Configuration "tavern: head-office v1 business" (basic delivery). Configuration "tavern: head-office v1 business" (basic delivery) Full-text data search

55,000 RUB

Product code: 17147

Manufacturer: SoftBalans

Configuration "Traktir: Head-Office v1 BUSINESS" (Basic delivery), code 17147

Payment methods: cash or bank transfer

License: Configuration "Traktir: Head-Office v1 BUSINESS" (Basic delivery), code 17147


"Traktir: Head-Office" - a software product based on 1C, designed for full-fledged management accounting in restaurants, cafes, bars, network and local catering establishments.

"Traktir: Head-Office" allows you to work with the primary documents of the enterprise and helps to analyze the state of the business both for each aspect of the activity, and in general for the enterprise. As a result of using "Traktir: Head-Office" business leaders and business owners receive a clear and accessible tool for automating production and making high-quality management decisions.

To enjoy "Traktir: Head-Office" easy and convenient. This became possible due to the observance of several important principles that help to find an individual approach to each enterprise.

Catering Business Oriented Design "Traktir: Head-Office" the features of many establishments were considered and taken into account: from small chains of fast food restaurants to large manufacturing enterprises. The applied data structure and the algorithms used make it possible to ensure high speed of operation of "Tavern: Head-Office" both in a single establishment and in a network of 15 or more outlets.

"Traktir: Head-Office" equally well suited for the automation of a mixed business, which includes not only mass production of food, but also retail. This approach helps to significantly reduce the cost of accounting and shortens the time required to obtain consolidated statements across the enterprise.

Open source

The modern configuration of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform will allow you to adapt standard solutions to the unique features of doing business. The use of data composition systems will help to obtain detailed reports that have a complex structure and contain a set of tables and charts. This approach is ideal for adapting a software product to the specifics of management accounting at an enterprise.


"Traktir: Head-Office" well suited for working with various DBMS options. It all depends on the number of jobs in the company and the amount of information processed. Both the file version (local or over the network) and the “client-server” version (MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Oracle DB) can be used, which provides a high level of database storage reliability.

For networked establishments, there is also support for a distributed mode, which allows access to a unified information system with the ability to limit the visibility of data by employees of branches.

OS Compatibility

Windows 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7/8.


The product has all the basic accounting functions: receipt, issue, transfer, write-off, revaluation of goods, returns to suppliers, cash and banking transactions, and others.

Production accounting:

  • Formation of technical and technological maps and cost calculation;
  • Production release (list);
  • Automatic generation of “Product release” documents based on sales results;
  • Maintaining a directory of analogues to account for the replacement of ingredients, adjusting the TTK;
  • Ingredient processing accounting;
  • Accounting for cutting raw materials into semi-finished products;
  • Formation of a production plan, requirements for the pantry;
  • Additional printing forms:
  • Act on the sale of finished kitchen products OP-12;
  • Invoice for the release of goods OP-4;
  • Act for the write-off of goods, dishes and semi-finished products;
  • The act of damage, battle, scrap TORG-15 TMC;
  • Purchase act OP-5.

Additional reports:

  • Search for occurrences of the MPZ in the TTK;
  • Cost of meals.
  • Simplified scheme for the production of kits.

Lot accounting

It is possible to conduct batch accounting for each firm separately, or for all firms in total. The methods of calculating the cost price are supported: FIFO, LIFO, selection of a specific batch.

Commodity and warehouse accounting

  • Accounting for goods movement for several legal entities;
  • Division of basic operations (income, expense) by areas of responsibility;
  • Accounting for returnable packaging;
  • Accounting for natural loss;
  • Unlimited number of warehouses;
  • Simultaneous accounting at selling prices and at cost;
  • Any number of characteristics for a heading;
  • Bar coding subsystem;
  • Accounting for suppliers of commodity nomenclature;
  • Working with prices and supplier nomenclature;
  • Accounting for the turnover of alcoholic beverages with the formation of quarterly and annual declarations;
  • Reservation of goods in warehouses;
  • Work with excess and elimination of re-grading;
  • The use of commercial equipment when working with documents;
  • Registration of inventory results.

Mutual settlements

  • Mutual settlements in the context of commodity accounting documents and / or contracts;
  • For payment transactions, control of the balance of mutual settlements;
  • Control over cash payments between legal entities under an agreement;
  • It is possible to automatically distribute the amount of payment for unpaid documents according to FIFO.


  • Unlimited number of cash desks and current accounts;
  • Accounting for funds in different currencies;
  • Accounting for cash collection operations.


  • Full and partial inventory, as well as partial inventory taking into account all characteristics;
  • Alignment of quantitative and total balances according to inventory data;
  • The ability to use the front office space when carrying out inventories.

Shop equipment support

  • All equipment interacts with the software product according to a single standard, which greatly simplifies its connection, configuration and maintenance;
  • Control of unloaded prices: price categories for commercial equipment are strictly predetermined;
  • Convenient modes of loading equipment: the entire assortment, according to the document, according to the balance, taking into account the obligatory assortment of the store;
  • Convenient work with equipment is just a click away: loading cash registers, scales, printing price tags and labels, working with TSD.

Connected shop equipment

  • Barcode scanners (any model);
  • Data collection terminals;
  • Scales with label printing.
  • To work with trade equipment, you need the ATOL: Trade equipment driver.

Subsystem of orders

  • Internal orders for the operation of chain restaurants, incl. with a central distribution warehouse;
  • External orders for working with suppliers;
  • Order creation wizards that support calculation algorithms:
  • by minimum balances;
  • by average sales, taking into account the fact that the goods were in stock during the analyzed period;
  • on underdelivery of previous periods.

When calculating orders automatically, it is possible to take into account the stocks of goods in own warehouses of various retail facilities and previously made orders.

To process a variety of internal orders, a mechanism is provided that allows you to automatically process orders and generate movements, taking into account the availability of goods in the warehouse and its "fair" distribution between trading facilities in case of insufficient quantity.


  • The block of reports allows you to analyze the activities of the enterprise, determine the profitability of the work, identify the groups of goods that bring the main profit or loss, and identify the causes of errors leading to the misgrading of goods.
  • Flexible options for customizing reports allow you to receive any information in a form convenient for analysis.
  • Customization modes for advanced users and beginners.
  • Ability to save report settings.
  • A block of reports with kidney analytics, which allows you to analyze retail sales in more detail, adjust the range of goods and build a discount system more efficiently.

