The first main gas pipeline in the USSR. Russian gas pipelines: map and diagram. Gas pipelines from Russia to Europe. History of Russian gas pipelines

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Gas pipeline- an engineering structure designed to transport gas and its products (mainly natural gas) using a pipeline. Gas is supplied through gas pipelines and gas networks under a certain excess pressure.

Types of gas pipelines

Gas pipelines are divided into:

  • Main gas pipelines - designed to transport gas over long distances. At certain intervals, gas compressor stations are installed on the main line, maintaining pressure in the pipeline. At the end point of the main gas pipeline, gas distribution stations are located, at which the pressure is reduced to the level necessary to supply consumers.
  • Gas pipelines of distribution networks - designed to deliver gas from gas distribution stations to the end consumer.

Line pressure:

Reserve gas pipelines are built for strategic reasons, to provide flexibility in loading gas carriers and to reduce the length of the transportation route.

Components of gas pipelines

The components of gas pipelines include:


There are known cases of the use of gas in ancient China as early as the 2nd-3rd century BC. e. Gas was supplied from the deposits through bamboo pipes for lighting and for generating heat, in particular, for evaporating salt from brine. Pipe joints were caulked with tow. Gas was supplied through them "by gravity", i.e. due to the pressure of the gas source. The use of gas for lighting and heating in Europe began in the first half of the 19th century, at the same time the first gas pipelines appeared. In St. Petersburg, the first gas plant (which produced lighting gas from imported hard coal) and distribution system were built in 1835, in Moscow - in 1865.

The costs for the construction and operation of gas pipelines are high, so the first gas pipelines of great length appeared with the start of field exploitation natural gas.

The first main gas pipeline in the USSR was the Saratov-Moscow gas pipeline, which came into operation in 1946.

The largest gas pipeline system in the world is the Unified Gas Supply System.

Gas pipelines

  • Underwater gas pipeline Norway - Great Britain (1200 km), Gassco company
  • Nabucco (Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan - EU, 3300 km)

Russian trunk

  • Nizhnyaya Tura - Perm - Gorky - Center (over 1700 km, 1974)
  • Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod (4451 km, 1983)
  • Yamal - Europe (2000 km, 2006)
  • Yamal - Europe 2 (projected)
  • Dzhubga - Lazarevskoye - Sochi (166 km, underwater)
  • South Stream (under construction, 900 km, underwater)
  • Blue Stream (1213 km, 2003, underwater)
  • Nord Stream (1200 km, underwater)
  • "Power of Siberia" (projected)
  • Altai (projected, 6700 km)

see also

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  • Kudinov V.I."Fundamentals of the oil and gas industry", ed. "IKI", 2005, 720 pages, ISBN 5-93972-333-0.
  • Shammazov A. M. and others. "History of the oil and gas business in Russia", Moscow, "Chemistry", 2001, 316 pages, UDC 622.276, BBC 65.304.13, ISBN 5-7245-1176-2.
  • Shukhov V. G."Calculation of the gas pipeline" (technical documentation), 1920, Russian Academy of Sciences, fund No. 1508, inventory 1, file No. 18.
  • "Industrial gas equipment»: Handbook, ed. E. A. Karyakina - 6th ed., revised. and additional - Saratov: Gazovik, 2013. - 1280 p.



Back in the 2-3 century BC. known cases of the use of natural gas in the national economy. So, for example, in ancient China gas was used for lighting and heat. Gas supply from fields to consumers was carried out through bamboo pipes due to the pressure of the gas source, i.e. "by itself". Pipe joints were caulked with tow. Gas pipelines in the modern sense of the word began to appear widely at the beginning of the 19th century and were used for lighting and heating needs, as well as for technological needs in production. In 1859, in the US state of Pennsylvania, a gas pipeline with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of about 9 km was built, connecting the field and the city of Titesville nearest to it.

For a century and a half, the need for the use of gas has grown hundreds of times, and with it the diameter and length of gas pipelines have increased.

Today, main gas pipelines are pipelines designed to transport natural gas from production areas to consumption points. At certain intervals, gas compressor stations are installed on the pipeline to maintain pressure in the pipeline. At the end point of the main gas pipeline, gas distribution stations are located, at which the pressure is reduced to the level necessary to supply consumers.

