Industrial railway transport. Industrial railway transport at the enterprise. Industrial rail transport

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Industrial rail transport

Organization of external and internal transportation of enterprises various forms The property is engaged in industrial transport. The predominant role in the transportation work of industrial transport is occupied by the railway (70-80% of the total volume).

Industrial railway transport, on the one hand, is an integral part of production (technological transportation), and on the other hand, it is the most important link in a single transport system Russian Federation (operations in the sphere of circulation).

Industrial railway transport provides for four main forms of maintenance of non-public railway tracks: railways, organizations of intersectoral industrial railway transport, industry-specific integrated transport facilities, transport workshops of the enterprise. Industrial rail transport is a transport and technological complex that ensures the systematic movement of objects, products and means of labor in the production process, as well as interaction with the main rail transport. Together with other modes of transport and means of transportation, industrial railway transport implements technological links within the enterprise, and is also used to provide technological links between enterprises and to move workers within the enterprise. It is divided into external and internal.

External industrial transport ensures that the enterprise receives raw materials, fuel, equipment and blanks from the main transport and transfers finished products for main transport.

Internal (or intra-industrial) industrial transport performs technological transportation, moving objects of labor from one workplace to another within the boundaries of the workshop and from one workshop to another within the enterprise.

Operations performed by all types of industrial transport should be considered as constituent elements of the enterprise's production process.

The total length of normal gauge railway tracks (1520 mm) for industrial transport exceeds the operational length of main roads. The total length of tracks of individual enterprises of the metallurgical, chemical and coal-mining industries is 300 kilometers or more.

Features of industrial railway transport engaged in a particular production are determined by the nature of this production. In the mining industry, for example, its work depends on the depth of mineral deposits, the method of stripping, the mining equipment used, the stages of extraction, the length of trenches, etc. mixer type. The shunting nature of the movement prevails, the transportation range is 2-5 km.

In addition to rail transport (broad and narrow gauge), industrial road and conveyor transport has become widespread.

Railway industrial transport carries out the volume of traffic three times greater than the main one (approximately 3.0 billion tons per year). The length of industrial railway transport links is more than 95 thousand km, 60% of access roads have an average length of 1.5-2.5 km. The share of the time spent by wagons on the tracks of industrial transport in the total turnaround time of wagons is 20-22%.

Railway industrial transport in open pits (quarries) operates on steep slopes, on temporary tracks, and with other technologies in the mining industry, its operation depends on the depth of the mineral deposits, the method of stripping, the equipment used, slopes, lengths of trenches, etc. .

The traffic density of this type of transport ranges from several thousand to 20 million tons per one access road per year. Its paths are characterized by a large number of curvilinear sections with a small radius (100 m or less). Industrial railways must withstand heavy loads at speeds of 8-15 km/h.

On the factory territories, mainly diesel locomotives with a capacity of 150 to 4000 hp are used. s, but in mines and in some open-pit mines of mining and processing plants, electric locomotives with a capacity of up to 2100 kW are used. For the export of goods from deep quarries (500 m or more), special electric trains or traction units have been created. Hybrid locomotives and traction units are being created that operate as diesel locomotives or electric locomotives (in the presence of contact networks). For the transportation of certain goods, specialized rolling stock is used, for example, iron carriers for liquid metal with a carrying capacity of up to 140 tons (and over long distances - up to 600 tons), slag carriers with a carrying capacity of 48 tons for molten slag at a temperature of 1400-1500 ° C, dump cars (dump cars) with a carrying capacity up to 200 tons, etc. Specialized rolling stock is approximately 70%.

Since there is no industrial transport centralized system management, in order to increase the efficiency of the use of industrial railway transport, joint enterprises were formed, and in large industrial hubs - intersectoral enterprises of industrial railway transport (PPZhT), serving cargo owners of different departments. Under market relations, PPZhT became independent joint stock companies and firms. The concern "Promzheldortrans" was created, the length of the rail track of which is 5000 km. For better interaction between PPZhT, a Cargo Owner's Association (GRASSO) was created, which includes transport enterprises of various sectors of the national economy. In the context of a decline in traffic volumes and competition, transport enterprises are merging and work is underway to harmonize their actions in the market transport services and tariff policy with the main railway transport.

