How to transmit wifi signal in fixed-route taxis. Mosgortrans_Free: Free Wi-Fi appeared on four Moscow routes

Net for Bus is installing Wi-Fi in city buses and by the end of the year plans to launch the Internet on all routes linking St. Petersburg and Gatchina. Project founder Evgeny Korznikov told "Paper", how he sold the Internet on the train, how much it costs to equip the bus with Wi-Fi, and why it is difficult for the team to find an investor.

Evgeny Korznikov

Net for Bus CEO

Why Wi-Fi on the bus started with the train

The idea came to me on May 12, I was on a train from Perm to St. Petersburg. My phone was dead, but I had a tablet and a router with a USB flash drive with me. Since there was an outlet in the car, I connected a router there. Only an hour has passed since we left, and the neighbor opposite asked if it was possible to connect to the Internet, I say: connect. Then a neighbor across the aisle also asks: “Can I connect?”, Well, without thinking twice, I say: “100 rubles.” Him: "Yes, no problem." And he gives me money. Then I went to the conductor, took a piece of paper, wrote that I was distributing the Internet to St. Petersburg for 100 rubles.

I came here and started thinking about how to implement such a project. I talked with manufacturers of routers, began to study what a startup is. Then I registered the Net for Bus company: for this I came to the Ingria business incubator, told about the idea, and two days later I was told that I was passing and could become a resident.

How the Net for Bus project works

I wrote a letter to the transport committee, Poltavchenko. The Transport Committee is interested in the implementation of this project, so it helps us, for example, with contacts. Now we are working on finding an investor, but at the moment there is no one who would offer normal conditions. We need to figure out how we will monetize this project, because it costs about 20,000 rubles to equip one bus.

Now we have several directions. First: installing Wi-Fi points in offices and shops, we are laying a 4G channel. Second: we work with one large network, which has about 65 stores in the North-West. After the New Year, we will also install Wi-Fi hotspot equipment for them. Well, the main thing is the buses. This includes the installation of Wi-Fi points, a video surveillance system, a passenger flow system, which in automatic mode counts passengers entering and exiting and transmits this information to the operator in the park. Now we have launched it on one of the Gatchina-Petersburg bus routes. While we have installed Wi-Fi on one bus, we are launching nine more by the end of the week, and by the New Year we will try to equip all buses - there are about 55 of them.

We focus on passenger carriers of urban transport, as well as tourist transport, which runs on intercity and international destinations. After the New Year, we start working in Finland: we want to equip about 40 buses, but access to Wi-Fi will be paid there.

Companies, of course, do not really want to get involved with a startup, but the services that we provide are in demand by passenger carriers. We were introduced to the first carrier with whom we began to cooperate, and the second one found out about us and already applied himself.

About ten tram routes with Wi-Fi have been launched around the city, but these are more image projects. There is equipment that works on 3G, and we work at a higher speed. We have industrial routers, their speed is from 40 to 70 megabits. Passengers have a standard speed of 512 kilobits per second with a 1–2 megabit subscription.

There are emergency situations with the equipment, but we usually configure it remotely. This does not necessarily require a router: we can remotely connect to it, reboot, see that the requirements are met everywhere.

I drive almost every day on a route where a Wi-Fi point is installed, mostly with people positive reviews because it's an hour drive.

Bus route between St. Petersburg and Helsinki. Speed ​​100 km/h. Wi-Fi is available on board the bus (and even outside it). How does this happen?

To bookmarks

Technical and other details are disclosed by Igor Ivanov, service specialist Russian division international bus carrier Lux Express Group.

How is the Wi-Fi equipment on the bus?

This is a special device (you can call it a hub), which contains up to 8 SIM cards of operators of those countries in which our buses make their routes. The equipment is equipped with special modems - they are responsible for connecting with the desired telecom operator using antennas located on the roof of the bus.

But that is not all. Other devices are connected to the main hub, providing direct distribution of Wi-Fi in the passenger compartment of the bus. They operate on two frequencies 2.4 GHz/5 GHz in the main wireless standards. The same devices (access points) collect and analyze information about the quality of the connection or breaks that have occurred, monitor all connected devices, distribute the Internet connection to multimedia systems installed near each passenger seat.

The final connection speed always depends on the user's device, so the connection (or file download) speed can be very different between two people connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

Where is the main hub?

