Logic riddles about pirates. "Because we are pirates!" Quest game for older preschool children. Who can get me a card

Olesya Kondratenko
"Because we are pirates!" Quest game for older children preschool age


Quest game for older preschool children

Participants- older preschool children

Number of participants- 45 people

Location- sports ground d / s №448, Novosibirsk

The pirate greets the groups with the words:

"Smite you with thunder, who has brought!"

"Moor faster, damn it!"

"Thousand devils! Old man, they are tired of waiting for you! "

Pirate We are real pirates today. Thousand devils! And pirates are interesting adventures, fierce battles and a huge treasure! Burst my spleen!

We have to go on a real journey in search of the treasure. This journey is not easy; trials and difficulties await you. Let's go? A pitchfork to the liver, a tooth to meat!

Pirate We hit the road. We have three pirate crews

Team 1- "Red Roger" (chant motto)

Team 2- "Blue Roger" (chant motto)

Team 3- "Green Roger" (chant motto)

The teams take turns saying chant slogans

Pirate And since you are real pirates, you must answer me loudly - "Because we are pirates"


We raise the anchors

Let's go to the seas!

We are fearless guys.

Children: Because we are pirates!

There is a terrible wave in the sea,

Hurricanes and storms

Well, we are sailing somewhere.

Children: Because we are pirates!

All the animals are dearer to us

Inhabitants of the seas:

Octopus, dolphins, rays.

Children: Because we are pirates!

We sharpened our knives

Who has not hidden - tremble!

Only we are not to blame

Children: Because we are pirates!

We're sailing straight to the island

We will find treasures there!

Let's live, friends, richly.

Children: Because we are pirates!

Pirate And now a real pirate dance.

Dance of the Robbers

Pirate The gangs are ready! Raise your flags! (looks at the children) Raise the pirate flags!

Children We have no pirate flags!

Pirate This will not work! There cannot be a pirate gang without a real pirate flag! ( a ball wrapped in paper arrives. Pirate unfolds and reads).

Dear robbers!

You did not take me with you on the trip, and we are offended by you. All your flags are hidden in the territory kindergarten and you will never find them.

Captain Flint and his crew

Pirate And here is your first test! Each team needs to find its own flag! After each completed challenge, you will find the next clue. Good luck!

.After passing the stage, each team receives an envelope with a hint for the next task. At the end of all stages, an envelope is issued with a plan of the area where the team's flag is located. Each team has its own flag, which is distinguished by the color of the Jolly Roger. To make it easier for the Pirates to navigate, mission envelopes also differ in color in accordance with the name of the teams.

Challenge 1: SLEEPY DEAL (Pirate Joe)

Time - 7 minutes.

"Sleepy Hollow" Everyone falls asleep in the sleepy hollow: both people and animals. Here you can fall asleep forever and never wake up again. Many tried to leave the hollow in a sleeping state, but they did not succeed. Will you be able to walk through the gully in a dormant state and leave it safe and sound?

The children take turns trying to cross to the other side through an obstacle course consisting of ropes and bells. Then they return together with the "Caterpillar".

Challenge 2 Jungle (Dirty Harry)

Children complete tasks, at the end an envelope with a hint is issued

The number of tasks at the discretion of the leader.

Time - 7 minutes.

"Water-land" Jump out and jump onto a certain area (circle).

"Crossing" One by one, holding on to the rope with both hands, climb to the other side ( adults hold the rope on both sides and swing it, then hit the target with a water pistol)

Challenge 3. Valley of Wisdom (Captain Flint)

Intellectual tasks. After completion, an envelope with a hint is issued.

The number of tasks at the discretion of the leader.

Time - 7 minutes.

"The Mysteries of the Old Pirate"

He is the storm of the seas

Schooner and ships.

Not a fisherman or a soldier

And the most merciless ... (Pirate.)

This is not rubbish to you -

All pirates love money.

