Astronomy presentation lessons. Presentation on astronomy presentation for the lesson on astronomy (grade 9) on the topic

Space is an interesting and unknown world. Astronomy presentations, collected in this fascinating section, will talk about many phenomena in an accessible and very interesting way. The sun, asteroids, great discoveries related to space, biographies of great people who have made a significant contribution to the knowledge of the cosmos, and a lot of other fascinating information contained in these space presentations will help to tell about our universe in an interesting and accessible way. Our presentations are a great choice for lessons, lectures, and more.

Astronomy presentations are made in PowerPoint, here you will find a large assortment of astronomy presentations that can be downloaded absolutely free. To do this, you need to go to the selected presentation and click on the "download" button. Before that, you can see each slide and view their description, you do not have to download the files first and only then realize that this is not quite what you need. If you have difficulty finding the topic you need, you can use the search for all presentations, enter a keyword and we will select the most suitable works for you.

Here you will find presentations on astronomy for both lower grades as well as for high school students. Thanks to the clarity, colorfulness of the slides, correctly structured and divided into blocks of information, the audience will be easier to perceive the subject and better concentrate on the topic.

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Observations are the basis of astronomy. The presentation was prepared by Pshelenskaya SV, teacher of physics and astronomy.

Features of astronomy as a science. 1. The main source of information in astronomy is observations. All information about what is happening outside the Earth in outer space can only be obtained on the basis of the light and other types of radiation coming from these objects. 2. Almost all phenomena studied in astronomy are long in time (hundreds, millions and billions of years). 3. The need to indicate the position of celestial bodies in space and the inability to immediately indicate which of them is closer and which is farther from us. All observed luminaries seem to be equally distant.

A telescope is the main instrument used in astronomy to observe celestial bodies, receive and analyze the radiation coming from them. (tele - far, skopeo - look.) The purpose of the telescope is 1. To collect more light coming from a weak radiation source. 2. Increase the angle of view under which the celestial object is viewed.

telescope specifications. Penetrating power - the greater the penetrating power of the telescope, the weaker in luminosity objects it makes it possible to see. The resolving power of a telescope is the ability to distinguish fine details on the surface of a celestial body.

Both characteristics of a telescope depend on the diameter of its objective. W = F/f - telescope magnification

A telescope is a refractor (refractor - I refract) - a telescope whose objective is a lens. Galileo's telescope had one converging lens as an objective, and a diverging lens served as an eyepiece. Such an optical scheme gives an uninverted (terrestrial) image. The main disadvantages of the Galilean telescope are the very small field of view. Such a system is still used in theater binoculars, and sometimes in homemade amateur telescopes. Telescope of Galileo

Kepler's telescope Johannes Kepler improved the telescope in 1611 by replacing the diverging lens in the eyepiece with a converging one. This made it possible to increase the field of view and eye relief, but the Kepler system gives an inverted image. The advantage of the Kepler tube is also the fact that it has a real intermediate image, in the plane of which the measuring scale can be placed. In fact, all subsequent refracting telescopes are Kepler tubes.

Telescope - reflector (reflecto - reflect) - a telescope, the lens of which is a concave mirror. This scheme of telescopes was proposed by Isaac Newton in 1667. Here, a flat diagonal mirror located near the focus deflects the beam of light outside the tube, where the image is viewed through the eyepiece or photographed.

The scheme was proposed by Laurent Cassegrain in 1672. This is a variant of a two-mirror telescope lens. The main concave mirror of larger diameter casts rays onto the secondary convex smaller diameter). The Cassegrain system was modified by the Soviet optician D. D. Maksutov into the Maksutov-Cassegrain system, which has become so popular that it is one of the most common systems in astronomy, especially in amateur astronomy.

The BTA telescope, the largest in Eurasia, is located on the territory of Russia, in the mountains North Caucasus and has a primary mirror diameter of 6 m. It has been in operation since 1976.

A mirror-lens (meniscus) telescope is a telescope that uses a combination of mirrors and lenses.

