New CEO of KB Arsenal. Time for new technologies. KB "Arsenal" continues to conquer space. For what purpose are the UKP-NPU being developed?

Vladimir IVANOV, the observer of the Independent Military Review, told about the past, present and future of the enterprise general director KB doctor technical sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K.E. Tsiolkovsky Andrey ROMANOV.

Andrey Vasilyevich, today your design bureau celebrates the 65th anniversary of its foundation. I wonder how and when did the KB appear?

KB "Arsenal" is an integral part of the St. Petersburg "Arsenal", which traces its history back to the cannon "Liteiny Dvor" founded by Peter I in 1711, which became the basis for the creation and development of Russian artillery weapons. Our design bureau, which was originally called the Central Design Bureau No. 7, with an experimental production base, was formed in 1949 at the machine-building plant No. 7. Now it is called OJSC Machine-Building Plant Arsenal. naval automatic anti-aircraft artillery and artillery systems at long-term firing points, the so-called pillboxes of fortified areas. an innovative enterprise - in all the years of its existence, "Arsenal" has created and developed a unique nomenclature technical means and technologies aimed at strengthening the country's defense capability. Most of these products, created from scratch, had no historical or technical counterparts, and it was difficult for the engineers and designers of the enterprise to work on new topic with the minimum amount of knowledge available. Therefore, this work can be compared with a "sprout" of new technologies, making its way and growing into new knowledge in critical areas of technology, which are already freely available to followers.

As an example, we can cite the creation of naval artillery mounts - 100-mm single-gun AK-100 and 130-mm two-gun AK-130, as well as ship launchers for anti-aircraft missile systems and jamming systems ZIF-122 and ZIF-121-02 ... Our design bureau also created the first strategic missile systems with solid-propellant RT-2, RT-15, RT-2P missiles, the D-11 missile weapon system with an R-31 solid-propellant missile for arming submarines. These were essentially pioneer works.

- What is the current position of the design bureau and in what directions is its work carried out today?

Currently, the design bureau is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of space technology, shipborne artillery and launchers and is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Space Agency. The main activities of the enterprise include R&D to create

space systems, complexes and vehicles for various purposes and their constituent elements; research and development work on the creation of shipborne automatic artillery and missile launchers; development and manufacture of technological and testing equipment.

Design Bureau is universal - for a number of topics, an enterprise can act as a parent enterprise, manage a project, as well as integrate and coordinate the work of dozens of industrial, scientific and scientific and educational enterprises, form a single goal, set tasks and synthesize new products. At the same time, KB is an effective and reliable partner in the creation of unique elements. These include the creation in the 1980s of powerful steering gears for the Energia launch vehicle of the Energia-Buran reusable space system. This year our specialists completed work on the "Nucleon" theme, which was carried out by order of the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University. The work provided for the creation of a complex of technical means, which ensures the functioning of scientific equipment for recording heavy particles in orbital flight conditions. The equipment will operate as part of the Resurs-P spacecraft developed by the Progress RCC.

As you already said, the historical direction of the design bureau is the creation of artillery systems. What is the current status of implementation this direction?

Quite right, artillery is one of our main tasks. At present, the St. Petersburg Arsenal is the leading enterprise in Russia for the creation of medium-caliber naval gun mounts. For example, the AK-130 gun mounts are installed on the Russian cruisers Moskva, Marshal Ustinov, and Peter the Great, and the newest patrol ship Yaroslav the Wise is equipped with the AK-100 gun. AU AK-130 and AK-100 were delivered to China, India and are still in service with their surface ships. In list latest developments - a universal gun mount A-192 of 130 mm caliber, designed to arm combat surface ships of the "frigate" class and above to ensure the destruction of coastal, air and sea targets.

- And what exactly is being done at the enterprise in the space field?

An equally important area of \u200b\u200bwork for us is the development of information support for the use of weapons systems. This concerns the creation of weapons and their integration into the information circuit, and vice versa - the creation of the information circuit into which weapons are integrated.

Along with the creation of space complexes for observing the earth's surface of a new generation, the design bureau is working on the creation of universal space platforms with increased power-to-weight ratio with nuclear power plants.

Currently, at the level of the leadership of Roskosmos and the defense industry of the Russian Federation, it has been decided that our design bureau will become the lead organization to ensure the creation and targeted use of space vehicles with increased power-to-weight ratio with nuclear power plants. We will cooperate with a wide range of industrial enterprises and military scientific organizations.

We have experience in creating such spacecraft. Since 1973, the Arsenal plant has been producing spacecraft with nuclear power plant thermoelectric type (the power plant was developed by the Moscow enterprise "Krasnaya Zvezda"). They were part of the maritime space reconnaissance and target designation system (MKRTs). The system successfully passed flight tests and was fully adopted in 1978. In total, Arsenal cooperated with the development, manufacture and operation of more than 30 spacecraft of the Kosmos series with nuclear power plants.

In what directions is the Russian school of space nuclear energy currently developing and what is the role of your design bureau in this area?

Today, the domestic scientific school of space nuclear power takes into account two directions of its development. The first of them provides for the creation of a super-heavy space platform with a megawatt-class nuclear power plant based on the turbomachine principle of power generation. The creation of nuclear power plants of this type requires the use of a large number of completely unique technical solutions and is a breakthrough direction in a number of related fields of science and technology.

