What signs on the russian sailors are sign. Watching signs (States) of the USSR Navy. Higher educational institutions

The list of military ranks establishes the Law of the Russian Federation "On Military Duty and Military Service". They are divided into military and ship (sea).

Sea ranks are assigned to military personnel of the submarine and surface forces of the Navy. Troops are applicable to land, cosmic and airborne troops.

Part of the navy

These include:

  • Coastal troops. They protect the strategic sections of the coastal zone. The military bases of the Russian Federation are equipped with rocket complexes and artillery. They have a torpedo, anti-aircraft and mine weapon.
  • Sea aviation She covers his ships from the air attack. It organizes exploration, search and rescue work, transportation and landing of detachments. Its compounds are based in the Black Sea, Pacookean, North and Baltic Fleet.
  • Marines was created in 1992. She is designed to defend naval bases, defend important coast objects, participate in combat operations.

Each division has its duties.But the basic functions of them are common:

  • protection of the country's sovereignty;
  • ensuring the safety of the population;
  • use of force in the event of a threat detection from the maritime;
  • submission to the regulations of the Commander.

Junior Title in Fleet

The first months in the service in the Navy of Russia soldiers are called sailors. Until 1946, they were called "Red Fleets". This title is equivalent to the ordinary in the ground forces.

Best sailors for excellent Performance of official duties and compliance with the discipline is assigned the elder sailor. They can replace the commanders of offices for the period of their absence. The military rank corresponding to him is a corporal.

Commander of the department - the foreman of the first or second article. These titles began to be used since 1940. In the ground forces they are equal to the sergeant and the younger sergeant.

The deputy commander of the platoon is called the main elder. Among the army soldiers, he corresponds to a senior sergeant. On the rank above it is the main ship foreman.

Michman is a military title assigned to persons who remained in the service of the Navy upon the expiration of the deadline. They are trained in schools or courses. Senior Michman - on the rank above. The titles are equivalent to the military ensign and the older ensign.

Marine officer composition

The first title of the junior composition of officers on the fleet is the junior lieutenant. At the end of the term of service and successful certification, they are transferred to lieutenants.

Next step - senior lieutenant. Chin corresponds to the Cavalry Rotmist, Captain Infantry or Esuulu of Cossack troops. The highest rank of junior officers is a lieutenant captain.

Captain of the 3rd rank is sometimes called "Capri". Equifunted by the Major of the Ground Forces. Abbreviated name of the captain of the 2nd rank - "Kaverogengen" or "Captive". Corresponds to the lieutenant colonel of the armed forces. The captain of the 1st rank or "Capsa" is equivalent to the rank of colonel, and can command ships.

The counter-admiral is the first admiral title, established on May 7, 1940. It performs the functions of the deputy commander of the fleet. A similar title in aviation and land forces is a major general. Above there are vice-admiral and admiral. Lieutenant-General and Colonel-General are similar to them.

The post of commander-in-chief of the Navy occupies Admiral Fleet. This is a higher acting ship rank in the Russian Federation.


Shoulder straps sailors without signs of difference. Senior sailors have one galloon - cross strip. The chief of the second article is the two yellow mater galoon, the first article - three. One wide skid has epaulets of the main elder. The main ship's elder is one longitudinal galoon.

Ships Michmanov are highlighted by small asterianswhich are located vertically. Michman has two stars, from Senior Michman - three.

Younger officers are carrying vertical yellow stripes on the chains - clearance. They are naught stars of 13 millimeters. The younger lieutenant on the lumen of one star, Lieutenant has two stars on both sides of the yellow strip, the elder - one on the lumen and two sides, at the lieutenant captain - two on the line and two ones.

Shooting senior officers have two parallel lumets and stars in size of 20 millimeters. The captain of the 3rd rank between the yellow strips is one star, the second one on one on each, the first one between the lines and one on them.

The officer composition of the highest level carry shoulder straps with large stars and without cleansing. The counter-admiral has one star, at Vice Admiral - two, at the admiral - three. On the shaft of the admiral fleet is only one big star of 4 centimeters.

Various signs

On the sleeves of the officers of the officer are yellow stripes and stars. Higher ranks have an embroidered anchor inside the star.

The number of bands and width differ in the titles:

  • the medium-sized band in the younger lieutenant;
  • average and narrow - at Lieutenant;
  • two medium - in senior lieutenant;
  • one narrow and two medium - at the lieutenant captain;
  • three averages - in the captain of the 3rd rank, four averages - in the second one, one is wide - at the first;
  • average and wide - at the counter-admiral;
  • two medium and wide - at Vice Admiral;
  • three medium and wide - at the admiral;
  • four medium and one broad - at the admiral fleet.

The procedure for assigning the next title of Navy

The law establishes the following steps of increase:

  • the minimum service life to obtain the title of the head of the second article - the year;
  • silew for three years allows you to become the main elder;
  • the same number of years is necessary to be Michman;
  • two years later, you can get the title of younger lieutenant, through three - lieutenant, and after three - senior lieutenant;
  • four years of further service give reason to qualify for the lieutenant captain, and the following four - on the captain of the 3rd rank;
  • after five years, you can become captain of the 2nd rank.

For special achievements, it is possible ahead of schedule to receive the next military rank.


Below you can consider in detail all the signs of the difference in the Navy of Russia in the presentation format.

Exposure from the order of the Federal Agency of Maritime and River Transport dated December 5, 2013 No. 84 "On approval of the form of clothing, rules of wearing, signs of difference, norms and procedures for providing non-fermented property (uniforms), including uniforms, educational federal state educational organizations concluded by the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport "

VIII. Signs Differences of Officials

8.1 Signs of differences in officials of the Federal Agency for Fisheries are divided into:
a) twisted signs;
b) Shoulder signs;
c) chest stripes.
8.2. In accordance with the proposed post, the following signs of the difference in officials of the Federal Fisheries Agency are established:
15 Official category - 1 wide and 3 medium galoon;
14 official category - 1 wide and 3 medium galoon;
13 Official category - 1 wide and 3 medium galoon;
12 official category - 1 wide and 2 medium galoon;
11 official category - 1 wide and 1 medium galoon;
10 Officer category - 1 Wide Gun;
9 official category - 4 medium galoon;
8 Official category - 3 medium galoon;
7 official category - 2 medium and 1 narrow galoon;
6 official category - 2 medium galoon;
5 Officer category - 1 Middle Galun;
4 Official category - 4 narrow galoon;
3 Official category - 3 narrow galoon;
2 Official category - 2 narrow galoon;
1 Officer category - 1 Narrow Galun.

IX. Description of samples of signs differences

9.1. Signs of the difference in officials of the Federal Agency for Fisheries are:
a) smart signs:
b) Shoulder signs:
Shoulder signs of differences are a removable block of black black wool fabric, on which the difference signs are squeezed from gold-colored gallery from official categories.
Shoulder signs Differences are located on the shoulders when wearing shaped wool jacket, tropical suit, shirts and female uniforms. Wearing a muster sign with a white field on a shirt (blouse) of white.
Dimensions of the Shoulder Sign: Length 14 cm (for women - 12 cm), width 5 cm. Shoulder signs Differences are made removable and mounted small shaped buttons.
Galun width: wide - 3 cm, medium - 1.3 cm and narrow -0.6 cm. The lumen between the Galuna 0.3 cm.
The upper galoon forms a loop in the form of a rhombus size horizontally: for medium galoon - 4.5 cm, for narrow - 4 cm.
At the topless signs, the differences are placed: for 14 official categories - a large emblem of Rosrybolovyism, and for 15 official categories - a large emblem of Rosrybolovy in the frame of two laurel branches imposed on the stripes from Galun at the bottom of the pursuit according to the drawing.
Shoulder signs The differences in the rank of stripes from Galun do not have.

The table of posts of workers of maritime transport, for which the form of clothing and signs of differences in the official categories are installed.
10.1. FLEET.
10.1.1. Transport Self-propelled, dry cargo, passenger and oil ships of long-distance and small swimming, transport rail and car ferries, icebreakers, rescue vessels (more than 2000 E.L.), hydrographic (over 1000 "BRT) and training vessels, transportation towing vessels Far Swimming

Senior Captain Assistant, First Captain Assistant, Chief (Senior) Mechanic, Captain Captain Assistant

Second Assistant Captain, Assistant Captain on Passenger Part, Senior Operator Engineer, Hydrologist Engineer, Second Mechanics, Electromechanics for Community Electrical Equipment, Senior Electromechanics, Electrojudo Navigator Engineer, Head of Radio Station

Third Assistant Captain, Third Mechanic, Second 5 Electromechanics, Second Electromechanics for Community Electrical Electrical Equipment, Refrigerated Mechanic, First Radio operator, Passenger Service Administrator, Captain Captain Assistant

Fourth Captain Assistant, Fifth Assistant Captain, Captain Assistant on Shopping Part, Fourth Mechanic, Third Electromechanics, Fourth Electromechanics, Third Electromechanics for Community Electrical Electrical Equipment, Repair Mechanics, Crane Mechanic, Mechanic for Ship Systems, Radiomechanics, Electra Diauteria, Second Radio operator, Boatswie

10.1.2. Transportation towing ships of small swimming, rescue vessels (with a capacity of less than 2000 l.), Transport uncomfortable long-sailing vessels, hydrographic ships (less than 1000 BD).

