NEP problems and contradictions presentation. History presentation "Soviet country during the NEP" - project, report. The main activities of the NEP

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BLOCK №3. Soviet society in 1922-1941 TOPIC №1. New Economic Policy: Measures, Results. Estimate of the essence and value of NEP

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"War communism" - the economic policy of the Soviet state during the civil war. The main goal: maximum mobilization of all resources to defeat the forces of counter-revolution. The tasks of wartime coincided with the Bolsheviks' ideas of socialism as a commodity-free, marketless, centralized society. Measures of War Communism: Introduction of food appropriation - natural grain duty; The introduction of universal labor service (1919); Centralization of industrial production; Abolition of the market (prohibition of non-state trade) and commodity-money relations; The provision of the population with everything necessary was carried out through the state supply network - cards, rations. Overcentralization of economic management (government administration, Supreme Council of the National Economy).

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The consequences of "war communism": 1) The mobilization of the economy provided the Red Army with ammunition, uniforms, food and created the socio-economic conditions for the victory of the Soviet Republic in the civil war; 2) surplus appropriation led to a reduction in crops, 1920-1921 - famine; 3) the policy of violence led to a "small civil war" in the countryside in 1920-21. - "Antonovshchina" in the Tambov province, on the Don, Kuban. 4) March 1921. - The Kronstadt uprising is the "last straw".

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March 1921 At the X Congress of the RCP (b), the introduction of the New Economic Policy (NEP) was announced. The NEP included a number of measures: replacement of the surplus appropriation by a smaller tax in kind; allowing free trade in agricultural products; denationalization of small and medium-sized industries while maintaining the so-called commanding heights (metallurgy, transport, fuel industry, oil production, etc.); the unification of large enterprises into trusts operating on a cost-accounting basis and subordinate to the Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKh); abolition of labor service and labor mobilization, introduction of wages at tariffs, taking into account the quantity and quality of products; allowing the freedom of private capital in industry, agriculture, trade, services (with restrictions), encouraging cooperation; admission of foreign capital (concessions, leases); reconstruction of banking and tax systems; carrying out monetary reform on the basis of limiting emissions, ousting Soviet signs and introducing a stable currency - the chervonets (Sokolnikov's monetary reform 1921-1924).

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Political system during the NEP years. 1) New legislation and justice: -revrebunals canceled; - the activity of the prosecutor's office has been resumed; The Cheka was renamed the GPU - the main political department and lost the right of extrajudicial prosecution; 2) The weakening of the political dictatorship: - the publication of almanacs, pre-revolutionary magazines was resumed, private publications were opened, associations of poets, artists, and writers were created.

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3) Tightening of the political regime: -1922-All-Russian Central Executive Committee decree "On the administrative expulsion of persons recognized as socially dangerous" NKVD and OGPU without trial imprisoned "socially disadvantaged elements" in camps; Repressions against scientists, philosophers (1922 "philosophical steamer" expulsion abroad), leaders of the Orthodox Church (arrest of Patriarch Tikhon).

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Party of the RCP (b) and other political parties and oppositions in 1921. - Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on the prohibition of the Menshevik party of the RSDLP from engaging in political activities; 1921 The poet N. Gumelev was shot in the case of preparing a military conspiracy; 1921 - X Congress of the RCP (b) - the decree "On the unity of the party" - banned factional activities, i.e. opposition; 1922 The trial of the leaders of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, accused of links with the Entente, an attempt on Lenin's life

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The achievements of the NEP are significant: by 1925, the pre-war level of industrial and agricultural production was basically reached; stopped inflation; the financial system has been stabilized; the material situation of the population has improved.

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The contradictions of the NEP manifested themselves in: the economy (the technical backwardness of industry - high rates of its recovery, an urgent need to renew production capacities - a lack of capital within the country, the impossibility of widespread attraction of foreign investment, the absolute predominance of small, semi-natural peasant farms in the countryside); the social sphere (increased inequality, rejection of NEP by a significant part of the working class and the peasantry, a sense of the temporality of their position among many representatives of the NEP bourgeoisie); politics (understanding the NEP as a temporary retreat, a maneuver necessary to regroup forces, maintaining numerous restrictions on private capital in industry, trade and agriculture, a sharp struggle over issues related to the prospects of the NEP). The most important was the contradiction between economics and politics: an economy based on partial recognition of the market and private property could not develop steadily under the conditions of a tightening one-party political regime, the programmatic goals of which were the transition to communism - a society free from private property. Officially, the rejection of the NEP was announced in December 1929.