The location of the main hub differs depending on the bus model and the year it entered the line. As a rule, it is located at the beginning or middle part of the bus, but the essence or functionality of the devices practically does not depend on the location. The main thing when installing equipment is its privacy and the possibility of quick access for the driver or technical specialist. Power is also needed for its various components. For example, due to the difference in batteries, the voltage supplied in minibuses (12 V) is different from that supplied in large cars for 54 passengers (24 V). And this also makes its own adjustments to the installation of Wi-Fi devices.

It's no secret that Wi-Fi doesn't work perfectly all the way. What factors can affect network connection interruptions?

These may be internal factors, as a network malfunction or congestion, as well as external ones - for example, bad weather or interruptions at the telecom operator. You need to understand that when the bus is moving, there is a constant change base stations operator (their exact number is even difficult to name), and whether they all work equally well is another question. And, if we talk about really uninterrupted Internet on the bus, then you need good operator communication with a reliable signal along the entire route.

It is worth noting that over the past couple of years we have managed to ensure that passengers can watch videos and even live broadcasts. Previously, we had restrictions on data traffic. Now they are removed, and streaming is open. Now you can safely watch videos in applications such as Youtube or Facebook. And recently, according to our employees, on the Tallinn-Petersburg route, some passengers watched a football match between Russia and Spain online.

The passengers of this bus watched the victorious football match between Russia and Spain. The funny thing is that the country of manufacture of the bus is just Spain.

If all 54 passengers connect to the network, how will the equipment react? Is it designed for such a load?

Yes, we select exactly such equipment, which is designed for such a load. Although with 54 passengers on the network, the connection speed may slow down, especially if the transfer of "heavy" data begins. In this case, a lot depends on the telecom operator and the strength of the signal from its network. I can say for sure that in the city limits in the “everything is online” situation, there will be no problems, while outside the city you will notice a drop in speed. At the same time, we rely on the reasonableness of our passengers regarding the use of traffic volume.

Are there any weaknesses in the passenger compartment where the passenger's network connection is not ideal?

There is no such place on the bus, most often problems arise from mobile devices when trying to connect. For example, it may not see the network, or give a connection error - in such cases, restarting the user's device or Internet equipment on the bus helps, in extreme cases, changing the Internet access device, such as a tablet or laptop instead of a phone.

What is the coverage area of ​​the Wi-Fi from the bus?

For open space technical specifications equipment, the maximum communication range is set to 122 meters. Of course, this value cannot be applied to our buses, but within a radius of 10 meters from the bus, you can definitely connect to the network. For example, often on the border between Russia and other countries, drivers of other buses or cars use this opportunity.

For the first half of this year, more than 10 terabytes of Internet traffic were used in our buses in Russia

Igor Ivanov

Is there any specifics in the operation of Wi-Fi on the territory different countries? Or when moving at the border from the territory of one country to another?

The equipment switches automatically between telecom operators of different countries - up to three different operators can work simultaneously.

As for the border, for example, the Estonian and Russian operators can work together as long as the bus is within the coverage area of ​​these networks. If for some reason, when crossing the border, switching to another network did not happen automatically, then the driver simply needs to restart the device.

What more progress can be made in the development of Wi-Fi on board the bus?

We look forward to the development of 5G networks, but, unfortunately, this does not depend on us. In principle, we try as much as possible to follow the latest technologies in this matter. As far as wireless Internet is concerned, perhaps the best progress in development will be if each user gets from Wi-Fi what he expected and is satisfied with its use. And it will be important for us if, while watching movies, reading or working processes, the passenger does not notice the time it takes to travel from one city to another. That is, he will feel teleportation.

Free Wi-Fi has appeared on Moscow buses since Monday, but so far only in test mode and only on four routes of Mosgortrans State Unitary Enterprise. Passengers who have already become accustomed to free wireless Internet in the subway and at bus stops public transport, were able to evaluate the innovation together with a RIAMO correspondent.

Do you have wi-fi?

On February 1, 2016, the first buses with free Internet access took to the streets of the capital. The wireless network is available for passengers of semi-express No. 902, which runs from the Kievsky railway station to the south-west of Moscow, No. 904, following from the Belorussky railway station to Mitin, as well as on the night bus No. H1, which runs to Sheremetyevo Airport, and route No. 1002, operating in New Moscow.

