Parable happy unlucky. The parables about living with morality are short. Parables about the meaning of life

Indian parable

Once the padishah wanted to see with his own eyes apsara (the image of apsara is the Indian idea of \u200b\u200bideal femininity) and a witch. Birbal came to darbar, and the padishah told him about it. - This is not difficult. Wait a little, - said ...

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    The arithmetic of happiness Parable from Alexander Vyzhenko

    Once Starchik came to Poltava, sat down in Zeleny Gai, not far from the Assumption Cathedral, and began to shout out: - I sell wisdom; one Wisdom - a penny, for a penny - two! A rich man came up to him, and said: - I, - he says, - will give you a gold one, if you ...

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    Hey, Minotaur! Parable from Felix Krivin

    The minotaur walked through the maze. There was no exit. - Everything with me is not like people! - sighed the Minotaur, as usual exaggerating his misfortunes: his arms, legs, and body were just like those of people, only the head was like that of a bull, and he got it from ...

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    Without Hope and Fear Ancient Parable

    Once the Demonact was asked a question: - How, in your opinion, can you define happiness? - Only free is happy. When he was objected that there are many free, he said: - But I consider a free one who does not hope for anything and is not afraid of anything. - But such ...

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    ladybug Parable for children

    In the middle of the beautiful, bright world of God lived a little gray insect. All other insects were very proud of their bright colors and did not pay any attention to her, and the Colorado potato beetle even scoffed at her. The little bug was very sad. ...

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    Be happy! Parable of unknown origin

    A beggar stood by the road and begged for alms. A rider passing by hit the beggar in the face with a whip. He, looking after the retreating rider, said: - Be happy. The peasant who saw what had happened, hearing these words, asked: - Are you really so humble? - ...

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    Be happy

    A rich lady, passing by a poor house, heard cheerful laughter and told the servant: - Go find out what their holiday is. “This is the lumberjack's family,” the servant reported. - Today he sold firewood and fed everyone with porridge. So they are happy. “And my husband has business ...

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    View from above Parable from Alexander Bella

    The man asked God to show the way to happiness. God lifted him up so high that man saw many roads leading to what he was asking about. And so many that I was confused. The man examined them from above until he sank to the ground. Then he ...

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    Will of god Esoteric parable

    Once a very devout man asked God every day for temporary things. And when God did not fulfill his desire, he was offended, but he prayed again. And suddenly he heard a voice inside him. “My godly son, all life forms came from one point. All...

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    Memories of the music of happiness Parable from Alexandra Lopatina

    Once upon a time there was an old husband and wife. In their youth, they passionately loved each other. Every day the husband brought gifts to his beloved, then a field flower, and sometimes - a ring, bracelet or necklace. Then he took a harmonica out of his pocket and played merrily, and the young ...

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    Time for happiness Modern parable

    One lady was having dinner with her friend. At the next table, a very drunk and therefore excited person obsessively tried to strike up a conversation with them. Finally losing patience, the lady asked him to calm down. - Why on earth? he wondered. - I'm talking about...

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    This is unlikely to help you Parable from Alexander Bella about the teacher Amu

    The disputants turned to Amu with the question: "What is a person striving for?" The sage agreed to listen to them. Then the first one exclaimed: “I don’t understand what the argument is about! It is clear that fortunately! “Usually to avoid the worst,” said the other. - To knowledge, - confidently ...

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    The choice is yours Parable from Sergey Shepel

    Why are you angry and offended? Isn't it better to calm down and forgive? - asked the Teacher. - Why should I do him a favor and forgive him, he ... - the student wanted to justify himself. “Forgive me for interrupting you,” said the Teacher. - Let me ask ...

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    The choice of the cross Christian parable

    There was one simple-minded peasant who lived by the labor of his hands, but earned very little: he barely had enough to feed himself and his family. Once he went to the seashore, sat down on a stone and began to watch as large ships approached the pier with ...

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    Call The parable as narrated by Osho

    A little struggle is what it takes. You will only become richer through storm, lightning, thunder - just as through joy and happiness. This is an ancient parable, must be very ancient, because God still lived on earth in those days. One day a man came, an old farmer, ...

