The philosophy of eternal life against Darwin. The philosophy of eternal life against Darwin What is called as the struggle of life against life

Fight Against Life: Population Reduction Technologies

In addition to drugs, the weapons used to wage modern total war are population reduction technologies. That is, technologies that achieve the same goals as drugs, the same goals as conventional weapons. Therefore, we have the right to call these technologies weapons. Ultimately, all these types of weapons are aimed at the destruction of life itself - the most important target against which modern warfare is waged. To destroy life in man and humanity in all its manifestations - spiritual, physical and intellectual - that's what the collective global aggressor wants.

The war in the demographic subspace is aimed primarily at the destruction of physical life. However, in this way a double blow is dealt to both the spiritual and mental space. Indeed, along with the reduction of the population, not only the physical, but also the spiritual and intellectual potential of society is reduced. A people weakened in this way ceases to be able to defend its country, its faith, ceases to realize the need for such protection.

I emphasize that the deepest meaning of modern warfare is the confrontation of forces committed to life and forces committed to death - the forces of vitacracy (life power) and the forces of thanatocracy (death power). The worship of the cult of death and its spread is what underlies the new world order, for the creation of which the global clique is waging war, waging all means sowing death in the body, soul and consciousness of a person, peoples, humanity.

Above we said that the use of drugs as a weapon to achieve the goals of modern warfare gives it a narcotic dimension. In connection with the use of population reduction technologies, we have the right to introduce the term “medical-biological dimension of war”. In this war, as well as in the anti-state, everything is just the opposite, everything is perverted - medicine is turning from a servant of life into a distributor of all kinds and most sophisticated forms of death.

We will talk about how population reduction technologies are used and how this biomedical dimension of war manifests itself in this chapter.

This will be a difficult conversation. War is war. And evil is great and insidious. But in order to resist him, we must know his methods, the weapons that our opponent uses. Coming into contact with darkness in this analysis, we must have and keep the light in the soul, we must cling even more strongly to life. Because life is God, and He is the best Warrior. Trusting in Him, keeping faith in the soul, we will overcome the enemy. And with a feeling of bright hope, let's start the story.

Russia has long been the target of a demographic attack. The World Bank projects in the field of health care, or, as they were also called, health burials, which were so generously given to us under loans, provided for obvious measures to reduce the birth rate and population. The World Bank, as an organ of world government, generally specializes in such cases. They do this under the slogan of family planning, motherhood and childhood protection. They issue tied (that is, under what they themselves indicate) loans, for example, for health care reform, in some regions of the country, and there, as a condition for obtaining this loan, all sorts of vile requirements are recorded. In particular, to purchase laparoscopes that are used to sterilize the population. Another part of this project was the distribution of free contraceptives to girls from 15 years old and low-income women (they are the vast majority). So the state itself, on a tip from the World Bank, had to finance the reduction of its own population, simultaneously corrupting schoolchildren through the lessons of the so-called sex education, also imposed by foreign "benefactors". The details of the World Bank project do not end there. They want more. They provide for the closure of maternity hospitals. And, indeed, why are they, if the birth rate is not provided. Well, one more detail that hit the heads of bank designers was to organize, as an experiment, assistance to patients with sexually transmitted diseases in women's consultations. That is, where healthy pregnant women are served, “as an experiment” (remember the fascist experiments) an infection is introduced that can lead to illness in the future mother and child, causing changes leading to his possible death or genetic pathology.

Do you think that I write abstract facts? Not at all. All this was incorporated into the World Bank's project to reform the healthcare system in the Tver and Kaluga regions. The loan was taken, and the relevant government decree regarding the implementation of this World Bank project was adopted in 1996.

Drugs are easier to deal with. There are international organizations that are criminalized for distributing drugs that lead to sickness and death, ultimately to population reduction. The World Bank achieves the same goals, only by different means. So what is the difference between him and international criminal organizations? “By their fruits you shall know them” (Matthew 7:16).