Shared very often

Voiced ... (Piasters.)

This bird of warm countries

The captain is very fond of.

Don't trust him with a secret

He will blab everything ... (Parrot.)

White skull on bones

Black background - pirate flag.

Can frighten everyone

Our cheerful ... (Roger.)

He's a pirate, movie hero

And laughs at fate.

He is not braver, sly -

That Jack named ... (Sparrow.)

This turtle island

Became a pirate's haven.

In the Caribbean from the south

Waiting for guests ... (Tortuga.)

The pirate dreams every day

Find a chest in which ... (Treasure)

Compote, water, and juice, and kvass -

Don't list everything now.

The pirate is sure of only one thing:

That all drinks are better ... (Rum.)

The frigate with the loot is surrounded,

He will not be able to leave us.

And here comes our ship

The whole team on ... (Boarding.)

There is no need to look for a way by sight.

Will point north to us ... (Compass.)

Brigs, schooners and frigates -

This is the property of the pirates.

Float off the ground

Straight into the sea ... (Ships.)

A piece of land to swim to

Treasures to bury quickly.

It happens that it is not easy to find

In the vast expanses that ... (Island.)

"Sea words"

Name 10 words associated with the sea

Captain's commands Children perform commands

To the left of the rudder! - everyone runs to the port side (left side of the sidewalk).

Steering right! - everyone runs to starboard (right side of the sidewalk).

Nose! - everyone is running forward.

Stern! - everyone runs back.

Set sail! - everyone stops and puts their hands up.

Scrubbing the deck! - everyone pretends to wash the floor.

Cannonball! - everybody squats.

"Take the envelope"

I have an envelope for you with the next assignment.

I'll tell you a story

In a dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three"

Take the envelope immediately!

Once we caught a pike,

Examined what's inside.

We saw small fish,

And not one, but whole. five.

Dreams of a hardened guy

Become a pirate famous

Look, you are not cunning on the ship,

And wait for the command: "One, two. March"

When you want to remember the commands,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself,

Once, twice, or better. seven.

Once upon a schooner for pirates

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you took the prize.

I give you a five.


Pirate Now you have real pirate flags, a thousand devils! You just need to pass the last test - to take the oath of pirates!

I join the ranks of brave pirates and fearless sea wolves, I swear: abide by the pirate code, do not give up, do not lose heart, do not be cowardly, always help comrades, and honestly share treasures with friends. Otherwise, let the sharks eat me! Whoever agrees, says his name.

Great team! You can safely go on any journey with you! You are brave, smart, quick-witted, creative, and most importantly, friendly. You have proven that this award should be yours! Where is our treasure? ( children together with pirates are looking for treasure on the territory)

Treasure search. Giving gifts

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Quest game for senior preschool children "Adventures in a fairyland" The game is a quest for older preschool children: "Adventures in a fairyland" The game is conducted as a final event to the thematic one.

In order to develop the cognitive activity of pupils, teachers use different kinds games. One of the games that allows preschoolers.

Carrying out educational activities towards " Cognitive development"," Physical development "," Social and communicative development ".

Dear colleagues, we offer you a modern game QUEST. Developed by: senior educator S. G. Popkova, educator O. V. Ivantsova.

The path to the island. This moment can also be beaten without getting up from the table. The captain says loudly: “Set sail! Full speed ahead! " At this point, you can turn on the fan aimed at the sails to flutter them.

It is great if you can record a short video and display it on the screen so that the children, looking at the TV, imagine that they are sailing to the island of Sladoland. The sound of the blowing wind will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere. In the video, you can use shots of movement along the sea and approaching an island. When the island appears, the host will stop the video and say that the ship has moored on the island of Sladoland. “Arriving on the island,” the children head towards the Valley of Wisdom, although at first, of course, they need to understand what is meant by this geographical feature.