Service capabilities

  • Workplaces for operator, commodity expert, manager
  • Workplaces allow you to always have important information at hand: current balances, current sales, exchange rates, financial indicators. Most business operations are available at a click away: entering documents, viewing payments, generating reports.

Name templates

  • Determine the rule for the formation of names of goods in the "Nomenclature" directory and allow you to make a predefined filling of the main details. Thus, the likelihood of entering the same product with different names is reduced, as well as the time for filling out the directory.

Full-text data search

  • The opportunity of the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform was used. The full-text search engine allows you to quickly find data objects (documents, directory elements, etc.) containing text that matches the search query. For example, you can quickly find documents that contain a specific text string in a description, comment, payment details, or any other text field.

Saving a tabular section of documents in the clipboard

  • The clipboard allows you to copy the tabular section of a document online, for its further use in other documents. Any tabular section, in whole or in part, can be saved in the configuration and used at any time in any other document, the number of such stored tabular sections in the configuration is not limited, such specifications are open for change.

What else?

  • Group processing of goods, dishes;
  • The ability to barcode documents to facilitate their search;
  • Reflection of the author and the date of creation of printed forms;
  • Ability to bind arbitrary text files, descriptions, images to the elements of any directories;
  • Flexible settings for filtering and sorting items in directories and document journals;
  • Using categories and properties of documents;
  • Sealing of documents;
  • Batch processor in documents (loading trade equipment and printing a document);
  • Complex operations requiring increased attention and clear understanding are provided with master assistants;
  • Tracking the loading of commercial equipment from documents;
  • Built-in classifiers of units of measurement, countries of the world, world currencies;
  • The ability to send an offer to developers directly from the program;
  • Calculation of banquets;
  • Accounting buffet.

Work in a restaurant chain

  • The work of "Tavern: Head-Office" is based on the principle: "Each restaurant of the chain is part of a whole well-oiled mechanism and at the same time it is an independent unit with its own specifics and responsibility for everything that happens inside it."

Part of a whole

  • The structure of the distributed network is user-defined. An unlimited number of central bases with a wide range of capabilities and peripheral bases with a number of restrictions.
  • Predefined exchange rules that ensure correct synchronization of all infobases included in the network.
  • Internal ordering system. Work with the distribution center can be based on the formation of orders by restaurants and their satisfaction within the framework of the warehouse. Centralized formation of orders to the supplier, taking into account the needs of the restaurant.
  • Unified pricing policy. Managing the availability of price categories within retail facilities.
  • Unified discount system and customer base.

Independent unit

  • Any changes in the network regarding the trading facility cannot be made without the knowledge of the responsible persons. The documentary appearance of the goods and the change in the retail prices of the restaurant occurs only through the confirmation mechanism.
  • Each restaurant with its own information base belonging to the chain has its own category of retail prices, access to which is strictly limited to change. Having its own retail price category allows the restaurant to more flexibly adapt to market conditions.
  • Only "own" documents are available to retail facilities operating as a peripheral base, which allows avoiding excess information irrelevant for the restaurant.

Contents of delivery

  • Distribution disk;
  • Documentation;
  • Registration form software;
  • Guardant Stealth II electronic dongle.

This method is based on the "Paretto Rule", which is generally formulated as "20 percent of the efforts bring 80% of the result, the remaining 80% of the efforts bring 20% \u200b\u200bof the result." When applied to restaurants, it can be expressed roughly as "20% of the menu items bring 80% of the revenue." In the classical form, the entire assortment is divided into three groups (A, B and C) depending on what percentage of profit these positions bring or what turnover they provide. The goal of the method is to select the most important menu items for the establishment, remove unnecessary items from it or change them in such a way as to improve the effectiveness of their sales.

The development of the classic ABC analysis was the ABC / XYZ analysis of sales, which added the factor of demand stability for menu items. The distribution of goods by class occurs depending on the coefficient of variation of their sales, which is automatically calculated by the program using the formula defined in the course of mathematical statistics. The higher the coefficient of variation, the more unstable the process of selling a given product. Class X will include goods whose sales are the most stable (constant), class Y will include goods with less stable parameters of constancy of sales, and class Z - goods with the most unstable sales parameters.

The percentage between the classes can be changed independently, choosing the values \u200b\u200bthat are convenient and adapted for each specific format of the establishment.

As a result of generating a report, a simultaneous classification of goods will be obtained in terms of their importance (by profit or by turnover) and sales stability. You can generate a report containing only ABC sales analysis or a report with XYZ sales analysis.

The “Menu engineering” method allows you to quickly and accurately analyze sales data and get an overall picture of the entire menu, as well as make recommendations for each individual item. All this allows you to increase the house's margin profit in subsequent periods.

Its authors are considered to be American experts in the field of restaurant consulting Michael Kasavana and Donald Smith. This method is based on the Boston Matrix (BCG Matrix) model, which Kasavana and Smith extended and adapted for the restaurant business. Since then "Menu engineering" has been the main tool for analyzing the economic efficiency and balance of the menu of various establishments.

The analysis of the menu structure determines how much each of the menu items contributes to the profit of the establishment, depending on its profit margin and popularity. Profit margin is the amount of money that allows you to pay payroll and operating costs, and generate operating profit.

By determining the popularity and gross margin of each menu item and comparing them with the average values \u200b\u200bfor the entire menu structure, all items are divided into four groups:

Stars- positions with high popularity and high level of profitability.

Workhorses - positions with high popularity but low profitability.

Puzzles - positions with low popularity, but high level of profitability.

Dogs - positions with low popularity and low profitability.

The report is implemented in such a way that the results of the analysis were presented visually and were convenient for making decisions. The graphical presentation allows you to highlight the items that require attention first.

Kidney analytics provides insight into what days of the week and hours, what products are most in demand among customers, what products are bought by people who make large purchases, what items are sold with expensive ones, how many employees are needed at different opening hours establishments, what is the average customer service time, how many checks a day is issued by this or that employee, what is the statistics of cancellations / refunds / cancellations of checks by cashiers, etc.

