Elements of the internal environment of entrepreneurship. Business environment concept. Factors determining the external and internal business environment. List of used literature

Entrepreneurs operate in a specific environment that determines their positions.

The business environment is a favorable socio-economic, political, civil-legal situation in the country that provides economic freedom for capable citizens to engage in entrepreneurial activities aimed at meeting the needs of all subjects of a market economy.

The entrepreneurial environment is an integrated set of various (objective and subjective) factors that allow entrepreneurs to achieve success in achieving their goals, implementing entrepreneurial projects and making a profit.

The entrepreneurial environment is divided into an external environment, which, as a rule, does not depend on the entrepreneurs themselves, and an internal one, which is formed directly by the entrepreneurs themselves.

The business environment is formed on the basis of the development of productive forces, the improvement of industrial (economic) relations, the creation of a favorable public and state mentality, the formation of the market as an environment for the existence of entrepreneurs and other conditions.

It is believed that for the effective development of entrepreneurship, two basic conditions are required: economic freedom and independence.

In Art. 34 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that "everyone has the right to freely use their abilities and property for entrepreneurial and other economic activities not prohibited by law." In Art. 35-36 states that “everyone has the right to own property, own, use and dispose of it both individually and jointly with other persons”; no one can be deprived of their property except by a court decision; possession, use and disposal of land and other natural resources are carried out by their owners freely.

IN Russian Federation the unity of the economic space, free movement of goods, services and financial resources, support for competition and freedom of economic activity are guaranteed.

External and internal business environment

The external business environment is characterized by a set of conditions and factors influencing the development of entrepreneurship in the country, acting independently of the will of the entrepreneurs themselves.

The external business environment is a complex system of external regulation of business, therefore, for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, it is objective, since they cannot directly change it.

There are various approaches to describing the structure of the external environment. Most often in modern literature, the external environment is considered as a two-level system consisting of a micro (environment of the immediate environment) and a macro environment (environment of an indirect environment), each of which includes certain factors, or sub-environments. However, it should be noted that the indirect influence is no less real.

Proponents of a different approach identify four structural levels of the business environment, each of which has a corresponding impact on the activities of business entities. These are micro level (or internal business environment), meso level (or local market environment), macro level (or national market environment) and mega level (or international market environment).

Microenvironment is the environment of the immediate environment of an enterprise, which includes a set of factors and conditions of entrepreneurial activity of an entity (individual or legal entity) in the market.

The microenvironment is represented by customers, suppliers, intermediaries, competitors, contact audiences, business partners that influence the activities of the enterprise, through which business entities carry out their relationships with consumers and the state.

Clients - actual or potential buyers of the company's products.

Suppliers are subjects of the business environment that provide the enterprise and its competitors with the necessary material resources for the production of specific goods or services.

Intermediaries are firms or individuals who help an enterprise in promoting, marketing and distributing goods to a clientele.

Competitors - other organizations offering similar products; firms that produce similar products, as well as all organizations that are able to compete for potential customers.

Contact audiences are groups of individuals and organizations that have a potential or real impact on the activities of the firm. These are: the media, financial circles, the public, public authorities and administration, etc.

The macroenvironment characterizes the general conditions for the functioning of business entities, which determine the nature of the development of the latter, regardless of the control actions of the entrepreneurs themselves.

The macro environment includes:

The economic environment associated with the rate of inflation, effective demand of the population, pricing policy, the number of taxes, tax rates, etc .;

The political environment characterized by the stability of the development of society and the state;

A legal environment that clearly establishes the rights, obligations, responsibilities of entrepreneurs;

Socio-cultural environment associated with the level of unemployment, education of the population, cultural traditions, etc .;

The demographic environment associated with the size and density of the country's population, the division of this population by sex, age, education level, income and other factors that have a significant impact on the development of entrepreneurship;

A scientific and technological and technological environment, reflecting the level of scientific and technological development affecting entrepreneurship, for example, in the field of information technology;

The physical or geographic environment that characterizes the weather conditions in which the business takes place. In addition, this includes factors that have a direct impact on the location of enterprises: the availability of raw materials, energy resources, highways, railways, sea and air communications;

An institutional environment characterized by the existence and diversity of institutions through which entrepreneurs can establish business relationships or conduct commercial transactions.

Using the example of trade, let us consider in more detail the factors of the economic, socio-demographic, organizational and administrative, scientific, technical and technological, political and legal, natural and climatic environment, which, to a greater or lesser extent, affect its development.

Economic factors are determined by the level and characteristics of the market mechanism. The macroeconomic climate of the country as a whole will determine the level of development of the industry. Poor economic conditions will reduce the demand for goods and services of trade organizations, and more favorable ones can provide preconditions for their growth, therefore, when assessing the external environment, it is necessary to take into account both general (interregional) indicators and sectoral indicators inherent in trade.

The main economic instruments reflecting the level of economic development are: interest rate, exchange rates, economic growth rates, inflation rate, the number of taxes and tax rates, the level of prices (tariffs) for certain types of resources, especially for products (services) of natural monopolies , preventing the establishment of monopoly high or monopoly low prices, and some others. Let's consider the most important of them.

The interest rate (interest rate level) in an economy has a significant impact on consumer demand. Consumers often borrow money to purchase goods. They are less likely to do this when interest rates are high. Traders considering expansion plans that are to be financed through loans must monitor the level of interest rates and their impact on the price of capital, so the interest rate will have a direct impact on the potential attractiveness of various strategies.

Currency exchange rates determine the value of the ruble in relation to the value of monetary units of other countries. Changes in exchange rates directly affect the competitiveness of the products of trade enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity. When the value of the ruble relative to other currencies is low, goods made in Russia are relatively inexpensive, which reduces the threat from foreign competitors and reduces imports. But if the value of the ruble rises, then imports become relatively inexpensive, which, in turn, increases the level of threats to organizations posed by foreign competitors.

The rate of economic growth affects the opportunities and threats for any industry, including trade. As you know, the country's economy can be located in one

of three states: growth (rise), stagnation or decline. Each of these states is identified with the trend of such an indicator as the level of consumption.

The growth or decline in consumption in the country is quite large indicators, they consist of the purchasing power of the population and the structure of consumption, therefore, entrepreneurs in the field of trade should take into account:

The purchasing power of the population, which depends on the level of current income, prices, savings and the availability of credit. Purchasing power is affected by economic downturns, high unemployment rates, rising cost of obtaining loans;

Distribution of income (depending on social class), distribution of income for consumption: food; housing, transport, medical care, clothing, recreation, personal expenses, etc .;

Geographic differences in the structure of income distribution (for example, Moscow and provincial cities).

Thus, economic growth increases consumer spending, which causes competitive pressure on enterprises in a given industry. Slower economic growth and reduced consumer spending also lead to increased competitive pressures caused by enterprises seeking to stay in the industry amid the threat of a crisis.

Inflation. Most governments in the world are making significant efforts to reduce inflation. These efforts usually result in lower interest rates and thus the appearance of signs of economic growth.

In addition to the listed tools, others are no less important, namely:

Consumption structure and its dynamics;

Economic conditions in foreign countries;

Change in demand;

Monetary and Financial Policy;

The level of labor productivity in the industry and the rate of its growth; GNP dynamics;

Tax rates.

