Organization of the manufacture of plastic fittings. Technology for the production of PVC pipes. Download a ready-made business plan for the production of polymer pipes with financial calculations and an Excel financial model

Consider the topic of the manufacture of polypropylene pipes and fittings for pipes of water supply and heating, it is necessary with a preliminary detailed description of the materials used for production.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings have a lot of advantagesthat distinguish them from steel analogues:

  • they are much easier;
  • do not give in to influence of corrosion;
  • do not overgrow inside during use;
  • do not create vibration and rumbling, as well as other noise;
  • do not burst when the water in the system freezes;
  • do not carry out an electric charge;
  • do not need painting;
  • very easy to use.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings can work for more than a dozen years. This is an environmentally friendly product that is successfully used for pipelines of any level of complexity. Therefore, their production and manufacture is widely established throughout the world.

The use of fittings with chrome and brass inserts allows combine these blanks with steel pipes.

The construction of these materials comes out very tight, and this application brings tangible economic benefits.

A bit about polypropylene

Polypropylene is the starting material for the polymerization of propylene and ethylene in specific quantities. The resulting material is called a random copolymer PPRC.

On the domestic market today there is no worthy analogue of foreign polymers. We use Finnish RA 130E BOREALIS and Hungarian TIPPLEN CS4-8000 TVK for the manufacture of polypropylene pipes.

The essence of the pipe manufacturing process is simple, and it is not very time-consuming. Speaking about it, the following features should be highlighted:

  • low energy costs in the manufacture;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • for the production, installation and use of one complete line for the production of polypropylene pipes and fittings do not need a lot of space (this is approximately 100 m 2);

Polypropylene pipe rolling extrusion line is a complete cycle of extrusion, calibration, cooling, hoods, etc.

Raw material for work

Lines for manufacturing pipes from plastic, in addition to the extruder, also have such equipment:

  1. Feed system.
  2. A machine that cuts workpieces.
  3. Capacity for calibration and cooling.
  4. Pulling mechanism.
  5. Mixer.
  6. Conveyor belt.
  7. Vacuum forming.
  8. The accumulating mechanism that performs the stacking of blanks.

Raw material selection

When choosing raw materials, opt for granular polymer, but you need to carefully look at its expiration date.

And polypropylene and polyethylene practically do not limit these indicators, which makes it more convenient to use.

From an economical point of view, an advantageous copolymer and HDPE.

IMPORTANT! Upon opening own production for the manufacture of polypropylene pipes and fittings, it is advised to maintain cooperation with one supplier. Because the change of raw materials requires a change of equipment for the production of polypropylene products.

Manufacturing process

The main equipment that processes raw materials and turns it into a polypropylene pipe or fitting is called an extruder. And directly the manufacture itself takes place in the following sequence:

  • Raw materials for the manufacture of pipes and fittings are fed into a special chamber. It is small granules or comes in the form of chips. Also, secondary raw materials that have undergone preliminary processing (grinding) are often taken into operation. Recycled materials are mixed with the main.
  • Using electric or gas heating, the poured mass is melted. Temperature indicators in this case range from 230 to 250 degrees. But he does not turn into a liquid, but only becomes viscous. To prevent this viscous heated mass from sticking to the walls of the apparatus, they are coated with Teflon.
  • Next, the extruder from the thick mixture extrudes the workpiece to the set size. Typically, the length of the workpiece is two and a half meters. The equipment performs all these actions very quickly and absolutely offline. Human intervention is only required to set the right parameters for the job. The most good equipment for the production of polypropylene pipes and fittings, it is capable of producing up to 200 kg of products per hour of work.
  • The next step is the cooling of the workpieces. To do this, they are placed in a container for cooling. The cooling process takes place in a couple of minutes. Then it excellently holds the set dimensions. In the cooling tank, plastic lends itself to the formation process, during the process the material is thoroughly rounded and gains the necessary shapes.
  • At the end technological process production, marking is applied to the products, which displays the parameters of the operation of the products, here is the batch number and the date of manufacture of the product. Then the blanks are packaged, packaged and sent to warehouses or to consumers.

Often they are produced in those enterprises, as pipes.

Only for the production of polypropylene fittings have to install additional equipment (machine).

