How to determine the budget for a TV advertising campaign. Theoretical aspects of planning an advertising campaign on TV An example of an advertising campaign on television

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Television is a very effective, but at the same time, the most expensive medium of advertising distribution. TV commercials are highly memorable. Aired on television a large number of times, it firmly implants into the minds and unconscious of TV viewers what the advertiser needs.

Television advertising is a way to promote goods, services and various messages by placing them in the broadcasting network. Television advertising (TV) is a relatively new, but very effective way of influencing the consumer.

The most important advantage of TV advertising (advertising on TV) is the ability to demonstrate a moving image, show the advertised object in action, as well as the process of preparing goods. Nowadays, renting commercials on television is the most effective way of advertising. TV advertising allows simultaneously reaching a wide audience and is firmly connected with the concept of rating, since when choosing a TV channel, an advertiser first of all pays attention to how many viewers will see or hear his appeal. Another advantage of TV advertising is its ability to unfold the action in space and time, to show the use of the advertised object in different countries, in different industries, to produce newsreels, to transfer the viewer to hard-to-reach places: under water, in a mine, in the Himalayas.

It is very important that the spectacle shown to the consumer by your advertisement has the character of a document, which means that it has a very serious persuasive power. TV advertising has the ability to show what is never seen from the outside of the product. For example, machine parts that are inaccessible to direct observation due to their miniature size or speed.

However, its main advantage is its high emotional persuasiveness. In just a few seconds, it evokes a stable and completely defined attitude towards the product in the consumer.

Television gives life to advertising like no other medium. Through imagination, sound and movement, your ad comes to life in front of millions of future buyers. They see the product, they see it in use, and they hear about it, all at the same time.

Of course, TV advertising has its drawbacks. With programming competing on mainstream television channels, there is no real certainty about how many people will be sitting in front of the televisions when advertisements are broadcast. The total cost of advertising on television is enormous, although the cost per person reached by the advertisement is relatively small. (13.49)

Television advertisements can be broadcast nationwide on mainstream channels or local stations depending on the goals of the company as well as the budget. Advertising itself causes the buyer to either indirectly or directly and indirectly. If a TV ad encourages a buyer, he will call the advertising firm if it is a local firm, or send a letter if it is about nationwide advertising. More often, however, television advertising aims to create an image of a particular brand in the minds of consumers.

Timing is an important prerequisite for effective television advertising. The best times are the early evening hours, which attract the largest mixed audience and therefore are more expensive. Although daytime television programs are targeted almost exclusively to women and children, they are effectively used to advertise a wide range of products. Women and children affect the spending of a large part of the family budget. Each commercial television channel should appeal to the audience most likely to watch the program at that time.

The television audience is an attentive audience. There has been a lot of talk for and against commercial television, but the average TV viewer perceives it as a "payment for entertainment" and whether he wants it or not, advertising affects him. Every company that organizes a successful program achieves a significant increase in sales.

Despite all the advantages, TV advertising has a number of serious limitations, including: high production and rental costs; advertisements on TV cannot be stopped, scrolled back and watched again; during commercial breaks, several commercials are usually rolled, and if the first advertisement in the ad unit did not interest the viewer, he will be easily distracted, and therefore, for the rest of the commercials, this viewer is lost; remote controls allow the viewer, without getting up from the chair, to switch to another channel with the onset of the commercial break; terrestrial and cable TV channels are unacceptable for advertising complex science-intensive products, technologies and consumer goods that require a lengthy presentation of the essence and advantages.

The basis of any advertising video and film is a good script, written by a professional screenwriter in close cooperation and under the guidance of an advertising specialist who finds motives for use in advertising, develops the idea of \u200b\u200bthe plot, and highlights the points that need to be accentuated.

Television belongs to electronic media and is one of the most popular media in our country. Advertising on television has a relatively short history of existence, like all television in general. Advertising on television refers to broadcast media, while broadcasting is used to convey information that is almost instantly perceived by the viewer. Radio also belongs to terrestrial media, but if the transmission of information on television includes movement, image, sound and color, then radio is forced to focus only on sound. Therefore, the impact of TV advertising on the consumer is much stronger than radio advertising, due to the complex impact on visual and auditory analyzers. This is the main distinguishing feature of TV advertising in comparison with radio advertising and other types of advertising in the media. Thus, television advertising has the advantage that a potential audience can not only hear, but also see the advertised product, and, therefore, remember the advertised image of the product or service. The repetition of this image in conjunction with the melody and slogan makes advertising a highly effective means in the struggle for the consumer.

