Responsibilities of the adjuster. Responsibilities of the equipment adjuster. Current moments of work


This production instruction for an adjuster of technological equipment was developed on the basis of the Unified tariff and qualification reference book (ETKS N 20, part 1), Interindustry rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations POT R M-016-2001.


1.1. Technological equipment adjuster is a worker and reports directly to the foreman (head of the structural unit).

1.2. The installer of technological equipment must fulfill his duties in accordance with the requirements of this Instruction.

1.3. A person with secondary education and appropriate training in the specialty is appointed to the position of a technological equipment adjuster.

1.4. A technician of technological equipment should know:

kinematic, electrical, vacuum and gas circuits of complex equipment;

arrangement of equipment with electronic and mechanical circuits and communication circuits in the serviced area, the rules for setting up and checking the accuracy of various models of main and auxiliary equipment;

configuration and interaction of equipment nodes;

rules for setting and regulating instrumentation and instruments;

calculation methods for mechanical transmissions;

theoretical foundations of mechanics, electrical, radio and heat engineering;

labor protection and fire safety rules;

internal labor regulations;

rules for using personal protective equipment.

1.5. An adjuster of technological equipment is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.6. To work as an adjuster of technological equipment, persons are allowed at least 18 years old who have passed a medical examination, theoretical and practical training, a test of knowledge of labor safety requirements in the prescribed manner and who have received admission to independent work.

1.7. The technician of the technological equipment is provided with overalls and footwear in accordance with the current standards.

1.8. An adjuster of technological equipment must know and strictly observe the requirements for labor protection, fire safety, and industrial sanitation.

1.9. Technological equipment adjuster must:

comply with the internal labor regulations and the established work and rest schedule;

to perform work that is part of his duties or assigned by the administration, provided that he is trained in the rules for the safe performance of this work;

apply safe work practices;

be able to provide first aid to victims.


Before starting work, a technological equipment adjuster is obliged to:

2.1. Check personal protective equipment by external examination and put on overalls, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the types of work.

2.2. Check your workplace: the presence of uniform lighting, no obstruction by foreign objects.

2.3. Check technological equipment:

the equipment must be provided with protective devices (screens), covers, safety devices;

check the presence and serviceability of fences, as well as grounding and grounding of technological equipment.

2.4. Check the availability of the necessary tools, devices, their serviceability.

2.5. Position the tool in the workplace with maximum ease of use, avoiding unnecessary items in the work area.

2.6. Check for a first aid kit.

2.7. During work, a technician of technological equipment must:

work in the presence and serviceability of fences, interlocks and other devices that ensure labor safety, with sufficient illumination;

perform work with serviceable tools and devices;

when servicing and repairing machine tools and equipment, it is allowed to use metal ladders;

ladders with a height of 1.3 m must be equipped with an emphasis;

monitor the health of the equipment;

when leaving the workplace, the equipment must be stopped and de-energized;

to start the machine, machine in the absence of workers in the area of \u200b\u200bthe machines;

repair work on electrical installations, routine inspection, repairs to be carried out with the fuses removed (voltage);

after carrying out the necessary shutdowns on the switching equipment (automatic machine, knife switch, switch) disconnected during the preparation of the workplace, posters should be posted: "Do not turn on - people work!", and those disabled for admission to work on overhead lines and cable lines - posters: "Do not turn on - work on the line! ";

use a hand tool with insulating handles (pliers, pliers, nippers, screwdrivers), the dielectric coating should not be damaged and fit snugly against the handle;

elimination of damage and repairs on the equipment must be carried out when the voltage is completely removed from the equipment;

portable power tools (soldering iron, step-down transformer) must be tested and have an inventory number, systematically and timely checked and repaired.

2.8. The adjuster of technological equipment is prohibited in the process of work:

adjust technological equipment from boxes and other foreign objects;

adjust the technological equipment during its operation;

adjust technological equipment in the presence of voltage on the equipment;

use local lighting with voltage above 42 V;

perform work without the use of personal protective equipment;

to work with faulty devices, tools and devices;

leave keys, fixtures and other tools on the running machine.

2.9. Technological equipment adjuster at the end of the working day must:

disconnect equipment from the network;

tidy up the workplace;

remove tools and accessories to the designated place;

used cleaning materials must be removed in special boxes;

put the overalls in the closet.


Technological equipment adjuster is responsible for:

3.1. Timely and high-quality implementation of the duties assigned to him.

3.2. Organization of their work, timely and qualified execution of orders, orders and instructions of the management, regulatory legal acts for their activities.

3.3. Compliance with internal regulations, fire safety and Traffic regulations of the Russian Federation.

3.4. Maintenance of documentation provided for by the current regulatory legal acts.

3.5. Prompt adoption of measures, including timely notification of the management, to eliminate violations of safety, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the institution, its employees and other persons.

3.6. For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory legal acts, a technician of technological equipment may be brought to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.


Technological equipment adjuster has the right:

4.1. Receive from the employees of the enterprise information necessary for the implementation of their activities.

4.2. Use information materials and regulatory documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

4.3. To pass certification in accordance with the established procedure with the right to receive the corresponding qualification category.

