Conversation what are the birds of the older group. "Conversation about wintering and migratory birds." Ecological game "Bird canteen"


What do we know about birds?

Ivanova Marina Igorevna

Purpose: 1. To develop cognitive interest.

Objectives: 1. Tell students about the birds that live in our area.

2. Talk about birds living in other countries.

2. Teach to name adult birds.

Course of the lesson

Educator: Guys, what do you know about birds? Now I will show you pictures, and you have to guess the bird, and I will tell you a lot of interesting things about each bird.

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Sparrows get up very early, when it's still dark, and chirp loudly. While it is light outside, they are looking for food. The sparrow is a very lively bird, he will not be offended, he will get food for himself. And at night, the sparrows gather again in a flock, cuddle up to each other to make it warmer, and so they spend the night.

The sparrows in the flock have a sparrow - the watchman. What is he guarding? The watchman is a sparrow who always looks around carefully. If he sees a cat or a hawk or other enemy, he will immediately scream "Chrrrrr", and all the sparrows will have time to fly away.

Sparrows are bold by nature, even pugnacious. But despite their "fighting" character, sparrows are very friendly birds. They help each other - if one sparrow finds food, he will definitely call all his friends. It never happens that a sparrow finds crumbs, and ate all these crumbs himself, and did not leave them to his friends. This is what a small bird is, and what friendship is already knows !!! And always shares with friends

Sparrows are birds that live in the north and south and never fly away for the winter, because they can find food for themselves in winter.

Sparrows that live next to a person, under the roofs of houses, are brownies, but there are also field sparrows... Field sparrows nest in old parks, nests are arranged either in hollows, or in a heap of brushwood, birdhouses and nest boxes, which schoolchildren hang in the forest. They make a nest from all kinds of garbage, from blades of grass, hay, straw. Inside the nest, everything is necessarily covered with feathers. There are no bright colors in their clothes - feathers: the back is brown, the abdomen is gray, there is a light brown cap on the head. Their feathers are always clean, neat and pleasant to look at, as they constantly monitor the purity of their bodies.

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A short and very wide, especially at the base of the beak, a very large opening of the mouth, narrow and very long wings, a wide chest and at the same time a graceful constitution, short and weak legs, unsuitable for movement on the ground, and finally, usually a forked tail - signs, by which it is easy to distinguish representatives of this family from other birds. Swallows are wonderful flyers; they spend a significant part of their life in the air. They even drink on the fly, rushing swiftly with their wings raised and their necks extended downward above the very surface of the water and scooping it up with their mandibles. They go down to the ground reluctantly, preferring to sit on tree branches, roofs of buildings, wires. Singing of swallows - quiet pleasant chirping These birds build nests on rocks, in cliffs on buildings, less often on trees. The nest itself is usually constructed from clay or from earth glued together with bird saliva. Swallows' food consists exclusively of insects caught on the fly (small flies, mosquitoes, midges, small bugs, etc.).

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Tit Is a small bird with a yellow belly and a black cap on its head. These are very nimble and lively birds. Tits do not fly away to warm lands for the winter, but survive the winter, hiding in a hollow. There is very little food in the snowy winter, and the birds have a hard time. In search of food, they fly to a person's dwelling.

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Woodpeckers - uh they are small and medium-sized birds, leading a predominantly arboreal lifestyle. They feed on insects, which are extracted from under the bark of tree trunks with the help of a beak. The woodpecker's skull is distinguished by its large size and strength. The beak is long, straight and tapered. Uses a wedge-shaped tail as support. All species have variegated black and white plumage, most also have red and yellow markings on the head and other parts of the body. They nest in hollows, choosing dead or diseased trees. Eggs are oblong, white. Woodpeckers sometimes use empty cans and bits of iron as a drum to make their drum roll sound far enough to call on other woodpeckers.

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Forty x This is a well-known bird with a bright black and white coloring and a long, stepped tail, which takes a fan-shaped appearance during flight. It is about the size of a jackdaw, weighs 160-260 g. The plumage is soft, dense, black in color with a white belly, white shoulders and white spots on the wings. On most of the land, the magpie is a sedentary bird and only in winter does it make small local migrations. However, in places from the northern regions, it makes significant movements to the south.It settles in small forests near the edges, in groves, gardens, parks, shrubs of river floodplains, along ravines, gullies, in the mountains, etc. This bird lives in pairs, which persist in winter. Begins to nest early, in different dates of March. The nest, in the construction or repair of which both members of the pair take part, is located in the dense branches of a bush or tree, often at a low height and is well hidden. It is a large and complex structure.

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Bullfinches - northerners, they are inhabitants of taiga forests. It is simply impossible not to notice a multicolored flock of bullfinches in winter. Elegant birds appear in our area with the first snow. The red-breasted and red-cheeked males of bullfinches are real handsome men, but the females are painted more modestly and do not distract attention from their painted gentlemen.

The bird is so named because it comes to us from the north along with the first snow. Translated from the Turkic SNIG, which means red-breasted. And then it changed to the modern spelling SNOWGROUND, tk. the bird has become popularly associated with snow. There is such a sign. As soon as the first snow falls, wait for the bullfinch.

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Owl ... It flies silently, sees in the dark, has excellent hearing. A light rustle is enough to catch the prey. Owls have soft plumage. They have huge eyes, a movable neck, which allows you to turn your head from top to bottom by 270 O ... She eats insects, birds, fish, mice.

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Herons - large and medium-sized birds with a long, straight and sharp beak. The edges of the beak are finely serrated.
They feed, walking in shallow water and seizing fish or aquatic insects, with lightning-fast movements of the head. Often they stand motionless for a long time in the water or on the shore of a reservoir.

Flapping flight, smooth. The neck is folded in the shape of the letter S in flight.
Herons have special feathers - powders, the tips of which constantly form a dry, powder-like powder. Herons cover their feathers with this powder, and then remove it with their beak, thus clearing the feathers from dirt and fish mucus.

Breeds in separate pairs or colonies. Cone-shaped nests of reed branches and stems are built on trees and reed creases.
If you get a wounded or sick heron in your hands, you need to handle it with great care. Defending against the enemy, the heron strikes without missing with its beak, aiming at the eyes, and can cause severe injury.

Although anglers often consider herons to be pests of fisheries, in fact they only catch trash fish up to 10-15 cm long, and from larger fish they only get sick or dead ones, and even then very rarely.

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Jackdaw. The top of the head and neck are gray, the rest of the plumage is black with a metallic blue sheen on the shoulders and back. They live in hollows of trees, in attics, in rocksblack, with a bluish or greenish tint. sharp and strong, black.The raven is a cautious bird. Knows how to move well on the ground.

Before climbing on its wings, the raven makes several jumps. Raven's lifespan wildlife is 10-15 years old.