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The issue of assessing the NEP policy remains controversial in science. In the Soviet period, prevailing under I.V. Stalin's opinion about NEP, according to which he, having ensured the restoration of the economy, had exhausted himself and had to be replaced by a policy of industrialization and collectivization. In the 1980s, under the conditions of perestroika, a different position was expressed: the rejection of NEP was recognized as a mistake, since it opened up the possibility of combining the advantages of a market economy with an active social policy of the state and did not rule out industrialization. However, in the USSR in the 1920s. the continuation of the NEP policy was hardly possible. A number of circumstances pushed the Bolshevik Party to abandon it. These included the difficult situation in the ruling party and society, the instability of the international situation and the contradictory nature of the NEP policy.

20s of the XX century ”.

Characteristic features of "War Communism" (from the summer of 1918 - early 1921)

Characteristic features of the NEP (early 1921-late 20s of the XX century)

1. Prodrazvorzka (food dictatorship) 2. Equal wages (labor service). 3.Direct product exchange, equalization in distribution. 4. Complete nationalization of industry. 5. The ban on hired labor. 6. Prohibition of trade. 7. Free utilities. 8. Cancellation of money. 9. Liquidation of private property, monopoly of state property.

1. Tax in kind. 2. Payment for labor. 3. Abolition of labor service. 4. Leasing of small and medium-sized enterprises by the state to private individuals. 5. Maintaining the principle of payment according to work. 6. Permission of hired labor. 7. Transition to market relations (allowing peasants to sell surplus grain in the market). 8. The existence of several forms of ownership. 9. Decentralization of management of individual sectors of the economy. 10. “Commanding heights remained in the hands of the state” 11. Monopoly of foreign trade.

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§ 18, 19, 21, 9 grade.

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§ 14-15, grade 11.

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Lesson plan.

  1. Reasons for the introduction of the NEP;
  2. Main events;
  3. Results;
  4. Contradictions of the NEP.
  • Slide 5

    Results of the Civil War in Russia.

    1. The military-political victory was won by the Bolsheviks (red).
    2. The White Guard armies were defeated.
    3. Soviet power was established throughout the country, including in most national regions. This contributed to the creation of conditions for strengthening the power of the Bolsheviks in the country and the implementation of socialist transformations.
  • Slide 6

    Consequences of the civil war:

    1. Territorial losses.
    2. Deep social and economic crisis. The total damage from the war amounted to 39 billion rubles in gold.
    3. Huge human losses (12 million people killed, died of hunger and disease).
    4. Mass emigration (over 2.5 million people).
    5. Children's homelessness.
    6. The tragedy of entire social groups (officers, Cossacks, intelligentsia, nobility, clergy, etc.). There was no place for them in the new Bolshevik system.
    7. The addiction of society to violence and terror.
    8. The gap between historical and spiritual traditions in society.
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    March 1921 - X Congress of the RCP (b) - the transition to the "New Economic Policy" (NEP)

    NEP (1921-1929) - a new economic policy introduced by the Bolsheviks in 1921 in the context of the economic and political crisis, which provided for the "partial revival of capitalism."

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    The policy of "war communism"

    • The ruin of the country;
    • Political crisis;
    • Economic crisis;
    • Discontent of the population with the policy of the Bolsheviks;
    • The Bolsheviks introduced the NEP.
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    The politics of "war communism" (1918-1920)

    A set of emergency measures in the country's economy during the Civil War, taken by the Bolshevik government.

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    The main events of "War Communism"

    1. The introduction of food appropriation - the compulsory withdrawal of products from the peasants according to the state plan. The size of the surplus appropriation could be changed during the year.
    2. The nationalization of all industry is a "Red Guard attack on capital."
    3. Complete centralization of economic management.
    4. Destruction of private capital.
    5. Labor service of the population, labor mobilization.
    6. "Equalization" in wages.
    7. Prohibition of free trade. Direct product exchange between city and country.
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    Reasons for the introduction of NEP

    The economic crisis as a result of the policy of "war communism":

    1. The civil war led to a decrease in the population in Russia by more than 10 million people. and child homelessness (7 million children).
    2. Decline of industry, transport, agriculture. Decreased production of coal and oil.
    3. Lack of food, clothing, footwear, medicine.

