List the mechanical equipment used in the confectionery industry. Technological equipment of the confectionery shop upk kgtei. Workplace for sifting flour

The confectionery workshop occupies a special place in the restaurant industry. As a rule, he works independently, regardless of the kitchen, and usually supplies his products, except the main one, to small enterprises, buffets, etc. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop and its layout depend on the quantity and range of products that are manufactured. The confectionery workshop, which produces 2-3 thousand products, may consist of two units: procurement and finishing. In procurement, products are prepared for baking and in fact baking products, and in finishing, its design.

Large workshops that produce up to 10-12 thousand products per shift, allocate separate rooms for kneading dough, cutting (molding) of products, baking and decoration. It is clear that such enterprises produce products for delivery to other enterprises in the restaurant industry and trade, they should provide for the design of the expedition premises and washing containers.

The location of the premises of the confectionery workshop may be different, however, it is always necessary to prevent the possibility of oncoming flows during the process. The premises of the confectionery shop should be bright, for the rest the requirements are the same as for the hot shop.

The following operations are performed in the confectionery shop: sifting flour and preparing (kneading) the dough, forming, baking, decorating the products after baking, making fudge, syrups, creams, whipping proteins.

Appropriate equipment and sieving machines are installed at the workplace for sifting flour. Sifting machines can be of various capacities depending on the capacity of the workshop. Modern sifters take up little space and are convenient for use in pastry shops. In the absence of machines, flour is sifted with a sieve, which is installed over the container in which the dough will be kneaded.

Kneading is an important operation in the preparation of all types of dough. It is associated with the application of physical effort, so modern pastry shops are equipped with dough mixing machines. The simplest consists of two units: a whisk with a drive mechanism and a mobile bowl. The mobile bowl is fed to the place where the flour is sifted, filled with components for the dough and fed to the whisk, which makes the batch.

You can also install a universal drive for pastry shops and use it to do this job. This usually happens in small workshops. The process of kneading the dough by machine method lasts from 10 to 20 minutes.

In addition to a machine for kneading dough, this workplace should have a water heater, a production sink with a hot and cold water mixer, and a commercial scale for weighing flour.

Flour is fed to the sifted workplace, salt and sugar - in the form of a filtered solution of a certain concentration. For convenience and ease of dosage of salt and sugar, a measured steel container is installed with a tap and a filter at the bottom.

In the absence of dough mixing machines and universal drives, the dough is kneaded manually. To do this, it is recommended to use a special drawer table in the following sizes: length 100 cm, width 75 cm, height 98 cm, depth 43 cm. A drawer with a height of 90, a width of 70 and a depth of 50 cm is also used.

A workplace is organized in the dough mixing department for auxiliary operations: sorting and washing raisins, preparing and filtering sugar syrup and salt solution. Here, a production table is installed with a sink built into the lid, to which cold and hot water is supplied. A box for salt and sugar is placed next to the table. A tool cabinet is installed at the workplace for tools and equipment.

As in the bakery industry, in order to create the necessary conditions for the fermentation of yeast dough in large confectionery shops, special rooms are allocated in which the optimum temperature is maintained. If there are no such rooms, the dough is brought up or brought to confectionery ovens, in which the air temperature is higher. The dough is fermented in the same tubs in which it was kneaded.

After fermentation of the yeast dough or its kneading, the products are molded. When performing this operation, the dough is divided into pieces of a certain weight and provide them with the necessary shape. The formation of products requires a lot of time, although often this operation is mechanized. These are special semi-automatic tistorozdiliuvachi, dough is divided into portions of a certain weight, automatic machines and semi-automatic machines that divide the dough and mold products. At the workplace for dosing dough there should be a production table equipped with a drawer for flour, a box for knives and scales. To the left of the employee set the tub with the dough, and to the right - the dough divider and the table for forming the dough. For rolling out the dough, dough sheeters are used. In small enterprises or when producing a small number of products, rolling can be done manually, although it is difficult to get the dough of the required thickness. The rolling process is much easier when using a control rocking chair, consisting of a hollow metal working roller with a diameter of 80 mm with an axis placed inside it. On the edge of the roller, control rings are mounted on both sides. The axis of the roller has handles fixed to the axis with screws and washers. The control rings are fixed to the roller using pins. The set of rollers includes five ring numbers with an outer diameter of 88 to 100 mm

Roll out the dough on a table with a lid having a flat surface. For rolling and applying a certain pattern to the dough, wooden rolling pins with stamps cut on them are used. Products can be molded by various recesses adapted for the manufacture of semi-finished products of a certain weight.

To cut the dough, a cutter is used, with the help of which a dough with serrated edges, fragments of tistorozodiluvachi are obtained, the dough is cut into equal strips, the cutter is cut into circles. These devices are not used in large enterprises.

Workplaces for dosing, rolling out dough and molding products are organized differently, depending on the degree of division of labor of workers in the confectionery workshop. As a matter of fact, all these three operations can be performed at one workplace. In workshops where the operational division of labor is applied, three specialized workplaces are located nearby. The number of employees in each of them is determined taking into account the complexity of a particular operation.

In addition to the production tables, a dough sheeter and a refrigerating cabinet for cooling the dough are installed at the workplace for rolling dough. Production tables are recommended with tool cabinets and flour drawers.

Fig. 18. in

1 - Confectionery studs for transportation of finished confectionery semi-finished products to pre-cooked or auxiliary workshops.

2 - Refrigerated cabinets for storing ingredient composition of confectionery.

3 - Work table.

4 - Wall shelves for storing bulk confectionery ingredients.

5 - The universal drive is used for making dough, pastry, and whipping cream using a planetary mixer. A mechanism for chopping nuts is also used.

6 - A rack for storing equipment and accessories for a universal drive.

7 - Confectionery tables.

Workplace   for molding products equipped with the same specialized tables as for rolling dough. To the left of the table, mobile small-sized shelving and cabinets with pastry sheets are placed on which molded products are laid out. As they are filled, they are rolled back to the proofing site.

At the workplace for the preparation of fillings, an industrial table and a small gas or electric stove are installed to prepare fudge, custard dough, cream. They also use a rubbing machine and a meat grinder from a mobile universal drive. For transportation and storage of fillings, bowl bowls, mobile bathtubs or chairs with trays installed on them are used.