Purely economic factors of market activity are quite rare. As a rule, economic factors are intertwined with social factors, interact with them. Another thing is that the influence of economic or, conversely, social processes can prevail.

So, for example, demand in the consumer market depends not only on economic factors, but also on a whole range of socio-demographic factors, such as:

Natural movement of the population (birth rate, mortality);

The size and growth of the population, its sex, age and social structure;

Territorial settlement and some migration processes;

The size, composition and age of families;

Urbanization, the ratio of urban and rural population;

Cultural level;

National composition of the population.

Socio-economic factors include: the volume of commodity supply (production, export and import); the impact of the rate of scientific and technological progress on supply and demand; cash and other income; prices, prices for substitute goods, inflation; employment / unemployment, professional composition of employees, etc.

The combination of social and economic factors affecting the market situation is directly manifested in the form of the formation and change of monetary incomes and other types, their volume, level, structure and dynamics. There is a close direct relationship between the demand in the market for goods and the incomes that consumers have. The more income, the more goods are purchased by buyers, all other things being equal, and vice versa, a decrease in income leads to a contraction in the volume of the product market. This phenomenon is modeled using correlation and regression analysis.

Socio-demographic factors shape lifestyles, work and consumption and have a direct impact on the functioning of the trading industry.

The main socio-demographic factors include: fertility; mortality; rates of intensity of immigration and emigration; life expectancy ratio; disposable income; educational standards; shopping habits; attitude to the quality of goods and services; control over environmental pollution; energy saving; attitude towards the government; problems of interethnic relations; social responsibility; social welfare, etc.

Directly related to social factors are: distribution of the population by class, their social status, level and forms of education and culture, confessional characteristics, aesthetic views and tastes, the system of social and moral values, consumer culture. All of them, to one degree or another, affect the processes of buying and selling and consuming goods.

The main reason is the increase in migration, which compensated for the natural decline in the population. The birth rate that is inherent in our country today does not provide for the replacement of generations or reproduction of the population for a long time. If you do not take into account migrants, then, despite the increase in the birth rate, in the country as a whole, the excess of the number of deaths over the number of births is 1.2 times.

The main factors affecting general indicators mortality of Russians:

Smoking contributes to overall mortality by 17.1%;

Unbalanced nutrition - by 12.9%;

Overweight - by 12.5%;

Alcohol consumption - by 11.9%.

Reducing the economically active population. The number of economically active population, even taking into account the positive balance of migration and maintaining a high level of the labor force participation rate.

The decline in the general population. Despite the increase in the birth rate, which has been observed in Russia in recent years, the death rate still exceeds the birth rate.

Population aging. An increase in the proportion of elderly people around the world, including in Russia. According to demographers, this trend will continue for another fifty years, so manufacturers should take this circumstance into account in the structure of goods offered to the market (increase the output of goods for the elderly).

Notable changes in families. An increase in the number of childless families, as well as single married couples. This lifestyle leaves a certain imprint on the structure of consumption in society.

Increasing the proportion of educated people. The growing number of educated people will increase the demand for books, magazines, computers, etc., as well as for educational services.

In order to identify the most significant opportunities and threats from these factors, trade must take into account new trends and develop new development strategies. For example, the impact of shifts in the social and age structure of the population on the nature and intensity of demand. On the one hand, an increase in the birth rate causes an increase in demand for a whole range of goods. On the other hand, an increase in the number of consumers without a corresponding increase in their income leads to a decrease in the average level of consumption. The modern historical stage is characterized by a strong social differentiation of the population and its standard of living. Since the 90s. XX century. internal and external migration processes are intensifying. Thus, the response of demand to demographic factors is mixed and can be quite contradictory. The unstable situation in some regions also affects.

Socio-demographic factors tend to strongly influence the market. So, a change in the population increases or, conversely, reduces the volume of consumer demand and, therefore, directly affects the state of the consumer market. In the analysis of social reactions of the market, one cannot ignore the factor of the size and composition of families, which closely interacts with the factor of the age structure of the population. However, here one should take into account the distribution of material wealth within the family itself, traditions and culture of consumption.

Organizational and administrative factors. They have both a positive and a negative impact on trade. For example, there is weak administrative support for trade in the regions. Instead, merchants are subject to frequent and unwarranted scrutiny by a variety of government agencies.

Organizational and administrative factors include the following indicators: the share of costs for overcoming administrative barriers in the proceeds of small and medium-sized businesses in trade; the degree of participation of public authorities and local self-government bodies in the formation and implementation of trade policy, the number of inspections of trade enterprises by various government bodies.

Political and legal factors. The stability of the political situation has a significant impact on the economic situation in the regions and the country as a whole. Various legislative and governmental factors can influence the level of industry development. National and foreign governments can be the main regulators of their activities, sources of subsidies, employers and buyers for trade enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity. Therefore, for these commercial enterprises, the assessment of the political environment may be the most important aspect of the analysis of the external environment. This assessment is carried out through the detailing of political and legal factors.

The main political and legal factors are changes in tax legislation; patent legislation; environmental legislation; antitrust legislation; money-credit policy; state regulation; the number of legislative acts in the field of wholesale and retail trade; the number of regulations governing trading activities; number of approved regional trade development programs; the number of consultations on the formation of programs for small and medium-sized businesses in trade, provided by local governments of mono-profile cities of Russia.

Some of these factors affect all businesses, such as changes in tax laws. Others - only for a small number of firms operating in the market, for example, antitrust laws, others - only for trade organizations. However, in one way or another, directly or indirectly, political and legal factors affect all organizations.

Recently, there have been changes in the trade base legislators. This is how Federal Law No. 381-FZ “On the Basics of State Regulation trading activities in the Russian Federation ", which is designed to regulate the relations arising between state authorities, local governments and economic entities in connection with the organization and implementation of the latter trade activities in Russia, as well as relations arising between economic entities in the course of trade.

The law contains a list of methods of state regulation of trade, which include:

Establishment of requirements for the organization and implementation of trading activities;

Anti-monopoly regulation;

Technical regulation;

Information support in the field of trading activities;

State control (supervision) and municipal control in the field of trade.

However, according to representatives of trade, this law contains many inaccuracies and requires improvement.

Scientific, technical and technological factors - reflect the level of scientific and technological development affecting entrepreneurship in the field of trade, for example, in the field of data processing automation, information technology. The impact of technological factors can be assessed as the process of creating something new - innovative and destroying the old.

Recently, more and more attention is paid to the innovative development of trade. Retail innovations include: Internet-based point-of-sale (POS) systems; self-service systems without a cashier; wireless kiosks; personal shopping devices; touch screens. Development and implementation in retail chains software allows you to create databases on a variety of parameters and consumption dynamics for these networks based on information about customers and their purchases. There are barcodes on the goods, they are read and get into the cash register and, therefore, into a single database. At the same time, the customer is given a card with an individual number, which encourages them to go to this particular store. And all information is read from the buyer: gender, age, social status, place of residence, the goods he purchases, the frequency of purchases, the amount he regularly spends, consumer preferences and their changes. Such a system makes it possible to accumulate an enormous amount of individualized information.

Thus, retail trade is a fertile ground for innovation and the search for an effective combination of various factors both at the level of internal corporate mechanisms and within the framework of the system of customer relations.

