Construction company what you need to know. I am builder. How to find clients. Search for orders at the initial stage of development

Today we will talk about how to start your own construction business correctly and what pitfalls there may be in this area. The advantage of this service sector is the constantly growing demand. Just imagine, every day potential clients are looking for their contractor to carry out repair work, they are eager to build their own cozy house or install a fence near an already finished house. Some representatives of the stronger sex take on this work, but not every man is able to install a double-glazed window, replace a pipe, or even drive a shelf into the wall. And, when a person understands his helplessness in the field of construction, our task will be to provide the client with all the services he desires. You can’t refuse a person bringing money into your hands, but you shouldn’t think that opening a construction company is an easy task and you’ll already have huge profits in a couple of days. Any business is hard work and now I will explain why.

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The first stage of opening a construction company is registration

First of all, we need to open a company and for this we select the type of registration. The easiest way is to register a company as a legal entity, that is, a limited liability company. To do this, you need to come up with a name for the company, choose its location, create an authorized capital and founders of the company. Let's look at these points in a little more detail. The name of the company should be unique and easily recognizable - if you slightly change the name of a competitor, the situation will turn out to be ugly and clients will most likely refuse your services. The location of the company implies the city in which your company will operate. Authorized capital is the money that the founders invested in the company, that is, the start-up capital that the company needs for its initial functioning.
Let's summarize the package of documents required for registering a company: copies of passports of the company's founders, information about the location of the company and the main type of activity, as well as information about the authorized capital and the method of its formation. You can register yourself, or you can pay a special office and it will do everything itself. The asking price is 3,000 rubles.

Scope of activity and permits

You should not think that if you open a construction company, you will be able to build and repair everything at once. Construction is divided into three types - industrial, civil and road, and for each of these types you need to obtain a separate permit, have special equipment and specialists. You shouldn’t immediately rush into a huge piece of work; you won’t be able to handle it anyway; it’s better to choose the simplest and most permanent method of repair work - civil engineering. This branch of work includes the renovation of residential buildings, construction of houses, garages, and saunas. It is worth noting that in the civil construction market every year the number of small firms that do not live up to the year of their work increases. We won't become like that, right?
You can’t just come to a person and start building a house for him; for any type of construction work you need to have a permit. At the beginning of our work, we need to obtain a building permit and a license to design structures. This package of documents does not incur large costs. Also, many are sure that to open a company you need to have SRO (Self-Regulatory Organization) status, but if we are not going to build private houses (cottages no more than 3 floors), the area of ​​which will not exceed 1500 sq.m., then we need this no status needed.

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Equipment and technology

I would like to say right away that not a single small construction company can provide itself with all the equipment for repairs or construction. The main problem is the high price of specialized equipment, without which the work cannot be completed. The average price of all machinery and equipment for a construction company is 20 thousand dollars and this is the minimum number of all units for the work of one team of workers. If the budget has already been spent, and the company still needs a concrete mixer or other equipment, then you can use the services of leasing companies. Leasing is, in fact, renting something. Sometimes it will be cheaper to rent an excavator than to buy one for one-time use. Let's add 20 thousand dollars to the list of expenses - to buy a car for a team of workers and all the equipment.

Personnel is an important component of a construction company

Our company is small, so it is not necessary to open a large office and spend a lot of money on rent. Everything a start-up construction company needs can fit in two rooms. One room will be used as a warehouse for equipment, in the second you need to put a table, a computer, a telephone and a girl with a sweet voice. She will be the one who will answer calls, record data and create a client base.
It is worth starting with one work team of five people. In a team, four workers are equal in obligations and rights and perform repair work. The average price for a builder is 40 thousand rubles per month, and this amount should be calculated. The fifth person in the team will be the foreman, who is responsible for the quality of the work performed and drawing up estimates. The salary is 60 thousand rubles. In the future, when the company grows, you need to hire a professional estimator.
As a result, according to the personnel, the following picture emerges: the secretary’s salary is 20 thousand rubles, 4 builders are 40 thousand each and a foreman. The total salary per month is 240 thousand rubles.

Search for clients

Despite the economic crisis, approximately 20% of the country's total population spends money on repair or construction work per year, so it will not be difficult to create a client base. First of all, you should use word of mouth - tell your friends and acquaintances about opening a construction company. You will be able to get a couple of orders, because in every person’s home something is not nailed as it should be or the door needs to be repaired. With this we will ensure an influx of small orders, but we need to grow to greater heights. It is worth advertising your company in places where construction materials are sold - a person comes for a new washbasin and notices an advertisement that they can supply a washbasin very well and of high quality for a small fee.

