The use of ICT in technology lessons. Presentation "Use of ICT in the educational process" presentation for the lesson on the topic Presentation on the use of ICT in the classroom

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Information and communication technologies Any pedagogical technology is an information technology, since the basis of the technological process of learning is the receipt and transformation of information. Computer (new information) learning technologies is the process of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of implementation of which is a computer.

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The use of ICT in technology lessons makes it possible to: Visualize educational information using a visual representation of theoretical material, technological process, etc. on the screen. Prepare school graduates for life in the information society; Applying this system, I came to the conclusion that one of the obvious advantages of using ICT in technology lessons is increased visibility. Also, the use of computer technology allows the teacher to increase the motivation of students' learning activities, rationally use class time, expand the variability of homework, reduce the time for preparing assignments, which ultimately positively affects the results of educational activities in the subject.

slide 4

Individualize and differentiate the learning process Manage learning activities and control the result of mastering educational material Develop interdisciplinary communication with computer science The use of ICT in technology lessons makes it possible: So, the use of ICT in technology lessons made it possible to: visualize educational information using a visual representation on the screen of theoretical material technological process, etc.; to prepare a school graduate for life in the conditions of the information society; to individualize and differentiate the learning process due to the possibility of studying, repeating with an individual speed of mastering the material; to manage educational activities and control the result of assimilation of educational material; develop interdisciplinary communication with computer science

slide 5

The computer performs the following functions: teachers: a source of educational information; visual material; training apparatus; means of diagnostics and control. working tool: a means of preparing texts, their storage; graphics editor; means of preparing speeches; computing machine of great potential.

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Slide 7

Slide 9

V T N B1 H1 T1 CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRAWING GRID No. p\p Designation in the drawing Calculation formulas 5 TT1 DRAW THE WAISTLINE

slide 10

BUILDING A BIB BUILDING A POCKET V T N B1 N1 T1 B2 T2 K K1 K2 K3 K4 No. p \ n Designation in the drawing Calculation formulas 10 K1K2=K2K3=K3K4=K4K1 15 cm

slide 11

Horizontally: 1. A fermented milk product necessary to strengthen the human skeletal system. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 CURE COOKTAIL Horizontally: 2. Drink from a mixture of different products. Horizontally: 3. The most valuable food for newborns. M O L O C O Horizontally: 4. What is the name of the curd cake cooked in the oven? Z A P E K A N K A Horizontally: 5. People say that you won't spoil porridge with this product. M A S L O Vertically: 1. With what lactic acid product will pancakes taste even better? S M E T N A Vertically: 2. What should you drink at night to make your intestines work better? K F I R Vertical: 3. What is the name of the product when milk turns sour? POSITIONING Vertically: 4. What is an important macronutrient found in cottage cheese? K A B C I Y

slide 12

Creation of presentations Project work Creation of a methodical piggy bank Practical work on a PC Knowledge control Working with ready-made DERs The main directions of my work Today, the main directions of my work are: Creation of educational and developing presentations. They are used to explain new material and are also used as didactic material. Computer technologies have opened up new opportunities for the creation of illustrative material by teachers themselves: videos, slides, slide films. It is known that such teaching aids greatly facilitate the understanding and memorization of educational material for students, arouse their interest in the phenomena being studied. The perception of information is an important stage in the assimilation of the material, the correct formation of concepts, the awareness of their essence depends on it. In this regard, the importance of the computer increases, the graphic capabilities of which make it possible to provide visual-figurative information in combination with character-symbol information. Conducting a lesson using a computer presentation has a number of advantages: information is presented in a colorful form, with many examples, which causes positive emotions in students and increases motivation to study the material; students have the opportunity to take part in the creation of a lesson (search and systematization of information), thereby forming ICT skills; a lesson or part of it in the form of a presentation increases the efficiency of perception and memorization of information, since 87% of it enters the human brain through the visual channel of perception.

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The advantages of using the teacher to make the learning process more interesting, varied, intense, - take into account the individual characteristics of students, - intensify the independent work of students; - increase the volume of tasks completed in the lesson; - quickly and accurately assess the child's abilities and knowledge, - in a short time, get an objective picture of the level of assimilation of the studied material among all students and correct it in a timely manner, - apply new, effective technologies, forms and methods of teaching, - stimulates the professional growth of the teacher and fills - expansion information flows when using the Internet. -.

