Puppet shows for children. A traffic light inspector and a big-headed cosmoglot. Follow to live beautifully

03.05.2017 2047 155 Kostareva Olga Vladimirovna

Puppet theater "School of traffic lights"
Purpose: Formation of skills safe behavior on the roads; to develop in children the ability to navigate in a different environment; to develop in preschoolers the habit of behaving correctly on the roads; educate children to be literate pedestrians.
Objectives: To deepen children's understanding of the Rules traffic for pedestrians. Continue acquaintance with the purpose of road signs and their styles. Learn to apply the rules in various life situations.
Children enter the hall to the music.
The presenters enter, together with the "Traffic Light", into the center of the hall.
Salemetsizderme konaktar!
Salemetsizderme balalar!
Hello guys and our valued guests.
Traffic lights:
At any intersection
A traffic light meets you
And starts very easy.
Talk to a pedestrian.
1 child:
We got up at the crossing
We have a traffic light.
And with all honest people
He looks straight at us.
2 child:
His red eye opened
So he wants to say:
No matter how fast you
You must stand now!
3 child:
Here is a blinking yellow eye.
Get ready, he says!
How do I close this one - at once
The third eye will be opened.
4 child:
Third eye glows green
All cars lined up.
Now ready to go
Mom and dad are talking
Game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"
Leading: - Guys, if you act in accordance with the rules of the road, then answer in unison: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!”, And if you don't do this when you hear the riddle, then just keep silent.
- Who is attentive on the road, understands everything,
Will he confuse the red prohibition signs with anything?
- Which of you is in the cramped carriage
Giving way to seniors?
- Who will answer without delay,
That yellow light is a warning?
- Who is near the roadway
Having fun chasing a ball?
- Answer together
Which of you is a connoisseur of traffic, rules of road observance?
- Who flies forward so soon,
What does not see a traffic light?
- Which one of you goes ahead
Where is the transition?
- Who is the baby - the naughty will stop the runner
Does he escape from his mother and head towards the road?
- Who pushes the speed to the limit in order to finish the job faster?
And he does not know the brakes, he can see doctors!
- Who is ready to help the patient and send to the infirmary -
Red cross on the road
- Who got hungry on the way, got tired and did not sleep
The road sign will show you to rest soon
- Who does not like delay, he does not sleep, does not even eat,
and not feeling tired, can thunder into a ditch?
- Who will answer, together, in unison
We must know the rules, observe safety!
Guys, in order to cross the street safely, you need to know the rules of the road. And now we will listen to poems about them.
1st child
Everywhere and everywhere the rules
They must always be known
Sophia will not sail without them
From the harbor of court.
2- child
Go on a flight according to the rules
Polar explorer and pilot. Madina Omarova
They have their own rules
Driver and transition.
3rd child
Through the city, down the street
They don't just go like this:
When you don't know the rules, Amira
It's easy to get caught up in the pro sack.
4th child
Be careful all the time
And remember in advance: Zlata
They have their own rules
Driver and pedestrian!
5th child
A three-eyed traffic light is staring at us - Angelina Novichkova
Green, yellow, red eyes, he gives orders to everyone.
6th child
He is both polite and strict, and is known to the whole world, Nazar
He is the most important commander on the wide street.

Song "Traffic Light"

Traffic Light: Today you will see a fairy tale called "School of Traffic Light Science"
(The song “Pinocchio” sounds, Pinocchio appears on the screen, goes to
jump to school)
Pinocchio: Hurrah! Finally, I go to school alone! Tired of listening to
don't go, don't come here! Now I myself will decide where and when to go, because
that I'm already big and smart!
(to the song, goes behind the screen, the cat and the fox run out)
Cat: Did you hear the news, Alice?
Lisa: What happened there?
Cat: Pinocchio goes to school,
To get knowledge there
He will be literate and smart,
Then don't fool him!
Fox: And most importantly, what will not work,
To lure fools into the country!
Basilio, let's stop him...
Cat: How do you do that?
Lisa: And that's how! You see the traffic light is standing ... It burns with lights!
And we will take all the lights and put them in the basket!
Without light, the road cannot be found, cars will lead him astray!
Cat: Great, Alice! How smart you are! Put all the lights here!
(they remove the lights from the traffic light and run away, Pinocchio enters to the music)
Pinocchio: Today I went to school on my own and from the noise on my
For some reason my head is spinning...
What can I do, who can tell me what to do? ...
(Malvina appears to the music)
Malvina: Hello, Pinocchio! Why are you standing right on the road!
Don't you know it's very dangerous!
Pinocchio: Hello, Malvina! I'm just confused! It's like that on the street
a lot of traffic, a lot of road signs, but I'm not familiar with them yet ...
Malvina: Ay-ay-ay! I'll have to teach you how to behave on the road ...
Pinocchio: Well, here's another! What kind of girl will teach me? I will find myself
Malvina: The boys are so proud! Pinocchio, please
listen to me! I don't want you to get in trouble...
Pinocchio: Well, okay! So be it! Tell me how to cross the road...
Malvina: How to cross the road? Do not joke with the road!
In order to overcome this crossing without worrying, we first need to look left and right! (look around)
Pinocchio: What is this three-eyed pillar?
Malvina: I answer you right away!
Helps for a long time, pedestrian traffic light!
Just something the light went out, we have no way now ...
Pinocchio: The traffic light is not a traffic light? Well, what's the deal?
Red light, green light, maybe it's useless...
Run quickly, we will have time, be bold! (car horns)
Malvina: Pinocchio, who breaks the traffic rules,
He should be punished without delay!
This is who has been here ... Who broke the traffic light?
(children help)
Oh, what scoundrels... Very cunning and evil...
So that the light would light up again, at the big traffic light,
We need to return the lights, let's say together, let's say together:
One, two, three, our traffic light is on! (lights go on)
Traffic light: My dear friends, for the exact order I am!
It is necessary that all the guys, Become friendly with me!
You must distinguish clearly - the color is green, yellow, red!
Look at the signals, and then move on!
Red - Stop! Yellow - wait! And green - come on!
Game with children "Red, yellow, green"
Traffic light: When the green light turns on, the children walk in a circle, when the yellow light turns on, they stop, when the red one, they squat.
(Song about a traffic light. music. A. Terentyev, lyrics by L. Kukso)
Pinocchio: Malvina, why are there on the road, white stripes, as if on
sailor suit!
Malvina: Here, Pinocchio, a pedestrian crossing,
People are crossing the road here!
All drivers know this.
Pedestrians are allowed in this place!
Pinocchio: That's great! I understand! The road must be crossed or where
there is a traffic light, or where there is a pedestrian crossing!
Malvina, what are these signs everywhere ...

