Can I return the blender to the store. Can I get a refund for a blender? Blender is a technically complex product or not

In this case, give him a second claim and the conclusion of the examination. Tip: Be sure to add a clause in your re-application about compensation for your expenses for an independent assessment of the goods. If the store management even in this case refuses to return the money, contact the Consumer Rights Protection Service with the above claim, and then file a claim with the court at the place of residence. You can download the petition to the court here. An example of a completed statement of claim to our court. Knowledge of the Law will help you deal with the return of any household appliances. And if you back up your own legal baggage with confidence in your rights and determination, the result will be achieved in the shortest possible time.

How to return household appliances to the store

  • The buyer has the right to refuse within seven days from the date of delivery, that is, receipt in hand.
  • If information on the procedure and terms of return was not received by the buyer in writing upon delivery of the goods, then it can be canceled within three months.
  • The product must be in proper condition. That is, clearly not to be in use (labels, seals and other evidence that you did not use it are saved)
  • Documents confirming the fact of purchase (checks, invoices, forms) must be available
  • Return an item that is free from defects and has been manufactured to custom order, will not work.

The return of goods is carried out at the written request of the buyer, which must contain his passport data and a reasoned reason why he decided to return the purchase.

Return of equipment. return law within 14 days

  • Subject to a valid warranty, you can return the equipment to the distribution network, while receiving its full cost;
  • Make sure that the product has been repaired multiple times under the current warranty, and the repaired equipment has served no more than 30 days in total without repair;
  • In the case of a repair (under warranty service), the repair will be made no later than the 45-day period.

The presence of shortcomings and breakdowns due to the fault of the manufacturer can be concluded in:

  • Poor quality of the manufacturing process;
  • Violation of the delivery rules finished product from the manufacturer to the store;
  • Improper storage of products before sale to the consumer.

But if, as a result of expert research, it is proved that the malfunction occurred due to the negligence of the buyer himself, the money cannot be received.

Is it possible to return the blender to the seller and get the money


For this:

  • contact the store;
  • present defective equipment;
  • present the Independent Expertise Certificate (if the store refuses to conduct its assessment);
  • write and give the seller a claim.

Download on our website:

  • A claim for the replacement of a technically complex product is not good quality;
  • Claim for termination of the contract of sale;
  • Sample claim for the return of technically complex goods;
  • Sample letter of request for cancellation of sale and purchase agreement.

4 If the seller, referring to various reasons, refuses to return the goods to you, to conduct an examination, or you disagree with its results, conduct independent evaluation. If its result is proof of your innocence, this may help convince the seller not to bring the case to court.

Can I return home appliances to the store within 14 days?

That is, you are not trying to return goods damaged by improper operation. Under this condition, the buyer may:

  1. request a replacement for a similar item without flaws;
  2. reduce the original cost of the purchased goods;
  3. ask the seller for compensation for repair costs;
  4. return the money in full.

If the warranty period is not set, and the defect of the product is significant and obviously arose before the sale without the fault of the buyer, then within 2 years you can file a claim. Important! When there is no expiration date, the buyer has ten years to file a defect complaint.

It's worth remembering. A list of technically complex goods has been defined (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2011 N 924).



I handed over the blender for repair at the Auchan store under warranty, when I came to pick it up, at the point of receipt of the goods they said, the service center read the answers (1) Subject: How to return the goods to the online store We bought a blender in the store today, is it possible to return it tomorrow if you didn't like the product?read answers (2) Subject: File a claimToday I bought a blender with 3 nozzles in m-video. I was in a hurry so I didn't check. At home, I discovered that 1 nozzle was missing.

What do i do? Please answers (1) Subject: I want my money backI bought a blender on the first day it broke down for some unknown reason, I gave it to the store where I bought it, it was repaired, but I want my money back, am I doing the right thing?read answers (1) Subject: Refund for appliancesThe blender turns on every other time in the store was not accepted.
When returning, you must:
  • have on hand a product of the proper type that has not been used;
  • keep intact the seals, labels, packaging of the equipment manufacturer;
  • sales and warranty receipt for the purchase;
  • the passport;

Important: the loss of a check by a client cannot be a reason for refusal, because the seller has a second copy of it. 2 If the equipment fulfills its purpose (the machine is washing, and the iron is ironing), but with minor flaws that cause inconvenience to the user, it can be returned to the store within 14 days only if it is new or if it is not in the list of technically complex goods. These items are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

Can I return my blender within 14 days?