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The advantages of using ICT by a student are: increasing motivation and cognitive activity due to a variety of types of work; - obtaining knowledge in a fascinating and visualized form, - enjoying the most interesting process of learning, - obtaining a quick and objective result of knowledge assessment with an indication of errors, - mastering computer literacy, mastering modern information technologies by students. increase in the volume of tasks completed in the lesson

Use of ICT

in the lessons of the environment

in primary school

as a way to improve

cognitive activity of students

"Tell me and I will forget. Show me so I can remember. Let me do it myself and it will be mine forever." ancient wisdom

The use of ICT makes it possible to conduct lessons:

  • At a high aesthetic and emotional level (music, animation).
  • Provides visibility.
  • Includes a large amount of didactic material.
  • Increases the volume of work performed in the lesson by 1.5-2 times.
  • Provides a high degree of differentiation of training (individual approach to the student, using multi-level tasks) .

Preparing for the environmental lesson

world using ICT

  • The nature of the educational material.


  • Electronic encyclopedias.
  • multimedia resources.
  • Logical games.
  • Personal developments.
  • Internet resources.
  • Time costs in the educational process.
  • Opportunities, interests and abilities of students.

The world around, as a subject, provides the teacher with the widest possibilities for using information computer technologies.

The role of the teacher in the classroom with the use of ICT is changing, the teacher is now not only a source of knowledge, but also a manager of the learning process, the main tasks of the teacher are: managing the cognitive activity of the student.

ICT can be used at all stages of the lesson in accordance with the norms of SanPiN:

1) updating of basic knowledge;

2) self-determination to activity;

3) discovery of new knowledge;

4) primary fixation;

5) health protection (physical education minutes);

6) work on a new topic;

7) summarizing the lesson;

8) reflection.

At the stage of updating basic knowledge

can be used:

  • blitz survey with correct answers;
  • tests that help you quickly identify common mistakes and fill gaps in knowledge;
  • children's messages with viewing presentations prepared at home.

At the stage

self-determination to activity

can be used:

  • puzzles;
  • Crosswords;
  • anagrams.

At the stage discovery of new knowledge The computer acts as a powerful demonstration tool that provides not only a high level of visibility, but also the possibility of creating a problem situation.

Problematic elements can be created through the inclusion of special slides containing a conflict, question, contradiction.

Pages of the world


Beginning of human history

primitive people

Primitive society, Paleolithic - a period in the history of mankind (about 2.5 million years ago) before the emergence of writing.

Lesson topic: "The world through the eyes of an ecologist" (Grade 4)

Drawing up flowcharts:

Causes of ocean pollution

oil products


plastic waste

Wastewater from fields and farms containing poisonous fertilizers and I

Measures to protect the ocean from pollution

Effective chemicals

Purification facilities at enterprises

Fishing restriction

"ships are sponges"

Reasons for the destruction of tropical forests

Cutting for wood

Burning, uprooting trees

Results of rainforest destruction

Break in the power chain

Changing of the climate

Soil destruction

Decreased oxygen

Animal death

Game "Find a Pair"



Travel Museum Project

The project was completed by:

3rd grade student

MBOU "Secondary School No. 13"

Klyauz Edward

Attitude of children

to the use of ICT in the classroom


Answer options

Do you like lessons using ICT?

Number of responses

rather yes

What is the best way to teach lessons?

Do lessons using ICT help to learn the material better and more firmly?

only with ICT

Total 100%

probably not

alternate forms

Do lessons using ICT increase interest in the subject?

not to carry out

find it difficult

Total 100%

find it difficult to answer

The use of ICT has

for teachers and students

Strengths Strengths

  • Enhances the educational effect.
  • Allows you to adjust the volume and speed of the input information.
  • Provides efficiency and objectivity of control.
  • Allows you to visually present the educational material.
  • Interest in the subject increases, learning motivation increases.
  • Representations are formed in the capabilities of the computer.
  • There is a motivation for independent study of computer capabilities.
  • Fosters acceptance of an objective assessment of knowledge.

In the activities of a modern teacher aimed at ensuring the quality of education, three main components can be distinguished:

  1. meaningful(what to teach?), including the selection of content, the development of new educational programs, participation in projects of various levels;
  2. active(how to teach?), including the introduction of modern educational technologies, incl. ICT;
  3. procedural(how to organize pedagogical interaction?), including the definition of conditions and ways to achieve pedagogical goals.