An innovative approach allows you to see the market differently and create new effective tools:

The development of Internet technologies has led to the fact that recently almost any trading company has access to the World Wide Web, which allows not only to receive information, but also to conduct business;

B2B technologies (businesstobusiness). The businesstobusiness technology is relatively new for Russia, namely, it allows you to transfer workflow to the virtual space;

Electronic digital signature. In Russia, the law "On Electronic Digital Signature" is in force, which contributes to the replacement of paper documents with electronic ones;

Internet banking. Now, some manufacturers of such systems are linking B2B technologies with Internet banking into a single solution, which makes it possible to introduce a distributed payment management system into trade organizations and reduce the costs associated with conducting trade operations;

Bar coding. Bar coding technologies make it possible to reduce the costs of commodity circulation and make it possible to implement information systems of the ERP class, etc.

Accelerating technological change is shortening the average lifecycle of a product, so organizations must anticipate what changes new technologies will bring with them. These changes can affect all aspects of the trading activity, for example, human resources (recruiting and training personnel to work with new technologies) or marketing serviceswho are tasked with developing methods for selling new types of products.

Natural and climatic factors. An important factor in the state and development of the market, its territorial and geographical location are the national and climatic characteristics of the consumption of material and spiritual goods, as well as consumer habits. To a certain extent, this is also related to the production base of the market. Changes in climatic and weather conditions largely respond to the resource base of the consumer market and its development.

Natural and climatic factors include: the use of environmentally friendly products, the development of packaging that does not pollute the environment, the protection of the ozone layer of the earth, the prohibition of testing new products on animals, the fight against environmental pollution, energy conservation, etc.

As noted above, the environmental factors that affect the functioning of the firm are not controlled by entrepreneurs, but they must be taken into account in order to avoid negative consequences.

The internal business environment is a set of internal conditions of functioning business organization... To a large extent, the internal entrepreneurial environment depends on the entrepreneur himself, his competence, willpower, dedication, the level of aspirations, abilities and skills in organizing and running a business.

The internal environment of an enterprise is largely determined by its mission, composition of goals and objectives, structure, technology, availability of qualified personnel, and leadership style.

Mission - the target function of the organization or its main goal, i.e. that for the sake of which it was established and to which all its functioning is subordinated.

Goals are a specific end state or a desired result that the team of a given enterprise strives for.

Tasks indicate in general terms the immediate goals of entrepreneurial activity. For example, making a profit, accumulating sufficient cash monetary resources for the continuation of the enterprise, providing the services necessary for society, achieving leading positions in the market and industry, optimally meeting customer demand, etc.

The structure of an enterprise is a logical relationship between management levels and functional areas that allow achieving the goals of the enterprise.

Technology is a combination of skills, equipment, tools and related technical knowledge.

Personnel - a set of employees included in payroll enterprises. The staff is necessary to perform certain functions, to achieve the goals of entrepreneurial activity.

Leadership style is a generalized type of leader's behavior in relations with subordinates in the management process.

In addition, the internal environment of an enterprise can be attributed to its culture, which covers the existing system of relations between people, the distribution of power, management style, personnel issues, and the determination of development prospects.

The state of the internal environment of the enterprise is greatly influenced by the availability of material, financial, labor, information and investment resources. In addition: availability of equity capital; right choice organizational and legal form of the enterprise; choice of the subject of activity; selection of a team of partners; market knowledge and qualified marketing research; developing a sound business plan; development and implementation of a sound development strategy for the company; compliance by entrepreneurs and hired managers with laws and regulations governing the activities of this type of business, etc.

Assessment of macroeconomic factors of the business environment

To assess the impact of the macroenvironment on the entrepreneurial structure, the following methodology can be used:

Determine the factors and their actual significance;

Determine by expert means the nature of the influence;

Evaluate each factor by an expert on a 5-point scale and a coefficient of importance, taking into account the fact that the sum of all coefficients is equal to 1.

When assessing the influence of factors, it is necessary to take into account the following conditions.

The interconnectedness of environmental factors is the level of force with which a change in one factor affects other factors. A change in any environmental factor can cause a change in others.

The complexity of the external environment is the number of factors that the industry must respond to, as well as the level of variability of each factor.

The mobility of the environment is the rate at which changes occur. The mobility of the external environment may be higher for some enterprises and lower for others. In a highly mobile environment, an organization or department must rely on more diverse information to make effective decisions.

Environmental Uncertainty - The relationship between the amount of information an industry has about the environment and confidence in the accuracy of that information. The more uncertain the external environment, the more difficult it is to make effective decisions.

It should be noted that in theoretical aspect environmental factors are considered separately, but in practice it makes sense to study their complex impact on the entrepreneurial structure. For example, if we consider their influence on trade, then using the index factor model, one can determine the turnover per capita and identify the influence of environmental factors on this indicator.

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The creation and effective functioning of business entities is ensured primarily by certain conditions of its activities. In addition, the practical functioning of business entities at an effective level is possible only if there is a certain situation - an appropriate business environment.

Natural environment successful development entrepreneurship is a market economy with its inherent developed legal and economic regulators, as well as the corresponding infrastructure. Therefore, for the continuous reproduction of entrepreneurship in society, certain prerequisites are necessary: \u200b\u200beconomic, legal, psychological and others.

Economic conditionsentrepreneurship consists in the fact that society should act as a bagatosub "ktni owners. The economic prerequisites for entrepreneurship in Ukraine are created through the privatization of state-owned objects, demonopolization economic activity.

Legal prerequisitesentrepreneurship is the presence in the country of laws, regulations governing entrepreneurial activity.

Psychological prerequisitesentrepreneurship consists in a positive public opinion regarding entrepreneurial activity, the socio-ethical responsibility of an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurship functions in a specific external environment and under its influence. To ensure continuous activity, the entrepreneur receives from the outside financial and material resources, employees, services, information and must sell his own products to other entities. At the same time, it is important to find out the parameters of the elements of the business environment and assess their state of the art and trends of change.

External environment of entrepreneurship- these are conditions and factors external to the given enterprise (business).

For a successful entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to be able to analyze the external environment and predict its changes. For the purpose of analysis, certain elements of the business environment:

1. Physical or geographic environment,which characterizes the natural conditions of entrepreneurial activity (location, climatic conditions, availability of highways, railways, sea routes, availability of raw materials, energy resources).

2. Demographic environment,which is necessary to study the demand for products and the availability of labor resources (composition of the population, the share of labor resources).

3. Socio-cultural environment,which affects the demand for goods, the attitude towards work, its prestige, the attitude towards entrepreneurship in society (tastes, fashion, moral and religious norms, the general educational level of the population). That is, it is the mentality, worldview, lifestyle of the population of a country or region.

4. Ecological environment- environmental safety of the environment and this type of entrepreneurial activity.

5. Scientific and technical (technological)the environment reflects the level of scientific and technological development of a given industry (technology level, equipment, technical level and product quality).

6. Legal (legal) environment- it is the presence of laws that create favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurship.

7. Economic situationcharacterized by the following parameters: the degree of state regulation (structural policy, support for entrepreneurship); consumer income level (salary, pension, etc.), which affects effective demand and its structure; availability and availability of borrowed funds; the availability of jobs, the unemployment rate; the level and rate of inflation, fluctuations in the exchange rate of the national currency; the stage of the economic cycle (the rate of decline or growth in production); degree of risk.

