Presentations about “Recreation and tourism. International tourism Download presentations on the topic of tourists and travel

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Tourism – “School of Survival”
“Travel and tourism - the ancient call of the soul” Performed by Lyudmila Vladimirovna Gordeeva, teacher of the Tomsk State Educational Institution “Karaul Orphanage” named after. G.V. Chicherina
“Tourism, like nothing else, satisfies the desire for novelty, unusualness, exploration, and romance.” G.Ya. Ryzhavsky.

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Is tourism a multifaceted practice of life, communication and knowledge?
Is tourism a means of educating young citizens? Is it possible to improve children's health through tourism?
Fundamental question:
Problematic issues:

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Currently, the social development of the country requires us, teachers, to prepare active, independent, creative individuals, adapted to the conditions of modern life. The school focuses on learning rather than development and education; it does not teach you how to make vital decisions and take real responsibility for them. And tourism activities, if properly organized, can become developmental and educational, since they organize the activities of children, which ensures the development of the personal qualities of students in conditions and situations that provide the opportunity to express themselves in a variety of roles and qualities. Tourism is the most widespread form of active recreation, one of the important means of educating young citizens. During the hike, tourists get acquainted with the past and present of our Motherland, its natural resources, cultural monuments, perform socially useful work, and observe nature.

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This helps to increase the spiritual, moral and physical potential of the children, satisfy the needs for self-expression of creativity, communication with people and nature, the children grow not only physically but also spiritually. Tourism is a successful form of work for educating a team; it has a complex impact on the individual and the team, since any activity is in demand in tourism. The experience of teamwork allows children to express themselves in the future.

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The essence of the project is that in recent years the lifestyle of the children coming to us is very far from being assessed as healthy. Recently, more children of high school age have been admitted to the orphanage. Most often, these children are taught in classes that are not appropriate for their age (15 year olds study in grades 6-7), have pedagogical neglect, have negative life experiences or a criminal past (registered in the PDN; suspended sentences.). Among the unfavorable trends, a special place They are affected by physical inactivity, passion for computer games and bad habits.

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Alcohol consumption, smoking, substance abuse, and sometimes drug addiction, which pose a great threat to health and the rate of spread of which among children and adolescents is growing catastrophically, therefore the problem arises of children’s adaptation to the conditions of the orphanage, the social rehabilitation of these pupils. In the process of raising children in my group, I do a lot of work to strengthen the physical, mental and moral health of children, to quickly adapt pupils to living conditions in an orphanage. I organize the life and activities of a growing person, as a morally oriented patriotic person, by means of attracting them to tourism activities. Using the example of tourist rallies, hikes, military-patriotic games “Slavyanka” and “Russian Knight”.

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Situations of increased physical, moral, and emotional stress that children experience play a special role during hiking trips and military and patriotic games. The difficulties of camping life - obstacles encountered along the way (forest debris, river fords), unfavorable weather conditions (rain, hurricane, hail), lack of normal living conditions, constant physical labor - require concentration of strength, will, courage and patience from the children.

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It is in such extreme situations that many of my children have a fundamental opportunity to test themselves, to show themselves, to prove to themselves that they can do something in this life and are worth something. Therefore, when planning a hiking route, I do not try to make it convenient for passing, but on the contrary, I select a sufficient number of difficult sections to pass. I try not to make the hike an easy walk, but a real school of physical and moral training.

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Tourism is the joy of big and small, but several conditions are necessary for its creation:
● Creation of a favorable moral climate, which is manifested in goodwill, willingness to forgive, understand, and the desire to come to the rescue. Close, sincere friendship between children and teachers. Communication is a great force that helps to understand the child’s thinking and determine the tendency towards negative actions in order to prevent them in time. In such testing situations, I help children find answers to pressing questions: “What am I really?”, “What do I have in me that I have not yet discovered in myself?”, “What am I capable of, what am I?” Can?".

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Therefore, the topic proposed in this project is relevant today and is necessary for the development of a child’s personality in the process of collective activities in the field of tourism. It is aimed at expanding teenagers’ understanding of tourism as the most accessible form of health improvement and active recreation.

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Didactic purpose
Development of a child’s personality in the process of collective activity in the field of tourism, for his successful living in a group and “survival” in nature Methodological tasks To reveal the individual capabilities of children and ensure their development in the process of collective activity; To develop a creative, independent, active, responsible personality; Satisfy students’ need for direct knowledge of the world and their region; Improve children's health;

Many types of tourism are common in our country: hiking, skiing, cycling, water, mountain, etc. The most popular is pedestrian tourism. It has a high healing and hardening effect, develops important physical qualities (endurance, strength, agility), and also cultivates courage, perseverance, the ability to navigate the terrain and other valuable applied skills. Hiking is accessible to people of all ages and physical fitness.

