Why some people are lucky and others are not. Love does not love…. Why some women are lucky in their personal lives, while others are not. Magical ways to get what you want

Sunday, 06 May 2012

Psychologists believe that luck is not a favorable combination of circumstances, but our willingness to take advantage of them.

Everyone watched this: a classmate, an inveterate poor student, surprisingly everyone after school flew up career ladder, an ugly and mediocre friend unexpectedly jumped out to marry a fabulous "prince", one work colleague received appointments, increments, bonuses, and then an inheritance fell on him, and the second, no matter what he did, immediately flew into the money ... Why is it happening such an injustice?

Psychologists surveyed more than a thousand successful people around the world to find out what led them to success. And took out "Formula for luck".

Its mathematical expression in general view looks like that: "Y = X + Z + C".

  • Y is luck.
  • X - personality characteristics, including psychological "flexibility", the ability to get along with people, life position.
  • H - health, money savings, having friends.
  • С - self-respect and a sense of humor.

Each parameter, in turn, is made up of many components that scientists evaluate in points, making complex calculations. But even without such details, you can see what works for luck.

Moreover, it turned out that luck is also the ability to go beyond the proposed situations, a kind of expansion of consciousness. Professor of Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire (UK), author of The Luck Factor Richard Weissman, based on the principles of the theory of probability and quantum mechanics, conducted an amazing experiment.

He published an ad in several newspapers in which he invited people who consider themselves extremely lucky or, conversely, unlucky, to take part in the experiment. The scientist gave each respondent a very thick newspaper and asked him to accurately count the number of photographs in it. The catch was that one of the pages was fake. There among others advertisements the scientists posted their following: "Tell the experimenter that you saw THIS, and you will receive a reward of £ 250."

The ad was in large print and took up half a page. The question is, who noticed him? Without exception, all the “lucky ones” saw and received prizes. And none of those who declared their bad luck before the tests noticed the announcement! They were all busy carrying out the instruction: scrupulous counting of photographs. And they didn't even pay attention to the text. The experience of the cunning Weisman showed: luck is not a favorable combination of circumstances, but our willingness to take advantage of them.

- The reasons for the bad luck of losers lie in themselves,- says the professor. - As a rule, such people are tense, neurotic, squeezed, insecure and notorious. And this constant inner anxiety blocks their ability to notice something new and unexpected, listen to their intuition and notice "random opportunities" that are equally encountered on the way of all people.


Make friends with the cheerful and resourceful

Researcher at the Medical and Psychological Center Valentin BAYRATOV:

If you want to be successful, find a group of successful people. The energy of success will constantly be absorbed into you. Prosperous people put forward successful ideas, make the right decisions, create ambitious plans, conclude profitable deals. Absorbing this sparkling energy, you yourself will turn your vector of movement towards success.


Three steps to happiness

Everyone who dreams of happy life, must develop the consciousness of a successful person, - instructs famous coach in the field of personal growth, psychologist John KEHO. - Here are three positions that distinguish the mindset of a lucky and a loser.

Position 1. This world is full of wealth

What a loser thinks

"There are few good jobs, and all of them are already occupied by various rogues or thieves." He believes that everyone is competing with others in the struggle to achieve the same goals and that there are only competitors and too few opportunities around. He believes that all the money has already been received by someone, all the benefits have been shared, and whines that he always lacks everything.

What does the lucky one think

He believes that the riches of life are inexhaustible and there is everything around to satisfy the interests of everyone. There are sure to be free high-paying places, beautiful brides and generous grooms, Good friends, you just need to open your eyes wider to see good luck.

Position 2. Man is born for joy

What a loser thinks

He is sure that life is initially difficult, full of problems, you have to work long and hard, but this work will not be appreciated. He always expects problems, disappointments and always finds them.

What does the lucky one think

He sees life as an adventure. He expects encouragement, joy and always finds it. And if difficulties suddenly appear, then he considers them as a challenge, finds solutions, and from this he also enjoys.

