Breeds of birds of prey. The main varieties of birds of prey in Russia. Diurnal Birds of Prey

In the vastness of Russia lives a great many birds of prey, which can be attributed to several orders - Yastrebin, Hawk-shaped, Skopin, Falcon and Falcon-shaped, Owl, Sipukhov, Voronov. All of them are endowed with excellent eyesight, strong, large claws and a beak, and all hunt in flight. Let's take a closer look at the representatives of these groups.


Balaban belongs to the Falcon family. This diurnal, predatory bird with a wingspan of up to 1.3 meters and a weight of more than 1 kg in Russia is found in southern Siberia and Transbaikalia. The population of this bird is not too large, therefore, in one of the Siberian reserves in 1990, its artificial breeding was started. It is currently listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. Balaban - nomadic, migrant, which flies to warmer climes for the winter. Balaban feeds on small rodents, as well as birds that it is able to catch. Females lay 5-6 eggs in the nests of other birds - ravens, long-legged buzzards, buzzards. As a rule, these nests are built on rocks and steppe hills. Chicks appear a month after laying eggs, and begin to fly at the age of 1.5 months. Balaban is a hunting bird, for hunting it is purchased in special nurseries or zoos.


Golden eagle

The golden eagle is also a diurnal bird of prey, but it is a member of the hawk family. This is a rather large and strong bird with a body length of up to 95 cm, and a wingspan of up to 2.5 meters. Females are much larger than males, weighing up to 7 kg, while the weight of males does not exceed 5 kg. In Russia, the golden eagle can be found in the third part of the territory, but very rarely. Basically, it nests in the mountains - in the Altai, the Caucasus and the Sayan Mountains, but also lives in other regions of the country. because of broad scope wings, it is difficult for a golden eagle to hunt in the forest, so it settles in copses, on rocks, along the edges of forests, where it can catch hares, foxes, capercaillie, black grouse, and even roe deer and deer cubs. The golden eagle is a hunting bird, and it hunts both foxes and wolves for its owners. Under natural conditions, the golden eagle settles in a nest built of thick branches, and every year the nest is completed, and can reach three meters in diameter and up to two meters in height. For the winter, the golden eagle flies south, but tries to stay as close to the nest as possible. A pair of golden eagles can have several nests at the same time, but the female lays her eggs in only one. There can be 1-2-4 eggs in the clutch, the chicks appear after 40-45 days, mainly the female incubates them, and the male provides her with food. From the brood, only 1 chick can remain, which was born first, it pecks at younger brothers and sisters, and takes food from them. Golden eagles take to the wings at the age of 65-80 days.

Golden eagle

bearded man

The bearded vulture is a bird of prey from the hawk family. In Russia, it is called a lamb, but it does not hunt live sheep, but prefers to pick up carrion. And only sometimes it attacks weak and small animals, so the bearded turtle lifts into the air and throws it on the rocks so that the shell breaks. He is called a bearded man for a bunch of feathers that grow under his beak in the form of a beard. Bird weight up to 7.5 kg, length up to 125 cm, wing length up to 80 cm, wingspan up to 2-3 meters. In Russia, the bearded man settles in the rocks of the Sayan Mountains, Altai and the Caucasus. The bird is rare and listed in the Red Book of Russia. Bearded vultures build nests in caves or rock crevices, the female lays 1-2 eggs and incubates them herself, while the male hunts and brings her food. Chicks are born after about 1.5 months, and fly out of the nest at the age of 100-130 days.

bearded man


Derbnik is a predatory, diurnal bird of the Falcon family. Merlin is a relatively small bird, its body length is up to 32 cm, its wingspan is up to 73 cm. Females are slightly larger than males and weigh up to 300 grams, while the weight of males is in the range of 150-230 grams. In Russia, the derbnik lives in Arkhangelsk, Smolensk, Moscow, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod regions, as well as in Tatarstan, Yakutia, Yamal and Taimyr. For the winter, the Merlin flies to warmer climes, where small birds fly, which he hunts both in Russia and in the south. In addition to birds, small rodents, as well as insects, become the prey of the derbnik. Merlin nests on the ground or in trees, but smaller and weaker birds can survive from their native nest. The female lays 3-4 eggs, the chicks appear in a month, and after another month they begin to fly out of the nest. The family migrates south in early autumn.


The serpent eagle is a predator of the hawk family. The bird is rare, endangered, listed in the Red Books of Russia and Belarus. The body length of the serpent eagle is up to 75 cm, the wingspan is up to 190 cm, the length of the wings is up to 60 cm. In Russia, it lives on the territory of South-Western Siberia, Bashkiria, Mordovia, Kabardino-Balkaria, in the Bryansk, Moscow, Smolensk regions. It mainly settles in forests or steppes, where there are at least a few trees, as well as near swamps. The snake-eater builds its own nests, but rather clumsily, they turn out to be small and small in size. Places for nests chooses on trees or on rocks. The female lays 1 egg, less often 2, but after the first chick appears, she stops hatching, so the second embryo simply dies. Hatching lasts up to 40 days, the chick begins to fly at the age of 70-80 days. The serpent-eater feeds on snakes, snakes, lizards, frogs, toads, small rodents and other field animals and birds. The bird is migratory, flies to the countries of South Asia or Africa for the winter.