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    Where is my remote? Parable from Andrey Yakushev

  • The wise old Leo lay in the grass and basked in the sun. Little L'venok suddenly rushed past. He jumped, now and then circling around himself.

    What are you doing? - Leo asked lazily.

    I want to catch my tail! - answered the Lion.

    But why do you need ehthen? - Lev chuckled.

    They told me that my happiness was in the tail. If I catch myself by the tail, then I will catch my own happiness. Therefore, I have been running after my tail for the second day. However, it eludes me all the time.

    Yes, - grumbled the wise old King of Beasts, - once I, like you, ran after my happiness, but it all the time eluded me. Then I decided to leave this venture. Over time, I realized that it makes no sense to chase after happiness, since it always follows me. Wherever you are, your happiness is always with you ... You just need to remember this!

    Parable "Who creates happiness"

    God blinded a man out of clay, and he had an unused piece.

    - What else to blind you? God asked.

    - Blind me happiness, - asked the man.

    God did not answer, and only put the remaining piece of clay into the man's palm.

    Parable "The True Length of Life"

    One man was looking for the perfect place. He searched for a long time. And in a distant country he found a place where he felt good. He wandered around the city he liked so much and looked around. But when he wandered into the cemetery, he was horrified. On all the tombstones, the dates of death indicated that these people lived for two or three years, up to the hours lived. In fear, the man ran out of the city, but on the square he ran into an old man. The man shouted in horror: “You monsters! Are you killing your children? The old man showed him a little book, which hung around his neck on a chain, and said: - When our child reaches maturity, we give him such a book. And every moment, every minute or hour of real happiness in our life, each of us enters into this book. After death, we add up all these moments. And these are the real days of our life.

    The parable of freedom of choice

    “Once upon a time there was only one Teacher. This strange man remained happy all his life, the smile never left his face! His whole life was as if filled with the scent of a holiday ... And even on his deathbed he continued to laugh merrily. that he is enjoying the coming of death! ”His disciples sat around - bewildered, confused - and perplexed.

    And finally, one of them could not stand it and asked:

    - Teacher, why are you laughing? You have laughed all your life. But we did not dare to ask you how you manage it. And now we are completely confused. As you die, you continue to laugh! But what's so funny about that ?!

    And the old man answered: - Many years ago I came to my Teacher. I was young and stupid then, as you are now. I was only seventeen years old, and I was already a sufferer - exhausted and embittered with life. My Master was then seventy, and he laughed just like that, for no reason. I asked him: "How do you do it?" And he answered: "I am free in my choice. And this is my choice. Every morning, when I open my eyes, I ask myself: what will you choose today - bliss or suffering?" And so it turns out that since then I have chosen bliss every morning. But this is so natural! "

    Angel de Cuatie, Golden Section.

    Parable "Happy Hen"

    Once a thief got into someone else's chicken coop and stole a chicken. When he ran away, he knocked over the lamp, and the chicken coop caught fire. The chicken looked back and, seeing the fire of the fire, understood: he saved her life. When the thief fed the chicken with millet and bread, the chicken understood: he was taking care of her. When the thief wandered from city to city, hiding the chicken in his bosom, the chicken understood: he loved her. When the chicken saw that the thief brandished a knife, she realized: he wants to commit suicide. She jumped on the knife and covered the thief with her body. And she died happy.

    About coffee and life priorities

    A group of successful alumni who have made a remarkable career came to visit their old professor. Of course, soon the conversation turned to work - graduates complained of numerous difficulties and life problems. After offering coffee to his guests, the professor went into the kitchen and returned with a coffee pot and a tray laden with a variety of cups - china, glass, plastic, crystal - simple, expensive, and refined. When the graduates disassembled the cups, the professor said: If you noticed, all the expensive cups were disassembled. Nobody chose simple and cheap cups. The desire to have only the best for yourself is the source of your problems. Realize that a cup alone does not make coffee better. Sometimes it is just more expensive, and sometimes it even hides what we drink. What you really wanted was coffee, not a cup. But you deliberately chose the best cups .. And then looked at who got which cup. Now think: life is coffee, and work, money, position, society are cups. These are just tools for keeping Life. What kind of cup we have does not determine or change the quality of our Life. Sometimes, concentrating only on the cup, we forget to enjoy the taste of the coffee itself. Enjoy your coffee! "The happiest people don't have all the best. But they get the best out of what they have. Happiness is in wanting what you have. Not in having what you want.