In the first bus of route 904, an Internet access point was found, but to understand that vehicle really equipped with free Wi-Fi, not so easy. There are only three stickers with information about the possibility of connecting to free Internet in the cabin, which does not “catchy the eye” of the passenger. At the same time, each of them has a technical support phone number, which any passenger can call in case of connection problems.

“I was lucky that I saw a sticker with information about free Wi-Fi connection, because I sat next to this sticker,” said one of the passengers.

Simple but slow

The procedure for connecting to the Internet operates in the bus according to the same principle as in the Moscow metro. When connecting for the first time, you must leave your phone number, which will receive a confirmation code within 1-2 minutes, it must be entered in the empty field that will appear in the browser window after sending SMS to the number.

Authorization turned out to be simple and fast, which cannot be said about the speed of the Internet. According to the Yandex Internetmeter service, the incoming connection speed did not exceed 0.95 megabits per second, and outgoing - 0.88 megabits per second. At the same time, according to the version of the SpeedTest Internet application, the incoming speed reached only 0.59 megabits per second, while the outgoing speed was 1.07 megabits per second.

Meanwhile, according to the press service of Mosgortrans, the connection speed reaches 10 megabits per second. In general, when viewing social networks and news on the Internet, there are no problems, but in order to watch a video, you will have to be patient and wait until it loads.

Useful service

Of the ten passengers on route 904, only three were aware of the arrival of free Wi-Fi on the bus. At the same time, opinions regarding the new function differ.

“To be honest, I found out that free Wi-Fi appeared on my route, not by accident, but only after I purposefully searched the Internet for information about the implementation of such a project in Moscow buses,” said Maxim, a Moscow student.

According to him, this service is very important for him. “Often on the way to the institute you need to prepare for a couple, in this case the Internet is indispensable. It's great when you can connect to free Wi-Fi for such purposes, because the network is not caught everywhere, and it costs money. It would be faster if all the transport in Moscow was connected to such a service," the young man shares.

As another passenger, Marina, noted, wireless Internet access, in her opinion, will be in demand only on "long" routes.

“I think it's great that people have more and more opportunities to be sociable anywhere in the city. I actively use social networks, so the ability to watch updates in them in any form of transport makes life much easier," the girl shared.

Passengers "disappeared"

Photo: RIAMO, Tatiana Korobeinik

However, not all passengers share the joy of the penetration of the Internet into all spheres of life. According to one of the passengers, the number of people reading in public transport has decreased significantly in recent years.

“Just look at how few people with books are sitting in public transport today. I don’t see anything useful in the free Internet on the bus, this will further alienate young people from books. middle-aged people, too, just disappeared into their mobile devices," the agency's interlocutor complained.

Mosgortrans plans to test free Wi-Fi on buses until April 2016. After passengers try out the innovation, a decision will be made on the further introduction of free Wi-Fi on rolling stock.

Anton Shamarin

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By the end of the year, seamless Wi-Fi access to the World Wide Web will operate in all buses, trams and trolleybuses of the city.

From October 11, passengers of the metro and ground public transport will be able to use a single high-speed free Internet. The seamless zone extends to the Moscow Metro, and also works in all buses, trams and trolleybuses. Thus, Europe's largest seamless Wi-Fi space in public transport has been created in the capital.

“Access to the network for passengers is provided throughout the entire journey, regardless of the number of transfers between the metro and surface transport. The formation of such a single space is an example of fruitful cooperation between business and the city, which is aimed at creating comfortable public transport in Moscow,” said the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Head of .

How to connect

To connect to free Wi-Fi both in the subway and in land transport identification is required. Number needs to be confirmed mobile phone or log in through the public services portal. At the same time, users who have already been identified in the Wi-Fi network will not have to do this again.

Every day, up to three million connections are made to Wi-Fi in the Moscow Metro, and 70 terabytes of traffic per day are transmitted through the network itself. Each train is connected to the network at a speed of up to 100 megabits per second - there is no such service in any city in the world. Internet access points are located in each carriage. Thus, more than five thousand wagons were equipped. 900 base stations have been installed in the subway tunnels and 880 kilometers of fiber optic cable have been laid.

Where does he work

Free Wi-Fi in the metropolitan terrestrial city passenger transport already used by more than one million unique users. In total, since the launch of the project, access to the network has been provided in 7250 buses, trolleybuses and trams of SUE Mosgortrans. Until the end of the year, the Internet will work in all rolling stock of the city.

