Electrolysis application. Presentation "Strong and weak electrolytes" presentation of a lesson for an interactive whiteboard in chemistry (grade 9) on the topic Presentation on the use of electrolytes in medicine

"History of Medicine" - Craniotomy. Methods used in studying the history of medicine. Sources of the study of medicine in primitive society. Types of traditional medicine. Reliable coverage of the history of medicine. From the collection of T. Meyer-Steineg. Features of medicine of ancient civilizations. Types of ancient medicine. The oldest written documents.

"Computers in Medicine" - Heart rate generator (driver). Poll results. Examples of computer devices and methods of treatment and diagnosis. Breathing and anesthesia devices. What and how did we learn about the use of computers in medicine? Computer technology is used to teach practical skills to health workers. Based on the symptoms generated by the computer, the trainee must determine the course of treatment.

"Electrolysis of solutions and melts" - Chemistry. Cathode. Insoluble, simple, organic substances, oxides. Electrolytes are complex substances, melts and solutions of which conduct electric current. CuSO4 + Fe \u003d Cu + FeSO4. The process of donating electrons from ions is called oxidation. Avoid splashing electrolyte. Cu2 + is an oxidizing agent. Recovery (accession e).

"Use of resources" - Psychological and pedagogical features of the formation and use of the catalog of educational resources on the Internet. Directions for improving the Catalog 1. An increase in the list of academic disciplines, further gradation into smaller subsections 2. Introduction of additional structuring criteria (for example, combining links to resources by type - simulators, games, etc.), 3. Increasing the number of links to methodological, technological and technical manuals 4. More detailed description of teaching methods using educational resources.

"Laws of electrolysis" - Derivation of the formula. © Stolbov Yu.F., physics teacher, secondary school №156 St. Petersburg 2007. The second law of electrolysis. Electrolytic dissociation - the decomposition of a substance into ions upon dissolution. Output. Electrolysis. m \u003d kq. NaOH? Na ++ OH- HCl? H ++ Cl- CuSO4? Cu2 ++ SO42-. Definitions. k \u003d (1 / F) X F \u003d 96500C / kg X \u003d M / z. M-mass of matter q-transferred charge k-electrochemical equivalent.

"Application of electrolysis" - Application of electrolysis. Conductive. Obtaining chemically pure substances. Non-conductive. A copy of the bas-relief obtained by electroforming. 2. Electroplating. The electrochemical equivalent and the Faraday number are related by the ratio. Does not contain free charged particles (non-dissociating). Electric current in liquids.

English physicist and chemist, one of the founders of electrochemistry At the end of the 18th century, he gained a reputation as a good chemist. In the early years of the 19th century, Davy became interested in studying the effect of electric current on various substances, including molten salts and alkalis.

To protect metals from oxidation, as well as to give products strength and a better appearance, they are covered with a thin layer of precious metals (gold, silver) or low-oxidizing metals (chromium, nickel). The object to be galvanized is thoroughly cleaned, polished and degreased, and then immersed as a cathode in an electroplating bath. The electrolyte is a solution of the metal salt used for the coating. A plate of the same metal serves as the anode. Electroplating Plating metals with a layer of another metal using electrolysis

To give the impression of electrical conductivity, it is covered with graphite dust, immersed in a bath as a cathode, and a layer of metal of the required thickness is obtained on it. Then the wax is removed by heating.To obtain copies from metal objects (coins, medals, bas-reliefs, etc.), casts are made from some plastic material (for example, wax) Obtaining copies from objects using electrolysis Electroforming

Yakobi Boris Semenovich () - Russian physicist and inventor in the field of electrical engineering, developer of the electroforming process in the 19th century

Invented the first electric motor with direct shaft rotation Created a collector for rectifying current Invented telegraph writing apparatus Moved a boat using electrical energy Created instruments for measuring electrical resistance, made a resistance standard, designed a voltmeter

Acid Batteries The active substances of a battery are concentrated in the electrolyte and positive and negative electrodes, and the combination of these substances is called the electrochemical system. In lead-acid storage batteries, the electrolyte is a solution of sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4), the active substance of the positive plates is lead dioxide (PbO 2), the negative plates are lead (Pb)

The relevance of electrolysis is explained by the fact that many substances are obtained in this way. Obtaining inorganic substances (hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, alkalis, etc.). Obtaining metals (lithium, sodium, potassium, beryllium, magnesium, zinc, aluminum, copper, etc.). Cleaning of metals (copper, silver, ...) Obtaining metal alloys Obtaining electroplated coatings Treatment of metal surfaces (nitriding, boriding, electropolishing, cleaning) Obtaining organic substances Electrodialysis and water demineralization Film application using electrophoresis

Links to sources of information and images: I.I. Novoshinsky, N.S. Novoshinskaya Chemistry profile level 10 grade Primenenie-elektroliza.jpg G. Ya. Myakishev, BB Bukhovtsev N.N. Sotsky Physics Grade 10

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The essence of electrolysis Electrolysis is a redox
the process that occurs on the electrodes during the passage
direct electric current through the solution or
melt of electrolytes.
To carry out electrolysis to negative
pole of external DC power supply
connect the cathode, and to the positive pole -
anode, after which they are immersed in an electrolyzer with
solution or molten electrolyte.
The electrodes are usually metal, but
non-metallic are also used, for example graphite

As a result of electrolysis at the electrodes (cathode and
anode) corresponding products are released
reduction and oxidation, which depending
from conditions can react with
solvent, electrode material, etc., - so
called secondary processes.
Metal anodes can be: a)
insoluble or inert (Pt, Au, Ir, graphite
or coal, etc.), during electrolysis they serve only
electron transmitters; b) soluble
(active); they are oxidized during electrolysis.

