Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues. beautiful video congratulation

Defender of the Fatherland Day is considered one of the most popular celebrations annually celebrated in our country. It so happened historically that it was on February 23 that it was customary to honor the battle-hardened soldiers, representatives of peaceful professions and very young boys. In 2019, the main holiday of all men falls on Saturday, so colleagues will have to prepare congratulations on February 23 in advance. Our collection contains many beautiful congratulations to employees on Defender of the Fatherland Day - in verse and prose, postcards, funny funny with humor, official, by name. Here you will surely find original and “unbroken” words to congratulate your male colleagues on this wonderful date.

Original congratulations on February 23 to colleagues and employees in prose with humor

Celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day within the walls of the native office has long become a good tradition at many enterprises. Of course, on this important day, men are relieved of the hassle of preparing - all organizational issues fall on fragile female shoulders. In addition to the festive table, the ladies prepare original congratulations on February 23 to male colleagues and employees. We offer to please the courageous "culprits" of the occasion with comic congratulations with humor in prose - from our selection.

Collection of original congratulations in prose for colleagues and employees by February 23

No more valuable employee than the man on February 23rd. Today you are courteous and attentive to everyone (in other words, you are disabled), you bring positive and good mood to the team, you give everyone the anticipation of a holiday and a banquet. Good luck to you, colleague!

I congratulate you on the holiday of courage and courage, February 23! And even though my fragile shoulders often carry the burden of your imperfections, and your rich imagination provides an alibi for all occasions, you are still the best man in our team!

Dear men, colleagues, from February 23! Be invincible, strong, lucky, healthy. Let any obstacles obey you, difficulties recede, and matters are solved easily. Energy to you, patience, family well-being and financial heights.

With all my heart I wish all the men with whom I was lucky to share everyday work, professional and personal success, good health, fortitude, care and understanding of loved ones, peace of mind and the warmth of the hearth. And also worthy to wear honorary title men!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. You are our pride, regardless of whether you served or not, because we all know that a man is a real defender, even if he never took up arms in his life. Always remain true daredevils, happy holidays!

Funny congratulations in prose to colleagues on February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russian men anticipate in advance a lot of attention, congratulations from the female half of the team or family. Delicious treats funny contests, songs and skits, warm words of wishes, symbolic gifts - mandatory items entertainment program on February 23rd. When choosing congratulations on February 23 to colleagues, pay attention to the funny funny lines of prose presented below.

Texts of funny congratulations in your own words on February 23 for male colleagues

Today is February 23rd - the day of brave, strong, decisive, courageous, staunch and hardy men, always ready to defend their homeland, their family, their friends and loved ones from enemies and troubles. We are lucky to have such men working with us. And we wish you that you can easily cope with any problems, and women appreciate and love you not only on February 23, but every day.

Oh, our courageous, brave, strong men. Any business is up to you, you are not afraid of difficulties: you courageously cope with the difficult office work and withstand the "shelling" through the eyes of the beautiful half of our team with honor. We congratulate you on February 23rd and wish you to always be open and unprotected when money, beautiful, loving women and grateful, enthusiastic bosses are attacked on you.

May all men's dreams come true in your life, colleague! So that you build a house in which two warm things are waiting for you: dinner and the hugs of your beloved; to plant a garden near the house in which your sons and daughters will play happily; so that your favorite business brings you a huge income!

I congratulate the strong half of our friendly working community on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. I wish that the shoulders on which the well-being of the family, the prosperity of the team and the peace of the whole country rest, will never bend under such a difficult burden. I wish you success, peace of mind and confidence in the future.

Most of our adult life is spent at work. Our people are our friends, family, mentors and social circle. We share our joys and concerns with them, discuss news and purchases. Without colleagues, the world would be boring and not interesting. Dear like-minded people! Happy Holidays! From February 23!

Cool funny congratulations on February 23 to colleagues in verse

Today, February 23, has lost its original status of the "Day of the Red Army", turning into the main general male holiday. However, until now, representatives of the strong half of humanity are happy to accept congratulations on February 23 - colleagues and employees are no exception. If you want to creatively congratulate your male colleagues at work, you can say some cool funny poems with the best wishes at the table.

Options for funny funny congratulations in verse from February 23 to colleagues

Dear colleagues, comrades-in-arms in the case,
We want to congratulate you on February 23rd.
And therefore we will shout "Hurray" very boldly,
So that our Russian land can hear him.

Be bold in your work
Believe in your work and your colleagues.
Then you will find the right path.
And great success will come.

A reward awaits for success -
Bonus and weekend.
Joy for the workers
Their relatives will be happy.

Of course work is not the Army,
But still here sometimes,
There are exercises, battles,
And loyalty is also needed.
Thank you for your friendship
For the fact that we are shoulder to shoulder
Army days are not easy
I can’t forget, I don’t want to!

Defender of the Fatherland Day -
A holiday of courage and honor.
We are on guard for humanity
And I will tell you without flattery:

Colleagues, I congratulate us,
After all, it is we - courage, valor,
None of us, having gone to the reserve,
Will not be sunk in dullness!

A soldier lives in any of us,
Both in the private and in the general.
Will not hide the bearing of the year
No wonder our medals are burning!

We have been preparing for the holiday for a long time,
We bought brandy and wine.
We bought fruit for sweet
Other delicious foods.
In the morning we came running in a hurry,
And everything was gracefully shredded,
And now, right here, now
Together we congratulate you.

One man in a team
Colleague, like our king!
In your hands is firmness, strength,
For all employees you are a mountain.