It is believed that the numerous viewers of Russian national television are families with an average income and education no higher than secondary vocational education. This is explained by the fact that most TV programs are designed specifically for this group, because people with a higher income and level of education have broader interests and more opportunities for spending time, however, this is the average data for the television audience as a whole, depending on the region, they can vary.

The TV audience is massive, but it can have big differences depending on the time of day, days of the week and the nature of the TV program, which gives the advertiser the opportunity to submit his advertisement at the time when the intended audience is at the screens. The advertiser can be geographically selective when entering local and regional markets. TV makes the presentation of information immediate, other media cannot compare with it, and the product is shown from all angles. Numerous facets of TV advertising - sound, picture, character movements, color. And in recent years, the ability to use computer graphics and expensive decorations have given the creator of advertising space for imagination. By using this type of advertising, many companies increase the prestige and reputation of their company by sponsoring various theatrical performances, video production, sports shows and other cultural events. Television advertising has a dominant role in the media complex.

The undoubted advantage of TV broadcasting is the massive reach and low cost of contact, while it is imperative to take into account the audience for which the advertisement is designed, otherwise the funds spent on the creation of a TV commercial may be wasted just because potential consumers live in another region and not interested in this product or service. (8, 36)

At the same time, there are methods that allow you to convey information to a specific consumer (targeting). Advertising allows you to promote new products on the market, promote brands or enhance the company's image.

Modern videos are increasingly being produced taking into account the psychological characteristics of the target audience, which allows them to be firmly embedded in the memory of viewers in a very short time. Renting airtime for advertising brings most channels the highest income. Therefore, advertising on television remains the most expensive way to promote products, which still makes it practically inaccessible for small and medium-sized businesses.

The target audience is the TV viewers to whom the advertising message is addressed. It is necessary to study it, because before “selling” an advertising message, you should decide on the buyer. Some agencies make up a whole image of the future consumer: they determine his age, social status, living conditions, etc. Subsequently, the video is made specifically for the people of this group. Its distribution on a TV channel brings more tangible results than some kind of universal appeal to all at once. Different people have different needs. Someone already has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe product and needs to be offered fashionable novelties. Someone has never used this product, then it is best to start with the classics. Moreover, in a mass message, an advertiser speaks about the generally accepted properties of a product - good quality, ease of use, etc., without offering fundamentally new solutions. When addressing a select group, he prioritizes exactly the information they want to hear. Among the main parameters by which the audience is characterized, one can single out gender, age, social status, income level, marital status, social environment, and the nature of the profession.

Media planning is the process of optimizing advertising messages. That is, when drawing up a media plan, the TV channel offers the advertiser such conditions under which advertising will be able to achieve its goals with minimal costs. A media plan is a document that reflects the release time, frequency and duration of videos. For proper media planning, a detailed study of the target audience and the situation in the advertising market is necessary. Consequently, the TV channel or advertiser must have data from viewer monitoring and analysis of the competitive environment. It is practically impossible to form a high-quality media plan without information about viewers' preferences. If the advertiser does not have competitor monitoring data, he will not be able to determine the purpose of the advertising campaign and its main directions. Compiling a media plan requires specialized professional knowledge and experience in this area. Since advertising becomes effective not only when it is produced at a high level, but also released at the right time, a precisely calculated number of times. (1, 11)

One of the main advantages of TV advertising is its complex impact on the viewer. TV commercials simultaneously include image, sound and color. Currently, the majority of videos are based on a plot, which makes them even more interesting, informative and memorable. The psychology of the consumer is arranged in such a way that if he is often reminded of the merits of this or that product, he will subconsciously begin to think that the advertised product is really better than its little-known counterparts. Therefore, TV advertising is a great way to promote products that are just appearing on the market. Another advantage is the massive impact. A single placement of the video is enough for thousands of consumers to pay attention to the product. In addition, it can be demonstrated by showing the application and allowing the viewer to further highlight it in a group of similar products. Television lets you choose your audience. That is, it is most profitable for a cosmetics manufacturer to advertise in programs for women. And advertisements for auto equipment and construction tools will have a greater effect on political talk shows targeting mostly men.

Thus, if the advertiser has not calculated the target audience, the advertising will not bring the expected effect. The brevity of the advertising message does not make it possible to fully tell the consumer about the product in detail and present the entire range. More and more often it happens that videos of competing manufacturers of the same product appear in the same ad unit. That is, the consumer runs the risk of simply confusing them. In addition, during the display of commercials, most of the audience switches the channel, so the main part of the ad unit remains unseen.