If the pastry shop produces deep-fried pies, then a special workplace will be organized, equipped with electric or gas fryers. With a large task for the production of pies, a pie automatic machine can be installed.

Puff and shortcrust pastry products are prepared at the same workplaces as yeast dough products, but at a different time. If it is necessary to simultaneously release products from these types of dough, they will additionally organize workplaces similar in their equipment to workplaces for the production of products from yeast dough.

To prepare a biscuit dough, a separate workstation is equipped. Beating the biscuit dough is carried out on a mechanical mixer with an individual electric motor or from a universal drive.

To perform preparatory operations (preparation of egg mass, sugar, etc.), as well as for laying whipped dough in molds, a production table is installed. After the products have been provided with a certain form, they are laid out on the pastry sheets, put on shelves. Mobile metal shelves are the most convenient to use, they are easy to move and can be installed near the workplace. In addition to mobile shelving, stationary metal shelves embedded in the wall.

After molding and proofing, the products are subjected to heat treatment - baking. Baking time depends on the size of the product, readiness is determined by appearance.

For baking confectionery products, electric and gas ovens are used. Nowadays, there are electric baking ovens equipped with temperature controllers that automatically maintain the set temperature in any range.

For baking confectionery products of various types, an appropriate temperature is required. So, buns, pies, cheesecakes, pies are baked at a temperature of 200-250 ° C; biscuit dough - at 200-210 ° C; sand pieces - 210-220 ° С; sheet piece products - 250-260 ° С; rolls and rolls of custard dough - 215-220 ° C.

After baking, the products are taken out and put on racks for cooling, and then sent to the storage room for the finished product. Sponge cakes, cake cakes, cream buns, etc. are cut, moistened with syrup, covered with cream or fudge and decorated. In large workshops, a special room is allocated for these operations. To wet the biscuits, you can use a funnel with a capacity of 2-3 liters.

Confectionery is made mainly by hand. To perform this operation, various devices are used. So, to lubricate the cream of cakes and pastries, you should use large and small shovels. It is more convenient to fill the cakes with cream using a pastry bag fixed in a rack. Tips various shapesattached to pastry bags make it possible to apply a variety of patterns to cakes and cakes. To facilitate this process, stencils of wire with a diameter of 4 mm can be used.

In large pastry shops, a pneumatic device is used to fill the cream with cream, which is mounted on a mobile metal table. At the bottom of the table, an air compressor with an electric motor is installed, from which compressed air is supplied in cream tanks installed on the table. A rubber hose is attached to each tank, at the end of which there is a tip with a handle.

The next operation is the preparation of syrups, creams, whipped proteins, sweets. For its implementation, the confectionery shop has simple thermal equipment - stoves or special devices on which confectionery boilers are installed. Large enterprises use open steam and electric sauce boilers without lids. In small workshops for this there is a cooktop kitchen utensils.

With small volumes of production, it is advisable to use a water bath to heat and store the heated fudge. To do this, put a smaller pan with fondant in the bath and spend it if necessary, always having it at hand. In a water bath, it does not crystallize and always has the right temperature.

Large enterprises install whipping machines for whipping and mixing products; others use universal drives, meat grinders, and low-power wipers.

Universal drives for pastry shops in combination with a universal whipping machine allow you to prepare many types of semi-finished products: custard dough, biscuit dough, cakes and pastries, fudge, cream and protein creams. In the absence of machines, these processes are carried out manually with the help of confectionery nimbuses.

To perform other operations, various tools and devices are used - mortars with pestles, manual and electric coffee grinders, sieves, colanders, screens, etc.

In the preparation of puff pastry after each rolling it is cooled. For this, a refrigerating cabinet is installed in the processing room, away from confectionery ovens, which also serves for storing perishable products (butter, minced meat, etc.). Ready confectionery   put in trays and stored until sale in a separate room - an expedition equipped with shelving. From the workshop they are transported on mobile shelving or trolleys.

In a large confectionery workshop, it is necessary to provide a warehouse for a daily supply of raw materials to ensure uninterrupted operation during the day.

To store tools, fixtures and equipment, tool cabinets are installed in the workshop.

At the confectionery shops that produce products with butter cream, a workplace for washing eggs is organized in a separate room. Before entering the workshop, the eggs are checked for freshness, treated in a disinfectant solution, neutralized in a soda solution, then washed in running water.

For processing eggs, a bath is installed at the workplace, next to it is a table with an ovoscope and a table with a box for eggs intended for inspection. The eggs checked on an ovoscope are laid in a grid and dipped alternately in a bath with a disinfectant solution, then in a bath with a solution of soda and then in a bath with running water.

The equipment and its types for the confectionery shop are selected depending on the expected productivity of the shop. This takes into account the number of downloads, operating time and utilization of each machine.

Thermal equipment (confectionery oven, cabinets) is selected depending on the hourly capacity of the devices. To do this, you need to know the weight of the baked products, their number on one baking sheet, the number of decks, the duration of baking.

Organization of work in the confectionery workshop.

The confectionery shop is managed by the shop manager. He acquaints the team leaders with the assortment of manufactured products, distributes raw materials between the teams, and controls the technological.

In the confectionery shops, as a rule, a linear schedule is used. In large workshops, work is organized in two shifts, in small ones - in one. Teams are formed either by type of product (one produces products from yeast dough; the other produces cakes, pastries), or by operations technological process   (kneading, molding, baking and product design). Two or three teams work in each shift, depending on the capacity of the workshop for the operational division of labor.

Fig. 19. in

1 - mobile pastry rack; 2 - metal billet; C - refrigerator; 4 - office table; 5 - production table; 6 - washing bath; 7 - table with cooling; 8 - whipping machine; 9 - vibrating screen with stand; 10 - dough mixing machine; 11 - a table with a built-in sink; 12 - production rack; 13 - sterilizer; 14 - washing bath; 15 - cream dispenser, 16 - shlektroshafa; 17 - dough sheeters; 18 - a bowl for kneading dough; 19 - electric stove; 20 - a device for cooling syrup

Confectioners of the V category make figured cakes to order and pastries. They conduct preparation and quality control of raw materials, fillings, finishing semi-finished products, prepare dough, mold products, and carry out their decoration.