Sign "Pedestrian crossing"
Little people know
Pedestrian crossing - Lilya
White striped badge
Here I walk boldly!

Sign "Underground pedestrian crossing"
Every pedestrian knows
About the underpass.
You can safely, without fear, Vitalya
Cross the road with a friend.

Sign "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited"
The path is closed to pedestrians.
The sign says not to go here
It is forbidden to walk here Amira
The sign tells everyone the same thing.

Sign "Children"
This road sign is known to everyone in the world.
He calls, he asks: “Caution - children! Zhanaiym

Bus stop sign
If you are with a friend
To the zoo or to the cinema
Make friends with this sign Polina Popravkina
You'll have to anyway
He will drive you quickly, deftly
Sign…. (Bus stop)

Pinocchio: That's great! I found out today important rules road
And I want to fix them and repeat with the guys!
Come on, guys, guess the riddles ...
Remember, even young and old,
Children: Sidewalk!
Pinocchio: Transport...
Children: Way!
Malvina: To overcome the big street without worrying,
We need to go left and right quickly...
Children: Look!
Pinocchio: Memorize a simple law, the red light will turn on ...
Children: Stop!
Pinocchio: Yellow will tell the pedestrian, get ready ...
Children: To the transition!
Pinocchio: And the green is ahead - he tells everyone -
Children: Go!
Malvina: If the rules of movement follow everything around,
There is no need to worry then, remember this, young friend!
(A cat and a fox appear to the music)
Cat and Fox: Cute dolls, sorry,
Take us to your fairy tale ...
We took the lights
Well, we got fined...
We were told that this is not possible!
Malvina: What will we forgive them, friends?
Children: Yes!
Malvina: Well, for the first time we forgive,
And we forbid you to play pranks,
Please know the rules
Do not disturb pedestrians!
(The song about the "Rules of the road" sounds, all the characters say goodbye and leave)

Download material

See the downloadable file for the full text.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.

Wolf's birthday

Forest Glade. Animals (Hedgehog, Mole, Bear, hare) are sitting in the clearing. They are bored.

Hedgehog . “Something is boring in the forest. We haven't had a holiday for a long time.

Hare – What should we do?

Hedgehog - Let's play hide and seek.

Mole - I can't see well, I still can't find anyone.

Hare - And let's catch up,

Bear - And I'm a clubfoot, how can I catch up with you?

Mole “So what are we supposed to do?”

A crow is flying.

Crow - Everyone, everyone, everyone. Urgent message!!! A telegram arrived from the city. The wolf has a birthday at the zoo. He invites all forest animals.

Beasts - Hooray!!

Bear - How do we get to the city?

Crow You can fly, but you can't. You have to walk and then by car.

Hare - And you can’t just walk around the city, everything is according to the rules there, I forgot what they are called ... road walking, it seems.

Bear - Yes, not walking, but movement, if you don’t jam them, then you can get hit by a car and you won’t get to your birthday at all.

Crow - what is there to know. There is a traffic light, if the red signal is on, we are standing, green - we are going. Everything is very simple. Everyone knows this.

Bear - And if there is no traffic light, what will you do?

Hare - How can we be?

Hedgehog How can we get to the wolf?

Mole - Are we going to stay without a holiday?

Bear - okay, I'll teach you the rules, I used to live in the city too and went to a special school, they taught me the rules there.

Hare - teach uncle Misha.

Hedgehog - teach.

Mole - teach.

Crow “Well then, teach me.

Bear - Good. Sit down and listen carefully. There are many roads in the city. They are large and wide, cars drive on them. And pedestrians walk on the sidewalks and so that they do not collide, the rules of the road are invented.

Hare - I know. The road is crossed only where there is a sign of a pedestrian crossing.

Mole What kind of transition is this?

Hare - But what! (Shows a transition sign) You see, a little man walking is drawn here. And on the pavement they draw white stripes, they call them a zebra.

Mole “But I don’t care, I don’t see these signs of yours.

Bear - For you, mole, there is a special sign (shows a sign) It is called "Blind Pedestrian." Drivers see it and drive slowly and very carefully.

Mole - I heard that there is a sign on which the Deer is drawn. This means that they ride reindeer here.

Bear – Ha, Ha, Ha Not at all, it means that wild animals can enter the road in this place and you have to be careful.

Hedgehog - I heard about the brick. Are these bricks on the road?

Bear - What are you, this is not a construction site. That sign (shows) is called "No Entry", and the people call it a brick. The rectangle in the center looks like a brick.

Crow - We have a long way to go, suddenly we get hungry along the way, what will we do?

Bear - And for this there is a special sign (shows) it means that there is a cafe or a canteen nearby, Food point

Hare - And there is also such a sign (shows) It means that the road is rough and you need to slow down and be careful. And I don't like to slow down.