It does not occupy a large amount of space, but it makes it possible to increase the range of products. For companies it becomes an important factor, especially in conditions of high competition.

The main problems and difficulties of production

Almost all countries of the world produce building materials. This also applies to polypropylene pipes and other plastic products, the manufacture of which has been excellently established in Russia.

The main problem of the industry lies in the fact that domestic investors are not very actively financing the purchase of new modern equipment.

Many enterprises have to act on old technologies that are losing their relevance at the moment.

One-time capital expenditures could be the key to obtaining high profit in future. But, they do not. Therefore, they cannot create worthy competition to foreign analogues.

There are no external differences when comparing our and foreign polypropylene products. But, practical use shows different results.

Domestic workpieces do not tolerate wear that much, are not so durable, and often have surprises in the form of marriage that cause a breakthrough.

For the reasons stated above, consumers often prefer more expensive, but high-quality products from German and Turkish manufacturers.

And in the end it must be added that the manufacture of polypropylene pipes was turned into an automated production, which does not require huge energy and labor costs. Also, this production has almost no waste and does not harm the environment.

PVC pipe products are widely used in many areas modern life. The reason for its demand is the excellent quality of products. How are PVC pipes produced, and what raw materials and equipment are used for this?

They are used when laying pipelines designed to move almost any medium - gases, liquids and chemicals. Polyvinyl chloride pipes and PVC connecting elements are used in the construction of residential facilities and production plants.

In the construction of houses, plastic products are used in the laying of utilities, including the outer sections of highways - these are sewer and water networks, as well as drainage structures.

Such pipes are resistant to aggressive environments, they can be operated in various temperature conditions, they are easily mounted. Pipelines laid out of them have a long service life.

Materials for the production of PVC pipes

The raw material for the manufacture of PVC pipes is granular polymer. They are produced by extrusion.

In order to give the pipe products of some properties, the following is added to the composition of the components:

  • catalysts - chemicals that accelerate the polymerization process;
  • inhibitors - cause a delay or slowdown in reactions;
  • stabilizers - special substances that provide polymers with stability and inhibit their aging;
  • plasticizers - relate to special additives that give plastic materials plasticity and elasticity;
  • antistatic - they are introduced in order to prevent the occurrence of a charge of static electricity;
  • pigments - give the finished product the desired color.

In addition to the above additives, other components that sometimes affect the properties of the final product are sometimes included in polymer raw materials.

Equipment for the manufacture of PVC pipes

To organize the work process, you will need equipment for the production of PVC pipes, including:

  1. Bunkerwhere prepared raw materials fall asleep.
  2. Extruder - thanks to this apparatus, the extrusion process is carried out.
  3. Bathtubs. Relate to installations in which products are cooled and calibrated.
  4. Scissors guillotine or disk cutters - with their help they perform pipe cutting.

In addition to this equipment, depending on the type of products manufactured, manufacturers of PVC pipes can use additional mechanisms and devices, for example, a hydraulic stacker.

Technology of pipe production

The process of manufacturing PVC pipes is simple, it is not time-consuming, not energy-consuming and safe for the environment. All equipment necessary for the organization of production will easily fit on an area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 100 squares.

The extrusion production line operates in a continuous and complete cycle consisting of the following steps:

  1. Extrusion.
  2. Pipe calibration.
  3. Cooling products in bathrooms.
  4. Exhaust pipe.
  5. Cutting products to the desired length.
  6. Stacking finished products in stacks.

The manufacturing technology of products at the PVC pipe plant is as follows:

  1. Granular plastic raw materials are poured into a hopper having a screw-shaped screw and heating elements.
  2. During rotation in the hopper, the raw material is heated to the required temperature.
  3. The polymer in the molten state is fed into the extrusion head.
  4. To form the product, use forms having a certain size of the outer and inner diameters.
  5. After extrusion is completed, a plasticized workpiece is obtained.
  6. Then the pipe is fed into a vacuum calibrator (bath) for calibration. The equipment for this process is a three-meter closed tank, inside which a vacuum is created using a vacuum pump.
  7. The workpiece, passing through the diaphragm of the calibrator, moves to the next chamber. It is a cooling bath where there is rarefied air.
  8. To evenly stretch the product, a pulling device is used, which can be a caterpillar or tape type.
  9. Products are cut using a guillotine or circular saw.
  10. At the final stage of the process finished goods get into the machine called a stacker, stacking the manufactured products on special racks.