1st stage: Valley of Wisdom. When the children come up to the table, the host tells them that they need to find something - maybe some kind of sign, label or note. The children find a long sheet of paper, rolled up into a tube, on which sea riddles are written. The presenter reads out the riddles, the pirates guess. When the riddles are solved, the presenter reads the postscript under the riddles: “ Now that all the riddles have been solved, you can move on. The next stage is Coral Bay ».

Riddles about the sea and marine life for a pirate birthday:

1. For her, a wave is a swing

And she floats without a goal

Nowhere to nowhere

Everything is clear as water.


2. Two brothers

They look into the water,

They will not converge in a century.


3. Which sea dweller blushes when he sees dinner? (Squid)

4. Which of the sea inhabitants has a mouth on its belly? (Shark)

5. There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Salt sea)

6. A giant floats across the ocean and releases water from a fountain. (Whale)

7. What stones are there in the sea? (Dry)

8. I grew up in the woods, in the silent silence

Now I am carrying you along the blue wave.

(A boat)

9. A head with four legs lives between the stones.

10. She lives in the water, has no beak, but bites.
(A fish)

11. In calm weather, we are nowhere,

And the wind will blow - we run on the water.


12. If it lies at the bottom, the ship will not run into the distance.

13. A giant stands in the port, lighting up the darkness,

And he signals to the ships: come visit us!


14. Don't you know me? I live at the bottom of the sea.

Head and eight legs, that's all I am - ...


15. To make a strong wave

Couldn't budge us,

We throw the chain overboard

And we lower it into the water ...


16. To see me in the distance

As the ships sail

I will quickly look into it

And I'll tell all the guys.


17. I will see through binoculars

And I will report to the captain.

Everyone knows perfectly well -

It's dangerous to play with her:

The teeth are sharp as a knife

You better not touch her!


18. What happens to the ball if it falls into the Red Sea? (The ball will get wet)

2nd stage: Coral Bay. The children find a note on the bathroom door. It says that you need to pass the test of knowledge nautical terms- simply put, you need to remember and name at least 30 words associated with the sea and pirates. Children remember and name words. When 30 words are named, the leader will ask the guys to find something else that will help them decide on the next point on the route. Looking into the bathroom, the children see a banana painted on the wall. Where to go? Children should guess that the next point is the banana grove.

3rd stage: Banana grove. In the kitchen, you need to stretch a rope from wall to wall and secure. Hang bananas and numerous boxes on a string to a rope (plastic containers for chocolate eggs are also suitable). Some of them are empty, some contain dragees, and some contain black pirate tags. There is also a note hanging on a thread.

First, the children need to cut off the note. In it, the task is given - to find (that is, cut off) 6 pirate tags. Each label has one letter. Having collected all the marks, you need to put together a word from the letters - and then it will become clear where to go next. Children cut the boxes and check what's inside. When all tags are collected, the word p-e-u-e-r-a... Further, having studied the map, the pirates conclude that they need to go to the entrance to the cave.

4th stage: Entrance to the cave. The note is hidden in a black box with a label. The box lies in a conspicuous place. The children take out the note and realize that it has been cut into pieces. First you need to put it together like a jigsaw puzzle and read the contents.

The note says: “It is impossible to enter the cave, as it is guarded the bats... First, find 10 bats, put them in a bag, and then look into the cave. "

Children are looking for 10 bats in the hallway and put them in a bag lying right there. Bats can be very different: paper, soft, plastic, etc. When all the hidden bats are found, the host will offer to look into the cave (the cave can be an entrance or a large wardrobe), where in the most conspicuous place is a sheet of paper with a picture of a palm tree. Children look at the map and understand: the palm tree symbolizes the jungle.

5th stage: Jungle. Jungles are houseplants gathered in one place. One of them has a note: “Coconuts grow on the palms. Falling coconuts break. Don't let them crash. Catch 10 falling coconuts. "

There is a basket with small balls near the plants. The host explains how to play. Children take turns trying to throw the ball into the basket, standing at a certain distance (at least 2 m). When 10 balls are in the basket, the host will offer to carefully examine all the coconuts and find letters on them. On three balls there is one letter each, from which the children must form the word "Sleep". It is concluded that the next point of the route is a sleepy hollow.