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Let's sum it up

Any business is a series of problems and failures that need to be overcome in order to carve out a place in the sun for yourself. At first it will be difficult to find a normal place for a warehouse, professional workers and a foreman, there will be difficulties with the supply of materials and orders. Try to do everything right and don’t be ashamed of small orders, because although they are small, they are money for the company. Paying off the initial paperwork, equipment purchase, rent and salary will not be easy. The equipment will cost 680 thousand rubles, registration of the company will cost another ten thousand. The functioning of the company will take 240 thousand for salaries and 8 for renting premises, and the same amount for gasoline for a working car. Don't forget about advertising. If you have a starting capital of 940 thousand rubles, you can safely open a construction company, but only on the condition that you pay back the salaries of your employees in the first month.

Nowadays, many construction specialists are increasingly opening their own businesses. This way of earning money has certain advantages. The presence of healthy competition is a good incentive to improve the quality of work done. In addition, you can set your own price. However, such activity also includes a constant search for orders. And here the usual methods of popularization do not always work.

About search tricks

In the construction business, the best advertising comes from word of mouth. If the team has successfully completed its work, then satisfied customers will begin to recommend it to all their friends and family. Moreover, the same neighbors, looking at the current renovation process, decide to update their homes themselves with the help of a team that is working nearby. Therefore, when fulfilling an order, you need to try to get along not only with the owners, but also with their neighbors.

The method involving the distribution of flyers and business cards also showed very good results. The easiest way, of course, is to negotiate with sellers of construction stores and leave them leaflets with business cards. All this is done naturally for a monetary reward. This way, many people will be able to learn about your team, and advertising costs will be minimal. Beginning construction entrepreneurs can start distributing leaflets themselves.
In the construction industry, the old methods of finding clients and orders still operate. We are talking, of course, about advertisements in newspapers and near the entrances of residential buildings. Many people believe that if an advertisement is posted at their entrance, then its author lives somewhere nearby. This means it will be much easier to contact him. This approach to finding clients is convenient to use in those areas that are a priority for you. Note that advertisements in newspapers work less often, but they still work.

Many builders have a large circle of acquaintances through their line of work. Let us note that it is very useful to know who your competitors are and whether they can become your partners. There are several reasons for this, and searching for orders is just one of them. Often customers ask to recommend someone to carry out a certain type of construction work that is not included in the price list of their contractors. And this is where they remember old friends. There are situations when you can simply outbid an order from competitors who, for certain reasons, cannot undertake its implementation.

Search for orders via the Internet

It would be foolish not to try to promote your services on the Internet. There are two ways to search for orders for construction teams in this field.

1) Publication of advertisements on thematic websites and forums. It is important to choose only those resources that are popular. You can limit yourself to submitting the same ad. But if this is not enough for you, then you can create your own section in which you will communicate with potential clients, give advice, collect applications, and gain authority.

2) Creating your own website. The second option for finding customers will add credibility to any team. The potential client will see that you take your business seriously. But it’s not enough to just create a website. It needs to be unwound. The content of the site must be constantly updated and promptly respond to all reviews and requests.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can choose the one that suits you best.

Search for orders during periods of stagnation

Finding orders during a crisis is always more difficult. Activities with a construction profile differ from other types of entrepreneurship in that they have periods of stagnation and activity. This is often due to the seasons. For example, in winter it is simply unrealistic to build or overhaul a house. Moreover, if we are talking about a company, then you will have to pay salaries to all its members, regardless of whether orders are received or not. The same applies to state taxes. There are several ways to find customers during periods of stagnation.

1) Active search. This method requires having an employee who will actively look for clients. It is advisable that this is a person with work experience and relevant skills. He must regularly monitor thematic press and collect information about tenders. In addition, he must collect useful contacts, send commercial offers by e-mail, and so on. Such standard activities can attract long-awaited customers.

2) Visiting construction sites. If you plan to engage in construction at a high level, then be sure to go through the large construction projects that exist in your city. Talk to customers. It is possible that they will be interested in your offers and use your services next time. In addition, this is a good opportunity to lure clients away from those performers who cannot cope with their responsibilities.

