Abstract of the quiz on traffic rules together with parents on the topic "The most important of all toys is a child's car seat" in the senior group. Comic scene for men About the light of my eyes

Dear birthday girl!
A guest has arrived to you from the East,
He is a famous dock in miracles!
He's on the carpet, so that faster
Arrived for the Anniversary!
This is the well-known and amazing Old Man Hottabych!

(Hottabych comes out in a dressing gown, a turban, with a long beard, with a rug under his arm. Folding his palms in an oriental manner, he bows to the birthday girl, says to her: “Hello, the most beautiful of the birthday girls!” Then he addresses the guests: “Hello, honorable guests! ”She spreads the rug, sits on it, bending her legs eastward, and then says to the birthday girl):


Oh, the light of my eyes! Incomparable and most beautiful birthday girl Antonina! I came here to fulfill all your innermost desires! But let me first, my wisest, ask you some wise questions!

(the birthday girl allows)


I listen and obey!
Oh, my dearest! Please listen to my first question:
Is it possible to celebrate a birthday two days in a row?
(the correct answer is no, because there is a night between them!)

Oh, my beloved! My second question: what is given to the birthday girl, and people use it more often than she does?
(correct answer is name)

Oh, my wise one! And my third question is: what kind of canvas cannot be used to make a costume for a birthday girl?
(the correct answer is from the railway)

May there be peace and prosperity in your house, about the healing balm of my soul!
And now I will fulfill all your secret desires! And I will do this with the help of your honorable guests, O most beautiful of the beautiful! And so that the guests do not resist your desires, I will pull out three hairs from my magic beard!

Listen and understand! (pulls out the first hair)
Fulfill all the wishes of the birthday girl! (pulls out the second hair)
May it be so and not otherwise! (pulls out the third hair)

(gets up from the rug, approaches the guests with an oriental bow and says to them):


Oh, honorable guests! Now you will fulfill the wishes of the birthday girl by completing these simple tasks. Please, for all my ready, draw out each of your tickets!

(Hottabych takes a bag with numbers from his pocket and the guests pull them out in turn, then Hottabych gives them a task in turn):


Kohl came to the Jubilee,
Drink vodka soon!

Drink a glass of wine
For a ruddy face!

Treat your neighbor to the left
A shot of vodka skillfully!

You, my friend, have the right
Smack your friend on the right on the cheek!

Say a compliment now
The birthday girl from us!

To make it more fun
Sing us a song soon!

Guests are good today
Throw away your timidity,
Tell an anecdote
This is what the people expect from you!

It will be fun with us
If you get up now
Swallow, my friend,
Toast telling us a little!

The birthday girl is with us
A lovely sight, just class!
Come to her, hug
And smile to all the guests!

Kiss the birthday girl
Just don’t spoil!

Well, and you, my friend, the wall
Kiss, standing with your back,
Forget at least for a while
About chondrosis your beloved!

Draw a circle with your right foot
Pounding on the tummy with my left hand,
At the same time, try to drink a glass,
Not a drop should be spilled!

Use modern jargon now
Confessing love to the birthday girl,
My order is the strictest law
Do not hesitate to speak!

(after completing all the tasks, Hottabych says):


Oh, the most beautiful birthday girl! And now the main surprise that I have prepared for you!
To please your wonderful eyes and ears, as well as to bring joy to distinguished guests, now my students will perform an oriental dance, not sparing their belly!

(2-3 girls in oriental costumes come out and dance a belly dance to some oriental melody or the phonogram of the song "Rasputin" performed by the ensemble Boni M. Hottabych dances with them, then comes up to the birthday girl, kisses her hand and says) :


Oh, mistress of my thoughts! I am leaving you until the next birthday!

(bows to everyone in the east and leaves)

Number - congratulations from Old Man Hottabych with games

Dear birthday girl!
A guest has arrived to you from the East,
He is a famous dock in miracles!
He's on the carpet, so that faster
Arrived for the Anniversary!
This is the well-known and amazing Old Man Hottabych!

(Hottabych comes out in a dressing gown, a turban, with a long beard, with a rug under his arm. Folding his palms in an oriental manner, he bows to the birthday girl, says to her: “Hello, the most beautiful of the birthday girls!” Then he addresses the guests: “Hello, honorable guests! ”She spreads the rug, sits on it, bending her legs eastward, and then says to the birthday girl):

Oh, the light of my eyes! Incomparable and most beautiful birthday girl Antonina! I came here to fulfill all your innermost desires! But let me first, my wisest, ask you some wise questions!
(the birthday girl allows)

I listen and obey!
Oh, my dearest! Please listen to my first question:
Is it possible to celebrate a birthday two days in a row?
(the correct answer is no, because there is a night between them!)

Oh, my beloved! My second question: what is given to the birthday girl, and people use it more often than she does?
(correct answer is name)

Oh, my wise one! And my third question is: what kind of canvas cannot be used to make a costume for a birthday girl?
(the correct answer is from the railway)

May there be peace and prosperity in your house, about the healing balm of my soul!
And now I will fulfill all your secret desires! And I will do this with the help of your honorable guests, O most beautiful of the beautiful! And so that the guests do not resist your desires, I will pull out three hairs from my magic beard!

