Ready-made presentation projects dow study of the globe. Presentation "globe" presentation for a lesson on the world around on the topic. The history of the creation of the globe

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Presentation on the topic: The history of the globes

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"Using the Globe as a Model of the Earth in the 21st Century" A quick look at today's practical problems Allows us to assess their planetary scale. Terms such as global warming and global geopolitical interests, global conflicts and world globalization are no longer surprising among people today. In such a situation, the ever-increasing interest in methods for displaying the entire planet looks quite natural. Since time immemorial, world cartography has had such a tool - a model of the Earth, a globe. For more than 2000 years, the globe has served as an assistant in navigation, displaying new geographical discoveries, natural patterns, political and military territorial changes. But over time, the appearance of all kinds of atlases and the most detailed multi-page maps, space images of the surface almost completely replaced the globes, making them a rarity and almost a museum attraction. The purpose of globes remained in demand only in the classrooms of geography, cartography and astronomy.

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"Using a Globe as a Model of the Earth in the 21st Century" Manned astronautics remained another area of ​​application for globes, where space saving dictated the need to use a universal globe map of the planet. The situation has changed radically with the advent of computer technology and the capabilities of modern programs that allow displaying virtual electronic globes of various purposes. From classrooms, globes migrated to computer monitors, where they can be rotated in all directions, scale and thematic surfaces can be changed with a single mouse click. There is no need to carry a bulky wooden or plastic ball, everything fits in the laptop's memory or is called up via Internet channels. The globe has become an illustrative example of how one of the oldest inventions of man received a second life at the next round of technological progress.

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"History of the creation of the globe" The history of the creation of the globe has about 2400 years. The first globes were models of the starry sky, which were created and used by ancient sailors to navigate by the stars. Observations of the Sun and Moon prompted people to make the first terrestrial globes. There is evidence of the first celestial globe made by Eudoxus of Cnidus (408-335 BC). In ancient Roman sources, there are references to the mechanical celestial globe of the Greek mathematician Archimedes (c. 287-212 BC). Its appearance was due to the gradual understanding of mankind that the Earth has a spherical shape and took place in stages, based on the accumulated information about the planet for many tens and hundreds of generations. And only with the advent of stable mathematical ideas about the basis of maps, meridians, parallels, a relatively reliable modeling of the Earth became possible. In the II century. BC. the Greek astronomer Eratosthenes was able to quite accurately calculate the circumference of the earth's meridian, and the philosopher Crates from the island of Malos made the first known model of the planet called the globe. Then followed the troubled period of the early Middle Ages, in which the cartographic heritage of ancient Greece and Rome was thoroughly forgotten and partially lost. Only in the 15th century did a new need arise for these scientific works. The works of ancient scientists again entered the medieval scientific circulation. Particular attention was paid to Ptolemy's "Geography" and his geographical atlas, which predetermined the development of geography for a significant period.

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In 1492, the first European globe was designed - "Erdapfel" or "Earth Apple". Its creator was the Nuremberg astronomer M. Beheim (1459-1506). The creation of M. Behaim turned out to be a real work of art, which showed the equator with 360 sectors, two tropical circles and the Arctic and Antarctic polar circles. The globe had a diameter of 51 cm and the artist G. Holschumer was involved in its creation, placing more than a hundred colored miniatures on the surface and making artistic inscriptions. This tradition was successfully continued by the artist's followers and later globes were created with the same luxury. To this day, one of these globes is kept in the Dresden Zwinger Palace - a gilded globe-clock of the celestial sphere and the Earth by G. Roll and I. Reingold (1586)

Description of the slide:

Relevance: Currently, the most relevant for children is the study
objects in the form of models. Corner created in the group
"I am a researcher" and a large amount of accumulated material makes it possible
children explore the world by learning past and present. Using different
forms of education, modules, types of games, research methods, children
demonstrate their knowledge, express an emotional response and show
Creative skills.
Purpose: To enrich children's knowledge of the globe as an information model
to study the earth.
Research objectives:
1. Develop search skills:
Plan a step-by-step action, in accordance with the tasks.
2. Study information sources, literature.
3. Learn to explore by applying new knowledge.
4. Prove that the globe is interesting both in the past and present, and also has
useful features of application and study.
Research methods: Observation, study,
reviewing, collecting information and conducting experiments.

