Prestigious professions of the 21st century. Start in science. Modern technical professions

Slide 2.


  • attracting the attention to the problem of a conscious choice of profession, taking into account the needs,
  • opportunities and socio-economic situation in the labor market
  • Slide 3.


    1. Acquaintance of students with the technology of choosing a profession.
    2. Formation of adolescents of real ideas about the status and prospects of the labor market.
    3. Informing adolescents about professions in demand at the regional labor market, about educational institutions of the region.
  • Slide 4.

    Lesson plan

    1. Want. Can. It is necessary. What is more important in choosing a profession?
    2. Labor market and its features.
    3. "Where is the profession?"
    4. My future profession.
  • Slide 5.

    3 main requirements profession

    • profession should be interesting
    • profession should be in demand in the labor market,
    • the profession must comply with its own capabilities.
  • Slide 6.

    Profession need to choose carefully and reasonably

  • Slide 7.

    When choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account factors

  • Slide 8.

    Factor "I want"

    • the desires of the person
    • interests
    • proponation
  • Slide 9.

    Factor "I can"

    Personality Possibilities:

    • abilities
    • knowledge level
    • psychological features of the person
    • health status
  • Slide 10.

    Choosing a profession, be sure to take into account your abilities, interests and inclinations

    Slide 11.

    Factor "Need"

    The needs of the labor market in personnel.

    Slide 12.

    Where do the profession teach?

    • Each profession requires certain abilities and personal qualitieswhich are needed or very desirable for successful activities.
    • Vocational education is prerequisite For qualified work.
    • Make a decision about choosing educational institution It should be responsible, given its abilities and material opportunities.
  • Slide 13.

    Professional education levels

    The Education Act establishes the following levels of education:

    • basic general education;
    • secondary (full) general education;
    • initial professional education;
    • secondary vocational education;
    • higher vocational education;
    • postgraduate vocational education
  • Slide 15.

    Results of the study, according to the responses of graduates of the 2011 school

    1st place - prestige
    2nd place - high wages
    3 place - interesting labor content
    4th place - good conditions Labor
    5th place - accessibility of training, ease of receipt of education
    6th place - instructions of parents, as well as an example of friends and acquaintances.

  • Slide 16.

    High satisfaction factors work

    • Remuneration
    • Interest in labor content
    • Working conditions
    • Career opportunity
    • Benefits and compensation
  • Slide 17.

    • You live in the fertile Don Territory, a beautiful city, rich in nature, history, traditions, culture and, most importantly, people. Thanks to their contemptive work, our area is large center diversified production, transport links, science and education. Without exaggeration, the potential of the region, our country of Russia is huge, and each of you will definitely find a case.
    • Wish you luck! Let you always have perseverance, purposefulness and success!
  • See all slides

    The modern world constantly undergoes various changes that affect all spheres of society. This is true for the modern labor market. The modern market of professions should dynamically change and adapt to the necessary needs. Every year new professions appear, which require people to receive new knowledge and skills of their use. This is dictated by the need to fit the level that is necessary for the performance of this work.

    Profession of modern society

    The role of the profession in modern society has undergone qualitative changes, now it is not only a source of stable income. This is the trend of the development of the whole world. New discoveries are made, more advanced devices and equipment are being developed, the social and political system changes. All these changes and innovations affect the labor market, dictating his conditions to him. Therefore, after such transformations, the requirements for work and candidate are changing. Now, in the description of the professional skills of the applicant, you can often see these words as sociable, stress tolerance or analytical mindset.

    The most advanced professions of the 21st century

    The 21st century dictates their conditions for man. Modern professions in the labor market require a new approach to the workflow. A developed computer network erased the borders of states. Now you can work online in one country, while living in another. It gave rise to such a phenomenon as distant work. A person can do a favorite thing in a home setting. At the same time, the effectiveness of the work performed, but with such a graph, the main self-discipline. Such employment is perfect for designers, programmers, traders, web developers. The 21st century is the consumption age, so the consumption society and gave rise to 5 modern professions, such as:

    • promoter
    • bayer
    • shopper
    • merchandiser
    • flavor
    • copywriter.