The main content component in the modern school is informatization as a process of creating conditions for systemic implementation and active use. information and communication technologies (ICT) in the work of an educational institution, which should ensure that the majority of students achieve educational results that are adequate to the new requirements of the labor market and modern social life.

The introduction of ICT tools into the educational process is inextricably linked with the information and technical equipment of an educational institution. The school information environment may include:

  • computer classes equipped with personal computers connected to a local network with Internet access, office equipment, necessary software;
  • classrooms equipped with one personal computer, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard;
  • workplaces of school administration with Internet connection and necessary software;
  • a media library that provides access to various information resources.

Today there is a fairly large set of information technology tools available to the school teacher. When preparing and conducting a training session, the following can be used:

  • office technologies (MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point, etc.), which allow you to create software products to support the teaching of your subject and organize student project activities;
  • educational resources of the Internet;
  • electronic educational resources (EER), which expand the possibilities of the educational environment and create conditions for the development of creative thinking of students.

EER - educational materials for the reproduction of which electronic devices are used. The most modern and effective for the education of EER are reproduced using a computer.

EOR classification:

  1. The first level - textographic EERs, differ from ordinary books only in the way of presenting texts and illustrations - the material is presented on a computer screen, and not on paper. Such resources are very easy to print, ie. transfer to paper.
  2. The second level is textographic EERs with text navigation (hypertext).
  3. The third level is EER, consisting entirely of a visual or sound fragment. The formal differences from the book are obvious here: neither cinema, nor animation (cartoon), nor sound for a printed publication is possible.
  4. The fourth level is multimedia EER, providing the possibility of simultaneous use of text, graphics, photo, video, animation and sound.
  5. The fifth level is a new generation of EERs, which are open educational modular multimedia systems (OMS) - interactive network author's products posted on Internet sites for free access.

A modern teacher should be proficient in both computer technology and information technology. Currently, there are several different opportunities for improving computer literacy: refresher courses outside the school, in-school computer courses, peer learning and self-education. Mastering ICT by a teacher is carried out in several stages:

Acquaintance- mastering the general methods of using ICT; usage- the use of ready-made electronic educational resources for solving individual problems; integration- changing teaching technology through the use of ICT; transformation- changing the content of education, developing their own electronic educational resources.

The development of information competence of teachers is one of the conditions for the introduction of modern educational technologies into the educational practice of the institution, primarily ICT and project technology, which contribute to:

  • development of information competence of students;
  • implementation of interdisciplinary connections both in the study of ICT on the information base of other subjects, and in the use of ICT in subject lessons;
  • development of educational motivation;
  • activation of cognitive activity of students;
  • development of the ability to work independently;
  • development of teamwork skills;
  • development of communication skills;
  • adjusting students' self-esteem;
  • strengthening the student's faith in his own strength;
  • development of evaluative skills, etc.

The results of the use of ICT are the comprehensive development of students and teachers, the organization of the learning process at a higher methodological level, and an increase in the efficiency and quality of education.

Methods of using ICT in the classroom are quite diverse and can be implemented as:

  • presentation of information materials in a multimedia form (illustrations, video clips, sound recordings, presentations, etc.);
  • study of models of objects, phenomena and processes in an interactive mode (interactive models, virtual laboratories, constructors for subjects of the natural science cycle);
  • organization of project activities using ICT, which allows you to create conditions for independent research, the formation of skills for independent creative activity, the development of presentation skills;
  • the use of electronic equipment when setting up natural science experiments, processing the results of the experiment and preparing a report;
  • solution of training, creative, research tasks;
  • formation of information retrieval skills;
  • implementation of objective and operational assessment, etc.

Options for using ICT at various stages of lessons

Lesson type

Options for using ICT at various stages of the lesson

Lesson in learning new knowledge

Information input: electronic presentation, use of ESM (audio and video clips)
Consolidation: work with simulators, electronic didactic materials, test programs

Lesson of mastering skills and abilities - computer laboratory work

Introductory conversation: presentation or use of ESM (video clips)
Permission to work: test control
Practical work: virtual laboratory work using special software tools or simulation in MS Excel

Lesson in mastering skills and abilities - research work

Practical work: computer experiment, computer simulation, interactive problem solving, creative tasks, information collection

Lesson of assimilation of new knowledge (skills and abilities) - virtual tour

Virtual journey through countries, museums, reserves, etc.
Collection of information and development of a virtual tour

Lesson of generalization, systematization

Electronic presentation; interactive didactic game; development of a short-term project in one of the software environments (MS Power Point, MS Publisher, MS Word, Notepad).

