Tactical and technical data of the project vessel. Characteristics of ships: Classification, Device, Description Tactic Technical Data Ship

The vessel characteristics consists of several criteria or parameters. This applies not only to river and sea floats, but also aircraft. Consider the types of classification parameters. Read more.

Linear criteria

One of the most important characteristics of the vessel - dimensions. The maximum length is measured from the extreme nasal tip to the feed similar mark (LEX). Also in this category are the following dimensions:

  • The length of the object is fixed at the level of the waterline from the ballerical steering axis to the front of the belt (L).
  • The marginal width of the vessel between the external edges of the Spanmost (BEX).
  • A similar indicator recorded on the Middle Spangown in the summer cargo area (B) area.
  • Side Height Indicator (D). The envelope is measured on the face from the final edge of the top deck bims to the identical point of the horizontal keel. The parameter can also be monitored to the location of the theoretical outlines of the side and the upper deck (on ships with a rounded compound).
  • Sediment (D). The criterion is fixed on the Middle from Waterlinia to the top of the horizontal keel.

Types of precipitation

The total characteristics of the courts also include a sediment with a nose (DH) or feed (DK). This criterion is measured in the labeling of the deepening existing on the tip of the sides. On the right side of the object, it is applied by Arabic numbers (in decimeters). On the left board put tags in feet Roman numbers. The height of the signs and the distance between them is one foot, on the right side - 1 decimeter.

The resulting precipitates by recess stamps show vertical distances between the waterline and the lower edge of the horizontal keel at those points where the brands are applied. Middle (middle) The precipitate is obtained in the form of a nasal and feed half-scatter. The difference between the parameters is called a court differential. For example, if the feed is immersed in water more than the nose, such an object has a differential on the stern, and vice versa.

Volumetric parameters

This characteristic of the vessel includes the volume of all rooms focused on transporting cargo in cubic meters (W). Capacity can be calculated in several criteria:

  1. Transportation of piece goods in the kip. The parameter covers the volume of all cargo compartments between the internal parts of the protruding elements (carlings, splits, protective and other parts).
  2. Outdoor dump truck. This includes the total indicator of all the free volumes of transport premises. This criterion is always greater than boiling capacity.
  3. The specific characteristics fall on one ton of the clean capacity of the object.
  4. Gross capacity (measured in register colors). It is designed to calculate fees for the use of channels, pilot services, factories in docks and the like.

The total characteristics of the vessel includes container capacity. The indicator is measured in the DEF (the equivalent of twenty-patter containers, which can fit on the deck and in the holds). You can install two hundred twenty feet to the place of one forty-fourth box, and vice versa. On RO-RO models, cargo capacity is indicated in thousands of cubic meters. For example, the designation RO / 50 indicates a parameter of 50 thousand cubic meters.

Cargo indicators

The vessel's cargo characteristics include data:

  • Specific capacity of cargo.
  • The coefficient of amendment of constructive differences of the tricks.
  • The number and dimensions of the hatches.
  • Loading load parameters on decks.
  • Load capacity and number of special ship funds.
  • Technical ventilation devices, including microclimate adjustment in transport compartments.

Since the specific capacity of the cargo is tightly connected with a clean indicator, the technical characteristics of the courts in this regard can be considered a constant value only taking into account the true parameter of the carrying capacity. Comparison of these indicators makes it possible to calculate the capabilities of the object when it is loaded with different types of materials. The bulk tankers also take into account the parameter of their specific carrying capacity.


The specific limiting criterion is the overall characteristics of the vessels showing the number of tons or kilograms, which is able to accommodate the object in recalculation to one cubic meter.

As a rule, the specific serviceability is taken into account at the stage of designing the vessel and, depending on its purpose, is distributed as follows:

  • Rolker - from 2.5 to 4.0 m 3 / t.
  • Universal modifications - 1.5 / 1.7 m 3 / t.
  • Forestry (in the photo below) - up to 2.2 m 3 / t.
  • Container versions - 1.2-4.0 m 3 / t.
  • Tankers - up to 1.4 m 3 / t.
  • Rudozia - 0.8-1.0 m 3 / t.

The following are the provisions of the International Convention on the overall characteristics of courts in terms of the Observation Plan (from 1969):

  • Take into account the final parameters in cubic meters.
  • Minimize the advantages of shelter and similar versions.
  • Gross capacity - GT (GROSS Tonnage).

According to the indicated rules, the gross capacity of GT and NT characterize the overall and commercial useful volume, respectively.

Types of fleet

Courts depending on the purpose and features of operation are classified for several types:

  • Fishery fleet - for the production of fish and other oceanic or marine inhabitants, overload and delivery of goods in the destination.
  • Precious vessels - seiners, trawlers, corpolored, calm, algae ships and their analogues.
  • The processing fleet is swimming facilities focused on the reception, processing and storage of seafood, fish and marine beast, providing simultaneously medical and cultural service of team members. The same category includes refrigerators and floating.
  • Transport ships are servicing the mining and processing fleet. The main feature is the availability of specially equipped goods for storing products (receiving ships, refrigerant and similar ships).
  • Auxiliary fleet - dry cargoes, cargo-passenger, bulk floats, tugs, sanitary and fire modifications.
  • Special vessels - technique designed to conduct promising, educational, operational exploration, scientific research.
  • Technical fleet - floating workshops, dredging shells and other port means.

Register tonnage

This conventional indicator also includes the general characteristics of the vessel. It is measured in register tons, one unit equals 2.83 cubic meters or 100 feet. The specified parameter is focused on comparing the values \u200b\u200bof objects and fixing the size of various port fees, including the statistics of cargo mass accounting.

Varieties of register tonnage:

  • Gross - the volume of all vessel compartments in superstructures and under deck designed to equip ballast tanks, steering wheelhouse, auxiliary devices, galley, light hatch and other things.
  • Tonnage net register. This includes a useful volume that serves to transport major goods and passengers. Register exchange is confirmed by a special document (measurement certificate).

The coefficient of constructive difference of the tricks

The value of this technical characteristics of the courts varies within 0.6-0.9 units. The criterion below, the higher the parking rate when performing freight operations. The number and dimensions of the hatches are one of the defining criteria for carrying out freight operations. The quality and speed of loading and unloading manipulations depends on the number of these elements, as well as the degree of comfort when performing operations.

The level of convenience and the general characteristics of the courts of the Russian Federation largely determines the coefficient of lumberiness, which is the ratio of the total volume of transport movements to the middle cargo of the object.

Decks and their area

Among the permissible loads on the deck, the depth of the hold of the trim is played, especially on singlehalissive swimming facilities. This parameter depends on the transportation of tar-piece cargo in several tiers and limiting the transport of high objects. Usually, most of the materials are transported, taking into account the limit on the installation height, in order to prevent crumpled and crushing the lower layers.

In this regard, on universal devices, an intermediate (well-known) deck is additionally mounted, allowing the load to be protected. It also makes it possible to increase the overall space for transporting oversized and volumetric things. The technical characteristics of Ro-RO in terms of loading capacity - one of the most important parameters. To increase the working area, such structures are equipped with removable and intermediate decks.

Equipment by technical means

On RO-RO, each work area should be calculated on the maintenance of the DEF dual load of 25 tons. In the remaining types of flooders, this indicator is calculated in such limits:

  • Rudozia - 18-22 t / m 2.
  • Universal modifications - on the upper deck up to 2.5 tons, a twineee - 3.5-4.5 tons, a lid of cargo hatches - 1.5-2.0 tons.
  • Forestry - 4.0-4.5 t / m 2.
  • Container shipments (photo below) - The minimum DEF load is 25 tons per six tiers.

In terms of equipment, technical equipment for ventilation and ensuring the microclimate of the Court are divided into three categories:

  1. Models with natural-forced ventilation. Here, the air flow in the twindes and holds is supplied through ducts and deflectors. Such a scheme is ineffective for maintaining goods in complex hydrometeorological conditions, especially in long-distance campaigns.
  2. Versions with a mechanical system. They are equipped with air distributors and electric fans. The performance of the mechanisms depends on the specified multiplicity of air flow. For standard universal vessels of this indicator, there is enough within 5-7 cycles. On ships transporting vegetables, fruits or other perishable goods, this parameter must be at least 15-20 units of multiplicity of air exchange per hour.
  3. Options with air conditioning in cargo compartments.

Speed \u200b\u200band dialing

The speed of the vessel is the determining parameter indicating the suspension and period of cargo delivery. The criterion largely depends on the power of the power plant and the case of cabinets. The choice of speed when creating a project is unambiguously solved with the capacity, lifting and power of the main motorcycle motor.

