Presentation on the topic "dal vladimir ivanovich". Presentation vladimir dal presentation for a reading lesson on the topic Literary presentation for grade 4

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Vladimir Ivanovich Dal 1801 -1872 Russian writer ethnographer linguist lexicographer doctor.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was born on November 22, 1801 in Lugansk. Father - Johannes Dahl - a Dane who adopted Russian citizenship, was a doctor, linguist and theologian; mother - Maria Khristoforovna Dal - half German, half French.

Vladimir Dal graduated from the St. Petersburg Naval Cadet Corps and served in the navy, first in Nikolaev, and then in the Baltic Sea. In 1826 he retired.

In 1829 he graduated from the medical faculty of the University of Dorpat and became an ophthalmic surgeon. He worked at the St. Petersburg Military Surgical Hospital.

Dal began collecting words and expressions of the folk Russian language in 1819 and has been doing this all his life. The result of this work is the four-volume "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language", which included 800 thousand words.

He also wrote down fairy tales and stories. So, thanks to Dahl, the inimitable “Ryaba Chicken” has survived in literature.

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Presentation "Vladimir Ivanovich Dal"

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Vladimir Ivanovich Dal

Prepared and conducted by: primary school teacher Kovach Z.Yu.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal

lexicographer, compiler

« Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language »

His father, a Russianized Dane Johan (Johann) Christian von Dahl, took Russian citizenship along with a Russian name Ivan Matveevich Dahl in 1799. He knew German, English, French, Russian, Yiddish, Latin, Greek and Hebrew, was a theologian and physician.

Dahl wrote about it this way:

“I took my new book and went to introduce myself to the poet. The reason for meeting was “Russian fairy tales. First Cossack of Luhansk's Pyatok. I, worried, walked through the rooms, empty and gloomy - it was getting dark. Taking my book, Pushkin opened it and read it from the beginning, from the end, where necessary, and, laughing, said "Very good".

Pushkin was very happy with such a gift and in return gave Vladimir Ivanovich a handwritten version of his new fairy tale "About the priest and his worker Balda" with a significant autograph.

"To the storyteller Cossack Luhansky, storyteller Alexander Pushkin"

So, on the initiative of Vladimir Dahl, his acquaintance with Pushkin began, which later grew into a sincere friendship that lasted until the poet's death.

A year later, on September 18-20, 1833, V.I.Dal accompanied A.S. Pushkin to the Pugachev places Together with Dal, the poet traveled to all the most important places of the Pugachev events.

The role of Dahl and Pushkin, famous figures of Russian culture, is very great: one created the Russian literary language, the other recorded it in his dictionary.

"There is no kinder than our Russian language and there is no truer one ..."


Vladimir Ivanovich Dal

The presentation will acquaint schoolchildren with the biography of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, who made a huge contribution to the development of our language by creating the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”. Many schoolchildren know only this fact from the life of a great linguist. However, by looking at this resource, they will learn a lot of new things about life and creativity.

Development is done on 8 slides. The material can be downloaded for classroom hours in elementary grades, to tell younger students about a man who lived in the 19th century during the subject week. The manual covers the questions:

  • where V.I.Dal was born;
  • participation in the Russian-Turkish war;
  • literary activity;
  • interesting facts about life and work.

The presentation contains informative material about the "Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" published by Dahl in 4 volumes in 1863 - 1866. This publication does not lose its significance, despite the fact that many years have passed since its publication and many other literature of similar content has appeared. Its uniqueness is that it is the basis for all subsequent explanatory dictionaries, an example for them, and for its time it is considered a real standard.

The manual was completed on 10 slides. Its authors are 10th grade students. However, the teacher can use the electronic resource at his own discretion and show it in the classroom even in elementary or secondary school, when the corresponding topic will be studied in the lesson. The work reflects:

  • output;
  • Dal - dictionary compiler;
  • philologist by vocation;
  • building a dictionary;
  • dahl's merits;
  • modern version of the dictionary.

The presentation tells about Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, as a connoisseur of the Russian language and a collector of proverbs, sayings, fairy tales and other material, which is a golden fund and invaluable wealth of our native language. You can download the material along with the synopsis for demonstration in the classroom or for extracurricular activities. The thematic elective will also embellish the information offered, since the pages contain many examples that can be used for practical work with children.