    New modern professions of Russia

    Russia did not bypassed the technical progress, which made the labor market change. New modern professions and specialty appeared, which was not heard before, and now hearing the name of some modern professions remains to guess what this person should do. It basically touched the world of computer and information technologies, consumer spheres.

    There were such interesting modern professions as

    • content manager,
    • brand manager
    • bannerMaker
    • web developer
    • content editor,
    • underwriter

    In the field of lending - collectors, mortgage brokers.

    Modern pedagogical professions

    Changes touched and such a sphere as pedagogy seemingly these pedagogical profession In modern society, traditionally includes teachers, teachers, lecturers, educators and something new to come up with something. But new professions appeared modern society - Tutors, coaches and facilitators.

    Tutor - teaches by an individual program, coach - deals personal development The student motivates, inspires and is looking for ways to implement the potential of the student. The facilitator is engaged in social adaptation.

    Modern creative professions

    The labor market crisis has affected the creative sector. No, there is no shortage of artists, although it is precisely some professional sometimes. In addition to artistic activities, the scope of creativity also affects other professions. For example,

    • editor,
    • designer,
    • journalist,
    • copywriter
    • florist,
    • film editor,
    • web Designer.

    After all, now in the creative area used various complex equipmentTo work with which you need to have appropriate skills.

    Modern technical professions

    In the labor market there is a suspension humanitarian profession and acute lack of technical. This is especially true of working professions that are not considered prestigious today. Among engineering specialties there is a lack of programmers, designers, designers, energy and heat engineering.

    The list of working professions is more impressive. The necessary modern professions among workers are professional welders, turner, locksmiths, installers, milling machines, CNC machine operators.

    Modern military professions

    Not passed the changes in the list of professions and the military sector. This is a consequence of the adoption of new types of techniques and intelligence and hosting methods. The selected military career should understand that in addition to the execution of professional duties, he must be ready to commit self-sacrifice in the name of the Motherland or citizens of the country.

    Military modern professions combine driving, operator and technical positions. Modern combat equipment and equipment are equipped with advanced electronic computing systems, to work with which special skills are required. Therefore, a huge luggage is required from the military personnel. technical knowledgeallowing it to effectively use.

    The introduction of new samples of unmanned technology generated the need for operators. These people should have a quick response, analytical thinking and ability to work with a large amount of information in critical conditions.

    This article will help in work on the writing, preparation for the report, presentation or class hour.

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    Scientific and technical achievements drastically change the picture of the world, they affect the level of civilization, the life structure and value ideals of a separate personality. To be in demand and appreciated in the labor market, it is important to focus on the trends in the development of economic systems and society. So what new professions already exist or will appear in the foreseeable future?

    Specialties associated with science and space

    For the first time on the problems of global climate change, the international community started talking in the 80s of the last century. In early 21 centuries, humanity from research in this area has passed to practical activities. The next regular step on the protection path ambientAccording to British scientists, the appearance of climate change professionals will be the emergence of climate change.

    Another promising direction of the current century is the development of innovation in the field of vehicles, as well as the modernization of transport infrastructure. On the agenda - the creation of energy-saving and environmentally friendly machines that differ in multifunctionality. Thus, in the next ten years, the specialty developer alternative species Transport will become one of the most sought-after professions.

    In astronautics, humanity stands on the threshold of colonization of other planets and the development of extraterrestrial mineral resources. Futurologists believe that during this century, the demand for professions associated with astroindustia will rapidly increase. The list of popular specialties after 2020, along with the cosmapable pilots, will be:

    • Cosmobiles - specialists, exploring the behavior of living organisms in space, developing sustainable environmental systems For flights, extraterrestrial bases and orbital stations.
    • Cosmogeologists will be engaged in identifying, assessing deposits and mining on asteroids and the moon.
    • Managers in Kozmumurism - new century managers that make up the programs for visiting lunar bases, orbital stations, near-themespace.
    • Designers life cycle Cosmic facilities - astrogenners specializing in the development of satellites and stations taking into account the possibility of their disposal or restructuring in the future.