In planned (excursion) tourism, participants travel by bus, plane, ship, train along predetermined routes, stay in hotels or camp sites, where they are provided with overnight accommodation, meals, and excursion services. In amateur tourism, travel is based entirely or partially on self-service. Here tourists themselves outline the route and method of travel, provide themselves with food, lodging and rest places, and identify objects for inspection. They themselves have to set up camp sites, prepare fuel for fires, cook food, overcome various obstacles along the way, arrange crossings, clear rubble, etc.

Tourism is a set of relationships, connections of phenomena that accompany the trip and stay of people in places that are not places of their permanent or long-term residence and are not related to their daily activities. This is not only an important sector of the economy, but also an important part of people's lives. It covers the relationship of a person with his external environment.

Business tourism trips related to the performance of professional duties. Due to universal integration and the establishment of business contacts, business tourism is becoming increasingly important from year to year. Trips are made to visit objects that belong to the company or are of particular interest to it; for negotiations and business meetings.

Hikes can be one-day, two-day or three-day. Sometimes such hikes are called weekend hikes. Travels are multi-day trips, usually carried out during the holidays. Hiking and traveling can be near or far, that is, their routes can pass through the territory of the native land (near) or go beyond its borders, passing through other regions of the country's republics (distant). Travel of a sporting nature is divided into six categories of difficulty (pedestrians have five). Their complexity is determined by the length of the route, the number and nature of obstacles, as well as other factors characteristic of this type of tourism.

Preparation for a hiking trip is carried out by the group leader together with medical personnel and is carried out according to a plan that takes into account the objectives of the trip, the composition of the groups, the route and calendar of the trip, the necessary equipment, clothing and shoes, catering, etc. Correctly carried out preparatory work makes the trip interesting, a safe and effective event. The document giving the right to conduct a weekend hike is a route sheet; for hikes and trips along routes of all categories of difficulty, a route book of the established form must be drawn up.

Preparation plan To better prepare for the hike, a detailed plan is drawn up. It is very important to provide for the participation of the entire group in the preparatory work and an even distribution of tasks. The hiking route should be interesting and educational, promote health and improve the physical development of tourists. For day hikes, it is important that you can quickly get to the intended area and also easily return from the last point of the hike.

The preliminary training plan for tourists includes general physical and special training. General physical training includes: daily physical training (preferably in the fresh air), the use of various means of hardening the body, special training sessions for tourism. In such classes, tourists learn to overcome obstacles, swim in a tracksuit and casual clothes, long jump, rope and tree climbing, pull-ups, carry a backpack with a load, carry an injured person using improvised means, etc.

Special training includes: mastering special skills of a certain type of tourism (bicycle, water, etc.), using a map and compass, orienteering in various ways and in various conditions, setting up a bivouac, providing first aid to the injured, etc. In the process of special physical training, movement techniques are improved, special equipment is studied and mastered.

When selecting a group, the age composition, level of physical fitness and health status of tourists are taken into account. The route of the hike is developed depending on the objectives and duration of the hike, the composition of the group and local conditions. Trek leaders must obtain information from health authorities about the sanitary and epidemiological situation along the route. The calendar plan for the trip outlines what time and where tourists will be.

Even before obtaining permission to go on a hike, it is necessary to determine the composition of the hiking group and distribute responsibilities between the participants. In practice, responsibilities are usually distributed as follows; trek leader, deputy leader, caretaker, treasurer, medical instructor, responsible for the diary, photographer, artist responsible for equipment repair, cooks, firemen, water carriers, etc. The number of tourist groups taking part in a weekend trip is not limited, but is optimal group of people. Tourist groups traveling on routes of 1st category of difficulty must consist of at least 4 people, and on routes of IV and V categories of complexity of at least 6 people.

Equipment includes items that tourists take with them in order to create conditions for maximum safety while traveling the route, optimal comfort during the hike and the ability to successfully complete the tasks facing them. The equipment must be light and durable, allowing it to be used in conditions of cold, heat, high humidity and its quantity must be minimal. Equipment is divided into personal and group. Personal is used by the hiker and serves his personal needs. Group equipment serves the needs of the group as a whole. Group equipment is distributed equally among participants.

The list of group equipment includes: food, tents, plastic film, axe, saw, buckets, kettles, flasks, tools, nails, wire, first aid kit, sports equipment, lantern, candles, signal whistle, rope for crossings, map, waterproof bags and grocery bags, canvas mittens and other items needed on a hike. For convenience and accounting, all group equipment is assigned to certain participants according to the list. Documents, money, map diagram should be packed in polyethylene bags. Kindling and emergency matches should also be stored in moisture-proof packaging.

