К automatic installation for the production of multiflex foam rubber. Foam rubber business. Basic requirements for the premises

Foam rubber is a synthetic material that is made from flexible polyurethane foam... This name of this material has already taken root, since in soviet times it was supplied by the Scandinavian company Porolon.

Since foam rubber is a soft foam material with almost 90% air pockets, it has excellent elasticity and breathability.

It is used as a shock-absorbing and insulating material for packaging fragile products, filling for furniture, making soft toys, and the like. In addition, due to its sound insulation properties, foam rubber is used for sound insulation.

Since for the production of foam rubber, chemically active substances are used, such as polyol, isocyanate, its production, foam rubber is considered environmentally unsafe, since the fumes during the chemical reaction of these materials are toxic and hazardous to humans.

For the manufacture of foam rubber, foam stabilizers and special catalysts are used, thanks to the first foam rubber under the influence external factors such as air and moisture decompose into non-hazardous components and are easily disposed of.

The main disadvantages of this material include: not long service life and a high degree of flammability. The last drawback is solved by introducing manufacturing process the use of specific additives, with the help of which the so-called non-flammable foam rubber.

Foam rubber manufacturing technology

The technological process of foam rubber production is based on carrying out a chemical reaction to mix its components in a special device for foaming. After that, the prepared mass is poured into a special form for solidification.

News technological process can be divided into the following sequential steps:

  • delivery of mixture components to the place of foam rubber production;
  • preparation of components for the manufacture of foam rubber, control of their characteristics (temperature, viscosity, quality, and so on);
  • filling in the constituent components;
  • mixing the raw materials in a foaming machine, in a predetermined mode, to achieve certain characteristics of the material;
  • filling the special movable (collapsible) matrix (form) with the foam obtained;
  • the process of waiting for a chemical reaction to form a foam in the upper part of the matrix, which can be about 20 minutes;
  • disassembling the matrix (mold) and removing the semi-finished product from it;
  • cooling the material and waiting for the end of its active chemical processes;
  • waiting for the final solidification of the foam rubber (on the order of one to three days);
  • cutting foam rubber, according to a perky template;
  • storage of the finished product.

Equipment used for the manufacture of foam rubber

One of the prerequisites for the manufacture of foam rubber is the exact adherence to the specified recipe, since the chemical reaction, which is the basis for preparing the mixture, is carried out at the molecular level.

In addition, the quality and temperature that the ingredients have before mixing is equally important. The equipment that is used to produce this material must ensure not only the correct dosage, but also the temperature characteristics of the starting material.

Therefore, most devices that carry out pre-preparation and dosing are equipped with various sensors and automated systems, which are designed to provide control over the indicators of ingredients.

Depending on the degree of automation and complexity of the equipment used for this, the price of the foam rubber production line directly depends, as well as the quality of the goods that are produced with its help. The equipment lines used for the production of foam rubber are of the same type. The difference in the configuration depends only on the method of foam rubber production.

Video: foam rubber production process

Depending on the volume and serial production, there are continuous and periodic production methods. They differ in the method of extracting foam, in continuous production the extraction of foam is carried out continuously and the foam is fed to the mold, which is made in the form of a conveying line.

Among the main devices that are used in the process of making foam rubber are:

Also, some highly automated lines may include various packaging units and machines for the production of tape or shredded foam rubber, for use as fillers.

Since the manufacture of foam rubber refers to the processes associated with the release of toxic and harmful substances, then a prerequisite the construction of a production line is the presence of special devices that allow not only forced ventilation of premises, but also monitor the degree of air pollution.

Foaming Machine

The polyurethane foam foaming device is the key in the foam rubber production lines.
Usually, the design of such devices provides for the presence of such basic units and mechanisms:

  1. Block for storage, pre-mixing and feeding of mixture components.
  2. High pressure unit for foaming the mixture.
  3. Automatic process control unit.
  4. Cooling unit.
  5. Spray device.

The main chemical components of the formulation for the preparation of polyurethane foam (PPU) are simple and complex polyesters. With the use of polyesters, elastic molded PU foam is produced. Many times superior in characteristics to foam rubber, which is polyurethane foam on polyethers, it is twice as expensive to manufacture and has practically disappeared from our daily use.

On our foam rubber production technologists use a molded (periodic) method of making foam rubber.