All this information provides a good basis for a marketing analysis of the enterprise and can characterize not only the audience of the institution, but also its format and characteristics of the place and price category. It often happens that kidney analytics data show discrepancies between the real format of the establishment and the planned one that was developed by its owners when opening a restaurant.

Such discrepancies in positioning will not allow the restaurant to reach the planned economic indicators and may serve as a reason for reformatting and rebranding the institution.

This report allows you to determine for the selected period the best and worst positions of the item in terms of profit, revenue and quantity sold. It is a simplified version of the ABC analysis of sales and is focused on operational control over the operation of the establishment.

Such a simplified version of the sales analysis can be useful when developing a motivation system for the kitchen and hall as one of the quickly calculated control points.

The instability of demand for food in a restaurant can have various reasons. It can be caused by external factors (seasonality, fashion, sanctions) or internal (change of supplier, deterioration in quality, unstable kitchen work, poor work of waiters, etc.). It is important to understand these factors and be able to work with them. And for the success of such work, it is important to track the sales of dishes for different periods in order to be able to react in time to such changes.

The easiest way to monitor sales gaps is to use the Sales Comparison by Period report. It allows you to compare sales at once for 3 periods and calculate performance indicators for each of them.

The report also calculates the elasticity of demand, i.e. its dependence on the price of the dish, if it changed over the study periods. If the demand falls as the price rises, then one speaks of “inelasticity of demand”, which may indicate either the reaching of the upper limit of the price corridor for the given dish among the target audience of the restaurant or the low perceived value of the dish in the eyes of the buyer. Elastic demand indicates a low sensitivity of buyers to fluctuations in the price of a dish, which makes it possible to work on increasing the marginality of this position.


Carrying out mutual settlements

The operational work of a restaurant sometimes requires purchases or other payments in cash, while employees are given cash for which they are subsequently accountable. Sometimes the volume of such operations can be quite significant, so the control over them also requires special tools. In Traktir systems, they are implemented in the form of special documents "Advance report" and the report "Settlements with accountants".

The document "Advance Report" contains three tabs: advances issued, payments to suppliers and other expenses.

The "issued advances" include cash and expense documents, according to which the employee received cash in his hands. In "payments to suppliers" are entered the amounts that were spent on purchases from them. "Other expenses" are indicated with the completion of the purpose of spending the funds and the item of expenses to which they will be attributed.

The unspent balance of funds can be returned to the cashier with the registration of the “Receipt and cash order” entered on the basis of the “Advance report”. As a result, a closed cycle of accounting for cash issued to accountable persons will be formed.

You can monitor the status of settlements on them using the report "Settlements with sub-accountants"

Information on the status of mutual settlements with counterparties for a given period can always be viewed in the "Report on mutual settlements", which includes data on the company's debts to counterparties and counterparties' debts to the company. It is formed on the basis of documents documenting the purchase of goods from suppliers, the sale of goods to customers, as well as bank statements and cash documents used to make payments in the system.

In the report settings, you can select the desired level of groupings and details of information output. For some cases, it will be enough to see the general picture of the state of mutual settlements in the company, for others, it is important to detail down to the level of contracts and documents on them. The system settings allow you to independently select the parameters of the information output for the report, changing the order of groupings, the composition of the rows and columns of the information output table.

In order to collect all the information on the status of settlements with suppliers and the terms of contracts on them, the system has implemented the "Payment calendar" mechanism. This processing displays upcoming payments on a single schedule in accordance with the provided payment deferrals, allows you to generate payment documents for the bank or cash desk and adjust the planned amounts and dates of their payment.

"Payment calendar" helps to see the overall picture of the planned expenditure of company funds and adjust payments based on priorities, which allows you to quickly respond to changes in incoming and outgoing cash flow.

In the Traktir system, this mechanism is built into the configuration and integrated into the processes of generating financial documents and goods circulation documents, which greatly simplifies the process of financial planning and control over the status of mutual settlements.

Cost control is an integral part of the financial management of any establishment. In order to control their level, costs are classified by cost items and budget, planning their volume in advance. To reflect the fact that costs have arisen in the "Traktir" system, the document "Write-off of costs" has been implemented, which can be entered on the basis of a cash flow order or a payment order. The document specifies the person in charge of the company's employees; it is also possible to attach a scan of an explanatory document or any other document to simplify the approval process.

The "Cost Items" directory can be edited to fit the budget of any institution.

Maintenance of technical and technological maps (TTK)

Technical and technological (TTK) and calculation cards are the basis of production accounting of a restaurant and determine the rules for preparing dishes. How many and what ingredients are written off under what conditions in the production of a particular dish, what technological operations and in what order are performed, the form of serving, calorie content and organoleptic properties - all this is recorded in these documents. Their correct compilation and careful study with fixing the results in the document "Development Act" allow you to further control the work of the cooks, reducing the effect of the "human factor" on the final result. In order for the elaboration of a new dish to be as close to reality as possible and to take into account execution errors, the configuration has implemented a variant of calculating the consumption of ingredients by averaging several elaborations. To do this, the results of several studies are entered into the document "Development Act", and the system automatically averages these results.

Another way to improve the accuracy of working with TTK is to calculate them not for one dish, but for a batch of dishes. "Traktir" allows you to do this by entering the parameter "Calculation made on ..." into the TTK, which indicates the number of portions that will be prepared according to this TTK. Because it is much more difficult to comply with the accuracy specified in the TTK when preparing, for example, one roll or cutlets, than when preparing 100 cutlets or 12 rolls at once - each individual instance may have minor deviations from the norm, but the whole batch as a whole will be close to those indicated in the TTK values. The system will correctly write off the ingredients used, and the cooks use the exact amount of raw materials specified in the TTK in cooking.

In order to keep the TTK up-to-date, the system has implemented the “Adjustments to the TTK” mechanism, which allows making operational changes to the system, for example, in the composition of a dish or the amount of ingredients. Such an operation may be necessary in case of temporary replacement of one or several ingredients of the dish with analogues. In this case, the "Correction of the TTK" can be introduced for a limited period, which will be indicated in the document. The system will automatically change the mechanism for writing off products when preparing a dish at the end of the validity period of the "Adjustments of the TTK", returning the original parameters.