Mirror lens (meniscus) telescope

Radio telescopes are designed to receive cosmic radio emission.

Thank you for your attention. http:// is an astronomical portal where you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself. Materials for the presentation are taken from this site.

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This is our galaxy. Since ancient times, scientists have wanted to know how our solar system came into being.

Friedrich Wilhelm (William) Herschel was born on November 15, 1738 in Hannover (Germany) in the family of a regimental musician of the Hanover Guard. Herschel was seriously engaged in music theory. From her passion passed to mathematics and optics, through which he became acquainted with astronomy.

With the help of his first homemade Newtonian reflecting telescope 5.5 feet long (almost 2 m) and a mirror 20 cm in diameter, already in March 1774, Herschel observed a beautiful bright nebula in the constellation Orion

20-foot Herschel telescope. His telescope revealed the nature of the most mysterious objects in the sky at that time - motionless "milky" nebulae.

Herschel's 40-foot telescope Observing with a 40-foot telescope, Herschel became convinced of the inaccessibility of the boundaries of the Galaxy. He also became convinced that not all milky nebulae are clumps of diffuse matter and that even the faintest of them, found at the limit of visibility, can be other distant “milky ways”.

planetary nebula

The harmonious system of planets - their movement in circular orbits lying in the same plane - really beckoned to address the question of how it arose

Discharged interstellar gas began to gather into a cloud The entire solar system, to which the Earth and the Moon belong, arose from one large gas and dust cloud

The cloud contracted and its rotation accelerated Under the action of the intensified centrifugal forces, the cloud turned into a disk The substance condensed and turned into a ring rotating around the center

This presentation can be used in physics lessons (in the topic "Atoms and Stars", Grade 9) and astronomy. I use this material in the course of the choice "Entertaining Universe" (grade 9). The presentation is a brief excursion into the physical discoveries that underlie modern astronomy. Since research in astronomy began with the invention of the telescope, the presentation describes both the very first - imperfect - telescopes (created by Galileo, later Newton), and modern reflectors with a large mirror diameter, as well as radio telescopes and their capabilities. Undoubtedly, astronomy received a huge impetus in the development with the invention of photography. The presentation is provided with a number of spectacular photographs of our "neighbors" in the Solar System. Critical role in modern astronomy is given to spectral analysis. This is also discussed in the presentation. Naturally, this presentation can only be used in a prepared class (where they have already studied N. Bohr's theory and spectra). And in conclusion, it is said about orbital telescope - the last word in science. Think, this presentation can color the lesson, make it memorable.



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Physical research methods in astronomy O.A. Smirnova, Teacher of physics MBOU secondary school No. 25 Smolensk

There is nothing so remote from us that we cannot discover. Rene Descartes 1

Plan Optical telescopes: creation and use Radio astronomy Photographic method Spectral analysis Orbital Telescope 2

Galileo Galilei 1564–1642 Galileo's telescope. Museum exhibit in Florence (Italy). 3

Scheme of the Galilean telescope 4

Reflector with Newtonian focus 5

Reflector with Cassegrain focus 6

Telescope reflector Five-meter reflector of the Palomar Observatory. The photo was taken with a long exposure, during which the dome of the tower with an open slot turned, which created the effect of its transparency. 7

Radio telescopes A radio telescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. VLA radio telescope system in New Mexico (USA). eight

Radar Radar image of the Maxwell Mountains region on Venus obtained by the Venera-15, -16 spacecraft. Image lunar crater Silently obtained by radar method. 9

Photographic method Mauna Kea Observatory at night. 10

Surface of the Moon 12

Mercury 13

Mars An image of the surface of Mars taken with a stereo camera high resolution from Mars Express 14

Moons of Saturn Tethys Telesto Titan 17 Hyperion

Lunokhod 19

Rover Opportunity (digital montage) First photo taken by Opportunity after landing on the surface of Mars 20

Spectra Wavelength Continuous spectrum Sodium spectrum Hydrogen spectrum Helium spectrum 21