    When one of founders of The Beatles John Lennon was young, his mother told him that happiness is the main thing in life. IN primary school the children were given the task of telling what they want to be when they grow up. John wrote Happy. The teachers said: "You don't understand the task!" The future great musician replied: "You don't understand life!"

    And he was right. Any person's dream is to be happy. But what kind of sensation is this, and how can one feel and maintain it?

    Let's try to find answers to questions using parables about happiness. After all, these short and wise stories answer the most important questions in life. And parables can also explain what happiness is.

    Parables about happiness

    The best selection of life stories.

    Make me happy

    God blinded a man out of clay, and he had an unused piece.
    - What else to blind you? God asked.
    - Blind me happiness, - asked the man.
    God did not answer, and only put the remaining piece of clay into the man's palm.

    Happiness in the pit

    Happiness roamed the world, and everyone who met him on the way made wishes come true. Once Happiness, through negligence, fell into a hole and could not get out of there. People came up to the pit and made their wishes, and Happiness fulfilled them. Nobody was in a hurry to help Happiness get upstairs.
    And then a young guy came up to the pit. He looked at Happiness, but did not demand anything, but asked: "What do you want, Happiness, what do you want?"
    "Get out of here," said Happiness.
    The guy helped him out and went his own way. And Happiness ... Happiness ran after him.

    Can happiness be bought?

    One day a woman had a dream that the Lord God was standing behind the counter of the store.
    - Lord! It's you? she exclaimed with joy.
    - Yes, it is I, - answered God.
    - What can I buy from you? the woman asked.
    “You can buy everything from me,” was the answer.
    - In that case, please give me happiness.
    God smiled benevolently and went into the back room for the ordered goods. After a while, he returned with a small paper box.
    - And it's all?! - exclaimed surprised and disappointed woman.
    “Yes, that's all,” God answered. “Didn't you know that my store only sells seeds?”

    The parable of science to be happy

    Once a sage walked along the road, admired the beauty of the world and enjoyed life. Suddenly he noticed an unhappy man hunched under unbearable burden.
    - Why do you doom yourself to such suffering? the sage asked.
    “I suffer for the happiness of my children and grandchildren,” the man replied. - My great-grandfather suffered all his life for the happiness of his grandfather, my grandfather suffered for the happiness of my father, my father suffered for my happiness, and I will suffer all my life, only so that my children and grandchildren become happy.
    - Was at least someone happy in your family? the sage asked.
    - No, but my children and grandchildren will definitely be happy! - answered the unfortunate man.
    - An illiterate cannot teach to read, and a mole cannot raise an eagle! - said the sage. - First, learn to be happy yourself, then you will understand how to make your children and grandchildren happy!

    Three ideas about happiness

    Once upon a time there were three friends in this world, and each dreamed of his own happiness. But they saw happiness in different ways. The first thought that happiness is wealth, the second thought that talent was happiness, and the third believed that happiness was a family.
    How long or short, but they all achieved their happiness. However, everything has an end. Before the hour of death, friends gathered to take stock. The first one said:
    - I was rich, but I did not experience happiness. I'm dying a miser and a misanthropist.
    The second said:
    - I was talented, but I did not experience happiness. I am leaving this life tormented by loneliness.
    The third said:
    - And I learned what happiness is. I am leaving, treated kindly by my loved ones and leaving the earth the most valuable thing - new people.