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Rook in size and appearance resembles a crow, and therefore many people confuse them. But the rook has a clear distinctive feature - a ring of unfeathered naked skin around the beak of adult birds, in addition, the rook is "slimmer". Young birds lack this ring. The color of the rook is pure black with a metallic sheen, body weight 350-490 g. They feed on large insects, mouse-like rodents, food waste, peck at the corpses of animals, from plant food - seeds of various plants, vegetables, fruits and berries. Flying out to feed on the fields, they pull out seedlings of grain crops. Rooks are not uncommon in cities, they can be seen in mixed flocks with crows and jackdaws, and they often stay in the city for the winter.

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Crow - gray with a black head, wings and tail.
Gives preference to cities and towns.
These quick-witted birds have perfectly adapted to the human neighborhood. In recent years, for example, they have learned to systematically check bags of groceries hung out of the window in winter. They know how to raise the roofs of birdhouses, if they are not bolted with wire. Ravens destroy many nests of waterfowl and even birds of prey... Crow
nests in forests (near forest edges), groves, gardens, as well as in cities.

Nests are more common on conifers, less often on deciduous trees, not very high from the ground.
Nest is built from dry twigs laid in a fork of large tree branches. Lays 4-5 pale green, bluish green or pure green eggs with brownish specks and dots at the end of March. Egg sizes: (38-42) x (28-32) mm.
Chicks leave the nest in mid-June.
In winter, it partially flies south or to cities, where it gathers in huge flocks, feeding on landfills. Ravens can steal eggs from poultry, attack chickens and ducklings. The crow has to be considered a harmful bird in hunting farms, where it attacks the nests and chicks of black grouses, partridges, ducks and waders. But in most places it benefits agriculture by exterminating harmful rodents, locusts, beetles and winter worms - a pest of winter crops.

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The starling family has 100 species. The body length is on average 20 cm, weight is about 100 g. The beak of these birds is straight and sharp, of medium size, the wings are of moderate length, and the tail is straight and long. They have thick and stiff plumage. The color of most species is dark, some parts of the body can be painted in white, pink. It is characteristic that the dark areas of the plumage of these birds are often cast with a metallic sheen.These birds willingly settle next to humans: they are ordinary inhabitants of gardens, city parks, and farms. Most starlings are sedentary birds, but they tend to migrate.

Starlings live in flocks, but they can also be found in separate pairs. The starlings are very friendly, there are no fights between them, and the starling notifies the whole flock about the danger or found food. All types of starlings are distinguished by a sharp, loud voice, they are generally big fans of shouting. By the way, many species of starlings borrow the sounds of their songs from the environment so you can hear voices in their songs different birds, engine sounds, saw screeching. With prolonged maintenance at home, starlings are quite capable of learning human speech. True, unlike parrots, starlings do not use these sounds meaningfully (for communication), but simply sing.

Starlings are very mobile, their noisy flocks are in constant search of food, and the birds themselves behave boldly. So, in the spring, starlings are often driven out more small birds(sparrows, for example) from already occupied nests, a flock of these birds is capable of attacking a larger predator (owl, crow). On branches and stems, they move in leaps, deftly clinging to the stems with their paws, they walk slowly on the ground.

Starlings feed mainly on animal food: orthoptera insects (grasshoppers, locusts) and their larvae, earthworms, slugs. During a massive locust invasion, they feed exclusively on it. At the same time, starlings willingly peck berries and fruits, for this reason they love to settle in gardens so much. When densely populated, starlings can ruin the entire crop (you probably have seen cherries, cherries with bites). Sometimes starlings can rob and eat eggs of small birds, lizards, mice.

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Hawk. They are slender birds with a regal bearing, short, wide and rounded wings. The tail of the hawks is long, the paws are strong with long fingers and powerful claws - the main weapon for killing victims. All hawks are distinguished by white "eyebrows" formed by a strip of white feathers above the eyes. The eyes of adult hawks are usually red or reddish-brown, while those of young animals are bright yellow. The color of birds is varied - from blue-gray to black. The dorsal part of hawks is usually darker, the abdominal part is lighter and with a gray transverse speck. The tail is gray with dark stripes, and the wings are darker too. The outfit of young hawks is not the same as that of adults. It is dominated by brown shades on the head, wings and back, and stripes of the same color adorn the white breast. Hawks vary in size, but in almost all cases, females are larger than males. The agility and maneuverability of hawks during flight has entered more than one proverb. And the flight of these birds itself is a beautiful, breathtaking sight. They slowly and deeply flap their wings and can soar for a long time, demonstrating almost complete immobility from afar.

Slide 15-17. Name the adult birds.

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The peacock is strong in body, tall on its legs and, despite its short wings, flies well. By the color of the plumage, the male sharply differs from the female. His neck and chest are blue, shiny, the same color and a crown on his head.

The rooster has highly developed uppertail feathers, which are incorrectly called the tail. At the ends of these feathers there is a beautiful ocellated pattern. Luxurious, fanning of the upper tail, and made the peacock the glory of the most beautiful bird. The females of the peacock, like almost all chickens, are much more modestly colored. The plumage is mainly brown, the neck is greenish, the abdomen is white. The modest plumage of the female is explained mainly by the need to take care of the continuation of the genus. A brightly colored bird sitting on a nest would be quickly discovered by predators.

Free peacocks live in South Asia. They feed on the ground on seeds and fruits, green parts and roots of plants, various insects, arachnids, terrestrial molluscs, and sometimes lizards and small snakes. Males walk in forest glades, where females periodically gather. Peacocks rarely get sick.

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Toucan very beautiful bird. Bright and proud. The beak is large. It is he who attracts attention.

The bird's beak is its decoration. Many species have a beak the size of a bird's body, and even slightly larger. In fact, the toucan's beak-nose is light, thanks to the pneumatic cavities. And why does a bird need such a beak? There is still no exact answer to this question. There are 5 colors in the body color. The bird itself is black. The corners of the mouth, the eyes are painted in variegated tones (orange, blue, blue, green, yellow). This is a disguise for him. It is difficult to find it in the foliage of trees. And she sits quietly, you might think that it is a flower or a fruit. The tail is short. The legs are strong and short with 4 toes. The voice is loud and harsh, and the flights are not far off - apparently, the beak interferes. The length of the bird is up to 60 cm, weighs 300g. 36 types. They live in the rainforests of America from southern Mexico to northern Argentina. They love to eat and spend most of their time looking for food. Most of all they love juicy fruits and berries, eggs of other birds and insects. They settle in tree hollows after other birds. The female lays from 1 to 4 eggs, and both parents incubate them in turn for 15 days. Chicks are naked, blind and helpless. The eyes are opened after 3 weeks. The feathers grow very slowly. Parents get food for their children and they are helped by other toucans, who do not have their own nest and pair during the season. The chicks will stay in the hollow for 8 weeks.

The birds are very friendly and, in case of any trouble, they attack the enemy together. A wounded fellow will never be left alone. They love to jump on tree branches, swim noisily in rainwater. Live for about 12 years.