When using this option, foam rubber is produced by pouring an elastic mass into molds, where it is foamed. During polymerization, the foam rises above the level of the upper cut of the mold. After that, we remove the finished block of polyurethane foam from the mold and send it to a special chamber for 24 hours until maturation. After this time, we cut off the crust that has frozen at the edges from the block and cut it into sheets of the required size and shape.

Thus, molded foam rubber has wider stereometric capabilities, that is, depending on the customer's requirements, we can manufacture a product of any shape, i.e. contour cutting is applied to certain parts.

Our production offers various brands of foam rubber such as: ST - standard foam rubber; EL - high hardness foam rubber; HL - super hard foam rubber, HR - highly elastic foam rubber; S - soft foam rubber; HS - super soft foam; VE - viscoelastic foam rubber (foam rubber with memory).

The main range of products made from foam rubber in our production is sheets of 1000 × 2000 mm in size, sheet thickness varies from 0.5 mm to 200 mm. Also, at the request of the customer, we are ready to fulfill the order for non-standard sheet sizes such as: 1200 × 2000 mm; 1300 × 2000 mm; 1400 × 2000 mm; 1500 × 2000 mm; 1550 × 2000 mm; 1600 × 2000 mm.

Equipment. Components. Reviews.

What is foam rubber?

Foam rubber is a two-component polyurethane foam. Since foam rubber is a polyurethane foam with a very low density, it is logical that the components for it are also a political scientist and an isocyanate. The properties of the final product directly depend on the formulation (volume and mass ratio of components, additives, plasticizers, thinners). Usually, in the manufacture of products on one casting machine, the same isocyanate is used, and the second component, a polyol, is selected depending on the specification. And the additives are poured into it. What kind of additives and additives necessary for a specific product is given by the technical department or the laboratory of the component manufacturer's plant.

The principle of the filling installation.

The main unit of the filling machine is the mixing chamber, which receives the polyol and additives. There they are quickly mixed and, already in a homogeneous state, enter the second mixing chamber where they mix even faster with isocyanate. And then all this mass is fed into the mold. The larger the bin for the foam block, the more components have to be moved initially. Most often, pouring into a mold is done once. But if there is a need to make products from two or more types of foam rubber, then pouring can be performed in several steps, observing the polymerization technology of each of the layers using intermediate primers.

When pouring foam blocks, the surface of the mold is treated with a special compound to prevent sticking. Or polyethylene is placed in the mold before pouring the components. Polyethylene is one of the few materials to which PU foam does not stick.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe business is to organize the production of foam rubber to meet the needs of the furniture market, manufacturers of soft toys, sports and other goods.


Foam rubber (polyurethane foam) - is a resilient elastic material made of polyurethane foam, the volume of which consists of 9/10 air cells.

Where is foam rubber used?

  • furniture (and even in),
  • stuffed Toys,
  • car seats,
  • (sponges, rags).

Production of soft goods in Russia is growing annually, the growth rate is at least 7-10%, according to preliminary forecasts, the market growth in 2012 will be at least 7% in value terms. According to analysts' forecasts, the volume of sales upholstered furniture by 2015 in comparison with 2010 will increase by 4 times.

The growth of the upholstered furniture market leads to an increase in demand for expendable materialsused in production.

For it is realized in the form of foam rubber crumb:

One of the main materials used in the manufacture of upholstered furniture is foam rubber ( PPU).

There are two main technologies for the production of polyurethane foam:

  1. continuous method,
  2. periodic method.

Small enterprises use the periodic method of producing foam rubber, since it is simple, the costs are insignificant, the production process does not require special education, it is enough to complete the training offered when purchasing the equipment.

Required equipment

The minimum composition is as follows:

  1. Foaming Machine
  2. Thermal chamber
  3. Material cutting machine
  4. Dosing equipment
  5. Pumps, hoses, couplings, etc.
  6. Form block

To organize a full-fledged year-round production with maximum productivity, you must purchase the following additional equipment:

  1. Waste crusher
  2. Machine for rolling sheets and wrapping in film.

All higher listed equipment can be purchased individually or as part of a production line, on a turnkey basis.

The cost of a minimum set of equipment with a capacity of 10-12 cubic meters of finished products per shift will be about 300,000 rubles, a semi-automatic line that includes everything necessary equipment for the production of various brands of foam rubber with a capacity of 20-30 cubic meters per shift will cost 1.3 million rubles.