Fraud with the composition of the TTK is one of the most common methods of cheating kitchen employees. By slightly increasing the amount of consumable ingredients in the TTK of a dish, a fraudster can create a surplus of products in his warehouse - the program will write off more with each release than the chef actually uses. This surplus can then be used to cover shortages, damage, or simply sold to a nearby restaurant or supplier for half the cost. Therefore, fixing all transactions with TTK and monitoring their composition and execution is an important task for the safety of the restaurant. Our system provides all the possibilities for this.

Our system within the framework of one TTC allows you to specify an arbitrary number of stages of processing ingredients, dividing them into cold and heat, as well as calculate the energy and nutritional value of dishes, taking into account losses during heat treatment. This simplifies the accounting of multi-stage processing of ingredients in the preparation of dishes and semi-finished products, creating a kind of "constructor" and recording changes in properties and composition at each stage of cooking and allowing you to combine ingredients and methods of their processing.

The choice of the type of processing and the percentage of output is carried out from the list of elements of the directory "Output of ingredients after processing", subordinate to the ingredient. Yield percentages for each treatment are stored in the Ingredient Yield after Treatment for a given ingredient and are used to automatically calculate the ingredient yield (net) from the flow rate (gross) and vice versa. Exit percentages can also be manually adjusted if a particular value from the reference book is not applicable in this case.

The creation of a TTC is the most time-consuming and routine work on setting up an automated restaurant system. With a medium-sized menu of 100-150 items, such work can take 2-3 days, even with an experienced calculator. But the newly created maps still need to be carefully checked! But at the same time, the menu of an average restaurant usually contains no more than 20-30% of unique dishes, and they are often based on modifications of previously known recipes.

Therefore, to increase the speed of launching the establishment and facilitate the work of accountants-calculators, technologists and chefs in all accounting solutions of the Traktir, the download of the electronic catalog of goods and ready-made technical and technological cards and calculation cards from the FoodCOST service is implemented

Salary and work schedule

Personnel accounting in the system is implemented through the multifunctional document “Order on personnel change”. The purpose of this document is to assign or change for each of the employees personnel data (company, place of work, position), and working conditions (that is, parameters used in calculating wages): work schedule, number of rates, current accruals and deductions and their the amount. Depending on the type of order chosen, the document "Order on personnel change" can perform the following functions: hiring, dismissal, personnel transfer and changing working conditions.

Such a system complements the payroll module, since captures all changes in the working conditions of each employee of the institution.

The flexibility of the salary calculation and payment system is determined by the creation of the required number of options in the "Accruals and Withholdings" directory, which in turn is based on the multipurpose "Performance Indicators" directory. The calculation algorithm is an expression made up of performance indicators, predefined variables and functions, linked by arithmetic symbols and parentheses. It turns out a kind of "calculator" that allows you to connect the real results of the company with the remuneration of employees.

The Payroll document performs the final payroll operation for the employees for the month. At the same time, for each employee, the following are brought together: the accruals and deductions established for him, the balance of working time (that is, the planned working time, which is taken from work schedules and the actual working time, which is taken from the timesheet), all necessary performance indicators are calculated and for them basis - the calculation of the amounts of charges and deductions, in accordance with the algorithms set for them.

Accrued salary for each employee is accumulated in the system as a debt to the counterparty indicated in the employee's card and according to his "Salary agreement". It can be paid by any method accepted in the institution (for example, cash outflow orders or payment orders), indicating these counterparties as recipients. On the basis of the document "Payroll", it is envisaged to enter the "Statement of payroll" document, which also makes it possible to simplify the process of payment and generation of payment documents.

The results obtained can be visually shown to employees in reports on accruals and deductions, which will be detailed down to the type and calculation algorithm. Such transparency and consistency in the processes of calculating and calculating salaries helps not only to minimize labor costs for this process, but also increases the transparency of charges, which has a positive effect on the motivation of the staff of the institution.

Elimination of unauthorized access to data

Collaborative work in back-office systems implies separation of the responsibility of employees for working with documents. Traktir solutions provide for separate access to various documents, restrictions on the performance of certain functions, as well as restrictions on the visibility of documents in different retail outlets.

The most requested user role settings are performed in custom modes. More fine tuning of rights is available through the configurator.

For example, in Traktir: Head-Office and user mode, the following rights restrictions are configured:

  • Posting goods from suppliers;
  • Shipment of goods and products to external contractors;
  • Changes in supplier prices;
  • Changing the names of the nomenclature;
  • Change of documents in the period closed for editing;
  • Working with the "Client-Bank";
  • Sealing of documents and editing of sealed documents;
  • Much more

Additional restrictions become relevant for network enterprises:

  • Employee access to documents of only his trade object.
  • Access to view all documents on the network.
  • Full access to all documents on the network.

In addition to setting the rights for each user of the program, you can set which workplaces will open by default, the main values \u200b\u200bfor substitution in documents, which panels will be displayed, how the user will work with the trade equipment.

All this makes working with the Tavern safe and convenient.

Tax accounting

The block of reports allows you to analyze the activities of the enterprise, determine the profitability of the work, identify the groups of goods that bring the main profit or loss, and identify the causes of errors that lead to re-grading of goods. The reporting system in Traktir: Head-Office is distinguished by the following points:

  • Flexible options for customizing reports allow you to receive any information in a form convenient for analysis;
  • Customization modes for advanced users and beginners;
  • Ability to save report settings.

The block of reports has been supplemented with kidney analytics, which allows analyzing retail sales in more detail, adjusting the range of goods and building a discount system more efficiently.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of each establishment in the network

The work of "Traktir" is based on the principle: "Each restaurant of the chain is part of a whole well-oiled mechanism and at the same time it is an independent unit with its own specifics and responsibility for everything that happens inside it."

Part of a whole

  • The structure of the distributed network is user-defined. An unlimited number of central bases with a wide range of capabilities and peripheral bases with a number of restrictions.
  • Predefined exchange rules that ensure correct synchronization of all infobases included in the network.
  • Internal ordering system. Work with the distribution center can be based on the formation of orders by restaurants and their satisfaction within the framework of the warehouse. Centralized formation of orders to the supplier, taking into account the needs of the restaurant.
  • Unified pricing policy. Managing the availability of price categories within retail facilities.
  • Unified discount system and customer base.

