact that the ventilation valve was not closed (the flags interfered), the water began to flow along the ventilation pipe into the engine room and the boat sank. She fell on the ground at a depth of 30 meters. Through the chief ballast commander was late. He ordered to give a rescue buoy. Bui pop up, a boat came to him from a coneer, but no one knew how to use the phone, and the connection was established only after studying the instructions. After receiving the news that the boat cannot emerge, the escaler went with anxious beeps in the harbor.

The tube of ventilation was destroyed, after which they tried to score her - went into the progress of the commander, clothing and underwear teams, but completely stopped the flow of water failed. Harsoev decided to blow the fodder ballast tank, which was fulfilled. Light feed rose, the forage flag was visible on the surface of the sea. The water flooded the batteries placed in the nose part of the boat and the selection of chlorine from the batteries decreased.

A lifting crane, a killetor, towels with divers, arrived at the accident site. Especially distinguished in the rescue work Michman K.F. Terletsky. Divers started slings under the stern of the boat; Near the night of the feed of the boat was raised and the fodder inlet hatch was on the surface of the water. Through Open Michman Terlets Luke, people were evacuated from the boat and sent to the hospital.

Boatswie Gordeev was in the cut and left from there for about 5 o'clock in the morning, when the boat was raised above and it was possible to open a slaughter hatch - his condition was better than the rest of the team.

Submarine "Midhog" in the dock

After pumping water "Midhog" was removed to the port and restored.

He participated in the 1st World War, made 14 combat yields, tried several times to attack the enemy ships. In 1918, after repair, at the Baltic Plant was transported by rail to Saratov, from where his move came to Astrakhan, took part in the Civil War. November 10, 1918 is listed as a military fleet of the Astrakhan Territory (VF AK), from June 31, 1919 he was part of the Volga-Caspian military flotilla and from July 5, 1920 - to the sea forces of the Caspian Sea. November 21, 1925 was handed over to the disassembly for metal.



The experience of using submarines in the Russian-Japanese war showed that submarines of small displacement can only be used in coastal areas. Therefore, the main sea headquarters came to the conclusion that in the composition of the fleet you need to have submarines of two types - coastal, displacement of 100-150 tons and cruising for action in the open sea with a displacement of 350-400 tons.

In 1905 I.G. Bubnov developed two projects for submarines, displacement of 117 and 400 tons. Submarines built on these projects were subsequently obtained by the name "Midhog" (small) and "shark" (big). Both boats The Maritime Technical Committee (MTC) put it with "experienced, the construction of which should serve as an independent development of domestic underwater construction."

The project of the submarine "Midhog" was approved by the ITC on September 20, 1905, and the outfit for the construction of a submarine Baltic Plant was issued on February 9, 1906. In the same month, steel for the building was ordered and the development of work drawings was launched.

The tanks of the main ballast (two) were placed in the extremities, filled with centrifugal pumps; Inside the durable case there were two average tanks of 2 tons filled through individual kingstones; There were also two deck tanks that filled with samothek through the spys. With unfilled deck tanks, the submarine was swam in its positional (then it was called the semi-node) position when only the cutting remained on the surface. The average and differential tanks were blocked by compressed air.

Two three-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine and the rowing electromotor were using a friction clutch one shaft line with an adjustable step screw, the blades of which were installed in accordance with the power of the engine running. For observation in the underwater position, Periskop Hertz and Kleptoscope were installed (panoramic periscope, allowing the observer when examining the horizon to remain in place).

