Obtaining a license for mine surveying. On licensing the production of mine surveying works. What does mine surveying work include?

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on licensing the production of surveying works.

2. Recognize as invalid:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2006 N 392 "On licensing the production of mine surveying" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 27, art. 2937);

Paragraph 11 of the amendments that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of state control (supervision), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2010 N 268 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 19, Art. 2316);

Paragraph 14 of the amendments that are made to the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issues of the state duty, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2010 N 749 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2010, N 40, Art. 5076).

Government of the Russian Federation
V. Putin

Note. Ed: the text of the resolution was published in the "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 04/09/2012, N 15, art. 1782.

Regulations on licensing the production of mine surveying works

1. This Regulation determines the procedure for licensing the production of mine surveying work carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

2. Licensing of the production of surveying works is carried out by the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (hereinafter referred to as the licensing authority).

3. The licensed activity includes the performance of the following works and services:

A) spatial and geometric measurements of mining and underground structures, determination of their parameters, location and compliance with project documentation;

B) monitoring the state of mining allotments and justifying their boundaries;

C) maintenance of mining graphic documentation;

D) accounting and justification of mining volumes;

E) determination of hazardous areas of mining, as well as measures to protect mining, buildings, structures and natural objects from the impact of work related to the use of subsoil, designing surveying work.

4. Licensing requirements for an applicant for a license to carry out a licensed activity (licensee) are:

A) the presence in the staff of the legal entity of an employee with a higher professional education in the specialty "mine surveying" (having a higher professional education and undergoing professional retraining to obtain a qualification in the specified specialty), certified in the field of industrial safety (mine surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations) and having at least 3 years of work experience in the field of licensed activities;

The presence of an individual entrepreneur of higher professional education in the specialty "mine surveying" (higher professional education and professional retraining with obtaining qualifications in the specified specialty), a certificate of attestation in the field of industrial safety (mine surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations), and work experience in the field of implementation licensed activity for at least 5 years;

B) organization of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements during mining operations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" and established requirements in the field of mine surveying (if the license applicant is a subsoil user);

C) the availability of equipment, instruments and measuring instruments necessary for the implementation of the licensed activity;

D) advanced training of an individual entrepreneur and employees of a legal entity engaged in licensed activities, at least once every 3 years.

5. Licensing requirements for the licensee when carrying out activities for the production of surveying works, in addition to those specified in paragraph 4 of this Regulation, are:

A) admission to the performance of work constituting a licensed activity, persons with special training and qualifications, in accordance with paragraph 1 of part five of Article 24 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil";

B) carrying out mine surveying observations sufficient to ensure a normal technological cycle of mining operations and forecasting hazardous situations, timely identification and marking of hazardous zones on mining plans in accordance with paragraph 5 of part five of Article 24 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil";

C) maintenance of mine surveying documentation in the course of all types of subsoil use and ensuring its safety in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 11 of part two of Article 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil";

D) carrying out measurements using measuring instruments of an approved type that have been verified and calibrated in accordance with the Federal Law "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements";

E) the correctness of the spatial measurements and determinations of the parameters of mining and underground structures, the positions of construction sites and the operation of underground structures, the boundaries of mining allotments, the boundaries of mining and blasting, hazardous zones, zones of protection from the harmful effects of mining and displacement of rocks, contours safety pillars, separation boundaries of quarry walls and cuts in accordance with the methods (methods) of measurements and the established indicators of measurement accuracy;

E) performance of work in accordance with the duly agreed project documentation for the production of mine surveying work, the technical design, plans and schemes for the development of mining operations, as well as with the requirements for carrying out mine surveying work.

6. To obtain a license, the license applicant shall send or submit to the licensing authority an application and the documents specified in Part 1 and Clauses 1, 3 and 4 of Part 3 of Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", as well as:

A) details of documents on the organization of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements during mining operations (name of the body that approved the documents, date and number of the document) if the license applicant is a subsoil user;

B) copies of documents (diplomas, certificates, certificates) confirming the qualifications of employees of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) engaged in a licensed activity;

C) copies of documents or duly certified extracts from documents confirming the length of service of employees of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) engaged in licensed activities;

D) copies of documents confirming the availability of equipment, instruments and measuring instruments that belong to him on the basis of ownership or on other legal grounds, that meet the established requirements and are necessary for the performance of work and the provision of services.