Conditions for return If the product is defective or defective, it can be returned within 14 days from the date of purchase. But there are situations when even a high-quality household appliance may turn out to be unnecessary: ​​for example, it didn’t fit in size or configuration, or simply didn’t like it.


Sometimes it is purchased as a gift, but later it turns out that he did not suit the person. So, household appliances can be returned on the following grounds:

  • It turned out to be of poor quality or did not suit the buyer for another reason;
  • No more than two weeks have passed since the purchase (not counting the day of purchase);
  • The goods are kept intact - they were not lost consumer properties and presentation;
  • There is a receipt for the purchase or other documents of payment.

The seller may set a longer period for the return of goods, depending on its value, category or type.

To return an item to a store:

  • Make sure that it is included in the list of technically complex and meets the return conditions;
  • Contact the seller with the problem;
  • In case of refusal - write a statement to the head of the store.

At the time of contacting the seller with a request to return the money, it is better to behave confidently and competently. If your requirements for an exchange or return are not satisfied orally, you have the right to write a written claim. It must be reviewed within 5 days. After that, the buyer receives a written response on behalf of the head with a seal and signature. If the application is refused to be accepted in the store, you have the right to file a lawsuit in court to recover Money for a good quality product. In addition, you can demand moral compensation from the seller.
Each buyer faced a common problem: a product was purchased, but it turned out to be inappropriate or simply did not like it. How to proceed in such a case? Is it possible to return the purchase to the store and not explain the reasons? The content of the article:

  • The rights of consumers to return the purchased item to the store
  • Grounds for exchanging or receiving money
  • Return of good quality goods
  • Deadlines within which you can return
  • Purchase by phone or in the online store
  • Buyer Protection

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical solutions legal issues but each case is unique.

No. 924, neither blenders, nor electric meat grinders, nor choppers are included, therefore, if manufacturing defects are found in the blender, the consumer has the right, at his choice, to present a requirement to the trading organization provided for by law. Moreover, the presence of a manufacturing defect is confirmed by the service center.

Despite consumer protection law, there are a number of reasons why you may be denied a refund for a purchase. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, try to ask in advance at the store whether the planned purchase falls under the category to be replaced or refunded.

Warranty repair without a receipt

In practice, situations of so-called “consumer extremism” occur, when individual citizens abuse their rights or even deliberately mislead sellers by handing over goods bought elsewhere or even from different manufacturers for repair, since the quality of counterfeit goods often does not stand up to scrutiny. Therefore, many stores have rules or regulations on the acceptance of goods from customers, which explicitly prohibit store employees from accepting goods without a receipt. However, such provisions and rules are not regulations, they are optional for buyers.

If faults are found in the purchased goods, citizens, quite expectedly, tend to take such goods to the store to eliminate defects. However, often consumers are refused to accept the goods and consider the claim due to the lack of cash receipt. Are such denials legal?

Returning goods to the store without a receipt

You can prove the fact of buying goods in a particular store in different ways, including the testimony of witnesses. If the seller is unwilling to accept the goods or thing, the buyer must contact the consumer protection department. As a rule, sellers do not bring the situation to this level, and it is resolved in favor of the buyer after writing an application.

Federal law allows the return of previously purchased goods even in the absence of a check. Its presence, of course, can greatly simplify the return procedure, but even if the consumer does not provide a receipt, he will still be able to return the goods to the seller.

Can I return an item if I don't like it?

  • exchange defective goods for a high-quality analogue;
  • exchange low-quality goods for goods of a different brand and value (with recalculation);
  • eliminate the defect by handing it over to the store service;
  • reduce the cost of goods due to identified defects;
  • return the full cost of the goods in exchange for the return of the goods themselves.
  • replacing a product that you don’t like with a similar one, but suiting it in shape, style, color, size, dimensions or configuration;
  • replacement of a product that you did not like with a similar product of another company, with the possibility of recalculating the purchase price;
  • a refund, provided that at the time of the buyer's request, there is no suitable analogue of the product in the store, and he is not ready to wait until the appropriate one appears in stock. In this case, the full cost of the goods is refunded.

How to return a product under warranty, but without a receipt

You have a warranty card in your hands, proving the place of purchase and the date. At the seller in the store, you must draw up a claim in writing, describing in it when, by whom and what was purchased. Also indicate in the claim why you do not have a check in your hands (lost, not issued, etc.). Be sure to reflect in the claim why the quality characteristics of the product do not suit you, in other words, explain your motivation for returning the light bulb.