8. Political situationdepends on the degree of political stability in society, the influence of various political parties. In an unstable political environment, it is impossible to provide reliable protection of entrepreneurs from loss of income and property, guarantees of preservation of property, and exclusion of the possibility of expropriation.

9. International environmentare characterized by the following factors: foreign policy of Ukraine and other states, economic, scientific and technical cooperation between them, the level of customs duties, as well as elements of the external environment in other countries (inflation, taxes, wages, etc.). These parameters are of particular importance for enterprises that carry out foreign economic activity.

10. Institutional environment (business infrastructure)- This is the presence of institutions through which an entrepreneur can conduct business. These institutions include banks, suppliers, wholesalers and retailers (exchanges, bases, shops), legal, auditing, leasing, consulting firms, educational institutions, marketing and advertising agencies, employment services, transport agencies, insurance companies, companies providing utilities (heat, water, power supply, garbage disposal), communication services and information transfer.

All these elements of the external environment of the enterprise can, depending on the circumstances, positively or negatively affect its activities. When analyzing the external environment, priorities are determined, that is, the most significant elements that must first be taken into account. As a result of the analysis, the potential opportunities of the enterprise, external problems and threats are identified.

  1. The main features of entrepreneurship include everything except:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) profit orientation;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) willingness to take any risk in order to get a result;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) material responsibility for the results of their actions.
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) striving for innovations and innovations ..
  2. The procedural business is characterized by:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) predominantly extensive development;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) focus on finding new rules and procedures;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) asymmetric relationships between partners ;.
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) equal, stable relationships between partners.
  3. The main forms of economic activity include:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) entrepreneur;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) housewife;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) teachers at school;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
  4. A businessman differs from an entrepreneur in that:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) takes the risk of doing business;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) is engaged in business organization;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) conducts business using "traditional" methods;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) is looking for new areas and ways of doing business.
  5. The strengths of a sole entrepreneur include everything except:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) quick decision-making in non-standard situations;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) specialization of management activities.
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp c) taking on the risk of doing business;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) flexibility and quick adaptation to changing conditions;
  6. The modern functional business paradigm is based on:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) management;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) marketing;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) strategic planning;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
  7. The economic freedom of an entrepreneur is manifested:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) in the emergence and development of business functions;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) in complete independence from the state;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) in complete freedom in economic activity;
  8. For a modern procedural business, profit is:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the main purpose of doing business;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) the main indicator of the entrepreneur's performance;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) remuneration of the entrepreneur for taking on the risk of doing business;
  9. In modern conditions, post-industrial society is characterized by:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) only intuitive business;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) only procedural business;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspv) is mainly a procedural business, while maintaining the elements of intuitive business in certain areas and situations;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) is basically an intuitive business, when elements of a procedural business appear in certain areas and situations;
  10. The main elements of a business transaction include:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) formulating a business idea and planning a future business;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) finding and organizing the necessary resources;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) organization of production and sales of products;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
  11. The elements of the external business environment include:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the nature of the entrepreneur;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) features of competition in the market;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) the goals of the company;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) corporate culture prevailing in the company.
  12. The legal business infrastructure includes:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) laws and regulations;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) customs of economic turnover;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) business ethics;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all the above numbers are correct.

    Right answers: 1 - b, 2 - d, 3 - a, 4 - c, 5 - b, 6 - c, 7 - a, 8 - d, 9 - c, 10 - d, 11 - b, 12 - d.

TOPIC 2. Small business

  1. Banking activities refer to:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) commercial business;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) financial business;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) business in the service sector.
  2. The advantages of a commercial business include:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) independence from the quality of resources:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) simplicity of business operation;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) sustainability;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) ease of management.
  3. Large business performs the following functions in the economy:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) serves as a source of economic development:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) ensures the sustainability of the economy;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) accumulates and replicates the most effective rules and procedures of modern rational business;
  4. A life-supporting enterprise is:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) a small business oriented to the market, which provides its owner with an acceptable level of income and does not tend to grow rapidly:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) small business enterprise, market-oriented and tending to rapid growth and high return on investment;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) a small business, focused on meeting the current needs of its owner, weakly connected with the market and therefore tending to rapid growth;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) only those small businesses that belong to the smallest business, and therefore often perish and do not tend to grow rapidly.
  5. The economic functions of small businesses include:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) inclusion of temporarily unoccupied resources into production;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) introduction of new goods and services;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) provision of highly specialized goods and services;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
  6. Service stations operating on the basis of a contract, under the brand and technology of "Toyota" include:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) to traditional small business;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) venture business;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) franchising;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) do not apply to small businesses at all.
  7. The most common formal criteria for setting up a small business include:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the number of employees at the enterprise;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) industry affiliation of the business;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) the number of regular customers;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) unity of ownership and management at the enterprise.
  8. Local needs include those needs that are characterized by:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) homogeneity;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) wide dispersion of customers;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) conservatism;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) a significant circle of clients.
  9. The benefits of small businesses include:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) low initial costs;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) increased flexibility and mobility;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) increased stability in the market;
  10. All of the following features apply to the modern networked economy, with the exception of:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) equal partnership nature of the relationship between small and large businesses:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) the significant role of the state and medium-sized businesses in ensuring effective interaction between small and large businesses;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) the high role of informal institutions and relationships between business partners;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) stability of relationships between large, medium and small businesses.
  11. The main forms of support for small businesses from large firms include everything except:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) tax benefits;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) lease and sublease relations;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) contracts;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) leasing.
  12. The forms of information support for small businesses include:
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) equipment rental;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) providing opportunities to use technical libraries;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) provision of advisory services to small businesses;
    & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) provision of tax incentives.

    Right answers: 1 - c, 2 - b, 3 - d, 4 - a, 5 - d, 6 - b, 7 - a, 8 - b, 9 - d, 10 - a, 11 - a, 12 - b.

  • Topic 3: Basic organizational and legal forms of the company

    1. The services of brokers working on the stock exchange relate to:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) industrial entrepreneurship;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) commercial entrepreneurship;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) financial entrepreneurship
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) advisory entrepreneurship.
    2. Business advisory entrepreneurs include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) auditor;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) dealer
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) investor;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) broker.
    3. Modern stage economic development characteristic:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) growth in the share of production of material goods and services;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) primary growth of the 1st division;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) growth in the share of production of intangible goods and services;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) increase in the share of extractive industries.
    4. At the end of the 20th century, countries with developed market economies were characterized by:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the overwhelming number of firms were owned by one owner, bearing both limited and unlimited liability for the activities of the firm;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) the overwhelming majority of firms were owned by the state, in the form of unitary enterprises;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) the vast majority of firms were partnerships in which the owners bore unlimited property liability;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) the vast majority of firms were joint stock companies, with the right to issue shares under the limited liability of shareholders.
    5. Unlimited property liability of owners is characteristic of all the companies listed below, with the exception of:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) corporations;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) private sole proprietorship;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) a private person working under a license;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) full partnership.
    6. In modern conditions, the material responsibility of an entrepreneur is ensured by:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) tightening the legal regime of entrepreneurial activity;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) increasing the number of firms with unlimited property liability of owners;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp) the established capital market;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    7. Pooling of capitals is characteristic:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) to a limited partnership;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) corporations;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) closed joint stock company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) to all of the above organizational and legal forms of the company.
    8. Investments invested in:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) corporation;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) partnership;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) to an individual private company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) any collective forms of entrepreneurial activity.
    9. The disadvantages of an individual private firm include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) risk of losing control over the company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) low liquidity of investments invested in the company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp c) risk of opportunistic behavior of business partners;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) is true a) and b).
    10. The owner of the monetary capital of the company is:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) a person who contributes to the capital of the company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) only the owner of the control package;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) only the owner of 51% of the company's shares;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) corporation as an individual.
    11. The most effective form of organizing a law firm will be:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) cooperative;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) partnership;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) corporation;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) closed joint stock company.
    12. Duration of the "life cycle" of the partnership:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) unlimited;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) depends on the terms of the agreement between the founders;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) may be limited by the life expectancy of partners and the duration of his participation in the firm;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspd) is true b) and c).

