How to connect velcom mobile internet to android. Velcom unlimited internet connection procedure, tariff plans. Fixed IP address

Mobile operator Velcom, which operates in Belarus and ranks second in this state in terms of the number of subscribers, has been providing a huge number of people with GSM communications for almost two decades. We can say that the company is no longer young and, of course, in order to function successfully and satisfy the needs of its customers, the operator mobile communications should develop.

Cellular Trends

It's no secret that today the Internet is coming out, and probably has already taken a leading position among the ways of people's communication. Without access function global network today, even the simplest push-button phones are practically not produced, not to mention smartphones and tablet PCs. Velcom operator did not stay away from current trends and for more than 10 years now provides its subscribers not only with voice communication, but also with access to wireless Internet.

The quality of the service is quite high and is positively assessed by new and existing Velcom subscribers. Setting up the Internet in the case of mass access devices is quite simple and should not be difficult even for novice users of phones, smartphones and tablets. We will talk about this further in more detail.

How to set up your phone

If we are talking about the simplest push-button telephone, but with support for access to the Network and used in the Velcom network, setting up the Internet does not bring any problems to the owner at all, everything is done automatically in 99% of cases. This approach is provided by a special service called the “Settings Wizard”. To get access to the Internet, it is enough for the user to register for the first time in the Velcom network - the Internet will be set up automatically, the phone will receive the necessary data for GPRS/MMS operation directly from the cellular network.

In the event that the settings do not come automatically, you can use USSD requests - dial the combination *135*0# on the phone keypad and press the call key. PRIVET prepaid subscribers have a different way here - the combination *126*0# and the same call key. In addition, any subscriber can use Velcom's online subscriber service system. Setting up the Internet using this system is carried out literally in two mouse clicks on the necessary items.

How to set up a smartphone or tablet

Most modern solutions running on Android are also able to automatically configure themselves to access the Internet. If this does not happen, you need to follow several steps of the instruction "Setting up Velcom Internet on Android".

Here are the steps:

  1. Turn off your smartphone (tablet PC).
  2. We insert a Velcom SIM card into a smartphone (tablet PC).
  3. Turn on your smartphone (tablet PC).
  4. When the smartphone (tablet PC) boots up, the SIM card will be detected and the user will be prompted to change the settings. You must accept the offer by clicking on the "Change" button.
  5. Go to "Settings" and select "SIM management". Next, you need to find a menu like "Data Transfer".
  6. In the loaded window, select the Velcom operator. It will then automatically download, which may take up to one minute.
  7. Perhaps the most important thing: the Velcom Internet settings on Android must contain the correct access point. We find the corresponding item in the "Mobile network" menu, add a new APN and enter the following values. It is mandatory to fill in four items:
  • Name - value must be Velcom.
  • APN - value.
  • Proxy server - value
  • Port - value 8080.

We save the entered data and reboot the device. This completes the setup. Now you can enjoy all the benefits of access to the global network.

If you spend a lot of time on the World Wide Web, then it will be beneficial to connect Velcom unlimited Internet. By choosing a suitable tariff, you will be able to get an unlimited number of megabytes. When choosing an option, you should pay attention to the subscription fee and top speed mobile internet.

Tariff plans with unlimited internet

Velcom operator offers various tariff packages, which include unlimited Internet. You should familiarize yourself with the existing options and their features in order to choose the appropriate option.

Smart Infinite is considered a popular tariff. It provides unlimited communication in the Velcom network, as well as an unlimited amount of Internet traffic. The monthly subscription fee is 56.02 rubles per month. At the same time, it is possible to call Velcom customers without any restrictions, send SMS and MMS within the network. Also, 1000 free minutes are given for outgoing to the numbers of subscribers of other operators located in Belarus.

There is a more expensive fare - Business class. There is an unlimited number of megabytes, and there are no restrictions on calls within the network of Belarus. In addition, you have 300 minutes to make calls to the CIS countries and Europe. You will have to pay 112.15 rubles per month, while the restrictions are much less than for other tariff plans. If you are only interested in unlimited Internet, then you should consider cheaper options.