Position 3. Fate gives unlimited possibilities

What a loser thinks

He is sure that he was initially deprived of something - education, grip, starting financial capacity, beauty - and this can no longer be compensated for. He finds a bunch of external reasons why he cannot succeed. Sometimes such people even refuse obviously advantageous offers, arguing that "everything cannot be so good, there is some kind of catch." Subconsciously, they are simply afraid to destroy their picture of the injustice of the world.

What does the lucky one think

He believes that every day brings a tremendous amount of opportunity everywhere. You just need to learn to see them. Here is just one example: every year in any European country, including Russia, more than half a million new firms are opened. And each of them needs a whole staff of employees - from cleaning lady to CFO... Knock on all doors and they will open for you.

Money and fame stick to lucky Galkin

Maxim first hit the TV screen thanks to a brilliant parody of the then host of the TV game

"Who want to be a millionaire?" Dmitry Dibrov.

Many consider Maxim Galkin to be lucky, and not without reason. Seven years ago, he first hit the television screen thanks to a brilliant parody of the then host of the television game Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Dmitry Dibrov. And what - soon the previously unknown Maxim himself became the host of this TV game. He was included in his program by Mikhail Zadornov, there he was noticed by Gennady Khazanov and helped to arrange the first solo album. Then Philip Kirkorov drew attention to him and, to his misfortune, introduced him to Alla Pugacheva ... And he immediately reminded the Prima Donna of her classmate and the first love of Vladimir Stern.

Is this not luck? True, Galkin himself says: “I never had to work with my elbows, knock on closed doors in order to achieve success. The main thing is to work hard and be able not to miss your chance. " By the way, Galkin is also lucky in gambling. This winter, Maxim first won a million rubles in one of the Las Vegas casinos, and in Moscow in the Europa casino he won a new Rolls-Royce for a million euros in roulette, which he immediately presented to Alla Pugacheva ...


An evil fate pursues the Englishman John ...

The most unlucky person in Great Britain can get into the Guinness Book of Records - 54-year-old John Lean from Stainforth has 20 accidents. As a child, he fell out of the carriage, fell off the horse, and was hit by a car. As a teenager, he fell from a tree and broke his arm. The bus on which he was returning home from the hospital had an accident, and he broke the same arm, but in a different place. V mature age he was struck by lightning twice, he fell under the collapse of stones in the mine, survived three car accidents, miraculously did not drown. The latest incident - a fall into an open sewer manhole - put Lin out of action for almost a year.

I can’t explain what’s happening to me - no one seems to be cursing, ”says John. “I’m just glad every time that I remain alive. And my friends and my wife Susan have learned to be humorous about it. The most dangerous day for me is Friday the 13th, and several misfortunes have fallen on it.

... and finished the Ulyanovsk

In Ulyanovsk, 36-year-old Alexander Morozov slipped on the icy steps, fell and broke his leg. It happened at exactly 13 hours 13 minutes. He was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, where he was placed in ward No. 13. After 13 (!) Days Alexander was operated on. And after the operation, he suddenly died ...


An adult son talks to his father:
- Dad, you know
my friend Klava?
- Yes.
- I made her an offer to marry me. And she refused.
- Yes, son, it's good. But please do not think that you will always be so lucky!


Are you lucky?

1. In the store in which line do you most often stand:

a) which seems shorter - 10
b) where the sluggish cashier gathered a half-department store at her checkout - 5
c) where they make noise and joke - 20
d) where the cashier leaves for a break when your turn comes - 0

2. As you cross the street, you see a turning car out of the corner of your eye. Your actions:

a) you go confidently further, not paying attention to the driver's signals - 10
b) you stop and allow the car to pass - 0
c) you make it clear to the driver that you are right, and confidently cross the street - 20
d) you stop, then try to run, stop again - 0

3. Is there a wastepaper basket nearby? Perfectly. Take a crumpled piece of paper and try to hit it from a distance. Result:

a) first hit - 20
b) "Ah, damn it!" Try again - 20
c) give up the idea - 0
d) stop trying after a while - 5

4. Someone tells you that your outfit is simply unthinkable. You answer:

a) nothing - 5
b) "Do you really think so?" - 5
c) "I bet everyone will walk like that tomorrow?" - twenty
d) "You make me sad" - 5