    The parable of the hidden happiness

    Once the gods gathered and decided to have some fun. One of them said:
    - Let's take something from people?
    After much thought, the other exclaimed:
    - I know! Let's take away their happiness! The only problem is where to hide it so they don't find it.
    The first one said:
    - Let's hide him at the top of the highest mountain in the world!
    “No, remember that they have a lot of strength, someone can climb up and find, and if they find one, everyone else will immediately know where happiness is,” answered the other.
    Then someone put forward a new proposal:
    - Let's hide it at the bottom of the sea!
    They answered him:
    - No, do not forget that they are curious, someone can design a scuba diving apparatus, and then they will definitely find happiness.
    “Let's hide it on another planet, away from Earth,” someone else suggested.
    - No, - they rejected his offer, - remember that we gave them enough intelligence, someday they will come up with a ship to travel the worlds, and they will discover this planet, and then everyone will find happiness. The oldest god, who remained silent throughout the conversation and only listened attentively to the speakers, said:
    “I think I know where happiness must be hidden so that they never find it.
    Everyone turned to him, intrigued, and asked:
    - Where?
    - Let's hide it inside themselves, they will be so busy looking for him outside that they would not even think of looking for him inside themselves.
    All the gods agreed, and since then people spend their entire lives in search of happiness, not knowing that it is hidden in themselves.

    Parable about happy people

    Once a group of former classmates, and now high-class professionals, successful, respected and rich people, gathered to visit their old beloved professor. They came to his house, and very soon the conversation turned to the incessant stress that both work and modern world, and in general life in general.
    The professor offered coffee to all his students and, having received consent, retired to the kitchen. He returned with a large coffee pot with surprisingly different coffee cups on a tray beside it. The cups were multi-colored, of different sizes. Among this company were expensive porcelain, and ordinary ceramic, and just clay, and glass, and plastic. They differed in shape, decor, ease of handles ... The professor arranged a coffee pot in the middle of the table and suggested that everyone choose a cup he liked and fill it with freshly brewed coffee. When the cups were disassembled and coffee was poured, the professor cleared his throat a little and quietly, with incredible warm benevolence, addressed his guests:
    - Did you notice that the most beautiful and expensive cups were sold first? Have the simplest and cheapest remained? This is normal, because everyone wants the best for themselves. In fact, this is in most cases the cause of the stress you mentioned. To continue, the cup did not add flavor or quality to the coffee. The cup only disguises or hides what we drink. You wanted coffee, not a cup, but instinctively you looked for the better one.
    Life is coffee. Work, money, social standing are just cups that shape and harbor life in something. And the type of cup does not determine or change the quality of the life we \u200b\u200blead. On the contrary, if we only concentrate on the cup, we stop enjoying coffee. Enjoy your coffee!
    Most happy people not those who have the best, but those who do the best with what they have. Remember.

    Parable about happiness and unhappiness

    One Chinese peasant lived his whole life in labor, did not make any good, but gained wisdom. He worked the land with his son from morning to night. Once the son said to his father:
    - Father, we are in misfortune, our horse is gone.
    - Why do you call it misfortune? - asked the father. - Let's see what time will tell.
    A few days later the horse returned and brought the horse behind it.
    - Father, what happiness! Our horse came back and brought a horse with it.
    - Why do you call it happiness? - asked the father, - Let's see what time will tell.
    After some time, the young man wanted to saddle the horse. The horse, not accustomed to carrying a rider, reared up and threw off the rider. The young man broke his leg.
    - Father, what a misfortune! I broke my leg.
    - Why do you call it misfortune? The father asked calmly. - Let's see what time will tell.
    The young man did not share his father's philosophy, and therefore politely remained silent and galloped on one leg to the bed.
    A few days later, the emperor's messengers arrived in the village with an order to take all capable young people to the war. They also came to the house of the old peasant, saw that his son could not move, and left the house.
    Only then did the young man understand that one can never be absolutely sure of what is happiness and what is unhappiness.
    It is always necessary to wait and see what time says about what is good and what is bad.
    This is how life works: what seemed bad turns into good and vice versa. It is best not to rush to conclusions, but to give time the opportunity to call things by their proper names. Better to wait until tomorrow. Anyway, everything that happens to us carries with it a positive beginning for our life experience.