Scope of use of PVC pipes

Extruded pipe products can be used to equip:

  • pipelines supplying household gas;
  • water supply systems;
  • designs of discharge of drains and atmospheric precipitation;
  • processing lines for transporting chemicals;
  • highways used for production purposes.

PVC pipes can perform a protective function when installing electrical wiring and communication cables.

Depending on the purpose, PVC pipe products can be pressureless and pressure head. In the first case, the pipes serve to move the fluid through them by gravity, and in the second, the contents are supplied under pressure. Currently, the widespread production of PVC sewer pipes of non-pressure type.

Features of the installation process

Work on laying pipes made of PVC is simple and does not require the purchase of special equipment.

Installation is carried out in two ways:

  1. By bonding with rubber seals and silicone grease.
  2. By gluing products using special adhesives. The resulting compound is reliable, because the polymer molecules penetrate from one to another connected product.

When organizing the production of PVC pipes, the costs of acquiring equipment and other activities usually pay off within one year.

PVC pipes are pioneers among polymer pipes, which began their journey more than half a century ago in the countries of America and Europe. In the domestic market, PVC pipes have gained popularity very slowly. This is due to both consumer conservatism and the lack of a full regulatory framework that allows the widespread use of PVC pipes in housing and communal services.

Slowly but surely, pipes from polymers of this group are constantly expanding their sector in the pipe market due to the improvement of the quality characteristics of pipelines. This is achieved thanks to the emergence of not only innovative technologies for the production of PVC pipes, but also new ways of installing pipeline networks.

The raw material for the production of PVC pipes is granular PVC polymer.

To create the full range of required properties, a number of additives are used in the manufacture of this product:

  • catalysts that accelerate the course of the polymerization reaction;
  • inhibitors used to slow down unwanted processes;
  • stabilizers imparting stability to the obtained polymer;
  • plasticizers providing the polymer with the necessary plasticity parameters;
  • antistatic additives help eliminate static charges;
  • pigments make it possible to obtain the desired color of the manufactured pipe.

Other components can be added to the standard composition to give products specific properties. Additives are usually produced abroad.

Equipment for the production of PVC pipes

The extrusion line for the production of PVC pipes provides a continuous cycle consisting of the stages of extrusion (forcing the material through the forming hole), calibration and cooling in the bathtubs, drawing, cutting the pipe to a predetermined length and laying the finished product.

The extrusion line includes:

  • an extruder consisting of an extrusion head and a granular feed system;
  • bathtubs designed to calibrate and cool pipes;
  • pulling device;
  • a mechanism for cutting the resulting pipe into measured lengths - disk cutters or guillotine shears;
  • stacker or automatic coiler of small diameter pipes.

The extrusion head may have a structural solution in the form of a single unit with a flange for fixing to the material cylinder. It consists of the following elements: housing, matrix, divider, holder.

The matrix is \u200b\u200bcentered relative to the position of the mandrel with the help of adjusting bolts. The uniformity of the pipe wall thickness in diameter depends on the alignment accuracy.

The German company "Krauss Maffei" specializes in the production of high-performance extrusion lines for the production of pressure and non-pressure PVC pipes. The largest PVC pipe production plant in Russia, Hemkor PJSC uses several such lines. The quality of products manufactured by the plant has increased due to the introduction of a gravimetric dosing system for raw polymer.

PVC pipe extrusion technology

The process of manufacturing pipes from polymers is relatively simple, environmentally friendly, requires little labor and electric energy. The area required for the installation and operation of a complete line for the production of polymer pipes is only about 100 m2.

The production of PVC pipes begins with filling granular polymer into the hopper
extruder. In an extruder, a screw rotating inside a material cylinder made of high-quality nitrided steel mixes the incoming granulate. During rotation, the material is heated to a predetermined temperature.

The molten polymer is fed into the extrusion head, where the following are forming elements of cylindrical surfaces:

  • mandrel - he is responsible for the formation of the inner diameter,
  • a matrix involved in forming the outer diameter.

