Presentation on the topic "what the autumn brought us". Presentation on the topic "what autumn brought us" Download presentation what autumn brought us

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The presentation on the theme "What the autumn brought us" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: The world around. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 20 slide (s).

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What autumn has brought us

Educators of GBDOU No. 11 of the Nevsky District of St. Petersburg Miller E.V. N. N. Kruzhkova

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Cones and needles

Needles. For making toys, such as a hedgehog, spider legs and cat claws, butterfly antennae, doll skirts, conifer needles are suitable. They can be collected at any time of the year. There are many needles in those places where pines, spruces, and cedars grow. You can store them in boxes. It is better to use green needles in work.

The fruits of conifers - cones - are an excellent material for voluminous toys and entertaining crafts. In shape, they resemble parts of the body of animals, humans. For making crafts, it is better to use unopened cones, since they are easier to work with. It is advisable to collect cones on wet soil so that they dry out more slowly and retain their shape longer. After collecting them, they need to be sorted by type, shape and size and put in separate boxes.

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Nuts and chestnuts

When making toys, you can use hazelnuts, walnuts, ground and pine nuts, pistachios. Hazelnuts are used as a material for making the heads of toy men (for example, the "cheerful man"), animals (the head of a cockerel, hare, etc.). Pine nuts can be useful as an additional material in the manufacture of the legs of animals, the cams of forest men; they are easily pierced with an awl, stick well. Walnut shells (in the form of halves) are used for making boats, carts, turtles, beetles, etc. Both halves of the shell are suitable for making, for example, the head of Santa Claus.

Chestnut fruits are a good material for making simple toys. They have a beautiful shiny surface and a bright brown color. The shell of fresh chestnut is thin, easily pierced with an awl. Whole chestnuts can be used to craft dolls' heads and bodies. Store chestnuts in a cool place.

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Oak fruits - acorns come in different shapes and sizes. At one end, they are surrounded by a strongly overgrown cup - a plyus. Acorns ripen in autumn, in September - October. They are recommended to be picked when they are ripe and fall from the tree. Simultaneously with the acorns, their cups (plyus) are also collected, on which they hold. Puffs are a very good material in addition to acorns and are often used for various crafts. Acorns should be picked in different sizes and shapes. For the manufacture of toys, it is advisable to use fresh acorns, since they last longer and are easier to work with (dried acorns are easily cracked during processing).

Acorns are very convenient for making figurines of funny people, animals, various parts for toys from other natural materials. A giraffe, a heron, a horse, a donkey are made from elongated acorns, and the body can be made from a large oblong acorn, and the head from a small, round one. When making funny little men, plushies can be used as hats for them. Store acorns in a cool and moist place.

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Branches and roots

Various branches are used in the manufacture of some parts of the craft: arms, legs, neck, etc. For this purpose, it is better to use branches of pine, spruce, lilac. Their branches are resilient and do not break so easily when dry. Picking up branches is a job that requires time, patience and accuracy. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly remember that trees must be protected and for toys to collect and use only dry, but not too dry branches. Roots can also be used for crafts. They sometimes with their bizarre shapes resemble various animals or parts of their bodies. The collected roots should be washed and stored in a moderately damp room.

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Leaves are an interesting and useful addition to toys. They can be of a wide variety of shapes and colors. Children use a large leaf of oak, maple as a sail for a yacht, raft, or steamer. Leaves can also be used to craft butterfly wings, fish fins (these toys are made from cones and leaves). It is better to collect the leaves in autumn, when they are especially beautiful. For the preservation and subsequent use of the leaves, they must be properly prepared. To do this, the collected plant leaves are placed between paper sheets and ironed with a warm iron, then they can be shifted with thick paper or thin cardboard and put a load on top. For long-term storage, the paper or cardboard between the leaves should be changed from time to time.

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A valuable addition to toys made from natural materials can be seeds of trees, flowers, vegetables, for example, maple and ash seeds. They are known as lionfish. They can be used to make wings for a dragonfly, ears for a hare, fins for a fish, and from linden seeds, antennas for astronauts, animal paws are made well; eyes can be made from the seeds of watermelon, melon, sunflower. It is better to collect seeds in the fall.

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Rosehip, mountain ash

Various and interesting toys can be made from rose hips and rowan berries. The valuable quality of this material is the availability of its use in work. Rosehip and mountain ash fruits are easily pricked, so the technique of making toys from this material is simple. It is better to work with the material in summer, since fresh berries and fruits are easily pierced with pine needles, wires, matches. The berries are unsuitable for storage, as when they dry they harden and lose their shape. From rose hips and rowan berries, you can make various toys: gnomes and little people, dogs and kittens, a donkey, bright beads, etc.

chuvashova anna
Presentation "What Autumn Has Brought to Us"

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, let's welcome our guests and give them our smiles.

We are very glad to see you here today as our guest.

And this day is wonderful and autumn, we so want to create a mood for you.

And wish you good health, warmth,

so that life is like the sun is bright.

2. Generalization of knowledge about autumn natural phenomena.

Teacher. Hush hush. Silence.

The fairy tale came to visit us.

You guys don't make noise

You will not frighten us off a fairy tale!