To ensure safety, operational management of train traffic on the territory of the enterprise and communication with external transportation, various systems are widely used.

To improve the efficiency of the use of industrial railway transport, joint enterprises have been formed, and in large industrial hubs - intersectoral enterprises serving cargo owners of different departments

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Yes, sure. Payment is made through the payment gateway of the processing center All data is transmitted over a secure channel.The gateway has been designed to meet the requirements international standard PCI DSS security. Software Gateway has been successfully audited for version 3.1.The system allows you to accept payments by Visa and MasterCard, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.The payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

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Buying an e-ticket to the site is modern and fast way issuance of a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.When buying an electronic railway ticket, seats are redeemed immediately, at the time of payment.After paying for boarding the train, you must either go through electronic registration or print a ticket at the station.Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, it can be completed by clicking on the appropriate button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printout of your boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it's better not to risk it.Print e-ticket you can at any time before the train departure at the box office at the station or at the self-registration terminal. To do this, you need a 14-digit order code (you will receive it by SMS after payment) and the original ID.

Own industrial railway transport at an enterprise that carries out a serious economic activity for the transportation of products, raw materials, production waste, etc. - not a luxury, but an urgent need. Today, the activity of industrial railway transport covers more than 10,000 enterprises of all industries.

The interaction of the main railway and industrial transport consists in the transportation of goods from one economic facility to another, most often from a specific industrial organization to a station that is part of the Russian Railways structure. At the same time, the activity of industrial railway transport accounts for about 90% of the total number of freight traffic carried out on railways common use.

Industrial railway transport at an enterprise of any industry has the same infrastructure as the railway transport of Russian Railways, namely:

1) Access roads, the gauge of which is almost everywhere 1524 mm, and the length varies from 100 m (for small enterprises) to over 400 km (for industrial giants);

2) Traction rolling stock - traction rolling stock includes:
locomotives, in most cases - diesel, because industrial access roads (non-public roads) are not equipped with a contact network: diesel locomotives, traction modules, railcars;
wagons of the most diverse configuration: covered wagons, gondola wagons, hoppers, platforms, dump cars, tanks, refrigerators, etc.

3) Specialized service organizations whose competence includes such types of work as and, maintenance and.

All work on industrial railway transport is regulated by the same regulatory and technical documents and instructions as work on public railways.

have behind them tremendous experience on a big railroad. That is why we are pleased to offer you the full range of our products, from and to your railway facilities.

Our traction stock - diesel locomotives ChME3, TEM-2 (7, 15, 18), TGM-4 (6, 23) and others, under the control of first-class machinists, will transport any of your goods to any distance. In this case, you do not have to worry about or loading wagons - this is also.

In addition, we will coordinate all possible issues with the relevant services of Russian Railways, thus establishing the interaction of the main railway and industrial transport for your enterprise.

Railway transport used to transport any type of cargo, the dimensions of which are limited only by the capabilities of reloading devices and the loading dimensions of railways.

Railway industrial transport carries out 3 times more traffic than the main one, and serves mainly large enterprises in the mining and manufacturing industries. Communication routes are characterized by large curvilinear sections with a small curve radius (100 m or less). 60% of access roads are 1.5-2.5 km long and are characterized by traffic density from several thousand to 20 million t-km/km per year.

The fleet of wagons is divided into freight and passenger.

Specialized rolling stock (approximately 70% of the total) has been created for the transportation of individual goods.

In order to increase the efficiency of the use of industrial railway transport, joint enterprises have been formed, and in large industrial hubs - intersectoral enterprises serving cargo owners of different departments.