4.4. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the issues of their activities and the activities of employees subordinate to him.

4.5. Interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in its functional responsibilities.

4.6. Enjoy all labor rights in accordance with Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


5.1. An employee is familiarized with this instruction when hiring (transferring) to work in the profession for which the instruction has been developed.

5.2. The fact of familiarization of the employee with this instruction is confirmed by a signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of the instruction kept by the employer.

Developed by:

Head of the structural unit:

(surname, initials) (signature)

"___" ________ ____


Head (specialist) of the labor protection service:

(initials, surname) (signature)

"___" ________ ___


Head (legal adviser) of the legal service:

(initials, surname) (signature)

"___" ________ ___


Head (specialist) of the personnel management service:

(initials, surname) (signature)

"___" ________ ___

I have read the instructions:

(initials, surname) (signature)

Unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers (ETKS), 2019
Issue No. 20 ETKS
The issue was approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 01.21.2000 N 5
(as amended by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.09.2001 N 67)

Installer of test equipment

§ 48. Adjuster-installer of testing equipment of the 3rd category

Description of works... Adjustment and regulation of simple radio-electronic units of test equipment. Installation of individual nodes, connections, devices and blocks of medium complexity according to the wiring diagram with full termination of conductors and connections. Cutting of multi-wire armored cables in rubber braid with termination of the ends into strips. Making all kinds of harnesses from wires of various brands according to templates. Unsoldering simple circuits of repaired devices with installation and soldering of replaceable parts and assemblies. Electrical and mechanical adjustment and regulation, inspection and testing of electrical measuring equipment of medium complexity, as well as balancing the moving system of devices. Regulation of the main power supplies. Identification and elimination of mechanical and electrical faults during adjustment and testing. Identification of defects in mounted circuits and their elimination. Testing and ringing of mounted circuits with electrical measuring devices, finding defects and their elimination. Testing resistance and insulation of conductors. Establishing the sequence of installation of circuits.

Must know: ways to identify faults; installation of simple radio-electronic units and operational installation of complex products with conductors of various cross-sections; the principle of operation of the mounted mechanisms and devices; Symbols of devices and units in the wiring diagram in general form; assembly and circuit diagrams of medium complexity; basic information on electrical engineering of alternating and direct currents within the work performed; mechanical and electrical properties of conductors and insulating materials used during installation; the purpose and device of measuring and electrical measuring instruments used to check the polarity, breaks and short circuits in the mounted circuit; methods of including the mounted elements in the control and test network; methods of adjusting the used measuring equipment; methods of mechanical and electrical adjustment of electrical measuring equipment of medium complexity; rules of use and their connection to regulated devices and devices; requirements for installation and soldering.

Work examples

1. Power supplies for klystrons, pumping stations, stand for measuring electrical parameters of TWT, amplifiers for pulse shaping, etc. - installation, repair, adjustment.

2. Amplification unit of the magnetic induction meter - installation.

3. Capacitor banks - tuning and electrical regulation.

4. Full-wave rectifiers - installation and testing.

5. Low-frequency generators GZ-3b, GZ-33, GCH-31 - replacement of lamps and semiconductor devices; finding and eliminating faults in the generator block.

6. Sound generators - step by step electrical check and regulation.

7. Voltage divider resistive-capacitive for pulse signals of microsecond and millisecond duration - installation and adjustment.

8. Computer-based measuring systems - daily maintenance.

9. Electromechanical meters - operational regulation.

10. Power supplies of all types, sound generators, thermoionization vacuum gauges, lamp voltmeters - repair and regulation.

11. Heat chambers DR-164 - setting the thermal regime; regulation of the fan drive unit; replacement of the heater.

12. Electrical measuring mechanisms of classes 1 - 2, 5 - balancing.

13. Non-standard devices for measuring R, L, C - setting.

14. Oscilloscopes - easy repair, setup.

15. Test equipment for OS, fuel assemblies, power transformers and chokes - maintenance; elimination of minor faults and control of parameters.

16. Test equipment - checking of electrical circuits, test connectors; repair of RSh type connectors.

17. Printed boards (modules) - wiring microcircuits, checking their functioning; identification of faulty elements and their replacement.

18. Electrical measuring instruments - check with the connection of the reference stand; change of electrical measuring instruments; magnetization and magnetization reversal of magnets.

19. Devices of the thermoelectric system, power supplies of all types, sound generators, thermoionization vacuum gauges, lamp voltmeters - repair and regulation.

20. Attachments to the tracer - installation and commissioning.

21. Potentiometer - installation.

22. Relays of circuits of high-frequency transmitting devices - electrical regulation.

23. Special equipment - regulation of units and blocks.

24. Measuring stand blocking system - check and installation.

25. Bridge circuits for measuring R, L, C - setting.

26. Test benches - assembly of individual units and blocks, verification, adjustment.

27. Installation of pollution control UZK-1 - adjustment of management and repair of an electronic account.

28. Installation for measuring the volt-capacitive characteristics of ZhKM 346.001 - adjustment and regulation of the comparator and the threshold discriminator.