Alas, the WB is not alone in these criminal acts. There are still other organizations pursuing the same aims, and collectively forming the forces of what may be called biomedical NATO, which is understood as a collective meta-aggressor that introduces and distributes biomedical means of destruction, reduction and prevention of the birth of human life.

One of the members of biomedical NATO (this is consonant with the Gestapo) is the international eugenics organization "Public Relations" (CLO) with headquarters in Washington. Founded in 1968, this organization was called Population Zero Growth. In 2002, it changed its name, but the essence remained the same.

It is known that the SSN seeks to “stabilize” the growth of the world population through the use of such tools as “family planning (otherwise called birth prevention), the education of women (that is, convincing them not to have children) and the realization of the right to personal reproductive choice (that is, to abortion and sterilization)

Considering what they do, her motto is mocking: "Educate and act for a better world."

All this eugenic concoction is spreading under the guise of combating global warming. It is known that the best remedy for a headache is the guillotine. Moreover, the organization does not even question whether people are really the cause of global warming.

Professor Paul Reiter, one of the UN experts on climate control, said: “We imagine that we live in an age of reason, and anxiety about global warming is presented as a kind of science. But this is not science. This is propaganda... I have often heard that there is a consensus of thousands of scientists on the problem of global warming. And that humans are causing catastrophic change in the climate system. So here I am that one scientist, and there are many more of us who believe that this is simply not true.

Incidentally, as good example, to which all other countries should be equal, the activists of the organization cite Russia with its dynamics of a significant reduction in the population. In what - in what, and in this they vigorously praise us.

At a meeting of the organization's employees with this very population, one of those present asked a question about the conformity of the population control policy with the constitution and received a bewildering answer: "We are not engaged in population control, we are engaged in population stabilization." You might think that this very stabilization does not imply control.

The slyness in this answer also consisted in the fact that one of the founders of the organization Paul Ehrlich, which, I recall, was originally called “Zero Population Growth”, literally said the following: “We must control the population not only through a system of rewards and punishments, but and through coercion, if voluntary methods fail.”

As part of the family planning program, tens of thousands of Russian women were sterilized in the first years of its implementation. Voluntary methods under the conditions of "shock therapy" had an effect here.

In that presentation, where the organization's employees were asked uncomfortable questions, it was shown how African women are sterilized with vaccines. Activists are in favor of adopting a law that would provide for the introduction of "sex education" as a compulsory subject in schools, which, as practice shows, is in fact the corruption of children and youth. The textbook on sex education, which was developed for the second grade of Russian schools, was called "Your friend is a condom." I'm not kidding. That's what he was called. As part of this program, older students were provided with "lessons to remove the feeling of shame." And the “What do you know about sex” questionnaire distributed to teenage schoolchildren by family planning program uncles was banned. Prosecutor General's Office for her promiscuous nature. One of these uncles was, by the way, the owner of a peep show, and the other was awarded the MacArthur Foundation for the protection of the rights of sexual minorities.

It is known from sexopathology that early sexual intercourse quickly leads to the extinction of reproductive functions.

In the mid-90s, the Federal Target Program "Family Planning", which provides for what the organization "Communication with the population" does, was financed from the federal budget, and almost in full, in contrast to such targeted programs, like "Children with Disabilities" and "Orphans", which were catastrophically underfunded.

At that time, before the adoption of the next federal budget, which provides for the extension of funding for the Family Planning program, a collection of signatures was organized through the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church and a number of Muslim organizations against financing the program. And the State Duma, before the adoption of the budget, was literally inundated with letters, telegrams, huge bundles of signatures from all over Russia. It was a powerful people's campaign, unprecedented in its organization, composure and manifestation of the strength of the people's spirit and its capabilities.