Listen and understand! (pulls out the first hair)
Fulfill all the wishes of the birthday girl! (pulls out the second hair)
May it be so and not otherwise! (pulls out the third hair)
(gets up from the rug, approaches the guests with an oriental bow and says to them):

Oh, honorable guests! Now you will fulfill the wishes of the birthday girl by completing these simple tasks. Please, for all my ready, draw out each of your tickets!
(Hottabych takes a bag with numbers from his pocket and the guests pull them out in turn, then Hottabych gives them a task in turn):


Kohl came to the Jubilee,

Drink vodka soon!
Drink a glass of wine
For a ruddy face!
Treat your neighbor to the left
A shot of vodka skillfully!
You, my friend, have the right
Smack your friend on the right on the cheek!

Say a compliment now
The birthday girl from us!
To make it more fun
Sing us a song soon!
Guests are good today
Throw away your timidity,
Tell an anecdote
This is what the people expect from you!
It will be fun with us
If you get up now
Swallow, my friend,
Toast telling us a little!
The birthday girl is with us
A lovely sight, just class!
Come to her, hug
And smile to all the guests!
Kiss the birthday girl
Just don’t spoil!
Well, and you, my friend, the wall
Kiss, standing with your back,
Forget at least for a while
About chondrosis your beloved!
Draw a circle with your right foot
Pounding on the tummy with my left hand,
At the same time, try to drink a glass,
Not a drop should be spilled!
Use modern jargon now
Confessing love to the birthday girl,
My order is the strictest law
Do not hesitate to speak!
(after completing all the tasks, Hottabych says):

Oh, the most beautiful birthday girl! And now the main surprise that I have prepared for you!
To please your wonderful eyes and ears, as well as to bring joy to distinguished guests, now my students will perform an oriental dance, not sparing their belly!
(2-3 girls in oriental costumes come out and dance a belly dance to some oriental melody or the phonogram of the song "Rasputin" performed by the ensemble Boni M. Hottabych dances with them, then comes up to the birthday girl, kisses her hand and says) :

Oh, mistress of my thoughts! I am leaving you until the next birthday!
(bows to everyone in the east and leaves)

The lights in the hall are off, the children with their teachers enter the hall.

Leading.I don't understand. Every year we come here for, and today not even the light is on in the hall. Maybe there won't be a holiday at all? Oh, yes we are not alone here, guests have come to our holiday (greet). Guys, it seems someone is coming here, let's sit on the chairs and have a look. (Voices from behind the door.)

Baba Yaga. Well, faster, faster, striped devils, completely lazy. Bring it to the tree, lazy people. Careful, do not turn over!

(The devils bring Baba Yaga into the hall on a stretcher, walk around the tree, lower it to the floor and run away.)

Baba Yaga. Scatter from here, evil spirits!

(She looks around the room with a contemptuous look, closing one eye at the same time.)

Well, darlings, do you want a New Year's concert? Have you come to see the show? And I've been watching the show for two thousand years now (in a grumpy voice, as if to myself), how tired I am of this soap opera ... I'd better perform my last swan ...

The theme of Odette from "Swan Lake" sounds.

Baba Yaga is dancing.

Baba Yaga. Oh, damn sciatica, completely tortured (he walks, limping, pulls the remote control out of his pocket). Here it is, my handsome Panasonic, the technique is at the highest level. And what is there on the first channel? (The remote control clicks, an explosion is heard. With a mincing step to the soundtrack "Ha-ha, Hottabych", old man Hottabych enters, walks around the tree, making oriental bows)

Baba Yaga (he clicks the remote control with displeasure, looks at Hottabych indignantly). Who is this? This is not the case under the program. Maybe the technique failed? Or did the devils let the striped spoilage? Well, I'll show them now! (Runs away.)

Leading. Guys, I don't understand anything! Now the devils are running, then Baba Yaga is dancing. Who are you, venerable old man?

Hottabych. Hello, oh light of my eyes, oh wisest of the wisest, oh most obedient of the most obedient children, I, Hasan Abdurahman ibn Hottab, appeared before your bright eyes to wish you a Happy New Year. This year is not easy. According to the Eastern calendar, 2008 is the year of the Mouse. To appease her, we need to arrange a big holiday with masks and jokes, dances, songs and smiles.

Leading. With pleasure, dear Hottabych. Let's, guys, fix our masquerade costumes, check our good mood, smile at our guests and each other. All right, Hottabych, we're ready. Only now our hall is not festive, the Christmas tree does not sparkle with lights. Maybe you can help us?

Hottabych. Oh smiling from smiling, oh cheerful from cheerful, stand around this beautiful thorny tree and together we will perform magic. (Magic music sounds, Hottabych utters magic words.)

Trakh-tebidah-tebidah-tah-tah-tah, one-two-three,

Well, Christmas tree, burn! Come on, Christmas tree, shine! Have fun with us!

(The Christmas tree lights up, the children clap their hands, the music of the round dance song "Hello, New Year" sounds, after its performance the children sit down.)

Leading.Dear Hottabych, maybe with the help of your magic beard, you can help us call Santa Claus.

Hottabych. O kindest of the kindest! I am ready to do everything for these lovely children, but I have never met him and I do not know what he looks like! Describe it to me.

Leading.Tall, red-cheeked, with a large beard.

Hottabych. There is nothing easier, this simple wish will be fulfilled! (Hottabych pronounces the incantation "Trakh-tebidah-tebidah-dakh-doh", music sounds, Karabas-Barabas appears.)

Karabas-Barabas. I am ugly, so terrible, I am bloodthirsty and very greedy, I am familiar to each of you, I am Karabas! I am Barabas! I train puppets in the theater. They must obey me, and if not, I will throw them into the closet without water and without food. Dance, dance now !!!

(Children perform a dance, Karabas-Barabas, snapping a whip, gives commands during the dance.)