10.1.3. Transport Uncomfortable ships for small swims, tows, ferries, boats and bots, self-propelled dry cargo and bulk ships of the port and service and auxiliary fleet, floating self-propelled cranes and overloaders

10.1.4. Boats, Motorobots, Motolods with low-power engines, noncommet dry cargo and bulk ships of the port and service-auxiliary fleet, noncommet cranes and overloaders

10.1.5. Self-propelled technical (dredging) fleet


Senior Assistant Bagermeister, Senior Captain Assistant, Senior (Chief) Mechanic

The second assistant Bagermeister - the second assistant holding, the second mechanic, senior electromechanics

Third Assistant Bagermeister - Third Assistant Captain, Third Mechanic, Second and Third Electromechanics on Community Study Electrical Equipment, Head of Radio Station

Fourth Bagermeister Assistant - Fourth Captain Assistant, Fourth Mechanic, Fourth Electromechanics, Head of Radio Station, Boatsman, Radio operator

10.1.6. Non-self-propelled dredgers, self-propelled primer shalalands of technical (dredging) fleet

10.1.7. Brandvachts, non-intended technical (dredging) fleets

10.1.9. Floating docks

10.2. Shipping Company.

10.2.1. Head of Shipping Company

10.2.2. Deputy Head and Chief Engineer of Shipping Company, Head of the Fleet Department in the Shipping Company (on the internal Hosrat)

10.2.3. Deputy Head of the Department of Fleet; Head of Service: transportation and movement of the fleet, port economy and sea routes of ship farms, navigation, icebreaking fleet and arctic operations, logistics, commercial, technical, for servicing the transport fleet; Head of Department: personnel, organization of work with seafarers of foreign blocks, technical, second; Main: Dispatcher, Navigator, Technologist, Jaccharm Hegs, Assistant Chief Safety Shipping Company

10.2.4. Captain Mentor.

10.2.5. Head of the Department of Fleet Department, Deputy Head of the Service, the Department specified in paragraph 3 of the section; Head: electrical navigation chamber, base station reserve base, Fleet maintenance base, service department; The main specialists in the services specified in paragraph 3 of the section; Senior Marine Inspector, Mentor Mechanic

10.2.6. Head of the Sector in the service specified in PP. 3 and 5 sections, senior deviator, marine inspector, group engineer dispatcher, group engineer mechanical; Senior: Dispatcher Manager, Hegs Engineer, Passenger Services Engineer, Porto Services Engineer, Inspector (Engineer), Engineer, Engineer, Engineer, Safety Engineer; Head of Radio Center, Radio Station, Head of the Cabinet

10.2.7. Dispatcher engineer, inspector (engineer) on personnel, engineer of passenger service, Engineer HEGS, Safety Engineer, Deviators, Deputy Head and Chief Engineer Radio Center, Radio Station

10.2.8. Fleet Dispatcher, Senior Operator Dispatch Motion Fleet, Dispatcher (Replaceable Dispatcher), Head of the City Ticket Office, Senior Cashier of the City Ticket Office

10.2.9. Cashier and duty reference bureau city ticket office

10.3 Marine Fleet Management.

10.3.1. Head of Department

10.3.2. Deputy Head and Chief Management Engineer

10.3.3. Chief Navigator, Captain Mentor

10.3.4. Head of Service: Transportation and Movement of Fleet, Ship farming, Women's Material Suppliation, for the maintenance of the Transport Fleet; assistant management head; Head of Department: Technical, Second, personnel; Chief Dispatcher, Head HEGS

10.3.5. Deputy Head of the Service and the Department specified in paragraph 4 of the section; Senior: Deviators, Group Engineer - Mechanic; Senior: Dispatcher Manager on a fleet, engineer of ship management service, marine inspector, engineer of a technical department, engineer of foaming technique, personnel inspector, mentor mechanic

10.3.6. Head of the ElectroDeam Navigation Camera, Safety Engineer, Deviator, Dispatcher Dispatcher, Personnel Inspector

10.3.7. Fleet Dispatcher, Senior Dispatch Motion Operator, Dispatcher (Replaceable Dispatcher)

10.4 Sea ports.

I Cat.

II Cat.


10.4.1. Header of the port

10.4.2. Deputy Chief, Main Engineer Port

10.4.3. Captain Port.

10.4.4. Head of Department: Mechanization, Cargo and Commercial Work, Head of the Security Port Head, Chief Dispatcher, Head of Port Fleet; Head of the plot: links, cargo district, oil region, cargo and passenger port point, sea climb, deputy captain port

10.4.5. Senior Lotsman

10.4.6. Senior: Inspector for Investigation of Courts, Manager, Safety Engineer, Port Captain Supervision Deputy: Chief Dispatcher, Head of the Department, Division specified in Section 4, Head of the Shift of the Porthodejora, Deputy Head of the Marine Station

10.4.7. Pilot

10.4.8. Dispatcher, Senior Inspector and Port Overview Inspector, Head of Passenger Port Point, Safety Engineer

10.4.9. Marine Station

10.5. Office of sea routes and dredging works.

10.5.1. Head of Department

10.5.2. Deputy Head and Chief Management Engineer

10.5.3. Bagermeister-Captain Mentor, Head of the Landscaping Caravan

10.5.4. Head of Service: Ways, Ship; Head: Technical Department, Maritime Inspection; Assistant Head of Safety Department; Head of Technical Station

10.5.5. Deputy Head of the Service and the Department specified in paragraph 4 of the section; Head: Sea Canal, path distance; Mentor Mechanic, Senior Safety Engineer

10.5.6. Head of the Party, Marine Inspector, Group Engineer Mechanic; Deputy Head: Sea Canal, Running Distance; Deviator, Safety Engineer

10.6. Expeditionary detachments of emergency rescue, shipping and underwater and technical works (ASPTR).

Detachment I group

Detachment II Group

10.6.1. Head of Decade

10.6.2. Deputy Chief and Chief Engineer

10.6.3. Captain Mentor.

10.6.4. Head of Department: Main Mechanics, Emergency Rescue and Tow-Laptop Works, Head of the Territorial Detachment Group, Mentor Mechanics

10.6.5. Deputy Head of the Department specified in paragraph 4, head of the coastal base; Senior: Diving Specialist, Manufacturer of Works, Marine Inspector; Senior engineer: Underwater-technical, ship-lifting, underwater-explosive and rescue work, safety

10.6.6. Dispatcher on the fleet, master of diving works, instructor-diver, safety engineer

10.7. Hydrographic bases.

10.7.1. Head of hydrographic base

10.7.2. Group Captain, Captain Mentor

10.7.3. Deputy Head and Chief Base Engineer

10.7.4. Head: pilot service, expedition, detachment, batch, electrical navigation chamber; Mentor mechanic, group mechanic, senior supervision engineer for courts to prevent pollution of the Arctic seas; Deviators; Senior Dispatcher, Head of Lighthouse I Class I, Senior Lotsman

10.7.5. Deputy Head of the Expedition, Detachment, Party, Head of the Lotsmanskaya Watch, Lighthouse II and III classes; Senior: dispatcher, safety engineer; topographer; pilot

10.8. Register of the Russian Federation.

10.8.1. Register management

Deputy Director

Chief Engineer

Department head

Deputy Head of Department, Chief Specialist

Lead, senior engineers

10.8.2. Inspection of the Russian Register
Head of basin inspection

Deputy Head of the Basin Inspection, Head of Inspection

Deputy Head of Inspection, Chief Inspector Engineer

Senior Jeener Inspector

Engineer inspector

10.9 State Consumer Combines Sea Transport

10.10. Administration of the Northern Sea Route.

10.11. V / O "Sovsudopodin".

10.12. V / 0 "Montasflot".

10.12.1. Chairman of the Association

10.12.2. Deputy Chairman of the Association

10.12.3. Head of Department: Operation and Commercial Work, Passenger Services, Local Passenger Fleet

10.12.4. Chairman Assistant, Head of Central Marine Cass

10.12.5. Deputy heads of departments specified in paragraph 3 of the section

10.12.6. Senior Economist for Ticket Operations, Senior Passenger Operations Dispatcher

10.12.7. Passenger Operation Manager

10.12.8. Senior Ticket Cashier, Central Marine Cass

10.13. Higher educational institutions.

10.13.1. Head of School, Rector

10.13.2. Deputy Head of the School, Vice-Rector, Head of the Educational Department, Head (Dean) of the Faculty, Head (Head) of the Department, Professor of the Department, Head of Research and Research, Head of the Branch of School, Institute

10.13.3. Deputy Head (Dean) of the Faculty, Head of the Famillery Department, Head (Head) of Industrial Practice, Deputy Head of the Branch of School, Institute, Head of the Training and Advisory Point, Head of Training Workshops, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Head of Graduate Studies, Scientific Secretary

10.13.4. Lecturer, Training Master

10.13.5. Plave-page inspector

10.13.6. Laboratory, Commander, Bottch

10.14. Average special educational institutions.

10.14.1. Chief of School, Director of Technical School

10.14.2. Deputy Head of the School, Deputy Director of Technical School, Head (Head) of the Department in the specialty

10.14.3. Head of Physical Education, Head (Head) of Workshops, Head (Head) of Industrial Practice, Chairman of the Cycle Commission, Head (Started) Educational and Advisory, Deputy Head of Department in the specialty, Senior Lecturer

10.14.4. Head of Personnel Department, Master of Production Training

10.14.5. Laboratory, Commander, Bottch

10.15. Nautical schools.

10.16. Q / 0 "Schedule".

10.17. Central apparatus of the Ministry of the Marine Fleet.

10.17.1. Minister

14 with the coat of arms

10.17.2. Deputy Minister

10.17.3. Member of the Collegium

10.17.4. Head of Department, Main Maritime Inspection, Head of the Office

10.17.5. Deputy Head and Chief Management Engineer, Deputy Head of the Chief of Main Maritime Inspection, Office; Main navigator MMF; Deputy Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council; Head of Independent Department, Minister Assistant

10.17.6. Deputy Head of the Independent Department, Head of Department in Management and Main Maritime Inspection, Assistant First Deputy Minister, Scientific and Technical Council Secretary, Deputy Head of the Department, Lead Inspector of the Main Maritime Inspection

10.17.7. Deputy Head of Department in Management, Chief Specialist, Assistant Deputy Minister

10.17.8. Leading management engineer: operation of fleet and ports, technical operation of the fleet and ship repair plants; Lead Safety Engineer

In any military units, a clear hierarchy has a definition procedure. To do this, there are military ranks and positions. For each title, certain signs of differences and shoulder straps are provided that are mandatory together with a daily and parade form of clothing. Consider what the titles and signs of the differences exist in the Navy of Russia.