    Political crisis as a result of the "war communism" policy:

    1. 1921 - a terrible famine in the Volga region (more than 5 million people died).
    2. Peasant uprisings throughout Russia (the Tambov uprising of A.S. Antonov).
    3. Dissatisfaction with the policy of the Bolsheviks of the army and the proletariat. March 1921 - Kronstadt uprising.
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    The goals of introducing the NEP

    • Foreign political - to overcome international isolation.
    • Political - to remove social tension, to strengthen the social base of Soviet power in the form of an alliance of workers' peasants.
    • Economic - to prevent further aggravation of devastation, get out of the crisis and restore the economy.
    • Social - to provide favorable conditions for building a socialist society, without waiting for the world revolution
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    The main activities of the NEP

    1. The introduction of the tax in kind, which was half the surplus tax, was announced in advance (on the eve of the sowing season), it could not be increased within a year, the surplus was at the disposal of the peasants.
    2. The lease of land and the use of hired labor were allowed to a limited extent.
    3. Individuals were allowed to lease small and medium-sized industrial and commercial enterprises.
    4. The existence of different forms of ownership: state, private, cooperative.
    5. Partial decentralization of management. Large state-owned enterprises were transferred to self-financing (after fulfilling the state order, they sold their products on their own).
    6. Concessions were created - they attracted foreign investors.
    7. Free recruitment of labor was carried out, labor exchanges were created.
    8. The wages were set depending on the qualifications and the number of products produced.
    9. Monetary reform (1922-1924) - the introduction of a gold chervonets (at its face value it was higher than the British pound sterling and was equal to $ 5 and 14.5 cents).
    10. The State Bank was restored.
    11. Compulsory price regulation was carried out by the state - “price scissors”.
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    NEP results

    Positive results of the NEP.

    1. The national economy was restored.
    2. It turned out to revive agriculture, which made it possible to feed the country's population.
    3. The national income has increased.
    4. The growth of industrial production led to a rapid rise in labor productivity.
    5. The country's national currency has become strong and stable.
    6. The material well-being of the population grew rapidly.

    Negative results of the NEP.

    1. Disproportionate development of the main sectors of the national economy.
    2. Lagging pace of the revival of industry from agricultural production.
    3. Stratification of the peasantry.
    4. Rising unemployment.
    5. In the second half of the 1920s, financial problems began.
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    Contradictions of the NEP

    1. A tough one-party political regime remained.
    2. The transition to communism remained the programmatic task of the party and the state.
    3. The state retained a significant state sector of the economy, a monopoly of foreign trade, management (“commanding heights”).
    4. The impossibility of developing an economy based on the partial recognition of commodity-money relations, private property, in the face of a tightening one-party political regime, the ideal of which was to build a “commodity-free, classless, stateless” society.
    5. The attitude towards the Nepmen in the country was mocking and contemptuous.
    6. The atmosphere of the temporality of the reforms reigned in the country, so the country was flooded with fraudsters and adventurers who wanted to quickly make a profit, screw it up and live well.
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    NEP crises, their causes and consequences


    • 1923 "sales crisis";
    • 1925 - commodity crisis and grain procurement crisis;
    • 1927-1928 - commodity crisis and grain procurement crisis.
    • Incompetence of the main part of the management apparatus
    • Lack of broad economic ties with the world community
    • Restriction of large and medium-sized businesses
    • Limited investment in industry
    • Bureaucracy and bureaucratic red tape
    • Internal party power struggle
    • Departure from the Nepov principles of state policy (strengthening the centralized management of the economy, raising taxes on private entrepreneurs, etc.)
    The result - 1929 - the collapse of the NEP.
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    The main contradiction of the NEP, which ultimately led to the curtailment of the "New Economic Policy", was the discrepancy between the multi-structured economy and the one-party political regime. in and. Lenin viewed NEP as a temporary tactical move, as a forced retreat caused by an unfavorable balance of forces, as a forced respite before a decisive assault on the shining heights of communism. therefore, economic pluralism must be compensated for by a toughening of the political and economic regime, otherwise NEP will not lead to socialism, but will turn the country onto the old tracks.