Leading.Hottabych, what have you done! Rather return it to the fairy tale! (Hottabych conjures "Trakh-tebidah-tebidah-dakh-dakh! Karabas spin and get out of here!" Karabas, spinning, runs out of the hall.)

Leading.Oh, I'm barely alive from fear! Please, dear Hottabych, be more attentive. We will try to better explain to you what Santa Claus looks like. Listen!

(Children read the poem "He has grown to my eyebrows.")

Hottabych.Got it. He is old, he is a hundred years old, he loves to joke, play with children. Meet!

(Casting a spell, the Dwarf appears.)

Leading: Dear Hottabych! You pulled the wrong hair again. This is the Gnome. Correct the error.

Hottabych.O kindest! Now, now I'll fix it. But I see you have the same gnomes, make old man Hottabych laugh!

(Dance of the Dwarfs.)

Hottabych.O wisest one, let the description of this worthy Santa Claus sound again.

Child. We will not meet him in the spring,

He won't come in the summer

But in the winter to our children

He comes every year

Happy New Year,

He will light a magnificent Christmas tree,

Amusing children

Will stand with us in a round dance

We meet him amicably,

We are great friends with him.

But drink hot tea

This is not a guest!

Hottabych.I understood! It cannot be drunk with hot tea because it is made of snow! Ha ha ha!

(Tugs his beard, casts a spell, music sounds, the Snowman appears.)

Snowman. I am a funny Snowman.

I am neither small nor large

I serve the Snow Maiden

I am friends with Blizzard Buranovna.

Children blinded me - Kolya, Tolya, Petit.

I always stand in the garden

I have fun with the kids

But today I ran away

To your New Year's ball.

Leading.Dear Snowman, we are glad to see you! We have the same snowmen, do you want to dance together?

Dance of the Snowmen.

Leading.Dear Hottabych, this is not Frost! We'll have to help you. Let's go over all the hairs in your beard and find the one that will help us fulfill the children's wishes. (Cast a spell, summon Santa Claus.)

Santa Claus. I hear! I hear! I hear!

I'm going down to your roof!

Oh, I got into a compote here

This kitchen is probably yours!

And there are pancakes, and porridge!

And in the can I see kvass ...

A little sip - and I’m with you !!!

(Santa Claus enters.)

Santa Claus (addressing parents). Oh, how you grew up! That's how Oli, that's how Gali! That's so little people!

Leading.Grandfather, quite the opposite. Our guests are sitting here, you haven't noticed the guys.

Santa Claus. Oh, hit me with a pillow!

I thought there were toys here

Everyone is smart, everyone is shiny

There are no more beautiful guys anywhere!

And what a perky laugh

It is not a sin to get confused here.

Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness, joy

A bright life - a hundred years,

And health - a hundred pounds!

I would hug you all today

May my hands not be enough.

To the glorious New Year tree

Elena Shevtsova
Scenario of the holiday on March 8 in the preparatory group with the participation of old man Hottabych Video

The presenter enters the hall and reads a verse by Valentina Belyaeva:

I will tie your life

Made of fluffy mohair threads.

I will tie your life

I won't lie a single loop.

I will tie your life

Where a pattern across the field of prayer -

Wish you happiness

In the rays of true love.

I will tie your life

Crafted from a fun melange yarn.

I will tie your life

And then I will give it from the bottom of my heart.

Where do I get the thread?

I never confess to anyone:

To bind your life

I secretly dissolve mine.

Poems (read only by girls):

With a number like a pretzel.

How many of you guys know

What does the number mean?

Children in unison will tell us:

B. Zakhoder

2 Velcro-why

Mom loves and regrets.

Mom understands.

My mom can do everything

Knows everything in the world!

- Why do wasps bite?

I ask directly.

And to ALL my questions

mom answers.

Tell me where from the sky

Snow is taken in winter.

Why a loaf of bread

Is it baked from flour?

Why does the dog bark?

What will you dream about?

Why does the icicle melt

And eyelashes tremble?

Why is there a cloud in the sky

Is there a lawn in the forest?

I am a stick-slip,


(T. Bokova)

You are the most beautiful,

You are the best.

Into the gentle sun

And like the moon.

I give you a smile

I give a big flower:

I want you to flutter

Always like a moth.

(V. Solonikin)

4. Mom is loved by everyone in the world,

Mom's first friend.

Not only children love mothers,

They love everyone around.

If anything happens

If suddenly trouble,

Mommy will come to the rescue

Will always help out.

Mom is a lot of strength, health

Gives it to all of us.

So, the truth is not in the world

Better than our mothers.

5. Asterisk

Sweetheart, good, I love you!

"Spring Song" muses. and sl. N. V. Kulikova

1. I will sing a song,

The sun plays with rays

My dear mom

For care, kindness

Thank you!

2. Spring flowers

To beloved grandmother and mother:

Sun is shining, sky blue,

Dear Mammy, dear Granny,

Leading: Guys, look what I found, what kind of vessel is it and where did it come from here? So unusual, very similar to magic. The patterns are strange (the vessel begins to rub, unusual music sounds, Hottabych appears in the hall).

Hottabych: Apchhi! Greetings, O beautiful of the most beautiful, wisest and wisest.

Leading: Who are you? Where did you come from?

Hottabych: I am from this vessel. Know, O most blessed of the beautiful, that I am the mighty and glorified genie in all countries of the world, Ghassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab, or, in your opinion, Hassan Abdurrahman Hottabovich. And it happened to me - apchhi! - an amazing story. I, the unfortunate genie, disobeyed Suleiman ibn Daud and he imprisoned me in an earthen vessel, from which you, oh my blessed savior, are apchi, apchi! - pulled me out. May your days last, oh Forgive me, I would be incredibly happy to know your name.