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Pink flamingo

Many of us have seen flamingo birds only in zoos. And for some - only in pictures in zoology textbooks, on TV or on the Internet. The popularity of this bird in our country was facilitated by the song performed by Alena Sviridova "Pink Flamingo". Yes, this is not a poet's fantasy - flamingos really are pink! Although those birds of flamingos, which can be seen in zoos, often practically do not have this wonderful color of feathers. Why it happens? The color of the plumage is due to various reasons. These birds initially have a dirty white plumage and only later, using certain foods, acquire a reddish tint of feathers. That is, the color of flamingo feathers directly depends on food, namely, on the presence of such a substance as a carotenoid in it. This is the very substance that gives carrots and many seafood their juicy pinkish-orange hue. What do flamingos eat? The same seafood and algae, which also contain a carotenoid substance. Therefore, these birds settle near salt lakes, seas, sea bays.

In general, there are two versions as to what kind of food flamingos get this substance from: in some sources it is reported that flamingos "turn red" because they consume the blue-green algae spirulina; others say that they acquire a pink color due to the consumption of small crustaceans of brine shrimp. By the way, the algae that flamingos eat is only called blue-green, but in reality it can combine shades of red, blue, yellow.

Flamingos living in captivity cannot get enough of this food, so they lose their beautiful pink hue. However, in zoos they try to maintain it by feeding the birds with carrots (also containing a carotenoid) or introducing carotene into their diet in the form of a drug - herewhy is flamingo pink even in captivity.


Exists old legend, which provides a non-scientific explanation forwhy is flamingo pink ... A long time ago, a terrible drought happened in Africa (in Africa, by the way, flamingos are most widespread). People began to get sick, they had nothing to eat. Death threatened everyone, moving from house to house. There was a lake near one of the villages, but it was salty and could not save people. Flamingos, then white, returned from a flight to this lake and found that people were dying.

The birds began to pluck off pieces of meat from themselves with their own beaks and feed small children. Blood oozed from the bodies of birds, stained feathers. Gradually, the entire flock of flamingos turned pink-red from their own blood. The drought ended and many children were saved. The flamingos flew away, but when they returned a year later, their feathers were still pink. This beautiful color has become a reward for kind birds and a constant reminder to people of the dedication of strong, patient flamingos. And this is true: flamingos are not only beautiful, but also completely unpretentious - they are able to endure harsh environmental conditions.

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The ostrich is the largest bird on Earth, therefore it is well known to most people. The huge size is what first catches the eye when looking at an ostrich, because in height this bird is not inferior to a large horse. The height of the ostrich from the tips of the paws to the crown of the head is 1.8-2.7 m, the average weight is 50-75 kg, but the heaviest males can weigh up to 131 kg! Of course, most of the height of the bird falls on long legs and neck, but the head of an ostrich, on the contrary, is very small in comparison with the size of the body. The brain is even smaller, which in ostriches does not exceed the size of a walnut. Such a small brain size determines the low level of intelligence of these birds and indicates their primitiveness.

Feathers in ostriches grow evenly throughout the body. Ostriches lack the keel of the sternum, since their pectoral muscles are relatively poorly developed, so ostriches are completely incapable of flying. But the legs of the ostrich are perfectly adapted for running. Firstly, the long legs have powerful muscles, and secondly, the ostrich has only two toes on its legs - one huge, similar to a whole foot and armed with a claw, and the second smaller and without a claw. The second finger is not a support, but only helps to maintain balance and improves traction while running.

They are the only birds in the world to have a bladder. Ostriches do not have a goiter, but their neck is very stretchable and they can swallow rather large prey whole. The eyesight of these birds is excellent. The most feathered in ostriches is the body, tail and wings, neck, head and upper legs are covered with short down and can look almost naked. The lower part of the legs is covered with large scales. In African ostriches, males are larger and black in color, the ends of the feathers on the wings and tail are white, the females are gray-brown and smaller.

Ostriches live in Africa, this bird is not found only in North Africa and the Sahara. Ostriches are inhabitants of open plains, they inhabit grassy savannas, dry woodlands and semi-deserts. They avoid dense thickets, swampy plains and deserts with quicksand, since they cannot develop there high speed running. Ostriches are sedentary, more often found in small groups, in exceptional cases they can form flocks of up to 50 individuals, and often graze with zebras and different kinds antelope. The pack does not have a permanent composition. Birds of the highest rank hold their tail and neck vertically, weaker birds obliquely.

Ostriches are active mainly at dusk, in strong midday heat and at night they rest. The ostrich is a stupid bird, but very careful. During feeding, ostriches often raise their heads and look over the surroundings with a keen eye. They can see a moving object on the surface of the plain from a kilometer away. If there is a suspicion of danger, the ostrich tries to leave in advance, preventing rapprochement with the predator. Therefore, the behavior of ostriches is often monitored by other herbivores, which are not so vigilant and rely more on their sense of smell. If necessary, the ostrich can run at a speed of 70 km / h, that is, it freely overtakes a horse, in exceptional cases the ostrich can accelerate to 80-90 km / h (over a short distance). While running, the ostrich can make sharp turns without slowing down, as well as suddenly lie down on the ground.

During the incubation of the clutch and taking care of the offspring, they turn into very brave and aggressive birds. During this period of time, there can be no question of hiding from danger. The ostrich reacts instantly to any moving object and is directed across it. First, the bird spreads its wings and tries to scare the enemy, if this does not help, then the ostrich rushes at the enemy and tramples him with his feet. With a paw blow, a male ostrich can break the skull of a lion, add to this the tremendous speed that the bird develops as naturally as when fleeing from the enemy. No African animal dares to engage in open combat with an ostrich, but some take advantage of the bird's shortsightedness. In a group attack, hyenas and jackals distract the ostrich's attention to themselves, and while it scares off some of the aggressors, their accomplices often manage to come in from the rear and drag the egg out of the nest.

Ostriches feed mainly on plant foods, but they can rather be called omnivores. Along with grass, leaves and fruits, they can eat insects, small lizards, turtles and even birds and animals. Interestingly, these birds prefer to pick up food from the ground, and rarely pluck branches. Ostriches swallow their prey whole, including hard fruits. Also, these birds often swallow pebbles that help grind food; in an adult bird, up to 1 kg of pebbles can accumulate in the stomach. Ostriches can go without water for a long time, but on occasion they willingly drink and bathe

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Swans have earned fame for their beauty and special stately grandeur. This small group of birds includes 7 species. Swans belong to the duck family, their closest relatives are geese and geese.