Currently, the leadership of Roskosmos has made a decision to designate KB Arsenal as the head organization for a platform with megawatt nuclear power plants. Taking into account all the technical and even political significance of this project, the theoretical knowledge accumulated by our scientific school over the years, the practical experience gained during the creation and maintenance of spacecraft with nuclear power plants already operating in orbits, will undoubtedly serve in the interests of successful achieving the goals set for the national cosmonautics.

Another direction is thermionic nuclear installations... We are developing this area jointly with OJSC Krasnaya Zvezda, now part of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom. Thermionic nuclear installations are characterized by high values \u200b\u200bof useful electrical power (from 30 to 500 kW) and reliability. The service life of such an installation in outer space is from 7 years to 10 years in the future. A prototype of such an installation was already tested as part of our vehicles in the late 1980s.

At the same time, our design bureau carried out scientific and design work in the field of shaping the appearance of the space platform (CP), the basis of energy supply for which will be thermo-emission nuclear power plants of the second generation, and also prepared the production and technical base for the creation of these platforms. Such CP should be universal (UKP-NPU), that is, on their basis it will be possible to deploy orbital groupings for various purposes. I also want to note that many of the components of this project are not just dreams, but already real results embodied in technical documentation, worked out technological processes and even in metal.

- For what purpose are the UKP-NPU being developed?

The work on the creation of the UKP-nuclear power plant is being carried out by KB Arsenal in the light of the requirements of the Concept for the Development of Space Nuclear Power Engineering in Russia, adopted by the government of the Russian Federation in February 1998. It should be noted that the use of nuclear power plants in space is not only legitimate, but also included in the list of promising tasks in the development of space technology of the world's leading space powers.

UKP-NPS are developed to solve long-term problems in the field of defense, security, social economic development and science. Now we are just completing the design and exploration work on the creation of the Plasma-2010 UKP-nuclear power plant with a multi-mode thermal emission power plant with a capacity of 30-80 kW, capable of operating the payload and service systems of spacecraft in a long-term continuous mode. The level of elaboration of the issue allows already to begin carrying out full-scale development work.

The main advantage of Plazma-2010 is the ability to ensure continuous operation of target equipment with power consumption of up to several tens of kilowatts in a wide range of orbits, which will provide a qualitative leap forward in solving scientific, defense and applied problems in space and from space.

It must be said that space power plants of the "classical" type (based on solar and storage batteries) of comparable power (from 50 to 500 kW) cannot be compared with nuclear power plants in terms of specific mass and overall characteristics and cannot be used in deep space.

- In what other areas does the design bureau work?

In addition to the main areas of work today, one of the priority tasks of our design bureau is cooperation with the Advanced Research Fund (FPI). As the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin noted, the start of the FPI is one of the priority tasks. At present, the Foundation has formed an effective system for the selection of technologies to ensure the defense of the Russian Federation. Each FPI project is the foundation of the sixth technological generation. For their implementation, autonomous laboratories are being created at defense industry enterprises, in scientific organizations and leading universities of the country. One of such laboratories has also been created at KB Arsenal.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the last few months have clearly shown to our society the need to constantly maintain the country's defense potential, which has the ability to timely fend off threats national security... The intellectual capabilities of KB "Arsenal" are a guarantee that even decades later, Russian weapons will make it possible to comprehensively defend Russia's interests in a rapidly changing world.

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The creation of spacecraft with a nuclear power plant will provide Russia with a leading position in the practical development of near-earth space. Andrey Romanov, General Director of FSUE KB Arsenal, told the columnist of the newspaper "Military Industrial Courier" about the developments in this direction, as well as about the design of the latest naval naval artillery installations.

- Andrey Vasilyevich, could you tell us in more detail how the design bureau, which you are now heading, appeared. And why is your design bureau, which previously developed artillery systems, is now considered one of the leading enterprises in space?

- Initially, our design bureau, created on November 21, 1949, was called the Central Design Bureau No. 7 (TsKB-7). It was created at the machine-building plant No. 7, now it is the well-known St. Petersburg machine-building plant "Arsenal". It should be noted that TsKB-7 was immediately created with its own experimental and production base.

"Creation of a super-heavy space platform with a nuclear power plant will allow our country to make another breakthrough in the field of space technologies"

The tasks set by the KB by the country's leadership were very difficult, but at the same time interesting. TsKB-7 was entrusted with the design and development of naval automatic anti-aircraft artillery and artillery systems at long-term firing points (pillboxes) of fortified areas.

Do not forget that the Arsenal plant, which included TsKB-7, traces its history back to the Foundry Cannon Yard founded by Peter I in 1711, which became the basis for the creation and development of Russian artillery weapons.

In 1973, the Arsenal plant began manufacturing the first spacecraft developed by our design bureau. Then it was US-A with a nuclear power plant and US-P with a solar power plant, which were to be included in the maritime space reconnaissance and target designation system (MKRTs). In 1978, the MKRTs successfully passed all flight tests and was put into service.

