Presentation on the topic of radiation by obzh. Radiation: impact on humans and its consequences. What is radiation? Cotton-gauze bandage is made as follows

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FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION: Is radiation beneficial or harmful?


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    Nature of radiation

    RADIOACTIVITY (from Latin radio - I emit rays and activus - effective), the spontaneous transformation of unstable atomic nuclei into the nuclei of other elements, accompanied by the emission of particles or a g-quantum. 4 types of radioactivity are known: alpha decay, beta decay, spontaneous fission of atomic nuclei, proton radioactivity (two-proton and two-neutron radioactivity have been predicted, but have not yet been observed). Radioactivity is characterized by an exponential decrease in the average number of nuclei over time. Radioactivity was first discovered by A. Becquerel in 1896.

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    A little information…

    RADIOACTIVE WASTE, various materials and products, biological objects, etc., which contain high concentrations of radionuclides and are not subject to further use. The most radioactive waste - spent nuclear fuel - is kept in temporary storage facilities (usually with forced cooling) from several days to tens of years before processing in order to reduce activity. Violation of the storage regime can have disastrous consequences. Gaseous and liquid radioactive waste, purified from highly active impurities, is discharged into the atmosphere or water bodies. Highly active liquid radioactive waste is stored in the form of salt concentrates in special tanks in the surface layers of the earth, above the groundwater level. Solid radioactive waste is cemented, bituminized, vitrified, etc., and buried in stainless steel containers: for decades - in trenches and other shallow engineering structures, for hundreds of years - in underground workings, salt layers, at the bottom of the oceans. Until now, there are no reliable, absolutely safe methods of disposal for radioactive waste due to the corrosive destruction of containers.

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    natural sources

    The population receives the main part of the radiation dose, as already mentioned, from natural sources. Most of them are simply impossible to avoid.

    A person is exposed to two types of radiation: external and internal. Radiation doses vary greatly and depend mainly on where people live.

    Terrestrial sources of radiation in total amount to more than 5/6 of the annual effective equivalent dose received by the population. In concrete terms, it looks something like this. Irradiation of terrestrial origin: internal - 1.325, external - 0.35 mSv / year; cosmic origin: internal - 0.015, external - 0.3 mSv/year.

    • External exposure
    • Internal exposure
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    artificial sources

    Over the past decades, people have been intensively occupied with the problems of nuclear physics. He created hundreds of artificial radionuclides, learned to use the possibilities of the atom in various industries - in medicine, in the production of electrical and thermal energy, in the manufacture of luminous watch dials, many instruments, in the search for minerals and in military affairs. All this, of course, leads to additional exposure of people. In most cases, the doses are small, but sometimes man-made sources are many thousands of times more intense than natural ones.

    • Appliances
    • Uranium mines and enrichment enterprises
    • nuclear explosions
    • Nuclear power
  • Slide 7

    Radiation units

    Units of physical quantities”, which provides for the mandatory use of the International SI system.

    In table. 1 shows some of the derived units used in the field of ionizing radiation and radiation safety. Also given are the ratios between systemic and non-systemic units of activity and radiation doses, which were supposed to be withdrawn from use from January 1, 1990 (roentgen, rad, rem, curie). However, the need for significant costs, as well as economic difficulties in the country, did not allow a timely transition to SI units, although some household dosimeters are already calibrated in new measurements (back-vrel, evert

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    Medical procedures and treatments involving the use of radioactivity make a major contribution to the dose received by humans from man-made sources. Radiation is used for both diagnosis and treatment. One of the most common devices is an x-ray machine. Radiation therapy is the main way to fight cancer. Of course, radiation in medicine is aimed at healing the patient. In developed countries, there are from 300 to 900 examinations per 1000 inhabitants

    Other uses

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    RADIATION - one of the damaging factors of nuclear weapons

    Penetrating radiation - invisible radioactive radiation (similar to x-rays), propagating in all directions from the zone of a nuclear explosion. As a result of its exposure, people and animals can get sick with radiation sickness.

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    Low doses of ionizing radiation and health

    According to some scientists, radioactive radiation in small doses not only does not harm the body, but has a beneficial stimulating effect on it. Adherents of this point of view believe that small doses of radiation, which were always present in the external environment of the background radiation, played an important role in the development and improvement of life forms existing on Earth, including man himself.

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    A feature of radioactive contamination of the area is a relatively rapid decrease in the level of radiation (degree of infection). It is generally accepted that the radiation level after 7 hours after the explosion decreases by about 10 times, after 49 hours - by 100 times, etc.

