Coal as a fertilizer for wheat. Production and application of fertilizers from brown coal and sapropel. Meteorological conditions during the years of experiments

Technological solution developed in 1998-2001. JSC "Sapropek" (Tallinn, Estonia), now the Sapropel Center (Astrakhan, Russia), is focused on the production of organo-mineral fertilizers for agriculture and recultivants for the restoration of depleted and technogenically disturbed lands.

This type of fertilizer is produced from brown coal crushed to a silty fraction with a maximum particle size of 3-5 mm and organic, organo-clay, or organo-lime sapropel, purified from foreign foreign inclusions with a natural moisture content in the range of 87-97%.

The optimal ratio of components in the fertilizer is calculated according to their quality indicators and the coal grinding fraction. The generally accepted proportion of brown coal crushed to a fraction of 0.01-2 mm to sapropel with a moisture content of 92% and an organic component of 54-65% is in the range of 10:1 - 6:1.

With a certain mechanical mixing of the two components on "fast" mixers, brown coal particles are moistened with liquid sapropel, absorb humus from it, as well as micro- and macro-components.

The mixing process in time is calculated by the rate of sorption of humates from sapropel on brown coal and inward, bringing its volume to 14-26% of the total content in sapropel, after which the two-component mass stands, brought to the standard moisture content of the product and packaged in soft containers or bags.

According to the first production implementation of a technological solution in order to provide the market of Central Asia, Iran and China with the fertilizers described above, brown coal of the Kushmurunskoye deposit in Kazakhstan and natural moisture sapropel of the Kaivoli Kul deposit were taken as a component basis Chelyabinsk region Russia. It is advisable to locate the production workshops of the enterprise at the place of receipt of the component with the largest volume of use, i.e. next to warehouses or a brown coal mine. It is advisable to extract sapropel, clean it and deliver it to the enterprise by railway transport in tanks.

The technological solution is aimed at creating a fertilizer that not only increases the yield many times over, but can also be produced in any quantity without changing the process regulations. The equipment itself is not science-intensive, cheap to manufacture and operate, and can be serviced by personnel without special skills.

One of the features of the production is the possibility of replacing the humus-containing liquid component: it can be sapropel, productive bottom silt, silt from fish ponds, pasty agricultural organic waste, municipal sludge, water from bog peat deposits, etc.

The resulting fertilizers were applied under different kinds crops. For two seasons, the fertilizer was tested by the laboratory of the Center for sapropel and at the Sakhaloo farm near Tallinn.

When lignite organo-mineral fertilizer was introduced into the soil during the cultivation of rye, it was possible to obtain an increase in yield of 28 c/ha. The dose of fertilizer application was 30 c/ha.

When applying 30 centners/ha of fertilizers when growing: - wheat, an increase in yield of 33 centners per hectare, - corn, an increase of 90 centners/ha, - barley, an increase of 29 centners/ha. Special attention was given to the cultivation of potatoes with the use of this type of fertilizer. Before sowing, 50 c/ha of fertilizers were applied to the arable land, after which potatoes were planted. The potato variety "Nevsky" yielded a yield of 500 c/ha, the increase in yield was 290 c/ha. For each centner of fertilizers applied to the soil, 5.5-5.7 centners of potatoes were obtained.

The potato variety "Lasunok" yielded 850 c/ha, the yield increase was 590 c/ha. For each centner of fertilizers introduced into the soil, 11-12 centners of potatoes were obtained.

Potato variety "Detskoselsky" yielded 489 centners/ha, the yield increase was 354 centners/ha. For each centner of fertilizers applied to the soil, up to 7.3 centners of potatoes were obtained.

The organization of fertilizer production includes two stages: preparatory and assembly and construction.

The preparatory stage is the study of the properties and quantitative and qualitative indicators of component raw materials, the development of work technology, the design justification of the business, the preparation of specifications for equipment and materials, the manufacture or order of equipment for the future enterprise. In terms of time, it takes from 3 to 6 months and can cost the customer 1.6-2.4 million rubles.

The assembly and construction stage is the arrangement of the utility yard of the enterprise, the construction of production and packaging workshops and a warehouse finished products. It takes 8 to 10 months in time. The cost of equipment, its installation and adjustment is determined by the design capacity of the enterprise, automation of processes, type and range of products, type of packaging and packaging of the finished product.

Plant for the production of lignite organo- mineral fertilizers one of the cheapest production facilities of this class, and the products are competitive in price with all types of fertilizers of known analogues.

It should be noted that the Kaivoli Kul sapropel deposit for this type of fertilizer is already ready for development, a mining license has been obtained and pioneer equipment has been installed that has been operating for more than a year in the extraction and preparation of raw sapropel of natural moisture. The production capacities at the deposit can ensure the production of the sapropel component and its shipment to the main production located in Kazakhstan, in an amount that allows the production of bulk lignite organo-mineral fertilizers in the amount of 120-150 thousand tons / year.

The cost of extraction and preparation of the sapropel humic component when creating a production association will not exceed 250 rubles/1000 l, brown coal - 850 rubles/t. The finished product, packaged in open bags or soft containers, will not exceed 1200 rubles/m 3 at cost. Wholesale prices on the market of similar bulk and finely granulated organo-mineral fertilizers in the CIS countries - from 2800 rubles. up to 7600 rub. per 1 m 3 , in the countries of the Middle East - from $120 to $218 per m 3 . It puts this species production of agricultural products into a number of fast-buying and highly profitable businesses.

The design of enterprises for the production of fertilizers from brown coal and sapropel, the supply of equipment according to the specification, and its commissioning are carried out by the Sapropel Center. The design time does not exceed 4 months, and the cost is within 620-1200 thousand rubles.

Capital investments in a plant with a capacity of 40 thousand tons of fertilizers per year (without buildings and structures) - within 45 million rubles.