Bear – For people like you, there are special signs (shows) They show how fast you can drive on this section of the road. They limit the speed of the driver. And when the restriction is removed, then such a sign is put up (shows).

Hedgehog - And if I don’t drive a car, but ride a bicycle, can I not follow all these rules?

Bear - Rules must always be followed. Cyclists have their own rules. (to the audience) Do you guys like to ride a bike? (Audience responds) Then answer me? Here, for example, what this sign means (shows) Correct means that there is a bike path. Who knows this sign? (shows). Correctly, this sign means that it is forbidden to ride bicycles here.

Hare - So simple. So I can now get on my bike and ride?

Mole - I don't think. The bike does not have turn lights. How do you know what you want to turn. (Turns to the audience) Does anyone know? (Viewers answer) That's right, if we turn to the right, then the left arm bent at the elbow, if to the left, we stretch the left arm to the side.

Crow - Yes, yes, and you still need to ride in a helmet. This is to save your head. If you suddenly fall.

Bear - That's right, and in general, a bicycle is also vehicle, it must be taken seriously and children can only ride it on special tracks.

Well, guys, how many rules of the road we learned. And now I'll check how you remember everything. Come on, guys, guess the riddles:

What kind of "zebra" on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open
Waiting for the green to flash.
So this is...


Hare -

It will oblige us to go quietly,
Turn near will show
And remind you what and how
You are on your way...

(Road sign)

Hedgehog -

And walking on the roads
Don't forget kids:
Edge of the road - pedestrians
The rest for...


Here is a two-eyed fellow.
How clever he is!
Who will go from anywhere
Winks at both this and that.
Knows how to settle a dispute
(Traffic lights)


What light tells us:
"Come on - the way is open"
What light tells us:
"Wait a minute - the path is closed!"


Who always walks?
Guessed? …!
(A pedestrian)

Bear - Well done. Now we can safely go to the city.

Crow - And what will we give the wolf for his birthday?

Hare Let's give him a bike. We know the rules and we will teach him and he will ride around the city, and even come to us.

Animals go to the city.

Vole sits alone and is bored

Wolf - Well, what a birthday there are no guests, no gifts. A crow let me down, but brought my friends. Oh, it looks like someone is coming.

Crow Hello wolf. Here is how and promised all brought.

Bear - Hello friend, but in order to get to you, we learned the rules of the road, but do you know them?

Wolf - Of course, I went to school, I taught the rules.

Bear “Well, then we are calm for you. Happy birthday to you and here is our present for you. Ride for health.

Wolf - Thanks. I promise that I will obey all traffic rules.

Municipal treasury educational institution"Special (correctional) boarding school for students with disabilities"

Scenario of the play - entertainment according to traffic rules

"Adventures in Road Sign Land"

Educator: Rokhvadze N.N.

characters: traffic inspector, snarky, road sign, traffic light, pinocchio, wolf, fox

The hall is decorated with road signs, attributes suitable for the theme of entertainment.
Inspector: To everyone's surprise today is entertainment!
Watch the performance according to the traffic rules.
The road signs are all very good.
Both adults and children should respect them.
Everyone knows that without rules
Can't live without road
All we need is on the roads
Be prudent!

Guys! Where did we get to? Some kind of letter take, read):
“We, the inhabitants of the Land of Road Signs, are in trouble. We got to Zlyuchka, and now we have constant accidents and unpleasant stories. Help us!"

A fox: Well, the transitions are gone,
Pedestrians don't pay.
They choose their own paths
Where to cross the road.

Wolf: The traffic light is not a traffic light?
Well, what is this grief?
Red light, green light,
Maybe it doesn't make any sense?

Inspector: Guys! And what do you think? Do you need traffic rules? Traffic lights? (children's answers)

Unexpectedly, Angry appears in the hall, grabs a letter from the Storyteller, glances at it briefly and cries out maliciously.

snarky: Ha! Help wanted?! There will be no help! And who will help these road signs?

Inspector: We can help with the guys, right, children?

snarky: And who are you?
Inspector: I am a traffic police inspector, and these are guys!

snarky: Want to help? You will never be able to help the signs, you will not get the Traffic Light either. I hid them well. The way there is long, difficult and unmarked (runs out of the hall).
inspector: Guys, are you scared?
Then we won't waste any time and hit the road.

In the hall, sobbing, enters the Road Sign (on his chest he has an inverted reverse side tablet with an image).

Inspector: Oh guys, who is this?

: I am a road sign. I was bewitched by Zlyuchka. I can't show the sign to anyone because of the rules of the road. I can open only when you solve these riddles (gives the cards with riddles to the Inspector).

The storyteller reads riddles to the children, they try to guess them.

Wide in width but long in length
Where there is water and depth, there it is concrete.

There are two rows of houses
Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row.
And they look at each other with square eyes.

Little houses run down the street
Boys and girls are taken to houses.

I'm standing on the edge of the street in a long boot.
Three-eyed miracle, on one leg!

ROAD SIGN: Well done, children! Do you recognize me? (on the chest opens the sign "TURN"). Where can you meet me?

CHILDREN: On the road!

ROAD SIGN: Correctly!
On two wheels I roll
I spin with two pedals.
I'm holding the wheel, I'm looking ahead
And I see - soon turn!

Inspector: Remember kids! Riding a bicycle on the carriageway is only allowed for those who are over 14 years old! And now we will see what is happening on the roads, what Zlyuchka has done there. ( leaves. new scene)

Angry Girl will appear on a mockup bike

snarky (leaves on a bike) Is it really dangerous? My bike isno matter what kind of accident it doesn’t get, it’s big and you can see it from afar. And withoutrules and even more manage ..

