Top 10 hardest metals in the world. The hardest metal - what is it like? By whom and when opened

Metals include substances that have specific, characteristic properties. At the same time, they take into account high plasticity and malleability, as well as electrical conductivity and a number of other parameters. Which of them is the most durable metal, you can find out from the data below.

About metals in nature

The word "metal" came to the Russian language from German. Since the 16th century, it has been found in books, although quite rarely. Later, in the era of Peter I, it began to be used more often, and then the word had a generalizing meaning "ore, mineral, metal." And only during the period of M.V. Lomonosov, these concepts were delineated.

In nature, metals are rarely found in pure form. Basically, they are part of various ores, and also form all kinds of compounds, such as sulfides, oxides, carbonates and others. In order to obtain pure metals, which is very important for their use in the future, they must be isolated and then purified. If necessary, metals are alloyed - special impurities are added in order to change their properties. Currently, there is a division into ferrous metal ores, which include iron, and non-ferrous ones. Precious or noble metals include gold, platinum and silver.

There are metals even in the human body. Calcium, sodium, magnesium, copper, iron - this is the list of these substances that are found in the greatest amount.

Depending on the further use, metals are divided into groups:

  1. Construction materials. They use both the metals themselves and their alloys significantly improved in properties. In this case, they value strength, impermeability to liquids and gases, and uniformity.
  2. Tool materials, most often referring to working part... Tool steels and carbides are suitable for this.
  3. Electrical materials. Such metals are used as good conductors of electricity. The most common of these are copper and aluminum. And also used as materials with high resistance - nichrome and others.

The toughest of metals

The strength of metals is called their ability to resist fracture under the influence of internal stresses that can arise when these materials are affected. external forces... It is also a property of a structure to retain its characteristics for a certain time.

Many alloys are quite strong and resistant not only to physical, but also to chemical influences, they do not belong to pure metals. There are metals that can be called the most durable. Titanium, which melts at temperatures above 1,941 K (1660 ± 20 ° C), uranium, a radioactive metal, refractory tungsten, boiling at a temperature of at least 5,828 K (5555 ° C). As well as others that have unique properties and are necessary in the process of manufacturing parts, tools and items for the most modern technologies... The five most durable of them include metals, the properties of which are already known, they are widely used in various sectors of the national economy and are used in scientific experiments and developments.

It is found in molybdenum ores and copper raw materials. Has high hardness and density. Very refractory. Its strength cannot be reduced even under the influence of critical temperature changes. It is widely used in many electronic devices and technical means.

A rare earth metal with a silvery-gray tint and shiny, crystalline formations at the fractures. Interestingly, beryllium crystals have a slightly sweet taste, which is why it was originally called "glucinium", which means "sweet". Thanks to this metal, new technology, which is used in the synthesis of artificial stones - emeralds, aquamarines, for the needs of the jewelry industry. Beryllium was discovered while studying the properties of beryl, a semi-precious stone. In 1828 the German scientist F. Wöller obtained metallic beryllium. It does not interact with X-ray radiation, therefore, it is actively used to create special devices. In addition, beryllium alloys are used in the manufacture of neutron reflectors and moderators for installation in a nuclear reactor. Its refractory and anticorrosive properties, high thermal conductivity make it an indispensable element for creating alloys used in aircraft construction and aerospace.

This metal was discovered in the middle Urals. M.V. wrote about him. Lomonosov in his work "The first foundations of metallurgy" in 1763. It is very widespread, its most famous and extensive deposits are located in South Africa, Kazakhstan and Russia (Ural). The content of this metal in ores varies greatly. Its color is light blue with a sheen. In its pure form it is very hard and works well enough. It serves as an important component for the creation of alloy steels, especially stainless steels, used in electroplating and aerospace industries. Its alloy with iron, ferrochrome is necessary for the production of metal-cutting tools.

This metal is considered valuable, since its properties are only slightly lower than those of noble metals. It has strong resistance to various acids and does not corrode. Tantalum is used in various structures and compounds, for the manufacture of products with complex shapes and as a basis for the production of acetic and phosphoric acids. The metal is used in medicine because it can be combined with human tissues. A heat-resistant alloy of tantalum and tungsten needs rocket industrybecause it can withstand temperatures of 2,500 ° C. Tantalum capacitors are installed on radar devices, used in electronic systems like transmitters.