Successful work on the most important space system, which made it possible not only to detect, but almost continuously monitor enemy ships in the vastness of the World Ocean and, if necessary, issue target designations to our strike forces, served as the basis for the government's decision to assign the enterprise the status of the leading one in creating space surveillance complexes for the water area of \u200b\u200bthe World Ocean.

To summarize, since 1973 "Arsenal", working in cooperation with other enterprises and research centers of the space industry, ensured the development, manufacture and operation of 80 spacecraft of the "Cosmos" series. Three of them in 1995-2008 were involved in the "Cone-A" experiment, which was carried out under the joint project "Wind Cone" with the United States to study bursts of cosmic gamma radiation, which are one of the main mysteries of modern astrophysics. The experiment yielded valuable scientific results.

In the 1980s, KB Arsenal developed steering gears for the Energia carrier rocket of the Energia-Buran reusable space system.

And this year, our design bureau completed work on the Nuclon theme by order of the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University, which provides for the manufacture of a pressurized container with scientific equipment for installation on the Resurs-P spacecraft developed by the Progress RCC.

Currently FSUE KB Arsenal is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of space technology, shipborne artillery and launchers and is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos).

- It turns out that your design bureau is currently not only designing spacecraft, but also continues to develop naval artillery systems?

- Surprising as it sounds, it is so. The historical direction of our design bureau since its inception in 1949 is artillery. And to the present time the St. Petersburg "Arsenal" remains the leading enterprise in Russia for the creation of medium-caliber naval gun mounts.

Today, the main activities of our design bureau are research and development work on the creation of space systems, complexes and devices for various purposes and their components, shipborne automatic artillery and missile launchers, as well as the development and manufacture of technological and test equipment.

For example, our 100-mm single-gun ship artillery mounts AK-100 are armed with ever larger anti-submarine ships project 1155 and some others, and two-gun 130-mm AU AK-130 - destroyers of project 956, missile cruisers of project 1164 and the flagship of the Northern Fleet - heavy nuclear missile cruiser "Peter the Great". Also, AK-130 and AK-100 were supplied and are in service with surface ships of the Chinese and Indian navies.

In addition to these systems, our design bureau has developed shipboard launchers for anti-aircraft missile systems and jamming complexes ZIF-122 and ZIF-121-02.

Do not forget that it was in the Arsenal design bureau that the first strategic missile systems were created with solid-propellant RT-2, RT-15, RT-2P missiles, the D-11 missile weapon system with the R-31 solid-propellant missile for arming submarines. These were essentially pioneering works.

By the way, just a few days ago the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov", the lead ship of Project 22350, is going for testing. It has a 130-mm shipborne artillery mount A-192 developed by our design bureau.

It should be understood that the creation of the A-192 was a non-trivial task. Without going into, for obvious reasons, technical details, we responsibly say that the A-192 is a new or, as the designers say, the "extreme" word in the domestic naval artillery.

In the future, these artillery systems, specially designed for arming medium and large displacement surface warships, intended for firing at coastal, sea and air targets, will be installed on all frigates of this project, and possibly on other promising warships. But it is too early to reveal these plans.

- Let's hope that the new naval artillery installation developed by your design bureau will be as successful as its predecessors AK-100 and AK-130. It is not for nothing that in NATO the AK-130 has the informal name "metal cutter", as if implying that due to the high rate of fire and the power of the ammunition, it is capable of literally "sawing" any enemy ship. But still, let me find out what new spacecraft are currently being developed by the design bureau, in what projects are you participating today?

- I would characterize the main direction of the work of our design bureau as follows: the creation of space means of information support for the use of weapons. It should be understood that in modern wars and armed conflicts it is important not only to timely detect the enemy. Means of destruction have developed very actively over the past 20 years, and not only along the path of increasing power. They became more and more accurate and long-range. Already, only a few minutes pass from the moment a target is detected to its destruction. Therefore, it is important not only to obtain reconnaissance data, but also to quickly process it and issue target designations for weapons.

One of the possible directions of our enterprise's work in this area is the creation of weapons and their integration into the information circuit and vice versa - the creation of an appropriate circuit into which weapons are integrated. These tasks can and should be solved comprehensively, and our design office has all the possibilities for such work.

At present, our design bureau, together with other enterprises of Roscosmos, has developed a series of state-of-the-art spacecraft, which, after launch, will be included in the complex for monitoring the earth's surface. This is a very difficult and responsible job that has been going on for several years and now we are already reaching the home stretch. Our main colleagues and partners in this direction are FSUE TsNIRTI im. Academician A. I. Berg ”, OJSC“ OKB MEI ”, OJSC“ NII TP ”and a number of other equally well-known enterprises in the industry.

Along with the creation of a new generation of space monitoring systems for the Earth's surface, KB Arsenal continues work on universal space platforms with increased power-to-weight ratio with nuclear power plants.

At the level of the leadership of Roscosmos and the military-industrial complex, it was decided that KB Arsenal will be the lead organization for the creation and targeted use of space vehicles with increased power-to-weight ratio with nuclear power plants, relying on a wide range of industrial enterprises and military scientific organizations.