You can return the product not only because of its marriage or poor quality, but also simply because it “didn’t suit you”. In your case, there is a fact of non-compliance of the quality of the goods with the declared characteristics. This is quite a weighty argument in order to return the goods back, and the absence of a receipt is not a reason for refusal by the seller.

Is it possible to return a damaged or disliked product without a cash receipt?

In this case, you should not immediately fall into despair. The goods can be returned to the seller without a receipt. Article 25 (clause 1) of the already mentioned LOZPP does not regulate the obligatory presence of a check when returning or exchanging. There are several return options, consider them.

Disappointed in the purchased product, a person goes to where he purchased this very product. Shows the check, briefly quarrels with the seller, listens to the inevitable reproaches in such cases and leaves the store either with money or in a new thing, received in exchange for the old.

Is it possible to return the goods without a check according to the law in 2019

“Based on paragraph 5 of Art. 18 of the Consumer Rights Protection Act, as well as Art. 493 of the Civil Code of Russia, the buyer’s lack of a cash or sales receipt, including a check of a non-cash form of payment for services or other documentation capable of confirming the conditions and conclusion of the transaction, cannot serve as a reason for refusing to satisfy the requirements of the seller (manufacturer, authorized company or private entrepreneur, importer)”

  • name and exact cost;
  • check numbering;
  • name of the selling company (or full initials of the seller), TIN, details of the state registration document;
  • the address at which the cash register was officially registered;
  • established serial number of KMM;
  • detailed characteristics that carry tax characteristics.

Is it legal to return shoes without a receipt to a store?

On 20__ between me and _______________________ (indicate the name of the seller) a contract was concluded for the sale of shoes: _______________________ (indicate the name, size, model and article number, if available, for example: “Santi Nonna men's low shoes, size 43, article number: ABC-123, black color). The price of shoes was 5990 rubles, which were paid by me in full.

During the period set on the shoes warranty period I found the following defect not specified by the seller in the shoes, namely: ________________________ (indicate and describe in as much detail as possible the defect found in the shoes, for example: on the right half-pair in the instep area there was a deformation of the upper skin, delamination of the sole on the left half-pair).

Repair under warranty without a receipt

What if the warranty period was not set at all during the purchase? As a rule, defects, if any, are detected fairly quickly. In the first days of use, you can identify them. And if these defects have led to the fact that the product cannot be used for its intended purpose, then warranty repairs may be required already in the first days of using the new equipment.

By general rules, start date warranty obligations begins its calculation from the moment the goods are sold to the final buyer. The warranty period may be calculated from the date of manufacture of the product, but this must be expressly stated in the sales contract or warranty agreement.

Is it possible to return the goods without a receipt to the store: the legal aspect and the return procedure

If the examination shows that the breakdown was not your fault, then the goods will be repaired. The repair period is set by the store. You may also be offered a new similar product or a refund. This happens when the cost of repairs exceeds the purchase price.

  • Collect any documents that can prove that you purchased the product from the store you are applying to.
  • Take the purchased product and take it to the store where you made the purchase.
  • Ask for the necessary application form depending on the situation (application for a refund, exchange of goods, etc.). If the store does not have such forms, then write a handwritten application with a specific request.
  • Do not focus on the absence of your receipt for the goods.
  • If the product is defective or broken during use before the warranty period, then write an application for an examination. Wait 10 days and contact the store again.
  • If you are denied a refund, then you need to contact Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint. They will investigate your case, check the organization and resolve the situation.
  • Involve witnesses, if necessary, to confirm the purchase.
26 Aug 2018 196

For this:

  • contact the store;
  • present defective equipment;
  • present the Independent Expertise Certificate (if the store refuses to conduct its assessment);
  • write and give the seller a claim.

Download on our website:

  • Claim for the replacement of a technically complex product of inadequate quality;
  • Claim for termination of the contract of sale;
  • Sample claim for the return of technically complex goods;
  • Sample letter of request for cancellation of sale and purchase agreement.

4 If the seller, referring to various reasons, refuses to return the goods to you, to conduct an examination, or you disagree with its results, conduct an independent assessment. If its result is proof of your innocence, this may help convince the seller not to bring the case to court.

The item must be new and have no signs of use. All tags, labels, labels must be kept. The presence of traces of the operation of the goods is a legitimate reason for refusal. Advice! If you want to return the purchase and get the money, and the store refuses to return the money, write a claim for the exchange of goods.

