Wine sales of home products from scratch. How to start receiving income from a small winery? Costs of raw materials

Wine business. Making homemade vine business. Domestic wine trade on spill.

A couple of years ago, being on vacation in the Crimea, walking in a small market in one of the resort villages, I was attracted by a large queue of people who crowded and something bought.


As it turned out, home grape wine trade was rapidly on bottling. There was two dozen bottles with a variety of wine and cups for tasting. The people actively tasting and no less actively bought several bottles of various types of wine. Next to the table stood a car with plastic barrels, of which the seller via the crane cast wine into plastic bottles. The cost of homemade wine on bottling was
On average 50 UAH. (about $ 5) per liter, despite the fact that the majority bought a few bottles at once.

Wine business.

An unprecedented excitement was caused by the excellent taste qualities of wine and its manufacture of natural grapes. Settling several types of wines, I was amazed - I haven't had such a tasty wine, I have not yet been trying, it wandered in bottles that is sold in stores and is called wine, no comparison comes with natural, homemade, fragrant wine.

In the process of buying a pair of bottles of wine, I talked a little with the seller, and asked his wine business. According to the seller, he has been manufacturing homemade wine for more than 15 years, over the years he not only studied many recipes and ways to bathes wine, but he himself created several of his copyright recipes, which, of course holds in the Security. As it turned out, he has his own small vineyard, which he constantly expands and grows several grape varieties. In the conditions of a sunny Crimea, most of the thermo-loving grape varieties can be grown.

The question of the legality of such trade, the Seller told that even though it was not entirely legitimate, but there are no special problems. The main trade is at home, and in the summer period is also engaged in the sale of wine on the local mini market.

Business on fault.

Raw materials for making grape wine serves grapes and sugar. In the presence of your own vineyard, costs go only on the purchase of sugar, for the production of 1 liter of wine, depending on the recipe on average about 250 g. Sahara. That is, the cost of 1 liter of homemade wine is $ 0.2, while its retail price is on average on average - $ 5.

Of course wine business is profitable, but illegal. It is impossible so just standing in the market and sell your own cooking. Therefore, most people are engaged in winemaking, sell homemade wine with a narrow circle of regular customers, friends, colleagues for work, familiar and t.

In order to officially sell the wine of our own manufacture in our country, you need large investments, only the license for the sale of alcohol will cost the round Suma, check-in brand, a bunch of permits, etc.

Of course, let's say, in France, the wine business is very popular, and often this is a family business, where wine is manufactured dozens of years, and sometimes in centuries. Such wine is very highly appreciated and there is always constant demand for it.

For wine business, you can plant your own vineyard, the profit can be obtained not only from the sale of wine of its own manufacture, but also from the sale of grapes.

Making homemade wine business idea.

Popular business ideas

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Attention! A complimentary business plan offered to download below is approximate. Business plan that best meets the conditions of your business, you need to create with the help of specialists.

Oleg Zvyagintsev Wine plant went to a stable level of income. Production specialization - table and dessert wine, power increases, fortified drinks will appear in the future.

Winzavod on urban outskirts

European wine tours have always fascinated me with their patriarchal flaors. Well-groomed vineyard plantations smoothly passed into the ancient estates.

Tourists descend into cool basements of family wineries, tasting is delayed for the whole evening. I wanted to organize something similar in my southern city. "Earth life, passing up to half," I found himself not in the gloomy forest, but at the crossroads, blowable all the winds.

It was necessary to intelligently dispose of accumulations to ensure that there is a comfortable old age to provide, and the heirs are profitable to leave. The winemaking was interested in a long time, but all the skills of the "garage" - an amateur was not suitable for serial release.

I dreamed of the production of real wine, with licenses and excise stamps. The case approached thoroughly, downloaded a business plan template for a winery.

I had theoretical knowledge, I did not in vain, I spent so much time in the company of Italian winemakers. It happened, even his wife was offended that on the beaches and museums walk alone, I won't disappear in local distillers.

Now there was a European experience to adapt to the conditions of Russian provincial life. In success, did not doubt, can not be good wine in demand?

Cider Russian Pouring

I consulted with logistics, found a room for a mini-factory at the city trait. The driveways are good, for storage rooms there is a place.