Swans are the largest of the waterfowl. Body length varies from 1.2 to 1.8 m, wingspan is 2-2.4 m, weight is from 5-6 to 8-12 kg. The constitution of these birds is dense, the wings are wide. Swans are characterized by a very long neck bearing a medium-sized head. Each species has a special set of neck: some hold it straight upright, others bend it in the shape of the letter S. Their beak is wide and flattened. Paws of swans are short, with swimming membranes, because of this, the swan's gait looks awkward. The plumage of swans is dense and lush due to the well-developed down layer, the feathers themselves are very soft. All swans are solid white except for the black swan. In this species of birds, white flight feathers of the wing stand out against a general black background, and also in a black-necked swan, a dark neck stands out against a white background. The legs of swans are black, the beak is black, yellow or red, and in many species there is a knobby thickening at the base of the beak. Swans are widespread in Eurasia, North and South America and Australia. These birds live on the banks of reservoirs, and they can settle both on relatively small rivers and lakes, and on the banks of large reservoirs - in sea lagoons and estuaries. Swans live in married couples. Each pair occupies a certain area and protects it from the invasion of neighbors and other birds, but where swans nest in large quantities, the boundaries of their areas are erased, in this case the birds can locate their nests close to each other and are more tolerant of neighbors. The nature of the swans is calm and not fussy. Usually these birds swim slowly without giving a voice. Swans rarely scream, but their voice is very clear. Swans are not timid birds; in case of danger, they try to scare off the enemy by stretching their necks, flapping their wings and biting with their beak. Do not underestimate such "peaceful" ways of fighting - the swan is a large and strong bird and with a blow of its wing it can break a teenager's arm.

The flight of swans is easy and free, during the flights the swans create a wedge, at the head of which the strongest bird flies. When the leader gets tired, another bird replaces him. Due to their large body mass, takeoff is difficult for swans, they flap their wings for a long time and touch their paws, gaining height. For the same reason, swans never sit on the ground, but only on the water; during planting, they clumsily brake with their paws on the water. Swans feed on seeds, buds and rhizomes of aquatic plants, small aquatic invertebrates and grass. They get food in the water, tipping over and plunging their necks deep into the water, or graze on the shore. They do not know how to dive. Swans form permanent pairs and remain faithful to their companion throughout their lives. There is a belief that a widowed bird commits suicide by falling from a height to the ground. Swan nests are huge in size, from the stems of reeds and grass, they build a heap with a diameter of 2-3 m and a height of 0.6-0.8 m.

There are 3-7 eggs in a clutch, the female incubates, and the male is on guard of the nest for 33-40 days.

Interestingly, all types of swans (both white and black) hatch chicks covered with gray down.

Chicks are well developed and from the first days of life they accompany their parents and search for food on an equal basis with adults.

Swans are well tamed and get along well in captivity. Mute swans and black swans are among the most common decorative birds, they can often be seen in the ponds of city parks.

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Appendix 3
Organized types of educational activities.
Talk about birds
Goals: tell children about birds as living creatures, explain the reason for their flights (migratory, nomadic, wintering). Teach to answer questions with complete answers, pronounce sounds correctly. Promote a caring attitude towards birds.
Educator. Children in the morning I received a letter from Znayka. Who is Znayka? (Includes a recording with tasks Znayka for children: what they know about birds. First Znayka offers to listen to the voices of birds, and then the children complete his tasks.)

Guys, what time of year is it? (Autumn.) What changes have occurred in nature? (Leaves fell.) Why are there fewer birds? (The insects disappeared.)

Znayka (voice). How do birds differ from other animals? (They can fly, etc., during the answers, the teacher shows the models.) What kind of birds do you know? (Jackdaw, starling, sparrow, woodpecker.) Where do birds fly in the fall? (South.) What are the names of the birds that flew south? (Migration.)

Yes, migratory birds. What migratory birds do you know? (Starlings, swallows, cranes, rooks.)

Educator. With the onset of cold weather in the fall, the migration of birds begins, this is how it is written in a poem by E. Blaginina:

White blizzards are coming

Snow will rise from the ground.

The cranes flew away, flew away, flew away.

Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove,

And the birdhouse is empty

Stork rinsing its wings -

Flies away, flew away.

Patterned sheet sways,

In a blue puddle on the water.

Rook walk with black rook

In the garden along the ridge.

Crumbled, turned yellow

Rare rays of the sun

Rooks fly away, fly away, fly away.

Guys, what kind of birds is the poem about? (About migratory birds.) Guys, choose pictures with migratory birds. Swift-winged birds are the first to fly away from us. These are swifts, swallows, starlings, larks. They fly away at the end of August, as insects disappear. These birds feed on insects, they are called insectivores. List the insectivorous birds. (Children list.)

On golden autumn days, the cranes gathered for departure. They circled over their native swamp, gathered in schools, stretched to distant, warm countries. The strongest - the leader - flies ahead. Wild geese and ducks fly away later than all - when rivers and lakes freeze. These birds are waterfowl. List these birds to me ...

Flocks of birds are flying high, from the sky we hear their farewell cries. As if they were shouting: "Goodbye, see you joyfully in the spring!"

Which birds fly away first, last?

Physical education minute (standing). An outdoor game "Flight of the birds".

Educator. Not all birds fly away, there are those that stay with us for the winter. What are their names? (Wintering.)

Znayka (voice). What kind of wintering birds do you know? (Magpie, crow, jackdaw.) Why are they called wintering ones? (They winter in our area.) What do wintering birds eat? (Rowan, seeds.) Where do birds live? How does a person care about them? (Arrange feeders.)

Educator. (shows illustrations). List the birds you see in the illustrations. (Magpie, crow, jackdaw.) What kind of birds are they? (Wintering.) With the onset of cold weather from the north they migrate to our forests: Siskins, bullfinches, tap dancers, waxwings are nomadic birds (shows them in the illustration.)

These are the birds that change their habitat. Tits winter with us, and then fly away into the taiga; bullfinches, tap dance - the inhabitants of the north.

Why do they migrate to us? (They got used to living in the cold, they find food with us.)

Who are nomadic birds, list them. (Bullfinches, tap dancers, kinglets.)

Educator. Now we will guess the crossword puzzle about birds that Znayka sent us.

Red-breasted, black-winged.

Loves to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

Appears again.

(bullfinch, he is a nomadic.)
I knock on wood

I want to get the worm.

Even though it hid under the bark,

you will be mine anyway.

(woodpecker, he is wintering.)
Little boy

In a gray Armenian

Dives in yards

Picks up the crumbs

Wanders through the fields,

Steals hemp.

(sparrow, he is wintering.)
This fidget bird,

One with a birch blossom.

(forty, she is wintering.)
Black, nimble,

Shouts: "Arak".

Worms - the enemy, who is it?

(rook, he is a migratory one.)

A cheerful house on the pole

With a small round window.

So that the children fall asleep, the wind shakes the house.

Father sings on the porch.

He is both a pilot and a singer.

(starling, he is a migratory one.)
Clever guys, they solved the crossword puzzle well. Guys, Znayka sent you a surprise - medals with images of birds, but you need to finish drawing on them what is missing. Sit down at the tables and we'll draw.