7. If the licensee intends to carry out the licensed activity at an address not specified in the license, the application for renewal of the license shall indicate the new address, as well as the following information:

A) a list of works (services) planned to be performed at this address;

B) details of documents on the organization of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements during mining operations (name of the body that approved the documents, date and number of the document), if the licensee is a subsoil user and mining work is carried out at this address, including work (services) for the mine surveyor ensuring the conduct of mining operations by this subsoil user.

8. If the licensee intends to perform the works that make up the licensed activity (render services) that are not specified in the license, the application for renewal of the license shall indicate the names of these works (services), as well as the following information:

A) a list of addresses where work is supposed to be performed (services rendered);

B) details of documents on the organization of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements during mining operations (name of the authority that approved the documents, date and number of the document), if the licensee is a subsoil user and new works (services) are carried out, including for mine surveying support of mining operations data subsoil user.

9. A gross violation of licensing requirements is the failure by the licensee to comply with the requirements provided for in subparagraphs "b" and "c" of paragraph 4, subparagraphs "a", "b" and "e" of paragraph 5 of this Regulation, which entailed the consequences provided for by part 11 of article 19 of the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", as well as failure to comply with the requirements provided for by subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4 and subparagraphs "c" and "e" of paragraph 5 of these Regulations.

10. Submission by the license applicant of an application for granting a license and documents required for obtaining a license, their acceptance by the licensing authority, making decisions on granting a license (refusal to grant a license), reissuing a license (refusing to reissue a license), suspension, renewal, termination the validity of a license and its cancellation, as well as the provision of a duplicate and a copy of a license, the formation and maintenance of a license file, the maintenance of a register of licenses and the provision of information contained in the register of licenses, license files of license applicants and (or) licensees, including in electronic form, are carried out in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities".

11. Licensing control is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Implementation of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control", taking into account the specifics of organizing and conducting inspections established by Article 19 of the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of activities".

12. When checking the information contained in the application submitted by the license applicant (licensee) and the documents attached to it (information about documents), the licensing authority requests the information necessary for the provision of public services in the field of licensing from the authorities providing public services, the authorities providing municipal services, other state bodies, bodies of local self-government or organizations subordinate to state bodies or bodies of local self-government in the manner established by the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services".

13. For the provision or renewal of a license, the issuance of a duplicate of a license, a state fee is paid in the amount and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor
Russia dated 06.06.03 N 73.
It was put into effect from 29.06.03.

for the production of mine surveying *1

RD 07-603-03 _____
*1 Does not require state registration (letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 23, 2003, N 07/6397-YuD).

I. General provisions

1. Instructions for the production of mine surveying works (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) were developed taking into account the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil" dated February 21, 1992 N 2395-1 (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. 1992. N 16. Art 834), federal laws of July 21, 1997 N 116-FZ "On the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1997. N 30. Art. 3588) and of August 08, 01 N 128-FZ "On licensing certain activities” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2001. N 33. Art. 3430), Regulations on Licensing Activities for the Production of Surveying Works, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.06.02 N 382 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2002. N 23. Art. 2182), Regulations on the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.12.01 N 841 (Collection of legislators elstva of the Russian Federation. 2001. N 50. Art. 4742).

2. The requirements of this Instruction are mandatory for all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership (hereinafter referred to as organizations), individual entrepreneurs engaged in the design, construction, operation, conservation and liquidation of facilities for the extraction and processing of minerals, as well as facilities use of subsoil for purposes not related to the extraction of minerals on the territory of the Russian Federation and within its continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation.

3. In accordance with Article 24 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil", one of the main requirements for ensuring the safe conduct of work related to the use of subsoil is to conduct a set of geological, mine surveying and other observations sufficient to ensure a normal technological cycle of work and predict dangerous situations , timely determination and application of hazardous areas to mining plans. In accordance with Article 22 of the said Law, the subsoil user is obliged to ensure the maintenance of geological, mine surveying and other documentation in the process of all types of subsoil use and its safety.