Question 70

Automobile transport works in workshops, in open pit mining, is the main one in quarries. It is represented mainly by dump trucks of various carrying capacity (27, 40, 45, 65, 120, 180 tons and more). Abroad, dump trucks with a carrying capacity of up to 600 tons and an engine power of 3300 liters are used. from. (for example, in France in coal mining). In industrial transport, specialized vehicles are also used (coal carriers, slag carriers, cement carriers, mortar carriers, etc.) and special-purpose vehicles (truck cranes, forklifts, firefighters, etc.).

Road transport works with a large load. So, when mining diamonds in kimberlite rocks containing up to 8 - 10% of diamonds, dump trucks with a carrying capacity of 40 tons move at intervals of up to 1 minute.

Question 71

Special types of industrial transport include conveyor, cable-suspended, pipeline, monorail and others. The most widespread in the movement of bulk bulk cargo received conveyors. According to experts, the total length of conveyor lines operated in Russia exceeds 5,000 km.

A large volume of transportation is carried out by conveyors at the enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the coal industry and the building materials industry. Their use is especially effective in the delivery of bulk materials from car dumpers or receiving hoppers to workshops and warehouses of minerals and overburden - in open pit mining.

For example, at the Oskol Metallurgical Plant, 70% of the total volume of intershop transportation is provided by conveyor transport, and only 30% - by road.

The widespread use of conveyors is due to their high performance, the ability to overcome natural and artificial obstacles, elevations up to 20 °, which ensures the transportation of goods over the shortest distance.

The operation of conveyor transport in quarries dictates the need for the use of feed hoppers with crushing and screening plants. They are used for crushing bulky goods in order to avoid damage to the conveyor belt.

Exist different kinds belt conveyors. One of these types are rope-belt conveyors, in which the functions of the carrier and traction body are distributed between the tape and the rope. With such conveyors, the belt is less subject to wear than with pure belt conveyors.

Vibratory conveyors have been used in mills and mines (Fig. 32, but). They represent a horizontal or inclined transport chute or pipe along which bulk materials move under the action of vibration. The length of one line of vibroconveyor is up to 100 m and more.

Conveyor trains are classified as conveyor transport (Fig. 32, b) which combine the advantages of rail transport and belt conveyors.

Freight cable cars are used in many industries both for external and inter-shop movements. In some cases, for example, in rough terrain, they are more efficient than rail and road transport. The total length of cable-suspended transport lines (including passenger lines) in Russia is 380 km. The maximum capacity of cableways is up to 1,000 t/h.

Monorail cableways most widely used in intra-shop and inter-shop transportation of machine-building enterprises. The length of these roads in the territories of automobile plants often exceeds 40 km.

; Pipeline transport subdivided into external (for the delivery of raw materials to enterprises and finished products to consumers) and internal (for the movement of raw materials and semi-finished products within the enterprise). This type of transport includes hydraulic, pneumatic and pneumocontainer.

hydraulic transport successfully used in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy (for example, to remove slag and ash to dumps), in the coal and mining industry (to move waste from processing plants). Its productivity is up to 1 thousand tons/h. In Russia, pressure hydraulic transport systems move a large number of various solid bulk materials per year. Hydrotransport pipelines are subject to rapid wear of the materials that are transported through them.

Pneumatic transport(the total length of its pipeline lines in Russia is about 500 km) is used to deliver materials such as cement, grain, flour, wood and metal sawdust, paper waste at distances of up to 200-300 m. The main disadvantage of this transport is its high energy consumption.

A variety of pneumatic transport is pipeline pneumoco) 1 container transport, ensuring the movement of loaded and empty containers on wheels through pipelines under the action of the created air pressure drop in the pipeline. It can be used for intra-shop, inter-shop and external transportation of a wide variety of goods.