Fixed placement

This is the model that is most common on domestic television today. In this case, the advertiser buys advertising time from the television channel, which acts as a commodity that the television channel sells. For example, an advertiser wants to buy 5 minutes for a 15-second ad. The channel must place twenty outputs of this commercial. The exit time is most often fixed by the advertiser. At the same time, the advertiser, relying on his own experience and intuition, determines when and in what program his advertisement should appear, and jealously monitors that his conditions are met.

The main advantage of such advertising placement is the simplicity and transparency of the entire technological chain. In this case, the advertiser assumes all the successes and failures of the placement. The function of the channel is reduced to the usual sale of time and the guarantee that the advertising spot will be released at a certain, clearly fixed time.

The disadvantage of such placement is its weak informational validity, and, consequently, the high probability of ineffectiveness of the advertising campaign. Placing advertisements on television is multivariate. In order to make the right choice, you need extensive information about the behavior of the television audience, its tastes, habits, and stereotypes. The personal experience of the advertiser, although experience is essential, is clearly not enough. Sociological data are required for effective advertising.

It is the sociological data that underlie the second model - "placement by ratings" or "placement by GRP". This is a more complex technology of placement, and according to this technology, advertising is currently placed on federal channels, and attempts are being made to introduce it in the regions.

Its main substantive difference is that the channel does not sell time, but the audience. Under this scheme, the sale turns into a service for the placement of advertising, and the placement itself turns into an intelligent process based on a broad informational basis.

The disadvantage of this placement technology is its complexity and strong dependence on the development of information sources. These are: price lists, sociological data, monitoring data on television broadcast.

The development of the TV advertising market goes hand in hand with the development of television itself. Over the past five years, TV has taken a significant step forward as a vehicle for advertising opportunities. Today, a television broadcasting system has developed, which includes federal, regional, network, satellite and cable channels. From the point of view of advertising placement, federal channels remain the most attractive, although regional, network and cable channels in the near future will become full-fledged subjects of the market, which will lead to technological changes in advertising placement. First of all, we are talking about the decentralization of advertising on TV, about a certain reorientation of the placement of even national advertising campaigns from the federal level to the regional one.

It is known that in different regions the ratings are different, and there are regions in which the central channels do not give the necessary effect to achieve media goals. In other words, the ratings of central channels in a certain region may not only be lower than in the country as a whole, but lower than ratings of local TV channels. In our country, such a situation exists in Novosibirsk, where the NTN 4 channel has a share equal to, and sometimes even higher, than the First channel. In this case, the ratings "get" with the help of regional TV.

As television sociology develops and improves professionalism, a widespread transition to sales by ratings will take place, and federal channels will go even further - they will sell not so much the audience as the number of contacts with the advertising spot. This is a more advanced advertising system and, we hope, the very near future of our television advertising market.

Television advertising is also on the cusp of radical changes in the format of television broadcasting. The globalization of the television business has led to the fact that television and radio companies began to enlarge not so much to attract new viewers and meet their needs for information, news, cultural and entertainment programs, but to attract advertisers. The globalization of the TV business was followed by the globalization of the media buying business, which practically deprived the local media buying structures of any chance. The emergence of alternative television - cable, satellite - is hampered by the development of their networks, which does not make them competitive. The capacity of the advertising market for traditional analogue television turned out to be borderline; it is not possible to infinitely increase the volume of advertising blocks, as this causes a negative reaction from viewers and reduces the effectiveness of television advertising. Today there is a new alternative to traditional television broadcasting - television using digital technologies. Our country is one of the few in the world that has free television. The transition is fraught with the creation of a unified network for the delivery of television programs, the provision of new services on the air, and the filling of television with new content available to the mass consumer of a television product. The creation of a single information space is very interesting for the state, realizing that television, especially if it provides feedback with the audience, can become the main instrument of communication between the authorities and the people. (2, 80)

Thus, despite the high costs and complexity of determining the true ratings of programs, television remains the most effective advertising channel with the largest coverage. If the product is a product of mass demand, TV advertising is the best way to promote it.

An advertising campaign is a complex of interrelated, coordinated actions developed to achieve strategic goals and solve problems of an enterprise, and are the result of a common advertising plan for various, but related advertising messages posted in various media over a certain period of time.

