Planning. Aphorisms and quotes of great people about plans and planning the best phrase on the fore

We all carry out plans, as was said by someone, "If you do not have a wealth plan, then you have a poverty plan." We present you a small selection of quotes and aphorisms about plans and planning.

Aphorisms about plans and planning

The bad is the plan that cannot be changed. (Public cir)

When the paths of unequal, do not form together plans. (Confucius)

No one (...) is not equal to the prudent, thinking on the plan and leading it into execution. In reasoning, we are hard, and in the actions we give up fear. (Fucidide)

How the feeding changes the course, depending on the direction of the wind, so the lawyer changes its plan in the process, depending on changes during this process. (Quintilian)

The artist must draw his plan with fire, but to fulfill him with coolness. (Winkelman, Johann Joachim)

Before the battle, each plan is good, after the battle every plan is bad. (Gezhechye, Vladislav)

To accomplish a big and important work, two things are needed: a clear plan and limited time. (Hubbard, Elbert)

The task is to make a happy person - did not enter the plan of the creation of the world. (Freud, Sigmund)

It should not be proud of the random failures of the enemy. Confidence should be poured then only when plans are exceeded. (Fucidide)

Do not let the promises of the haze. Do not be angry with hops. Do not block plans in joyful excitation. Do not think about the upcoming affairs tired. (Hong Zychen)

So always in life: we are trying to build plans, preparing to one, and fate presents us quite another. Starting with an insatiable conqueror who is able to swallow the whole world, and ending with a humble blind man, whom the dog is leading, we are all toys of her whim. And, perhaps, the blind man who goes beyond the dog, follows a more true way and is less likely to be deceived in his expectations than the one, the first blinding with his whole retinue. (Boualers, Pierre-Augusten)

In order for a person to get at least some joy in the short cutting path to him, he should think and make plans to improve the situation not only for himself, but also for others, since the joy experienced by himself depends on how much It rejoices for others and how others are happy for him. (Driver, Theodore)

The brilliant plans are lucky on the designers, the performers are lucky to performers. (Burudzignan, Veslav)

Very rarely warp on a predetermined plan, but more often the war itself chooses paths and means depending on the circumstances. (Fucidide)

It is believed to believe that the planned plan will develop on a predetermined plan - it's like swing an adult in the baby cradle. (Burke, Edmund)

Some act according to the plan, - worldly people, others on the basis of the rules - moral, serious nature, are the third demonically. (Dilte, Wilhelm)

It's one thing - to follow in life a certain plan, another - the selected role. (Izhikovsky, Karol)

The future should be laid in the present. This is called the plan. Without him, nothing in the world can be good. (Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph)

In the morning I make plans, and I do stupidity in the afternoon. (Voltaire)

Even the oldest people feed hope and make up plans to somehow improve their position. (Leopard, Giacomo)

Dreams are plans in the mind, and plans are dreams on paper. (Gezhechye, Vladislav)

They say: time flies, life is going Forward, etc. I do not notice. And time stands, and I stand. All the plans that my mind throws out, but return to me; I want to spit - I slam my face. (Kirkegore, Sieren)

Accurate definition of the plan: the choice of the direction of unpredictable abuses. (Kotharbin, Tadeush)

Dreams that come true - not dreams, but plans. (A.Vampilov)

The harder and graceful plan, the greater the chance that it fails. (Laws of Murphy)

The implementation of some plan is sometimes only because it is possible that the enemy considers it impossible. (Zechariah)

The only obstacle to the implementation of our plans for tomorrow may be niche today's doubts. (F.Rogovselt)

Plans are the dreams of knowledgeable people. (E.Fakehtersleben)

It is better for you not to promise, rather than promise and not fulfill. (Book of Ecclesiasta)

Trouble who wrapped up
The fact that I do not have strength.
(Abu Main Nasir Hosra)

The award for executed duty is the ability to fulfill the following. (Eliot, George)

Only having a program, you can count on superfrogram surprises. (Izhikovsky, Karol)

Two greatest tyrana on earth: case and time. (M. Merder)

The future is the space of opportunities, the space of our freedom. (Karl Jaspers)

Most of our life goes on mistakes and bad acts; A significant part flows in idleness, and almost always the whole life is that we do not what you need. (Lutions of Anne Seineka)

Life makes sense only as a task or debt. (Mazzini, Giuseppe)

The bad is the plan that cannot be changed. (Public cir)

When the paths of unequal, do not form together plans. (Confucius)

No one (...) is not equal to the prudent, thinking on the plan and leading it into execution. In reasoning, we are hard, and in the actions we give up fear. (Fucidide)

How the feeding changes the course, depending on the direction of the wind, so the lawyer changes its plan in the process, depending on changes during this process. (Quintilian)

The artist must draw his plan with fire, but to fulfill him with coolness. (Winkelman, Johann Joachim)

Before the battle, each plan is good, after the battle every plan is bad. (Gezhechye, Vladislav)

To accomplish a big and important work, two things are needed: a clear plan and limited time. (Hubbard, Elbert)

