Drawing on the theme of conscience and duty. What is conscience. What is the difference between the concepts of "shame" and "conscience". Annotation to the presentation

Summary of the lesson "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics"

3rd year students of GBPOU SO "Kamensk-Uralsky Pedagogical College" Anchugova Anastasia Dmitrievna.

Lesson topic: Conscience

Purpose:formation of the concept of "conscience" among students as one of the moral and ethical values \u200b\u200bof society
Planned results:
Personal: students show the development of independence and responsibility for their actions on the basis of ideas about conscience as a moral and ethical value of society, show benevolence and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people.
Metasubject: show personal UUD (self-determination, sense formation, moral and ethical assessment); regulatory ECDs (goal-setting, control, correction, assessment, volitional self-regulation); cognitive UUD (formulation of a cognitive goal, search and selection of information, semantic reading, analysis, comparison, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, proof); communicative UUD (planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, the ability to accurately express their thoughts, asking questions).
Subject: students are familiar with the concept of "conscience", distinguish between the concepts of "Shame" and "Conscience"
Learning principles:
Operating principle
Continuity principle
Integrity principle
The minimax principle
The principle of systematic and consistent learning
The principle of psychological comfort
The principle of visibility
Parenting principles:
Creating a positive emotional uplift
Education through interaction
Education methods:
Social experience formation methods: pedagogical requirement, exercise;
Methods of stimulation and correction of actions and attitudes of children in the educational process: encouragement.
Methods of understanding by children of their social experience: conversation, artistic word
Teaching methods:
According to the source of knowledge: verbal (explanation, conversation, story), practical (exercises), visual (demonstration);
For didactic purposes: methods of forming skills and knowledge, applying knowledge, methods of testing and assessing knowledge;
By the level of inclusion in productive activities: partly exploratory, problematic presentation of the studied;
Methods for the development of cognitive interest: stimulation with entertaining content, creation of situations of creative search;
Responsibility formation methods: formation of an understanding of personal significance;
Methods of organizing interaction and accumulating social experience: temporary work in pairs, groups.
Forms of organizing student activities: individual, pair, frontal
Means of education:
demo: presentation, video fragment, music, cards with assignments
individual: textbook, pencil, pen, cards with assignments, cards for reflection, pieces of mosaic
Lesson type: lesson in mastering new knowledge and methods of action (learning new material).
Lesson structure:
1. Organizational and motivational stage
2. Preparing students for work at the main stage of the lesson
3. Planning and setting educational objectives
4. The stage of discovering new knowledge and methods of action
5. The stage of primary verification of understanding of the learned
6. The stage of consolidating new knowledge and ways of working
7. The stage of applying knowledge and methods of action
8. Stage of generalization and systematization of knowledge
9. The stage of control of knowledge and methods of action
10. Homework Information Stage
11. The stage of summing up the lesson and reflection of the activity

During the classes

1. Organizational and motivational stage
Teacher: Hello guys. Please organize your workplace, remove extraneous things from desks.
Sit down.
The more we know, the more we can
The more experience we gain.
And experience will help you succeed
Will lead us to the cherished dream!
2. Preparing students for work at the main stage of the lesson
Teacher:Guys, in the previous lessons you learned about honor and dignity, guilt and shame. Let's remember the definitions of these concepts (students correlate the concept with the definition on the smart board)

Teacher: Today we will get acquainted with another very important human quality. What this quality is, you will find out by carefully listening to my story.
“Once a young man was walking down the street and saw a blind man with a mug of change at his feet. Either the person was in a bad mood, or something else, he just threw shards of broken glass into this mug and went on to himself. "
Teacher: Who are the heroes of this story? What actions are described?
What do you think happened next?
Let's read on.
“It's been 30 years. This man has achieved everything in life. And children, and grandchildren, and money, and a good house, and universal respect - he already had everything. Only this episode from a distant youth did not give him rest. As if something was sitting inside and gnawing at his soul, did not let him sleep "
teacher: How does this man feel?
What do you think the hero of the story will do?
“And in his declining years, he decided to find a blind man and ask for forgiveness. I came to the city where I was born and raised, and the blind man still sits in the same place with the same mug.
“Do you remember that many years ago someone threw broken glass into your mug — it was me. Forgive me, the man said.
“I threw away those fragments on the same day, and you carried them in your heart for 30 years,” the blind man answered.

Teacher: Guys, what kind of fragments was the blind man talking about?
What "sat" inside the man?
Students: conscience sat inside the man
Teacher: What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis text?
You probably already guessed what the lesson will be about? What is the topic of the lesson.
Students:the topic of our lesson is conscience.
3. Planning and setting educational objectives
Teacher: Please take the cards and mark with a "+" sign what you already know about conscience and what you want to know.