      Right answers: 1 - c, 2 - a, 3 - c, 4 - d, 5 - b, 6 - c, 7 - d, 8 - c, 9 - b, 10 - a, 11 - b, 12 - c.

  • Topic 4: Joint Stock Company as the Leading Form of Organization of Modern Business

    1. A corporation as an organizational and legal form is characterized by everything, except for:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) divisibility of shareholders' ownership.
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) indivisibility of the property of the firm;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) this is usually a form of organizing a large business;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) unity of ownership and management.
    2. A shareholder as a special type of owner is characterized by all of the following features, with the exception of:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) cannot withdraw its capital from the company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) cannot affect the amount of your income;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) is separated from management;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) is the owner of the corporation's property.
    3. External mechanisms that ensure the balance of the rights of entrepreneurs and their partners within the JSC include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) system of legal restrictions;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) cross-shareholding system;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) control market.
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    4. The corporation's orientation towards the implementation of long-term investment projects is facilitated by:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) increase in specific gravity individuals among shareholders;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) increase in the share of employees among shareholders;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp c) increase in the share of consolidated shareholders;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) reduction of the share of administration among shareholders.
    5. The controlling stake is:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) 51% of shares;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) a block of shares providing control over the company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) a block of shares giving its owner the right to participate in a meeting of shareholders;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) a block of shares giving its owner the right to be elected to the company's board of directors.
    6. Full control over the corporation gets:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) a shareholder or a group of shareholders that owns a controlling stake, in any conditions;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) a shareholder or group of shareholders owning a controlling stake, if there is no blocking minority;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) a shareholder or a group of shareholders, which can block the adoption of undesirable decisions for them on the most important issues;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) always belongs to the management, which makes the most important decisions on the management of the corporation.
    7. The state that owns a controlling stake in a joint-stock company is in relation to it:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) an outsider;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) by an insider;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) corporate investor;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) as an unconsolidated investor.
    8. The Russian corporation is characterized by all of the following features, with the exception of:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) most shareholders are outsiders;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) most of the shares are immobile;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp) three-tier model of corporate governance;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) the presence of mainly legislative mechanisms to guarantee the rights of shareholders.
    9. The radical methods of corporate reorganization include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) creation of joint ventures;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) corporate mergers;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp c) consortium organization;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) creating a cooperative.
    10. The main elements of the three-tier management structure of JSC are:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) shareholders, the board of directors and the audit commission;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) shareholders, board of directors and employees;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) shareholders, board of directors, officials (administration);
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) shareholders, officials (administration), the audit commission.
    11. The strengths of the Anglo-Saxon corporation model include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) easy identification of the shareholder;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) orientation of shareholders to long-term investment programs;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) low dispersion of shares among small private investors;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) focus on internal sources of funding.

      Right answers: 1- d, 2- d, 3 - d, 4 - c, 5 - c, 6- b, 7 - a, 8 - a, 9 - b, 10- c, 11 - d.

  • Topic 5: Fundamentals of Management

    1. The management functions include everything except:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) planning;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) management;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) striving for profit;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) organizational work.
    2. Signs of pre-scientific management include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the systemic nature of the management organization;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) creating a "rational bureaucracy" in the company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) the presence of a two-level control system;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) transformation of management into an independent profession.
    3. The process of allocating resources to fulfill the company's plans is called:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) organizational work;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) planning;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp) manual;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) control.
    4. The main interpersonal roles of a manager include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the role of information distributor;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) the role of the leader;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp c) the role of the entrepreneur organizer;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) the role of an emergency specialist.
    5. For top management, the key skills are:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) analytical skills;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) communication skills;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) technical skills;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) administrative skills.
    6. The ability to see the organization as a whole to understand the interactions between its various parts is called:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) technical skills;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) analytical skills;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) communication skills;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) administrative skills.
    7. Scientific leadership methods include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) regulatory guidance (normative);
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) transformative leadership (personalized approach);
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) a manual based on personal relationships;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) is true a) and b).
    8. A laissez-faire is a guideline when:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the manager concentrates in his hands all the power and does not allow anyone to make decisions;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) the manager delegates part of his authority to subordinates and involves them in decision-making;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) the manager acts as a consultant and gives the right to make decisions to his subordinates;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) a manager who uses in his work, along with traditional management methods, non-traditional, based on the traditions and customs of the company.
    9. The main method of authoritarian leadership style is:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) delegation of authority;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) order;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp) information exchange;
    10. Management decisions based on the development of a system of goals and objectives for all levels of management are called:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) target management;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) situational management;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) systematic management;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspg) a guide for unforeseen circumstances.
    11. The Japanese control system is characterized by:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the position of the manager in the organization depends on his education and skills;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) the manager has a universal management education;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp c) the prevalence of formal rational management;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) flexibility of management structures with a stable composition of employees.

    Right answers: 1 - c, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - c, 5 - a, 6 - b, 7 - d, 8 - c, 9 - b, 10 - c, 11 - d.

  • Topic 6: Management of organizations

    1. Everything applies to the characteristics of an organization, except for:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the presence of several, at least 2 people;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) common goal;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) coordination mechanism;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) manager.
    2. Everything is typical for an informal organization except:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) spontaneous nature of creation;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) absence of a manager;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) small size;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) lack of rigidly established rules and procedures.
    3. The main functional services of the management structure include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) formal organization;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) board of directors;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp c) matrix structure;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) marketing department.
    4. The linear-functional management structure turns out to be most effective in the following conditions:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) stable existing environment;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) orientation of the company to new markets and technologies;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) the prevalence of non-price competition in the market;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) when efficiency of decision-making is necessary.
    5. The disadvantages of the divisional management structure include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) duplication of functions;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) bureaucratization;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp c) departmental within individual functional services;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    6. In Russia, in modern conditions, firms prevail with:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) matrix structure;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) divisional structure;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp c) linear structure;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) linear functional structure.
    7. Modern organizational management structures include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) matrix structure;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) project structure;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp) command structure;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    8. To the elements corporate culture refers to:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) slogans of the company, placed in annual reports and press releases;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) informal channels for spreading rumors;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) internal business and psychological atmosphere in the company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    9. American corporate culture is characterized by:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) rigid imposition of behavioral standards;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) wide zone of power;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp) collegiality;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) caring for the quality of life.