At the exit of the extrusion head, a plasticized preform is obtained in the form of a pipe. To give the pipe billet the required values \u200b\u200bof the outer and inner diameters, ensuring a uniform diameter wall thickness, it is calibrated in a vacuum calibrator (bath).

The calibrator is a three-meter-long stainless steel tank with rubber cuffs installed at the ends to ensure tightness.

The device for calibrating the outer diameter is located in the front of the bath and is a stainless steel cylinder with a central hole, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the pipe. Through the diaphragm of the calibrating device, the pipe enters the cooling bath, in which vacuum is also maintained.

For uniform stretching of the pipe, caterpillar or belt-type pulling devices are used. Pipe cutting is carried out with circular saws or guillotine shears. At the end of the line there are devices for laying products on a special rack or for winding pipes of small diameter. These devices can operate in both manual and automatic modes.

The production of PVC sewer pipes, which are classified as pressureless, can be focused on the manufacture of pipes with a single-layer wall (monolithic pipes) or with a three-layer. The outer layers of a three-layer pipe are made of primary non-volatile PVC. The intermediate layer has a porous structure, and is produced either from its own secondary NPVC or from an external secondary polymer.

The production of PVC corrugated pipes is most often carried out by twin-screw extrusion of double-layer pipes. The inner surface is smooth cylindrical, the outer is corrugated wavy. Both walls are made simultaneously by the hot method and form a single monolithic structure. The cavities formed between the outer and inner walls facilitate the construction of the pipe. The outer corrugated wall contributes to the achievement of the required ring stiffness.

Process innovation

One of the innovations in the production of PVC pipes is the production of biaxially oriented pipes. This product has high rates impact strength and others mechanical characteristics with a simultaneous decrease in wall thickness, weight of the pipe, and, consequently, its cost.

Currently, two methods of biaxial orientation of PVC pipes are used:

  • The two-stage batch method consists in extruding the product and its subsequent biaxial orientation in two different plants. This production is quite energy-intensive and labor-intensive, but it makes it possible to obtain products of very high quality.
  • In the second method, extrusion with orientation in both directions is carried out on the same line. This production requires high qualifications, it is unprofitable in small-scale production.

Since the manufacture of PVC pipe is not too complicated and time-consuming process, and the demand for such products is constantly growing, this direction is promising for those who want to organize their own business. The payback time of invested funds depends on the degree of workload of the equipment. With a 50% loading of the extrusion line, the costs pay off in about a year.


Appointment and scope of polypropylene pipes:

Universal sewer polypropylene pipes with a nominal outer diameter of 110 to 160 mm, designed for:

in domestic sewage systems of buildings at a maximum temperature of permanent effluents of 80 ° C and short-term (within 1 minute) effluents with a temperature of up to 95 ° C, with a maximum flow rate of 30 l / min .;

in external sewage systems with a laying depth corresponding to the stiffness class;

in drainage systems and storm sewers.

When using sewer polypropylene pipes in outdoor sewage systems, their advantages are fully realized in comparison with pipes made from traditional materials (steel, cast iron, etc.) and modern plastics.

By the combination of properties, it is polypropylene pipes and fittings that are the most optimal solution for outdoor and storm sewage systems of small diameters.

Advantages and features:

heat resistance wastewaterup to 95 ° C;

high chemical resistance to the action of most aggressive environments, under the influence of which traditional materials corrode and age;

no cracking under the influence of surface-active substances (detergents), which is especially important when used in household sewage systems;

pipes made of polymeric materials do not conduct current, which compares them favorably with steel and cast-iron pipes, which in the conditions of proximity of cable routes (in cities and industrial zones) are subject to accelerated aging under the influence of electrochemical corrosion;

high resistance to waterjet wear, which makes it expedient to use PP pipes for transporting liquids containing solid particles;

low roughness coefficient makes it possible to use minimal slopes, almost no pipe overgrowing;

resistance to impact at low temperatures is an important advantage during installation and repair work.