From the definition, we can highlight the fundamental points for any advertising campaign:

  • · An advertising campaign is a process that includes several successive stages, from setting goals to analyzing effectiveness;
  • · An advertising campaign involves the complex use of advertising media.

Stages of preparing and conducting an advertising campaign on television

In this process, the following stages can be conditionally distinguished.

1) Determination of the object of advertising, advertising and marketing research. High efficiency of an advertising campaign can be counted on only if it is prepared on the basis of advertising and marketing research data, primarily on a detailed and comprehensive study of the advertising object, characteristics and needs of the target audience, market conditions, and competitors' actions. Such research, preceding the decision to conduct an advertising campaign, should become the basis for substantiating its feasibility. At this stage it is necessary to give a clear answer to the question: "What is it for?"

Before starting an advertising campaign, it is necessary to conduct media research: to collect and analyze information about newspapers, magazines, television and radio broadcasts and channels and other media. This is necessary for the correct selection of advertising media.

Developers of a professional advertising campaign must also refer to the results of the previous advertising activities of the company. Analysis of the effectiveness of advertising messages, their individual elements, the impact of the selected advertising distribution channels makes it possible to avoid repeating ineffective decisions and take advantage of positive experience.

The purpose of advertising is formulated on the basis of the data of advertising and marketing analysis, since an accurate and reasonable formulation of the purpose of advertising is impossible without knowledge of the specifics of the product, market, competitive environment, consumers, etc.

The statement of the goal should be specific and unambiguous, if possible, expressed quantitatively. It is advisable to indicate the time during which the goal should be achieved when formulating the goal of an advertising campaign. An advertising campaign should have one goal. When describing the goals of an advertising campaign in terms of economic efficiency, it should be borne in mind that the result will be influenced not only by the level of the advertising campaign itself, but also by a number of other factors, including the consumer qualities of the product and service, price, activity of competitors, sales organization, service, etc. dr.

  • 3) Determining the budget of the advertising campaign. The advertising campaign budget is determined by the advertiser and agreed with the advertising developers - representatives of the advertising agency.
  • 4) Define a creative advertising strategy and advertising idea. Development of promotional materials and events. At this stage, a creative advertising strategy is first formulated, i.e. define the core idea of \u200b\u200bthe advertising campaign, position the advertising object.

For example, such a basis for advertising campaigns for various dairy products has become: for Actimel - immunity protection, for Rastishka - the optimal amounts of calcium, iodine and vitamin D for children, for Activia - natural body cleansing. The main idea of \u200b\u200ban advertising campaign is formulated as a slogan (slogan).

Further, for a creative advertising strategy, they search for an adequate, original and effective art form - an advertising idea. A single advertising idea embodied in illustrations, text, music, etc., like a creative advertising strategy, must be present in all advertising messages.

After defining a creative advertising strategy and advertising idea, advertising messages, promotional materials and events are developed. They should not only be subordinated to one creative strategy, but also have a common design (one gamut of colors, fonts, common characters, one slogan, the same composition, etc.) and together make up a single whole.

5) Testing advertising messages. The developed advertising materials are tested, checking the possible effectiveness of the main idea and individual elements of the advertisement. If necessary, advertising messages and individual components of an advertising campaign are adjusted. Testing is carried out using a survey of small groups of consumers or the method of "expert assessments" (ads are evaluated by a group of experts, giving them the appropriate points).

As a result of testing, as a rule, the best is chosen from several alternative variants of creative solutions.

  • 6) Production of advertising media. After the final versions of the appeals have been selected, the production of advertising is carried out (layout of an advertisement in the press, audio and video spots, advertising printing, etc.).
  • 7) Media planning. Practice shows that in most cases, firms spend about 10-15% of their advertising budget on the development and production of advertising products, and about 85-90% on their placement in the media. Therefore, the success of an advertising campaign, its profitability is largely determined by the correct choice of media for the transmission of advertising messages and the optimal plan for their use.

The main task of media planning is to deliver the advertising message to the maximum possible number of potential buyers with minimal costs within the allocated budget.