    For protection in hazardous areas, it is necessary to use protective structures - shelters, anti-radiation shelters, basements, cellars. To protect the respiratory organs, personal protective equipment is used - respirators, anti-dust fabric masks, cotton-gauze bandages, and when they are not available, a gas mask. The skin is covered with special rubberized suits, overalls, raincoats, and a little more

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    Radiation is really dangerous: in large doses it leads to damage to tissues, living cells, in small doses it causes cancer and promotes genetic changes.

    However, the sources of radiation that are most talked about are not at all dangerous. The radiation associated with the development of nuclear energy is only a small fraction, the largest dose a person receives from natural sources - from the use of X-rays in medicine, during an airplane flight, from coal burned in countless amounts by various boiler houses and thermal power plants, etc. .

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    429070, Chuvash Republic, Yadrinsky district, Yadrino village, secondary school.

    Teacher of life safety and computer science Saveliev A.V.

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    Due to their small penetrating power, alpha and beta radiation usually do not pose a great danger in external exposure. Tight clothing can absorb a significant amount of beta particles and does not let alpha particles through at all. However, when ingested into the human body with food, water and air, or when the surface of the body is contaminated with radioactive substances, alpha and beta radiation can cause serious harm to a person. Alpha and beta radiation

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    Fluxes of gamma quanta and neutrons are the most penetrating types of ionizing radiation, therefore, with external irradiation, they pose the greatest danger to humans. Gamma quanta

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    A universal measure of the impact of any type of radiation on a substance is the absorbed dose of radiation, which is equal to the ratio of the energy transferred by ionizing radiation to the substance to the mass of the substance: D=E/m Absorbed dose of ionizing radiation Individual device for measuring the absorbed dose

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    Gray (Gy) is taken as the unit of absorbed dose in SI. 1Gy is equal to the absorbed dose of radiation, at which the irradiated substance with a mass of 1kg is transferred with the energy of ionizing radiation 1J: 1Gy=1J/1kg=1J/kg An off-system unit is used: 1rad=0.01Gy. The ratio of the absorbed radiation dose to the time of exposure is called the radiation dose rate: D = D / t The unit of the absorbed dose rate in SI is gray per second (Gy / s) The unit of the absorbed dose

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    The physical effect of any ionizing radiation on matter is associated primarily with the ionization of atoms and molecules. A quantitative measure of the action of ionizing radiation is the exposure dose, which characterizes the ionizing effect of radiation on air. An off-system unit of exposure dose is used - roentgen (R): 1R = 2.58 10-4C/kg When soft tissues of the human body are irradiated with X-ray or gamma radiation, the exposure dose 1R corresponds to an absorbed dose of 8.8 mGy. Exposure dose

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    The biological effect of different types of radiation on the organisms of animals and plants is not the same with the same absorption of the radiation dose. For example, an absorbed radiation dose of 1 Gy from alpha particles has approximately the same biological effect on a living organism as an absorbed dose of 20 Gy of X-ray or gamma radiation. The difference in the biological effect of different types of radiation is characterized by the coefficient of relative biological effectiveness (RBE), or the quality factor k. Relative biological effectiveness

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    The absorbed dose D, multiplied by the quality factor k, characterizes the biological effect of the absorbed dose and is called the equivalent dose H: H=Dk The equivalent dose unit in SI is the sievert (Sv). 1Sv is equal to the equivalent dose at which the absorbed dose is 1Gy and the quality factor is equal to one. A non-systemic unit of the biological equivalent of the roentgen is used: 1rem=0.01Sv Equivalent dose Clock measuring the equivalent dose

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    The basis of the physical impact of nuclear radiation on living organisms is the ionization of atoms and molecules in cells. When a person is exposed to a lethal dose of gamma radiation equal to 6Gy, energy is released in his body, approximately equal to: E=mD=70kg 6Gy=420J The body of a mammal consists of approximately 75% of water. At a dose of 6 Gy, approximately 1015 water molecules are ionized in 1 cm3 of tissue. Biological effect of ionizing radiation

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    An acute lesion is a damage to a living organism caused by the action of large doses of radiation and manifesting itself within a few hours or days after irradiation. The first signs of a general acute lesion of the body of an adult are detected starting from about 0.5-1.0 Sv Acute lesion