Teacher:Based on what you would like to learn about conscience, formulate the objectives for the lesson.
4. The stage of discovering new knowledge and methods of action
Teacher: Guys, do you think shame and conscience are the same thing?
What do you need to know to answer this question?
Students: for this you need to know the definition of the word "conscience"
Teacher: Turn to page 48 of the tutorial, read the first two paragraphs. Find a definition of the word conscience and find common and different traits between shame and conscience.
(Shame is a hard experience of shame in front of other people for your behavior. Conscience is shame in front of yourself)
Teacher: What is the difference between shame and conscience?
Teacher: The word conscience is a Church Slavonic word. Literally conscience is translated as "holy message", that is, the correlation with what is holy, truly, is not subject to any edition.
The very word "conscience" carries a lot of information. Let's try to listen to the word CONSCIENCE and make other words out of these letters, only so that each letter is used in the word only once. Write these words in your notebooks.
Teacher: Guys, let's check what words you have composed.
Teacher: Each of the words you compose has its own meaning. Let's find out what they mean.

Teacher: Conscience is a feeling that is characteristic only of a person, a sense of responsibility to oneself and to other people for one's actions. Therefore, conscience develops and is educated in a person.
5. The stage of primary verification of understanding of the learned
Teacher: Let's answer the next question. What is conscience for? To do this, read the parable. The parable is on the card. When you read, remember that there is a life lesson hidden in it. Determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. And also come up with 2 questions in a pair about the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe parable. Daisy Bloom will help you with the questions.

Parable. Once the conscience told a man that he was wrong, another, a third ...
On the fourth, he decided to get rid of her. Not for a day or two - forever!
I thought and thought how to do it, and thought up ...
- Come on, - he says, - conscience, play hide and seek!
“No,” she says. - You will deceive me all the same - you will spy!
Then the man pretended to be completely sick and says:
- I got sick of something ... Bring me some milk from the cellar!
Conscience could not deny him this. I went down to the cellar. And the man jumped out of bed - and closed it!
In joy he called his friends and with a light heart: he deceived one, offended the other, and when they began to take offense, he drove everyone out altogether. And no remorse for you, no reproaches - good at heart, calm.
Good, good, but only a day passed, then another, and something began to be lacking for a person. And a month later he understood what - conscience! And then such a melancholy fell on him that he could not stand it and opened the cellar lid.
- Okay, - he says, - come out! Just don't command now!
And in response - silence.
I went down to the cellar: there, here - there is no conscience anywhere!
Apparently, indeed, got rid of her forever ...
The man burst into tears:
- How am I going to live without conscience now?
And suddenly he hears a quiet, pretentious voice. Not from the cellar - into the heart:
- Here am I…
The man called out to the joy of his friends, apologized and arranged such a feast for them here!
Everyone thought it was his birthday and congratulated him on that. And he did not refuse, and his conscience did not mind. And not at all because she was afraid to end up in the basement again.
After all, if you look, that's how it was.