Teacher. - What words do fairy tales usually begin with?

Children. Lived once.

Teacher. - Right! Lived once! And so there lived a sorceress, and her name was Fall... She was powerful and capricious. She often changed her mood. In a magic bag (the teacher shows a handbag decorated with yellow leaves) she kept her main treasure - a magic wand (the teacher removes from her purse a large soft tassel, entwined with a gold ribbon). It was the magic wand that helped her to create many miracles. She will touch the leaves and. But what is happening, we will now see.

Teacher. - Fall - a real sorceress and very kind. See what she is to us brought? What wonderful photos she sent us as a gift. Let's take a closer look at them

1. What fall do we see in this photo? (early)

2. Which month does the early fall? (September)

3. As in the old days they called autumn month september? (fieldfare, frowning, deciduous)

4. And what fall comes after early? (gold)

5. Which month does the golden fall? (October)

6. As in the old days they called autumn month October? (scum, skit)

7. And what fall will come after the golden one? (late)

8. Which month does the late fall? (November)

9. As in the old days they called autumn month November? (podzimnik, breast)

10. What do you think autumn is colder: gold or late? Why?

11. Why do we call autumn golden?

Teacher. You said that the leaves on the trees turn yellow, turn red and fall off. What is this natural phenomenon called?

Children. Leaf fall (Magic wand)

Teacher. Why do trees shed their leaves?

Children. This is how they prepare for winter.

Teacher. Imagine, children, that the leaves will not fall from the trees, and winter will come, a lot of snow will fall. What will happen? What can happen?

Children. The snow is heavy, and the branches will bend and break under the weight of the snow.

Teacher. Yes, children, then in the spring the forest will stand naked. There will be no shade, no coolness, there will be no place for birds to nest, and animals to hide, hide from the scorching sun and people. What else do you think might happen? Remember what green leaves emit?

Children. Oxygen. There will be no oxygen in the air. People and animals will have nothing to breathe

Teacher. So these old names for the months reflect the signs of the weather.

Teacher. Previously, people observed changes in nature, and passed on their knowledge to us in the form of proverbs. What proverbs do you know?


1. If it is clear, then autumn is beautiful.

2. Autumn is coming, and the rain follows.

3. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn pies.

4. From autumn by summer, there is no turning.

5. Summer with sheaves, autumn with pies.

6. Fungus in a box - there will be a pie in winter.

1. In autumn cobweb for clear weather.

2. Thunder in September - warm fall.

3. If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.

4. Large ant heaps - for a mild winter.

Teacher. Guys, these days, these proverbs and omens are also true.

Teacher. What kind of weather are we autumn brought?

Children. Rainy, cold, damp, windy, gloomy, clear, cloudy.

3. Generalization of knowledge about vegetables, fruits, mushrooms.

Teacher. From what fairy tale words?

The turnip grew large. The man has arrived digging turnips in autumn... And the bear from the oak grove comes out:

Man, let's share the turnips, give me my share.

Okay bear, come on share: you tops, my roots. (r. n. with. "The Man and the Bear") (Magic wand)

Teacher. What is ripening in the fall?

Children. Vegetables ripen in autumn, fruits, mushrooms.

Teacher. Now, I will make riddles for you, and if you guess it correctly, then on the screen with your magic wand autumn will show you the answer.

Didactic game "Tops and roots" (What do we eat)

Will make everyone cry

Although he is not a fighter, he is. onion.

From the ground for a forelock cheat

We pull sweet. carrots.

He is important, as a master,

This one is juicy. orange

It's round and red

Like a traffic light.

Among vegetables

No more juicy. tomato.

Sour - it is very sour!

Asks for tea to us. lemon.

Even though I call myself sugar

But I didn't get wet from the rains.

Large, round, sweet in taste.

Did you recognize? Ya beets.

Round, crumbly, white,

She came to the table from the fields.

Salt her a little

Indeed, it is delicious. potato.

Who stands among the grass under the pine tree by the path?

There is a leg, but there is no boot,

there is a hat - there is no head. Mushroom.

Teacher. So what else are we autumn brought autumn brought?

Children. Mushrooms, vegetables, fruits.

4. Generalization of knowledge about bread.

Teacher. What are the names of small songs addressed to natural phenomena (rain, sun, thunder, rainbow, etc.?

Children. Songs are chants.

Teacher. What song do you know?

Children. « Osenushka - autumn»

Fall, fall, fall,

Guests for eight weeks!

With strong thunder

With rains, showers.

Lei - ka, rain, from the sky -

There will be more bread!

Teacher. Why did they call the rain?

Children. To have more bread (Magic wand)

Teacher. What proverbs do you know about bread?

Children. Bread is all the head.

Hood lunch when there is no bread.

Bread and water are our peasant food.

Teacher. So, autumn brought us rich harvest of bread.

Teacher. How can you say in one word that it ripens in the fall?

Children. Of course the harvest.

6. Generalization of knowledge about the life of animals and birds in the fall.

Teacher. Now let's play a game "At the Bear in the Forest"

Teacher. What Happens to Animals in the fall?

Children. They are preparing for winter.