29. Installation of piercing by periodic impulses - repair, adjustment.

30. Installation of tests of static parameters - repair of cathode, grid and anode circuits.

31. Installation impulse magnetizing - adjustment.

32. Switching circuits - repair, prevention, replacement of relays, keys, toggle switches, installation equipment.

33. Electric motors - collector cleaning, lubrication, engine change; connection to installation and running.

§ 49. Adjuster-installer of test equipment of the 4th category

Description of works... Adjustment and regulation of radio-electronic units of test equipment of medium complexity. Establishment of the optimum permissible operating modes of equipment and monitoring their stability. Finding damage in inter-unit connections and elements of the microwave path of measuring stands. Installation of equipment of medium complexity according to the wiring diagram and simple experimental devices according to the principle diagram with the implementation of various assembly, termination and cable works. Manufacturing for experimental devices and devices of circuits from various conductors, cables, buses and testing them with various electrical measuring devices. Unsoldering and sealing of devices, blocks, assemblies, diagrams and production of templates for knitting diagrams according to basic and wiring diagrams. Drawing up wiring diagrams and artificial lines. Cutting and soldering of all kinds of conductors, cables and buses. Simple calculations of resistances in various links of a circuit, testing resistances and insulation of conductors. Electrical and mechanical regulation, testing, checking of complex electrical measuring equipment. Identification of various installation problems, finding places of damage and eliminating them by replacing nodes and parts of the circuit, followed by checking under current. Measurement of electrical characteristics in accordance with the control and measurement instructions.

Must know: methods of detecting typical malfunctions of test equipment and installation of electronic equipment; wiring and schematic diagrams of group connections of devices and devices included in the wiring diagram; rules for connecting circuits, installing parts and devices, the sequence of their inclusion in the general scheme; technological and electrical properties of various conductive and insulating materials used during installation; principle of operation and purpose of instrumentation and auxiliary equipment (avometer, generators, voltmeters, oscilloscope, etc.); purpose and application of the assembly tool; power supply connection diagram when assembling circuits; fundamentals of electrical engineering, radio engineering, pulse engineering; device and principle of operation of the tested circuit; methods of checking micromodules by maps of resistances, voltages, electrical parameters.

Work examples

1. Automatic devices (type U-701, U-705, U-706, UPS, PRS, GP-5) - regulation by electrical parameters.

2. Automatic metering of statistical parameters 261.0061 - regulation of the unit for supplying diodes to the contact pads; repair of threshold devices.

3. Automatic machines for packing microcircuits into loading boards - repair and adjustment.

4. Automatic classification 2.650.050 / 09 - regulation of the mechanism for feeding devices to the contacting devices; repair and adjustment of the measuring channel.

5. Ammeters, voltmeters - regulation and testing.

6. Heating power supply with voltage stabilization - assembly and testing.

7. Relay and control blocks - installation.

8. Blocks of control relays for high-voltage rectifiers with power up to 50 W - installation and commissioning.

9. Scanners for testing cathode ray tubes - medium repair.

10. Block of lamp microammeter - installation, adjustment.

11. Stationary double-band quartz generators powered by rectifiers - electrical regulation.

12. Sawtooth voltage generator - setting.

13. Mode dials for integrated microcircuits and micromodules - installation, commissioning.

14. Impulse sensors, indicators and heading meters - regulation.

15. Frequency divider on logic elements or triggers of integral performance - installation and adjustment.

16. Power supplies based on the principle of using saturation chokes - installation and commissioning.

17. High-voltage stabilized power supplies - repair.

18. Chamber of climatic contactless regulation - adjustment and repair.

19. Heat chambers 12 KTS, KTS-M - repair and adjustment.

20. Calibrators of lamp voltmeters V6-1, V1-4 and lamp voltmeters of type V3-24 - repair and adjustment of the alternating voltage generator unit.

21. Thermal cycling chambers КТЦ-0,025 - adjustment of temperature regimes and repair of electrical circuit.

22. Semi-automatic coercimeter - setting.

23. A ruler for assembly and adjustment of reversible periodic systems - adjustment.

24. Time mechanisms, software, arresting - regulation.

25. Equipment for tuning semiconductor devices - adjustment and regulation.

26. Assembly and welding equipment (relay blocks, resistance boxes, current regulators and starting devices) - adjustment.

27. Equipment for carrying out ETT, including USTT - 0.25 s. thermal satellites 1609 - repair, adjustment.

28. Printed circuit boards "Elektronika-100", signaling register, analog signal converter, switching register, indication blocks, fixing switching levels, logarithmic current converter, sweep generator - simple repair, regulation, adjustment, installation.

29. Devices of a magnetoelectric system of class 0.2 - 1.5, combined devices of the "C" and "TT" type, bridges and resistance boxes, general-purpose amplifiers - repair, adjustment, adjustment.

30. High-frequency switches of various types, waveguide and coaxial couplers, thermistor heads and ballomers - check and regulation.

31. Measuring receiver - repair.

32. Devices with a Hall sensor - installation and commissioning.

33. Measuring systems such as digital voltmeter, digital printing device, puncher, comparator and code converter - installation and adjustment.