Teacher: Guys, how would you title this parable?
Now remember the questions that you came up with. The first row will ask its questions to the third row, the third row will address its questions to the second row, and the second row will answer the first row.
Teacher: So still, did the person manage to hide his conscience? Why?
Here we spread our hands
As if surprised.
And to each other to the ground
Bowed to the belt!
Bent over, straightened up
They bent down, straightened up.
Below, below, don't be lazy
Bow down and smile.
6. The stage of consolidating new knowledge and ways of working
Teacher: Guys, give your suggestions on how conscience works.
What is the significance of conscience in a person's life?
People with the word conscience use very strong expressions, for example, such as: "conscience gnaws", "conscience does not let sleep." What other expressions with the word "conscience" do you know?
The first option will think about the meaning of the expression "conscience gnaws"
The second option ponders the meaning of the phrase "conscience sleeps"
3 - "clear conscience",
4 - "conscience spoke",
5 - "pangs of conscience"
6 - "agree with your conscience."
Teacher: Now we are listening carefully to the speakers.
Teacher: Guys, I suggest we build a model of conscience. Each couple has a card with a proverb on their desk. You need to discuss the meaning of this proverb in a pair, and choose a synonym keyword from an aphorism, (possibly a phrase), to get a definition of the type of conscience - it is (what?) Wisdom. And write it down on a piece of the puzzle. When finished, we will put this mosaic together. Who does not understand the work we are doing now?
1. Conscience is the best moral book we have, and should be looked at most often. (Blaise Pascal)
2. The law that lives in us is called conscience. Conscience is, in fact, the application of our actions to this law. (I. Kant)
3. Conscience is an inner, closed luminary, which only illuminates the person himself and speaks to him in a quiet voice without sound; touching tenderly the soul, brings it to life, and, following a person everywhere, does not give him mercy in any case. (A.V.Suvorov)
4. Conscience is our inner judge, unmistakably testifying to the extent to which our actions deserve respect. (P.A.Golbakh)
5. Conscience is, basically, memory, to which a moral assessment of the accomplished is added. (D.S. Likhachev)
6. I believe that conscience is a fear that guards in each individual person the rules that society has developed for its safety. (S. Maugham)
7. Conscience is an inner voice that warns that someone is following us. (G.L. Menken)
8. Conscience is a moral norm realized by reason and experienced by feeling. (Seneca)
9. Conscience is a moral lamp that illuminates the good path; but when they turn on a bad one, they break it. (G. Hegel)
10. Conscience is a personal cache that stores the spiritual qualities of its owner. (I. Golyuk)
11. Conscience is the emotional guardian of beliefs. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)
12. Conscience is the faithful leader in people's lives. Beware of anything that is not approved by your conscience. (L.N. Tolstoy)
Teacher: Now, in turn, the couples will come out, read how they defined conscience, and stick their card on the board.
Teacher:Guys, based on the definitions that you wrote, you will agree that Conscience is our inner judge that lives in each of us.
Before making a choice, our conscience tells us what to do. After a mistake, the conscience works like an alarm: “You can't do that! Correct yourself! ")
All human life consists of such situations. At every step we make a choice between good and evil. In order not to be mistaken, you need to constantly hear the voice of your conscience. This voice will tell us whether our actions are good or bad.
7 Application phase of knowledge and methods of action
Teacher: To become dexterous and strong, exercise the body; to learn how to solve problems well, people exercise the mind. Is it possible to exercise conscience? How?
It is necessary to force the conscience to work constantly, to do the exercises. Exercises of conscience are the inner work of the mind and heart, when a person reflects on what was good, what was bad for the day, mentally puts himself in the place of another, tries to see the consequences of his actions, knows how to look at his actions through the eyes of other people. With such work, the conscience will not be silent and will always be the inner judge of a person.
Let's look at three situations. How to act in good faith? Let's try to hear the voice of conscience.
Form groups of 4 people.
The first situation.
The teacher had to leave the class in the lesson during the test, and she asked Katya to look after the students so that no one cheated. Some guys cheated, of course. When the teacher returned to the class, she asked Katya if anyone had cheated (it is known that they will give a deuce for this). The teacher trusts Katya. What should Katya do and why?
The second situation.
You copied the entire dictation from a neighbor on a desk. But the teacher put "3" for the neighbor, and "5" for you, because he did not notice the two mistakes that he saw in her notebook. Your actions?
Situation three.
For spring break, you and your homeroom teacher are planning a trip to the woods. There is a stormy preparation for a fun journey. But suddenly an emergency occurs in the classroom: someone tore the tap off the fire extinguisher and filled the entire floor in the office with foam. The class teacher asks the culprit to confess and put the class in order. But nobody confesses. The class teacher then punishes the entire class and the trip is canceled. Do you know that your friend ripped the crane off the fire extinguisher? How can one act in good faith in this situation?
(A very important point! It is necessary to reduce the conversation to the fact that a conscientious person actively helps others to act according to their conscience, and not “sneak.” In the first case, Katya, turning to the class, would ask those who cheated to confess themselves. Similarly, in the third case . The friend must convince the friend to be brave and be responsible for his actions.)
8. The stage of generalization and systematization of knowledge
Teacher: Guys, let's listen to the groups, what the situation was proposed to them and how they will act (since there are three situations, and there are more groups, then one group will come out, and the rest will complement)
And everyone else listens carefully to each other, and prepares to supplement and ask questions.
Does anyone think differently? What would you like to add?
Teacher: The most important thing in a person's life is to be in harmony with their conscience. One must be able to hear her, act on her prompts.
But what to do if you have stumbled, made a mistake and acted against your conscience.
Sometimes they say "conscience is like a splinter"
I wonder why?
An unclean conscience is like a ZANOZA, which constantly reminds of itself, whines, itches, depriving a person of joy and peace.
If our conscience began to bother us, annoy us, what medicine should we turn to?
This medicine is called REPENTANCE.
The feeling of remorse is a great feeling. It purifies and heals the human soul. Even doctors admit that remorse heals the worst illnesses that medicine is powerless against. “The sword does not cut off a guilty head,” says a Russian proverb.
Think for a moment, has it ever happened that your conscience tormented you for some act? Maybe remorse will help heal your wound. (no discussion)
9. The stage of control of knowledge and methods of action
Teacher: Guys, what kind of person is called conscientious?
People who act according to their conscience are called conscientious.
Conscientiousness is a characteristic feature of the Russian person. Let's try to "Draw" a portrait of a conscientious person (individually on cards). Write the missing words into the text.

MKOU Nizhnevskaya secondary school

Regional competition of research works for students of grades 8-11 of educational organizations of the Kurtamysh district

"Learn, think, explore"

Nomination: social and historical sciences

(social studies, local history)

Theme: D olg and conscience in the fate of a person.

Completed: Tomilova Lolita grade 8

Scientific adviser: Telminova G.A.

history and social studies teacher

2017 year

Table of contents

Introduction ………………………………………………………………… ... 3

Conscience …………………………………………………………………… .. 5

Features of the manifestation of debt …………………………………………… .. 6

Debt. Social and moral ………………………………………… ..7

Teachers, students, participants in the Great Patriotic War ... ..8

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… 10

References ………………………………………………………… .. 12

Appendix 1 ……………………………………………………………… ..13

Objective: to form an idea of \u200b\u200blearning that duty and conscience are inalienable properties of human behavior and all life.

Research objectives:

    to get acquainted with archival materials about teachers and students who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

Hypothesis : As far as a person understands the importance of moral values, morality in life, so he feels responsible for his actions

Research location:

    nizhnee village, library, school and rural local historymuseums.

Research objects

    literature on this topic, newspaper articles, photographs from a family album.

Study period: collection of material, its processing January-April

Research methods:

    Meetings with relatives;

    Visiting museums;


    Study of photographs.