Leading: Tatiana Petrovna.

Hottabych: what an unusual and beautiful name: Tatyana Petrovna. Tell me, Tatyana Petrovna, where did I end up, where am I now?

Leading: Hottabych, you ended up in the kindergarten "Solnyshko", for a matinee with the children.

Hottabych: wah, wah, wah .... oh, oh, oh! I have never been here. Peace be to this house. Hello, the most educated of the educated and the loveliest of the most charming. Children and dear guests. Do you know, the star of my heart, dear Tatyana Petrovna, that I will continue to do everything that you order me, for you saved me from a terrible confinement.

Leading: Anything I order? Well, okay, just first, Hottabych sit down and rest, and our guys will sing you a song. What did your mother feed you with as a child?

Hottabych: porridge.

Leading: here, our song is called "Cook porridge", and we will cook it for our mothers.

The song "Cook porridge"

1. We got up early today

And while mommy sleeps

They decided to cook porridge for her,

To surprise you with something.

While we were looking for cereals,

Escaped milk

How it happened, we don't know

It can be seen smart

ETC. Cook, cook porridge

Cook and have fun

Cook, cook porridge

Cook and be lazy

2. Together we decided

Outwit milk

And this time the bucket

For reliability, pour

To make the porridge tasty

They added what they could

Sausage, candy, bun

Salted from the heart.

Hottabych: oh, well done, my ears never heard the best music. Wonderful, incomparable. Now, order what you want, about the diamond of my soul.

Leading: Then, can I ask you Hottabych, to congratulate our mothers, grandmothers and girls on March 8?

Leading: ok, ask Hottabych.

Riddles from Hottabych:

I'm not afraid of a thunderstorm,

Kohl next to me ... (mother)

There is no dirt, trash in the apartment,

I took everything clean ... (mom)

The most delicious borsch on the plate

Only cooks like this ... (mom)

Appeals to parents

The son plays the scale loudly

It only pleases ... (mom)

Elephant, hippo

There is also kind ... (mother)

With dad we go for flowers

We love to give them ... (to mom)

If the daughter is stubborn

Shakes her finger at her ... (mom)

Shame and disgrace for those kids

Who offended their own ... (mom)

And capricious and stubborn,

In the morning, everyone in the house is a drama -

There is no dearer in the world,

Fair and kinder.

I'll tell you friends straight to you -

Best of all in the world ... (mom)

Hottabych: O reasonable of the most reasonable, how could you answer all my questions? Well, now let's get down to the parents (he rubs his palms and hurries to the mothers and grandmothers.)

Riddles for parents:

What is missing in a woman's purse?

Answer: Order

Answer: Kilogram

Answer: Collapse

Answer: Out the door

How to catch a tiger in a cage?

Hottabych: You have guessed, about the wisest ... and now let me congratulate you on the holiday, on women's day, on the holiday of spring, beauty and love. May your soul today be filled to the brim with light, warmth and joy from sincere wishes, delicate flowers, pleasant gifts! Let the swallows nest above your windows and bring prosperity and understanding to your house, and the first rays of the spring sun will point you to a happy path in your destiny!

Leading: of course of course.

Magic tricks from Hottabych

1. " Water changes color "

2. "Magic handkerchiefs"

3. A gift for the host.

4. The appearance of rain

Dance with umbrellas.

Leading: Yes, Hottabych, you are a real wizard. Hottabych, do you want to listen to what poems the boys know about our beautiful, magical mothers?

Hottabych: very, very interested

Boys' poems for moms:

Mum! Happy spring holiday


Long years, love, fun

I sincerely wish you!

Let all misfortunes melt

And adversity will dispel.

I wish only happiness -

Do not let the years age you.

So that you don't leave your strength

So that business is successful,

Always be so beautiful

Smiling, tender!

You are the best, for sure

I will say like a man

Hottabych: how your speeches flow, caressing my ear. After all, your mothers are so wonderful, gentle, lovely beautiful ... But here in the East we have a beautiful princess Budur. You can't find her better in the whole world: she is white with skin, dark hair, a magnificent waist, and a graceful smile of modesty on her lips. (raises his hands to the sky). A beautiful delicate flower.

Leading: Hottabych, you have not yet seen what kind of princesses we have, one more beautiful than the other, let's see.

Hottabych: I obey and obey, let's watch

And I do not want to be calculated.

Hottabych: beautiful, divine. Addresses to the presenter. Oh, diamond of my soul, let me arrange a competition for the most beautiful mothers.

Contests for mothers are held.

Hottabych: I saw what beautiful beauties the sun is here in your garden, even the princess Budur himself fades in the rays of your beauty. Oh, beautiful, about radiant, about the most beautiful of the kasivy ...

Leading: Hottabych, remember, you said that you would fulfill all my desires? I want you to please kids, mothers and grandmothers with some unusual gift. Are you a wizard? Do a miracle for us.

Hottabych: I obey and obey. I have a magic basket, I will show it to you now.

Leading: this is magic, this is a gift. Did you guys like it? (Yes)

Leading: on this our holiday came to an end. Dear mothers, grandmothers once again with a holiday. I wish you happiness, beauty and health. Thank you for being with us. Guys, let's say thank you to our mummies.


Leading: see you soon!

The presenter enters the hall and reads a verse by Valentina Belyaeva:

I will tie your life

Made of fluffy mohair threads.

I will tie your life

I won't lie a single loop.