Biologsscientific sciences/ 2 Structural botany and plant biochemistry

Ph.D. Memeshov S. K., Ph.D. Durmekbayeva Sh.N.

Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualikhanov.

The influence of humic substances on productivity and morpho-anatomical structurespring wheat

Spring wheat occupies one of the leading places in the grain balance of the country, so the growth of its yield is the most important national economic task. The size of the harvest depends on a number of factors: weather conditions, agricultural techniques of cultivation, right choice predecessor and others.

In Kazakhstan, as well as in other countries, zoned varieties are cultivated in commercial production, since with high quality, marketable zoned grain of a variety is sold more expensive than ordinary grain.

The studies were carried out at the experimental hospital of the Kokshetau branch of the Kazakh NIIKh named after. A.I. Baraev. The object of the study was spring wheat of the Kazakh early ripening variety.

The aim of the work was to experimentally substantiate the effectiveness various ways the use of humic substances in the cultivation of spring wheat.

The influence of humic substances (sodium humate and brown coal) on morphological and anatomical features, on technological indicators of grain quality, on the grain yield of spring wheat of the Kazakhstan early-ripening variety and the role of humic substances in obtaining ecologically clean products were studied.

The soil of the experimental plot is ordinary chernozem, carbonate, medium-thick, low-humus. The area of ​​the experimental plot is 100.8 sq.. m., accounting 64 sq. m ., repetition quadruple.

Agricultural technology of cultivation spring wheat varieties Kazakhstan early ripecomplied with the recommendations adopted in the zone. Seed treatment with sodium humate at a concentration of 0.005% was carried out on the day of sowing, top dressing of crops in the tillering phase, application to the soil at a dose of 60 kg/ha before sowing. The introduction of brown coal at a rate of 200, 400, 600 kg-ha was carried out for pre-sowing treatment. Humic substances were used without a phosphorus background and against the background of P 60 and compared with the control variant.

In field experiments, phenological observations were carried out, the dynamics of dry matter accumulation, the development of leaf area and photosynthetic activity of plants, structural elements were studied.harvest, the amount of plant residues on the soil surface was taken into account and the water consumption coefficient of wheat was calculated .

The content of crude gluten was determined according to GOST 13586.1-68, quality on the IDK-1 device, protein content on the Inframatic-8600 device. Heavy metal content ( Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn) according to GOST R 51301-99 on the device AVA-1-03 at the laboratory of the branch "Akmola agrarian expertise" of the Republican state enterprise"Kazagroex". Anatomical studies were carried out according to the generally accepted method. Yield accounting was carried out by the method of continuous harvesting of plots with a grain combine. Yield data are given to basic conditions. Dispersion and correlation analyzes were carried out according to B.A. Dospekhov (1982).

The positive effect of humic substances on growth and development and on the features of the anatomical structure of spring wheat has been determined. On variants with the use of humic substances, the photosynthetic potential of the plant increases, the accumulation and average daily increase in dry matter increase. Humic substances help to reduce the water consumption coefficient of spring wheat. In the variant with seed treatment and fertilization of crops with sodium humate, the water consumption coefficient decreased by 25.9% compared to the control variant, and by 17.5% in the variant with brown coal application rate of 400 kg/ha.

When using humic substances, the height of plants and the amount of plant residues on the soil surface increase, which improves harvesting conditions and enhances the resistance of the soil surface against wind erosion.

Under the influence of sodium humate and brown coal in the anatomical structure of the stem and leaf, the number and size of vascular bundles, the thickness of the mechanical tissue, the size of parenchymal cells and the number of their layers increase. With an increase in the thickness of the mechanical tissue, the resistance of the plant to lodging increases.

The relationship between the morpho-anatomical characteristics of wheat and productivity was revealed. A particularly high correlation was found between the grain yield and the number of vascular bundles in the anatomical structure of the stem ( r = 0.966).

A significant effect of humic substances on grain yield was determined. The largest increase in the yield of spring wheat grain was ensured by seed treatment before sowing and fertilization of crops in the tillering phase with sodium humate solution, where the average yield increase for four years was 4.2 c/ha, with a control yield of 11.5 c/ha. In the variant with the brown coal application rate of 600 kg/ha, with a control yield of 11.7 centners/ha, the yield increase was 3.1 centners/ha.

The average annual conditionally net income in the variant with seed treatment before sowing and top dressing of crops in the tillering phase with sodium humate solution was 3742.2 tenge/ha, and in the variant with the application rate of brown coal 400 kg/ha 1444.2 tenge/ha. The best bioenergetic effect was obtained in the variant with seed treatment before sowing and fertilization of crops in the tillering phase with a solution of sodium humate, where the amount of energy in additional production was 6984.61 MJ, the bioenergetic efficiency was 9.83 units. On the P 60 + variant, seed treatment before sowing and top dressing of crops in the tillering phase with a solution of sodium humate, these indicators are respectively 8980.20 MJ and 3.66 units. These methods of application are introduced into production in the farms of Northern Kazakhstan.

The positive effect of sodium humate on reducing the content of heavy metals ( Cd, Pb, CU, Zn ) in wheat grain and the role in obtaining ecologically clean products. Content CD on all variants was not found, compared with the control variant on the variants with the use of humates, a decrease in the content of Pb, Cu, Zn.


1. Armor B.A. Methods of field experience (with the basics of statistical processing of research results). - 5th ed., add. and revised - M .: Agropromizdat, 1985. - 351 p.

2. Yudin F.A. Methods of agrochemical research. - 2nd ed., revised and supplemented. - M .: Kolos, 1980. - 366 p.

3 .Grain, leguminous and oil-bearing crops. M.: Publishing house of standards, 1990.- Part 2.-319 s.

4 . Nichiporovich A.A. and others. Photosynthetic activity of plants in crops. - M.: Izd.AN SSSR. 1961.

5 . Guidelines to determine the economic efficiency of fertilizers and other chemicals used in agriculture.- M.: Kolos, 1979.- 30 p.