34. Systems for automatic maintenance of furnace temperature - repair and adjustment.

35. Electronic stabilizers for direct and alternating current with power up to 300 W - installation, adjustment, repair.

36. Stand for climatic and mechanical tests, current training stands - repair and adjustment.

37. Stand for setting the UNTM / D modes - checking the sources of the right current and reverse voltage; setting the block for setting the temperature; output of the stand to thermal and electrical modes.

38. Stand for panoramic measurement of TWT parameters - repair.

39. Test benches for group tests of OS, fuel assemblies, line scan tube circuits - adjustment, troubleshooting, parameter control.

40. Schemes of simple stabilized power supplies - manufacturing, regulation.

41. Circuits for measuring static parameters, reverse currents - adjustment, repair.

42. Schemes for testing micromodules at extreme temperatures (+70 degrees C and -40 degrees C) - assembly, repair, commissioning.

43. Trigger circuits - adjustment.

44. Thyristor voltage regulators - repair.

45. Installations for measuring reverse currents - repair, adjustment.

46. \u200b\u200bInstallations for measuring parameters of semiconductor devices, testing of transistors for heat and cold resistance, thermal cycling installations - adjustment, repair.

47. Installation for testing semiconductor devices at high and low pressure - preventive maintenance, adjustment.

48. Installation for testing the wettability of the terminals of semiconductor devices with solder POS-40, POS-60 - adjustment, preventive repair.

49. Installations for tightness control "dry method" UKGE - repair, adjustment.

50. Vibration, shock, assembly installations - repair, adjustment.

51. Settings for measuring the switching charge TTL-490 - setting calibration by reference capacitors and regulation of the long edge of the pulse.

52. Installations for measuring the resistance of the detector at the zero point, capacitance, quality factor - repair, adjustment.

53. Characterograph - adjustment.

54. Digital measuring devices of the type Shch4312, ChZ-30, "I2-19, ChZ-24 - identification and elimination of faults in one of the blocks of counting decades; verification of the logic operation scheme.

55. Electric generator type ZGDA - installation and adjustment.

§ 50. Adjuster-installer of test equipment of the 5th category

Description of works... Adjustment and regulation of radio-electronic units of test equipment and computers of increased complexity. Adjustment of equipment for partial testing of color picture tubes. Installation of large groups of various complexity of radio electronic devices, devices and apparatus included in the general connection diagram. Installation of experimental samples according to sketches and schematic diagrams. Manufacturing without samples of circuits from various conductors, cables, buses and radio components. Testing circuits with various electrical measuring devices. Manufacturing according to the schematic and wiring diagrams of templates for knitting diagrams with the provision of a compact arrangement of conductors and in compliance with the technical requirements for their laying. Drawing up sketches of schematic diagrams based on product samples. Drawing up wiring diagrams and artificial lines. Calculations of resistances in various links of a circuit, testing resistances and insulation of conductors. Electrical and mechanical regulation, inspection, testing of complex electrical equipment. Regulation of pointer devices and devices of various systems and degrees of accuracy. Software troubleshooting on test and measurement equipment. Manufacturing, adjustment of individual boards for radio electronic devices to replace those that have become unusable. Run control programs when commissioning measuring equipment. Control tests and delivery of electronic units with a demonstration of the operation of devices and entire installations according to the general scheme during commissioning. Preventive work on testing and measuring equipment.

Must know: methods for identifying various malfunctions and methods for assembling complex electronic installations, measuring equipment and objects with a large number of incoming devices and devices with independent circuits; all kinds of installation and schematic diagrams of group connections of devices and devices; the purpose of individual devices, units included in the mounted circuit; the principle of operation of various devices and radio tubes included in the mounted circuit; test methods for group connections of devices and devices mounted in a general scheme; rules for setting and adjusting various radio measuring devices, test and measuring equipment, the order and sequence of installation; the purpose and rules for shielding conductors and individual links; fundamentals of electrical engineering, radio engineering and pulse engineering; rules for setting and regulating various electrical measuring instruments.

Work examples

1. Units for measuring electrical parameters of devices - repair, adjustment, performance check.

2. Akulov's anisometer - setting.

3. Automatic machines with complex kinematic and electrical circuits - adjustment and repair.

4. Computer equipment and stationary - regulation of units and blocks.

5. Blocks with electromagnetic, eccentric mechanisms - regulation.

6. Blocks of contactless regulation on thyristor circuits, control and power units for testing for reliability, logical blocks - adjustment, repair, installation.

7. Blocks of high-voltage stabilized power supplies - adjustment.

8. Stabilized rectifiers - adjustment and testing.

9. Vibrating table VU 10/3000 - setting the generator, balancing the dynamic coil of the vibration table; calibration of the bench with the check of frequency and acceleration.

10. Frequency dividers - regulation.

11. Measuring instrument of dynamic parameters - repair and tuning of the high-frequency unit.

12. Measuring systems such as "Viaduct", "Integral" - setting.

13. Passage cameras of the "PK-5003", "PK-5005" type, control units - temperature regulation, adjustment, regulation, repair.