Happy life achievements,
And on the 23rd - victories.
Successful, correct decisions,
Our labor body armor!

Short funny funny greetings in cards from February 23

With the approach of February 23, business office life seems to "freeze", and the spirit of the upcoming holiday is in the air. By tradition, many enterprises organize corporate events for the Defender of the Fatherland Day - with the participation of all employees, invited artists. Short funny cool congratulations From February 23rd, postcards can be downloaded for free and then sent to colleagues by e-mail.

Collection of cool cards for congratulations on February 23 of male colleagues

Beautiful official congratulations on February 23 to colleagues in verse

For many, colleagues and employees eventually become friends, close people. If you are thinking about how to beautifully congratulate the male part of your native team on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, take a look at our page. Beautiful official congratulations from February 23 to colleagues will be appropriate at the solemn part of the event or just for gatherings in an “informal” atmosphere.

A selection of verses for the official congratulations of colleagues on February 23

Congratulations, men -

Your holiday has begun!

This holiday will whirl everyone

Every year, like again,

We wish you, colleagues -

Good luck everyone

Be happy, successful

And in work, okay

The best blessings, friends

And a chocolate life!

Our team celebrates the date today,
We congratulate all the defenders of the country.
Well, in our men we do not tea the soul,
And on such a day, they are full of special pride.

We give gifts to our colleagues,
We wish you all the best, love, warmth.
May it get a little hot in February
At our holiday at a friendly table!

Congratulations on Defender's Day
The best of men now.
We praise your mind and strength,
And we hope for you.
We want to say in verse
How we are you, all to one,
Like very much. We are behind you -
Like a stone wall!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
Today we will congratulate you.
For the happiness of humanity
Peace must be kept lasting.
May all desires come true
Love and new victories for you,
Health, happiness, prosperity,
And many long bright years!

On this glorious February day
I want to congratulate you sincerely!
Do not recognize the word "laziness"
And you are endlessly devoted
Our homeland! And I'm proud:
What nice guys!
I'm not afraid for the future
After all, you are reliable soldiers!
Thanks! Low bow to you,
And millions of congratulations!
Let these lines be in unison
They sound in a good mood!

Cool congratulations on names from February 23 to male colleagues

Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 is an excellent occasion to pay attention to the male part of the office, sending a few warm wishes to the employees. Cool congratulations on February 23 to colleagues can be selected by name, emphasizing the importance of each "culprit" of the occasion.

Personalized poems and prose of congratulations on February 23 to colleagues in the office

Sasha, you are the only one in the world!

Let the sun shine through your life!

Congratulations on the twenty-third of February!

And I'll leave you a verse as a keepsake!

Stay the same cool century!

Let not your labor be in vain!

Let everything be as you want!

May the days and nights please you!

From 23 February
We congratulate Andrey.
We wish you to live better than everyone
Think soberly without getting old.

Be a protector in spirit,
And a hero by calling.
May success and victory
Efforts will be crowned.

Valera on the twenty-third of February

I would like to congratulate you on the Day of Men, of course!

And, only praising him from the heart,

I want him to be the best only forever!

So that he could stand up for his neighbors forever!

So that he was beautiful and full of main plans!

So that he could famously manage dreams!

So that you do more glorious deeds!

Vasily, be strong in spirit,

You, the defender of the country,

The whole earth hastens to congratulate.

Strive forward, tear the fear to shreds

Take your luck by the bridle.

In honor of the stronger sex today,

Vivat, great men!

Dima - means "mother earth",

This is your strength!

At least work for three,

At least to love for four -

You have enough strength for everything:

Apparently the name helps.

From the bottom of my heart, Dmitry, you

Short comic congratulations on February 23 to colleagues in prose

February is the last and shortest month of winter, passing almost imperceptibly. However, before the beginning of spring, we have to celebrate the most important men's holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day. We have collected cool comic congratulations on February 23 to colleagues at work - here you will find several interesting options in prose.

Prose for short congratulations to colleagues on the 23rd of February

Dear colleague, on this holiday I wish you: roads without bumps, good achievements, loyal friends and fewer rush jobs at work, bright everyday life and happy holidays, happy smiles around and mutual understanding with colleagues and bosses! Happy February 23rd!

Men, colleagues! On this festive day - Defenders of the Fatherland Day - we want to wish you health, no matter how trite it may sound, but it is so important, and no wealth will replace it for you! Be healthy, our beloved, in body and soul! And the rest will follow!

Dear colleagues, we are men and we must bear this title with dignity! The gene of defenders is in our blood and only we must ensure the peace of mothers, the joy of children, the happiness of families and the prosperity of our beloved Motherland. I wish any of us grandiose thoughts, abundant health and expanse for boiling energy!

Happy holiday, men! We are pleased to see your smiles radiating strength and confidence today! Therefore, we wish you that you have a lot of real reasons for frequent smiles, both at work and at home, so that your faces shine with happiness and your eyes with genuine joy.

For some, work is the meaning of life, for others it is a way of earning money. But all of you, dear men, take your work duties with the necessary responsibility. Therefore, you are wonderful colleagues. Happy holiday, from February 23! Let your life be filled with the most joyful events and only pleasant accomplishments!

So, here you will find the most beautiful congratulations on February 23 to colleagues - in verse and prose, funny funny with humor and official, by name, in postcards. May the Defender of the Fatherland Day be remembered for a long time by male employees as a bright and interesting event.

Wonderful men, congratulations on February 23rd. I wish you not to lose vigor of strength and strength of character, I wish to always defend my families and my principles, I wish never to show cowardice or fear, I wish in any situations to remain real men with all the qualities of a hero and a valiant knight.