4. In accordance with Article 17 of the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", surveying work is carried out on the basis of a license.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Regulations on Licensing Activities for the Production of Mine Surveying, licensing of the production of mine surveying activities is carried out by the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies of Russia).

5. Activities for the production of surveying work include:

Spatial and geometric measurements of mining and underground structures, determination of their parameters, location and compliance with project documentation;

Observation of the state of mining allotments and justification of their boundaries;

Maintenance of mining graphic documentation;

Accounting and justification of mining volumes;

Determination of hazardous zones and measures to protect mining, buildings, structures and natural objects from the impact of work related to the use of subsoil.

6. In order to implement the requirements of the subsoil legislation, organizations may form (form) in their composition an independent structural unit - a mine surveying service, or engage third-party organizations or individuals under an agreement that have the appropriate licenses for this type of activity. The head of the surveying service (chief surveyor) reports directly to the head of the organization.

7. The activities of the mine surveying service are determined by the regulations on the mine surveying service, approved and agreed upon by the organization in the prescribed manner.

8. When determining the number of surveying services, it is recommended to take into account the type of mineral, the geological structure of the deposit, mining and technical factors, the volume and technology of mining, tunneling, construction and installation, construction and surveying works, the area of ​​mining and land allotments, their development, remoteness of objects, and with an open method of development - and the climatic conditions of the region, as well as ensuring the safety of mining operations and the protection of subsoil.

9. Topographic-geodesic and surveying works are carried out in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the project documentation. To improve the quality of mine surveying work, it is recommended to draw up projects for the production of mine surveying work.

10. Tools and devices used in the production of mine surveying work are subject to verification in the prescribed manner and within the established time limits.

11. Processing of mine surveying measurements and maintenance of mining graphic documentation can be performed using computer technology.

12. To create software products for processing the results of surveying measurements, it is recommended to involve scientific organizations.

13. When performing surveying work, a third-party organization accepts the work and the technical report on the work performed, as well as the following materials:

Catalogs of coordinates and heights of points - when building mine surveying reference networks on the earth's surface;

Logs of measurements, statements of calculations, catalogs of coordinates and heights of points - when building underground mine surveying reference networks;

Duplicates of surface plans, catalogs of coordinates and heights of points - when surveying the earth's surface;

Original plans, measurement logs, calculation sheets - when surveying an industrial site and mine workings.

The list of transferred materials for the implementation of mine surveying projects can be established in agreement with the customer.

14. Projects for the construction on the territory of the subsoil user's production and economic activities provide for topographic and mine surveying works necessary to ensure the rational use and protection of subsoil, safe mining, construction, reconstruction of the mine surveying backbone network or restoration of lost points of the backbone and marking networks, updating plans of the earth's surface during construction or after its completion, surveying mine workings and compiling mining graphic documentation before putting the facility into operation. In necessary cases, an examination of the protection of subsoil is carried out.

15. The design of surveying work in the joint development of a deposit by open and underground methods is carried out taking into account the uniform terms for replenishing plans for open and underground mine workings and a single scale for surveying the earth's surface and underground mine workings.

16. When using the subsoil, a book of mine surveying instructions is kept, in which the employees of the mine surveying service record the identified deviations from the design documentation for mining operations and the necessary warnings on issues within their competence.

17. In order to ensure the protection of the subsoil and the safety of work related to the use of subsoil, surveying instructions are executed by the officials to whom they are addressed.

18. The mine surveying service keeps a log of the state of the geodetic and mine surveying reference network and cartograms of the correspondence of topographic plans to the current state of the area.

19. Mine surveying work is carried out in compliance with the established requirements for the safe production of mining operations.

20. In the course of mine surveying, completeness and accuracy of measurements and calculations are ensured, sufficient for the rational use and protection of subsoil, safe mining operations.

22. The maintenance of mining graphic documentation on the objects of surveying the earth's surface and on mine workings within the basin, mining region or a separate deposit is carried out in a single system of coordinates and heights.

II. Mine surveying on the earth's surface

23. The organization on the territory of its production and economic activities, in addition to the geodetic network, creates a mine surveying reference network.