Let's start with the fact that the Russian Fleet stands on the protection of state interests and integrity of the country more than 300 years. This structure was created as follows:

  • 1695 - Azov Flotilla;
  • 1703 - Baltic fleet;
  • 1722 - Caspian Flotilla;
  • 1783 - Black Sea Fleet;
  • 1932-1933 - Pacific and northern fleet.

Since its inception, for the Navy, Russia is characterized by wave-like development. In particular, the brilliant victories were replaced by periods of decline and stagnation. Despite this, the Navy plays a decisive role in the security and strategic superiority of the country. Currently, the length of the maritime borders of Russia is about 40,000 kilometers. Therefore, only a well-prepared and organized fleet can prevent the threat of a maritime invasion of such a huge territory.

How are the ranks in the Navy

If we consider the overall classification of the titles of the Navy, they are divided into five main groups:

  1. An ordinary composition: servicemen of the urgent and contract service.
  2. Older and Michmans.
  3. Junior officers.
  4. Senior officers.
  5. Supreme team composition.

Military ranks in ascending order

In detail we will analyze which military ranks are assigned to the Navy servicemen.

Shores and Signs Differences of the Navy


Until 1946, the sailors were called reddings. Subsequently, such a name was abolished, and now the soldiers of this category can be divided into two groups:


This is a sergeant composition that is divided into three groups:

  1. Starmin 2 articles - corresponds to the rank of Junior Sergeant, usually holds the position of commander of the department.
  2. Starmin 1 Articles - Sergeant, holding the post of Commander of the Department or Department.
  3. The main foreman - in the army it is a senior sergeant holding the position of deputy commander of the platoon or the elderly company.
  4. The main ship's foreman is the general common foreman.


In the fleet it is Michman and Senior Michman. If it makes an analogy with the ground forces - the ensign and the older ensign, respectively. In essence, this is an intermediate link between sergeant and junior team makeup. The title of Michman is assigned after the passage of special courses, senior Michman - for long service. Michmann's Navy occupy the posts of the head of the company, in the absence of junior officers - platoon commanders.

Junior officer composition

There is almost a complete analogy with land parts. In particular, the title of younger fleet officers look like this:

Senior officers

Here you can distinguish three ranks that usually correspond to the position. It looks like this:

Supreme Command Team

  1. The counter-admiral - corresponds to the rank of major general, can command the squadron or to replace the fleet commander.
  2. Vice-Admiral - corresponds to the rank of lieutenant-general, can take an admiral office.
  3. Admiral - corresponds to the general rank of Colonel-General, commands the acting fleet.
  4. The admiral of the fleet is the highest team rank in the Navy, by analogy with the overall part corresponds to the rank of army general.

Signs of differences and shoulder straps in the Navy

Ships in the Navy

The title of military personnel Distinctive signs on the pursuit
SailorsA solid pursuit, supplemented by the Litera "F", indicating the belonging to the fleet. Senior sailors on the pursuit appears a transverse skirt.
OlderBy analogy with the ground parts, on the epaulers of the heads of the 2nd and 1st article, two and three skies are decorated accordingly. The main elder has a wide skirt, the main ship's ears carries a wide and narrow skid on the chains.
MichmanasComplete pursuit with two and three longitudinally located stars from Michman and Senior Michman, respectively.
Junior officersIn the center of the pursuit there is a longitudinal strip, the number of stars corresponds to the rank. For example, in the younger lieutenant one star in the middle, and the captain-lieutenant has two longitudinal and 2 transverse stars.
Senior officersTwo longitudinal stripes on the chains, the size of stars is 20 mm, the amount varies from one to three.
Supreme Command TeamEpaulets of such officers do not have lumen, stars are large, indoor anchor. Depending on the title, the stars are located in the center of the shoulder or longitudinally, like Michmanov.

How the next military ranks in the Navy are assigned

The title of sailor is assigned to all the default servicemen. Further career growth may look like this:

  1. An older sailor can be in 5 months.
  2. Elder 2 articles - after 12 months.
  3. Leave to the main ship's chief ship - 36 months.
  4. Becoming Michman - 3 years later.
  5. Junior lieutenant - after 24 months.

Lieutenant title is usually assigned after graduation. Then, with an interval of 3 years, you can become a senior lieutenant and a lieutenant captain. Another 4 years of service, and is awarded the rank of the captain of the 3rd rank. CAPDVA and CAPACAPES can be obtained with an interval of 5 years. The titles of the highest command formulation can be assigned to the interval of 12 months.

Here you need to clarify that the title of servicemen is assigned individually. In particular, they can be regular and extraordinary. In the first case, the soldier receives the next military rank at the length of the years, provided that he has no complaints in the service. Extraordinary titles are assigned as promotion, for successes and efforts in the service.

Where else can you meet the fleet

Similar military ranks can be found in parts and connections included in the structure of the Navy. In particular, marine infantry, coast guard, naval aviation.

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All-season set of basic uniforms WCBO or how to correctly call the all-season set of field uniforms of the VKPO - a form for servicemen of a new sample consisting of 8 layers of clothing. Modern material and advanced technologies work in a wide temperature mode under different weather conditions. The main feature of the new military field form is that it is multi-layered. This approach was first applied in Russia for field uniforms

Instructions for use of products All-season set of basic uniforms OVBO 1. Introduction Carefully examine this instruction before Introduction to operation. 2. List of products 2.1. R tin seats 2.1.1. Four Agant Summer 2.1.2. Cap Insulated Hat-Ushanka 2.1.3. Cap-mask Balaklava 2.2. Lingerie 2.2.1. Underwear Quantitative Moisture Lightweight Short T-shirt and Briefs

Battle Protective Kit BZK CJSC Development of Kirase Chief Designer Sergey Pletnev is an integral part of the combat individual equipment of the serviceman. It includes means for placing and transporting weapons and ammunition, camouflage and a number of other special elements that allow the fighter to perform the tasks to perform qualitatively. General Customer BZK Perm - the main rocket and artillery management of the Grau of the Ministry of Defense

Military uniform Military form of clothing, uniform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Specific items of uniforms and equipment of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation, as well as the rules of their wearing from the beginning of the 90s. Xx in. At present, established by the highest government bodies for the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Traditionally, it is divided into the front-end, everyday and field, and each of them, in addition, on summer and winter.

Intelligent signs of the formations of the Armed Forces of Russia Sometimes incorrectly referred to as Chevrons, violated signs are on the right sleeve forms of clothing of servicemen and are intended for differences in affiliation to the formations of the armed forces of services, departments, organizations, institutions, associations, compounds. Introduction signs for the formations used in the Armed Forces from 2005 to 2010. Separate officials, military authorities and organizations of the Ministry of Defense

Continuity and innovation in modern military heraldry the first official military heraldic sign is established on January 27, 1997 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of the Emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the form of a golden double-headed eagle with open wings holding a sword in the paws, as the most common symbol of the Armed Defense of the Fatherland, And the wreath is a symbol of special importance, significance and honors of maturity. This emblem was established to designate belonging

Signs of differences in the Russian Armed Forces on the formations are divided into petrolery and violating signs. Pether signs of the buttonis with the emblem of the Air Force of the USSR Armed Forces on the sheel, sewn in 1958, the hinges knowing the emblem, incorrectly loops or petakers paired emblems located in the upper part of the looper. Personal signs of emblems of military personnel are worn by the nature of the troops, to which the specialty of this serviceman belongs, unlike the loop,

The coat of arms and emblems of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the rules for the design of the smart signs of a small average big date approval of the emblem formation 01/27/1997. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 07/21/2003 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 03/19/2005 Ministry of Defense Ministry of Defense

Sailor senior sailor foreman 2 articles Starshin 1 Articles Chief Starin Chief Ship Ship Lieutenant Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Captain Lieutenant Captain 3 rank captain 2 rank captain 1 rank counter-admiral Vice Admiral

The protective kit for the crews of armored vehicles 6B48 Warrior ZK was adopted in 2014. The manufacturer of this kit is the Moscow Center for High Strength Materials of Armok. This kit is designed to protect members of the crews of combat vehicles from exposure to open flame, thermal exposure, secondary fragments formed in the dwelling department, as well as the protection of elbow and knee joints from different types of mechanical damage. Producing high products

The combat equipment of the warrior serviceman is one of the largest projects for the modernization of the Russian army. In applied to this program, the concept of equipment is so wide and extensive that all its items are almost impossible to describe in one article or portray on one photo. Personal computer commander is protected from shocks, dust and water. It is equipped with a resistive screen, insensitive to moisture, and the stylus from Funny Steel. Commander can track

In Russia, the development of a new combat equipment warrior, which is a complex of weapons, personal protective protection, exploration and communications, was completed. The first serial sets of equipment are already delivered to the troops. Several units of the Ground Forces of Russia were held in them in Red Square on May 9, 2015. According to the Ministry of Defense, the commissioning of the warrior is already included in the state defense order for the current year, however, how many packs of equipment will be put in troops, while it is unknown.