Our dear colleagues! We congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! This is a holiday for real men - those who build and show courage not only on the battlefield, but also in ordinary, everyday life; those who give us confidence in the future; those who take upon themselves the solution of many problems, allowing us to remain women! Let your life be filled with bright events, successes and achievements, and let your hearts be warmed by the attention, love and care of your family and friends!


Dear Colleagues! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!


I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and sincerely wish that any problem would be a trifle, so that any obstacle to success would be an easily overcome barrier. Always be purposeful, witty, resourceful, courageous, confident and invincible.


Dear colleagues!
We are glad to congratulate you on the 23rd of February and wish you luck and success to remain your faithful companions.
Let your commanding skills be useful only in virtual battles, and all enemies and adversities in real world cowardly pass before you.
Be loyal defenders of your homeland, family and company interests. And let such merits not go unnoticed.
Happy holiday of courage, honor, team spirit and victory over any enemy!

Congratulations on February 23 in your own words to colleagues touching

Our dear men! We congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! This is a holiday for real men: those who are building our future not only on the battlefield, but also in ordinary, everyday life; those who give us confidence in the future; those who take it upon themselves to solve problems, allowing us to remain women!
Let your life be filled with bright events, successes and achievements, and let your heart be warmed by the attention, love and care of your family and friends!


Dear colleagues! This holiday has a special meaning. He reminds each of us about civic duty and high male destiny. Our sacred duty is to preserve peace and harmony in society and on earth. It is important that our team work stably and confidently, because this is a guarantee not only of our future, but also of the future of our children! I wish you all good health, great happiness, creative work and good luck in all your endeavors!


I cordially congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day - a holiday that has absorbed the rich and glorious military traditions, which personifies the courage and heroism of the defenders and liberators of the native land at all stages of its history. On this day, our memory and heart again return to the formidable and unforgettable pages of the past, in order to once again understand to whom we owe a peaceful sky over our heads, the opportunity to live and raise children and grandchildren. With all my heart I wish you peace, health and longevity, good spirits and family harmony, joy and goodness!


You are our pride, our help, you always come to the rescue at our first request. You love us, you know, for this you huge THANKS!
We don't know what we would have done without you.
On your holiday - Defender of the Motherland Day, we want to wish you successful career, the highest professionalism, the achievement of all the tasks set, the ability to cope with any problems, and, of course, to be healthy and loved.
Know: without you we are as without hands!
Happy Holidays !!! HOORAY!


From February 23! Let your friends be reliable and understanding, the mood - optimistic and cheerful, the family - loving and caring. May every day delight you with new achievements and amazing surprises, reasons for smiles and the opportunity not only for fruitful work, but also for a pleasant stay!

Best congratulations on February 23 in your own words to colleagues

Reliable defenders of our great country, we wish you the boundless love of your loved ones, the loyalty of your loved ones, the respect of your compatriots and the support of your colleagues. May immense horizons of happiness, inner freedom and unique demanded talents open up before you every day!


On the holiday of February 23, I wish you strength, the will to win and courage. May every undertaking be successful, the given word - indestructible, the deed - worthy of admiration. Always remain a glorious and worthy representative of the strong half of humanity.


Dear Colleagues! We are pleased to work alongside real men and start in front of the mirror every morning. After all, you want to look your best in order to stimulate you to new achievements and raise the status of our company in the business world! Happy Holidays!


Dear colleagues, our women's team would like to sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday of male identity, strength and advantage. You are a support for our "fragile backs" and support in difficult life situations! Thank you men for strong shoulders, wise decisions and calmness with which you respond to any problems!


I want to congratulate you, our men, on the occasion of men! And let our lovely ladies be not offended by me, because on this day all attention is paid to the exceptionally strong half of humanity. Understanding you, men, on the part of your wives, so that they always and without unnecessary questions let you go to hockey, football, fishing, including without fishing rods! And they waited at home with a smile for their real men! Congratulations to you and me, gentlemen!

Work in a men's team requires special attention to the holiday on February 23. On this day, you need to beautifully and originally congratulate brave and strong men: work colleagues, subordinates, partners.

You need to select wishes and congratulatory words in verses with special attention... For example, it is better for partners to send discreet beautiful texts. But the cool, comic poems on February 23 for colleagues can perfectly complement the corporate party in the office. Poems with humor can also be sent to those colleagues with whom you have developed warm and friendly relations. The congratulations received will certainly appeal to men and help to cheer them up.

Original poems with humor for February 23 for colleagues and subordinates

Constant work in one team contributes to the rallying of all its employees and allows you to find real friends among them. Therefore, by February 23, men can congratulate each other or receive excellent congratulations from the fair sex. For a corporate party, girls can learn comic poems about February 23 about colleagues or perform with a beautiful song.

If there is no time and opportunity to spend gatherings at work, then you can send funny poems by mail to each of your colleagues and subordinates. If you wish, you can rewrite one of the proposed options on a purchased postcard. Beautiful and interesting poems of congratulations to colleagues from February 23 will surely please every man and will help him to lead the whole holiday in high spirits.

Male colleagues, you are our heroes,

Our defenders, support and rear.

We congratulate you from the heart today,

We wish you vigor, zeal, strength.

New projects, work achievements,

Significant, bright, great achievements,

Generous clients, and personal success,

And fortresses, like walnuts!

Our labor would be monotonous,

Every day is a longing routine

If in the women's "battalion"

There was no room for the men.