In social studies lessons, we got acquainted with such concepts as duty and conscience. And they thought about the question: What is our life: duty? And what is conscience? And how to define them? However, let's not rush into definitions. Let's think about the essence, about the main thing.

Duty, according to science, connects a person with other people, with society.

First, by entering into relationships with others and society, we thereby acquire certain objective responsibilities;

Secondly, we acquire responsibility, that is, the equally necessary objectivity to constantly fulfill these obligations.

Well, for example, we are students. Do we have responsibilities? Undoubtedly there is. Our whole life is filled with relationships with other people, with society: we have parents, family, friends, classmates, there are simply people around us, there is our home, village, Motherland, Earth. Debt binds us to them. This means that we have certain objective duties and responsibilities to every person, to the whole society. The word "objective" means independent of our personal desires, that is, whether we like it or not, we must certainly fulfill our duties. Otherwise, we simply will not be able to live in society, we will become a source of constant troubles, and even troubles for others, and for ourselves.

Who among us is not familiar with our inner voice, called conscience, which sometimes accuses us from within and oppresses us, then gives a feeling of joy and satisfaction! This is our internal controller and judge, incorruptible and impartial. Just as a hungry person cannot convince himself that he is full, and exhausted by work - to convince himself that he is cheerful and full of strength and energy, so we cannot convince ourselves that we did well and right when the conscience denounces us that we did wrong.

Conscience is the moral consciousness of a person. So, conscience is the ability to distinguish between good and evil, prompting a person to make an informed choice in favor of good.

Conscience is a special moral and psychological mechanism that operates from within our own soul, meticulously checking whether the duty is being fulfilled.

We conducted a survey among the students of our school. The guys answeredquestions:

    What is debt?

    What is conscience?

    Can you give examples of someone fulfilling their moral duty?

82 students were interviewed.Results of the survey showed that:

71% understand that debt is a duty to a person or country;

23% - that it is money debt;

6% - just don't know what to answer.

Only 48% know what conscience is and 42% can give an example of a person who fulfilled his moral duty.

therefore target Our job is to study the concepts of duty and conscience, and to get acquainted with the fate of the people of our village who have fulfilled their moral duty.

We have set ourselves the followingtasks:

    study scientific literature on this topic;

    compare the concepts of duty and conscience;

    to get acquainted with archival materials about teachers and students who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

To achieve this goal, we visited the local history museum, where we got acquainted with archival materials, met with relatives of teachers, participants of the Great Patriotic War, studied literature on the history of our region and used educational and methodological materials on the topics "Duty and Conscience".

We want our search to help remind the inhabitants of our area, about the people, who carried in their hearts all the conquering love for the fatherland.


How inevitable is your power

Thunderstorm of criminals, innocent comforter.

Oh conscience! Our deeds are the law and the prosecutor,

Witness and Judge!

V. Zhukovsky

The main function of conscience is self-control. Conscience reminds a person of his moral obligations, of the responsibility that he bears towards others and towards himself. A conscientious person is a person with a keen sense of moral duty, making high moral demands on himself.

A conscientious person never treats himself condescendingly, asks himself in all severity, without looking for excuses. The quiet, but persistent voice of conscience is a powerful instrument of morality, it sounds in a person when there is no external control, and the subject, left to himself, it would seem, could act without any restrictions. However, the limiter of boundless freedom is precisely conscience, which is a warning and reproach from the side of one's own “I”.

Conscience worries the person, does not allow her to fall asleep morally, makes her correct her actions in accordance with the values \u200b\u200bthat exist in society.

Conscience is an individual feeling. This is the responsibility for the world to oneself. She does not crave to win anyone's gratitude, she does not crave to gain anything and does not pay off, but is worth it, demanding sacrifices from you. The conscience, as has been said, is interested in what is truly, unconditionally.

Conscience is the absence of intermediaries in the form of everything formal and conditional between human affairs and those who judge them. Remorse is a feeling of one's own guilt, guilt before Good itself. Since a person has learned to distinguish between good, that is, to feel compassion and to judge justice regardless of norms, his conscience also gains autonomy from shame. Conscience gnaws when you alone know about a misdeed. Fear of discovery seems to help wake someone's conscience. But nevertheless, this fear rather drowns out the conscience, and when conscience outweighs fear, then it wants detection, longs - to confess, to repent.

We can also say that conscience is the fear of being worthy of condemnation, even if this fear was all around and despised, was regarded as weakness or cowardice.

Conscience, alas, does not so much guide as it judges. Usually you attach less importance to your misdeeds than your conscience later reveals in them. After all, you see first of all everything that you want and that is easy to see. But here's what is important to understand. The conscience does not know the entire moral truth, but only what you yourself, in truth, think; conscience is not yet a law, but an honest judge, and the law can and must be improved. Don't try to bribe the judge, you can't fool yourself. But to think that in truth good and evil is the same duty of conscience.

And now about the debt. What is our life: duty?

Answer: "It is impossible to step a step on this land without touching the responsibility and duty that must be fulfilled." T. Carlyle (1795-1881) - English publicist, historian.

Features of the manifestation of debt

1. Voluntariness. Depending on the degree of awareness of the need, justice, importance of duty and, consequently, on the attitude towards it, its requirements can be carried out at different levels of voluntariness: from execution under duress or out of fear of public opinion to following the duty out of internal need. A truly moral duty is the free adherence to socially necessary requirements and personal obligations, regardless of external or internal constraints.