In the second half of September 1906, a submarine laying was held. Firm "L. Nobel "In St. Petersburg, an order was issued an order for the manufacture of two engines of sea-type diesel engine, with a capacity of 120 hp. everyone. The main electric motor was ordered by the "Volta" plant in the roar, the battery is the plant "The Hole Electric de Mato" in Paris. The first diesel engine was manufactured in July 1908, the second - in October of the same year. Plant "Volta" coped with the manufacture of an electric motor only in June 1908. On the night of March 21, 1908, a battery was destroyed by fire. The descent of the submarine on the water took place on October 11, 1908 (the hydraulic test of the solid building was produced on October 23, 1907). On October 23, 1908, Minoga went to the sea channel under one of the diesel engines (the second was not yet delivered). On October 26, the boat was ready for the top of the tests, but, coming out of the marine channel, met solid ice and was forced to return to the factory, where November 7, despite the strengths of frost, it was possible to carry out a trial immersion at the sealing wall. During the test, it turned out the need to install lead keel, because The required amount of ballast failed to be placed in the hod of the submarine. After installing the keel at the end of April 1909, the Minoga went to preliminary runs to the sea channel under the diesel engines. In early July, the boat went in Bjerke to the factory tests that continued for about two months. At the end of the test, the rowing screw was replaced and at the end of September the boat went to the torpedo shooting. In October, adoptive tests were made and on October 31, the Maritime Technical Committee recommended to accept the "Medi" in the treasury. The first commander of the submarine "MINOGA" was Lieutenant A.V. Brovtsyn.

In the fall of 1912, Lieutenant A.N. was appointed commander of the submarine Harsoev who commanded the submarine "Postal". At the request of Harsoeva, the "MINOGI" team was replaced by a team of submarine "Postal", to which Garsoev got used and with which he worked well. The new submarine in repair did not need the team more rested, rather than studded a submarine; Super-workers were fully relied on their scuba diving experience gained at other submarines.

March 23, 1913 "Midoga" left Libay to practical swimming. When departing from the pier, the submarine hit the coal barge and lost a gilded eagle fortified on Ahtershteve. Around 4 hours in the afternoon, the commander ordered Bottchman Gordeyev to convey to the convoy of the semaphore to his intention to immerse. Bottham, passing the signal, turned the semaphore flags and put them down under the flooring of the bridge of logging, and the checkboxes got into the open valve of the ship ventilation mines.

When preparing a boat to the immersion, did not pay attention to the fact that the ventilation valve was not closed (the flags interfered), the water began to flow along the ventilation pipe into the engine room and the boat sank. She fell on the ground at a depth of 30 meters. Through the chief ballast commander was late. He ordered to give a rescue buoy. Bui pop up, a boat came to him from a coneer, but no one knew how to use the phone, and the connection was established only after studying the instructions. After receiving the news that the boat cannot emerge, the escaler went with anxious beeps in the harbor.

The tube of ventilation was destroyed, after which they tried to score her - went into the progress of the commander, clothing and underwear teams, but completely stopped the flow of water failed. Harsoev decided to blow the fodder ballast tank, which was fulfilled. Light feed rose, the forage flag was visible on the surface of the sea. The water flooded the batteries placed in the nose part of the boat and the selection of chlorine from the batteries decreased.

A lifting crane, a killetor, towels with divers, arrived at the accident site. Especially distinguished in the rescue work Michman K.F. Terletsky. Divers started slings under the stern of the boat; Near the night of the feed of the boat was raised and the fodder inlet hatch was on the surface of the water. Through Open Michman Terlets Luke, people were evacuated from the boat and sent to the hospital.

Boatswie Gordeev was in the cut and left from there for about 5 o'clock in the morning, when the boat was raised above and it was possible to open a slaughter hatch - his condition was better than the rest of the team.

After pumping water "Midhog" was removed to the port and restored.

He participated in the 1st World War, made 14 combat yields, tried several times to attack the enemy ships. In 1918, after repair, at the Baltic Plant was transported by rail to Saratov, from where his move came to Astrakhan, took part in the Civil War. November 10, 1918 is listed as a military fleet of the Astrakhan Territory (VF AK), from June 31, 1919 he was part of the Volga-Caspian military flotilla and from July 5, 1920 - to the sea forces of the Caspian Sea. November 21, 1925 was handed over to the disassembly for metal.

Tactical and technical elements
Length, m 32.6
Width, m 2,75
Sediment, m 2.75
Water displacement surface / underwater, T 123/152
Power of wind turbine engines / underwater stroke, hp 2x120 / 1x70.
Speed \u200b\u200bof the surface / submarine, node. 11/5
Swimming range with surface / underwater move, miles 900/25
Immersion depth, m 50
Armament: 37 mm Artillery Weapon (installed at the beginning of the World War) 1
Torpedoes in tubular nasal torpedo devices caliber 45 mm 2


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