14. Semi-automatic classifier - adjustment, repair.

15. A ruler for assembly and adjustment of periodic focusing systems, slope meters - adjustment.

16. Measuring lines - adjustment, testing, repair.

17. Probe manipulators "Zond-A4", "Zond-A5", "EM-680", "EM-6010", "EM-6020" - check, adjustment, repair.

18. Mechanisms with synchronous and control-tracking devices - regulation.

19. Electronic microscope, mass spectrometers, thermal cycling units, plasma photometers PFM-adjustment.

20. Separate blocks and assemblies that are part of installations or conveyor lines for training and testing the parameters of electric vacuum devices (simulators, sweeps, electronic galvanometers, measuring amplifiers, low-frequency and high-frequency low-power generators, comparators, instruments and automation equipment, etc. ) - installation and commissioning.

21. Measuring devices - optics regulation, thread replacement, balancing.

22. Corrective devices and software devices - regulation; electrolytic bath pantograph - adjustment.

23. Semiautomatic device for contacting and sorting PCRM-2 - adjustment of kinematic and electronic circuits; regulation of matching nodes.

24. Devices containing converters of radiation in voltage, digital register, analog-to-digital converter, unit for automatic change of conversion limits - installation and adjustment.

25. Devices containing scale converters, multipliers, amplitude detectors and analog signal recorders - installation and adjustment.

26. Devices of any complexity, stands of IVIS parameters and durability, IVIS power and ignition devices, devices for high-speed photography - repair, installation, adjustment.

27. Control panels and devices - installation, adjustment, repair.

28. Tracking systems, special equipment - regulation.

29. Static installations - installation, adjustment.

30. Stand for panoramic measurement of TWT parameters, stands for functional control, functioning units - adjustment, repair, installation, commissioning.

31. Stand of service life UNTIS-1 - adjustment of power supplies and temperature setting unit; regulation of the duration of pulses and generators.

32. Tables assembly and welding, type SSP-2 - repair, installation and adjustment.

33. Line scan circuits (tube and semiconductor) for testing OS and fuel assemblies - installation and adjustment, troubleshooting.

34. Complex circuits and stands for group tests and measurements of the parameters of power transformers and chokes, including those for special purposes - manufacturing, tuning and troubleshooting.

35. Schemes and stands for measuring the electrical characteristics of VIS sources - installation and adjustment.

36. Scheme of automatic control of the heat chamber, circuits for testing special-purpose micromodules - installation, adjustment, repair.

37. Thermal vacuum chambers KHTB-0.16 - setting the chamber for an increased temperature (+125 degrees C) and a negative temperature (-60 degrees C), to work at a rate at reduced pressure.

38. Installation for testing semiconductor devices, microcircuits, installations "Zond-1A" and "Zond-A4" - check, adjustment, repair.

39. Installations for measuring high-frequency parameters of semiconductor devices and microcircuits - check, adjustment, repair.

40. Installations of capacitor welding "Wackwell", "FESD", "MTK-8002", installation of control of test parameters of microcircuits based on the meter "EM-640" - repair and adjustment.

41. Installations, vibration electrodynamic test stands - repair and adjustment.

42. Mechanical shock test installations - adjustment.

43. Nodes functional on integrated circuits such as differential amplifier, analog adder, integrator, voltage-to-frequency converter, register, analog signal comparator - installation and adjustment.

44. Installations for measuring conversion losses, parameters of triodes, installation of impulse training - repair, tuning.

45. Installations (stands) for testing of electrovacuum devices for durability - complex adjustment.

46. \u200b\u200bVoltage and power amplifiers for various purposes, oscillographic amplifiers - installation and commissioning.

47. Installation of tests for durability - complex adjustment.

§ 51. Adjuster-installer of testing equipment of the 6th category

Description of works... Installation, adjustment and regulation of radio-electronic units of test equipment, computers, test equipment for color picture tubes. Installation, adjustment and operation of test signal sensors (monoscopic installations, overhead projectors, cinema projectors, monoprojectors, color stripe generators). Identification and elimination of malfunctions using control tests in programmable pulse generators and voltage sources, counters, registers on a discrete element base and using integrated circuits. Complex commissioning and commissioning of individual complex blocks in measuring systems. Full check and delivery to the inspector of electrical measuring equipment of any complexity. Calculation of electrical circuits to determine the parameters of the radio components of the mounted circuits. Control tests of assembled units and radio installations during commissioning.

Must know: methods for detecting malfunctions in electronic units of complex test equipment and computers; methods for assembling electronic blocks, samples of apparatus and devices according to sketches and schematic diagrams; calculation of circuits and power supplies; laws of building all kinds of assembly and schematic diagrams; purpose and practical application of measuring instruments and devices; the principle of fault detection of electrical parameters and waveforms; forms and parameters of signals in radio-electronic equipment; the effect of interference on the shape and parameters of signals; technical conditions and requirements for the installation of equipment and instruments.

Secondary vocational education is required.

