Why sellers present only the price. Why sellers don't want to sell? What is the ideal salesperson like?

Good afternoon!

In fact, the answer to this question is not so difficult. Let's take a look at this today...

Sales or sales volume in numerical terms is the result of the work of any seller. And then the question becomes: “Why does the seller NOT give a result???”

Well, firstly, because no one sets parameters for it this result. You can consider a simple example and take an ordinary worker, to whom his supervisor gives the task to dig a hole, but does not set parameters - depth, width and length. The worker digs a round hole 10 cm in diameter and 10 cm deep and reports to the boss that the result is ready. But this is NOT the result the boss wanted. The same thing happens with the seller. If the manager DOES NOT set sales parameters for him daily, weekly, monthly - the number of contacts with the client, the number of purchases, the average check, then the seller brings 10 rubles to the company.

Secondly, no one gives the seller the tools to work. Well, how! The worker has tools - a shovel and a crowbar. The seller doesn't! If there are no tools, then the worker digs a hole with his hands with a diameter of 10 cm. Exactly the same thing happens with the seller when he brings 10 rubles to the company, only his tools are not a crowbar and a shovel, but checklists and scripts, and additionally his goal, his product, client portrait, unique selling proposition, daily reports and statistics… In general, the seller is not provided with tools - don't expect good sales from him!

Thirdly, he is not trained to use these tools.. It seems that there are tools, but there is no result. He just doesn't know or doesn't understand how to use them. It's like giving a worker a compressor with a jackhammer one fine morning instead of scrap and saying: “Here! Work!". And do not show how to turn on the compressor, how to connect a jackhammer to it, how to use it. With the seller everything will be exactly the same. Just give him checklists and scripts "in the teeth" and say: "on - work" will NOT help!! He must be taught to understand, trained ... And then already ask him. And this is the most correct sequence, especially if you have a working technology, checklists and scripts.

Well, and fourthly, the seller simply does not want to work. He is not motivated or stimulated to work. Here you can simply say in the words of one of the greatest managers of the National Hockey League, Lou Lamorello: “As paradoxical as it sounds. To get the same result, one must be caressed, the other well kicked. That's all. You should also have tools to motivate and stimulate salespeople. And, not least, you must use them!

Let's summarize. For sellers to sell, you must:

  1. Set plans and goals. Daily. Weekly. Monthly;
  2. Give the seller the technology to work with the client and all the tools;
  3. Teach technologies, give instructions on the use of tools and train;
  4. Have available tools to motivate and stimulate sellers;

And then you will definitely have sales.

In the article, I deliberately do not write about what the seller must do himself. This blog is not for sellers. It is for OWNERS and MANAGERS. And it seems to me that it is the owner who bears all the responsibility for his business. And he is the first one who should set the parameters for the employees, give the tools, teach them how to use them and stimulate or motivate the employees for exploits. Remember? Before you get something, you must first invest something!

And now I suggest that you invest heavily in your business. After all, the crisis is just the right time! I invite you to my program where we will make your sellers SELL!

1. Inability to listen to a potential client when selling.

This is the most common and important reason. Most sellers fail to listen carefully to their customers, resulting in a lack of understanding of their basic requirements. A couple of years ago, I was talking to two sales managers. One of whom was actively interested in my requirements, and the other, his colleague, practically did not pay attention to my answers. As a result of the conversation, the decisions he made did not correspond to the tasks that I set. You need to understand that for most people time is very precious, and if you do not know how to listen to them when selling, this will be regarded as disrespect towards them.

2. Reluctance to shut up when selling.

If you think you can close a deal by talking non-stop, then you may think you've already screwed up. In my opinion, you need to let the buyer speak more. People ask me “If the buyer talks a lot, how will I sell my product?”. You need to understand that the main thing that the seller must do is to let the buyer talk about his needs, on the basis of which you can provide a competent and correct solution to his problem.