3) Major connections. In this case, you should establish contact with large construction companies and contractors. Don’t be afraid to ask what current projects they have and whether they agree to cooperate with you. At a minimum, you will find yourself in the contact database of a serious company. As a maximum, get long-term access to large orders.

4) When attracting clients, we must not forget about passive promotion of our services. In other words, you place an advertisement, earn a reputation, and participate in various exhibitions. And that’s it, new clients will find you themselves. This approach works great if you have been in the construction business for quite some time, have a good reputation and a solid client base.

But ideally, it would be best to combine passive and active types of search.

Search for orders at the initial stage of development

As a rule, the construction industry is divided among large entrepreneurs. But this does not mean that a beginner in this case has no chance at all. Its key task is to find reliable clients in the construction industry.

1) The first thing you need to do is create a catalog of finished works. He will be your main resource. With its help, potential clients will be able to verify the quality of your orders.

2) Creating your own website. You can create a business card website. It is desirable that it be professional. It will give you a complete picture of what you do, what the specifics of your activity are, and what level your design abilities are. On such a site you can post samples of your work, indicate prices, create a book for reviews and provide contact information. You can popularize your site using contextual advertising. Using SEO will also help.

3) Making contacts. Try to establish contact with manufacturers of materials for construction and finishing. Everything is very simple here. The manufacturer recommends your team to all its customers as competent performers. In return, he receives a small percentage of every order you receive. And you, in turn, will send your customers to partner stores to purchase materials for construction, repair and finishing.

4) Placement of advertisements in thematic publications. These could be magazines or newspapers that talk about interior design and building materials. Be sure to design a module that will be memorable. Add a link to your online portfolio of your work.

5) Establishing contacts with large construction holdings. Quite often, large companies prefer to transfer some construction projects to smaller firms. In this case, you will have to give part of the monetary profit to the main contractor. But in return, you can get a solid customer base.

6) If there is any builders' union in your region, be sure to join it. This is also a good opportunity to acquire useful business connections, get new clients and create partnerships with entrepreneurs who are engaged in a similar type of activity.
The main goal of a new construction team is to achieve the highest level of performance. Clients should be happy with you. This is important because most people look for construction crews through friends. Recommendations from satisfied customers sometimes work better than any advertising.

Useful advertising methods

Apart from the usual methods, there are several other ways to attract clients.

1) Placement of feature articles in magazines – print and online publications. In the article, tell us about your work methods and what customer needs and needs you can satisfy.

2) Radio advertising. This method will allow you to expand your base of customers who often listen to radio broadcasts. Create a short video in which you tell about your activities in a few words and also provide contact information.

3) Telephone and subject directories in electronic format. With their help you can find potential clients.

4) Exhibitions. This does not mean participation in the exhibition itself. You can simply come as a visitor. This way you can establish contact with the people you need completely free of charge.

Video. We select a team of builders and a designer for the construction or renovation of a house

When starting a construction business from scratch, you should remember that if you follow certain rules, you can avoid the standard mistakes of novice entrepreneurs and organize a very profitable and promising business. Because the main mistakes are made at the initial stage, when drawing up constituent documents.

Mistake #1

When contacting intermediaries to register a turnkey company, you must carefully study all the constituent documents. The fact is that template, ready-made forms may be offered for signing. When organizing a construction business, the formation of some provisions of the charter must be done individually. This especially applies to provisions such as:

Profit distribution;

Additional rights and obligations of participants;

Decision-making procedure;

Distribution of shares.

Mistake #2

The wrong choice of organizational and legal form can create an unreliable basis for future business. Each of the forms proposed by law has negative and positive sides. For a construction business, you should choose the most convenient and profitable one. A clear statement of the task and certainty about the direction of the business will help to avoid difficulties during work.

Mistake #3

Vaguely defined methods of conducting contractual work may subsequently hinder the establishment of long-term relationships with suppliers and performers. In the construction business, there is a constant rotation of personnel and special attention when drawing up documents should be paid specifically to work under the contract.

Mistake #4

It is necessary to strictly adhere to complete and accurate accounting when using not only state unified documents, but also when creating internal ones. A large amount of construction materials and the hiring of temporary employees require the introduction of a competent and well-functioning document control system. For example, it would be very sad to lose business due to the lack of an invoice for roofing sandwich panels or other building materials.