On 13 slides, material is presented to reveal the topic:

  • place and time of birth of V. I. Dahl;
  • education;
  • collection of proverbs, sayings, jokes;
  • acquaintance with Pushkin;
  • dictionary creator;
  • collector of fairy tales;
  • memorable places associated with the name of Dahl.

The presentation will help to conduct the All-Russian vocabulary lesson, which will be held in all schools in Russia during class hours on November 22, 2015. It was on this November day only in 1801 that Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was born, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of linguistics. The material is compiled in accordance with the age characteristics of grade 4 students. Together with the electronic manual in the archive, you can download a synopsis of the class hour and the song "Knizhkin House", which will create an emotional mood in the lesson and give it festivity.


(1801 - 1872)

Russian scientist and writer

In 1861, for the first issues of the Dictionary, he received constantine medal from the Imperial Geographical Society, in 1868 he was elected an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, and upon the publication of the entire dictionary was awarded lomonosov Prize .

He knew at least 6 languages, understood the Turkic languages, and is considered one of the first Turkologists.

The Turks are a community of people formed on the territory of Altai and the steppes of Northern China

Dahl is known as a collector of proverbs, sayings, riddles, songs .

"The old man - the year" in English

How a brilliant military doctor Vladimir Dal showed during the battles of the Russian-Turkish war. Since March 1832, V.I. Dal served in the St. Petersburg military land hospital and soon became a medical celebrity in St. Petersburg.

Soon he gained fame as a remarkable surgeon, especially an ophthalmologist. He has done more than forty-one cataract operations in his lifetime, and everything is quite successful. It is remarkable that his left hand was developed as much as his right. He could write with his left hand and do whatever he liked with his right.

Commemorative medals to 300th anniversary and 200th anniversary

Dahl died in Moscow on September 22 1872 year. Buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Site "Community of Mutual Help for Teachers Site" Presentation Competition "Great People of Russia" Educational Institution: MBOU "Secondary School No. 9 with in-depth study of individual subjects" in Cherepovets Authors: Librarian - Natalya Eduardovna Kastuseva Educator - Marina Sergeevna Mironova June 2012 1

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"I will go to the knife for the truth, for the fatherland, for the Russian word, language" VI Dal. "A man of unusual destiny" (140th anniversary of the death of V. I. Dal) 2

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Vladimir Ivanovich Dal Was a sailor, doctor, civil servant, writer. Participated in military campaigns. He studied nature and folk customs. He wrote a textbook on botany and created a museum in Orenburg. 3

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The main work of Dal's life was the creation of the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language". Dal devoted 47 years of his life to its creation. The dictionary includes more than 200 thousand words, 80 thousand of which were not previously included in the dictionaries. If you just write down all the words that Dahl collected in a column, then you will need 450 school notebooks. 4

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Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801 - 1872) was born on November 22, 1801 in Lugan, Yekaterinburg province, then the Daley family lived in the city of Nikolaev at the confluence of the Ingul and Southern Bug rivers. Dahl's father Johann - Christian - is Danish, came to Russia at the invitation of Catherine II, accepted Russian citizenship, worked first as a librarian, and then, after graduating from the medical faculty in Germany, as a doctor. Mother - a Russianized German woman, daughter of the famous translator M. Freytag. Dahl's House Dahl's parents knew many languages. Dahl received a good education at home. five

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At the age of 13 he entered the Marine Corps in St. Petersburg, where he spent 5 years. It was not easy to finish the corps. Upon graduation, they passed exams in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, higher mathematics, geodesy, astronomy, physics, navigation, mechanics, theory of maritime art, grammar, history, foreign languages, artillery, fortification, and ship architecture. Brig "Phoenix" Marine Corps Among the 12 best pupils, among whom were: the future Admiral Nakhimov and the future Decembrist Zavalishin, made a training voyage to the shores of Sweden and Denmark on the brig "Phoenix". 6

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In March 1819 he went to his place of service in the city of Nikolaev. "To rejuvenate - otherwise cloudy - in the Novgorod province, means to be covered with clouds, talking about the sky, to incline towards bad weather." So Dahl writes down the first word he heard from the driver for his future vocabulary. V.I.Dal 7