- Your design bureau is one of the few in Russia that has a unique experience in creating spacecraft with nuclear power plants (NPP). Could you tell us in more detail what is their advantage over their counterparts with traditional power plants. After all, for example, the American NASA and the European Space Agency are distrustful of nuclear power plants, they consider them dangerous in operation and give preference to solar power plants.

- Today there are two directions of development in the national scientific school of space nuclear energy.

The first is based on the creation of a super-heavy space platform with a megawatt-class nuclear power plant based on the turbomachine principle of power generation. Several years ago, the M.V. Keldysh Research Center received government support, announced its readiness to develop such a space platform by 2018. Creating a similar technical design will allow our country to make another breakthrough in the field of space technologies and again take the leading positions in the world space industry. The groundwork accumulated to date by the Keldysh Center with cooperation and enterprises of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom makes it possible to start full-scale implementation of the project, and at present the leadership of Roscosmos has made a decision to transfer the lead role on the platform with a megawatt-class nuclear power plant from the Keldysh Center to the FSUE KB Arsenal". Our experts conduct an expert assessment of the accumulated groundwork and form proposals for the order of further work. Taking into account all the technical and, I would say, even the political significance of this project, the availability of theoretical knowledge accumulated by our scientific school for many years, the practical experience gained in the creation and operational support of spacecraft with nuclear power plants already operating in orbits, without any doubt , will serve the successful achievement of the goals set for the national cosmonautics.

Another direction is the creation of space vehicles with thermoemission nuclear power plants. We are developing this direction, since spacecraft created using nuclear power plants of this type have already passed flight tests at the end of the 80s. In general, spacecraft with nuclear power plants of thermoelectric and thermoemission types have been operated in space for almost 20 years, in total about 30 spacecraft have been launched. The power plant for them was developed by the Moscow enterprise "Krasnaya Zvezda", which is now part of the State Corporation "Rosatom". Since the launch of Cosmos-1932 on March 14, 1988, the last in a series of functioning spacecraft with nuclear power plants, much has been done to develop this direction. It should be noted that its participants often acted on a proactive basis.

Thus, as a result of the work carried out by OJSC Krasnaya Zvezda, a parametric series of thermoemission nuclear power plants of the second generation was developed and tested in terms of key technologies. The main technical parameters of such power plants are characterized by high values \u200b\u200bof useful electrical power (from 30 to 500 kW) and guarantee their high reliability and a significant service life in outer space - from seven to ten years in the future.

At the same time, KB Arsenal carried out research and design work in the field of shaping the appearance of a space platform (CP), the basis of energy supply of which will be thermoemission nuclear power plants of the second generation, and also prepared a production and technical base for the creation of these platforms. According to our plans, such spacecraft should be universal (UKP-NPU), that is, on their basis it will be possible to deploy orbital groupings for various purposes, and they must also meet all the requirements for safe operation.

It is important to note that many of the components of this project are not just dreams, but real results embodied in technical documentation, proven technological processes and even in metal.

The work on the creation of the UKP-nuclear power plant is carried out by KB "Arsenal" in accordance with the requirements of the Concept for the development of space nuclear power in Russia, adopted by the government Decree No. 144 of February 2, 1998. It should be noted that the use of nuclear power in space is not only legitimate, but also included in the list of promising tasks for the development of space technology by the world's leading space powers. UKP-NPU are being developed to solve long-term problems in the field of defense and security, socio-economic development and science. The range of tasks solved by spacecraft created on its basis is quite wide - from the transportation of goods in outer space to remote sensing of the earth's surface and research in near and deep space, as well as tasks in the framework of ensuring national security. That is, all those tasks, the solution of which requires high onboard power.

At present, FSUE KB Arsenal is completing design and exploration work on the creation of the Plasma-2010 UKP-NPU with a multi-mode thermal emission power plant with a capacity of up to 100 kilowatts, capable of operating in a continuous continuous mode (seven or more years) to ensure the operation of the payload and service spacecraft systems. The level of elaboration of the issue allows you to start carrying out full-scale development work.

Achievement of specific characteristics comparable to nuclear power plants by power plants of the type traditional for space (with solar and storage batteries) is practically impossible. Moreover, the use of power plants based on solar and storage batteries imposes significant restrictions on the time and operating modes of existing payloads, not to mention promising ones. Also, "traditional" power plants "do not work" in deep space.

Most of the developments of FSUE "KB" Arsenal "and cooperation were implemented within the walls of JSC" Machine-building plant "Arsenal". Currently FSUE KB Arsenal and OJSC MZ Arsenal form a closed the production cycle and have significant practical experience in the development, manufacture, experimental development and routine operation of space vehicles for various purposes.

- Recently, the Advanced Research Fund (FPI) appeared in Russia, the purpose of which was to facilitate the implementation of scientific research and developments in the interests of the country's defense and state security, associated with a high degree of risk of achieving qualitatively new results in the military-technical, technological and socio-economic spheres. Does your design bureau participate in joint work with FPI? And to what extent, in your opinion, are such joint works with the Fund promising for KB Arsenal?

- Our design bureau takes an active part in joint work with the Foundation for Advanced Research, within the framework of which a joint laboratory has been created on the basis of the KB with the participation of the FPI.