Confectioners of the IV category make various muffins, rolls, cookies of the highest grades, complex cakes and pastries.

Confectioners of the third category make simple cakes and pastries, bakery products, various types of dough, creams, fillings. Confectioner's qualification requirements:

o the confectioner must have primary or secondary vocational education;

o know the recipe and production technology of flour confectionery and bakery products from various types of dough, finishing semi-finished products;

o know the commodity characteristics of raw materials, types of flavoring and aromatic substances, cultivators and dyes allowed for the manufacture of confectionery;

o comply with the sanitary and hygienic conditions for the production of flour confectionery products, their shelf life, transportation and sale;

o know organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of confectionery products;

o use methods and techniques of highly artistic decoration of complex types of confectionery;

o comply with the principles of operation and operating rules of technological equipment used in the manufacture of confectionery.

The confectioner's qualification requirements are determined in accordance with the requirements of the industry standard GOST 30524-97 "Catering. Requirements for production personnel", which is used in the certification of services of restaurant enterprises.

Confectioners of the II category carry out individual work in the process of making cakes, pastries, prepare syrups and creams.

Confectioners of the first category do the work under the supervision of confectioners of the highest level, remove baked goods from the sheets, read out the confectionery baking sheets, sheets and forms.

Bakers of the II and III categories bake and fry confectionery, bakery products. They determine the readiness of semi-finished products for baking, prepare the season and lubricate the products. The baker must study the technological process, the modes and duration of the baking of confectionery products, know the norms of output of finished products, the mode of their cooling, as well as the rules of operation and maintenance.

Confectioners must be aware of the responsibility for the work performed. The head of the workshop and team leaders monitor the rational organization of work in the workshop, which is carried out in accordance with the plan for production.

dish fish cake technology

For the normal conduct of the technological process in the confectionery workshop, there should be the following departments: dough kneading, dough dressing, baking, product finishing, cream, minced meat, daily food store pantry, containers, washing (for eggs, dishes, containers), expedition.

Confectioners workplaces are organized in accordance with the technological process for the preparation of flour confectionery products. The technological process usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials, preparation and kneading of dough, molding of products, preparation of finishing semi-finished products, fillings, baking, finishing and short-term storage of finished products.

Proper arrangement of equipment, preparation of jobs, equipping them with necessary equipment, utensils and by vehiclesuninterrupted supply of raw materials, fuel, electricity during the shift are important factors in the economic use of working time, ensuring the rational organization of labor and the mechanization of labor-intensive processes.

In the pantry of the daily supply of products set chests, racks, shelves, equip a refrigerator. To weigh products use scales with limits of mass measurement from 2 to 150 kg and measuring utensils. It also prepares raw materials for production (dissolving and dosing salt, sugar, breeding yeast, stripping butter, removing packaging, etc.) These operations require staffing with small-scale mechanization equipment, tools, tools and transport devices.

The eggs are processed in a special washing room, where an ovoscope and bathtubs with four compartments are installed for their sanitary treatment.

Eggs passed through an ovoscope in sieves are kept in the first compartment of the bath in warm water for 10 minutes. if necessary, they are washed here with hair brushes. In the second compartment, the eggs are kept for 5 minutes in a 2% solution of bleach. In the third compartment, the eggs are kept in a 2% solution of baking soda and in the fourth they are washed with warm running water for 5 minutes. washed and dry eggs are separated from the shell, if necessary, the protein and yolk are separated on a special device.

Melange in jars is washed and thawed in the same baths for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 45 ° C.

Before kneading the dough, the flour is sifted in a separate room or directly in the dough mixing department, if possible far from other workplaces, so that the finished products are not dusty (there are special sifters with swinging and fixed sieves). Flour sifting equipment should have a local ventilation suction with a dust filter. The flour is stored in wooden racks in bags and, as necessary, is poured into the hopper of the sifter, while impurities are removed and the flour is enriched with atmospheric oxygen. You can sift flour directly into a mobile bowl or plastic measuring tanks with a lid.

The dough mixing room is equipped with dough mixing machines with bowls of various capacities. Knead the dough sequentially first with the shortest cycle - butter. Shortbread, flaky, and then yeast.

The inventory of the workshop is varied, because when molding and finishing it is required to ensure not only beautiful appearancebut also the exact mass of products. For the design of confectionery products, plastic or tin tubes are used, which are placed in bags of dense fabric, special syringes, combs made of aluminum or sheet metal and a number of other devices.

The room for portioning the dough is equipped as follows: set up a table, a dividing-rounding machine or a dough divider, a chest for flour (under the table), a box for knives (in the table), dial scales.

There is also a place for the movement of the bowl with the dough. The dividing and rounding machine divides the dough into pieces of a certain mass and rolls them into balls, which facilitates the very laborious operation of weighing and rolling each portion of the dough.

For rolling out the dough, tables with tool cabinets and sliding chests, a dough sheeter, a refrigerating cabinet (where oil and dough is cooled in the manufacture of puff products) are used. At present, they use a machine that not only rolls the dough of the required thickness into two tapes, but also doses the filling between them and forms the products.

A workplace for molding products is equipped with tables (with sliding chests for flour, drawers for tools), wall shelving.

To prepare the biscuit dough, a separate workstation is equipped near the universal drive, since the dough is whipped in the mechanical whisk included in the set of this drive. In addition, you need a separate table (or tables) for preparing eggs, spilling dough on sheets or forms.

A special machine cuts the biscuit cake mix into layers.

Creams are prepared in a separate room in which beaters of various capacities and with different capacities of bowls and boilers are installed. Cook cream in special tipping boilers with a steam jacket or in boilers heated. A special table with drawers for storing the tool is also needed, powder is sifted on it and other operations are performed.

For the manufacture of lipstick, a production line is organized, consisting of an electric stove, a boiler, a special table and a whipping machine. The table cover is metal with sides and two pipelines with cold and hot water are placed under it. One of the side boards bordering the overhead tray is made removable.

The baking department is equipped with pastry cabinets and furnaces with electric, gas and less often fire heating.

For frying pies in deep fat, special electric or gas deep fat fryers are intended. Near the deep fryer place racks and a table with a mesh pan (for draining excess fat). Especially good ventilation should be in this section, since fat decomposition produces harmful products (acrolene, etc.).