The main characteristic of the vessel is determined by several varieties:

  1. Speed \u200b\u200bdelivery. The parameter is fixed by a measuring feature when the engine is turned on at the limit power.
  2. Passport (technical) acceleration. This indicator is controlled when the power plant is operating within 90 percent of its capabilities.
  3. Speed \u200b\u200beconomical. It takes into account the consumption of fuel at a minimum required for overcoming one unit (mile) of the path. As a rule, the indicator is about 65-70 percent of the technical speed. Such dimension is appropriate if the characteristics of the project of the project include the reserve of time for delivery to the destination or lack of fuel due to certain circumstances.
  4. Autonomy and a hike distance. The specified criterion depends on the volume of fuel tanks, the flow rate is from 40 to 65 percent during operation with maximum load.

Main engine and fuel type

The characteristic of the courts of the Russian Federation for such parameters is divided as follows:

  • Steamats with motor installations of piston type.
  • Diesel engine boats.
  • Steam and gas turbines.
  • Atomic objects.
  • Diesel electrical versions and similar analogues.

The latest options are most popular in configuration with low-speed transmission and a small proportion of fuel. Such power plants are as close as possible to the optimal combination of consumption, quality, price and efficiency.

On modern ships, small and lightweight major motors operated using a downward gearbox are predominantly mounted. In its resource and reliability, they approached the lowest possible analogues, which are characterized by smaller dimensions and high productivity.

In accordance with the positions of the International Aviation Federation, aircraft are divided into several categories:

  • Class "A" - Free Aerostats.
  • Version "B" - airships.
  • Category "C" - hydroplanes, helicopters and other aircraft.
  • "S" - cosmic modifications.

With the brief description of the courts, the version under the index "C" is divided into a number of categories (depending on the type and power of the engine), namely:

  • The first category is 75 and more tons.
  • Second - 30-75 tons.
  • Third - 10-30 tons.
  • Fourth - up to 10 tons.


The characteristics of the aircraft are combined in themselves typical parameters due to technical and economic indicators. In essence, the units under consideration are an air unit that is supported steadily in the atmosphere due to the interaction with air reflected from the ground surface.

The aircraft is a device that is heavier than air intended for flights with the help of power engines creating cravings. Also in this process, a fixed wing is involved, which, when moving in the atmosphere, receives an aerodynamic lifting force. Signs for which aircraft are classified are diverse, interconnected and form a unified system, which also provides many market criteria.

Depending on the technical characteristics of the vessel and the type of operation, civilian aircraft are divided into such categories: AON (general appointment) and commercial modifications. Technique that is regularly operating with companies for transporting goods and passengers belongs to the commercial direction. The use of aircraft and helicopters in personal or business purposes relates them to the class of AON.

Recently, the popularity of general-purpose aircraft is planned. This is due to the fact that the devices are capable of performing tasks not characteristic of commercial units. This includes:

  • Agrarian work.
  • Transportation of small cargo.
  • Training flights.
  • Patrol.
  • Tourist and sports aviation.

At the same time, the Aon will significantly save user time, which is achieved due to the possibility of moving, without tosing to the graph. For take-off and landing most of these units, sufficiently small airfields. In addition, the consumer does not need to make out and register a ticket, choosing a direct route to the desired destination.

During the slight exception, general purpose aircraft have a runway up to 8.5 tons. Depending on the purpose, two categories allocate, regardless of the operational conditions: multipurpose and specialized modifications. The first group is focused on the fulfillment of a wide range of tasks. Such an opportunity is due to the re-equipment and modernization of a certain aircraft with minimal constructive transformations to solve a specific task. Multipurpose analogues are divided into options with terrestrial and aquatic (amphibious) basing. Specialized aggregates are aimed at performing one specific task.

Aerodynamic schemes

Under the type of aerodynamics, they imply some system of carrier parts of the aircraft. Such elements include wings (participating in the creation of the main aerodynamic traction) and an added plumage. It is focused on stabilizing technology in the atmosphere and managing it.

Below is a brief description of the vessel in terms of existing aerodynamic schemes:

  • "Nezvostka".
  • Normally standard diagram.
  • "Duck".
  • Integral and convertible design.
  • With front or tail horizontal plumage.

Air units for some features of aerodynamics are classified by constructive wing parameters (see the table).

Wing configuration and placement

A variety of power elements

Form in plan

Frameless monoplan or biplane

Combined scheme


Biplane is free

Monoblock option

Caisson system


Spar version



Fermen Type

Triangle with or without him without him

One and a half bill

Skilovoid design



Revivalent form

Ring View

Return or variable sweep

In addition, aircraft are classified by the fuselage design, chassis parameters, types of power plants and their placement.

Important for civil aviation has a unit of aircraft depending on the range of their flight:

  • Middle Main Aggregates of the main airlines (1-2.5 thousand kilometers).
  • Middle aircraft (2.5-6.0 thousand km).
  • Far aggregates (over 6 thousand km).

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1. Introduction

2. Operational characteristics

2.1 Main shipping vessel

2.2 Displacement

2.3 Loading

2.4 Capacity

2.5 vessel speed

3. Nautical quality

3.1 buoyancy

3.2 stability

3.3 Host

3.4 Handling

3.6 Non-optimability

4. Sources


The ship is a complex engineering-technical floating structure for the transport of goods and passengers, water fishery, mining, sports, and for military purposes.

In the sea law under the sea ship is a self-propelled or non-communicable floating structure, that is, an artificially created person, intended for a permanent stay in the sea in a floating condition. To recognize one or another building, the vessel does not matter whether it is equipped with its own engine, whether the crew is located on it, it moves or is predominantly in a stationary floating state. The same definition, except for the sea, is also applied to inland reservoirs and rivers.

As an engineering structure, intended for certain purposes, the vessel has operational characteristics and seaworthic characteristics.

Performance features

The main dimension of the vessel

The main dimensions of the vessel call its linear dimensions: length, width, height of the side and sediment.

The diametral plane (DP) is the vertical longitudinal plane of the symmetry of the theoretical surface of the vessel case.

The plane of the Middle Spangout is a vertical transverse plane, passing in the middle of the length of the vessel, on the basis of which theoretical drawing is built.

Under the spangling (SP), they understand theoretical line on the theoretical drawing, and on the design drawings - the practical spline.

Constructive waterline (KVL) - Waterlinia, corresponding to the estimated full displacement of the courts.

Waterlinia (VL) - line intersection of the theoretical surface of the body with a horizontal plane.

Feed perpendicular (KP) - line intersection of the diametral plane with a vertical transverse plane passing through the point of intersection of the axis of the baller's axis with a plane of structural waterline; KPNA The theoretical drawing coincides with the 20th theoretical splint.

Nasal perpendicular (NP) - line intersection of the diametral plane with a vertical transverse plane passing through the extreme hand point of a structural waterline.

The main plane is a horizontal plane passing through the lower point of the theoretical surface of the body without protruding parts.

In the drawings, in descriptions, etc., dimensions are given in length, width and height.

The dimensions of the courts in length are determined parallel to the main plane.

The length of the highest L NB is the distance measured in the horizontal plane between the extreme points of the nasal and feed end of the body without protruding parts.

The length of the structural Waterlin L QVL is the distance measured in the plane of the structural waterline between the intersection points of its nasal and feed parts with a diametrical plane.

The length between perpendiculars L PP is the distance measured in the plane of the structural waterline between the nasal and feed perpendicular.

Length on any Waterlinnium L Wl is measured as l QL

The length of the cylindrical insert L C is the length of the vessel housing with a constant cross section of the spline.

The length of the nasal pointedness L H is measured from the nasal perpendicular before the start of the cylindrical insert or to the stripping of the greatest section (in ships without a cylindrical insertion).

The length of the feed sharpening L K - is measured from the end of the cylindrical insert or the largest section, the end of the feed part of the waterline or another indicated point, for example, the feed perpendicular. The size of the width of vessels is measured parallel to the main and perpendicular to diametrical planes.

The width is the largest in NB - the distance measured between the extreme points of the case without taking into account the protruding parts.

The width on the Middle Spangout is the distance measured on the Middle-Spanort between the theoretical surfaces of the sides at the level of structural or calculated waterline.

The width of the QLL in the KVL is the greatest distance measured between the theoretical surfaces of the sides at the level of structural waterline.

Width on VL in WL is measured as in an QL.

Sizes in height are measured perpendicular to the main plane.

The height of the board H is the vertical distance measured on the Middle Spangout from the horizontal plane passing through the intersection point of the killee line with the plane of the Middle Spangout, to the side line of the upper deck.

The height of the side to the main deck N G. P is the height of the side to the very upper solid deck.

The height of the side to the Twineek H TV is the height of the side to the deck, located under the main deck. If there are several twineeties, they are called the second, third, etc. Deck, counting from the main deck.

The sediment (T) is the vertical distance measured in the Middle Spangmost plane from the main plane of the structural or calculated waterline.

The sediment with the nose and sediment is measured on the nasal and feed perpendiculars to any waterline.

The average sediment T CP is measured, from the main plane to the waterline in the middle of the vessel length.

Nasal and stern sadness H H and H to - smooth lifting deck from the face in the nose and stern; The value of lifting is measured on the nose and feed perpendicular.