Oleg Volkov, Senior Lieutenant Stocks, Former Tank Commander T-55, We have waited for it for so long. Three many years. Waited from that very minute when they changed their civilian clothes on soldier uniforms. All this time, she came to us in dreams, in breaks between the exercises, shooting on landfills, the study of matchasts, outfits, construction preparation and other numerous army duties. We are Russian, Tatars, Bashkirs, Uzbeks, Moldovans, Ukrainians,

Stripes on the form of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are referred to as violating or bad signs and are subject to a number of rules. Immediately about the distinction of chevrons from the stripes. Chevron Studial, testifying to the rank. More specifically about what Chevron is written here. New stripes in the Russian army appeared closer towards the end of 2013, it was then that there were chosen emblems that are found on all modern stripes. Then 13 options were considered, the best of them worked

New clothes for the Russian army was supposed to be developed back in 2009 under the leadership of the main couturier of the country of Valentithine Yudashkina. However, the disagreement of the officer pushed the timing of its manufacture. The military form of the new sample was presented only in 2012, BTC Groups from St. Petersburg. New military clothing sewers from 8 layers. When performing various combat missions, the fighter can use the layer required for it depending

The company Armokom specializing in the creation of composite materials of a protective nature presents modern sets of protection for the crews of helicopters. The name of these sets of volcano-VKS. Kits are able to protect the crew of the helicopter not only from open flame and other kind of thermal exposure, but also from the effects of so-called secondary fragments. The kit prevents the knee and elbow joints of the pilots from mechanical injuries. Complete set volcano-VKS

Casual Uniform Officers of the SV and Air Force Female Female Navy Admirals and Generals Navy Soldiers Soldiers and Soldiers Navy Officers Navy Soldiers SV Air Force Female SV Air Force Parade Form Admirals Navy Higher SV Air Force Officers Cadets and

The clothing of servicemen is set by decrees, orders, rules or special regulatory acts. Wearing the naval form of the naval form of clothing is mandatory for military personnel of the armed forces of the state and other formations where military service is provided. In the Armed Forces of Russia, there are a number of accessories that were in the naval form of clothes of the Times of the Russian Empire. These include straps, boots, long overcoats with loops

Invorangers, sergeants, cadets and soldiers The legally armed forces of Russia exist from May 7, 1992 by the Decree of the President of Russia 466. Also, the legally Soviet Army ceased to exist on December 25, 1991 at the time of the entry into force of the Belovezh Agreement on the liquidation of the USSR. In fact, the Soviet army began to decay since the fall of 1989, when the former Union of the USSR republics one after another began to declare their state sovereignty and that all military property

Chevron Command of the airborne troops of Russia for the nurse. Airborne Troops Airborne Force Airborne Troops Airborne Troops Airborne Troops Airborne Troops Airborne Troops Violable sign of the airborne airborne armed forces of the Armed Forces of Russia The violated sign of the commander of the airborne troops of the Airborne Forces of the Armed Forces of Russia

Chevron of the 45th Separate Guards Order of Kutuzov Order of Alexander Nevsky Regiment of Special Administration of Airborne Forces of the Armed Forces of Russia Chevron 1st Guards Zenito-Rocket Regiment of the Airborne Forces of the 106th Guards Airborne Division. Chevron 1182th Guards Artillery Shelf 106 DVDI of the Airborne Forces of Russia 1141ST Artillery Regiment of 7th Air Assault Division Mountain 51st Airborne Regiment of 106th Airborne Division

Sleeve insignia of the Central Military Hospital of Russian Airborne Forces Paramilitary Cadet corps Paramilitary sport club Airborne support command Paramilitary sport club Airborne force peacekeepers in Kosovo KFOR mission 10th Separate airborne regiment peacekeppers in North Ossetia Airborne troops peacekeepers Airborne Troops in Kosovo Airborne force peacekeepers in Kosovo KFOR mission Airborne battalion Un Peacekeepers Observers.

242nd Airborne Training Center Unofficial Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School Vrawdny Sign of the Ryazan Institute of the Airborne Forces, a violated sign of the Ryazan Institute of the Airborne Forces, a violated sign of the 242nd training center in the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation, a violated sign of the 242nd training center of the Airborne University of the Russian Federation The troops are broken sign of the 332nd school of airborne insurance

Separate Company of the Special Force Special Forces For Collectors 45th Guard SpetSnaz Regiment Sleepy Sign of the 218th Battalion of the Special Forces Airborne Sun of MO of Russia The violated sign of a separate intelligence company of the airborne troops of the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

31st Airborne brigade new type 171st Signal brigade obsolute 39th Separate airborne brigade 36th Separate airborne brigade 11th Separate Air assault brigade Separate airborne brigade 21st Separate airborne brigade chevron 83rd separate airborne brigade of the Airborne Troops of Russia Ussuriysk town chevron 83rd individual air- Range Brigade of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation G. Ussuriysk Chevron 31st Guards

76th Air assault division 76th Air Assault division 7th Air Assault division Mountain 7th Airborne division obsolute 104th Airborne division obsolute Chevron 106th Guards Airborne Division Airborne chevron Russian 76th Guards Chernigov Red Banner Airborne Assault Division Pskov VDV Russian chevron 76 -y Guards Chernihiv red-known

The broken sign of the border detachment of the Bay of the North-Eastern Border District of FPS of Russia The violated sign of the North-Eastern Border District of FPS of Russia of a separate checkpoint. Magadan. Description of the violated sign in the crossed gold and azure shield large-littered top and the wavy bottom of the black belt. The author's version of the heraldic symbol of the place of permanent deployment of the checkpoint of the city of Magadan, which has no own

Writing Sign of Management of the Pacific Border County of FPS Rossi Vodorovaya Sign of Management of the Pacific Border District of the Regional Department of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of Russia Vladivostok Vyrukaya Sign of the Malokuril Border Council of the Pacific Border District of FPS of Russia

Writing Sign of the Research Test Technical Center of the FPS of Russia The Violated Sign of the Center for the Preparation of Service Animals of the Federal District of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation Vladimir School of School of Cooks of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation. Obolensk. Writing Sign of the Khabarovsky Border Institute of the FPS RF Vodka Sign of the Kaliningrad Border Institute of FPS

A vigorous sign of the control of troops of the North-West Border County of FPS of Russia. G. SANKT-PETERSBURG PLAYING Sign of Management of Troops of the North-West Border County of FPS of Russia. St. Petersburg is based on a heraldry of St. Petersburg. In the center of the shield, the shield shielded in it is cosopreached two silver anchors earring down Admiralteysky and river, covered by the historical coat of arms of St. Petersburg. The shield covers two cososocred

Writing sign of the management of the group of troops of FPS Russia. Kaliningrad Writing Sign of Management Group of Troops of FPS Russia. Kaliningrad In the center of the vioavary emblem, the crowned rider in the golden cut-down shield, holding a golden scepter and a frying shield with a silver cross Founder of Konigsberg Czech King Otakar II from the prejimlike dynasty. Behind the shield of cososkreached two pernamia traditional weapons of Russian governors. Sleeping sign of the 95th separate Konigsberg border detachment

A vigorous sign of the representative office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Republic of Armenia, a vigorous sign of the representative office of FPS of Russia in the Republic of Armenia. Four bevelled with azure and a chervelin chapter, in the golden yard of fortification frying a flat clover cross, covered with azure-free flaws and an arrow. The violated sign of the representative office of FPS of Russia in the Republic of Belarus. Vigilant sign of the representative office of FPS of Russia in the Republic of Belarus

The violating sign of the director of the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia, a violating sign of the director of the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia, a description of the violating sign of the Director of the FPS of Russia Shield with a border in the form of a gold cord. The field of the shield is made up of a direct, extended emerald cross and corners between the ends of the cross colors of the State Flag of the Russian Federation. In the center of the Cross, a crowned golden double-headed eagle with a Moscow shield on the chest of the EMBLE FPS of Russia. Eagle is imposed on

Sleepy sign of the 3rd brigade of border guard ships. Kaliningrad group of Troops of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Baltiysk is a broken sign of the 3rd brigade of border guard ships. Kaliningrad group of Troops of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Baltiysk Golden Admiralty anchor covered with a faded cut-off shield with a low silver-lowered double azurea belt, immunted silver sturgeon with a gold crown on the head and accompanied by a silver five-pointed star. Floating in the yelling shield on azurevoy

Chevron special division of combat divers-swimmets ChF Navy Chevron Special division of combat swimmers ChF Navy Russia Chevron Special division of combat swimmers ChF Navy Rossii Chevron 102nd detachment of special purpose of combating underwater sabotory forces and means of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia Chevron 102th special detachment Fighting underwater sabotage forces

COMBAT DIVERS DETACHMENT SHIP OF THE 70B SECTING WEIGHT OF PROTECTION OF THE CHF RUSSIA DRIVAL SHIP OF THE PROTECTION OF THE PROTECTION OF THE HOUSE OF THE CHINERORY Navy Russian Navy Warning Sign of Marine Aviation of the Black Sea Navy Warm Sign of the Special Communication Service of the Black Sea Navy of the Russian Federation Special Sign Sign Communication of the Red Blue Military Navy 8 of the General Director of the General Staff

Sleepy Sign Big Antiforko Ship Kerch Black Sea Navy Fleet of Russia Watching Sign Watch Ship Mathematically Black Sea Navy Watching Cleaner Watching Card Watching Clear Black Sea Navy Watching Sign Watch Ship False Black Sea Navy Watching Sign of the Large Tent Knevel Yamal of the Black Sea Navy of the Russian Fleet of Russia

Single sign 247 of a separate division of submarines of the Black Sea Navy of the Russian Fleet of Russia Vodka Sign 247 of the Separate Konstantsky Order of Ushakov Division of submarines of the Sevastopol Naval Base of the Red-Blue Military Navy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Sleepy sign of the atomic submarine Wolf of the Northern Fleet of Russia K-461 Wolf Atomic Submarine Project 971 Point of Basing Hazhievo. The Gadzhievo base is located in the sideways, but the rocky, Murmansk region. Atomic submarines of the Northern Fleet are based in Hajiyev. The base of the base includes the pier in the city of Hajievo, a brown lip and in the village of deer lip deer lip. Sleepy sign Northern Fleet Navy Russian

Common Wristband of the Red Banner Caspian Flotilla of the Navy of Russia Slordable Speckening Ship Tatarstan Red Banner Caspian Flotilla Navy of Russia Drubble Sign Skipping Ship 2 Rank of Project 11661K Tatarstan Red Banner Caspian Flotilla Navy of Russia HTTP www.eurasian-defence.ru Node 30146

STATE OF THE 2nd Brigade of Aerial Space Defense of the Air Force of Russia Stripe 2nd Brigade of Air Space Defense of the Air Force of Russia 2nd Brigade of Air-Space Defense 1st Command of the Air Force and Air Defense Voronezh Air Force, Military Part 10953, Leningrad Region, Poste . Coniferous

Stripes of the 11th Brigade of the Air-Space Defense of the Air Force of Russia Stripe of the 11th Brigade of the Air-Space Defense Forces of the Russian Air Force, a violated sign of the 11th Red-Space Brigade of Air-Space Defense 3rd command of the Air Force and Air Defense. In H 54912, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory, Russia.