^ Children are doing the task.

Educator. Finished, well done, now decorate them. Compare by pattern. Well done, take them as a keepsake from Znayka. (A summary follows.)

^ Feed the birds in winter.
Target: to form in children a generalized idea of ​​wintering birds; to develop children's cognitive interest in the life of wintering birds; foster a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult winter conditions.

The teacher talks with the children that winter has come into its own: cold winds are blowing, frost has shackled the ground, snow lies all around, bare trees creak from the cold.

And how do birds live in winter? (Hungry for birds, insects in hibernation, fruits, berries, grass seeds - under the snow. Birds find little food in winter. From morning till evening they look for crumbs of food. Downy, warm, feather coats of birds protect from the cold, but not from hunger. )

In harsh years, out of ten tits during the winter, only one survives. Nine are starving to death.

It's a pity? (Very sorry.)

Listen to N. Gribachev's poem.
Well, frosts, well, frosts,

Nose out - oh-oh-oh!

Even white birches

In a gray icy crust.

Even squirrels are fidgets

Waiting for the warmth

Do not scurry to a branch from a branch,

They do not crawl out of the hollow.

And the hungry tit

Cries quietly by the window:

"There is nowhere to warm and feed,

No boogers, no grain.

The day smokes with a frosty distance

The nights are cold and dark

I'm freezing, I'm starving

I will not live to see spring!

Guys, who can help the starving birds?

That's right, people should come to the aid of the birds. And we must hurry! Every hour is expensive!

Listen to the continuation of the poem.

And Seryozha said: “Okay!

Be patient for a short time ... "

And he took out of the closet

Long nail and hammer.

Crunching on the snow crust,

Where he looped with foxes,

Pinned by the old tree

On the hemp is a plywood sheet.

And on the leaf - grains

And on the sheet - millet,

Hemp two handfuls -

Get ready, guests!
- Guys, do you want to help the birds? But as?

That's right, you can make and hang the feeders.

The teacher offers children drawings that depict different options for making feeders. Children look at the feeders, share their experience: what kind of feeder they made with their parents, where they placed it, which birds flew in, what kind of food they fed the birds.

Guys, we need to hang feeders and feed the birds in our area.

But what are we going to feed them with? It is good if seeds of weeds, trees, fruits of shrubs are collected in the summer. And if not collected? What to do? I must say that in winter, birds become less picky about food and eat what they would never eat in summer. Therefore, food from our table is suitable for feeding the birds. You can hang pieces of unsalted bacon, fat, meat, cottage cheese. You can offer the birds the remains of cereal porridge and bread crumbs. Ravens love cleaning vegetables and any food, sparrows love cereals, seeds, bread. Bullfinches - seeds of watermelon, pumpkin; waxwings - mountain ash, olives; pigeons - cereals, bread.

To properly feed the birds, you must follow some rules:

During feeding, do not litter, do not leave plastic bags, cans, boxes on the street;

Feed in the same place, preferably at the same time, the birds themselves will fly by this time;

Feed the birds regularly, daily, you cannot feed them from time to time, it is in frosts that food is needed every day in order for the birds to survive;

There is not much food to put, it is in order to feed, they will support in difficult times.

The teacher says that while feeding the birds, it is interesting to watch them, how they quickly flock, as if they are telling each other.

What is the appearance of birds? What kind of behavior? What do different birds eat?

If you stand quietly, without moving, without making noise, you can discover many secrets of the bird.

Guys, listen to A. Yashin's poem.
Feed the birds in winter

Let from all ends

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich,

One handful is needed

One handful - and not scary

It will be winter.

How many of them die -

Countless, hard to see!

But in our heart there is

And it's warm for them.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And they stayed for the winter

Along with people ...
- If we take care of the birds in the winter, in the summer, the birds will take care of our gardens, forests, parks, etc.

What kind of wintering birds do you know? (Sparrows, pigeons, tits, jackdaws, magpies, bullfinches, woodpeckers, waxwings, etc.)

- With our help, wintering birds will survive until spring and ...
Gliding cheerfully across the sky

Feathered friends are flying

And they will sing, chirping:

"Thank you very much!"

(K. Muhammali)

Work on the ecological trail.

^ Theme: Bird Dining

Target. To acquaint children with the life of birds wintering in our region; facilitate the assimilation of the rules of behavior when communicating with birds; develop the notion of effective animal care.
^ Work progress:

One day the teacher brings a letter to the group and says that she found it. The letter fell right under her feet as she walked to work. Who could have written it? The letter is read out:

^ Hello dear guys!

Birds wintering in your area write. We know that you youngecologists, you know everything, you can do everything, you have a good heart. We kindly askresolve our doubts:

  • ^ Where should we fly when the cold weather comes?

  • Will you help us birdies survive this cold winter?
This is how the children develop an interest in wintering birds. The discussion of the letter leads the children to the goal: it is necessary to help the birds wintering in the city.

To achieve this goal, a team of rescuers "Friends of the Birds" is created, and a commander is selected. The motto of the rescuers is "May the winter be good for feathered friends!" Children come up with an emblem for themselves. And then they think over an activity plan:

  • Learn as much information as possible about wintering birds from adults, friends, from encyclopedias, reference books, fiction, from the piggy bank of folk wisdom (proverbs, sayings, omens, riddles, fairy tales).

  • Make feeders and hang them on the site kindergarten, near the houses where children live. To do this, you need to find out what feeders are needed for wintering birds, how to make, what materials are needed for this.
    Then, using the plan of the kindergarten site, think over the placement of the feeders. In order for them to be hung not only in kindergarten, to hold a fair of bird feeders.
- Pick up food that wintering birds love. Collect as much of it as possible. For this, the action "Bread crumbs" is organized.

To fulfill the plan, the following activities are carried out: From fiction, encyclopedias, reference books, from communication with parents and other adults, children learn which birds winter in the city, learn about their habits, food preferences and lifestyle.

The findings are being discussed. Since there is a lot of material, albums are compiled for memory, which children illustrate with their drawings. Then the literature on feeders used for feeding is examined separately. different types birds, an album with samples of making feeders is being compiled. Materials and tools for making feeders are selected.

Feeders can be made in kindergarten or at home - with the help of dads. A big holiday is being held - “Bird Feeder Fair”. The main task of the fair is to make sure that as many people as possible have feeders and can hang them for wintering birds near their houses, on the windows.

After the fair, the children begin to solve the next stage - they compose a “recipe book” for bird feed, collect a collection of bird food and prepare food.

An important stage is the action "Bread crumbs". Children make it a rule that bread crumbs that remain on the table, on the board where bread is cut, should not be thrown away, but dried on a sheet of paper and put into a “bread box”. Each of the children comes up with an interesting name for their piggy bank. The collected crumbs are used for feeding the birds. This action has no end: let every house have a bread piggy bank.