I was glad that I did not buy a ready-made business plan. Excess costs, and the behavior model is almost imposed: everything is painted, everything is calculated. Business Plan Template is like a roadmap, the route is indicated, and where to go - your business.

I thought about the characteristics of the climate, and decided to offer apple cider to buyers. The drink is pleasant, on the market is still weakly, raw materials for production - in excess.

Vine Line Nezhnaya and Caprip

I did everything strictly according to the business plan, realizing that the results would appear after three years. It is impossible to hurry and chelling.

Here is the standard sequence of actions:

  • Registered winery and trademark;
  • Received licenses and certificates. Now I am not afraid of any auditors, I can apply for a contract with any trading network;
  • Construction work covered the production workshop, and road cafes in the adjacent territory. I'm going to trade with gift wine sets. Beautiful wicker boxes were preparing, each places two bottles with grape wine. I found a specialist who knows how to weave the "fur coat" vine for a curly bottle. Looks very stylish: the tree is covered with varnish, the handle flies. I think souvenir bottles with young wine will like many;
  • Acquisition of equipment and commissioning process - the most cost work. I achieved complete sterility. If now grapes pressed with legs as in the old days, buyers would be horrified and became convinced by trustees;
  • Agreed about the supply of raw materials. We will receive different grapes, such wholesale purchases will cost cheaper. Not all are intended for winemaking, some let's put on grape juice, open and parallel line for the production of raisins.

Gastronomic delicacies

The financial part of the business plan is an accurate calculation of income expenses. Wanting to make a profit exceeding the planned, creative directions should be introduced.

For example, we began to produce onion muddies based on red wine, pickled grapes, sharp wine sauces. All this is packaged in miniature containers in the gift design. Demand pleases, competitors remained far behind.

A man always wakes success, the next ideas appeared. I feel that soon you will have to download a new business plan for expanding the range of winery.

Winzavod Kindzzarauli.

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the Breeding Business Plan:

Before you, the winery business plan. The project sets several key tasks:

  • Creating a highly profitable enterprise;
  • Obtaining a stable monthly income;
  • Satisfying the needs of the consumer market in high-quality alcoholic beverages.

This project needs financing in the amount of 1,55,000 rubles. To implement the project, you can take a commercial loan at a bank under 17.5% per annum.


For the correct and stable operation of the winery, it is necessary to take into account many details and calculate the estimated expenditures:

1. Rental of premises. Every month will have to pay for rent about 15,000.
2. Personnel wages. On average, you will have to spend about 330,000 rubles.
3. Purchase of raw materials will cost 450-470 thousand rubles.
4. Municipal services will cost approximately as lease - 15,000 rubles.
5. Depreciation of equipment - 10,000 rubles.
6. Acquisition of auxiliary materials - 55 thousand rubles.
7. The remaining production costs are about 300,000 rubles.


Consider the equipment required for the full work of the winery:

  • The tank is from 3 pieces;
  • Pasteurizers;
  • Botometty;
  • Packing and casting machine;
  • Device for stickers excisted grades and labels;
  • Device of softening and deep water purification;
  • Coal column;
  • Conveyor;
  • Single-threaded sand filter;
  • Termotonnel for heating caps.

According to approximate estimates, the purchase of all the necessary equipment, its transportation with further installation at the enterprise will cost you about 2 million rubles.

Tricks, allowing to significantly raise the level of sales:

1. For permanent or wholesale buyers, it is recommended to introduce a system of discounts and auction proposals.
2. Open a certain number of branded shops in which the buyer will be able to purchase wines for spill.
3. To carry out open tasting several times a year, to familiarize potential buyers with your products and attract more investors.
4. For regular customers, conduct a vacation product for sale. The principle of this: first they sell your goods, and then pay its cost.
5. Consider the opportunity for excursions in the plant. This will increase profits and significantly warms the interest of customers to your enterprise.

Wine factories, as a rule, produce a variety of products.

For example:

1. Jerez.
2. Liquors.
3. Table wines.
4. Portwine.
5. Dessert wines.
6. Madera.

In any wine plant one of the main components is the repository. It must comply with all the requirements and be accommodating.

The older the wine, the same it is tastier and, accordingly, more expensive. Think of the possibility of time from time to time to produce a limited batch of wine, which will be associated with some particular event. Such a batch will be able to be sold much more expensive.