If all the conditions are met on your part, the seller will agree and provide you with a written response. Save it, and write a second statement, indicating that the item you need is not on sale. The seller will have no choice but to return your money.
Return of faulty goods. With all the rights granted to the consumer by articles 18, 20, 21 of the LOZPP, it would seem that there is nothing easier than returning a defective product.

How to return household appliances to the store

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Hello, Two days ago I purchased a planetary mixer. When I checked in the store, I missed that the button that tilts the “head” of the mixer is pressed with difficulty, i.e. you need to find a position in which it will work. And yet, when I brought it home and put it on the table, the color (bright red) seemed very unsuitable to me.
Can I return the mixer for these reasons. Thank you Minimize Victoria Dymova Support Officer Similar questions have already been discussed, try looking here:

  • Can I return the purchased phone to the store?
  • Can I return leather gloves to the store if I haven't worn them for long?

Lawyers Answers (10)

Subject: mixer return

By law, the buyer of household appliances has 14 days to return the purchased product. However, there are many nuances associated with this, and it may not be so easy to return such products. We will figure out, given the specifics, how to find a worthy way out of the situation when returning household appliances to the store.


So, if, having come home and “tested” the purchase, it turns out that the washing machine is too loud or the vacuum cleaner does not fit the decor of the apartment, the first thing is to check out legislative framework. Knowing your consumer rights and some of the nuances will facilitate the process of returning a purchase. Indeed, the Law of Russia "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" takes the side of buyers.

Article 25 of the POZPP states that goods of good quality can be returned within 14 days, without even explaining the reasons for the return, to receive money for it or to make an exchange.

Can I return the planetary mixer to the store?

zoZPP) or may not be used for the purposes for which a product of this kind is usually used Art. 4. and Art. 13. then this is the basis for claims under Art. 12 or Art. 13. Reply with quote

  • August 17, 2006 13:39 #5 I also doubted the quality of the product. Especially at home, we saw that one of the "mixers" has a beating of the order of 3 millimeters at the end.

    And when the engineer refused to return the money, I began to insist on a return due to inadequate quality. We had a very inexpensive Binatone mixer that had no beats, and the rotation speed was twice as high. But to my objections, the engineer said that this is how it should be and that all mixers have such a beat.

    Moreover, he showed the same mixer in which BOTH "mixers" backlashed. After that, I felt like I got lucky.

How to return the goods to the store if it did not fit or turned out to be of poor quality?

Of particular difficulty is the presence of mechanical damage to the goods: the thing is torn, broken, the body is dented. Always inspect the item when buying, and even more so do not sign that you have inspected if you did not. It is very difficult to establish when the damage occurred, so if you accepted the damaged item, it will be almost impossible to prove that it was not you who broke or broke the item. Do I need a box to return an item to a store? If you want to return a quality item, then the box can be classified as “presentation”, and the seller may refuse. As for low-quality goods, the box is not needed. It is just a package. Lack of packaging cannot affect your right in any way. When returning a defective product, only one thing matters: whether there is a manufacturing defect.

Is it possible to return the blender to the seller and get the money

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  1. 16.08.2006 13:31 #1 mixer return Two days ago I bought a Braun mixer in the WORLD.

I didn’t like the blender - can I return it?


The rotation speed of the other mixer was also low. So these are the features of the model.

  • 17.08.2006 18:26 #6 of the "mixers" has a beating of about 3 millimeters at the end. This is really not a defect. You still bought a mixer, not a micrometer. the rotation speed was twice as high. What instrument was used to measure the rotation speed, if not a secret? The rotation speed of the other mixer was also low. The rotation speed of Brownian mixers is about 1000 rpm +- 10%. Does yours spin much slower? Each snowflake falls in its place Reply with quote
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But when I came home and took a closer look, I realized that the speed of rotation of the “mixers” was not sufficient, nothing would be possible to whip at such a speed. at the family council, it was decided to hand over the mixer to the seller and start looking for a new, faster one. But in the store, the warranty engineer, who had to be contacted, said that they could not return the money, since the product falls into the category of “goods involved in cooking” (something like that). Well, actually, now I am tormented by doubts about this.
Is this really so, or have I been “swept aside” in this way. Reply with quote

Can I return the mixer to the store if I don't like it

It happens that a five-page claim contains complaints, threats, emotions, but no one understands what the buyer wants, repair or exchange. How to hand over a document? Any document must be handed over without a signature, so that the proof of delivery remains with the consumer in his hands, or by mail with acknowledgment of receipt. Sample claim for defective goods. How to get a refund for a defective product? How do I get a refund for a defective item? Refunds for low-quality goods must be made within 10 days from the receipt of the claim by the seller by transferring funds to a card or in cash from the cash desk. If you made a purchase with a bank card, then the refund will be made to it, if in cash - from the cashier.