24. Mining reference networks can be created using satellite equipment.

25. Surveying reference networks on the earth's surface are created by the methods of triangulation, trilateration, polygonometry of 4 classes, 1st and 2nd category, leveling of III and IV classes in accordance with the established requirements.

26. The characteristics of triangulation networks of the 4th class, 1st and 2nd category are given in Table. one.

Table 1


4th grade

1st category

2nd category

Triangle side length, km, no more




Minimum allowable angle:

in continuous network




connecting in a chain of triangles




in the box




The number of triangles between the original sides or between the starting point and the original side, no more




Minimum length of the initial side, km




Root mean square error of angle measurements, calculated from the residuals of triangles




Limit discrepancy in a triangle




Relative error of the original (basic) side, no more

1:200 000*1

1:50 000

1:20 000

Relative root-mean-square error in determining the length of the side in the weakest point, no more




"ProExpert" provides a full range of services in the field of preparation and obtaining a license to conduct mine surveying. We register applicants from other regions in Moscow with the inclusion in the license of the legal address, separate divisions and the address of the place of business.

  • License name: License for the production of surveying works.
  • Licensing Authority: Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor). Central office and territorial bodies.
  • Applicants: legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in construction, geological, mining work.
  • Territorial distribution: within the Russian Federation.
  • Period for which the license is issued: unlimited.

Mine surveying works are carried out in the design and construction of underground buildings and structures, the laying of engineering communications, exploration of minerals, and the operation of mine workings. Any miscalculation in the determination of design parameters, inaccuracy in measurements entails the danger of accidents, losses and a threat to the safety of people. The mine surveyor's license is permissive and obligatory in the performance of the relevant work.

Types of activities subject to licensing

  • spatial and geometric measurements of mining and underground structures, determination of their parameters, location and compliance with project documentation;
  • monitoring the state of mining allotments and justifying their boundaries;
  • maintenance of mining graphic documentation;
  • accounting and justification of mining volumes;
  • determination of hazardous zones of mining, as well as measures for the protection of mining, buildings, structures and natural objects from the impact of work related to the use of subsoil, the design of surveying work.

Attention! A separate mine surveying license from Rostekhnadzor is issued for each type of activity.

The cost of services for obtaining a license for the production of surveying works

We draw your attention to the fact that the prices presented on the site are for informational purposes only and are not a public offer, as defined by paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The cost may change after the agreement of all the details of the contract.

Attention! By agreement with ProExpert, it is possible to reduce the period to 45 days. The regulation on production control and the regulation on the surveying service are agreed in Rostekhnadzor in parallel with the licensing process.

The cost of licensing services depends on the number of activities that the applicant plans to carry out, the composition and quality of the available documentation, the presence (absence) of employees with the required qualifications.

Get advice from the chief expert

According to the significance, labor intensity and nature of the execution, surveying work can be divided into two types - basic and current. The first includes basic large-scale work of a one-time or periodic nature: the creation or reconstruction of a reference network on the surface, connecting surveys, the construction or reconstruction of an underground reference network, photogrammetric surveys of a quarry, large-scale marking work, observations of displacements and deformations of the earth's surface, etc. current work, which takes up about 85% of the working time of a site surveyor, includes small works of a systematic nature: additional surveys, setting directions, measuring and recording production, drawing small graphs, etc.

Most of the work at the mining enterprise is carried out by employees of the mine surveying department. Only major major work can be carried out by a contractor or with the help of a specialized surveying bureau of the holding.

At a mining enterprise, the execution of mine surveying work is distributed among the performers mainly on a territorial basis. Each district mine surveyor is assigned certain workings. This organization of work allows the district surveyor to study the site well, to know the condition and location of points, to promptly service mining operations, taking into account the characteristics of each face. General mine systematic work is entrusted, as a rule, to a separate mine surveyor. Major work of a one-time nature is carried out under the guidance of the chief surveyor or his deputy with the involvement of the required number of department employees.

A significant place in the overall balance of the surveyor's time is occupied by current reporting. The specific type of reporting depends on the mining industry. In the general case, the forms submitted to higher organizations display: the results of mine surveying measurements of mine workings (face advance, face line, excavation area, production, etc.); length and condition of mine workings; information about the disposal and introduction of new faces, etc. In addition, graphic documentation (mining plans) is updated monthly. All employees of the department participate in the preparation of reports. Generalization of reporting is carried out by the chief surveyor or his deputy.