And the Duma, literally dumbfounded by this protest flow, despite the active attempts of all kinds of radical liberals and democrats to break through the financing of the program, voted against it. It was a truly popular victory, and it was the victory of the Russian Orthodox Church, which carried out colossal explanatory work and managed to organize the people. It is precisely for these opportunities that the enemies of Russia so fiercely hate the Russian Orthodox Church, they call it enemy number one, trying in every possible way to denigrate it, to tear it away from the people.

I remember how I waved my fists, but I did it more reflexively than meaningfully. The ringing in my ears was the only sound I could hear, although I could see the crowd in the front rows around the ring raging and I could feel my opponent's punches coming.

I fought for the first and only time, and my reaction was what it should have been: I stepped back and started to fight. If I accepted defeat and stopped, I would never know if I was a real fighter or just a wannabe, warrior or pretender.

We suffer pain and struggle as we move forward. Pain, struggle and defeat tell us more about who we are and what we are capable of than times of calm. We are given the opportunity to become stronger by going through pain. The use of this auspicious moment will either lead to our further development, or contribute to our downfall.

If problems help us become stronger, why do we avoid them? Why do we look for ease when it is the struggle that leads us to success?

Life is war

Every day we wake up in one of two versions of ourselves; let's call one a warrior, and the second, aimed at external, material existence - resistance. Resistance is everything that makes us weak and timid.

Resistance is our fear, anxiety, self-doubt, lack of courage and imagination, and laziness. When we wake up, resistance immediately begins its work. This is the part of us that wants to take another nap after the alarm goes off or watch TV. It is the voice in our heads that is risk-averse and wants us to stay in our comfort zone, avoiding growth.

Resistance can take the form of people in our lives who want us to remain as weak as they are. All this prevents us from going out into the world and creating something beautiful, preventing us from leaving a legacy. These people are afraid that they will lose us to the greatness we have. They offer us pizza when we're on a diet, call us to the movies when we have a project due the next day, and make fun of our wildest goals, dreams, and desires.

Resistance is the real enemy. An enemy that most of us ignore or support but don't fight. Most of us accept fear, laziness, and the desire for an easy, petty life because the battle against resistance is never over. This is a lifelong war filled with daily battles in our minds and souls.

But we have an ally...

Inside each of us - man, woman or child - there is a warrior. We have a source of inner courage that increases each time we defeat resistance in battle, but also weakens each time we are defeated.

A warrior eats every time we take a risk, every time we wake up anxious, every time we aim for another rep in the gym or spend another hour at work. It grows every time we persevere, every time we advance.

I defeated resistance when I got up from that crushing blow and continued to fight. I beat the resistance when I turned off my phone and worked when the resistance wanted me to hang on Facebook, and I pushed it away, stifled that thought, and did my job.

You killed the resistance when you booked that trip in the face of fear, when you started your project even though your significant other scoffed at the very idea of ​​it, when you yourself encouraged someone to take action even though deep down you were jealous. You crushed the resistance that wanted to crush your dream.

The meaning of life is acceptance of the struggle

Decades ago, Theodore Roosevelt called on Americans who supported him to embrace a busy life. He urged to seek struggle and avoid ease. He saw that the essence of life, and not just success, lies in a busy life, and that death and wasted time lie in an easy life.

Indeed to live successful life filled with action, purpose, and growth, we must strive for problems, pain, and struggle. We must push ourselves beyond what we can currently achieve so we can achieve more.

To avoid struggle is to avoid life itself.

The next time you feel like you're giving in to weakness or forces that want you to remain worthless, don't give up, fight. This is reality, and this is a matter of life and death.

If you fight, you will be rewarded with strength and courage, you should live a wonderful life, and if you avoid the fight, you choose the path that millions of people take every day: a petty life of fear, insignificance and betrayal of the potential that we all have, in favor of the coward into whom too many subsequently turn.

Waking up in the morning, people barely open their eyes, and then go to bath procedures ... After that, they are waiting for: school, work or something else, but usually already planned. Trivially, but not often, anyone thinks about the fact that every day a person overdoes himself, because he has no choice.