Cakes and cakes are decorated in special rooms or, as a last resort, on separate production tables isolated from other workplaces. Tables are equipped with drawers for tools, a tripod for strengthening pastry bags, a special tank for syrup (for impregnation of biscuit). The work of the confectioner is facilitated by the tables installed rotating on the axis of the stand, on which cakes are placed during decoration.

Baths with three compartments and a sterilizer are installed in the washing room for washing tools and equipment. There are racks next to the washing bathtubs. In large workshops, a machine for washing functional containers is used. Pastry bags are dried in an electric oven.

The most rational way to organize the work of the confectioner is possible in large workshops that produce semi-finished confectionery products in full assortment and in large quantities: various types of dough, all kinds of fillings and such enterprises have ample opportunities for the mechanization of all labor-intensive work, and therefore for a sharp increase in production labor; machines and mechanisms are used at full capacity, product quality control is simplified, and the work culture is improved.

In large workshops, production lines are formed for the production of each type of semi-finished product, they use small-scale mechanization and various devices in various areas.

Finished confectionery is stored on an expedition, which is equipped with a refrigerator, shelves, scales and work tables.

Organization of the workplace in the preparation of the cake "Prague":

In order to prepare a cake, you need to prepare a workplace and the necessary utensils and equipment. To make a cake you need: an electric stove; whipping machine; cooling chamber; bakery cabinet.

Baking department: Finishing shop:

sink; sink;

production table; production table;

libra; Libra;

whipping machine; whipping machine;

bakery cabinet; production table for decoration;

rack; cooling chamber.

production table;

electric stove.

When working on a whipping machine, observe following rules   safety:

Before starting work, it is necessary to verify the correct assembly of interchangeable mechanisms.

You need to make sure that the whisk does not touch the walls of the tank.

Products in the tank should be filled no more than specified by the instructions.

Changing the rotation speed while the machine is running is prohibited.

During operation, do not download products.

Until the engine stops completely, it is forbidden to remove the tank from the machine.

After the end of work, the tank and the whisk are washed, and the machine is wiped with a damp cloth.

When working with refrigeration equipment, the following safety rules must be observed:

Products whose temperature does not exceed the ambient temperature should be placed in the cooling chamber.

It is forbidden to clean the frost evaporator with a knife or a scraper, as this may interfere with the tightness of the system.

To create the proper storage temperature, it is necessary to open the loading doors as little as possible in order to prevent the influx of warm air.

The refrigerator compartment must be earthed, and the current-carrying parts of the refrigerator must be covered with a protective cover.

When working on an electric stove, you must:

Check the sanitary condition.

The presence of a rubber mat; good grounding and wiring.

The presence of the operating rules posted next to the equipment.

During work, use gloves.

The surface of the plate should be flat, smooth, without cracks; prevent liquid from entering the surface.

The cookware should have a flat bottom and fit snugly to the surface of the burner; the dimensions of the cookware must match the dimensions of the burner.

When working with a baking cabinet, you must:

Before turning on the cabinet, check the health of the grounding and the sanitary condition, as well as the health of the ballasts.

Connecting the cabinet to the mains and using the packet switches turn on the working chambers for strong heating.

Carefully open the doors, set baking sheets or pastry sheets using tacks.

Before cleaning or inspection, the cabinet must be disconnected from the mains.

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1. Organiconfectionery shop

A confectionery workshop for baking bakery and flour confectionery, cakes and pastries is organized at large and medium enterprises catering   (mainly in restaurants), which supply their products with a wide network of small enterprises. The workshop is part of procurement enterprises.

For the normal conduct of the technological process in the confectionery workshop, there should be the following departments: dough kneading, dough dressing, baking, product finishing, cream, minced meat, daily food store pantry, containers, washing (for eggs, dishes, containers), expedition.

Confectioners workplaces are organized in accordance with the technological process for the preparation of flour confectionery products. The technological process usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials, preparation and kneading of dough, molding of products, preparation of finishing semi-finished products, fillings, baking, finishing and short-term storage of finished products.

Proper arrangement of equipment, preparation of jobs, equipping them with necessary equipment, utensils and vehicles, uninterrupted supply of raw materials, fuel, electricity during the shift are important factors in the economic use of working time, ensuring the rational organization of labor and the mechanization of labor-intensive processes.

In the pantry of the daily supply of products set chests, racks, shelves, equip a refrigerator. To weigh products use scales with limits for measuring weight from 2 to 150 kg. and measuring dishes. It also prepares raw materials for production (dissolving and dosing salt, sugar, breeding yeast, stripping oil, removing packaging, etc.). these operations require staffing jobs with small-scale mechanization, equipment, tools and transportation devices.

The eggs are processed in a special washing room, where an ovoscope and bathtubs with four compartments are installed for their sanitary treatment. Eggs passed through an ovoscope in sieves are kept in the first compartment of the bath in warm water for 10 minutes. if necessary, they are washed here with hair brushes. In the second compartment, the eggs are kept for 5 minutes in a 2% solution of bleach. In the third compartment, the eggs are kept in a 2% solution of baking soda and in the fourth they are washed with warm running water for 5 minutes. washed and dry eggs are separated from the shell, if necessary, the protein and yolk are separated on a special device.

Melange in banks is washed and thawed in the same baths for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 45 C.

Before kneading the dough, the flour is sifted in a separate room or directly in the dough mixing department, if possible far from other workplaces, so that the finished products are not dusty (there are special sifters with swinging and fixed sieves). Flour sifting equipment should have a local ventilation suction with a dust filter. The flour is stored in wooden racks in bags and, as necessary, is poured into the hopper of the sifter, while impurities are removed and the flour is enriched with atmospheric oxygen. You can sift flour directly into a mobile bowl or plastic measuring tanks with a lid.

The dough mixing room is equipped with dough mixing machines with bowls of various capacities. The dough is kneaded sequentially initially with the shortest cycle - butter. Shortbread, flaky, and then yeast.

The inventory of the workshop is varied, since when molding and finishing it is required to ensure not only a beautiful appearance, but also an accurate mass of products. For the design of confectionery products, plastic or tin tubes are used, which are placed in bags of dense fabric, special syringes, combs made of aluminum or sheet metal and a number of other devices.