The death of Bims H b is the height difference between the edge and the middle of the deck, measured in the widest place of the deck.

The surface F - the distance measured vertically in the middle of the vessel's length from the top edge of the deck line to the upper edge of the corresponding cargo stamp.

If necessary, other dimensions are also indicated, such as the largest (overall) height of the vessel (the height of the fixed point) from the cargo waterline upon emissions for the passage under the bridges. Usually limited by the indication of the length - the greatest and between the perpendicular, the widths on the Middle Spangling, the height of the side and precipitate. In cases of applying international conventions - on the protection of human life to the sea, truck, measurement, classification and construction of vessels - are guided by definitions and dimensions established in these conventions or rules.


Displacement is one of their main characteristics of the vessel, which indirectly characterizes its size.

The following displacement values \u200b\u200bare distinguished:

· Mass or weight and volumetric,

· Opening and underwater (for submarines and submarine ships),

· Displacement empty, standard, normal, full and largest.

Full displacement is equal to the amount of displacement by empty and deadweight.

The displacement of the vessel is the amount of water displaced by the underwater part of the vessel case. The mass of this amount of water is equal to the weight of the entire vessel, regardless of its size, material and forms. (According to the law of Archimedes)

W Mass Mass (Weight) Displacement is a mass of a ship that is afloat, measured in tons equal to the mass of the water dispensed.

Since during operation, the vessel's mass may vary widely, in practice two concepts use:

Displacement in full load D, equal to the total weight of the vessel case, all the mechanisms, devices, cargo, passengers of the crew and ship reserves with the highest permissible sediment;

Displacement by empty D0, equal to the mass of the vessel with equipment, constant spare parts and supply, with water in boilers, mechanisms and pipelines, but without cargo, passengers, crew and without fuel and other stocks.

W Volumetric displacement - the volume of the underwater part of the vessel is below the waterline. With constant water displacement, the volumetric displacement varies depending on the density of water.
That is, the volume of the fluid displaced body is called volumetric displacement.
The center of gravity of bulk displacement W is called the center of displacement.
Standard displacement (Standard Displacement) is a displacement of a fully equipped ship (vessel) with crew, but without fuel reserves, lubricants and drinking water in tanks.
Normal displacement (Normal Displacement) is a displacement equal to standard displacement plus a half fuel supply, lubricants and drinking water in tanks.
Full displacement (Loaded Displacement, Full Load Displacement, Designated Displacement) - Displacement equal to standard displacement plus full stocks of fuel, lubricants, drinking water in tanks, cargo.
The supply of water displacement is the proceed in the design, excess additive to the mass of the vessel to compensate for the possible exceeding the mass of its design during the construction.
The greatest displacement is a displacement equal to standard water displacement plus the maximum stocks of fuel, lubricants, drinking water in tanks, cargo.
Underwater displacement - water displacement of the submarine (BATICFA) and other underwater vessels in the underwater position. Exceeds surface displacement for a mass of water taken when the main ballast is immersed in the tank.
Non-water displacement - displacement of the submarine (BATICFA) and other underwater vessels in the position on the surface of the water before immersion or after the float.


The load capacity is one of the most important performance - the mass of cargo for the transport of which the ship is calculated - the weight of various kinds of cargo, which can carry the vessel subject to the maintenance of the project landing. Measured in tons. There is a clean load and deadweight.

Pure load capacity (useful lifting capacity) is a complete mass of the shipping shipping by the vessel, i.e. The weight of the cargo in the holds and the mass of passengers with the luggage and intended for them with fresh water and provisions, the mass of caught fish, etc., when loading the vessel on the calculated sediment.

Deadweight (full load capacity) - DWT - Deadweight Tonnes. It is a common mass of the shipping shipping by the ship, which constitutes a clean load capacity, as well as a mass of fuel, water, oil, oil crew, provisioning and fresh water reserves for the crew when loading the vessel on the calculated sediment. If the ship is with a cargo takes a liquid ballast, then the mass of this ballast is included in the vessel's deadweight. Deadweight When sediment on a summer freight brand in seawater is an indicator of the size of the freight ship and its main operational characteristic.

The carrying capacity cannot be confused with the cargo capacity, and even more so with register capacity (register cargo) of the vessel - these are different parameters measured in different values \u200b\u200band having different dimensions.


In addition to determining the load capacity of the vessel in the weight units (now usually in metric tons) and measuring the total weight of the vessel, the water displacement parameter, the historical tradition of measuring the internal volumes of the vessel has developed. This parameter is used only for civilian courts.

Capacity of the vessel is the volume characteristic of the vessel. Trucking and register capacity should not be confused. For passenger and cargo-massage vessels, there is also a passenger complex parameter.

The capacity parameters (cargo capacity), lifting capacity (including deadweight) and displacements are not related to each other and are generally independent (although for one class of ships there are coefficients that indirectly associate one parameter with another).

Gross capacity (VT) is the total capacity of all waterproof rooms; Thus, it indicates the total internal volume of the vessel, which includes the following components:

The volume of rooms under the measurement deck (the volume of the trim under deck);

The volume of rooms between the measurement and the upper decks;

The volume of closed rooms located on the upper deck and above it (superstructures);

The volume of space between coming hatches.

The following closed rooms are not included in the gross capacity, if they are intended and suitable exclusively for these purposes and only apply to this:

Premises in which there are energy and electricity installations, as well as air-actuate systems;

Premises of the auxiliary mechanisms that do not serve the main engines (for example, the premises of refrigeration plants, distribution substations, elevators, steering machines, pumping machines on commercial vessels, chain boxes, etc.);

The vessel, which in the upper deck has holes without durable waterproof closures (measurement hatches and holes), is called a shelter vessel or vessel with mounted deck; It has a smaller register capacity due to such holes. Closed internal volumes in open spaces that have durable waterproof closures are included in the measurement. The condition for exclusion from open premises is that they do not serve to place or maintain a team and passengers. If the upper deck of two- or multiphalobal vessels and the bulkhead of the add-ons are equipped with durable waterproof closings, then the interplanet space under the upper deck and the premises of the add-ons are included in the gross capacity. Such vessels are called full-floors and have the maximum permissible precipitate.

Net Capacity (NRT) is a useful volume to accommodate passengers and goods, i.e. commercial volume. It is formed by deducting from the gross capacity of the following components:

Premises for crew and fifty;

Navigation premises;

Accommodation for shkipers;

Water ballast tank;

Machine compartment (energy installation).

Pullings from gross capacity are made according to certain rules, in absolute values \u200b\u200bor percentage. The condition for deduction is that all these premises are first included in the gross capacity. To check whether the measurement testimony is genuine and whether it belongs to this vessel, it indicates the sizes of identity (identification dimensions) of the vessel that is easy to check.

The shipping of the vessel is the volume of all holds in cubic meters, cubic feet or in the "barrels" of 40 cubic feet. Speaking about the capacity of the tricks, distinguish with a barrel (bale) and a bulk (grain) load. This difference follows from the fact that in the same Three due to floors, splits, ribs of rigidity, bulkhead, etc. The bulk cargo can be placed more than a piece cargo. Three for the general cargo is approximately 92% of the truma for bulk cargo. Calculation of the capacity of the vessel produces shipbuilding shipyard; Capacity is indicated on the stage of the container, and it has nothing to do with the official deferment of the vessel. Specific cargo capacity is the ratio of the capacity of the trim to the mass of the useful cargo. Since the mass of the useful cargo is determined by the mass of the necessary operational materials, the specific cargo capacity is subject to minor fluctuations. In cargo ships for the general cargo, the specific cargo capacity is approximately from 1.6 to 1.7 m3 / t (or from 58 to 61 cubic meters. Feet).

Ship speed

Speed \u200b\u200bis one of the most important performance of the vessel and one of the most important tactical and technical characteristics of the vessel, which determines the speed of its movement.

The speeds of the vessels are measured in nodes (1 node is 1.852 km / h), the speed of internal navigation vessels (river, etc.) - in kilometers per hour.

The following types of vessel speed distinguish:

W Absolute ship speed - the speed measured by the distance passing by the ship per unit of time relative to the soil (motionable object) along the ship path line.

W Safety vessel speed - speed, when followed, the proper and necessary action may be undertaken to prevent collisions.

The cruising (for warships also the combat economic velocity of the ship) is the speed requiring minimal fuel consumption on a mile passed during normal displacement and work of ship and combat technical equipment in mode that ensures the full technical readiness of the main mechanisms for the development of full combat speed.

The Cost of the vessel is measured by the distance passing by the ship per unit time at the Director-General.

The V permissible vessel speed is the set maximum speed limited by the conditions of the combat mission, the situation or the rules of swimming (when training, towing, on excitement or shallow water, in accordance with the Ruid Service Rules or Mandatory Porto)

The highest vessel speed (or maximum) develops when operating GEU (main energy installation) of the vessel in forced mode with simultaneous provision of full vessel's combat readiness. Long-term operation of GEU can lead to its failure and loss of the course, as a result of which the highest speed is achieved in exceptional cases.