3. Lack of knowledge when selling.

Now it is not difficult to find information about a product. Recently, I was struck by a man who gave a detailed assessment of the new roof of our house. He knew all the smallest details about his product and spoke very competently about it. These days, the life cycle of most products is very short and many companies invent new products at a breakneck pace.

But, if you don't know your products enough, you will simply lose the respect of your customers, and, most likely, sales. Examine your product - become a real pro in this area and so you can not only pay http://fsk-lider.ru/lider/mortgage/military/, but also go on vacation to expensive resorts.

4. Failure to perform the sale.

If you promised something to your client, then be sure to spit out this promise. For most clients, this is the key point before the final decision.

It goes something like this: A potential customer is interested in some information, and the seller promises to provide it within a certain period of time. The agreed date of the contract comes up, but there is no information, then the client has to be reminded of his request. The deal is only at the initial stage, and the buyer is already hesitating.

This situation must be corrected immediately, otherwise the glue will go to competitors and your sales will decrease markedly.

5. Lies in the sale.

“I don’t care about the needs of the buyer, I am ready to tell them anything, just to sell my product.” I heard these words from the manager, at one of the sales seminars. Unfortunately, many sellers still use this technique. Deception can also be an overestimation of the capabilities of your product, and false information about it. Probably everyone bought goods from such sellers, and as a result he had a negative attitude towards this company.

6. Failure to understand the needs of the client in the sale.

This paragraph can be considered a continuation of the first two. If salespeople talk a lot and don't listen to a potential customer, they don't understand their needs and therefore can't satisfy them. I have a lot of experience communicating with salespeople, both as a sales coach and as a buyer, I can say with full confidence that no more than 20% of them take the time to understand what the client needs, his situations and problems. And it is these sellers who are the most successful in sales today.

7. Fear of being rejected by the client when selling

Everyone who is involved in the field of sales understands perfectly well the need to be persistent. However, not everyone understands and not everyone sees that fine line between perseverance and persecution. The main thing to understand is that it is necessary to exert pressure on the client, but so that it does not go beyond this line and does not turn into persecution. Customers refuse for two reasons, they do not see the point in your product, or they are simply inexperienced buyers.

Working in sales is considered an honorable profession. Always be different from your competitors and avoid the above mistakes.

Anna Gordeeva

Pushy salespeople are a relatively recent phenomenon in Russian retail. Especially on the scale it is now. Now I'm not talking about market trading, but about trading in stores.

And on the one hand, it is impossible not to rejoice. After all, this means that companies are seriously dealing with issues of service quality, training salespeople, hiring specially trained people who develop special documentation - from speech modules to a staff motivation system.

Compared to Soviet times, this is indeed a big leap. After all, we all remember what kind of service it was then: the saleswomen looked at the buyer who entered the store with such a contemptuous look that he almost had to apologize for coming to buy something or simply asking to show something. If the sale took place, then as a big favor. Now such service meets, fortunately, less and less often. Because not a single serious player wants to be branded as a "soviet store", not a single store director wants to blush for entries in the complaint book. Progress in the quality of service is obvious - everyone is friendly, everyone says hello, everyone wants to help. Maybe not everywhere, but in so many stores that want to build a long-term relationship with the buyer.

In some, especially often in chain stores, where training is very intense and work is then supervised very strictly, sellers - alas - often even too much friendly, too much kindly and very vehemently rush to sell. This, of course, is better than a salesman sitting over a cup of tea or coffee, reading a book or solving a crossword puzzle, which - God forbid - will have to be disturbed. But, nevertheless, it also acts repulsively.

It often starts at the threshold. I went to the store - everyone will say hello to you. This means that everyone needs to answer "Hello!" And so several times. In the BTE hypermarket there are up to 15 sellers per shift. Then everyone will ask "Do you have anything to suggest?" or "How can I help you?" Here we must continue to be polite and say to everyone "I'll just look for now." Even if everyone asks kindly and affably, on the fifth 5 times you already answer through your teeth.