5. You are in the company of acquaintances and strangers. There is a casual conversation. Someone estimates you are 10 years older. What is your reaction?

a) "Thank you for the compliment" - 0
b) pretend not to hear - 10
c) "I hope that you are kissing differently than you define age?" - ten
d) "But for my age I look pretty good, huh?" - twenty

6. You assume your work is underpaid. What are you doing?

a) I declare this without delay - 10
b) sigh to myself - 5
c) I tell my boss about this - 20
d) quit - 0

7. You are eating a sandwich. Part of it falls onto the table. Which side?

a) oil down - 0
b) oil up - 20
c) does not fall at all, I manage to eat the whole thing - 10
d) it does not concern anyone - 5

8. Oscar ceremony. Prize winners' speeches. What type of presenter do you like?

a) "I am grateful to my parents, my director, my manager for their participation, thanks to which I am standing here" - 0
b) "Already at the age of five I knew that someday I would get it" - 0
c) "Oh my God, I don't know what to say at all ... I'm so ... oh! .. It's so, oh, I don't even know ... I love you all ..." - 5
d) “I will be proud of him for the rest of my life, my wife will clean him, and my dog ​​will confuse him with a bone for playing” - 20

9. What is your first thought on the word "sport"?

a) death, accident - 0
b) awards, medals - 20
c) health - 10
d) grueling workouts - 5

10. What films do you like the most?

a) with a happy ending - 10
b) those that make you think - 5
c) with a lot actors and all kinds of adventures - 0
d) funny life stories - 20


Over 190 points: Congratulations: you are really lucky! But your future depends on how skillfully you deal with problems in the present. Advice: do not be overly self-confident, you must always be on the alert, while remaining yourself.

From 100 to 185 points: You get lucky quite often. You win thanks to your honesty and independence, without waiting for the favors of fortune. But you have a lot of envious people. Tip: Continue to be just as honest, but be more nimble and diplomatic.

45 to 100 points: You are jealous. If this goes on, then it is not surprising that you will eventually come to the conclusion that everyone who is luckier than you is arrogant crooks. Tip: believe in yourself and put in the strength to achieve your goal.

Less than 45 points: You are clearly out of luck. And the reason is that you are completely indifferent to what they think or say about you. Tip: invite guests more often to surprise them with something tasty, tell about your good news and ask about your friends' successful ventures. Only in these moments will you feel inner comfort, cheerfulness and a desire to become successful.

Svetlana KUZINA

Professor of the University of Hertfordshire (UK) Richard Weisman conducted an interesting study.

He set himself the task - to find out what is the difference between "lucky" and "losers." In the course of the experiments, having studied the psychological characteristics of both, Weisman deduced a "formula for luck", using which everyone can change their life ...

In search of a scientific explanation for why some people are always "lucky" and others are always "losers," I ran an experiment. He published an ad in the local press inviting volunteers who consider themselves either losers or "lucky" to take part in the study. About 400 people responded to the call. Among them were men and women - between the ages of 18 and 84.

For ten years, I interviewed my volunteers, asked them to write diaries, fill out questionnaires and take IQ tests (a test to determine the intelligence quotient). And I came to the conclusion that there is a certain "formula of luck", which is based on four components:

  • attention to everything that happens around and the ability to use "chances";
  • developed intuition;
  • focus on positive thoughts;
  • the ability to enjoy life (which always changes life for the better).

"Lucky" people don't miss out on lucky "accidents." The “unlucky” simply do not notice them.

This statement is based on the results of the experiments carried out. For example, I gave the subjects copies of a newspaper and asked them to count the number of photographs they contained.

The “lucky ones” coped with the task in a matter of seconds, while the losers took much longer.

Why did it happen?

This discrepancy in time costs has the simplest explanation. On the second page of that same issue of the newspaper, I put a message in large letters: “Don't bother! There are 43 photos in this issue. " "Lucky" people instantly discovered it, because they look at the world with wide eyes and are always ready for the unexpected. The "unlucky", taking the task literally and concentrating on the calculations, did not pay any attention to it. For individuals of this psychological type - as if in "blinders", immersed in their worries, do not see anything around and do not perceive surprises.