Currently, from the point of view of efficiency, the maximum diameter of the gas pipeline is 1420 mm.


Today, Russia ranks first in the world in terms of proven gas reserves (25% of global reserves), and the Russian gas transmission system is the largest in the world. The average distance of gas transportation today is about 2.6 thousand km for domestic consumption and about 3.3 thousand km for export. The length of main gas pipelines in Russia is 168.3 thousand km. This length is enough to circumnavigate the Earth four times.

The main part of the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia was created in the 50-80s of the 20th century and, in addition to the gas pipeline system, includes 268 linear compressor stations with a total capacity of 42 thousand MW, 6 gas and gas condensate processing complexes, 25 underground storage facilities.

Today, Gazprom is the owner of the Russian segment of the UGSS.

On September 15, 1943, a gas pipeline with a diameter of 300 mm Buguruslan - Pokhvistnevo - Kuibyshev with a length of 165 km and a capacity of 220 million cubic meters per year was put into operation. On this day, the first gas was supplied to the Bezymyanskaya CHPP and industrial enterprises Kuibyshev. It is from this gas pipeline that the history of the development of the gas transportation system of our country begins.

Today the largest main gas pipelines in Russia are:

gas pipeline "Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhhorod"- the main export gas pipeline built by the USSR in 1983 to supply natural gas from fields in the north of Western Siberia to consumers in the countries of Central and Western Europe. Throughput capacity - 32 billion m³ of natural gas per year (design). Actual throughput- 28 billion m³ per year. Pipeline diameter - 1420 mm. The total length of the gas pipeline is 4451 km. An export pipeline project was proposed in 1978 from the Yamburg fields, but was later changed to a pipeline from the Urengoy field, which was already in operation.

gas pipeline "Union"— export main gas pipeline. The pipeline diameter is 1420 mm, the design pressure is 7.5 MPa (75 atmospheres), the capacity is 26 billion m³ of gas per year. The main source of gas for the pipeline is the Orenburg gas condensate field. gas pipeline "Union" accepted into service on November 11, 1980. gas pipeline "Union" passes through the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine along the route: Orenburg - Uralsk - Alexandrov Gai - GIS "Sokhranivka" (border of Russia and Ukraine) - Kremenchug - Dolina - Uzhgorod. The total length of the gas pipeline is 2,750 km, including 300 km through the territory of Kazakhstan and 1,568 km through the territory of Ukraine.

gas pipeline "Yamal - Europe"- transnational main export gas pipeline, put into operation in 1999. Connects gas fields in the north of Western Siberia with consumers in Europe. The gas pipeline has become an additional export corridor that has increased the flexibility and reliability of Russian gas supplies to Western Europe (through the YAGAL-Nord and STEGAL-MIDAL-Reden UGSF gas transportation systems).

It originates in the gas transmission hub in the city of Torzhok (Tver region). Passes through the territory of Russia (402 km), Belarus (575 km), Poland (683 km) and Germany. The final western point of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline is the Malnov compressor station (near Frankfurt an der Oder) near the German-Polish border. The total length of the gas pipeline exceeds 2000 km, diameter - 1420 mm. The design capacity is 32.9 billion m³ of gas per year. The number of compressor stations on the gas pipeline is 14 (3 in Russia, 5 in Belarus, 5 in Poland and one in Germany).

Nord Stream- the main gas pipeline between Russia and Germany, passing along the bottom of the Baltic Sea. gas pipeline Nord Stream- the longest underwater gas export route in the world, its length is 1224 km. The owner and operator is Nord Stream AG. Pipe diameter (external) - 1220 mm. Working pressure - 22 MPa.

The project involves Russia, Germany, the Netherlands and France; its implementation was opposed by the transit countries of Russian gas and the Baltic countries. The goals of the project are to increase gas supplies to the European market and reduce dependence on transit countries.

The laying of the pipeline started in April 2010. In September 2011, filling of the first of two strings with process gas was started.

On November 8, 2011, gas supplies began through the first string of the gas pipeline. On April 18, 2012, the second line was completed. On October 8, 2012, gas supplies began through two lines of the gas pipeline in commercial mode.