Mistake #5

Lack of control over accounting is nothing more than a time bomb in the construction business. Often professional builders begin to engage in such business. Having completely trusted a hired accountant, company owners rarely check the expediency of expenses, not realizing that it is almost impossible to return the wasted money.

Mistake #6

Incorrect selection of personnel can also negatively affect the activities of a newly created company. Even when working with small orders for the construction or repair of structures, you must be completely confident in the qualifications of the employees working for hire. In the construction business, word of mouth is of great importance and poor work can worsen the company's reputation.

Mistake #7

Too large a range of services and accepting orders for the construction or repair of large structures can do a disservice. At the initial stage of work, the company may have technical difficulties or insufficiently established relationships with suppliers. Delays in major work or failure to complete them threaten the company with collapse.

Mistake #8

Now one of the most promising areas in construction is the construction of low-rise buildings. The technologies used to construct modern prefabricated buildings are suitable for this. In order not to let the customer down and to complete all work on such construction at a high level, it is necessary to carefully study the building codes and regulations. The slightest deviation from state standards can subsequently result in major troubles.

Mistake #9

A common shortcoming is negligence in placing orders. For each specific order, an estimate must be drawn up, to which all documents for the purchase of materials must be attached. The contract with the customer must also describe in detail all stages of the work. Accuracy is needed not only when preparing financial documents, but also when developing a plan for providing a particular service. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of disputes arising.

Mistake #10

The desire to take on any job can result in failure. Each builder is trained in a highly specialized area. The duties of a plasterer cannot be entrusted to a plumbing installer. The use of special working skills of hired performers and the selection of real and feasible orders is one of the guarantees of a high-quality solution to the task.

Every experienced construction business owner knows much more about his job. But for a beginner, when starting his own business, it is better to learn from the mistakes of others and not make his own critical mistakes.

The main advantage of the construction business is the presence of constant growing demand. Every day, several potential clients are looking for contractors who can carry out renovation work, build a cozy home, or install a fence around an existing structure. Of course, there are many representatives of the stronger sex who will take on the work themselves, but not every man can install double-glazed windows, replace a pipe or build a cabinet.

The further conversation will be about where to start a construction business and what pitfalls may lie in wait for a businessman in this field. The main rule that every entrepreneur must remember is that you cannot refuse a single client who is willing to pay money.

Market monitoring

So, the idea came to mind to try myself in such a field as the construction business. Where to begin? Many will say that by contacting the tax office. No! With serious preparatory work associated with a detailed study of the market.

Currently, many companies are open that are ready to build both an apartment building and a private cottage.

Every aspiring entrepreneur should understand that competitors can be organizations that have been working in the market for more than one year. This means that they have the trust of customers and partner suppliers. Therefore, the only correct decision is to stand out “from the crowd.” Leadership should be expressed either in the volume of capital raised or in a fundamentally new approach to construction.

Registration of activities

Where to start a construction business? A thorough market analysis should be followed by formal registration. The most suitable form is a limited liability company.

After this, you can begin to choose a suitable company name, search for the optimal office location, create an authorized capital and select founders. About each point - in more detail.

How to start a construction business from scratch: a plan

  1. With a unique and easily recognizable name.
  2. From the location of the company's office in a place accessible to clients.
  3. From the authorized capital invested by the founders or from the start-up capital, without which the company will not be able to begin its stable operation.
  4. From collecting the package of documents required for registering a company - the passport of each founder, information about the location, the main type of activity, as well as the size of the authorized capital and the method of its formation.

You can perform all these steps yourself or seek help from appropriate specialists.

Professionalism and organizational skills. What's more important?

How to start a construction business from scratch and achieve success? Experience is an invaluable assistant in this matter. At the same time, some problems disappear on their own. Although, if you believe the statistics, there are many people who started to realize themselves in this area from scratch and still climbed very high on the business ladder.

Organizational skills, the ability to create a professional team, and find a common language with any partner or client are the main components of success.

In addition, you need to determine how the work will be carried out - independently or with the involvement of additional companies. Thus, expert opinions agree that it is better to start the construction process together with good partners and reputable sponsors who are able to support any, even global, project or provide all possible assistance in the absence of at least some significant order.


How to start a business from scratch in the construction industry? We need to find conscientious, skilled workers. This profession is recognized as the most needed in the world.

A large enterprise with a personnel reserve can take any measures against an unscrupulous employee, including dismissal, without fear of anything. But a small company left without a specialist may lose an order due to missed deadlines.