In solutions and melts of various electrolytes
there are ions of opposite sign, i.e., cations and
anions that are in chaotic motion.
But if in such an electrolyte melt, for example
melt sodium chloride NaCl, lower the electrodes and
pass a constant electric current, then cations
Na + will move to the cathode, and Cl– anions - to the anode.
The process takes place at the cathode of the electrolyzer
reduction of Na + cations by electrons of the external
current source:
Na + + e– \u003d Na0

Chlorine anions are oxidized at the anode,
moreover, the detachment of excess electrons from Cl–
carried out by the energy of an external source
Cl– - e– \u003d Cl0
Released electrically neutral chlorine atoms
connect to each other, forming a molecular
chlorine: Cl + Cl \u003d Cl2, which is released at the anode.
The general equation of electrolysis of chloride melt
2NaCl -\u003e 2Na + + 2Cl– -electrolysis-\u003e 2Na0 +

Redox action
electric current can be many times
stronger than the action of chemical oxidants and
reducing agents. Changing the voltage to
electrodes, you can create almost any strength
oxidizing and reducing agents, which
are the electrodes of the electrolytic bath
or electrolyser.

It is known that none of the strongest chemical
the oxidizing agent cannot take away from the fluoride ion F– its
electron. But this is feasible with electrolysis,
for example, molten salt NaF. In this case, at the cathode
(reducing agent) is released from the ionic state
metallic sodium or calcium:
Na + + e– \u003d Na0
fluorine ion F– is released at the anode (oxidizer),
passing from negative ion to free
F– - e– \u003d F0;
F0 + F0 \u003d F2

Products emitted on the electrodes
can enter into a chemical
interaction, therefore the anodic and cathodic
the space is divided by a diaphragm.

Practical application of electrolysis

Electrochemical processes are widely used in
various fields of modern technology, in
analytical chemistry, biochemistry, etc.
chemical industry by electrolysis
get chlorine and fluorine, alkalis, chlorates and
perchlorates, persulfuric acid and persulfates,
chemically pure hydrogen and oxygen, etc.
some substances are obtained by reduction
at the cathode (aldehydes, paraaminophenol, etc.), others
electrooxidation at the anode (chlorates, perchlorates,
potassium permanganate, etc.).

Electrolysis in hydrometallurgy is one of the
stages of processing metal-containing raw materials,
providing the production of commercial metals.
Electrolysis can be carried out with soluble
anodes - the process of electrorefining or with
insoluble - the process of electro-extraction.
The main task in the electrorefining of metals
is to ensure the required purity of the cathode
metal with acceptable energy costs.

In nonferrous metallurgy, electrolysis is used for
extraction of metals from ores and their purification.
By electrolysis of molten media,
aluminum, magnesium, titanium, zirconium, uranium, beryllium and
For refining (cleaning) metal
plates are cast from it by electrolysis and placed
them as anodes in the electrolyzer. When passing
current, the metal to be cleaned is subjected to
anodic dissolution, i.e. goes into solution in the form
cations. Then these metal cations are discharged to
cathode, due to which a compact deposit is formed
already pure metal. Impurities in the anode
either remain insoluble, or pass into
electrolyte and removed.

Electroplating - a field of applied
electrochemistry dealing with processes
metal coating on
surface of both metal and
non-metallic products when passing
direct electric current through
solutions of their salts. Electroplating
divided into electroplating and

Electroplating (from the Greek. To cover) is an electrodeposition on
metal surface of another metal that is durable
binds (adheres) to the covered metal (object),
serving as the cathode of the electrolyzer.
Before coating the product, its surface must be
thoroughly clean (degrease and pickle), otherwise
case, the metal will be deposited unevenly, and in addition,
adhesion (bond) of the coating metal to the surface of the product
will be fragile. Electroplating can be used to coat
detail with a thin layer of gold or silver, chrome or nickel. FROM
using electrolysis, you can apply the finest
metal coatings on various metal
surfaces. With this method of coating, the part
used as a cathode placed in a salt solution
metal to be coated. As
the anode uses a plate of the same metal.

Electroplating - obtaining by electrolysis
accurate, easily detachable metal copies
relatively considerable thickness with various
non-metallic and metallic objects,
called matrices.
Busts are made using electroplating
statues, etc.
Electroforming is used to apply
relatively thick metal coatings on
other metals (for example, the formation of "overhead"
layer of nickel, silver, gold, etc.).


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