One of the longest underwater gas pipelines in the world is laid between Norway and Great Britain along the bottom of the North Sea. Main gas pipeline "Langeled" connects the Norwegian gas field Ormen Lange with the British terminal Easington. Its length is 1200 km. Construction began in 2004 and the official opening took place in October 2007 in London.

Near East

gas pipeline "Iran - Turkey", with a length of 2577 km, was laid from Tabriz through Erzurum to Ankara. Initially gas pipeline "Tabriz - Ankara" with a capacity of 14 billion m³ of gas per year was to become part of the pipeline "Pars", which would connect European consumers to Iran's large South Pars gas field. However, due to sanctions, Iran was unable to start implementing this project.


Chinese gas pipeline "West East", with a length of 8704 km, connects the basic northwestern resources of the Tarim Basin - the Changqing field, whose reserves are estimated at 750 billion cubic meters of gas - with the economically developed eastern coast of the Middle Kingdom. The gas pipeline includes one main line and 8 regional branches. The design capacity of the pipeline is 30 billion m³ of natural gas per year. Thousands of kilometers of pipes are stretched across 15 provincial-level regions and pass through various natural areas: plateaus, mountains, deserts and rivers. Pipeline "West East" is considered the largest and most complex gas industry project ever undertaken in China. The goal of the project is the development of the western regions of China.

gas pipeline "Central Asia - Center", with a length of 5000 km, connects the gas fields of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan with the industrialized regions of central Russia, the CIS countries and far abroad. The first stage of the pipeline was put into operation in 1967. For the first time in the history of the world gas industry pipes with a diameter of 1200–1400 mm were used. During the construction, underwater crossings of the main gas pipeline were carried out through the largest rivers in the region: Amu-Darya, Volga, Ural, Oka. By 1985 the gas pipeline "Central Asia - Center" turned into a multi-line system of main gas pipelines and branch gas pipelines with an annual throughput capacity of 80 billion m³.

gas pipeline "Turkmenistan - China" passes through the territory of four countries (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and China) and has a length of 1833 km. The construction of the pipeline began in 2007. The official opening ceremony of the gas pipeline took place on December 14, 2009 at the Samandepe field (Turkmenistan). Pipe diameter - 1067 mm. The design capacity of the gas pipeline is 40 billion m³ of natural gas per year.

North America

The first and longest American main gas pipeline to date "Tennessee", built in 1944. Its length is 3300 km, and it includes five threads with a diameter of 510 to 760 mm. The route runs from the Gulf of Mexico through the states of Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio and Pennsylvania to West Virginia, New Jersey, New York and New England.

American high pressure natural gas pipeline "Rockies Express", 2702 km long, laid its route from the Rocky Mountains (Colorado) to Ohio. The last string of the gas pipeline was launched on November 12, 2009. The diameter is 910 - 1070 mm and consists of three threads that run through eight states. The throughput capacity of the pipeline is 37 billion m³ of gas per year.

South America

gas pipeline "Bolivia-Brazil" is the longest natural gas pipeline in South America. The 3,150-kilometer pipeline connects the gas fields of Bolivia with the southeastern regions of Brazil. It was built in two stages, the first branch with a length of 1418 km began work in 1999, the second branch with a length of 1165 km began work in 2000. The diameter of the gas pipeline is 410 - 810 mm. The throughput capacity of the pipeline is 11 billion m³ of gas per year.


Main gas pipeline "TransMed", with a length of 2475 km, laid its route from Algeria through Tunisia and Sicily to Italy, then the expansion of the pipeline supplies Algerian gas to Slovenia. The diameter of the ground part is 1070-1220 mm. The pipeline's current capacity is 30.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year. The first stage of the gas pipeline was built in 1978-1983, the second stage was put into operation in 1994. The gas pipeline includes the following sections: Algerian (550 km), Tunisian (370 km), an underwater passage from the African coast to the island of Sicily (96 km), an onshore Sicilian section (340 km), an underwater passage from the island of Sicily to mainland Italy (15 km), a land section through Italy with a branch in Slovenia (1055 km).