It should be noted that the Foundation for Advanced Study has formed an extremely rigid system for selecting projects, which, on the one hand, should provide a qualitatively new level of problem solving. national defense, on the other hand, the projects financed by the Fund form that breakthrough (the sixth, according to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin) technological order, which will create a new generation of weapons.

Arsenal's participation in FPI projects is another evidence that our company has been and is a leader in the development of breakthrough solutions that shape the appearance of weapons systems for decades to come.

It is not an exaggeration that in all the years of its existence, Arsenal has created and developed a unique range of technical means and technologies aimed at strengthening the country's defense capability. Most of the products created from scratch had no historical or technical counterparts, and for the engineers and designers of the enterprise, each time it was actually a discovery of a new topic with a minimum amount of data available.

Therefore, this work can be compared to the sprout of advanced technology, making its way and growing into new knowledge in critical areas of technology, which are already freely available to followers.

- Andrey Vasilyevich, congratulations on behalf of our publication. We wish your team success so that it is always ahead of the competition, and new developments remain unsurpassed for as long as possible.

- Thank.

Help "VPK"

Romanov Andrey Vasilievich was born in 1970 in the city of Yurga, Kemerovo region. In 1993 he graduated from the Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEKH" D.F. Ustinova. In KB "Arsenal" he rose from an engineer to the chief designer of the direction of rocket and space technology. Since 2013, he has been the General Director of the FGUP Arsenal Design Bureau named after MV Frunze. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K.E. Tsiolkovsky. The main area of \u200b\u200bscientific interests is the development of methodological foundations for the design of spacecraft with nuclear power plants. Has received awards from the Federal Space Agency, the Russian Federation of Cosmonautics, the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after V.I. K. E. Tsiolkovsky and the Governor of St. Petersburg.

JSC "Design Bureau" Arsenal "named after M. V. Frunze" (JSC "KB" Arsenal "; until February 1, 2017 - FSUE" KB "Arsenal" named after M.V. Frunze "; formerly" TsKB-7 ") is a design bureau formed on November 21, 1949 on the basis of the design departments of the plant" Arsenal ”and subdivisions of the Naval Artillery Central Design Bureau as the main enterprise of the defense industry. It traces its history back to the "Cannon Foundries" founded by Peter I in 1711. Today KB "Arsenal" is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of space technology, naval artillery and launchers.


In 1949, by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 5316-2040 of November 21, 1949, to create a new generation of shipborne automatic artillery on the basis of the design departments of the Arsenal plant (then - plant No. 7) and subdivisions of the Naval Artillery Central Design Bureau, the design bureau was formed. Arsenal "(TsKB-7).

Already in 1951, the first AU SM-24-ZIF successfully passed firing tests, and in 1953 it was put into service. In a little over ten years, the design bureau has created a number of shipborne anti-aircraft guns: 45 mm single-barreled high-speed SM-21-ZIF; open-type four-gun deck AUs SM-20-ZIF (caliber 45 mm) and ZIF-75 (caliber -57 mm); two-gun turret AU AK-725 (caliber - 57 mm) and AK-726 (caliber - 76.2 mm) for firing at air, sea and coastal targets and other installations.

In the second half of the 1960s, when the Navy needed 100 mm and 130 mm fully mechanized turret artillery units with a rate of fire of 40-60 rounds per minute (which was almost 4 times higher than the rate of fire of previously existing artillery units of this caliber), KB Arsenal began developing new AU. As a result, the single-gun AK-100 (1978) and the two-gun AK-130 (1985) were created and put into service. AK-725 and AK-726 created at Arsenal; The AK-100 and AK-130 have not yet been withdrawn from the Russian Navy's armament; almost all ships of the Russian fleet are equipped with them. AU AK-130 installed on the Russian cruisers "Moscow", "Marshal Ustinov", "Peter the Great". AU were supplied and are in service with a number of foreign countries: China, India, Syria, Algeria, Cuba and other countries. In addition, in the 1960-1970s. KB "Arsenal" has developed shipborne missile launchers of deck type ZIF-101 and ZIF-102 (anti-aircraft missile system - SAM "Volna"), ZIF-122 (SAM "OSA-M"), as well as complexes for setting false targets: PK-16, PK-2M (ZIF-121), which have also been exported on several occasions. The development of the OSA-M air defense missile system was awarded the State Prize.

In general, the plant and KB "Arsenal" have created more than 20 types of automated artillery installations of caliber from 45 to 130 mm, as well as a number of ship-based missile launchers for various purposes.

In the late 1950s, work began at Arsenal to create a complex of missile weapons with solid-propellant ballistic missiles. Under the leadership of SP Korolev (OKB-1), work was carried out to create the 8K98 rocket, in which Arsenal took part in the development of the second stage propulsion system. Separately, "Arsenal" carried out work on the creation of a 15P96 mobile missile system with an 8K96 missile. Later, by a separate decree of the Government, under the leadership of Chief Designer P.A.Turin, a modernized 15P098P missile system was created with an 8K98P solid-propellant missile, which differed from the 8K98 in combat equipment, the presence of a system for overcoming enemy anti-missile defenses with new propulsion systems of all stages and new system management. Upon completion of this work, "Arsenal" came up with a proposal to develop a complex of missile weapons with solid-propellant missiles to arm nuclear submarines. The work ended with the creation and transfer into operation of the Navy of the D-11 complex with a solid-propellant ballistic missile, which approved solid-propellant ballistic missiles as the new kind weapons of the Navy. After 1980, in connection with the transition to the creation of spacecraft, KB "Arsenal" ceased the development of new DBKs.