  • 8) Estimating advertising costs. An estimate is a plan for financing certain promotional activities. At this stage, the possible costs of individual advertising events are calculated, and the total estimated cost of the advertising campaign is determined. Then the resulting amount is compared with the actually allocated, i.e. align advertising needs with real opportunities. If the allocated funds are not enough, then adjustments are made to the estimate and plan of measures. You can, for example, reduce the frequency of advertising, the publication area, broadcast time, change the publication, etc.
  • 9) Purchase of space and time in advertising distribution media, advertising placement. The purchase of space and time in the means of advertising distribution is carried out, as a rule, by the employees of the advertising agency (media buyers) after agreeing with the advertiser on the media plan proposed by the advertising agency.
  • 10) Organization and conduct of promotional events. In the process of carrying out promotional activities, it is important to monitor their implementation and, if necessary, make operational changes.
  • 11) Summing up the results of the advertising campaign. When summing up, it is revealed to what extent the set goal of the advertising campaign has been achieved. Determine the communicative and economic efficiency of advertising: evaluate the profitability of an advertising campaign, the effectiveness of advertising means and events, the degree of influence of ads on the consumer, etc. These are the main stages that include any professionally prepared advertising campaign. Of course, the sequence of actions can sometimes change, and some stages can be performed in parallel.

The most typical, typical situations of this kind:

  • Change in the exchange rate, and therefore
  • · Changes in the purchasing power of the population;
  • · Changes in the price or image policy of competitors;
  • · Conducting a powerful counter-advertising campaign by competitors (diverting or completely switching the consumer's attention to products manufactured by competitors);
  • Changes in legislation (the release of laws, decrees, regulations, additions, amendments, etc.) that can change the way advertising information is presented or abolish the release of advertised products (since 2008, advertising on television has been legally limited to 15% per hour, which entailed a significant increase in its value);
  • · A change in the advertiser's marketing policy (the emergence of new goals, plans that radically change the advertising policy);
  • · Change in consumer psychology (shift in values, change in fashion);
  • · The emergence of more rated publications, television and radio stations, etc.

For the most probable force majeure circumstances, a plan for modifying the advertising campaign should be developed, allowing you to quickly respond to any changes that occur.

An example of a media plan developed by Mosoblreklama specialists: create a file in Power Point and attach separate calculations for each advertising channel to it in a letter. In the media plan, we reflect the overall numbers and coverage.

The effectiveness of the advertising campaign depends on the correctness of the media plan. The media plan includes:

  • selection of advertising media, for example, outdoor advertising objects, banners, billboards, etc.; publications in the press, articles on the Internet, creating your own sites, releasing commercials on television, audio advertisements on the radio, etc.;
  • selection of the most successful places and times for displaying advertising materials for each specific organization;
  • forms of information submission;
  • budget that can be spent on an advertising campaign

First, you need to draw up a clear structure of the media plan. This will be a list of all advertising media, a schedule for placing videos, articles, airing ads, installing outdoor advertising objects. Then you need to describe in detail each of the stages so as not to lose sight of important details.

Adjustment of the finished media plan

An approximate media plan must be adjusted taking into account specific organizations, regions, the type of advertised goods, the goals that need to be achieved during the course of the advertising campaign, the budget allocated for this procedure.

Media planning should answer the following questions:

  1. how many people are planned to be reached during the promotion;
  2. In which publications the advertising materials will be placed;
  3. In what time period the launch of advertising will give the greatest effect (for example, when selling soft drinks, you need to launch advertising before the hot season);
  4. How long will the advertisement be valid, how often it will be repeated;
  5. How advertising media will intersect with each other, with what order they will be released;
  6. In which areas the advertisement should be shown;
  7. How much you plan to spend on each type of advertising.

A media plan is a complete document that defines all stages of an advertising campaign.

An example of preparing a media plan

Suppose you want to conduct a complex advertising campaign, attracting funds from both outdoor advertising and your own PR-service. Let's consider an example of a media plan supporting publications in the press during the period of placing the main advertising message on the billboards:

When choosing a publication, one should take into account that the larger the audience, the higher the coverage. It is best to choose specialized magazines and newspapers that are relevant to your business. Which journalists would agree to cover, in fact, an advertising campaign (subject to its originality), who needs an additional informational reason, in which you need to "write" your creative.

Evaluate the format of the publication, the frequency of publication, circulation, social characteristics of the audience, consumer preferences, the cost of a magazine or newspaper, the quality of printing, reviews on the effectiveness of advertising in this publication.

Having considered all these details, it is necessary to draw up a table in which

  • amounts,
  • publication time
  • ad display timing
  • calculating the target audience who is expected to see your ad

You should leave the column in which the results will be indicated after publication, reflecting an increase in the influx of buyers, a neutral attitude to this type of advertising or a decline in consumer activity. Monitoring, if there are not so many publications, you can conduct yourself. If there are a lot of publications or you are lucky and the advertising campaign has become "viral", then you can order a one-time study using the professional service "Medialogia"

To draw up a media plan on a computer in real time, use our free program

Don't have time to complete your application online?