W The smallest vessel speed (or minimum) is the speed on which the ship can still be kept on the course (controlled by steering).

W Relative vessel speed is measured by a distance passing by a vessel per unit of time relative to water.

Ø Full combat speed of the vessel (or the full speed) is achieved when the GEU operates in the full power mode (without forging) while simultaneously operating all the combat and technical means of the vessel, providing full combat readiness of the vessel.

The Economic Speed \u200b\u200bof the vessel (or technical and economic) is the speed achieved when working GEU in economic mode. At the same time, the task of the smallest fuel consumption on a mile passed with simultaneous provision of established combat readiness and domestic needs of the vessel is achieved.

W Squaded vessel speed (or appointed) - the speed of a connection or a group of courts, installed in each case based on the requirements of the task, the situation in the area of \u200b\u200btransition, navigation and hydrometeorological conditions.

Nautical quality

ship speed loading capacity non-optimability

Major qualities should have both civilian vessels and warships.

The study of these qualities with the use of mathematical analysis is engaged in a special scientific discipline - the vessel.

If the mathematical solution is impossible, then resort to experience in order to find the necessary dependence and check the findings of the theory in practice. Only after a comprehensive study and verification on the experience of all seaworthy qualities, the vessel is embarked on its creation.

Nautical qualities are studied in two sections: the statics and dynamics of the vessel. Status studies the laws of the floating ship's equilibrium and the associated quality: buoyancy, stability and non-optimability. The speaker studies the vessel in motion and considers its qualities such as handling, swing and hurdity.


The buoyancy of the vessel is called its ability to stay on the water by a certain sediment, carrying the intended cargo in accordance with the appointment of the vessel.

Floating stock

The ability of the vessel hold onto the water by a certain precipitate, while carrying the cargo on itself, is characterized by a buoyancy reserve, which is expressed as a percentage of the volume of waterproof compartments above the Waterlinia to the total waterproof volume. Any imperformability violation leads to a decrease in buoyancy stock.

The equilibrium equation in this case has the form:

P \u003d g (VO? VN) or: p \u003d g v

where P is the weight of the vessel, r - the density of water, V is immersed, and is called the main buoyancy equation.

It follows from it:

W at a constant density of the load of the load P is accompanied by a proportional change in the submersible volume V until the new equilibrium position is achieved. That is, with an increase in the load, the ship "sits" into the water deeper, when decreasing, pops up above;

C with a constant load p, the change in the density of the density is accompanied by inversely proportional to the change in the submersible volume V. So, in fresh water, the vessel sits deeper than in salty water;

The Changing volume V will be accompanied by a change in precipitate. For example, when ballasting with wicked water or emergency flooding of compartments, we can assume that the vessel did not accept the cargo, and reduced the submersible volume, and the sediment increased - the vessel sits deeper. When pumping water, the opposite occurs.

The physical meaning of the supply of buoyancy is the volume of water that the vessel can take (say, when flooding compartments), while still remaining afloat. The buoyancy stock of 50% means that the waterproof volume above the waterline is equal to the volume below it. For vessels are characterized by 50h60% and higher reserves. It is believed that the larger stock managed to get when built, the better.

Neutral buoyancy

When the volume of the accepted water is exactly equal to the buoyancy reserves, it is considered that the buoyancy is lost - the margin is 0%. Indeed, at this moment the ship is immersed at the main deck and is in an unstable state when any external impact can cause its departure under water. And in the effects, as a rule, there is no shortage. In theory, this case is called neutral buoyancy.

Negative buoyancy

When weaving the volume of water more than the supply of buoyancy (or any cargo, more by weight) say that the vessel receives a negative buoyancy. In this case, it is unable to swim, and can only sink.

Therefore, the vessel establishes a mandatory buoyancy supply, which it must have in the intact state for safe sailing. It corresponds to full displacement and marked with waterline and / or cargo stamp.

Hypothesis straightforward

To determine the influence of alternating goods on the buoyancy, the assumption in which it is believed that the reception of small (less than 10% of water displacement) does not change the area of \u200b\u200bthe operating waterline. That is, the change in precipitation is considered as if the case is direct prism. Then the displacement directly depends on the sediment.

Based on this, the precipitation change factor is determined, usually in T / cm:

where S is the area of \u200b\u200bthe active waterline, q means the amount of change in tons, which is necessary to change the precipitate by 1 cm. When reverse calculation, it allows you to determine whether the buoyancy is not released from the permissible limits.


The stability is called the ability of the vessel to resist, forces that caused its inclination, and after stopping the action of these forces to return to the original position.

The entry of the vessel is possible for various reasons: from the action of the incoming waves, due to the asymmetric flooding of the compartments during the platoon, from the movement of goods, the wind pressure, due to the reception or spending of goods, etc.

The types of stability:

W is distinguished by the initial stability, i.e., stability at small roll angles, in which the edge of the upper deck begins to enter the water (but not more than 15 ° for high-speed surface vessels), and stability with high inclinations.

Depending on the plane of the inclination, the transverse stability of the roll and the longitudinal stability during the differential are distinguished. Due to the elongity of the shape of the vessel body, its longitudinal stability is significantly higher than the transverse, so for the safety of swimming is most important to ensure adequate transverse stability.

Depending on the nature of the current forces, it distinguishes static and dynamic stability.

Static stability - is considered under the action of static forces, that is, the applied force does not change in magnitude.

Dynamic stability - is considered under the action of changing (i.e., dynamic) forces, for example, wind, unrest of the sea, loading and so on.

Initial stability

If the vessel under the action of the external locking torque of MKR (for example, the wind pressure) will receive a roll at the angle and (the angle between the original WL0 and the active WL1 with watering), then, due to the change in the form of the underwater part of the vessel, the center of the value with will move to the C1 point (Fig. 2 ). The power of maintenance Y V will be applied at the point C1 and is directed perpendicular to the operating Waterlin WL1. Point M is at the intersection of the diametrical plane with the line of operation of the maintenance forces and is called a transverse meticenter. The power of the vessel p remains in the center of gravity G. Together with the power of YV, it forms a couple of forces, which prevents the vessel to the shuttle point of the MKR. The moment of this pair is called the regenerating moment of the MV. Its value depends on the shoulder L \u003d GK between the weights of the weight and maintaining the oblique vessel:

MB \u003d PL \u003d pH sin and,

where h is the elevation of the point M over the CT vessel G, called the transverse meticenter height of the vessel.

Fig.2. Action of forces when driving a ship

It can be seen from the formula that the magnitude of the restoring point is the greater, the greater h. Consequently, the meticenter height can serve as a measure of stability for this vessel.

The value of H this vessel with a certain sediment depends on the position of the center of severity of the vessel. If the cargo is to position so that the center of the severity of the vessel takes the higher position, the meticenter height will decrease, and together with it - the shoulder of static stability and the restorative moment, i.e. the stability of the vessel decreases. With a decrease in the position of the center of gravity, the metuclear height will increase, the stability of the vessel will increase.

The meticenter height can be determined from the expression H \u003d R + Zc - ZG, where ZC is the elevation of the color above Ol; R is a transverse meticenter radius, i.e., the elevation of the meticenter over the color; ZG - the elevation of the CT ship over the main one.

a built-in vessel, the initial meticenter height is determined by experimental means - with damaging, i.e., by the transverse inclination of the vessel by moving the cargo of a certain weight, called the roll-ballast.

Stability at large corners of the roll

Fig.3. Static stability diagram.

As the roll roll increases, the regenerating moment increases first, then decreases, it becomes equal to zero and then not only does not interfere with the ignition, but on the contrary, contributes to it (Fig. 3)

Since the displacement for this load state is constantly, then the regenerating moment varies only due to changes in the shoulder of the transverse stability of the LT. According to the calculations of the transverse stability at large roll angles, a static stability chart is built, which is a graph expressing the dependence of LT from the corner of the roll. The static stability diagram is built for the most characteristic and hazardous cases of the load of the vessel.

Using the diagram, you can define the roll angle at a well-known roaring moment or, on the contrary, at the famous corner of the roll to find a barn moment. In a static stability diagram, it is possible to determine the initial meticenter height. To do this, from the beginning of the coordinates, radians are laying, equal to 57.3 °, and restore perpendicular to the intersection with the tangent to the curve of the shoulders of stability at the beginning of the coordinates. The segment between the horizontal axis and the intersection point on the diagram scale will be equal to the initial meticenter height.