Buzzard (Buzzard)

Buzzard (Buzzard) is a diurnal hunter, a bird of prey of the Hawk family. In Russia, it lives in the Urals and Siberia, prefers to settle in forests and forest-tundra. Bird of medium size, body length about 55 cm, wingspan up to 130 cm. It hunts small rodents and small birds, and in times of poor hunting it also feeds on carrion. It flies to warmer climes in the middle or end of August, or in the middle of September, returns to the nesting place in April or May. The buzzard lives and hunts alone, but gathers in flocks before flying away. Buzzard builds nests from deciduous and coniferous trees, from dry branches and brushwood, and braids grass stems. There are 3-4-5 eggs in the clutch, laying occurs in April or May, the chicks appear after 33-36 days, both parents feed them until the age of 44-50 days, when they fly out of the nest and begin to forage on their own. In general, buzzards are good parents, and in captivity they can take care of other people's chicks.

Buzzard (Buzzard)


Kobchik is a diurnal hunter of the Falcon family. The bird is not large, body length up to 33 cm, wing length up to 35 cm, wingspan up to 77 cm, weight about 200 grams. Although the buzzard is a bird of prey, it rarely catches small rodents, lizards and frogs, its main prey are large insects - beetles, grasshoppers, dragonflies. Sometimes sparrows, and even doves, fall into his claws. Eggs are laid in other people's nests, surviving ravens from their places, they can choose a hollow in a tree trunk, or a hole. There are 3-4 eggs in the clutch, the male almost does not take part in incubation. Kobchik lives in whole colonies, in which there can be up to a hundred pairs. The bird is migratory, arrives in May, flies in August to Africa or South Asia. The brood of chicks falls on the appearance of a large number of insects, mainly dragonflies, which are the main food. In Russia, the red-footed falcon lives in the forest-steppes, on the shores of Lake Baikal, in Yakutia, Primorsky Krai.



The kite is a diurnal hunter from the hawk family. In Russia, you can see red and black kites, there are 8 species of them in nature. This is a medium-sized bird, weighing a little over 1 kg, but with long wings, their span is up to one and a half meters. In Russia, the kite lives almost everywhere, from the Smolensk region to Far East, and from Arkhangelsk to the Caucasus Mountains.

The red kite is distinguished by a forked tail, but it does not possess special courage and swiftness, like other relatives. The kite hunts in a rather peculiar way - it soars to a great height, and from there they look out for prey in order to rush at it suddenly, confuse it and carry it away in tenacious claws. Their prey is poultry chicks, as well as frogs, lizards, large insects, snakes, mice, hares. Nests are built in tall trees and lined with found or stolen rags, paper, and other rubbish. The clutch contains 2-3-4 eggs, the female incubates them. The black kite is slightly smaller than the red one, and its plumage is darker. At the beginning of autumn, the kite flies to the warm countries of Africa or Asia, and returns to Russia in the spring.



Gyrfalcon is a diurnal predator of the Falcon family. The gyrfalcon is rightfully the largest falcon - its weight is about 2 kg, its wingspan is up to 140 cm, its body length is up to 60 cm. Siberia. Some species of gyrfalcon are migratory, some are sedentary, from the forest-tundra in autumn they fly a little further south, to the forests. Gyrfalcon preys on small and large mammals and birds, can catch a hare, partridge, duck. A couple of gyrfalcons do not build a nest; they use the nests of ravens or smaller birds of prey for laying eggs, if their nests are located in rocks, niches, cornices, and are covered with a canopy. There are 3-4 eggs in the clutch, the chicks appear in 30-35 days, they fly out of the nest in a month and a half. Gyrfalcon is a good, valuable hunter, but he himself often becomes the prey of poachers, in the North in the summer he can fall into a trap set on a polar fox


Owl, or scarecrow

Owl, or pugach - a night hunter, a bird of the Owl family. The body length of the eagle owl reaches 75 cm, the wingspan is 190 cm, the weight is about 3 kg in females, and up to 2.5 kg in males. Several species of eagle owls live in Russia - the common owl, the fish owl, the gray owl, the long-tailed owl. In Russia, the eagle owl lives wherever there is a food base for it, namely - large bird, hares, gophers, mice and other available animals. Therefore, the habitat of the owl in our country extends from Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands to the western borders. The eagle owl can live and eat in various landscapes from the taiga to the steppe and deserts, but for breeding it needs secluded corners in the form of forests, rocky slopes, ravines and hills. The bird is sedentary, not afraid of a person, and can settle within the city in abandoned buildings.

