How to write an electronic summary sample. Examples of the best resume for a job. The best resumes without work experience: examples. Photos, contacts, place of residence


If every applicant knew that he had only 3 minutes to "hook" the employer, then the summary would have been compiled better, responsibly and concise. The self-presentation should look so that the personnel will want to meet with you and discuss the prospects for further cooperation.

What is a summary

Many candidates underestimate these sheets with a description of a career life, and in vain, because the employer, without seeing you, can evaluate according to your skills, are you suitable for a particular vacancy. Summary is a real document, so it must be drawn up neatly, pedantically, and also include a number of mandatory items. An experienced recruiter will determine the useful document in 2 minutes. How to write a resume so that you do not get into the list of outsiders, and won the competition for the main prize - a full-time interview?

Rules for compiling Summary

Start working with a document with full name, goals, contact information, age and marital status. Specify your key quality, skills, experience, education, achievements. How to write a summary, you will not tell you intuition - you need to comply with certain business rules, whose knowledge will also be assessed by the personnel department or the head of the company.

How should the resume look like

Visually, this document should look compressed, strictly, in business. Try not to experiment with fonts, text color, background, discharge (underlined, bold letters, italic). The amount of self-sustaining should not exceed 2 pages, ideally 1 sheet should lie on the table on the table.

What to write about yourself

The visual perception of the document often stimulates the decision on the challenge. You need to structure information correctly. How to write a resume and correctly fill each of the blocks to make a favorable impression:

  1. Surname, Name, Patronymic, Date of Birth - by passport. Avoid nicknames, cuts, false information.
  2. purpose For you - the office of the position "...".
  3. "Contact" Includes a relevant personal phone number, active email and address (if necessary).
  4. Family statusmust be indicated on fact. There are 3 possible options to write in Summary: married, single, civil marriage.
  5. Education- in chronological or functional order. The workshops and "circles" for this vacancy are desirable not to take into account the document visually do not overload and not spend the time of the personnel selection specialist. Stay at the main profession required in the vacancy.
  6. work experience It is indicated in the order that will be interested in a specific employer. If you worked for 3 years by the chief accountant, then settled as a sales manager, and now they decided to return to the financial sphere, then there will be more important experience at the top. How to create a summary not overloaded with "superfluous" companies? Experience in the past 10 years is interesting to the employer, the maximum experience in one company, the last place of employment. The following data must be concisely specified in this paragraph: the time range, the name of the organization, the position.
  7. Achievementsincludes functional information: "developed", "taught", "mastered", "led (number of person)," "saved", "developed". So the recruiter will evaluate your potential utility, so it is important that he can quickly find your key skills in the document canvas.

Scope of activities in resume - what to write

The "Additional Information" block is the section of your skills. Describe language proficiency, computer, additional level of knowledge in any area, personal qualities. What to write in a resume about yourself to stand out among thousands of faceless self-sustaining? The shape of the perfectly composed document form is never shot by information about the candidate hobby, if it is not a supplement to its professional skills. Think how to file yourself correctly and interest the employer with your person.

How to make a resume by a student

Immediately after graduating from the university, your experience is undiscorded, and an adequate employer understands. How to competently make a resume so that it is brief, but meaningful? Students and graduates The "Experience" unit is often lowered by compensating for the "gap" of common information in part "Education". Acquired at conferences, international seminars, knowledge courses are much more important for the organization than the month of the waiter's work at the cafe. You can also list your awards and differences and indicate the topic of the diploma.

How to fill in the summary if you write such a document for the first time? The easiest way is to use a template from job search sites, but then you can hardly apply for individuality. A competent way out of the situation is to explore the rules, learn more information on how to make a correct resume, and follow it. If you are preparing the self-sustaining to send to a large company's branch, and the key skill of the applicant for the vacancy are linguistic knowledge, the document is better printed and arranged in 2 copies - in Russian and foreign language.

Sample of a good resume work

Your check list when creating a document will look like this:

  • compression of presentation;
  • the rigor of the design;
  • the absence of excesses in the form of a bright background, patterns, underscores;
  • the presence of all necessary blocks;
  • competent, short and meaningful statement of material.

For clarity, an example of a successful summary:

Sidorov Petr Valerevich

Objective Summary: accountant office

Phone: +7 (...) - ... -..- ..

Marital status: single


RSU, 1992-1997

Specialty: Foreign Regional Science (Specialist)

MGUPP, 2004-2009

Specialty: Accounting, Analysis and Audit (Specialist)

UMC accountants and auditors, 2015-2016

Raising qualifications - Seminar "New Taxation of VAT"

Work experience:

  • February 2003 - December 2016, OJSC "Sindval"
  • Position: Accounting
  • August 1997 - January 2003, JSC "Magistral"
  • Position: Regioned


OJSC "Sindval" optimized the tax base, due to which the expenses of the enterprise decreased by 13%.

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English (free)

Computer Knowledge: Confident User, Knowledge Office, 1C Accounting, Dalibarrr

Personal qualities: punctuality, collens, ability to analyze, mathematical mindset.

Head of the Financial Department of OJSC "Sindval"

Avdotev Konstantin Georgievich, tel. +7 (...) ... -..- ..

Ready to start work 01.02.2017,

Desired salary: from 40 000 rubles

Summary briefly, this is a self-presentation. Moreover, both professional, personal qualities. In it, you can paint your achievements, dignity, and the skills and skills that you think will be interesting to the employer, and will be perceived by them positively.

Immediately a retreat: if you need a ready-made example, then at the end of the article you can download the blanks + samples, how to properly write a resume to work (relevant for 2017-2018). Documents in format.doc (Word). Next will be outlined step-by-step type summary.

Bright example of resumes: Go to sites such as or, and select the category of interest to you. Basically, people wishing to find a job fill all points in detail.

By drawing up a summary, pay attention to the main aspects that are set out below. Observing them, you will write it as correct as possible by avoiding obvious errors.


"The brevity is a sister of talent" - the proverb how it is impossible to be suitable in this situation. Ideally, strive to ensure that all the information fit on one sheet A4. Imagine the situation yourself, put yourself in the site of the specialist: you need to check tens, and even hundreds sent by resume. With great probability, you will postpone too long "writings", or simply do not read them to the end. Test only the essence.


No need to "embellish", and write what is not, or not really. Unfined courses, knowledge of a foreign language, the ability to see through the walls - if this is not, then it is not necessary to write it. Believe me, later it can get out of sideways: either you "fall" on the interview, or already in the workplace when you need to show a non-existent skill. In addition, the employer can check the accuracy of the information provided by you by making a couple of calls.


By drawing up a summary, specify dates and places where it makes sense. Typical examples: worked "somewhere", or have the courses "somewhere"? If it is directly related (or indirect, but it will be a plus) to your employment, write "when" and "where".

How to write a resume to work? (+ sample), 2018

As you know, when taking a job, the specialist's hands are decent, and sometimes a huge number of different resumes. This means that at your disposal of the force of 1-2 minutes. During this time, you must convey the main information to the employee. In this case, many factors can play a role, and in order to increase their chances of a favorable outcome, you must create a resume as correct as possible.

Technical Side

To begin with, we will analyze the technical points, as the document should look like. Focusing all the well-known program Microsoft Word..

  1. Writing the word "summary" in the title or not - here opinions in people are somewhat different. Best, write.
  2. Choosing a font, stop the choice on Times New Roman. It is considered standard in most organizations.
  3. Text color - black.
  4. The line interval is 1.
  5. Fields: Upper indent - 2 cm, lower - 2 cm, right - 2 cm, left - 1 cm.
  6. Some words that are of particular importance can be highlighted in bold. But in no case, you do not need to overdo it.
  7. We save the rules of writing, dividing the text on paragraphs.
  8. Nothing extra. No symbols and icons that are not related to business style.
  9. The photo should be no more than 3.5 on 4. as in the passport.

Resume Structure (step by step)

We now turn to the key moments. Speech Rules:

1. Basic information

  1. FULL NAME is written in full, in the nominative case
  2. Date of birth is made
  3. The actual address of residence. If the address is temporary, specify to what time you will live there, and wherever you can find you.
  4. Phone is specifying mobile, and if there is, and home too. If there is a time frame (for example, you can not speak in the afternoon), then also correctly, write about it.
  5. E-mail, ICQ (or Skype), fax (if any)
  6. Marital status, presence, or lack of harmful habits (optional), health condition. If you think this information is appropriate to give, then write.