6th stage: Sleepy Hollow. Skittles (or a bag of empty plastic bottles, instead of labels on which - pirate tags) and a scarf (scarf, blindfold, etc.).

Under the pins - a note: “In the sleepy hollow, everyone falls asleep: both people and animals. Here you can fall asleep forever and never wake up again. Many tried to leave the hollow in a sleeping state, but they did not succeed. Will you be able to walk through the gully in a dormant state and leave it safe and sound? "

The host places the pins as the border of the winding path. Children take turns trying to walk along this path blindfolded, without knocking down a single pins. Anyone can play. When at least someone manages to pass without hitting the pin, you can start looking for the mark. Somewhere near the sofa you need to hide a paper snowflake with a pirate tag. After finding a snowflake, the children will conclude that the next destination is a glacier.

7th stage and last: Glacier. The glacier is a refrigerator. Leaflets with letters hang on the fridge with magnets. The presenter says that you probably need to put together a word from letters. Children put together the word "Treasure". After that, you can look into the refrigerator. Here comes the treasure! The treasure is a large, beautiful cake decorated in pirate style, and a box of gold (with chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil).

Leading: « This is good luck! We found a treasure that dozens of the best pirates tried to find before us. But it turned out only for you - the most dexterous, intelligent and courageous! And what a fortune that cake is a treasure! This is so by the way, because today is our captain's birthday! Let's go celebrate? "

"Pirate party or in search of lost treasures"

for older preschool children

Children's age: senior preschool.

Location:the territory of the preschool educational institution (in bad weather, the quest can be carried out indoors).

Preparation: ask the parents to dress the children "like a pirate", post up announcements about the party, provide musical accompaniment.


  1. Pirate Hook
  2. Pirate Barbosa
  3. Sea monster
  4. Robinson Crusoe
  5. Izzy the Pirate ("Jake of Neverland" cartoon)

Equipment :

  1. Hero Costumes (Hook needs a telescope and a whistle)
  2. Boxes and tape (for building a ship);
  3. Sea puzzles in an envelope;
  4. "Treasure" (a chest with sweets);
  5. Jolly Roger;
  6. Steering wheel;
  7. A map cut into pieces;
  8. Rope:
  9. Two water pistols and two basins of water;
  10. Clothespins;
  11. Piastres;
  12. Two buckets with balls-crumbs;

Music: theme from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean", songs from the cartoon "Jake and the Pirates", the sound of waves, the cry of seagulls, etc.


Children play on the playground. Suddenly, the music from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" starts playing and a pirate approaches the children Hook and Pirate Watchdog.

Hook : "Hello children! I am the famous pirate Hook! And this is my friend - the pirate Barbosa. All hands on deck! We're going on a treasure hunt! "

The watchdog is confused:"But Hook, we don't have a team!"

Hook: “Never mind, Barbosa! Look straight ahead - how many brave and courageous guys are in front of us. They can become our team! "

Barbosa: "Do you guys want to become pirates and go with us in search of treasures?"

Children: "Yes!"

Watchdog : "Guys who want to go on a trip, raise your hands!"

Children are raising.

Hook: “Wait, Barbosa. We need to check if they are ready to become pirates!

Only the one who guesses my riddles will become a pirate!

Riddle number 1.

He is the most insidious villain. They scare all the children

Carries a pistol and a knife, He perpetrates a robbery.

He is either poor or rich and is looking for treasure all the time.

Answer quickly Who is this ...? (Barmaley)

Riddle number 2.

A lump rose over the water -

This is a very angry fish.

Showed her fin

And she disappeared again in an instant. (Shark)

Riddle number 3.

A giant floats across the ocean

And he lets out a fountain. (Whale)

Riddle number 4.