Field surveying works are distinguished by a variety of measurements and a large expenditure of time for preparatory and final operations, transitions, downtime. Their rational organization provides for the use of effective methods, techniques, tools and equipment in order to increase labor productivity and safety, as well as to ensure normal conditions and the required accuracy.

To increase the efficiency of field work, it is necessary to: plan work and carefully prepare for it; combine in one working day several types of small mine surveying work in one or closely spaced faces; apply progressive methods of work; to select the optimal quantitative composition of the brigade

Mine surveying is characterized by a large amount of cameral processing. At mining enterprises, calculations and preparation of primary documentation are carried out by district surveyors, and copying and reproduction of drawings are carried out by draftsmen and cartographers. It is possible to increase the efficiency of office work through the widespread introduction of modern computer technology, transparent materials for compiling graphic documents and small-scale mechanization in drawing work and duplicating documents.

A feature of the surveying service is also the work with numerous graphic and computational materials. Regardless of the degree of secrecy, mine surveying documentation (graphic, computational and field) is of great importance for the rational development of deposits and the safe conduct of mining operations. Loss of it in many cases is irreparable. It is subject to strict accounting and storage. The head of the enterprise is responsible for ensuring the proper storage of documentation.

During the conservation and liquidation of a mining enterprise, the main mine surveying documentation is replenished, systematized and, in accordance with the established procedure, transferred according to the act to a higher organization for further (indefinite) storage. Materials that are not subject to transfer for storage are destroyed according to the act by a commission with the participation of a surveyor of a higher organization.

Automated production control systems (APCS) are called upon to play a significant role in improving mine surveying services, which quickly control and manage many production processes of a mining enterprise (accounting for the working time of workers, monitoring the preparation of new sites, accounting for the operation of mechanisms, accounting for the provision of an enterprise with prepared reserves, etc. .). APCS includes: a) collection of current information about the work of the enterprise; b) analysis and processing of information on a computer; c) issuance of control commands to individual production areas, as well as the issuance of data on the current state of production to management for information and action. The mine surveying service prepares for the automated control system the initial information on the conduct of mine workings, on the advancement of the line of stopes, on the introduction and disposal of new faces (sites), on the state of workings, etc. This information is processed on a computer together with information coming from other departments, and participates in operational analysis and production management at a mining enterprise.

As part of a purely mine surveying profile, through the automated control system, networks are adjusted, the expected deformations of the earth's surface are calculated, and other tasks that require complex calculations are solved. To solve the problem, the surveyor prepares the initial information according to the established forms and submits it to the automated control system of the enterprise, where it is systematized and transferred to the computer center. The results of the solution are returned to the enterprise's automated control system through the same channel and are sent to the mine surveying department.

At present, computers are responsible not only for the processing of mine surveying data, but also for their storage.


For the best organization of production and the achievement of high labor productivity, constant study and research of the production process is necessary. On the basis of systematically conducted research, technically justified production standards for the main and current mine surveying work are developed, which are necessary to establish planned targets, as well as to calculate the staff of performers and the payroll.

The basic concepts of technical regulation of labor are the norms of time and output.

The norm of time called the time required to manufacture a unit of high-quality products under certain production and technical conditions. Time limits can be expressed in minutes, hours, shifts, etc.

Production rate- this is the amount of high-quality products that the contractor (team) must produce per unit of time under certain production and technical conditions. The production rate in mine surveying practice, as a rule, is calculated per working day in natural units of measurement: horizontal and vertical surveys - 1 km; drawing up and drawing plans - 1 dm 2, etc.

By the method of technical regulation, the norm of time is established, and the norm of production is calculated according to the norm of time. The time limit can be represented as

t = (t o + t B)*(1 + 0.01 P otd), (1)

where t about- the time required to perform the main work per unit of output; t B- time to perform ancillary work per unit of output; P otd- standard time for rest as a percentage of operational time.