We congratulate you on your holiday!

I wish you and your families happiness.

May God protect you,

Will give you health, strength, patience.

Laughter to you, luck, money,

Great, bright weekend.

Let the authorities honor and appreciate

Rewards you royally!

On a men's holiday, they are ready to admit -

Men are smarter than us women!

Your character is not changeable.

And you are always kings behind the wheel,

Yes, and all the aces at work!

And how would we live without your advice?

Without your significant help!

Work for glory, for the good of the people,

And we quietly, quietly,

We'll sit behind your back with a tea,

So that we can't even be seen.

Our colleagues are soldiers today

Well, our boss is a general.

Well, line up in a column, guys!

Heroes. We are not afraid of a rush job!

Each of you is a precious protector.

Everyone deserves a medal to wear.

Each has a granite rod,

Everyone will have time to surprise.

I wish you, male colleagues,

No matter how the kink of life curls,

Plant a tree, raise a son

And build a wonderful house!

Lovely poems to male colleagues by February 23 - with text and video postcard

Women working in a men's team should definitely choose beautiful congratulatory texts for their colleagues by February 23. They can be long or only 4-8 lines long. No matter how large the congratulatory work is, the main thing is that the employees will show attention and respect to the stronger sex. Among the proposed options, you can pick up kind and cute poems for male colleagues on February 23rd. And those employees who are currently working in another department or in another city can send the specified video postcard with congratulations.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day,

On the day of all true men

Congratulations, colleagues,

I'm from the female half!

Strength, courage, courage

For a long time you will not take it.

We wish you today

Never lose heart!

Happy Defender's Day, we congratulate

Our brave and staunch colleagues.

We wish only the best in life

So that your century is peaceful and generous.

And success in any endeavors,

And always a reliable team,

And prosperity to the whole company,

And in my soul there is only one positive!

Happy men's holiday, colleagues,

I want to congratulate from the bottom of my heart.

I wish you all success,

So that you can handle everything!

So that in the family and at work

Everything was just a superclass!

And so that no trouble, no worries

Never bothered you!

Let you men

Congratulate at this very hour.

There are reasons for this -

Today is your holiday.

Colleagues, we wish you

Always be on horseback.

May life be great

And there is a lot of happiness in her.

Let the worries go away

Let there be less worries

To see how many

Around beautiful women!

Funny poems for colleagues and subordinates on February 23

You can choose to congratulate men on February 23 and wish them happiness, health, success not only among touching or restrained, but also among neutral and funny texts. They are great for congratulating employees and subordinates who are still exclusively supported. business relationship... Beautiful poems on February 23 to work colleagues can be sent to email, adding personal wishes or an original postcard, a picture. You can learn and tell such verses on February 23 to colleagues at a corporate party, during the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Today we praise men

There are many reasons for this!

Defenders of the family, country,

Our hearts are given to you.

May desires come true.

Health and prosperity - to the house,

Business - good luck, prosperity.

And let sorrow become a dream!

Congratulations to you colleagues

And, of course, we wish

On this day of the calendar:

Strength, courage, health

And in everything there are always victories.

So that men's affairs today

They left the right trail.

So that a stable salary

Brought joy to you.

And so that you can boldly

Rest on the islands.

Let the work inspire

Piques interest.

Let the bosses not scold.

In general, to make progress!

Our glorious men

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

Be cheerful, loved -

We need defenders!

May your salary grow

Life will always be full

Let there be order in business!

Happy holiday, our protection!

You are not stronger and more beautiful,

And we want to wish

Only one thing - keep it up!

Were to support the family,

So that success comes to you soon,

So that loved ones please

And colleagues did not forget.

In the sense of helping with the case

They called them the best to be bold.

In the endeavors of all - success,

Rest - with fire and laughter.

House so - the royal chambers.

Well, and the royal salary.

And did not wait for the reasons

Prove that you are men!

What beautiful poems can be sent to colleagues and partners on February 23?

Work partners and really valuable personnel always want to pay more attention during the holidays. After all, it is they who allow you to conduct business correctly and help in difficult situations at work. Therefore, colleagues and partners should select verses on February 23 with kind, light texts. They can include good wishes and express respect, admiration.

Cool poems by February 23 to colleagues can be included in festive program... You can also use them to create posters that will help decorate offices and offices by February 23rd.

Our dear men,

Congratulations to you today.

Be courageous, fearless

Even in the darkest hour.

Find solutions right

Don't leave your friends in distress.

Let it be "for sure", not "probably"

Your words mean everywhere.

And may you always be surrounded

Mothers, daughters, sisters, girlfriends.

May you be loved and respected

Let everything be given to you without strain.

Colleagues, lovely men,

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

As you can see, they have not forgotten

We read poems for the holiday.

Turning our eyes to you,

We want to wish you health

And so that there is a lot of money

To rest on the blue sea.

You are real heroes

Defenders of the native land.

Let your children sleep well.

You are our pride ... You are joy!

I wish you, dear colleagues,

To live a happy life under a peaceful sky,

But what you were taught in the army,

One "fine day" not to forget:

To be able to fight, overcome problems,

Fight, advance and conquer ...

For your principles, for your truth

Always and everywhere to stand to the end!

I wish you all with my truth

Never give up, not an inch,

But ... if suddenly one day it becomes difficult,

Remember this rhyme again!

Happy holiday to dear colleagues,

I appreciate and respect you, and I love everyone,

On Defender's Day, I wish you peace and good,

So that life does not just smell, but still blooms.