I rode, I rode and he met a wolf with a fox.
wolf . Hello, Angry, where are you going?
snarky . Yes, I want to travel, see the white lightthere and what. And some kind of inspector says that it’s dangerous, I’ll get into an accident, don’tknowing the rules of the road. Do you know these rules?Wolf . Why do I need them, we can do without these rules(wolf and fox sing and dance).
(The music of the robbers' song “We say Byaki, Buki” sounds)
We are not friends with the rules,Why do we need traffic rules?We live together do not grieveIn traffic rules, not "be" nor "me"Chorus : Oh la, la. Oh la, laTraffic rules - all nonsense;
Oh la, la. Oh la, la, ehma!Where do we go on the road?Wherever we want.Cars drive around usOtherwise, we'll give it to the eye!Chorus (same)
snarky . Well, Wolf, let's go, and we'll go wild on the road.Voice. Has come night. They went out to the road.

Got loud scream, wave your arms to everyone
scare away. But it didn't help them, a little
later, a car crashed into the stove. There's been an accident.
There is a rattle, the sound of an accident, screams.
An ambulance signal sounds.
A boy doctor comes out, helps the victims, lifts them up and puts them on chairs.
A boy comes out wearing a reflective vest.
Boy. What are you doing? Not only do you not follow the rules of the road, but you also move in the dark without reflective elements on your clothes.If you had them, then the driver would notice you for 400 meters andThis terrible accident would not have happened. In Lapland, even deer vestsput on so that they are visible in the dark and there is nothing with themIt happened. And you just need them(puts them on reflective vests).
Angry and Wolf: Thanks boy! From this day on, weWe will follow the rules of the road and wear reflective clothing. We don't want to go to the hospital anymore.Inspector. Guys, you see how necessary now reflectors on clothes. And now I want to check whether you are attentive.Quiz
What should a pedestrian do to become more visible to
A. Light a candle.B. Shout loudly, wave your arms.B. Wear a reflective vest or wear reflective clothing.Why are retroreflectors called so?
A. Because they send light to the Sun.B. They return the light to the source from which it came.Q. They return the light if it is turned off.Why do cats eyes glow in the dark?
BUT. Because cats communicate with the other world at night.B . Cats are electrically charged.AT. They reflect light from an external source.Why does a bicycle reflector glow?
A. A cat is sitting inside, her eyes glow.B. Because it consists of multifaceted pyramids and reflects light from an external source.Q. A flashlight is on inside.
What colors of clothes will protect you the most in the dark?
A. Orange and yellow.B. Gray and purple. B. Khaki. How far can a driver see a pedestrian
reflective vest?
A. 4000 centimeters. B. 400 meters. V. 40 kilometers Inspector. Guys, today we revealed the secret of how they worksecurity fireflies and who invented them. Can't be carelesson the road. After all, the surest way to protect yourself is to be prepared for a possible danger and be able to quickly take precautions.(Gives the guys reflective bracelets and memos
"Don't play hide-and-seek with the drivers!")

Scene 3

BURATINO: I am the well-known Pinocchio,
I'm always friends with the guys.
But among the road signs
I don't make friends
I love to mess around so much
Run through a red light
And on the roadway even
I can walk freely.
I wasn't raised
They didn't read the rules to me.
I don't look at the signs
Wherever you want, I go.
(M. Mikhailova)

Inspector: No, my friend! You can not do it this way!
It is very important to know traffic
Everyone will agree with me on this!
Really guys?

BURATINO: I know everything in advance, I can guess all the signs in an instant!
Inspector: Let's check it out! Look! ( shows Pinocchio the sign "PEDESTRIAN CROSSING").

BURATINO: Hey guys, tell me! Give me this sign!

Inspector: Pinocchio, the guys will also sing and dance a song for you. Look, that's what it's called "Crosswalk"

Muses. Number under the phonogram

Inspector: Look at the second you, the riddle is not simple!
(shows Pinocchio the sign "POINT OF FOOD").

BURATINO(to children): Hey guys, don't let me down,
Give me this sign!

The children prompt Pinocchio, and he boastfully addresses the Inspector.

BURATINO: I will show my knowledge!
It will be "Food Point!"

Inspector: I heard everything, my friend!
You haven't learned your lesson.
Guys rescued you
The guys helped you!

BURATINO:I do not want to study!
I like to be lazy!
I'll find my pipe
I'll go on the road with her!
(runs away)

Inspector: There are a lot of rules in the world,
It would not hurt us to learn all of them.
On the pavement DO NOT PLAY! DO NOT RIDE!
If you want to stay healthy!

Pinocchio returns to the hall again, but not alone, but with Zlyuchka, they vigorously discuss how everyone around teaches them.

BURATINO: I'm tired of studying, Zlyuchka! All I hear is:
"You owe this, you owe that!
Will something bad happen to him?"
Well, what's the problem? It's all nonsense!

snarky: Don't listen to them! Do not listen! Hello, yes yes! How wonderful to play on the pavement! How much you and I have done, how many accidents have happened because of us! And why? Yes, because they do not have a traffic light. There are no signs either! Ha-ha-ha! The beauty!
Inspector: Quiet! Hush, friends! Although we were left without a traffic light, one brave person will now appear on the road. He stands in the middle of the roadway and is not at all afraid of cars. On the contrary, they listen to him. And the pedestrians are watching him closely. Who is it guys?

CHILDREN: Regulator!

A traffic light appears.

TRAFFIC LIGHTS: Hello, friends!
Again among you and I!

snarky: All! I'm gone! My sorcery is powerless! Everything is against me. I'm leaving you! Pinocchio, follow me! ( they run out, the sounds of braking cars are heard - a recording from the cassette "Noise theatrical sounds") ... Pinocchio returns alone, with a bandaged hand.

TRAFFIC LIGHTS What happened to you? Did you hurt your hand?