Birds - amazing creatures, which can not only delight the eye with their elegant plumage, but also delight with speed, agility and beautiful flight. Among the known species of birds, birds of prey have always been of great interest to humans.

natural born hunters, with magnificent curved claws, a very keen eye and incredible maneuverability, they are created by assassins. Attacking their prey, these birds do not know mercy. Falconiformes is a detachment of birds of prey, which includes the following bright representatives: falcons, eagles, buzzards, hawks and others.

Diurnal Birds of Prey

Not all birds that hunt for their food are predators. Many species feed on various living creatures, however, they are not classified as birds of prey. Maybe this will surprise someone, but the owls that many live in Russia, not accepted as birds of prey. Although they share many similarities with eagles and hawks, they are classified as nocturnal predators.

Although all birds of prey are carnivorous, their diet can include not only reptiles and mammals, but even insects. The same applies to the shrike or skua.

Zoological systematics relates to the category of diurnal birds of prey only those of them that belong to the order of falcons. The most famous of them:

  • hawks;
  • eagles;
  • falcons;
  • eagles.

These are just some of the diurnal birds of prey that share a similar appearance: a downward-curved beak, curved, and very sharp claws. The color of heterosexual representatives of these species is mostly almost the same, however, females are several times larger than males. Taking into account this fact, it is possible to distinguish a male from a female even with the naked eye from the outside.

Enough large predator, which has a bright beautiful color: a dark top with a gray tint, yellow eyes and light transverse stripes on the breast. The weight of an adult is in the range from 700 grams to 1.5 kilograms.

has long been considered a harmful predator, but is now protected by Russian law and is under protection, like other species of diurnal birds of prey.

He hunts for various birds, deftly and with predatory prowess destroying crows, thrushes and other birds. Does not shun squirrels and even young hares. Basically, sick or injured animals become its victims; they simply cannot escape from its tenacious paws and powerful beak.

The goshawk lives almost throughout the vast tundra and in the northern regions, along the floodplains in the southern tundra. It usually nests in very tall trees., and the eggs that the female hawk lays are light in color with spots of dark colors.

This is a bright representative of the order of diurnal birds of prey living in Russia. The weight of such an individual ranges from 4 to 7 kilograms, and the wingspan can reach up to 2 meters. It is worth noting that the distinctive feature of this handsome man is a white tail, which can only be observed in an adult bird, whose age is more than three years.

The young specimen has a dark tail, because of this it can be confused with a golden eagle or even with an eagle. However, the bird can be distinguished during the flight. The tail of an eagle will be wedge-shaped, while that of a golden eagle will be rounded.

The habitat of this predator is almost all of Russia, with the exception of waterless desert places and the Far North. This hunter nests on deciduous trees and only sometimes - on the rocks. In the nesting places of the eagle, there will certainly be nearby water bodies and rivers, where it can required quantity get himself fish and waterfowl, which he usually hunts.

To meet an eagle on the territory of the open tundra is a great success. As a rule, in such places the bird prefers not to nest. The eagle builds its nests in such an area on hills or cliffs.

Eagles are not distinguished by such devotion and fidelity as swans, but they are always constant in choosing a partner. The female usually lays up to three eggs, which are white in color and have small brown spots. In some cases, the spots may be ocher in color.

Eagle is an incredibly beautiful predator, listed in the Red Book. The conservation of this species of birds is one of the priorities of the environmental legislation of Russia. This predator seeks to avoid people, and there have been cases when the eagle migrated to distant rocks from its familiar places near water bodies with the frequent appearance of people there.

Falcons and eagles

The falcon is an amazingly fast bird, a born hunter. The speed that the falcon is able to develop in the process of hunting can reach more than 320 kilometers per hour. In the sky, the predator feels incredibly confident and, as a rule, always overtakes the victim.

Falcons and eagles live in most of Russia, with the exception of the Arctic zone. Like eagles, falcons are very often tamed by people and used in hunting trips. The falcon always remains a faithful and reliable friend to its owner.

Perfect vision, beautiful plumage, tenacious claws with steel strength, a massive curved beak are the hallmarks of a falcon and an eagle.

Like many other birds of prey in Russia, falcons are protected by law. Some varieties of falcons, such as peregrine falcons or gyrfalcons, are prohibited from being exported from the country.

nocturnal birds of prey

Birds of prey that hunt their prey primarily at night are called nocturnal birds of prey. The brightest representative of this species is the owl, which has several subspecies:

  • owl polar or white;
  • short-eared owl;
  • hawk or falcon.

If far from everyone has seen rare representatives of diurnal predators, most of the Russian population with enviable regularity can meet an owl in the urban environment, not to mention the forests, where there are significantly more of them.