Personal equipment includes: shoes, clothing, personal hygiene items, a hat, dishes (preferably metal), a backpack, a cape or raincoat, a sleeping bag or blanket, a camera, repair equipment, matches, a flashlight, a compass, safety glasses, personal medical equipment. kit, plastic bag for documents, mosquito net, thin strong rope, etc. On damp, windy and cool days you need to wear or take with you woolen underwear, socks, and a hat. Shoes should be worn in before the hike.

On the hiking trail you may encounter difficulties and even dangers. Some of them arise when overcoming obstacles: descents and ascents, rivers, swamps, rubble. Others arise due to tourists’ ignorance or non-compliance with rules of conduct and neglect of safety precautions. “Rules for organizing and conducting amateur tourist trips and trips on the territory of Russia” determine the responsibilities of participants in a trip or trip. Here are some of them.

Each participant in a hike or trip is obliged to: follow the instructions of the group leader; undergo comprehensive training before the start of the hike; familiarize yourself with the rules and instructions on law enforcement, compliance with environmental laws, fire safety rules, methods of extinguishing forest fires, water safety rules, injury prevention and first aid; during the period of preparation for traveling on routes of the highest categories of complexity, undergo a special medical examination, and, if necessary, receive preventive vaccinations;

During the hike, strictly observe sanitary and hygienic rules, rules of personal hygiene, promptly inform the group leader about the deterioration of health; immediately and under any conditions provide assistance to comrades in distress; behave tactfully and with respect towards the local population;

Treat nature, historical and cultural monuments with care; if a forest fire is detected, take measures to extinguish it and notify local authorities; take an active part in preparing the travel report. All participants in the hiking trip must be well aware of and strictly follow these rules. Enforcement measures will be taken against tourists who violate them.

ADVICE FOR BEGINNING TOURISTS AND SOME SAFETY MEASURES DURING A HIKE Failure to follow these rules, disorganization and low discipline of hike participants often cause injuries: bruises, sprains, wounds, dislocations, fractures. on the march, carry axes, saws, and knives only in sheaths; at rest stops, put sharp tools in one place, without sticking them into trees, especially at the height of human growth; when spending the night, hide sharp objects under the tent; use gloves with an ax and saw; when cutting branches from a lying tree, be on the other side of the trunk, etc.

REASONS CAUSING ACCIDENTS DURING A HIKE During a hike, it is necessary to foresee and minimize the negative consequences of accidents. There are four main reasons that cause accidents: poor discipline in the group; insufficient tourist training and experience; complexity of natural obstacles; unexpected weather change; The most dangerous of these reasons is weak discipline in the group.

ORGANIZATION OF A BIVACK ON A HIKE Organization of a bivouac. Tourist bivouac is a place where a tourist group is accommodated for the night or for a long rest. a) availability of clean running water. b) flat terrain c) it is not recommended to stop overnight near populated areas or near roads. d) you cannot set up a camp in fields or gardens. e) you cannot put tents close to large rivers or on small islands. e) proximity of firewood

When lighting a fire without organizing a pit, the following rules are observed: The place for the fire at rest stops is chosen so that the fire does not damage trees and bushes or cause a fire. It is strictly forbidden to light fires in young coniferous forests, in areas with dry reeds, reeds, moss, grass, in clearings where there were previously fires, in peat bogs, in forests on rocky areas. 1. Clear the fire area of ​​debris, stones, dry branches and leaves. 2. Clear the area of ​​the fire pit within a radius of at least one to two meters from dry branches and leaves. 3. Do not light fires near trees, on peat bogs, or places where there is a large amount of dry grass (in swamps among reeds, in fields and clearings overgrown with dry grass).

IN ANY CASE, THE FOLLOWING RULES MUST BE FOLLOWED AT THE BIVOUK: 1. There must be order in and around the tents; camp duty officers are appointed to maintain this order. Items of personal and group equipment should be placed neatly in backpacks; the backpacks themselves should be either in tents or covered with film next to them. 2. Dishes (including personal ones) must be in one place, clean and covered, for example, with polyethylene. Therefore, in any tourist camp, a special place is always allocated for the “kitchen” - a place where dishes are stored, food is prepared, where entry is allowed only to those on duty and the caretaker. A good way to store mugs is to cut down a dry, strong, tall branch (up to 1.5 m) with a large number of small branches on which mugs (and sometimes bowls) are hung. 3. There must be a pit or garbage bags in the camp. Things that can be burned are burned, those that cannot be taken away or buried.