Iridium is considered one of the most durable metals in the world. Silver-colored metal, very hard. It is classified as a platinum group metal. It is difficult to process and, moreover, refractory. Iridium practically does not interact with caustic substances. It is used in many industries. Including in jewelry, medical and chemical industries... Significantly improves the resistance of tungsten, chromium and titanium compounds in relation to acidic environments. Pure iridium is not a toxic material, but some of its compounds can be.

Despite the fact that many metals have decent characteristics, it is quite difficult to pinpoint exactly which is the most durable metal in the world. To do this, study all of their parameters, in accordance with various analytical systems. But at present, all scientists claim that iridium confidently occupies the first place in strength.

When talking about the toughest metals in the world, I immediately remember a medieval knight with a sword at the ready and in armor from the legendary damascus steel... It is her that many reasonably consider the most solid, durable, not amenable to either mechanical or chemical influences. But steel is not a pure metal, it consists of several components that have been processed to change the final properties of the finished product. Therefore, it cannot be called a substance with the highest hardness. What is the most durable metal on the planet?

10 Titanium

Titanium is at the 10th position in our ranking of the strongest metals in the world. It is highly durable solid silvery color with low density. Titanium is resistant to high temperatures, it does not lend itself to corrosion, is resistant to chemicals and is not afraid of mechanical damage. It is possible to melt titanium only at temperatures above 3200 degrees, and it boils after warming up to a temperature of 3300 degrees. The scope of application of this metal is wide and varied - from the military industry to medicine.

Titanium was discovered in the 18th century by English and German chemists, and named after the Titans - giant mythical creatures with unprecedented strength and other supernatural abilities.

For a long time, titanium was not used for industrial purposes, since they could not get around the natural fragility of this metal. It was possible to obtain it in its pure form only in the winter of 1925.


9th in the Top 10 is uranium. Its distinctive feature is weak radioactivity. Uranium occurs in nature both in its pure form and as a constituent element of sedimentary rocks. Among the main properties of this metal, it is necessary to highlight good flexibility and ductility, ductility, which allows it to be used in various industries.

Heat-treated uranium alloys are highly resistant to corrosion; products made from them do not change shape with temperature drops. That is why this metal was used until the mid-30s of the last century for the manufacture of tool steel, but later this technology was abandoned.


Tungsten is in 8th place in our ranking. This metal has amazing refractory properties that have no analogues. It boils at an incredibly high temperature - 5900 degrees. And this hard, silvery-gray metal with a characteristic shine is not afraid of even the most aggressive chemicals, easily takes shape during the forging process and is able to stretch without breaking into the finest thread. Tungsten filament - every person heard and saw about it. So this thread is made from tungsten.

From the German language, the word "tungsten" is translated as "wolf foam"
The metal was discovered by the Swedish chemist Karl Scheele in 1781

7 Rhenium

This silvery-white transition metal belongs to the category of expensive, it is indispensable in the manufacturing process of modern electronics and technology. The title of one of the most durable metals in the world, rhenium was awarded due to its hardness and density, which do not decrease even under the influence of temperature extremes. Rhenium is refractory, it is produced from molybdenum and copper ore. This process is rather complicated and labor-intensive, which explains the high cost of the finished metal. To obtain 1 kg of rhenium, 2 thousand tons of ore are needed, finished production of this metal is no more than 40 tons per year.

Rhenium was invented by famous German chemists Ida and Walter Noddack, and they named it after the picturesque river Rhine.

6 Osmium

The 6th position in our rating is given to osmium - the strongest metal in the world, belonging to the platinum group and characterized by an incredible density. By analogy with most platinum metals, osmium is refractory and hard, but at the same time it is fragile; not afraid of mechanical damage and exposure to aggressive substances.

A distinctive feature of osmium is its silvery-white color with a subtle bluish tinge and a rather unpleasant odor (something reminiscent of a combination of garlic and bleach). In its pure form, in nature, this metal is not found, very rarely it can be found in conjunction with iridium, and even then only in some regions of Siberia, Canada, the United States and South Africa. Osmium is scarce, so it is extremely expensive and is used only where colossal investments in its production are justified. This metal is used in electronics, space and chemical industries, and in surgery. It is the main ingredient in the production of the rare drug cortisone.