Spectrum analysis 22

Redshift 23

Schematic diagram of the spectrograph 24

Orbital Telescope. E. Hubble Photograph of the spiral galaxy M100 before and after the correction. 25

Physical research methods in astronomy Optical telescopes Radio astronomy Photographic method Spectral analysis Orbital telescopes 26

The joy of seeing and understanding is the most beautiful gift of nature. Albert Einstein

Annotation to the material

Astronomy presentations for grade 11- it's a pretty big section electronic works, which will be of interest to both the teacher and the students to whom they will be shown in the lesson. ICT makes every lesson interesting, despite the fact that the material is not the easiest to learn. However, this does not beg for the huge role that is assigned to interactive resources filled with numerous figures and diagrams, photographs and fragments of an exciting scientific video, diagrams and strict definitions. All this will make each topic understandable, memorable. Despite the fact that the subject is not an exam, the knowledge gained by schoolchildren will be useful to many when receiving higher education. And how nice it is to feel like a connoisseur of the vast Universe, to talk on understandable topics with peers and adults!

Experienced educators note that download presentations for astronomy lessons in grade 11 it is also necessary in order to present interesting material in an accessible form and diversify the training sessions with numerous tasks that will contribute to its memorization and consolidation. On the slides you can place electronic crossword puzzles, tests, verification work. Every eleventh grader already knows how to use PowerPoint, so why not invite students to compose creative work for classes themselves. Many of these student projects are already in our collection, and every teacher has the opportunity to download them without registration and payment.

Modern teachers no longer imagine their lessons without electronic aids, without a computer, without high-quality visualization. It is very easy to have all this on your flash drive and bring it to school not in huge bundles, but in the pocket of your handbag, if you are now on this page, since only here there is a chance to download free presentations on all topics for astronomy lessons in grade 11. Make your life rich, classes interesting, and education of high quality.

Planets of the solar system - presentation

The presentation talks about all the planets that make up the solar system. The work was done at a fairly high level. It can be downloaded for free for an astronomy lesson in grade 11, for demonstration to high school students in electives or in physics classes. The manual examines in detail the terrestrial planets, giant planets and small Pluto, as well as a huge star ...

Earth-Moon system - presentation

The presentation on the basis of the presented material reveals the topic "Earth-Moon System". The work can be downloaded for free at the specified link for a lesson in physics or astronomy with students in grade 11. Rich illustrative and textual material is presented on 15 slides. Looking at them, students will be able to study: information about the planet Earth; The moon is natural...

The physical nature of the planets and small bodies of the solar system - presentation

The presentation gives a general overview of the physical nature of the planets and some small bodies of the solar system. Studying the topic at the astronomy lesson, students will learn what is the diameter of the available planets, what craters on Mercury look like, what is the computer landscape of Venus. The rest of the development is about asteroids. Schoolchildren will remember their names, get acquainted with ...

Presentation of the terrestrial planets

The presentation will allow schoolchildren or students studying astronomy (physics) to understand what the terrestrial planets are and how they differ from the extraterrestrial giant planets. The material is quite voluminous, however, studying it in the lessons in the 11th grade or in the classroom at the secondary school will not cause difficulties. Small texts, schemes, thematic illustrations, diagrams...

Presentation solar system

A presentation on the topic "Solar System" was compiled for an astronomy lesson. It can be downloaded by those who work in the 11th grade. The material will also be useful for physics lessons when conducting a corresponding thematic lesson. 17 slides provide information (textual and illustrative) about the terrestrial planets, giant planets. Students will learn their common...

Giant planets - presentation

The presentation is aimed at getting to know 4 major planets solar system. These include Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. All of them are united in a special group of bodies, because they are significantly different from the Earth and similar planets located near the Sun. The giant planets are characterized by their own "gas" structure. They have a large number of satellites that ...

The structure of the solar system - presentation

The presentation is a necessary demonstration material for physics or astronomy lessons in grade 11, where students will study the composition and structure of the solar system. Students who need to master the topic on their own or repeat it at home can also download the material. The work was done by the teacher on 17 slides. Its content: the development of astronomy in ...