Therefore, if an efficient team was not assembled at the beginning of the activity, then it is not worth starting work.

By the way, it is necessary to staff the core of the team only with qualified workers, and then recruit newcomers as the company expands.

In a modern market economy, everything needs to be done quickly and efficiently. That is, a specialist hired yesterday must immediately begin implementing the plan.

Tighter requirements for personnel are observed due to the fact that construction is not only a responsible, but also a lengthy process. After all, the appearance of cracks or weeds, not to mention collapses, is not an ordinary breakdown of household appliances.


How to start a repair and construction business correctly? Any competitive environment presupposes professional interaction - linking to the master plan, project approval, connecting communications, etc. In view of this, it is necessary to notify colleagues in advance about the planned actions, about the niche found for yourself, about the sequence of work.

A sudden emergence can result in big problems, for example, a complete misunderstanding with the government structure, because development must be carried out in strict accordance with the law.

Financial part

How to open a construction business from scratch? We need to talk to investors and discuss the initial “infusions” with them.

The amount of investment expenses is approximately 12,000,000 rubles. and includes the purchase and rental of several units of special equipment, the development of design documentation, as well as geological and geodetic surveys. You will have to spend about 1,000,000 rubles on tools and workwear. Office rent will cost approximately 150,000 rubles/year. In addition, you need to think about travel and entertainment expenses - 200,000 rubles / year, as well as membership fees, advertising events and website promotion - 100,000 rubles / year. Total initial costs will be 13,450,000 rubles.

To calculate income and payback period, you need to arm yourself with the average profitability of a small construction company. In a metropolis, this figure may be 100%, but only a beginner is unlikely to be able to take root here. The subsidized hinterland can provide no more than 25-30%. Orders are also present here, but require a lot of travel. The average profitability in Russia is about 60%, which results in a payback period of 20 months. True, you need to take into account that winter time mostly refers to downtime.

Permitting documentation

Where to start a construction business? From the decision on the entry of builders. An entrepreneur who avoids this point will have to pay a fine of at least 5,000 rubles. Each company that joins an SRO pays fees, the amount of which is set by the local government of the region (but they are unlikely to be small). So, it only requires 400,000 rubles. in year. Not all construction organizations are able to cope with such expenses, so they often give preference to semi-legal work.

The following organizations are not required to join an SRO:

Where to start a construction business? By sequentially performing the following actions:

  1. Collecting papers that allow you to engage in construction.
  2. Registration of licenses for the design of various types of structures.
  3. Obtaining permits to conduct engineering surveys.

You will also need to visit Rospotrebnadzor and the Department of Emergency Situations.

What does a construction company do?

You can open a highly specialized or large-scale small construction business. Where to begin? Determine the range of services in demand among the population. So, a construction company can:

  • construct various buildings and structures, both partially and on a turnkey basis;
  • carry out repair and installation work;
  • rent out machinery, equipment and construction tools;
  • develop projects;
  • materials.

The breadth of the field of activity directly affects the number of investors needed to start.

Required Personnel

A construction company cannot do without:

  • architect or designer;
  • accountant;
  • personnel officer;
  • supplier;
  • foreman

It wouldn't hurt to have your own lawyer.

Each team must include qualified carpenters and electricians. The issuance of a state license largely depends on the availability of higher education among the majority of the company’s employees.

If we are talking about a small company, then it is much more advisable to use the services of a hired accountant. The advantage lies in the absence of a monthly salary, since payment is made upon completion of the work.

Where to look for orders?

You can receive your order using one of the following methods:

  • Winning the tender. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before submitting your application.
  • Concluding an agreement with a construction company. For example, some can build walls, while others can do finishing.
  • Become a subcontractor of a large organization performing a large-scale project.

The most reliable way to become popular in the construction industry is a responsible approach to fulfilling any order. A positive reputation in the market has not yet harmed anyone.

Last update: 03/16/2019

Look at the section "About company" : how long has it been on the market, how it has developed, what it has achieved. The company may not be shy about publishing its key management team and board of directors. This partly speaks to its openness and competence in internal management.

Chapter "Mass Media about us" (if there is one on the site) should not mislead us. Obviously, there will only be positive and laudatory reviews from the media, but we are interested in objective information. Therefore, it is better to read information and analytical articles about Developer on independent thematic portals, for example, on Opens in a new tab.">"RBC-Real Estate" or Opens in a new tab.">"Real Estate Market Indicators", as well as in Yandex open search.