    Business and Information Technology Scope

    In the 21st century will remain actual professionsrelated to buying and selling real estate. Among the realtors, developers will be most popular - entrepreneurs engaged in promoting and implementing the construction of some project. Any business they start with the idea, invest their money into it and build an individual financial scheme. The ultimate goal of the developer is to maximize the cost of the project.

    A comparatively new business profession is the underwriter. In the securities market, the warranty person guiding the process of issuing and distributing shares is so called. In the insurance case, the underwriter is a specialist assessing the risks and a decision on the feasibility of concluding contracts.

    People having organizational talent, analytical mind and developed communicative skills, are worth trying forces in the field of personnel selection. The first-class mediator between the employer and the applicant is called the "head hunter". Hadhantter, unlike the usual recruitor, is dealing with especially valuable and highly paid specialists.

    IN agriculture There will be a demand for employees of "vertical farms" - agro-industrial automated complexes placed in high-rise buildings. Now Yarny cultivation in urban conditions is under development. In the near future, pilot projects of this kind will appear in some metropolisms (New York, Singapore), and by 2025 will become commonplace in advanced countries.

    There are new professions in the IT sphere. Among them are a copywriter (writes information and advertising texts to order) and the content manager (fills the sites with photos, news, articles). To professions where in the honorable creative approach and attentiveness, the web designer belongs. The tasks of this IT specialist enters the development of site design. Webmaster can also do this. In addition, it specializes in administration, support and updating sites. The high payment of the webmaster is explained by the fact that it combines the functions of the designer and programmer. The promotion of sites in the World Wide Web is the Ceo specialist.

    Event Industry, Advertising and Trade

    The development of the entertainment industry in the current century gave rise to the need for professional organizers Various events. Event managers are planning and holding parties, anniversaries, weddings, children's holidays, corporaters, trainings, conferences and presentations. Their obligations include developing ideas, selection of space for the event, drawing up a scenario.

    Animators are engaged directly entertaining guests. This profession does not bring big income, but gives a lot of positive emotions. It suits sociable people with acting abilities, vocal or choreographic data. Animators are especially in demand in tourist business, in children's and corporate holidays.

    There are new professions in the labor market related to the provision advertising services. For example, a media planler is engaged in drawing up a plan to use the media during the campaign. Working in the agency, such a specialist assesses the effectiveness of advertising in the media, relying on marketing and sociological research. His task is to optimize the costs of the campaign.

    Marketer is engaged in analytical work in the market management market. A similar type of occupation from the brand manager: he spins brand brands, manages the sale of a group of goods. Its responsibilities include learning and formation of demand for products and services. A number of professions in the 21st century refers to the sphere of BTL marketing:

    • Promoters are engaged in distribution of leaflets and gifts, consulting buyers, product tasting.
    • Merchandisers work with sellers. They monitor the presence and layout of the goods they enroll in trading point, track prices of competitors.
    • Supervisors are the leaders of a group of promoters and merchandisers - must have leadership and organizational abilities, systemic thinking, planning skills.

    Professions of the Social Sphere: Education and Medicine

    The influence of information technologies beyond recognition will change the education system in the coming decades.

    • To understand the features of the Internet Socialization of Children will be a web psychologist.
    • The responsibilities of the online platform curator will include: drawing up courses for remote learning, solving the problem of communicating a student and teacher.
    • Fuser of the future can be considered a life-coach. He must plan classes, supervise regular charging, give recommendations for sleep and nutrition.
    • Create gaming scenariosAlso, adapt to them the curriculum will be playmaster.
    • The main task of the brain-coach is to increase productivity and concentration of student's attention.