Independent unit

  • Any changes in the network regarding the trading facility cannot be made without the knowledge of the responsible persons. The documentary appearance of the goods and the change in the retail prices of the restaurant occurs only through the confirmation mechanism.
  • Each restaurant with its own information base belonging to the chain has its own category of retail prices, access to which is strictly limited to change. Having its own retail price category allows the restaurant to more flexibly adapt to market conditions.
  • Only "own" documents are available to retail facilities operating as a peripheral base, which allows avoiding excess information irrelevant for the restaurant.

Inventory planning

To work with orders to a supplier in Tavern: Head-Office, a special wizard is provided that allows you to automatically calculate the required quantity of goods for an order based on minimum balances, average sales or underdelivery of previous periods.

For chains of establishments, it is envisaged to place internal orders, including those with a central distribution warehouse.

Once you have determined the required quantity for the order, you can manually adjust the vendors and the required quantity for each item. Orders can be submitted electronically to the supplier using the built-in CommerceML format.

Business planning

Working with events is a separate business process in public catering, which for many establishments can be an important or even the main part of the activity. Banquets and buffets can be more cost-effective than serving clients according to the classical scheme due to the fact that the need for dishes is known in advance, which means that their preparation and procurement can be calculated and optimized. This allows, even with a decrease in the price of the menu, to obtain a large profit by reducing costs.

But at the same time, the accounting of events carries an additional burden on the institution. After all, the customer needs to offer in advance several menu options with different content, different levels of service and prices. Moreover, each option needs to be calculated, checked for profitability and product availability, discounts, etc.

"Traktir" supports several options for working with events. They are determined by the types of the "Menu Plan" document and are taken into account in the context of events (corporate seminar, wedding, banquet, etc.), menu types (breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.) and menu options (budget, regular, suite, etc.).

In general, one activity can include several meals. In turn, each of them can be planned and calculated in several versions, differing, for example, in the selection of dishes or service.

For each menu option for an event, we can estimate the cost, revenue and profit for the whole banquet and per guest.

Directly from the menu planning workplace, it is possible to quickly recalculate the banquet for a different number of guests.

A special report is generated for the chef and buyers, which indicates the shortage of products for the event, the calculation of what needs to be prepared. The manager of the tool gives the opportunity to control all the special events held in the restaurant and quickly make changes to the menu in accordance with the wishes of the guests.

Conducting inventories

Accounting solutions provide for a full or partial inventory, as well as a partial inventory taking into account all characteristics.

Built-in mechanisms allow you to optimally build the entire process - from preparing inventory statements, to entering data into the accounting system and comparing the results of several inventories.

To carry out the inventory, the use of data collection terminals, barcode scanners, front-office programs is provided.

As a result, the balancing of quantitative and total balances is achieved according to the inventory data.

In order to make inventory take less time, mobile inventory is well suited, i.e. inventory using various technical means that can be divided into 3 classes of devices: mobile phones with specialized software, data collectors with a barcode scanner and data collection terminals (TSD). Consider the pros and cons of each type of equipment.

Mobile phones with specialized software

If for another 5 years the market was dominated by the mobile inventory TSD market on Windows CE, then in recent years the trend has changed dramatically - in 2017, more than half of specialized devices for carrying out inventories are sold on the Android operating system. Ordinary mobile phones with cameras can also be used as terminals. In addition, you will only need to install software for conducting inventories, compatible with the inventory system.

But along with the obvious advantages in terms of the launch speed and the cost of the solution, there are also disadvantages: a mobile phone camera is not able to read any barcodes, and in a room with insufficient illumination, the quality of barcode reading drops dramatically. The reading speed of each barcode is quite slow - this is due to the need to focus the camera on each barcode. Ordinary mobile phones are rarely made in a dust and moisture-proof case and do not work well at negative temperatures - this will affect the ability to carry out inventories in the kitchen during work and in refrigerated rooms.

Technical and technological maps downloaded from the site include bookmarking norms, preparation technology, requirements for design, sale and storage, microbiological and organoleptic indicators, as well as food and energy value of dishes.

Another option for using the FoodCOST service can be checking the TTK created by your employees for their compliance with standard technical and technological charts, to detect errors or deviations in the TTK. This comparison allows you to look at the restaurant menu "from the outside", correct inaccuracies or get new ideas.

The positioning of chain restaurant objects or some marketing tasks of a local restaurant may require different options for preparing the same dish. For example, for lunches, the soup may be "poorer" in ingredients than on the regular menu, or in a chain restaurant in the city center the investment of fish in a roll is higher than in establishments on the outskirts. If the restaurants of the chain are located in different cities or regions, then they may have difficulties with purchasing completely identical ingredients, and this will also require the presence of several simultaneously operating TTCs of the same dish for different objects of the chain.

In our system, for each dish, there may be several TTKs, which are currently in effect, in the item card, on the "Calculation" tab, ticked. This property is tied to the implementation object in order to automatically determine the calculation that is valid in this restaurant.

The following methods of valuing inventories at disposal are supported:

  • by average cost (only in the products "Traktir: Management" and "Traktir: Back-Office");
  • at the cost of the first in the time of purchase of inventories (FIFO).

Different assessment methods can be applied independently for each legal entity (depending on the PP).

In addition to the standard options for choosing the method of accounting for balances, in Traktir: Management, a mechanism has been implemented that allows you to choose for the type of item, accounting will be conducted "by average", or by FIFO. This will allow, for example, to select the FIFO accounting method for the item type "Alcohol" for filing alcohol declarations, and "by average" for the item type "Dishes".

Inventory Management

The key parameter characterizing the commodity turnover of the enterprise is the inventory turnover, which is expressed in days and determines the rate of sale of the average inventory held in the warehouse. In this case, the turnover and the average inventory are calculated for the same period, which is determined depending on the objectives of the analysis. It is clear that the faster the average inventory is sold, the better - the money from the inventory is quickly returned to circulation, where it can be used again.

The turnover is calculated by groups of stored goods, while controlling that the turnover of each position in the group is within acceptable limits.