Teacher. How do animals prepare for winter?

Children. The squirrel dries mushrooms, collects nuts, acorns. The bear eats a lot and accumulates fat, looks after its den. The hedgehog carries apples, mushrooms, leaves, moss to his hole on his pins. Birds gather in flocks and fly south (Magic wand).

Teacher. Why?

Children. They have nothing to eat.

Teacher. How is there nothing to eat? All summer they were full, and now there is no food.

Children. It became cold, and all the insects hid in the cracks of houses, under the bark of trees, in the ground, under leaves.

Teacher. Name the birds winter roads:

Children. Waxwing, goldfinch, owl, crossbill, woodpecker, sparrow, crow, tit, bullfinch, jays, tap dance ...

7. Reflection.

Teacher. So what about us autumn brought?

Children. Varied weather, large harvest of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, bread and changes in the life of animals and birds.

Teacher. In conclusion, the guys will sing ditties for you.

Children. we autumn ditties

Let's sing it now for you!

Clap your hands louder

Meet us more cheerfully!

How beautiful everything around

Gold autumn day:

Yellow leaves are flying

They rustle under your feet!

Fall, Autumn golden,

It's good that you came!

You and apples, you and honey,

You and bread brought!

We love beets, carrots

And there is also cabbage,

Because vitamins

There are vegetables and fruits!

We sang ditties for you

Tell me from the heart:

"Your ditties are good,

And you're good too! "

Teacher. In a golden carriage with a playful horse,

Rode Autumn through forests and cornfields.

Good sorceress all altered:

I painted the earth with yellow, red.

The inhabitants of the earth are surprised:

Everything sparkles around, everything shimmers!

Teacher. What else do you want autumn gave?

Children. Good mood.

Round side, yellow side, A bun is sitting on the garden bed. He is firmly rooted to the ground. What is it?

This vegetable is a general, A commander to all vegetables. If you cooked it, Do not forget to take off your uniform ...

He does not know how to laugh, And does not like to undress. Whoever takes off his caftan, Often sheds tears.

On the bushes of hothouse red fruits, Thick, pot-bellied, do you recognize them? How large berries hang on twigs Eagerly asking for a vegetable salad

The lady sat in the garden, Dressed in noisy silks. We prepare tubs for her And half a bag of coarse salt.

The green house is cramped: Narrow, long, smooth. Round children are sitting side by side in the house. In the fall, trouble came. The smooth house was cracked, They galloped in all directions. Round guys.

In the garden in front of us The bush is strewn with caps, Every flame is hiding, And whoever eats will cry.

A very bright girl hides in a dungeon in the summer. Love bunnies and children Fresh and in cutlets. This red-haired cheat is called. ... ...

What grows in our garden Cucumbers, sweet peas. Tomatoes and dill For seasoning and for sampling. There are radishes and salad, Our garden is just a treasure. But watermelons don't grow here. If you listened carefully, I will definitely remember. Answer in order. What's growing in our garden?

In satin blue dresses They will roll down the grass under the crown. Will go for jam and compote Or - wash and immediately into your mouth.

In a golden skin, a side, And under the skin, sweet juice. Each slice has a sip For both son and daughter.

Having warmed up the sides in the sun, Hanging on the tree while, Scented juice poured, And you can see the seeds through and through.

As in the casket of the princess. A handful of red ancient rubies. Sweet juice in ripe rubies. You have probably eaten them more than once.

The golden crescent, As if poured with honey. It is fragrant, soft, sweet, and very smooth to the touch.

Brushes of berries above the path Hide the leaves-palms. The brushes hung on the vine And they hid from us in the leaves.

What autumn has brought us ...

MBDOU number 181

Teacher speech therapist

Yakovleva N.N.

Purpose: Consolidation of children's ideas about autumn. Tasks: To consolidate in children ideas about autumn changes in nature, about its features. Like animals and plants, it adapts to the winter. Development of logical

thinking, imagination.




The field got wet in autumn

But the beets are ripe.

And in the September gardens

Lots of apples on the branches.

What do we collect for winter?

What do we call it? (Harvest)

Physical minute "Droplets"

Drop one, drop two

Very slow at first ..

And then, then, then

All running, running, running.

And now the umbrellas have been opened.

They sheltered themselves from the rain.

White blizzards are coming

Snow will rise from the ground.

Fly away, fly away

The cranes flew away.

Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove,

And the birdhouse is empty

The stork flaps its wings -

Flies away, flew away!



Patterned leaf swing

In a blue puddle on the water.

A rook walks with a black rook

In the garden, along the ridge.

Crumbled, turned yellow .

The sun's rays are rare.

Fly away, fly away

The rooks also flew away.

E. Blaginina

Who is without notes and without a pipe,

Trills are best of all,

Who is this? (Nightingale)


Under the roof, I make a nest out of lumps of clay. For the chicks, lay a feather bed on the bottom.


All migratory birds are blacker,

Cleans arable land from worms,

Jump across the field all day

And the bird is called ...

This is an old friend of ours: He lives on the roof of the house - Long-legged, long-nosed, Long-necked, voiceless. He flies to hunt Follow the frogs to the swamp.












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