Chevron counter-sniper unit of the special purpose department of the Security Service of the Federal Service for the Protection of the Russian Federation Chevron Service of Special Communications and Information at FSO Russia Special Communist Party of FSO Russia Wrong Sign of the State Complex Wastevo FSO Russia Wrong Sign of the State Complex Wastevo FSO Russia Wester Sign

Chevron Presidential Kremlin Shelf Services of the Moscow Kremlin FSO RF Chevron Presidential Kremlin Regiment Commandant Services of the Moscow Kremlin FSO RF G.Moskva Plusted Sign of the Presidential Regiment of the Russian Federation Writing Sign of the Presidential Regiment of the Russian Federation Vrawndny Sign of the Presidential Regiment of the Russian Federation Vrawndiy Sign of the Presidential Regiment of the Russian Federation shelf


A smart sign of the police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria, the violated sign of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria, the violated sign of the MIT of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria, the vigorous sign of the IPon of the Armed Forces of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria. 2001 The violable sign of the Ipon of the Armed Forces of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria. 2001 Ipon is an Islamic duty regiment. The violated sign of the Armed Forces of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria is a vigorous sign of the police regiment special

Sleeping Sign of the Military Part 20117 Space Forces of Russia Writing Sign of the Military Part 20117 Space Forces of Russia Writing Sign 57 Ortasi, in H 16605 Space Forces of Russia Watching Sign 57 Orta, in H 16605 Space Forces of Russia Regulatory Act Order Commander of the Space Forces of the Russian Federation 156 from 2009 . Writing a sign of the 474th separate radio troops of the Space Forces of the Space Forces of Russia, a crashing sign 474 ort

Chevron of the Eighth Department of the General Staff of Russia for the office forms of Chevron 1st Node Communication of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia Rubin Chevron Central Command Point of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia Wrestling of the Ministry of Defense Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Writing Sign of the Minister of Defense Minister of the Russian Federation - Fabric Stripes in the form of a circle Red color with cute silver gray. In the center of the sign

Special purpose division of the FSB of the Russian Federation Division of Special Forces of the FSB of the Russian Federation Special Forces of the Russian Federation West G. Kaliningrad Special Administration Division of the FSB of the Russian Federation West, the city of Kaliningrad. Special Forces of the FSB of the Russian Federation West G. Kaliningrad Unit of the special purpose of the FSB of the Russian Federation West, the city of Kaliningrad. Stripe Alpha Group Antiterror Alpha Group

Casual summer shape of the cadet of the Navy of Russia Casual Summer Shape of the Cadet of the Navy of Russia Source HTTP Recrut.mil.ru Casual Summer Shape of the Cadet of the Navy Casual Summer Shape of the Cadet of the Russian Federation of Russia Source Image HTTP Recrut.mil.ru Casual Shape Sailor, Cadet of the Navy Casual Shape Sailor , cadet of the Navy of Russia

Summer Casual Shape of General Sun of Russia Summer Casual Shape of General Sun of Russia Sources KP.RU, DELFI.UA Summer Casual Form for Women Officers of the Land Forces Sun of Russia Summer Casual Form for Women Officers of Land Forces Sun of Russia Casual Summer Form for Women's Military Forces of the Armed Forces of Russia Casual summer form for women's military personnel of the Armed Forces of Russia

Summer field form of officers for regions with a hot climate of the Armed Forces of Russia Summer field form of officers for regions with a hot climate of the Armed Forces of Russia Summer field form of an ordinary composition for regions with a hot climate of Russia in Russia Summer field form of an ordinary composition for regions with a hot climate of the Armed Forces of Russia, the development of this form was conducted For a long time in the reform of the re-equipment and modernization of the Russian army. This form version was delivered in 2011.

Russian Naval Scouting Military Metal Badge Motherland Honor Courage Glory Russian Navy Metal Badge Sea Captain Navigator Russian Navy Russian Navy Fleet Metal Badge with Sextant Sea Captain Options Width 35mm. Height 45mm. Chest sign for the commanders of the surface ships ship commander of the Navy of the Russian Fleet of Russia. Chestnaya sign for the commanders of the surface ships. The commander of the ship of the ship of the Russian Fleet of Russia is breastplate.

Chestnaya sign Underwater fleet Navy of Russia Chestnaya sign Underwater fleet Navy of Russia Chestnaya sign 45 years old submarine PL 182 Navy of Russia Chestnaya sign 45 years old submarine PL 182 Navy of Russia Badge K-480 AK Bars Navy Rossi Sign K-480 AK Bars Navy

Badge of military divers Navy of Russia badge of military divers Navy of Russia badge of the 269th battalion of combat swimmers Navy of Russia badge of the 269th battalion fighting swimmers of the Navy of Russia Badge sign duty diving Navy of Russia breast sign duty diver Navy Russian Badge of the 269th battalion Martial Plavers Navy

Cadet Sign of the Suvorov Military School of Armed Forces of Russia Sign of Cadet Suvorov Military School of Armed Forces of Russia Material Materials Brass, Nezilber Method Molding Screw Spin Parameters Weight 10g. Chestnaya sign of cadet of the Nakhimov Naval School of Armed Forces of Russia Biggage Sign of Cadet of the Nakhimov Naval School of Armed Forces of Russia Material Materials Brass, Nezilber

Sign 50 exits for the protection of the border of the border service of Russia sign 50 exits for the protection of the boundary of the border service of Russia Sign 100 exits to protect the boundary of the border service of Russia Sign 100 exits to protect the boundaries of the border service of Russia Sign 200 exits for the protection of the border of the federal border service of Russia Sign 200 exits on Protection of the border of the Federal Border Service of Russia Sign 300 Outputs for the Protection of the Border

Chest sign Senior Library FPS FPS Badge Senior Light Stationary FPS Russia Badge Excellent Face Minister 1st degree FPS Russia Badge Excellent Facility 1st degree FPS Russia Badge Effectbook Firemaker 2nd degree FPS Russia Chestnaya sign Excellence border guard 2nd degree FPS of Russia Chestnaya Sign of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation

Badge Honorary Professor of the Academy of FPS of the Russian Federation Chestnaya sign Honorary Professor of the Academy of FPS of the Russian Federation The breastplate is a golden image of an eagle with the state coat of arms of the Russian Federation, framed by a golden laurel-oak wreath, downstairs a bonded bow. The Eagle's chest imposed an image of the Emblem of the Academy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At the bottom of the sign on a white enamel cockpit is placed golden inscription in two rows Honorary Professor

Chestnaya Sign of PskP Vladivostok Sea Parts FPS Russia Chestnaya Sign of the Pskr Vladivostok Sea Parts FPS Russian Baggered Sign of Border Control ONGPK Baikal FPS Russia Border Chart of Border Control OTRC Baikal FPS RFS Chestnaya Sign Border Boats FPS FPS Rossiy Border Charts

A sign of 100 outputs on the protection of the boundary of the breastplate, is awarded after 100 outputs for the protection of the GG. Calculation is carried out by the secretary based on the leaf of exit accounting. The sheet is most often located right on the outpage and filled with servicemen on their own. In addition to the sign 100, there are similar rewards for 300 and 500 outlets. The sign is in an open sale, specialized online stores Chelznak.ru, Knagrade.ru, etc. allow you to order

810 Separate Marine Chief Chief Corner Corner Corner at the Navy of the Russian Federation. Plasticize the corner on the Navy of the Russian Federation. Plasticize. Current background. Andreevsky flag. Corner on the Navy of the Russian Federation. Plasticize the corner on the Navy of the Russian Federation. Plasticism. The eagle with the tricolor and anchor. Corner on the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation with Georgievskaya

Eagle on the Tool of the caps of the Armed Forces of Russia Eagle on the Tool of the caps of the Armed Forces of Russia. Blossik. Spin plastic parameters Width 67mm. Height 42mm. Eagle on the Tool of the caps of the Armed Forces of Russia Eagle on the Tool of the caps of the Armed Forces of Russia. Light metal. A mustache on two fasteners. Eagle coat of arms on the Tool of the caps of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Eagle on the Tul's cap caps of the Russian Federation. The heavy metal. Spin