Since 1969, Arsenal began to create space technology. In the early 1960s, the country's leadership set a fundamentally new task for science and industry to create the world's first all-weather space system for observing the water area of \u200b\u200bthe World Ocean and issuing target designations for surface objects with data transmission directly to missile carriers or ground points. "Arsenal", busy at that time with the creation of artillery and missile systems, did not immediately get involved in the new topic. However, already in 1969, the design documentation for the space complex, partially developed by NPOMash (Reutovo), was transferred to Arsenal and the development of design documentation was entrusted to it directly for the spacecraft itself. In a short time, its specialists managed to ensure the release of design documentation for the spacecraft, to carry out the reconstruction and additional equipment of production facilities for the production of a completely new topic for the plant. The ICRC system includes two types of spacecraft (SC): radio reconnaissance "US-P" with a solar power plant and radar reconnaissance "US-A" with a nuclear power plant (NPP). Flight design tests of the US-A spacecraft began in 1973, the US-P spacecraft - in 1974, and were commissioned in 1975 and 1978, respectively. In 1978, the space system was put into service in full. The successful results of the work carried out by the Arsenal team served as the basis for the Government's decision to secure the status of the head enterprise for the creation of space observation complexes for the enterprise. The space direction has become the main one for KB "Arsenal". Simultaneously with the creation and production of its own spacecraft, "Arsenal" was connected to the program for the creation of spacecraft for photographic observation, the main developer of which is the State Scientific and Production Enterprise RCC "TsSKB-Progress". The serial production of these spacecraft was organized at the Arsenal plant in the early 1980s.

Within the framework of the Energia-Buran project at Arsenal, a fundamentally new design of digitally controlled hydraulic steering drives (RP) was developed to rotate the chambers of the RD-170 engine of the Energia launch vehicle (LV). In the development of this work, later "Arsenal" created steering drives, which are currently used as part of the RD-180 LPRE on the "Atlas 5" LV (USA). In the 1980s, KB "Arsenal" carried out work on the development and operation of spacecraft with nuclear power plants (NPP). In 1987, successful flight tests were carried out on two experimental Plasma-A spacecraft (Kosmos-1818 and Kosmos-1867) with a new powerful Topaz nuclear power plant (developed by NPO Krasnaya Zvezda).

In the 1990s, KB "Arsenal" took part in a space experiment to study bursts of cosmic gamma radiation with the help of scientific equipment created by the Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute. The experiment was carried out in the framework of the joint space program "Wind-Konyc" with the United States on two spacecraft "Kosmos-2326" and "Kosmos-2367" in the period 1995-2000, and on the third spacecraft "Kosmos-2421" launched in 2006 ... In addition, Arsenal developed and manufactured a special technological equipment for work with the Zenit-3SL LV upper stage (under the Sea Launch project). Since 2000, KB "Arsenal" has been working on the creation of a new generation of space vehicles intended for remote sensing of the Earth and the study of the physics of propagation of electromagnetic waves in near-earth space, and also continues work on the creation of shipborne artillery installations of a new generation.


  • Antonov Nikolay Petrovich, chief and chief designer TsKB-7 (1949-1952).
  • Lender Vladimir Frantsevich, acting chief of TsKB-7 (1952-1953).
  • Tyurin Petr Alexandrovich, chief and chief designer of TsKB-7 (1953-1958), deputy. chief - chief designer of TsKB-7 (1958-1971).
  • Semyonov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich, head of TsKB-7 - director of the experimental plant No. 7 named after M. V. Frunze (1958-1967).
  • Ivanov Evgeny Konstantinovich, Head of KB "Arsenal", Director of the Machine-Building Plant "Arsenal" named after M. V. Frunze (1967-1976).
  • Arefiev Alexey Ivanovich, Head of KB "Arsenal" (1976-1980).
  • Boroshnev Igor Nikolaevich, Head of KB Arsenal (1980-1983).
  • Valov Yuri Fedorovich, Chief - Chief Designer of KB Arsenal (1983-1995).
  • Poletaev Boris Ivanovich, Chief - Chief Designer of FSUE KB Arsenal (1995-1997), General Director-General Designer of FSUE KB Arsenal (1997-2009).
  • Sapego Mikhail Kimovich, General Director-General Designer of FSUE KB Arsenal (since 2009), General Director of FSUE KB Arsenal (2012-2013).
  • Romanov Andrey Vasilievich, General Director of FSUE KB Arsenal (2013-2014).
  • Kovalev Alexander Pavlovich, General Director of FSUE KB Arsenal (since August 27, 2015).
  • Milkovsky Alexander Grigorievich, General Director of KB Arsenal JSC (from February 1, 2017) (Acting General Director of FSUE KB Arsenal (06/01/2016-01.02.2017)).


The Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Design Bureau" Arsenal "named after MV Frunze" (FSUE "KB" Arsenal ") traces its history back to the" cannon foundries "founded by Peter I in 1711, where the first Russian guns for weapons were designed and manufactured army and navy. On October 15, 2011, St. Petersburg Arsenal celebrated the 300th anniversary of its foundation. The Arsenal design bureau (originally TsKB-7) was formed on November 21, 1949 on the basis of the design departments of the Arsenal plant and the subdivisions of the Naval Artillery Central Design Bureau as the head enterprise of the defense industry. Since then, KB "Arsenal" has launched work to create the most complex systems and products of defense technology. Currently FSUE KB Arsenal is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of space technology, shipboard artillery and launchers and is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Space Agency of Russia (Roscosmos). FSUE KB Arsenal is headed by the General Director. The main activities of the design bureau are:

Creation of space complexes and spacecraft for various purposes;

Creation of shipborne automatic artillery and missile launchers.

To expand international cooperation in space activities, on the initiative of FSUE KB Arsenal with the support of the Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade of the Administration of St. Petersburg, in June 2002, the North European Space Consortium (NP SECK) was formed.

February 1, 2017 took place state registration Joint Stock Company Design Bureau Arsenal named after M.V. Frunze "(JSC" KB "Arsenal" named after MV Frunze "). The company was created through the transformation of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Design Bureau" Arsenal "named after M.V. Frunze "in joint-stock company and is the legal successor of FSUE KB Arsenal for all its obligations.

Alexander Grigorievich Milkovsky has been appointed General Director.

General Director of FGUP Arsenal Design Bureau named after M.V. Frunze "Doctor of Technical Sciences Andrey Romanov. Photo courtesy of KB "Arsenal"

November 21 FSUE “Design Bureau“ Arsenal ”named after M.V. Frunze "celebrates the 65th anniversary of its foundation. Director General of the Design Bureau, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after V.I. K.E. Tsiolkovsky Andrey ROMANOV.

Andrey Vasilyevich, today your design bureau celebrates the 65th anniversary of its foundation. I wonder how and when did the KB appear?

- KB "Arsenal" is an integral part of St. Petersburg "Arsenal", which traces its history back to the cannon "Liteiny Dvor" founded by Peter the Great in 1711, which became the basis for the creation and development of Russian artillery weapons. Our design bureau, which was originally called the Central Design Bureau No. 7, with an experimental production base, was formed in 1949 at machine-building plant No. 7. Now it is called OJSC Machine-Building Plant Arsenal. TsKB-7 was entrusted with the design and development of naval automatic anti-aircraft artillery and artillery systems at long-term firing points, the so-called bunkers of fortified areas. KB is a historically innovative enterprise - in all the years of its existence, Arsenal has created and developed a unique range of technical means and technologies aimed at strengthening the country's defense capability. Most of these greenfield products had no historical or technical counterparts, and it was difficult for the plant's engineers and designers to work on a new topic with the minimum amount of knowledge available. Therefore, this work can be compared with a "sprout" of new technologies, making its way and growing into new knowledge in critical areas of technology, which are already freely available to followers.

As an example, we can cite the creation of naval artillery installations - 100-mm single-gun AK-100 and 130-mm two-gun AK-130, as well as ship launchers for anti-aircraft missile systems and jamming systems ZIF-122 and ZIF-121-02 ... Our design bureau also created the first strategic missile systems with solid-propellant RT-2, RT-15, RT-2P missiles, a D-11 missile weapon system with an R-31 solid-propellant missile to arm submarines. These were essentially pioneer works.

- What is the current position of the design bureau and in what directions is its work carried out today?

- Currently, the Design Bureau is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of space technology, ship artillery and launchers and is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Space Agency. The main activities of the enterprise include R&D to create

space systems, complexes and vehicles for various purposes and their constituent elements; research and development work on the creation of shipborne automatic artillery and missile launchers; development and manufacture of technological and testing equipment.

Design Bureau is universal - for a number of topics, an enterprise can act as a parent enterprise, manage a project, as well as integrate and coordinate the work of dozens of industrial, scientific and scientific and educational enterprises, form a single goal, set tasks and synthesize new products. At the same time, KB is an effective and reliable partner in the creation of unique elements. These include the creation in the 1980s of powerful steering gears for the Energia launch vehicle of the Energia-Buran reusable space system. This year, our specialists completed work on the Nucleon theme, which was commissioned by the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University. The work provided for the creation of a complex of technical means, which ensures the functioning of scientific equipment for recording heavy particles in orbital flight conditions. The equipment will operate as part of the Resurs-P spacecraft developed by OJSC RCC Progress.

- As you already said, the historical direction of the design bureau is the creation of artillery systems. How are things currently going with the implementation of this direction?

- Quite right, artillery is one of our main tasks. At present, the St. Petersburg Arsenal is the leading enterprise in Russia for the creation of medium-caliber naval gun mounts. For example, the AK-130 gun mounts are installed on the Russian cruisers Moskva, Marshal Ustinov, and Peter the Great, and the newest patrol ship Yaroslav the Wise is equipped with the AK-100 gun. AU AK-130 and AK-100 were delivered to China, India and are still in service with their surface ships. Among the latest developments is the 130 mm A-192 universal gun mount designed to arm surface warships of the "frigate" class and above to ensure the destruction of coastal, air and sea targets.