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    The political meaning of the NEP

    1. IN AND. Lenin in March 1921: "NEP is a temporary, tactical move, a forced retreat caused by an unfavorable balance of forces, a forced respite before a decisive assault on the shining heights of communism."
    2. IN AND. Lenin in the fall of 1921: “NEP is one of the possible ways of transition to socialism with peaceful economic competition of various structures and concentration of“ commanding heights ”in the economy in the hands of the proletarian state. Economic pluralism must be compensated for by a toughening of the political and economic regime, otherwise the NEP will not lead to socialism, but will turn the country onto the old tracks.
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    Formation of a one-party political system

    • A ban on the creation of factions or groups in the RCP (b) that have a point of view different from the party leadership and defend it at all levels and using various methods.
    • March 1921 - X Congress of the RCP (b) - resolution "On the unity of the party."
    • June-August 1922 - the trial of the Socialist-Revolutionaries.
    • June 1923 - a secret resolution "On measures to combat the Mensheviks."
    • The political opposition outside the RCP (b) ceased to exist.
    • A one-party political system has been established in the country.
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    RCP (b) in the structure of state power

    • Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b)
    • Central Committee of the RCP (b)
    • SNK (Council of People's Commissars)

    The Bolshevik Party is the main link in the state structure.

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    Formation of the USSR

    Prerequisites for the formation of the USSR:

    • After the collapse of the Russian Empire, mature nationalism did not appear on any national territory, which would lead to the formation of an independent state (except for Finland and Poland).
    • In most national territories, power belonged to the national communist parties that were part of the RCP (b).
    • For centuries, the emerging economic relationship and interdependence of national regions.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bbelonging to a single great state lived in the minds and moods of the peoples inhabiting the former Russian Empire.

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    The principles of building the USSR

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    December 30, 1922 - I Congress of Soviets of the USSR - Declaration on the formation of the USSR (RSFSR, Ukraine, Belarus, Transcaucasian Federation).

    Center powers:

    1. International representation;
    2. Defense;
    3. Revision of boundaries;
    4. State security;
    5. International trade;
    6. Transport;
    7. Budget;
    8. Communication;
    9. Money turnover.

    Powers of the republics:

    1. Internal affairs;
    2. Agriculture;
    3. Education;
    4. Justice;
    5. Social Security;
    6. Healthcare.
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    State bodies of the USSR:

    • The All-Union Congress of Soviets is the highest legislative body of the USSR.
    • CEC of Soviets.
    • Council of the Union.
    • Council of Nationalities.
    • CEC Presidium.
    • SNK is the highest executive and administrative body of the USSR.
  • Slide 25

    December 30, 1922 - Formation of the USSR

    The Bolsheviks gathered a large

    part of the territory of the Russian

    empire into a single state.

    The next stage of development has begun

    The Russian state now

    already in the form of the Union of Soviet

    Socialist Republics.

    As it develops

    federalist principles

    organizations established

    the basis of the Union, gradually

    replaced by the old ones


    fig. Flag and coat of arms of the USSR.

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    The country during the NEP years - an authoritarian political regime

    1. Centralization of power.
    2. Team leadership method.
    3. Unconditional execution of the will of the ruling party.
    4. Complete domination of the party apparatus.
    5. The nominal role of the Soviets in the country.
    6. Lack of political opposition.
    7. Adoption of a one-party political system.
    8. Instilling ideological like-mindedness.
    9. Freedom of speech and press has been virtually abolished.
    10. The unconditional authority of the leader is V.I. Lenin.
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    Power Struggle.

    • L. B. Kamenev,
    • Leon Trotsky,
    • N.I. Bukharin,
    • I.V. Stalin,
    • G.E. Zinoviev.
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    The intraparty struggle for power in the 1920s.

    The reasons:

    • the struggle for power in the party in the country between political leaders,
    • lack of legal opposition,
    • difference in views on fundamental issues of the country's development.
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    The winner in the struggle for power is I.V. Stalin.

    1. February - August 1924 - announced the "Leninist draft" - about 200 thousand people were admitted to the party, which created difficulties for the competent solution of political problems, facilitated the development of authoritarian tendencies and the opportunity to turn the masses in the right direction.
    2. He put forward a theory about the possibility of building socialism in a single country.
    3. He accused L. Trotsky of not believing in the possibility of building socialism in the USSR "as a separate country."
    4. He planted the cult of V.I. Lenin, increasing his authority in society.
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    § 18, 19, 21, 9 grade.

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    § 14-15, grade 11.

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    Presentation slides

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    1. Reasons for the introduction of the NEP, the main measures. 2. Results and contradictions of the NEP.

    Lesson plan.

    The reasons for the introduction of the NEP. Main activities. 3. Results. 4. Contradictions of the NEP.