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    A significant part of the exposures caused by radiation in living cells is irreversible. The probability of developing cancer increases in proportion to the radiation dose. Equivalent exposure to 1 Sv on average leads to 2 cases of leukemia, 10 cases of thyroid cancer, 10 cases of breast cancer in women, 5 cases of lung cancer per 1000 exposed. Cancer diseases of other organs under the influence of radiation occur much less frequently. Long-term effects of radiation

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    The problem of the biological effect of ionizing radiation on living organisms and the establishment of values ​​for relatively safe radiation doses is closely related to the fact of the existence of a natural background of ionizing radiation on the Earth's surface. Radioactivity was not invented by scientists, but was only discovered by them. Natural background irradiation

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    The essence of the matter lies in the fact that in any place on the surface of the Earth, underground, in water, in atmospheric air and in outer space, there is ionizing radiation of various types and different origins. This radiation was there when there was no life on Earth, is now and will be when the Sun goes out. Natural background irradiation

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    Under the conditions of the existence of a natural radiation background, life arose on Earth and went through the path of evolution to its present state. Therefore, it can be said with confidence that radiation doses close to the level of the natural background do not pose any serious danger to living organisms. Natural background irradiation

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    In addition to external radiation, every living organism is exposed to internal radiation. It is due to the fact that various chemical elements with natural radioactivity enter the body with food, water and air: carbon, potassium, uranium, thorium, radium, radon. The most significant contribution to the internal dose in most places on Earth is made by radioactive radon and its decay products that enter the human body through breathing. Radon is constantly formed in the soil everywhere on Earth.

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    At present, all people on Earth are exposed to ionizing radiation, not only of natural, but also of artificial origin. Man-made artificial sources of radiation include X-ray and therapeutic installations, various means of automatic control and management using radioactive isotopes, nuclear power and research reactors, charged particle accelerators and various high-voltage electric vacuum devices, waste from thermal and nuclear power plants, products of nuclear explosions. Chernobyl nuclear power plant

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    The maximum allowable dose (MAD) of exposure for persons professionally associated with the use of sources of ionizing radiation is 50 mSv per year. Sanitary standards set the permissible level of single emergency exposure for the population -0.1 Sv. As the maximum allowable dose of systematic exposure of the population, an equivalent exposure dose of 5 mSv per year has been established, i.e. 0.1 traffic rules. For the entire lifetime of a person (70 years), the permissible radiation dose for the population is 350 mSv = 0.35 Sv = 35 rem. Maximum allowable doses

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    Good luck with your life. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! May your life become more beautiful without RADIATION. The presentation was made by a student of grade 8a Timofeev Ruslan

    Unfavorable phenomena in the mountains. Avalanches. Mudflows destroy houses, mountain roads, demolish crops, create dams. Mudflows. Mudflows can be mud, mud-stone and water-stone. As a result of the thirty-degree heat and persistent melting of glaciers, powerful mudflows descended. The danger of mudflows increases with warming. The approach of mudflow can be determined by the specific noise and roar. The most common mudflows are mudflows.

    "Smoking is a health hazard" - Christopher Columbus. Acetaldehyde. A genus of annual and perennial shrubs. Substance exchanges. Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. Lip cancer. Hydrocyanic acid. From the history. Skin cancer. Tobacco. Ministry of Health. Against tobacco. Addiction. The world is smoking. methanol. Tobacco smoking. Lethal dose of nicotine. radioactive elements. In Russia they smoke. Lungs' cancer. Tobacco came to Europe from America. Smoking is injurious to health. Nicotine.

    "Shadow of Chernobyl" - Monument to the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Disadvantages of the reactor. Liquidators. Hiding facts. Memoirs of eyewitnesses. Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov. Monument to the participants of the liquidation. The Chernobyl accident. Tragic morning. Vladimir Grigorievich Asmolov. Memorial. Advice. Explosion. The memory of the heroes lives on. Approach to the interpretation of facts. A cloud of radiation. Monument to the heroes. Chernobyl accident. 134 people suffered radiation sickness.

    "Rules of conduct in case of radiation accidents" - Turn on the radio. Making a cotton-gauze bandage. Rural population. Do iodine prophylaxis. Movement in areas contaminated with radioactive substances. Protect food. Rules for safe conduct. Protection of the population from radioactive fallout. Protect your respiratory system immediately. Wait for information from the civil defense authorities. Actions in case of notification of an accident at the ROO. Actions of the population in case of notification.