      Right answers: 1- a, 2- b, 3- d, 4- a, 5- d, 6 - d, 7 - d, 8 - d, 9 - a.

  • Topic 7: Production management

    1. The main elements of the production system include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) production process;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) resources;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) products;
    2. The sequence of actions and operations for converting materials into raw materials is called:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) production process;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) labor;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) production system;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) management process.
    3. The modern trend in the world development of production systems is characterized by the transition:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) from natural resources to synthetic;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) from expensive resources to cheaper ones;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) from specialized resources to universal;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    4. The use of machines to partially replace labor previously performed by humans is called:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) mechanization;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) automation;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) standardization;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) computerization.
    5. An example of unit labor is:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) creation of any complex technique;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) creation of unique devices;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) use of any skilled manual labor in production;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    6. Serial production is:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) production of homogeneous products on a significant scale;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) repetitive, stable production of uniform goods and services;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) production of different types of products with intervals between series;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) unique production of single copies of products.
    7. The signs of semi-standard work include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) completeness of the complex of operations, with the monotony of operations;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) the employee performs the functions of managing and setting up specialized equipment;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp) the employee constantly changes the pace and place of work;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspg) narrow specialization and monotonous work.
    8. An example of formulaic labor is labor:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) engineer;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) worker on the conveyor;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) builder;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) scientist.
    9. A complex labor process involves:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) release of one type of product;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) production of a wide range of products;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) production standardization;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) widespread use of manual labor.
    10. The signs of a rigid production system include everything except:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) mass standardized production;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) flexibility adaptation to changing conditions;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) specialized equipment;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) the prevalence of methods of inventory management.
    11. The soft scientific production system aims to reduce:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) only production costs;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) only organizational costs;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) mainly production costs;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) mainly organizational costs.
    12. The military-anarchist system of industrial production is based on:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) mass, conveyor production;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) mechanized factory production;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) production workshop system;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspg) manual labor.

      Right answers: 1- d, 2- a, 3- a, 4- a, 5- b, 6- c, 7 - a, 8- b, 9 - b, 10 - b, 11- d, 12 - b.

  • Topic 8: Human Resource Management

    1. The main elements of the socio-technical system include everything, with the exception of:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) production system;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) training and retraining system;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) internal corporate institutions and external legal regulators of relations between personnel and administration;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) methods of personnel management.
    2. The main functions of human resource management include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the formation of labor resources;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) workforce development;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) creating a normal working climate;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    3. Motivation is:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) a variety of ways to encourage a person to take any action (leadership);
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) methods and nature of communication between people in production (mechanisms of information transfer);
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) creating a system of incentives to work with returns (material, moral, etc.);
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) management of relationships and ways of interaction between people in production.
    4. In conditions of a rigid scientific production system, personnel management is based on the principles:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the classical theory of motivation;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) a complex system of various material and non-material motives;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp c) a complex system of collective and individual incentives;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) does not have special methods of personnel management.
    5. Choose a sequence of needs from lowest to highest that correctly reflects Maslow's hierarchy of needs:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the need for self-expression, the need for recognition, social needs, the need for security, physiological needs;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) physiological needs, need for self-expression, need for recognition, social needs, need for security;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) physiological needs; social needs, need for recognition, need for security, need for self-expression;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) physiological needs, need for security, social needs, need for recognition, need for self-expression.
    6. According to theory Z, the average person:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) should be maximally involved in the management process of the company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) works most effectively if the needs of all Maslow levels are met, including the highest;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) likes to work in a team in which he is recognized, loved and treated like a family member;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    7. Theory Y relies on methods:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) democratic management style;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) moderately authoritarian management;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) hard authoritarian management;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) does not have a special management style.
    8. The main directions of the formation of labor resources include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) workforce planning;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) hiring workers;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) creating a system of incentives and remuneration for work;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above.
    9. Evaluation of an employee's performance at a modern Western firm includes the following parameters:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) level of professional knowledge and skills;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) volume and quality of work performed;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) communication skills and the ability to perform leadership work;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    10. Payments to employees in excess of regular wages or wages, which are rewards for achievements made:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) encouragement;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) premium;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) reward;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) commission.
    11. In the nineteenth century for labor relations was typical:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the private law nature of the employment contract;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) availability of corporate social security systems;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) expansion of the contractual system of an employment contract;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) availability of state social insurance programs for employees.
    12. The new modern institutional regulators of labor relations include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) trade unions;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) paternalism system;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) state employee insurance programs;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) non-corporate insurance and social security systems for employees.

      Right answers: 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - a, 4 - a, 5 - d, 6 - d, 7 - b, 8 - d, 9 - d, 10 - b, 11 - a, 12 - d.

  • Topic 9: Marketing

    1. For a marketing specialist, the market is:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) commercial exchange of values \u200b\u200bbetween two parties;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) a set of buyers who have a need for a product and have the funds necessary to purchase;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp c) a set of existing and potential goods that satisfy any need;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) a place where various transactions for the sale of goods are made.
    2. The main elements of the market structure include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) demand;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) competitors;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspv) consumers;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above.
    3. Institutional consumers include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) firms buying goods and services for further processing;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) wholesale intermediaries;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) retail intermediaries;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above.
    4. The factors most important for institutional buyers to influence purchasing decisions are:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) cultural environment;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) belonging to a particular social class;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) attendant circumstances;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) method of purchasing goods.
    5. Everything is typical for the "buyer's market", except for:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the seller dictates the price to the buyer;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) the domination of the principle "let the seller beware";
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) good consumer awareness of the quality of the goods;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) a developed network of consumer societies.
    6. The main disadvantage of undifferentiated marketing is:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) vulnerability to competitors who focus on certain market niches;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) high production and marketing costs;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) limited opportunities for growth;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) the risk of changing consumer tastes.
    7. For products such as aluminum, copper is most suitable for:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) undifferentiated marketing strategy;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) differentiated marketing strategy;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) concentrated marketing strategy;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspd) is true b) and c).
    8. Firm "Adidas", focusing its efforts on the production of several types of sports shoes at once (sneakers for runners, tennis shirts for tennis players, sports shoes for basketball
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв), focuses on:

      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) concentrated market segmentation strategy;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) differentiated market segmentation strategy;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp) an individual strategy for market segmentation;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) undifferentiated market segmentation strategy.
    9. Predominantly tangible goods include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) salt;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) lunch in a cafe;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) educational services;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) political ideas.
    10. Product range:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) everything that can satisfy the need of the buyer in order to attract attention, purchase, use or consumption;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) the whole group of goods that can satisfy the same need;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp c) a thing or service that satisfies any need and is available in limited quantities;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) separate integrity, characterized by indicators of size, price and appearance.
    11. Trademark is:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) any name, sign, symbol, picture or their combination used to designate the company's products and distinguish them from competitors' products;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) any name, sign, symbol, drawing or their combination used to designate the goods of the manufacturer's company under which they are sold throughout the country;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) packaging, which indicates only the name of the product without the manufacturer's designation;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) any name, sign, symbol, drawing or their combination used to designate the goods of the company, legally registered and giving the owner the exclusive right to use it.
    12. The longest period of a product's life cycle, as a rule, is the stage:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) product introduction;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) growth;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp c) product maturity;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) decline.
    13. Audit consulting refers to:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) capital goods;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) institutional goods;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) durable goods;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) are generally not classified as goods in the marketing system.