If we consider the purchase of a line in China, then for 1.6-1.8 million rubles, you can purchase a mini-plant with a capacity of at least 50 cubic meters per shift.

Feasibility study of activities

  • Organizational form of ownership: Individual entrepreneur (find out)
  • Taxation system: Simplified taxation regime, taxable base “income minus expenses”, 15%.
  • Production workshop: rent, 200 sq.m.
  • Major buyers: Organizations and individual entrepreneursengaged in the manufacture of upholstered furniture.
  • Form of payments: When a contract for the supply of products over 100,000 rubles is drawn up, payment is made only by bank transfer, in the case of shipment of products for a lower amount, payment is possible in cash. The deferral of payment for shipped products is no more than 30 days-60 days. The postponement is possible only when working with verified buyers and when purchasing more than 100,000 rubles.
  • Banking services: To work with suppliers and buyers the company has. To cover the cash gaps resulting from shipments of products with deferred payment, a loan product in the form of 300,000 rubles was issued at the servicing bank.
  • Features of doing business: The activity of the foam rubber production department is directly related to the sales of upholstered furniture. The peak of revenue falls on the period from September to December and February to April, as during this period the maximum sales of upholstered furniture are observed. In the period from May to August, there is a seasonal decline in revenue. In January, it is most optimal to do maintenance equipment, so in this month there are practically no orders.
  • Number of staff 7 people
  • Working hours: 8 hours per shift, 23 shifts per month.
  • Number of brigades: 1

Capital expenditures

The total amount of capital costs for organizing the production of foam rubber will amount to approximately 2,530,000 rubles. Cost structure:

Calculation of the profitability of the enterprise

* Revenue

Average monthly revenue is calculated based on equipment utilization by 50%. Provided that foam rubber is produced with a width of 20 mm and a density of 25 kg / m3, the wholesale price for 1 sheet is 200 rubles (retail price per sheet is 250-270 rubles).

** Cost price

The cost of manufacturing 1 sheet includes the cost of raw materials and electricity:

The return on investment in the organization of foam rubber production is 12 months.

Foam rubber has long been known as a durable material for making elastic products. The existing enterprises in Russia are not able to fully satisfy the demand for this material on the domestic market of goods. Opening a mini factory for the production of foam rubber in Russia will be quite beneficial for both those who take their first steps in entrepreneurship and businessmen with significant experience and experience. Considering the fact that imported foam is much more expensive than domestic, competition with manufacturers from other countries is not an acute problem. In addition, calculations show that the production and sale of foam rubber will not require large start-up investments from an entrepreneur.

Foam production technology and equipment

If we consider the manufacture of foam rubber from the point of view of the technical equipment of production and the availability of raw materials, then a rather complicated picture is formed. The fact is that each technological operation of the foam cycle is performed on its own separate equipment. And each stage of production requires careful control of the product's compliance with existing standards, only in this case the end result of the process will be high-quality commercial products.

The foam rubber production technology can be represented as the following industrial algorithm:

  • creating a raw material composition and loading it into the hopper of the foaming machine with continuous mixing;
  • filling with the resulting solution of special folding forms;
  • ensuring the chemical reaction of the interaction of the mixture components before filling the molds with the foaming composition to the upper edge;
  • cooling of the material at a given temperature for 3 days;
  • cutting foam rubber in the form of sheet material into specified formats;
  • delivery of finished goods to the warehouse.

An important role in obtaining high-quality material is played by exact adherence to the dosage in the reacting mixture of all components for foam rubber. There can be no errors here, everything must correspond terms of reference up to a gram, and the weighing process should be carried out on a balance with a very small error. At present, only electronic scales of high accuracy class can cope with this task.

It is known that every large enterprise for the production of foam rubber uses its own technological features, its exact formulations and component ratios. But the content in the initial mixture of substances such as polyol and polyisocyanate should be unchanged everywhere. The difference between the production methods lies only in the amount of secondary components that make up the mixture.

Since the flow of complex chemical reactions is envisaged in the technological scheme for the manufacture of foam rubber, the labor protection requirements for workers must be strictly observed. This also applies to an air temperature of 18 ˚C, and ventilation, which is capable of removing all harmful gases from the operating area. It is necessary to take a very responsible approach to the work of the treatment facilities of the shop, which must ensure reliable protection of the atmosphere from significant pollution.