I lead to a simple thought, our whole life is daily struggle with myself. Surprisingly, we probably like to fight. Whether we like it or not, this struggle consumes us more and more every day. Be that as it may, but every day we look at the world a little differently, not like yesterday.

Just think, today you were kicked out of the university, your girlfriend suddenly quit, and nothing comes out with a part-time job. With what eyes will you look at this world? Everything you had was gone in an instant. The world seems so unfair that there is nothing left but to sit down and cry. But, this is today ... Then tomorrow comes, or a week passes, or maybe a month, and everything changes dramatically. The essence, or something, of a person is this - always fight.

If you were in this guy's place, sooner or later, you would have thoughts: “To hell with him! Everything that is not done is all for the better! I have friends, and friends are connections, maybe someone will help with the work. University is not the most important thing in life, if I wish, I will do it again. Well, I didn't die! And the process begins, the same one, the struggle for survival, the struggle with oneself. It’s just that it’s been in our heads since birth, some kind of “correct option”. We do not want to be homeless or "worse than my workmate." But there are simple things that we don’t even think about, and unfortunately, this is very bad. Because often, this struggle develops into paranoia or prevents us from doing what we really want!

From the beginning of the existence of people on this planet, we are always obliged to fight for something or for someone. At first it was a war for caves, which are warm and safe, and for food, without which we simply cannot survive. Then power. Earth, status, ideas, discoveries, recognition. Remarkably, the only thing that has changed since ancient times is the comfort zones that we fight for. Formerly caves or shacks, now apartments or houses. And money appeared - a specific "resource" that can give us these benefits.

Have you ever wondered how amazing people are? We forced ourselves to develop so much that we are absorbed in "evolution" over ourselves. It's wrong to be lazy, always lying around, doing nothing. After all, in this case, we will have nothing. Man overcame his laziness and "stupidity" in the process of fighting with himself, in the first place. But is everything so rosy? Is this really the meaning of our existence? I'm not going to philosophize about why we came into this world. In no case. It's just that, as I mentioned, this fight can get in the way.

We often hear: “Money spoils and changes people…”, naturally, because such a resource gives us almost everything we want, but how valuable? A person can overcome his laziness and make incredible discoveries that will be useful for all mankind. And the other can go crazy, this is also a struggle, you see, when people are ready to kill "others", "little people" in order to become richer. Create artificial wars, epidemics, myths about the "end of the world", and anything else, just to make money.

Fight with the heart. Yes, I'm sure everyone goes through this. A person who loves with his heart very little, because in our time it is hard to find someone sincere and pure. Someone said: “People love with their hearts for five minutes, and then their brains turn on,” the analysis of everything that surrounds us begins. For example, how can a teacher date a student? How so? It's immoral. Especially since she's older. Only problem is, who said it's immoral? We were inspired by those around us? At such moments, there is a struggle with your heart. There are many situations: age difference, teamwork, difference in status, same-sex relationships, experience preventing you from moving on, fear of starting over after a bad episode, and so on.

Why is it all? Yes, to the fact that you need to fight, but do not forget sometimes to move away from this fight. What the hell is not joking, score on everything sometimes and know how to relax. You can't live in constant tension. You need to go to your goal, but in such a way that you won’t be ashamed later. Although, as they say: “In war, all methods are good”, you see ... I still write as Mir inspires us, and there is no getting away from this.