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After serving seven years in the navy, Dahl retires and leaves to enter the medical faculty in the city of Dorpat. They say that every city has its own peculiarity. Dorpat city is a student. Dal called the time spent in Dorpat "a time of delight and a golden age." He often visits the house of the professor of surgery Moyer, where the poets Zhukovsky and Yazykov, Moyer's favorite student, the future great surgeon Pirogov, come ”. Derpt. University Library Nikolay Mikhailovich Pirogov Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky 8 Yazykov Nikolayevich Mikhailovich

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In 1829, the Russian-Turkish war begins, and all medical students are drafted into the army. Dal defends his thesis ahead of schedule, and goes to his place of service. He heals the wounded, fights cholera and plague and ... gathers words. “As soon as a halt is announced, Dahl immediately disappears, after a few minutes he can already be seen somewhere in a crowd of soldiers with an invariable notebook in hand” Dr. De Morny Dahl's fellow soldier. nine

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Swamp, swamp in Tver and Kostroma Sturgeon species in Siberia Kaluga in Kostroma Peninsula in Tula Fish cage in Arkhangelsk Forest in a swamp in Vyatka Luz in Pskov LUZHA Lyva in the North of Mochazhin in Tambov Sea grass in Arkhangelsk 10

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Soon there were so many words that a camel was needed to transport them. Once, during a Turkish raid, a camel was hijacked. Dahl was desperate. Fortunately, two weeks later the Cossacks brought back a camel that had been captured from the Turks. Packed bales of notes rested peacefully on furry humps. The Turks did not need Dahl's labors. eleven

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The first book of fairy tales, published by Dahl in 1832 in St. Petersburg: “Russian fairy tales from folk tradition into civil literacy, adapted to the folk life and adorned with walking sayings by the Cossack Vladimir Lugansky. First Friday "12

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Dahl's tales were highly appreciated by A.S. Pushkin, whom Dahl met in 1832. Dal and Pushkin read fairy tales “What a luxury, what a meaning! What is the use of every our saying! What gold! " A.S. Pushkin (About V. Dahl's tales) 13

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Together with Pushkin, Dal traveled across the Orenburg region. Pushkin at that time was going to write the history of the Pugachev rebellion and collected materials for his future book. It is said that during this trip they presented each other with stories from fairy tales. Pushkin - to Dal about George the Brave and the wolf, and Dal to Pushkin is the plot of a fairy tale about a fisherman and a fish. Dal and Pushkin travel through the Orenburg region This tale will be presented by Pushkin to Dal with a dedication: “Yours from yours. Storyteller Cossack Lugansk - storyteller Alexander Pushkin "14

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Dahl at Pushkin's bedside Poet's ring The last meeting of Pushkin and Dahl takes place under tragic circumstances. On January 27, 1837, Pushkin was mortally wounded in a duel with Dantes. Dal, who was passing through Petersburg, learns about the duel only the next day and immediately rushes to the Moika where the poet lived. And as a doctor, as a friend he will be with Pushkin until the last minute. It is Dahl who will hear the poet's last words. Later, Dahl will write his memoirs about this. In memory of the poet, Pushkin's widow Natalya Nikolaevna presented Dalya with a frock coat in which the poet had shot himself, and a ring. 15

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A few years earlier, Dahl again abruptly changed his fate. Becomes an official for special assignments under the military governor of Perovsky. For seven years Dal has been serving in Orenburg, spending time constantly traveling across the steppe, visiting Cossack villages and auls of Kazakhs. After that he served in St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod. And everywhere Dal follows himself and teaches others: "Serve according to conscience, try to do good." He examines peasant complaints, seeks to open hospitals, admit peasant children to schools at public expense. The people called Dahl - "Truthful Dal". The authorities saw in him an executive official, and he wrote to friends that there was lies, hypocrisy, that things were done only in projects and on papers. Dahl found consolation in something else. He writes stories and essays, studies the life and everyday life of peoples in those parts of the world, collects collections of flora and fauna and maintains the "Menagerie" section in the Literaturnaya Gazeta, where he writes about different animals, writes textbooks on zoology and botany, heals people and writes works on medicine, makes boxes and spinning wheels and works on a lathe, collects fairy tales, proverbs, words. sixteen