    Slide 5

    Results of the Civil War in Russia.

    1. The Bolsheviks (Reds) won a military-political victory. 2. The White Guard armies were defeated. 3. Soviet power was established throughout the country, including in most national regions. This contributed to the creation of conditions for strengthening the power of the Bolsheviks in the country and the implementation of socialist transformations.

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    Consequences of the civil war:

    1. Territorial losses. 2. Deep social and economic crisis. The total damage from the war amounted to 39 billion rubles in gold. 3. Huge human losses (12 million people killed, died of hunger and disease). 4. Mass emigration (over 2.5 million people). 5. Children's homelessness. 6. The tragedy of entire social groups (officers, Cossacks, intelligentsia, nobility, clergy, etc.). There was no place for them in the new Bolshevik system. 7. The addiction of society to violence and terror. 8. The rupture of historical and spiritual traditions in society.

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    March 1921 - X Congress of the RCP (b) - the transition to the "New Economic Policy" (NEP).

    NEP (1921-1929) - a new economic policy introduced by the Bolsheviks in 1921 in the context of the economic and political crisis, which provided for the "partial revival of capitalism."

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    The policy of "war communism"

    The ruin of the country

    Political crisis

    Economic crisis

    Discontent of the population with the policy of the Bolsheviks

    The introduction by the Bolsheviks of the NEP

    Slide 9

    The politics of "war communism" (1918-1920)

    A set of emergency measures in the country's economy during the Civil War, taken by the Bolshevik government.

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    The main events of "War Communism"

    The introduction of food appropriation - the compulsory withdrawal of products from the peasants according to the state plan. The size of the surplus appropriation could be changed during the year. 2. Nationalization of the entire industry - the "Red Guard attack on capital." 3. Complete centralization of economic management. 4. Destruction of private capital. 5. Labor service of the population, labor mobilization. 6. "Equalization" in wages. 7. Prohibition of free trade. Direct product exchange between city and country.

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    The reasons for the introduction of the NEP.

    The economic crisis as a result of the policy of "war communism":

    Political crisis as a result of the "war communism" policy:

    1. The civil war led to a decrease in the population in Russia by more than 10 million people. and child homelessness (7 million children). 2. Decline of industry, transport, agriculture. Decreased production of coal and oil. 3. Lack of food, clothing, footwear, medicine. 4. 1921 - a terrible famine in the Volga region (more than 5 million people died).

    Peasant uprisings throughout Russia (Tambov uprising of A.S. Antonov). 2. Dissatisfaction with the policy of the Bolsheviks of the army and the proletariat. March 1921 - Kronstadt uprising.

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    The goals of introducing the NEP.

    EXTERNAL POLITICAL - overcome international isolation

    POLITICAL - relieve social tension, strengthen the social base of Soviet power in the form of an alliance of workers' peasants

    ECONOMIC - to prevent further aggravation of devastation, get out of the crisis and restore the economy

    SOCIAL - to provide favorable conditions for building a socialist society, without waiting for the world revolution

    Slide 13

    The main activities of the NEP

    1. The introduction of the tax in kind, which was half the surplus tax, was announced in advance (on the eve of the sowing season), it could not be increased within a year, the surplus was at the disposal of the peasants. 2. The lease of land and the use of hired labor were permitted to a limited extent. 3. Individuals were allowed to lease small and medium-sized industrial and commercial enterprises. 4. The existence of different forms of ownership: state, private, cooperative. 5. Partial decentralization of management. Large state-owned enterprises were transferred to self-financing (after fulfilling the state order, they sold their products on their own). 6. Concessions were created - they attracted foreign investors. 7. Free recruitment of labor was carried out, labor exchanges were created. 8. Wages were set depending on the qualifications and quantity of products produced. 9. Monetary reform (1922-1924) - the introduction of a gold chervonets (at its face value it was higher than the British pound sterling and was equal to 5 dollars and 14.5 cents). The State Bank was restored. Compulsory price regulation was carried out by the state - “price scissors”.

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    The results of the NEP.

    Positive results of the NEP. The national economy was restored. 2. It turned out to revive agriculture, which made it possible to feed the population of the country. 3. The national income has increased. 4. The growth of industrial production led to a rapid rise in labor productivity. 5. The national currency of the country has become strong and stable. 6. The material well-being of the population grew rapidly.