    The main feature of special types of industrial transport is their stationarity (in rare cases, there are portable devices), a narrower specialization in the type of cargo and one-way flow, so it is advisable to use various types of industrial transport in the complex on the territory of the enterprise. At the same time, the cost of transporting goods is much lower than on other modes of transport. Specifications special modes of transport are presented in table. 1. The main direction of development of special industrial transport should be considered the development of a conveyor system, which is characterized by high labor productivity and low transportation costs. When laid underground, it can significantly reduce production areas. The total length of conveyor lines in Russia is over 3,000 km. The main classification feature of the conveyor (conveyor) is the type of traction and load-carrying bodies. There are conveyors with belt, chain, rope and other traction elements and conveyors without a traction element (screw, inertial, vibrating, roller). According to the type of load-carrying body, conveyors can be belt, plate, scraper, trolley, etc. The most common are belt conveyors with a load-carrying rubber or steel belt moving at a speed of 1-7 m / s. Special types of industrial transport can be stationary, mobile and portable, on a magnetic suspension, an air cushion, with a wave propulsor, etc. A vehicle with a wave propulsor is designed to transport pipes during the integrated development of oil, gas and other natural fields in Western Siberia and the Far North. In some technologies, special lifting and transport devices on an air cushion are used to lift and transport large-sized heavy cargo over short distances. When using cable-suspended transport, the cargo is placed in trolleys. The advantage of this type of transport is that it does not depend on the terrain, as it is built on supports; can overcome slopes up to 50%, is little dependent on atmospheric conditions and has full automation of the entire transportation process. Elevators are used to transport goods, with large passenger flows, for example, in the subway instead of escalators (the experience of Western Europe), as well as in institutions, in hotels. industrial transport should develop in two directions: firstly, fully satisfy the conditions of the technological process of the enterprise and its level of development, secondly, to match in their own way technical condition public transport with which it interacts. The trends in the development of types of industrial transport basically coincide with the trends in the development of similar types of mainline transport. Thus, the following areas of development are typical for railway industrial transport: an increase in the share of electrified roads, an increase in the carrying capacity Vehicle, increasing the share and expanding the range of specialized railcar fleet, automation production processes etc. Automation of technological processes, as shown by foreign and domestic experience, reduces total time transportation by 25%, increases throughput by 10-30%, and movement speed by 30-35%. Question 73 Rope-suspended transport.

Cable-suspended transport differs from other special and universal modes of transport in many positive features, the main of which are:

ü low dependence on the terrain;

ü large allowable track slopes (up to 50o) and spans between supports (over 500 m), which allow laying the road route over the shortest distance and crossing natural and

artificial barriers without the construction of expensive artificial structures;

ü flexibility of the road route in plan (curve radii up to 5 m and route turn angles up to 180o);

ü low dependence on atmospheric conditions;

ü the possibility of full automation of loading, transportation and unloading of goods.

Transport schemes. An analysis of the movement of bulk bulk cargo from production sites to consumption points shows that the use of special modes of transport is most appropriate for transportation:

F raw ore from mines and iron ore quarries to beneficiation, sintering, crushing and screening plants and pelletizing plants. Depending on the size of the cargo flow, it can be transported by conveyor, cable-suspended and pneumatic container transport. Hydrotransport of raw ore is not provided for in the calculations of the comparative efficiency of special modes of transport, since its use requires the construction of additional devices for dehydrating ore;

F iron ore concentrate from processing plants to metallurgical plants. The use of hydraulic transport on these cargo flows ensures high efficiency and corresponds to the technological process of deep wet enrichment of the concentrate, as a result of which there is no need to dehydrate it, and therefore eliminates the cost of constructing appropriate devices;

F coal from hydraulic mines to processing plants and from them enriched coal (concentrate) to coking plants. On these cargo flows, hydrotransport is most appropriate, since it corresponds not only to the technology of coal mining by the hydraulic method, but, as well as to the cargo flows of iron ore concentrate, to the technological process of wet coal preparation. It is known that the grinding of the latter is an indispensable condition for effective hydrotransportation. The degree of grinding of coal plays an important role in coke production. This determines the thoroughness of mixing the various components of the charge, its bulk mass and the shrinkage of the coke cake associated with it, as well as the structure of the coke. In this regard, and with the growing use of lean and weakly caking coals in the charge (which significantly expands the resources of coals for coking), the importance of their fine crushing especially increases, and, consequently, the feasibility of using hydraulic transport to deliver coal from hydraulic mines to concentrating mines. factories and from them to coke plants;