White Owl

This is the largest representative of the entire family of owls, with a wingspan of up to 1.5 meters and a body length of more than 70 centimeters. Young owls are variegated in color, while older individuals are white with black spots on their heads. The paws of owls have abundant plumage, the eyes are yellow, and the beak is black.

The owl hunts for rodents and some birds, such as gulls, snow buntings, sandpipers and even ducks. Sometimes an owl can torment forest animals that have fallen into a trap. For this reason hunters dislike owls and can destroy them at a meeting.

short-eared owl

More often than all other varieties of owls in the tundra and swampy areas, you can meet a short-eared owl. During the winter months, this species roams throughout Asia and Europe, and can even reach Africa and America.

The main difference between a short-eared owl and a polar owl is its dimensions. The length of an adult bird ranges from 30 to 40 centimeters, and its wingspan is not more than 1 meter.

Its color has a brown or yellowish tint, paws and beak are black. Not only rodents, but also frogs with insects can get into her diet.

hawk owl

This owl can be attributed to diurnal predators. It has much in common with a falcon, which is why it is often called a falcon owl. Sharp wings and a falcon-like manner of hunting, screams and incredible courage, a quick climb and a lightning attack make her the best hunter among her relatives.

In Russia, the hawk owl is found in the tundra, where it enters through floodplain places from the north of the Ob.

All birds of prey, including owls and hawks, have excellent eyesight. With the help of sharp claws, the predator grabs and holds prey, and the hooked beak with sharp cutting edges serves as an excellent device for tearing the victim. For example, a falcon breaks the necks of birds and small rodents with the jagged edges of its beak. The social tear-eating kite has a thin and curved beak, which gives the bird the ability to extract snails from the shell. On the paws of the osprey are especially hard soles, with the help of which the bird holds slippery fish.

Aguya - order birds of prey diurnal, hawk family

Aguya (Geranoaetus melanoleucus). Habitat - South America. Wingspan 1.7 m. Weight 2.5 kg

Aguya or the Chilean buzzard (buzzard) inhabits the plains and mountainous areas of South America, a particularly large population lives in Chile, which is why the bird of prey got its second name.

This is a very unsociable and cautious bird, avoiding settling near human habitation. This large buzzard soars high in the air for a long time, using it updrafts and looks out for prey. Sharp vision allows him to notice the movement of a mouse, a rabbit, a snake, a lizard, a partridge from a great height on the ground. Having folded its wings, the aguya falls on its prey like a stone, plunges sharp powerful claws into it and finishes it off. strong beak. Then, it rises into the air, holding the victim in its paws, and already in its dwelling it calmly eats it, or, tearing it into pieces, feeds the chicks.

The Chilean hawk nests on the largest trees or on the tops of rocks. The clutch contains 1 to 3 eggs, which are incubated by the female.

Alet - detachment Birds of prey diurnal, falcon family

Alet (Falco eleonorae). Habitat - Mediterranean. Wingspan 1.05 m. Weight 500 g

The second name of this interesting bird- Eleanor's falcon. It was named so in honor of Princess Eleonora d "Arborea, the ruler of the island of Sardinia. The fact is that the alet has a very small area, it is found only in the Mediterranean. And if it were not for the measures taken by the princess already in the 14th century to protect the unique bird, it is unlikely would have survived to the present day.

Alets nest on the coastal rocks of numerous islands in the Mediterranean Sea. Chicks appear in early autumn, exactly at this time there is an intensive flight from the northern regions of millions of songbirds, on which the aletes organize collective hunts. According to the description of ornithologists, dozens of falcons rise towards the flying flocks and the pichugs cannot pass such a barrier. Prior to migration, aletes feed on large insects, and at dusk they catch bats.

bird base

Base - detachment of birds of prey diurnal, hawk family

Crested base (Aviceda subcristata). Habitat - Australia, New Guinea. Length 45 cm. Weight 700 g

On the edges of the tropical forests of New Guinea and Australia, you can see colorfully colored birds. The British and Americans call these birds "cuckoo falcons."

Saker Falcon - detachment Birds of prey diurnal, falcon family

Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug). Habitat - Asia, Europe. Wingspan 1.3 m. Weight 1.2 kg

A large falcon inhabiting the open spaces and foothills of Europe and Asia. In the southern regions it is a nomadic or even sedentary bird, in the northern regions it is a migratory one.

The Saker Falcon's main food is made up of rodents and medium-sized birds, moreover, the latter play an important role in its diet, mainly in the winter months. This falcon nests on rocks, steep cliffs, trees. More often than not, falcons choose nests of other birds rather than build their own.