The main task of the video on television is to convince the target audience of the naturalness, environmental friendliness and usefulness of the product. To accomplish this, the video will use a natural color scheme and background: a garden with fruit trees shimmering in the sun, a light blue sky. The video is planned to be 15 seconds long, going according to the following scenario:

1-4 p. - a panorama of a huge garden is shown with people working there in red T-shirts and caps, a view from afar.

5-8 s. - gradual zooming in of the camera until the focus of the camera stops on one of the fruits, which is filmed by a girl in a red T-shirt.

9-10 s. - The focus of the camera stops on this fruit, which turns out to be a package of directly squeezed apple juice "Bottom Gardens".

11-15 s. - boxes of juice torn from branches are collected in a basket. Gradually the picture gets blurred and the packaging of Sady Pridonya juice and the slogan "Quality at first hand!"

During all this time, the voice of the girl behind the scenes pronounces the following text: "Sady Pridonya" themselves have grown the best varieties of apples for you, collected them and squeezed the juice, which came to you. A box just removed from a branch. "Sady Pridonya" - first-hand quality! "

Evaluating the effectiveness of an advertising campaign

The main goal of the advertising campaign is commercial - to increase sales of Sady Pridonya juice products in St. Petersburg by 15% in 2012 compared to 2011. Evaluation of effectiveness is a stage that will allow you to find out whether the campaign has achieved its intended goals, whether money has been wasted on its implementation.

Evaluation of the economic efficiency of an advertising campaign is a comparison of the pre-existing sales volume with that observed after its implementation. In practice, this is done quite simply - counting the products shipped from the warehouse and distributed among retail outlets.

It would also be advisable to calculate the effectiveness of the campaign using the ROI - Return on Investment. This calculation considers advertising as an investment and calculates their ROI, in other words, their ROI. It is also relevant where you need to calculate the effectiveness of the planned campaign.

Variables already known:

The target audience. Considering the main media used in this campaign - the TV channel Russia, one can assume that the target audience in St. Petersburg will be approximately 3,000,000. Given the communication interference, the message will receive 2,000,000.

We do not know how many people who have watched the video, who have seen outdoor advertisements or advertisements in the metro, will purchase the goods of the Sady Pridonya trademark. Therefore, it makes sense to calculate how many new customers an organization needs to acquire in order to consider a campaign a success.

1. Let's calculate the cost of one contact:

Campaign costs / target audience

5.025.100 / 3.000.000 = 1,68

Campaign costs / number of ad recipients

5.025.100 / 2.000.000 = 2,50

3. Let's calculate the income from the advertising campaign. Since the campaign is still being designed, we can only make an assumption about how many message recipients will purchase SP products and find out if this number is sufficient to consider the campaign successful.

500.000 x 45 \u003d 27.500.000

4. Let's calculate the ROI ratio (campaign income - campaign costs) / company budget x 100

(27.500.000-5.025.100) /917.000.000 x 100 \u003d 2.45 \u003d 245%

Based on the results of the calculations, it can be concluded that with the acquisition of "JV" 500,000 new consumers, the advertising campaign can be considered quite successful.

Chapter II Conclusions

1. Revealing the properties of the product and juice products in general, analysis of the properties of Sady Pridonya juices, carried out a SWOT analysis. He showed that the "SP" has a huge number of strengths, which just need to be used correctly. The main threat is the presence of strong competitors, but they do not have directly squeezed juice in this price category.

2. A review of the structure of the market for juice products. This review showed that juices can be roughly divided into three groups according to price. It also turned out that "JV" is included in 2% of companies that produce directly squeezed juice. Considering the price category in which this product is presented, JVs have unrivaled competitive advantages.

3. Positioning helped to choose the necessary advertising means. The campaign used the following: outdoor advertisements (30 pillars and 10 billboards), subway advertisements (5 billboards 4x2 at the busiest stations), television advertisements (a 15-second ad, aired 4 times a day for two months).

6. A 15-second TV video script was developed to help build brand awareness.

7. The ROI coefficient has been calculated, which considers an advertising campaign as an investment and evaluates its profitability. Calculations have shown that given that if the "JV" has at least 500,000 new buyers, the campaign can be considered quite successful.


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