F coal from hydraulic mines, mines and quarries at the state district power station; its transportation can be carried out by all special modes of transport, including hydro-transport. The use of the latter, taking into account the experience of domestic and foreign methods of direct combustion of hydropulp in cyclone furnaces, is very promising. Calculations show that some decrease in thermal efficiency due to the high moisture content of coal is compensated by the exclusion of large capital and operating costs for dehydration of coal pulp and drying of coal, and all structures of the hydrotransport system are greatly simplified;

F sand, crushed stone and sand-gravel mixture from sand and gravel pits to concrete products factories and various construction sites. All special types can be used for the transportation of these bulk cargoes. transport, which are taken into account in all calculations. However, ceteris paribus, the one that corresponds to the technique used is preferable - hydrotransport during hydromechanization of the development of loose and unbound rocks (sand and sandy-gravel soils) and conveyor transport;

F sinter, pellets and fine sorted ore, respectively, from sinter plants, pelletizing plants and crushing and screening plants to metallurgical plants. On these cargo flows, all special types of transport can be used, with the exception of hydrotransport, which cannot ensure the stability of the properties of sinter and pellets and the greatest efficiency in transporting ore, if its subsequent dehydration is necessary.

Pipeline industrial transport. Basic principles of work. Question 74.

Pipeline classification

I. By purpose, pipelines are divided into the following groups:

1. internal - connect various objects and installations in the fields, refineries and oil depots;

2. local - connect oil fields or oil refineries with the head station of the main oil pipeline or with loading points on the railway or in tankers;

3. trunk lines - they are characterized by a greater length, pumping is carried out by several stations located along the highway.

II. Depending on the transported medium, pipelines are divided into: 1. Gas pipeline- is intended for transportation of associated oil and natural gas. Strategic gas pipelines are designed to transfer large volumes of gas over long distances - for export and to enterprises engaged in gas synthesis. 2 . Pipeline- intended for the transportation of crude oil. At the same time, the oil is subjected to heating, which prevents the solidification of the paraffins included in its composition. 3 . Oil product pipeline transportation of petroleum products, including gasoline and kerosene, obtained as a result of cracking. It is carried out to enterprises intended for the production of petroleum products of a higher processing stage. 4 . Ammonia pipeline- intended for transportation of ammonia. The Togliatti-Odessa export main ammonia pipeline operates in Russia and Ukraine. 5 . Ethylene pipeline ethylene transport infrastructure

6. Oil pipeline- a pipeline transporting heavy oil products, cracking waste. Such products can be used as heating oil, as well as for processing into diesel fuel or even for further separation of light hydrocarbons.

7. Pulp conveyor- a pipeline for moving (under pressure) pulp (in particular, ore, coal, slag with water). Depending on the material being transported, the slurry pipeline is also called a coal pipeline, an ash pipeline, and an ore pipeline.

8 . Water pipes- designed to provide water to the population and industry. At the same time, water for domestic and industrial needs may differ in organoleptic properties; suitability for drinking, domestic and industrial needs. 9 .air duct often created within an industrial enterprise to provide production with compressed air. 9.Steam line- a process pipeline designed to transfer steam under pressure used for heating or the operation of third-party mechanisms [source not specified 466 days]. 10 .Pneumatic mail- the use of pressurized air to move physical objects through pipes, most often standardized capsules with objects of small mass and volume

III. Depending on the conditional diameter of the pipe, main oil pipelines are divided into 4 classes in:

1. 1000-1420 mm

2. 500 - 1000 mm

3. 300 – 500mm

4. less than 300mm.