The reader turned to the editor. An elderly woman has his own garden in which many fruit-berry trees. The pensioner makes wine from the juice of fruits and berries without using yeast. At the end of last year, she went home to her and remarked the 20-liter wine bottle. The precinct took a bottle, saying that he would send wine to the laboratory for examination to determine the number of degrees in an alcoholic beverage. "What does this affect? Autumn will come, there will be a lot of berries, I, like many elderly, I want to make wine again, - writes an 83-year-old woman. - How to avoid violations? "

"AIF" learned whether it was legally producing wine at home and what a fortress should be in an alcoholic product so that there are no problems with the law.

Tincture and emphasis

First you need to decide which category of alcoholic beverages is homemade wine.

So, the COAP of the Republic of Belarus allocates the following concepts.

Beer- Drink obtained by fermentation of ohmel malt wort with beer yeast, with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol 0.5% or more. There are no restrictions on storage and moving. True, a fine can be obtained when selling beer a fortress of more than 7%.

Low alcohol drinks - Drinks (with the exception of ferocular drinks, kvass and beer) with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol from 0.5 to 7%. There are no prohibitions at all, no place for sale, nor move.

Alcoholic beverages - vodka, liquor-vodka products, wine, brandy, brandy, calvados, champagne and other drinks with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol 7% or more. Citizens are allowed to keep any number of alcoholic beverages at home. True, no more than 5 liters of alcohol can be transported within the country without excise. For exceeding you have to answer.

Under strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), alcoholic beverages are understood with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol 28% or more, manufactured by individuals by fermentation of raw materials and subsequent distillation.

Here the law is strict: you can store at home not more than 5 liters, but the manufacture and acquisition of the moonshine is punishable.

Not for sale

Alcoholic products are brandy, fruit and ethyl alcohol, obtained from food raw materials, alcoholic beverages and food alcohol semi-finished products (wine materials, distillates, excreted and alcohol and alcohol juices, infusions, fruit and water-alcohol extracts, concentrated food basics, food flavors, Cognac in bulk, whiskey in bulk and other) with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol 7% or more. Under this definition gets homemade wine, the deputy chief of the Minsk RUVD explained "AIF" - police Lieutenant Colonel Alexey Bulat.

Restrictions on storage, movement of wine, tinctures and liquors made by individuals at home and intended for their own consumption, the law does not establish. But if a citizen decides to sell his own wine or tincture, there may be problems with the law.

The sale of an individual who is not an individual entrepreneur, alcoholic beverages (according to the law), including its own manufacture, in the absence of signs of illegal entrepreneurial activity entails the imposition of a fine in the amount of from 5 to 20 basic quantities with the confiscation of alcoholic beverages sold.

Wine-based business can be cost-effective 100%, but for this you need accurate calculations and a weighted approach. It is not serious to determine the prospects for the peephole, without a competently composed business plan, do not do. What you need to take into account when drawing up a business plan and how to evaluate the possibility of production.

How to open wineries in Russia? What are the documents for this, how to organize your production? Answers to these and other questions you will find here.

Business for the production and sale of wine today requires not only painstaking work, but also impressive investments, especially if we are talking about the organization of even a small enterprise. However, with the right approach, the profitability of such a business should be about 100%.

To date, winemaking is one of the most prestigious types of business, especially since even a small plant will create an impressive number of jobs.

How to organize this production, read the article from our colleagues, and also go to the site and you will learn about another favorable business on which you can earn.

The essence of business in wine

Currently, wine in Russia and the countries of the former USSR are not as popular as strontest hottest drinks. First of all, this is due to the high cost of the product. If you want to make a profit from such a production, then keep in mind that most of the successful companies today have their own vineyards. But if you have no, then the raw materials can be bought. The most affordable prices for grapes can be found in the southern regions of our country - in the Astrakhan and Rostov regions, in the Caucasus, as well as in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories.

How to make money on the production of wine in Russia? In accordance with Law No. 171 of the Federal Law, for the organization of production, the entrepreneur must first obtain a license.