Problem: What is a globe?

What is a globe?

Globe is a reduced
model of the earth or planet.
Globe from Latin
globus means "ball". When
people realized that the earth
spherical, they started
create its models - globes.
With a globe, you can
submit the form of our
planets reduced to
several million times.
Globe (regular sizes)
has a small scale and
can show any
terrain in detail.

History of the globe in Russia

Dutch ambassadors
brought as a gift
Grand Duke
Moscow Alexey
large in size
globe. Russian tsar and his
children had complete
conception of the earth
and its spherical shape.


The word equator is translated from Latin as equal dividing - dividing into equal parts .. The equator really divides

Object of study: globe of different
Motivation: To interest and
use information and
game material, study the history and
properties of the subject being studied.
Improve knowledge and
skill of practical skills

Rotation of the Earth around its axis.
Globe-Earth revolves around
rod-axle. Our planet is moving
we don't notice it all the time.
as we revolve with it,
all earthly bodies and even air,
surrounding the earth.
In fact, the earth is moving
rotating from west to east
hour hand).
Therefore, rotating around the axis,
The earth is illuminated by the sun, then from one
side, then on the other side.
As a result, the planet
comes the day, then the night. Full
rotation around its axis earth
carried out within 24 hours.
This period is called a day.

During the year, the hemispheres of the Earth receive a different amount
sunlight and heat. There is a change of seasons. These changes
affect all living organisms on Earth.

Types of globes:

political globe
Globe shows how on it
borders of countries, capitals,
cities, important maritime and
overland routes, the convenience of such
models are countries that
painted in different colors
geographic globe
This type is the most popular
viewing such a globe, one can
see the location of the continents,
rivers, lakes, mountains, oceans and other

celestial globe embossed globe

Celestial or starry.
shows the starry sky
mirror i.e. look at
globe outside - see
celestial sphere from within.
Thanks to this
structures, man
be able to study the relief
planetary surface
(mountains and others
physical objects).

Modern globes
Modern globes
are of different types and
sizes. So, for example, in
USA created digital video
Germany created the first
interactive globe,
which you can use
using multitouch, then
eat easy
touch of fingers.

Giant Globe -
planetarium globe
diameter 3.1 m and weight 3.5 t
located in St. Petersburg
in the museum of M.V. Lomonosov.
Italy built a 10-meter rotating
"Globe of the World" weighing 3.5 tons.

In New York's Crown Park
there is an unusual
attraction: Fantanglobus
The Boston Library has
"Kartarrium" made of
glass. The inner walls of the ball
are a gigantic
political map of the world
sparkling colored lights and
city ​​lights. Globe from the inside.

"Using the Globe as a Model of the Earth in the 21st Century" A quick look at today's practical problems Allows us to assess their planetary scale. Terms such as global warming and global geopolitical interests, global conflicts and world globalization are no longer surprising among people today. In such a situation, the ever-increasing interest in methods for displaying the entire planet looks quite natural. Since time immemorial, world cartography has had such a tool - a model of the Earth, a globe. For more than 2000 years, the globe has served as an assistant in navigation, displaying new geographical discoveries, natural patterns, political and military territorial changes. But over time, the appearance of all kinds of atlases and the most detailed multi-page maps, space images of the surface almost completely replaced the globes, making them a rarity and almost a museum attraction. The purpose of globes remained in demand only in the classrooms of geography, cartography and astronomy.