      Right answers: 1- a, 2- d, 3- d, 4- d, 5- a, 6- a, 7- d, 8- b, 9 - a, 10 - d, 11 - d, 12 - c, 13 - b.

  • Topic 10: Pricing and distribution of goods

    1. In the conditions of monopolistic competition, the most important role in a firm's pricing decision is played by:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) advertising and trademark;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) consumer behavior;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) level of production costs;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) mechanisms of state regulation of prices and anti-monopoly policy.
    2. The firm's survival strategy is most effective in the following conditions:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) high competition and a large number of competing firms;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) consumer needs change dramatically;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp) strong market;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) is true a) and b).
    3. In conditions of elastic demand, it follows:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) increase the price, since as a result, the total revenue increases;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) to lower the price, since as a result, the total revenue increases;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) increase the price, since as a result the profitability of sales increases;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) is true a) and c).
    4. If the firm has fixed costs prevailing in the cost structure, then:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) such a firm is called "price sensitive" and the price should be carefully reduced in order to increase the total revenue;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) such a firm is called "sensitive to turnover" and the price should be carefully reduced in order to increase the total revenue;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) such a firm is called "price sensitive" and the price should be deliberately increased in order to increase the total revenue;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspg) such a firm is called "turnover sensitive" and the price should be carefully increased in order to increase the total revenue.
    5. "Price sensitivity" (dependence of profit on prices) for firms:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the higher, the higher the share fixed costs;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb), the higher the proportion of variable costs;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) the higher, the lower the proportion of variable costs;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) is true a) and c).
    6. The most "price sensitive" firms are those that are:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) organization of excursions;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) retail;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) film distribution;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) wholesale.
    7. Strong market:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) market of growing demand;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) falling demand market;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) a market in which there are many oligopolist firms;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) market of perfect competition.
    8. In a weak market, it is beneficial:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) reduce prices, maintain low prices;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) increase prices, maintain high prices;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) reduce prices, maintain high prices;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspg) increase prices, maintain low prices.
    9. If the firm's product is of lower quality than the products of its main competitor, it will have to assign:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) similar to the competitor's price;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) a higher price to position your product relative to competitors' products;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) a lower price to ensure the growth of sales of goods;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) is true a) and c).
    10. Product positioning is:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) ensuring the goods a competitive position in the market and developing a marketing mix;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) the process of breaking down consumers based on their needs and buying behavior;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) assessment and selection of one or more market segments to enter them with their products;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) the activities of the company to increase sales by creating new or improved consumer qualities in goods.
    11. For a highly developed market with a high degree of segmentation, the following are most often used for product introduction:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) moving price;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) penetration price;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) low price;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) high price.
    12. The following dynamics is characteristic of a sliding price:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) high cost of implementation, with its subsequent reduction;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) low price implementation with its subsequent increase;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) constant price change depending on market conditions;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) change in the price of goods depending on the stage of the life cycle.
    13. A small firm that has a strong position in the firm and wants to avoid a price war is more likely to price its product at the level of:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) above the market;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) below market;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) at the level of the price leader.
    14. Cost-based pricing methods include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) by the method of setting the implementation price;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) at the average market price;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) by the method of skimming.
    15. Perceived value pricing methods include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) price calculation using the "average cost plus profit" method;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) by the method of pricing implementation;.
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) at the average market price;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspd) is true b) and c).
    16. Of the stores listed below, the highest mark-up is usually set at:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) supermarket;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) general grocery store;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) in the "store-warehouse";
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) in the bookstore.
    17. All of the following applies to dishonest pricing methods, except:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) fixing prices;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) price discrimination;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) conclusion of restrictive transactions;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) setting high trade margins.
    18. The company's own means of distribution of goods include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) salesmen;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) sales branches of the company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) dealers;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) is true a) and b).
    19. A company that creates a network of its sales branches in different cities and regions uses:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) a zero-level channel;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) a single-level channel;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp) with a two-level channel;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) multilevel channel.

      Right answers: 1-b, 2-d, 3-b, 4-b, 5-b, 6-a, 7-a, 8-c, 9-a, 10-a, 11-a, 12-c, 13- a, 14-d, 15-d, 16-c, 17-b, 18-d, 19-b.

  • Topic 11. Product promotion and advertising basics

    1. The main elements of product promotion include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) store;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) advertising;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) exchange;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspg) television.
    2. The goals of product promotion include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) ensuring the sale of goods and profit to the advertiser .;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) informing the buyer about the purpose, quality, price and place where you can buy the goods;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) establishing feedback with the market and the consumer;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    3. Product promotion is:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) a set of various incentive methods used by companies when interacting with target markets and the general public;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) establishing direct contacts between the seller and the buyer;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) a paid form of impersonal influence of the advertiser on the target market through the media;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) any forms of interaction between the company and the audience that are not directly related to the organization of the sale of goods.
    4. The advantages of personal selling include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) individual approach;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) low costs;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) the ability to reach a large circle of contact audience;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    5. The main disadvantages of public relations include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) non-individualized approach based on standard messages;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) high costs of the company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) not the ability to reach a large circle of contact audience;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    6. The main elements of advertising include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) text component;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) artistic component (creative);
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) advertising appeal;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    7. Advertising aimed at increasing sales by describing the properties and advantages of a product (less often prices) is called:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) product advertising;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) institutional advertising;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) propaganda advertising;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) comparative advertising.
    8. The advantages of the press as an advertising channel include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the regularity of the exit;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) wide audience coverage;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) fast ad execution;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    9. The disadvantages of outdoor advertising include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) consumer resistance;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) irregularity of announcements;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) significant costs of creating advertising;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) limited possibilities of text components and the complexity of advertising new products.
    10. In modern conditions in developed countries prevails:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) product advertising;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) prestigious advertising;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) competitive advertising;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) comparative advertising.
    11. Modern non-advertising means of promoting goods include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) sponsorship;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) branding;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) direct marketing;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    12. Direct marketing is:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) activities to create a long-term preference for a group of goods, united by a certain price, quality niche and the idea of \u200b\u200bdistinguishing the product from competitors and creating its image;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) establishing a long-term mutually beneficial and developing partnership between the manufacturer and personally known consumers;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) financing of various public events, events, scientific research, etc.;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) activities aimed at creating a background, contributing to the creation of the prestige and social significance of the product.
      Right answers: 1 - b, 2 - d, 3 - a, 4 - a, 5 - a, 6 - d, 7 - a, 8 - d, 9 - d, 10 - b, 11 - d, 12 - a.
  • Topic 12: Fundamentals of Accounting