Saker falcon females, like other falcons, are much larger than males. In laying from 3 to 6 eggs. Chicks grow very quickly and already at the age of one and a half months they become winged. The saker falcon, along with the peregrine falcon and gyrfalcon, is a favorite pet of hunters with birds of prey. However, hunters acquire falcons exclusively. In zoos - to catch wild birds You can’t arbitrarily - the Saker Falcon is rare and listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Feathered hunters united common features to capture prey, they are classified as predators. All have sharp eyesight, a powerful beak, and claws. Predator birds inhabit all continents except Antarctica.

In systematics, they do not form a taxonomic group, but they are always distinguished on the basis of a feature that unites them - the ability to carry out air attacks on mammals and birds. Large raptors catch young antelopes, monkeys, snakes, some species feed on fish and carrion.

The predatory units are:

  • hawks;
  • skopins;
  • falcons;
  • secretaries;
  • american vultures.

AT families of birds of prey includes species of owls and barn owls, which are characterized by nocturnal activity. The hawk community has the largest number of species, many of which live in Russia.

griffon vulture

The vulture lives in the southern part of Eurasia, North Africa. A large bird, weighing up to 10 kg, brown in color with a characteristic white collar of feathers. A distinctive feature is in finger-shaped wings, which exceed 2 m in span, and a square tail.

Long neck, curved beak adapted for butchering victims. Settles on sheer cliffs, not far from open landscapes for hunting in pastures. Looks out for prey from a great height, descends in spiral turns. The name "vulture" is given to the bird for the hoarse sounds that are especially heard in mating season.

Golden eagle

It lives in the forest areas of Asia, America, Europe, Africa. The large size does not allow to go deep into the thickets, so it settles along the edges of dense forests, in copses. Hunts foxes, hares, roe deer, black grouse. The golden eagle has long been interested in hunters with birds of prey.

In flight, it uses warm air currents. The "openwork" silhouettes of the golden eagle are known, they can be observed during the mating season. Like many birds of prey, in the nest the older chick suppresses the younger one, sometimes eating it when there is a shortage of food.

Swamp (reed) harrier

The body of the moon is elongated. The bird has a long tail and high legs. The color of the male is brown-reddish, the tail and part of the wings are gray tones. The color of the plumage of the female is uniform, chocolate-colored, the throat is yellow. The bird is tied to damp areas with aquatic plants.

Reed harrier is found in Central Asia, Eastern Europe. In the diet, a significant part is occupied by mallards, snipes, corncrakes, quails. Many hunters are familiar with the sharp cries of harriers. Depending on climatic conditions, birds lead a sedentary, nomadic or migratory lifestyle.

meadow harrier

Birds of medium size, with pronounced sexual dimorphism. Males are grey, a black stripe running along the wing is remarkable, reddish streaks on the sides. The females are brown. They fly low and silently. Birds live in Eurasia, winter in the tropics of Africa, Asia. Feathered inhabitants of the meadows are common in Russia.

Birds of Prey of the Moscow Region, along with the golden eagle, peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon, they include meadow harrier patrolling lakes, forest-steppe areas. In flight, it describes large circles, looking for prey. In areas with a good food base, it forms groups of several dozen individuals.

field harrier

Birds are distinguished by a grayish-gray plumage of a noble shade, which has become the basis of a well-known comparison - gray as a harrier. On the wings, unlike the meadow harrier, there are no black stripes, only dark tips of feathers. field harriers- unsurpassed flight masters, in which they make sharp turns, make intricate turns, fall sharply and soar, somersault.

The prey is taken by surprise. The habitat covers wide areas of central and northern Europe, Asia, and America. In the south of the range they lead a sedentary life, in the north, in the forest-tundra zone, migratory.

Bearded man (lamb)

A large predator that does not have non-feathered areas on the neck, chest, head, like other vultures. The beak is decorated with hard feathers, similar to a beard. The cream color of the upper body turns into a reddish-red hue in the lower half.

The wings are very dark. It feeds mainly on carrion, but young and weakened animals become prey. The bearded man throws carcasses from the rocks to break large bones. They are found in hard-to-reach places in the mountainous regions of southern Eurasia and Africa.


Migratory birds of medium size. The specialization of snake-eaters is manifested in the destruction of reptiles. Feathered predators have a large head, yellow eyes, and very wide wings. Color shades of gray, striped tail.

They live in Europe, winter in the tropics of Africa. They prefer forest zones with alternating open edges, sunny slopes. In flight, they hover in one place, looking for prey. Durable scales on the paws protect against poisonous bites of bird snakes. Serpent-eaters swallow victims from the head.

red kite

Graceful bird of reddish-red color with dark spots. Kites are widespread in Europe, they live in arable fields, in meadows near the forest. Excellent flyers, hunters for live prey.