A lesson in control and correction

Test programs, electronic didactic materials.

With a large number of classes and an insufficient amount of computer equipment, organizing a lesson using ICT can be problematic. Based on the technical support of the school, the organizational form of a lesson using ICT can be:

  • frontal work in the classroom using one personal computer and a projector (or interactive whiteboard) for computer demonstrations and illustrations of the material being studied, presentation of the results of project activities;
  • individual and group work in a computer class for 10-12 workplaces for the organization of laboratory, creative, control and other independent work.

The form of organizing the work of students in a particular lesson using ICT is determined by the number of jobs in the computer class, the level of technological training of students, the content of educational material, the goals and objectives of the lesson.

  1. Each student at an individual computer (perhaps with a small class size or dividing the class into subgroups) is the best option.
  2. Individual homework of the student with the provision of a report in electronic form (possibly with a large class size, the presence of home computers and high educational motivation of students) is an acceptable option.
  3. Pair work at computers with the distribution of responsibilities in pairs (possibly with the number of students not more than twice the number of computers and self-assessment skills formed) is an acceptable option for a weak class.
  4. Shift work at the computer of 2-3 groups of students (possibly with the number of students 2-3 times higher than the number of computers and the majority of students have developed independent work skills) - optimally with a large class size.

Shift work is one of the most efficient and complex, because requires the teacher to have practical skills to simultaneously accompany different types of activities. A possible variant of the organization of such work is presented in the table:

"strong" group

"middle" group

"weak" group

1. Setting the goal of the lesson - 2 minutes

2. Work at the computer - 10-12 minutes

2. Work with the textbook - 10-12 minutes

2. Work with the teacher - 10-12 minutes

3. Work with the textbook - 10-12 minutes

3. Working with a computer - 10-12 minutes

3. Work with a textbook and notebook - 10-12 minutes

4. Problem solving - 10 - 20 minutes

4. Working with a computer - 10 - 20 minutes

5. Summing up the lesson, homework - 4-5 minutes

With this form of organization of work, the lesson consists of five stages, the first and fifth stages are frontal, the second stage begins for everyone at the same time, at stages 2-4, students have the opportunity to advance at an individual pace, the teacher pays more attention to "average" and "weak" students , "strong" work independently. The composition of the groups can be changeable, it is desirable to include students with a high level of technological training in the “strong” group, then there will be more computer time for students from the middle and weak groups, while the students of the “weak” group can work at the computer in pairs. With the right organization of such work, everyone wins: the “strong” have the opportunity for further advancement, the “medium” are pulled up to the level of the “strong”, the “weak” are pulled up to the level of the “medium”.

In order for the use of ICT in the classroom to be effective, a number of requirements must be met: the correct definition of the didactic role and place of the EER in the classroom; the use of thoughtful organizational forms of the lesson; a rational combination of various forms and methods of using ICT, taking into account age characteristics and observing sanitary standards when working at a computer.

When preparing for a lesson or extracurricular activity using ICT, the teacher follows the algorithm:

  1. Study the program and requirements of the State Standard, formulate the goals and objectives of the lesson.
  2. Study the material of the textbook and additional aids.
  3. Assess the technical capabilities (availability of equipment, mode of operation of the computer science office, etc.).
  4. Select the available EER in accordance with the goals and objectives of the lesson.
  5. If necessary, independently develop the missing EER, involve specialists and students for this.
  6. Before the lesson, view and listen to all the selected material, make a timing and write a lesson script.

Using ICT in the classroom, the teacher must remember that the overload of the lesson with ICT tools leads to an irrational distribution of working time, a decrease in student activity and the effectiveness of learning in general.