In the branches of a well-known network selling mobile phones, it is only necessary to linger on a model for three seconds, a lecture and a description of its abilities immediately begin. It seems to be unobtrusive and so, in a good way. But they didn't ask for it. Or they immediately begin to wipe it with a cloth so that it can be seen better. What for? Even if a person came with a specific purpose and is currently at the stage of getting to know the store and models, this is completely useless. In the stores of a well-known network of perfumery goods, it is worth smelling perfume alone, when the seller immediately “flies up” and asks, “Are you doing this for yourself or as a gift?” A customer who simply sniffs the perfume of her favorite brand will be more likely to scare away than somehow contribute to the purchase.

Already at this stage, the store visitor may be uncomfortable. Everyone knows the feeling that they seem to have come to look, they don’t seem to mind buying even if something good comes across, but if the seller starts to tail, it becomes very uncomfortable and it’s better to leave. This is the first type of compulsive behavior.

The second type is a more specific obsession, relating to a particular product. And here the number of scenarios and options is huge. From the banal "buy ..." to manipulative techniques, it may not be so easy for a simple buyer to recognize and respond to them.

In both cases, such behavior, of course, deters rather than promotes the purchase. But even if the seller managed to "impose" some product and the purchase was made, and the buyer did not return the goods after three days, then after the purchase with such service, the buyer will most likely have an unpleasant "taste", which is then very difficult " bring out."

To better understand the essence of the "obsessive" behavior of sellers, let's turn to dictionaries. The Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov defines the concept of "obsessive" as "Intrusive, insolent, acting against will." And here, in my opinion, lies the key to understanding what is obsessive behavior:

If the seller's behavior gives the buyer the impression that his free will is being restricted, then the behavior can be called obsessive.

In the long run, this behavior of sellers is very disadvantageous for trading companies, because next time the buyer will go where he can decide for himself. Or at least he will get the impression that the purchase is his decision. What are the reasons for such work of sellers - a topic for a separate article. Perhaps the personnel training department overdid it, as in the proverb "teach a fool to pray to God - he will hurt his entire forehead" and drilled the sellers so that they could not do otherwise. Perhaps the motivation system is built in such a way that the seller is simply forced to behave this way.

How to avoid it?

Ideally, scenarios of interaction with the buyer should be consistent with the assortment policy and economic goals of the store. Then the buyers will be comfortable, and the performance indicators will be normal.

Bearded, but relevant anecdote:
They took a new seller to the supermarket with a trial period. The next day, the boss went to look at the newcomer, and he was just talking to the buyer:

- .... So, take a fishing rod?
- I'm taking it.
- And what, you go alone, it's boring. Take already three - for friends.
- Good.
- And do not get bored on the shore? Take a rubber boat - you will catch more fish.
- Good.
- And catch fish, you will want the ears right away. Take a pot, dishes.
- I'm taking it.
- You won't eat your fish soup just like that - a box of vodka to boot.
- I'm taking it.
- And snacks.
- Good.
- You won't want to go home after this dinner. Take a tent, sleeping bags.
- Good.
- Really all this on a hump drag? Take a car, there is a great option ...
- I'm taking it.
- There all will not be located, in the same place friends. Get a trailer!
- Good.

The buyer finally left, and the boss praises the newcomer:
- Well done! A man came for a fishing rod, and you sold him so much!
- Actually, he came for pads for his wife. And I told him, "And what are you going to do at home in these difficult days? Better go fishing!"

Seller Level - God =)

Of course, this is just an anecdote, but it very clearly captures the essence of the work of a truly professional salesperson. And, of course, between the offer of the seller and the consent of the buyer “I take ... well”, in real life there would be a longer dialogue than just “offer - agreement”

But there are such sellers, and we sometimes meet with them ... and we get real pleasure from the fact that they sold something to us, and if we ourselves are related to sales, then we envy with terrible envy, because “for some reason” we have such unable to sell.