Effect of liquid cargo for stability. If the tank is filled not to the top, that is, it has a free surface of the fluid, then when wealing the fluid flows towards the roll and the center of severity of the vessel will shift to the same side. This will lead to a decrease in the shoulder of stability, and consequently, to a decrease in the restoring point. At the same time, the wider tank in which there is a free surface of the fluid, the more significant the transverse stability will be reduced. To reduce the effect of the free surface, it is advisable to reduce the width of tanks and strive to ensure that the minimum number of tanks with the free surface of the fluid

The effect of bulk cargo for stability. When transporting bulk cargo (grain) there is a slightly different picture. At the beginning of ignition, the cargo does not move. Only when the angle of the roll will exceed the angle of natural slope, the cargo begins to crumble. At the same time, the shredding load will not return to the previous position, and, remaining in the board, will create a residual roll, which during repeated skinning moments (for example, squalls) can lead to the loss of stability and overturning the vessel.

To prevent sinking of grain in the holds, suspended longitudinal semideraborks are installed - borders shifting either are placed on top of a grain bag with grain grain - bursting goods.

The effect of suspended cargo on stability. If the cargo is in the hold, then when lifting it, for example, a crane, it is like an instantaneous transfer of cargo to the suspension point. As a result, the vessel is shown vertically upwards, which will lead to a decrease in the regenerating point shoulder upon receipt of the roll of the roll, that is, to reducing stability. At the same time, the decrease in stability will be the greater, the greater the weight of the cargo and the height of its suspension.


The ability of the vessel to move in the environment at a given speed at a certain power of the main engines and the corresponding propulsion is called hurry.

The vessel moves on the border of two environments and air. Since the water density is about 800 times the air density, the water resistance is much more air resistance. The strength of water resistance consists of friction resistance, form resistance, wave resistance and resistance of protruding parts.

Due to the viscosity of water between the hull of the vessel and the layers closest to the body, friction forces arise, to overcome which is spent part of the main engine power. Equality of these forces is called RT friction resistance. The friction resistance also depends on the speed, from the moistened surface of the vessel body and on the degree of roughness. The quality of the roughness is affected by the quality of the color, as well as the backrest of the underwater part of the case with marine organisms. For friction resistance for this reason does not increase, the vessel is subjected to periodic doubt and clean the underwater part. The friction resistance is determined by the estimated path.

When the vessel body is streamlined by viscous fluid, hydrodynamic pressures are redistributed along its length. Equality of these pressures, directed against the movement of the vessel, is called the RF form resistance. The form resistance depends on the velocity of the vessel and on its shape. With a poorly streamlined form in the stern part of the vessel, vortices are formed, which leads to a decrease in pressure in the area and an increase in the resistance of the shape of the vessel. The wave resistance of the RV occurs due to the formation of waves in the zones of increased and reduced pressure when the vessel is moving. The wave formation is also consumed part of the energy of the main engine. Wave resistance depends on the velocity speed, the shape of its body, as well as from the depth and width of the fairway. The resistance of the protruding parts RVCH depends on the friction resistance and on the shape of the protruding parts (steering wheel, bile keel, brackets of rowing shafts, etc.). The formation of the shape and the wave is combined into the residual resistance, which can only be calculated approximately. To accurately determine the size of residual resistance, tests of vessel models in the experimental basin are carried out.


Manageability is called the vessel's ability to be turning and resistant to the course. Turning is called the body's ability to obey the action of the steering wheel, and resistant to the course - the ability to maintain the specified direction of movement. Due to the impact on the movement of the vessel of various disturbing factors (waves, wind), continuous steering intervention is required to ensure sustainability. Thus, the qualities characterizing the controllability of the vessel are contradictory. So, the more turning the vessel, i.e., the faster it changes the direction of its movement when the steering wheel is rotated, the less it is steadily on the course.

When designing the vessel, the optimal value of a particular quality is chosen depending on the destination of the vessel. The main quality of passenger and cargo ships performing long-range flights is resistance to the course, and tugs - turning.

The vessel's ability to spontaneously deviate from the course under the influence of external forces is called dustiness.

Fig. 4 diagram of the forces acting on the ship at the wheel of the steering wheel.

To ensure the required manageability in the stern part of the vessel, one or more steers are set (Fig. 4). If on a vessel moving at a speed vs to the corner of b, then the pressure of the incoming flow of water will begin to operate on one side of the steering wheel - the electron hydrodynamic forces p, which is applied in the pressure center and directed perpendicular to the surface of the steering wheel. At the center of gravity of the vessel in the center of the severity of the vessel, equally balanced forces P1 and P2, equal and parallel R. Power p and P2 form a couple of forces, the moment of which the MVR turns the vessel to the right, the MVR \u003d PL, where the shoulder of the pair L \u003d Ga COSB + A.

The force of P1 is decomposed on the components Q \u003d P1 COSB \u003d P COSB and R \u003d P1 SINB \u003d PSINB. The force Q causes the drift, i.e. the movement of the vessel is perpendicular to the direction of movement, and the power R reduces its speed.

Fig.5. Vessel circulation elements: DC - circulation diameter; DT - tactical circulation diameter; B - the corner of the drift.

Thus, immediately after the steering wheel, the vessel will begin to describe the curve in the horizontal plane, which is gradually moving into a circle, called circulation (Fig. 5). The diameter of the circle of the DC, which will begin to describe the center of gravity of the vessel after the beginning of the established circulation is called the circulation diameter. The distance between DP to the start of circulation and after the rotation of the vessel 180 ° is the tactical diameter of the circulation DT. The vessel replacement measure is the ratio of the diameter of the circulation to the length of the vessel. The angle between the ship dp and tangent to the trajectory of the vessel movement during circulation conducted through the center of gravity of the vessel is called the angle of drift in.

When driving on circulation, the vessel rolls onto the side, opposite to the wheelchair, under the action of the centrifugal force of the inertia attached in the center of the severity of the vessel, and the hydrodynamic forces attached to the underwater part of the vessel and the steering wheel. To ensure good controllability on small moves (in the constrained water area, with mooring), when the usual steering wheel is ineffective, apply active controls.

Swing is called oscillatory movements that the ship performs near its equilibrium position.

The oscillations are called free (on quiet water) if they are made by the vessel after the cessation of the forces that caused these oscillations (a flurry of the wind, a tug cable jerk). Due to the presence of resistance forces (air resistance, friction of water), free oscillations are gradually faded and stopped. Oscillations are called forced if they are performed under the action of periodic disturbing forces (incident waves).

Pitch is characterized by the following parameters (Fig. 6):

W amplitude and - the greatest deviation from the equilibrium position;

W on the sum of two consecutive amplitudes;

W period T - the time of the commission of two full profits;

W acceleration.

Fig.6. Pitch parameters: and1 and and2 amplitudes; and1 + and2 scope.

Pitch makes it difficult to operate machines, mechanisms and devices due to the impact of the emerging inertia, creates additional loads on the strong links of the vessel body, has a harmful physical impact on people.

Distinguish onboard, kille and vertical swing. With onboard swing, the oscillations are made around the longitudinal axis passing through the center of the severity of the vessel, with killeva - around the transverse. The onboard pitching at a small period and large amplitudes becomes a pusty, which is dangerous for mechanisms and is seriously transferred by people.

The period of free oscillations of the vessel on quiet water can be determined by the formula T \u003d C (B / VH), where B is the width of the vessel, M; h is a transverse meticenter height, m; C is a coefficient equal to 0.78 - 0.81 trucks.

From the formula it is clear that the pitching period decreases with an increase in metuclear height. When designing the vessel, they strive to achieve sufficient stability with moderate smoothness of the pitch. When swimming on the excitement, the vessel must know the period of own oscillations of the vessel and the wave period (the time between the junction on the vessel of two adjacent ridges). If the period of the vessel's own oscillations is either close to the wave period, then the phenomenon of the resonance occurs, which can lead to the tipping of the vessel.

With a killeva ride, it is possible either pouring a deck, either when the nasal is barefall or the feed of their blows about water (Slema). In addition, the acceleration arising during a keel ridge is much larger than when onboard. This circumstance must be taken into account when choosing mechanisms installed in the nose or in the stern.

Vertical pitch is caused by changing the power of maintenance during the passage of the wave under the vessel. The period of vertical pitch is equal to the wave period.

To prevent the undesirable consequences of the action of pitching, shipbuilders are used by means of contributing, if not complete stopping pitching, then at least the death of its disclaims. Especially acute is this problem for passenger ships.

To die the killeep and pouring a deck with water, a number of modern vessels make a significant lifting of the deck in the nose and in the stern (saddle), the collapse of the nasal spangouts increases, vessels with Baku and Utah. At the same time, water visors are installed in the tank.

To die on board pitching, use passive unmanaged or active managers of pitching.

Fig.7. Scheme of the actions of the zoom (side) keel.

Passive sedatives include bile keli, which are steel plates installed for 30 to 50% of the vessel length in the region of the cheekbones along the water current line (Fig. 7). They are simple on the device, reduce the amplitude of pitching by 15-20%, but have a significant additional water resistance to the movement of the vessel, reducing the speed of the course by 2-3%.