2. Education

If you are not one, but several formations, you specify each of them, in order. Writing item:

  • Place of study (name)
  • Period of study
  • Specialty

3. Experience

Please note that the order here is the opposite: first it is written the last place of work, and further, descending. Writing item:

  • Work period
  • The name of the company
  • Position

What to do if you no experience To write a summary? In fact, there is a way out here. In this case, you can replace the heading "Experience" on simply "experience". It can indicate the following:

  • passage of pre-diploma practice
  • passage of internship
  • studied courses
  • volunteering
  • part-time jobs (if the vacancy allows)

In paragraph "Education" (located above), give more information: specify the topic of thesis, courses that you have passed. Give your theoretical database.

4. Achievements

An important point. Fill it up as accurately as possible without missing not one piece. As you know, the employer must see what he will pay you wages. If you really have any achievements, then write specifically. If not, skip item.

5. Additional information

Here you can write as extra, and most importantly, we have useful skills. The unit is not primary, but, nevertheless, it is not clear to neglect them. This item is final, and it is quite possible that it is this information that "will achieve" the employer, and bow the scales bowl in your favor.

The structure may differ, depending on the place of work. It is provided as an example, if necessary, make small, or major changes:

  • Knowledge of computer programs
  • The presence of driver's license
  • Owning foreign languages
  • Personal qualities
  • Other. Have something to supplement? Boldly specify the information you consider important.

Very well, if you left the previous place of work without problems and incidents, and the relationship with the leadership was favorable. The presence of recommendations will have a positive effect on your reputation, and increase the degree of confidence in you. Writing item:

  • Position of the previous leader
  • contact number

If even the call is not, in any case, you win: the very presence of contacts suggests that you feel about your work seriously.
That's all. Your resume is ready. You can refer to a potential employer, or place in the relevant services.

Below we indicate which salary is counting on. The end option will look like this:

Documents for download

The foregoing text is focused on those who plan to write a resume step by step. But if you just want to "verify", or write the example, here you can download samples of finished documents.


Here you can download, and see how the sample writing a summary when taking a job.


Empty blank (for filling, paste your data):

Listen to man who over the entire career looked through more than 100 thousand resumes and really understands how to make a resume more attractive. Here, by the way, my profile in LinkedIn, will be killed: MPRITULA.

But let's agree immediately: no deception in the summary. Only honest information. How without deception to make your resume in a really cool - about it in my lifehak.

Why is almost perfect? Here are 10 tips that I could give for this resume:

  • Make a photo on a monophonic background (white or gray).
  • Remove one phone. Why do the recruiter think where to call?
  • Change email to a personal, not some company.
  • Remove family status.
  • Combine competences and key experience. Reduce offers up to 7-10 words and arrange as a list.
  • Remove the recommendations.
  • Fix the error in the word "company" in the last place of work.
  • Reduce duties up to 10 lines.
  • Make a link short (,
  • Reduce the total volume of resumes up to two pages.

Making a resume is expensive

Now let's talk about what makes a resume more expensive. I advise people on how to improve their resume. I send my resumes by representatives of various positions: from ordinary sellers to directors of companies. All make the same errors. There was not a single summary to which I would not be able to write 10 tips, how to improve it. Below I collected the most frequent tips that I gave according to the resumes sent.

10. Unite many places of work in one

The norm is considered if the person works in the company for 2-3 years. If he changes the job more often, Job Hopper can be called it. Such people do not like recruiters, as about 70% of customers refuse to consider such candidates. And it is quite natural.

After a year of work, the person is just beginning to benefit the company.

Of course, everyone has the right to make an error, and in a good summary there may be a couple of places where the candidate worked for 1-1.5 years. But if everything looks like a resume, then its value is very low.

However, it often happens that a person has changed several job positions in one company or transfered from the company to the company within the holding structure. Or was engaged in design work, under which several employers changed.

In such cases (and everywhere, where possible) I recommend executing it as one place of work, with one name and general dates of work. And within this block, you can unobtrusively show the change of posts, but so that visually there was no sensation of a frequent change of jobs to visually during fluid inspection.

11. Observe the perfect volume of resume

I believe that the perfect volume of the summary is strictly two pages. One thing is too small, it is permissible only for students, and three - already too much.

If everything is clear with one page - such a resume looks like a summary of the novice specialist, then with three, four and so on, everything is not so obvious. And the answer is simple: the recruiter will look only two pages in 80% of cases. And read only what you pointed on these two pages. Therefore, whatever you write on the third and subsequent pages, it will be ignored. And if you write a valuable information about yourself, the recruiter does not know about it.

12. Share our achievements

If you only remember one sentence from my article, let it be about achievements. This immediately adds 50% of the cost to your resume. The recruiter is simply not able to taste all who sent a resume. Therefore, the one who pointed out their achievements will always be defeated, thereby the interest of the recruiter.

Achievements are your measurable, which are expressed in numbers, timing or significant qualitative changes in the company. They must be specifically specifically, are measurable, impressive and comply with positions.

Example of achievements:

  • For three months, increased TV sales by 30% (shop director).
  • She brought to the market a new product for four months, which helped earn 800 thousand dollars for six months (marketing-director).
  • He conducted negotiations with suppliers and increased the deferment on payments for 30 days, the company's savings on loans - 100 thousand dollars monthly (procurer).
  • Reduced staff turnover from 25 to 18% through work with employees involvement (HR).

13. Tell me about your personal qualities

Now more and more attention in the selection of candidates is given to the personal qualities of the employee. If you analyze what exactly you will be assessed at the interview, then most likely it will be like this:

  • 40% - professional knowledge;
  • 40% - personal qualities;
  • 20% - motivation (desire to do this particular job in this company).

What is personal qualities? These are personal qualities of a person who contribute to the effective performance of their duties.

This includes: energy, openness, ability to work in a team, initiative, proactiveness, and so on. And this is no longer empty words, in the interview more and more often you will hear such a question: "Tell me about the situation in which you needed to take responsibility, and how you coped with her." This is the reference to competencies.

Therefore, your personal qualities, especially if they correspond to what is required in vacancies are extremely important. And if earlier it was enough to transfer them to them, now this is not enough. Now you need to confirm their presence, so I recommend writing them as (examples, naturally, give your own, binding rule: they should all be real and from the past):

  • Initiative: I developed and implemented a strategy for the release of a department from the crisis, when the head went.
  • Energy: The volume of my sales for 2014 was 30% higher than the average on the department.
  • Stress resistance: held successful negotiations with a client who refused seven managers, and concluded a contract with him.
  • Leadership: spent five trainings on management and raised 10 leaders from linear employees.

It is important to write not many qualities here, but quality with examples. That is, examples here is more important than quantity.

14. Emission functional duties from job instructions in the urn!

Functional responsibilities that indicate a summary are usually the most banal and tedious thing. In 30% of cases, they are copied from their official instructions, in 50% of cases - from other people's resumes or job descriptions, and only 20% really write them independently.

I always recommend writing the duties, and not zones of responsibility, and describe them in the form of actions that you performed. It is about as with achievements, but the numbers are not required here, the duties may not be as impressive, and, of course, it is not one-time actions.

Before writing them, I recommend reading several vacancies to imagine what you should write about. Next, write down the duties in the order of their significance: in the first place the most significant (development of the strategy, withdrawal of new products to the market), and on the last one - the least (preparation of reports).

15. Sell the name of the post and company

The names of the posts and the list of companies are, in fact, and there is exactly what the recruiter is looking for in the summary in the first place. It's like a buyer sliding through the shelf in the store in the search for familiar to him brands (Nescafe, Procter & Gamble, Gallina Blanka, Mars, Snickers, Tide). It is for these rows that the recruiter forms the initial cost of the summary in his head and only then begins to search for details.