For the plant to work with the manufacture of only high-quality goods, it is required to include an experienced technologist on the staff of its employees who can track the correctness production cycle at all its stages. He will be obliged to monitor compliance with the recipe and control both the feedstock for foam rubber and intermediate compositions of the working mixture. All these parameters are precisely regulated by the state standards of the Russian Federation.

When buying equipment, the main decision is a semi-automated complex or a fully automated one? Of course, the automatic line is advantageous in that its operation does not require numerous service personnel, and the quality of the manufactured goods does not depend on the variable human factor. But, on the other hand, the cost of these types of equipment is so different that sometimes it is more profitable to install a semi-automatic complex at an enterprise and hire an increased staff of employees. The final decision on the choice of the foam rubber production line is made by the businessman himself, comparing his future expenses and income.

The cheapest completeness of the purchase of equipment for the production of foam rubber should contain the following machines and units:

  • equipment for dosing mixture components;
  • foaming apparatus;
  • thermal chamber;
  • block forms;
  • foam rubber cutting machine;
  • device for grinding waste from primary production;
  • automatic packaging machine.

The last two positions are necessary in the case of organizing production on a large scale with the expectation of a large capacity of the purchased equipment.

The price of any equipment is largely determined by whether the machines will be purchased separately or in the form of a complete production line. Entrepreneurs for the most part opt \u200b\u200bfor a ready-made line of equipment, since here all devices are prepared in advance for interaction, which allows them to avoid possible overloads and breakdowns during their operation.

Foam machine with a production capacity of 12 cu. meters of sheet material per working day is currently estimated by equipment suppliers at 600 thousand rubles. This is considered the minimum volume of capital investments in production, but with such a productivity, the income of the enterprise will be quite modest. To buy a more productive line of equipment, which is capable of producing up to 30 cubic meters per work shift. meters of production, an amount of at least one and a half million rubles will be required. But it is precisely this performance that can be optimal for obtaining high profit enterprise.

In the equipment market, there are now enough and more productive lines for the production of furniture foam rubber, but for starting a business with a still not debugged product sales mechanism, this option is not advisable in economically.

We should not forget about the production of recycled foam rubber. Skillfully organizing waste collection, experienced entrepreneurs install equipment for the production of secondary foaming foam in their workshops. This allows you to get cheaper products, which play an important role in the struggle for the market for goods.

About product sales and profitability

The very process of organizing any production in our country is not very complicated. It is more difficult then to establish reliable sales of finished products by building relationships with representatives of the wholesale market. After all, it is wholesale buyers who are able to bring a large income to the enterprise. All this suggests the correct thought that sales channels for your goods need to be thought out even at the stage of business design, and not when the warehouses are full. finished products... Only prompt work on the sale of foam rubber can, in the shortest possible time, lead to a payback on start-up investments and to a significant net profit.

Potential buyers of sheet foam rubber are:

  • furniture enterprises;
  • construction companies and retail chains;
  • toy factories;
  • manufacturers of high-quality audio equipment;
  • shoe industry enterprises.

Given such a large number of industrial areas interested in purchasing foam rubber, there should be no downtime in the equipment of any newly organized workshop. It is only important that the prices and product quality offered to customers are attractive to them on the market of competing enterprises of a similar profile.

Doing an analysis of the product market and studying the capabilities of competitors, you will have to join an active advertising campaign for the sale of foam rubber for upholstered furniture, which primarily includes high-quality foam rubber with an adhesive layer.

Speaking about the profitability of the foam rubber business, the main thing here is a competent business organization. With some effort and the ability to find the right contacts, the return on startup investment in the business comes pretty quickly. It is estimated that on average up to 2.5 million rubles are spent on business registration, on the purchase of equipment and raw materials, on the rent of premises. This is an impressive figure of costs, which can be reduced only by installing not new, but used equipment in the shop.

But you should not save on raw materials. All raw material supplies need to be made only from reliable customers, only this can allow the company to produce high quality products and maintain its customer base. Usually after a year active work the initial investment in the production of foam pays off, and the enterprise begins to give the desired profit to its founder. Namely, profit is the main goal of any business, any production.


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