Passive tanks are tanks installed on the sides of the vessel and interconnected at the bottom of the overflow pipes, at the top of the aircraft with a dismissal valve regulating water transfusion from the side of the board. It is possible to adjust the air channel cross section so that the fluid when swing will be pulled out from the side of the side with the delay and thereby create a lathe moment, opposing to bent. These tanks are effective during pitching modes with a large period. In all other cases, they do not die, but even increase its amplitude.

In active tanks (Fig. 8), water is pumped by special pumps.

Fig.8. Active sedative tanks.

Currently, active side rolls are most often used on passenger and research courts (Fig. 9), which are rugs of the usual type, installed in the widest part of the vessel somewhat above the cheekbones in almost the horizontal plane. With the help of electro-hydraulic machines controlled by signals from sensors that react to the direction and speed of the entrance of the vessel, you can change their angle of attack. Thus, when tilting the vessel on the right side on the steering wheel, the angle of attacks is set so that the lifting forces that arise at the same time created the moments, inverse inclination. The efficiency of the steering wheel is high enough. In the absence of pitching, the steers are cleaned into special niches in the case, so as not to create additional resistance. The disadvantages of the steering wheel include their small efficiency at small moves (below 10 - 15 UZ) and the complexity of the automatic control system.

Fig.9. Active side rolls: a - general view; b - action scheme; B - the forces acting on the side steering wheel.

Soothethers to die killeep does not exist.


Nepical frequency is called the vessel's ability to remain afloat, keeping sufficiently stability and some buoyancy supply, when flooding one or more compartments.

The mass of the fastened inside of the water body changes the landing, stability and other seaworthy quality of the vessel. The unprofitability of the vessel is ensured by its buoyancy margin: the greater the saving stock, the more intricate water it can take, remaining afloat.

When installed on the vessel of longitudinal waterproof bulkheads, it is necessary to carefully analyze their influence on non-optimability. On the one hand, the presence of these bulkheads can cause an invalid roll after the flooding of the compartment, on the other - the absence of bulkhead will adversely affect the stability due to the large area of \u200b\u200bthe free surface of the water. Thus, the division of the vessel on the compartments should be such that, during the onboard platform, the ship buoyancy has been exhausted earlier than its stability: the vessel should be sinking without tipping.

To hide the vessel that received a roll and a differential, as a result of the samples, produce a compulsory counter-processing of pre-selected compartments with the same in size, but with reverse moment. This operation is performed using the non-optimability tables - a document with which it is possible to determine the landing and stability of the vessel with the minimum time after damage, select compartments to be flooded, as well as evaluate the results of the hiddenness before it is fulfilled in practice.

The non-optimability of maritime courts is governed by the Regulation Regulations developed on the basis of the International Convention on the Protection of Human Life at the Sea of \u200b\u200b1974 (SOLAS-74). In accordance with these rules, the vessel is considered unspected if after flooding one of any compartment or several adjacent, the number of which is determined depending on the type and size of the vessel, as well as the numbers of people who are on the vessel (usually one, and for large vessels - two compartments ), the ship is immersed not deeper than by the limit line of immersion. At the same time, the initial metuclear height of the damaged vessel should be at least 5 cm, and the maximum shoulder of the static stability chart is at least 10 cm, with a minimum length of the positive portion of the diagram 20 °.


1. http://www.trans-service.org/ - 15/12/2015

2. http://www.midships.ru/ - 15/12/2015

3. Ru.wikipedia.org - 15/12/2015

4. http://flot.com - 15/12/2015

5. Sizov, V. G. Ship Theory: Tutorial for universities. Odessa, Phoenix, 2003. - 15/12/2015

6. http://www.seaships.ru - 15/12/2015

Posted on Allbest.ru.

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1.1. Classification of ships

All vessels are divided into transport, commercial, service-auxiliary and technical fleets. Cargo ships are divided into two classes - dry cargo and bulk.

Universal dry cargo ships are designed to transport general cargo. The General Cargo is a cargo in the package (in boxes, barrels, bags, etc.) or in separate places (machines, metal castings and rolling, industrial equipment, etc.) (Fig. 1.1).

Fig. 1.1. Universal ship

Universal ships are not adapted to transport any particular type of cargo, which does not allow to maximize the possibility of the vessel. For this reason, freight specialized vessels are built and widely used in global shipping, which better use capacity and significantly reduces the parking time in ports under freight operations. They are divided into the following main types: balkers, container carriers, roll butters, lighter carriers, refrigerated, passenger vessels and tankers, etc. All specialized vessels have their own individual operational features, which requires a special additional training on the acquisition of certain skills for the preserving shipping, and Also ensuring the security of the crew and the vessel during the flight.

Reefrigerator vessels (Reefers) are vessels (Fig. 1.2) with an increased speed, intended for the transport of perishable goods, mainly food, requiring the maintenance of a certain temperature regime in cargo premises - holds. Cargo holds have thermal insulation, special equipment and small hatches, and to ensure the temperature of the temperature mode, the refrigeration unit of the vessel refrigerated engine compartment is served.

Container Ships (Container Ships) is high-speed vessels (Fig. 1.4), designed to transport various goods pre-laid in special large-tonnage containers of standard types. Cargo holds are separated by special rail guides in which containers are loaded, and some containers are placed on the upper deck. Container carrier trucks usually do not have, and cargo operations are produced in specially equipped berths - container terminals. Some types of vessels are equipped with a special self-discharge device.

Lighterovoz (Lighter Ships) is vessels (Fig. 1.6), where noncommose barges are used as freight units - lighters, the loading of which to the vessel in the port is made from water, and the unloading on the water, respectively.

Lesovoz (Timber Carrying Vessel) is a forest for transportation of forest cargo (Fig. 1.9), including round forest and sawdust lumber, in packages and block accomplices. When transporting the forest to fully load the vessel, a significant part of the cargo is taken to the upper deck (caravan). The deck on the forest facilities are protected by a falseboard of high strength and equipped with special devices for fastening a caravan: wooden or metal sneakers installed along the vessel on sides, and transverse litects.

Service-auxiliary ships - Courts (Fig. 1.11) for the material and technical support of the fleet and services that organize their operation. These include icebreakers, towing, rescue, diving, patrol, pilot vessels, bunkering workers, etc.

Tankers (Tankers) are bulk vessels designed to carry in bulk in special cargo premises - tanks (tanks) of liquid cargo. All cargo operations on tankers are made by a special cargo system, which consists of pumps and pipelines laid through the upper deck and in cargo tanks. Depending on the type of transported cargo, tankers are divided into:

1. Tankers (Tankers) are bulk vessels intended for airfall in special cargo premises - tanks (containers) of liquid cargo, mainly petroleum products (Fig. 1.12);

2. Gas Tankers (LiQuefied Gas Tankers) is tankers intended for the transport of natural and oil gases in a liquid pressure under pressure and (or) under reduced temperature, in specially intended cargo tanks of various types. Some types of vessels have a refrigerated compartment (Fig. 1.13);

3. Chemical Tankers - These are tankers intended for the transport of liquid chemical goods, the cargo system and tanks are made of special stainless steel, or are coated with special acid-resistant materials (Fig. 1.14).

1.2. Corps construction of ships

The design of the housing (Fig. 1.15) is determined by the destination of the vessel and is characterized by dimensions, shape and material of parts and parts of the housing, their mutual position, methods of compound.

The hull of the vessel is a complex engineering structure, which in the course of operation is constantly exposed to deformation, especially when swimming on excitement. When the vertex of the wave is passed through the middle of the vessel, the building is tensile, while simultaneously entering the nasal and feed extremities on the crests of the waves, the body is tested. The deformation of the total bend occurs, as a result of which the vessel can be broken down (Fig. 1.16). The vessel's ability to resist the total bending is called overall longitudinal strength.

External forces, acting directly on individual elements of the ship corps, cause their local deformation. Therefore, the hull of the vessel should also have local durability.

In addition, the hull of the vessel must have waterproof, which is provided by outer sheaving and flooring of the upper deck, which are attached to the beams that form a set of vessel housing ("Skeleton" of the vessel).

The set system is determined by the direction of most beams and is transverse, longitudinal and combined.

With a transverse system of set by the shops of the main direction will be: in deck floors - bims, in the onboard - the splits, in the bottoms - flora. Such a set system is applied on relatively short ships (up to 120 meters of length) and is most beneficial on icebreakers and ice-sailing ships, as it provides high housing resistance with the cross-composite compression of the ice body. Middle-pin - the spline, located in the middle of the calculated length of the vessel.

Under the longitudinal system of the set in all overlaps in the middle part of the body of the beam, the main directions are located along the vessel. The tip of the vessel is recruited on the transverse system set, because In the tips, the longitudinal system is not effective. The main directions of the main directions in middle bottom, onboard and deck floors are, respectively, the bottoms, onboard and sublock longitudinal ribs of rigidity: Stringers, Carlings, Kiel. Flora, splits and bims serve persistent connections.

The use of a longitudinal system in the middle part of the vessel length allows to provide high longitudinal strength. Therefore, this system is applied on long vessels experiencing a large bending moment.