  • We write only the generally accepted name. If you work in the company "Nails and Naiki", which is the official Coca-Cola dealer, then write just Coca-Cola. Believe me, the legal name of the company is not interested in anyone.
  • In brackets, write the number of employees, for example: IBM (3,000 employees).
  • Under the name of the company we write briefly in 7-10 words than it does. For example: enters the top 5 in the field of consumer lending.
  • If the company is little known, but works with well-known brands, we must define it. For example: AutoSurepperlizing (leasing partner BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Honda). The name of famous brands near the unknown company will significantly strengthen the company's perception.

16. Remove template phrases from the "Purpose" section

Immediately after your contact information in the summary, a section is called "Purpose". Usually in this section write template phrases like "realize your potential as much as possible ...". Here you need to list the list of posts that you are interested.

17. Always check spelling

Usually about 5% of all summary viewed by me contain errors:

  • elementary grammatical errors (there was no spell check);
  • errors in writing foreign words (tested only Russian spelling);
  • errors in punctuation marks: a space before the comma, comma between words without spaces;
  • in the lists at the end of the sentence, there are different punctuation marks (ideally there should not be; the point is put after the last list of the list).

18. Save the resume in DocX format and in any way

  • NOT PDF - many recruiters make their edits or notes (waiting for a salary, their impressions of the candidate, information that was received during the interview) in a resume before sending to the customer, in PDF they will not be able to make them.
  • Not ODT - may incorrectly open on a number of computers.
  • Not doc - a sign that summary of the past (before Office 2007).
  • Not RTF - usually weighs more alternatives.

19. Use the name of the resume file convenient for the recruit

The name of the Summary file must contain at least the last name and is desirable. So more convenient to the recruiter will look for a resume on the disk, send it and so on. Little recruiter care will be noted. Again, in the eyes of the recruiter it makes a resume a little more expensive.

20. Show your favor in the accompanying letter

There are different opinions about the accompanying letters. I always say this: a good accompanying letter in 20% of cases can add value to resume if it is written correctly. But it is not always necessary.

If you decide to write it, here's a simple structure:

And if you show on the example, it might look like this:

Errors in your resume

Along with the secrets of increasing the value of the summary, there are things that make a resume significantly cheaper. Let's talk about some of them.

Now many sites for job search allow you to download the resumes created there. At the same time, they are mandatory in such a resume add their logo and different fields for entering information that is not at all necessary for the summary. For example, the floor. These resumes look like a real cheap, so I do not advise you to do so.

21. Remove incomprehensible abbreviations

When you work for a long time in the company, some abbreviations adopted in it already seem so native that you write them in the summary. But they are unfamiliar to the recruiter, therefore very important information is lost. Try to avoid abbreviations everywhere where it is possible.

22. Perephrase template phrases

Very often you want to succumb to temptation and stuff in your abstract template phrases, which can be easily found in any resume or description of vacancies. Avoid them, because for the recruit, they represent an empty place.

Perephrase, for example:

  • Orientation for the result \u003d always think about the result.
  • Customer orientation \u003d Customer for me always in the first place \u003d I put the interests of the client above their personal.
  • Communicability \u003d Easy to negotiate with any customers / colleagues \u003d freely supporting a conversation with customers.

23. Create a normal drawer

What distinguishes professional from the child? A professional calls his mailbox named and the last name, and the child - children's words, nicknames from games and forums, date of birth.

Well, absolutely unacceptable to specify your working box. The recruiter in this case will interpret this nuance so: "They are fired from the place of work, and therefore I can not be afraid and send a resume with a working mail."

24. Delete the family status, it is only interested in dating site visitors.

There is only one case when the indication of the family status can play a positive role: if a young girl is looking for a job and wants to show that he won't go to the decree immediately after employment. In this case, you can specify the presence of children.

Options "Civil marriage", "divorce" immediately reduce the summary, as there are additional questions.

The option "I have children" is written very close people, since all the normal people "". :)

25. Explain the gap in the experience of work

It is impossible to take and show the break in the work. You need to write why it was. The option "I will explain on the interview" is not suitable, since the recruiter, seeing the gap, thinks the worst thing that could happen.

If there was a decree between the two works - we write. By the way, if the decret was without care to another job, there is no point in writing to write at all. I don't even recommend this in the interview somehow especially allocate.

26. Remove the end date of work in the last place

This is the only trick in the summary you can forgive. It is believed that a person is a summary even before dismissal and after dismissal simply does not update this date. In any case, the specified date of dismissal will play against you.

27. Do not write the reason for the dismissal

There is no reason for which the causes of dismissal should be prescribed. Whatever you wrote there, the recruiter will always have a suspicion about your desire to explain the cause of dismissal. Or maybe you are lying?

28. Do not explain the details of your resume

The resume does not allow to write explanations, comments, footnotes and so on. Only dates, facts, achievements.

The worst thing that could be is the section "Recommendations" and the phrase "give upon request". And the meaning of this partition? The list of recommenders is superfluous. No one will call them to an interview with you. And after the interview you can provide this list if there is a request.

30. Take tables and large indents

Tables in the summary were adopted in the early 2000s. Then the entire civilized world refused them. Do not show yourself a dinosaur.

Also, do not occupy most of the resume by very large retreats on the left in the document.

31. Leave the first jobs for your grandmother.

For simplicity, I'll just describe how it will be ok:

  • Last place of work: 7-10 lines of responsibilities and 5-7 rows of achievements.
  • Past place of work: 5-7 lines of responsibilities and 3-5 rows of achievements.
  • After a last job place: 3-5 lines of responsibilities and 3 lines of achievements.
  • The rest of the jobs: 3 lines + 3 strings of achievements, if they enter the interval of the last 10 years of work.
  • All that was before 10 years ago: Only the names of companies and posts.
  • If your career was not relevant the current job position - boldly remove them. For example, now you are marketing-director, I started 15 years ago from the engineer at the factory or seller in the market.

32. Unschat versions

If you studied in vocational school, college, technical school, and then graduated from the university, show only the university.

33. Do not show a resume familiar HR specialists, if not confident in their professionalism

We have many HR specialists consider themselves a guru and give advice to the right and left. Find out how many vacancies they closed themselves how many people in the day they will be interpreted. What books read about recruitment. How many of them were foreign.

If you get such answers:

  • more than 500 vacancies;
  • 5-10 per day;
  • more than five books (at least!);
  • Lou Adler, Bill Radin, Tony Burn;

... then boldly trust the advice!

I spend a small study, so in the comments to this post, write which of all the Soviets described turned out to be the most valuable for you. It will help me understand your needs and write another cool article on how to sell yourself more expensive during the interview.

P.S. Friends, thank you all for your comments. I wrote a book with a colleague where I shared even more advice. It is available on the link.

The article visually issued the genius of presentations

Hello, dear journal readers Site! In today's article, we will tell you how to create a resume for a job device, and also give ready examples and sample resumes (blanks, templates) that can free download in doc format. And edit them for their needs and conditions.

After all, the search for a new job is always associated with changes in human life. So it is very important to know how right to write summaryNamely, it is competent and consistently draw up, since it has a number of features that should be observed at the creation stage.

How to create a resume for a sample work device Read in our article, where we also bring ready-made templates, forms and samples that can be downloaded for free.

βœ” Someone is experiencing this period just enough, considering it as another stage of his career, and for someone such a situation is related to nerves, emotionsHeavy financial Regulations and the state of competitive struggle between applicants.

Anyone who puzzled himself as a job as an employment issue has 2 ways His decisions.

We often appeal to their familiar, relatives, friends, expecting help from them in a similar question, assuming that the potential employer is located there. So easier, because the recommendations of your candidacy, already the basis for a positive response. But, in spite of a significant advantage, the revolving side is that it is you carrying great responsibility, and in the event of failures in the workplace, you are at risk and a person who has advised you.

Important! The leader's opinion in this case can lead not only to fines or spoken, but also the subsequent dismissal of both employees.

βœ” The second method Employment issue solutions is a standard search with newspapers, television and personnel agencies. This is a very long procedure, entailing the need to prove your level of knowledge and skills, as well as to win in the fight against applicants, occupying a vacant position.

Of course, you can immediately visit the Internet, buy printed publications And start writing out phone numbers, nicknamed everyone, and then expect a return response, with a proposal to visit the interview. But this tactic is rooted. By the way, about where and we wrote in the last article.