Work examples

1. Analyzers, information-measuring systems installation, adjustment.

2. Units for measuring power in the VHF range, functional units of computers - repair, adjustment.

3. Blocks of breakdown counters - installation, adjustment.

4. Rectifiers high-frequency, high-voltage stabilized with a voltage of 60,000 V - adjustment.

5. Oscillators quantum optical microwave type - adjustment and repair.

6. Complexes and measuring lines (such as "Integral", Elikon, "Viaduct", etc.) - adjustment, calibration, testing, repair.

7. Modulators of all types - repair and adjustment.

8. Model electric grid type MSM - setting.

9. Pumping stations with program control - adjustment.

10. Instruments for measuring electrical characteristics of gas-discharge laser pumping lamps - installation and adjustment.

11. Devices of the electrostatic system (C), digital, type Sch-1413, candle meters, photometers - repair, calibration, regulation.

12. Stand for dynamic testing of high-power pulse TWT - installation, adjustment, repair.

13. Circuits for measuring impulse parameters, for checking the operation of installations - adjustment.

14. Complex circuits and stands for measuring the electrical and light characteristics of VIS sources - installation, commissioning.

15. Complex circuits and stands for group tests and measurements of electrical parameters of OS, fuel assemblies and micromodules of all standard types, including special-purpose ones - adjustment, control over their operation, repair.

16. Circuits for checking electrical parameters and testing under various environmental conditions - installation, regulation, adjustment.

17. Amplifiers of high and low frequency, intermediate frequency (multistage), amplifiers of direct current (multistage) - installation, adjustment and regulation.

18. Installations for measuring noise of high-frequency diodes - installation and adjustment.

19. Amplifiers, generators, highly stable power supplies, automatic circuits - installation, regulation, tuning.

20. Amplifying devices with an output power of 3 kW and more - adjustment, repair.

21. Installations for automatic recording of hysteresis loops, magnetic field topography of complex magnetic systems - installation and commissioning.

22. Installations for dynamic and climatic tests of generator pulse and stroboscopic lamps - repair and adjustment.

23. Installations for measuring static and dynamic parameters of electrovacuum devices, for measuring pulse parameters of semiconductor devices and microcircuits - adjustment, calibration, testing, repair.

24. Installations for thermocompression welding EM-424A., MS-41P2, argon-arc welding of the URS-3 type - repair and adjustment.

25. Potentiometric installations of the U-302, U-309 type, potentiometers P-307, P2 / 1; galvanometers; pulse multichannel generators; high-speed oscilloscopes with a bandwidth above 25 MHz; storage oscilloscopes; instruments for measuring time and frequency - repair, adjustment, adjustment, installation.

26. Automatic and semi-automatic installations for measuring static and dynamic parameters of reed switches, integrated microcircuits, semiconductor hybrid microwave circuits - repair and adjustment.

27. Installations for dynamic and climatic tests of reed switches - repair and adjustment.

28. Installations for measuring the noise of reed switches - installation and commissioning.

29. Electron beam argon purification plants - adjustment.

30. Digital photometers, radiometers, spectroradiometers - installation and adjustment.

31. Centrifuge - repair and adjustment of control circuits.

32. Electric hydrogen furnaces of the IO570020, AZ6023 type - adjustment.

§ 52. Adjuster-installer of testing equipment of the 7th category

Description of works... Installation, commissioning and regulation of radio-electronic units of test equipment and computers of increased complexity and automation devices on a radio-electronic base with subsequent repair and adjustment. Installation, adjustment, testing, repair and commissioning of industrial automation circuits, telemechanics, communications, control circuits of contact, relay, electromagnetic, ionic and semiconductor electric drives. Diagnostics of equipment control systems using special test programs and stands using computer technology. Preparation of test and adjustment of technological programs for control and measurement and special technological equipment. Analysis and systematization of failures in the operation of technological equipment.

Must know: methods for detecting malfunctions in electronic units of complex test equipment and computers; methods of mounting experimental samples of apparatus and devices according to sketches and schematic diagrams; laws of construction and calculation of assembly and schematic diagrams; calculation of electrical circuits to determine the parameters of radio components of mounted circuits; methods of drawing up and adjusting technological and test programs; organization of a set of works on adjustment and troubleshooting of devices and computer systems; device and diagnostics of unique measuring and control systems and complexes.

Secondary vocational education is required.

Work examples

1. Blocks of equipment for measuring non-electrical quantities by electrical methods (meters of pressure, acceleration, temperature, geometric dimensions; defectoscopes, etc.) - installation, adjustment, repair.

2. Units of industrial automation, telemechanics and communications (on a radio-electronic base) - repair, adjustment.

3. Units of deploying devices (non-standard) - repair, adjustment.

4. High frequency generators (sinusoidal, pulse), quantum optical with automatic control units - repair, adjustment, frequency adjustment.

5. Complexes of complex automatic and semi-automatic equipment of various systems - troubleshooting, repair, adjustment.

6. Subblocks of algorithms for automatic thermal protection of an X-ray tube, subblocks of television signal processing (SOTS) - repair and adjustment.

7. Schemes for testing electrovacuum products and control of electrical parameters, including those with climatic chambers - installation, repair, commissioning.