Main gas pipeline "Maghrib-Europe" connects the giant Hassi-Rmel gas condensate field in Algeria - through the territory of Morocco - with the GTS of Spain and Portugal. From the Spanish city of Cordoba, the region of Andalusia, the gas pipeline goes through the region of Extremadura to Portugal. The main deliveries of natural gas through the gas pipeline go to Spain and Portugal, much smaller - to Morocco. Construction began on October 11, 1994. On December 9, 1996, the Spanish section began its work. The Portuguese section was opened on February 27, 1997. The total length of the gas pipeline is 1620 kilometers and consists of the following sections: Algerian (515 km), Moroccan (522 km), and Andalusian (269 km) sections with a diameter of 1220 mm, an underwater section (45 km) with a diameter of 560 mm, as well as a Portuguese section ( 269 ​​km), passing through the Spanish Autonomous Region of Extremadura (270 km) with a diameter of 28 and 32 inches.


Main gas pipeline Dampier-Banbury, commissioned in 1984, is the longest natural gas pipeline in Australia. The length of the gas pipeline with a diameter of 660 mm is 1,530 km. It originates on the Burrup Peninsula and supplies gas to consumers in the southwestern part of Australia.

Gas pipeline ... Spelling Dictionary

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gas pipeline- (gas pipeline is not recommended) ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

gas pipeline- A complex of pipelines, equipment and instruments designed to transport gases from a source to consumers [Terminological dictionary for construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy of the USSR)] gas pipeline A pipeline intended for ... Technical Translator's Handbook

GAS PIPELINE, gas pipeline, husband. (those.). Pipe for transferring gas over a distance. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

GAS PIPELINE, a, husband. A pipeline for the transmission of natural combustible gas over a distance. | adj. gas pipeline, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

gas pipeline- part of the gas distribution system, consisting of a pipeline for the transportation of natural or liquefied hydrocarbon gases, with the exception of structures and devices installed on it ... Source: RESOLUTION of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation from ... ... Official terminology

gas pipeline- A pipeline for the transportation of combustible gases from their extraction or production sites to consumption areas ... Geography Dictionary

gas pipeline- 3.4 gas pipeline: A pipeline intended for the transport of gas. Source: STO Gazprom 2 2.1 249 2008: Main pipelines 3.5 gas pipeline outlet: A gas pipeline designed to supply gas from distribution or main ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

gas pipeline- noun Fast. eg: nav.; inanimate; concr.; m. r.; 2 fold. LZ A pipeline for the transmission of natural combustible gas over a distance. Word-building analysis, Morphemic analysis: To enlarge, click on the picture eg: unit num.; Them. n. Base ... ... Morphemic derivational dictionary


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gas pipeline- a structure for the transportation of combustible gases from the place of extraction or production to points of consumption. There are underground, above-ground (on supports), in an embankment. The gas pressure in the main gas pipeline is maintained by gas compressor stations. Gas distribution stations are being built at the end points of the main gas pipeline. The maximum diameter of the pipes of the main gas pipeline is 1420 mm.


The first mention of the gas pipeline dates back to the beginning of our era, when bamboo pipes were used to transmit natural gas in China. At the end of the 18th century In Europe, gas pipelines made of cast-iron pipes, replaced in the 19th and 20th centuries, began to be used. steel , providing transportation of gas under higher pressure than through cast - iron pipelines . The extraction of natural gas reached its greatest extent by the beginning of the 20th century. in the USA (20 billion m3), where the total length of numerous short gas pipelines reached 22,000 km (1918). Between 1928 and 1931 gas pipelines 800 to 1,500 km long and 508 to 660 mm in diameter were built in the United States.

In St. Petersburg, the first gas plant (which produced lighting gas from imported coal) and distribution system were built in 1835, in Moscow - in 1865.

The costs for the construction and operation of gas pipelines are high, so the first long gas pipelines appeared with the start of exploitation of natural gas fields. The first gas pipeline in the USSR from the Dashava fields to Lvov was built in 1940-1941 (the first gas pipeline from Dashava to Stryi was built in 1924). During the Great Patriotic War gas pipelines were built from Buguruslan and Pokhvistnevo to Kuibyshev (160 km, pipe diameter 300 mm), as well as from Elshanka to Saratov.

The first main gas pipeline in the USSR was the Saratov-Moscow gas pipeline, which came into operation in 1946.

The largest gas pipeline system in the world is the Unified Gas Supply System.