To offer yourself as a valuable employee, you need to create the right image, remove unnecessary information, and pay attention to the qualities that are necessary for the vacancy. The most faithful way - this is writing resumes .

It is worth understanding that the personnel department of any organization begins the selection of employees from this document sent to the post office.

Starting to draw up (write) Summary, pay attention to a number of features that will help you make it individual, competent and properly composed . What is it for?

First, the staff of any enterprise during the day proceeds the huge number of letters from applicants and the time interval, spent on their viewing is approximately 2-3 minutes. This is exactly the period that is given to you to interest your candidates.

Secondly, the view of the kadrovik is almost always aimed at finding the most important qualities, so pay special attention to your selectivity, try to clearly indicate those features that correspond to a future position.

And, thirdly, your task is to go to the second stage, that is, to achieve interview. Only a successfully compiled summary is the key to the meeting with the employer, which means that you need to work hard.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is a resume and what is it necessary for;
  • How to create a resume for a device to work - the basic principles of the compilation of the summary;
  • Features of writing a summary;
  • Consider examples, samples, templates and summaries, which can be easily downloaded.

1. How to create a resume - 5 Principles for writing Summary πŸ“

Exist 5 Basic PrinciplesCompliance with which guarantees you a positive result. Try to stick to them when you start making a document and check for each before shipping to the office.

Consider each in more detail to understand what to pay attention to.

Principle 1. Literacy

It is possible that as a specialist, you have long taken place and can safely put forward your candidacy, realizing that such a level of experience gained skills and the ability to find a common contact with the team will only help in a speedy search, but for no hope, answers to the sent summary practically not Enters. So it may be worth checking it for errors.

Manager for the selection of personnel - This is the person who is capable of a simple look to determine your illiteracy. Considering what frequency through it the documentation passes, in the process of reading the eye, they simply "cling" for written errors, especially if they are located at the very beginning of proposals.

Even all the most huge merits simply blurred before inability to teach themselves. To avoid such an annoying situation, try to find the program on the Internet capable of viewing your text by spelling parameters and even punctuation.

If you still have doubts first, read this resume to the familiar, and then ask to visually watch it. Well, if such people have a special education. When going to create a document in a foreign language, you need to be so confident in your abilities so that it does not happen unpleasant situations, because one incorrectly written letter is able to change the meaning of the entire proposal. We recommend reading -? "

Such unplanned " lyapi "Very often lead to the fact that your work turns out to be in the trash can. Ideally, of course, it is best to give a test version of the document to the true native speaker.

Principle 2. Brevity

This is an important principle that helps you form the text of the resume on 1-2 Pages, what he is the standard for compiling a summary.

It is worth understanding that even the most qualified practice passed by you abroad is not a reason for a detailed presentation. Trying to present yourself from the best side, candidates consider relevant A detailed story about your merit.

Many, imagining themselves with high-level specialists, clarify a huge number of responsibilities performed on the previous place of work, and stages explain how it was they managed to raise the company to several positions upwards, and then stay fired.

Perhaps this is the case, but these details are very tedious, and your story will only be interesting until the second page. Not coming to the bottom, the manager simply will postpone this work aside, considering the wrong spending his working time on it.

Clearly and clearly, without any information, present yourself as a specialist, define the time of learning, work experience and only those skills that correspond to the vacancy created. Your task to make a meeting at the interview. It is there, with a detailed analysis of the situation, you can make a story about all merits.

But do not get carried away, it's not worth intercepted yourself.

Principle 3. Concreteness

The essence of the study of your resume is to 2 minutes determine Do you meet open vacancies. Employees of many personnel agencies often browse the document by specifying the specialty on which the candidate was studied, the period of work, the experience and the cause of dismissal.

If these parameters are suitable, then the study becomes more detailed. Therefore, it is important to make only specific information, do not overload it Your awards, merits, prizes.

This can be refined in the "Notes" section. Try to point the dates, the name of the specialty, the work interval, the degree of qualifications without data about what ways you came to the result, and how much time I had to spend on self-realization.

Your resume this is not biographywhich is important to the leader in the period of employment. In essence, this is a brief report on the stages of vital activity related to working moments. All information that is not directly related to the specified vacancy, cut off right away, it only overloads an opinion about you.

It is worth understanding that it is not advisable to create a single summary for various offers. Although the profession of the secretary and the position of the assistant manager has something to be a similar basis, the functionality specified by you will be very different. Try to express your thoughts clearly and clearly.

Principle 4. Selectivity

This principle practically follows from the previous one. As mentioned earlier, there is no need for all your knowledge and skills to be able to one document. Try to initially view similar summons posted on the Internet by other users.

Specify which qualities are especially clearly described in them and why the candidate considers it right to rely on such a vision of himself as a specialist. Perhaps this method will make it possible to more accurately make your instance.

Analyze your life path and choose only those data that is particularly important to the precedential position. Put yourself in the place of the personnel manager. What would first be paid attention to you?

Principle 5. Honesty and relevance

This principle is valued most. Your desire to make yourself a higher-level specialist can result in sad consequences. Many organizations prefer to give functions to find personnel special services and personnel agenciesAnd this means that until the conversation with the manager, you have to undergo intermediate stages, where everyone can become the moment of truth.

Even if you are weakly confident that you write, remove this information. Surface knowledge of programs, the ability to make only preliminary calculations, owning foreign languages \u200b\u200bwith a dictionary - this is not an indicator of your achievements..

By focusing in this direction, you will have to prove each written word. Therefore, before you write a resume, in addition to the specified data, browse the created document for the availability of current information. It is important that it will want to check. Of course, enterprises operating at the local level do not make such harsh requirements, and some vacancies will not be entrusted with such calls.

Many regional organizations, and even more so state structures work according to a special principle. There are not just confirmed data, but even recommendatory letters. That is why any of your exaggeration will become a reason for checking. Even the simplest interviewconfirming your deception will bring a lot of negative emotions, leaving an unpleasant precipitate.

2. 3 Rules for registration Summary πŸ“‹ + Tips

Of course, each applicant wants to be his copy of the summary individual and hit the table to the head.

There are some rulesallowing you to properly arrange a document and small tricks that make it unlike other applicants.

First, consider the standards to which specialists of the personnel department are accustomed.

Rule number 1. Paper

The finished version of your document is to print only on white dense paper. First, it speaks of your business approach to the search for work, and secondly, a similar sheet is more comfortable in sensations when touched.

It is best to apply a laser printer. Its ink is more resistant to erasure and do not pack hands.

It is important to understandthat you wrote the text that is able to interest will be transmitted to view various departments, fold in folders, copy on specimens, possibly scan or go to fax, and soft thin paper will quickly acquire unpresentable view.

As a result, hitting the head of the enterprise, in such a state, the first sense of you will be spoiled.

And, another nuance, do not create a resume in writing by hand . Very often, illegible handwriting becomes the cause of failure, and the ink of ordinary ballpoint handles have properties break even with the slightest contact with water.

The situation is as follows: The manager, getting a handwritten option begins to carefully read into words, losing its time.

Trying to focus, vision strains, the strength is spent and attentive attentiveness. As a rule, somewhere in the middle of the text, interest in it is lost, and the essence becomes indifferent. At best, the resume is postponed for further study, at worst, the selection continues on, without your candidacy.

Rule number 2. Registration

Text printing on one side of the sheet, and try to do the fields wide.

First, it is convenient to read when the sheet needs to be kept in hand. And, secondly, each important summary is pushed into a folder where it is simply necessary free space for punch. The entire volume of the written text should not exceed 2 pages, and all key points, according to the rules, are located on the first.

If the information is very much, adjust the font. It is best to leave the inscription at the bottom: "The continuation is on the next sheet". Beginner specialists who do not have a lot of data that fit on half of the page is best visually distributed supply so that they fill out the volume of the sheet.

Do not use various kinds of frames, patterns, underscore, they clutter text, distracting attention from an important. Standard fonts are considered Times New Roman. or Arial with size 10-14 Kehel. Use other fonts are inappropriate, since most of them are poorly readable.

Otherwise, give up the Adobe Photoshop editor and generally remove this filter, because you create, in fact, the official document. Try to do so that the style is united for the entire document.