2. Active civic position. People of moral duty are active, active, do not indifferently pass by the moral or other infringement of the rights of another person, they are extremely sensitive to any injustice and actively assert goodness in life. Moral duty awakens in such people a sense of personal involvement in everything that happens in the world, the desire to make a feasible contribution to the common cause.

3. Multiple debt. There is a complex "hierarchy" of debt; duty to society, to the collective, to family, to friends, to oneself. This gives rise to certain difficulties associated with the need to choose which of the debts should be performed in the first place, especially if they contradict each other.

Debt. Social and moral.

Debt is an internally accepted voluntary commitment.

Science proposes to distinguish two sides in debt: public debt and moral duty.

Public duty is all the objective responsibilities that a person needs to fulfill in life.

Moral duty is when a person deliberately makes moral demands on himself. Note: not someone else (boss, entourage, etc.), but to himself. Therefore, there is nothing stronger than moral duty. Realizing it, a person acts on an inner urge, courageously, boldly, steadfastly. This is all of this moral duty. In everyday communication, we often say: duty of a teacher, duty of a leader, duty of a person and duty of a Soldier.

Duty includes an awareness of one's responsibility to other people, to society, to oneself and the Motherland. In other words, in duty, the attitude of the human person to others (near and far), to society is understood, experienced.

V. Solovyov wrote that there is "a proper attitude to everything." And the proper attitude is expressed, first of all, in the fact that the individual performs his duties in the most optimal way for a given situation, and not purely formally, “for show”. Awareness of duty plays a very important role in social life. With the loss or weakening of the sense of duty, many social relations are degraded. However, the spiritual life of the individual is also becoming scarce. It is no coincidence that the Man of Duty has enjoyed great respect at all times.

What is the reason for the obligation of debt claims? The answer to this question depends on the ideological attitudes of the individual.

For the believer, this obligation is determined by the will of God himself, and for the unbeliever, the individual's dependence on society comes to the fore, outside of which he simply cannot exist (not to survive, but to realize the fullness of being). One person fulfills the prescriptions of public duty, fearing public condemnation or even punishment from it. He does not violate it because he wants to earn public recognition, praise, reward. The other is because he is convinced: even if it is a difficult, but still a great and necessary duty. And, finally, for the fourth, the fulfillment of duty is his inner need, causing moral satisfaction. The last option is the highest fully mature stage in the development of social duty, an internal human need, the satisfaction of which is one of the conditions for his happiness.

Man is a social being. It is generated by society and necessarily fulfills certain social roles in this society. Responsibilities appear before a person as dictated by social necessity. Without them, the functioning of society, collective, political and other organizations is impossible. The fulfillment by a person of the corresponding social role is a way of self-affirmation of him as a person, citizen, member of a collective, etc.

The moral need to be faithful to duty is a great strength. Duty also orients towards the fulfillment of moral norms, which represent, as it were, a program of behavior proposed to a person from the outside; he acts as a person's duty to society, the team.

Philosophers argue that the highest manifestation of moral duty is precisely the ability to overcome the contradiction between your desires and duty. It often happens that it is difficult to fulfill a duty, and maybe even dangerous, and a person would like to evade it, but he overcomes himself, his weakness, laziness, cowardice, and then the moral value of the duty fulfilled becomes much higher. Therefore, in order to fulfill a moral duty, a person needs, firstly, to act consciously, voluntarily, and secondly, to have the courage to overcome oneself, to boldly go to the goal. Awareness of moral duty helps to achieve a state of mind when duty is not burdensome and discipline is formed by itself. Moral duty, as it were, guides the public duty, directs it, gives resilience to a person, makes his actions conscious, and not impulsive. We know such people, we read about them. They are people of high moral duty.

This year our country is celebrating the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Years have passed, but we need to remember the feat of our people, be proud of their courage and perseverance.

We examined the data on teachers and students of our school who were not afraid to stand up for the Motherland and honorably fulfilled their moral duty.

Bolshakov Gleb Maksimovich (pr. 1) was born in 1918 in the village of Yarki, Kurtamysh region. At the front from the first day of the war. He was seriously wounded several times. Gleb Maksimovich was awarded the Order of the "Red Star", medals "For Courage", "For Military Merit", "For Victory over Germany." After the war he worked as Head of the Regional Department of Education in Kazakhstan, director of a school in the village. Bottom, a history teacher.

Fomin Pavel Grigorievich (Ex. 2) started the war near Moscow in 1941. And then there was a long, hard way to Konigsberg. Pavel Grigorievich was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the Order of Glory. Pavel Grigorievich Fomin has more than 30 years of teaching experience. He worked at the Nizhnevsk school as a teacher of mathematics and physics.

Malkov Alexander Petrovich (3) - he is still remembered by the older generation of our village as "Petrovich". In 1941 he went to the front. He was wounded and was in the hospital. 1945 - the year of Victory, Alexander Petrovich met in Czechoslovakia. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, medals "For Courage", "For Military Merit", "For Victory over Germany."

Students of our school also go to the front. One of themLeshukov Sergei Venediktovich (4).