In 1903, the Nobel Prize winner I. I. Mechnikov wrote in his book “Etudes on the Nature of Man”: “Our old age is a disease that needs to be treated like any other.” However, most doctors and physiologists are against recognizing aging as a disease. They believe that aging is a normal physiological process, like embryonic development or puberty.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Genetics of Lifespan and Aging at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Radiobiology and Gerontology of the Institute of Biology of the Komi Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexei Alexandrovich Moskalev told the correspondent of the journal "SCIENCE Firsthand" that aging is not so much a natural process, as many believe, but a disease that can and should (!) be treated. Already, there are mechanisms that can radically slow down the aging process and minimize the period of “helpless old age” in model animals, however, according to A. Moskalev, it is impossible to start clinical trials of anti-aging drugs for humans because aging is not officially recognized as a disease

Death before the age of 150 is a violent death.
I. I. Mechnikov

Everyone wants to live long and at the same time not grow old and not get sick, but the reality is that living organisms grow old and die. However, living systems, unlike non-living ones, have an advantage. If a non-living system “gets old”, if something breaks in it, breakdowns will accumulate until it falls apart completely. But living cells have repair mechanisms, with the help of which they can “repair” themselves, and can also be updated due to the reserve of stem cells: when at some point the “repair” becomes “unprofitable”, the cells commit “suicide” - they go into apoptosis , and new mature cells are formed from reserve cells. What we call aging begins when the “repair” mechanisms inadvertently break down, when the maintenance mechanisms are damaged. homeostasis, constancy internal environment organism.

Moskalev Alexey Alexandrovich- Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biology, author of more than 80 scientific articles, books and popular lectures in the field of biology, genetics of aging and life expectancy, radiation genetics. Organizer of the regular international conference Genetics of aging and longevity. Consultant of international scientific foundations, pharmaceutical companies, expert of the Higher attestation commission Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the European Study Commission

Human cells are not the most perfect when it comes to their ability to renew themselves. It is known that hydras (invertebrate intestinal animals) have potential immortality, and American researchers have recently proved that numerous relatives of hydras - jellyfish, corals, sea anemones, and other primitive animals - ctenophores, sponges, lamellar and flat worms have this feature. In these organisms, unlike humans, in the adult state, the unique ability of stem cells to regenerate any tissue of the body is preserved, that is, the ability of organs to self-rejuvenate is high. Adult human stem cells are known to have very limited regenerative potential. Plants are also known in which the youth phase can last for many decades or even centuries, although after reproduction they quickly grow old and die (bamboo, puya Raimondi).

There are several theories of aging; according to one of them, the evolutionary-genetic or mutation accumulation theory, aging is due to the fact that the pressure of natural selection weakens with age. Since in wild nature animals rarely live to old age, because they die from predators, hunters, diseases, etc., they "try" to leave offspring as soon as possible. But it follows from this that only those genes, in which unfavorable mutations are manifested in early age. Harmful mutations that appear in old age are no longer under serious evolutionary pressure, since most of the population simply does not live up to them.

Our colleague from California Prof. T. V. Tatarinova, having sequenced the genomes of the fossil remains of ancient people, found that they had a very high frequency of alleles of genes associated with age-related diseases. This can serve as an indirect confirmation of the evolutionary genetic theory of aging: people at that time lived a short life, respectively, they accumulated a greater number of mutations associated with age-related diseases, since they did not live to see them.
But now the opposite situation is also becoming relevant: as life expectancy increases, older “harmful” alleles gradually “leave” the population, but, thanks to the development of medicine, mutations accumulate, manifested in childhood. Perhaps in the future we will learn to diagnose alleles of both early and late manifesting mutations at the embryonic stage of development, and we will prepare a gene therapy program for each future person. Now, although we can edit the genome with CRISPR/Cas9 to the letter, this system is not yet perfect. But we need to work in this direction.