BURATINO: I had an accident! Crossed the road at a red light. The obstacle left me on the road and ran away. Guys! Take me to you. I realized that it is very important to know the traffic signs. Forgive me!

TRAFFIC LIGHTS: I am a remote traffic light,
Here and now - your teacher,
To help you get through
This path is dangerous
I light up day and night
Green! Yellow! Red!
If you don't learn the lesson
You're in trouble again, my friend!

The game "RED, YELLOW, GREEN!"
The traffic light shows alternately cards of three colors, children perform certain movements. Game of attention, ingenuity.

the song "TRAFFIC LIGHT" is performed

BURATINO: I will diligently study all the rules,
I will definitely know the rules of the road!

TRAFFIC LIGHTS:(in chorus): Rules of the road
Everyone needs to know for sure.
Let's have them guys
Repeat more often!

Scenario about the rules of the road (SDA)

Performance duration: 30 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 4.


Traffic Lights Inspector
The car
Big-headed Spaceglot

If the hall is noisy, the Host enters the stage and rings the bell loudly, attracting the attention of the audience.

Presenter (viewers)

What's going on here?
Well, live in places
Sit down everyone and calm down!
Otherwise, a fairy tale to you
Won't visit today
And go to those kids
That the games are ready to throw
And listen to her without breathing!

The leader rings the bell again.

Do not indulge in the theater!
Here on the chairs, standing in a row,
Like schoolchildren at a desk,
The spectators sit quietly -
Can't get up, can't run
Don't talk to the neighbors
Don't push every now and then
Nor, like geese, cackle,
Nor gallop like horses, dashingly,
Don't kick everyone!

The leader rings the bell again and continues until the children calm down.

Now that it's so quiet.
You can start the story!

The leader leaves. If the audience behaved well from the very beginning, then the intro about silence can be skipped.

On the stage there is a road with a sidewalk, with a zebra, a pedestrian crossing sign and a traffic light (a three-eyed car is looking at the road, and a two-eyed pedestrian is looking at the audience). The introductory melody for the play sounds. The Inspector of Traffic Lights enters the stage with a brave step and blows his whistle.

I'm a traffic light inspector!
And remember, friends
Arguing with me on the highway
No one can lead!
I am in the service of all the main
Everything goes according to me
And dare not argue with me
No driver, no pedestrian!
And I'm a beautiful wand
I always carry with me.

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows the audience his striped baton.

Traffic Lights Inspector

wand magic power
With him in comparison - nonsense!
He tames machines!

Machine enters the stage, rattling and beeping.

Traffic Lights Inspector

What do you not believe? But in vain!
This is the pinnacle of magic!
I raise my rod...

The Traffic Light Inspector raises his baton. The car stops.

Traffic Lights Inspector

And the car freezes
Waiting for my order
And executes commands
All that this wand will give.

The Traffic Light Inspector brandishes his baton, and the Machine follows commands like a trained dog.

Traffic Light Inspector (Car)

Traffic Lights Inspector

Sit! Lie!

The machine obediently follows the commands and turns upside down.

Traffic Lights Inspector (to the audience)

There is no better fun in the world!
Okay, you can go!

The Traffic Lights Inspector makes a sign with his baton towards the wings. The car overturns and leaves the stage.

Traffic Lights Inspector (to the audience)

For order on the road
I watch day and night.
I'm always worried about everyone
And always ready to help!

A jerky gurgling sound is heard, and a flying saucer glowing with multi-colored lights appears on the stage. She begins to randomly fly back and forth. The hatch opens with a clang, and Big-Headed Spaceglot pokes his head out.

Big-headed Spaceglot (looking around)

excellent planet,
To hide, she-she!
There are no interplanetary here,
No interstellar ships!
Wild and backward sector!
Both me and the spaceship
Galactic Inspector
Will never find it here!
Penalty for this and fine for that...
Do not want to pay it!

Big-headed Spaceglot throws out heaps of multi-colored receipts with the inscription "Fine" from the plate.

Big-headed Spaceglot

Well, exceeded the speed of light,
So I didn't hit anyone!
Stop drilling my ears -
Don't sit there, don't fly up here.
Life without limits and without rules -
That's what real paradise is!

Big-headed Spaceglot (sings while flying a cymbal across the stage)

Big-headed Space-Glots
Life by the rules is boring!
Let the starship out of the way
The moon is gone

The planets are falling apart
The stars are falling out of their orbits!
no speed of light
You won't be allowed to step on the gas!

I am against strict rules
All of them - to hell with the horns!
Fly away from the road
If life is dear to you!

Starship - steel bird
Rushing, and the engine roars.
It sings and has fun
Big-headed Spaceglot!

Big-headed Spaceglot

But you have to be careful
Everyone goes, and I'm flying!
So it's hard to get lost here!
I don't want to get caught!

A flying saucer with gurgling sounds flies backstage. There is a roar.


There is a loud gurgling sound. From behind the scenes, the same flying saucer leaves, only on wheels.

Big-headed Spaceglot (smugly)

I am my super starship
Transformed quite cleverly
In a primitive ezdolet!

The alien's car stops at a pedestrian crossing. The Traffic Light Inspector blows his whistle loudly.

What else is this?
Disorder! Oh no no no!

The Traffic Light Inspector waves his baton at the flying saucer.

Traffic Light Inspector (strict)

Come on, unearthly means,
Leave the crossing!
This is not the place to park!

The traffic light inspector shifts the flying saucer from the zebra pattern onto the roadway.

Traffic Lights Inspector

Here's your fine!

The Traffic Light Inspector sticks the receipt on the flying saucer.

I don't want more receipts!

Big-headed Spaceglot peels off the receipt and throws it away.

Traffic Lights Inspector

Well, then you lose your rights!