He was only 17 years old, when at a difficult moment for the Motherland, without hesitation, he volunteered for the front. August 4, 1944. On the vast field of the airfield, ahead of the formidable machines, the personnel of the regiment of long-range bombers lined up. In the ranks, members of the same crew stand shoulder to shoulder: the commander of the ship, junior lieutenant Alexander Belousov, navigator junior lieutenant Boris Solomin, co-pilot junior lieutenant Nikolai Dodor, radio operator Alexei Klyukin, aerial gunners Anatoly Muravyov and Sergey Leshukov. From the hands of the senior officer, the regiment commander received the red combat banner. The pilots swore at the silk cloth of the regimental shrine to mercilessly destroy the fascist invaders. From that day on, the history of the combat aviation unit began. Many heroic deeds were accomplished by the personnel of the regiment of long-range bombers on the way to Victory. And the most striking, unfading feat is April 16, 1945. On this day, the last fiery route of the Komsomol-youth crew of the bomber, which repeated the feat of Captain Gastello, ran over Berlin. The commander of the crew that entered immortality was Junior Lieutenant Alexander Belousov, Sergei Leshukov was an air gunner-radio operator. On that day, the heavy vehicle broke through heavy anti-aircraft gun fire and violent attacks from German fighters. The bombs were dropped on the target. However, the car was set on fire. The pilots could save their lives by jumping out of the burning plane with parachutes. But the enemy is below, and they could be captured. “Death is better than shameful captivity,” the young Soviet patriots decided, and the ship's commander, broadcasting: “We are burning. We will not jump. Let's go on the attack! " - sent a flaming plane to the enemy's underground ammunition depot. The crew died, but having destroyed the enemy's deadly weapons, they saved thousands and thousands of Soviet soldiers, giving them the opportunity to storm Berlin, the den of the fascist beast.

The heroic deed is not forgotten. In those days, the regimental poet composed a song, and the fighting friends of the heroes sang:

They did not die, do not believe their death,

They, as before, are with us in battle.

Fly along the great road of immortality

In the boil of battles for their homeland.

On August 4, 1969, on the day of the 25th anniversary of the unit, at the place where the regiment was awarded the Red Banner, a monument to fellow soldiers was unveiled: a formidable plane takes off from a high pedestal into the blue sky (5-6).

At the rally of the aviation regiment personnel, which was held at the monument to the heroes, in the center of the German city of Bukov, Varvara Dmitrievna, the mother of Sergei Venediktovich Leshukov, spoke about the childhood and youth of her son, that he had been preparing himself for a feat from an early age.

Fighting friends of Sergei Venediktovich Leshukov shared their memories of combat everyday life, characterized their friend as a man of great soul and sympathetic heart, optimism with a smile on his young face, fearless and skillful air fighter in battle.

Varvara Dmitrievna and the veterans of the aviation regiment laid bouquets of fresh flowers at the foot of the monument as a symbol of the immortality of the heroes-aviators who gave their lives for the happiness of future generations.


Analyzing the methodological literature, we learned the meaning of the concepts of social and moral duty. Studying archival documents and recording the memoirs of relatives of teachers, students of war participants, we got acquainted with excellent examples of a fulfilled moral duty, a duty to the Motherland, to relatives and friends.

In carrying out this work, we came into contact with the military and labor glory of the teachers and students of our school, who, together with the entire Soviet people, in fierce and bloody battles, defeated a vile and strong enemy, before which almost all of Europe fell to its knees.

Time is running fast. And now we will soon become witnesses and participants of the 72-year anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Great love for the Motherland, faith in a just victory and a better future helped the fighters to withstand and win, and the home front workers, where old people, women and children remained, with incredible work to provide the front with everything necessary. Therefore, our duty is to remember the heroes who took part in the Great Patriotic War.

Now our duty is not to forget those who served in the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War, and those who did not participate in hostilities, but worked in the rear.

We are the heirs of the great victory of 1941-1945. Therefore, it is our public moral duty to remember those who gave us a peaceful sky overhead. We are obliged to respect and honor the participants of the Great Patriotic War, and we must not forget our fellow countrymen who stood up to defend the Motherland, among whom were teachers and students of our school.

We hope that our work will help in conducting class hours, extracurricular activities for the new generation.

Our duty is to remember, to control it will be the conscience!

List of references.

    Social Science Textbook, Moscow "Education" 2009, edited by Bogolyubov, Nikitin

    Museum archives

    The book "Soldiers of Victory 1941-1945", "Parus-M" 2000, edited by Papulov, Usmanov, Ustyuzhanin.

    Memoirs of relatives and friends of teachers, participants in the Great Patriotic War.

    Courage, courage and ... love. Collection. M., "PALEIA", 1997.

    An article from the newspaper "Soviet Trans-Urals".

    http://www.schoolbase.ru/ - All-Russian school portal



    Bolshakov Gleb Maksimovich

    Fomin Pavel Grigorievich

    Malkov Alexander Petrovich

    Junior Sergeant Sergei Leshukov

    Inauguration of the monument in the GDR

6. Monument to heroes in the center of the German city of Bukov

other presentations on "Duty and Conscience"

"Conscience" - Unkempt? Evaluate the actions of the boys. The concept of "conscience" is key in the hierarchy of moral values. Exercise "Moral dilemma". Can you develop your conscience? Russo). In whom is shame, in that is conscience. (Russian proverb). CONSCIENCE is the INNER judge of man. Conscience, nobility and dignity ... Bulat Okudzhava.