  1. NFPC ISO (electronic resource)
  2. Electronic educational resources of a new generation. – Federal Agency for Education (electronic resource SBPPO).
  3. Chernenko O.N. Information technologies in the educational process. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.
  4. Saikov B.P. Organization of the information space of an educational institution: a practical guide. – Moscow.: Binom, 2005.

slide 1

Opportunities for using ICT in technology lessons
Technology teacher: Pavlova Svetlana Fedorovna MBOU gymnasium No. 1
The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips ... V. A. Sukhomlinsky

slide 2

Goal: improving the efficiency of the educational process
Objectives Ensuring access to quality education for students. Expanding the possibilities of individualization of the educational process. Activation of independence and creative activity of each student. Increasing the level of visibility of educational material. Initiation of the teacher's professional creativity, increasing pedagogical activity through expanding the possibilities of using modern technologies.

slide 3

The specifics of the subject "technology"
Accumulates knowledge from related sciences, de-objectifies the educational process, is an integrating component of general secondary education.

slide 4

Directions for the use of IT in technology lessons
Creation of a bank of reference materials, capable of giving the teacher or student the necessary information on the issue of interest in a short time. A dynamic visual tool that allows you to reproduce various processes, phenomena, objects of labor. A learning management tool through the transfer of portions of information, tasks, questions in a certain logic at a pace that is convenient for a particular student. A means of objective current and final control of students' knowledge. A means of organizing game situations, stimulating cognitive and practical interest. A tool that promotes the scientific organization of the work of a teacher and a student.

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When explaining new material and conducting practical work on different sections of the Technology program, you can use computer programs: Word, Paint, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, Publisher

slide 6

IT is a means of visibility
Lesson in class 9B on hand knitting on the topic: "Ecology in the family: the use of waste yarn and thread"

Slide 7

Application of the training course presentations created using the Power Point program in various sections of the program
The main tool for knitting - knitting needles. Plastic, metal, bone, bamboo, wooden knitting needles are distinguished by quality.
pointed at one end and at both ends
There are knitting needles

Slide 8

A visual tool that allows you to reproduce various processes in the manufacture of garments
Stages of product manufacturing Taking measurements Development of designs and patterns (modeling)

Slide 9

A visual tool in the study of NQF
The study of national culture makes it possible to educate schoolchildren in respect for the traditional way of life, life, customs of the Russian people, as well as the indigenous population of the Kola Territory - the Sami people, the desire to preserve that valuable thing that lives in the memory of the people.

Slide 10

For hundreds of years, craftswomen have been baking fabulous cookies on Russian soil. “Roe deer” have become a small sign of the northern region. These are small figurines of animals that were made from rye dough.
Pomeranian roes

slide 11

Apron in Russian national costume
The most decorative, richly decorated part of both the northern and southern female Russian costume was the apron, or curtain, covering the female figure from the front. Usually it was made of canvas and decorated with embroidery, woven pattern, colored trim inserts, silk patterned ribbons. The edge of the apron was decorated with teeth, white or colored lace, a fringe of silk or woolen threads, and a frill of different widths.

slide 12

Embroidery groups
The first includes embroideries performed by counting the threads of the fabric and therefore closely related to its structure. Cross, oblique satin stitch, etc. also belong to counted riding embroideries. The second group of traditional Russian embroideries consists of those types of them, the seams of which do not depend on the structure of the fabric - tambour, “satin stitch” (free surface), Vladimir smooth surface and seams used in gold embroidery.

slide 13

Poetry of the crafts of the peoples of the North
Saami national traditions

Slide 14

Excel spreadsheets can be used to create cross stitch charts and patterns
It is easy to create ornaments. You need to complete one rapport, copy it and paste it several times. Get the desired stripe. When coloring, you can get several options for color combinations of the same ornament.

slide 15

Practical work: drawing patterns from triangles
2. Drawing up a pattern (uploading)‏ Bottom line: your imagination
The Paint graphic editor can be used when creating patterns for a patchwork mosaic

Search for information to gain knowledge on various topics of lessons, as well as on interdisciplinary connections. Search and obtaining the necessary information in the development and implementation of the project. The possibility of realizing the results of their activities by familiarizing a large number of people with it. Searching and receiving information on the network for students to choose their future profession. Formation of elements of the information technology culture while getting acquainted with the international experience in presenting information and the new technologies used.

Slide 19

Graduate Exam Projects
Decorative pillowcase
Kitchen set
Children's knitted set

An ancient Chinese proverb says, “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Give me a try and I'll learn."