During the research, I noticed that many of my “lucky” participants try to diversify their lives, gaining new and new impressions - they strive to go where they have never been, meet new people, expand the circle of interests, etc.

How does this technique work?

Imagine that there is a large apple orchard behind your house. And every day you need to collect a basket of apples. In the beginning this will not be a problem: there are a lot of apples on each tree. But gradually finding apples will be more difficult and difficult, because you have already harvested from part of the trees. But if you stop circling around the house and go to remote corners of the garden, where you have not yet looked, the chances of picking up the right amount of apples will increase significantly.

It's the same with luck. If you bring variety to life, your chances of luck increase.

A very important component of the formula for luck is the correct attitude to various situations, to adversity and difficulties.

Let's say you are competing for your country at the Olympic Games. You are in good shape, performed well and received a bronze medal. And now - the question: will you feel happy, having achieved such a result?

Some, in such cases, are upset and feel dissatisfaction, thinking that it would be possible to “push” more and get “silver”. Others rejoice from the bottom of their hearts, imagining that they could not have been among the winners at all if the results were a little worse.

Psychologists are aware of such a feature of the human psyche - when an individual, instead of concentrating on what actually happened, imagines how events could develop for the worse.

"Lucky" people usually use this property of the psyche to soften the blow and even in the most unpleasant situations to feel that this time they are accompanied by "luck".

In turn, "losers" under the same circumstances are completely immersed in a sense of failure.

Let me give you another similar example.

I invited my charges to consider the following situation: a robber breaks into the bank where you came and wounds you in the arm. And he asked how they would react to this.

So, the “losers” said that it was sheer bad luck when you were the one who suffered from all the clients.

“Lucky” people, on the contrary, regarded the wound to the arm as luck - after all, the gunman could inflict a much more serious injury.

This attitude towards reality helps to cope with any setbacks and increases the chances that a person will continue to feel quite happy.

After analyzing the results of the first phase of the study, I developed a series of experiments to demonstrate how a person's way of thinking and behavior can improve his life. In essence, this is a monthly program.

First, I talked with each subject, and they filled out questionnaires, where they determined the degree of their luck and satisfaction with life according to the six most important life parameters.

Then I explained the "formula" for luck and the technique by which the "losers" were supposed to build their lives according to the rules of the "lucky ones." For example, I told them how to develop attention to everything that is happening around, and learn how not to miss unexpected coincidences; how to change your daily routine and expand your social circle. He encouraged them to listen to their own intuition. Together with them, he modeled their positive reflections in cases of trouble.

Some performed a series of exercises, and after a month the "unlucky" had to come back to me.

The results were amazing. After a month, 80 percent of the test subjects "losers" said that they no longer feel "doomed", that in their lives "there were many more successes." One of the participants in the experiment reported that after she changed her attitude towards reality, believing in her "lucky star", failure does not pursue her. And she told a very instructive story.

Once in a shop window she saw a dress that she really liked, but she did not dare to buy it. Regretting that she had not done this, the woman returned to that store, but the dress had already been sold.

“Before, I would have been very upset,” she said. - And I would worry for a long time because of my own indecision. Now I reacted to the “failure” differently: I went shopping and found an outfit for myself, even better and cheaper than the previous one ...

It would seem - a trifle. But our everyday life consists of minor events. Victories over oneself of this kind help to learn to feel more confident, not to succumb to pessimism, and then the tasks that reality puts before us are easier to solve.

Our research clearly demonstrates that "happiness", "luck", "luck" are sensations available to everyone. You just need to want it and make an effort to change your life.

Yahoo news section

Translation from English

Richard Weissman

The cashier asks the lady in front of him: “Take a lottery ticket. Only five rubles. Good luck! " The woman shook her head: "No luck, I'm out of luck." I witnessed this scene in one of the post offices in Minsk. Whether it is a Croat, which was recently trumpeted by all the media. He survived seven major disasters and was not injured, and in addition, he won an impressive amount of money in the lottery. Moreover, in all 74 years of his life, he has not bought a single lottery ticket.