How beautiful they sail -

Very fast and playful!

We are shown backs

From sea water ... (Dolphins)

Riddle number 5.

Don't you know me?

I live at the bottom of the sea

Head and eight legs -

That's all I am - ... (Octopus)

Barbosa: “Well done! You have guessed all the riddles! "

Hook: “Welcome aboard, crew! You are now all members of my Black Mark Pirate Crew. We urgently need to build a ship! What will we be worth of? " (there are large boxes, scotch tape, scissors, flag, steering wheel nearby).

Children and pirates are building a ship.

Hook: “I have a piece of the map, let's look at it! (study the map with the children) Where do you think you should sail? Why did you decide so? That's right, the map tells us to sail west. In places! The helmsman will be a pirate in striped pants!(or socks, or with a certain pattern on the T-shirt)Helmsman, take a seat at the helm! Raise our pirate flag! Raise the anchor! Give up the mooring line! Go ahead! Helmsman, turn the steering wheel "(they sit on the "ship", to the music from the film "row" with oars, Hook looks busily through the telescope, all swim towards the area adjacent to the platform).

Suddenly from behind the veranda appearsSea monster.

The sea monster is formidable:"Who are you, where are you going?"

Watchdog mockingly: “And what is this miracle - Yudo - a whale fish? We are brave pirates! We sail on the sea in search of treasures. Do you have a second piece of the map for us? "

Sea monster: "There is. But I can only give it to real pirates! "

Hook: “Oh, you freshwater clam! How can we prove that we are real pirates? "

Sea monster: "You must do a pirate dance with me!"

Barbosa: Burst my spleen! It's as easy as shelling pears! Guys, get up quickly in the circle! "

Pirate dance

Hook: “Yo - ho - ho! Everyone is looking at me and dancing like me!

To the left of the rudder! - everyone should turn to the right and continue to dance;

Steering right! - everyone should turn to the right and continue dancing;

Stern! - the circle expands;

Nose! - the circle narrows;

Set sail! - all raise their hands up, continuing to dance;

Scrubbing the deck! - everyone starts rubbing their feet on the floor;

Cannonball! - everyone squats;

Admiral on board! - all stand to attention and salute! "

They dance several times.

Sea monster: “Yes, you dance like real pirates!

But pirates should be not only funny and dexterous, but also quick-witted.

Guess my riddles:

  1. How do you decide to bring water?(freeze or put a bag on the bottom);
  2. Two pirates were going to the port. Two more pirates were going to meet them. How many pirates went to the port?(2)
  3. There are three gold coins in the basket. How do you divide three coins between three pirates so that one coin remains in the basket?(give one pirate a coin along with a basket).
  4. Pirate Hook is 1 year older than Pirate Barbosa. How much will pirate Hook be older than watchdog pirate in 2 years?(for 1 year).
  5. Two gulls and three pikes were flying over the sea. How many birds flew over the sea?(2 seagulls).

What smart pirates! And now, you have the next piece of the map! "(gives the map, the team studies it, decides where to sail next).

Hook: “Hurry, let's go! Let's sail north! "

(swim to the music to the next section)

Hook: “Welcome, my young pirates! Finally, our feet touched solid ground! It's time to knead our old bones! Gore me with a mosquito! And who is this coming to meet us? "

Suitable for children Robinson Crusoe.

Robinson Crusoe : "Hello, my young friends!"

(children say hello in return).

Watchdog : “Piranha for my scruff! And who are you?"

Robinson : “I am Robinson Crusoe. I live on this desert island. "

Hook : “And we are brave pirates! We are looking for a treasure chest! "

Robinson : “I could help you - give a piece of the card. But first, prove to me that you are the fastest, the most agile and the strongest! Sailors, can you run and jump? "

Children: "Yes!"


Children are divided into two teams

  1. Competition: "One-legged Silver"

On one leg, jump to the goal by running backward.