I will tie your life

Where a pattern across the field of prayer -

Wish you happiness

In the rays of true love.

I will tie your life

Crafted from a fun melange yarn.

I will tie your life

And then I will give it from the bottom of my heart.

Where do I get the thread?

I never confess to anyone:

To bind your life

I secretly dissolve mine.

Mom - what a simple and amazing word for each of us. The warmest, the kindest. For any of us, mom is the most beautiful, the most tender, the most beloved, the most understanding and many more the most-most-most ... This is the very first word, our life begins with it.

To the music "Mom is the first word", children enter the hall with flowers and perform dance moves. They give flowers to mothers and grandmothers and sit on chairs. (children who read poetry line up).

Poems (read only by girls):

With a number like a pretzel.

How many of you guys know

What does the number mean?

Children in unison will tell us:

This is our mothers' holiday! (CHORUS)

B. Zakhoder

2 Velcro-why

Mom loves and regrets.

Mom understands.

My mom can do everything

Knows everything in the world!

- Why do wasps bite?

I ask directly.

And to ALL my questions

mom answers.

Tell me where from the sky

Snow is taken in winter.

Why a loaf of bread

Is it baked from flour?

Why does the dog bark?

What will you dream about?

Why does the icicle melt

And eyelashes tremble?

Why is there a cloud in the sky

Is there a lawn in the forest?

I am a stick-slip,


(T. Bokova)

You are the most beautiful,

You are the best.

Into the gentle sun

And like the moon.

I give you a smile

I give a big flower:

I want you to flutter

Always like a moth.

(V. Solonikin)

4. Mom is loved by everyone in the world,

Mom's first friend.

Not only children love mothers,

They love everyone around.

If anything happens

If suddenly trouble,

Mommy will come to the rescue

Will always help out.

Mom is a lot of strength, health

Gives it to all of us.

So, the truth is not in the world

Better than our mothers.

5. Asterisk

The star in the sky is bright.

It shines, but does not warm - mom says.

I will stretch a ladder from the balcony to the sky.

I'll take an asterisk for mom from the sky.

Mom will light this star on her chest.

And he will warm him up, he will sing a song.

Mom is my star, my bright one!

Sweetheart, good, I love you!

All the children get up near their chairs, the readers come up to them and prepare to sing the penalty.

"Spring song" muses. and sl. N. V. Kulikova

1. I will sing a song,

The sun plays with rays

My dear mom

For care, kindness

Thank you!

2. Spring flowers

To beloved grandmother and mother:

Sun is shining, sky blue,

Dear Mammy, dear Granny,

At the end, the children sit on the chairs. The presenter at this moment finds an unusual vessel and shows it to the children.

Presenter: guys, look what I found, what kind of vessel is it and where did it come from here? So unusual, very similar to magic. The patterns are strange (the vessel begins to rub, unusual music sounds, Hottabych appears in the hall).

Hottabych: Apchhi! Greetings, O beautiful of the most beautiful, wisest and wisest.

Presenter: who are you? Where did you come from?

Hottabych: I'm from this vessel. Know, O most blessed of the beautiful, that I am the mighty and glorified in all countries of the world genie Ghassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab, or, in your opinion, Gassan Abdurrahman Hottabovich. And it happened to me - apchhi! - an amazing story. I, the unfortunate genie, disobeyed Suleiman ibn Daud and he imprisoned me in an earthen vessel, from which you, oh my blessed savior, - apchi, apchi! - pulled me out. May your days last, oh Forgive me, I would be incredibly happy to know your name.

Host: Tatiana Petrovna.

Hottabych: what an unusual and beautiful name: Tatiana Petrovna. Tell me, Tatyana Petrovna, where did I end up, where am I now?

Presenter: Hottabych, you went to the kindergarten "Solnyshko", to a matinee with the children.

Hottabych: wah, wah, wah ... oh, oh, oh! I have never been here. Peace be to this house. Hello, the most educated of the educated and the most charming of the most delightful. Children and dear guests. Do you know, the star of my heart, dear Tatyana Petrovna, that I will continue to do everything that you order me, for you saved me from a terrible confinement.

Presenter: Anything I order? Well, okay, just first, Hottabych sit down and rest, and our guys will sing you a song. What did your mother feed you with as a child?

Hottabych: porridge.

Presenter: here, our song is called "Cook Porridge", and we will cook it for our mothers.

The song "Cook porridge"

1. We got up early today

And while mommy sleeps

They decided to cook porridge for her,

To surprise you with something.

While we were looking for cereals,

Escaped milk

How it happened, we don't know

It can be seen smart

ETC. Cook, cook porridge

Cook and have fun

We will delight all our friends today

Cook, cook porridge

Cook and be lazy

The plates and spoons are tired of you.

2. Together we decided

Outwit milk

And this time the bucket

For reliability, pour

To make the porridge tasty

They added what they could

Sausage, candy, bun

Salted from the heart.

Hottabych: ah, well done, my ears never heard the best music. Wonderful, incomparable. Now, order what you want, about the diamond of my soul.

Presenter: Then, can I ask you Hottabych, congratulate our mothers, grandmothers and girls on March 8?

Hottabych: oh, the light of my eyes! Incomparable and most beautiful Tatyana Petrovna! I will grant your wish, but let me first, my wisest, ask them some wise questions.

Presenter: OK, ask Hottabych.