Presentation Meteorites, asteroids, comets, meteors

Four presentations in one archive provide material for acquaintance in astronomy lessons with meteorites, asteroids, comets and meteors. Each manual tells about one of these celestial objects. For viewing, both textual information and many illustrations are offered. You can download the archive from the link. It is recommended to use ready-made material in several thematic lessons ...

Determination of distances for the bodies of the solar system and their sizes - presentation

The presentation gives a visual representation of how distances are practically determined for the bodies of the solar system and their sizes are determined. Schoolchildren will be able to see this on the basis of the above calculations, which are performed according to certain formulas. To make such calculations, you also need special devices that allow you to correctly determine the distance to an inaccessible object. At the lesson...

Presentation solar and lunar eclipse

The presentation can be downloaded for free to accompany an astronomy or physics lesson, in which grade 11 students will consider the topic “Solar and lunar eclipse”. There is a lot of material in development, it is well systematized. Easy perception will provide a large number of diagrams, thematic drawings, brief definitions that reveal the topic. 25 slides present thematic information: reasons...

Origin of the solar system - presentation

The presentation introduces 11th grade students to the origin of the solar system and the science of cosmogony, which studies all this. You can download the material for free for astronomy or physics lessons, which define the study of this difficult, but quite interesting topic, which gives information about ancient times in combination with modern discoveries of scientists. In front of students...

Presentation Artificial Earth Satellites

The presentation will tell students about how the first artificial satellites of the Earth appeared and what changes have occurred in this area during the time that they conquer outer space. To consider the topic of an astronomy (or physics) lesson, the teacher will make a small opening talk, during which schoolchildren will repeat their knowledge about celestial bodies, ...

Starry sky - presentation

A presentation for grade 11 on the topic "Starry sky" can be shown to students in an astronomy lesson. From it, schoolchildren will learn that with the naked eye a person can see up to 3,000 stars in the sky if he is in an open suburban area that has a flat surface. In total, there are about 6 in the celestial sphere ...

Sun presentation

The presentation on the topic "The Sun" was made on 15 colorful slides that students in grade 11 will like and help them study the material about the celestial body. Download the development is offered to teachers for an astronomy or physics lesson. Thematic extracurricular activities will also be much more attractive using this resource. Contents of the presentation aid: General characteristics(weight,...

Presentation Ursa Major

The presentation will tell students a lot interesting facts about the constellation Ursa Major. The material is so interesting that both grade 4 students in the outside world and older students in astronomy or physics lessons will be happy to view it. Students are offered interesting information about the most famous constellation of 7 stars on 22 slides ....

Presentation Structure of the Sun's Atmosphere

A presentation for an astronomy lesson on 13 slides presents the topic "The Structure of the Sun's Atmosphere". Strict presentation of the material in concise blocks, additional illustrations and diagrams will help you understand what processes take place far from the Earth and how they affect our lives. The lesson is proposed to be held on the next pan, using an electronic resource in addition to ...

Presentation Movement of the planets of the solar system

The presentation will introduce schoolchildren to the law of universal gravitation and the movement of the planets of the solar system, which is inextricably linked with it. This work can be used in grade 11 when studying the topic in an astronomy lesson. Many natural phenomena obey the universal law of gravity, which was once accidentally discovered by Newton. However, before...

The presentation is filled with bright informative material that can be used in an astronomy or physics lesson in grade 11 when studying the topic "Sources of energy and the internal structure of the Sun." Having this electronic resource, it will be easy for the teacher to conduct a training session with high school students at a high level. Demonstrating slides, the teacher will talk about what in different ...

The internal structure of the Sun - presentation

The presentation was made as a project on the subject of astronomy by a student of grade 11. The multimedia guide deals with the topic " Internal structure Sun." The content of the 12 slides presented will greatly help the teacher in conducting an astronomy or physics lesson, as well as elective classes. Each student who is interested in the discipline can increase the existing understanding of how the ...