The room for portioning the dough is equipped as follows: set up a table, a dividing-rounding machine or a dough divider, a chest for flour (under the table), a box for knives (in the table), dial scales. There is also a place for the movement of the bowl with the dough. The dividing-rounding machine divides the dough into pieces of a certain mass and rolls them into balls, which facilitates the very laborious operation of weighing and rolling each portion of the dough.

For rolling out the dough, tables with tool cabinets and sliding chests, a dough sheeter, a refrigerating cabinet (where oil and dough is cooled in the manufacture of puff products) are used. At present, they use a machine that not only rolls the dough of the required thickness into two tapes, but also doses the filling between them and forms the products.

A workplace for molding products is equipped with tables (with sliding chests for flour, drawers for tools), wall shelving.

To prepare the biscuit dough, a separate workstation is equipped near the universal drive, since the dough is whipped in the mechanical whisk included in the set of this drive. In addition, you need a separate table (or tables) for preparing eggs, spilling dough on sheets or forms. A special machine cuts the biscuit cake mix into layers.

Creams are prepared in a separate room in which beaters of various capacities and with different capacities of bowls and boilers are installed. Cook cream in special tipping boilers with a steam jacket or in boilers heated. A special table with drawers for storing the tool is also needed, powder is sifted on it and other operations are performed.

For the manufacture of lipstick, a production line is organized, consisting of an electric stove, a boiler, a special table and a whipping machine. The table cover is metal with sides and two pipelines with cold and hot water are placed under it. One of the side boards bordering the overhead tray is made removable.

The baking department is equipped with pastry cabinets and furnaces with electric, gas and less often fire heating.

For frying pies in deep fat, special electric or gas deep fat fryers are intended. Near the deep fryer place racks and a table with a mesh pan (for draining excess fat). Especially good ventilation should be in this section, since fat decomposition produces harmful products (acrolene, etc.).

Cakes and cakes are decorated in special rooms or, as a last resort, on separate production tables isolated from other workplaces. Tables are equipped with drawers for tools, a tripod for strengthening pastry bags, a special tank for syrup (for impregnation of biscuit). The work of the confectioner is facilitated by the tables installed rotating on the axis of the stand, on which cakes are placed during decoration.

Baths with three compartments and a sterilizer are installed in the washing room for washing tools and equipment. There are racks next to the washing bathtubs. In large workshops, a machine for washing functional containers is used. Pastry bags are dried in an electric oven.

The most rational way to organize the work of the confectioner is possible in large workshops that produce semi-finished confectionery products in full assortment and in large quantities: various types of dough, all kinds of fillings and such enterprises have ample opportunities for the mechanization of all labor-intensive work, and therefore for a sharp increase in production labor; machines and mechanisms are used at full capacity, product quality control is simplified, and the work culture is improved.

In large workshops, production lines are formed for the production of each type of semi-finished product, they use small-scale mechanization and various devices in various areas.

Finished confectionery is stored on an expedition, which is equipped with a refrigerator, shelves, scales and work tables.

The shelf life of confectionery is from 7 to 36 hours.

Transported finished products   in containers with special transport. Each tray should have a label indicating the name and quantity of the confectionery. Be sure to indicate the time of production and the name of the stacker.

The production plan determines the quantity and assortment of confectionery. It is compiled taking into account the need for confectionery products, the qualifications of workers and equipment of the workshop.

When working on a dough mixing machine, the boom guard must be lowered. Do not load products into the tank of the mixing and whipping machine during the operation of the lever; Before turning on the kneading machine, you need to check the correct attachment of the removable bowl to the platform. All machines included in the universal drive, before loading the products should be tested at idle.

When confectionery is removed from the oven, the confectioner must wear special gloves. Exhaust cookers must be installed above the plates and pans for frying pies.

The confectionery workshop produces products from yeast, shortbread, puff, custard and biscuit dough. The technological process for the production of confectionery products is carried out according to the general scheme: preparation of products, kneading dough, cutting and baking products, cooling, finishing, packing in functional containers (if these products need to be sent to pre-production enterprises or retail chain), storage, transfer to the expedition.

In accordance with these operations, the following is allocated in the confectionery shop: flour sifting room; food preparation room; egg processing room; Department of kneading dough, cutting and baking products; proofing room for yeast dough; department for the preparation of creams, syrups and sweets; product finishing department; cooling compartment; cooled chambers of finished products and daily supply of raw materials; washing pastry bags and equipment. If the confectionery shop is engaged in the centralized supply of this product to other enterprises, it is necessary to provide another compartment for packing into functional containers and boxes, and an expedition.

In the food preparation room, stationary racks and pallets for short-term storage of products, production tables, and also provide equipment for various preparatory operations are installed.

The flour sifting room is adjacent to the batch compartment. A machine for sifting flour is installed in it, bins for bulk storage are placed. Sifted flour along the sleeve enters the batch compartment and enters the prepared container. Flour sifting equipment should have a ventilation suction with a filter to remove dust. In enterprises where it is impossible to allocate a separate room, sifting of flour can be provided for in the warehouse, taking into account all of the above.

In the room for processing eggs, they are checked for freshness using an ovoscope and processed in a four-section bath in the following order:

· In the first section - soaking in warm water at a temperature of 40-50 ° C for 5-10 minutes;

· In the second section - treatment for 5-10 minutes with a solution of any detergent that is allowed for this purpose at a temperature of 40-50 ° C in accordance with the instructions for its use;

· In the third section - disinfection for 5 minutes with a disinfectant permitted for these purposes at a temperature of 40-50 ° C (concentration and processing time - in accordance with the instructions for its use);

· In the fourth section - rinsing with running water for 5 minutes at a temperature of at least 50 ° C.

Replacement of solutions in washing baths is made at least twice a shift.

In addition, the plot is equipped with a device for separating the yolk from the protein. If the enterprise processes a small amount of eggs, it is possible to provide special containers where they carry out the above technological operations.

Basic principle of organization production process   in the confectionery workshop is the allocation of independent lines and sites for the manufacture of certain types of dough and related finished products. In the kneading compartment, this is a section for kneading dough by type, and in the cutting and baking compartment, cutting and molding lines. An exception is the baking section, where products from all types of dough are baked.