According to the law, low-quality products can be returned within the expiration date or the warranty period (if they are not established, then a reasonable period is taken into account, but not more than two years). Such a period is set for the detection of both obvious and hidden defects that are not visible to the eye. Special term established for the return of low-quality technically complex goods (not to be confused with technically complex household goods!).

List: It can be returned to the store if defects are found within 15 days. If you find the defect later, only repair is possible, except in the following cases:

  1. A significant drawback (if there is a second repair or more, or the amount of repair is disproportionate). Disproportion in amount can only be established in court.
    Repairs are easier. Two breakdowns are the basis for a decision in favor of the buyer.

A technically sophisticated household product means everything that is plugged into an outlet (that is, a TV, a mixer, a refrigerator, an electric meat grinder and similar goods, unless of course they are of good quality and just don’t like them, you can’t return or exchange them if the seller doesn’t meet your needs ). A little advice: if we are talking about a quality product, use this list, if it is about poor quality, non-working, then the following. How to return an item to the store? I remind you that while we are talking about quality items. If the purchased item is not included in the specified list, you can exchange or return the item you did not like. Article 25 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" establishes the buyer's right to exchange goods within two weeks. The term is counted from the day following the purchase. Moreover, if the store does not have a thing that the consumer needs, then he can receive money.

The exchange of goods of good quality is carried out if it has not been used and if its presentation, consumer properties, seals, labels, as well as the payment document issued to the consumer along with the sold goods are preserved. How to return the blender to the store I am attaching a photo of how it should be and what happened (the photo was taken after receiving it from the service center, before returning the blender to the store, pay attention to the blades on the first 2 nozzles - they were not used, it seems in the service center " tested"). - to your home or office. The price is indicated for the delivery of goods within the Ring Road, outside the Ring Road, check with managers in advance.

Is it possible to return the blender to the seller and get the money


Topic: Refund Can I return a used blender bought 5 days ago and get a refund. read answers (1) Topic: Refund for goods I bought a blender, came home and found a defect in the case. I came back to the store, told me and asked to replace or return the money, they refused me referring to Article 459 of the Civil Code. read the answers (1) Subject: Return of household appliances what Appliances returns and exchanges do not count answers (2) Subject: Refund Bought a blender, it broke after 11 days, they replaced it with a new one, after 6 days and the new one broke, the problem is the same, the second speed does not work, what should I do?read answers (1) Subject: Can I return the product without packaging? Can I return the blender without packaging, but with a receipt.

During operation, it gets very hot.

Subject: Housing issue My wife and I bought a blender yesterday. At home they tried to cook with it, but it does not develop the indicated power (sits down), the speed is the same in all modes. read answers (1) Subject: Refund for goods I bought a vacuum cleaner in Eldorado. Promotion-blender as a gift. According to the check they gave me, the vacuum cleaner costs 3700, and the blender costs 550 rubles.

Subject: Get a refund 2 days ago I bought a blender, at home I found a crack on the measuring cup. Can I change the glass or the blender itself? read answers (1) Subject: Housing issue

Later it turned out that it was leaking. Can I return it or exchange it?read answers (1) Subject: Official claim Bought a blender after a year it stopped working. 2 year seller warranty. Didn't save the packaging.

Subject: blender return

  • Can I return my electric shaver?
  • Can I get a refund for a blender?
  • Can I return the blender to the store?
  • I don’t understand, can I return the blender to the store or not?
  • Can I return an item if more than 14 days have passed since the purchase?
  • How to return a blender to the store

Is it possible to return an electric shaver In some cases, a return occurs: if you find a scratch, crack, factory defect or other deformation. You can replace the goods if all the seals, packaging, accompanying documents, receipts, checks and coupons have been preserved.
The return of finances depends on the location of the seller and his attitude towards buyers. Important! In order to receive a refund for a defective electric shaver, you must present a receipt to the store, no later than established by law period of 10 days.