But considering that there is a so-called on the market. “black PR”, you should be interested in articles only from authoritative sources.

Chapter "Projects" We may be interested only if the company has already implemented, i.e. objects built and handed over to the state commission. Projects are at the stage of preparation and implementation ( "paper projects") – they only talk about the company’s ambitions, but not about its experience.

Large investor participating in company projects ( bank, investment fund or financial corporation) is a giant on whose shoulders the business stands Developer. In investment partnerships of this level, the verification of a development company, in whose business huge amounts of money are invested, takes a long time and carefully. And if this test is passed, Developer shows the entire market that his reputation is quite high.

Where to find information about sources of project financing? IN Project Declaration, which Developer publishes on its website. In the sections on financial risks, on the structure of project financing or on raising funds for construction, it will be indicated from what sources ( in addition to DDU agreements) the project is being financed. And if Developer attracts project financing from a large bank, then this is a big plus on his resume.

At the same time, it is important for us that the funding goes exactly from a large bank , because a small local bank can be affiliated with the structure of the bank itself Developer.

It is also worth paying attention to the presence or absence currency risks of the project. Currency risks arise if obligations Developer denominated in currency ( in dollars or euros, for example), which could rise sharply against the ruble and create serious financial problems for the company. If all obligations associated with the project are denominated in rubles, then there are no currency risks.

Bank participation in business Developer can be expressed not only in lending for the construction itself ( those. project financing of the Developer), but also in lending to apartment buyers ( those. mortgage lending to individuals). In both cases, the bank gives money as collateral for the areas under construction for a specific project, which means it conducts a thorough check of financial stability Developer, guaranteeing the bank the repayment of the loan or the sale of collateral apartments.

It would be a good idea to check your accreditation Developer and the construction project we are interested in on the websites of the banks with which he cooperates.

Participation will also be a plus Developer V investment programs local or federal authorities. Obviously, such companies will have a higher “administrative resource”, which means the risk of construction delays due to unresolved issues with the authorities is significantly reduced.

A good sign is professional awards Developer(if he has them), which indicate market recognition of the company’s merits and qualifications.

Additional agreements between Developer And General contractor O insurance of construction and installation risks of the project , can also make us happy. We can learn about their presence from the same Project Declaration, or from company managers.

The pace of construction by the Developer

It makes sense to pay attention to pace of construction , including in other projects Developer. Some companies deliberately publish photo and video reports on the progress of their construction projects, thereby demonstrating their reliability and the smooth running of their business processes.

For reference, an apartment building under construction should grow by 2-3 floors per month if it is monolithic, and by 4-5 floors per month if it is panel. This is ideal. In practice, small deviations from such rates are acceptable even for large and stable Developers.

Some Developers lead video broadcast of construction progress online using webcams. You can periodically observe this process during working hours. If the workers are running and the cranes are moving, it means that the house is not being built on paper.

If Developer implements its projects in accordance with, this means that the company is able to meet the strict requirements of this law, and assumes increased responsibility to the shareholder. True, this applies more to specific projects of the company ( more on this in the next step).

Checking the Developer's documents

Which documentation need to check with Developer when buying an apartment?

In accordance with 214-FZ(Article 20) Developer is obliged to provide any interested person with a certain list of documents for review. Namely:

  1. constituent documents ( including the company charter - latest edition);
  2. certificate of state registration;
  3. tax registration certificate;
  4. approved annual reports, financial statements for the last three years;
  5. auditor's report on its activities for the last year.

Moreover, Developer is obliged to submit these documents in originals or notarized copies.

This is formal information that, as a rule, everyone Developer is kept in more or less decent shape, and doesn’t mean much to the average buyer. Perhaps the audit data can give an idea of ​​its financial position. You can ask that scans of these documents be sent to us by email for review ( we will show them to a specialist for analysis).

The same formal information about Developer(including information about the founders) is present as part of it for a specific project.

It is also useful to take extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), for example, on the tax website -. Moreover, it is better to order this extract closer to the date of the expected signing of the contract with Developer. This way we can make sure that the company is engaged in legal activities, and that the contract with us is signed by a truly authorized person ( the extract contains information about the general director of the company).