With a combined dialing system, the deck and bottom overlaps in the middle part of the housing length are recruited along the longitudinal set system, and the onboard overlaps in the middle and all overlaps in the extrets - along the transverse system set. Such combination of overlapping systems allows more
It is rational to solve the issues of the overall longitudinal and local durability of the hull, as well as ensure good stability of the sheets of decks and the bottom when they are compressed.

The combined set system is used on large-tonnage dry cargo ships and tankers. The mixed system of the vessel set is characterized by approximately the same distances between the longitudinal and transverse beams (Fig. 1.17). In the nasal and forage parts, the set is fixed on the simplifying body of Forstevne and Ahtershtevne.

1.3. The main characteristics of the vessel

Nautical quality vessel

Nautical qualities determine the reliability and constructive perfection of the vessel. Seeding qualities include: buoyancy, stability, non-optimability, handling, hurdity, seaworthiness of the vessel.

The vitality of the vessel is the ability of the vessel when making damage to maintain its operational and seaworthy qualities. It is ensured by non-optimity, fire safety, the reliability of technical means, the preparedness of the crew.

The buoyancy is called the vessel's ability to float in the desired position relative to the surface of the water at a given load.

Navigable is called the ability of the vessel when swimming on marine excitement to maintain the main seaworthy qualities and the ability to efficiently use all systems and devices according to the purpose.

The hostess of the vessel is its ability to move along water at a given speed under the action of the driving force applied to it.

Maneuveracted vessel characteristics

The controllability of the vessel is characterized by two qualities: turning, and resistant to the course.

Tolding is the ability of the vessel to change the direction of movement and move according to a crumpler trajectory in advance.

The resistance to the course is called the vessel's ability to maintain a straight line direction in accordance with the specified course.

The ship's controllability is provided by special means of management, the purpose of which is to create force (perpendicular dp), causing a side shift of the vessel (drift) and turn it around the longitudinal (roll) and a transverse (differential) axes.

Management is divided into basic and auxiliary. Fixed assets - rudders, swivel nozzles, Azipods - designed to ensure the manageability of the vessel during its movement. Aids provide ship controllability at small moves and when inertia moves with non-working main engine. This group includes submissive devices of various types, active steering wheel.

As a result of the effects of flowing waters and wind masses on the body, screw and steering wheel, even with a calm sea and weak wind, the vessel does not remain constantly on the specified course, but deviates from it. The deviation of the vessel from the course with the direct position of the steering wheel is called ulice. The amplitude of the yaw of the vessel in quiet weather is small. Therefore, it takes a slight overhang of the steering wheel to the right or left. With strong wind and excitement, the stability of the vessel on the course is significantly worse.

The location of the vessel has a great influence on the arrangement of the superstructure. On those courts where the superstructures on the stern increase increase, since almost always the feed goes "under the wind", and the nose is "on the wind". If the superstructure is in the nose, the ship evades "from the wind".

The main maneuverable characteristics of the vessel include:

Circulation elements;

The path and time of braking vessel (inertial properties).

Circulation is the trajectory described by the center of the severity of the vessel, when moving with the steering corner rejected (Fig. 1.21). The circulation is taken to break through three periods: maneuverable, evolutionary and established.

The maneuverable period is the period during which the steering wheel is operated on a certain angle. Since the start of the steering wheel, the vessel begins to drift and roll to the side opposite to the handling of the steering wheel, and at the same time begins to unfold towards the handling of the steering wheel. During this period, the trajectory movement of the center of gravity of the vessel from the straight line turns into a curvilinear, the speed of movement of the vessel is dropped.

The evolution period is a period starting from the end of the steering wheel and continuing until the end of the drift corner is completed,

and both and p "* j

linear and angular velocities. This period is characterized by a further decrease in speed (up to 30 - 50%), a change in the roll to the outerboard to 10 0 and the sharp removal of the feed on the outer side.

The period established circulation is a period beginning at the end of the evolutionary, characterized by the equilibrium of the forces acting on the ship: the screw stop, the hydrodynamic forces on the steering wheel and the case, centrifugal force. The trajectory of the center of gravity (CT) of the vessel turns into a trajectory of the correct circumference or close to it.

The geometrically circulation trajectory is characterized by the following elements:

Bo - the diameter of the steady circulation - the distance between the diametrical planes of the vessel on two consecutive courses, differ in 180 ° with the steady movement;

B C is the tactical circulation diameter - the distance between the positions of the diametral plane (DP) of the vessel before the start of rotation and at the time of change of 180 °;

l 1 - extensive - the distance between the provisions of the vessel of the vessel before the circulation is released to the point of circulation, in which the vessel rate varies 90 °;

12 - direct displacement - the distance from the initial position of the CT vessel to its position after turning 90 °, measured by normal to the initial direction of the ship's movement;

13 - the opposite shift is the largest shift of the vessel of the vessel as a result of the drift in the direction, the opposite side of the steering wheel (the opposite displacement does not usually exceed the width of the vessel B, and on some ships is missing at all);

T C - the period of circulation - the rotation time of the vessel is 360 °.

Inertial properties of the vessel. In various situations, there is a need to change the vessel velocity (armature, mooring, discrepancy, etc.). This is due to changing the mode of operation of the main engine or drivers. After that, the ship begins to perform uneven movement.

The path and time required to make a maneuver associated with uneven movement are called the inertial characteristics of the vessel.

The inertial characteristics are determined by time, a distance traveled by the vessel during this time, and the speed speed at fixed intervals and include the following maneuvers:

The movement of the inertia's vessel is free braking;

Active braking;


Overclocking the vessel to a given speed.

Free braking characterizes the process of reducing the vessel's velocity under the influence of water resistance from the moment of stopping the engine until the vessel is stopped relative to the water. Typically, the time of free braking is considered to the loss of the vessel's controllability.

Active braking is braking with the help of reversing the engine. Initially, the telegraph is set to the "stop" position, and only after the engine turnover falls by 40-50%, the telegraph handle is transferred to the "full reverse" position. The end of the maneuver is to stop the vessel regarding the water.

The excretion of the vessel is the process of a gradual increase in the speed of movement from the zero value to a speed corresponding to the specified position of the telegraph.

Cargo brand and grooves

In order to avoid unacceptable ship overload from the end of the XIX - early XX centuries. The cargo stamp sign is applied on the cargo ships, which determines depending on the size and design of the vessel, the area of \u200b\u200bits swimming and time of the year, the minimum permissible amount of the surface board.

The cargo stamp is applied in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention on the Cargo Mark of 1966. The cargo mark consists of three elements: a deck line, a disc of Plymsole and the comb of a precipitate.

The sign of the cargo stamp is applied on the right and left sides in the middle part of the vessel. Horizontal strip depicted in the middle of the car
The disc (Pplimsol disk) corresponds to the summer cargo veateria, i.e. Waterlinia when swimming the vessel in the summer in the ocean at the density of water 1.025 t / m. The designation of an organization that assigned a cargo stamp is applied to the horizontal line passing through the center of the disk.

The provisions on the cargo brake are applied to each venda to which the minimum surface board is assigned.

The surface board is the distance measured vertically in the middle of the vessel's length from the top edge of the deck line to the upper edge of the corresponding cargo stamp.

Superwater deck is the most upper continuous, not protected from the exposure to the sea and the deck weather, which has permanent means of closing all holes at its open parts and below which all holes in the vessel are equipped with permanent means for waterproof closure.

The appointed vessel surface board is fixed by applying a deck line marker vessel, a cargo mark mark and glow marks marks that mark the greatest precipitation, to which the vessel can be maximally loaded under various floors (Fig. 1.22).

The cargo mark corresponding to the season should not be immersed in water throughout the entire period from the moment of exiting the port before coming to the next port. Courts, on the side of which cargo stamps are applied, an international certificate of cargo brake is issued for a period of no more than 5 years.

In the nose of the disk, the "comb" is applied - a vertical line with cargo marks derived from it - horizontal lines to which the vessel can be immersed under different floors:

Summer cargo brand - l (Summer);

Winter cargo brand - s (winter);

Winter cargo brand for North Atlantic - ZSA (Winter North Atlantic);

Tropical cargo brand - T (Tropic);

Freight brand for fresh water - P (Fresh);

Tropical brand for fresh water - TP (Tropic Fresh).

Courts adapted for the transportation of forest are supplied in addition to the special forest truck, located in the feed from the disk. This brand allows some increase in precipitation in the event that the vessel transports forest cargo on the open deck.

The grooves are designed to determine the sediment of the vessel. The divisions are applied on the outer sheel of both sides of the vessel in the Forstevnya area, Ahter-Shtovnya and Middle-Schandage (Fig. 1.23).

The deepening grades are marked by Arabic numbers with a height of 10 cm (the distance between the bases of numbers 20 cm) and determine the distance from the active waterline to the lower edge of the horizontal keel.