ICT technologies can be used at any stage of the lesson:

1. To indicate the topic of the lesson

at the beginning of the lesson with the help of questions on the topic under study, creating a problem situation;

2. As an accompaniment to the teacher's explanation (presentations, formulas, diagrams, drawings, video clips, etc.)

3. As an information and training aid.

4. To control students.



The use of ICT in a modern lesson

Speech at the teachers' council

"Personality of a teacher in a modern school"

Evseeva N.E.


slide 1.

In modern conditions of transition to the new Federal State Educational Standard and the implementation of the main directions of the Our New School initiative, a huge role in achieving personal, subject and meta-subject learning outcomes is played byteacher's potential.

Slide 2.

Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky said a long time ago: “Without striving for something new, there is no life, no development, no progress.” At that time no one even thought about computer technologies. It seems to me that these words can be attributed to a modern teacher who strives forward, who is ready to master everything new, innovative and successfully apply it in the practice of his work.

Slide 3.

“If the computer had not been invented
as a universal technical device,

Should have been invented
specifically for educational purposes.
Anthony Mullan.

At the present stage of development, it is difficult to imagine a society without computers, so one of the main tasks of education is to introduce a person into the information space.

The world of information and communication technologies is very dynamic. Currently, modern computer technologies are being introduced in the teaching of academic disciplines.

slide 4.

The main task of training at the present stage is the formation core competencies necessary for the practical activities of each person. Therefore, it was not by chance that I chose the topic of self-education "Formation of key competencies in students through the use of ICT in the lessons of mathematics and physics"

Key competencies are understood as a holistic system of universal knowledge, abilities, skills (in the language of the Federal State Educational Standard - this is nothing more than UUD) as well as the experience of students' independent activities. Their list includes: general cultural, educational and cognitive, informational, communicative, value-semantic, social and labor, personal competencies.

A modern teacher must actively and efficiently use all available tools, resources and services of the Information and Educational Environment, apply new educational technologies in their work in order to help students successfully cope with learning.

The introduction of the new Educational Standard fixes the information and communication competence (ICT-competence) of a student as one of the most important meta-subject competencies formed in the process of learning in a general education school.

The rapid development of computer technology and multimedia makes me, as a teacher, use all this diversity in the classroom.

Today there is a fairly large set of information technology tools available to the school teacher. When preparing and conducting training sessions, I use:

slide 5

  • office technologies (MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point, etc.), which allow creating software products to support the teaching of my subjects and organize student project activities;
  • slide 6 Ready-made electronic manuals issued by various publishers:BE Cyril and Methodius, slide 7.8 virtual school, Slide 9 electronic manuals and supplements to textbooks

Slide 10 Computer discs may contain

programs that allow you to perform various mathematical constructions, measurements and calculations;

development of lessons, problem books, textbooks, reference books; video clips showing various mathematical constructions;

can be used in a separate part of the lesson; and how to systematize teaching material to prepare students for exams.

slide 11

  • Various work programs in subjects (they contain demonstration material specifically for a particular teaching material, tests, practical work;
  • slide 12.13 educational resources of the Internet;
  • Slide 14 electronic educational resources - EER

slide 15. I would like to bring someexamples of ICT useat different stages of the lesson.

slide 16.

To organize the mood of students for the lessona game content slide is used, bright, eye-catching.

At the stage of checking homework

At the stage of acquiring new knowledgeThe computer acts as a powerful demonstration tool, providing a high level of visibility. The combination of the teacher's story with the demonstration of the presentation allows students to focus on the most significant moments of the educational material. It is possible to demonstrate a step-by-step solution to the problem

At the stage of initial fixationyou can give diagrams, drawings, tables, reference notes.

During exercise sessions

Possibly creating a problem. Tasks are given that students can solve with ease, and then a task is proposed with which the students are not familiar.

Ω At the stage of knowledge testingit is possible to use different types of oral counting, conducting automated mathematical dictations

Ω At the stage of repetition of the material covered

Ω At the control stage

Control of knowledge and skills of students is one of the most important elements of the educational process. Another form of control of knowledge and skills is testing. Tests can be different: controlling i.e. checking the level of assimilation of the material or teaching and correcting, when, as a result of an incorrect answer or difficulty in answering, you can take a hint. I really like tests in Excel:

Firstly , the subjectivity in assessing the knowledge of students completely disappears: the guys work with a computer, and it is he who evaluates their knowledge.