The task is to make a happy person - did not enter the plan of the creation of the world. (Freud, Sigmund)

It should not be proud of the random failures of the enemy. Confidence should be poured then only when plans are exceeded. (Fucidide)

Do not let the promises of the haze. Do not be angry with hops. Do not block plans in joyful excitation. Do not think about the upcoming affairs tired. (Hong Zychen)

So always in life: we are trying to build plans, preparing to one, and fate presents us quite another. Starting with an insatiable conqueror who is able to swallow the whole world, and ending with a humble blind man, whom the dog is leading, we are all toys of her whim. And, perhaps, the blind man who goes beyond the dog, follows a more true way and is less likely to be deceived in his expectations than the one, the first blinding with his whole retinue. (Boualers, Pierre-Augusten)

In order for a person to get at least some joy in the short cutting path to him, he should think and make plans to improve the situation not only for himself, but also for others, since the joy experienced by himself depends on how much It rejoices for others and how others are happy for him. (Driver, Theodore)

The brilliant plans are lucky on the designers, the performers are lucky to performers. (Burudzignan, Veslav)

Very rarely warp on a predetermined plan, but more often the war itself chooses paths and means depending on the circumstances. (Fucidide)

It is believed to believe that the planned plan will develop on a predetermined plan - it's like swing an adult in the baby cradle. (Burke, Edmund)

Some act according to the plan, - worldly people, others on the basis of the rules - moral, serious nature, are the third demonically. (Dilte, Wilhelm)

It's one thing - to follow in life a certain plan, another - the selected role. (Izhikovsky, Karol)

The future should be laid in the present. This is called the plan. Without him, nothing in the world can be good. (Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph)

In the morning I make plans, and I do stupidity in the afternoon. (Voltaire)

Even the oldest people feed hope and make up plans to somehow improve their position. (Leopard, Giacomo)

Dreams are plans in the mind, and plans are dreams on paper. (Gezhechye, Vladislav)

They say: time flies, life goes forward, etc. I do not notice. And time stands, and I stand. All the plans that my mind throws out, but return to me; I want to spit - I slam my face. (Kirkegore, Sieren)

Accurate definition of the plan: the choice of the direction of unpredictable abuses. (Kotharbin, Tadeush)

Dreams that come true - not dreams, but plans. (A.Vampilov)

The harder and graceful plan, the greater the chance that it fails. (Laws of Murphy)

The implementation of some plan is sometimes only because it is possible that the enemy considers it impossible. (Zechariah)

The only obstacle to the implementation of our plans for tomorrow may be niche today's doubts. (F.Rogovselt)

Plans are the dreams of knowledgeable people. (E.Fakehtersleben)

It is better for you not to promise, rather than promise and not fulfill. (Book of Ecclesiasta)

Trouble who wrapped up

The fact that I do not have strength.

(Abu Main Nasir Hosra)

The award for executed duty is the ability to fulfill the following. (Eliot, George)

Only having a program, you can count on superfrogram surprises. (Izhikovsky, Karol)

Two greatest tyrana on earth: case and time. (M. Merder)

The future is the space of opportunities, the space of our freedom. (Karl Jaspers)

Most of our life goes on mistakes and bad acts; A significant part flows in idleness, and almost always the whole life is that we do not what you need. (Lutions of Anne Seineka)

Life makes sense only as a task or debt. (Mazzini, Giuseppe)

Thoughts, aphorisms, quotes. Business, Career, Management Overscho Konstantin Vasilyevich



See also "Business Rules" (p.350)

To accomplish a big and important work, two things are needed: a clear plan and limited time.

Elbert Hubbard(1859–1915),

american writer

Plans - Nothing, planning - all.

Helmut background Moltke(1800–1891),

german Feldmarshal (inscription above the door of the Cabinet of the United States of the US Department of Defense)

Only having a program, you can count on superfrogram surprises.

Karol Izhikovsky(1873–1944),

polish writer and critic

Nothing is so surprising in people as common sense and action according to plan.

Ralph Emerson(1803–1882),

american writer

Plan your work and work on your plan.

American saying

A good plan today is better impeccable tomorrow.

"Pattone's Law"

Good plans are implemented precisely to the same extent as bad.

"Blair Observation"

The bad is the plan that cannot be changed.

Publishing Sir(I century BC),

In politics, operate with two, four or six-year cycles; But for business this is not enough. Here, planning should be operated longer - at least ten-year cycles.

Nelson Rockefeller(1908-1979), Governor of New York, Vice President of the United States

The more the state plans, the harder it becomes planning an individual.

Friedrich Hack(1899–1992),

austrian economist

I am a large admirer of Starina D. G. Bernema, who was engaged in regional planning Chicago and drawn motto over his fireplace: "Not a system of small plans." The big plan can always be reduced, and it is impossible to expand small.

Harry Truman(1884-1972), US President

"Long-term perspective" - \u200b\u200ba bad adviser in current affairs. In the long term we are all dead.