The calculation of the time of the main and auxiliary work per unit of production is based on the actual balance of the working day. If the norm of time per unit of production is known t, it is easy to calculate the rate of production N ex according to the formula

where T N- normal working hours; T P-Z - time spent on the implementation of preparatory and final operations; T T-P - time spent on technological breaks.

At present, there are no unified collections of standard output norms for mine surveying in the mining industry. In specialized organizations where piecework wages apply, departmental norms are applied. Therefore, when planning surveying work at a mining enterprise, it is recommended to use existing regulatory documents.


In the mining industry, as in other industries, long-term and current plans for the development of mining operations for the development of deposits are drawn up. In accordance with the indicated types of mining planning, prospective and current plans for mine surveying are drawn up, which should include:

1) types, volumes of surveying works and terms of their implementation;

2) the staff of the mine surveying department of the mining enterprise;

3) equipment and tools of the mine surveying department;

4) the cost of mine surveying services per ton of production.

Main tasks at the planning stage of mine surveying are the following:

Timely provision of mining enterprises with all types of surveying work for a given period of time (five years, a year, etc.);

Control over the completeness of mining of mineral deposits, the correct conduct of mining operations and taking into account the issuance of minerals to the surface;

Ensuring the rhythmic work of the mine surveying department, minimal loss of working time.

Starting materials for planning are:

1) long-term and annual plans for the development of mining operations for the enterprise;

2) obligatory technical instructions and guidelines for the production of surveying work;

3) the current norms of time and output for surveying work (if any).

Prospective planning of mine surveying work is carried out on a five-year basis, the current one - on years and quarters (months).

1) topo-geodesic and surveying works performed under contracts by specialized organizations (works on the creation and reconstruction of the basic network of the basin and surveying the earth's surface over large areas);

2) the main mine surveying work performed by the bureau of specialized mine surveying works (production of connecting surveys, production of observations of rock displacement and rock pressure, generalizing work on the geometrization of mineral deposits and checking the geometric elements of lifting complexes, stereophotogrammetric survey of quarries, sections);

3) the main mine surveying work performed by the service of the mining enterprise;

4) current surveying work.

In perspective plans the main attention is paid to the works of the first type, since they are carried out at significant intervals for a group of enterprises. Therefore, the surveying departments of enterprises for these types of work draw up and justify the plan-application, which is submitted to the chief surveyor of a higher organization. The latter summarizes the applications received from the enterprises and draws up a general plan for the execution of work for the trust (mining administration) or the plant and draws up an agreement with specialized organizations for their implementation.

Works of the second, third and fourth types are reflected in consolidated indicators indicating the types and volumes of work by year.

in annual plans the works of the second and third types are deciphered in detail (types and volumes of the main mine surveying works, deadlines, justification of the required accuracy of observations, the required staff of performers (separately engineers and workers) and a list of the required tools). When work is performed by the forces of special bureaus, these materials are transferred to the chief surveyor of the association (combine) to determine the number and composition of the bureau and plan its work.

Works of the fourth type in the annual plans are indicated in aggregated figures.

In quarterly (monthly) plans a specific list of works of the mine surveying department, deadlines and performers are reflected.

The preparation of the current plan begins with the work that must be performed at the time set for the enterprise. These include work related to the determination of the volumes of mining and excavation of mine workings (measurements), which are preceded by additional surveys of mine workings in underground mining methods and work to create a survey justification for open pit mining. The rest of the work (setting directions for workings, current horizontal and vertical surveys, etc.) is planned based on the needs of the enterprise and the capabilities of the mine surveyor. As mentioned above, in order to reduce the time for preparatory and final work per unit of production, when planning field work, one should strive to maximize the compaction of the working day, i.e., with small one-time volumes of work, plan not one, but several types of mine surveying work per working day.

Detailed calendar plans for the production of current mine surveying work for individual workings and types of work should be rationally drawn up for each mine surveying site when planning work for a month in tabular form.