To do this, you will need these documents:

  1. Application for license. In this document, you must specify information regarding the company, the type of activity, the divisions of the organization, as well as the deadline for which the document is required.
  2. We will need copies of documents on state registration of a legal entity, and these copies need to be assured from the notary.
  3. The organization is also necessary, and a copy of the relevant document will be required for the license.
  4. After payment of the state duty to get a license, you need to provide a copy of this document.
  5. Help from government bodies that the premises of your enterprise meet all necessary standards.
  6. To organize an enterprise, it will also be needed to confirm the accreditation of the laboratory in which the production of the final product will be carried out. Or you can enter into an agreement with the appropriate laboratory and provide a copy of the document.
  7. The last document that will need is an extract in which the amount of paid authorized capital is confirmed.

Business organization

Consider the main steps of the organization of entrepreneurial activities, which will make it possible to make fault:

  1. First you need to choose a plot where the production room will be built, or take such a place for rent.
  2. Then happens.
  3. All necessary documents are issued, including a license.
  4. If you build an enterprise, then the operation of the construction plan is performed.
  5. Equipment required for work is bought, installation is carried out.
  6. Staff is hired.
  7. Purchased raw materials.
  8. The final stage of the organization will be commissioning.

An equally important point in business organization is to build the right production technology.

  1. First, the berries of grapes must be separated from the ridges, after which the berries are pressed.
  2. Combs are sent to disposal.
  3. The next step will be fermented by the custody, that is, on this step, the resulting juice turns into wine.
  4. Then the product is defended. In order to prevent premature fermentation, you need to remove the whole "torment" from the wine, after which the product should be placed in a cooler place. To prevent fermentation in some cases, sulfuric acid is used.
  5. Then, with the wine, it is necessary to remove the precipitate, for this it is overflowing into other tanks for subsequent product refinement in the wine basement.

Sales of finished products

Wine must be positioned as a drink of peasant economy. The implementation of final products is carried out in accordance with production volumes. Small volumes can be implemented in the markets, for the sale of larger volumes, you can conclude relevant contracts with shops or cafes. It is most profitable to sell a drink in large canices.

You can also open your "cell" on the network - virtual sales also bring good profits. As practice shows, the positioning of its wines as "homemade draft" allows you to attract more consumers.

Many of us love good wine. But few people think about organizing their own business at the production of various varieties of wine. Meanwhile, this business flourishes, in spite of any crises and other economic phenomena. People who are accustomed to periodically drink a glass of good wine, very hard to give up their habit. And there is nothing wrong with that. After all, wine is one of the few alcoholic beverages that can be called healthy. If you drink it in reasonable quantities, of course.

Today, our country is located in the first twenty of the most sought-after providers of wine in the international market. Our faults are involved in prestigious competitions and even occupy prizes. All this speaks of the high quality of the wines produced.

Add here more and high profitability of production. Under all the conditions of growing grapes and subsequent processing, the profitability of the business may exceed 100%. As a result, you will get very promising, and an incredibly noble and prestigious, which is not ashamed to tell your friends. Yes, what to say there, about such a business is not ashamed to tell the whole world. The main thing is, of course, to produce a truly good product. We will tell about the quality just below. In the meantime, let's start with the most important thing.

Legalization of business at the production of wines

If you want to be an honest and law-abiding winemaker, which has no problems with state controlling and inspection bodies, you need to prepare a whole bunch of papers and get the necessary licenses.

First of all register a legal entity. We make copies of documents confirming the creation of a legal entity, and we assure them with the signature of the notary.

We prepare copies of the next papers - a document on the formulation of tax accounting and receipt of payment of state duty for obtaining a license.

We will also need conclusions on compliance with sanitary and epidemiological, fire, environmental standards and requirements.

In addition, they will need papers confirming the amount of authorized capital, as well as a statement on obtaining a license for the production of wine.

But that's not all. If you contain your own laboratory of chemical and technological control of production, it will take a document confirming the accreditation of this unit, and copies of certificates of compliance of production equipment. If you work with a third-party laboratory, then you need documents from them.

As you can see, the legalization of wine production business is a rather complicated and long matter. But when passing this procedure, you will protect yourself from all kinds of problems in the future.

Two business development paths

Rather, there is even three ways to develop further events. All of them concern how to obtain raw materials for future wine. Not all manufacturers are owned by their vineyards. Moreover, not every winery uses in production initially fresh grapes. Some of them produce wine from the beam.