UDC 631.417.2: 631.95

S. L. Bykova, D. A. Sokolov, T. V. Nechaeva, S. I. Zherebtsov, Z. R. Ismagilov


Since the middle of the 20th century, preparations based on humic substances have taken an increasing place in the development innovative technologies. Humic preparations (HP) obtained from natural resources(coal, peat, bottom sediments, etc.), largely inherit the properties of humic substances of the feedstock. Therefore, according to their functional activity, they act as ameliorants and preparations for detoxification, remediation and reclamation of degraded and polluted soils. GPs are widely used in agriculture as plant growth stimulants, as they enhance the enzymatic apparatus of the plant cell, as a result of which the growth processes of above-ground organs and the formation of the root system are activated, and they also participate in the formation of soil structure and affect the migration of nutrients.

The introduction of humic acid preparations or humic fertilizers based on them into the soil leads to an increase in crop yields of up to 20-25%, reduces the application rates of mineral fertilizers and increases their payback, improves the agroecological situation. Such an increase is especially noticeable on soils with a low humus content.

In Russia, HPs are widely used in the form of sodium, potassium, and ammonium humates. Thus, in experiments with various cultures of higher plants, it was shown that the use of industrial sodium, potassium and ammonium humates, regardless of the source of raw materials for their production, in optimal doses significantly stimulates seed germination, improves plant respiration and nutrition, increases the length and biomass of seedlings, enhances enzymatic activity and reduces the intake of heavy metals and radionuclides into plants.

Among various products GPs are isolated, obtained from brown coal, a wide range of biological effects of which allows them to be used as fertilizers and stimulants

growth in the cultivation of agricultural crops.

In addition, the ability of humic substances to absorb toxic compounds makes it possible to use these preparations in the reclamation of contaminated areas, which will help solve the environmental problem of reclamation of technogenically disturbed landscapes.

The purpose of the work is to study the effectiveness of sodium and potassium humates in the cultivation of agricultural crops in the conditions of technogenically disturbed landscapes.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set.

1. Find out the impact various forms(ordinary, sooty) sodium and potassium humates on the growth and development of agricultural crops (spring wheat, grass mixture) in the conditions of technogenically disturbed landscapes;

2. To study the effect of various methods of applying (soaking seeds, watering) HP on the growth and development of cultivated crops;

3. Assess the impact different types substrate (loess-like loam, technogenic eluvium), characterized by different physical properties, on the efficiency of HP.

The studies were carried out at the dumps of the Listvyansky coal mine and the Atamanovsky station of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, located in the forest-steppe zone of the Kuznetsk depression.

Initial embryozems represented by technogenic eluvium of coal-bearing rocks and loess-like loams of overburden rocks were chosen as substrates for laying experimental sites. The use of these substrates, due to the low content of humic substances of pedogenic nature (humus less than 1%), allows a more reliable assessment of the effect of HP on the growth and development of plants.

Bookmarking and conducting microfield experiments, as well as analytical work performed by conventional methods.

Table 1. Main physical and agrochemical properties of substrates

Substrate Density Porosity Content of particles, % pHaq. N-N03 P2O5 easy. a

g/cm3 %<0,01 мм <1 мм мг/кг

I 1.82 36.4 4.8 15.3 7.3 3.8 0.3 127

II 1.21 43.3 56.8 96.7 8.3 2.9 0.1 254

*. I - technogenic eluvium, II - loess-like loam.

An analysis of the main physical properties of the substrates showed that loess-like loam has a lower bulk density and higher porosity (Table 1). It also contains significantly more particles smaller than 1 and 0.01 mm.

Consequently, loess-like loam has more favorable physical properties for plant growth and development compared to technogenic eluvium. According to the pH value of the aqueous suspension, the technogenic eluvium has a neutral reaction of the medium, while the loess-like loam is slightly alkaline.

According to the main agrochemical properties of the studied substrates, their nitrogen supply (according to the content of N-N0^ is very low; phosphorus (according to the content of easily mobile P2O5) is low;

potassium (according to the content of exchangeable K2O) - medium in technogenic eluvium and high in loess-like loam (see Table 1).

Among agricultural crops, spring wheat (Novosibirskaya 89) and a grass mixture including awnless brome (Nm-mus inermis Leyss.) and pink clover (Trifolium pratense L.) were selected.

The potassium and sodium humates used in the experiment were obtained from brown coal of the Kaychak deposit of the Kansk-Achinsk basin and its naturally oxidized form - sooty coal, which is a waste of coal mining.

In the first variant of the experiment, plant seeds were soaked in solutions of sodium and potassium humates for a day, and then sown. In the second variant of the experiment, HP was introduced directly into the substrates with

Fig.1. Germination of wheat seeds on experimental sites when they are soaked in solutions

humates, %

Fig.2. Germination of wheat seeds on experimental plots with the introduction of humates with irrigation, %

pouring after sowing the seeds. The concentration of HP solutions during irrigation and soaking of seeds of agricultural crops was 0.02%.

The results of the research showed that the germination of wheat seeds after their soaking in humate solutions on sites with loess-like loam increased by an average of 13.0% compared to the variant without HP (control), and by 13.4% on sites with technogenic eluvium (Fig. . one).

When HP was introduced with irrigation, the germination of wheat seeds on loess-like loam and technogenic eluvium exceeded the control variants by 12.4 and 14.2%, respectively (Fig. 2).

Consequently, pre-sowing treatment of wheat seeds with solutions of sodium and potassium humates increases their germination as a result of more intensive water absorption and swelling of grains during germination.

Germination of seeds of perennial grasses after their treatment with HP on the studied substrates increased slightly.

When humates were introduced with irrigation, the germination of grass seeds on loess-like loam and technogenic eluvium exceeded the control variants by 4.8 and 3.7%, respectively. The relatively low effect of the use of HP in the cultivation of

So, GPs are used both to stimulate the growth and development of plants, and as substances with bioprotective properties. They improve the assimilation of nutrients by plants, increase the resistance of plants to climatic and biotic stressors.