You can also connect to Wi-Fi in Moscow at 450 ground transport stops. They are located near metro stations, bus stations, railway platforms and other objects popular with Muscovites.

Free wireless network in the Moscow Metro was recognized by the International Association of Wireless Operators Wireless Broadband Alliance as the world's best implementation of Wi-Fi technology in urban space in 2015.

In Svetlogorsk city buses, it became possible to use the Wi-Fi network for free to connect to the global web.

Wi-Fi equipment is installed on more than 60% of the buses involved in urban passenger transportation. So the opportunity to ride in a bus that distributes “free” Internet is quite high. So far, the buses do not outwardly give out their technological filling, but soon stickers should appear on them indicating the presence of Wi-Fi in each particular bus.

I took a ride on several city buses to test and understand how the innovation works. I will describe my experience of using it step by step so that it is more clear what to do and in what sequence. Testing was carried out on an iPhone smartphone. Perhaps on Android devices, some windows or steps will be slightly different from those presented in the article, but I think you will succeed!

How to connect to Wi-Fi on the bus (instruction with photo)

Step 1. If your smartphone is set to automatically notify you when you can connect to a new WiFi networks, then the phone itself will prompt you to connect. If no such notification is received, then you can go to wifi settings and manually connect to desired network. In all buses, the network we need is called the same - GomelAuto Free WiFi.

This network is connected without a password. Therefore, if everything is done correctly, you will be redirected to the welcome page from Gomeloblavtotrans OJSC.

Step 2 On the welcome page, we are prompted to enter a mobile phone number to receive an access code. This procedure is completely free.

What is it for. In Belarus, there is a law according to which access to the Internet can only be obtained by passing identification. This can be done in several ways, including through a mobile phone number.

After entering the phone number, you should press the "Get Code" button and after a few seconds you will receive a message from Velcom with a 4-digit digital code.

Step 3 A new window will open prompting you to enter the received code. There should not be any difficulties here. Enter the code and click the "Login" button. If for some reason it was not possible to receive the code (for example, you entered the phone number incorrectly), click the "Back to receive the code" button and repeat Step 2.

If this step is completed correctly, then you will again see the familiar picture with the greeting of Gomeloblavtotrans OJSC.

Step 4 At the top of the window, click the "Finish" button. At this point, we see that the phone is disconnected from the mobile data connection (in my case it is 3G) and switches to a Wi-Fi connection. The first site that you will see after connecting to Wi-Fi will be the official site of Gomeloblavtotrans OJSC. (Apparently this increases the traffic and rating of this site)))

Step 5. ALL! You are connected to global network the Internet. If you have not been online for a long time, then you will start to receive messages from all messengers, notifications of likes on Instagram and other amenities. But to surf web pages, you need to minimize the connection window and go to the browser, because, alas, you won’t be able to access your favorite site through the connection window.

In a browser or other applications, you can freely and familiarly browse the Internet, communicate in in social networks and messengers. Also at the time of testing, I could freely watch videos on YouTube. Of course, I was the only one in the cabin who knew about the availability of free Internet on the bus, and therefore the entire access speed (1 Mb / s per bus) was mine. If you divide the connection speed between at least 10 passengers, then enjoy high speeds is unlikely to succeed.

Negative point

the only negative moment it became that the equipment that distributes Wi-Fi can be put into operation for quite a long time after the ignition is turned on or the bus is turned on (up to 10 minutes).

What it looks like in practice: the bus starts up after stopping at the final stop, at which time the equipment is turned on. The bus can travel several stops or even half of the route (they are small in our city) before Wi-Fi is fully operational. But, I think, the drivers themselves are interested in ensuring that everything always works without interruptions). Practice will show.

Instead of a conclusion

The technology and connection method seemed quite convenient to us. I was also pleased with the fact that when moving from one bus to another, you can reconnect without unnecessary gestures - Wi-Fi is picked up automatically as a familiar network (if, of course, the corresponding setting is activated).

Speeds on this stage enough to comfortably communicate in the social. networks to all bus passengers (but this is if you do not watch the video). The connection signal is strong and stable.

Anyway modern technologies they are slowly getting to our city, making the life of the Svetlana mountain people a little more pleasant and convenient.

Testil: Grigory Polessky.


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