Kepler's laws - presentation

The presentation will tell you about Kepler's laws at an astronomy lesson in grade 11. During the lesson, it is necessary to understand what the essence of these laws is, what happens according to them, how they are used. Summary electronic resource: the laws of Kepler are called only those conditions on the basis of which the movements of all bodies related to the heavens are made. They obey...

Presentation Distance to the stars

The presentation will be useful to those schoolchildren who are considering determining the distance to stars in an astronomy lesson. This question has been of interest to many for many years, so it is necessary to present the material in such a way that each student can figure out how complex calculations can be carried out using formulas. The material is offered on 11 slides: the parallax method...

Presentation Sun and life on Earth

The presentation reveals the theme of the astronomy lesson "The Sun and the life of the Earth." Grade 11 students can study the material at home or in class. On 8 slides, thematic text material is proposed for study. It tells what is the role of the Sun in maintaining life on planet Earth, in the passage of those processes that we observe. Students will receive...

Presentation The influence of the Sun on the life of the Earth

The presentation contains material on the influence of the Sun on life that exists on Earth. The topic is studied in a lesson in grade 11 (physics or astronomy), for which it is recommended to download the manual made by the student. Since ancient times, man has been observing the Sun and drawing conclusions about how it can affect those life processes, which...

Presentation Structure and evolution of the Universe

The presentation will allow schoolchildren to learn a lot about the structure and evolution of the Universe. You can download the manual for a lesson in grade 11 on the subject of astronomy. You can see the beauty of the Milky Way, learn its history, get acquainted with the stars of the Galaxy by studying the electronic resource presented on 28 slides rich in texts and illustrations: Milky Way;...

Astronomy presentation templates and background

We offer to download a clean template for a presentation on astronomy, which can be used by students or teachers for design own work. The manual contains only 2 slides. However, their number can be increased if you use the "Add Slide" function. The background of the presented slides is unusual. The blue color symbolizes the sky. In the upper right corner, the constellation Ursa Major is distinguished, ...

Presentation Ukrainian cosmonauts in space

The presentation introduces schoolchildren to those famous Ukrainian cosmonauts who mastered outer space and thereby invested their contribution to space exploration. You can download the material for the conduct of astronomy lessons in Ukrainian schools or to accompany class hours on the eve of Cosmonautics Day. The development is done on 22 slides. Her texts are written in Ukrainian....

Presentation Double stars

The presentation will introduce schoolchildren to such an unusual unique natural phenomenon as double stars. Not many have studied this topic on their own, so the material will be considered with interest in the lessons of astronomy or physics. The manual is filled with material, which is located on 27 slides. There are enough of them so that students in grade 11 figured out that ...

Presentation The physical nature of stars

The presentation will help tell 11th grade students about the physical nature of stars. Thematic illustrations and small texts will reveal the topic completely. The astronomy lesson will be interesting and understandable, so we recommend downloading the manual to anyone who wants to add some zest to the lesson and immerse their students in the secrets of the starry world, talking about it not boringly and...

Presentation Spatial velocities of stars

The presentation is filled with entertaining blocks and thematic information about the spatial velocities of stars, in addition, it contains many additional tasks for organizing independent work by schoolchildren in an astronomy lesson in grade 11. The effectiveness of the lesson will be even greater, since on many slides there is an additional opportunity to demonstrate dynamic models. Animation perfect in the work that...

Life and Mind in the Universe - Presentation

The presentation tells about the origin of life and intelligence in the Universe many millennia ago. These are very complex processes. They are not only difficult to understand for students, but also difficult to explain to a teacher who will teach an astronomy lesson in grade 11. This manual will help to explain this topic more clearly. 7 slides contain wonderful material, ...

Planet Neptune - presentation

A presentation about the planet Neptune can be downloaded by teachers and students who will consider this celestial body in an astronomy or physics lesson. The work on 6 slides provides interesting information that will certainly be appreciated by each viewer when studying the topic. The author of the electronic resource is a 8th grade student. In his project, he...