Osmium is the most expensive metal in the world. The price for 1 gram can reach 200 thousand dollars.


Beryllium has a light gray color, is characterized by hardness, fire resistance, good thermal conductivity and toxicity. Metal is mined from rocks, is widely used modern science... It is irreplaceable in the aerospace and aviation industries, in nuclear power engineering and in metallurgy.


Chromium is the most abundant of the hardest metals in the world, products made from

which is sure to be found in every home. It is durable, resistant to aggressive environments, has a pale blue color and characteristic shine. Chromium is widespread in nature in the form of chromium iron ore, it is used in almost all industries, it is added to the composition of other metals to give them additional hardness, corrosion resistance and improve their appearance. Chrome details of interior items, plumbing fixtures and household appliances become an excellent decoration for every home.

The melting point of chromium is 1907 degrees, it boils at a temperature of 2671 degrees. In its pure form, chromium is very viscous and viscous, but in combination with oxygen it becomes brittle and super hard.


Tantalum is the 3rd place in our rating, it deserves a "bronze medal" as one of the strongest metals on the planet. Silver tantalum with a characteristic lead luster, is distinguished by increased hardness and surprising density. Along with refractoriness, strength, resistance to rust and aggressive chemical attack, this metal is characterized by plasticity. It can be easily machined, which is highly valued in the chemical industry and metallurgy. Metal is indispensable during the construction of nuclear reactors, it is the main element of heat-resistant alloys.

2 Ruthenium

Ruthenium is silvery in color, characterized by a unique feature - the presence of living creatures in the muscle tissue fragments. According to scientists, it was such an unusual composition that influenced the properties of the metal and made it super strong.
Ruthenium is not only strong and solid - it is also chemically stable, can enter into complex compounds and plays the role of a catalyst for chemical reactions. The properties of this metal described above make it indispensable in the manufacture of various wiring and contacts, laboratory glassware... Metal is also in demand in jewelry. As for the production of ruthenium itself, it is almost entirely concentrated in the Republic of South Africa.

Most of the elements in the periodic table are metals. They differ in physical and chemical characteristics, but have common properties: high electrical and thermal conductivity, plasticity, positive temperature. Most metals are solid under normal conditions, there is one exception to this rule - mercury. The hardest metal is chromium.

In 1766, a previously unknown deep red mineral was discovered at one of the mines near Yekaterinburg. He was given the name "Siberian red lead". The modern name for this is "crocoite", its PbCrO4. The new mineral has attracted the attention of scientists. In 1797, the French chemist Vauquelin, conducting experiments with him, isolated a new metal, later called chromium.

Chromium compounds are brightly colored in a variety of colors. For this he got his name, because in translation from Greek "chrome" means "paint".

In its pure form, it is a silver-bluish metal. It is the most important component of alloyed (stainless) steels, giving them corrosion resistance and hardness. Chromium is widely used in electroplating, for applying a beautiful and durable protective coating, as well as in leather processing. Rocket parts, heat-resistant nozzles, etc. are made from alloys. Most sources claim that chrome is the most hard metal of all existing on. The hardness of chromium (depending on the experimental conditions) reaches 700-800 units on the Brinell scale.

Although chromium is considered the hardest metal on earth, it is only slightly inferior in hardness to tungsten and uranium.

How chromium is obtained in industry

Chromium is found in many minerals. The richest deposits of chrome ores are located in South Africa (South Africa). There are many chrome ores in Kazakhstan, Russia, Zimbabwe, Turkey and some other countries. The most widespread is chromium iron ore Fe (CrO2) 2. Chromium is obtained from this mineral by firing in electric furnaces over a layer of coke. The reaction proceeds according to the following formula: Fe (CrO2) 2 + 4C \u003d 2Cr + Fe + 4CO.

The hardest metal from chromium iron ore can be obtained in another way. For this, the mineral is first fused with soda ash, resulting in the formation of sodium chromate Na2CrO4. Then, after acidifying the solution, chromium is transferred to dichromate (Na2Cr2O7). Basic chromium oxide Cr2O3 is obtained from sodium dichromate by calcining with coal. On final stage, after the interaction of this oxide with aluminum at a high temperature, pure chromium is formed.