"Moral Duty" - Listening to and discussing student stories about responsible human behavior (from literature). Consult with your parents and write a story about moral behavior. You will learn what a moral duty is a moral duty. Equipment and visual aids: X. Homework. Competencies formed among students:

"The problem of conscience" - Similarity and difference of concepts. Good. An incident on the road. Conscience. You can live without conscience. Live by conscience. Whirlpool. Fundamentals of secular ethics. Complete the sentence. Democritus. Shame. Awareness of the feeling of sensitivity. Small family. Secular ethics.

"Human Conscience" - Should be ashamed of oneself. Tricky excuses. Conscience. Peace with yourself. Find a pair. Portrait of a conscientious man. Working with parables. Inner consciousness of good and evil. What is conscience. Shame and conscience. A clear conscience.

"The pangs of conscience" - Nina. Tricky excuses. Apology. Crossword. Sinkwine. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Acquaintances. What to do. A plan for the activities of students at different stages of the lesson. Communication of basic concepts. Inner feeling. Hurry to do good. Pangs of conscience. Shame in front of people. Age. Shame. Wine. Conscience. Ask for forgiveness. Moral depth.

"Conscience" - Russo). .Conscience! CONSCIENCE is the INNER judge of man. In whom is shame, in that is conscience. (Russian proverb). Arrogance? The poverty of their parents? Evaluate the actions of the boys. How did you feel, what was your reaction? Conscience has to do with so many things people do. Can you develop your conscience?

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Annotation to the presentation

The presentation "Duty and Conscience" will help in instilling in pupils a sense of conscientiousness, responsibility, tolerance for the actions of other people through acquaintance with the concepts of conscience, shame and duty, with an understanding of the importance of these human qualities. There are poems and a story about conscience.

  • Debt;
  • Shame;
  • Conscience.


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Ermilova O.V.

    Lecture hall

    The words




    • To teach a lesson by a teacher

Slide 1

Lesson problem:
What helps a person to do good, right?

Slide 2


Duty - duties that must be performed regardless of their desires.

  • monetary debt
  • moral duty
  • professional duty
  • Slide 3


    • Shame is a feeling that arises in a person when he commits acts that contradict the requirements of morality, degrading the dignity of a person.
  • Slide 4

    What is conscience?

    Mom, what is conscience?

    About good deeds -
    Life gave them to you and me.
    Who lives by conscience -
    Will not let anyone down.
    Conscience is the treasure of your soul,
    A bright ray of light in her.
    It is a guiding light.
    He will save you from trouble.
    He always burns in you
    He is your most durable shield.

    The most important adornment of a person is a clear conscience. (Cicero_

    Slide 5

    Conscience and shame

    • Conscience is the ability of a person to distinguish between good and bad deeds and feel guilty for bad ones.
    • Shame is a feeling of guilt towards others, for example, for an unfulfilled debt.
  • Slide 6

    Lesson topic: "When does conscience torment?"

  • Slide 7

  • Slide 8

    A.P. Gaidar "Conscience"

  • View all slides


    "Duty and Conscience"



    • collective;
    • frontal;
    • group;

    Expected results:


    • presentation

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment.

    2. Repetition.

    3. Discovery of new knowledge.
    / slide 4 /

    What is conscience?
    - Mom, what is conscience?
    - Conscience, daughter, is a story.
    About good deeds -
    Life gave them to you and me.
    Who lives by conscience -
    Will not let anyone down.
    Conscience is the treasure of your soul,
    A bright ray of light in her.
    It is a guiding light.
    He will save you from trouble.
    He always burns in you
    He is your most durable shield.
    (A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova)(Children's answers)

    • And they also say:
    b) Answer to the lesson question.

    Matching game / slide 9 /

    4. Reflection.

    The lesson is coming to an end.

    Now I know … .
    Now I can ....

    5. Homework.P.23

    6. Summary./ slide 14 /


    Like an unwritten tale

    Yana Kuzovleva

    / slide 15 /

    "Duty and Conscience"

    Purpose: foster a sense of sensitivity, conscientiousness, responsibility for their actions, a tolerant attitude towards other opinions.


    • on the basis of the formation of an ethical concept of conscience, to stimulate self-esteem in students and their self-control in everyday behavior.
    • to form students' culture of communication (communication skills);
    • develop the ability to express your opinion, defend it, as well as the ability to admit your mistakes, analyze them and draw conclusions.

    Forms of organizing cognitive activity:

    • collective;
    • frontal;
    • group;

    Expected results:

    • Children will be able to form an idea of \u200b\u200bsuch concepts as "conscience", "shame".
    • Learn to analyze the actions of people in different life situations, express their point of view, defend their own opinion; accept someone else's.
    • Realize why people need a conscience.


    • the textbook "Secular Ethics" R.N.Buneev, D.D. Danilov, I.I. Kremlin
    • presentation

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment.
    The lesson begins, He will go to the guys for future use.