    1. The system used in business for preparing financial information for the management of an organization is called:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) accounting;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) management accounting;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) financial statements;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) financial management.
    2. The functions of financial reporting include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) consulting;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) audit;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) financial planning for individuals;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above.
    3. In the financial accounting system, the cash flow statement shows:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) how profitable the enterprise is;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) is the enterprise sustainable;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) what is the accounting value of the enterprise;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) the ability of the enterprise to make its current payments.
    4. Operating costs (operating costs) include everything except:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the salary of the administrative apparatus;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) marketing research costs;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) funds going to the reimbursement of fixed capital;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) advertising costs.
    5. The firm's assets are:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) own and attracted money capital;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) the cost estimate of all funds and funds of the company (actually operating capital);
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) own money capital;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) attracted money capital (borrowed capital).
    6. Everything applies to current (liquid assets) except:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) cash on hand;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) marketable securities;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) trade marks;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) inventory.
    7. Retained earnings are found by the formula:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) net profit - dividends and reserves;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) gross profit - dividends and reserves;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) gross profit - interest on a loan;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) taxable profit - taxes.
    8. Intangible assets are:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) cash and other assets that can be converted into cash during the year;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) assets intended for long-term use;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspc) assets that do not have a tangible form, but have value, since they give their owners certain rights;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) the cost equivalent of the company's reputation.
    9. The long-term obligations of the company include everything except:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) share capital;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) property pledge agreements
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) long-term bank loans;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspg) lease agreements.
    10. Equity the firm's balance sheet includes everything except:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the cost of outstanding ordinary shares;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) the cost of bonds issued into circulation;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) shares in the enterprise of each of the partners.
    11. Revenue was 100 thousand, production costs - 90 thousand, capital is involved in production, estimated at 50 thousand. The profitability of sales under these conditions is:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) 20%;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) 10%;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) 20%;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) 7%.
    12. Based on the firm's balance sheet below, calculate the firm's liquidity ratio: asset liabilities cash - 500 thousand short-term liabilities - 1000 thousand market securities - 200 thousand long-term liabilities - 1000 thousand accounts receivable - 300 thousand inventories - 100 thousand equipment - 1000 thousand intangible assets - 200 thousand
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) 3.;.
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) 2;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) 1;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) 0.5.
    13. Based on the firm's balance sheet below, calculate the degree of independence of the firm: Asset Liability cash - 200 thousand short-term liabilities - 500 thousand inventories - 300 thousand long-term liabilities - 1000 thousand equipment - 1000 thousand intangible assets - 500 thousand a) 0.25 ;. b) 2; in 1; d) 0.5.
    14. The deviation of the market value of the firm from the valuation of the balance sheet assets is associated with the following facts:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) with underestimation in the balance sheet of intangible assets;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) with a significant amount of intangible assets
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) with the expectations of the subjects of the securities market;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.

      Right answers: 1 - b, 2 - d, 3 - d, 4 - d, 5 - b, 6 - c, 7 - a, 8 - d, 9 - a, 10 - c, 11 - c, 12 - c, 13 - g, 14 - g.

  • Topic 13: Fundamentals of Financial Management

    1. The main goals of the policy of attracting financial resources by the company are:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) decrease in the cost of the company's capital;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) growth in return on equity;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) reducing the risk of insolvency of the company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    2. Internal sources of financing for the firm include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) depreciation deductions;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) retained earnings;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp c) asset sales;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) the above is true.
    3. The company's cost of capital is:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the interest rate that the company pays for loans received from external borrowers;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) the average interest rate that the company pays for a given combination of equity and debt capital.
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) the value of all assets of the company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) the value of all liquid assets of the company;
    4. The cost of borrowed capital, all other things being equal, is always:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) above the share capital;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) below the share capital;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) is equal to the share capital;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) has nothing to do with the value of the share capital.
    5. Short-term sources of funding include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) trade credit;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) factoring;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) bond loan;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) true a) and b)
    6. A bill of exchange differs from a trade credit in that:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) is unconditional;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) can only be issued by a financial institution (bank, fund, etc.);
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspv) can handle;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) is true a) and c).
    7. The main disadvantages of a bank loan as a source of financing for a firm include:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) the need for collateral;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) growth in the cost of the company's capital;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) danger of losing control over the company;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    8. An unsecured loan may be guaranteed by:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) credit history of the debtor;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) compensation balance;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) profitability of the debtor's business;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    9. If you are going to finance capital investments, then, according to the principle of correspondence, of the following, it is most correct for you to resort to:
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspа) to the trade credit;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspb) try to get the bill;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspв) get factoring from the bank;
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) get a lease.
    10. A newly created high-risk venture should be financed by:
    11. {!LANG-9793ac55900d550aadee4606ad72d36c!}
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspг) all of the above is true.
    12. {!LANG-2c33ebc4aa3440a7151187fe9de31aab!}
      & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspd) is true b) and c).
    13. {!LANG-8131229f56d61fa6fb2ce030f2b9a77f!}
    14. {!LANG-0aa5b0fee6c7fca809a2c3c02ce7aa29!}
    15. {!LANG-3735d4b382f364d0401ef78f90ca6938!}
    16. {!LANG-7ce66e8a683af78ccfa66aa83c435f61!}{!LANG-3eccd5c393c44dff8a4343a3d51d575a!}
      Right answers: {!LANG-b435eef688a967c3722ab914b0d65b86!}
  • {!LANG-c14913bd8a07a7a34dc1d6d4eaa855ea!}



    {!LANG-f6883c08884c150f465867832da92479!} {!LANG-48a9f3538c8a38e214160c141068bb7f!}






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    {!LANG-c3ccfdf22aa256189618398d14c9d2da!} {!LANG-496a977f33bca8cf2a8b2d3b52c73cfc!}{!LANG-51dd1f8e9fb2f836453bec612e161917!}





    {!LANG-d28eee18f20c37b9ec8569ab3df0860c!} {!LANG-c25018d4d8465ce35485118e2ae0fd2e!}{!LANG-3cec8d7e8edaf5102c44fcd7291c385b!}

    {!LANG-492bf1c7d79492c2442549c81ab618b7!}{!LANG-87f1c242924e1ec24c919bef6c3063f6!} {!LANG-d70ffe0a55dc598b3b114004e62e9aa0!}{!LANG-b0fea810b1c8042d257c7be366e1dc07!}

    {!LANG-d868d6975ffff6002b523aeeacf9cc65!} {!LANG-9662e0c6cf5335343d52358904862301!}{!LANG-bb3bed1e60e9048c7e652120981413d0!} {!LANG-f1ea9865bfa06bd9e21e8b8f547d22fe!}{!LANG-3c6b0558c5b8d99febd870cca1ff6383!}













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    {!LANG-03db744924a229f2945ed1b2750b8120!} {!LANG-48a9f3538c8a38e214160c141068bb7f!}



    {!LANG-558120d8484d101117b403839b5efa0b!} {!LANG-7b845fdcfd7800c51330534503d78248!}{!LANG-1e1ab318a610adc8b96aab53c6029f1c!}

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    {!LANG-88be602a6bec109877ac210d6bd4e99f!} {!LANG-40fc881cddd5fb8e7725985875492b59!}{!LANG-4e5e8833885d3ad11ec850f6e04b0512!}


    {!LANG-69343ba20f217964dcb69f5d176b4c0e!} {!LANG-1f71a69105eacaa8b070f4017b196766!}{!LANG-007192237cc529b3df3f377b58cb3818!}







    {!LANG-4f6af649895dee317a9d8f4f5f813e8a!} {!LANG-496a977f33bca8cf2a8b2d3b52c73cfc!}{!LANG-0b9b1bfb47cf362f6620316c2a8e4a86!}