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In 1853, Dahl sent to the Academy of Sciences his collection of "Proverbs of the Russian people", which contains more than 30 thousand proverbs, sayings, riddles. Dal wrote each of them on a narrow strip of paper (Dahl called them straps). If you fold all the straps, you get a tape seven kilometers long. Dahl arranged the proverbs by topic. For example: Motherland - Chuzhbina, Youth Old age, etc. Each topic is a separate notebook. A total of 180 notebooks, 180 topics. 17

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Proverb - proverb Proverb - flower, proverb - berry You can't get away from a proverb Proverb not to pray to the wind Every Yegorka has its own proverb 18

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1862 - 1866 The "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" was published. Publicist AI Koshelev, a man of high culture and, moreover, very wealthy, helped Dal to publish the dictionary. Koshelev Alexander Ivanovich 19

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How does Dahl's dictionary work? Dahl arranged the words alphabetically, but he did not arrange the words separately, but in nests. In each nest, words are formed from one root. Except for words that were formed with prefixes. These words are placed under the letters with which they begin. FOR EXAMPLE: School - college // sowing and additives of trees of different ages for planting fruit or forest trees // horse training // every position of a person, where he acquires resourcefulness, experience and knowledge. To school is to teach, to be strictly supervised. A schoolboy, a schoolboy - a student who goes to school. Schooling is dry, stupid teaching relentlessly following petty, often absurd rules. Schooling, being schoolchildren - having fun with school pranks, hanging around 20

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Dahl's Dictionary: Provides an explanation, interpretation of words. It will help you find out the meaning of obsolete words. It will introduce you to the peculiarities of pronunciation in different areas. He will tell you about the "gibberish" language. Will reveal new, sometimes surprising meanings of familiar words. It will serve as a kind of encyclopedia of people's life, from which you can learn about the life and life of the people. Will give the richest collection of proverbs. Repository of folk wisdom. 21

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Sources of illustrations 1.http: //\u003dDal+ Dictionary 2.http: // 3.http: //\u003d27§ion_id\u003d8422 4.http: // 5.http: // id \u003d 475 6.http: // 7.http: //\u003d397019 8.http: // /irl/il0/il7/il7-5112.htm?cmd\u003d2 9.http: // 10.http: // \u003d 584 & lang \u003d 1 11.http: // 12.http: // 13.http: // dal / 2.htm 14.http: // 15.http: //\u003d2009&month\u003d9&day\u003d3 16.http: // 17.http: // 18.http: //www.sestra-miloserdiya .ru / articles / announces / vnimanie-fotokonkurs / 19.http: // 20.h ttp: // 21.http: //\u003d101378&page\u003d112 22.http: // 9/64 / index.shtml 23.http: // 24.http: // 22

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Sources of text information: 1. Russian writers. Bibliographic Dictionary. At 2 pm Part 1A - L / Ed. count .: B.F. Egorov and others: Ed.-comp. P.A. Nikolaev - M.: Education, 1990 -430s. 2. VI Dal Memories of Pushkin. Notes about Pushkin. The death of A.S. Pushkin // A.S. Pushkin in the memoirs of contemporaries. In 2 T. Under total. ed. V.V. Grigorenko - M .: Hood. Lit. , 1974 -560s. 3. I know the world: Literature: \\ Children. encyclopedia / Author-comp. N.V. Chudakova –M.: LLC "AST Publishing House": LLC "Astrel Publishing House", 2002 446s.: Ill. 4. M. Bulatov, V. Porudomsky Collected a man of his word: a story about V. Dale-M .: Det. lit., 1969 -224s. 5. Great Russian Encyclopedia: in 30t. / Chairman of the Scientific - ed. Council Yu. S. Osipov. Resp. ed. S.L. Kravets.T.8 Grigoriev –Dynamics. Moscow: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2007.-767s.: Ill .: maps. 6. Dal Vladimir Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language: T. 1-4.-M.: Rus.yaz., 1978 -1980 - V. 4 7. Dal Vladimir Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language: T. 1-4.-M .: Russian language, 1978 -1980 - T.1 8. Dal V.I. Proverbs of the Russian people: Collection. in 2 volumes.Vol.2 / Aftersl. V. Anikina –M .: Art. lit. , 1984 -399 9. Dal V.I. Proverbs of the Russian people: Collection. in 2 volumes.Vol.2 / Aftersl. V. Anikina –M .: Art. lit. , 1984 -383 pp. 23


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