Studies on the effect of HP on wheat yield showed that the greatest effect is achieved when using sooty sodium and potassium humates both on loess-like loam and on technogenic eluvium. Sooty forms of HP are on average 13-17% more effective than ordinary analogues. This, in our opinion, is due to the increased content of oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur in the structural formula of the original brown coals (Table 3).

Thus, the use of sodium and potassium humates activates the growth and development of agricultural crops, increases the adaptogenic ability of plants to environmental conditions and improves the ecological situation of technogenic landscapes, especially when growing perennial grasses on them.

Pre-sowing treatment compared to irrigation and sooty forms of HP compared to ordinary forms have a greater influence on seed germination and yield of spring wheat. At that

Table 2. Excess of the above-ground phytomass of perennial grasses compared to the control (2nd year),

Substratum Watering Seed soaking

^^poison. Ryad. ^^ already. Xazh. ^&row ^^ already. Xazh.

I 11.3 51.9 -14.9 b1.8 20.0 52.0 -10.4 17.4

II 159.3 98.1 147.1 75.8 74.1 143.5 72.2 93.8

*. I - loess-like loam, II - technogenic eluvium.

Table 3. Characteristics of the initial coals and humic acids, daf *, % mass

Sample C H O+N+S by difference

I b4.3 4.7 31.0

II 55.1 2.7 42.2

*. I - brown coal, II - oxidized brown coal (sooty). *daf - dry ash free - dry ash free state of the fuel sample.

annual grasses is due to the fact that their seeds have a smaller supply of nutrients compared to wheat.

A single application of HP when sowing perennial grasses in the first year of research contributed to an increase in their germination; in the second year - to increase their productivity. In general, the increase in the aboveground grass phytomass in the variants with HP compared with the control was 24% on loess-like loam and 108% on technogenic eluvium (Table 2).

while the germination of seeds and the productivity of perennial grasses were higher when irrigated and using ordinary forms of HP.

The efficiency of HP on technogenic eluvium is higher than on loess-like loam, despite the fact that loess-like loam has more favorable physical properties. The results of the research should be taken into account when developing a concept for the reproduction of soil fertility in technogenic landscapes on an agroecological basis.


1. Agrochemical methods of soil research. - M.: Nauka, 1975. - b5b p.

2. Androkhanov, V.A. Soil-ecological state of technogenic landscapes: dynamics and assessment / V.A. Androkhanov, V.M. Kurachev. - Novosibirsk: Publishing house of SO RAN, 2010. - 224 p.

3. Bezuglova O.S. Fertilizers and growth stimulants. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2000. - 320 p.

4. Bezuglova, O.S. The use of humic preparations for potatoes and winter wheat / O.S. Bezuglova, E.A. Polienko // Problems of agrochemistry and ecology. - 2011. - No. 4. - S. 29-32.

5. Vadyunina A.F. Methods for studying the physical properties of soils and soils / A.F. Vadyunina, Z.A. Korchagin. - M.: Higher. school, 1973. - 399 p.

6. Voronina, L.P. Evaluation of the biological activity of industrial humic preparations / L.P. Voronina, O.S. Yakimenko, V.A. Terekhov // Agrochemistry. - 2012. - No. 6. - S. 45-52.

7. Armor, B.A. Methods of field experience. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1985. - 351 p.

8. Korsakov, K.V. Increasing the payback of mineral fertilizers when using preparations based on humic acids / K.V. Korsakov, V.V. Pronko // Fertility. - 2013. - No. 2. - S. 18-20.

9. Ovcharenko, M.M. Humates - activators of productivity of agricultural crops // Agrochemical Bulletin. - 2001. - No. 2. - S. 13-14.

10. Orlov, D.S. Properties and functions of humic substances // Humic substances in the biosphere. - M.: Nauka, 1993. - S. 16-27.

11. Smirnova Yu.V. Mechanism of action and functions of humic preparations / Yu.V. Smirnova, V.S. Vinogradova // Agrochemical Bulletin. - 2004. - No. 1. - S. 22-23.

12. Sokolov, D.A. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of Na and K humates as growth stimulators of agricultural crops in the conditions of technogenic landscapes / D. A. Sokolov, S. L. Bykova, T.V. Nechaeva, S.I. Zherebtsov, Z.R. Ismagilov // Vestnik NSAU. - 2012. - No. 3 (24). - S. 25-30.

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15. Yakimenko, O.S. Humic preparations and assessment of their biological activity for certification purposes / O.S. Yakimenko, V.A.Terekhova // Soil Science. - 2011. - No. 11. - S. 1334-1343.

16. Clapp, C.E. Plant growth promoting activity of humic substances / C.E. Clapp, Y. Chen, M.H.B. Hayes, H.H. Chen // Understanding and Managing Organic in Soils, Sediments and Waters / Eds.: R.S. Swift and K.M. Sparks. - Madison: International Humic Science Society, 2001. - R. 243-255.

17. Malcolm, R.L. Effects of humic acid fractions on invertase activities in plant tissues / R.L. Malcolm, D. Vaughan // Soil Biology & Biochemistry. - 1978. - V. 11. - R. 65-72.

18. Yakimenko, O. Chemical and plant growth stimulatory properties in a variety of commercial humates // Humic substances - linking structure to functions / Eds.: F.H. Frimmel, G. Abbt-Braun. Proc. Of 13th Meeting of the Int. Humic Substances Society. - Karlsruhe, 2006. - V. 45-II. - P. 1017-1021.