The size of the sheet used at the same time. Separate various sections using a space.

Rule number 3. Language

The entire text you create must be stylistically literate and homogeneous. As mentioned earlier, it is unacceptable mistakes, no punctuation marks or vice versa, excessive use.

Try to write an affordable language without the use of professional names, known only to your specialty. Create a document in Russian.

It should be understood that even the work in a foreign firm located in Russia implies the presence of specialists who know our culture and leading dialogues, respectively. They will be the first to review the filed file or envelope.

If necessary, it is best to attach a second instance where the information will be set forth in the desired language. It will leave confidence for you in the fact that one of the options will fall into the right hands.

Of course, the resume can be created in electronic form, which is likely. A huge number of personnel agencies, and the specialists themselves themselves, before appointing a meeting, leave the Internet addresses that are asked to send a letter.

It does not require the use of paper, printers and strict field restrictions for the convenience of placing text, but no one has canceled paper carriers.

In order for your document to give signs of individuality, take advantage of the following tips:

Such a good move can nominate you in the leaders among applicants. Many resume seem faceless, because the standard phrases do not see the image. By classical ideas, the size of the photo should be as in the passport. It is approximately 3.5 cm * 4 cm. Create your appearance strict and business.

Prefer white or black colors in clothes, even if this is only its top. Do not place beach snapshots or those that were from done in parties, corporate events, rest. In general, such a nuance is considered the most productive and causes interest.

Carefully, without unnecessary zeal, we highlight some key important points in bold or non-standard writing. Thus, you pay attention to what it seems to you the most significant.

This is a small detail that will not remain unnoticed. If during the period of working with the resume to create a resistant smell of perfume, then their fragrance will be laid with gentle notes on paper and immediately create interest for the manager working with a letter. Such a move will be effective if the employee selecting you on the vacancy is a man. Just do not need to give a special significance of this moment and pour paper flavors.

Hard and resistant smell can even harm.

Such a step is considered foreign specialists very acceptable when creating individuality in the summary. Even in our age of information technology, when the seal of everything passes through printerYour signature seems to be a confirmation of all written data.

If it seems complex or illegible to you for you, you simply pick up the font close to the capital and insert your last name with the initials at the end of the document. The most acceptable for this is considered Harabara hand. . Download it using the Internet.

Of course, the decision to take only a job seeker But it is worth understanding that if the vacancy is popular, then the number of summaries that came to her address will be huge. Therefore, it is important to allocate your work among the others. The attention of the employee, pointed on it, gives a chance to reading and subsequent study, and this is the right path for the future interview.

3. How to write (compose) Summary - Structure of the resume and its design πŸ–‡

Getting started to create the document itself, you can choose 2 main ways: either you pre-attach information on paper sheetand then complement it if necessary in electronic form, or immediately create resumesUsing templates common on the Internet.

Of course, the first way is preferable, because it is possible to focus without leaving important data aside.

We split text on blocks and consider each in more detail.

βœ… Name and contact details

The most common mistake for today is considered to use the word "summary". It is it that I. should not be indicated and everything starts with name, families and patronymic.

Personal data when making a summary

If you are a young specialist, then just specify only name and familiaAlthough such a decision is made strictly individually.

Place this data on the center of the upper line, highlighting in bold.

From the left side of the sheet, leave a place for the photo, picking it up with the right format, and on the right in the column I will write the date of birth, then the address of the accommodation, the mobile phone number and E-mail mail.

All contact details must be rightand relevant. This section is filled to feedback.

Check everything particularly carefully so that when you have arisen, you can find you at any convenient time.

Be sure to get a "serious" email address. There is usually indicated by your name and surname. Such an act speaks of the importance of your intentions in front of the future employer and allows you to sort all letters, leaving only those that make sense.

If possible, enter in the summary home Number, After preparing all the inhabitants living with you about this. They will become assistants when you are absent or take the phone for you will not be possible. Leave the handle and notepad next to the phone. This will allow you to quickly write all incoming information.

Pay attention to the fact that your work number should not appear in this document, even if the real employer is warned about the upcoming dismissal and the issue of working out is simply formal.

βœ… Purpose of search

This section should stand specifically specified position. Determine the vacancy that you apply and enter it.

It is best to take the name of the post from the announcement you found in the newspaper or the Internet. So you prescribe: manager, accountant, secretary., intern, assistant leader etc.

Now we indicate the functional direction or the department in which you intend to work. For instance: marketing, sales, .

In general, the phrase will be drawn up in this way: " Sales Manager" or " Procurement Specialist in LogisticsΒ».

Most of the applicants prefer to leave this line empty or misses her out of sight. it wrong After all, the first impression that makes up for you, suggests: " And a person generally knows what he wants himself?"And, as a result, a decrease in interest in the presented summary arises.

Of course, if it is difficult for you to adapt your resume to each proposed vacancy, then such a section can be removed at all and send a standard version to various agencies, but such work methods reduce the search efficiency.

In addition, here you can specify the desired schedule of work and wage level. These data fit into accordance with your situation.

If this is a complete working day, you can not specify details, but the search for a part time limits you in the time interval. The same with salary.

Your high professional level, of course, requires appropriate payment, but do not put it too high, it may be a reason for the refusal of employment.

βœ… Experience

This is very an important section of resumeswhich describes all your work biography. It is intended to ensure that the future employer has already had an idea of \u200b\u200byour real professional skills, those activities in which you worked and the responsibilities proposed for your performance.

Summary section - work experience.

Already a long time ago, the location of such information has chronological order. The most correct is considered to begin to describe the last place of work, gradually getting to the beginning of work.

You can open your labor book and, indicating every working period, describe the organization, your functions, the result of work, and perhaps even achievements. Note that this information you can always check Using a simple phone call.

In general, it is described approximately 3 facilities And it is very important that it is permanent employment. Even if you worked without registration or have passed the practice, disperse whether such information needs you.

Even such a minor experience can play significant role Depending on the vacancy open for applicants. All the responsibilities that you performed are listed through the comma, but it is important to limit yourself in this process.

Try fit in 1-1,5 linesSo that the data written by you is convenient to perception. Highlight the most important thing, do not refer to the little things. All their achievements that manage to achieve can be indicated in the nearby column.

It is important that the proposals are formed in the past time and must be responsible for " What did you do?"So, we write: organized, performed, naladil, increased etc.

βœ… Education

Of course, if there is no work experience, it is worth paying special attention to the formation.

Many specialists advise to indicate first the specialty and an institution that issued it, which is directly related to the search position.

For the most part, we are accustomed to observe a strict chronological order. Starting from the very first education, not including school, specify years of education, name lyceum, institute or university, and then specialtyassigned to you.

Information about a red diploma will be appropriate only for the specialist who only graduated from school.

βœ… Additional knowledge and skills

All ended courses, seminars, trainings Describes exactly here. You can tell you how they own languages, at what level work with a computer, indicate the availability of driver's license, as well as knowledge of specialized programs.

βœ… Additional information

This information fits here that was not previously provided. Of course, a similar section is not mandatory, but it can become a particularly interesting potential employer.

for exampleYour willingness to work is not normalized or the opportunity to go to long-range business trips, and even the availability of business connections will infiltrate the attention of the personnel staff.

After the resume is drawn up, check it and appreciate the correctness of the design. Correct everything wrong Located strits, Long deputies and font dimensions.

By the way, the color of the font used should be only black . Ask anyone from the side to read everything that you happen. With a fresh look, you can always calculate inconspicuous errors.

Final (filled) approximate sample resume:

Finished (completed) Summary for work device - Ready example

Looking through the letter sent by you by the staff of the personnel agency, trying on free vacancies, will consider you not only as a professional person, but also take into account all personal qualities.

4. Ready-made samples Summary to work for download (in format.doc) πŸ“š

We present to your attention ready-made examples of a summary of work that can be downloaded on the links below.