    "Rocket and space technology" - Expansion of Russia's presence in the global space market. Landmarks for the development of the RCT of Russia. Sphere of applied use of space technologies. Modernization of ground space infrastructure. Creation of space complexes. Development of the orbital constellation of spacecraft. Organizational and structural transformations. The study of literature on the research topic. Directions for the development of rocket and space technology.

    "Consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant" - The danger of nuclear energy. Chronicle of facts and events. How to act in the event of a radiation accident. The disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The territories of Belarus suffered. The world's largest accident. Peaceful atom. radioactive substances. Consequences of Chernobyl. The danger is radioactive cesium and strontium. Total release of radioactive substances.

    The word radiation comes from the Latin word radiatio - radiation. In the modern language of the natural sciences, radiation is radiation (ionizing, radioactive) and propagation in the form of a stream of elementary particles and quanta of electromagnetic radiation. The word radiation comes from the Latin word radiatio - radiation. In the modern language of the natural sciences, radiation is radiation (ionizing, radioactive) and propagation in the form of a stream of elementary particles and quanta of electromagnetic radiation.

    Ionizing radiation is one of many types of radiation and natural environmental factors. It existed on Earth long before the birth of life on it and was present in space even before the emergence of the Earth itself. All life on Earth arose and developed under the influence of ionizing radiation, which has become a constant companion of man. Radioactive materials have been part of the Earth since its inception.

    There are several types of radiation: * Alpha particles are relatively heavy particles, positively charged, are helium nuclei. * X-rays are similar to gamma rays but have lower energy. By the way, the Sun is one of the natural sources of such rays, but the Earth's atmosphere provides protection from solar radiation. * Beta particles are ordinary electrons. * Neutrons are electrically neutral particles that occur mainly near a working nuclear reactor, access there should be limited. * Gamma radiation is of the same nature as visible light, but much more penetrating.

    The effect of radiation on the human body is called irradiation. During this process, the energy of the radiation is transferred to the cells, destroying them. Irradiation can cause all sorts of diseases: infectious complications, metabolic disorders, malignant tumors and leukemia, infertility, cataracts and much more. Radiation is especially acute on dividing cells, so it is especially dangerous for children. The body reacts to the radiation itself, and not to its source. Radioactive substances can enter the body through the intestines (with food and water), through the lungs (during breathing) and even through the skin in medical diagnostics with radioisotopes. In this case, internal radiation occurs. In addition, a significant effect of radiation on the human body is exerted by external exposure, i.e. The radiation source is outside the body. The most dangerous, of course, is internal exposure.

    The most dangerous for humans is Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation, which can lead to serious illness, genetic disorders and even death. Charged particles are very active and interact strongly with matter, so even one alpha particle can be enough to destroy a living organism or damage a huge number of cells. However, for the same reason, any layer of solid or liquid material, such as ordinary clothing, is sufficient protection against this type of radiation.

    To protect against alpha radiation, a simple sheet of paper is sufficient. Effective protection against beta particles will be provided by an aluminum plate with a thickness of at least 6 mm; Gamma radiation has the highest penetrating power. To protect against it, a screen made of lead plates or thick concrete slabs is needed.


    Slides: 13 Words: 1018 Sounds: 0 Effects: 44

    Project for high school. FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION: Is radiation beneficial or harmful? The nature of radiation. Radioactivity is characterized by an exponential decrease in the average number of nuclei over time. Radioactivity was first discovered by A. Becquerel in 1896. A bit of information… Violation of the storage regime can have catastrophic consequences. natural sources. External exposure Internal exposure. artificial sources. Over the past decades, people have been intensively occupied with the problems of nuclear physics. Radiation units. Units of physical quantities”, which provides for the mandatory use of the International SI system. - Radiation.ppt

    radioactive radiation

    Slides: 6 Words: 250 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Radioactivity. Discovery of radioactivity. The nature of radioactive radiation. radioactive transformations. Isotopes. Uranium salt spontaneously radiates. For the discovery of the phenomenon of natural radioactivity, Becquerel was awarded the Nobel Prize. Alpha - particle (a-particle) - the nucleus of the helium atom. Alpha contains two protons and two neutrons. A beta particle is an electron emitted during beta decay. Gamma - radiation - short-wave electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength less than 2 × 10-10 m. Displacement rules for a- and b- radioactive decay. The time it takes for half of the initial number of radioactive atoms to decay. - Radioactivity.ppt