Bykova Svetlana Leonidovna, Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Soil Reclamation, Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Siberian Branch

E-mail: [email protected]

Zherebtsov Sergey Igorevich, Ph.D. chem. sciences, head. Laboratory of Brown Coal Chemistry, Institute of Coal Chemistry and Chemical Materials Science, Institute of Chemical Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-shay: [email protected]

Sokolov Denis Aleksandrovich, Ph.D. biol. Sciences, Chairman of the Council of Scientific Youth of Soils of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry SB RAS, Researcher Lab. soil reclamation IAA SB RAS. Email: [email protected]

Ismagilov Zinfer Rishatovich, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Chemistry. Sci., Director of the Institute of Coal Chemistry and Chemical Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Email: [email protected]

Nechaeva Taisiya Vladimirovna, Ph.D. biol. sciences, deputy Chairman of the Council of Scientific Youth of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Researcher of the Laboratory of Soil Agrochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Email: [email protected]

Gilmutdinov M.G.,
Director of the Federal State Institution “Station of the Agrochemical Service “Ishimbayskaya”, Bashkortostan,
Ismagilov Z.I., experiment performer

Of the many minerals that have phosphorus in their composition, only igneous apatite and sedimentary phosphorites are raw materials for the production of phosphate fertilizers. Phosphorites were formed during the mineralization of the skeletons of animals that inhabited the earth in remote geological epochs, as well as the precipitation of phosphoric acid by calcium from water. Phosphorite deposits are often found on the globe, but in Western Europe they are small and unsuitable for development. There are almost none in Asian countries, except for China. The richest deposits of phosphorites are found in a number of countries in North Africa. On the American continent, deposits of this rock are found in Florida, Tennessee and other states.

Unfortunately, most of our phosphorites contain little phosphorus and are rich in sesquioxides, which makes it difficult to process them into superphosphate.

Despite the different origins of apatites and phosphorites, they have much in common in their chemical structure. They are trisubstituted calcium salts of orthophosphoric acid, which are accompanied by calcium fluoride, other compounds of this cation, and various impurities. Phosphorites can be used in the form of phosphate rock. It is obtained by grinding phosphorite to a state of fine flour. Phosphorite flour is often used in conjunction with organic fertilizers. So, manure-phosphorite, peat-phosphorite, peat-manure-phosphorite composts are widely known. Therefore, the composting of phosphorites from the Surakai deposit with organic fertilizers such as brown coal and silt is of particular interest both from a scientific and industrial point of view, since they are local organic and mineral fertilizers.

Organo - mineral fertilizer, consisting of brown coal, phosphorite and the preparation "Baikal EM1", had an acidity of pH = 7.0, ash content - 82%, contained total nitrogen 2.2%, total phosphorus - 8.4% and total potassium - 6.6%.

Another organo-mineral fertilizer, consisting of Bos sludge, phosphorite and the drug "Tamir", had an acidity of pH = 7.2, ash content - 71.4%, contained total nitrogen 2.7%, total phosphorus - 8.5% and total potassium - 8.7%.

Field tests of these samples were carried out in the SPK "Agidel" of the Ishimbay region. The soil of the experimental plot - leached medium-thick chernozem of heavy mechanical composition is characterized by the following agrochemical indicators: humus content - 9.5%, mobile phosphorus - 110 mg/kg, exchangeable potassium - 111 mg/kg, sulfur - 7.4 mg/kg, pH - 5.9; trace elements: boron - 2.5 mg / kg, molybdenum - 0.15 mg / kg, manganese - 9.0 mg / kg, zinc - 0.65 mg / kg, copper - 0.17 mg / kg, cobalt - 0 .5 mg/kg; heavy metals: lead - 4.7 mg/kg, zinc - 9.6 mg/kg, nickel - 29.2 mg/kg, copper - 10.2 mg/kg, cadmium - 0.26 mg/kg and mercury - 0 .0289 mg/kg.

The size of the plots of the experimental plot is 100 m 2, the repetition of options is four times. Fertilizers were applied for pre-sowing cultivation with subsequent incorporation on the same day. Fertilizers were applied in both variants of the experiment at the rate of one ton per hectare of arable land. Spring wheat of the Saratovskaya-55 variety was sown on the experimental plot on May 8. During the tillering of plants, chemical weeding of spring wheat crops was carried out. Before harvesting, a biometric analysis of spring wheat plants was carried out. According to its results, it turned out that the number of plants in the control and third (WMD based on silt and phosphorus raw materials) options was 400 pcs/m 2 each, and in the second variant (WMD based on brown coal and phosphorus raw materials) of the experiment - 412 pcs./ m 2. The length of plants in the fertilized variants, that is, in the second and third ones, was 4.9 and 10.2 cm higher than the control one, respectively. In the variants with the introduction of OMF, the length of the spike of plants exceeded the control variant by 0.5–1.0 cm.

The mass of 1000 grains in both fertilized variants was 2–3 g more than the control one. The introduction of WMD increased the grain gluten content by 1.5–2.6%. Spring wheat was harvested on 10 August. In both fertilized options, a significant increase in grain yield was obtained from 5.9 c/ha in the second and up to 7.4 c/ha in the third option. At the same time, the yield of spring wheat in the control variant was 18.6 q/ha.

The introduction of WMD based on brown coal increased the humus content by 0.1%, and the use of WMD based on silt had almost no effect on the content of humus in the soil.

In the fertilized variants, a significant increase in the content of mobile phosphorus in the soil (94 and 103 mg/kg) was also noted, while in the control variant it was only 79 mg/kg. The introduction of WMD did not change the content of exchangeable potassium in the soil. Of the trace elements, a slight increase in the content of copper and boron in the soil was noted. The use of WMD did not increase the content of heavy metals in the soil. Thus, WMD based on brown coal, silt, phosphorites of the Surakai deposit and microbiological preparations "Baikal EM1" and "Tamir" presented for testing can be recommended for use in agriculture as highly effective organo-mineral fertilizers.