Pursuit of an ordinary for field shape of the clothing of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of an ordinary for field shape of the clothing of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of the Efreitor for the field shape of the clothing of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of the Efreitor for the Field Shape of the Clothing of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of Junior Sergeant for the Field Shape of the Clothing of the Armed Forces of Russia; Field form of clothing of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of Sergeant for the field form of clothing of the Armed Forces of Russia

Senior Sergeant Shipping For Digital Field Shape of the Clothing of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of the Senior Sergeant for Digital Field Shape of the Clothing of the Armed Forces of Russia Pulp Sergeant for Digital Field Shape of the Clothing of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit Sergeant for the Digital Field Shape of the Clothing of the Armed Forces of Russia Pulp Epreitor for the Digital Field Shape of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of the Epreitor for the Digital Field Shape of the Clothing of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of the Elder

Pursuit of ordinary Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of the Russian Armed Forces Core Eponer of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit Efreitor of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of Junior Sergeant of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of Junior Sergeant of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit Sergeant of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit Sergeant Armed Forces of Russia Senior Sergeant Armed Forces Russia Pursuit of Senior Sergeant of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of the Germans Armed

Pursuit of the ordinary air force of the Armed Forces of Russia Russia Pursuit of the Organ Air Force of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of the Efreitor of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of the Efreitor of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of the Sergeant of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit Sergeant of the Military Air Forces Russian Armed Forces Pursuit of senior sergeant of the military-air forces of the Armed Forces of Russia Pursuit of Senior Sergeant of Military-Air

Universal Tactical Vest 6Sh-112 Russian Armed Forces Unloading Vest PS-RI Border Service Federal Security Service of Russia West Equipment Solo SSO SSO Russia Vest Transport Universal 6Sh-92-2 Sun of Russia Vest Transport Universal 6Sh-92-2 Sun of Russia Vest Loading explosive engineering FSB RF vest unloading

Kitel Flask, Combined Set of Airborne Bottories, Combined Airborne Forces This set was developed in the USSR and was used in landing troops, as well as by Soviet troops in Afghanistan. Very successful design solution set. The set is as functional as possible and convenient to use. All components of the flask canopies are made of a special allyminia alloy in accordance with the specifications of the Ministry of Defense. Used aluminum alloy passed all

Chevron Arctic Border Council FPS FSB of Russia Chevron Border Troops of the Republic of Dagestan RF Chevron Parts Special Forces FPS FSB of Russia Chevron 1 Mobile Action Division FPS FSB Russia Chevron Motomagine Group FDS FSB Russia Chevron Special Unit Sigma Federal Border Guard Special Force Of Frontier Guard

Vodka Sign PS FSB of the Russian Federation since 2003 on the field shape of the violable sign of the PS FSB of the Russian Federation since 2003, the violable sign of the PS RF from 1994 to 2003. Border Aviation Vodorovaya Sign of the Russian Federation from 1994 to 2003 Bestern Protection of the Border Service Introductionary Sign of the Russian Federation Sign of the Federal District of the Russian Federation From 1994 to 2003, the violated sign of the Federal District of the Russian Federation, a violated sign of the FPS of the Russian Federation, the general imaginary sign of the border troops of the Russian Federation Chevron

Marine Unit 199th Mobile Missile Battalion of the Coast Defence of the Pacific Fleet 879th Air Assault BN OF THE 336TH Marine Brigade of the Baltic Fleet Naval Infantry Department of St. Petersburg High Command Military School Separate Air Assault Battalion of Marines of Pacific Fleet Air Assault Company of 1st Separate Marine Battalion of 61st Marine BDE OF THE NORTHERN FLEET MARINE UNIT MARINE UNIT SHIPPING Sign 155th Marine Brigade

The violating sign of the 6th State Central Research and Research Polygon Sun of Russia 6th State Central Moral Polygon MO, in H 77510, New Earth Nuclear Archipelago New Earth in September 2014 turned 60 years old Central Polygon of the Russian Federation adopted in the USSR in 1945 decadent post-war The shipbuilding program naturally could not take into account the possibility of using nuclear weapons in the fight against the sea then simply did not exist.

The violating sign of the Novosibirsk Communarily Military Command School of Armed Forces of Russia, the violated sign of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the VMUMO RF. Moscow Moskva is a broken sign of the military university of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Moskva, a crazy sign is a fabric stripe red cloth in the shape of a red circle with a coron of white. In the center of the sign - the image of a small emblem Silver column, crowned

The sleeve sign of the Syzran Military Aviation Institute Vwawul Russia is a violated sign of the Syzran Military Aviation Institute. Syzranskaya Higher Military Aviation School of Pilteers Military Institute Syzranskoye Vawul Vaul School in the city Syzran Samara region. From the middle of the 20th century is the leading domestic educational institution in the field of preparation of pilots on the helicopters of military aviation. Vodka Sign of the Military Engineering and Technical University of the Ministry of Defense of Russia

Cashep Camouflated flora of the Russian Federation of Keep Field camouflaged Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Kep Pole-cooled camouflated Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The name of KMF LEGO or Digital Digital Summer Field camouflaged with the ears of the Armed Forces of the RF Keps Summer, Digital Camouflage of the Armed Forces of Russia Keps Summer, Digital Camouflage of the Armed Forces of Russia

Watching officers of the FSB of the Russian Federation Forse of Officers of the FSB of the Russian Federation Watching Officer's Air Force of the Russian Federation Fuzzling Officer with an embroidery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Fuzzling officers with a metal emblem on the Tul of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Worching officer with a metal emblem on Tul of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Federation

Summer Admiral or General Fragrance of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation Top Caps is made from the coster, Kanta is white cloth. Parade Fragrance of the Navy of the Russian Federation Cyiver - headdress of the parade form of the presidential regiment of the Russian FSO Cyiver - the headdress of the presidential regiment of the Russian FSO of Russia Highcakes Parade Soldier's Commandant Regiment Sun

Community Body Heights 6B-12-1 Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Manufacturer of CJSC Armaci Bulletinagel 6B33 Armed Forces of Russia Body armor 6B33 Armed Forces of Russia Commonweight Body armor 6B11-3 Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Commonweight Body armor 6B11-3 Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Community Body armor 6B-3 TM Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Commercialist body armor

Protective helmet p7 6B7 Armed Forces of Russia 1 Protective helmet P7 6B7 Armed Forces of Russia 1 Protective helmet P7 6B7 Armed Forces of Russia 2 Protective tissue-polymer helmet P7 6B7 Armed Forces of Russia Helmet of the Community, the first generation. It is made of a composite based on a combination of aramid tissues and a film polymer binder. The helmet is the first serial model distinguished from alternative

Digital camouflaged suit Fabric name KMF LEGO or FIGURE Winter combustrial field shape Digital camouflage of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Winter Community Field Shape Digital Camouflage of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Field Digital Camouflage Form of the Russian Federation Field Digital Camouflated Form of the Russian Federation

Sign of the 574th map sign 574th map parameters width 45mm. Height 35mm. Weight 40g. The sign of the 182nd Sevastopol-Berlin heavy bombers of the aviation regiment The sign of the 182nd Sevastopol-Berlin heavy bombers of the aviation regiment parameters width 50mm. Height 59mm. Weight 50g. Sign of the Orlovsky Regiment of Airplanes-Board Sign of the Orlovsky Regiment of Airplanes-Board Parameters Width 45mm. Height 45mm. Weight 40g.

Qualification badge The highest category for military personnel of the medical and pharmaceutical specialties of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation qualifying badge The highest category for military personnel of the medical and pharmaceutical specialties of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation qualifying sign of distinguishing military doctors. Chest sign The highest category is made of metal with a golden enamel, in the form of stylized

Chest Sign Specialist Best Specialist FPS of the Russian Federation Breast Specialist Specialist Best Specialist of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation Description of the breastplate for class specialists Soldiers Sailors, Sergeants of the Starin and Breast Sign Best Specialist Chest Sign for Class Specialists Soldiers Sailors, Sergeants Starin and Breast Sign Best The specialist is further called

Cocardia for the field shape Embroidered Armed Forces of Russia Commonweight Cokard Embroidered Armed Forces Commonweight Cokard is represented as an ellipse with a size of 22 mm x 30 mm framed by the Cant with a width of 5 mm consisting of 32 pointed rays. Regulatory act Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 1500 dated 03.09.11, which made some adjustments regarding the symbols and signs of differences, now on the heads of military personnel are provided by usable

Cocardia in the frame of a wreath from the Canper Admirals of the Navy of Russia Cokard Oreshk on the kokard of the officers and ordinary composition of the Navy of the Navy Cockard on the Kepop of the Officer and Private Composition of the Navy Field Cokard Admirals in the Frame of Embroidery to the Embroidery of the Russian Federation Cocardia Admirals in the frame of embroidery Navy of the Russian Federation

Kokarda Starishin, Sergeants, Soldiers and Cadets of FPS of Russia 2 Kokard Starin, Sergeants, Soldiers and Cadets FPS Russia 2 Material Material Material. Cokard officers of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Federal Research Institute of FPS of the Russian Federation of Cokard officers of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation is made of plastic, and is attached to the head leaving with a plastic screw. Manufacturer Enterprise Victor

Range landing RD-54 Flora of the Armed Forces of Russia Ranger Railways RD-54 Flora Sun of Russia RD-54 Marketside Backpack is intended for placing and carrying a combat point in it that paratrooper paratrooper takes with me when landing in the opponent's rear. The backpack is conveniently placed on a parachutist both when performing the jump and in combat conditions after landing. The order of laying the diet, B P, BB, SV, other material resources in the RD-54 backpack and care

Emblem of the naval forces of the Navy of Russia The coat emblem of the Navy of the Russian Federation flags of the Navy of the Navy of Russia Date of adoption 07.21.1992 Flags of the Navy of the Russian Federation approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 798 on the naval flags and pennants of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1992 sterns Flags, Gyus and Vymn Navy Russia Naval Flag of Russia Andreevsky Flag