Promotions, awards and accolades,

To make you richer, even a hundredfold,

So that you love your loved ones, well, they will love you,

To make life beautiful, joyful for the eyes!

Short verses for congratulating colleagues on February 23 in SMS messages

Fans of funny congratulations and just owners of great humor can send funny congratulations on February 23 in an SMS message. Despite the comic content, recipients will like them no less than the usual congratulatory words. Unusual poems with humor can be sent to colleagues by February 23 in work or personal messenger chats.

Ladies bloom with you,

They shoot cheerfully with eyes,

Not a word will offend -

They see their protection in you.

Congratulations for a reason

At work, you are not fake

Protected them from harm

And on shift, and at lunchtime!

The eve of the Defender of the Fatherland Day is the "hottest" time of preparation for the holiday in the office or on an off-site corporate party. So, the female half of the team traditionally ponders, and then implements grandiose plans for congratulating men at work on February 23, 2019. We bring to your attention a selection of beautiful congratulations - official in prose in your own words, funny poems with humor. In addition, each colleague can be sent bright greeting cards and pictures from our new collection on February 23rd. Happy upcoming triumph, dear men!

Official congratulations on February 23, 2019 to male employees, organizations

In honor of the holiday on February 23, many leaders come out with congratulations, addressing sincere warm words to male employees. Our collection contains beautiful official greetings from February 23, 2019 - they can also be sent to the organization's business partners, clients, and customers.

A selection of official congratulations to men for February 23

Dear Colleagues! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

Dear Men! We want to congratulate you, our defenders - everyone who protects us every day from difficulties, hardships and unnecessary problems. Men who, in case of danger, will always come to the aid of their friends and colleagues, family and relatives. I wish you health, strength of spirit and wisdom of the heart!

Dear partners! We congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you a peaceful sky, great achievements, many opportunities, victories on all fronts. Let all the goals be achieved, the ideas come true and everything that is planned will turn out!

We are very glad to our cooperation. For a long time now, we can safely rely on your strong male support. I wish that our interaction would always be fruitful and equally successful. Let the profit grow and multiply. Let your positive reputation help attract new partners. With a real men's holiday from February 23!

Today is the day when all men remember their duty to the Fatherland and that they are responsible for the safety of loved ones. May this responsibility always be a joy to you! I wish you successful deeds, conquered peaks, fresh strength for new achievements, due awards and good rest!

Short sincere congratulations on February 23, 2019 in prose in your own words

In 2019, Defender of the Fatherland Day will celebrate its 100th anniversary. Having passed such a difficult path, the holiday still occupies a special place in the hearts of people - as a memory of the events that marked the beginning of the new history of our country. On this day, all men, without exception, receive a lot of congratulations, words of gratitude and admiration from their beloved wives, mothers, colleagues at work. Choosing a short sincere congratulation for February 23, take a look at our selection - in prose, in your own words, it is best to express the most sincere feelings to the "heroes" of the occasion.

How to briefly congratulate men in your own words on February 23, 2019

I solemnly congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish a truly masculine endurance to the stronger sex, patience and perseverance to beautiful women. Be healthy, always in peace and security, decisive, vigorous and strong in a heroic manner. Let there be order, harmony, unity of souls and love in everyday life and personal life!

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and sincerely wish that any problem would be a trifle, so that any obstacle to success would be an easily overcome barrier. Always be purposeful, witty, resourceful, courageous, confident and invincible.

Dear representatives of the stronger sex, may your shoulder always be reliable, strong hand, clear mind. We wish you to constantly experience a sense of triumph in life, the joy of fruitful work, a sense of family happiness, care and understanding. Be healthy and successful!

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and sincerely wish you never to stand still, but constantly move forward, achieve tremendous success, translate your plans and ideas into reality, reach significant heights in career, love, social and personal life.

We congratulate the strong half of humanity on the wonderful February holiday, designed to honor real men! We wish you to be a reliable support for your family and friends, to enjoy life in all its manifestations, to demonstrate will, endurance and desire to win in difficult situations. Be healthy, loved and successful!

Congratulations on February 23, 2019 to colleagues at work in postcards and pictures

With the arrival of February, many have already rested from the New Year and Christmas holidays, and are ready to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. As a rule, this significant event as the main men's holiday, it is celebrated on a grand scale not only with the family, but also at work. If you want to congratulate your male colleagues in an original way, send each a beautiful postcard or picture with Best wishes... Undoubtedly, such a congratulation on February 23, 2019 in postcards will set you in a festive mood, bring a note of carelessness and fun into office everyday life.

Pictures from a postcard with congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

Touching congratulations to men from February 23, 2019 in verse

The twenty-third of February at work can be celebrated so that the event will be remembered for a long time by all those present. When writing the script, do not forget to include touching congratulations on February 23 to men in verse - from the options below. Let your colleagues feel like real heroes of the day, reliable defenders, loyal knights.

Choosing congratulation poems for male colleagues on the upcoming February 23

With this solemn date
I congratulate the men.
In civil and military life
You are our most reliable rear;

For women loved ones - support
(Brides, wives, sisters, mothers);
Your advice, a smile of kind eyes
They will help in the most difficult of days.

Thank you for being around!
From the Defender of the Motherland in the afternoon!
We wish you health, happiness,
And it's fun to live, with a twinkle!

To our men of longevity
We wish this day.
After all, on the threshold - Twenty-third!
Lilacs bloom in the souls of men.

They are congratulated and kissed,
Wish you happiness and love.
Men are pampered with gifts,
And all the remaining days:

They cook delicious dinner,
Children give birth to dear ones.
All so that you are not sad
I didn’t trade it for others!