The most popular and downloadable resumes - Samples:

In 2020 (. Doc, 45 KB)

(. Doc, 41 KB)

(. Doc, 36 KB)

List of ready-made sample resumes for free download

(. Doc, 44 KB)

(. doc, 38kb)

(. Doc, 41 KB)

(. Doc, 38 KB)

(. Doc, 39 KB)

Pattern (doc, 39 kb)

Professional Personal Skills and Quality in Summary - Examples

5. Personal Professional Skills in Summary - Examples 15 Useful Skills πŸ“Œ

In order for the process of perceiving personal qualities to be the easiest, we describe the key skills in the resume and give their examples in more detail.

Perhaps among this list, everyone will be able to choose the most necessary positions.

  1. Business correspondence skills. This is the ability to create documentation, and make out important letters. You must have the ability to briefly and concisely express information without the use of slang and jargon. It is important not only literacy, but also accuracy, persuasiveness, argument and accuracy. This is a technology for preparing business letters, their syntax, persuasiveness, expressiveness, the culture of the correspondence and the rules of work with e-mail.
  2. Business communication skills. This skill is easy to install and maintain contact with the interlocutor, knowledge of special communications, the effectiveness of telephone conversations, the ability to convince, the choice of behavior style in various business situations, communication in the official and informal settings. In addition, such skills make it possible to build negotiations so that partnerships are long-term and fruitful.
  3. Knowledge of foreign languages. It is important to clarify its level. It is possible to work with a dictionary or full perception of language and negotiating. Such a skill will be very useful in the company that has contacts with foreign partners.
  4. Knowledge of programming languages. The ability to work with advanced technologies will allow you to count on a vacancy of a system administrator or programmer. This is the ability to deal with IT-technologies, understand the essence of the language, its functions and work with various programs eliminating errors.
  5. The ability to convince. It is knowledge of certain techniques, through which any person can be attracted to its side. You must have the ability to influence the interlocutor to clearly achieve your goals, to conduct your ideas so that ways to be discussed by ways to implement, prove their point of view, conquering the locations of any chief or project participant.
  6. Ability to make decisions yourself. In fact, a similar skill just seems simple and easy. It is based on a huge share of self-confidence, because sometimes, from what proposed option you accept, the process of the organization's work is depeted. This is not only the ability to make the right choice, but also aware of the consequences of the whole thing. You can not doubt, edge yourself and look at the past, your decisions should be accepted hard, firmly and argued.
  7. Teamwork skills. Your ability to work in the team is not the basis of future victories. It is necessary not only to correctly form the command that will lead to the intended goals, but also to become part of it so that each participant can easily rely on your actions. This ability allows to strive for self-development, reduce the level of conflict in the organization, clearly delegate their powers and introduce responsibility for their execution. This is the right interaction with each other, the solution of common tasks, and the formulation of a single goal. Creating a team and work in it suggests the performance of our part of the work in the general rhythm, contact with other participants in the open dialogue mode, the ability to recognize your mistakes and take someone else's point of view. This is a mutual assistance, and cooperation even despite common sympathies or antipathy.
  8. Ability to organize. Such ability is not given to every person. It involves the ability of leadership qualities, allowing to build work not only for themselves, but also their subordinates or team as a whole. This is a desire to perform a minimum set of actions in order to achieve their goals with the least effort and in the most limited short time. This ability to determine the structure of the organization and take advantage of these data for the most optimal method of execution of tasks. Such successful organization ultimately eliminates any confusion, ensures stability and gives a personal advantage to you.
  9. Telephone sales skills. This ability is best to indicate for those vacancies that are engaged in the implementation of products or services not only directly through the work with the consumer, but also through the means of communication. This is the possession of conversational skills, allowing to act on the audience, providing a sold product in a compressed form, but affordable for a complete understanding. It is important to be able to listen to listening to, create an element of interest and huge attention, the selection of the right questions and the elimination of irritants, the formation of general trust and the fulfillment of the goals set up with the achievement of a positive result. Telephone sales are transactions with interlocutors who are conducted at the level of psychology.
  10. Reporting skills. This is knowledge of its various species, the ability to understand the incoming information with the maximum share of utility. You must understand the difference between financial, managerial, tax accounting and their forms. It is important not only to realize the reality of the situation of the organization, but also to be able to read the works of the previous compiler to extract errors from them. All possible passes or distortions of reporting, various types of miscalculations need not only to detect, but also offer ways to eliminate them.
  11. Email skills. A huge number of letters received during the day requires the effectiveness of their processing, which is why it is important to prove your ability to work with e-mail. You should be able to correctly and correctly communicate with the interlocutor, to process the incoming correspondence in a timely manner, selecting the most necessary and important letters. You need to be able to use the search, set marks, apply filters and shortcuts, find the necessary information.
  12. Skills for procurement of goods. This is primarily the ability to negotiate, the perception of all product information about the product, the use of mathematical abilities, working with spreadsheets, the use of marketing methods and independent reception of final solutions. Such skills suggest the ability to navigate the situation, the choice of the most acceptable options in various parameters, orientation in the balances of goods in stock and in stores, partnerships with contacting enterprises and solving problems of varying complexity. You need not only leadership qualities to keep relationships with people who are holding higher positions in the company, but also clear knowledge of the product, as well as the ability to learn it very quickly, to find and agree on the most optimal supply conditions.
  13. Office life experience skills. These are versatile abilities that include the organization of cleaning work, business travel, car park, courier delivery, reception and secretaries, purchasing marketing materials, medicines, catering staff. This ability to cover all the spheres of the company and so to establish work so that it is continuous.
  14. Client base skills. Knowledge of various techniques and methods for forming a client base, the ability to systematize contacts, determination of the principles of combining into groups, the use of communicative techniques for the rapid formation of contact, accounting of the base.
  15. Work skills with primary documentation. This processing and accounting of all incoming information, adopted both on paper, and electronically. Work with bank statements, sales books and purchases, form calculations with suppliers and contractors. In addition to continuous monitoring of documents, it is necessary to know the rules for conducting inspections, be able to find errors and correct them in the future, photocopying and archiving.

6. Personal qualities in resume - examples πŸ“ƒ

Personal qualities in the summary can be, for example, as follows: accuracy, ambitiousness, fast learner, attentiveness, flexibility, friendliness, initiative, communicability, loyalty, resourcefulness, focus on results, optimism, organizational abilities, a responsibility, responsiveness, decency, principle, self Control, scrupulusity, justice, stress tolerance, goodworking, ability to adapt to change the ability to convince, pottleness, sense of humor, energy.

It should be understood that indicating both their personal and professional qualities need to pay special attention to them, because, depending on the post, the same line can give you as positive Effect and negative .

7. How to make an accompanying letter to resume - Example of writing πŸ“‹

How to write an accompanying letter to the summary? You can download an example by reference below.

By sending a resume to the agency for the selection of personnel or the future to its employer, puzzle one's own feature, how to Writing the Accompanying Letter . Although it is currently not particularly popular, and many applicants do not consider it necessary to "bother" for additional actions, but still there are a number of their advantages.

  • Uniqueness. Such a letter will allow you to make you most clearly and concisely talk about yourself, creating a general view of exactly what you see him.
  • Saving time. In the process of its workload, viewing a resume for the recruiter becomes a monotonous case, especially since each received document you need to choose the basic qualities of the applicant, both professional and personal. You have a similar way, presenting yourself, allow you to convey important information clearly and correctly, while maintaining several free minutes in the schedule of this specialist.
  • Focus on his candidacy. It does not matter if you send a letter by email or write it on paper, in itself, attached to the summary, it allows you to stand out among all other applicants. Such attention will be a memorable point during the day, and the seriousness of the data provided will create an impression of you as a valuable employee.

Download an example of the accompanying letter to the summary

(. Doc, 33 KB)

Support letter to resume - 5 steps

It is worth understanding that the competent compilation of such a letter gives you a good basis for the successful consideration of the accompanying summary. There are several basic parts to which it is important to pay attention when writing.

Consider them in stages so that every step is understood.

Step number 1. Think about the essence of the outlined

We read the summary, remember the information and choose from it only the most important . Take care that everything should be described briefly and clearly, without unnecessary blurred phrases, long offers and a pathoral prevention of your candidacy.

In addition, think about how best can describe the cause of dismissal from the previous place of work or long lack of employment. As a rule, similar things in the resume are not written, but here, if you consider it necessary, you can explain such information.