"Using a Globe as a Model of the Earth in the 21st Century" Manned astronautics remained another area of ​​application for globes, where space saving dictated the need to use a universal globe map of the planet. The situation has changed radically with the advent of computer technology and the capabilities of modern programs that allow displaying virtual electronic globes of various purposes. From classrooms, globes migrated to computer monitors, where they can be rotated in all directions, scale and thematic surfaces can be changed with a single mouse click. There is no need to carry a bulky wooden or plastic ball, everything fits in the laptop's memory or is called up via Internet channels. The globe has become an illustrative example of how one of the oldest human inventions received a second life at the next round of technological progress.

"History of the creation of the globe" The history of the creation of the globe has about 2400 years. The first globes were models of the starry sky, which were created and used by ancient sailors to navigate by the stars. Observations of the Sun and Moon prompted people to make the first terrestrial globes. There is evidence of the first celestial globe made by Eudoxus of Knidos (gg BC). In ancient Roman sources, there are references to the mechanical celestial globe of the Greek mathematician Archimedes (ca. Its appearance was due to the gradual understanding of mankind that the Earth has a spherical shape and took place in stages, based on the accumulated information about the planet for many tens and hundreds of generations. And only with the advent of stable mathematical ideas about the basis of maps, meridians, parallels, a relatively reliable modeling of the Earth became possible. In the II century. BC. the Greek astronomer Eratosthenes was able to quite accurately calculate the circumference of the earth's meridian, and the philosopher Crates from the island of Malos made the first known model of the planet called the globe. Then followed the troubled period of the early Middle Ages, in which the cartographic heritage of ancient Greece and Rome was thoroughly forgotten and partially lost. Only in the 15th century did a new need arise for these scientific works. The works of ancient scientists again entered the medieval scientific circulation. Particular attention was paid to Ptolemy's "Geography" and his geographical atlas, which predetermined the development of geography for a significant period.

In 1492, the first European globe was designed - "Erdapfel" or "Earth Apple". Its creator was the Nuremberg astronomer M. Beheim (). The creation of M. Behaim turned out to be a real work of art, which showed the equator with 360 sectors, two tropical circles and the Arctic and Antarctic polar circles. The globe had a diameter of 51 cm and the artist G. Holschumer was involved in its creation, placing more than a hundred colored miniatures on the surface and making artistic inscriptions. This tradition was successfully continued by the artist's followers and later globes were created with the same luxury. To this day, one of these globes is kept in the Dresden Zwinger Palace - a gilded globe-clock of the celestial sphere and the Earth by G. Roll and I. Reingold (1586)

Well, and, of course, the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, begun by H. Columbus, changed the above-mentioned models of the planet beyond recognition. Information about the earth's surface was constantly replenished until the modern picture was formed, which is well known to most educated people. With one of the followers of the traditions of globe building. This is a new word in a long narrative history of earth model making.

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Globe history

Globus from the Latin language globus means "ball". A globe is a spherical model of a planet or celestial sphere.
The first terrestrial globe mentioned in the literature - the globe of Crates from Pergamon - was made in the 2nd century BC. BC. However, neither the globe itself nor its image have been found.

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The first surviving one is considered to be a globe made in 1492 by the German geographer M. Beheim. It did not yet have America, and the distance between the western coast of Europe and the east coast of Asia was half that in reality. This model of the Earth was called the "Earth Apple".

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In the XVI-XVII centuries. globes have become very popular. They could be seen in the chambers of monarchs, in the offices of ministers, scientists and merchants. Pocket globes in special cases were intended for travel.
Speaking about the history of the creation of globes, one cannot but mention the giant globes. One of them - a globe-planetarium with a diameter of 3.1 m and a weight of 3.5 tons - is located in St. Petersburg in the museum of M.V. Lomonosov. It was made by the famous European geographer A. Olearius (1599-1671) and craftsman A. Bush in 1650-1664. for Duke Frederick III.

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giant globes

It was created as a planetarium globe. It was painted on the outside - an image of an earthly globe, on the inside - a starry sky with all the constellations. The globe-planetarium rotated with the help of a water wheel and a hydraulic drive, making one revolution per day. A quadrangular door led inside the ball.