There are several ways to manage turnover:

1. Work with the restaurant menu, entering or exiting positions.

2. Ensure that the main items are included in 3-5 dishes of the menu in order to improve their turnover.

3. Working with prices, promotions, marketing activities to increase sales.

4. Working with suppliers - increasing the efficiency of deliveries, reducing the number of batches available for order. This will allow you to keep in the warehouse a smaller inventory of the item, ordering it in small quantities as needed.

Over-grade is a deliberate or accidental mistake in which instead of one heading, another heading is used (sold or processed). In this case, for one item, a surplus is formed, revealed during the inventory, and for the other, a shortage. Re-grading is always a negative situation. Even if, instead of an expensive position, they accidentally used another, cheaper one. We must not forget about reputational losses, because as a result, the consumer was deceived and received a dish made from other, cheaper ingredients.

It should also be borne in mind that deliberate misgrading is a common method of stealing in a restaurant. The resulting difference, the result of such misgrading, can be monetized by attackers or taken out in the form of surplus products.

Therefore, the work of analyzing misgrading and identifying persistent patterns of abuse or systematic errors of employees is extremely important. To do this, the system has implemented the report "Re-grading analysis", which is built on the basis of the "Re-grading Act" documents. The data displayed in the report can be sorted in ascending or descending order of the quantity, amount or accounting amount of the goods being entered or written off, as well as the goods that are "paired" with them when forming the re-sorting act.

The "Analysis of goods movement" report helps to determine the causes of problems with turnover. It summarizes in a single table all transactions related to sales, write-offs and postings of goods in the institution, along with coefficients that show an analytical picture of the nature of such movements. These are the ratios of balances (analogous to the turnover ratio), sales (the ratio of sales to purchases and postings) and write-offs (the ratio of write-offs to sales). The values \u200b\u200bof the coefficients allow you to quickly track the output of the characteristics of commodity movement from the planned norms or parameters of the movement of similar goods.

The "Balance" report clearly demonstrates the general state of affairs in the institution, displaying the balance at the beginning and the end of the period and the difference between them, and also shows the turnover for the period and the financial result of the company in the form of a simple and visual report that fits on one screen form.

The report includes:

Balance items:

Goods in warehouses - the cost of goods in warehouses in purchase prices.

Goods in transit - the cost of all goods moved from one warehouse to another, but not yet confirmed. It is possible only if the company has a network of restaurants (warehouses).

Cash is the amount of cash in cash offices in the currency of management accounting.

Non-cash money - the amount of non-cash funds (on current accounts) in the currency of management accounting.

Mutual settlements:

We owe - all the debts of the company to all counterparties.

We owe - all the combined debts that all counterparties owe to the firm.

Total: - This is the difference between what the company has (goods in warehouses, goods in transit, cash, non-cash money and counterparties owed to the company) and the company's debts ("We owe").

The turnover for the selected period is shown in a separate block. The bottom line is the difference between the sales profit (adjusted for excess) and costs.

Thus, the "Balance" report is a control panel for obtaining operational information on the current financial position of the restaurant. This report allows you to identify those areas that require detailed attention of the manager, helping him to collect information from a wide variety of accounting objects in a single report.

In addition to the costs that can be attributed to a particular type of enterprise activity, there are general costs. Those that are related to the work of the entire company as a whole, or those that are difficult to attribute to any particular type of activity. For example, this is the lease of premises or the salaries of administration and accounting staff.

From a financial management point of view, such costs can be deducted from the total profit, but it is known that the more specific you can determine the owner of the costs, the easier it is to manage them. And such "total costs", as a rule, remain "nobody's" and do not affect anyone except the owner of the company, sometimes greatly distorting the financial picture of the result of activities of a particular direction.

In the "Traktir: Head-Office v1 BUSINESS" configuration, it is possible to take into account the total costs and their subsequent automatic distribution by the types of company activities, in accordance with the specified distribution method. For this purpose, a reference book "Types of activity" is provided, the elements of which are weighted to take into account their contribution in the distribution of total costs. Moreover, these weighting factors can be periodic, change correctly and recalculated depending on the situation.

The "cost items" themselves can be distributed by type of activity both in automatic and manual mode when forming the document "Distribution of total costs"

The more accurately you can relate the costs incurred to the type of activity that caused them, the more financially accurate restaurant management becomes. The configurations of "Traktir" are implemented with convenient tools that seriously fit the work of controlling costs.

Kitchen management

It is known that in order to reduce losses during storage and processing of products, it is important that one key ingredient is included in 3-5 dishes of the restaurant menu. This will ensure its circulation in such volumes to avoid spoilage of the product from too long storage due to a rare order of one unique dish. But the opposite situation often happens when a key ingredient, for example chicken fillet, is included in 7 or more products. This is great for its turnover, but what does it look like on the menu? After all, raw material competition is no less dangerous than raw material shortage.

In analyzing such a situation, the restaurant chef is well helped by the Raw Matrix analytical tool, implemented in the Traktir: Head-Office. Its task is to count the number of occurrences of the main ingredients in the restaurant menu. A small number of occurrences (a rare ingredient) is dangerous because the consumption of the product will be small, which will lead to its deterioration during storage. A large number of occurrences will make the menu monotonous and boring or overly bloated. In this case, it makes sense to think about removing such monotonous dishes from the menu and balancing it with other ingredients.

Exceptions to this rule may be those goods that can be stored for a long time without loss of quality. Or those that make your restaurant unique and are part of its signature dishes. Certainly, if such dishes sell well.

A well-balanced menu is the key to the economic health of any restaurant!