How to become such a super seller? How and where to master the secrets of successful sales? What are the best methods and techniques to use? What is the right way, at what moment and what exactly to say to a potential buyer in order to make a sale?

But before looking for answers to these questions, you need to understand the most important thing: who is this real ideal seller? What do you need to be, what qualities to possess in order to meet this definition?

Every day we go to the store, for example, for groceries, while clearly knowing what exactly we are going to buy. Can the sales people who sell us all these goods be real salesmen? With a big stretch. After all, we were not sold anything, we bought everything ourselves.

To be that perfect salesperson, the perfect sales agent, or the perfect sales manager, you must first have 7 important skills:

1. Intelligible speech

If you can convey your thought or idea to another person, then this is already half the battle. You don't have to have excellent public speaking skills to be a good salesperson; it's enough to speak clearly, clearly, and in a way that anyone who interacts with you can understand.

By the way, watch a wonderful parody of the Joker's interrogation scene - 3 minutes of pure positive)

There is a simple test - if you can not explain to a five-year-old child the benefits of using the product you are selling, then most likely you need to try to keep it simple. No matter how you look at it, selling is all about communicating information, so it makes sense to keep it as simple as possible. But not easy.

How to develop: Practice your speech and diction. The most elementary exercise before the start of the working day can be simple tongue twisters or chanting. When different notes are sung at different levels. Give these exercises 10 minutes before the start of the working day and your tongue will not be tangled, and talking with customers will be much more comfortable and easier.

2. Ability to listen to the interlocutor

In addition to good speaking skills, a good salesperson needs to know when to shut up and start listening. You know, sometimes it makes sense to assume, what if you really don't know what the client needs? There was a study, I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the numbers, but the order is as follows: 80% of sellers believe that they fully understand customers. 80% of customers believe that sellers do not understand and do not try to understand them. There is a tendency for sellers to overestimate their "understandable" ability. You can, of course, consider that you are not at all like that .. But then why are you reading this article at all?

So, in order to really hear the client, 2 conditions must match.

  1. The client must speak.
  2. You must be able to hear in his words HIS problems, HIS interests and HIS selection criteria. When a client speaks - be kind, try to really understand the meaning of his words! Remember that any words always have more than one meaning. And if you cannot find the meaning, then ask again, clarify - it also happens that the client himself does not know what he wants. And that doesn't mean he's an idiot. You are needed for this.

How to develop: Each time your interlocutor speaks, count to three and only then start talking. Perhaps the person wants to tell you something else, but you do not let him do it. And try not to interrupt. Moreover, do not try to handle objections before they actually arise. This annoys many.

3. Ability to ask the right questions

A good seller is an inquisitive seller! He will always be able to ask a potential client the right question that will promote the sale. And this question may be completely unrelated to the product. Sometimes, just asking about the mood of a person, you can achieve a better result than long persuasion.

How to develop: Start with the most basic questions. How did you get there? How is the weather outside? Are there many traffic jams, etc. These are common, socially acceptable questions that you can ask absolutely any stranger. The purpose of such questions is simply to start a human dialogue with the client. And the most correct approach will be sincerity. Ask him, for example, about the average gas mileage of his car, if you are really interested in this car. Show genuine interest.

4. Solving customer problems

Another important skill is problem solving. If you are a seller, then you do not have to solve the client's problems yourself, you need to know WHAT will help solve these difficulties. And then - to offer (sell) a good solution. But first you need to find the problem. Look for it by asking the right questions and listening to the client.

Sometimes it happens that your product really does not suit the client. If your goal is to maximize profit per customer over their life cycle, it is sometimes beneficial to even recommend one of your competitors who has what the customer really needs. It sounds like nonsense, but it's better than selling something that the client does not need and losing him forever. Such a risk is justified, especially since in real life in 90% of cases it will not even be your direct competitor, but a company offering goods or services that you simply do not have.