IV. According to its purpose oil and oil product pipelines can be divided into the following groups: - commercial - connecting wells with various facilities and oil treatment facilities in the fields; - trunk- intended for transportation commercial oil and oil products (including stable condensate and gasoline) from the areas of their extraction (from fields), production or storage to places of consumption (oil depots, transshipment bases, points for filling tanks, oil loading terminals, individual industrial enterprises and refineries). They are characterized by high throughput, pipeline diameter from 219 to 1400 mm and overpressure from 1.2 to 10 MPa; - technological - intended for transportation within an industrial enterprise or a group of these enterprises of various substances (raw materials, semi-finished products, reagents, as well as intermediate or final products obtained or used in technological process etc.), necessary for the conduct of the technological process or the operation of the equipment. The main oil pipelines include: linear facilities, head and intermediate pumping and loading pumping stations and tank farms.

In turn, linear structures include:

· a pipeline (from the point of exit from the field of commercial oil prepared for long-distance transport) with branches, shut-off valves, crossings over natural and artificial obstacles, oil pumping station connection points, installations for electrochemical protection of pipelines against corrosion, and installations for electrochemical protection of pipelines;

· fire-fighting equipment, anti-erosion and protective structures of the pipeline;

· capacities for storage and degassing of condensate, earthen barns for emergency release of oil;

· permanent roads and helipads located along the pipeline route, and approaches to them, identification and signal signs of the location of the pipeline;

· points of oil heating pointers and warning signs.

The main elements of the main pipeline are pipes welded into a continuous thread, which are the pipeline itself. As a rule, main pipelines are usually buried in the ground to a depth of 0.8 m to the upper generatrix, unless a greater or lesser laying depth is dictated by special geological conditions or the need to maintain the temperature of the pumped product at a certain level (for example, to exclude the possibility of freezing of accumulated water) . For main pipelines, seamless or welded pipes diameter 300-1420 mm. The wall thickness of the pipes is determined by the design pressure in the pipeline, which can reach 10 MPa. The pipeline, laid in areas with permafrost soils or through swamps, can be laid on supports or in artificial embankments. At the intersections of large rivers, oil pipelines are sometimes weighted with loads fixed on pipes or solid concrete coatings, fixed with special anchors and buried below the river bottom. In addition to the main one, a backup thread of the transition of the same diameter is laid. At the intersections of railways and major highways, the pipeline runs in a cartridge of pipes, the diameter of which is 100-200 mm larger than the diameter of the pipeline. With an interval of 10-30 km, depending on the relief of the route, linear valves are installed on the pipeline to block sections in the event of an accident or repair. Along the route there is a communication line (telephone, radio relay), which mainly has a dispatching purpose. Cathodic and drainage protection stations located along the route, as well as protectors, protect the pipeline from external corrosion, being an addition to the anti-corrosion insulating coating of the pipeline. Oil pumping stations (OPS) are located on oil pipelines with an interval of 70-150 km. Pumping (pumping) stations of oil pipelines and oil product pipelines are equipped, as a rule, with centrifugal pumps with an electric drive. At the beginning of the oil pipeline there is a main oil pumping station (GNPS), which is located near the oil field or at the end of the supply pipelines, if the main oil pipeline is served by several fields or one field scattered over a large area, the GNPS differs from the intermediate ones by the presence of a tank farm with a volume equal to two or three days throughput of the pipeline.

In addition to the main facilities, each pumping station has a complex of auxiliary facilities: a transformer substation that reduces the voltage supplied through the power line from 110 or 35 to 6 kV, a boiler house, as well as water supply, sewerage, cooling systems, etc.

If the length of the oil pipeline exceeds 800 km, it is divided into operational sections 100-300 km long, within which it is possible independent work pumping equipment. Intermediate pumping stations at the boundaries of the sections should have a tank farm with a volume equal to 0.3-1.5 of the daily throughput of the pipeline. Both the head and intermediate pumping stations with tank farms are equipped with booster pumps. Thermal stations are installed on pipelines transporting highly congealing and highly viscous oils and oil products, sometimes they are combined with pumping stations. To heat the pumped product, steam or fire heaters (heating furnaces) are used to reduce heat losses, such pipelines can be equipped with

thermal insulation coating.

Loading points for transshipment and loading of oil into railway tanks can be built along the route of the oil pipeline. The final point of the oil pipeline is either the raw material park of the refinery, or a transshipment tank farm, usually offshore, from where oil is transported by tankers to refineries or exported abroad.