It is found in cities in the places of garbage dumps, where birds also look out for carrion, garbage. They raid agricultural pens, where they can drag a chicken or a duck, feast on domestic pigeons. Repelling birds of prey becomes an urgent task for many poultry farmers.

black kite

The inhabitant of forest, rocky zones has a brown plumage of a dark shade. The diet is varied, including fish, waste, carrion. The predator has been seen stealing prey from other birds. The dexterity of kites is manifested in the fact that they snatch the contents from food baskets even from people, without fear of a person at all.

lesser spotted eagle

Common inhabitants of Europe, India, leading a migratory life with a winter hut in Africa. In the form of a bird, rather long wings and a tail are characteristic. The color of the plumage is brown, light shades. Prefers deciduous forests for habitat, hilly and flat places with wetlands. It nests on the forks of trunks. The ringing voices of birds can be heard from afar.

common buzzard

A bird with a dense body, brownish color with transverse streaks. In the air, a rounded tail is clearly visible, a neck pressed to the body. Large birds of prey live in various landscapes, in forest and rocky places, on the plains. Plans for a long time at a height, enough prey from the fly. The bird got its name from the characteristic sounds, similar to the meow of a hungry cat.

Common honey buzzard

The color of birds varies between whitish and brown shades of plumage. Characteristic streaks are observed in the lower part of the body. The mass of an adult bird is approximately 1.5 kg. The main habitats are in the forest zones of Europe and Asia. The honey beetles spend the cold season in Africa.

The basis of the diet is insects, mainly wasps. From the bites of stinging wasps, the eyes and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bird's beak are protected by dense feathers. Food supplement for the honey buzzard are small birds, amphibians, small reptiles.

white-tailed eagle

Large stocky birds of dark brown color with a wide white tail trim. Adherents of the water element, nesting for centuries on rocky cliffs along rivers and sea coasts. Hunts for large prey, does not disdain carrion.


A medium-sized feathered predator of a contrasting color of black and white tones, with a characteristic patch of bare skin on the head. On the back of the head and neck are long feathers. Vultures are common in Eurasia, Africa.

Diurnal Birds of Prey often hover over pastures, are found near human settlements. The food is based on garbage, carrion of the late stage of decomposition. Easily adapt to any conditions of existence. Birds bring undoubted benefits, fulfilling the mission of orderlies.


The predator is a small representative of the hawk family. Sexual dimorphism is reflected in the shades of plumage of birds. The males are gray in the upper part, the chest and abdomen are reddish in transverse stripes. The females are brown above, the lower part of the body is whitish, with streaks. A notable feature is white feathers above the eyes, similar to eyebrows.

The eyes and high legs of the hawk are yellow. Sparrowhawks are common in Central and Northern Eurasia. They hunt small birds in a lightning attack, looking for prey in the air. The way of life depends on the area. Northern populations migrate closer to the southern borders of the habitat in winter.


The birds are larger than the sparrowhawks. Masters of ambush hunting, feed only on fresh prey. Gain speed in a few seconds. Live in forests different type including mountain. Stick to certain areas. Predator birds the skopin families are represented by a single species.


A large feathered predator lives all over the world, except for South America, a large part of Africa. It feeds exclusively on fish, therefore it settles along rivers, lakes, less often seas. If water bodies freeze in winter, it flies to the southern part of its range. The color is contrasting - dark brown upper and snow-white lower part. Tail in transverse stripes.

The osprey catches fish from a height with long legs extended forward. Abducted wings have a characteristic bend at the carpal joint. The bird's outer finger rotates freely backwards, which helps to hold prey. Sebaceous feathers protect against water, nasal valves - from water when diving.

The falcon family is distinguished by high flying qualities of birds. Beaks of falcons with an additional tooth on the mandible. The most famous species are found in South America, South Asia.


A small migratory bird wintering thousands of kilometers away from nesting sites. It lives in open spaces, preferring uncultivated fields, wetlands. It feeds on insects, especially May beetles. Plans low when hunting. Males are painted in rich gray color, the abdomen is light. Females have a red head, lower body. Black stripes run down the gray back.

common kestrel

Birds adapt well to various landscapes. Kestrel can be found in the mountains, forest-steppes, deserts, in city squares, parks. A lot of birds nest in Italy. In winter, their number increases due to migratory individuals.

The color of the birds is multicolored. Gray head and tail, reddish back, light brown abdomen, yellow paws. A black border runs along the tail, dark spots scattered throughout the body. A feature of the kestrel is the ability to hover in the air in one place with its tail down, fluttering its wings.

peregrine falcon

Bird of dense build, large head. The wings are pointed, like many falcon representatives. Weight approximately 1.3 kg. The uniqueness of birds is in their speed. The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird among all living creatures on Earth. In the "peak" speed reaches 300 km / h.

Mastery of flight allows predators to catch a variety of prey. The plumage of the peregrine falcon in the upper part of the body is black. The chest and abdomen are light in color, with dark longitudinal stripes. Beak and paws are yellow. Peregrine falcons live in Australia, Asia, America, Europe.