Riddles from Hottabych:

I'm not afraid of a thunderstorm,

Kohl next to me ... (mother)

There is no dirt, trash in the apartment,

I took everything clean ... (mom)

The most delicious borsch on the plate

Only cooks like this ... (mom)

Appeals to parents

The son plays the scale loudly

It only pleases ... (mom)

Elephant, hippo

There is also kind ... (mother)

With dad we go for flowers

We love to give them ... (to mom)

If the daughter is stubborn

Shakes her finger at her ... (mom)

Shame and disgrace for those kids

Who offended their own ... (mom)

And capricious and stubborn,

Doesn't want to go to kindergarten ... (not mom, but daughter)

In the morning, everyone in the house is a drama -

Doesn't want to eat porridge ... (not mom, but daughter or son)

There is no dearer in the world,

Fair and kinder.

I'll tell you friends straight to you -

Best of all in the world ... (mom)

Hottabych: O reasonable of the most reasonable, how could you answer all my questions? Well, now let's get down to the parents (he rubs his palms and hurries to the mothers and grandmothers.)

Riddles for parents:

What is missing in a woman's purse?

Answer: Order

A and B sat on the pipe. A went abroad, B sneezed and went to the hospital. What's left on the pipe?

Answer: Letter B (I - went to the hospital)

A green crocodile is flying across the sky. I flew for 2 hours and flew 7 kilometers. How much will a kilogram of apples weigh if you unscrew the screw from the fluid coupling?

Answer: Kilogram

Winnie the Pooh - a pig or a boar?

Answer: Winnie the Pooh is a bear, and a piglet is Piglet

What do milk and hedgehog have in common?

Answer: Collapse

Why are students usually kicked out of class?

Answer: Out the door

The very first semiconductor in the world?

Answer: Ivan Susanin

How to catch a tiger in a cage?

Answer: There is no such thing as a tiger in a cage, a tiger in a strip.

Hottabych: You've solved it, oh wisest ones ... and now let me congratulate you on the holiday, on women's day, on the holiday of spring, beauty and love. May your soul today be filled to the brim with light, warmth and joy from sincere wishes, delicate flowers, pleasant gifts! Let the swallows nest above your windows and bring prosperity and understanding to your house, and the first rays of the spring sun will point you to the happy path in your destiny!

Dear Tatyana Petrovna, oh light of my eyes, allow me to give the worthy guests and their children real magic.

Presenter: of course, of course.

Magic tricks from Hottabych

1. "Water changes color"

A table is brought out, on which there are four "empty" glasses. At the bottom of each of them, a little green stuff is poured (there will be green, potassium permanganate (red, furatsilin (yellow, blue (blue). Water is poured from a transparent jug into each glass). Water in glasses is painted in different colors.

2. "Magic handkerchiefs"

Preparatory stage: hide handkerchiefs in the hall (behind flowers, on the windowsill, in the teacher's pocket, etc.). in a box with a double bottom, which opens on both sides, put handkerchiefs, close. The magic words are spoken, the box is turned over and opened from the other side. The handkerchiefs "disappeared". Further, they are found in previously hidden places.

3. A gift for the host.

A flower from a newspaper. A large newspaper is folded into a tube, cuts are made along the tube, then you need to grab the central strip of the newspaper, and gently drag it up, you get a flower. (present to the host)

4. The appearance of rain

Hottabych utters magic words and says that it will rain now.

Presenter: and in order not to get wet, the guys will take umbrellas and perform a dance.

To the music of Yulia Seliverstova "Cap, drip, dripping rain drips through the puddles" children perform

Dance with umbrellas.

(girls leave to prepare for the dance)

Presenter: yes, Hottabych, you are a real wizard. Hottabych, do you want to listen to what poems the boys know about our beautiful, magical mothers?

Hottabych: very, very interested

Boys' poems for moms:

Mum! Happy spring holiday


Long years, love, fun

I sincerely wish you!

Let all misfortunes melt

And adversity will dispel.

I wish only happiness -

Do not let the years age you.

So that you don't leave your strength

So that business is successful,

Always be so beautiful

Smiling, tender!

You are the best, for sure

I will say like a man

After all, you raised a great son

Without modesty, I think so today.

And congratulations on the women's holiday!

Hottabych: how your speeches flow, caressing my ear. After all, your mothers are so wonderful, gentle, lovely beautiful ... But here in the East we have a beautiful princess Budur. You can't find her better in the whole world: she is white with skin, dark hair, a magnificent waist, and a graceful smile of modesty on her lips. (raises his hands to the sky). A beautiful delicate flower.

Presenter: Hottabych, you have not yet seen what kind of princesses we have, one more beautiful than the other, let's see.

Hottabych: I obey and obey, let's watch

Girls perform a dance to the music. from the m / f "Flying Ship"

And I do not want to be calculated.

Hottabych: wonderful, divine. Addresses to the presenter. Oh, diamond of my soul, let me arrange a competition for the most beautiful mothers.

Contests for mothers are held.

1. The best oriental turban on the daughter's head. (4-5 mothers with daughters)

Show the variants of the turban made of colorful scarf. Mothers temporarily tie a turban to their daughter, the most beautiful wins.

2. Eastern gait (4-5 mothers)

What makes an oriental beauty truly beautiful? Well, of course, the gait. After all, it is the gait in combination with a beautiful posture that makes you turn around after. Take a closer look at the women on the street: some are just curled up under the weight of their bags; the gait of others is more like a soldier's march; and someone just minces in small steps, bent over in three deaths. Alas, a pitiful sight. And today, we will learn to walk like real oriental beauties, soaring in the air. And for this we need a tape, with which we will lightly tie the legs at the ankle so that you do not run with huge strides, and for the beauty of posture we will put a book on our head. In this form, you need to reach the landmark, go around and return to the starting point. The mother who does it first is the winner. Let's get started.