Table 1
Efficiency of organo-mineral fertilizer based on phosphorites of the Surakai deposit, 2004

No. pp


Productivity by repetitions, c/ha

Average yield, centner/ha

Yield increase, c / ha

The control






WMD based on phosphoritesphosphate raw material + lignite (in the ratio1:1) + preparation "Baikal EM1" - 1.0 t/ha






WMD based on phosphoritesSurakai field. Compound:Phos. raw materials + BOS sludge (at a ratio of 1:1) + "Tamir" -1.0 t/ha






To revive the fertility of the soil, to grow a cow - care and time are needed.
The earth, like a cow, must be fed - otherwise there will be neither bread nor milk.

This is how we lived and live, not knowing about it. what care for the earth is. first of all, the creation of a food base for soil animals - the main reproducers of soil fertility, that is, for worms. Previously, intuitively (on a hunch), such a logical connection in the technology of cultivating the land is now consciously recognized. Awareness of this led to a new technology of reproduction and a sharp increase in soil fertility.

Sending out my "Biotechnology for cultivating worms" to customers, I ask them to inform me about achievements and failures, share their experience in cultivating land, indicators of crop yields, especially on lands fertilized with biohumus Scher-vecompost). In response, hundreds of letters were received from them, which presented a wide range of methods and examples of improving the soil, increasing its fertility, using varietal seeds and methods of their preparation, sowing dates, plant care technologies, etc., etc. And this is from the entire territory of the former USSR.

From the letters, the following technology for the rapid revival of soil fertility emerges, which is practically acceptable for many regions.

In Russia, potatoes are the second bread. Therefore, peasants, farmers and summer residents pay much attention to its cultivation. The success of a business is different for everyone and the work expended does not always pay off, for others. on the contrary, the results are encouraging. This is easy to understand - after all, the conditions (land, its quality and labor) are different for everyone.

Many farmers, after harvesting, cover the land with improvised organic matter who has what; manure or compost, or straw, or hay, or sawdust, shavings, fallen leaves from the forest, or a mixture of these materials or other organic matter mixed with peat, sapropel, etc.). The success of the yield is directly related to the amount of such organic matter, it must be sent out on the ground for the first time with a layer of 5-10 cm. But this technique is not strictly required, but desirable. Under a layer of this mulch, the soil cools more slowly and the introduced organic matter continues to be processed by microbes and worms into humus fertilizer. This process continues in many regions even in winter, until the soil freezes completely. In the spring, after the snow cover melts, the soil warms up quickly and the process of decomposition of organic matter and its transformation into humus resumes. The earth remains loose, air- and water-permeable, the life of the soil community of animals, the main reproducers of soil fertility, is rapidly developing in it. As with other pets, you must prepare food for them not only for the whole winter, but also for the spring, until it reproduces naturally. So for soil worms, food must be introduced into the soil so much that it is enough until the next autumn. Only in this case the soil will be fertile, provided with the necessary amount of all plant nutrients.

Other farmers, instead of harvesting dry organic materials for their introduction into the soil, use the cultivation of green fertilizers - green manure. In autumn, after harvesting, they sow rye with oats and vetch. If the autumn is warm, then until November they are green, shoots can be quite plentiful, and in winter they contribute to snow retention. In spring, the entire herbage is embedded in the soil and the worms and microflora are thus provided with food for the whole summer, and the soil is enriched with humus.

And here is the advice of V. Alubin from the Ryazan region. Given the fact that potatoes are an indispensable crop, they are sometimes grown year after year in the same place. After a few years, the yield of potatoes drops significantly, despite the application of organic and mineral fertilizers.

To keep the potato yield at a high level, he sows half of the plot with cereals (rye, barley, wheat). Planting potatoes in the second half. Then he swaps them. It turns out something like a mini-crop rotation. Cereals can be harvested for green fodder for livestock, they can be dug up. In this case, the yield of potatoes practically does not decrease, but remains at the level of the whole plot, as if it were not sown with cereals. In addition, potatoes are disease-free and resistant to soil pests. This method of planting potatoes not only allows V. Alubin to save the crop, but also to get potatoes of excellent quality.

Still others prefer the production (harvesting) of a large amount of compost and biohumus (worm compost). The technique is given in this book. But many adapted it to their conditions and supplemented it with their own characteristics and agrobiological methods in order to obtain high yields of potatoes.

For example, I will refer to Vladimir Polikarpov, a vegetable grower. His note "Potatoes under the" cap "is published in the magazine "New Farmer" since the spring of 1995.) He learned to grow unprecedented yields of tasty and healthy potatoes using a large amount of worm compost.

To obtain compost, he chooses a site with good approaches to it. The diameter of the site is 3 m. He harvests compost all year round. In winter, it mows down marsh vegetation (cattail, reeds, reeds and everything above ice), which, with a small weight, gives a large volume. In the spring, he lays the foundation; 50 cm layer of swamp vegetation, then a layer of turf, black soil, dolomite or chalk, ash, and even peat - all mixing. On top of this layer, he lays hay, grass, tree leaves, coniferous litter. moss, brushwood, sawdust, shavings and other organic materials. Then he pours a layer of sand up to 5 cm and, after watering, puts earthworms in there. Heap height by the end of summer reaches up to 2 m or more. Every 60 cm of height, the layers are repeated. The compost heap stands for a whole year, accessible to all winds, rain and sun. In his opinion, it is a fertilizer factory and a collection of all waste from the garden, kitchen, etc. The main producers of biohumus in it are worms. They are plant growth stimulants.

Now about the main thing, about potatoes. He recommends picking tubers for planting in the fall; by weight. form, quality, taste, attitude to diseases and pests. He tested many varieties (from Russia, America, Israel, Holland, etc.). He does not give preference to any variety, since each has its own characteristics.

In autumn, after digging, he washes the selected tubers with ash infusion (1 kg of ash per bucket of water). C Note; this alkaline solution is the best way to disinfect potatoes from a viral infection. A.I.). After that, he rinses the potatoes with plain water and lays them out for 7 days in the sun. Stores seeds in the cellar at 2-3°C.