The less the individuals of a species are protected from predators, starvation, and disease, the earlier its individuals are forced to start reproducing, and the earlier old age occurs in their organisms due to the accumulation of mutations in ancestral forms with effects that manifest themselves at older ages. The reverse situation also takes place - species that start breeding late, age slowly and live a long time. Depending on the living conditions, life expectancy varies tenfold. The Greenland shark is recognized as the longest-lived vertebrate animal, it lives 400 years, reaching maturity after 100! Deep-sea groupers live up to 200 years. They live in safe conditions, they do not need early reproduction, so selection rejects mutations with a delayed effect. Or take two rodents of comparable size - a mouse and a naked mole rat. Unlike the mouse, which lives for a maximum of four years (and even then in the conditions of individual laboratories), the lifespan of a naked mole rat can exceed thirty years, and it can leave offspring evenly throughout its life. The naked mole rat lives underground, where neither predators nor cold threaten him, and mice, which are actively hunted by owls and foxes, must leave their offspring as quickly as possible. Again we see a difference in the effects on aging of selection for early or late reproduction.

Our colleagues at Duke University have shown that in just a few decades of economic and political stability in Sweden, there has been a slight parallel shift in the life expectancy curve of the population. Surprisingly, not only the average, but also the maximum life expectancy of the population has increased, and this indicates a slowdown in aging. But these are very slow processes; to radically change the situation in an evolutionary way, you need to live for thousands of years in such conditions as naked mole rats.

More than a dozen mechanisms of aging are known; depending on the individual characteristics of a particular person and his genotype, some play a large role, others play a smaller role, although everyone contributes. In a word, we all age, but in different ways: some develop mitochondrial pathologies and disorders of cellular respiration, others are “biased” towards chronic inflammation or insulin resistance, etc. As a result, age-dependent diseases develop - type 2 diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system, neurodegenerative diseases, oncology. Thus, aging is a preclinical stage of age-related diseases. They, in fact, are late symptoms of the main disease - aging. In the early stages of the development of most of these diseases, the symptoms are often nonspecific, common with other age-related changes, and it is usually too late, expensive and ineffective to deal with them when they manifest themselves clinically. To combat aging, first of all, preventive measures are needed, and the sooner you start to apply them, the more significant the result of prolonging the active period of life.

Medicine partly lives by the paradigms of the 19th century. The stereotypes of fighting diseases caused by pathogens - viruses, fungi, bacteria, where there is one causal factor - "spoiled" medicine for 150 years to come. Because there is always a temptation to apply this approach - to kill the enemy and thereby cure the disease - to all diseases. But, as we see, for example, this does not quite work with cancer, and with aging, too: these are complex processes that are not associated with external factors, but with deviations of the mechanisms of self-regulation of the existence of a living system

Before translating any geroprotective therapy into clinical practice, it is first necessary to learn how to determine what “scenario” will develop aging in a particular person, and for this it is necessary to develop objective biomarkers of aging - measurable parameters that qualitatively, quantitatively and reproducibly change with aging. Currently, approaches are being developed that propose the use of several dozen of these biomarkers: it is almost impossible to choose one indicator that would satisfy all the criteria for an objective assessment of the aging rate, since aging is a complex problem, different organs, such as the liver, brain or skin, age in one the same person at different speeds.

Since there are several mechanisms of aging, there are also several targets that need to be “hit” in order to slow it down. It is necessary to act, on the one hand, on all targets, on the other hand, having determined with the help of biomarkers the most relevant for a particular person, first of all on them. This means that there will be no universal “pill against old age”, an individual approach to each is needed. In addition, not all targets can be "hit" by drugs, sometimes it will be necessary to apply gene therapy, edit the structure of DNA, or act on the function of the protein product of the gene. At the same time, you will have to regularly monitor and diagnose all body systems in order to maintain homeostasis systems. The introduction of aging biomarkers into everyday life is still far away; a person cannot come, for example, to Invitro and take an analysis of the rate of his aging. But it is important and necessary to work in this direction.

If we correctly pose the problem and look for methods to solve it, we will already be able to repair our body and mental functions, precisely, like a car. To date, at the level of experiments, there is everything: biomarkers of aging, geroprotectors that prolong the life of model animals, even experimental gene therapy drugs. But in order to get this problem off the ground, a large international megaproject is needed to radically slow down the aging process, like the construction of the Large Hadron Collider. Or at least a national program for the development of biomedical innovations for active longevity.