Velcom operator recommends connecting the option " Unlimited Internet". It is available for users of the Comfort, Comfort+ and Comfort+ for Business tariff plans. According to the promotion, it can be connected for free, unlimited megabytes come as an addition to the main traffic, which is included in the monthly fee. This is a profitable option for people who use the listed tariffs. You should have time to connect Velcom unlimited Internet while a special promotion is in effect.

How to connect unlimited internet

To use Velcom unlimited Internet, you will need to switch to a new tariff or activate an option. For example, in order to add the "Unlimited Internet" function, you need to dial the USSD command: *135*7#. After that, it remains to wait for a response from the mobile operator and check whether the procedure was successful.

You can connect unlimited Internet to your phone through Personal Area on the website of the operator Velcom. You will first need to register by entering your phone number and personal data. After that, through the Personal Account of ISSA Velcom, it will be possible to connect the option to your tariff.

To receive the service, you can contact the salon cellular communication and inform employees of your intention. They will help you connect unlimited Internet to your Velcom number, as well as tell you about the features of the option. Separately, it is worth considering that the function does not work in roaming, so all spent megabytes outside the home network zone will have to be paid separately. Funds will be debited from the balance in accordance with the roaming tariff of Velcom.

The speed depends on the tariff package:

  1. Comfort, comfort+ - up to 1 Mbps.
  2. Comfort 2 - up to 2 Mbps.
  3. Comfort 4 - up to 4 Mbps.
  4. Comfort 8 - up to 8 Mbps.
  5. Comfort 16 - up to 16 Mbps.

If you want to change the tariff to receive unlimited on Velcom, then you will need to go through the standard procedure. In order not to contact mobile communication salons, you can go to the official website of Velcom. To do this, you must have Internet access.


  1. You need to go to the site and click on the “Login” button.
  2. After that, you should enter your personal data, such as phone number and password.
  3. You need to go to the "Tariffs" section and select the option of interest. For example, Smart Infinite, it is in the "Almost everything is included" section.
  4. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the package, after which you can connect it. To do this, click on the "Go Now" button.
  5. Following the instructions, you will be able to become the owner of the desired tariff. For a successful transition, it is important that there are enough funds on the balance to pay.

Velcom's Super WEB tariff can be used for the modem. The maximum you can get is 30 GB per month. There is enough traffic to visit pages on the Internet and to make video calls. From unlimited there is an option WEB Tankers. At the same time, an unlimited number of megabytes is provided only for the game World Of Tanks Blitz.

How to connect unlimited Internet for a day

If you wish, you can connect unlimited for a day. The option will be useful for people who need unlimited Internet access for only one day. This feature is available for Android, IOS and Windows phones. The option can be connected to Comfort, Super WEB and Light tariffs.

To connect unlimited Internet Velcom Belarus, you need to send a request to the number *135*7#. You can also configure it through your Personal Account if you have access to the World Wide Web. In addition, you can contact the mobile phone salon to get help from employees. Unlimited Velcom Internet will be activated for exactly 24 hours, after which it will turn off. The cost is - 2.98 rubles. This is a one-time fee that is debited at the time of connection. During the day, a person will be able to unlimitedly use unlimited Velcom Internet from his mobile phone or via modem.

Many modern providers develop special services to simplify the manipulation of their service packages. Such is the Belarusian company "Velcom", the developers of which came up with the "Settings Wizard" of the network. Now every client of the company can use this convenient and extremely simple tool.

Setting up the Velcom Internet does not look easy, but very simple. For example, if you have an Android phone at your disposal, then you can use one of the following methods:

After performing these steps, it is better to turn off the device and turn it on again. This is how the Velcom Internet setup looks like in a first approximation.