    Profession of the 21st century, which is not yet taught in domestic universities, coach. It is both a psychologist and a coach, and a consultant. It helps to increase the productivity of the enterprise by disclosing the potential of the personality of employees. The list of functions of the coach includes: consulting and analysis of the problems of the situation, setting goals and drawing up a program of classes, conducting trainings. IT technologies can be implemented to assist a qualified psychologist. Expert of human souls can work online coach or social worker Networks.

    In the medicine of this century there will be a place for transplants, specialists in the cultivation of organs, plastic surgeons and nanomedics. A promising profession, according to Danish scientists, is a gerontopsychologist - a consultant that helps older people remain physically and mentally healthy as long as possible.

    Increasingly, they will also be applied to genetic diagnosticity - doctors, detecting and preventing the development of hereditary diseases. Bioethics will follow compliance with the regulatory and moral framework in institutions.

    With the development of the post-industrial and information society, the structure of the labor market is also changing, labor relationship and employment. As a result, new professions arise. For several years, not enough of them appeared. What data can we provide the latest history of professions?

    Disappeared professions

    In addition, new specialties are introduced, there are also. Usually, they become unnecessary due to the development of science and technology, which replaces human labor.

    These professions can be attributed to them as: weaver, bondari, speeds and luders. Professional carriers replaced cars. . With a change in social defendant, jesters and crumbs disappeared. Because of the desire for humanism, the death penalty was abolished. Even now in demand profession goes to the background.

    New professions

    As already mentioned, in recent years there have been new professions in the labor market. Some of them are already in demand, others enjoy the units. But one thing can be said for sure - the newest professions Quickly and irrevocably enter the life of society, cutting off the old ones.

    Over time, they turned into professions such as: BannerMaker, content editor and web developer. Bannerimeker is manufactured by the manufacture and placement of banners. It affects both the design of the site and on its promotion.

    Content editor - a person who is engaged in a textual filling site.

    Web Developer is the leader of a group dealing with specific developments.

    To new professions, as well, you can attribute testers softwareAutomated testing and technical writers.

    In addition to the above, the new professions of the 21st century included credit brokers, collectors, non-state administrators pension funds, Personal Insurance Consultants, Underwriters, Copywriters, Communication Manager and Communication Officer.

    What new professions appeared

    Also, new professions are actively distributed. For example, recently, the ministry has confirmed the program for the preparation of mediators - specialists in conciliation procedures. Mediators will help people find common points even where it seemed to be burned bridges. People who have reached twenty-five people will be able to work in this specialty. They must have higher education Psychologist, and pass courses of specialized learning. Also, the distribution of TREND-recorders, which track the emergence of new trends among consumers. In particular, this profession moved to the expanses of the Internet, where he took an equally significant position. Summing up, it can be concluded that the development of all areas plays a role in the emergence of new professions. Some of them are not completely new, but simply narrow and specify their area of \u200b\u200bwork. This allows you to work in more detail and efficiently.

    This material will help in the preparation of the composition, report or presentations on professions of the 21st century.

    New professions of the XXI century

    The rapid development of the socio-economic sphere led to a change in the spectrum of professions in demand in the labor market. The labor content of some professions is changing, new and simply changes the name of the usual specialties.