The traffic light inspector sticks another receipt on the flying saucer.

Big-headed Spaceglot (self-confidently)

I didn't break anything!
On undeveloped planets
There are no boring rules
And there are no laws!

Big-headed Spaceglot rips off the receipt and throws it on the ground.

Traffic Lights Inspector

Who told you this?
Maybe we are to the stars
We do not fly, but soon
We'll fly for sure.
I don't know how it is in space
But here in the city we have
All laws are observed
If you don't want to, get out!

The Traffic Lights Inspector taps his baton on the flying saucer.

Big-headed Spaceglot (conciliatory)

Okay! Okay! I agree!
What are the rules?

The Traffic Light Inspector hands Big-Headed Spaceglot a thick book.

Traffic Lights Inspector

Hold on!
Try to remember everything!

Big-headed Spaceglot quickly flips through the book and tosses it aside.

Big-headed Spaceglot (capriciously)

They can never be learned!
There are too many of these rules!
My head already hurts!

Big-headed Spaceglot grabs his head.

Traffic Lights Inspector

You need to know them, because the road
Constantly talking
And with the driver, and with the passer-by!

Big-headed Spaceglot (skeptically)

You say more, sing!
He speaks? Yes, it can't be!
She doesn't have a mouth!

Traffic Lights Inspector

And without words she will say everything.

Big-headed Spaceglot

This, I wonder how?

Traffic Lights Inspector

She has every case
A special badge has been saved!

The Traffic Light Inspector takes a stack of large traffic signs in the order in which they appear in the song. The chorus can be sung in chorus along with the audience.

Traffic Light Inspector (singing)

All drivers from birth
Learn the alphabet of driving!
To be granted rights
You need to know how two and two

road rules,
All kinds of signs.

The Traffic Light Inspector shows the "Give Way" sign.

If you see this sign
Know that he is not just like that.
To avoid problems
Make way for everyone!

Road rules -
Not so difficult!

The traffic lights inspector shows the sign "Movement is prohibited."

This sign is very strict
Kohl stands on the road.
He tells us: "Friends,
You can't drive here at all!"

Road rules
Not so difficult!

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows a No Entry sign.

The sign of the drivers is intimidating,
No cars allowed!
Don't try rashly
Drive past the brick!

Road rules
Not so difficult!

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows the "Main Road" sign.

And here is a sign, of which there are few:
This is the main road!
If you ride on it
You become the leader of all!

Road rules
Not so difficult!

The traffic lights inspector shows the sign "Maximum speed limit".

The sign will tell us impartially:
“It's dangerous to drive here!
So be kind
Slow down your speed!"

Road rules
Not so difficult!

The traffic lights inspector shows the sign "No overtaking".

Overtaking sign
In this place, it's clear to everyone
You can't overtake at all!

Road rules
Not so difficult!

The Traffic Lights Inspector displays a "Minimum Speed ​​Limit" sign.

The sign says: "Indeed,
What are you barely weaving?
Even if you are a three-headed snake,
Don't you dare drive slower!"

Road rules
Not so difficult!

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows the Pedestrian Crossing sign.

Land crossing sign,
People walk here all day.
Hey driver, don't be sad
Skip the pedestrians!

Road rules
Not so difficult!

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows the "Children" sign.

And here is the sign with the name "Children",
We are always responsible for them.
Don't threaten their lives
You see the sign, slow down!

Road rules
Not so difficult!

Traffic Lights Inspector Shows No Stopping Sign

Don't load the car here
Don't park, don't slow down.
This sign tells everyone:
"The one who is standing here is wrong!"

Road rules
Not so difficult!

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows the sign "Movement without stopping is prohibited."

Hey driver, take your time
You see the sign, stop!
Before we continue on our way,
Don't forget to take a look.

Road rules
Not so difficult!

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows the Dead End sign.

This sign is sure
Will lead to a dead end.
Well, then - at least fly,
Because there is no way!

Road rules
Not so difficult!

Big-headed Spaceglot (capriciously)

Finally, can I go?
Are there any obstacles?

The traffic lights are red and the pedestrian lights are green. The flying saucer is moving. The traffic light inspector blows his whistle.

Traffic Lights Inspector

Big-headed Clumsy,
Where are you at the red light?

Big-headed Spaceglot (indignantly)

Not red, green!
Here he is glowing! Here!

Big-headed Spaceglot points to a traffic light for pedestrians.

Traffic Light Inspector (derisively)

He's definitely green
Only the traffic light is not the same.
This one with two eyes

The Traffic Light Inspector points to a two-signal pedestrian traffic light.

Traffic Lights Inspector

And the driver
Gotta pay attention
Here at this traffic light.

The Traffic Lights Inspector points to a three-signal traffic light.

Traffic Light Inspector (singing)

Maybe a three-eyed traffic light
Talk to everyone at once.
Easy to understand him
Both the driver and the pedestrian!
For cars, the red light will light up -

The red signal is on.

Pedestrians are safe!

The Traffic Light Inspector points to a green pedestrian traffic light and crosses the zebra.

Green light for cars

Turns on a green signal at a transport traffic light, and a red one at a pedestrian one.

There are no pedestrians!

The traffic light inspector returns to the sidewalk and points to a red pedestrian light.

If yellow lights up,

The traffic light turns yellow.

Wait which one will turn on!
Whoever remembers this
And it will pass, and it will pass!
Road rules
Not so difficult!
(together with the audience)
Road rules
Not so difficult!

Big-headed Spaceglot (angrily)

Again, this is impossible!
Do it, don't do it!
"Tired, no rescue!" -
Do you have such a sign here?
I won't listen to anyone!
I will ride how I want!