Some important nuances

How to set up the Internet after changing the SIM card? In the same way, only everything needs to be checked visually. Make sure you have the right settings set. In some cases, it makes sense to play it safe and clear all the profiles available on the phone.

Sometimes the firmware of the device can adversely affect the operation of the listed services. Then call 411 - the company's specialists will help you.

The connected phone may refuse to work with Java. In this case, go to the menu "Configuration" => "Personal configuration settings" and create an access point with the parameters from the contract. Perhaps that's all - now you know how to connect internet from Velcom.

USSD requests are simple and fast way obtain the necessary information from the mobile operator. All you have to do is enter the required request on your phone. However, it is simply impossible to remember all of them. So save and use the HF directory with all USSD requests for velcom subscribers.

General information:

Information about the state of the balance at the time of the request

Information about the remaining minutes, SMS, MMS and Internet traffic included in the subscription fee

Information about the amount of the monthly payment, the balance of the amount for paying for the goods in installments and the date of completion of the write-off of contributions

Remaining included minutes velcom services international 100/250, the rest of the Internet traffic of the "ITV velcom" service package

Information about the amount payable on the last issued invoice, for clients working without prepayment

Information about the number of minutes of outgoing calls made within the Closed Subscriber Group (CAG)

The total number of minutes used when calling the "favorite" number (tariff plans "Pair", "It's time for couples")

Ability to quickly disconnect communication services in case of debt

Registration of an unconfirmed payment

Checking the balance of a subscriber of the "Privetik" tariff plan (available to velcom subscribers whose number is assigned as "favorite" by the subscriber of the "Privetik" tariff plan)

*101*Subscriber number Hello#

“Waiting for a call”: the subscriber whose number was specified will receive an SMS notification asking them to call you back with your number.

*131*Company subscriber number#

Replenishment of the account with an express payment card

Change the postal address for delivery of invoices to e-mail

Repeat invoice for the closed period by e-mail

Refusal to receive invoices

Information and service management:


USSD request

Information about subscriber's connected services

Information about the list of services available for connection

Phone number and plan information

Tariff plan change

Information about your number in international format

Setting / canceling the ban on listening to ACCA news

Receiving USSD messages in transliteration

Receiving USSD messages in Russian

Setting/cancelling the ban on the use of conditional forwarding in roaming

Connecting minute packages to all networks

"Connected again": all velcom subscribers who called you when you were unavailable or your phone was busy will receive an SMS notification when you are back in touch

Providing the opportunity to work without prepayment

Switching to prepaid work

Activation / deactivation of the service "Stopitsot" (available to subscribers of tariff plans "Kedy", "Polukedy")

Activation / deactivation of the service "Anti-detector"

Activation/deactivation of the Melofon service

Connection/change of "favorite" number (not available on the tariff plans "Own network", "BUSINESS.PRO", "BUSINESS.PRO.WEB")

Activation/deactivation of the "Pause" service

Connecting / disconnecting CCIS

Obtaining an ISSA password

Connection/disconnection/change of the package within the framework of the "Director's package" service for the tariff plan Manager+

USSD help.

Mobile Internet and MMS:


USSD request

Obtaining settings for the Mobile Internet service, MMS, streaming video ("Mobile TV"), all available

Receiving test MMS

Activating/deactivating the Mobile Internet service, changing the Mobile Internet service package, changing/deleting an application for changing the Mobile Internet service package

Enable/Disable MMS

Information about the connected "Mobile Internet" service package and access point

Information about the activated package of the Mobile Internet service, the cost of the package and the date of the next debit of the package cost

Information about the provided static IP address

Enabling/disabling the Anti-Virus service

Enable/disable Firewall service

Activation/deactivation of the service « Children's Internet»

Connecting additional traffic to WEB Start, WEB 4, WEB 8, WEB 16

Activation of "Roaming.Vacation", "Roaming.Business" services

Deactivation of "Roaming.Vacation", "Roaming.Business" services

Information about roaming partners

Validity period of Roaming.Vacation, Roaming.Business services


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