    Radiation according to life safety

    Slides: 26 Words: 898 Sounds: 0 Effects: 8

    Accidents at radiation hazardous facilities. Types of radiation hazardous objects. Radiation hazardous object. Atom stations. Research and design organizations. The scheme of the CHP. Scheme of NPP operation. Radioactivity. Chain reaction. The impact of radiation on humans. Unit of measure for radioactivity. Radiation, or ionizing radiation. Change in the strength of natural cosmic radiation. Possible consequences of irradiation of people. Consequences of a single radiation exposure. The effect of radiation on the body. Carrying out iodine prophylaxis. Protective effect of iodine prophylaxis. - Radiation by life safety.ppt

    radioactive radiation

    Slides: 10 Words: 130 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    radioactive radiation. Comparison of the penetrating power of different types of radiation. Radioactive radiation can play a cruel joke against their own founders, who can and must do everything to weaken the influence of nuclear weapons on global politics and the economy. - Radiation.ppt

    Radiation and public health

    Slides: 18 Words: 1068 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Radiation and public health. Natural radiation background of the biosphere. Characteristics of radiation pollution. Natural radiation background. Technical sources of penetrating radiation. Stockpiles of nuclear weapons. Radioactive air pollution. Radioactive contamination of the aquatic environment. Radioactive contamination of the soil. Radioactive contamination of flora and fauna. Consequences of the use of nuclear weapons. Inadmissibility of nuclear war. Nuclear pollution. role in pollution. A person receives some doses of radiation. Questions for self-preparation. - Radiation and public health.ppt

    Accidents at nuclear power plants

    Slides: 7 Words: 429 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

    Nuclear power plants. The world's first industrial nuclear power plant with a capacity of 5 MW was launched on June 27, 1954 in the USSR. History of creation. It seemed that everything was fine, but an emergency happened. The radioactive cloud from the accident passed over the European part of the USSR, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. Approximately 60% of radioactive fallout fell on the territory of Belarus. The approach to interpreting the facts and circumstances of the accident has changed over time, and there is still no complete consensus. After the explosion. - Accidents at nuclear power plants.pptx

    Nuclear accidents

    Slides: 56 Words: 1816 Sounds: 1 Effects: 2

    "Plague of the 20th century". The history of the splitting of the atom. Start. In 1905, Albert Einstein published his special theory of relativity. A very small amount of matter is equivalent to a large amount of energy. The start of hostilities is scheduled for August 10, 1945. The beginning of the atomic era. A characteristic cloud of radioactive dust, resembling a mushroom, rose to 30,000 feet. This was the beginning of the atomic era. On the morning of August 6, 1945, there was a clear, cloudless sky over Hiroshima. One of the planes dived and dropped something, and then both planes turned and flew away. It was dropped over the city of Nagasaki. - Nuclear accidents.ppt

    Disasters at nuclear power plants

    Slides: 26 Words: 724 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

    Overcoming the consequences of the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Republic of Belarus. Contamination of the territory of Belarus with iodine-131, 1986. Contamination of the territory of Belarus with strontium-90, 1986. Contamination of the territory of Belarus with transuranium elements, 1986 Contamination of the territory of the republic with cesium-137 (01.01.2011). Financing of State programs to overcome the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The area of ​​agricultural land contaminated with cesium-137 is more than 1 Ci/km2. The number of settlements, in the household plots of which the production of milk with the content of cesium-137 above the permissible level is registered. - Catastrophes at nuclear power plants.ppt

    Radiation accidents

    Slides: 26 Words: 707 Sounds: 3 Effects: 50

    Accidents at nuclear power plants. Plan. Specifications. Nuclear power plant accident. Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Terrible echoes of the past. Radiation hazard factors. Assessment of radiation hazard. Assessment of the radiation situation in the event of an accident at a nuclear power plant. Therapeutic and preventive work in the outbreaks. Stage 1 - up to 15 minutes after the accident. There is a shift staff at the workplace. Medical assistance to victims is provided in the order of self- and mutual assistance. The evacuation of victims to the health center is carried out along predetermined routes. A first aid kit and a stretcher are used to provide assistance. The nature of the accident is specified. Trained personnel localize the accident zone and open arcs for evacuation. - Radiation accidents.ppt

    radioactive accidents

    Slides: 11 Words: 630 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Accidents with the release of radioactive substances. Beta radiation is an electronic ionizing radiation emitted during nuclear transformations. Beta particles propagate in the air up to 15 m, in biological tissue to a depth of up to 15 mm, in aluminum up to 5 mm. Gamma particles propagate in. Sources of radioactive (ionizing) radiation. Chemical accident. Consequences of accidents at chemically hazardous facilities. The radioactive threat comes from the seabed. However, Russia has a reliable technology for isolating hazardous facilities. The bottom of the seas and oceans is becoming more and more like a giant dump. Moreover, serious claims are made primarily to Russia. - Radioactive accidents.ppt