    • · Brand Manager - Specialist, guiding a certain group of goods defined brand. Unlike sales manager, the brand-manager does not have so many sales yourself as the promotion of the brand. Unlike the "pure" marketer, the brand manager should be able to sell this group of goods not only at the level of economist, but also at the manufacturer's level.
    • · Developer- This is one of the specializations on real estate operations (Realter). He orders the project, buys or takes to rent a land plot, "binds" the project to the site, coordinates the summing up of all communications, builds an object - for example, a large office building. Then he can sell the property belonging to him. The main thing is to recoup all costs and profit.
    • · Declarant - Specialist of the company for work at the customs: tracks the design of documentation and the movement of goods.
    • · Jobber - Intermediary Specialist on the Stock Exchange. The main tasks are the purchase and sale of shares (at your own expense, unlike broker).
    • · Distributor (English - Distribute - Distribute) - a person (firm), carrying out direct sales, usually the company implements goods through a whole network of workers (distributors). Distributor is the official representative of the Maternal Firm, with which he is connected by the contract and is obliged to sell only the company's company.
    • · Interviewer - A person who conducts interviewing, a survey, including sociological and other social studies.
    • · Coordinator- coordinates the interaction of suppliers and the customer, tracks the movement of goods, is engaged in maintaining financial reports on the supply.
    • · Copywriter - A man developing creative in advertising. The copywriter tasks include creating a concept. advertising company, advertising texts, slogans, press releases, etc. Basic requirements are a high level of development of creative abilities, originality of thinking and good knowledge of languages.
    • · Coach - A specialist who reveals the potential of the personality of the company's employees (usually a top manager): increases their performance and efficiency, helps the development of the ability to move at the right pace and direction, activates a person's motivation system.
    • · Logistics - from "Logistics" - Applied science, the subject of attention of which is the management of information and material flows. Logistics - Customs Manager and Delivery Manager, engaged in the organization of cargo flow, works with cargo transporters and shippers, carries out control of cargo acceptance.
    • · Marketer(English - Market - Market) - Explore Market: Explores, predicts and forms demand for goods and services, determines sales prospects, tracks competitive environment etc.
    • · Manager (eng. - Manager - manager). Organizes and coordinates, evaluates and stimulates the activities of the low-level staff of organizations. Distributes the scope of work between employees, teaches, explains, transfers the order of management, communicates between the Board and employees. The highest level manager leads commercial negotiations, engaged in marketing and formation of commodity niches, determines the strategy and tactics competitive struggle, Conducts activities to improve the efficiency of product sales, manages the implementation of the organization's business plan.
    • · Merchandiser - Specialist in promoting products in retail. Monitoring the location of goods on the shelves, support for the image of goods, control of advertising and prices for goods - all these are the main tasks of the merchandisser.
    • · Office Manager - A person whose main task is to ensure the work of the office. This includes the leadership of the secretaries on the phone and at the reception, drivers, couriers, challenge professionals for office equipment, purchase supplies etc.
    • · Promoter(English- Promoter - Supporting, promotional, promoting) - Representative of the company for sales: Supports the image of the company, promotes all goods produced by the company, works with a network of stores, promotes sales of goods.
    • · Recircutonist (eng. - Reception - Reception) - Low City employee working on primary reception customers by phone or personally; meets and welcomes customers, addresses them to relevant employees of the company; deals with the registration of visitors and phone calls, sorting correspondence; In the future, it can be an office manager.
    • · Realter (English - Real - real estate (about property)) - real estate specialist. Works individually or in the firm, performs from his own behalf and at his own expense or on his own behalf, but at the expense and on behalf of the interested person civil law transactions with land plots, buildings, buildings, structures, residential or non-residential premises and rights on them (real estate assessment services are not real estate activities).
    • · Seylesman (English - Salesman - Seller) - walks across the tents and offers merchants to the firm products.
    • · Selesmenage - Sales Manager: Character for the demand for sold goods, controls the transactions that representatives of sales firm conduct customers - buyers (wholesale or retail companies) (see Manager).
    • · Public Relations Specialist -a specialist working in the field of production and large trade: supports the image of the company, is responsible for the information promotion of projects of the company, for working with the media, for maintaining public relations. work economic demand profession
    • · Supervisor (English- Supervisor - observing, controlling) - engaged in the development of routes, monitors and monitor the activities of sales representatives.
    • · Trader(eng. - Trade - Trade) - Specialist in the organization and control of internal and foreign tradeRepresents the interests of the bank, firm or manufacturer. Trader Birzheva - a worker of a brokerage company, directly participating in stock trade, concludes transactions.


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