And those companies that offer you to make three repairs first, mislead you? Or the fact that for the violated deadline for the performance of work, the law provides for liability? Is the service center or the seller right when they refuse you a warranty repair, referring to the fact that it is your fault? Who should run service centers and get an opinion? I don’t understand, can I return the blender to the store or not? In accordance with Article 25 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, the Buyer has the right to exchange a non-food product of good quality for a similar product from the Seller, from whom this product was purchased, (if specified item did not fit in shape, dimensions, style, color, size or configuration) unless this product does not belong to the list non-food items of good quality, not subject to return or exchange.

Can I return the blender to the store


Bought from Eldorodo. The warranty period has not yet answers (1) Subject: Consumer Rights ProtectionMy name is Anastasia. Can you please tell me how long should I wait for my product to be exchanged or repaired? I bought a blender in a store, after 28 days it broke down (it just stopped working)read answers (1) Subject: Repaired productIs it possible to repair the product (blender) / exchange for a new one / return the money if the receipt is not preserved, the warranty period has not yet expiredread answers (1) Subject: Consumer rights protectionThe blender broke down, the store refused to return the money, but accepted the blender for repair.

The damage has reappeared after repair. Can I claim my money back? read answers (2) Subject: Application for a refund My situation is like this.


Subject: Replacing goods I purchased a blender 2 months ago when using a submersible nozzle, the metal part came out of the attachment point with a plastic base read answers (1) Subject: Return of goods but I threw away the box, can I return the goods to the store?read answers (1) Subject: Law on the protection of rights I bought a blender yesterday, and it turned out to be a defective whisk. I came to the store, where the drunk administrator literally sent me to hell and told me to read the answers (1) Subject: Claim to the store I bought a blender today with a crack in the bowl (the goods were not opened in the store, they were not checked), what should I do? read replies (1) Subject: Return of goods under warranty The blender broke down. I bought it 2 months ago when trying to return it, they said that only repairs are possible because it comes into contact with food.

Can I return the blender to the store if I don't like it?

I handed over the blender for repair at the Auchan store under warranty, when I came to pick it up, at the point of receipt of the goods they said, the service center read the answers (1) Subject: How to return the goods to the online store We bought a blender in the store today, is it possible to return it tomorrow if you didn't like the product?read answers (2) Subject: File a claimToday I bought a blender with 3 nozzles in m-video. I was in a hurry so I didn't check. At home, I discovered that 1 nozzle was missing.
What do i do? Please answers (1) Subject: I want my money backI bought a blender on the first day it broke down for some unknown reason, I gave it to the store where I bought it, it was repaired, but I want my money back, am I doing the right thing?read answers (1) Subject: Refund for appliancesThe blender turns on every other time in the store was not accepted.
In case of detection of defects in the goods and the presentation of a demand for its replacement, the seller is obliged to replace such goods within 7 days from the date of presentation of the requirement by the consumer, and if necessary, additional verification of the quality of such goods by the seller within 20 days from the date of presentation of the requirement (clause 1 of article 21 Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights"). Based on the content of this rule, the seller is obliged to check the goods at his own expense, if you check at your own expense, the costs incurred by you must be presented to the seller.
The law allows for additional checks on the product. During the warranty period, the seller is obliged to replace the product in any case, if he does not do this, you should contact him with a claim and demand that the product be replaced with another similar one.
Can I return an item if more than 14 days have passed since the purchase? The Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" provides citizens with the opportunity to return goods to the store within 14 days. This applies to quality and substandard goods. This period allows the buyer to decide whether this item is suitable for him, if the product is of high quality.
If there is a marriage, then this time is allotted for the seller to determine the reasons for the marriage. After 14 days, the seller will not agree to an exchange or return of goods, even if all other requirements are met. I start placing an order for a blender on Sunday, November 22. On the site convenient catalog, the product can be filtered by one of the characteristics. Blenders, as it turned out, there are a huge variety: they are submersible, universal, stationary, milkshakers, they differ in power, scope, brand, color and price.
of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", the consumer has the right to make claims regarding product defects if they are found within the warranty period or shelf life provided for in Art. 18 of the Law: on replacement with goods of the same brand (the same model and (or) article); demand a replacement for the same product of a different brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price; demand a commensurate reduction in the purchase price; demand immediate gratuitous elimination of product defects or reimbursement of expenses for their correction by the consumer or a third party; refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the sale. At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the goods with defects.


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