Step number 2. Making a structure

The correct letter must have the sequence of everything written. At the beginning, a greeting is indicated, then the main text, where it is important to be the essence, then refer to the accompanying summary and end all the provision of contact information.

Step number 3. Make a greeting

As a rule, it is enough to write " Hello" or " good day", It is already configuring a positive way, leaving pleasant emotions about you. But, the best option will be the appeal to the employee named after the patronymic. Such data to find out is not difficult.

The names of employees of personnel agencies or employees for recruitment writers are written on business cards, and most often indicate the Internet. Open the site, view its interface, pay attention to the " Contacts" or " Staff"And create your letter.

Step number 4. We write text

First, specify the purpose of your appeal, and where you found a vacancy. For example: "In order to work as a sales manager in a developing company, I suggest you consider my candidacy. The vacancy information is obtained using the site .... " Next, tell us why you are worthy of this offer.

It is not necessary to list or briefly rewrite your resume, it is enough to allocate several points relating to a particular vacancy. Phrases like " I am a high-level specialist" or " I easily teachΒ»They seem blurred and found in almost every letter.

Therefore, even if this information has 100 percent The basis for himself, so it is not worth providing it, you will simply be banal.

Step number 5. Complete Writing

After all the above, it is sure to indicate that you attach your resume. Below, a separate line can be prescribed: "If you are interested in my candidacy, then you can contact me by phone" Next, specify the number or email address.

If there is an opportunity to drive up and visit the interview in any time you suggested, do this link. The phrase will be a good completion of the outlined Have a good day!" or " Thanks for attentionΒ».

It is worth understanding that the accompanying letter must be small in volume and convenient to read.

8. 10 main errors when writing a resume ⚠

Sometimes it happens that within a long time for all the resumes you sent no response comes . And it seems there is no doubt about professional qualities, because the experience gained over the years gives a special advantage, and you yourself understand that most organizations would gladly get the masters of this class. Only days go, free money ends, and for some reason there are no interviews and calls.

Perhaps the reason for this will be errors which you did not give proper attention. It is they become a reason for refusing.

Consider the most common mistakes in compiling your resume.

Error 1. Grammar and Titches

This is what becomes apparent first. Do not think that if the vacancy offered to you is connected only with mechanical work and does not apply to writing, then there is no need to follow your own speech and errors. On the contrary, a specialist reading your resume will emphasize a similar fact.

Sanidity in writing, lack of spelling or punctuation, like a dirty costume, pushes, creating a negative impression. It will seem that you slopes , nonseliennes and can only work " sleeves later Β».

There are several ways to get rid of such an error. You can check the writing in the program " Microsoft Word."Or download a special program from the Internet, for example" Ophgogram", Which, besides, will review the presence of all commas. If you still doubt, please contact your nearest familiar who trust in this matter.

Error 2. Unreadable

How it would not sound a banal, but it is important to check the document on the correctness of the use of the font, arctic intervals and text Distribution on page. Sometimes too small letters, a huge number of foreign words and permanent changes of the font are able to spoil even the most pleasant impression of your resume.

It is worth understanding that this document is created specifically to be convenient to use. Providing an opportunity to easily perceive information, you give yourself a chance to successful employment.

You can fix this error yourself, structuring and properly distributing the text. The resulting instance give to read by a third-party person, and then specify that it corrected in the design.

Error 3. Contradiction

The presence of dates in the summary that do not coincide in the time period, as well as not the combination of functions performed on the position being held, will become serious obstacle to the search for work.

Check out everything written by you by focusing on this issue. Even if you had to prepare documents on the signature to the head and, at the same time, to periodically repair a broken office equipment, such a listing will cause a minimum surprise from the employee, looking for frames.

In addition, a certain disabilities of the applicant are often a common deficiency. It seems to us that the information is the information itself, forces some conclusions, and this is no longer correct. Your task to convey the data so that they are specific.

It is worth understanding that any employee of the recruitment will not decide to solve the riddles written by you, and even more so spend more 2 minutes. Understand that you have only one chance quickly and correctly create an opinion about yourself.

Error 4. Modesty

It seems to us that the description of their own achievements is this some kind of praise before other candidates. That is why many applicants are considered to be right to list only the main responsibilities performed by them at the previous job site.

In fact, this position is correct. Of course, you should not take yourself in the rank of the most cool specialists", I mean that only you raised the company to a high level of achievements, but also to displaced themselves, will also be incorrect.

The manager reading the summary should understand that your development as a specialist is gradually, which is confirmed by certain achievements. Sometimes the problem is not even that they do not exist, but in the fact that a person is not able to allocate such moments among his work activity.

Of course it is clear that some specific list does not exist, but think carefully maybe you have mastered the complex process by making it more efficient or developed a special design project.

You written program, compiled budget saving methods, updating product catalog, conducted event at a high level also talks about achievements. Even if in your life before this was just a practice, analyze its stages.

Error 5. Excessive information

Sometimes it seems that the more it is written, the brighter your personality and professional skills are revealed. It's a delusion. Depending on which vacancy you apply, remove all unnecessary, allowing you to focus on the most important thing.

If the specialist will be interested in the details written, he will definitely ask the question in the process of interviewing, and it is there that can be explained skills, tell about the additional functionswho are executed by you.

Error 6. Contact details

Incorrect indication of such information is no opportunity to contact you . Even if the decision is positive and there will be a need to invite you to the interview, the manager will not be able to make this.

Your task is to check all phone numbers, email address and the actual place of stay so as not to miss your chance.

Error 7. Large resume volume

This situation is inconvenient in two cases. First, the full reading of the created file will lead a specialist to the state of fatigue, and this already reduces the likelihood of subsequent contact. Secondly, sending a ready-made summary via email, you risk time.

In order to open a similar file, you need to expect, because even the message sent can tighten the process. Respect your work and the time of a person who needs to work with your data.

Error 8. Attempts to become original

This question was discussed a little earlier, but still has relevance and now. Many candidates, aware of the need, become individuals seek to rasp up the page, adding pictures, frames, funny photo, which more providing 1-2 minutes laughter a day, but does not speak of your seriousness.

Error 9. Refinement of personal details

The desire to be open to the specialist in personnel selection or even the most potential employer sometimes leads to the fact that the applicant is ready to indicate the deepest details of his life. So don't write about physical data, relatives, hobbies, zodiac sign, personal preferences, pet pets.

Error 10. Data truth

It is worth remembering that even your huge desire to occupy important positions in the organization is not a reason to exaggerate merit or indicate the skills that you in reality do not possess.

When conducting an interview, even the easiest question that will not follow the correct answer may cause distrust and as a result, the lack of desire to consider your candidacy.

9. Recommendations of specialists in writing a resume - 7 useful tips πŸ‘

In order for the result of your work successful, it is necessary to pay attention to the advice from the very beginning.

After all, in essence, summary - This is not just a statement of material, and the ability to present your candidacy as the most suitable open position.

You are essentially selling your skills and skills to the future employer. That is why it is assumed to this work with a special seriousness.

  1. Define a clear goal. Decide what position is interesting to you. Put it basically, designate your needs and start working. Otherwise, the resume will be blurred and incomplete.
  2. Focus on Marketing. Imagine your future leader is a buyer. Rate how profitable it would be profitable for you as your employee.
  3. Work for interview. If your ultimate goal is to put the desired meeting with an employee of a company where you can prove yourself, and not the fact of finding a job, then the summary will be easier. Do not think about employment, strive to go through the first stage, get to the interview.
  4. Place information correctly. The first view about you develops throughout the first 30 seconds and it is important that it be positive. Therefore, all the most important qualities place on the first page, in about the middle of the sheet. Offers that you write should be brief and clear.
  5. Play in the "Mirror". Read carefully announcement of the search for staff, determine what words the required qualities are described, and it is the same phrases throughout their resume place our own qualities.
  6. Write text easy to read. Write a resume so that it is easy to read. Thus, you can provide any information. If you can use a special term, do it, but note that you should not overload the text with such unique words. The personnel department worker should understand that you are working out in your specificity, and not just put the necessary words through the comma.
  7. Send a resume to the employer. Conducting all the necessary checks, start sending the summary and the accompanying letter. Make a bet right into several companies, waiting for your answer. But, as it was decided earlier, each vacancy should have its own unique text.