How to develop: It is best to recommend your related partners in such a situation. Let's say your organization sells auto parts. You can recommend to your customers a service station for the installation of these same spare parts and give some kind of discount coupon. This service station will in turn recommend you. Thus, together you get targeted customers at no extra cost.

5. Organization

It's great if you can motivate yourself to work. This helps to avoid a huge number of kicks from the authorities. But getting started is half the battle. The remaining half is the ability to bring the started business to a victorious finale. In order to bring sales to the paid invoice and the shipped goods, it is often necessary to show miracles of self-organization. If you have it "in the blood" - good. If not, then develop.

How to develop:
Lots of options. Starting with time management trainings, ending with the installation of a complex CRM system, which itself reminds you of what every salesperson needs to do. The easiest option is to start a work diary, and write down only work questions there. An important point. Set a hard deadline for each of your cases and penalize yourself for not meeting this deadline by a certain amount, say 500 rubles. “For example, call the client before 16.00 and agree on making an advance payment.” If you are one minute late - put 500 rubles in a box. When there is a sufficient amount in the box - bring it to us, to the information business - we will teach you how to organize yourself)))

6. Good manners and upbringing

Good sales people are well educated. You may not realize it, but good manners are a show of respect for other people. People love to be respected, they begin to experience mutual respect in return. Your clients are no exception, they work the same way. Good manners are something that is instilled either in childhood, or at an already adult and conscious age, when it becomes clear that some doors for people with insufficiently good upbringing are simply closed.

A salesperson without principles will not be very honest with himself and with his customers. And cheating is not the best way to close a sale. Of course, once you can sell a product to one client by deceiving him. But it will end quickly. And the point is not even the very fact of dishonest play, but the fact that you can earn much more with a regular client than with a one-time dishonest deal.

How to develop: Be honest with yourself first of all. If you sell a product only when you start to “fake”, it means either you need to change jobs and sell a more worthy product, or you don’t know sales technology well enough. And even if you just completed sales training and read a book just a year or two ago, but you are no longer developing, today you are again not a good enough seller. Recognizing this is what being honest with yourself is all about. The best seller will always be the one who does not stop in development, continues to learn and experiment. Constantly improve your level in salesmanship. Fortunately, you can do this today without even getting up from your chair.

Which of these 7 skills do you have?

Do you want to sell a lot, cool, easy, bold and with pleasure?

Register for a free webinar "7 closed methods to double sales" from the master of sales - Andrey Zhilin, where you will learn the shocking truth about how to earn your first million in sales. The webinar will take place on January 28 at 19:00 Moscow time. Register now and don't miss the opportunity to upgrade your sales skills to an incredible level.

How often do I hear sales professionals say that a real salesperson can sell anything. Do you think they are right? Do you need to love what you sell?

On the one hand, a person who owns various sales skills and techniques can really sell any product or service quite successfully, only for a short time. Burnout, inherent in any profession, will come in this situation much faster if a person is not in love with what he sells.

A loving and indifferent seller is very easy to distinguish with the naked eye. You don't need to be an expert in sales to do this, it's enough to be an ordinary person acting as a buyer.

Look at what happens: we need sellers like air, without them it is difficult for us to cope with a huge variety of goods and services, but you rarely meet a truly attentive seller who is able to offer exactly what you are looking for.

Why do people become salespeople?

You observe such an attitude because in most cases, people go to sell not from a good life. They are only because they need money. Do not take me at my word, but try to understand: at first glance, it is easy to learn how to work as a salesperson, no one requires special education, as before, moreover, they promise to teach everything, and even send them to trainings at their own expense. Since the era of perestroika, when everyone, young and old, turned out to be sellers, the ranks have cleared a little of people random for this field of activity, but there are still plenty of those who, by inertia, continue to do their unloved business.