Big-headed Spaceglot accelerates and rushes through a red light, nearly hitting Inspector Traffic Lights, who whistles after him. There is a squeal of brakes, a rumble and a rattle. A car wheel rolls onto the stage from behind the scenes. Sirens howl. After a while, a bandaged Big-Headed Spaceglot enters the stage, limping.

Big-headed Spaceglot (crying)

I almost gave my soul to God!
I can barely drag my feet!
My starship has crashed!

Traffic Light Inspector (edifyingly)

You haven't learned how to drive!
Be glad you're alive!
(slapping Heady
Cosmoglot on the shoulder)

Nothing, you'll get the right
You will ride with the wind.

Big-headed Spaceglot (offended)

It's too difficult. It is better
I will walk!

The pedestrian traffic light is red. Big-headed Spaceglot tries to cross the road, ignoring him. The traffic light inspector blows his whistle.

Traffic Lights Inspector

Wanted bandage supplements?
Do you want to be knocked down?

Big-headed Spaceglot

Traffic Lights Inspector

So why are you moving
Are you a highway at a red light?

Big-headed Spaceglot (horrified)

Rules again?

Traffic Lights Inspector

We can't do without them
And acting careless
Only a fool on the road
'Cause it's more dangerous than that
No place in the world to be found!
How to behave here, children
And adults need to know!

Traffic Light Inspector (singing and dancing)

Living in the world is happiness!
So that it doesn't end
Remember, on the road
It is forbidden to play ball!

A ball rolls out from behind the curtains. The traffic light inspector stops him with his foot, picks him up and throws him backstage again.

Nobody can be free
Run how and where you decide.
Sidewalk for pedestrians

The Traffic Light Inspector walks down the sidewalk.

And the road is for cars!

Don't go across the road
Where it gets into your head
If there is nearby

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows the spectators a crossing sign and a zebra crossing.

Or a two-eyed traffic light.

The Traffic Light Inspector approaches the traffic light.

His language is simple:
He looks with green eyes

The traffic light turns green and the Traffic Light Inspector walks the zebra.

Pass, and red - stop!

A red traffic light comes on and the Traffic Light Inspector stands to attention on the sidewalk.

If there is no transition
To cross the road
Before you do it
Look left, look right.

The Traffic Light Inspector turns his head first to the left and then to the right.

It's very important to make sure
That there is no car nearby
After all, not everyone is a driver.
It can slow you down.

The Traffic Light Inspector steps out into the middle of the road.

Transport is not a toy!

The traffic light inspector takes a toy car out of his pocket and shows it to the audience.

For your own good
You have to be careful with him
Don't jump under it

Do everything with conscience
And don't get in trouble!
Know all traffic rules
And always follow them!

The Traffic Light Inspector dances backstage. Big-headed Spaceglot falls on a pedestrian crossing and kicks his arms and legs in the air.

Big-headed Spaceglot (yells)

Not! I don't want! I won't!
Big-headed Spaceglot
Always everywhere and everywhere
Doesn't live by the rules!

The traffic lights are red for pedestrians and green for cars. The Machine enters the stage with a beep, Big-Headed Space-Glot runs over and leaves backstage. A whistle blows. The Traffic Light Inspector comes running. The Traffic Lights Inspector bandages Big-Headed Spacethroat from head to toe.

Traffic Lights Inspector

Big-headed Spaceglot (rubbing his sides)

Yes, now I understand everything!
If I had known this before
That would fly carefully
I wouldn't get so many fines!

Big-headed Spaceglot rises with difficulty.

Big-headed Spaceglot

To make life fun
To avoid getting into trouble
I study at the space school
I will definitely go!
After splint massage
I want to live by the rules!
I will learn all of them and even
I will pay space penalties!

Big-headed Spaceglot picks up scattered receipts.

Big-headed Spaceglot

Only after all to the cosmobank
Here the bus is not lucky!

Traffic Light Inspector (approvingly)

If so, from the impound
Take your starship!

The Traffic Lights Inspector rolls out a crippled flying saucer in its original form without wheels from behind the scenes. Big-headed Spacethroat climbs into it.

Big-headed Spaceglot

Come on, pull the lever!

The traffic light inspector pulls the lever, the plate starts to rumble.

Big-headed Spaceglot (happily)

You can start counting!

The lights on the plate start flashing.

Traffic Lights Inspector

The Milky Way is your tablecloth,
Big-headed Spaceglot!

The flying saucer takes off. The Traffic Light Inspector waves to him.

Headed Spaceglot (sings)

To be a wreck without yourself
Run, ride and fly
Need traffic rules
Be sure to comply!

The road speaks to us.
On earth and on a star
There are many different signs
Signs everywhere and everywhere!

I am a supporter of strict rules,
I am now their servant!
You need to know the language of the road
If life is dear to you!

Starship - steel bird
Rushing, and the engine roars.
Will learn the rules
Big-headed Spaceglot!

The flying saucer with Big-Headed Spacethroat flies off the stage.

Traffic Lights Inspector (to the audience)

Do you agree with him?

The Traffic Light Inspector gives the audience time to shout their answers.

Traffic Lights Inspector

And let's now
I will check it out - personally
I will test you.

The traffic light inspector shows the sign "Unregulated pedestrian crossing".

Traffic Lights Inspector

The man in the blue square
It goes in stripes.
This beautiful sign says:
Here is the ground…

If you can't understand
How to cross the road
Turn to adults passers-by,

Fencing along the road
Not for lasagna.
To all it is a warning:
Pedestrian path...

It's safe on the road
If the light is on...

Transport waiting at the bus stop -
Don't leave the sidewalk
And in a parking lot
Don't run around and don't roam.
It should be clear to anyone -
Climb under the wheels ...