The strongest, the most daring
Smart, sensitive, kind, loyal ...
We simply cannot count all your qualities!
We are very glad that we have you.

Together today we congratulate you,
We wish you success, luck, prosperity.
Your February day has now come,
May he give you health and strength!

Happy holiday of courage, glory and strength!
We honor you, dear men!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you with love,
So that health was heroic.

Clear sky, only peaceful battles,
Career growth and achievements.
May life be generous for all the blessings.
Joy, happiness, love to you, kindness.

Brave, honest, even brave
Smart, kind, fearless at heart.
With a woman - gentle, in business - serious,
All tasks are difficult for you.

We congratulate you on the holiday of courage,
A swarm of kind words, let it whirl over you:
Happiness, health, love and patience,
Faith, luck, hope, luck!

Cool congratulations on February 23, 2019 with humor

Many jokes, gags and practical jokes are associated with Defender of the Fatherland Day. So, most often men receive funny congratulations on February 23 with humor from their female colleagues - poems, a funny postcard on email, short sms. On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day 2019, we have picked up some cool congratulations in poetry and prose.

Options for funny humorous greetings from February 23

Be a fine fellow today
Start everything with a cucumber
Eat a herring
Polish everything with vodka
Five hundred grams, well, or half a liter,
Of the holiday to understand the palette,
Let not the salad help
You wait for the fireworks, brother,
But there and on the second,
We celebrate, dear!

February 23 is the best day on the calendar!
Guys in the heat of excitement, ferment until March 8.
And then, like our grandfathers, they go into battle until Victory Day!
Well, there, between us, New Year not far away!

February 23,
Fun awaits all men
The whole family gives gifts.

Let him stock up on humor
To sincerely thank
After all, he will have to
Memories to keep.

I wish you swell with luck
And not from beer with barbecue,
And be in a great mood
Leave the sofa for later.

We salute a worthy guy! You are a man, a hero! On a February day, we sing a hymn praising your brave heart and fearless soul. Let life pleases with incessant monetary attacks, stunning volleys of love and fireworks from bright events.

For a walk, our defender, on February 23, I wish you with all my heart. Let the champagne flow and the laughter of the beauties groovy. So that you don't run out of money in your pocket and the fun continues forever. I wish you true friends, a faithful wife and complete absence failures in life.

Beautiful congratulations on the coming February 23 to men at work

We spend a significant part of the day at work, in the circle of our native team. Therefore, over time, colleagues become almost native people, with whom it is pleasant to talk, to celebrate any holiday. So, a beautiful congratulation on February 23rd will appeal to all male employees - happy coming!

Texts of beautiful congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to colleagues in the office

We congratulate you warmly,
Happy Army and Navy Day,
May there be joy
That someone remembers, honors and loves.

And let a smile flicker
And let the wrinkles be smoothed out
And let spring sing in my soul
Today is your holiday, men.

Twenty third of February
Red day of the calendar!
We want to congratulate men
And glorify the heroes in them!
Wish you great happiness
Protect yourself from bad weather!
Family peace,
Salary without interruption,
Health for many years
And always clear weather!

On this February holiday of men
I wish you not to be sad for no reason,
Do not know grief and do not know sorrow,
So that your eyes shine with happiness!

I wish you to live in peace, harmony,
And your wives loved you anxiously,
So that the house is rich, full of a cup,
And so that your desires come true!

Dear Defender!
I sincerely congratulate you on your holiday! Wish You happiness and health. Let luck be your guiding star! Be a man with a capital letter, a real support for loved ones! Never give up and only go forward!

The best day for men is February 23! Congratulations on the holiday, great rest to you in a friendly company. Let all your plans come true, the mood rises! All the best to you!

New congratulations on February 23, 2019 on video

Men will be happy to appreciate the beautiful congratulations on February 23, 2019 - on the video you will find new holiday ideas.

Video with new congratulations to the Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

So, here are collected the most beautiful congratulations from February 23, 2019 to male colleagues at work - official organizations in prose in their own words, funny with humor in verse, traditional and new, pictures and postcards. Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a purely masculine celebration, so only girls are involved in organizing it in the office. Regardless of whether there is one woman in the team or there are many of them, the holiday should turn out to be bright, perky and, most importantly, memorable. How to achieve this effect, you ask? It's very simple! First, you need to choose or compose yourself cool script... Secondly, rehearse interesting scenes. Thirdly, buy original gifts. And finally - to pick up good congratulations in poetry or prose "in your own words." The result will exceed all expectations. How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23? Read about it in our today's article!

How to originally congratulate men at work on February 23 and what gifts to choose for colleagues

Having looked through the countless number of women's blogs on the eve of the holiday, inventive girls will find dozens and even hundreds of tips on how to original congratulate men at work on February 23 and what gifts to choose for colleagues. But in practice, the selection of the ideal option is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Indeed, many important factors influence the preparation of congratulations to the heroes of the occasion. For example:

  • The budget that women are willing to raise for gifts, decor and treats. Amounts can vary greatly depending on the status of the company and the region of the country;
  • The number of guys / girls in the work team. Completely unsuccessful combinations happen (15/2 or vice versa);
  • Allocated time and place to congratulate male colleagues on February 23. If your boss is only allowed 15 minutes of your lunch break, there is no point in making any performances. It is better to spend energy and finances on decorating the office and buying original souvenirs;
  • The presence of a creative girl among the employees, ready to take on organizational issues. If it is not there, it will not be easy to create an atypical scenario for even the smallest event.