Polypropylene pipes, unlike PVC pipes, have significantly higher impact resistance at low temperatures. The ring stiffness of polypropylene pipes should be at least 4 kN / m2, i.e. pipes have a stiffness class of SN 4.
The pipe stiffness class is the main parameter determining the maximum depth of the pipeline. The maximum laying depths of a non-pressure pipeline made of polypropylene are determined according to the procedure given in SP 40-102-2000 Design and installation of pipelines for water supply and sewage systems made of polymer materials .
The approximate maximum depth for laying pipelines made of polypropylene at an average transport load of 5-6 m, depending on the density of the backfill.
Service life - at least 50 years.


The project proposes the production of polypropylene pipes.

Replacement of sewer and storm metal pipes polypropylene allows you to permanently get rid of the shortcomings to which cast iron or steel. Plastic is not susceptible to corrosion, does not collapse under the influence of low temperature, is lightweight and relatively cheap.

The replenishment problem in the South Federal District sewer polypropylene pipe market of various lengths and wall thickness for external and internal use.

3.1 Market Analysis

Products made in Germany:

Gebr Ostendorf Kunststoffe GmbH & Co.KG (Ostendorf) is Germany's largest manufacturer of high-quality polypropylene pipes for sewage systems. The company's products are recognizable all over the world; products are also appreciated by Russian consumers. The company is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001.

These are traditionally high-quality products without any complaints. The price is high. Those who do not save choose the German manufacturer of polypropylene pipes.

In second place are Czech pipes:

Ekoplastik provides polypropylene pipes and fittings throughout the Czech Republic. The company is known all over the world; products are widely used in Europe and Russia. Of course, there are developers and individuals who basically use only Ekoplastik polypropylene pipes as a guarantor of quality, proven by time.

In third place, Turkey:

Turkish pipes are known from the manufacturers TEBO, Pilsa, Valtek, Vesbo, FIRAT, etc.

Turkish manufacturer Pilsa produces products that are characterized by wear resistance, strength and elasticity, due to which it is used in water supply systems. If during installation the manufacturer's recommendations are followed, then the lines on these pipes will serve without complaints. These pipes must not be used in closed systems and at temperatures above 95 degrees Celsius.

Turkish pipes Valtek and Vesbo at a low price of products are of high quality, but the modest choice of shaped elements - the small things without which it is impossible to make a wiring - is considered a drawback.

Blue Ocean, a China-based polypropylene manufacturer good quality. There is only one drawback of pipes from this manufacturer - they walk the outside diameter of the pipe, but this does not affect the results.

Another well-known Chinese plastic pipe manufacturer is Dizayn. DIZAYN polypropylene pipes confidently occupy their niche in the market, and the quality indicators of their products are comparable to leading European manufacturers, but at a lower price.

Many small enterprises with unpredictable product quality, but with low prices.

Russian manufacturers:

mainly Russian-European joint ventures prevail in the Russian market: Sinicon; Santrade; Politek

Russia was not the first to enter the race for pipe prestige, and the period of the dominance of competitors, but by maneuvering with pricing policy and improving technology, it is possible to slowly win its buyer. According to some indicators, Russian pipes show much better characteristics than the closest competitor, the Chinese manufacturer, and in some cases, they were pressed out by both Turkish and Czech counterparts, but at lower prices.

The products of manufacturers of Russian PP pipes have all the advantages characteristic of this type of product at the lowest price and the most affordable delivery.

Problems in the market for the production of pp pipes:

Regulatory documentation does not clarify some issues clearly and clearly. If we talk about the introduction of new technologies - plastic pipes, then in some regions old-fashioned materials are used, the use of which is not economically feasible in these weather conditions. There, plastic would be more economical, much cheaper, and could pay for itself in a short time.

Interruptions with polymeric materials in the summer period, as many oil refineries take up preventive maintenance for a month, and the remaining ones simply can not cope with the volumes. The shortage of polymers in the summer months, which are the raw material for production, leads to a shortage of them in the market and, as a result, to a decrease in production volumes.

There are few professional installers on the market that distinguish high-quality and low-quality products. Manufacturers are forced to deliberately and unintentionally save on everything, and especially on raw materials and equipment, so they are slipping into a low-quality sector.

The tendering system, and if we talk about housing prices - budget construction. Such a policy of tenders leads to the win of the manufacturer, which gave the cheapest prices. It is impossible to make a cheap pipe from high-quality raw materials.