On the appointed day, the feeders are solemnly hung out on the street. Children fill them with food.

After hanging the feeders, it is important not to forget to feed the birds. At the same time, you can watch the birds at the feeders. Children sketch their impressions and observations.

The final plot is drawing up a response to a letter to wintering birds.
In the spring, a festival of birds is held - a kind of report by children to adults and younger ones about what they did to make the birds survive the winter, what happened, what problems arose, what they would like to implement in the future. Adults present children with diplomas of bird assistants.

Conversation "What do we know about birds?"

Target: Clarify children's ideas about familiar birds,

the conditions of their life, the role of man in the life of wintering birds, in the process of conversation to develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Ecological game "Guess which bird"

Target: Learn to recognize the bird by its habits, appearance, songs.

Ecological game "Bird canteen"

Target: To give children basic knowledge about what birds are fed in winter, to bring up elements of ecological consciousness.

Developing environment: illustrations - wintering and migratory birds, calendar of observations of wintering birds; a set of flight and down feathers; 2 sheets of paper, a fan, two paper doves; recording "Voices of Birds in Nature".


2. Can you hear them now in nature?

3. Why not?

4. Why did they fly away?

5. What food do these birds eat?

6. Where are these insects now?

To summarize: the birds flew away to distant lands, since with the cold snap there was no food for them. Invite the children to name them in one word (flight), show in pictures.

Educator: Now we will go to visit the birds that did not fly away from us, but stayed for the winter. How do we call them in one word? (Wintering. Children sit on chairs at the easel, on which there are pictures with images of wintering birds)

See who do you see here? How did you guess what kind of birds they are? (Bullfinch - red-breasted, black-winged; crow - important, throaty; magpie- white-sided, long-tailed, fidget, motley; gray-winged dove; Sparrow- funny, smart, small)

The teacher and the children look at the calendar, remember who feeds on the site, what birds can be seen in the area. They find out: all birds are adapted to self-forage, but in winter there is little of it, so wintering birds need help. They are fed in troughs - this is a good deed of people who love nature.

Educator: Guess who sings "blue-blue-blue" (crackling, chirping, cooing, croaking)? Now let's see what the bullfinches are doing? (Peck up a mountain ash.) Show how they do it. What does a sparrow do? (Pecks, jumps, flies.) And forty? (Jumps, rides in the snow.)

Show how she does it. Tit? (Sings). Let's show. (In a low and high voice.) Doves? (Coarse: gru-gru-gru.) Let's show. Crow? (Walks importantly, croaks loudly.) Let's show.

2. Now let's play the game "Guess which bird". (Children by habits, descriptions of appearance, songs guess birds.)

Educator: What's around us? When can you feel the air? Can you see air? Why can't a person take off? (Children waving their hands, jumping up and down trying to take off)

The teacher demonstrates the fall of two sheets of paper: one of them is even and smooth, the other is crumpled and turned into a ball. He asks to explain why a paper ball falls very quickly, like a pebble or a ball, and a smooth sheet - slowly planning? The conclusion is drawn: a smooth sheet is light and wide, when it falls, it rests on the air, so it can fly a little.

Children are encouraged to think and explain why birds can fly through the air. After the children’s sayings, the teacher gives them bird feathers to look at. (feather and feather).


1. How do feathers differ from each other?

2. Which of them warms the bird and is called downy?

3. Where do downy feathers grow on the bird's body?

4. What feather helps a bird to fly and is called a flight feather?

5. Is it light or heavy?

6. Why is it easy?

7. Where does the bird have flight feathers on its body?

Then the teacher shows, using the example of a fan, how the feathers and tail fold and unfold when the bird takes off and sits down. With spread wings and tail, even a small bird becomes wide and large, so it can lean on the air. On the land of races covered wings and the tail interferes with the bird, so it folds them, the wings stick to the body.

What else makes a bird light? How does she eat - a lot or a little? Frequent or rare? The conclusion is drawn about what helps the bird to fly through the air, how it is adapted to the terrestrial-air way of life.

Birds fly because they have:

1) wide wings and tail;

2) light feathers with a hollow shaft;

3) rigid flight feathers;

4) birds are light, because they eat little and often.

In the following days, during walks, the conversation continues about flying by air. Children make paper doves, launch them. One, at the suggestion of the educator, glues his wings and watches his fall. The teacher says that a person has long dreamed of flying like a bird, so he invented a lot aircraft... Children list them by looking at the images in the pictures (balloon, plane, helicopter, parachute and hang glider).

Physical education

Hands raised and waved

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shook

The wind knocks down the dew.

Gently wave your hands -

These are birds flying to us.

How they sit, we will show

We fold the wings back. (Children perform movements on the text)


Winter is a very difficult time for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. Birds cannot find food under the snow. The hungry bird suffers greatly from the cold. In winter, the day is short, and in order to survive without freezing, you need to eat much more food than in summer. First of all, you need to take care of the birds - true friends of the forest and garden. Not only in summer, but also in winter, they jump from branch to branch all day long. They look for cracks and cracks in the bark where insects are hiding. If the branches are covered with an ice crust after a thaw or there was a heavy snowfall, their search is useless. You need to support the birds.

The seeds of various plants are suitable for fodder: hemp, sunflower, melon, pumpkin, watermelon, and many weeds. But oats, millet are eaten only by sparrows, oatmeal, mainly for them crumbs of wheat bread are suitable. Tits, in addition to seeds, are very fond of raw unsalted bacon or meat. The pieces are tied with thread or thin wire and hung on thin branches. It is useless to put these treats for tits on thick branches or in feeders - crows will drag them away.

The teacher invites the children to make bird feeders from pre-prepared packages, which they all hang out in the kindergarten area and put food there.

The teacher reads a poem:

Do not regret bread crumbs

The sparrow deserved them.

You fit him a feeder

He will click his girlfriend.

And a cheerful knock will go - Knock-knock-knock, Knock-knock-knock.

State treasury educational institution Rostov region special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities special (correctional) general education boarding school

VIII type of Matveev Kurgan settlement

Prepared by: Shulga E.M.

Talk about birds

Topic: Part I - Conversation about birds.

II part - Didactic game:"Find out and name".

Program content: To consolidate, clarify and generalize the knowledge of children about life, how they adapted to winter. Know wintering and migratory birds. To give an idea of ​​some nomadic birds that arrive from the north and live with us until spring (goldfinches, bullfinches, waxwings, crossbill). To cultivate a respectful attitude towards birds, the desire to feed them.

Course of the lesson

Start the lesson with the recording: Tchaikovsky's "Winter Morning".

Educator: Winter came, it blew out with cold, covered the ground with snow, froze rivers and lakes. Frost covered the windows with patterns. The most difficult time in the life of birds has come. But there are birds that are not afraid of either winter frosts or snowstorms. They can be seen here at all seasons. What is the name of the birds that stay with us for the winter?

Children: Hibernating Birds (Several Answers).