Until 1969, the gauge of the deepening on the left side was applied by Roman numbers, the height of which was 6 inches. The distance between the foundations of the numbers is 1 feet (1 foot \u003d 12 inches \u003d 30, 48 cm; 1 inch \u003d 2.54 cm).

Fig. 1.23. Deepening Marks: On the left pattern, the sediment is 12 m 10 cm; On the right - 5 m 75 cm


The stability is the ability of the vessel derived by external influence from the equilibrium position, return to it after the termination of this impact. The main characteristic of stability is the restoring moment, which should be sufficient so that the vessel opposes the static or dynamic (sudden) action of the damaging and differential moments arising from the displacement of goods under the influence of wind, excitement and for other reasons. The damping (differentuer) and the regenerating moments act in opposite directions and at the equilibrium position of the vessel.

There are transverse stability corresponding to the inclination of the vessel in the transverse plane (vessel roll), and the longitudinal stability (the trimmer of the vessel).

The meticenter is the center of the curvature of the trajectory, according to which the center of the value of the value of the vessel moves (Fig. 1.24). If the ignition occurs in the transverse plane (roll), the meticenter is called transverse, or small, when tilting in the longitudinal plane (differential) - longitudinal, or large. Accordingly, the transverse (small) g and longitudinal (large) R meta-central radii, representing the radii of the curvature of the trajectory with when roll and differentiate.

Meticenter height (M.V.) - the distance between the meticenter and the center

the severity of the vessel. M.V. It is a measure of the initial stability of the vessel that determines the regenerating moments at small corners of the roll or a differential. As an increase in M.V. The stability of the vessel rises. For the positive stability of the vessel, it is necessary that the meticenter is above the CT vessel. If m. In. Negative, i.e. The meticenter is located below the CT of the vessel, the forces acting on the vessel, form not restoring, and the lamenting moment, and the vessel floats with the initial roll (negative stability), which is not allowed.


The unprofitability is called the vessel's ability to maintain buoyancy and stability when flooding one or more compartments formed inside the vessel body with waterproof bulkheads, decks and platforms.

The admission of wicked water into the vessel's housing, as a result of its damage or intentional flooding of compartments, leads to a change in the characteristics of buoyancy and stability, controllability and hob. The redistribution of buoyancy forces on the length of the vessel causes additional stresses in the housing of the vessel, which must preserve sufficient strength.

Constructively, non-optimability provide, separating the vessel body to a row of compartments with waterproof bulkheads, decks and platforms. Deck, which comes to the main waterproof bulkheads, is customary to be called deck of bulkheads. Constructively, the ship's non-optimability is also ensured by the device on the vessel of drying systems, measurement pipes, waterproof closures, etc.

Operating quality vessel

Operational qualities determine the transport capabilities and economic indicators of the vessel. They are determined by its lifting capacity, cargo and passenger, speed, maneuverability, range and autonomy of swimming.

Load capacity - weight of various kinds of cargo that can carry the vessel subject to the maintenance of the project landing. There is a clean load and deadweight.

Clean load capacity is a complete mass of the shipping shipping by the vessel, i.e. The weight of the cargo in the holds and the mass of passengers with the luggage and intended for them with fresh water and provisions, the mass of caught fish, etc., when loading the vessel on the calculated sediment.

Deadweight (full load capacity) - represents a total mass of the shipping of the payload, which constitutes a clean load capacity, as well as a lot of fuel reserves, boiler water, oil, crew with luggage, reserves of provisions and fresh water for the crew when loading the vessel on the calculated sediment. If the ship is with a cargo takes a liquid ballast, then the mass of this ballast is included in the vessel's deadweight.

With the development of international trade, the scientific and technical process has increased the need to ensure the fleet by new courts. Quantitative, and mostly, the qualitative changes in the composition of the fleet puts the task of a deeper scientific approach to maturity issues.

Currently, with the development of maritime transport, the velocities of ships have increased to 17-25 knots and displacement to several tens of thousands of tons, in connection with this, quantitative and fairly accurate data are required to ensure the safety of ships.

In the overall task of ensuring the safety of navigation, the problem of the discrepancy of vessels with each other occupies one of the most important places.

In this regard, the most important is the navigation preparation for the transition: the staffing of the ship collection by maritime cards, manuals, benefits, scientific materials for the proof of the ship collection, the selection of navigation maritime cards, the choice of route, preparation and verification of the technical means of navigation, checking the availability of information about maneuverable characteristics of the vessel.

The most important task of preparing for the transition is to ensure navigation safety of swimming, preventing accidents and incidents. Preliminary preparation for the transition is important: the analysis shows that a significant part of the accidents was predetermined - the absence or insufficient effectiveness of such training.

This course project on the discipline "Navigation and the Loopy" is compiled in accordance with the program of this subject for the specialty "Shipping on marine and inland waterways" of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of the Marine Fleet. It describes one of the transitions in which it is possible someday the current student will have to carry out the vessel on which it will work in an officer position. This transition is being worked out by a student for many days in order to acquire and consolidate the most important skills for themselves both in a preliminary safe laying and in navigation as a whole, in nautical astronomy, locations, as well as marine hydrometeorology, without which safe swimming is almost impossible . If the vessel will not imagine at least one of the above sciences, then this vessel is not a place on the transport vessel. This vessel will be a real potential threat to its ship transported on it, other vessels surrounding both shore and water bodies, not to mention the lives of the crew and other people. The future justifier is obliged to improve his knowledge, including working on one of the navigation transitions, because the experience does not come by itself.

Information about the ship "Bug"

The main tactical and technical characteristics of the vessel

Type and Purpose: Single-removal, single-handed cargo ship having three trucks, double bottom and double side, is intended for transportation of bulk, general cargo, containers and forests. Class of the Register of the CM L L 2 I A1, the diving area is unlimited.

Operational speed: in cargo - 9.0uses, in ballast - 10,5Ud.

The length is the highest, m .................................................................. 122,4

Length between perpendiculars, m ........................................................... ... 120

Width, m ............................................................................................ ..16.6

The height of the side to the upper deck, m ................................................ 6.7

The height of the side to the bottom deck, M ................................................ 18,72

The organization approved by the MDF

Year and place of building a head ship - "Motherland"

Main factors

Type of vessel - a cargo-passenger motor ship with increments and three-core


Appointment - transportation of transit passengers and goods.

Class RR and sailing area - "O" inland waterways

Dimensions of the vessel are dimensional, m

Length - 95.8

Height from the main line - 16.7

Width - 14.3.

Estimated sizes of the vessel, m

Length - 90.0.

Height of the side - 3.4

Width - 12.0.

Sediment with full displacement by ... - 2.5 m

MAP Model - 31-4 / 12

Power, kW 6 / 2.5

R / min rotation frequency 1345/368

Spire Anchor-mooring electrical

MAP electric motor - 31-4 / 12

Power, kW 6,25

Rescue and boat

Rescue boat 4 (1-motobot)

Capacity, person 16 (18)

Sanctational gravitational

Aluminum working boat

Sanctory, manual

Rescue rafts, sh 8

Capacity, people 10

Stocks of fuels

Main fuel diesel

Stock, t 39,4

Diesel oil

Stock, t 1,6

Disk ratio 0.65

Number of blades 4.

Rotation frequency, rpm 450

Material steel cast

Rotation direction Right left

Steering gear

Steering wheel albalance hanging

Quantity 3.

Square, 1,82.

Steering height, m \u200b\u200b1,3

Rule length, m 1,35

Maximum steering angle, hail 40

Anchor device

Hall anchor

Number and weight of nasal anchors 2x1000

The weight of the feed anchor, kg 500

Caliber and length chains of nasal anchors MMCM19х125, 19х100

Feed Anchor 19x75

Electrode-free brashpille

Dialing system - Mixed: Housing Applied

on the transverse system,

home and middle deck - by longitudinal

Location on SP. 8, 42, 72, 92, 128, 142

waterproof bulkheads

Thickness of outdoor sheets, mm

Bottoms near sides 5

Same in the area of \u200b\u200bsides 126 - 140 SP.6 and 8

Falsebort 3.

Main engines

Quantity 3.

Power, l. from. 400.

Rotation frequency, rpm 450

Launch with air pressure 30 kgf /


Type Rowing Screw

Quantity 3.

Diameter, m 1,1

Step, M 1, 09

Passenger, people 339.

Places for the crew, people 72.

Number of places:

in the restaurant on the main deck 58

on medium deck 36

Autonomy, day. eight

Width of pleasure decks, m

on the main one, 5

on the middle 2,8.

Speed \u200b\u200bvessel on deep water 25.5 km / h

Fullness coefficient when sediment 1.38 m

Waterliniaa \u003d 0.86

Midel-Schpgauta B \u003d 0.96

Displacement D \u003d 0.74

Automation in accordance with the requirements of the RR RF

Case material Steel Art. 3; For responsible structures - Steel according to the standards of GDR

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