Who signs the contract is an important element! If in the office Developer If some incomprehensible uncle named Nikht Solomonovich Fershtein signs an agreement with us, then we risk finding ourselves in a very unpleasant situation when it turns out that this uncle did not have any authority to sign the agreement on behalf of the company. In this case, the contract itself is considered void, and all obligations under it are also void ( although the Developer may well accept the money under this agreement).

If an agreement is signed by a company representative under a power of attorney, we look at who, when, and for what specific actions issued this power of attorney to him.

Signs of financial stability of the Developer

On financial opportunities Developer partly indicates it sales strategy . Those who start building “with their own” money ( incl. attracted bank loans), and announces the start of sales at the final phases of construction, when the house is almost ready, obviously, they have the opportunity to finance the construction regardless of the apartment buyers ( shareholders). This is good. But where can you find out?

Sources of financing each project are indicated in Project Declaration (see link above). You can still naively ask this question yourself To the developer, asking him to confirm his testimony with documents. You can also estimate the sales volume for a specific construction project ( and therefore the sources of its financing), by ordering it yourself.

Price policy Developer must be adequate. A significant reduction in prices for apartments sold ( relative to average market prices), which brings the short-sighted Buyer into joyful euphoria, may actually indicate an acute lack of financial resources at the company. At the same time, temporary and moderate price reductions are allowed and considered normal as part of seasonal promotions.

A serious factor talking about stability and financial stabilityDeveloper, is - publicity of the company . Those. if a company has placed its shares publicly on a Russian or foreign exchange, this means that it has passed through strict underwriting requirements ( proceduresvaluation and placement of their securities), and ensured transparency ( read, the trust of stock investors) its corporate governance and financial flows.

Official data on your financial condition, as mentioned above, each Developer obliged to publish in its Project Declaration.

Various Developer ratings, published on real estate portals, give an idea not so much of the company’s reliability as of its quantitative indicators ( on which these ratings are compiled). Most often, at the top of the ratings are companies with the largest volume of square meters of housing commissioned per year, or with the largest number of projects in implementation. The rating can also be compiled based on financial indicators, for example, the amount of profit received for the year.

Informal information about the reliability of the Developer

Often useful ( but subjective) information about Developer can be obtained at forums of shareholders . In an open search, it’s easy to find forums for apartment buyers ( clients of a specific Developer), where they leave reviews and share information about the pros and cons of the company and its project.

But here it should be clarified that the complaints of individual shareholders about minor inconsistencies in relations with Developer- This is a normal workflow for any project. We should only think about it if there are too many complaints, they look objective, and relate to really serious things: for example, openly fraudulent actions by Developer, his systematic violation of deadlines for the delivery of houses, the lack of necessary documents, his carrying out illegal construction, etc.

The very fact of having, for example, litigation co-investors, contractors or shareholders with Developer should not mislead us either. Such controversial situations are also common market practice, especially for large Developers, which commission hundreds of thousands of square meters of housing per year. The staff of lawyers of these companies constantly works to resolve various disputes, which usually does not in any way affect the progress of the construction process.

Similar informal information about reliability Developer You can also learn from specialized review sites . However, we should keep in mind the fact that there is an entire industry on the Internet dedicated to building an online reputation. This means that many messages, supposedly from shareholders, are written by strangers at the request of the Developer (if the review is positive), or its competitors ( if the review is negative).

VIDEO: Buying a new building. Basic moments

— How to check the Developer when purchasing a new building? What documents are key for a construction project? About this in an interview with a realtor on a TV program.

Especially for the strong-willed, we can add that it is possible to accurately predict the reliability of a particular Developer Only followers of Nostradamus can. For ordinary mortals, this is a very approximate factor. How to evaluate a stranger - will he fail in business or not? Will he break his promise or not? Who knows? And you won't know until you check. Here everyone already relies on their own instincts and indirect signs of reliability , described above.

According to one top manager of a large insurance company, to reliably and objectively assess reliability Developer impossible in Russia. Besides ( from the same words of the insurer), there are so-called on the market. systemic risks (those. risks of the industry as a whole), which allow for the risk of unfinished construction even for large and conscientious companies.

How to be? There’s definitely no point in panicking and clutching your head. After all, we, as shareholders, are actually not so interested in the notorious reliability Developer, how much question – how not to lose your money when investing in construction. And for this you need to understand what mechanisms financial protection exist in the primary real estate market. Read below.