3.2 Market segmentation

Price policy

Since today on the Russian market of pp pipes there are many buyers and many sellers, the latter setting different prices within a certain price range, there is quite serious competition in such a market, marketing strategies its participants are less affected by one another. The emergence of the price range due to the presence of differentiation of offers. Differentiation of the offer is carried out both at the expense of the product itself (its quantity, quality, properties) and the service accompanying its sale (delivery, merchandising, technical training of specialists). Buyers perceive differences in the products offered by competitors and, on the basis of this, make a purchasing decision. When setting prices, other external factors were also taken into account. The pricing policy should take into account the state of the economy, inflation, interest rate, since these factors affect both the value of production costs and the consumer's perception of the price and consumer value of the goods. In addition, the possible impact of its prices on other market participants was evaluated. It is necessary to establish an attractive price for resellers, providing them with acceptable profit and, thus, stimulating them to promote the goods.

Thus, a range of competitive prices is formed, taking into account the services of laying out the goods and primary training of personnel for resellers and delivery to the consumer:

No. p / p change Max. Price, rub. Minimum Price, rub. 1 Pipe PP 110х3.2 (bunk) 3 pcs. 5mpcs81705Pipe 110h2.7 (internal) 3m pcs 2472156 PP 110x2.7 (internal) 2m1616407PP 110x2.7 (internal) 1.5m14141258 pipe 110h2.7 (110) 1mp8675x2.7 (1pp 86759) 0 pipe. 75mpcs817010Pipe 110h2.7 (internal) 0.5mpcs585011Pipe 110h2.7 (internal) 0.315m404012PP 110h2.7 (inside) 0.25msht353013Pipe 110h2.2 (inside) 3msht2,2p2r2212p1. 2mpcs13211515Pipe 110h2.2 (inside) 1.5mpcs12711016 pipe ) 0.315msht353020 Pipe PP 110x2.2 (internal) 0.25msh322821 Pipe PP 110x1.8 (internal) 3pcs 18416022 Pipe PP 110x1.8 (internal) 2mpcs12110523 Pipe PP 110x1.8 (internal) 1mptp35524. , 5pcs 292525 PP pipe 110x1.8 (internal) 0.25pcs 2320

The target audience

Our target audience are legal entities: various construction organizationswholesale and retail Stores building materials and plumbers, as well as individuals.

Promotion Tools

The main distribution channel at the first stage is direct sales to end consumers to legal entities, therefore the main promotion tool is commercial offers to potential customers directly.

In addition, our products can be purchased through the online store, and as additional promotional tools will be used flyers, online advertising, participation in specialized exhibitions.

In the future, product promotion through sales agents is contemplated.


Management Organization Chart

Project staffing enterprises:

Structural unit Position Position Number of staff units Tariff (salary) Allowance Total Administration Director 130000.0030000.0060000.00 Accounting General. accountant 130,000.0010000,0040000.00AccountingAccountant accountant calculator120,000.005000.0025000.00Sales and sales departmentSales manager120000.0020000.0040000.00Sales and sales departmentSales manager120000.0020000.0040000.00Logistics department Warehouse125,000.0010000.0035000.00Logistics departmentStorekeeper 220000.0010000.0060000.00Logistics departmentDriver220000.0010000.0060000.00 Production workshopHead of the workshop130000.0010000.0040000.00 Production workshopTechnologist125000.0010000.003500.00.00 Production department5Operator5000 500.00.0000.0000.0000.0000.000000.0000.000000.0000.0000.000000.0000.000000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.00500 0040000.00 Auxiliary department Cleaning lady 210,000.0020000.00 Auxiliary departmentElectric115000.005000.0020000.00 Total19625000.00

Total payroll will amount to 812500.00 rubles, including wages - 625000.00, insurance contributions to funds - 187500.00 per month.


The study “Construction industry in the south of Russia 2014”, conducted by Expert Yug in conjunction with the Krasnodar consulting company MACON Realty Group, showed that in the South last year, there was a reduction in input volumes for all segments of real estate. The main sources of decline last year were two factors. On the one hand, the Olympic venues have mostly been commissioned, and on the other, a particularly noticeable drop has been observed in housing construction. The active growth that was characteristic of the market in the past decade has been completely exhausted, and today in the southern construction, at best, moderate development, and often a downward trend, can be observed.