In the spring, 30-40 days before planting, the tubers are laid out to warm up in the light.
He has been digging up the land since autumn. After harrowing in the spring, he makes a groove with a hoe into which he lays potatoes. The distance between the tubers is 10-25 cm and between the furrows is 20-50 cm. Each tuber falls asleep with one bucket of compost.

With this method, he gets unprecedented yields of potatoes (30-35 bags per hundred), unusually tasty, healthy, not losing their nutritional qualities until the next harvest. There is no need to fight the Colorado potato beetle - it is afraid of healthy plants like fire, its element is frail, unkempt plantings.

In Russia, there are basically two types of plots. The first one, where potatoes are planted for many years in a row due to the impossibility of crop rotation, is a small area. The second type of plot is recently obtained, still uncultivated.

At the first, the potatoes have already pulled everything out, and the harvest is low. On the second, the fate of the crop is generally in question. V. Polikarpov's method was tested by him and many others and is suitable in both cases and for many regions.

Among the letters there are also those that report on the revival of soil fertility in summer cottages using biohumus in combination with mineral (chemical) fertilizers. At the same time, routine work is added up in the following scheme. Since autumn, the soil is loosened with a rake and weeds are destroyed. On the land prepared in this way, it is necessary to apply 500 kg of humus from a greenhouse mixed with 10 kg of double superphosphate, 3 kg of potassium chloride and 2 kg of potassium magnesia by sieving for each hundred square meters of land. Then it is all plowed to a depth of 25 cm.

Repeat this operation in the spring. The soil becomes loose. Potatoes are planted from May 1 to May 10 in holes 22 cm deep, at the bottom of each hole it is advisable to give 1-1.5 cups of a fertilizer mixture consisting of 10 liters of humus, 0.5 liters of ash. 1 st. a spoonful of double superphosphate. 0.5 cups of nitroammophoska and 0.5 cups of potassium magnesia. landing scheme; row spacing 50-55 cm, distance between tubers in a row 20-23 cm. After that, fill the holes with humus by 3-4 cm.

Planting care, many of the farmers begin at a plant height of 10 cm. They spray them in the evening with a 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate, and at the beginning of budding - with a 0.3% solution of ammonium nitrate. in which one tablet of microfertilizers per 10 liters of water is added.

Transcarpathian potato growers use an aqueous solution of superphosphate and potassium magnesia for foliar feeding of plants in order to accelerate the formation and maturation of tubers. During the growing season, 2-3 such irrigations are carried out from a hose with a sprinkler.

The results are excellent up to 1600 kg of selected potatoes per hundred.
Scientist - potato grower Alexander Korshunov (j. New gardener and farmer. 1996. N 1) also recommends adding the necessary amount of macro- and microelements to the soil in the form of organic and mineral fertilizers and ash to get a good potato harvest.

Directly under the potatoes in the spring when digging, he made compost at the rate of 500 kg per hundred square meters. Of the mineral fertilizers, the following were used: urea - 1.1 kg, double superphosphate - 4.3 kg, potassium chloride - 4.0 kg per hundred square meters. He applied fertilizers randomly, followed by embedding to a depth of 18-20 cm.
In his opinion, the gardener must firmly grasp; only on cultivated soil is a generous return on every kilogram of mineral fertilizers achieved. On poorly cultivated soil (for example, with high acidity), chemical fertilizers can even have a negative effect.

He planted prepared (sprouted and green) potatoes with row spacing of 85 cm at a distance between tubers in a row of 25-50 cm.

The planting density in this case is 470 pieces per hundred square meters. Plants in rows close quickly and suppress weeds themselves. And in wide aisles, the tops close later, the leaves work more productively for the harvest, and it is easier for the potato grower to carry out high hilling.

He harvested his crop at the end of the first decade of September. Using varieties of Soviet selection, in the conditions of the Moscow region, it was possible to collect 1575 kg of high-quality tubers from each hundred square meters of a summer cottage in 1995. The harvest was "self - 35", Potato marketability 95%.

Gardeners sometimes have a desire to make the land fertile in one or two seasons. Is it possible? It turned out - it is possible.

For example, for the formation of a winter wheat crop of 50 c/ha during its intensive growth, the daily requirement is more than 200 kg/ha of CO2. About 70% of this amount is provided by CO2 entering the surface air layer during the mineralization of humus, organic fertilizers and plant residues.

People's expert Pyotr Matveyevich Ponomarev (Tashkent) grew 250-500 centners of wheat and barley per hectare on his plot (of course, in terms of ha). But in order to grow such a super crop, it is necessary that there is a lot of humus and other plant nutrients in the soil. P.M. Ponomarev came up with the idea to use brown coal as a carbon fertilizer. It contains a set of nutrients that are essential for plants. A ton of such coal contains carbon -720-760 kg. hydrogen - 40-60, oxygen - 190-200. nitrogen - 15-17. sulfur - 2-3 kg. many humic acids and other trace elements.

Coal milled into flour is introduced into the soil, where it is successfully processed by bacteria and subsequently turns into a nutrient medium for plants. It is better to introduce coal dust from autumn along with rotted manure or other organic matter in a total amount of at least 1 ton per 100 square meters.

Instead of coal, slates can be used in the ratio of 200 kg of coal (shale) to 800 kg of compost (40% moisture).

Such use of coal and shale allowed Ponomarev to accumulate up to 2% of humus in the soil layer, which ensured high yields of not only cereals, but also vegetable crops, for example, potatoes collected 20 bags per hundred square meters of land (Yuri Slashchinin: "20 bags of potatoes from each hundred parts". S.P. 1995).