10. Conclusion + video πŸŽ₯

Now questions about "How to write and make a resume?" Do not cause special difficulties. You just need to understand what you want to specify in this document. Then, sending it to the future employer you can configure yourself to a successful result.

Many are wondering how to make a resume correctly? " In this article, we propose to make a good resume with you, will reply to frequently emerging issues and give the most important advice to how to write a resume.

Also at the end of our article you will be given the opportunity to download a sample of free summary in Word and change it to yourself or make a correct resume on our form.

Each of us at least once got to work. The first acquaintance of the employer and employee occurs through summary, on the Internet there are many templates and many conversations on this subject, which is correct to write, and what not.

Remember! A competently compiled summary will increase the chances to get a job and earn good money.

Full list of summary available for download at the end of the article

We propose to move away from the framework of the compilation, and change something in places. First of all, you need to understand how to create a resume.

Defend with the term what is a good resume:

Summary is a written description of your professional experience, designed to create an employer's opinion about your past work.

Here are a few rules:

  • You need to write the truth selectively. It is important in compiling the correct resume to omit its shortcomings, but more describe your advantages.
  • Be concise. The employer needs a fact, a small essay about your work activity.
  • Be tricky. If you followed in some of the projects, even indirectly, you need to mention it.

How to make a resume to work, it is better to imagine yourself before the employer

So, we approached the preparation of the sample of the form. We will do in the stages describing each. We want to make you the best resume for a job. Go!

First of all, it is necessary to introduce yourself, to specify the name, surname and patronymic, not bad it would be inserted into the summary of your fresh photo.

Stage 1. The purpose of the summary

This part of the resume should talk about your goal, which position you want. This will help better determine what position you need to define. Sometimes even resumes are sorted by stacks and give the heads of departments, and if your will not fall into that department, you immediately lose your chance to get a job. Therefore, the first lines should begin with the position where you want to work.

This item needs to be allocated! Looking through the large amount of documents, the recruiter should see which position you are applying.

Stage 2. Personal applicant data

The next step is to create a resume to work your personal data.

Date of Birth. Do not be afraid to write the date of birth. The employer wants to know how old you.

Address of accommodation. Not so significant item. Sometimes the employer wishes that the employee would live closer to work or wants to know how long you get to work.

Contact number. E-mail is an unlikely, but mandatory point in the resume. The more you specify the data, the easier you will find.

Family status. There is everything just need to specify you are married or idle.

Stage 3. Formation of the applicant

It is necessary to indicate everything with regard to your education, even free courses or seminars will be suitable. Be sure to learn the employer where you studied, because university plays not a little important factor in the abilities of the employee. When drawing up a form of a summary, do not miss the specify all educational institutions and events.

Stage 4. Experience and job responsibilities

Summary for the device to work requires describe your past professional experience and positions that occupied. It is important to the employer where you worked before it, this item should be first in the list of past works. The list of past jobs is indicated in reverse chronological order. Official duties are indicated strictly next to the work.

Stage 5. Professional skills and achievements in past works

Summary describes the professional skills of the future employee in great detail, it is important to indicate a list of knowledge and skills acquired in your past work. Although this item is in the middle of the Summary Blanc, it is necessary to describe all your achievements. The correct summary always includes significant achievements in previous work. Try not to indicate personal qualities, many confuse such characteristics as professionalism and quality, for this there is a separate item.

  • Increased sales by 30%
  • Reduced the cost of materials by 10%
  • Agreed with distributors about a 5% discount

Stage 6. Computer hold

Without modern technologies in our world, it is already difficult to exist and therefore this is a very important point. If the knowledge of basic things in the computer world you have a weak, then it is worth a little rush. After all, knowledge of Excel, Word, the ownership of mail is the main skills that will be required.

Stage 9. Personal qualities and hobbies

What qualities to indicate in the summary? Each type of activity involves certain qualities. The manager is more likely to suit the quality associated with sociability, and the office worker is better to indicate qualities associated with the prerequisite and infliction of character.

We picked up good quality for you for Summary:

  • the ability to find contact with people
  • quick Solution Applied Tasks
  • ability to defend their point of view
  • willpower
  • ability to process a large amount of information
  • striving for learning
  • focus on results
  • compelling
  • high efficiency
  • goodwill
  • principle and honesty
  • observation
  • ability to arrange people
  • the desire to constantly develop
  • logical thinking
  • stress tolerance
  • sense of justice

Stage 8. The desired level of salary

Indicate the level of salary or not it is a personal matter of each. In both options there are both pros and cons. Maybe the employer as an employee you fully arrange, but it scared his desired level of salary, and he may not call back. And it happens that, seeing the monthly amount, the recruiter will call you back immediately and will suggest to meet. How will the employer behave in both situations to say difficult. But it is better to indicate the average salary in the city in this position.

And so we made up a good resume and even looks very decently, you can download the summary in Word format by reference:

Frequently asked Questions

Many are asked secondary questions to create a resume. In this part of the article we want to answer the most popular questions when drawing up your resume to work.

What are the technical requirements for compiling a summary?

First of all, your abstract format must be A4, it is desirable to take one sheet. All text shall draw up: Times New Roman, Arial, Tahoma, Verdana. You can select keywords to highlight bold text.

Do I need to specify the level of salary in the summary?

If you are not sure that there are great chances to get a job, then it is desirable not to indicate the level of salary.

Competitors for the position behind you? Then we boldly oversee the desired salaries. This will push the employer at an interview to raise this question and here you can turn the situation to your side to get the desired salary.

Many argue how to write a resume correctly, because this item may not even look. Although some employers still call on the specified recommendations, which will add you a good plus.

I did not have official work. What to write in the summary?

Write a place where you worked not officially. There is nothing terrible. The main thing is to show your experience.

Do I need to specify your experience in the summary?

This small point is mandatory when writing, because the employer reading your resume wants to know how old you, not a teenager without experience in front of him? An indication of age can sometimes not write if you have already seen and have ideas that you are for a person.

Do you need to place your photo in the summary?

Russia has become a general rule to post its photo in the summary, but not mandatory. In the UK, it is not allowed to post your photo, it is the rule of bad tone, but the rest of Europe willingly use it.

Why didn't my resume look at?

Causes why above the summary may not be considered two.

The recruiter did not suit how you made up your resume. The first thing that crashes this cap is, there must be a position to which you want to get. Most likely, he was postponed even without reading.

You have filed your response too late. What does it mean? Most likely, the recruiter has already selected enough person to the desired post. After all, the hanging vacancy needs to close rather.

Competently compiled resume will give a chance to make a highly paid position with the ability to earn more money than in similar positions.

Top best tips "How to create a resume" from the best specialists:

  • Tip 1. An employer or recruiter should want to read your resume. It should rush into the eyes, but also cannot be retracted from business style.
  • Tip 2. Discard Slang, only the official writing style. The text should be simple and concise, written in person.
  • Tip 3. Adhere to the structure that we provided to you. No need to add extra blocks that do not relate to specific work. No, if you are a designer, then the proposed summary with a creative approach will be even the topic!

We offer you to download an interesting summary, which is different from the official style and can suit the designer.

  • Tip 4 Use one font in the entire document. No need to play fonts, it may hook on the text, but seriously to such a submission will not be treated.
  • Tip 5 If you often change the place of work, it is probably worth leaving the most profitable jobs. And the skipping in the work can be somehow explained at the interview.
  • Tip 6. There is no experience. But also indicate that you are not bad served people behind the McDonalds Cash, too, if you are comfortable by the manager.
  • Tip 7. Grammatical errors always repel people. Check out all foreign words, it is possible that the employer may fluent in the language.
  • Tip 8. Save the summary only in format docx. In rare cases, you can send PDF.
  • Tip 9. Do not write for what reason you were fired or quitred. Dry facts The start date of work is the end date.
  • Tip 10. Do not specify a list of recommenders. It repels how praise itself. If necessary, from the employer himself will be called to the place of former work and finds out how things were there and no recommendations will save.

Download Summary can be Word Doc and DocX format From our site

For your convenience, we have prepared a ready-to-download list in alphabetical order.














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