- And what exactly is being done at the enterprise in the space field?

- An equally important area of \u200b\u200bwork for us is the development of information support for the use of weapons systems. This concerns the creation of weapons and their integration into the information circuit, and vice versa - the creation of an information circuit into which weapons are integrated.

Along with the creation of space complexes for observing the earth's surface of a new generation, the design bureau is working on the creation of universal space platforms with increased power-to-weight ratio with nuclear power plants.

Currently, at the level of the leadership of Roskosmos and the defense industry of the Russian Federation, it has been decided that our design bureau will become the lead organization to ensure the creation and targeted use of space vehicles with increased power-to-weight ratio with nuclear power plants. We will cooperate with a wide range of industrial enterprises and military scientific organizations.

We have experience in creating such spacecraft. Since 1973, the Arsenal plant has been producing spacecraft with a thermoelectric nuclear power plant developed by our bureau (the power plant was developed by the Moscow enterprise Krasnaya Zvezda). They were part of the maritime space reconnaissance and target designation system (MKRTs). The system has successfully passed flight tests and in 1978 was put into service in full. In total, Arsenal cooperated with the development, manufacture and operation of more than 30 spacecraft of the Kosmos series with nuclear power plants.

- In what directions is the national school of space nuclear energy currently developing and what is the role of your design bureau in this area?

- Today, the domestic scientific school of space nuclear power takes into account two directions of its development. The first of them provides for the creation of a super-heavy space platform with a megawatt-class nuclear power plant based on the turbomachine principle of power generation. The creation of a nuclear power plant of this type requires the use of a large number of completely unique technical solutions and is a breakthrough direction in a number of related fields of science and technology.

Currently, the leadership of Roskosmos has made a decision to designate KB Arsenal as the head organization for a platform with megawatt nuclear power plants. Taking into account all the technical and even political significance of this project, the theoretical knowledge accumulated by our scientific school over the years, the practical experience gained during the creation and operational support of spacecraft with nuclear power plants already operating in orbits, will undoubtedly serve in the interests of successful achieving the goals set for the national cosmonautics.

Another direction is thermoemission nuclear installations. We are developing this area together with OJSC Krasnaya Zvezda, which is now part of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom. Thermal emission nuclear installations are characterized by high values \u200b\u200bof useful electrical power (from 30 to 500 kW) and reliability. The service life of such a facility in outer space is from 7 years to 10 years in the future. A prototype of such an installation was already tested as part of our vehicles in the late 1980s.

At the same time, our design bureau carried out scientific and design work in the field of shaping the appearance of the space platform (CP), the basis of energy supply for which will be thermoemission nuclear power plants of the second generation, and also prepared the production and technical base for the creation of these platforms. Such CP should be universal (UKP-NPU), that is, on their basis it will be possible to deploy orbital groupings for various purposes. I would also like to note that many of the components of this project are not just dreams, but already real results embodied in technical documentation, proven technological processes and even in metal.

- For what purpose are the UKP-NPU being developed?

- Work on the creation of the UKP-NPS is being carried out by KB Arsenal in the light of the requirements of the Concept for the Development of Space Nuclear Power Engineering in Russia, adopted by the government of the Russian Federation in February 1998. It should be noted that the use of nuclear power plants in space is not only legitimate, but also included in the list of promising tasks in the development of space technology of the world's leading space powers.

UKP-nuclear power plants are being developed to solve long-term tasks in the field of defense, security, socio-economic development and science. Now we are just finishing the design and exploration work on the creation of the Plasma-2010 UKP-nuclear power plant with a multi-mode thermoemission power plant with a capacity of 30–80 kW, capable of operating the payload and service systems of spacecraft in a long-term continuous mode. The level of elaboration of the issue allows already to begin carrying out full-scale development work.

The main advantage of Plazma-2010 is the ability to ensure continuous operation of target equipment with power consumption of up to several tens of kilowatts in a wide range of orbits, which will provide a qualitative leap in solving scientific, defense and applied problems in space and from space.

It must be said that space power plants of the "classical" type (based on solar and storage batteries) of comparable power (from 50 to 500 kW) cannot be compared with nuclear power plants in terms of specific mass and overall characteristics and cannot be used in deep space.

- In what other areas does the design bureau work?

- In addition to the main areas of work today, one of the priority tasks of our design bureau is cooperation with the Advanced Research Fund (FPI). As the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin noted, the start of the FPI is one of the priority tasks. At present, the Foundation has formed an effective system for the selection of technologies to ensure the defense of the Russian Federation. Each FPI project is the foundation of the sixth technological generation. For their implementation, autonomous laboratories are being created at defense industry enterprises, in scientific organizations and leading universities of the country. One of such laboratories has also been created at KB Arsenal.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the last few months have clearly shown to our society the need to constantly maintain the country's defense potential, which has the ability to timely fend off threats to national security. The intellectual capabilities of KB "Arsenal" are a guarantee that decades later, Russian weapons will make it possible to comprehensively defend Russia's interests in a rapidly changing world.


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