John Keynes.(1883-1946), British economist

Business plans can be something unusually important for bankers and investors, but if the company really followed them, we probably didn't know what the "compact", "Lotus" or "Ben and Jerry".

Eric Larson,

american economic publicist

Any smart person can make a victory plan in the war if he is not responsible for the implementation of this plan.

Winston Churchill(1874–1965),

british Prime Minister

The development of plans is a waste of time, if it is not entrusted to those who will fulfill them.

Henry Kissinger.(P.1923), US Secretary of State

In the morning I make plans, and I do stupidity in the afternoon.


french writer, philosopher enlightener

The term "calculated risk" means: "We are quite sure that our plan is crowned with success, but if he fails, we knew it in advance and warned about it."

James Terber(1894–1961),

american writer

Well-intended often poorly managed.

Publishing Sir(I century BC),

ancient Roman playwright and actor

No one is equal to the prudent, thinking on the plan and leading it into execution.

Fukidide(OK 460 - OK. 400 BC. er), ancient Greek historian

Victory often comes not to the one who made a glittering plan, but to the one who made less mistakes.

Charles de Gaulle(1890-1970), President of France

Accurate definition of the plan: the choice of the direction of unpredictable abuses.

Tadeush Kotharbinsky(1886–1981),

polish philosopher

The bridge is already scheduled, now plan the river.

Henrik Yagodzinka(P.1928),

polish writer

The brilliant plans are lucky on the designers, the performers are lucky to performers.

Vellas Brudzignansky(P.1920),

polish writer

Poorly planned project requires three times more time than expected; Carefully planned - only twice.

"Second Evaluation Law"

The plan differs from the dream only by the amount of consumed paper.

Vladislav Guezhegorchik,polish writer

On paper, everything looks good.

John Brown(P.1933), American Manager

and politician, Governor of Kentucky

Before the battle, each plan is good, after the battle every plan is bad.

Vladislav Gezhechye,polish writer

If at least half of our plans brought those results that we expected, we would only have to spend our money.

Bob EduardS(1864-1922), Canadian writer

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Planning Important Note:

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18. Tax planning of the relationship between the state and taxpayers can not be ignored, since today this problem is acute and most likely will be relevant for a very long time. The tougher tax law, the closer the connection between

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1.3.2. Planning actions Tank Although the useful load of modern UAVs can have the most diverse purpose, the main task when managing the functioning of the tank is to plan the flight path and piloting on these trajectories. Considering

From the book of the author

Planning See also "Business Rules" (p.350) To perform a big and important work, two things are necessary: \u200b\u200bClear Plan and Limited Time. Elbert Hubbard (1859-1915), American Writingplains - Nothing, Planning - All. Helm Mount (1800-1891), German Feldmarshal

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Planning the garden Planning of the garden - the task is not easy, especially for those who do this for the first time. The novice gardeners often seek to process the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe plot, so that it is all seeded. This leads to the fact that after a while most

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3.1. Pre-planning the structure of the planning and control system Consider in general features Our SEC is a planning and control system. It consists of two interconnected 1-level subsystems: goals and plans. More low levels

: No matter how much you. It is important to believe and it is important to have clear Plan.

Peter I Great:
All searchlights are bearer in need to be, in order not to block the treasury and the Fatherland does not blame damage. Whoever turns will be abubing how to bloat, that rank lush and whip tear Velu.
Mikhail Chigorin:
Even a bad plan is better than no plan.
Lev Tolstoy :
It was smooth on paper, but forgot about ravines, and walk on them!
Joseph Kobzon :
It is impossible to plan actions, it is a fit of the soul, which arises from the domestic state, from the internal state, from education.
Michael Bloomberg:
Do not build too many long-term plans.
Michael Bloomberg:
Do not build plans for the five-year plan and do not expect results from the "big jump."
Michael Bloomberg:
We act, starting from the first day, others are developing draft plan for months.
Michael Bloomberg:
If you want to succeed, develop a clear idea - feasible and satisfying customer needs.
Alfred Nobel:
There are two things that I never borrow - money and plans.
Angelina Jolie :
I always live with one point. I do not like to build plans for the future. Tomorrow everything may change - my life, my appearance surrounding me people, profession. Otherwise, it's boring to live.
Freddie Mercury :
If it is planned, it is boring.
Franklin Roosevelt:
The only obstacle to the implementation of our plans for tomorrow may be our today's doubts.
Ivan Urgant:
A small percentage of my internal filling is organs, everything else is creative plans.
Jennifer Aniston :
Do not build reinforced concrete plans. Always assume that circumstances may change.
Stas Yankovsky:
No plan is performed with such a zeal, as an evacuation plan.
Alan Jay Pearlis:
Everything needs to be designed from top to bottom, with the exception of the foundation from which you need to start.
Gustave Flaubert:
When the plan is too long and thoroughly built, it disappears as a result.
Danny Devito:
There are people with plans for life, there are people with plans for a year, there are people with plans for a month. I am something average between a person with plans for a week and man with plans for the day.
Ekaterina Spitza:
I do not plan anything at all. When I feel the moment, then everything will be ...


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