The main difference between the new period and the previous one is that high dynamics will be observed only in individual segments construction market, and with reference to certain regions. The most important growth points are as follows. Firstly, this is mass housing in those regions that were not completely affected by the recent construction boom or showed insufficient dynamics (this is primarily the Volgograd and Rostov regions). Secondly, everything related to sports, tourism, hotels and resorts - here the main incentives will be the upcoming World Cup (Rostov and Volgograd) and state plans for the construction of new resorts in the North Caucasus. Thirdly, social infrastructure - in this segment of the North Caucasus Federal District will also be under special attention a state planning multi-billion investments in social and cultural objects in the Caucasian republics. Fourth, transport infrastructure - construction of new ports, airports, roads is underway in the South, and this process will stretch at least until the end of the decade. Finally, there are good growth prospects for the building materials market.

Based on this study, the following sales per month are predicted:

No. p / p change Price, rubles Amount, pcs Amount, rub1 Pipe PP 110х3.2 (bunk) 3 pcs. 29010002900002 Pipe PP 110х3.2 (bunk) 2 pcs19510001950003 Pipe PP 110х3.2 (bunk.) 1 mшт1101000110000х3000 pipe. PP 110x2.7 (internal) 3m pcs. 21515003225006 Pipe PP 110x2.7 (internal) 2mpcs 14015002100007 Pipe PP 110x2.7 (internal) 1.5m12515001875008 Pipe PP 110x2.7 (internal) 1mpcs751500110500t2trucktr. PP 110x2.7 (vnutr.) 0,5msht5015007500011 Tube PP 110h2,7 (vnutr.) 0,315msht3515005250012 Tube PP 110h2,7 (vnutr.) 0,25msht30150045000 13Pipe PP 110h2,2 (vnutr.) 3msht190150028014 2mpcs115150017250015Pipe 110h2.2 (internal) 1.5mpcs110150016500016Pipe 110h2.2 (internal) 1m6565009750017 1m pipe 110h2.2 (inside) 0.75m6015009000018 (110h2trp. ) 0.315msht3015004500020Pipe PP 110x2.2 (internal) 0.25msh28150042000 21Pipe PP 110x1.8 (internal) 3mpcs160100016000022Pipe PP 110x1.8 (internal) 2 MSht105100010500023Pipe 110h1.8 (internal) 1mpcs5510005500024PM 110h1.8 (internal) 0.5mpcs Total production plan will be 41195 m pipe per month.


Costing of production costs:

Raw materials Amount, kg Price, rub Amount, rub Polypropylene granules 6051.003060.00 Dye concentrate 0.8273.00218.40 Cel 4.530.00135.00 Total 65.33413.40

Thus, the cost of 1 kg of pipe is 52.27 rubles

1 m pipe - 41.82 rubles

Other manufacturing costs

Name Amount of expenses per month Utility expenses10000.00 Electricity60000.00Rents for rent65000.00Other10000.00 Total145000.00

Fixed assets:

The full-cycle plastic pipe production line includes an extruder, a pipe cutting machine, a feed system, baths for calibration and cooling, a mixer, a pulling device, a conveyor belt, a vacuum moulder and a pipe stacker.

Productivity depends on the size of the pipe: 110 - 130 kg / h. The line can produce about 1000 meters of pipes per day. Lines have different parameters, so you can order machines for your business, and you can save and buy used equipment. The lowest cost of such a set is about 400 thousand rubles.

Calculation of profit and profitability

1 Revenues, thousand rubles 360541.1 Realization of polypropylene pipes, thousand rubles 360542 Costs, thousand rubles 3332662.1 Cost of production, thousand rubles 206762.2 Rent, thousand rubles 7802.3 Utility costs, electricity, thousand rubles 8402.4 Salary and insurance premiums, 50 thousand97 5 Taxes, thousand rubles 7002.6 Purchase of fixed assets, thousand rubles 4002.7 Other expenses, thousand rubles 1203 Profit, thousand rubles 27884 Profitability of sales,% 7.7 polypropylene business plan


The Russian market for the production of pipes from various plastic has expanded significantly in recent years. This is due to the simple production technology, as well as the high demand for this product. Plastic pipes are widely used. They are used in sewer and heating systems, in water and gas supply systems, as well as for the arrangement of a “warm floor”. Such a wide range of applications is explained by the qualitative characteristics of plastic pipes:

they are durable, do not rust, do not rot;

withstand temperatures up to 160 -170оС;

there are no calcareous deposits on them;

shelf life of about 50 years;

five to seven times lighter than metal pipes.