Can you imagine what would have happened if our ancestors had not discovered important metals such as silver, gold, copper and iron? We would probably still live in huts, using stone as our main tool. It was the strength of the metal that played important role in shaping our past and now work as the foundation upon which we build the future.

Some of them are very soft and literally melt in the hands like. Others are so hard that they cannot be bent, scratched or broken without the use of special equipment.

And if you are wondering which metals are the hardest and strongest in the world, we will answer this question, taking into account various estimates of the relative hardness of materials (Mohs scale, Brinell method), as well as such parameters as:

  • Young's modulus: takes into account the elasticity of an element in tension, that is, the ability of an object to resist elastic deformation.
  • Yield Strength: Determines the maximum tensile strength of a material, after which it begins to exhibit plastic behavior.
  • Tensile strength: Ultimate mechanical stress, after which the material begins to break.

This metal has three advantages at once: it is durable, dense and very resistant to corrosion. In addition, this element belongs to the group of refractory metals such as tungsten. To melt the tantalum you will need to build a fire at 3,017 ° C.

Tantalum is mainly used in the electronics sector to make durable, heavy duty capacitors for phones, home computers, cameras, and even electronic devices in cars.

But it is better not to approach this handsome metal man without protective equipment. Because beryllium is highly toxic and has carcinogenic and allergic effects. If you breathe in air containing dust or beryllium vapors, beryllium disease occurs, affecting the lungs.

However, beryllium is not only harmful, but also beneficial. For example, add only 0.5% beryllium to steel and you get springs that are resilient even when brought to red heat. They can withstand billions of load cycles.

Beryllium is used in the aerospace industry to create heat shields and guidance systems, to create refractory materials. And even the LHC's vacuum tube is made of beryllium.

This naturally occurring radioactive material is very widespread in the earth's crust, but concentrated in certain solid rock formations.

One of the hardest metals in the world has two commercially significant uses - nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors... Thus, the end products of the uranium industry are bombs and radioactive waste.

As a pure substance, iron is not as solid compared to other participants in the rating. But because of minimum costs for mining, it is often combined with other elements to produce steel.

Steel is a very strong alloy of iron and other elements such as carbon. It is the most commonly used material in construction, mechanical engineering and other industries. And even if you have nothing to do with them, you still use steel every time you cut food with a knife (if it is not ceramic, of course).

Titanium is almost synonymous with toughness. It has an impressive specific strength (30-35 km), which is almost double that of alloy steels.

As a refractory metal, titanium is highly resistant to heat and abrasion, making it one of the most popular alloys. For example, it can be doped with iron and carbon.

If you need a very solid and at the same time very light construction, then there is no better metal than titanium. This makes it the number one choice for various parts in aircraft, rocket and shipbuilding.

This is very much, which, although it is found in nature in its pure form, usually comes in a "weight" - an impurity to molybdenite.

If the Iron Man suit were made of rhenium, it could withstand temperatures of 2000 ° C without losing strength. We will keep silent about what would become of Iron Man himself inside the suit after such a "fire show".

Russia is the third country in the world in terms of natural reserves of rhenium. This metal is used in petrochemical industry, electronics and electrical engineering, as well as for the creation of aircraft and rocket engines.

On the Mohs scale, which measures the resistance of chemical elements to scratches, chromium is in the top five, second only to boron, diamond and tungsten.

Chromium is prized for its high corrosion resistance and hardness. It is easier to handle than platinum group metals and is more abundant, which is why chromium is a popular element used in alloys such as stainless steel.

And one of the hardest metals on earth is used in dietary supplements. Of course, you will not be taking pure chromium internally, but its food compound with other substances (for example, chromium picolinate).

Like its "brother" osmium, iridium belongs to the platinum group metals, and by appearance resembles platinum. It is very hard and refractory. To melt the iridium, you will need to build a fire above 2000 ° C.

Iridium is considered one of and also one of the most corrosion resistant elements.

This “tough nut” in the metal world belongs to the platinum group and has a high density. In fact, it is the densest natural element on Earth (22.61 g / cm3). For the same reason, osmium does not melt up to 3033 ° C.