Educator: Name the wintering birds. Sparrows, tits, woodpeckers, owls, eagle owls, black grouse, magpies, buntings.

Educator: But most birds in flocks or alone (cuckoos) leave their native places and fly to warm countries. What are these birds called? Migration.

Educator: What kind of migratory birds do you know?

Children: Swifts, swallows, orioles, cuckoos, cranes, geese, swans, larks, finches, wagtails, starlings.

Educator: With the disappearance of migratory birds, we have winter guests who come to us for the winter from the northern regions, where the winters are harsh. Such birds are called nomadic.

Reinforce this concept with 3-4 answers.

Educator: Children, do you know the birds that come to us for the winter? Name them. If the children cannot name, help them. Bullfinches, crossbills, waxwings, siskins, goldfinches.

Educator: Now, guess the riddle:

In winter there are apples on the branches

Hurry up to collect them!

And, suddenly, apples flew up

After all, these are bullfinches!

The teacher offers to tell about bullfinches.

The bullfinch is larger than the sparrow. He has bright feathers, a red breast. The bullfinch has a thick short black beak. The bullfinch comes to us for the winter. The bullfinch is a clumsy, slow bird, but very beautiful in flight.

Educator questions:

1. Why were they called bullfinches?

(They are very bright, stand out against the background of white snow, fly to us when snow falls).

2. What do they eat?

(Seeds of ash, maple, mountain ash).

Show an illustration of crossbills and suggest names of these birds.

Educator: Who wants to talk about crossbills? The cross is the size of a sparrow. It has an unusual beak with a cross. They easily peel the cones with their beaks, taking out seeds from there. Klest is a nomadic bird. She flies to us for the winter.

Educator: Guys, there are two types of crossbills: pine trees and fir trees. By their name, you can determine which cones pine trees love, and which spruce trees.

Educator: Guys, now let's talk about wintering birds. Guess the riddle:

What kind of bird can deftly cling to any branch of a spruce, pine or other tree and, swinging on them upside down or back, carefully examines all the cracks in the bark, extracting insects from them? (Tit)

Tell us what you know about titmice.

Children's story: The titmouse is a small bird. She has a yellow breast and a blue cap on her head. This is a wintering bird. She feeds on insects not only in summer, but also in winter. In winter, she moves closer to human habitation. Wherever there are feeders, titmouses visit them. Tits are very voracious, they eat as much in a day as they weigh themselves. The titmouse is a useful bird, you need to take care of it.

Educator: Guys, remember and tell us, in what position can a titmouse get its food? (Head down)

Why? (She has strong, sturdy legs with curved claws.) Why was it called tit? (The color of the feathers on the head is blue, shouts: "blue-blue").

The teacher offers children a riddle about a woodpecker:

Black vest, red beret,

The nose is like an ax, the tail is like an emphasis.

Shows illustrations, reads a poem:

The woodpecker sat down on a thick branch,

I began to dine on the go


Invites children to tell about this bird.

The woodpecker is a beautiful bird with bright variegated plumage. A woodpecker has a red cap on its head. The woodpecker climbs trees well. Dexterously jumps in short jumps up the trunk of a tree. The woodpecker's beak is straight and sharp. Throughout the summer, the woodpecker feeds on insects, and in winter on the seeds of conifers. The woodpecker is the orderly of the forest.

Questions for children: Why does a woodpecker climb trees well? (He has short, very strong legs, tenacious claws, two toes forward, two toes back, the tail serves as a support, because it has strong thick feathers). Why is a woodpecker called a forest orderly? (Since it destroys many insects over the summer that harm the tree. The woodpecker never hollows a healthy tree, but only a sick one infected with pests). How do woodpeckers sleep? (Sitting, clawing tightly to a tree branch). What, besides the beak, helps the woodpecker to feed? (Tongue. It is covered with sticky saliva at the woodpecker, teeth at the ends of the tongue. long tongue into the gap, pricks insects on the teeth and draws them into the mouth).

Educator: Listen to another riddle:

Who sits in a tree

Is it hollowing a tree with its beak?

On a rowan, thump and thump -

Get out the beetle soon.

There will be a bird for lunch

Delicious bark beetle.


Some of the children ask a riddle:

Chick-chirp! Jump to the grains.

Peck, don't be shy! Who is this? - Sparrow.

The teacher offers an illustration of a sparrow, invites children to tell about sparrows.

Sparrows are small birds. There are house sparrows (they live in the city) and field sparrows (they prefer the village). In winter, they can be in mixed flocks, but when they build nests, they fly away. They move in leaps. This is a wintering bird. It feeds on oats, millet, millet. Forming flocks, sparrows more easily notice danger, and sooner find food.

Questions for children: How to distinguish a house sparrow from a field sparrow? (At the brownie - gray cap, the field has a brown one, the brownie has one light stripe on its wings, the field has two, the field has a white collar around the neck).

What does the sound "chrr" mean for sparrows, and who gives it? (This sound is made by an old sparrow - a watchman, having noticed a danger (a cat, a hawk).

Therefore, all the birds fly away to the sound). How do sparrows behave if they fall out of the nest little chick? (They make a commotion, loud

repeat "che-re-re").

The teacher shows an illustration with a picture of a raven.

You know these birds well, tell us about them. The raven is a large bird. His feathers are dark, with a dark blue tint. Sharp beak

strong, massive. On the ground, the raven walks slowly, majestically, importantly, but keeps very carefully. The raven is omnivorous. In the summer he even

attacks little rabbits, ruin nests. In winter, the raven is looking for carrion, looking for all sorts of garbage. In this way, he fulfills the role of an orderly.

Questions to the children: If a raven finds prey, does it share or eat one? (Other crows flock to the prey and destroy it).

Folk signs:

The raven sits on low branches - towards the wind.

The raven sits on the tops of the trees - to the frost.

Educator: Guys, birds are our friends, they are useful, so we must cherish, love and protect birds. How do humans help birds survive this harsh time of the year? (They make feeders for birds, feed them, dry seeds and berries in the summer and store them for the winter to feed the birds). Raise your hands, who made bird feeders at home, what do you feed them, what birds fly to your feeder?

Feed the birds in winter

Feed the birds in winter.

Let from all ends

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their feed is not rich

One handful - and not scary

It will be winter.

How many of them die - do not count

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And it's warm for the birds.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And they stayed for the winter

Along with people.

Train your birds in frost

To your window

So that without songs you don't have to

We welcome spring. (A. Yashin)

Physical education

Part II. Didactic game "Know and name".

Give each child cards with birds, but so that no one sees what is depicted.

Educator: Guys, I gave you cards with birds. You should come up with a riddle about it, that is, describe it without naming it or tell something interesting about it, so that all children are clear about which bird you are talking about. Then everyone must determine what kind of bird it is and put the picture in the desired pocket. (There are three pictures with pockets on the board: the first shows a feeder for wintering birds and the third shows a branch with snow for nomadic birds).