Hottabych: I saw what beautiful beauties the Sun is here in your garden, even Princess Budur himself fades in the rays of your beauty. Oh, beautiful, about radiant, about the most beautiful of the kasivy ...

Presenter: Hottabych, remember when you said that you would fulfill all my desires? I want you to please kids, mothers and grandmothers with some unusual gift. Are you a wizard? Do a miracle for us.

Hottabych: I obey and obey. I have a magic basket, I will show it to you now.

Hottabych rolls in a huge basket on wheels. There sits a man with his hand on top, on the lid of a basket in the body of a snake. Hottabych takes a pipe, begins to play, oriental music sounds and the snake "wakes up", then dances. At the end of the music, Hottabych goes to the basket, opens the lid and takes out candy for the children.

Presenter: this is magic, this is a gift. Did you guys like it? (Yes)

Well, let’s Hottabych give out treats.

The presenter and Hottabych distribute treats to the children.

Hottabych says goodbye and goes off to the music (rolls out the basket)

Presenter: on this our holiday came to an end. Dear mothers, grandmothers once again with a holiday. I wish you happiness, beauty and health. Thank you for being with us. Guys, let's say thank you to our mummies.

So tnank you.

Presenter: see you soon!

Gift for March 8 Leading 2 students are included in the music. Host 1. Good afternoon, the most talented, the most musical, the most athletic, the most handmade, in general, the coolest guys. Presenter 2. And also the most patient, the funniest, the kindest, most restless respected teachers! Dear women! Mothers and grandmothers! Sisters and classmates! Teachers and students! We congratulate you on Women's Day! We wish you a wonderful life, joy! We promise all of you our loyalty, attention, dedication and strength! We live and exist only for you! Our hearts are beating only for you! We fight and win only for you! Only for you is our strength and weakness! Our feelings and passions only for you! Only to you - the first smiles of spring nature, gentle March flowers, wonderful poems and songs, lovely ladies, sorceresses, enchantresses, to whom at all times they sang and dedicated serenades. Presenter 1. Today for you "Unusual concert", which, by the way, will be held under the code name "Gift by March 8". Musical callsigns. Host 2. I see you are looking forward to the artists. So, welcome to our participants! (Applause.) Shapoklyak enters. Shapoklyak (sings). I love my friends On the street and at home To commit a funny dirty trick, Pour water on a friend, Throw a rat to a friend, Salt jam for my friends. Host 1. Who are you? Shapoklyak. Ha. Don't you know me? Host 2. We are actually waiting for the artists. How can you please us? Shapoklyak. No, I'm a bad artist, but we are happy to invite our friends to the stage the Singing Childhood ensemble Song Presenter 1. Shapoklyak chased the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka all her life. And now, in old age, I decided to settle down and take up teaching activities to teach children to shoot with a slingshot. Host 2. Meet the next participant! The Little Robber enters to the music of Neauu Meta1 in headphones and dancing. Rogue. Class! (Sees empty chairs on stage.) Where are the suitors? Host 1. Do you mean male participants of the concert? Rogue. I don't know what gender you have here, but I've been promised a bunch of suitors here. And what kind of company is this hanging out here? (Points to the audience.) Host 2. These are the audience, Robber (grinning). A cool little thing turns out, a full hall of spectators, and where are the men? One kokayato old woman hangs. SHAPOKLYAK (indignantly). What? Rogue (draws out a knife and a pistol). What problems!? Host 1. Calm down, please! Rogue (frowning). And I am so calm as a boa constrictor. Only now I'm thinking why I drove the car so that the traffic police are a little right 1

did not take away had to unfasten the "greenery". Host 2. Well, since you were in such a hurry, what can you bring to our attention. Rogue. Meet the "Tuning Fork" group with the song "Tender Heart" Presenter 1. Little Robber, when she was still very young, no one could even think that she would grow up a robber, because she was an obedient, kind and very sympathetic girl. But with age, her character began to change. Host 2. Meet the forever young and charming ... Baba Yaga enters to the music. Host 1. Something today our concert is not going well, some unpopular artists come to us. Baba Yaga. And I brought you a musical gift. Christine, on stage! Song "Dear House" Presenter 1. Baba Yaga rarely does a Russian fairy tale without her. She was also in a hurry for our concert and, as you can see, she was not late, because her broom could compete with any racing car in speed. Host 2. Well, now let's welcome our strong half of the participants. Carlson enters. He preps up, straightens the butterfly, looks around the audience, looks at Shapoklyak and immediately goes to her. Carlson. Oh Madam! Come on, let's get to know you. Shapoklyak. Playful! Hoho! Sweet, sweet little rascal! Carlson. Madam, do you know how to bake buns? Shapoklyak. What? I can glue the benches on which the lovers sit. Carlson. Wow, I don’t play like that! .. Bad old woman. Shapoklyak. What! You will answer for the old woman! Host 2. Dear Artists! Behave yourself with dignity and listen to the song "Spring", "First Drop" Host 1. Our dear Carlson, a moderately well-fed man in his prime, dreaming of finding a life partner who knows how to bake buns. Host 2. Oh, young children! Our next hero is the great and mighty Hasan Abdurahman ibn Hottab! Hottabych appears, bows to everyone, then claps his hands. The slaves enter to the music, one treats the participants with sweets, the other brings him a blanket. Hottabych manipulates this veil so that the ARTIST manages to slip past it at the edge of the stage. The presenters grab the edges of the bedspread, Hottabych "conjures", drum roll, he removes the bedspread and everyone sees behind him ARTIST Song "Wolf" Barsukova Julia Host 1. So! Hasan Abdurahman ibn Hottab! Hottabych. Just call me Hottabych, without further ado. 2