For life and health,
Get around the bus...
And the trolleybus, by the way, too
You can only go around the back.
And bypass the tram
Going around…

Well done! Passed the exam!
And remember, friends
Deviate from these rules
You can't be on the road!
And now it's time to say goodbye.
Goodbye, kids!
It's fun to talk with you
But it's time for my service!

The Traffic Light Inspector blows his whistle defiantly and leaves the stage. The ending melody sounds.

The Regulator appears on the screen:

Leading: Look, guard

Stood on our pavement

All machines to one

Submits to him.

Adjuster: A thousand cars are racing

I let them pass.

If I raise my hand

There is no passage for anyone.

All without exception

Should know

Traffic Laws.

Why do we need to know the rules of the road?(children's answers)

I have three pigs visiting. They will tell a story that happened to one naughty wolf who did not follow the rules of the road:(children's answers) I'm visiting with a piglet. They will tell a story that happened to one naughty wolf who did not follow the rules of the road.

3 pigs appear on the screen.

1 pig: My name is Nif-nif

2 pigs: My name is Naf-Naf

3 pig: And I'm Nuf-Nuf

Nif-nif: Let's go on vacation

Naf-Naf: To the seaside or to the village?

Nuf-Nuf: Maybe in the mountains?

They argue.

Naf-naf: On the sea! To swim!

Nuf-nuf: To the village! Collect mushrooms!

Nif-nif: Not! We'd better go traveling in our new car. We will see the sea, the mountains and the village.

Naf-Naf: Great!

Nuf-Nuf: That's the plan!

Nif-Nif: Let's go get together.

Everyone sings together: Going on a long journey

On a long journey, on a long journey.

Don't forget anything!

Don't forget anything!(waving and leaving)

A wolf appears on the screen:Blimey! Pigs are going somewhere! I'll hide and take a look. And you guys, don't say anything to the piglets.(The wolf hides)

There are piglets and a car on the screen.

Nif-Nif: Finally we got together

Naf-Naf: Did you forget to put gas in the tank?

Nuf-nuf: Have the wheels been pumped up?

Nif-Nif (checks): Everything is good! It's time to go.(pigs get into the car and sing).

Pigs: We all sit in the car

Children: Bi-bi-bi! Bi-bi-bi!

Pigs: Looking out of the window

Children: Bi-bi-bi! Bi-bi-bi!

Pigs: And it's full of wonders!

Children: Bi-bi-bi! Bi-bi-bi!(leave)

Wolf: Where did they go? I'll take my motorcycle and go after them. I'll catch up with them and get even with them for everything!(shouting) From the road! I'm going! Bi-bi-bi! Bi-bi-bi!

The red light is on. The wolf runs a red light.

Adjuster: Stop! You violated traffic rules. Your rights. You will have to pay a fine.

Wolf: Why?

Adjuster: Even the guys know what to do on red. Heard the wolf! Now remember.

Children: If the red light is on stop! The path is closed. And the green is on! Come on, the path is open!

Adjuster: Well! For the first time, I forgive you. Move on!

The wolf has gone.

Wolf: Hey! From the road! I'm going! Bi-bi-bi!

Pigs on the screen. They go and sing: How beautiful everything is around!

Bi-bi-bi! Bi-bi-bi!

It's good to have a friend!

Bi-bi-bi! Bi-bi-bi!

Nif-Nif: Stop! Look what an interesting sign! You know what he means.

Piglet 2-3: Oh, we forgot!

Nif-Nif: Let's ask the guys for help.

Pigs in chorus. Guys! What does this sign mean?

Children: Road repair! Gotta get around!

Pigs: Thank you! Let's take a detour!Sing a song and leave

How beautiful everything is around

Bi-bi-bi! Bi-bi-bi!

It's good to have a friend!

Bi-bi-bi! Bi-bi-bi!

Wolf: Screaming. Hey, out of the way! I'm going!(falls into hole)

Adjuster: Wolf! Breaking the rules again! And you don't know the road signs either!

Wolf: I know! Repairs are here! I just couldn't stop! Forgive me!

Traffic controller: Pay the fine

Wolf: For what! I fell like that! I'm in pain! Oh-yo-yo!

Adjuster: Nothing to do about. Pay the fine and move on

(The wolf pays the fine and leaves screaming)

Pigs appear. Sing:La-la-la! They see the sign "Rockfall"

Nif-Nif: Stop! This is a dangerous road! You see the sign "Rockfall". We need to take a different road. They turn.

They go and drink. La-la-la!

A wolf appears, rides and shouts:Hooray! I'm going! Now I'll catch up with these nasty piglets! Now I will ask them!(Rockfall begins)What is it there! What falls on me!

Pigs: Oh-oh-oh! (Piglets in the distance, listening)

Naf-Naf: You heard? Is someone screaming?

Nuf-nuf: Someone must be in trouble!

(They return. They see a pile of stones and take them apart. A wolf appears)

Wolf: Oh! Oh! How painful!

Naf-Naf: Yes, it's a wolf!

Adjuster: Don't be scared! This beaten wolf is no longer afraid of anyone! He punished himself. Your rights?(Wolf gives away rights)But the rules of movement of this wolf must be taught. Guys teach the wolf. Name the traffic signs.

Children: Name the signs.

Traffic controller: What is this sign?

Children: Crosswalk

Pedestrian, pedestrian!

I remember about the transition!

underground, ground,


Know that only the transition

It will save you from cars.

Adjuster: And now let's play. I ask you a question and if you agree answer. It's me! It's me! These are all my friends!

Which one of you is moving forward?

Where is the transition?


Presenter: Who flies forward so soon

What does not see a traffic light?(children are silent)

Which of you, going home,

Keeps the path on the pavement(children are silent)

Who knows that the red light -

Does that mean there is no move?

Children: It's me, it's me, it's all my friends

Well done! And again a cheerful song about the rules of the road. Song about traffic.


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