8. Schemes and stands for measuring electrical parameters and characteristics of electro-optical devices - setting and monitoring their operation, repair.

9. Units for automated application of phosphor on image intensifier screens - adjustment, repair.

§ 53. Adjuster-installer of testing equipment of the 8th category

Description of works... Installation, commissioning, regulation and commissioning of complex control systems, equipment based on microprocessor technology with the implementation of all types of restoration and repair work of elements of these systems, programmable controllers, micro- and mini-computers and other computer equipment. Installation and commissioning of equipment for testing color kinescopes using pulse stabilizers and special scanning devices. Installation, adjustment and operation of samples of unique domestic and foreign equipment with automatic control of technological processes, with electronic circuits. Participation in the development of non-standard test equipment, assembly of units and testing them for performance.

Must know: methods for detecting malfunctions in radio-electronic unique domestic and foreign equipment; methods of building control systems based on microprocessor technology, functional and structural diagrams of micro- and mini-computers; a methodology for tuning control systems in order to obtain the specified characteristics of devices and instruments of converting technology; programming and repair methods for computer-based equipment.

Secondary vocational education is required.

Work examples

1. Scanners of information display devices, monitors, mini- and micro-computers and other control systems - adjustment, installation, regulation.

2. Complex blocks based on LSI - repair and adjustment.

3. Complexes measuring with control computers (such as "Ikomat-110", "Ikomat-115", "Viking", etc.) - adjustment, repair, diagnostics.

4. Control and measuring systems and devices with microprocessor control - installation, adjustment, regulation, diagnostics.

5. Conveyor lines and installations for the manufacture of products for electrovacuum and semiconductor production, equipped with program control and automatic systems for maintaining the set parameters - repair, adjustment.

6. Schemes of experimental measuring devices and complexes - installation, adjustment, repair.

7. Installations for the deposition of thin films of the "Leibold" type, vacuum processing and production of an EOP photocathode, magnetic deposition of contact layers - repair, adjustment.

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for an equipment adjuster in the production of building materials, a sample of 2019. A person with primary or secondary vocational education, special training and work experience can be appointed to this position. Do not forget that each instruction of an equipment adjuster in the production of building materials is handed out against a receipt.

Typical information on the knowledge that an equipment adjuster should have in the production of building materials is presented on. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is included in the huge library of our site, which is updated daily.

1. General Provisions

1. The fitter of equipment in the production of building materials belongs to the category of workers.

2. A person with secondary vocational education or primary vocational education and special training and work experience of ____ years is accepted for the position of an equipment adjuster in the production of building materials.

3. An adjuster of equipment in the production of building materials is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization on the proposal of ________.

4. An equipment adjuster in the production of building materials should know:

a) special (professional) knowledge by position:

- the device of pipe-cutting and pipe-turning machines for the processing of asbestos-cement pipes and couplings, the rules for their adjustment;

- arrangement of hydraulic presses and the rules for adjusting them to different modes of pressing;

- standards (technical conditions) for manufactured products;

- allowable sizes of tool wear;

- device and methods of adjustment of the serviced equipment;

- rules for disassembly and assembly of all units of serviced mechanisms;

- lubrication system of the serviced equipment; device used working and measuring tools;

- rules of technical operation, electrical circuits of the serviced equipment and instrumentation;

- service life of individual parts and the procedure for their replacement;

b) general knowledge of an employee of the organization:

- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection,

- rules for using personal protective equipment;

- the requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, for the rational organization of work in the workplace;

- types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it;

- industrial signaling.

5. In his activity, an equipment adjuster in the production of building materials is guided by:

- RF legislation,

- the Charter of the organization,

- orders and orders of the director of the organization,

- this job description,

- The internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The adjuster of equipment in the production of building materials reports directly to the ___________ worker with higher qualifications, the head of production (section, workshop) and the director of the organization

7. During the absence of the equipment adjuster in the production of building materials (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization on the recommendation of ________ in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, obligations and is responsible for the execution of those assigned to him responsibilities.

2. Responsibilities of the adjuster of equipment in the production of building materials

The duties of an equipment adjuster in the production of building materials are:

a) Special (professional) job responsibilities:

- Adjustment of semi-automatic pipe-cutting, coupling-cutting and pipe-turning machines.

- Change of cutting tools and installation of rollers on pipe cutting machines.

- Adjustment of hydraulic presses with a capacity of up to 5000 tons for different modes of pressing in relation to the requirements of the pressed products and their production technology.

- Adjustment, regulation and maintenance of uninterrupted operation of technological, power and transport equipment of open pits, drying and firing workshops, clay and cement-sand tiles, expanded clay gravel, aggloporite, lime and gypsum, and mass collection departments of silicate brick factories.

- Change of worn parts and assemblies of mechanisms.

- Manufacturing and replacement of small spare parts.

- Elimination of malfunctions in the operation of mechanisms.

- Lubrication of rubbing parts of mechanisms.

- Participation in the repair and acceptance of the serviced equipment after repair.

- Maintenance of equipment operation log.