List of military rank of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the composition of military personnel Military titles of military ship soldiers and sailors Private cadet Efreitor Sailor cadet Senior sailor Sergeants and seniors Junior sergeant Sergeant Senior Sergeant

On June 1, 1998, the order of the commander of the railway troops of the Russian Federation 171 was established by the breastplate of the veteran of railway troops. This sign became the first official symbol, which began the beginning of the development of a strict departmental heraldic system in the federal service of the railway troops of the Russian Federation. A year earlier, as part of the preparation of the 150- and summer anniversary of the military railway workers in 2001, the Command of the FSGV decided to start a comprehensive

Navy Fleet Name of the Navy of Russia. He is the successor to the Navy of the USSR and the Navy of the Russian Empire. The code of license plates of vehicles VMF -45. The name is two options for writing the name of the fleet of the Navy of the Russian Federation. All words from the capital letter of the Navy of the Russian Federation. The first option is recommended by specialists of the online portal of gramota.ru,

They do not make a militant screen, they do not sparkle with the surface, are not decorated with chased coat of arms and plumes and quite often generally hidden under the jackets. However, today without these armor, non-plastic looks, it is simply unthinkable to send soldiers into battle or ensure the security of VIPs. Bulfurgeele clothing, which prevents the penetration of bullets into the body and, therefore, protecting a person from shots. It is made of materials that dispel

Under the contemporary combat, soldiers are subjected to different risks, because of which it can lose the opportunity to continue combat work, getting wounding or perishing. As a result, the fighter needs tools that can reduce or completely eliminate the available risks. For many decades, various means of protection were created, allowed to improve the safety of soldiers. In recent years, there have also been proposals for the creation of full-fledged protective complexes. In our country, this direction

From May 23, 1994, in connection with the decree of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Federation, wearing the differences that remained from the Soviet Army were considered illegal. From that moment on, Russia began the formation of a national system of national symbolism in terms of difference signs in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The history of the signs of differences starting from 16-17 centuries, in the Sagittikov troops, the commander was different from the ordinary cover of his form, another type of weapons and herself a cane on which

Ship titles as well as in the ground forces are assigned according to how much the serviceman has the ability and the desire to take on the leadership of the plot entrusted to him. All titles of the Navy differ significantly from similar, land. This is connected with a number of events that occurred in the history of Russia. Main changes occurred in 1917, due to revolutionary events. In the period 1922-1991 during the existence of the Soviet fleet. At the time of creation

Shoulder and title in the Russian army are designed to clearly distinguish between the duties between the military. The higher the status, the more responsibility assigned to the serviceman who was awarded the title. Shoulder straps play an identifiable role, that is, they create a visual understanding of a military man, and exactly what position he takes, as well as his military rank. Shoulder straps and titles in the army play a very important role, and from different troops they have different external

Each family and kind of troops have their attributes. In addition to the battle banner and chevrons, the concept of distinctive signs includes epaulets. It is on this to the accessory that you can define not only the title of a serviceman, but also its belonging to one or another troops. However, to make it an unprepared person is very difficult. Today we will try to understand the colors and alphabetic designations on the rules of military personnel and cadets of the Russian army, as well as force structures. Ships

As in any structure, there is a certain hierarchy in the Russian army. In this case, the pyramid represents military positions and the corresponding army titles. At the same time, epaulets are provided as distinctive signs on the form of military personnel. Today we will talk about what military ranks are present in the Army of Russia, what is their main differences, as stars are located on the shoulder and how many years to serve until Colonel. Types, classification of titles

Regardless of the number of decompositionists, which is recorded annually after the completion of the appeal campaigns, at all times they had enough of those guys who wish to devote their lives to the Army Craft. Usually there are two career growth trends. The first is that after an urgent service to stay in the army under the contract. However, with such a coat of circumstances, it is not necessary to count on the officer. An alternative is to enter a higher military educational institution.

Black berets, the black death of the nicknames of these fighters look rather gloomily and unluckly really, when meeting with such soldiers, the enemy will immediately disappear about the thoughts about a light profit. The maritime infantry of Russia today is a conversation about these brave and courageous warriors. Look at the story, we find out what to be Morpekh and what is the honor of it, as well as let the modern military events. The history of the creation of the maritime infantry of the Russian Federation leads its history for more than three

Military title in the modern army is complex hierarchical relations between military personnel, enshrined by law and military charter. A certain title should be assigned to an absolutely any serviceman, and independently of its education, the kind of activity or driving. Even the young man who came across the call in the rows of the Russian Armed Forces, is as ordinary. Such gradation allows you to distribute the rights and obligations of the entire contingent to ensure manageability in the case of real

The modern Russian army has a complex hierarchical structure based on the subordination of the lower steps of higher. Unconditional submission within the military charter is determined by law, and the violation of the order is punishable by the Military Court. In order to effectively implement management activities, the hierarchical system is implemented by the assignment of a certain military title to each serviceman. Already at the very beginning of the service for call, the young man receives the title of ordinary. The highest title, except for the Supreme

The servicemen in the process of their activities have the opportunity to show heroism, professional knowledge, valor, courage. The experience and skills of those who gave the military service a huge part of their lives are especially valued. As a sign of appreciation and respect, various medals are established by the Ministry of Defense or Public Organizations. On the day of the Defender of the Fatherland, the part of the part of the part of the part, the acting or former soldier can at the reward to get a medal veteran of the Russian Armed Forces.

In 2002, the Association of Paradnikov Union was originated in Russia. It combines not only the servicemen of the Airborne Parts, it is most likely a partnership and fraternity of those who gratefully defended the interests of their homeland in its territory and outside. It can be said that veterans of the elite airborne troops, maritime infantry, special forces and make up the backbone of the represented organization. The purpose of their activities, they consider help in protecting the rights of a soldier, especially those, was injured during

The marine infantry of Russia has existed more than 300 years. For the first time, such references on such divisions belong to the Northern War in 1705. Until 1917, they were named sea soldiers. To date, it is still an important part of the army, having its distinctive signs and anthem. A bit of history The first division of the Navy was intended to apply fast shocks from the sea during the war with Sweden. Initially, it was a relatively small division,

Many people who are unreleased in military affairs can wonder what troops are in the army of Russia. The answer here is very simple Russian divisions include elite troops, land parts, sea fleet, aviation. Each part performs its own function. For extensive fleet units, aircraft, land forces, there are support departments, such as air defense, artillery. Many parts are intertwined with each other. The regiment began to come to the modern shelves after the collapse of the Russian Empire.

The military form of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has always differed by some features. They are divided into color schemes and for its intended purpose. Military form can be intended for daily operation, for field activities and for public events. All these types of clothing are still divided into summer and winter options. The Ministry of Defense thoroughly worked this issue, while setting orders about this aspect of the life of military personnel. The case touched

Relationships in the army must be strictly regulated. Such a requirement follows at least two considerations. The first is that the personnel composition is a quasigroup organized by some common features. Psychologists argue that if such a group is granted to himself, it will soon be conflicts in relationships. The second statement is more weighty. The army should be not only numerous, but also functional, manageable.

The armed forces for any state are the guarantor of its safety and the inviolability of territorial borders. In Russia, the army organizes its activities on the basis of certain regulatory documents, these are federal laws, government decisions, presidential decrees, as well as local decisions of the executive authorities in the regions. Thanks to the Unified Legal System, it is possible to effectively manage a multi-volume contingent, distributing common tasks and promptly solving security issues.

As long as the soldier dismissed the reserve and resides in the list of personnel of the part, he is guided by the Community Charter. Certain standards for the serviceman are designed and in the case of its temporary stay outside the part. But, as you know, the lack of control necessarily leads to a violation of all rules, and the volume of these violations is growing avalanche-like. Therefore, in any garrison as a mandatory event, the organization of patrols, which is carried out in places

Many articles even from legally savvy specialists are devoted to various ways to avoid service in the army. It is gratifying that the share of conscripts, ready to cross the feature of the law, is quite small. Most guys not only realize the need to fulfill civil debt, but also consider their responsibility to spend the year in the army as a real soldier who would be an excellent party of combat training, selflessly served his homeland, was in a good account with officers and became proud of his

To achieve maximum efficiency in the military activities of the army, it is necessary to develop a set of rules that would cover all spheres, allowing each fighter to identify their rights and powers in each specific situation. For such an understanding, they came back at Petr I, no wonder he was considered the founder of the introduction of military charters. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the history of military charters in Tsarist Russia is leaving in the XVI century, when the Boyarsky sentence was adopted by order of Ivan the Terrible

Many elements of the form of marines approved in the modern Russian army, moved from the Times of the USSR, but also in those distant times not everything was so unequivocal. For the entire period of its existence, the marine troops were dressed in different clothes, so it is convenient to follow the conversion of the form in parallel with the history of troops. As a separate and independent genus of the troops, the USSR maritime infantry was created according to the orders of the Navy Commander in 1940. And initially

Many recruits wish to go through school life, realizing that it is just necessary. Recently, the popularity of military craft has increased significantly. The reforms in the army were largely affected by the comfort of service. Despite this, in almost all parts of honor, the customs and traditions that have come from older generations. This is especially true of completion of the service. The end of any school is associated with certain experiences, and the end of the school life is the moment to which the guy

For military service, at all times, there was a certain set of laws aimed at improving efficiency in conducting hostilities, carrying a guard service, as well as order in an interpersonal relationship. This set of laws is united to the Charter, which for a soldier is the main legislative document. But since all questions of the army service cannot be focused in a general document, then there is a division of statutes by type. In particular, two of them are defined in the modern army.