The beam is a wine material, in fact, this is a bulk wine that is delivered in huge tanks. As a rule, the beam in our country will be captured from abroad. Most often, the beam is a very cheap raw material. It is not even raw materials, but almost ready-made bulky wine. Only it is low quality. And therefore it is very inexpensive. Usually, the cost of one liter beam is $ 0.5-0.8 dollars. But there are exceptions. For example, a beam from France can cost $ 5-6 for each liter.

As you already understood, the production of wine from the beam is the easiest and cheapest way to get raw materials. You only need to buy a beam, pour it on the bottle, giving a drink a little status, and ready. Such wine is called Balkov.

If you want to get a higher quality wine (and more expensive), it is better to look towards the purchase of fresh grapes or the creation of your own vineyards. The last method is most optimal. After all, you will not depend on suppliers, racing prices and other factors. You can clearly plan the future of your business. And still possess its own vineyards in the world of wineries is considered very prestigious.

Creating your own vineyard

First of all, it will take a piece of land. What it is more, the more you can grow grapes. So, more will produce wine and earn more on its sale. But, be that as it may, first of all, it is necessary to repel from our own financial opportunities. If we talk about the vineyard, then one hectare of the Earth, with all irrigation, seedlings, fertilizers, will cost you 3-4 thousand dollars.

In order for the business to become the most profitable as possible, it is worth considering the plots of land for vineyards with an area of \u200b\u200b20-30 hectares and more. That is, on one vineyards will need about 60-100 thousand dollars of investments. And further. Do not forget that the production of wines is a long-term business. Used weathered varieties of wines. That is, after receiving the drink, you need to wait another 3-5 years before it can be sent to the store shelves.

Premises for future winery

To obtain a license to open the winery, you need to bring the premises of the winery itself, as well as warehouses, to certain requirements and conditions.

This is especially true of the premises where future wines will be stored. Previously, they were kept in huge wine cellars. You can also go through this old path. And you can choose a more modern option.

Thanks to modern climatic equipment, maintain the necessary humidity and temperature can be practically in any building. So there should be no problems with the storage of wine.

Wine Production Equipment

For equipment of vineyards and winery you will need the following units of technology and accessories.

First, tractors, automatic bushes and other agricultural equipment are needed. The final list depends on the scale of business. You can not buy all this large and very expensive technique, and lease. Here everyone decides that it is more profitable.

Secondly, it will take the system of automatic watering of vineyards, as well as wooden bins for harvesting.

For winery, you will need press for spinning, cleaning and filtering equipment, fermentation tanks and high-quality oak barrels.

Full equipment of a small winery and the creation of one hectare of the vineyard will cost about a million rubles. And approximately 150-200 thousand will be required for each additional hectare area.

Wine production process

In practice, the production of wines is the following process. Grapes are collected on the vineyards. Next, it is sent to press for pressing.

After pressing, the raw materials are sent to fermentation tanks. This is not just ordinary tanks. This is high-tech equipment. Inside fermentation tanks, a certain temperature is supported, which does not give the future guilt to oxidize.

The next stage is the excerpt of future wines. For this, the drink is poured into oak barrels and leave there for a certain time. Usually - from several months to several years.

The penultimate stage - bottling wine in the bottle. Why is the penultimate? Yes, because after bottling, the wine goes to the warehouse for another few months. There it is controlled and track all possible "defects". Wine can be poisoned or a sediment may appear. Naturally, such bottles are written off and do not go on sale.

The last stage is to send ready-made wine to store shelves.

Important factors affecting the taste of future wine

Many believe that the quality and taste of wine directly depends on the used grape variety. If the grapes are delicious, then the wine will be excellent. And vice versa. In fact, everything is much more complicated. Taste, of course, depends on raw materials. It depends even from the year of the harvest. But not only these factors affect the taste.

For example, an important factor is oak barrels in which the drink is stored before bottling. And the taste of spinning is affected. To get the most high-quality and tasty wine with a bright aroma, you need to take no more than 60-65% juice from grapes during the press.

And the taste of wine depends on the compliance with the production technology. The more qualified and responsible staff will work in your winery, the more chances to get the highest quality product.


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