Finishing department is provided for finishing finished baked semi-finished products. As a rule, equipment for treating biscuits, a dispenser for filling products with cream, a spray gun for impregnating products with syrup are necessary here. Ready cakes, cakes are placed on mobile shelves with sheets and transported to a refrigerator or expedition. Jigging (pastry) bags, tips, as well as small equipment used in decorating cakes and pastries, must be carefully processed in a separate room. Before processing, the tips are removed from the bags, their subsequent processing is carried out separately. Jigging bags with fixed tips are not used.

Bag processing is carried out in the following order:

· Soaking in hot water at a temperature of at least 65 ° C for 1 hour until the cream is completely washed off;

· Washing in detergent at a temperature of 40-45 о С in a washing machine or manually;

· Thorough rinsing with hot water at a temperature of at least 65 ° C;

· Drying in special drying ovens;

· Sterilization of bags (packed in bixes, pans with lids or wrapped in parchment, parchment) in autoclaves or dry heat cabinets at a temperature of 120 ° C for 20-30 minutes. In the absence of this equipment, the processing of washed bags is carried out according to the scheme: sterilization of bags by boiling for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling; drying in a special cabinet and storage in clean containers with closed lids.

The tips removed from the jigging bags are subjected to the following sanitization: washing in a solution of detergent at a temperature of 45-50 ° C; thorough washing with running hot water with a temperature of at least 65 ° C; sterilization or boiling for 30 minutes.

A promising area of \u200b\u200bactivity at present is the creation of bread and bakery products at the enterprises of their mini - manufactures. As the analysis of the service market shows, many restaurants gladly go to the production of their own types of bread in order to attract customers. Implementation of the idea small production   for the production of the above products is possible in two ways:

1 - creation own production   with stationary baking equipment in a separate building or at the enterprise;

2 - creation of mini-production (the so-called hot spots) based on quick-frozen semi-finished products produced by various manufacturers.

The second type of organization of production is the most possible and optimal for fast-food enterprises operating in tons. The main components of the success of such a business are: quality and range of products; cost; Availability corporate identity   (hot spot); the presence of a “hyped” brand.

As the experience of countries where this business is developing quite successfully shows, the most preferable in the assortment are small-sized bakery products such as cakes, pies, gingerbread cookies, cookies. To create this production requires:

2. Hot spot

Convection oven-1, proofing chamber-1, mixer operator-1, non-stick coating - 2.5 m, baking sheets - 2-4, mobile container - 1, showcase - 1, cash register -1, gastronome containers for products-12. The project cost is 2.5-6 thousand cu Attendants -2 people. The minimum area is 5-6 m 2. The payback period is 2-3 months. Mini bakery. Convection baking oven-1, dough mixer-1, proofing chamber -1, dough sheeter -1, baking sheets-20-25, refrigerating cabinet -1, shelving. The total cost of the project is 17-25 thousand cu Attendants 3-4 people. The minimum area is 40 m 2. Payback period - 6 months.

Development similar business measures to support it, which are carried out in some cities, also contribute to: exemption of small bakery entities entered in the register of small business entities from payment of the option of the right to non-residential premises and land plots and their registration; expansion of leasing forms of investment (the establishment of longer, preferential terms for equipment leasing within 4-5 years); the establishment for small bakery entities of a fixed rent. Thus, the general economic and political situation in the country is quite stable and favorable for the development of confectionery, flour and bakery (mini-bakeries) production.

To prepare the dough, small dough mixing machines with a bowl capacity of 24 and 32 liters are used. The dough can be rolled out in two ways: with the help of a dough sheeter and a pizza press, and with small volumes - manually. The selection of this equipment is based on the parameters of pizza, which can be 14-29 cm or 26-40 cm in diameter. To cut products into pizza, use a vegetable cutter (the Robot Coupe model is most justified) or a slicer. For the layout of the filling, special tables with a marble countertop and a cooled volume for storing ingredients are used. Pizza is baked in ovens with a stone or ceramic hearth with the ability to adjust the temperature of the upper and lower surfaces or conveyor-type ovens.

Grill - equipment in which the heat treatment process occurs without contact of the product with the heated surface. In some modern enterprises, grilling is not only a type of heating equipment, but sometimes the basis of the institution’s concept. By its principle, grills can be: lava grill, contact grill, roller grill and carousel shawarma - grill. Typically, this equipment is designed for a wide range of products from chicken to fried vegetables.

The traditional equipment of the hot shop is an electric stove. OJSC Prommash Plant produces stoves for small areas: a two-burner electric stove with an oven cabinet PE - 0.34 ШП; single-oven without an oven cabinet PE -0.17 C; electric with an inventory cabinet PE 0.24 SP.

Recently, in view of the limited production space and the crowding of heating equipment, desktop induction cookers are increasingly being used. In this case, there is completely no heat loss in environmentthat allows you to reduce energy consumption by 40% compared with a traditional heat source and at least 70% - the time for heating dishes to the temperature necessary for cooking. In addition, this method eliminates the possibility of smoke and unpleasant odors at the installation site of the stove, which is also an important factor. High heating efficiency and extremely low inertia make it possible to use stoves with an induction heating source in restaurants with national cuisine.

For enterprises specializing in oriental cuisine, the organization of the hot shop is built taking into account the specifics of these establishments. Specialized equipment is used: a Peking duck cooking furnace, a coal roasting furnace (a trough lined with refractory material filled with volcanic lava and with three powerful burners located below. The burners are equipped with a valve that automatically shuts off the gas supply when the flame disappears). For the preparation of Bao Tzu, table steamers are used, for fried products - wok pans that work on gas stoves, tai-yaki grills, electric topans.

Hot drinks can be prepared in the sauce department of the hot shop in a cookware. It is more important for these purposes to allocate a site that needs to be equipped with such equipment as: coffee machine, coffee maker, apparatus for making tea, cocoa.