- Adjustment and maintenance of uninterrupted operation of unloading machines, transporting devices, crushing and sorting, grinding and concrete mixing units, dosing devices and apparatuses, procurement and reinforcement equipment.

- Monitoring and control of the mechanisms, adjustment and regulation of their operation.

- Preliminary preparation and replacement of worn parts and assemblies.

- Instructing the maintenance personnel on the maintenance and operation of the equipment.

- Adjustment and maintenance of smooth operation of pumps, circular saws, drilling machines and other similar equipment.

- Installation, tension and fastening of the saws into the frame of the stone sawing machines.

b) General job responsibilities of an employee of the organization:

- Compliance with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations of the organization, internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

- Fulfillment of the orders of employees within the framework of the employment contract, by whom it was repaired according to this instruction.

- Performing work on acceptance and delivery of a shift, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning of the workplace, devices, tools, as well as keeping them in proper condition.

- Maintaining the established technical documentation.

3. The rights of an equipment adjuster in the production of building materials

The adjuster of equipment in the production of building materials has the right:

1. Submit proposals to the management:

- to improve the work related to the obligations provided for by this instruction,

- on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility of employees who have violated production and labor discipline.

2. To request from the structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his duties.

3. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management concerning its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the equipment adjuster in the production of building materials

The fitter of equipment in the production of building materials is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description of an equipment adjuster in the production of building materials is a sample of 2019. Responsibilities of an equipment adjuster in the production of building materials, the rights of an equipment adjuster in the production of building materials, the responsibility of an equipment adjuster in the production of building materials.

1. An equipment adjuster in the production of building materials of the 4th category belongs to the category of workers.

2. A person with secondary vocational education or primary vocational education and special training and work experience of one year or more is accepted for the position of an equipment adjuster in the production of construction materials of the 4th category.

3. An adjuster of equipment in the production of building materials of the 4th grade is accepted for the position and dismissed by the director of the organization upon the proposal

4. The adjuster of equipment in the production of building materials of the 4th category should know:

a) special (professional) knowledge by position:

Construction of pipe-cutting and pipe-turning machines for processing asbestos-cement pipes and couplings, rules for their adjustment;

The device of hydraulic presses and the rules for their adjustment to different modes of pressing;

Standards (technical conditions) for manufactured products;

Permissible dimensions of tool wear;

Device and methods of setting up the serviced equipment;

Disassembly and assembly rules for all units of serviced mechanisms;

Lubrication system of the serviced equipment; device used working and measuring tools;

Rules of technical operation, electrical circuit of serviced equipment and instrumentation;

The service life of individual parts and the procedure for their replacement;

b) general knowledge of an employee of the organization:

Rules and regulations for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection,

Rules for the use of personal protective equipment;

Requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, for the rational organization of work in the workplace;

Types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it;

Industrial signaling.

5. In his activities, the equipment adjuster in the production of building materials of the 4th category is guided by:

RF legislation,

The charter of the organization,

By orders and orders of the director of the organization,

This job description,

The internal labor regulations of the organization,

6. The adjuster of equipment in the production of building materials of the 4th category is directly subordinate to the worker with higher qualifications, the head of production (site, workshop) and the director of the organization.

7. During the absence of the equipment adjuster in the production of building materials of the 4th category (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization on the presentation in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, obligations and is responsible for the execution the responsibilities assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

The duties of an equipment adjuster in the production of building materials of the 4th grade are:

a) Special (professional) job responsibilities:

Adjustment of semi-automatic pipe-cutting, coupling-cutting and pipe-turning machines.

Change of cutting tools and installation of rollers on pipe cutting machines.

Adjustment of hydraulic presses with a capacity of up to 5000 tons for different pressing modes in relation to the requirements of pressed products and their production technology.

Adjustment, regulation and maintenance of uninterrupted operation of technological, power and transport equipment in open pits, drying and firing workshops, clay and cement-sand tiles, expanded clay gravel, aggloporite, lime and gypsum and mass preparation departments of silicate brick factories.

Change of worn parts and assemblies of mechanisms.

Manufacturing and replacement of small spare parts.

Elimination of malfunctions in the operation of mechanisms.

Lubrication of rubbing parts of mechanisms.

Participation in the repair and acceptance of the serviced equipment after repair.

Equipment operation logging.

Adjustment and maintenance of uninterrupted operation of unloading machines, transporting devices, crushing and screening, grinding and concrete mixing units, dosing devices and devices, procurement and reinforcement equipment.

Monitoring and control of mechanisms, adjustment and regulation of their operation.

Preliminary preparation and replacement of worn parts and assemblies.

Instructing the maintenance personnel on the maintenance and operation of the equipment.

Adjustment and maintenance of smooth operation of pumps, circular saws, drilling machines and other similar equipment.

Installation, tension and securing of saws into the frame of stone sawing machines.

b) General job responsibilities of an employee of the organization:

Compliance with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations of the organization, internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Fulfillment of the orders of employees within the framework of the employment contract, by whom it was repaired according to this instruction.

Execution of work on acceptance and delivery of the shift, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning of the workplace, devices, tools, as well as keeping them in proper condition.

Maintaining the established technical documentation.


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