    Negative results of the NEP. Disproportionate development of the main sectors of the national economy. 2. Lagging behind the rate of revival of industry from agricultural production. 3. Stratification of the peasantry. 4. Growth of unemployment. 5. In the second half of the 1920s, financial problems began.

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    Contradictions of the NEP.

    A tough one-party political regime remained. 2. The transition to communism remained a programmatic task of the party and the state. 3. The state retained a significant state sector of the economy, a monopoly of foreign trade, management ("commanding heights"). 4. The impossibility of developing an economy based on partial recognition of commodity-money relations, private property, in the context of a tightening one-party political regime, the ideal of which was to build a “commodity-free, classless, stateless” society. 5. The attitude towards the Nepmen in the country was mocking and contemptuous. 6. The atmosphere of the temporality of the reforms reigned in the country, so the country was flooded with swindlers and adventurers who wanted to quickly make a profit, screw it up and live well.

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    1923 "SALES CRISIS"



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    The main contradiction of the NEP, which ultimately led to the curtailment of the "New Economic Policy", was the discrepancy between the multi-structured economy and the one-party political regime. IN AND. Lenin viewed the NEP as a temporary tactical move, as a forced retreat caused by an unfavorable balance of forces, as a forced respite before a decisive assault on the shining heights of communism. Therefore, economic pluralism must be compensated for by a toughening of the political and economic regime, otherwise the NEP will not lead to socialism, but will turn the country onto the old tracks.

    Slide 18

    The political meaning of the NEP.

    1. V.I. Lenin in March 1921: "NEP is a temporary, tactical move, a forced retreat caused by an unfavorable balance of forces, a forced respite before a decisive assault on the shining heights of communism." 2. V.I. Lenin in the fall of 1921: “NEP is one of the possible ways of transition to socialism with peaceful economic competition of different structures and concentration of“ command heights ”in the economy in the hands of the proletarian state.

    Economic pluralism must be compensated for by a toughening of the political and economic regime, otherwise the NEP will not lead to socialism, but will turn the country onto the old tracks.

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    Formation of a one-party political system.

    A ban on the creation of factions or groups in the RCP (b) that have a point of view different from the party leadership and defend it at all levels and using various methods.

    March 1921 - X Congress of the RCP (b) - resolution "On the unity of the party"

    June-August 1922 - trial of the SRs

    June 1923 - secret resolution "On measures to combat the Mensheviks"

    The political opposition outside the RCP (b) ceased to exist. The country has established a one-party political system

    Slide 20

    RCP (b) in the structure of state power.

    Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) Central Committee of the RCP (b) SNK (Council of People's Commissars)

    The Bolshevik Party is the main link in the state structure

    Slide 21

    Formation of the USSR.

    Prerequisites for the formation of the USSR

    After the collapse of the Russian Empire, mature nationalism did not appear on any national territory, which would lead to the formation of an independent state (except for Finland and Poland)

    In most national territories, power belonged to the national communist parties that were part of the RCP (b)

    Centuries-old economic interconnection and interdependence of national regions

    The idea of \u200b\u200bbelonging to a single great state lived in the minds and moods of the peoples inhabiting the former Russian Empire.

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    December 30, 1922 - I Congress of Soviets of the USSR - Declaration on the formation of the USSR (RSFSR, Ukraine, Belarus, Transcaucasian Federation).

    Center powers

    Powers of the republics

    International representation 2. Defense 3. Reconstruction of borders 4. State security 5. Foreign trade 6. Transport 7. Budget 8. Communication 9. Money circulation

    1. Internal affairs 2. Agriculture 3. Education 4. Justice 5. Social security 6. Health care

    • Transition to a new economic policy
    • The inconsistency of the NEP
    • NEP and political repression

    • Socio-economic situation:
    • - decline in industrial production (14% of the pre-war level)
    • - the level of agricultural production has been halved compared to the pre-war level
    • - famine in the Volga region in 1921 (5 million died)
    • - epidemics of typhus, cholera, smallpox (283 thousand people died in the Red Army)
    • - street children (7 million)
    • Political position
    • -Peasants' speeches against surplus
    • - The uprising of the sailors of Kronstadt (March 1921), the slogan: "For Soviets without Communists"

    New economic policy X c visit of the RCP (b), March 1921 - course for NEP

    War Communism policy

    Food tax (tax in kind)

    Land lease, employment of hired labor

    Private trade allowed (fairs, trade exchanges)