Photo politeka.net

We also have enough people who are famous because of their bad luck. For example, before the New Year in Brest, a man with a stolen handbag was caught by the traffic police when he crossed the road to red. And the old Dorozhsky militiamen detained a serial thief who forgot his denture at the scene of the crime.

A classmate who was an inveterate poor student at school became a successful businessman? Ugly and mediocre classmate successfully married an American? Has a work colleague inherited an apartment? And at this time, problems are pouring into you as if from a cornucopia. Here, even in the head of the most unbelieving person, no, no, yes, thoughts of their own bad luck will creep in. That is why it will take up the button when the black cat crosses the road.

Although luck is considered a capricious lady, not subject to logic and laws, some still try to lure her to themselves with the help of all kinds of charms and spells. I remember my grandmother taught: put the broom with the broom up, take out the garbage only in the morning, don't sweep the crumbs off the table with your hand, don't bother with the salad, don't borrow or give money in the evening, get up with your left foot in the morning ... If you can keep all these signs in your head , then you are already lucky - with a good memory.

I never really believed in luck. However, from time to time I notice that someone is lucky in life, but someone is not. But here it is, rather, in relation to the situation. For some, the one hundred rubles found is good luck. And there are those "losers" who have resigned themselves to the role of a victim of fate and perceive any minor nuisance as proof of their own bad luck. I am sure there will be such acquaintances in your environment. So I also have one friend who starts every conversation with the phrase "Everything is bad ...", "Can you imagine what a nightmare", "I am unlucky again" or "Well, why do I have all this!".

Slipped on the ice, sprained his leg. Everything, no luck! Well, what can you do here? - he sighed during our last meeting. The fact that this day was the peak of icy injuries across the country did not matter to him at all.

Lately this friend has got into the habit of telling me: "Lucky you!" And he says it with a certain reproach and resentment. And every time I mentally add: "... like a drowned man." I don’t know how it is with luck in the lotteries, but I can say for sure that labor is behind most of the success in school or work. The more people work, the more luck they get.

"Why is everyone lucky, but I never?" - I asked myself when I had to work on the weekend again. Then I saw thick smoke pouring from the window of the five-story building opposite, and consoled myself: they say, my apartment did not burn down, a brick did not fall on my head, a poisonous snake did not bite me, KamAZ with a trailer did not run over me - which means I can safely call myself lucky ...

While some blame themselves for their failures, others blame everyone and everything around: from neighbors to flares in the sun. We may be powerless against outbreaks, but we can change something in ourselves in order to grab Mrs. Fortune by the tail. You just need to stop thinking about luck and bad luck altogether. I repeat, luck is a capricious lady. And remember that the classic said: "The less we love a woman, the more she likes us." And Alexander Sergeevich knew what he was talking about.

Each of us is depressed from time to time. At work, unfinished business has accumulated for a long time, which I do not even want to look at. The situation outside the window does not please, and even another quarrel with a loved one. And every time I want to ask: "Why are you unlucky in life, what is all this for?" For some people, breakdowns and depression last for several days, while for others it is a permanent state. How to get out of this and what to do if you are catastrophically unlucky in life?

Attitude to yourself

Have you ever noticed that some people are always beautiful, collected, everything is in order with them and success is everywhere, while troubles fall on others like a cornucopia? Why is a person unlucky in life, while others get everything they want from it, and even in the most unexpected way? Take a close look at how you live in your world and what place you occupy in it. Do you often feel fear of failure, scold yourself for mistakes made in the past? In your eyes, you become small, unable to overcome difficulties. As a result, any failure can throw you off balance. Love yourself and everything will be fine! There are no people with an impeccable past. You can start new life and become whoever you want. Self-confidence can help you face trouble with your head held high.