Most of the birds are concentrated in the tundra zones. The population of Mediterranean island birds is distinguished by its small size, reddish tinge of the abdomen. Falconers often destroy bird nests, taking chicks, thereby reducing populations.


The bird is a species of small falcon, lives in vast areas with a temperate climate. The weight of the bird is only 300 gr. Names of birds of prey sometimes replaced by comparisons. So, on the basis of the similarity of color, the hobby is often referred to as the “peregrine falcon in miniature”.

Birds migrate long distances before the cold season. Prefers broad-leaved forests alternating with open spaces. Sometimes birds fly into city parks, poplar groves. Hunts at dusk for insects, small birds.


The second name of the species is the Mediterranean falcon. A large population is concentrated in Italy. In Russia, sometimes appears in Dagestan. Prefers rocky places, cliffs along the coasts. Lanners are quiet enough the calls of birds of prey can only be heard near the nests. Human anxiety leads to a decrease in populations.

secretary bird

In the order of falconiformes, a large bird is the only representative of its family. The mass of an adult is about 4 kg, height is 150 cm, the wingspan is over 2 m. There are several versions of the origin unusual name birds.

The most common explanation for the similarity of appearance is that the color of the plumage of a bird resembles men's suit secretary. If you pay attention to the imposing gait, protruding feathers on the back of the head, long neck, slender legs in strict black trousers, then the birth of the name-image becomes clear.

Huge wings help to fly perfectly, soar at a height. Thanks to its long legs, the secretary runs excellently, speeds up to 30 km / h. From a distance, the appearance of a bird resembles a crane, a heron, but an eagle's gaze, a powerful beak testify to the real essence of a predator.

Secretaries live only in Africa. Birds live in pairs, remaining faithful to each other all their lives. American vultures are distinguished by their large size, food predilection for carrion, and soaring flight.


Types of Andean and Californian condors amaze with their power and size. Giant birds of strong constitution, reach 3 m in wingspan. Noteworthy is a long bare red neck with a white collar of feathers, a hooked beak with leathery earrings.

A fleshy outgrowth is located on the forehead of males. The range of condors is tied to mountain systems. Sedentary birds can be seen on ledges of rocks, among alpine meadows. They rise into the air with a long run or take off from rocky ledges. In a gliding flight, they may not make a single flap of their wings for half an hour.

Despite the threatening appearance, the birds are peaceful. They feed on carrion, eating a large amount of food in reserve. Birds are amazing long-livers. In nature, they live 50-60 years, champions - up to 80 years. The ancients revered condors as totem birds.


The species of the American black catharta, the second name of the bird, is distributed over a vast territory of North and South America. The size is inferior to the condor, the mass does not exceed 2 kg. The head and neck are without feathers in the upper part, the skin is strongly wrinkled, gray in color.

Thick paws seem to be more adapted for running on the ground. They prefer open lowlands, desert places, sometimes birds look at city dumps. In addition to carrion, they feed on the fruits of plants, including rotten ones.

Turkey vulture

The bird is considered one of the most common in America. A feature of the turkey neck is a disproportionately small head compared to a voluminous body. There are almost no feathers on the head, bare skin is red. The color is very dark, almost black.

Some of the feathers on the underside of the wings are silvery in color. Turkey vultures prefer to feed near pastures, agricultural lands, looking for carrion. A keen sense of smell helps to find food in shelters under the branches of shrubs. Birds are considered quiet, calm, but sometimes you can hear sounds of birds of prey similar to grunting or hissing.

Royal Vulture

The name of the birds is justified by their imposing appearance, a separate way of life outside the flock. In addition, in the fight against relatives for prey, royal vultures more often turn out to be winners of fights. Birds are attracted by carrion, sometimes dead fish, small mammals, and reptiles replenish the diet.

nocturnal birds of prey, unlike most diurnal hunters, they are represented by owl, barn owl species. A special anatomical structure makes it possible to distinguish a special order of owl-like predators.


A radiant corolla of feathers forms the so-called facial disc. All nocturnal raptors have large eyes located in front of their heads. A feature of vision is farsightedness. Unlike many birds, the owl has ear holes covered with feathers. Acute hearing and sense of smell exceed human capabilities by 50 times.

The bird can only look forward, but the ability to turn its head 270 ° provides full review around. The neck is almost invisible. Soft plumage, an abundance of fluff ensures a silent flight.

Sharp claws, movable outer finger, bending back, adapted to hold prey. All owls have a camouflage color - a combination of gray-brown-black streaks and white stripes.

barn owl

An unusual bird in appearance, about which they say that she has the face of a monkey. As if a white mask on the head gives mystery to the nocturnal predator. The body length of the barn owl is only 40 cm. An unexpected meeting at dusk with a small bird will leave an indelible impression.