Pipe manufacturers are improving the technology and expanding the range, because the competition in this type of production is quite high. For successful business pipe sales need to produce quality goods at an affordable price.

To start production, you will need to obtain permits from the gas service, fire inspectorate, sanitary and epidemiological station, the local department of the State Supervision Service, local executive authorities, etc.

The initial investment required to open the production of plastic pipes when purchasing used equipment and 100 tons of raw materials will amount to about 3,139 thousand rubles. Business pays off in about 1 year. Profitability will be 7.7%

First you need to rent a small plant or part production premises in the country. Mandatory conditions: good transport accessibility, convenient access roads, area not less than 200 sq.m. Electricity at 380 volts, sewage, water supply should be carried out.

It is important to provide for several zones separated from each other:

  1. manufacturing facility;
  2. warehouse complex;
  3. a bathroom;
  4. premises for employees.

Given that the pipe production line includes high and heavy equipment, the ceiling height should be at least 10 m. Powerful air conditioners and fire protection systems should be installed in the workshop. IN storage room should be normal humidity and room temperature.

Recruitment and organizational matters

When organizing the line standard size and staffing it is necessary to hire about six people workers. This is necessary to ensure uninterrupted production (three employees per shift).

In addition, it is necessary to hire an accountant, auxiliary workers, process engineer, two operators on the machines. Thus, the list of monthly expenses will need to include $ 6,000 as salary to employees.

Since the business of manufacturing HDPE pipes belongs to the category of technically complex industries, at the stages of its organization it will be necessary to obtain permission from the local administration, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Gosenergonadzor, and fire inspection. Regarding registration, the optimal form is LLC.

Equipment for the production of polyethylene pipes

You can purchase both new and used equipment of domestic or foreign production. When buying a line russian production You can save some money.

List of required line components:

  • dryers;
  • automatic loader;
  • screw extruder;
  • containers for cooling workpieces;
  • conveyor;
  • coronator;
  • device for marking products;
  • control system;
  • auto paver;
  • vacuum calibrator.

Raw materials for the production of polyethylene pipes

Products for the manufacture of HDPE pipes are selected individually. High-quality raw materials are polymers of different pressures, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride,.

Raw materials should be ordered from trusted suppliers.. The most high-quality and reliable brands are Hastalen 5416 (Bazell), Vestalen 9412 (SABIC) imported.

Technology for the production of polyethylene pipes

The pipe manufacturing process is based on the application of the extrusion method. The essence is the homogenization of raw materials with the aim of softening them in a special device - an extruder. With the help of equipment spinnerets, pipes are formed to a specified diameter with their subsequent cooling.

In a first step, the material is placed in an extruder receiving device. Further, the raw material is transferred to a preheated cylinder. Gradually, the material is transferred to the hottest parts of the cylinder, slowly warming up.

Thus, the cylinder consists of three components: a feeder, a compression zone of raw materials, a zone of delivery. The high quality of the die of the extruder is important, since it is from it that the size of the finished pipes depends. It should be maintained at a fixed temperature.

After passing the raw material through the cylinder and receiving the blanks, they are placed in a container for vacuum molding under pressure. Then the pipes are removed from the cooling chamber and, to prevent its deformation, are immediately transferred to the conveyor.

On the final stage pipes are cut and laid in prepared bays. For cutting, special saws or cutters are used (depending on the selected diameter).

Investments and Income

In order to start the production of HDPE pipes, at least $ 140 thousand will be required. This includes the cost of a monthly lease, wages, repair of the rented premises, purchase of equipment and raw materials.

The price of a finished unit of production depends on its type. In this case, the rule applies: the larger the diameter, the more expensive the product.

With the full sale of products, monthly income can be up to $ 6,000. Investments pay off in about 2 years.

Polyethylene is a serious business. It requires not only large financial investments, but also professional knowledge in the field of production, experience in managing a large organization.

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