In restaurants of the “top” class, along with all the listed areas, it is necessary to highlight the food processing area with its production tables with a refrigerated volume, weight measuring equipment, heat warmers for pastry flour production, without cream

1. Containers for curd

2. Reusable pastry bags // - 45; 50; 59

3. Tips straight and carved D from 5 to 30 mm. p. 104

4. Bag and bag dryer page 104

5. Forms for mini-butterflies 40x60 p. 191 No. 336017 matfer

7. Fluted round number 9

8. direct number 9

9. Molds made of silicone "Bears" p. 192

10. Molds made of silicone "Camomile"

11. Disposable paper heat-resistant capsule molds for cupcakes D 4-4.5

12. The frame is metal 40x60. // 5-6 cm.

13. Sliding metal frame

14. Special baking sheets with removable side surface

15. Silicone non-stick mats 59.5x39.5 - 10-15 pcs.

16. Corner pallet made of plastic and metal length 29; 39 p. 124

17. Frame for biscuit 40x60 // 5 mm. p. 254 No. 1 and No. 2 Matfer

18. Molds for rum-women silicone with a core or metal per 100 g; 200 gr.

19. Metal forms for sand tartlets oval D 2 5x4, round

21. Cutter for the test code 141105 p. 250, code 141012 p. 249

22. A set of cuttings for the test corrugated No. 9, round

straight line No. 9 round (catalog firm Martelato, p. 141)

1. Reusable pastry bags, height 45-50-55.

2. Tips: straight line 10.15.

3. The dryer for bags and tips (catalog company Martelato p. 3,4,104)

4. Silicone molds 40 to 60:

5. for mini Madeleine SF 032, on a sheet of 4 pieces (catalog firm Martelato 26)

7. bread mold SF 026

8. sour cream, pizza SF 042, mini SF 47

9. Disposable paper forms (capsules) for cupcakes d.4-4.5cm.

10. Carved pastry tip

11. Rectangular sliding frame on a sheet of 40 to 60 (for the pie Caribbean dreams) (Martelato p.23)

12. For the pie “Austrian dessert” the frame is sliding or special. baking sheets

13. Corner palletta made of plastic 29.39 cm. And metal 29.5 cm long. (catalog company Martelato)

14. Plastic frame height 4 and 5 mm for biscuit 40 to 60 (catalog company Matfer)

15. The electric tartlet "Kokmatic"

16. Forms under the Rum of a woman on 100g and 200g. , diameter 5-6cm, height 5cm

17. The metal forms are round, oval for baskets d. Top 5cm, bottom 4cm.

18. Metal molds with a removable bottom for shortcakes.

19. A set of metal and plastic scrapers (catalog company Martelato p. 122-123)

20. Cutters for dough (catalog company Matfer p. 149-250) No. 141105,141012

Footnotes are given on the catalogs of firms Matfer and Martelato.

pantry confectionery oven inventory

3. Confectionery equipment, tool according to the programpractical training

1. A set of cuttings for the test corrugated No. 9, round straight line No. 9 round

2. Reusable pastry bags, height 45-50-55.

3. Tips: straight line 10.15.

4. Dryer for bags and tips (Martelato)

5. silicone molds 40 to 60: for mini Madeleine SF 032, on a sheet 4 pcs (Martelato) bears bread mold SF 026, sour cream, pizza SF 042, mini SF 47

6. Disposable paper forms (capsules) for cupcakes d.4-4.5cm.

7. Carved pastry tip

8. Rectangular sliding frame on a sheet of 40 to 60 (for the pie Caribbean dreams)

9. For the cake "Austrian dessert" the frame is sliding or special. baking sheets with removable side surface

11.Frame plastic height 4 and 5mm for 40 x 60 biscuit (Matfer)

12. Electric tartlet bowl "Kokmatik"

13.Forms for women rum on 100g and 200g. , diameter 5-6cm, height 5cm

14. The metal forms are round, oval for baskets d. Top 5cm, bottom 4cm.

15. Metal molds with a removable bottom for shortcakes.

16. Set of metal and plastic scrapers

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Whatever the times, despite all the changes, one thing remains unchanged - people really like delicious food and at the same time are too lazy to cook it on their own. The endless amount of food production of various sizes only confirms this. First of all, this concerns sweets - few people are able to visit shops after a busy working day to pick up all the necessary products for a cake for evening tea for the family, and then spend 3 to 5 hours in the kitchen, preparing refreshments. Ready-made confectionery products are extremely in demand, as they cover many areas of human life - from the banal desire to treat yourself to delicious to going on a visit, because an elegant appetizing cake may well be considered a gift.

Business Validity

Today, at every corner you can meet a confectionery, a consumer has become spoiled for an offer, and each owner of a food company tries to stand out, emphasize the individuality of his products and thereby attract customers. But even the best raw materials, well-trained and skillful hands will not help you if the technical equipment of the workshop leaves much to be desired. In this article we will tell you what a confectionery oven is, what you should pay attention to when choosing, and discuss what additional equipment you may need to equip a production.

In its assortment there is also a confectionery equipment:

  • Convection ovens. The operating temperature range is from 50 to 270 ° C. The pan size can be GN 1/2, 435 x 320 mm and 600 x 400 mm. Type of control - electronic or mechanical. Maximum capacity - 10 levels.
  • Ovens on 1, 2 and 3 levels. The operating temperature range is from 65 to 270 ° C. They are characterized by compact dimensions. Universal.
  • Baking cases on 2 and 3 levels. The operating temperature range is from 65 to 270 ° C. They are characterized by a large working chamber, which allows baking large products.

Thermal equipment of the company "Voskhod", Russia

The Saratov Voskhod factory specializes in the production of baking equipment for equipping large enterprises - most of the thermal equipment operates on a rotational basis. However, in the assortment of Voskhod there are HPE furnaces that are perfect for small workshops. This is not a confectionery oven, as its main purpose is to bake bread. It is characterized by:

The disadvantages include insufficiently uniform heating inside the chamber - you won’t bake whimsical meringue-type products in the KhPE furnace, however, the products of the Voskhod factory copes with biscuits, cookies, baking and other products.

Home confectionery: how to choose an oven?