Accounting for alcoholic beverages

Traktir solutions implement a full cycle of alcohol accounting, which allows you to control the correspondence of the balances in the Unified State Automated Information System to the real balances of alcoholic beverages at the enterprise. Several mechanisms are used to solve this problem:

  1. Alcohol inventory. In a special document "Inventory of alcoholic beverages", alcohol is recalculated in the context of alcohol codes and the data is checked against the rests loaded from the EGAIS system. Based on the discrepancies, the documents "Act of writing off EGAIS" and "Act of putting on the balance sheet of EGAIS" are formed, which adjust the balances in the EGAIS taking into account the real remains of alcohol. Alcohol recalculation is performed by both a 2D barcode scanner and a data collection terminal. If alcohol is sold only in whole containers, then the results of the recalculation of alcoholic products can be transferred to the document "Inventory of goods" to equalize the balances in the management accounting.
  2. Reflection of sales in the EGAIS system for public catering. During the shift in the front-office systems Traktir: Front-Office or ATOL: Fronol, the opening of containers for the sale of alcohol, sold in portions or by glass, is recorded. At the end of the day, information about the opened container is transferred to the back-office solutions of the Traktir, where, based on the data received, a special document "EGAIS write-off act" is formed for alcoholic beverages that are not subject to registration in the EGAIS.
  3. Fixing the sale of alcohol in EGAIS for retail. In the Tavern: Front-Office, when selling alcoholic beverages in whole containers, reading of the excise stamp is required. At the time of closing the check, information on all marked alcoholic beverages is transferred to the EGAIS system, and the guest is issued a check containing a QR code, which can be used to check the legality of the purchased alcohol.
  4. Fixation of other consumption. Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to write off the purchased alcohol. As a rule, this happens when there is damage, loss of alcohol, expenses for marketing needs and other expenses when it is impossible to reflect the implementation. In this case, the "EGAIS Write-off Act" is drawn up in back-office solutions.
These funds allow you to keep accurate accounting of alcohol at the enterprise and show the correspondence of alcohol residues in the Unified State Automated Information System to real balances at the enterprise.

The following operations are supported:

  • Loading and matching classifiers of organizations and alcoholic beverages;
  • Loading incoming documents Consignment note EGAIS;
  • Formation and sending of acts of confirmation, refusal or discrepancies for incoming documents of the TTN.
  • Entering the document Receipt invoice for confirmed fully or partially TTN.
  • Request for the remains of the organization.
  • Creation of the TTN EGAIS based on the movement between separate divisions and the return of goods to the supplier, which makes it possible to reflect the operations of the movement of goods between the separate divisions and the return of goods to the supplier through the EGAIS. *
  • Working with outgoing TTN EGAIS - waiting and processing confirmation, rejection, act of discrepancy from the recipient. Working with a discrepancy statement.

A more detailed description of working with the mechanism is included in the software update kit.

* This functionality is supported by all Traktir accounting solutions, except for the Nano version.

Submission of alcohol declarations for a large number of restaurants and cafes has been an integral part of quarterly reporting since 2012. In 2014, the Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market (RAR) made changes to the procedure for filing alcohol declarations. We will present how declarations should be filed by catering establishments today.

When developing declarations in the back-office solutions of Traktir, SoftBalans took into account the following issues.

1. Who must submit alcohol declarations

Declarations must be submitted by all organizations that sell alcoholic beverages, as well as individual entrepreneurs whose assortment includes beer and beer drinks.

In the Traktir, it is possible to prepare declarations separately for each legal entity, including with division into separate divisions.

2. When to submit declarations

The declaration must be submitted by the 20th day of the month following the reporting period. If the last date when you can submit reports falls on a weekend or a holiday, then it is postponed to the first working day after the weekend.

It will take only a few minutes to prepare the declarations in the Tavern. for the formation, all primary documents are used that are entered for maintaining a management or accounting report.

3. In what form can declarations be submitted

Since 2014, declarations can only be submitted electronically. For reporting, you will need an electronic signature and cryptographic protection.

The data must be prepared in a special XML-based format.

In the Traktir, you can control the appearance of declarations in the form of a report, verify the data with primary documents and upload files in the required format for further sending.

Files can be sent through specialized software from PAP, or through third-party services, for example, 1C-Reporting, available through an ITS subscription.

4. What returns do retailers need to file?

For catering establishments in Traktir, 2 forms of declarations are used:

  • Form 11 - for hard alcohol, wine and other similar drinks;
  • Form 12 - for beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret and mead.

If there were no sales of alcoholic beverages, but the enterprise has a license to sell alcoholic beverages, then it is necessary to submit "zero" declarations.

5. Corrective declarations

If errors or inaccuracies are found in the declaration, during the reporting period you need to submit a corrective declaration, which will reflect information with clarifications of the original declaration. Corrective declaration must be submitted within the quarter following the reporting quarter.

In Tavern, the choice of declaration, primary or corrective, occurs when generating reports with declarations.

6. Responsibility for violation of the rules for filing declarations

For violation of the deadlines for filing declarations or failure to submit declarations, distortion of data, organizations can receive a fine in the amount of 50 to 100 thousand rubles. The director of the enterprise can be fined from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

If a violation related to declarations is revealed again within a year, the company may be deprived of its license to sell alcohol.

In order to avoid fines, in addition to the high speed of formation of the declaration in the Tavern, the possibility of reconciliation with the data of suppliers is implemented, where discrepancies in volume are shown. This will allow you to correct the erroneously entered receipt invoices and avoid problems with the inspection authorities.

Thus, the Traktir allows such a responsible work to be done in the right time frame and with high quality, which will certainly affect the rational use of employees' working time and the financial condition of the enterprise.

Accounting and planning in production

In those cases when production planning in public catering is possible, the economic efficiency of the institution increases significantly. Industrial canteens with a steady flow of visitors, kitchen factories, establishments with predictable attendance, banquet and wedding restaurants - all these types of establishments can purchase only the right ingredients and only at the right time, optimizing purchases, minimizing storage losses and spoilage, and reducing the amount of distracted money funds.

This business process in the system is based on the “Menu Plan” document, which can be the basis for “Product Release” and “Pantry Requirements”, on the basis of which, in turn, procurement planning documents for missing ingredients can be formed. Settings of the document "Plan-menu" allow you to optimize it for work with "Banquet" or "Buffet".

Production accounting at public catering establishments can be built according to the "direct" and "reverse" scheme. In the first case, a classical scheme is used, based on sequential stages starting from production planning, purchasing and preparing ingredients, producing products and selling them. But such a scheme is well suited for canteens, kitchen factories, banquet restaurants and is not always implemented in classic establishments, where the production forecasting process is complicated - the chefs prepare the dishes ordered by the customers, they do it quickly, paying all attention to the quality and efficiency of their work. ... At the same time, the accounting issues of writing off the actually used ingredients are decided after the fact, usually when the shift is closed. This accounting scheme is called "reverse", when production documents and goods circulation documents are formed upon the sale of ready meals per shift. Our system does this automatically, based on sales reports - the accounting system will reflect the releases of sold dishes, if there is a shortage of ingredients in production warehouses, "movements" will be generated - the system "adjusts" accounting documents to real processes "retroactively".