    Happiness is the way

    We expect life to get better when we turn 18, when we get married, when we get the best place work, when we have a child, the second ...
    Then we feel tired, as our children grow up slowly, and we think that when they grow up, we will feel happy. As they become more independent and enter the transitional age, we complain that it is difficult to get along with them, and when they pass this period, it will become easier.
    Then we say that our life will get better when we finally buy a bigger house and a better car, we can go on vacation, we will retire ...
    The truth is, there is no better moment to feel happy. If not now, then when?
    It seems that life is about to begin, real life! But there is always one problem on the way, one unfinished business, one unpaid debt, which need a primary solution; and after that life will begin. And if we look closely, we see that these problems are endless. In fact, life consists of them.
    This helps us see that there is no path to happiness, happiness is the path. We should appreciate every moment, especially when we share it with someone dear, and remember that time does not wait for anyone.
    Don't wait until high school or college starts, when you lose 5 pounds, when you have children, when children go to school, get married, get divorced, New Years, Spring, Fall or Winter, next Friday, Saturday or Sunday, or the moment you die in order to be happy.
    Happiness is a path, not a destiny.
    Work like you don’t need money, love like you’ve never been hurt, dance like no one sees you.

    The parable of the search for happiness

    It was long ago, when the Lord created the earth, trees, animals and people. Man became the ruler over all of them, but when he was expelled from paradise and became unhappy, he asked the animals to bring him happiness.
    “Good,” said the animals, accustomed to obeying humans. And they went around the world in search of human happiness. They searched for a long time, but did not find his happiness, because they did not even know what it looked like. And so they decided to bring something that made them happy. The fish brought fins, tail, gills and scales. Tiger - strong legs, claws, fangs and nose. Eagle - wings, feathers, strong beak and sharp eye. But none of this made a person happy. And then the animals told him to go to seek his own happiness.
    Since then, every person walks the earth and seeks his own happiness, but few people realize to look for it in themselves.

    The big dog, seeing the puppy chasing its tail, asked:
    - Why are you chasing your tail like that?
    - I studied philosophy, - the puppy answered, - I solved the problems of the universe, which not a single dog had solved before me; I learned that the best for a dog is happiness and that my happiness is in the tail, so I chase after him, and when I catch him, he will be mine.
    - Sonny, - said the dog, - I was also interested in world problems and made up my opinion about it. I also realized that happiness is wonderful for a dog and that my happiness is in the tail, but I noticed that wherever I go, no matter what I do, he follows me.

    Once Happiness was walking through the forest and suddenly fell into a pit, sits in it and cries bitterly.
    A man walked past, Happiness heard steps and shouts from the pit:
    - Person! Kind! Get me out of here!
    - What will you give me for this? - the person asks.
    - And what do you want? - Happiness asked in response.
    - I want a big and beautiful house with a sea view, which is worth a million dollars ...
    Happiness gave a man a home, he was delighted and immediately retired in it, completely forgetting about helping Happiness. Happiness sits in the pit, crying even louder. A second person was walking by, he heard Happiness's footsteps and shouted to him:
    - Nice man! Get me out of here!
    - What will you give me for this? - he asks.
    - And what do you want?
    - I want a lot of beautiful and expensive cars, of a wide variety of brands.
    Everything that he asked for gave happiness to a person. And he was so happy that he immediately dashed off home - to run in his new cars ...
    Happiness has completely lost hope. Suddenly he hears a third person walking. Happiness called out to him:
    - Kind person! Get me out of here, please ... The man pulled Happiness out of the hole and went on. Stunned with joy, Happiness skipped after him and asked:
    - Buddy, what do you want for helping me?
    “I don’t need anything,” the strange man smiled. So since then, Happiness has been running after that person, never lagging behind him ...


    One day, three brothers saw Happiness sitting in a pit. One of the brothers went to the pit and asked Happiness for money. Happiness gave him money, and he left happy. Another brother asked beautiful woman... He immediately received it and ran away with her, beside himself with happiness. The third brother bent over the pit:
    - What do you need? - asked Happiness
    - What do you want? - asked the brother.
    - Get me out of here, - asked Happiness.
    Brother stretched out his hand, pulled Happiness out of the pit, turned and walked away. And Happiness followed him ...