Constellation Presentation

The presentation will be useful when introducing grade 11 students to the main constellations of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In total, the work provides information on 15 celestial objects: Andromeda; Cepheus; The Dragon; hounds; Perseus; Cassiopeia; Orion; Indian and Bird of Paradise; Eagle; Dolphin; Arrow; Centaurus; Pegasus; standard-bearer; Sail. A test is given about each constellation ...

Celestial sphere - presentation

The presentation gives an idea of ​​what the celestial sphere and its elements are. The material is selected taking into account the astronomy program for grade 11. The slides contain drawings explaining such complex concepts as declination, right ascension. To check the assimilation of the topic, students are given questions that they can answer if they carefully studied ...

Presentation Planet Uranus

A presentation on the topic "Uranus" will tell grade 11 students about that huge planet, which is a huge gas giant. The work describes in detail and illustrated in the diagrams what this blue object of celestial space is, located seventh in a row from the Sun. On 15 slides, as if in a blue sky dotted with numerous constellations,...

Signs of the Zodiac - presentation

The presentation introduces children to all 12 signs of the Zodiac. The resource will be interesting and useful not only for an astronomy lesson, but also for self-study. This amazing manual can be studied with interest by both high school students in grades 10-11, and the most inquisitive students in elementary or middle school. In work...

Presentation Our Galaxy

The presentation is an indispensable tool for studying the topic in an astronomy lesson in grade 11. The paper deals with our Galaxy, which the author presented not only with informational texts, but also with numerous illustrations. Teachers teaching this discipline in high school (grades 9 - 11) can download the work for free. 23 slides provide material for...

The structure and evolution of the universe - presentation

The presentation made by Nastya Kirillova on the topic “The Structure and Evolution of the Universe” presents thematic material for grade 11. school teachers will use the resource electronic manual as a visual aid in an astronomy or physics lesson in high school. Students who are interested in this issue can view the slides in their free time at home if you download the manual to your computer....

Planet Earth - presentation

The presentation for the astronomy lesson in grade 11 this time will not be devoted to the study of some distant celestial objects. Everything is much simpler, and therefore more interesting. Schoolchildren will get acquainted with their native and close planet Earth, and there will also be an opportunity to learn about its origin in this lesson, but for this the teacher ...

Presentation Metagalaxy

The presentation will tell about the Metagalaxy, which is still being studied by astronomers and astronauts, but remains shrouded in mysteries, which are not so easy to unravel because of the distances to those objects that are of great interest. The resource will arouse interest among high school students. His material will be clear to them. Schemes and illustrations will allow you to penetrate deeper into the topic, ...

What does astronomy study - presentation

The presentation was made to help the teacher who is to conduct a lesson on the topic "What astronomy studies." The material can be downloaded for an introductory lesson in 5th - 11th grade in physics or on a thematic elective. The story should begin with the fact that the science of celestial bodies opens its doors and shares secrets with ...

Presentation Galaxy

The presentation will accompany the lesson in the 11th grade on the topic "Galaxy". Download free manual on 11 slides can teachers of physics (astronomy) working with high school students. What are star systems located at a great distance from us, everyone wants to know. Schoolchildren will have the opportunity to study the galaxies M82, NGC 6745, NGC 3314, NGC 1410, ...

Presentation History of Astronomy

The presentation will allow those who want to study the history of the development of astronomy to look back several centuries. This science is actively developing at the present time, but not many people know that it arose in antiquity, when there were no telescopes and outer space with the help of modern systems satellites were not mastered. And as it was, you can ...

Celestial coordinates and sphere - presentation

The presentation will introduce students to what the celestial sphere is and how celestial coordinates are determined. The material will be widely used not only in astronomy lessons in grade 11, but also in geography or physics. Here, schoolchildren will also get acquainted with star maps along the way. Having opened the first slide, the viewer will immediately be able to find the definition, ...


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