    Private property allowed (small and medium)

    The introduction of cost accounting at large state-owned enterprises

    Concession Law (Attraction of Foreign Capital)

    Labor exchanges

    Monetary reform (gold chervonets, People's Commissar of Finance G.Ya.Sokolnikov)

    • In agriculture by 1925-1927. 1913 level reached
    • By the end of the 1920s, the level of 1913 was reached mainly in the development of industrial production.
    • Implementation of the GOELRO plan (State Commission for the Electrification of Russia, G.M. Krzhizhanovsky) - construction of hydroelectric power plants

    • Allowing the development of market relations, the state at the same time slowed down their growth (forced price regulation, the development of heavy industry)
    • Autumn 1923 Crisis in the sale of manufactured goods
    • Urban and rural bourgeoisie - class opponents of the Bolsheviks, bans on expanding the farms of wealthy peasants
    • Mistrust of entrepreneurs (domestic and foreign) to Soviet power
    • Increasing income inequality among different segments of the population

    • Trials of the leaders of the possible opposition (1921-1923, Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries)
    • Repressions against the intelligentsia, expulsion from the country. (150 people)
    • The defeat of the Russian Orthodox Church
    • The struggle within the CPSU (b) (L.D. Trotsky 1923, 1925 - 1926 - N.I.Bukharin, I.V. Stalin against G.E. Zinoviev and L.B. Kamenev, 1927 - 1928 - N.I. Bukharin against I.V. Stalin)

    • Zagladin paragraph 14
    • Lewandowski 10-11 grade paragraph 40-41

    • 1. What are the economic reasons for the introduction of the NEP?
    • 2. Against whom were the political repressions of the communists directed before 1923?
    • 3. Name the features of the NEP
    • 1. What are the political reasons for the introduction of the NEP?
    • 2. What are the names of the party leaders who participated in the internal party struggle in the period from 1923? until 1928?
    • 3. Compare the policy of "war communism" and the NEP.

    • Formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
    • The international position of the USSR after the Civil War.
    • The European policy of the USSR in the 1920s. Genoa and Rapallo.

    • What was the position of the "national outskirts" in the Russian empire?
    • How did the Bolshevik leadership propose to solve the national question from the first days of Soviet power?
    • Proclamation of the Ukrainian SSR, Byelorussian SSR, Azerbaijan SSR, Armenian SSR, Georgian SSR (ZSFSR)

    • Political: Soviet power, control of their RCP (b)
    • Military: the unification of the armed forces during the Civil War of the RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR, Byelorussian SSR.
    • Economic: nationalization, the politics of "war communism"
    • Diplomatic: in February 1922, the unified leadership of foreign affairs

    • Autonomy - self-government, the right to independently resolve internal issues by any part of the state (plan of "autonomization", I.V. Stalin, F.E.Dzerzhinsky)
    • Federation - a union state, consisting of state entities with legal and political independence (V.I. Lenin).

    • December 30, 1922 First Congress of Soviets of the USSR - creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
    • The supreme body of power is the All-Union Congress of Soviets (the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities), the Council of People's

    sarov of the USSR.

    1925 - VKP (b)

    Working with the map

    1924 - Uzbek SSR, Turkmen SSR, 1929 - Tajik USSR, 1936 - Kazakh SSR, Azerbaijan SSR, Georgian SSR, Armenian SSR

    • Support for the national liberation movement in the East
    • 1920-1921 Signing of peace treaties with Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia.
    • 10/28/1921 - the government of the RSFSR a note from the USA, England, France, Italy, Japan on the readiness to recognize the debts of Tsarist Russia and compensation for the nationalized property of foreigners

    • Conference in Genoa (April 1922)
    • Rapallo, Soviet - German agreement on economic and military - technical cooperation.
    • 1921-1925 - diplomatic recognition and the establishment of trade and economic relations (except for the USA)

    • Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin (1872 - 1936), People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs in 1918 - 1930.

    • 1919 Creation of the Communist International - the international party of the proletarian revolution.

    • What are the prerequisites for the formation of the USSR?
    • What are the two options for creating a unified state?
    • When was the USSR formed?
    • Name the years of the "streak of recognition" of the USSR

    • Zagladin's textbook paragraph 15.16 (table)
    • Lewandowski's textbook 10-11 grade paragraph 43, 50,42 (table)
    • Lewandowski's textbook grade 11 paragraphs 18-19.21 (table)






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