  1. Contest "Rescue from Piranhas"

One child is wearing clothespins, the other children take turns freeing him.

  1. Competition "Collect Piastres"

"Piastres" are scattered on the carpet. On the whistle, the teams are collected in buckets. Which team will collect the most and won.

  1. Competition "Sharpshooter" -players needhit the target with a water pistol.
  2. Competition "Who is Stronger"- tug of war.

Robinson: “Yes, you are fast and accurate. But do your captains know how to untie nautical knots?

Game "Sea Knots"

Check it out now! Captains come to me. And the teams stand in a circle, hold hands and get confused more strongly. The task of the captains is to unravel the sea knots of the rivals! "

Robinson: "Thank you guys! Pleased the old traveler! Here's a card for that! "

(children and pirates study the map, decide where to sail next).

Hook : “All to the ship! It's time to go! ". They float to the neighboring site.

Participants are met pirate Izzy (cartoon “Jake and the Neverland Pirates).

Izzy : "Hello, pirates from the ship" Black Mark! "

Watchdog : "Smite me with thunder! This is Izzy - the pirate of Neverland, the friend of the pirate Jake! "

Hook : “We are looking for treasure. Do you have a piece of the map for us? "

Izzy: “First, prove that you are smart enough to find the treasure! Guess my sea puzzles! "(gives children an envelope with puzzles).

Clues: water, fisherman, shark, caviar, catfish, pirate.

Izzy: “Well done, you guessed all the puzzles! Guys, do pirates float on the waves? "

Children: "Yes!"

Jake : "What do pirates do when they meet other pirate ships?"

Children : "Fight with them!"

Jake : "Then, since you are real pirates, let's play the game" Drown the enemy! "

Sink the enemy ship game

The playground is divided into two parts - these are two ships. Each ship has a bucket of cannonballs.

(balls - crumbs or balls of water, if parents do not mind and the weather is hot. With balls, the game is more fun).

Children are divided into two teams. The teams are given names. Hearing the whistle, the teams must start throwing as many cannonballs as possible at the enemy ship. When the whistle blew a second time, everyone stopped. Cannonballs are counted, and which ship has more cannonballs, that one is considered sunk. The game is repeated several times.

Izzy : "Well done boys! You play well! Here's a card for that! "

(players examine the map. Find a red dot).

Hook : "Thunder strike me, the treasure is hidden somewhere here!"

They are looking for a treasure. Find a chest of sweets. They open it, everyone is happy.


“The treasure was found, which means

Everyone is smart - and a boy

And a funny girl

That they laugh loudly with me!

Help yourself, do not hesitate,

Smile, have fun! "

Final disco with the heroes of the Quest

Riddles about the sea introduce kids to the natural reservoirs of the Earth, the types of seas and their inhabitants.

There are many seas on the planet - this is the Black Sea, the Sargasso Sea, the Caribbean Sea and many others. V modern world the coast of the seas is most often regarded as resort areas. And in ancient times, the seas were considered more as strategic objects, huge fleets were created to protect the seas from attack.

The seas were often operated by pirates who robbed peaceful ships. There were especially many of them in the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas. And in the depths of the seas, in addition to the amazing underwater sea, there are countless treasures of sunken ships.

Riddles about the seas develop memory, imagination in kids, and form an interest in adventure.

In calm weather
We are nowhere
As the wind blows -
We run on the water.

Here - wherever we look -
Water blue space.
In it the wave rises like a wall
White crest over the wave.
And sometimes there is peace and quiet.
Was everyone able to recognize him?

Storm on the sea or fog,
But where is the edge of the earth
Every captain knows.
What burns for them in the distance?

There is water all around, but drinking is a problem.

I will not cheat
- I am less than the ocean,
But I'm big, nevertheless
It looks like an ocean.
I can be calm
I can storm it.
I always have
Salty water.