Meanwhile, real salespeople will understand me, it’s quite difficult to work in sales for real. In fact, today the seller is an expert and highly qualified consultant in his field. To become such is not easy, but it is possible on one condition: you will do what you love and do what you like. Of course, this is an ideal picture, a kind of perfection, but, as you know, one must strive for perfection. So why not present the perfect picture starring the perfect salesperson?

What is the ideal salesperson?

Numerous studies continue to establish parameters and a set of qualities that a salesperson should possess. Among them, without fail, you will find faith in yourself and in your product. See the full list compiled by British researchers:

  • Communication Skills
  • Personality
  • Get ready for work
  • Intelligence
  • Motivation
  • Product Knowledge
  • Basic education
  • Self-confidence
  • Appearance
  • Ability to quickly recuperate
  • business sense
  • Integrity as a person
  • ambition
  • Degree of acceptance by others
  • Empathy is the ability to feel like a customer
  • Initiative
  • self-discipline
  • work experience
  • Ability to adapt
  • Persuasiveness in communication

Impressive portrait of the ideal seller? Draws on the portrait of a presidential candidate, did you also think so?

And although this is a portrait of a salesperson who lives outside of Russia, you will agree that many employers and sales managers would like to have an employee with at least half of this set of qualities.

Much to my surprise and regret, it should be noted that many of the listed qualities, Russian employers are ready to educate and grow in their employees in the process of work. But here's the problem: few employees want the same thing. There is even advice to the leader on this topic:

“We should not be afraid that managers will learn and quit, but that they will remain untrained.”

Many qualities can be nurtured and cultivated in a salesperson, but dedication and love for the product are developed through daily efforts from both the salesperson and management.

From practical experience

When I worked in an advertising agency, business owners - two twin brothers - came to their branch specifically to tell about themselves, about how their business was created from the knees, how it was transformed in the development process. They brought up in us not only love for the company's products, but also transferred their faith in their business to us. They were well aware that this confidence would be reflected in our eyes and would become an important factor in negotiations with the client. Thus, we dispelled all doubts that were companions of defeats, not achievements.

After such meetings, we again revised our "tired" attitude towards the company's products, our eyes lit up again, ideas shot out, and the overall picture of sales improved. They recalled their first attitude to what needed to be sold, and these were the services of a telephone inquiry service, and understood that there were no random people left here - it is precisely those who work here who like to sell these services and who are in love with their product.

We can still sell anything!

By the way, funny things began to happen a little later - the company developed, and we began to gradually add new types of services: at first we learned how to sell printed editions of our publishing house, and a year later we had to learn the art of selling outdoor advertising. Sometimes I had to watch how managers were indignant, motivating their indignation by the fact that when they got a job, they came to sell what they like, but if it was a publishing house, they would never even read the job advertisement .

How do you like this turn? As a result, of course, we were taught everything, but I did not observe the spark with which the guys came, getting a job in the telephone help service, when they sold other types of services.

Again, I note and remind you that those managers who have to fight with the love of the product from their subordinates often find excellent motivating-compulsory arguments for selling all products, regardless of the degree of love for the seller. Well, for example, let's take Doshirak noodles - can you love it? Please excuse those who truly love her.

We know how unhealthy and harmful food is for our body, and it is possible to get poisoned by it only in extremely rare cases. Do you know how to bring up the love of a salesman in a grocery store? He is told that if no one needed Doshirak, then there would not be such multi-billion dollar sales of this product all over the world. If it's for sale, then it's for sale. Therefore, go and sell, despite your own attitude towards Doshirak.

Do you need to love what you sell. Conclusion.

Sad, right? Therefore, with time and experience comes the understanding that no matter what life circumstances are, you still need to do what you like, and you need to do what you love and interesting. At least in order to get up easily in the morning and run to work in a good mood, or perform those actions that give satisfaction from the results achieved.

The most important wish is to nurture and strengthen faith in yourself and your own strengths. It is this confidence that will allow you to learn to love what you sell and become a true professional in your field.

For those who have read to the end, a nice bonus is a great video about a simple client management program.


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