    When one of the founders of The Beatles, John Lennon, was young, his mother told him that happiness is the main thing in life. In elementary school, children were given the task of telling what they want to be when they grow up. John wrote Happy. The teachers said: "You don't understand the task!" The future great musician replied: "You don't understand life!"

    And he was right. Any person's dream is to be happy. But what kind of sensation is this, and how can one feel and maintain it?

    Make me happy
    God blinded a man out of clay, and he had an unused piece.
    - What else to blind you? God asked.
    - Blind me happiness, - asked the man.
    God did not answer, and only put the remaining piece of clay into the man's palm.

    Happiness in the pit
    Happiness roamed the world, and everyone who met him on the way made wishes come true. Once Happiness, through negligence, fell into a hole and could not get out of there. People came up to the pit and made their wishes, and Happiness fulfilled them. Nobody was in a hurry to help Happiness get upstairs.
    And then a young guy came up to the pit. He looked at Happiness, but did not demand anything, but asked: "What do you want, Happiness, what do you want?"
    "Get out of here," said Happiness.
    The guy helped him out and went his own way. And Happiness ... Happiness ran after him.

    Can happiness be bought?
    One day a woman had a dream that the Lord God was standing behind the counter of the store.
    - Lord! It's you? she exclaimed with joy.
    - Yes, it is I, - answered God.
    - What can I buy from you? the woman asked.
    “You can buy everything from me,” was the answer.
    - In that case, please give me happiness.
    God smiled benevolently and went into the back room for the ordered goods. After a while, he returned with a small paper box.
    - And it's all?! - exclaimed surprised and disappointed woman.
    “Yes, that's all,” God answered. “Didn't you know that my store only sells seeds?”

    The parable of science to be happy
    Once a sage walked along the road, admired the beauty of the world and enjoyed life. Suddenly he noticed an unhappy man hunched over under an unbearable burden.
    - Why do you doom yourself to such suffering? the sage asked.
    “I suffer for the happiness of my children and grandchildren,” the man replied. - My great-grandfather suffered all his life for the happiness of his grandfather, my grandfather suffered for the happiness of my father, my father suffered for my happiness, and I will suffer all my life, only so that my children and grandchildren become happy.
    - Was there anybody happy in your family? the sage asked.
    - No, but my children and grandchildren will definitely be happy! - answered the unfortunate man.
    - An illiterate cannot teach to read, and a mole cannot raise an eagle! - said the sage. - First, learn to be happy yourself, then you will understand how to make your children and grandchildren happy!

    Three ideas about happiness
    Once upon a time there were three friends in this world, and each dreamed of his own happiness. But they saw happiness in different ways. The first thought that happiness is wealth, the second thought that talent was happiness, and the third believed that happiness was a family.
    Long or short, but they all achieved their happiness. However, everything has an end. Before the hour of death, friends gathered to take stock. The first one said:
    - I was rich, but I did not experience happiness. I'm dying a miser and a misanthropist.
    The second said:
    - I was talented, but I did not experience happiness. I am leaving this life tormented by loneliness.
    The third said:
    - And I learned what happiness is. I am leaving, being treated kindly by my loved ones, and leaving the earth the most valuable thing - new people.

    The parable of the search for happiness
    It was long ago, when the Lord created the earth, trees, animals and people. Man became the ruler over all of them, but when he was expelled from paradise and became unhappy, he asked the animals to bring him happiness.
    “Good,” said the animals, accustomed to obeying humans. And they went around the world in search of human happiness. They searched for a long time, but did not find his happiness, because they did not even know what it looked like. And so they decided to bring something that made them happy. The fish brought fins, tail, gills and scales. Tiger - strong legs, claws, fangs and nose. The eagle has wings, feathers, a strong beak and a sharp eye. But none of this made a person happy. And then the animals told him to go to seek his own happiness.
    Since then, every person walks the earth and seeks his own happiness, but few people realize to look for it in themselves.


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