Lesson objectives:

  • deepen and expand children's knowledge about the birds of our city;
  • explain the reason for the migration of birds (migratory, wintering, nomadic);
  • teach to distinguish birds from other animals;
  • to acquaint children with the structure of the feather and their significance in the life of birds;
  • to enrich and activate the speech of children;
  • foster a caring attitude towards birds; desire to help birds in a difficult period for them.

Preliminary work:

  • bird watching on a walk;
  • viewing illustrations with birds;
  • learning the outdoor game "Birds";
  • reading fiction about birds.


  • demo material "Birds";
  • models - diagrams for comparing birds with other animals;
  • feathers of different shapes, colors, sizes;
  • scissors, cups of water;
  • cards for the didactic game "Where do birds winter?";
  • feeders and various bird feed.

The course of the lesson.

Educator: Hello guys! Autumn has come. What changes have occurred in nature?

Children:(list the signs of autumn).

Educator: Why are there fewer birds?

Children: insects disappeared, and birds that feed on insects flew to warm lands.

Educator: guys, how are birds different from other animals?

Children:(answer, relying on models - schemes).

Educator: what birds do you know?

Children:(list the birds).

Educator: Where do the birds fly in the fall?

Children: South.

Educator: what are the names of the birds that flew south?

Children: migratory birds.

Educator: what migratory birds do you know?


Educator: with the onset of cold weather in the fall, the migration of birds begins, this is how it is written in a poem by E. Blaginina:

White blizzards are coming

Snow will rise from the ground.

The cranes flew away, flew away, flew away.

Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove,

And the birdhouse is empty

The stork flaps its wings -

Flies away, flew away.

Patterned sheet sways,

In a blue puddle on the water.

Rook walk with black rook

In the garden, along the ridge.

Crumbled, turned yellow

Rare rays of the sun

Rooks fly away, fly away, fly away.

Guys, what kind of birds is this poem about?

Children: about migratory.

Educator: swift-winged birds are the first to fly away from us. These are swifts, swallows, starlings, larks. They leave at the end of August, because many insects disappear. These birds feed on insects, they are called insectivores.

And now you have a task, find insectivorous birds?

On golden autumn days, the cranes gathered for departure. They circled over their native swamp, gathered in shoals, stretched to distant warm countries. The strongest - the leader - flies ahead. Wild geese and ducks fly away later than all - when rivers and lakes freeze. These birds are called waterfowl.

And again you have a task, find waterfowl?

Flocks of birds are flying high, from the sky we hear their farewell cries. As if they were shouting: "Goodbye, see you joyfully in the spring!"

Now I propose to play v the game "Birds have arrived!"

Birds arrived:

Doves, tits,

Flies and Swifts ...

(children clap)

Educator: What's wrong?

Children: flies.

Educator: And who are the flies?

Children: insects.

Educator: you're right. Well, let's continue.

Birds arrived:

Doves, tits.

Storks, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta! ..

(children clap)

Educator: starting again ...

Birds arrived:

Doves, martens! ..

(if children do not pay attention to martens, then the teacher announces the account)

Educator: one zero in my favor. Martens are not birds at all. Continue ...

Birds arrived:

Doves, tits,

Lapwings, siskins,

Check marks, swifts,

Storks, cuckoos ...

Even scoops are scops owls ...

(children clap)

Educator: what? Not buns, but scoops - scopsies!

Birds arrived:

Doves, tits,

Lapwings, siskins,

Jackdaws and swifts

Mosquitoes, cuckoos ...

(children clap and say that mosquitoes are insects)


Birds arrived:

Doves, tits,

Jackdaws and swifts

Lapwings, siskins,

Storks, cuckoos,

Even scoops are scops

Swans, starlings ...

All of you are great!

Educator: guys, there are feathers on the tables in front of you, consider them carefully.

How do feathers differ?

Children: color, size, shape.

Educator: each nib has a nib, guess where the nib is? Show it. The pen also has beards. Find the barbs. Show them. Notice how the barbs are attached to the rod. Place the feathers on the table.

What happens if the breeze blows now?

Children: feathers will fly, they are light.

Educator: if the feather shaft is cut, we will see that the inside is empty, so the feathers are very light.

Dip a feather in a glass of water, is the feather wet, has the feather changed?

Children: no, the water rolled down in droplets.

Educator: feathers protect the bird from water and moisture.

Think about why birds need large feathers?

Children: to fly.

Educator: what do they need little feathers for?

Children: for warmth.

Educator: now consider the coloration of the feathers. What can you say?

Children: feathers are different in color. They decorate birds.

Educator: you can often meet very beautiful birds... In most birds, only males are brightly colored. They use their coloration to attract females. Females of the same birds most often have a single color, which helps them to hide from enemies when they hatch eggs.

(the teacher demonstrates birds with bright plumage)

Educator: you are probably a little tired, so I suggest you play mobile game "Birds".

The players choose the names of the birds, the cry of which they can imitate. They stand in a circle, in the center of which - a bird-catcher with a blindfold. Birds walk, circle around the birder and say:

In the woods, in the woods,

On a green oak tree,

The birds are singing merrily.

Ouch! The birder is coming!

The birder claps his hands, the players stop in place, and the driver starts looking for the birds. The one he found imitates the cry of the bird he has chosen. The birdman guesses the name of the bird and the name of the player.

The player becomes a birder. Players should not hide behind objects on the way. Players are required to stop in place exactly at the signal.

Educator: not all birds fly away, there are those that stay with us for the winter. What are their names?

Children: wintering, sedentary.

Educator: what wintering birds do you know?

Children:(list the wintering birds of our region).

Educator: I suggest playing game "Where do birds winter?"

Here are cards with a snowflake on the left and the sun on the right. Your task is to put out of the offered small cards on the left side of wintering birds, and where the sun is - migratory ones.

(the teacher checks the assignment with the children)

Educator: Well done, guys, they coped with the task.

Why is it said that winter is a difficult time for birds?

Children:(speak out).

Educator: how can you take care of them in winter?


Educator: what can be used as bird feed in winter?


Educator: indeed, winter is a difficult time for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. Birds cannot find food under the snow. The hungry bird suffers greatly from the cold. The winter day is short, and in order to survive without freezing, you need to eat much more food than in summer.

It is necessary to support the birds, make feeders for them and do not forget to bring food to them. This is a very useful business.

Some guys with their parents and you and I also made feeders. And now we will go outside together and hang them on a tree in front of your windows, and you promise that every day you will take out food and watch what birds fly to your feeders.

Educator: but before you do this, remind me which of the birds stays for the winter in our republic?


Educator: What migratory birds do you remember?


Educator: how are birds different from other animals?


Educator: Why do birds need large feathers? And the little ones?


Educator: thank you, you did a good job today. Here is a feeder and food for you, feed and take care of the birds.


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