This approach allows you to reduce the cost of keeping records in the institution, because these tasks can be solved by an accountant-calculator in a free mode and in his own schedule, not tied to the real time of committing the facts of economic activity. If, at the same time, constant reconciliation and inventory of data obtained in this way with real balances are carried out, then the quality of information in the accounting system will not suffer from such a simplification.

The purchase of products for production in public catering is often faced with the need to replace one or another ingredient with a similar one - price increase, supplier change, seasonality, etc. Only a few restaurants can afford to work with a fixed list of purchased products; the rest often use what they could buy right now. In order to take this feature into account and facilitate the work on accounting for such product substitutions in the TTK, our system implements a mechanism for working with analogs of ingredients.

To do this, in each card of the used nomenclature, it is possible to enter a list of analogues, indicating the priority of their use. After that, when carrying out the “Production release” documents, the system, upon detecting a shortage of ingredients, will be able to replace them itself with those analogues that are available in accordance with the specified priority. This makes it possible to greatly simplify the work of an accountant-calculator for accounting for products and reflects the real situation in the kitchen of an institution - this is exactly what cooks should do in the absence of the necessary ingredients and use their analogues.

However, such automation requires special control over the correspondence of real goods movements to the calculated ones. Cooks in the kitchen can make mistakes and use other analogues instead of the recommended ones, which will lead to errors in accounting. But with a well-established interaction between the kitchen staff and the administration, such errors are quickly corrected and do not lead to serious consequences.

In general, if the warehouse specified in the document lacks the ingredients necessary for the release of a given quantity of products, then the document "Release of products" becomes impossible. However, in reality, if a chef needs 200 grams of a product for cooking, but only 190 grams are available, he will still cook the dish. To take into account such situations, the system has implemented a mechanism for accounting for underinvestments. When the "Allow underinvestment" checkbox is selected, it is possible to release products with underspending of the missing ingredients by an amount not exceeding a predetermined permissible percentage (but not more than 9%).

Such a mechanism was created to reflect real situations that arise in public catering enterprises, and helps to bring the data in the accounting system as close as possible to real data, and therefore to increase their reliability and usefulness.

Buffet is a way of serving food, in which many dishes are displayed side by side, and the food is sorted into plates by the guests themselves. This technology is very popular in banquet restaurants, hotel restaurants or entertainment centers and is very well received by guests. A kind of buffet can be considered the formats "buffet", "banquet" or "buffet", in which this technology serves only part of the dishes (for example, desserts, snacks or salads).

Production accounting of such a technology of the establishment's work is not an easy task. After all, you can simply write off all the products used in the preparation of dishes for the buffet, fixing the total final sales proceeds. But the real picture is much more complicated! What to do with the leftovers of dishes, how to take into account staff meals, different options for paying for a buffet? Our system implements flexible mechanisms that allow us to reflect various options for working with this technology, both with direct and reverse accounting methods.

The technology is based on the "Buffet Report" document, which collects all information about the event - prepared dishes, payments made, actual sale of dishes, returns to the kitchen and write-offs for staff meals. Based on these data, the system automatically generates all the necessary movements of goods and funds, displaying real information as fully as possible in the accounting system.

Work on the "Buffet" technology is difficult to control, because provides great opportunities for abuse, both by guests and by staff. But with well-organized accounting and control by the management, this technology becomes not only attractive to the guests of the establishment, but also profitable for its owners. "Traktir" provides all the possibilities for this.

Accounting for cash transactions

When a shift is closed, the institution automatically generates cash shift reports. These reports can be uploaded to "Traktir: Back-Office", "Traktir: Management" and "Traktir: Head-Office". When posting these documents, you can configure the mode of automatic generation of the "Production" and "Goods movement" documents for those dishes, the sale of which occurred during the shift. In this case, products will be written off from the warehouse where the ingredients are stored and production is carried out, and the posting of finished products will be carried out immediately to the retail warehouse from which the sale is taking place. This approach to work "after the fact" makes it possible to significantly simplify the tasks of accounting for ingredients for the accountant-calculator, which will allow him to devote more time to the actual control of the movement of stock in the institution.

The necessary schemes for the movement of products and dishes must be specified in advance on the "Goods movement" tab in the item card.

Keeping records in the context of several legal entities in one database. All legal entities of an organization can have their own accounting policies and apply their own taxation regime. This approach allows an organization to significantly optimize tax costs while fully complying with the requirements of fiscal legislation.
As a rule, enterprises designate a legal entity for the sale of alcoholic beverages, the work with which imposes additional requirements on the type of legal entity and the applicable tax system. In this case, the rest of the turnover is carried out through another legal entity that applies a preferential taxation system.

This separation requires additional effort in accounting, but it can significantly save on taxes. Traktir systems make it possible to simplify such accounting as much as possible by automatically dividing payments into the necessary cash registers, forming intra-company transfers, taking into account the separate movement of funds and generating the necessary regulated reporting.

Back-office solutions "Traktir" support data exchange with a wide range of specialized cash register software products, which makes the configuration of the institution's accounting system more flexible. The owner of the establishment can choose the cash system to fit his needs or leave the previously used system, replacing only the Back Office module.

For catering establishments, the download of sales data has been implemented for the following solutions:

  • Tavern: Front-Office
  • Inn: Solo
  • Frontol Cafe
  • Frontol Restaurant
  • R-Keeper v.6 and v.7

In the most general case, data exchange is carried out in a two-way mode, when data on the items sold and retail warehouses are uploaded from the back-office solution to the front-office, and sales data per shift are uploaded from the front-office to the back-office solutions.

For a number of solutions, it is possible to receive data not only at the end of a shift, but also on-line data on current sales, which allows obtaining up-to-date information on the current balances of goods, dishes and semi-finished products in the warehouse. Such an opportunity will be useful for carrying out a sudden inventory and ordering of suppliers.

Tavern: Head-Office supports exchange not only with restaurant front-office solutions, but also with retail cash desks, which allows to automate mixed business in one information base, including catering and retail. Today the supported cash register systems are Frontol, Shtrikh-M, Retail-Service, Set: Riteil.


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