Financial support of the Developer's responsibility to shareholders

Because "Builder's reliability"- the concept is murky and unstable, then the state requires material from them ( financial) ensuring their obligations to shareholders. What does it look like?

From January 1, 2014, as part of the implementation 214-FZ All Developers obliged insure your liability to shareholders in one of three available ways:

  1. Bank guarantee;
  2. Insurance company policy;
  3. Agreement with the Mutual Insurance Society (OVS).

And since 2017, further amendments to the law FZ-214 obliged everyone Developers that attract money Equity Participation Agreements (EPA), instead of insurance, make contributions to a single. Money from this fund will be used to finance long-term construction, or to pay compensation to shareholders in the event of bankruptcy of a construction company ( more details - follow the link provided).

Another alternative to financial responsibility ( still at the choice of the Developer himself, until 07/01/2019) can serve as a special way of paying for an apartment - through ( For more information about this method, see the link).

IMPORTANT! From July 1, 2019, settlements of shareholders with Developers through escrow accounts become mandatory for all projects where the first Equity Participation Agreement (PAA) submitted for registration after this date. Thus, all other methods of protecting investors’ investments that were used previously ( surety, insurance policy, compensation fund) – are gradually becoming irrelevant. Although they continue to operate until a complete transition to payments through escrow accounts .

Unified register of developers - what is there?

For purely philosophical reasons, one can look into Unified register of developers (), created with the support of National Association of Housing Developers. There, however, only brief background information is given on all development companies that raise money under the DDU in Russia ( it is indicated who is building what and where, in what volumes, etc.). And there, each company is assigned a certain reliability rating (like bank ratings - A1, B1, B2, etc.).

This rating itself is quite conditional and can change any day, so you shouldn’t seriously rely on it. Interest can only be aroused by the company’s clearly low rating in the rating ( those. if she is assigned category G or D). Then it’s worth finding out what is the reason for such a low reliability rating. And of course, the absence of our Developer in this registry can also lead to bad thoughts.

In fact, just to check Developer it's much more interesting for us other registries – so-called registers of problematic developers, or "black lists" (see below).

Registers of problematic developers and bankrupt companies

For greater confidence in integrity and financial stability Developer, we can also check whether anyone presented him bankruptcy claims. To do this, just go to the website of the arbitration court, where a unified case file (). In the “Participant in the case” field, select the “Defendant” filter and enter the name of the developer company, then click the “Bankruptcy” link at the top ( resolves controversial cases of insolvency/bankruptcy of organizations and citizens).

Of course, you shouldn’t buy an apartment from a potential bankrupt; it’s better to choose someone else Developer. But it should be taken into account that there can be many ordinary business disputes that are resolved in arbitration, especially among large companies. This is a normal workflow and should not confuse us.

If legal disputes led to the launch company bankruptcy procedures, then you can find out about this on the website Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information. This will be a serious signal to refuse to buy an apartment from this company.

It should be borne in mind that the search in databases should not be carried out by name Developer brand , and by its name subsidiaries , who are formally developers of specific sites. For example, in 2018 there was a noisy case of bankruptcy of the development company Urban Group ( this is the brand name). But on the list of bankrupt companies Federal Register of Bankruptcy (see link to it above) Urban Group is missing. Instead, 5 of his “subsidiaries” are presented there, on which the rights to develop several land plots were registered - Vash Gorod LLC, Ivastroy LLC, Ecokvartal LLC and others.

How do you know what construction companies ( nominee developers) work under the roof of a brand?

  • Firstly, the developer company is listed in Project Declaration to each construction project, and in the DDU agreement ( as a party to the contract).
  • Secondly, this information can be found on the website Unified Register of Developers (see link to it above). Click there in the rating list for the name of the brand we need Developer, then, going to the brand card, click on the link "Developers" (under the heading “Use the brand”). We get a list of “daughters” Developer, on which development rights are registered.

It is better, of course, to search for such information and verification of the Developer trust, because not every person is able to distinguish, for example, the features of an ordinary corporate dispute from the procedure for filing bankruptcy claims.

Other regions may maintain their own registries of local problem areas. Developers.

We need to make sure that the one we choose Developer not on these lists.

So, we found out all the intimate information about the Developer, and decided to trust him with our money. An astrologer we knew, looking at the stars and assessing the cosmic energy of the Developer’s insurance, assured us that our hopes would come true.

Now we need to inquire about the details of the construction project in which we chose an apartment for ourselves.

More on this in the next step.


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