Today, more and more confectioners are starting work in the home kitchen. Recently, the popularity of such masters has increased, as they offer quality products with outstanding taste and aesthetic characteristics. In order to meet the new trends, you will need a high-quality confectionery oven. Home masters have 2 options:

  • The choice of a professional small-sized convection oven with 220 V. connection. Such ovens can be found in the assortment of brands mentioned above (with the exception of Voskhod). The issue price is from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles. There are 4 work levels available that will ensure you get even cooking.
  • Purchase household appliances with impeccable performance. Why are electric pastry ovens, not gas ovens? With the latter, it is more difficult to adjust the subtle temperatures for dishes that require special conditions. Electrical equipment is more flexible. We recommend paying attention to the brands Hansa and Gorenje.

The confectionery workshop occupies a special place in public catering enterprises. He works independently and produces products that he sells in the halls of the enterprise, cooking shops, buffets, retail stores, etc.

Confectionery shops in the catering system can be conditionally classified according to two criteria:

- production capacity;

- assortment of products.

Depending on the capacity of the workshop can be:

- low power (up to 12 thousand products per shift);

- average power (from 12 thousand to 20 thousand products per shift);

- high power (more than 20 thousand products per shift).

According to the assortment of products, the workshops producing:

- confectionery in a wide assortment of all types of dough (yeast, biscuit, puff, custard, shortbread, etc.), including products with cream;

- confectionery from one or two types of dough (in such workshops, there may be no production of products with cream on sanitary-technological conditions).

The production program of the confectionery workshop is compiled on the basis of applications from pre-prepared catering enterprises, pastry shops, etc., and is expressed in the form of an order. An order is drawn up for the entire workshop or for each team specializing in the production of certain products.

Organization of production sites and jobs

A workplace as applied to a confectionery workshop is a separate room or a section of a production area assigned to one employee or a group of employees.

Depending on the capacity of the workshop and the manufactured assortment, the following jobs can be organized:

- for processing eggs;

- for sifting flour;

- for the preparation of other types of raw materials;

- for kneading yeast, puff, shortcrust pastry;

- for the preparation of biscuit and custard dough;

- for cutting products from yeast and shortcrust pastry;

- for cutting products from puff pastry;

- for cutting products from biscuit and custard dough;

- for baking products;

- for the preparation of finishing semi-finished products;

- for finishing products;

- for washing equipment and containers.

At the workplace for processing eggs, a production table with an ovoscope is installed to check the quality of eggs, 4 baths for their sanitary processing, a marketer. From the inventory trellised metal baskets, hair brushes are used. In large workshops, a room for egg fighting can be allocated, where a Panfilov device is installed (a device for separating yolk and protein).

Sifting of flour is carried out in a separate room or pantry of a daily supply of raw materials in the vicinity of the dough mixing unit. At this workplace, depending on the capacity of the workshop, a small-sized vibrating screen is installed; sifting machine or interchangeable mechanism, operating from a universal drive. To collect the sifted flour, plastic containers or mobile bowls are used. For bags with flour, a billet is installed.

The workplace for the preparation of other types of raw materials is equipped with a commodity shelf and a rack for storing raw materials, an industrial table, a bathroom with hot and cold water, and a refrigerator. The diverse nature of the work carried out at this site requires equipment and tools: metal screen, colander, filter, slotted spoon, sieve with cells of various sizes, nut choppers, mills, scales, measuring utensils, etc.

Workplaces for preparing yeast, puff, and shortcrust pastry can be combined, dough-mixing machines are installed, for kneading shortcrust pastry - beaters, industrial sink, industrial table (if there is no room for the preparation of products). After kneading the yeast dough, it is ripened: the bowls are moved closer to the bakery cabinets or the dough proofing room is equipped (T \u003d 30-35 ° C, humidity 85-90%).

Features of the preparation of biscuit and custard dough determine the heat treatment of mixtures and whipping of various masses. Therefore, in the workplace for the preparation of these types of dough, an electric stove, whipping machines are installed. For the preparation of custard dough, it is advisable to use a universal confectionery machine, where the dough is brewed in a food kettle, then poured into a machine tank for cooling to a temperature of 65-70 ° C and in the same container after adding eggs is mixed with a hook-shaped whipper.

The workplace for cutting yeast and shortcrust pastry is equipped with production tables with a wooden coating and drawers for inventory, mobile racks; table scales. To speed up portioning of yeast dough, manual dough dividers are used. Shortcrust pastry is molded using curly notches.

At the workplace for cutting and forming products from puff pastry, production tables with a wooden coating, dough sheeters, a refrigerating cabinet, and mobile racks are installed. Instead of a pastry table, a refrigerated table can be used.

At the workplace for cutting and molding biscuit and custard dough, confectionery tables, mobile racks are installed. In large confectionery workshops, a jigging machine is used for jigging cakes of the Boucher type, and an MTO machine is used for jigging blanks from custard dough.

At the baking site of products from various types of dough, bakery cabinets, combi steamers, racks for proofing workpieces and cooling finished products are installed, an industrial table on which sheets with products are laid for lubricating them with a lezon.

Whipping machines, a universal drive, a production table, an electric stove, a washing bathtub and a rack for making syrups and fudge are installed on the preparation of finishing semi-finished products, universal MKU-40 confectionery machine can be used.

For the preparation of creams, a separate room can be allocated where beaters, refrigerated cabinets, production tables and shelves are installed.

The product finishing area is equipped with pastry tables, mobile shelves, refrigerated cabinets (or refrigerated tables).

A washing bath with 2-3 compartments and shelving is installed in the washing department of the confectionery workshop.

An example of the arrangement of equipment with the indication of jobs is given in appendices K, L.

Work organization of workers

The confectionery shop is managed by the shop manager. Three brigades can be organized in the pastry shop. The first carries out the preparation of bakery products, the second - the manufacture of cakes, the third - cakes.

The confectionery team includes confectioners of 5, 4, 3 categories, bakers belong to a separate team.

Confectioners of the 5th category are engaged in the manufacture of curly custom cakes and pastries, and make their artistic decoration. Confectioners of the 4th category make cupcakes, rolls, cookies of the highest grades, layered cakes and pastries, decorations for cakes, decorate products. Confectioners of the 3rd category make simple cakes, pastries and other piece products, knead the dough, prepare creams, toppings, decorate the cakes and pastries with chocolate, fondant, fruit. The baker's duties include baking products, sifting flour, kneading and cutting yeast dough, whipping creams, cooking syrups, glazing products.


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