Host 2. And where is our third participant Stas Mikhailov? Hottabych, where are you going? Hottabych. Well, you know, the holiday is just around the corner. He has concerts. But he gave us a greeting card. Music sounds. Hottabych claps his hands and gives the disc. VIDEOS Presenter 1. Something I don't like our guests. It would be better if we invited Cinderella, Snow White and there would be no problems ... Baba Yaga (smiling, hugs the host1). Do you have a problem? Rogue and Shapoklyak (hugging Lead 2 on both sides around the waist). You just tell us, and there will be no problems. Host 2. Well, then we will continue our concert program. Meet Mikhalchenko Evgeniya with the song "Grandma's Umbrella" Carlson. Festive mood, I want songs, I want buns. Host 1. Well, well, for us your desire is the law. Song "Lady" performed by Elena Rubanova. Carlson eats buns Host 2. Hottabych, if you like any of the women present here, what gift will you present to her first? Hottabych. Oh, the light of my eyes, the fire of my heart! This person will receive my priceless beard as a gift. You know that any desire is granted if you pull a hair out of your beard. I want all women to be healthy, happy, less upset over trifles. We present you with the song "Mommy" Presenter 1. I give you spring wishes: Great love, gifts, eternal passion, And so that the tender word "I love" Not only to hear on a holiday, but also during bad weather! Happy holiday, lovely charming women, beautiful half of humanity. Happy Women's Day on March 8! Host 2. You are all so beautiful today, So charming, tender! You will look at once it will become clear: Around the breath of spring! In this difficult job, Among computers, papers, children, you bloom brighter than ever before, As if there is a good magician nearby, Who gave you a miracle To be young, to live lovingly, And he took the laundry, kitchen and dishes, of course! So be happy, healthy, take on everything hotly, And we are ready to lend you our reliable shoulder. We wish you good luck in your business, beautiful and great love! You smile, which means that Everything in life will be fine! Host 1. Charming, attractive, charming, infinitely tender, happy holiday! May flowers smile at you with spring rays on this day And may they always go through life with you 3

Love, health, happiness and dreams Leader 2. Once again, we congratulate you, our dear women, mothers, sisters, grandmothers on behalf of all men. Happy Holidays! March 8! Shapoklyak enters. Shapoklyak (sings). I love my friends On the street and at home To commit a funny dirty trick, Pour water on a friend, Throw a rat to a friend, Salt jam for my friends. Host 1. Who are you? Shapoklyak. Ha. Don't you know me? Host 2. We are actually waiting for the artists. How can you please us? Shapoklyak. No, I'm a bad artist, but on the other hand, I gladly invite my friends to the stage of the Singing Childhood ensemble Song Shapoklyak (indignantly). What? Carlson. Oh Madam! Come on, let's get to know you. Shapoklyak. Playful! Hoho! Sweet, sweet little rascal! Carlson. Madam, do you know how to bake buns? Shapoklyak. What? I can glue the benches on which the lovers sit. Carlson. Wow, I don’t play like that! .. Bad old woman. Shapoklyak. What! You will answer for the old woman! Rogue and Shapoklyak (hugging Lead 2 on both sides around the waist). You just tell us, and there will be no problems. Baba Yaga. And I brought you a musical gift. Christine, on stage! Song "Dear House" Baba Yaga (smiling will embrace the host1). Do you have a problem? Rogue. Class! (Sees empty chairs on stage.) Where are the suitors? Host 1. Do you mean male participants of the concert? Rogue. I don't know what gender you have here, but I've been promised a bunch of suitors here. And what kind of company is this hanging out here? (Points to the audience.) Host 2. These are the audience, 4

Rogue (grinning). A cool little thing turns out, a full hall of spectators, and where are the men? One kind of old woman hangs. Host 2. Well, since you were in such a hurry, what can you bring to our attention. Rogue. Meet the "Tuning Fork" group with the song "Tender Heart" Carlson enters. He preps up, straightens the butterfly, looks around the audience, looks at Shapoklyak and immediately goes to her. Carlson. Oh Madam! Come on, let's get to know you. Shapoklyak. Playful! Hoho! Sweet, sweet little rascal! Carlson. Madam, do you know how to bake buns? Shapoklyak. What? I can glue the benches on which the lovers sit. Carlson. Wow, I don’t play like that! .. Bad old woman. Shapoklyak. What! You will answer for the old woman! Carlson. Festive mood, I want songs, I want buns. Hottabych appears, bows to everyone, then claps his hands. The slaves enter to the music, one treats the participants with sweets, the other brings him a blanket. Hottabych manipulates this veil so that the ARTIST manages to slip past it at the edge of the stage. The presenters grab the edges of the bedspread, Hottabych "conjures", drum roll, he removes the bedspread and everyone sees behind him ARTIST Song "Wolf" Barsukova Julia Host 1. So! Hasan Abdurahman ibn Hottab! Hottabych. Just call me Hottabych, without further ado. Host 2. And where is our third participant Stas Mikhailov? Hottabych, where are you going? Hottabych. Well, you know, the holiday is just around the corner. He has concerts. But he gave us a greeting card. Music sounds. Hottabych claps his hands and gives the disc. Hottabych. Oh, the light of my eyes, the fire of my heart! This person will receive my priceless beard as a gift. You know that any desire is granted if you pull a hair out of your beard. I want all women to be healthy, happy, less upset over trifles. five


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