Magical ways to get what you want

What if you are unlucky in life? Look for unconventional solutions to problems. Change your thinking, learn new things. Fear arises from a lack of information and a limited number of ways to solve a problem. There are several mystical tools that help in solving life's difficulties:

  1. Visualizations.
  2. Treasure map.
  3. Talismans and charms.
  4. Mantras.
  5. The "glass of water" technique.
  6. The manifestation of intentions.
  7. Rituals and ceremonies.
  8. Cleaning methods.
  9. Personal signs.
  10. Other techniques and methods.


Luck and luck - is it a chain of accidents or a mystical pattern? Surely successful people have some special secret, thanks to which fortune favors them? How to attract luck yourself? There is a very simple but effective way that all rich people use. The magic secret lies in the focus of attention and perception of life in general. Think of at least 10 situations when you were extremely lucky, write them down in detail on a piece of paper, remember what feelings you experienced at that moment, and relive them. Rest assured you are lucky. And you were the one who presented itself with a unique case. Indeed, in such a situation, many remain on the same place content with little luck. You are the same happy man who wanted to change his life. This means that the opportunity will definitely present itself. Most importantly, don't wait immediate result... Learn to enjoy the simplest things in life that you often don't notice, for example, taste tea or coffee in a mug, enjoy breakfast, and try to change your attitude towards work.

Relation to the present moment

One of the authors, Eckhart Tolle, in his book The Power of the Present, interprets the obstacles in life this way: life treats you the way you treat it at the present time. If you see obstacles everywhere, it will become one continuous barrier. If you're looking for an answer to the question of how to get your luck back, try taking care of your world. Lovingly clean the apartment, get a pet, help a friend with the kids, find ways to express gratitude to life. Then she will turn her best side to you.

Why is there no money?

Each person wondered about the material order. Why are you unlucky in life, how is it that you have to work from morning till night, and the money is only getting smaller. This is because many of us grew up with negative beliefs about money. Here is some of them:

  1. Money is earned only by hard physical labor when working from morning to evening. If a person lives differently, he is simply doomed to a hungry life.
  2. You can't earn money by doing something you love. This belief is familiar to many who wanted to connect their lives with creative profession actor, musician or artist. After all, all the seats have already been taken, everything has been bought, and it’s impossible to break through without cronyism.
  3. Your family has worked very hard all their lives, and no one has seen a lot of money, which means that this is not available to you either.
  4. All rich people are bad, arrogant and arrogant.
  5. Those who earned their money must have made it in some illegal way, for example, they stole it or got into some kind of financial fraud.
  6. Only lucky people can find money on the street, and you are not one of them, friends spend whole days regretting and asking why such a good person is unlucky in life.

Who will help break out of this circle and make the black streak end? You yourself. And nobody else. The person creates his own world, no matter how much he wants to believe in damage, love spells, slander and other mystical reason why he is unlucky in his personal life, love and money. Your negative beliefs, formed over the years, have more impact than you might think. This is not easy to believe. How often do you buy yourself expensive things? It is easy for you to spend money or you purchase things with fear that more money will not, and are you preparing to live the rest of the month in the maximum economy mode? The "Cinderella" complex - endless postponement for a rainy day, talk about how bad our government is, that prices are constantly growing, and wages are not enough, negative attitude towards rich people - all this programs the subconscious mind for poverty and poverty. Endless procrastination, saving, because "there will be no later" and "this is the last", not only blocks the energy of money coming to you, but also deprives you of the pleasure of purchasing. Who needs a big house if the kids haven't seen the holidays for it, and you yourself couldn't buy a decent pair of shoes?

Love magic

This is where the favorite topic for all sorts of soothsayers and magicians. Hundreds of "experts" are ready to answer the question "why they are unlucky in their personal life and what to do about it." The Internet is replete with all kinds of suckers, love spells and conspiracies. It is enough to have a photo of the person you want to get, buy everything you need for the ritual and read the words you need. And now - a miracle in your pocket. Not so simple. Various kinds of magical actions will not give the desired result. You can certainly attract the right partner into your life. And for a while, the relationship will be like a fairy tale. But the loved one will behave this way only because you yourself forced him, and not for real. Over time, he will become angrier, jealous and blackmail. By tying someone on an energy level, you disrupt the natural course of things. A loved one cannot receive energy from the world, because he is attached, and begins to receive it only from the one who doomed him to love confinement. Aggression, which will intensify over time, arises in response to the fact that you have deprived a person of their own will.