Only after deciding on all of the above factors, you can successfully choose a suitable way to congratulate men in the office on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Traditionally, these greetings include:

  • decoration of the working space with posters, ribbons, camouflage balls and other themed gizmos;
  • an original greeting in the format of issuing summons, presenting awards or dressing up in military uniform;
  • demonstration performance of girls (remake song, ditties, dance in costumes, reading congratulatory poems, demonstration of a video clip, etc.)
  • presentation of original gifts or small men's souvenirs;
  • a small buffet with beer and roach, porridge and stew or champagne and cakes in a suitable design.

It should also be borne in mind that high-quality performance of even one of all the points will be a pleasant surprise and a good surprise for real men.

Original gifts for male colleagues on February 23

How to originally congratulate men at work on February 23 and what gifts to choose for colleagues is the eternal question of confused employees on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day. The second part of this puzzle is especially important. If the entertainment or buffet part remains only a pleasant memory after the "X" day, then the gift will remind of the holiday for many weeks, months and even years.

We offer you a short list of the most successful purchases that can become a really pleasant gift for every man or boy.

  1. Set "Flask and glasses"
  2. Beer mug
  3. Bath set with broom, panama hat and towel
  4. Board game for men
  5. Wall calendar with cartoon from a photo
  6. Gift box with cognac, cigar and ballpoint pen
  7. USB stick or diary
  8. Anti stress ball
  9. Funny T-shirt
  10. Plaid and thermos
  11. A ticket to an event of interest (extreme entertainment, excursion, master class, etc.)
  12. Homemade gift such as: ram bouquet, beer can tank, sock cake

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work: scenarios for the team in the office

Any original and uncomplicated holiday scenario is suitable for congratulating the male half of the team on February 23 in the office. Of course, if it matches the given theme, it is designed for the number of girls available in the number of employees, and will not drag on for hours. As a rule, office greetings are limited in budget and time, so the script should be filled out as rationally as possible with the best moments for men. Pay attention to the following entertainment that can be remembered as a bright emotional flash and become the best gift received at work:

  1. A short collective quest for men in one room (in the meeting room, dining room, etc.). It can be based on puzzles and tasks with historical or military overtones, and a duffel bag with gifts for each participant will become a surprise;
  2. Comic rewarding of the heroes of the occasion with various kinds of prizes and titles that do not overlap with official duties... For example: "head office candy eater", "photocopier consultant", "head of tea and coffee department", etc .;
  3. Master class on male interests. For example: "how to assemble a rifle for one-two-three", "top-5 dishes of dumplings, mayonnaise and sausage", "tricks with humor and trick for a cheerful male company";
  4. Photoshoot in military outfits with fake weapons;
  5. Lunch in the style of a field kitchen, including barley with stew, boiled potatoes with sprat and pickles, beer with roach and other suitable delicacies;

Most of these fun surprises can be successfully combined in one short event, making it simply unforgettable. Now you know how to congratulate men on February 23 at work: look for scenarios for the team in the office in the videos below.

Examples of scenarios for February 23rd for congratulating men in a work team

How to originally congratulate men on February 23 at work: ready-made scenes and popular improvisations

Ready-made scenes and popular improvisations are one of the most successful ways to congratulate men in an original way on February 23 at work. Small dramatizations can be:

  • lyrical (about military operations, heroic deeds, soldier's unrequited love, etc.);
  • humorous (about women in the service or curiosities in army life);
  • improvisation (fairy tales, alterations for roles such as "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Little Red Riding Hood");

Depending on the specifics of the work process and the atmosphere in the team, you can choose the most suitable option. At the same time, it is worthwhile to think in a timely manner about the distribution of roles, potential participants, the necessary equipment, costumes, the necessary decorations and musical accompaniment. Having prepared everything thoroughly and diluted with light thematic humor, it will be possible to originally congratulate men on February 23 at work: ready-made scenes and popular improvisations, see the video in the next section.

Cool congratulatory sketches to male colleagues for the Defender of the Fatherland Day

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original way in verse

If you do not have the time, financial foundation or simple inspiration to organize a whole entertainment program at work for your colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day, congratulate men on February 23 in an original verse. This method is less effective in comparison with scenes, a thematic photo shoot or a beer buffet, but no less pleasant if performed from the heart. In addition, you don't have to guess for a long time about how to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original way in verse. It is enough to choose a suitable poem from our selection, divide it into parts and tell it "by roles" or in chorus to all the women's collective.

Congratulations in verse for male colleagues for the holiday on February 23

It's not easy to be a Man in our century
To be the best, the winner, the wall,
A reliable friend, a sensitive person,
A strategist between peace and war.
To be strong, but ... submissive, wise, gentle,
To be rich, but ... not to spare money.
Be slim, elegant and ... casual.
Know everything, keep up with everything and be able to do everything.
On a holiday we wish you ... patience
In solving your life problems.
I wish you health, love and inspiration.
I wish you creative success and every success!

Real men have eternal glory
Your courage, reliability and honesty are dear to us.
You are not just a brave defender of our Fatherland,
You warm people's hearts with your warmth.
We congratulate you on this holiday and sincerely believe
That health and happiness, carefree companions of days,
Will always enter your life through open doors
In the role of the most beloved and loyal, reliable friends.