    2. Repetition.

    • What were they talking about in the previous lesson? (On duty and conscience) / slide 1 /
    • What problem of the lesson did you define for yourself? (What helps a person to do well, right?) / Slide 1 /
    • When do we use the word debt? (monetary, professional, moral) / slide 2 /
    • Then what about the word debt? (used in several meanings, but ...) / slide 2 /
    • If a person tries to distance himself, to get away from helping, to act according to his whims and desires, but contrary to his duty? (This act is considered bad)
    • What is most often done with such a person? (People turn away from a person who has violated his duty)
    • In this case, what does a person have? (Feelings of guilt in front of people or feelings of shame) / slide 3 /
    • Have you ever felt ashamed and why? (Children's answers)
    • Remember if you ever wanted to do something bad, and the voice inside stopped you and saved you from doing something bad.
    • Whose inner voice do you think you heard? (Voice of conscience)

    3. Discovery of new knowledge.
    a) Working with the concept of "Conscience"./ slide 4 /
    -What is conscience? Listen to the poem, it will help you find the answer to the question.
    What is conscience?
    - Mom, what is conscience?
    - Conscience, daughter, is a story.
    About good deeds -
    Life gave them to you and me.
    Who lives by conscience -
    Will not let anyone down.
    Conscience is the treasure of your soul,
    A bright ray of light in her.
    It is a guiding light.
    He will save you from trouble.
    He always burns in you
    He is your most durable shield.
    (A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova)(Children's answers)

    • And they also say: The most important adornment of a person is a clear conscience.
    • Find the meaning of the word in the dictionary of the textbook. / slide 5 /
    • Compare these concepts. (duty and conscience)
    b) Answer to the lesson question.
    • Is it easy to act according to your conscience?
    • They say about conscience as about a living being: “Conscience has no teeth, but it gnaws.” Why?
    Today we will answer the question: When does conscience torment? / slide 6 /

    Listen to the story of A.P. Gaidar "Conscience". / slide 7-8 /

    Nina Karnaukhova did not prepare an algebra lesson and decided not to go to school. But so that her acquaintances would not accidentally see her hanging out with books around the city during her working day, Nina stealthily went into the grove. Putting a bag of breakfast and a bundle of books under a bush, she ran to catch up with a beautiful butterfly and came across a baby who was looking at her with kind, trusting eyes. And since in his hand he was clutching an ABC book with a notebook in it, Nina realized what was the matter and decided to play a trick on him. - Unhappy truant! she said sternly. - And it is from such a young age that you are already deceiving your parents and the school? - Not! - the kid answered in surprise. - I was just going to class. But here in the forest there is a big dog. She barked and I got lost. Nina frowned. But this kid was so funny and good-natured that she had to take him by the hand and lead him through the grove. And Ninya's bundle of books and breakfast remained lying under the bush, because now it would be a shame to raise them in front of the baby. A dog rushed out from behind the branches, didn't touch the books, but ate breakfast. Nina returned, sat down and wept. Not! She didn't mind the stolen breakfast. But the merry birds sang too well over her head. And it was very heavy on her heart, which was gnawing at a merciless conscience.

    • Why was Nina Karnaukhova's heart gnawed by a merciless conscience?
    • Usually our conscience scolds, reproaches us when we do something wrong. She tortures us.
    • What happens to a person when his conscience torments him? (He cannot sleep well, constantly thinks about his bad deed; suffers; walks with his head bowed)
    • Why did the person's head droop? (He ashamed)

    Matching game / slide 9 /
    How does conscience work? Find out by reading the textbook. (p.22) / slide 10 /
    What are the important things that conscience does?

    1. Before making a choice, conscience tells what a person should do.
    2. After a mistake, the conscience works like an alarm: “This is impossible! Correct yourself! "

    We conclude: "The main thing in a person's life is to be in harmony with your conscience." / slide 11 /
    What to do in this situation? / slide 12 /

    4. Reflection.

    The lesson is coming to an end.
    What discovery did you make for yourself, add the sentences:
    Now I know … .
    Now I can ....
    Now I (will) will not…. / slide 13 /

    5. Homework.P.23

    6. Summary./ slide 14 /
    Peace and order are based on conscientious people. Their position in life determines the moral climate of society and the level of its ideals. So let us strive for the image of a conscientious person! And at the end of our conversation, I would like to read the poem by Yana Kuzovleva "Conscience".


    Like an unwritten tale

    All deeds, thoughts of hearts, We are sometimes exposed by conscience. Is it a punishment or a gift from Heaven? For some, this voice is loud: He hears a dumb reproach from the soul, Having committed a mistake or a mistake - Immediately loses its peace. And the other - already that voice does not hear (He forgave himself any evil): No matter what happens, the Man who has lost his conscience breathes evenly. We know that she is pure; And she is also able to reproach; And in deeds to repent and in thoughts (even secret) can force. Conscience is given to us by the Spirit of God as a beacon so that we can see our way: You can live according to your conscience, or you can - Forever let your conscience fall asleep.
    Yana Kuzovleva
    -And so that your conscience does not fall asleep, always remember the words of the philosopher Marcus Aurelius ...
    / slide 15 /
    - Thank you all for your work. Let the knowledge gained help you in life. / slide 16 /

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