The technology of pipeline transport is characterized by the continuity of the transfer of goods. To increase the productivity of pipelines, and sometimes just for pumping (for example, especially viscous grades of the same oil), there is a technological need to change the physical and chemical properties of cargo. Therefore, in some cases it is necessary to carry out heating or lowering the temperature, dehydration, mixing, degassing (decomposition of toxic substances released by chemical compounds into non-toxic products) and other actions. For example, waxy oils are heated to 50°C, different gases require different temperatures to liquefy (butane liquefies at -48°C, propane at

- 45 o C, and ammonia - at -33 o C).

Along with pipelines designed to transport liquid hydrocarbons and natural gas, the construction of pipelines for pumping a number of other cargoes is expanding. This is ethylene, liquid ammonia, sodium chloride solution. In the early 1980s, the largest pipeline Togliatti - Odessa was built to transport ammonia.

Pipelines are also used to transport solids (coal, ore) in the form of pulp over short distances. But the creation of such pipelines presents a serious problem. The main disadvantage of such pipelines is the need for preliminary grinding of materials before being fed into the system, its drying and cleaning after moving, severe wear of pipes, high demand for water, narrow specialization.

Pipeline industrial transport pneumatic. Question 75

Pneumatic transport - a set of installations and systems that serve to move bulk and piece goods using air or gas; one of the types of industrial transport. P. T. installations, depending on the method of creating an air flow and the conditions of its movement in the pipeline together with the material or the creation of a pressure drop in the pipe, can be suction, discharge, and combined.

Compared with other modes of transport, transport systems have the following advantages: tightness of transport systems, the ability to adapt them to various production conditions, and to automate the operation of pneumatic installations; the use of pneumatic installations for drying, heating or cooling the material during its transportation; installation of pipelines of arbitrary configuration.

Disadvantages common to all types of P.T.: relatively high energy consumption and high metal consumption. In P.T. installations, the operation of which is based on the principle of transferring goods in a mixture with air, there is an increased wear of equipment during the transportation of highly abrasive materials, and the movement of wet materials is difficult.

P. t. installations are used for loading bunkers and controlled release of materials from them, moving materials from warehouses to production workshops and between workshops, unloading and loading wagons, ships and cars, backfilling worked-out spaces of mines with rock, removing production waste (ash, metal and wood chips, etc.), dust extraction, etc.

The productivity of pneumatic conveying units is from several kg to hundreds of tons per hour, the transportation distance reaches several kilometers. Pipes with a diameter of 70-1200 mm are used in P. t. systems. The pressure of air or gas in high-pressure P.T. installations is up to 0.8 MN / m 2 (8 kgf / cm 2), specific energy consumption is up to 5 kWh / t.

The movement of bulk materials in a pipeline in a mixture with air is carried out by transferring solid particles of the material in suspension by the air flow around them or by saturating the material with air, as a result of which the material acquires fluidity.

The movement of piece cargo through the pipeline is carried out under the action of a pressure drop created by blowers or suction units. The dimensions of the load in this case must correspond to the internal section of the pipe.

The weight actually functions as a piston in the cylinder. This kind of P.t. received the greatest distribution for moving various documents or small items (devices, tools, samples of materials, semi-finished products, etc.) at enterprises, institutions, libraries, etc. (the so-called Pneumatic mail).

The transport of piece cargo is further developed in the form of container (capsule) transport. A system of pipeline containerized conveyor belts is a pipeline in which containers on wheels or trains made of them move under air pressure created by blowers. To create a force that ensures the movement of the transport unit on horizontal sections, a slight pressure drop is required (about 10 4 N/m 2). According to the operational mode, container systems of P. t. are divided into systems of continuous and periodic action.

transport pneumatic composition cargo

The continuous operation system has 2 pipeline transport lines, one of which carries out the movement of loaded containers or cartridges, the other - the return of empty ones. In the intermittent action system, the shuttle nature of the movement of loaded and empty containers or trains in one pipeline line is implemented, i.e. Only one transport unit can be in the pipeline at a time.