A way to attract love without love spells

How to attract a soul mate into your life if a person is catastrophically unlucky in love? Many people mistakenly believe that having a boyfriend or beautiful girl they will find the very meaning of life that they have been looking for for so long. When this someone is, at first everything goes just fine, but then everything disappears somewhere, is lost - and the relationship deteriorates. Some immediately begin to look outside for the reason: rivals, envy, love spells and much more. Of course, they are discovered, some are abandoned, others are found, and everything repeats in a circle. Faces change, but problems remain. To receive something from the Universe, you need to give something. This is not about the destructive belief that everything has to be paid for. The universe is abundant, and without your "pay" it has more than enough. The point is that if you want love, start feeling it right now, then you will tune in to the desired frequency of reality and a new feeling will be able to enter life. Or maybe a relationship with a hopeless spouse will improve.

Aromatherapy for well-being

What if you are unlucky in life? Burn incense, of course! Having picked the right scent, you can tune your energetic space for abundance. Several scents for good luck and luck to visit your home:


Everything successful people do not stop saying one shortest prayer and, perhaps, the most effective one: "Thank you." The secret of how to attract luck into your life lies in the contented mindset. Positive thinking and contentment are not the same thing. The latter includes receiving pleasure and a feeling of gratitude for what has already entered into life. Focusing on success brings new success because the law of attraction comes into play.


A confusing word, isn't it? Looks, let's face it, like some kind of magic spell from an ancient holy book. This definition is partly correct. Using this method, one doctor was able to cure many people from the disease without even contacting them personally. How to get your luck back with it? The hooponopono method is based on the fact that each person is one with the universe and other people. That is, everything that you can observe, hear, everything that happens around is somehow related to your personality. Concentrate on the problem you want to solve and repeat the following 4 phrases:

  1. "I'm sorry".
  2. "Forgive me".
  3. "I love you".
  4. "Thank you".

In this case, you should not contact the person who created an unpleasant situation, but to the Universe or God, name it as you like. The decoding of the phrases looks like this: "I am sorry that I created such a world. Forgive me. I did not know where this would lead, I did not know that I was creating these circumstances, I love you and thank you for letting me fix the situation and create a happy life. "

Good luck at work

Many people try hard at their workplace, but cannot reach great heights, or even dream of going home as soon as possible at the very beginning of the working day. Such a relationship with work takes away the joys of life and hurts the employee's self-esteem. Things accumulate like a snowball, because of this there is constant stress and unwillingness to work. Of course, there are periods of stagnation even in the best workplace. But in this case we are talking about constant emotional discomfort. Top psychologists and authors of books on the work of the subconscious, such as, for example, Vadim Zeland, explain that money is just energy and comes in abundance to those who are doing what they love. Take a close look at your occupation. Is this what you were aiming for? If you find it difficult to answer, you can reformulate the question differently: would you be doing your job if you did not need to earn money? If the answer is no, it is worth considering a change in activity.

What not to have in the house

A few things that you cannot have in the house so that wealth and love do not go away from it:

  1. Single mugs and plates. Get a pair. Everything must be a multiple of two.
  2. Chipped cups. Glued and broken things programmed for poverty.
  3. This also includes torn clothes and tights. Don't even wear it at home. Love yourself, you deserve only the best, even if no one sees you.
  4. Dried flowers. Positive energy leaves through them.


If you are unlucky, you want to be happier than you are today, then now is the time. Do not expect anyone or anything. Start exercising, learning languages, dancing and swimming. How would you behave if the perfect person appeared in life? Perhaps some of the above would have become a pleasant habit. So, this person is yourself. Become interesting for yourself, more beautiful and more attractive in your eyes, and the people around you will notice it. Throw the old stuff out of the house, do general cleaning, get to know your neighbors - and changes will not be long in coming. For something new to come in, you first need to free up space from the old.