Classification of gas pipelines

According to the method of laying, gas pipelines are distinguished:

  • underground,
  • ground,
  • in the embankment.

The main gas pipelines were usually laid underground in the European part of the USSR (in the zone of seasonal freezing of the soil). In the northern regions, the above-ground laying of a gas pipeline on supports, the so-called. "snake". In the zone of distribution of permafrost soils, gas pipelines are laid in an embankment or by above-ground and underground methods. In some cases, gas pipelines are placed on supports or suspended from cables (large ravines, rivers), and also laid along the bottom of reservoirs (the so-called siphons).

To protect pipes from corrosion (internal or external), anti-corrosion insulation is used, as well as cathodic and sacrificial protection.

Gas pressure in long-distance main gas pipelines is maintained

Ukraine was the first of the republics of the USSR, which produced gas. In Dashava (Lviv region), gas production began in the 20s of the last century. This year is considered to be the year of foundation of the Ukrainian gas industry.

On April 18, 1921, the first gas well. In 1922, the Dashava-Stryi gas pipeline was built with a length of 14 km. In 1929, a gas pipeline 68 km long was laid to Lvov.

Then, during the Second World War, the Germans began to build a gas pipeline from Dashava through Poland to Berlin, but they lost the war, and after the war that gas pipeline was dismantled, and the Dashava-Kyiv gas pipeline was laid (1946-1948 - at that time the most powerful gas pipeline in Europe). At that time, Dashava-Kyiv was the most powerful gas pipeline in Europe, its throughput capacity was about 2 billion cubic meters. in year.

1948 Ternopil also received natural gas from this pipe.

Also, the Department for the Operation of the Dashava-Kyiv Gas Pipeline was created, which included 5 regional departments in the cities of Ternopil, Krasilov, Berdichev, Kyiv and in the village. Gnezdychev. Construction of the pipe began in 1946 and two years later it was ready to transport natural gas. After the commissioning of this unique main gas pipeline, a wide gasification of the post-war cities of Ukraine began. Even despite the lack of powerful equipment and qualified personnel.

In 1951, "Dashava-Kyiv" was extended to Moscow (Dashava-Moscow).

Even later, a gas pipeline to Leningrad was laid through Minsk. In fact, Dashava was one of the largest gas fields in the Soviet Union. In the 1950s-1970s, the Dashava-Minsk-Vilnius-Riga and other gas pipelines were built. Then the powerful Shebelinka deposit (Kharkov region) was discovered. In 1967, after the commissioning of the main gas pipeline "Valley-Uzhgorod-Western Border" (gas pipeline "Brotherhood"), the supply of Ukrainian gas to the countries of Central and Western Europe began. In 1973, Ukrainian gas production peaked at 68 billion cubic meters. In the 1970s and 1980s, the construction of the transcontinental gas pipelines Soyuz, Urengoy-Uzhgorod, Progres and a number of others began.

After that, production began to decline, and today Ukraine produces 20-21 billion cubic meters of gas.

There were several government programs, even Soviet ones, which provided for an increase in gas production to 34 billion by 2010. Then the volumes were adjusted to 28 billion cubic meters per year. But these goals were not achieved either, because the financing of exploration work, the financing of the development of new deposits, overhaul existing wells - all this was, in fact, stopped. Huge deposits of oil and gas were discovered in Western Siberia. And in independent Ukraine, a course was taken to import gas. And at first, Ukraine even consumed 120 billion cubic meters, then 76, then even less, somewhere up to 50, but everything was a huge waste.

Because, according to experts, it would be enough for Ukraine to produce and consume 40 or even less cubic meters. In fact, Ukraine consumes 4 times more gas per unit of gross output than European countries. If the Poles consume 4 billion cubic meters of gas for communal needs, then Ukraine consumes 32. If these figures are taken into account for the population, and if the Ukrainians consumed like the Poles, then they would need six billion cubic meters.

Today, Ukraine does not produce enough gas, not only because the fields have been partially depleted, but also because nothing is being invested in the development of new fields. In addition, the new deposits themselves, except for the Black Sea, in fact, were not discovered. No funds - that's all. But even such a task was not set - to put new deposits into operation. New Black Sea deposits were also "failed" - from the need, defined even in government programs, financed only 10%.


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