Vladimir Petrovich Ushakov, an agricultural engineer by education, has devoted more than 40 years to agriculture. He summarized the results of his research in the Moscow region in his brochures "Should Agricultural Technology Be Reasonable", Vladivostok, 1989? "Yields can and should be increased fivefold in one year." Moscow, 1991. They set out the basic rules of a new, reasonable (organic) farming technology developed by him. The author, on the basis of experimental data, convinces readers - farmers that the rejection of the vicious, currently used technology and the transition to a reasonable (organic) one in the first year gives a five-fold increase in productivity for all crops without exception. In the future, with proper care of the land, perhaps, in his opinion, a tenfold or greater increase in productivity. For example, the yield of potatoes on his plot has been 1,400 q/ha for many years.

On his plots, he did not contribute anything except manure and compost. He could not find the necessary mineral fertilizers (in particular, microelements and others), and for known reasons he did not use pesticides consciously. Therefore, the products turned out to be environmentally friendly, and potatoes, during the most common storage under the floor in ordinary bins from boards, of course, did not rot at all and were preserved until the new harvest. The reason is that the annual increase in humus in the soil of his plots was 0.5%. This surprises many scientists - no one has ever observed such an increase in humus per year, and there is only one reason for this; no one in our country has ever dealt with the living matter of the soil, which creates humus. Meanwhile, it is rapidly multiplying on his plots (and only on them) with reasonable (organic) technology. Here are just a few of the data he received from VIUA at the end of 1985: at the site where manure was scattered and work was carried out according to the old technology, there were 77,000 denitrifiers per gram of soil, nitrifiers - 16,000, fiber destroyers - 23,000; in the same places where reasonable technology was used and manure was applied in heaps, after eight years these microorganisms became many times more, namely, "920,000 denitrifiers, 260,000 nitrifiers, and 2,000,000 fiber destroyers. During the same time, the number of worms in the soil of these plots If before the start of work (in 1985) on each square meter of soil there were an average of 5 individuals, and after the same 8 years it turned out to be more than 200. Annually, the number of worms increased by 24 individuals per square meter. the reason for the sharp increase in the amount of humus in the soil up to 5 percent in 8 years.

But it also happened that V.P. Ushakov did not have manure. Then he prepared and applied compost, that is, a mixture of various organic waste (grass, leaves, tops, kitchen waste, etc.). Prepared compost like this; all the waste was grown in a layer 20 centimeters thick, in the form of a bed 1.5-2 m wide, watered the bed with water from a watering can and covered it with a film. Every 2-3 days, opening the film, loosening and watering, and then again covered with a film. I continued this work for about three weeks before starting the preparation of the soil. During this time, a huge number of worms appeared in the compost. They processed organic matter into humus - food for plants.

The basis of the compost was the waste from the garden and experimental plots. For example, corn produced a maximum of 28 kg of silage per square meter (that is, in terms of 900 centners of fodder units per hectare, and not 50, which are now obtained on collective farm fields); sunflower yielded a maximum of 22 kg/m2. The stalks of these crops, as well as corn cobs and sunflower baskets, after removing grains from them, were placed in a compost heap, as well as potato tops, which reached a height of up to 1.5 meters with an average weight of 6.5 kg / m2 - straw was collected up to 4 kg / m2 "As it turned out, this fully compensated for the missing organic matter in the soil and made it possible to increase the humus content of the soil from year to year.

V.P. Ushakov harvested cereals when the grain had a waxy ripeness and was easily peeled from the ears, but did not crumble. Grain yields varied; the highest was given by winter rye with a maximum of 1.88 kg/m2, barley - 1.6, wheat - 1.5 and oats - 1.4. From one plant - a bush, from 10 to 25 ears were collected, each of which gave about 3 g of grains; according to the usual technology, no more than three spikelets with lean grains were collected, the weight of which in one spikelet did not exceed one gram. That is why the reasonable technology gave yields from "CAM-450" to "CAM-700", and according to the generally used one, it was "CAM-16" as much as possible.

Each stalk of corn, which reached a height of three meters (annually), had 1-2 ears. The average weight of the cob was about 400 g, and the grains in it were about 175 g, about 3.5 kg of grains were collected per square meter.

The introduction of organic farming on their plots is now widely used by summer residents and farmers in almost all regions of Russia. Over the past four summer seasons, the yield of vegetables on their lands has risen 8-10 times (potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.). But they are especially pleased with the high quality of the grown vegetables (excellent storability and high resistance to diseases in potatoes, beets, carrots, etc.), berries and fruits. They believe in the power of organic farming and consider it unnecessary to use large doses of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on their plots of land. The author wishes them further success in reviving and increasing the fertility of the soil of their lands and expresses confidence in the transition to organic farming of all farmers. Only this will improve the soil and water. feed and food, animals and people.
The author is very pleased with reports from the northern regions of the Tyumen region (Surgut, Megion, Langepas, Nefteyugansk), Tomsk region (Strezhevoi, Kolpashevo), Yakutia (Yakutsk, Mirny, Churapcha, Neryungri, etc.). Magadan region (Magadan, Yagodnoye), Kamchatka (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yelizovo). They say that the use of biohumus (worm compost) allows local farmers to grow almost all the necessary vegetables: radishes, salads, carrots, beets, potatoes, onions. many berries: blueberries, blueberries, cloudberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc.) and provide themselves with vitamin products until the new harvest.

From this it follows that agriculture with the help of organic fertilizers can and should be promoted to the northern regions of Russia and grow the necessary food and feed products in sufficient quantities there.

There is another interesting thought: the true polymineral fertilizer for plants is probably granite (ground into flour). This assumption comes from the idea of ​​V.I. Vernadsky about the granite shell as a region of former biospheres. According to Vernadsky, biogenic rocks undergo metamorphism from the biosphere. "The granite shell of the earth is the region of former biospheres." (Vernadsky V.I. Problems of biogeochemistry. - Proceedings of BIOGEL. GEOKHI. USSR Academy of Sciences, issue 16, p. 215).
It remains unknown how effective it will be. Another thing is known: on granite slabs, boulders, clear imprints of the plant root system are sometimes visible, which means that the enzymes of the plant root system are able to dissolve the structure of granite and use it as a source of mineral nutrition.


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