4. Firewood should not be scattered throughout the camp; a woodpile will be built for it. 5. To cut firewood, there must be a special log (stump) into which axes are stuck. 6. Tents should be placed at such a distance from each other that you can easily walk between them without fear of getting caught in guy ropes. It is advisable that the stretch marks themselves be marked (for example, put sheets of white paper on them) so that they are clearly visible in the dark. 7. Group equipment should always be at hand (especially a technical and medical first aid kit).

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The word “tourism” goes back to the French “tour”, which means travel, walk, trip. Tourists are people who go hiking for recreation, for sporting or educational purposes.

Tourism is about vacation and travel

Tourism is a sport based on competitions on routes. Tourist equipment is the items needed on the road. Equipment can be group or personal.

Backpack Sleeping bag Mat Personal hygiene items Personal equipment of the tourist Mug, spoon, bowl Raincoat, headdress, set of change of underwear Flask with water Compass Personal equipment is everything that is necessary for each tourist personally:

Tent Medical first aid kit Map Spatula, hatchet Fire equipment Rope with accessories, carabiners kitchen knife Flashlight Food, pot Group equipment for tourists Group equipment is used by the whole group:

Depending on the method of transportation, the following types of tourism are distinguished: Bicycle Water horseback riding Ski Mountain Hiking Types of tourism

Cycling tourism (bicycle tourism) is one of the types of tourism that involves traveling routes on a bicycle. Bicycle tourism

Water tourism is one of the types of tourism that involves traveling a route along the water surface. Sports vessels (sailboats, kayaks, inflatable boats) are used for water tourism. Water tourism

Equestrian tourism (horse tourism) - traveling on horseback or in carriages. The main feature of horseback riding tourism is the ability to carry equipment and food in bags attached to the horse’s saddle. Horse tourism

Ski tourism Involves traveling the route on skis.

Mountain tourism is a type of tourism that involves the movement of a group of people along a route laid in a mountainous area. In mountain tourism, elements of rock climbing are used when passing the route, so it requires special preparation. Mountain tourism

Walking tourism is one of the most common types of tourism. The route is covered on foot. Walking tourism


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Forms of leisure among different nations. Brazil. A special group consists of ritual and magical dances. Finland. Every fourth resident of the country is a member of one of the sports organizations. Favorite sports are skiing, rowing, running and wrestling. Japan. More and more Japanese people are looking to spend their leisure time outdoors. The oldest and most favorite pastime of the Japanese is flying paper kites. Every year paper birds fly further and higher. Recently, the Japanese have been making and flying kites that are surprisingly similar to birds. Some artificial birds can stay in the air for several hours. Germany. Falconry is very popular among Germans. - Leisure.pptx

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The effectiveness of visiting the Pearls of Europe. Objectives of the work: Features of the research methodology. Performance scale indicators. Classification of groups. Features of visa processing. Visa processing efficiency scale. Features of airport transfer. Components of flight comfort. Types of transfer. Transport Group Efficiency Scale. Monaco hotels. Hotels in Rome. Andorra hotels. Sights of Monaco. Sights of the Vatican. Sights of Andorra. Recreational resources efficiency scale. Rest effectiveness scale. Conclusion. Memories from any trip are made up of very different and sometimes unpredictable nuances. - Rest.ppt

Tourism and ecotourism

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Ecotourism. National Ecotourism Strategy of Australia, Department of Tourism, Canberra, 1992. Ecotourism Criteria. Distinctive features of ecotourism. Stimulates and satisfies the desire to communicate with nature, prevents negative impacts on nature and culture, encourages tour operators and tourists to promote environmental protection and socio-economic development. Ecotourism concept. Basic principles of ecotourism. Traveling into nature, and the main content of such travel is getting to know wildlife, as well as local customs and culture. Minimizing the negative consequences of an environmental and socio-cultural nature, maintaining the environmental sustainability of the environment. - Tourism.ppt

World tourism

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Features of the development of world tourism. INTRODUCTION Analysis of global trends in tourism development. Economic impact of tourism. State and prospects of the Russian tourism market in the structure of the world market Conclusion. Introduction. The meaning and benefits of tourism. The third advantage is an increase in tax revenues to budgets of all levels. Tourism in Russia. Russia accounts for about 1% of the world tourist flow. Analysis of the development of world tourism. Economic problems are analyzed in the context of the social and environmental aspects of tourism. Traveling brings pleasure to a person and gives an opportunity to relax. - World tourism.ppt

international tourism

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International tourism. Improve understanding of lesson material. Expand the possibilities of using didactic and visual material. Cruise. Nautical. Ski. Cultural monuments. Pilgrimage centers. Thai resort Pattaya. Resorts of Spain. Madrid. Spain. Maldives. The cleanest beaches in Greece. Swiss Alps. Davos is the most aristocratic resort in the Alps. Pyramids of Egypt. Coliseum. Statue of Liberty. Evening Israel. - International tourism.ppt