    Radiation accidents in Russia

    Slides: 26 Words: 2262 Sounds: 0 Effects: 7

    Academician of the International Informatization Academy. Types of OPS pollution. Atomic weapons. Field tests. Ground testing of nuclear weapons. The most powerful field test. radioactive waste. dose of radiation. Center for the production of nuclear materials. Reactor fire. Reactor core. Nuclear tests of foreign countries. Retraining people. Minutes of local time. Troops. The biggest accident The total level of radioactivity. People's health. Deviation from the regulated modes of operation of the PDA. Typification of radiation accidents in the South Urals. Analysis and summary classification of accidents. - Radiation accidents in Russia.ppt

    Radiation hazardous accidents

    Slides: 26 Words: 1020 Sounds: 0 Effects: 12

    RI security. Consequences of the accident. Radiation sickness. consequences of irradiation. The main way to protect the population. Protection measures. Actions of the population on a warning signal. Version of the message about the accident at the nuclear power plant. Preparing for a possible evacuation. When an evacuation message is received. - Radiation hazardous accidents.pptx

    Radiation hazardous objects

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    radiation accident. Content. ROO is a radiation-hazardous object. Actions in case of notification of a radiation accident. When outdoors, immediately protect your respiratory organs and hurry to cover. Do iodine prophylaxis. If your house is in a zone of radioactive contamination. Movement in areas contaminated with radioactive substances. When driving through areas contaminated with radioactive substances, it is necessary. Tests. - Radiation hazardous objects.ppt

    Accidents at radiation facilities

    Slides: 17 Words: 876 Sounds: 0 Effects: 112

    ACCIDENTS AT HOO and ROO (chemically hazardous facilities) (radiation hazardous facilities). Dangers of accidents and catastrophes (beginning). Accidents at chemically hazardous facilities. Accidents at radiation hazardous facilities. Terms, abbreviations, warning signs. HOO - chemically hazardous objects. Technogenic emergencies are subdivided. HOO accidents. ROO accidents. Accidents at fire and explosive facilities. Accidents at hydrodynamic hazardous facilities. Transport accidents. Accidents on communal-energy networks. 2. Accidents at chemically hazardous facilities. Chemically dangerous object. - Accidents at radiation facilities.pptx

    Radiation accidents and disasters

    Slides: 18 Words: 652 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    radiation accidents. Loss of control of the source of ionizing radiation. Classification. Human. Prevention measures. Iodine prophylaxis. Examples of radiation accidents. Serious radiation accident. local accidents. local accidents. Regional accidents. regional accidents. Federal accidents. cross-border accidents. - Radiation accidents and disasters.ppt

    Accidents with the release of radioactive substances

    Slides: 18 Words: 1127 Sounds: 0 Effects: 71

    Rules of conduct in case of radiation accidents

    Slides: 25 Words: 315 Sounds: 0 Effects: 17

    Rules for safe conduct. Actions of the population in case of notification. Turn on the radio. Protect your respiratory system immediately. Close windows and doors. Do iodine prophylaxis. Protect food. Wait for information from the civil defense authorities. Protection of the population from radioactive fallout. Rural population. Evacuation of the population. Movement in areas contaminated with radioactive substances. Actions in case of notification of an accident at the ROO. Urban population. Types of protective structures. Making a cotton-gauze bandage. Dosimetric control of the population. - Rules of conduct in case of radiation accidents.ppt

    Radiation and chemical reconnaissance devices

    Slides: 26 Words: 1184 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Modern devices for radiation and chemical reconnaissance. Formation of knowledge. Damage factors of nuclear weapons. damaging factors. dosimetric devices. The principle of detection of ionizing (radioactive) radiation. Methods. photographic method. scintillation method. Chemical method. ionization method. Devices operating on the basis of the ionization method. Classification of dosimetric instruments. X-ray radiometers. Dosimeters. Household dosimetric devices. Instruments for chemical reconnaissance. The principle of operation of the device. VPHR device. Determination of RH in the air. -


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