How to keep your luck

If you hope to be successful in a very important matter, do not tell anyone about it. Don't publicize your accomplishments. Let the photo, where you are happy with your loved one, can only be seen by the two of you, without prying eyes. So in your relationship there will be no dirt and strangers.

We hope that this article will help you find happiness, and luck and good luck will become constant companions on your way in any area. Smile at trouble, they'll think you're crazy and pass you by.

Probably, each of us at least once in our life was lucky, someone more - someone less. But few people thought about what luck is, how it arises and why someone is extremely lucky, while someone is just damn it.

So let's try to answer these questions. So what is luck after all? In fact, this is an extremely unlikely combination of several circumstances at once, as a result of leading a person to a successful situation. That is, if you find a coin on the road, this still cannot be called luck, but if at that moment when you, unaware of the threat, bent down for an accidentally found coin, and this saved you, say, from a flying stone launched at you by a bully - you are lucky. By its very nature, luck itself is a rare phenomenon. So why, then, someone is lucky less often, and someone more often?

To understand this, let's analyze the nature of the occurrence of luck. As mentioned above, luck is an unlikely phenomenon and it is somewhat illogical to attribute it simply to random, because it is not one random phenomenon, but a whole chain of pseudo-random events lined up in a certain order. That is, this is just the case when it can be argued that randomness is a special case of regularity. What is the nature of the appearance of such regularities? You have probably heard such a term as "positive thinking" and you have also probably heard that everything in nature is interconnected. So these two phenomena together create one of the types of luck. You probably thought: “I am cheerful, I love life, I respect and appreciate people and I do not wish anyone any harm, but I am particularly unlucky, but there are people who should not be lucky, because they are evil, cruel and unjust, and they roll like cheese in butter! "

If such thoughts have arisen in your head, it means that you misunderstand the very term "positive thinking". Thinking "positively" does not mean to love the whole world without causing harm to anyone.

Positive thinking is the reason for good luck

Rather, it is the ability to love yourself and not allow thoughts of your own bad luck. - in fact, just believe in something that you cannot but be lucky. Note, not lucky, not lucky, i.e. that you are lucky all the time - every second and the opposite simply cannot be!

At the same time, it is absolutely unimportant how you relate to others, it is important that with all of the above, you love yourself! This is “positive thinking”. If you have accustomed yourself to such a mood, your thoughts, being essentially electrical impulses, affect the environment around you and, as a result, the phenomena in this environment. This creates constant, but not the strongest, luck. But how does damn luck come about?

A lucky coincidence

It has two more reasons, in addition to the ability to tune your thinking in the right way. One of the reasons for such luck is, paradoxically, the luck itself. That is, it happens that a person is lucky to be born in the right place, in the right time, from the right parents, and even get a name corresponding to his horoscopic data. Then three factors: genetic, astrological, and magical add up together, forming a solid foundation for lifelong luck. The brain of such a lucky person from birth is simply programmed for heightened intuition and positive thinking, and his internal energy is more than enough to materialize all his dreams.

Otherworldly intervention

Another reason for success is the patronage of certain otherworldly forces. Such luck arises as a result of serving a particular cult, including conventional religions, however, it is worth noting that a cult minister, whatever he may be, must have a fairly large supply of his own internal energy - no matter how much a person with a weak energy field prays, his prayers will not be "heard", moreover, the luck provided by serving some cult instantly ends, should a person deviate from the path of this very service or if his faith weakens.

Another type of patronage of higher powers is assistance from deceased relatives and friends. There are three main deciding factors:

  • The deceased must love you very much during his lifetime.
  • This feeling should be mutual and sincere, or at least on your part there should not be aggression, meanness or other negativity towards this person, both during his life and after death.
  • You should not push away the help of the deceased because of superstitious fear or religious beliefs, otherwise he simply will not help you.
The reason for luck is magic

Well, and the last reason for the emergence of strong luck is magic. More precisely, a rite or spell imposed on a person or on some of his things.

Of course, spells and amulets also come in different powers and vary in duration. To provide a person with easy luck for a short time, a pin, charmed for good luck, is enough. But in order to ensure life-long damn luck, the master of magic will have to work damn well.


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