Secondly , with automated testing, the results are processed in a matter of seconds, (this is done by a computer)

Ω At the stage of reflection

Ω When performing laboratory and practical work ( Slide 17.)

The use of ICT in the classroom is not an easy task, because requires some training costs. In addition, the teacher must have the skills to work with various software products in order to prepare high-quality computer support for the lesson.

K.D. Ushinsky once said that knowledge will be the stronger and more complete, the more feelings it is perceived.. Slide 18. As the ancient Chinese wisdom says:"Tell me and I will forget

Show me and I will remember

Let me try and I'll learn".

The experience of using a computer in my lessons showed that students are more actively involved in the lesson, the attitude to work is changing even among the most problematic students.

slide 19. According to research, in human memory

  • 20% heard
  • 30% seen
  • more than 50% of what he sees and hears at the same time.
  • 75% of the material if the student is actively involved in the learning process.

Slide 20

The computer can be used at all stages of the learning process: when explaining new material, consolidating, repeating, controlling, while for the student it performs various functions: a teacher, a working tool, an object of study.

Slide 21.

Ω Multimedia such as presentations have been available for a long time.

When preparing lesson materials for demonstration in multimedia projector mode, it is most convenient to create your own presentations. The most common presentation tool is Power Point. You can add a ready-made drawing to the slides of such presentations, create your own, insert a graph, diagram, formula, video, sound, animation, etc.

Such presentations are necessary when learning new material and solving geometric problems, as they are additionally accompanied by a large amount of selected illustrative material, helping to better perceive and increase the student's motivation.

A pre-created presentation replaces the blackboard for me when explaining new material to fix students' attention on any illustrations, data, graphs, formulas. It is very convenient to adjust the order in which slides and objects appear on a slide.

In addition, I use a remote mouse to control the display of the presentation, while there is an opportunity for individual work with students. I am "not tied" to the board and the computer, so I can control the presentation from anywhere in the class.
This form allows you to present the educational material as a system of vivid reference images, which makes it easier to memorize and assimilate the material being studied, and frees up the resources of children's health. Using the presentation allows you to alternate between different activities, such as: working with a book, textbook, notebook, with information on the screen. The alternation of activities, ways of presenting information allows you to activate the perception of students, helps to increase attention and increase the activity of schoolchildren in the lesson, reduces fatigue.

Ω With the help of text editors, multi-level control and independent work is compiled, which are distributed to each student on the desk, and there is no need to use the board. At the same time, the problem of poor eyesight in schoolchildren is being solved.

Today all over the world there is an intensive search for new forms of education based on computer technology. And these forms appeared:

  • interactive whiteboard
  • EOR Slide 25. EOR (CER) - specially formed blocks of various information resources intended for use in the educational (educational) process, presented in electronic (digital) form and functioning on the basis of information and communication technologies (ICT).

slide 26 The central repository of a new generation of ESM isFederal Center for Information and Educational Resources (FCIOR)

EERs include various texts with tasks, interactive pictures, photos, tests - all this makes the learning process not only informative, but also entertaining. A rich collection of lessons can be found on the websites

Slides captions:

USE OF ICT IN A MODERN LESSON from the experience of Evseeva N.E.

“Without striving for something new, there is no life, no development, no progress” V.G. Belinsky

If the computer had not been invented as a universal technical device, it would have to be invented specifically for educational purposes. Anthony Mullan Information technologies in the educational space

Formation of key competencies in students through the use of ICT in the lessons of mathematics and physics

Power Point - Word presentations - Excel text - tables, charts Publisher - Booklets Movie Maker - Microsoft Office movie editing

Big encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius on disks. Contains various background information

Physics Lessons Virtual School of Cyril and Methodius

Algebra and Geometry Lessons Cyril and Methodius Virtual School

Use of various electronic aids

Computer disks may contain: programs that allow you to perform various mathematical constructions, measurements and calculations; development of lessons, problem books, textbooks, reference books; video clips showing various mathematical constructions; can be used in a separate part of the lesson; and how to systematize teaching material to prepare students for exams.

Use of various work programs

All information, as well as all programs, lesson development, sounds, videos, etc. can be found on the World Wide Web. Internet Working with Internet resources

the leading Russian educational and consulting center for professional training based on modern information and communication technologies. "Development of electronic educational Internet resources of a new generation"


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