When alloyed with other platinum group metals (such as iridium, platinum, and palladium), it can be used in many different applications where hardness and durability are required. For example, to create containers for storing nuclear waste.

1. Tungsten

The most durable metal found in nature. This rare chemical element is also the most refractory metal (3422 ° C).

It was first discovered in the form of an acid (tungsten trioxide) in 1781 by the Swedish chemist Karl Scheele. Further research led two Spanish scientists, Juan José and Fausto d'Elhuyar, to the discovery of an acid from the mineral wolframite, from which they subsequently isolated tungsten using charcoal.

In addition to its widespread use in incandescent lamps, tungsten's ability to work in extreme heat makes it one of the most attractive elements in the arms industry. During World War II, this metal played an important role in initiating economic and political relations between European countries.

Tungsten is also used to make hard alloys and in the aerospace industry to make rocket nozzles.

Tensile strength table of metals

MetalDesignationUltimate strength, MPa

Alloys against metals

Alloys are combinations of metals and the main reason for creating them is to obtain a stronger material. The most important alloy is steel, which is a combination of iron and carbon.

The higher the strength of the alloy, the better. And ordinary steel is not a "champion" here. Alloys based on vanadium steel seem to be especially promising for metallurgists: several companies produce versions with a tensile strength of up to 5205 MPa.

At the moment, the strongest and hardest biocompatible material is titanium alloy with β-Ti3Au gold.

At the mention of the word "metal", for sure, everyone draws in their imagination a hard, durable and super strong sheet of iron, which cannot be simply bent or broken. However, metals are very different. And if you are wondering which metal is the most durable in the world, then we will provide you with a reliable answer and tell you about such a metal. It is a silvery-white material called titanium.

Who opened it and when?

Two scientists worked on the discovery of this metal at once - the Englishman W. Gregory and the German M. Claptor. They discovered this element at the end of the eighteenth century, but six years apart. Titanium appeared in the periodic table under the twenty-second serial number immediately after the discovery of the metal by scientists. However, due to its high fragility, titanium was not used for a long time. And in 1925. Dutch physicists made a real discovery, highlighting the purest titanium, which combines many advantages. The metal began to be distinguished by high manufacturability, excellent specific strength, corrosion resistance and incredible strength when exposed to high temperature conditions.

Main characteristics of titanium

The most durable metal in the world, created by scientists in 1925, is incredibly ductile, which allows you to create sheets, rods, ribbons, pipes, wires and foil from it. Titanium is four times harder than iron and copper in hardness, and titanium is twelve times harder than aluminum in this parameter. Titanium products retain their strength even when exposed to high temperatures. Titanium parts are able to serve for a long time under the influence of ultra-high loads.

Also, the most durable metal on Earth has excellent anti-corrosion properties. For example, a titanium plate immersed in sea water has not been exposed to rust for ten years. There is an increased interest in this metal among electrical engineers and radio electronics - and all because the world's strongest metal has significant electrical resistance and is distinguished by non-magnetic properties.

Why was this metal called "titanium"?

There are two versions of the origin of its name. According to one of them, it is believed that the silver-white metal was named after the fairy queen of Titania, who is known from Germanic mythology. And all because the material, in addition to high strength, is also incredibly light. According to another version, the metal is named after the mighty children of the goddess Gaia - the Titans. It is difficult to judge which of these versions is more plausible, but it can be noted that each of them is remarkable and has a place to be.

Titanium application

The use of silver metal is quite widespread. It is used in the military industry (construction of missiles, armor for aircraft, hulls for submarines, etc.), medicine (prosthetics), automotive, agricultural industry, manufacturing mobile phones and the production of jewelry.

Even lighter and more durable

Quite recently, Californian scientists announced to the whole world that they had discovered the lightest and strongest metal. It is a liquid metal that is made from a mixture of graphene oxide and lyophilized carbon. Liquid metal has already received high marks from specialists and has established itself as an ideal material for casting and stainless steel.

The new metal is so light that flower petals can hold it. As you know, graphene is distinguished not only by its lightness and high strength, but also by excellent flexibility. Therefore, scientists today are engaged in developments in the direction of creating an ultralight material, and perhaps in the near future even more unique materials will appear before mankind.


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