Cultural tourism

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The role of national culture in the development of tourism. A train ticket raises more expectations than a lottery ticket. Paul Moran. I just wanted to hit the road and ride the train! Let's go. And I got off the train and had nowhere to go. Ishikawa Takuboku. Cultural tourism. The grand tour. Folklore holidays. Walker Art Gallery, National Museums Liverpool April 18 – August 10, 2008. The Railway Art in the Age of Stream. The Railway. Art in the Age of Stream. TEFAF Maastricht. La Biennale di Venezia. Art Moscow. Exclusive cultural tourism. World Federation of Friends of Museums. ICOM Russia column in the Museum magazine. - Cultural tourism.ppt

Sports tourism

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Sports tourism. Young athletes are trained to participate in tourism competitions at technical distances, participate in hikes and long-distance expeditions. The goal of the program: personal development at the intellectual, spiritual and physical level through sports tourism. The combination of tourism and local history with the sports focus of the program allows the use of teaching tools and methods from the field of physical education and sports in conjunction with applied and local historical, environmental, and geographical aspects. The principle “in a group everyone cares” is carried out from the first lessons and is implemented throughout the entire learning process. - Sports tourism.ppt

Extreme types of tourism

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Extreme tourism. Goal: To study in more detail the prospects for the development of extreme tourism. Types of extreme tourism. Kayakers. Multisport. Rafting. Windsurfing. Skysurfing. Wakeboarding. Diving. Ice climbing. Jumping. Analysis of a survey on extreme tourism for different age groups. Extreme tourism is constantly evolving. Prospects for the development of extreme tourism in Crimea. Suggested activities. - Extreme tourism.ppt

Tourism development

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Implementation and financing of investment projects in the field of tourism based on the introduction of public-private partnership instruments. Mega-project “Scandinavian Ring”. Development of the international and interregional project “Tourist Ring. Map of the Euroregion "Karelia". Creation of modern tourist and recreational complexes in the territories of the most promising tourist clusters of the Russian Federation. Republic of Karelia: Priority direction: Hospitable Karelia. Development strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Territorial planning scheme of the Republic of Kazakhstan. General layout of tourism facilities. - Tourism development.ppt

Tourism organization

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Department of Tourism. Direction of training 100400 TOURISM. Technology and organization of tour operator and travel agency services. Technology and entertainment organization. Technology and organization of sports and recreational services. Graduates of secondary vocational education. Admission conditions: Internal testing: Russian Mathematics Fundamentals of Tourism. School graduates, NGOs. Admission conditions: Unified State Examination results: Russian language Geography Social studies. Persons with higher education. Admission conditions Internal testing: Russian Mathematics Philosophy. Duration of study Part-time study – 3 years. Are you interested in the future of Vologda? - Tourism organization.ppt

Travel companies

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Business plan. Main goal: creation of the travel company “Heiligenbeil”. Advantages for building a travel agency: Services provided by the travel agency: Taxes will be paid in the city. The investment in the project will be fully recouped within 4 years. Promotion. Advertising is required: in the Mamonov newspaper, on the city administration website. In the future we plan to create our own website on the Internet. Financial calculations showed that the company will be profitable. The payback of the project will take a fairly short period, namely 4 years. We thank for their help in drawing up a business plan: - Travel companies.ppt


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Problems hindering the development of the industry and solutions. About company. Today it has become accessible and popular to relax at world resorts. We guarantee good service and fast service. We offer training at prestigious colleges and universities in the UK. Consultations on collecting the necessary documents for the embassy. List of problems. About the Main Thing... 1. Globalization and Tourism. 2. Future of Tourism in Uzbekistan. Proposed proposals for solving these problems. Create specialized universities and colleges. - EDEM TRAVEL.ppt

Rainbow program

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Purpose of the program: Objectives of the program: Develop cognitive activity. To form a humanistic attitude towards the world around us, moral values ​​of the individual. To form a culture of relationships, speech, and mental activity. Develop self-improvement skills and instill a love for a healthy lifestyle. “RAINBOW OF SUCCESS” Main directions of implementation. The symbol of change is RAINBOW. Our motto. “So we took paints into our hands and got rid of boredom.” Self-government system. -


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