Capsule P.t. also found application in the projects of transport systems for the transport of passengers in special cabins.

Pipeline industrial transport hydraulic. Question 76.

Pipeline transport. For the transport of industrial enterprises, it is envisaged to expand the use of hydraulic, pneumatic and pipeline conveyor transport for external and internal transportation.

Hydraulic transport. Hydraulic transport is used to move bulk materials:

· from mines and quarries - to processing enterprises and processing plants (coal, ore, cement raw materials, sand, sand and gravel mass, etc.);

· from processing plants - to enterprises (coal, ore concentrate);

· from enterprises and quarries - to the dump (ash and slag from thermal power plants and metallurgical plants, enrichment waste, waste from metallurgical and chemical industries, overburden);

· from enterprises - to disposal facilities or hydraulic laying (wastes of enrichment, metal-containing sludge from metallurgical production, etc.);

· soils in hydrotechnical, transport and irrigation and drainage construction, etc.

The system of industrial hydrotransport consists of a number of interconnected structures, installations and devices. The initial link of the system - the preparatory complex - ensures the receipt of the source material from the supplier, its preparation for transportation and loading into vehicles. Transport complex - a set of devices that carry out pumping through pipelines of material from a supplier to a consumer. The final link of the system is a dehydrating complex; it provides for the reception of the slurry, dehydration of the incoming material and its delivery to the consumer.

Hydraulic transport has technical and economic advantages:

Exclusion of labor-intensive loading and unloading operations and continuity of the transport and technological process;

Lack of dust formation and loss of transported material, environmental impact;

Possibility of laying a pipeline along the shortest distance between two points;

Small areas occupied by transport communications;

Possibility of creating fully automated and remote-controlled transport systems.

The disadvantages of hydrotransport include, mainly, a significant consumption of water and wear of hydrotransport equipment when working on abrasive materials, as well as the difficulty of dehydrating the material issued to the consumer.

Pipeline pneumocontainer transport. Systems (installation) of pipeline pneumatic container transport (TPK) of goods are a relatively new type of industrial transportation. It is based on the pneumatic-piston movement of loaded cylindrical containers through the pipeline. The injection of air into the pipeline ensures their movement. Containers or compositions of them are equipped with running wheels to reduce resistance and transverse ring seals to reduce air loss.

In TPK systems, in most cases, steel pipelines with a diameter of 200-1200 mm are used. TPK is supposed to be used to deliver goods over a distance of 30-50 km with cargo flows of 0.1-5 million tons per year (0.06-3 million m3 per year) and mainly with a stationary location of loading and unloading points. The decision to use this mode of transport should be made as a result of a technical and economic comparison, taking into account the specific conditions of future operation.

Annual traffic volumes determine the types of systems used. With small cargo flows and transportation distances, it is advisable to use single-pipe TPK. So, for an overpass with a diameter of 1200 mm, a single-pipe line is applicable with a cargo flow of up to 1 million tons per year (0.6 million m per year) and distances up to 10 km.

For large volumes of transport work, two-pipe TPK should be used. In the first type of installations, the same pipeline is used for the movement of loaded containers and the return of empty ones. These systems are often referred to as shuttle or batch lines.

Other schemes of single-pipe systems with two injection systems are also possible. stations located at the ends of the line, with travel sidings for the route pass of the oncoming train, with a large number of loading and unloading areas, etc. In the two-pipe pneumocontainer lines, the oncoming flows of containers were separated. Each of them has its own pipeline and the movement on each is unidirectional. These are lines of cyclic-continuous action. They can have both annular and dead-end sections at the ends.

Special types of industrial transport. Monorail suspended roads. Question 77.

Monorail suspended roads are widely used. Their design is simple and reliable, they require low operating costs, but high initial investment. Such roads in workshops are mounted on brackets and rods, and in open areas - on overpasses under a canopy. Transport process and handling operations are fully mechanized.


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