For any progress to be made, for the work to prolong youth to be well funded, aging must be officially recognized as a disease. To date, the international classification of diseases does not include such a disease, which means that scientists do not have the opportunity to receive funding for anti-aging research, and pharmaceutical companies- Launch anti-aging drugs on the market. As practice has shown, some grant-giving foundations (I will not name them) cut off applications on the word “aging”, anti-aging studies are perceived as pseudo-scientific. There is a paradigm firmly in the minds of people that aging is a natural process, and why fight against the law of nature? After all, it's like inventing a perpetual motion machine. However, the practically ageless long-lived species of animals, examples of which I gave, show that there is no such law of nature, but there is an accumulation of errors and breakdowns in the systems of maintaining homeostasis of the human body, which in the future it will theoretically be possible to put in order, how to fix an old car.

The problem does not get off the ground, not because the majority of scientists do not work well. Scientists are part of society, and if there is no social order, then there is no redistribution of finances in this area. Remember when people with AIDS staged demonstrations around the world, huge resources were thrown into the fight against this disease, and as a result, their quality of life improved significantly. Now it is not a fatal disease, but a chronic disease with an acceptable quality of life. This is an example of the fact that in a short period of time, literally in a few years, with the investment of significant resources, with the understanding and support of society, great results can be achieved in solving even such serious problems as AIDS, which, unlike old age, affects only a few percent of the entire population. .

If we live long, humanity will become more wise, balanced and responsible both in relation to nature and in relation to itself. The human age is too short to see and evaluate the results of their rash actions, their ignorance. For example, politicians come to power, do something, but do not have time to see all the results of their actions, then the next ones come ... If these people, in 50, 100 years, could see the consequences of their actions, they might disposed of their power

Unfortunately, both in our country and in others, there are forces that do not benefit from recognizing aging as a disease - these are, in particular, pseudoscientific corporations that are completely at the mercy of the struggle to prolong youth, companies that market unreasonable drugs supposedly to combat aging . There is a huge market for anti-aging cosmetics and dietary supplements, which are not drugs, therefore, do not have an evidence base, do not undergo fundamental clinical research and clinical trials. Now such firms earn a lot of money, simply pointing out on the packaging of their product anti-age if aging is recognized as a disease, they will have to go through FDA-like procedures and prove that their cosmetic product or dietary supplement really has an anti-aging effect. In the meantime, some are earning a lot of money, while others are guessing on the coffee grounds whether the next bioadditive will help them or not.

There are also religious organizations that convince that it is impossible to interfere with the plan of God. And why fight aging if everyone is already destined for eternal life? In addition, people, especially the elderly, with a bouquet of age-related diseases, suffering from depression, often believe that the struggle to extend life will only prolong their suffering. However, you need to understand that these problems - chronic pain, depression - are also associated with age-related changes and the fight against aging is the key to improving the quality of life of older people.

There is such a concept - “compression of morbidity”. Unfortunately, in Russian there is no analogue of this term, it means short period of illness- This is a phenomenon that is observed in hereditary centenarians, people who live 90 years or more in each generation. A study of the structure of their incidence showed that they not only live longer than most, but also age-related diseases and, as a result, disability, come to them on average 20 years later. This is what modern medicine should strive for: prevention of aging and timely complex therapy will be able to push old age in its current understanding as far as possible. If we do not get sick for a long time, we will live an active quality life for a long time.

We are very fond of talking about overpopulation, it is believed that the state is not profitable for people to live long. However, the US pension system is already stalling, because 60% of the funds are spent on the treatment of age-related diseases, but even this is ineffective. We need to fight aging, and not just its symptoms, then we will be able to relieve the burden on the pension system as well. If now increase retirement age up to 65-70 years old, it will be a crime, but if people are healthy, they will not only be able to work longer, they themselves will want to work, and will be happy with what they can.


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