Silent movement and sudden appearance are the usual antics of a predator. The bird got its name for its hoarse voice, similar to a cough. The ability to snap its beak terrifies nocturnal travelers. During the day, the birds sleep on the branches, indistinguishable among the trees.

The variety of birds of prey is represented by species that live in almost all corners of the planet. The skill of feathered hunters has been honed by nature since ancient times of the creation of the world.

Birds of prey are usually called birds that hunt their prey in flight. Their characteristic features are excellent eyesight, as well as strong claws and a beak that serve to capture and kill a target. Hearing also plays an important role in the hunting of raptors.

Species of birds of prey

Birds of prey are divided into two types:

  • diurnal predatory;
  • nocturnal predators.

Diurnal birds of prey include the families

  • hawks;
  • skopins;
  • falcons;
  • secretaries;
  • american vultures.

Nocturnal birds of prey include a detachment of owls, in which two families are distinguished: owls and barn owls. The most famous representatives are owls(white, polar, eared, marsh, hawk and others), eagle owls, owls and owls (brownies, passerines and others), owls (bearded, long-tailed, gray), barn owls and scops.


Features of appearance and their impact on lifestyle

Almost all owls have common features. On the big head large eyes are located, which seem even larger due to the plumage located in a fan around them. This is the front disk. They have a short curved beak, at the base of which are the nostrils.. These birds have dense and soft plumage, a rectangular tail, rather large rounded wings, with the help of which it quickly and silently plans and flies. The wings may differ depending on the species: in birds hunting in the forest, they are quite short, and in those looking for prey in open areas, they are long.

Feet and fingers are covered with feathers up to the claws, with the exception of fish owls. Due to the fact that the front fingers are reversible, owls can sit on branches, and the presence of long and sharp claws gives them the ability to firmly capture their prey. A striking feature that distinguishes them from other birds is the absence of goiter.

The color of owls is protective, it helps owls to disguise themselves against the background. environment and be virtually invisible during the daytime. Birds of prey of this species living in the forest have a brown shade of feathers, while those living in coniferous forests change to gray. Owls living on the plains have lighter feathers, and in the deserts they have a reddish hue. The color of males and females is always the same, with the exception of snowy owls. Males have a snow-white color, and females are motley, with a brownish tinge.

Owls are nocturnal birds of prey; they have sharp eyesight and good hearing to hunt in the dark. Owls have large eyes that look forward, but the ability to turn their heads almost 180 degrees provides a wider field of view. Ears are on both sides of the facial disc, and not in all species they are symmetrical, may differ in size or be shifted up or down. These birds have a very large inner ear, as well as a huge number of neurons in the area responsible for hearing. Due to these features, owls perfectly hear their prey at night.

The lifestyle of most owls is nocturnal. The exceptions are the little owl and short-eared owl. The Arctic hawk and snowy owls hunt at night during the summer, and during the winter they seek food during the day. The remaining members of the owl family sleep during the day on branches, in rock crevices, in the attics of houses. Separate types build their nests in burrows or depressions in the ground.

Almost all species of owls live all their lives in one place and fiercely protect it from other birds, especially predators. However there are also species migrating for the winter e.g. short-eared owl. The rest can change their habitat only in the absence of food.

These birds feed on mice, rats, rabbits, earthworms, insects, snakes, fish, and crustaceans. On rare occasions, they may eat carrion. Mammals are caught on the fly, and fish are waiting, sitting on a branch above the water.

Owls are very talkative. In addition to the well-known hoot, their vocabulary includes a large number of other sounds, which they emit when they are hungry, protect the territory, during the breeding season, etc.

Owl breeding

The reproduction of these nocturnal predators is greatly influenced by favorable weather conditions and the availability of food. If these factors are met, then the breeding season comes earlier, there will be more eggs in the nest. Otherwise, there will be 2-3 eggs in the clutch.

Depending on the species, some owls create pairs for the rest of their lives, others form a new pair in each subsequent mating season. In most cases, nests of other birds are found for laying eggs., tree hollows, rock crevices. Some species use rodent burrows for this purpose or lay their eggs in the grass. They rarely build their own nests. Having chosen a suitable place, within a few days the female lays up to 10-14 eggs. Incubation of chicks, depending on the species, lasts from 24 to 36 days and begins from the day the first egg is laid. Accordingly, the chicks appear within a few days. In the future, it is not uncommon for older chicks to take all the food in a difficult time, and the younger ones go hungry.

Helpless chicks are born eyes open at 2 weeks. First, the male brings food, and when the cubs grow up and more food is needed, the female also flies away to hunt. After 20-25 days, the owls get out of the nest. They fly poorly at first, so they do not move far from the nest.

The appearance and lifestyle of other nocturnal birds of prey are very similar to owls, although there are slight differences and features.


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