Obtaining a mine surveying license for any enterprise carrying out work related to the mine surveying direction is, of course, strictly mandatory. The direction itself involves the study of the structure, shape and size of a mineral deposit using various field measurements. A mine surveying license, which can be obtained from Rostekhnadzor, is not only an official document confirming that the enterprise fully complies with all safety standards and requirements, but also has a staff of qualified employees. Since such a mining license implies that the work itself will be accompanied by constant risk, and any miscalculation will entail not only large material losses, but also human casualties, the requirements for leadership positions are very strict. Before obtaining a surveying license, management must ensure that all responsible employees fully meet the criteria, and that the senior officials themselves have the appropriate education and experience. Otherwise, a license for any mining operation will not be issued. If the requirements are met, then it will not be difficult to get a mine surveying visa.

Requirements for obtaining a surveying license

Obtaining a mine surveying license implies that the licensee has:

  • employees with higher professional education of the relevant profile and qualification confirmation issued no later than 3 years ago, as well as an experience of 3 or more years;
  • completed higher professional education and with at least 5 years of work experience in the field.

At the same time, it is important to remember that the surveying license of Rostekhnadzor assumes that employees will regularly (at least once every 3 years) improve their skills at the relevant courses. All employees must pass certification not only in the field of industrial production safety, but also undergo training and pass a test for subsoil protection.

What equipment is needed to obtain a mining license?

Any measuring equipment must pass a metrological check, since the very specifics of the industry imply the need for the most accurate calculations. Obtaining a mine surveying license is impossible if the licensee does not have any technical and technological documentation, as well as in the absence of the required equipment. In more detail, all requirements are described in the relevant regulation "On licensing the production of mine surveying", which can be found on the official website. It is important to note that the licensee is obliged to analyze and identify hazardous zones and territories, as well as notify other enterprises of upcoming mining operations. A separate license is also issued for the use of specialized mining equipment. It is necessary to obtain permission from Rostekhnadzor to use the equipment.

The license for mine surveying involves the submission of documents to the Central Directorate of Rostechnadzor. That is why you should carefully consider the list of required papers: the absence or incorrect submission of a certificate or document will lead to the return of the entire package. In particular, according to the law, along with the application of the established form (you can download the template on the official website), the following papers must be submitted:

  • description directly. This will help eliminate the possibility of the employee losing the document. The description must be in two copies.
  • a power of attorney is needed if the execution is carried out by a third party representing the interests of the applicant.
  • statement. The template can be downloaded from the website.
  • requisites. Here you should indicate the name of the body that approved the document, the date of signing, as well as the number of documents on the organization of the PC for compliance with industrial safety requirements during mining operations.
  • proof of education. It is necessary to submit certified copies of documents confirming the qualifications and experience of employees and managers.
  • confirmation of the availability of equipment. We need copies of documents for all equipment used.

In addition to all of the above, you will need to submit a document confirming the payment of the state duty. To date, a license for the production of mine surveying works costs 7,500 rubles, but it is strongly recommended to follow the current information on the official website. In case of an error, there you can download letter templates for the return of funds by the state. The mine surveying license, which was previously valid for five years, has now changed its terms. At the moment, the mine surveying license is perpetual. This means that previously issued licenses with an expiration date will need to be obtained again. Reissuing a mine surveying license is absolutely similar to obtaining it. It should be noted that it is possible to create a duplicate of the lost license, but you will have to pay the fee established by law for this.

Until a license is obtained, mining operations cannot be carried out. This will be considered a violation of the law and stopped. The licensee may lose the license if the audit revealed gross violations at the enterprise. In this case, all production will be stopped until the status that satisfies all the criteria of the object is re-confirmed. In order not to risk losing your license, it is better to contact the specialists of the Emergency Assistance Center in advance, who will provide qualified support at the stage of preparing for the test. Moreover, for clients who have obtained a license with our help, a specialist is accompanied during scheduled inspections. Thus, the successful completion of the test and confirmation of compliance with the issued license is guaranteed.

Assistance in obtaining a mine surveying license

As with any business, delays in obtaining a mining license are highly undesirable for a mining facility. The mine surveying license, the documents for which were listed above, allows the participation of a third party. The Emergency Emergency Center offers services and assistance in obtaining a mining license. This means that the risk of incorrectly submitted documents or an incorrectly completed application completely disappears. Our specialists monitor all the changes and will easily make sure that your application and package of documents pass the entire documentation check without any problems. Taking into account the fact that the period of validity of the license for the production of surveying works now has no restrictions, such savings in effort and time in the beginning are fully justified.


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