The army to one degree or another concerns every citizen, so people are aware of her. But after all, the army is too generalized and an abstract concept that includes tanks and ports, nuclear weapons and sprockets on the chains, as well as much more. In order to streamline the troops by type, establishing a specific hierarchy and separation of the territory of the state on controlled sites, there is a special term organizational structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. With it, we are today

There can be no regimes in matters of state security. Sovereignty and inviolability should remain at the highest level every minute all year round. To ensure reliable protection, the state is obliged to contain an active powerful army, ready to reflect the external enemy attack at any time. Military activities are a complex process that does not stop during the day or night. Even when the personnel, it would seem, resting, on the battle post there are duty, guard, patrol,

The army is perhaps the most numerous institution that is considered regularly functioning. If the contingent in the service is currently adding all military-ridicated, including persons in stock, then more than half of all Russian citizens will be covered. Naturally, such a number of armed forces is achieved only as a last resort, when the military aggression from another state is inevitable, but even existing military personnel, which hundreds of thousands are needed centrally

In Russian legislation, a number of documents establish the need to provide servicemen. In general, this concept is quite tensile, as it is necessary to take into account all the rights of a citizen who is in military service to list all the components of their satisfaction. Therefore, the provision is divided into several categories of money allowance to broadcast medical care. Food housing. For each category

In 2014, the combat equipment of the Russian army was replenished with a new accessory. The subject with a complex foreign name Nessenter entered the Army Standard along with the new equipment. From Ridiculy to Nessenter Nessenter translated from French means necessary. So in the West is called a small road case, which has several compartments to accommodate items in them. The thing is very comfortable and necessary, especially in hiking conditions. History

Considering all the stages of the creation of the Armed Forces of Russia, it is necessary to deeply immerse themselves in history, and at least at the time of the principalities are not talking about the Russian Empire and even more so about the regular army, the birth of such a concept, as defense capability begins with this era. In the XIII century, Russia was represented by separate principles. Their military squads, though they were armed with swords, axes, spears, sabers and onions, but could not serve as a reliable protection against extraneous encroachments. Unified Army

In June 2017, the media received information on the replacement of the old emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Red Star to a new red-blue-white star. The news crossed many public figures, prompting them violently respond to her. Fresh symbol was released by the subordinate design bureau, which were made by his Army of Russia. According to the creators, the new star will increase the image of the domestic army and give him more masculinity. The origins of the symbol of the Russian army

The form of the warrior arctic with an electric heating, made by request of the FSB Border Research Center, was adopted by the FSB border service, which protects the frontiers in the Arctic. The development of the form was carried out by the company NPC Varotform-Design. The technical conditions for the manufacture of the form were prepared by June 2013, and in 2015 the Arctic warrior was first entered the military personnel of the Northern Russian borderproast, located on Earth

Military clothing guarantee high combat capability of military forces. In Russia, the military form meets all the necessary requirements it is convenient, reliable and performs its main functions. The new military form in our country was released in 2015. Now it is equipped with every fighter of military forces. Together with new clothes, new rules for her wearing were released, which must comply with the soldiers of any title. Military form of clothing is divided into three main types of ground used

Military clothing form Field, daily and parade uniforms are always governed by the relevant decrees of the Ministry of Defense. However, there are APN formations in the power departments of ministries and offices that are not related to the Armed Forces of Russia, which perform specific tasks, for which a very wide range of military and universal form is used. Special Forces Uniforms Classification of special purpose units Existing divisions

Russian combat equipment of the warrior soldier developed FSUE TSNIIMash. Basic principles for the creation of a basic complex of special mean property combination of optimal weight, volume, functional-protective, incl. hygienic and physical and mechanical properties for operation in particularly intensive conditions and in the separation from the main forces when performing tasks. Universality of the complex. Masking properties designed as universal color and

Traditional disclaimer. This article does not at any point claim to complete and the truth in the last instance. The theme of Russian equipment to the nineties is enormous and complex, and my modest work is just a superficial libez, introduction to the topic. The collapse of the USSR approached its collapse with a very primitive equipment, looking mad, even against the background of the simplicity of NATO's armies. However, in the nineties, despite the most severe economic crisis and lack of money, progress in the field of military equipment,

The recruits who have to serve in the army and on the fleet, get the sets of military uniforms of the new sample. The photo presents the daily form of clothing for the ground forces, the fleet and the air-space forces of the United Air Force and East KazakhstanCE, as well as the Airborne Forces. The Ministry of Defense determined a new procedure for issuing a military form of clothing to recruits before sending to military units. 1. Instead of VKPO, the all-season set of field uniforms

The discharge vest, of course, is not the only kind of combat equipment, but today there has been such a situation that the fighter, acquiring equipment, chooses either a battle bib or unloading vest. In addition to Russia, where the unloading vest of the RJ is included in the standard Eripment of the infantryman, vests are used in many world armies. In unloading, Turkish mountain arrows, gendarmery and Rangers work against Kurds. Having a large selection of different

The form of cadets, soldiers, sailors will begin our overview with a military form for cadets, as well as an ordinary composition of the SV, Air Force and Navy. This form is convenient and practical, just what is needed for the army of the XXI century. Let's see how it looks, we know more about it. So, the military uniform photo The casual form of cadets, soldiers and sailors Summer casual form includes a camouflated coloring costume, camouflated colors, field

In this article you will see a new military form of the Russian Federation. All pictures and descriptions correspond to the order of 300 dated June 22, 2015, on the approval of the rules of wearing the military form of clothing, the signs of difference, departmental signs of the distinction and other heraldic signs in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the procedure for mixing items of the existing and new military form of clothing in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation . The form of the SV, Air Force and the Airborne Forces, the new form is convenient and practical,

Regardless of the number of decompositionists, which is recorded annually after the completion of the appeal campaigns, at all times they had enough of those guys who wish to devote their lives to the Army Craft. Usually there are two career growth trends. The first is that after an urgent service to stay in the army under the contract. However, with such a coat of circumstances, it is not necessary to count on the officer. An alternative is to enter a higher military educational institution.

It should be recalled that the service in some power structures equal to military service is no less prestigious and desirable, but it is often possible to get into such a structure after passing the term service. Moreover, army weekdays in elite troops are the key to any employment.

The sea fleet in the dreams of young men occupies the same status as ARVV , special forces or MP. A dream can not only be implemented, but also lead to a serious career growth, if you fulfill a few not such complex requirements.

The next step, which can significantly approximate the guy to the service on the fleet, is a statement in the military commissar. And yet the decisive moment will be the demand for the younger replenishment, which is already determined in the distribution point. As they say on the army slang, it all depends on the availability of the buyer.

The meaning of the marine fleet in the defense of the country

Even devoting the article to the question covering the title on the fleet and in the marine infantry of Russia, without mentioning the merit of this kind of troops in the defense capability of the state could not do. Considering the fact that the length of the maritime borders of Russia is about 40 thousand kilometers, only a reliable powerful fleet can be prevented from the sea.

Depending on the content points, the northern fleet, Black Sea, Pacific, Baltic and Caspian, distinguish between the Northern Fleet. The country's sovereignty is a guarantee of the security of each of its citizen. Navy It has a rather complicated structure, it is represented by the underwater and surface forces, naval aviation and marine infantry. Each unit has its personal task, servicemen carry a distinctive shape, and there are also certain differences in the ranks.

Military titles in the Russian army

In the army there is a clear distribution of the rights and duties of the entire personnel. And the strict hierarchy is implemented through Military titles . All these titles can be divided into two types: military and ship. Moreover, military ranks are not necessarily assigned only in the ground forces. On the other hand, shippiles are not only in those who serve on the ship.

Two types of titles only differ in pronunciation, but the overall structure of the hierarchy is the same. So, you can highlight the neophycil and officer composition. Each military rank will correspond to a certain ship rank. Observe the subordination to the servicemen allow Ships .

Sea ranks ascending

For greater clarity, it is not easy to list all ship ranks, but also to draw an analogy with the military, since it is precisely the last in detail that the initial military training section is still in a course. Becomes clear why the confusion arises among the younger generation when attempting to arrange ascending hierarchical ranks in Navy , After all, on the maritime ranks with their patterns in school at all is not given time.

The youngest title that the sailor gets when enrolling in the service is sailor . Since 1946, this title was renamed from the previously existing "redflower", which corresponds to and still ordinary in the ground forces. On the pursuit of the sailor, only the letter "f", corresponding to the fleet affiliation.

For excellent achievements on the urgent service sailor May be upgraded to senior sailor. They stand on one step with the corporators and can be appointed to the post of commander of the department. The ease of the senior sailor contains one metal strip or the plated lip of golden color.

Increasing the rank on the fleet implies the assignment of the title " Stornish 2 Articles " From it begins the sergeant composition, and in the military names it is positioned as Lance Sergeant . Two strips on the pursuit are absolutely similar to the appropriate land rank. The difference is only in color.

Until now, the shipping titles under consideration at least they were consonant with land. Pure Sea Term - Michman. Means the title, which is assigned to a serviceman after the end of the relevant school. On land, similar provisions are valid for ensigns. Michman. and Senior Michman. On the shoulders, respectively, two or three stars located along.

The officer ranks begin with Lieutenant. There are no differences in this level of rank, even Ships the same. A golden strip is going along the pursuit, which indicates a group of junior officers. At the younger lieutenant, one star, Lieutenant - two, and the senior lieutenant - three. Three stars are lined with a triangle, two tramp accepted and one - along.

The maritime title, a wedding group of titles of junior officers, unlike the combination of the general captain ", This is how Captain Lieutenant . Two stars acumen acumen and two along allow the right to receive the position of commander of the warship. Awarded the title of captain-lieutenant to the older lieutenant only after 4 years of service.


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