You can't scoop it out with a spoon,
And do not fall asleep with sand,
You can't make tracks on it,
To walk.
It is endless, blue
And the winds guard him,
And the ships are beautiful
They walk along the water surface.

This is the largest beast
Like a multi-ton liner.
And it eats - believe me! -
Only a trifle - plankton.
Floats here and there
Through the arctic seas.

I'm sailing on a ship
Sometimes I lie at the bottom
I keep the ship on a chain
watch the ship at sea,
So that the wind does not drive away
On the waves only shook.

On the sea goes, goes,
And it will come to the coast and disappear.
(Wave at sea)

Endless Puddle
She is not afraid of the evil cold.
Ships are sailing in Luzha,
They are far from the ground.

Water to the right and water to the left
Ships sail here and here and there
But if you want to get drunk my friend
Every sip is salty.

You already, my friend, of course
Heard something about me:
I am always five-pointed
And I live at the very bottom.

Breaking thick ice
He goes forward alone,
And after him only later
The ships go in single file.

Bela wool is floating somewhere.
(Foam on the sea)

Word spread about him:
Eight legs and a head.
To make it worse for everyone
He releases ink.

He is the king of the sea,
Oceans sovereign,
He is the keeper of the treasures at the bottom
And the lord of the mermaids.

I explain to the kid
To avoid mistakes:
I am a beast, I breathe air,
But it looks like a big fish.
I'm a dodger in water polo
And I play ball with the children.

Who wears the spacesuit
And dives to the depth?
Who's in boots with lead
Does he walk along the bottom there?

Across the sea-ocean
The miracle giant is floating.
There is a crane on his back:
A fountain runs from it.

I am without the sea - nowhere
All my food is in the sea.
I live on the shore
I guard the polar circle.
The paws are like flippers.
I am like a walrus, but not a fang.

I need a thread for fishing.
I wanted to ask the seller
Like, is it on sale here,
I forgot the name of the thread.
Sweaty my nose to a shine.
I remembered! It - …
(Fishing line)

A spider crawls into the sea -
Eight legs, a pair of arms.
Claws in the hands
There is fear in the eyes.

Everyone who has been to the sea
Sign with a bright umbrella.
From water and salt
It consists entirely.
Don't touch him in the water -
Burns like fire.

Neptune is clearly at odds with someone,
If the sea is so raging!
Waves of various shapes ...
What about the sea? In the sea …

This beast is fanged,
Instead of legs - flippers
The tail is dragging on the ice,
The beast is not afraid of frost.

I explain to the kid
To avoid mistakes:
I am a beast, I breathe air,
But it looks like a big fish.
I'm a dodger in water polo
And I play ball with the children.

Sits aground, moves his mustache,
And the walk will go backwards.

We are shy sometimes
We can be brave too.
Water surrounds us
In it we breathe with gills.
With scales and fins
We sail here and there
And we walk in jambs
We are on the rivers and seas.

A wave is rising
And will close the shore soon.
This is our moon moon
So attracts the sea.

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Usually, it is very difficult to find a game that will be interesting for both you and your children. But now you can download this novelty of the genre, as it is able to satisfy your requirements. Firstly, this game is absolutely free, and secondly, its simple and uncomplicated storyline will appeal to your whole family. This video game is perfectly adapted for any user, and that is why it is the best in its genre.

Swim or not swim? What's question?! While others are thinking about it, you may be the first to find a pirate treasure! Somewhere out there, at the bottom of a mysterious lake, lie the secrets of the past: a crystal capable of giving youth, a cup, one sip of which will give eternal life, and a golden doubloon that brings good luck to its owner ... All this can be yours, if only you get to the island before anyone else! Gather your crew, set sail and get ready to sail! Your journey promises to be risky, but it's not for nothing that you are called a brave captain. Explore 6 new mystical islands and get tons of unusual pirate trophies! Raise the Jolly Roger! Fair wind to you, sea wolf!

Game interface language: Russian


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