All our men are like birds
And each in his own way nests in life.
A man - an Owl - watches the races at night.
The man - Magpie - has stash.
Man - Eagle - jealousy, lightning, thunder.
The man - Tit - drags everything out of the house.
Man - Bullfinch - there is no more beautiful tailcoat,
But he - migrant, but.
Sparrows are at home in winter and summer.
Rooster - .. (sorry, now is not about that).
The Woodpecker will fix you home comfort -
To all neighbors at once - khana and kaput.
Dove needs special care
Coos lyrically, but litter everywhere.
Man - Cuckoo - as careless as the wind,
The wife is one-day, the children are attached.
Man - Hummingbird - from flower to flower,
Only sweet loves his proboscis.
The penguin is an interesting, in general, bird,
Playful, but always afraid of something,
And the Swan carries faithfulness in his heart all his life,
Its white-winged flight is beautiful.
What are you different, our men,
But not to love you - there is no good reason ...

Happy holiday to you, dear men,
Loving congratulations, for good reason.
You are the best, the most glorious
You are the strongest. You are the most, the most.
You are our hope, and faith with love,
You are our pill for sadness and pain.
You are our salvation in moments of despair -
Simple workers and big bosses.
All women "... Company name ..." are sending you congratulations.
Wish you luck in love and work!

The man is the steel of the spring
A motor that sings in the sky
A single formidable step of the squad,
eagle scream in the heights of the mountains.
A man is a clot of pepper
Master's firm hand
AND loving women heart:
So let's drink to the man!

How to congratulate colleagues in the office on February 23 with beautiful lines in prose

Creative teams with extraordinary personalities in the composition are unlikely to like congratulations with formulaic verses. The hackneyed phrases will not bring any joy to women and will certainly cut the ears of the heroes of the occasion with their primitiveness. In this case, it is better to congratulate creative colleagues in the office on February 23 with beautiful prosaic lines. Put an original meaning in the congratulation, pick up good wishes, supplement the performance with small notes of humor or short curiosities from the life of employees. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. Read in the next section examples of how to congratulate colleagues in the office on February 23 with beautiful lines in prose.

A selection of beautiful prosaic congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to men in the office

With all my heart I wish all the men with whom I was lucky to share everyday work, professional and personal success, good health, fortitude, care and understanding of loved ones, peace of mind and warmth of my home. And also worthy to wear the honorary title of a man!

Dearly beloved colleagues and simply loyal, reliable friends! It is with great pleasure that we hasten to congratulate you on February 23 - on the day of the Russian army and real men. And our team consists of just such men! We wish you a peaceful sky above your heads, warm hugs and sincere smiles. Happy Holidays!

Male colleagues, male heroes and defenders, February 23rd is a great day to talk about our respect for you, about faith in your strength, about courage and the ability to help in difficult times. We wish you to remain a reliable support for women and sincerely love them, and they will answer doubly. Clarity of mind to you and inexhaustible optimism!

The best colleagues, congratulating everyone since February 23, would like not to lose the cohesion of the team, the steadfastness of the team spirit and the joy of working days. We all work for a common goal - to prosper, which means that we all stand on protecting the interests of our team and all together - we are the force that is invincible!

Most of our adult life is spent at work. Our people are our friends, family, mentors and social circle. We share our joys and concerns with them, discuss news and purchases. Without colleagues, the world would be boring and not interesting. Dear like-minded people! Happy Holidays! From February 23!

How beautiful it is to congratulate men at work on February 23 in your own words

We offer you another extraordinary way to beautifully congratulate men at work on February 23 in your own words. To do this, it is worth making small "soldier's letters" with your own hand and writing in them short wishes from the female half of the team. A "messenger" in a camouflage uniform can give unusual gifts to every male employee who comes to the office from the morning. Such beautiful congratulations on February 23 in their own words will pleasantly surprise men and remain for a long memory.

A collection of beautiful congratulations in your own words to men in a team on February 23

Today you are celebrating your men's holiday, which, although it breathes winter severity, gallantly opens the door to gentle spring. We wish you, colleagues, to always have nerves of steel, gallant behavior, spring warmth in your soul and nobility in your men's hearts.

Dear colleagues, we are men and we must bear this title with dignity! The gene of defenders is in our blood and only we must ensure the peace of mothers, the joy of children, the happiness of families and the prosperity of our beloved Motherland. I wish any of us grandiose thoughts, abundant health and expanse for boiling energy!

February makes us happy with harsh weather and a holiday of courage, courage and glory, a holiday for men. Good luck, our dear colleagues, valiant defenders and friends! Rest assured of yourself and our continued dedication and support. May your deeds and works be successful, worries - pleasant, feelings - ardent, hearts - hot, and the sky - peaceful.

Happy Fatherland day, Dear colleagues! I do not want easy ways, with them your life will be boring and predictable, and do not lose the instinct of pioneers, the spirit of competition and healthy rivalry. You do not need to weigh all decisions for a long time, trust your heart - women choose those who take risks and are focused on winning. Health to all, success and love!

For some, work is the meaning of life, for others it is a way of earning money. But all of you, dear men, take your work duties with the necessary responsibility. Therefore, you are wonderful colleagues. Happy holiday, from February 23! Let your life be filled with the most joyful events and only pleasant accomplishments!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an important holiday not only for men, but for the entire team. And even if there is one woman and a lot more guys on the staff, you will still have to prepare for the event. It is necessary to select a short script in advance, re-read a couple of scenes, purchase original gifts (possibly at the expense of the company) and pick up funny congratulations in verse or prose. It's not superfluous to decorate the office and prepare a couple of unexpected surprises. The task is not an easy one, but its solution is quite real. After reading our article, you probably figured out how to congratulate fellow men at work on February 23rd. Use the knowledge gained to surprise your defenders as pleasantly as possible.


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