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The idea of ​​creating giant globes does not leave architects and engineers. In Italy, a 10-meter rotating “Globe of the World" weighing 3.5 tons was built, and in New York at the World Exhibition in 1964, the world's largest globe, the Unisphere, was demonstrated. A steel ball with a diameter of 37 m weighed more than 400 tons.

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In New York's Crown Park is an unusual attraction.

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Globo de Ericsson is the largest model of the solar system, located in Stockholm.

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Eartha (as the globe is called) is exactly one million times smaller than the original, and each inch of its surface corresponds to 26 kilometers of the real Earth. The globe with high reliability reflects the earth's relief, the location of the largest transport routes and settlements.

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There are also such unusual globes

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    Lego globe

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    The Merry Baker Eddy Boston Library has a giant Mapparium made of glass. The inner walls of the ball are a giant political map of the world with sparkling colored lights and city lights. Globe from the inside.

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    Equator and meridians

    When studying our planet, you should know some concepts.

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    Description of the slide:

    Globe - a model of the globe "SPECIAL (CORRECTIONAL) GENERAL EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL VIII TYPE No. 31", BRYANSK Presentation for a geography lesson in grade 6 Teacher: Murzenkova Natalia Viktorovna

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    Description of the slide:

    "Apple of the Earth" The myth that the world stands on three whales was dispelled and the navigators proved that the Earth is a ball, sooner or later a map in the form of a ball - the globe of the world - should have appeared. This inventor was in 1492 the German traveler Martin Beheim, who from childhood was fond of geography and cartography. He sketched the earth's surface on a wooden ball in accordance with the maps of Ptolemy, no one suspected the discoveries of Columbus in those days. The inventor called his creation very symbolically - "Apple of the Earth", which is stored in the museum of the city of Nuremberg and is its most valuable exhibit.

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    Description of the slide:

    Globe m. (from Latin globus, "ball") - A rotating model of the globe, the Moon and other planets of the solar system with a cartographic image of their surface. Around 195 BC. e. Greek scientist Crates de Milo made the first globe. The first globe in the I century. n. e. The Central Asian scientist Biruni, who was born in the city of Kyat, the ancient capital of Khorezm, made an original globe, which most accurately conveyed the idea of ​​the globe for that time. Unfortunately, this globe has not come down to us.

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    Description of the slide:

    Giant globes Speaking about the history of the creation of globes, one cannot fail to mention the giant globes. One of them, a globe-planetarium with a diameter of 3.1 m and a weight of 3.5 tons, is located in St. Petersburg in the Lomonosov Museum. It was made by the famous European geographer A. Olearius (1599-1671) and craftsman A. Bush in 1650-1664. for Duke Frederick III of Holstein and was in his residence - in the Gottorp fortress near Schleswig.

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    In 1998, the world's largest globe of the Earth was built in the USA. Its diameter was 12.5 meters. Its weight is 25 tons, and it constantly rotates around its axis. giant globes

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    What are the globes? There were "globes-sailors". Once upon a time, navigators took globes with them on long and dangerous journeys. Globes - "sailors" for their long service on ships told a lot. They were battered by storms, blown by ferocious winds. There were "globes-dandies", they spent their entire life in luxurious royal palaces. These globes were decorated with gold, silver and precious stones. There is a "globe-cosmonaut". It is installed on spaceships. A small globe - during the entire flight, the astronaut spins without stopping at the same speed as the Earth. As soon as the commander of the spaceship takes a look at him, he will immediately know over which ocean or which country his spaceship is flying at that moment. There are many different globes now. There is a "globe of the starry sky". It depicts the constellations, the milky way.

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    Riddles The entire globe cross, Converge at the poles. Gradually move the hands on any clock. Across the land, the oceans Laid ... (Meridians) Above the pole, below the pole. In the middle is a hot zone. (Equator) Two points live on Earth, Both in white scarves (Poles)

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    Materials used History of geographical discoveries. Riddles. What is a globe? From globe to map. Photos and pictures: photo_id=767 http://forum


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